System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)
Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.
Part No: 806407710 May 2002
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Part I
Naming and Directory Services (Overview) What Is a Naming Service? Solaris Naming Services DNS NIS NIS+ FNS 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 /etc Files 27 21
The Name Service Switch (Overview) About the Name Service Switch 31 Format of the nsswitch.conf File Comments in nsswitch.conf Files The nsswitch.conf Template Files The Default Switch Template Files The nsswitch.conf File 40 Selecting a Different Conguration File M Modifying the name service switch
31 32 36 36
DNS and Internet Access 42 IPv6 and Solaris Naming Services 42 Ensuring Compatibility With +/- Syntax 43 The Switch File and Password Information 44
Part II
Domain Name System (Overview) 47 DNS Basics 47 Name-to-Address Resolution 48 DNS Administrative Domains 50 in.named and DNS Name Servers 51 Server Conguration and Data File Names 51 Conguration File 52 Names of DNS Data Files 52 Domain Names 54 Default Domain Name 54 Trailing Dots in Domain Names 54 DNS Clients and the Resolver 55 The resolv.conf File 56 The named.conf File 56 DNS Hierarchy in a Local Domain 58 DNS Hierarchy and the Internet Zones 62 63 Reverse Mapping 59
65 65 66
Setting Up the resolv.conf File Conguring a Network For DNS Setting Up a DNS Client Setting Up a DNS Server 66 68
69 70 71 72
How to Specify a Cache-Only or Stub Server How to Add DNS Compatibility and +/- Syntax Setting up DNS Servers Initializing the Server
73 73
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Testing Your Installation Adding Additional Servers Modifying DNS Data Files
73 75 76 76 75
How to Change the SOA Serial Number Forcing in.named to Reload DNS Data Adding and Deleting Clients Adding a Client Removing a Client 77 78 78 77
82 83 83 83
DNS Administration (Reference) Implementing DNS 85 85 91 91 92 A Practical Example Setting Up the Data Files Resource Record Types Setting Up Subdomains
Setting Up SubdomainsSame Zone The DNS Namespace Hierarchy 94 How DNS Affects Mail Delivery DNS Conguration and Data Files Names of DNS Data Files The named.conf File The File The hosts File 101 103 103 The hosts.rev File The named.local File 99 96 95 95 95 94
92 93
$INCLUDE Files 104 Data File Resource Record Format 105 Standard Resource Record Format 105 Special Resource Record Characters 106 Control Entries 107 Resource Record Types 108
DNS Troubleshooting (Reference) 115 Clients Can Find Machine by Name but Server Cannot 115 Changes Do Not Take Effect or Are Erratic 116 DNS Client Cannot Lookup Short Names 117 Reverse Domain Data Not Correctly Transferred to slave 117 Server Failed and Zone Expired Problems 117 rlogin, rsh, and ftp Problems 118 Other DNS Syntax Errors 119
Part III
Network Information Service (NIS) (Overview) NIS Introduction 123 NIS Architecture 124 NIS Machine Types 125 NIS Servers 125 NIS Clients NIS Elements 125 126 126 126 127 127 131 132 133 133
The NIS Domain NIS Daemons NIS Utilities NIS Maps NIS Binding
Differences in NIS Solaris 2.6 NIS and Earlier NIS Versions NSKit Discontinued 134 134 134 The ypupdated Daemon /var/yp/securenets
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
135 135
Setting Up and Conguring NIS Service Conguring NIS Task Map Planning Your NIS Domain Preparing the Master Server Source Files Directory 137 138 138 Before You Begin Conguring NIS
139 140
Preparing Source Files for Conversion to NIS Maps How to Set Up the Master Server With ypinit Starting NIS Service on the Master Server Starting NIS Service Automatically Setting Up NIS Slave Servers Preparing a Slave Server Setting Up a Slave Server Setting Up NIS Clients 147 147 145 145 145 144 144 142
Administering NIS (Tasks) Administering NIS Users Setting User Passwords Netgroups 152 Working With NIS Maps
149 149 150 150 151 153 153 154 155 156 159 159
Password Files and Namespace Security Adding a New User to an NIS Domain
Modifying and Using the Makefile Updating and Modifying Existing Maps Modifying Default Maps 162
Using makedbm to Modify a Non-Default Map 162 Creating New Maps from Text Files 163 Adding Entries to a File-Based Map 163 Creating Maps From Standard Input 163 Modifying Maps Made From Standard Input 163 Adding a Slave Server 164 M How to Add a Slave Server 164 Using NIS With C2 Security 165 Changing a Machines NIS Domain 166 M How to Change a Machines NIS Domain Name 166 Using NIS in Conjunction With DNS 166 M Conguring Machine Name and Address Lookup Through NIS and DNS Dealing with Mixed NIS Domains 167 Turning Off NIS Services 168
NIS Troubleshooting 169 NIS Binding Problems 169 Symptoms 169 NIS Problems Affecting One Client 170 NIS Problems Affecting Many Clients 173
Part IV
iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Conguration Preparing for Conguration Conguration Components Conguration Choices 183 183 184 185 184 182 182
Choosing Unique Port Numbers Choosing User and Group Dening Authentication Entities Choosing Your Directory Suffix
Choosing the Location of the Conguration Directory Choosing the Location of the User Directory Choosing the Administration Domain Conguration Process Overview 188 188 189 Selecting an Conguration Process Using Express and Typical Conguration
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
189 190
Part V
Introduction to the LDAP Naming Service (Overview/Reference) Audience Assumptions 195 196 197 196 197 198 198 198 Suggested Background Reading Additional Prerequisites
LDAP Naming Service Versus Other Naming Services Using Fully Qualied Domain Names Advantages of LDAP Naming Service Disadvantages of LDAP Naming Service Transitioning from NIS+ to LDAP 199 199
New LDAP Naming Service Features for Solaris 9 LDAP Naming Service Setup (Task Map)
Basic Components and Concepts (Overview) Default Directory Information Tree (DIT) Default Schema SSDs 203 205 205 208 209 202 201
LDAP Naming Service Security Model Transport Layer Security (TLS) 209
Assigning Client Credential Levels Choosing Authentication Methods Pluggable Authentication Methods Password Management 215
Planning for the LDAP Naming Service Overview 217 218 Planning the Network Model
Planning the Directory Information Tree (DIT) Multiple Directory Servers Choosing the Directory Suffix Replica Servers 220 221 Planning the Security Model Planning the Data Population 219 219 220 Data Sharing With Other Applications
Conguring iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Using idsconfig Creating a Checklist Based on Your Server Installation Schema Denitions 228 228 Using Browsing Indices
Using Service Search Descriptors to Modify Client Access to Various Services Setting Up SSDs Using idsconfig Running idsconfig 230 231 234 229
M How to Congure the iPlanet Directory Server Using idsconfig Populating the Directory Server Using ldapaddent Managing Printer Entries Adding Printers Using lpget 235 235 236 235
Using Proles to Initialize a Client Using Proxy Credentials Initializing a Client Manually Un-initializing a Client TLS Security Setup Conguring PAM Using ldaplist 241 242 240
242 244
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Verifying Basic Client/Server Communication Conguration Problems and Solutions Unresolved Hostname Login Does Not Work Lookup Too Slow 248 248 249 249 247 247
ldapclient Cannot Bind to Server Using ldap_cachemgr for Debugging ldapclient Hangs During Setup Frequently Asked Questions 249
249 249
What are the DIT Default Locations in Solaris LDAP Naming Services?
251 251 252 253 253 253 254 254 257 262
LDAP Tools Requiring LDAP Naming Services An example pam.conf le for pam_ldap IETF Schemas 256 261
RFC 2307 Network Information Service Schema Mail Alias Schema Solaris Schemas 264 264 Directory User Agent Prole (DUAProfile) Schema Solaris Projects Schema
Role Based Access Control and Execution Prole Schema Internet Print Protocol Information 267 267 Internet Print Protocol (IPP) Attributes
Internet Print Protocol (IPP) ObjectClasses Sun Printer Attributes 274 274 275 275 Sun Printer ObjectClasses
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
48 49 58
Name to Address Resolution for a Remote Host Hierarchy of Internet Domains Domains and Zones 62 94 59
Hierarchy of DNS Domains in a Single Organization Ajax Domains Position in the DNS Namespace Domains and Subdomains 61
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Solaris Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS and LDAP) describes the set up, conguration, and administration of the Solaris 9 operating environment naming and directory services: DNS, NIS, and LDAP. This manual is part of the Solaris 9 Release System and Network Administration manual set.
Related Books
DNS and Bind, by Cricket Liu and Paul Albitz, (O Reilly, 1992) Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Servicesby Timothy A. Howes, Ph.D and Mark C. Smith In addition to providing a thorough treatment of LDAP naming services, this book includes useful case studies on deploying LDAP at a large university, a large multinational enterprise, and an enterprise with an extranet.
iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Deployment Guidewhich is included in the Documentation CD. This guide provides a foundation for planning your directory, including directory design, including schema design, the directory tree, topology, replication, and security. The last chapter provides sample deployment scenarios to help you plan simple deployments as well as complex deployments designed to support millions of users distributed worldwide.
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Edit your .login le. Use ls -a to list all les. machine_name% you have mail.
What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output Command-line placeholder: replace with a real name or value Book titles, new words, or terms, or words to be emphasized.
machine_name% su Password: To delete a le, type rm lename. Read Chapter 6 in Users Guide. These are called class options. You must be root to do this.
AaBbCc123 AaBbCc123
C shell prompt C shell superuser prompt Bourne shell and Korn shell prompt
machine_name% machine_name# $
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This part introduces the naming and directory services for the Solaris Operating Environment. It also describes the nsswitch.conf le that you use to coordinate the use of the different services.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter provides an overview of namespaces and naming services are and what they do. This chapter also briey describes in brief the Solaris naming services: DNS, NIS, NIS+ and LDAP naming services. See System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+) for detailed information about NIS+ and FNS.
Machine (host) names and addresses User names Passwords Access permissions Group membership, printers, and so on
Without a central naming service, each machine would have to maintain its own copy of this information. naming service information can be stored in les, maps, or database tables. Centrally locating this data makes it easier to administer large networks. Naming services are fundamental to any computing network. Among other features, naming service provide functionality that does the following.
Associates (binds) names with objects Resolves names to objects Removes bindings Lists names Renames
A network information service enables machines to be identied by common names instead of numerical addresses. This makes communication simpler because users do not have to remember and try to enter cumbersome numerical addresses like For example, take a network of three machines named, pine, elm, and oak. Before pine can send a message to either elm or oak, it must know their numerical network addresses. For this reason, it keeps a le, /etc/hosts or /etc/inet/ipnodes, that stores the network address of every machine in the network, including itself.
pine elm oak
Likewise, in order for elm and oak to communicate with pine or with each other, they must keep similar les.
pine elm oak
In addition to addresses, machines store security information, mail data, information about their Ethernet interfaces, network services, groups of users allowed to use the network, services offered on the network, and so on. As networks offer more services, the list grows. As a result, each machine might need to keep an entire set of les similar to /etc/hosts or /etc/inet/ipnodes.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
As this information changes, administrators must keep it current on every machine in the network. In a small network, this is tedious. On a medium or large network, the job becomes not only time-consuming but nearly unmanageable. A network information service solves this problem. It stores network information on a server, which provides the information to any machine that queries it. The machines are known as clients of the server. The following gure illustrates the client-server arrangement. Whenever information about the network changes, instead of updating each clients local le, an administrator updates only the information stored by the network information service. This reduces errors, inconsistencies between clients, and the sheer size of the task.
Server (stores information) /etc/hosts 123.456.7.1 pine 123.456.7.2 elm 123.456.7.3 oak
This arrangement, of a server providing centralized services to clients across a network, is known as client-server computing. Although the main purpose of a network information service is to centralize information, another is to simplify network names. For example, assume your company has set up a network and connected it to the Internet. The Internet has
assigned your network the network number and the domain name Your company has two divisions, Sales and Manufacturing (Manf), so its network is divided into a main net and two subnets, one for each division. Each net has its own address. Sales Division Manf Division
Each division could be identied by its network address, as shown above, but descriptive names made possible by naming services would be preferable. Sales Division Manf Division
Instead of addressing mail or other network communications to, they could be addressed to doc. Instead of addressing them to or, they could be addressed to sales.doc or manf.doc. Names are also more exible than physical addresses. Physical networks tend to remain stable, but the organizations that use them tend to change. A network information service can act as a buffer between an organization and its physical network, as it is mapped and not hard-wired to it. For example, assume that the network is supported by three servers, S1, S2, and S3, and that two of those servers, S1 and S3, support clients.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
S1 sales.doc
S3 manf.doc
Clients C1, C2, and C3 would obtain their network information from server S1. Clients C4, C5, and C6 would obtain it from server S3. The resulting network is summarized in the following table. (The table is a generalized representation of that network but does not resemble an actual network information map.)
Network Address
Now assume that you create a third division, Testing, which borrowed some resources from the other two divisions, but did not create a third subnet. The physical network would then no longer parallel the corporate structure.
25 Sales Division + Test Division Manf Division + Test Division
Traffic for the Test Division would not have its own subnet, but would instead be split between and However, with a network information service, the Test Division traffic could have its own dedicated network.
doc Sales Division Test Division Manf Division
Thus, when an organization changes, its network information service can change its mapping as shown here.
S2 sales.doc
S3 manf.doc
Now clients C1 and C2 would obtain their information from server S2 and C3, C4 and
26 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
C5 from server S3. Subsequent changes in your organization would continue to be accommodated by changes to the soft network information structure without reorganizing the hard network structure.
DNS, the Domain Name System (see DNS on page 27) /etc les, the original UNIX naming system (see /etc Files on page 28) NIS, the Network Information Service (see NIS on page 28) NIS+, the Network Information Service Plus (see System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)) FNS, the Federated Naming Service (see System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)
Most modern networks use two or more of these services in combination. When more than one service is used, they are coordinated by the nsswitch.conf le which is discussed in Chapter 2.
DNS is the naming service provided by the Internet for TCP/IP networks. It was developed so that machines on the network could be identied with common names instead of Internet addresses. DNS performs naming between hosts within your local administrative domain and across domain boundaries. The collection of networked machines that use DNS are referred to as the DNS namespace. The DNS namespace can be divided into a hierarchy of domains. A DNS domain is a group of machines. Each domain is supported by two or more name servers, a principal server and one or more secondary servers. Each server implements DNS by running a daemon called in.named. On the clients side, DNS is implemented through the resolver. The resolvers function is to resolve users queries. It queries a name server, which then returns either the requested information or a referral to another server.
/etc Files
The original host-based UNIX naming system was developed for standalone UNIX machines and then adapted for network use. Many old UNIX operating systems and machines still use this system, but it is not well suited for large complex networks.
The Network Information Service (NIS) was developed independently of DNS and has a slightly different focus. Whereas DNS focuses on making communication simpler by using machine names instead of numerical IP addresses, NIS focuses on making network administration more manageable by providing centralized control over a variety of network information. NIS stores information about machine names and addresses, users, the network itself, and network services. This collection of network information is referred to as the NIS namespace. NIS namespace information is stored in NIS maps. NIS maps were designed to replace UNIX /etc les, as well as other conguration les, so they store much more than names and addresses. As a result, the NIS namespace has a large set of maps. See Working With NIS Maps on page 153 for more information. NIS uses a client-server arrangement similar to DNS. Replicated NIS servers provide services to NIS clients. The principal servers are called master servers, and for reliability, they have backup, or slave servers. Both master and slave servers use the NIS information retrieval software and both store NIS maps. For more information on NIS Architecture and NIS Administration, see Chapter 8 and Chapter 9.
The Network Information Service Plus (NIS+) is similar to NIS but with many more features. NIS+ is not an extension of NIS. It is a different software program. The NIS+ naming service is designed to conform to the shape of the organization that installs it for almost any network conguration. Unlike NIS, the NIS+ namespace is dynamic because updates can occur and be put into effect at any time by any authorized user. NIS+ enables you to store information about machine addresses, security information, mail information, Ethernet interfaces, and network services in central locations where all machines on a network can have access to it. This conguration of network information is referred to as the NIS+ namespace. The NIS+ namespace is hierarchical and is similar in structure to the UNIX directory le system. The hierarchical structure allows an NIS+ namespace to be congured to conform to the logical hierarchy of an organization. The namespaces layout of
28 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
information is unrelated to its physical arrangement. Thus, an NIS+ namespace can be divided into multiple domains that can be administered autonomously. Clients might have access to information in other domains in addition to their own if they have the appropriate permissions. NIS+ uses a client-server model to store and have access to the information contained in an NIS+ namespace. Each domain is supported by a set of servers. The principal server is called the primary server and the backup servers are called secondary servers. The network information is stored in 16 standard NIS+ tables in an internal NIS+ database. Both primary and secondary servers run NIS+ server software and both maintain copies of NIS+ tables. Changes made to the NIS+ data on the master server are incrementally propagated automatically to the secondary servers. NIS+ includes a sophisticated security system to protect the structure of the namespace and its information. It uses authentication and authorization to verify whether a clients request for information should be fullled. Authentication determines whether the information requester is a valid user on the network. Authorization determines whether a particular user is allowed to have or modify the information requested. See System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+) for a more detailed description of NIS+ security and administering it.
See System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+) for information about FNS.
Hierarchical Flat
Hierarchical Hierarchical
2 column maps
Multi-columned tables
Master/slave Master/slave Root N/A master/non-root master primary/secondary cache/stub SSL TCP/IP Global None (root or nothing) LAN LAN DES Authentication LAN LAN None (root or nothing) LAN Global (w/ DNS)/LAN
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter describes the name service switch, what it does, and how clients use it to obtain naming information from one or more sources. You use the name service switch to coordinate usage of different naming services.
Each machine has a switch le in its /etc directory. Each line of that le identies a particular type of network information, such as host, password, and group, followed by one or more sources where the client is to look for that information. A client can obtain naming information from one or more of the switchs sources. For example, an NIS+ client could obtain its hosts information from an NIS+ table and its password information from a local /etc le. In addition, it could specify the conditions under which the switch must use each source. See Table 21. The Solaris operating environment automatically loads an nsswitch.conf le into every machines /etc directory as part of the installation process. Four alternate (template) versions of the switch le are also loaded into /etc for LDAP, NIS, NIS+, or les. See The nsswitch.conf Template Files on page 36.
These four les are alternate default switch les. Each one is designed for a different primary naming service: /etc les, NIS, NIS+, or LDAP. When the Solaris software is rst installed on a machine, the installer selects the machines default naming service: NIS+, NIS, local les, or LDAP. During installation, the corresponding template le is copied to nsswitch.conf. For example, for a machine client using LDAP, the installation process copies nsswitch.ldap to nsswitch.conf. Unless you have an unusual namespace, the default template le as copied to nsswitch.conf should be sufficient for normal operation. No default le is provided for DNS or IPv6, but you can edit any of these les to use DNS or IPv6. See DNS and Internet Access on page 42 or IPv6 and Solaris Naming Services on page 42. If you later change a machines primary naming service, you copy the appropriate alternate switch le to nsswitch.conf. See The nsswitch.conf Template Files on page 36. You can also change the sources of particular types of network information used by the client by editing the appropriate lines of the /etc/nsswitch.conf le. The syntax for doing this is described below, and additional instructions are provided in Modifying the name service switch on page 41.
aliases bootparams ethers group hosts ipnodes netgroup netmasks networks passwd (includes shadow information) protocols publickey rpc services automount sendmailvars
The following table provides a description of the kind of sources that can be listed in the switch le for the information types above.
32 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Information Sources
A le stored in the clients /etc directory. For example, /etc/passwd An NIS+ table. For example, the hosts table. An NIS map. For example, the hosts map. Compat can be used for password and group information to support old-style + or syntax in /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group les. Can be used to specify that host information be obtained from DNS. Can be used to specify entries be obtained from the LDAP directory.
dns ldap
Search Criteria
Single Source. If an information type has only one source, such as nisplus a routine using the switch searches for the information in that source only. If it nds the information, it returns a success status message. If it does not nd the information, it stops searching and returns a different status message. What the routine does with the status message varies from routine to routine. Multiple Sources. If a table has more than one source for a given information type, the switch directs the routine to start searching for the information in the rst source that is listed. If it nds the information, it returns a success status message. If it does not nd the information in the rst source, it tries the next source. The routine will search through all of the sources until it has found the information it needs, or it is halted by encountering a return specication. If all of the listed sources are searched without nding the information, the routine stops searching and returns a non-success status message.
Status Message
Status Message
The source is not responding or is unavailable. That is, the NIS+ table, or NIS map, or /etc le could not be found or accessed. The source responded with "No such entry." In other words, the table, map, or le was accessed but it did not contain the needed information. The source is busy; it might respond next time. In other words, the table, map, or le was found, but it could not respond to the query.
return continue
Stop looking for the information. Try the next source, if there is one.
SUCCESS=return. Stop looking for the information and proceed using the information that has been found UNAVAIL=continue. Go to the next nsswitch.conf le source and continue searching. If this is the last (or only) source, return with a NOTFOUND status NOTFOUND=continue. Go to the next nsswitch.conf le source and continue searching. If this is the last (or only) source, return with a NOTFOUND status TRYAGAIN=continue. Go to the next nsswitch.conf le source and continue searching. If this is the last (or only) source, return with a NOTFOUND status
Because these are the default search criteria, they are assumed. That is, you do not have to explicitly specify them in the switch le. You can change these default search criteria by explicitly specifying some other criteria using the STATUS=action syntax show above. For example, the default action for a NOTFOUND condition is to continue
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
the search to the next source. To specify that for a particular type of information, such as networks, the search is to halt on a NOTFOUND condition, you would edit the networks line of the switch le to read as follows.
networks: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
The networks: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files line species a non-default criterion for the NOTFOUND status. Non-default criteria are delimited by square brackets. In this example, the search routine behaves as follows
If the networks map is available and contains the needed information, the routine returns with a SUCCESS status message If the networks map is not available, the routine returns with an UNAVAIL status message and by default continues on to search the appropriate /etc le If the networks map is available and found, but it does not contain the needed information, the routine returns with a NOTFOUND message. But, instead of continuing on to search the appropriate /etc le, which would be the default behavior, the routine stops searching If the networks map is busy, the routine returns with an TRYAGAIN status message and by default continues on to search the appropriate /etc le
Type of Line
Comment line (not interpreted). Fully interpreted line. Partially interpreted line (the files element not interpreted)
# hosts: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] les hosts: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] le hosts: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] # les
The keyserver reads the publickey entry in the name service switch conguration le only when the keyserver is started. As a result, if you change the switch conguration le, the keyserver does not become aware of changes to the publickey entry until it is restarted.
LDAP template le. The nsswitch.ldap conguration le species the LDAP directory as the primary source of information for the machine.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Note In order to use LDAP naming services, you must also properly congure all LDAP client machines, in addition to modifying the nsswitch.conf. See Chapter 16 for more information.
NIS+ template le. The nsswitch.nisplus conguration le species NIS+ as the primary source for all information except passwd, group, automount, and aliases. For those four les, the primary source is local /etc les and the secondary source is an NIS+ table. The [NOTFOUND=return] search criterion instructs the switch to stop searching the NIS+ tables if it receives a No such entry message from them. It searches through local les only if the NIS+ server is unavailable NIS template le. The nsswitch.nis conguration le is almost identical to the NIS+ conguration le, except that it species NIS maps in place of NIS+ tables. Because the search order for passwd and group is files nis, you dont need to place the + entry in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group les Files template le. The nsswitch.files conguration le species local /etc les as the only source of information for the machine. There is no les source for netgroup, so the client will not use that entry in the switch le
Copy the template le that most closely meets your requirements to thensswitch.conf conguration le and then modify the le as needed. For example, to use the LDAP template le, you would type the following command. mymachine# cp nsswitch.ldap nsswitch.conf
# # # # # # # # # # #
An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; it uses NIS+ (NIS Version 3) in conjunction with files. "hosts:" and "services:" in this file are used only if the /etc/netconfig file has a "-" for nametoaddr_libs of "inet" transports.
# the following two lines obviate the "+" entry in /etc/passwd # and /etc/group. Chapter 2 The Name Service Switch (Overview) 37
passwd: files nisplus group: files nisplus # consult /etc "files" only if nisplus is down. hosts: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files # Uncomment the following line, and comment out the above, to use # both DNS and NIS+. You must also set up the /etc/resolv.conf # file for DNS name server lookup. See resolv.conf(4). # hosts: nisplus dns [NOTFOUND=return] files services: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files networks: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files protocols: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files rpc: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files ethers: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files netmasks: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files bootparams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files publickey: nisplus netgroup: nisplus automount: files nisplus aliases: files nisplus sendmailvars: files nisplus
# # /etc/nsswitch.nis: # # An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; # it uses NIS (YP) in conjunction with files. # # "hosts:" and "services:" in this file are used only if the # /etc/netconfig file has a "-" for nametoaddr_libs of "inet" # transports. # # the following two lines obviate the "+" entry in /etc/passwd # and /etc/group. passwd: files nis group: files nis # consult /etc "files" only if nis is down. hosts: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files networks: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files protocols: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files rpc: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files ethers: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files netmasks: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files bootparams: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files publickey: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files netgroup: nis automount: files nis aliases: files nis # for efficient getservbyname() avoid nis services: files nis sendmailvars: files 38 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
# # /etc/nsswitch.files: # # An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; # it does not use any naming service. # # "hosts:" and "services:" in this file are used only if the # /etc/netconfig file has a "-" for nametoaddr_libs of "inet" # transports. passwd: files group: files hosts: files networks: files protocols: files rpc: files ethers: files netmasks: files bootparams: files publickey: files # At present there isnt a files backend for netgroup; # the system will figure it out pretty quickly, and will notuse # netgroups at all. netgroup: files automount: files aliases: files services: files sendmailvars: files
# # /etc/nsswitch.ldap: # # An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; it # uses LDAP in conjunction with files. # # "hosts:" and "services:" in this file are used only if the # /etc/netconfig file has a "-" for nametoaddr_libs of "inet" transports. # the following two lines obviate the "+" entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/group. passwd: files ldap group: files ldap hosts: networks: protocols: rpc: ethers: netmasks: bootparams: publickey: ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files ldap ldap ldap ldap ldap ldap ldap [NOTFOUND=return] [NOTFOUND=return] [NOTFOUND=return] [NOTFOUND=return] [NOTFOUND=return] [NOTFOUND=return] [NOTFOUND=return] files files files files files files files Chapter 2 The Name Service Switch (Overview) 39
# for efficient getservbyname() avoid ldap services: files ldap sendmailvars: files
These alternate template les contain the default switch congurations used by the NIS+ and NIS services, local les, and LDAP. No default le is provided for DNS, but you can edit any of these les to use DNS. See Chapter 5. When the Solaris operating environment is rst installed on a machine, the installer selects the machines default naming service: NIS+, NIS, local les, or LDAP. During installation, the corresponding template le is copied to /etc/nsswitch.conf. For example, for a machine client using NIS+, the installation process copies nsswitch.nisplus to nsswitch.conf. If your network is connected to the Internet and you want users to be able to access Internet hosts using DNS, you must enable DNS forwarding. Unless you have an unusual namespace, the default template le as copied to nsswitch.confshould be sufficient for normal operation.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
1. Become superuser. 2. Copy the alternate le appropriate for the machines naming service over the nsswitch.conf le. NIS+ Version (done automatically for you by NIS+ scripts) client1# cd /etc client1# cp nsswitch.nisplus nsswitch.conf NIS Version client1# cd /etc client1# cp nsswitch.nis nsswitch.conf Local /etc Files Version client# cd /etc client# cp nsswitch.files nsswitch.conf 3. Reboot the machine. The nscd naming service cache daemon caches switch information. Some library routines do not periodically check the nsswitch.conf le to see whether it has been changed. You must reboot the machine to make sure that the daemon and those routines have the latest information in the le.
Note In order to use LDAP naming services, you must also properly congure all LDAP client machines, in addition to modifying the nsswitch.conf. See for Chapter 16 more information.
NIS and NIS+ support storing IPv6 data, as well as using IPv6 transports for NIS/NIS+ protocol traffic. The nsswitch.conf le controls search criteria for IPv6 addresses. IPv6 increases the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits to support more levels of addressing hierarchy and provide a greater number of addressable nodes. For more information about IPv6, its conguration and implementation, see System Administration Guide: IP Services. Use the new ipnodes source for IPv6 addresses. The /etc/inet/ipnodes le stores both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The /etc/inet/ipnodes le uses the same format convention as the /etc/hosts le. IPv6 aware naming services use the new ipnodes source for its search forwarding. For instance, if LDAP is aware of IPv6 addresses, specify the following.
ipnodes: ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Caution ipnodes defaults to files. During the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, where all naming services are not aware of IPv6 addresses, accept the files default. Otherwise, unnecessary delays (such as boot timing delays) might result during the resolution of addresses.
Caution An application searches all ipnodes databases for IPv4 addresses before searching for IPv4 addresses in the hosts databases. Before specifying ipnodes, consider the inherent delay of searching both databases for IPv4 addresses.
NIS+. To provide +/- semantics with NIS+, change the passwd and groups sources to compat and add a passwd_compat: nisplus entry to the nsswitch.conf le after the passwd or group entry as shown below.
passwd: compat passwd_compat: nisplus group: compat group_compat: nisplus
The above species that client routines obtain their network information from /etc les and NIS+ tables as indicated by the +/- entries in the les.
NIS. To provide the same syntax as in the Sun Operating Environment 4.x release, change the passwd and groups sources to compat.
passwd: compat group: compat
This species that /etc les and NIS maps as indicated by the +/- entries in the les. Note Users working on a client machine being served by an NIS+ server running in NIS compatibility mode cannot run ypcat on the netgroup table. Doing so will give you results as if the table were empty even if it has entries.
For example, in an NIS+ environment, the passwd line of the nsswitch.conf le should look like the following.
passwd: files nisplus
In an NIS environment, the passwd line of the nsswitch.conf le should look like the following.
passwd: files nis
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This part describes the setup, conguration, administration and troubleshooting of DNS naming service in the Solaris operating environment.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter describes the structure and provides an overview of the Domain Name System (DNS). Note One of the most common and important uses of DNS is connecting your network to the global Internet. To connect to the Internet, your network IP address must be registered with whomever is administering your parent domain.
DNS Basics on page 47 Server Conguration and Data File Names on page 51 Domain Names on page 54 The resolv.conf File on page 56 The named.conf File on page 56 Zones on page 62
DNS Basics
The Domain Name System (DNS) is an applicationlayer protocol that is part of the standard TCP/IP protocol suite. This protocol implements the DNS naming service, which is the naming service used on the Internet. This section introduces the basic DNS concepts. It assumes that you have some familiarity with network administration, particularly TCP/IP, and some exposure to other naming services, such as NIS+ and NIS. Refer to Chapter 4 for information regarding initial setup and conguration of DNS.
Note DNS, NIS+, NIS, and FNS provide similar functionality and sometimes use the same terms to dene different entities. Thus, this chapter takes care to dene terms like domain and name server according to their DNS functionality, a very different functionality than NIS+ and NIS domains and servers.
Name-to-Address Resolution
Though it supports the complex, worldwide hierarchy of computers on the Internet, the basic function of DNS is actually very simple: providing name-to-address resolution for TCP/IP-based networks. Name-to-address resolution, also referred to as mapping, is the process of nding the IP address of a computer in a database by using its host name as an index. Name-to-address mapping occurs when a program running on your local machine needs to contact a remote computer. The program most likely will know the host name of the remote computer but might not know how to locate it, particularly if the remote machine is in another company, miles from your site. To get the remote machines address, the program requests assistance from the DNS software running on your local machine, which is considered a DNS client. Your machine sends a request to a DNS name server, which maintains the distributed DNS database. The les in the DNS database bear little resemblance to the NIS+ host or ipnodes Table or even the local /etc/hosts or /etc/inet/ipnodes le, though they maintain similar information: the host names, the ipnode names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and other information about a particular group of computers. The name server uses the host name your machine sent as part of its request to nd or resolve the IP address of the remote machine. It then returns this IP address to your local machine if the host name is in its DNS database. The following gure shows name-to-address mapping as it occurs between a DNS client and a name server, probably on the clients local network.
If the host name is not in that name servers DNS database, this indicates that the machine is outside of its authority, or, to use DNS terminology, outside the local administrative domain. Thus, each name server is spoken of as being authoritative for its local administrative domain.
48 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Fortunately, the local name server maintains a list of host names and IP addresses of root domain name servers, to which it will forward the request from your machine. These root name servers are authoritative for huge organizational domains, as explained fully in DNS Hierarchy and the Internet on page 59. These hierarchies resemble UNIX le systems, in that they are organized into an upside down tree structure. Each root name server maintains the host names and IP addresses of top level domain name servers for a company, a university, or other large organizations. The root name server sends your request to the top-level name servers that it knows about. If one of these servers has the IP address for the host you requested, it will return the information to your machine. If the top-level servers do not know about the host you requested, they pass the request to second-level name servers for which they maintain information. Your request is then passed on down through the vast organizational tree. Eventually, a name server that has information about your requested host in its database will return the IP address back to your machine. The following gure shows name-to-address resolution outside the local domain.
Name Server Sends host name No entry for casbah... Entry for Server mil Entry for Server org Entry for Server com 2. 6.
Root Name Server Com Organizational Domain Name Server for ajax top-level domain No entry for casbah 5. 4. Returns IP address casbah Name Server for manf.ajax second-level
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
For example, suppose the Ajax company has two sites, one in San Francisco and one in Seattle. The domain might be in Seattle and the domain might be in San Francisco. One part of the domain would be in one city, the other part in the second city. Each administrative domain must have its own unique subdomain name. Moreover, if you want your network to participate in the Internet, the network must be part of a registered administrative domain. The section Joining the Internet on page 60 has full details about domain names and domain registration.
Each domain must have one master server and should have at least one slave server to provide backup. Implementing DNS on page 85 explains primary and secondary servers in detail.
Conguration File
The master server conguration le is /etc/named.conf. The conguration le contains a list of domain names and the le names containing host information. See The named.conf File on page 96 for additional information on the named.conf le.
/var/named/ See The File on page 99 for additional information on the le. As long as you are internally consistent, you can name this le anything you want. /var/named/hosts See The hosts File on page 101 for additional information on hosts les. The name hosts is a generic name indicating the les purpose and content. But to avoid confusion with /etc/hosts, you should name this le something other than hosts. The most common naming convention is db.domainname. Thus, the hosts le for the domain would be called db.doc. If you have more than one zone, each zone must have its own hosts le and each of these zone hosts les must have a unique name. For example, if your DNS domain is divided into and zones, you could name one hosts le db.doc and the other db.sales.
/var/named/hosts.rev See The hosts.rev File on page 103 for additional information on the hosts.rev le. The name hosts.rev is a generic name indicating the les purpose and content. If you have more than one zone, each zone must have its own hosts.rev le and each of these zone hosts.rev les must have a unique name. For example, if your DNS domain is divided into and zones, you
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
/var/named/named.local See The named.local File on page 103 and for additional information on the named.local le. As long as you are internally consistent, you can name this le anything you want.
An include le is any le named in an $INCLUDE() statement in a DNS data le. $INCLUDE les can be used to separate different types of data into multiple les for your convenience. See $INCLUDE Files on page 104. For reference purposes, the following table compares BIND le names from the above mentioned sources.
Solaris Names
BIND 8.1 adds a new named.conf le to replace the earlier named.boot le. This conguration le adds security, startup options, logging. It species the type of server it is running on and selectively applies options on a per-zone or per-server basis, rather than all zones or servers. It contains a list of domain names and the names of the data les. This le resides on every DNS client (including DNS servers) and designates the servers that the client queries for DNS information. This le establishes the names of root servers and lists their addresses. This le contains all the data about the machines in the local zone that the server serves. This le species a zone in the domain, a special domain that allows reverse (address-to-name) mapping. This le species the address for the local loopback interface, or local host.
db.cache db.root
Generic: hosts.rev Generic: db.ADDR Examples: doc.rev Examples db.192.249.249 db.192.249.253 named.local Generic: db.cache Example: db.127.0.0
U.C. Berkeley Names Content and Purpose of File
Solaris Names
Domain Names
A domain name is the name assigned to a group of systems on a local network that share DNS administrative les. A domain name is required for the network information service database to work properly.
If the resolv.conf le is not available, or does not identify a default domain, and if your enterprise-level naming service is either NIS+ or NIS, the Sun implementation of DNS obtains the default domain name from those services. If resolv.conf is not available or does not provide a domain name and you are not running either NIS+ or NIS, you must either provide a resolv.conf le on each machine that does specify the domain or set the LOCALDOMAIN environment variable.
Use a trailing dot in domain names in hosts, hosts.rev,, and named.local data les. For example, is correct for these les. Do not use a trailing dot in domain names in named.boot or resolv.conf les. For example, is correct for these les.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Client-only A client-only DNS client does not run in.named. Instead, it consults the resolver. The resolver knows about a list of name servers for the domain, to which queries are then directed.
Client-server A client-server uses the services provided by in.named to resolve queries forwarded to it by client-machine resolvers.
Security through an access control list (ACL) that denes a collection of IP addresses that an NIS+ host can read and write Logging specications Selectively applied options for a set of zones, rather than to all zones
The conguration le is read by in.named when the daemon is started by the servers startup script, /etc/init.d/inetsvc. The conguration le directs in.named to other servers or to local data les for a specied domain. The named.conf le contains statements and comments. Statements end with a semicolon. Some statements can contain a block of statements. Again, each statement in the block is terminated with a semicolon.
TABLE 32 named.conf Statements
Denes a named IP address match list used for access control. The address match list designates one or more IP addresses (dotted-decimal notation) or IP prexes (dotted-decimal notation followed with a slash and the number of bits in the netmask). The named IP address match list must be dened by an acl statement before it can be used elsewhere. No forward references are allowed. Inserts an include le at the point where the include statement is encountered. Use include to break up the conguration into more easily managed chunks.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Species a key ID used for authentication and authorization on a particular name server. See the server statement. Species what information the server logs and the destination of log messages. Controls global server conguration options and sets default values for other statements. Sets designated conguration options associated with a remote name server. Selectively applies options on a per-server basis, rather than to all servers. Denes a zone. Selectively applies options on a per-zone basis, rather than to all zones.
options { directory "/var/named"; datasize 2098; forward only; forwarders {; }; recursion no; transfers-in 10; transfers-per-ns 2; allow-transfer {; }; }; logging { category queries { default_syslog; }; }; include "/var/named/abcZones.conf"
// here are the names of the master files zone "cities.zn" { type master; file "db.cities.zn"; }; zone "" { type master; file "db.127.cities.zn"; }; zone "" { type master; file "db.cities.zn.rev"; Chapter 3 Domain Name System (Overview) 57
Primary server
Secondary servers
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
DNS clients request service only from the servers that support their domain. If the domains server does not have the information the client needs, it forwards the request to its parent server, which is the server in the next higher domain in the hierarchy. If the request reaches the top-level server, the top-level server determines whether the domain is valid. If it is not valid, the server returns a not found type message to the client. If the domain is valid, the server routes the request down to the server that supports that domain.
pe sp
gr . . .
Organizational hierarchy
Geographic hierarchy
At the present time, the organizational hierarchy divides its namespace into the top-level domains listed shown in the following table. It is probable that additional top-level organizational domains will be added in the future.
TABLE 33 Domain
TABLE 33 Domain
Major network support centers Nonprot organizations and others International organizations
The geographic hierarchy assigns each country in the world a two or three-letter identier and provides official names for the geographic regions within each country. For example, domains in Britain are subdomains of the uk top-level domain, Japanese domains are subdomains of jp, and so on.
Register your DNS domain name with the an appropriate Internet governing body. Obtain a network IP address from that governing body.
You can communicate directly with the appropriate Internet governing body or their agent. You can contract with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to assist you. ISPs provide a wide range of services from consulting to actually hosting your Internet presence.
Domain Names
Domain names indicate a domains position in the overall DNS namespace, much as path names indicate a les position in the UNIX le system. After your local domain is registered, its name is added to the name of the Internet hierarchy to which it belongs. For example, the ajax domain shown in Figure 35 has been registered as part of the Internet com hierarchy. Therefore, its Internet domain name becomes
60 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
The following gure shows the position of the domain in the DNS namespace on the Internet.
. (root)
DNS does not require domain names to be capitalized, though they can be. Here are some examples of machines and domain names.
The Internet organization regulates administration of its domains by granting each domain authority over the names of its hosts and by expecting each domain to delegate authority to the levels below it. Thus, the com domain has authority over the names of the hosts in its domain. It also authorizes the formation of the domain and delegates authority over the names in that domain. The domain, in turn, assigns names to the hosts in its domain and approves the formation of the,, and domains.
root domain
The fully qualied domain names for the ajax domain and its subdomains are:
DNS service for a domain is managed on the set of name servers. Name servers can manage a single domains or multiple domains, or domains and some or all of their corresponding subdomains. The part of the namespace that a given name server controls is called a zone. Therefore, the name server is said to be authoritative for the zone. If you are responsible for a particular name server, you might be given the title Zone Administrator. The data in a name servers database are called zone les. One type of zone le stores IP addresses and host names. When someone attempts to connect to a remote host using a host name by a utility like ftp or telnet, DNS performs name-to-address mapping, by looking up the host name in the zone le and converting it into its IP address.
Finance Zone
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
For example, the Ajax domain shown in the above contains a top domain (Ajax), four subdomains, and ve sub-subdomains. It is divided into four zones.. Thus, the Ajax name server administers a zone composed of the Ajax, Sales, Retail, and Wholesale domains. The Manf and QA domains are zones unto themselves served by their own name servers, and the Corp name server manages a zone composed of the Corp, Actg, Finance, and Mktg domains.
Reverse Mapping
The DNS database also includes zone les that use the IP address as a key to nd the host name of the machine, enabling IP address to host name resolution. This process is called reverse resolution or more commonly, reverse mapping. Reverse mapping is used primarily to verify the identity of the machine that sent a message or to authorize remote operations on a local host.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter describes how to administer the Domain Name System (DNS). The chapter covers the following topics.
Setting Up the resolv.conf File on page 65 Conguring a Network For DNS on page 66 How to Add DNS Compatibility and +/- Syntax on page 72 Setting up DNS Servers on page 73 Modifying DNS Data Files on page 75 Adding and Deleting Clients on page 77 Enabling a Client to Use IPv6 on page 78 Creating DNS Subdomains on page 79 Solaris DNS BIND 8.2.4 Implementation on page 82 DNS Forwarding on page 83
The rst line of the /etc/resolv.conf le lists the domain name in the form:
domain domainname
Where domainname is the name registered with the Internet governing bodies (as of this writing, the InterNIC). Note No spaces or tabs are permitted at the end of the domain name. Make sure that you press return immediately after the last character of the domain name.
Succeeding lines list the IP addresses of one or two slave or cache-only name servers that the resolver should consult to resolve queries. Name server entries have the form:
nameserver IP_address
IP_address is the IP address of a slave or cache-only DNS name server. The resolver queries these name servers in the order they are listed until it obtains the information it needs.
; Sample resolv.conf file for the machine polaris domain ; try local name server 66 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
nameserver ; if local name server down, try these servers nameserver nameserver ; sort the addresses returned by gethostbyname(3c) sortlist
The rst line of the /etc/resolv.conf le lists the domain name in the following form.
domain domainname
Where domainname is the name registered with the Internet governing bodies (as of this writing, the InterNIC). Note No spaces or tabs are permitted at the end of the domain name. Make sure that you enter a hard carriage return immediately after the last character of the domain name.
The second line identies the loopback name server in the form.
Succeeding lines list the IP addresses of up to three DNS master, slave, or cache-only name servers that the resolver should consult to resolve queries. Do not list more than three master or slave servers. Name server entries have the following form.
nameserver IP_address
IP_address is the IP address of a master or slave DNS name server. The resolver queries these name servers in the order they are listed until it obtains the information it needs. The fth line of the /etc/resolv.conf le lists the address sortlist in the form:
sortlist addresslist
addresslist species the sort order of the addresses returned by gethostbyname(3c). In our example, gethostbyname returns the netmask pair ahead of the IP address 2. Modify the /etc/nsswitch.conf le. NIS. If your master enterprise-level naming service is NIS, with proper conguration, NIS is already DNS-enabled. Files-based. If your master enterprise-level naming service is based on /etc les, or if your master enterprise-level naming service is NIS+, do the following.
a. Become superuser. b. Open the /etc/nsswitch.conf le. c. DNS can be the only source or an additional source for the hosts information. Locate the hosts line and use DNS in one of the ways shown below.
hosts: files dns
hosts: nis dns [NOTFOUND=return] files
hosts: dns nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
Do not use the above syntax for NIS clients, or they will be forced to search for unresolved names twice in DNS. d. Specify DNS as a source of hosts information. e. Save the le and reboot.
5. Initialize the server. See Initializing the Server on page 73. 6. Test the server. See Testing Your Installation on page 73.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Note The most common use of DNS is to connect your network to the Internet. To connect to the Internet, your network IP address must be registered with whomever is administering your parent domain. Who that administrator is varies according to your geographic location and type of parent domain. This manual does not describe how to register networks with domain administrators.
Zone master server. Each zone has one server that is designated as the master master server for that zone. A zones master master server is the authoritative server for that zone. Zone slave server. A zone can have one or more slave master servers. Slave master servers obtain their DNS data from the zones master server.
To specify a server as the master server for a given zone, you create three master records in that servers named.boot le. 1. Create the master record for the zone. This record designates the server as a master server for the zone and tells the server where to nd the authoritative hosts le. A master record has three elds.
The rst eld designates the server as master. The second eld identies the zone the master serves. The third eld identies the hosts le.
For example, the following line in a boot le species that the server is the master server for the zone, using authoritative data from the le db.doc.
master db.doc
2. Create a master record for the zones reverse map. This record designates the server as a master server for the zones reverse address map, that is, the reverse address domain for The record also tells the server where to nd the authoritative hosts le. This record has three elds. The rst eld designates the server as master, the second eld identies the zone, and the third eld identies the hosts.rev le. The reverse address domain for a zone contains the zones IP address in reverse order followed by For example, suppose that the zones IP address is 10.0.0. In that case, the reverse address domain would be Thus, the following line in a boot le species that the server is the master server for the reverse address domain of the zone, using authoritative data from the le doc.rev.
Chapter 4 Administering DNS (Tasks) 69
3. Create a master record for the reverse address of the local loopback interface or host. This record designates the server as a master server for the loopback host, and tells the server where to nd the authoritative hosts le. This record has three elds, the rst eld designates the server as master, the second eld identies the loopback host reverse address, and the third eld identies the hosts le. Note Loopback hosts are always identied as
Thus, the following line in a boot le species that the server is the master server for the reverse address domain of the loopback host using authoritative data from the le named.local.
master named.local
The rst eld designates the server as slave. The second eld identies the zone it serves. The third eld identies the IP address of the master server for the zone from which the slave server obtains its authoritative data.
A slave record can have one or more optional elds after the required elds. The optional elds are:
70 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
slave servers After the IP address of the master server, you can add IP addresses of other slave servers. These provide additional sources from which the slave server can obtain data. Adding IP addresses of slave servers might, under some circumstances, reduce performance unless those IP addresses are additional network addresses of a multihome master server.
Backup le After the IP address of the master (and optional slave) servers, you can add the name of a backup hosts le. If a backup le name is present, the slave server loads its data from that le, then checks with the master (and optional slave) servers to make sure that the data in the backup le is up to date. If the backup le is not up to date, it is brought up to date, based on the information received from the master server.
For example, the following lines in a boot le specify that the server is the slave server for the zone and its reverse address domain, that it obtains its authoritative data from the master server with an IP address of, that it uses the server as a slave source of zone data, and initially loads its data from the le
slave slave
In the context of the various example les presented in this chapter, the sample boot le lines above correspond to the boot le of the dnsslave server, which is an alias for the sirius machine whose IP address is Note A server can act as the master server for one or more zones, and as the slave server for one or more zones. The mixture of entries in the boot le determines whether a server is a master or slave server for a given zone.
; ; Sample named.boot file for caching-only name server ; ; type domain source file or host ; directory /var/named cache . master named.local
You do not need a special line to designate a server as a cache-only server. What denotes a cache-only server is the absence of any slave or master authority lines in the boot le, except as noted below. A cache-only server requires the following.
A directory line in the boot le A master line in the boot le A cache . line in the boot le
This provides the same syntax as in the Solaris 1.x release. It looks up /etc les and NIS maps as indicated by the +/- entries in the les.
72 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
4. Add -+ or -+ netgroup to the /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group les. Note If you fail to add the -+ or -+ netgroup entries to /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd, you will not be able to log in.
5. Save the le and reboot the system. Because some library routines do not periodically check the nsswitch.conf le to see whether it has been changed, you must reboot the machine to make sure those routines have the latest information in the le.
3. Look up a host name in the local domain using the nslookup command.
dnsmaster% nslookup altair Server: Address: Name: Address:
If your lookup is successful, your name server is probably functioning correctly. If you get a Cant find, or cant initialize address, type of message for your server, or a non-existent domain, type message, it might mean that your server is not correctly listed in the boot le or hosts les. If you get a cant find name or non-existent domain type of message, it might mean that the host you looked up is not in the servers hosts le, or the domain is incorrectly set in resolv.conf, or there is some other server problem.
4. Look up a remote domain name with nslookup. If your network is connected to the Internet, look up the name of a remote domain. (If your network is not connected to the Internet, look up the name of a subdomain in another zone, if you have one.) For example, to look up the name of the remote Internet domain, you would enter the following. dnsmaster% nslookup
Server: Address: 192.168.168. Name: Addresses:,,
I I,
If you are successful, your name server is probably functioning correctly. If the above command does not nd the remote domain name, one possible cause is that your networks connection to the Internet is not functioning properly. Another possible cause is that your le is not properly installed or set up.
The second time you use nslookup to nd a domain, the answer will be returned as non-authoritative. This is normal because the answer is now coming from your cache, not the remote name server. 5. Look up a host name in your domain from a remote domain. If your network is connected to the Internet, look up the name of a host in your domain from a remote domain. If your network is not connected to the Internet, look up the name of a host in your domain from another zone, if you have one. For example, to look up the name of a host in your domain, from a remote Internet domain, you would enter two arguments after the nslookup command. The rst argument is the name of the host for which you are searching, and the second argument is the name of the name server you are testing. remotemachine9% nslookup altair
74 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
If you are successful, your name server is probably functioning correctly. If the above command does not nd the machine you are searching for, one possible cause is that your domain is not properly registered with whomever is administering the parent domain (.com in the above example).
Change the serial number in the SOA resource record so the slave servers modify their data accordingly see How to Change the SOA Serial Number on page 76. Inform in.named on the master server that it should reread the data les and update its internal database. See Forcing in.named to Reload DNS Data on page 76.
Chapter 4 Administering DNS (Tasks) 75
Thus, if you made a change to this hosts le, you would change 109 to 110. The next time you change the le, you would change 110 to 111.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Adding a Client
To add a client to a DNS domain, you set the new machine up as a DNS client and then add records for the new machine to the appropriate hosts and hosts.rev les. For example, to add the host rigel to the domain, do the following.
5. Add any additional optional records for rigel to the master servers hosts le. Optional records could include the following.
Alias (CNAME) Mail exchange (MX) Well known services (WKS) Host information (HINFO)
6. Add a PTR record for rigel to the hosts.rev le. 7. Increment the SOA serial number in the master servers hosts and hosts.rev les. 8. Reload the servers data. Either reboot the server or type the following. # kill -HUP cat /etc/
Removing a Client
To remove a client from a DNS domain do the following.
See below.
1. Become superuser. 2. Edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf le. 3. Add the new ipnodes source and specify the naming service, such as LDAP.
ipnodes: ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files
ipnodes defaults to files. During the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, where all naming services are not aware of IPv6 addresses, you should accept the files default. Otherwise, unnecessary delays might result during the resolution of
78 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
addresses. 4. Save the le and reboot the machine. Because the nscd daemon caches this information, which it reads at start up, you must reboot the machine now.
Number of subdomains The more subdomains your create, the more initial setup work you have to do and the more ongoing coordination work for the administrators in the parent domain. The more subdomains, the more delegation work for the servers in the parent domain. On the other hand, fewer domains
Chapter 4 Administering DNS (Tasks) 79
mean larger domains, and the larger a domain is the more server speed and memory is required to support it.
Network divisions You can divide your network into multiple domains any way you want. The three most common methods are by organizational structure where you have separate subdomains for each department or division (sales, research, manufacturing, for example) by geography where you have separate subdomains for each site, or by network structure where you have separate subdomains for each major network component. The most important rule to remember is that administration and use will be easier if your domain structure follows a consistent, logical, and self-evident pattern. Future considerations. The most confusing domain structures are those that grow over time with subdomains added haphazardly as new sites and departments are created. To the degree possible, try to take future growth into account when designing your domain hierarchy. Also take into account stability. It is best to base your subdomains on what is most stable. For example, if your geographic sites are relatively stable but your departments and divisions are frequently reorganized, it is probably better to base your subdomains on geography rather than organizational function. On the other hand, if your structure is relatively stable but you frequently add or change sites, it is probably better to base your subdomains on your organizational hierarchy. Wide area network links. When a network spans multiple sites connected via modems or leased lines, performance will be better and reliability greater if your domains do not span such Wide Area Network (WAN) links. In most cases, WAN links are slower than contiguous network connections and more prone to failure. When servers have to support machines that can only be reached over a WAN link, you increase the network traffic funneling through the slower link, and if there is a power failure or other problem at one site, it could affect the machines at the other sites. (The same performance and reliability considerations apply to DNS zones. As a general rule of thumb, it is best if zones do not span WAN links.) NIS+ compatibility If your enterprise-level naming service is NIS+, administration will be easier if your DNS and NIS+ domain and subdomain structures match. Subdomain names. To the degree possible, it is best to establish and follow a consistent policy for naming your subdomains. When domain names are consistent, it is much easier for users to remember and correctly specify them. Note that domain names are an important element in all of your DNS data les and that changing a subdomain name requires editing every le in which the old name appears. Thus, it is best to choose subdomain names that are stable and unlikely to need changing. You can use either full words, such as manufacturing, or abbreviations, such as manf, as subdomain names, but it will confuse users if some subdomains are named with abbreviations and others with full names. If you decide to use abbreviations, use enough letters to clearly identify the name because short cryptic names are hard to use and remember. Do not use reserved top-level Internet domain names as subdomain names. This means that names like org, net, com, gov, edu, and any of the two-letter country codes such as jp, uk, ca, and it should never be used as a subdomain name.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Setting Up a Subdomain
In most cases, new subdomains are usually created from the start with a new network and machines, or split off from an existing domain. The process is essentially similar in both cases. Once you have planned your new subdomain, do the following.
Note that the server host les must have an Address (A) record, any necessary CNAME records for each machine in the subdomain and the server hosts.rev les must have a pointer (PTR) record for each machine in the subdomain. Optional HINFO and WKS records can also be added. 3. If you are splitting an existing domain, remove the records for the machines in the new subdomain from the parent domains master server hosts and hosts.rev les. You must delete the A records for the machines that are now in the new subdomain from the hosts les of the old domains servers. You must also delete the PTR records for those machines from the old domains hosts.rev les. Any optional HINFO and WKS records for the moved machines should also be deleted. 4. If you are splitting an existing domain, add the new subdomain name to CNAME records in the parent domains master server hosts and le. For example, suppose you are using the machine aldebaran as a fax server and it had the following CNAME record in the hosts le of the parent domains servers.
faxserver IN CNAME aldebaran
In addition to creating a new faxserver CNAME record for aldebaran in the hosts le of the new subdomains master server, you would also have to change this CNAME record in the parent domains hosts le to include aldebarans subdomain as shown below:
Chapter 4 Administering DNS (Tasks) 81
5. Add NS records for the new subdomains servers to the parent domains hosts le. For example, suppose that your parent domain is and you are creating a new subdomain with the machine rigel as manfs master server and aldebaran as the slave server. You would add the following records to the hosts le of doc.coms master server. 99999 IN NS 99999 IN NS
6. Add A records for the new subdomains servers to the parent domains hosts le. Continuing with the above example, you would add the following records to the hosts le of doc.coms master server. 99999 99999 IN IN A A 1.22.333.121 1.22.333.136
7. Start up named on the subdomains servers. # /usr/sbin/in.named Instead of running in.named from the command line, reboot. See in.named and DNS Name Servers on page 51.
RFC1535. Not implemented because doing so would remove implicit search lists. Inverse Queries. Enabled because SunOS 4 nslookup will not work without them. Default Domain Name. If the DNS domain name is not set in /etc/resolv.conf, or via the LOCALDOMAIN environment variable, libresolv derives it from the NIS or NIS+ domain name. Utility Scripts. The BIND utility scripts are not included in this Solaris release. Test Programs. The BIND test programs dig, dnsquery, and host are not included in this Solaris release because their purpose is similar to that of nslookup and nstest.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
1. Become superuser. 2. Run the Korn shell script, /usr/sbin/named-bootconf, to convert a BIND 4.9.x named.boot le to a BIND 8.2.4 named.conf le. Note In Solaris 9, the named.boot is ignored.
DNS Forwarding
The nsswitch.conf le controls DNS forwarding and Interent access for clients. NIS clients have implicit forwarding capabilities. NIS+ clients do not. See below.
1. Become superuser. 2. Properly congure the hosts line in the /etc/resolve.conf le to read: hosts:nisplus dns files. In this implementation of NIS, if a /etc/resolve.conf le exists on the server, ypstart automatically starts the ypserv daemon with the -d option to forward requests to DNS. To stop forwarding to DNS, edit the /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart script to remove the -d option from the ypserv command. You must then reboot the machine.
1. Become superuser. 2. Set the YP_INTERDOMAIN key in the hosts.byname map and the hosts.byaddr map by modify the following lines in the Makefile (at the top of the le) from the following.
#B=-b B= Chapter 4 Administering DNS (Tasks) 83
B=-b #B=
Now makedbm starts with the -b ag when making the maps, and inserts the YP_INTERDOMAINinto the ndbm les. 3. Rebuild the maps. # /usr/ccs/bin/make hosts 4. Make sure that all NIS servers have an /etc/resolv.conf le that points to valid name server(s). 5. Stop each server with the ypstop command. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop 6. Restart each server with the ypstart command. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart Note If you have NIS servers that are not running Solaris 2 or higher, make sure that the YP_INTERDOMAIN key is present in the host maps. In addition, problems might arise if the master server and slave server are running differentversions of Solaris. The following table summarizes the commands to issue to avoid such problems. The notation 4.0.3+ means release 4.0.3 of SunOS or later. The command makedbm -b is a reference to the -B variable in the Makefile.
Master: ypserv -d Slave: ypxfr -b Master: ypserv -d Slave: ypxfr with resolve.conf or ypxfr -b
Solaris NIS
The Solaris operating environment includes the dynamic library routines that make up the resolver.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Implementing DNS on page 85 Setting Up the Data Files on page 91 Setting Up Subdomains on page 92 The DNS Namespace Hierarchy on page 94 How DNS Affects Mail Delivery on page 95 DNS Conguration and Data Files on page 95 Data File Resource Record Format on page 105
Implementing DNS
A Practical Example
This section shows the les you need to implement DNS for a sample Internet-connected network, based on the examples used in this chapter. Caution The IP addresses and network numbers used in examples and code samples in this manual are for illustration purposes only. Do not use them as shown because they might have been assigned to an actual network or host.
An environment connected to the Internet Two networks, each with its own domain ( and and its own DNS zone
The domain and zone is the top zone over the subdomain and zone Each network has its own network number
Example Network Domain and Zone Conguration
123.45.6 111.22.3
Each zone has a master and one slave server, and the slave server of is also the master server of
Example Network DNS Servers
Host Name Function Address CNAME
TABLE 52 Zone
master for slave for master for slave for
; named.boot file on the dnsmastr (sirius) ; ; files required by in.named are located here directory /var/named ; here are the names of the master files cache . master db.doc master named.local master doc.rev ;This system is also the slave for the domain slave db.sales slave sales.rev
; named.boot file on the dnssales (altair) ; ; in.named is located here 86 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
directory /var/named ; here are the names of the master cache . master master master
; named.boot file on the dnsecond (deneb) directory /var/named cache . slave slave doc.123.45.6
; ; /etc/resolv.conf file for dnsmaster (sirius) ; domain nameserver nameserver
; ; /etc/resolv.conf file for dnssales (altair) ; domain nameserver nameserver
; SOA rec IN SOA 19970331 ; serial number 10800 ; refresh every 3 hours 10800 ; retry every 3 hours 604800 ; expire after a week 86400 ) ; TTL of 1 day ; Name Servers IN NS IN NS 1 IN PTR localhost.
; SOA rec IN SOA ( 19970332 ; serial number 10800 ; refresh every 3 hours 10800 ; retry every 3 hours 604800 ; expire after a week 86400 ) ; TTL of 1 day ; Name Servers IN NS IN NS ; Addresses localhost IN A sirius IN A rigel IN A antares IN A polaris IN A procyon IN A tauceti IN A N A ; aliases dnsmastr IN CNAME IN CNAME
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
; refresh every 3 hours ; retry every 3 hours ; expire after a week ; TTL of 1 day
; Name Servers ; Addresses altair localhost luna phoebus deimos ganymede europa callisto ; ; aliases
; Name Servers IN NS ;Pointer records for 123.45.6 1 IN PTR 112 IN PTR 90 IN PTR 101 IN PTR 79 IN PTR 69 IN PTR
; SOA rec IN SOA \ Chapter 5 DNS Administration (Reference) 89
serial number refresh every 3 hours retry every 3 hours expire after a week TTL of 1 day
; Name Servers IN NS; \ Pointer records for 111.22.3 22 IN PTR luna 23 IN PTR deneb 24 IN PTR phoebus 25 IN PTR deimos 26 IN PTR altair 27 IN PTR ganymede 28 IN PTR europa 29 IN PTR callisto
; ; formerly NS1.ISI.EDU . B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. ; ; formerly C.PSI.NET . C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. ; ; formerly TERP.UMD.EDU . D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. ; ; formerly NS.NASA.GOV ;.
3600000 3600000
3600000 3600000
3600000 3600000
E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 ; ; formerly NS.ISC.ORG . 3600000 F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 ; ; formerly NS.NIC.DDN.MIL . 3600000 G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 ; ; formerly AOS.ARL.ARMY.MIL 90
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
. 3600000 NS H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; formerly NIC.NORDU.NET . 3600000 NS I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; temporarily housed at NSI (InterNIC) . 3600000 NS J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; temporarily housed at NSI (InterNIC) . 3600000 NS K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; temporarily housed at ISI (IANA) . 3600000 NS L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; temporarily housed at ISI (IANA) . 3600000 NS M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; End of File
TABLE 53 Type
IPv4 Internet address (name to address) IPv6 Internet address (name to address) Pointer (address to name) Canonical name (nickname) Text information Mail exchanger
In the sample les included in the following sections, @ indicates the current zone or origin and lines that begin with a semicolon (;) are comments.
Setting Up Subdomains
Setting Up SubdomainsSame Zone
The simplest method is to include the subdomain in the parent domains zone. In this way, one set of DNS servers and data les applies to all the machines regardless of their domain. The advantage of the same-zone method is simplicity and ease of administration. The disadvantage is that one set of servers has to serve all machines in all of the zones domains. If there are too many machines, the servers will be overloaded and network performance can decline. Data les for multi-domain zones must include records for all machines and servers in each domain covered by the zone. Setting up a multi-domain zone is the same as setting up a zone with a single domain, except that fully qualied domain names are used in the hosts le to identify machines in remote domains. In other words, in the hosts le, when you identify a machine in the servers local domain, you need to use only the machines name. But when you identify a machine in some other domain, you must identify the machine with a fully qualied domain name in the format: machine.domain. Server and machine names in hosts.rev and named.local les also need to be fully qualied with domain names. But that is true regardless of whether or not the zone has more than one domain.
92 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
hosts.rev le. There must be a PTR record in each hosts.rev le pointing to the name of one or more master servers in the zone immediately above it. This type of PTR record is exactly the same as any other PTR record in the le, except that it identies a server in the zone above. hosts le NS records. There must be a zone NS record in each hosts le identifying each name server in each zone immediately below. This type of NS record requires the name of the zone below as the rst eld in the NS record. (The name of the zone is specied in the SOA record of the zones host le.) hosts le A records. There must be an A record in each hosts le identifying the IP address of each name server in each zone immediately below. This type of A record has to have the name of the zone below as the rst eld in the A record. (The name of the zone is specied in the SOA record of the zones host le.)
The example les in the next chapter illustrate a network with two zones.
For example, in Figure 51, com is a parent domain to the Acme, Ajax, and AAA domains. Or you could just as easily say that those are subdomains relative to the com domain. In its turn, the Ajax domain is a parent to four subdomains (Sales, Manf, QA, and Corp). A domain contains one parent (or top) domain plus the associated subdomains if any. Domains are named up the tree starting with the lowest (deepest) subdomain and ending with the root domain.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Solaris Names
The conguration le species the type of server it is running on and the zones that it serves as a Master, Slave, or Stub. It also denes security, logging, and a ner granularity of options applied to zones. This le resides on every DNS client (including DNS servers) and designates the servers that the client queries for DNS information. This le establishes the names of root servers and lists their addresses. This le contains all the data about the machines in the local zone that the server serves. This le species a zone in the domain, a special domain that allows reverse (address-to-name) mapping. This le species the address for the local loopback interface, or localhost Any le identied by an $INCLUDE() statement in a data le.
/etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
db.cache db.root
Generic: hosts.rev Generic: db.ADDR Examples: Examples: db.192.249.249 db.192.249.253 doc.rev named.local Generic: db.cache Example: db.127.0.0 $INCLUDE les
Caution The IP addresses and network numbers used in examples and code samples in this manual are for illustration purposes only. Do not use them as shown because they might have been assigned to an actual network or host.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Security through an Access Control List (ACL) that denes a collection of IP addresses that an NIS+ host has read/write access Logging specications Selectively applied options for a set of zones, rather than to all zones
The conguration le is read by in.named when the daemon is started by the servers start up script, /etc/init.d/inetsvc. The conguration le directs in.named either to other servers or to local data les for a specied domain.
named.conf Statements
The named.conf le contains statements and comments. Statements end with a semicolon. Some statements can contain a contain a block of statements. Again, each statement in the block is terminated with a semicolon. The named.conf le supports the following statements.
TABLE 55 named.conf Statements
Denes a named IP address match list used for access control. The address match list designates one or more IP addresses (dotted-decimal notation) or IP prexes (dotted-decimal notation followed with a slash and the number of bits in the netmask). The named IP address match list must be dened by an acl statement before it can be used elsewhere; no forward references allowed. Inserts an include le at the point where the include statement is encountered. Use include to break up the conguration into more easily managed chunks. Species a key ID used for authentication and authorization on a particular name server. See the server statement. Species the information the server logs and the destination of log messages. Controls global server conguration options and sets default values for other statements. Sets designated conguration options associated with a remote name server. Selectively applies options on a per-server basis, rather than to all servers. Denes a zone. Selectively applies options on a per-zone basis, rather than to all zones.
forward only; forwarders {; }; recursion no; transfers-in 10; transfers-per-ns 2; allow-transfer {; }; }; logging { category queries { default_syslog; }; }; include "/var/named/abcZones.conf" // here are the names of the master files zone "cities.zn" { type master; file "db.cities.zn"; }; zone "" { type master; file "db.127.cities.zn"; }; zone "" { type master; file "db.cities.zn.rev"; }; zone "" { type slave; file "slave/db.sales.doc"; masters {; }; }; zone "" { type slave; file "slave/db.sales.doc.rev"; masters {; }; };
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Anonymous FTP. The FTP site is: The le name is: /domain/named.root. Gopher. The Gopher site is: The le is: named.root, which can be found under the InterNIC Registration Services menu, InterNIC Registration Archives submenu.
If you are following the naming conventions used in this manual, you then move named.root to /var/named/
; ; formerly NS1.ISI.EDU . B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. ; ; formerly C.PSI.NET . C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. ; ; formerly TERP.UMD.EDU . D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. ; ; formerly NS.NASA.GOV ;.
3600000 3600000
3600000 3600000
3600000 3600000
E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; formerly NS.ISC.ORG . 3600000 NS F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; formerly NS.NIC.DDN.MIL . 3600000 NS G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; formerly AOS.ARL.ARMY.MIL . 3600000 NS H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; formerly NIC.NORDU.NET . 3600000 NS I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; temporarily housed at NSI (InterNIC) . 3600000 NS J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; temporarily housed at NSI (InterNIC) . 3600000 NS K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; temporarily housed at ISI (IANA) . 3600000 NS L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; ; temporarily housed at ISI (IANA) . 3600000 NS M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A ; End of File
Cache les also need an SOA record, NS records for each domain and subdomain, and A records for each server.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
For example, suppose that in addition to ourroot you also had DNS name servers called ourmaster and ourslave. The les on all of your DNS servers would then look like the following.
; @
; ; ; ; ;
See for a more complete discussion of setting up a domain that is not connected to the Internet.
Note The name hosts is a generic name indicating the les purpose and content. But to avoid confusion with /etc/hosts, you should name this le something other than hosts. If you have more than one zone, each zone must have its own hosts le and each of these zone hosts les must have a unique name. For example, if your DNS domain is divided into and zones, you could name one hosts le db.doc and the other sales.db.doc.
There must be a separate, uniquely named, hosts le for each zone. If you have more than one zone, each zones host le must include information about the master (master and slave) servers of the other zones, as described in Example 516.
; ; SOA rec IN SOA ( 1997071401 ; serial number (YYYYMMDD##) 10800 ; refresh every 3 hours 10800 ; retry every 3 hours 604800 ; expire after a week 86400 ) ; TTL of 1 day ; Name Servers IN NS IN NS ; Addresses localhost. IN A sirius rigel antares polaris procyon tauceti ; aliases durvasa dnsmastr dnssales IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN A A A A A A A
A Start of Authority (SOA) record One or more Name Server (NS) records identifying master and slave DNS name servers Address (A) records for each host in the zone Canonical Name (CNAME) records for each host alias in the zone One or more Mail Exchange (MX) records
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
; SOA rec IN SOA ( 1997071401 ; serial number (YYYYMMDD##) 10800 ; refresh every 3 hours 10800 ; retry every 3 hours 604800 ; expire after a week 86400 ) ; TTL of 1 day ; Name Servers IN NS 1 IN PTR
A Start of Authority (SOA) record One or more Name Server (NS) records identifying master and slave DNS name servers. Server names should be fully qualied. A PTR record for each host in the zone. Machine names should be fully qualied.
(SeeResource Record Types on page 91 for detailed descriptions of these resource record types.)
; SOA rec IN SOA ( 1997071401 ; serial number (YYYYMMDD##) 10800 ; refresh every 3 hours 10800 ; retry every 3 hours 604800 ; expire after a week 86400 ) ; TTL of 1 day ; Name Servers IN NS 1 IN PTR localhost.
A Start of Authority (SOA) record, which indicates the start of a zone and includes the name of the host on which the named.local data le reside. One or more Name Server (NS) records identifying master and slave DNS name servers. Server and domain names should be fully qualied. A PTR record for localhost
An include le is any le named in an $INCLUDE() statement in a DNS data le. $INCLUDE les can be used to separate different types of data into multiple les for your convenience. For example, suppose a data le contained following line:
$INCLUDE /etc/named/data/mailboxes
This line causes the /etc/named/data/mailboxes le to be loaded at that point. In this instance, /etc/named/data/mailboxes is an $INCLUDE le. Use of $INCLUDE les is optional. You can use as many as you wish, or none at all.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
The order of the elds is always the same; however, the rst two are optional (as indicated by the brackets), and the contents of the last vary according to the record-type eld.
All RRs with the same name, class, and type should have the same ttl value.
. @ .. \X
A free-standing dot in the name eld refers to the current domain. A free-standing @ in the name eld denotes the current origin. Two free-standing dots represent the null domain name of the root when used in the name eld. Where X is any character other than a digit (0-9), quotes that character so that its special meaning does not apply. For example, you can use \. to place a dot character in a label. Where each D is a digit, this is the octet corresponding to the decimal number described by DDD. The resulting octet is assumed to be text and is not checked for special meaning.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
TABLE 56 Character
Use parentheses to group data that crosses a line. In effect, line terminations are not recognized within parentheses. A semicolon starts a comment; the remainder of the line is ignored. An asterisk signies a wildcard.
; *
Most resource records have the current origin appended to names if they are not terminated by a dot (.) This is useful for appending the current domain name to the data, such as machine names, but might cause problems when you do not want this to happen. You should use a fully qualied name ending in a period if the name is not in the domain for which you are creating the data le.
Control Entries
The only lines that do not conform to the standard RR format in a data le are control-entry lines. There are two kinds of control entries: $INCLUDE() and $ORIGIN().
An include line begins with $INCLUDE in column 1, and is followed by a le name (known as the $INCLUDE le). This feature is particularly useful for separating different types of data into multiple les as in this example:
$INCLUDE /etc/named/data/mailboxes
The line is interpreted as a request to load the /etc/named/data/mailboxes le at that point. The $INCLUDE command does not cause data to be loaded into a different zone or tree. The command allows for data for a given zone to be organized in separate les. For example, mailbox data might be kept separately from host data using this mechanism. Use of $INCLUDE statements and les is optional. You can use as many as you wish, or none at all.
The $ORIGIN command is a way of changing the origin in a data le. The line starts in column 1, and is followed by a domain name. It resets the current origin for relative domain names (for example, not fully qualied names) to the stated name. This is useful for putting more than one domain in a data le.
Chapter 5 DNS Administration (Reference) 107
Note You cannot use $ORIGIN() for putting more than one zone in a data le.
Use of $ORIGIN commands in a data le is optional. If there is no $ORIGIN() statement the default origin for DNS data les is the domain named in the second eld of the master or slave line of the named.conf le.
Start of authority Name server Internet address (name to address) Pointer (address to name) Canonical name (nickname) Text information Well-known services Host information Mail exchanger
name class SOA origin person-in-charge ( serial number refresh retry expire ttl)
The SOA record designates the start of a zone. The zone ends at the next SOA record. The SOA record elds are described below.
108 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This eld indicates the name of the zone. Note that the zone name must end with a trailing dot. For example: is correct, while is wrong.
This eld is the address class. For example, IN for Internet (the most commonly used class).
This eld is the type of this resource record.
This eld is the name of the host where this data le resides. Note that this host name must end in a trailing dot. For example, is correct, but is wrong.
This eld is the email address of the person responsible for the name server. For example, Again, this name must end with a trailing dot.
This eld is the version number of this data le. You must increment this number whenever you make a change to the data: slave servers use the serial eld to detect whether the data le has been changed since the last time they copied the le from the master server.
This eld indicates how often, in seconds, a slave name server should check with the master name server to see if an update is needed. For example, 7200 indicates a period of two hours.
This eld indicates how long, in seconds, a slave server is to retry after a failure to check for a refresh.
Chapter 5 DNS Administration (Reference) 109
This eld is the upper limit, in seconds, that a slave name server is to use the data before it expires for lack of getting a refresh.
This eld is the default number of seconds to be used for the time-to-live eld on resource records that do not have a ttl specied elsewhere. There should only be one SOA record per zone. Example 520 is a sample SOA resource record.
NS Record Format
The name-server record lists by name a server responsible for a given domain. The name eld lists the domain that is serviced by the listed name server. If no name eld is listed, then it defaults to the last name listed. One NS record should exist for each master and slave server for the domain. Example 522 is a sample NS resource record.
Address (A)
Example 523 shows the syntax of an address (A) resource record:
machinename 110
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
The A record lists the address for a given machine. The name eld is the host name, and the address is the IP address. One A record should exist for each address of the machine (in other words, routers, or gateways require at least two entries, a separate entry including the IP address assigned to each network interface).
;machinename sirius
The HINFO contains host-specic data. It lists the hardware and operating environment that are running at the listed host. If you want to include a space in the machine name or in the entry in the hardware eld, you must surround the entry with quotes. The name eld species the name of the host. If no name is specied, it defaults to the last in.named host. One HINFO record should exist for each host. Example 526 is a sample HINFO resource record.
Caution Because the HINFO eld provides information about the machines on your network, many sites consider it a security risk and no longer use it.
The WKS record describes the well-known services supported by a particular protocol at a specied address. The list of services and port numbers come from the list of services specied in the services database. Only one WKS record should exist per protocol per address. Example 528 is an example of a WKS resource record.
Chapter 5 DNS Administration (Reference) 111
;[name] [TTL] class WKS address protocol-list-of-services altair IN WKS TCP ( smtp discard rpc sftp uucp-path systat daytime netstat qotd nntp )
Caution The WKS record is optional. For security reasons, most sites no longer provide this information.
The CNAME species a nickname or alias for a canonical name. A nickname should be unique. All other resource records should be associated with the canonical name and not with the nickname. Do not create a nickname and then use it in other resource records. Nicknames are particularly useful during a transition period, when a machines name has changed but you want to permit people using the old name to reach the machine. Nicknames can also be used to identify machines that serve some specic purpose such as a mail server. Example 530 is a sample CNAME resource record.
;nickname mailhost
A pointer record allows special names to point to some other location in the domain. In the example, PTRs are used mainly in the records for the translation of an address (the special name) to a real name. When translating an address, if the domain is fully qualied only the machine identication number need be specied. PTR names should be unique to the zone. The PTR records Example 532 sets up reverse pointers for the special domain.
112 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
MX Record Format
MX preference-value mailer-exchanger
The MX resource records are used to specify a machine that knows how to deliver mail to a domain or specic machines in a domain. There might be more than one MX resource record for a given name. In Example 534, Seismo.CSS.GOV. (note the fully qualied domain name) is a mail gateway that knows how to deliver mail to Munnari.OZ.AU. Other machines on the network cannot deliver mail directly to Munnari. Seismo and Munnari might have a private connection or use a different transport medium. The preference-value eld indicates the order a mailer should follow when there is more than one way to deliver mail to a single machine. The value 0 (zero) indicates the highest preference. If there is more than one MX resource record for the same name, records might or might not have the same preference value. You can use names with the wildcard asterisk (*) for mail routing with MX records. There are likely to be servers on the network that state that any mail to a domain is to be routed through a relay. In Example 534, all mail to hosts in domain is routed through RELAY.CS.NET. You do this by creating a wildcard resource record, which states that the mail exchanger for * is RELAY.CS.NET. The asterisk will match any host or subdomain of, but it will not match itself.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter described some common DNS problems and how to solve them.
hosts: nisplus dns files
If the SOA serial number in the master le is equal to, or less than, the serial number in the slave le, increase the serial number on the primarys le so that it is greater than the number in the slave le. For example, if the SOA number in both les is 37, change the number in the primarys le to 38. The next time the slave checks with the primary, it will load the new data. (There are utilities that can force a master to immediately transfer data to the secondaries, if you have one of these utilities you can update the slave without waiting for it to check the primary.) Review the syslog output for the most recent named nnnn restarted or named nnn reloading nameserver entry. If the timestamp for that entry is before the time you nished making changes to the le, either reboot the server or force it to read the new data as explained in Forcing in.named to Reload DNS Data on page 76.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Masters for slave zone domain unreachable messages in syslog. slave zone domain expired messages in syslog. *** domain Cant find name: server failed messages to users.
Note that if the problem is with a slave server, some users could still be successfully obtaining DNS information from the master and thus operating without experiencing any difficulty. Possible causes The two most likely causes for these problems are network failure and a wrong IP address for the master in the slaves boot le. Diagnosis and solution
Check that the slaves conguration le contains the correct IP address for the master. Check the line:
zone "someone" { type slave; file "somefile": master [IPaddress; }; };
Make sure that the IP address of the master matches the masters actual IP address and the address for the master specied in the hosts le. If the IP address is wrong, correct it, and then reboot the slave.
If the masters IP address is correct, make sure the master is up and running correctly by pinging the masters IP address. For example, to ping the master at IP address, you would enter the following. % ping -n 10 If the master does not respond to the ping, make sure it is up and running properly. If the master is running okay, use ps to make sure it is running named. If it is not running named, reboot it. If the master is correctly running named, you most likely have a network problem.
Users are asked for password when they try to rlogin to a machine in another domain over the Internet.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Users are denied access when they try to ftp to a machine in another domain over the Internet. Users are denied access when they try to use rlogin or rsh to a machine on their own network.
Possible causes
The user is working at a machine that does not have a PTR record in the master servers hosts.rev le. A missing or incorrect delegation of a subdomain in the hosts.rev le.
Diagnosis and solution Check the appropriate hosts.rev le and make sure there is a PTR record for the users machine. For example, if the user is working at the machine with an IP address of, the master servers doc.rev le should have an entry like:
If the record is missing, add it to the hosts.rev le and then reboot the server or reload its data as explained in Forcing in.named to Reload DNS Data on page 76. Check and correct the NS entries in the hosts.rev les and then reboot the server or reload its data as explained in Forcing in.named to Reload DNS Data on page 76.
No such... Unknown field... Non-authoritative answer: Database format error... illegal or (illegal) error receiving zone transfer
Check the relevant les for spelling and syntax errors. A common syntax error is misuse of the trailing dot in domain names (either using the dot when you should not, or not using it when you should). See Setting up DNS Servers on page 73.
Chapter 6 DNS Troubleshooting (Reference) 119
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This part provides an overview of the NIS naming service, as well as the setup, administration and troubleshooting of NIS within the Solaris operating environment.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter provides an overview of the Network Information Service (NIS). NIS is a distributed naming service. It is a mechanism for identifying and locating network objects and resources. It provides a uniform storage and retrieval method for network-wide information in a transport-protocol and media-independent fashion. This chapter covers the following topics.
NIS Introduction on page 123 NIS Machine Types on page 125 NIS Elements on page 126 NIS Binding on page 132 Differences in NIS Solaris 2.6 NIS and Earlier NIS Versions on page 134
NIS Introduction
By running NIS, the system administrator can distribute administrative databases, called maps, among a variety of servers (master and slaves). The administrator can update those databases from a centralized location in an automatic and reliable fashion to ensure that all clients share the same naming service information in a consistent manner throughout the network. NIS was developed independently of DNS and has a slightly different focus. Whereas DNS focuses on making communication simpler by using machine names instead of numerical IP addresses, NIS focuses on making network administration more manageable by providing centralized control over a variety of network information. NIS stores information not only about machine names and addresses, but also about users, the network itself, and network services. This collection of network information is referred to as the NIS namespace.
Note In some contexts machine names are referred to has host names or machine names. This discussion uses machine, but some screen messages or NIS map names might use host or machine.
NIS Architecture
NIS uses a client-server arrangement. NIS servers provide services to NIS clients. The principal servers are called master servers, and for reliability, they have backup, or slave servers. Both master and slave servers use the NIS information retrieval software and both store NIS maps. NIS uses domains to arrange the machines, users, and networks in its namespace. However, it does not use a domain hierarchy; an NIS namespace is at. Thus, this physical network:
An NIS domain cannot be connected directly to the Internet using just NIS. However, organizations that want to use NIS and also be connected to the Internet can combine NIS with DNS. You can use NIS to manage all local information and use DNS for Internet host lookup. NIS provides a forwarding service that forwards host lookups to DNS if the information cannot be found in an NIS map. The Solaris operating environment also allows you to set up the nsswitch.conf le so that hosts lookup requests go only to DNS, or to DNS and then NIS if not found by DNS, or to NIS and then DNS if not found by NIS. See Chapter 2 for details.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Any machine can be an NIS client, but only machines with disks should be NIS servers, either master or slave. Servers are also clients, typically of themselves.
NIS Servers
The NIS server does not have to be the same machine as the NFS le server. NIS servers come in two varieties, master and slave. The machine designated as master server contains the set of maps that the system administrator creates and updates as necessary. Each NIS domain must have one, and only one, master server, which can propagate NIS updates with the least performance degradation. You can designate additional NIS servers in the domain as slave servers. A slave server has a complete copy of the master set of NIS maps. Whenever the master server maps are updated, the updates are propagated among the slave servers. Slave servers can handle any overow of requests from the master server, minimizing server unavailable errors. Normally, the system administrator designates one master server for all NIS maps. However, because each individual NIS map has the machine name of the master server encoded within it, you could designate different servers to act as master and slave servers for different maps. To minimize confusion, designate a single server as the master for all the maps you create within a single domain. The examples in this chapter assume that one server is the master for all maps in the domain.
NIS Clients
NIS clients run processes that request data from maps on the servers. Clients do not make a distinction between master and slave servers, since all NIS servers should have the same information.
NIS Elements
The NIS naming service is composed of the following elements:
Domains (see The NIS Domain on page 126). Maps (see NIS Maps on page 127). Daemons (see NIS Daemons on page 126). Utilities (see NIS Utilities on page 127). NIS Command Set (see NIS-Related Commands on page 131).
NIS Daemons
NIS service is provided by ve daemons as shown in Table 71.
TABLE 71 NIS Daemons Daemon Function
Server process Binding process High speed map transfer NIS password update daemon ** See NOTE below.**
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Note rpc.yppasswdd considers all shells that begin with an r to be restricted. This means that users who have a shell that begins with an r. For example, if you are in /bin/rksh, you are not allowed to change from that shell to another one. If you have a shell that begins with r but is not intended to be restricted as such, refer to Chapter 10 for the workaround.
NIS Utilities
NIS service is supported by nine utilities as shown in Table 72.
TABLE 72 NIS Utilities Utility Function
Creates dbm le for an NIS map Lists data in a map Builds and installs an NIS database and initializes NIS clients ypservers list. Finds a specic entry in a map Gets a map order number from a server Propagates data from NIS master to NIS slave server Sets binding to a particular server Lists name of the NIS server and nickname translation table Transfers data from master to slave NIS server
NIS Maps
The information in NIS maps is stored in ndbm format. ypfiles(4) and ndbm(3C) explain the format of the map le. NIS maps were designed to replace UNIX /etc les, as well as other conguration les, so they store much more than names and addresses. On a network running NIS, the NIS master server for each NIS domain maintains a set of NIS maps for other machines in the domain to query. NIS slave servers also maintain duplicates of the master servers maps. NIS client machines can obtain namespace information from either master or slave servers. NIS maps are essentially two-column tables. One column is the key and the other column is information related to the key. NIS nds information for a client by searching through the keys. Some information is stored in several maps because each
Chapter 7 Network Information Service (NIS) (Overview) 127
map uses a different key. For example, the names and addresses of machines are stored in two maps: hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr. When a server has a machines name and needs to nd its address, it looks in the hosts.byname map. When it has the address and needs to nd the name, it looks in the hosts.byaddr map. An NIS Makefile is stored in the /var/yp directory of machines designated as an NIS server at installation time. Running make in that directory causes makedbm to create or modify the default NIS maps from the input les. Note Always create maps on the master server, as maps created on a slave will not automatically be pushed to the master server.
Map Name
Contains path names of les clients need during boot: root, swap, possibly others. Contains machine names and Ethernet addresses. The Ethernet address is the key in the map. Same as ethers.byaddr, except the key is machine name instead of the Ethernet address. Contains group security information with group ID as key. Contains group security information with group name as key.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Contains machine name, and IP address, with IP address as key. Contains machine name and IP address, with machine (host) name as key. Contains aliases and mail addresses, with aliases as key. Contains mail address and alias, with mail address as key. Contains group name, user name and machine name. Same as netgroup.byhost, except that key is user name. Same as netgroup.byhost, except that key is group name. Used for UNIX-style authentication. Contains machine name and mail address (including domain name). If there is a netid le available it is consulted in addition to the data available through the other les. Contains network mask to be used with IP submitting, with the address as key. Contains names of networks known to your system and their IP addresses, with the address as key. Same as networks.byaddr, except key is name of network. Contains auditing information and the hidden password information for C2 clients. Contains password information with user name as key. Same as passwd.byname, except that key is user ID. Contains network protocols known to your network.
passwd.adjunct. byname passwd and shadow passwd and shadow passwd and shadow protocols
Same as protocols.byname, except that key is protocol number. Contains program number and name of RPCs known to your system. Key is RPC program number. Lists Internet services known to your network. Key is port or protocol. Lists Internet services known to your network. Key is service name. Lists NIS servers known to your network.
services N/A
New ipnodes maps (ipnodes.byaddr and ipnodes.byname) are added to NIS. The maps store both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. See ipnodes(4). NIS clients and servers can communicate using either IPv4 or IPv6 RPC transports.
where mapname is the name or the nickname of the map whose master you want to nd. ypwhich responds by displaying the name of the master server. For complete information, refer to the ypwhich man page.
NIS-Related Commands
The NIS service includes specialized daemons, system programs, and commands, which are summarized in the following table.
TABLE 74 Command
Services NIS clients requests for information from an NIS map. ypserv is a daemon that runs on NIS servers with a complete set of maps. At least one ypserv daemon must be present on the network for NIS service to function. Provides NIS server binding information to clients. It provides binding by nding a ypserv process that serves maps within the domain of the requesting client. ypbind must run on all servers and clients. Automatically creates maps for an NIS server from the input les. It is also used to construct the initial /var/yp/binding/domain/ypservers le on the clients. Use ypinit to set up the master NIS server and the slave NIS servers for the rst time. Updates NIS maps by reading the Makefile (when run in the /var/yp directory). You can use make to update all maps based on the input les or to update individual maps. The ypmake(1M) man page describes the functionality of make for NIS. makedbm takes an input le and converts it into dbm.dir and dbm.pag lesvalid dbm les that NIS can use as maps. You can also use makedbm -u to disassemble a map, so that you can see the key-value pairs that comprise it.
TABLE 74 Command
Pulls an NIS map from a remote server to the local /var/yp/domain directory, using NIS itself as the transport medium. You can run ypxfr interactively, or periodically from a crontab le. It is also called by ypserv to initiate a transfer. Provides map transfers service for ypxfr requests (generally slave servers). It is run only on the master server. Copies a new version of an NIS map from the NIS master server to its slaves. You run it on the master NIS server. Tells a ypbind process to bind to a named NIS server. This is not for casual use and its use is discouraged because of security implications. See the ypset(1M) and ypbind(1M) man pages for information about the ypset and ypsetme options to the ypbind process. Tells which version of an NIS map is running on a server that you specify. It also lists the master server for the map. Displays the contents of an NIS map. Prints the value for one or more specied keys in an NIS map. You cannot specify which version of the NIS server map you are seeing. Shows which NIS server a client is using at the moment for NIS services, or, if invoked with the -m mapname option, which NIS server is master of each of the maps. If only -m is used, it displays the names of all the maps available and their respective master servers.
ypcat ypmatch
NIS Binding
NIS clients get information from an NIS server through the binding process, which can work in one of two modes: server-list or broadcast.
Server-list. In the server-list mode, the ypbind process queries the /var/yp/binding/domain/ypservers list for the names of all of the NIS servers in the domain. The ypbind process binds only to servers in this le. The le is created by running ypinit -c. Broadcast. The ypbind process can also use an RPC broadcast to initiate a binding. Since broadcasts are only local subnet events that are not routed further, there must be at least one server (master or slave) on the same subnet as the client. The servers themselves might exist throughout different subnets since map propagation works across subnet boundaries. In a subnet environment, one common method is to make the subnet router an NIS server. This allows the domain server to serve clients on either subnet interface.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Server-List Mode
The binding process in server-list mode works as follows: 1. Any program, running on the NIS client machine that needs information provided by an NIS map, asks ypbind for the name of a server. 2. ypbind looks in the /var/yp/binding/domainname/ypservers le for a list of NIS servers for the domain. 3. ypbind initiates binding to the rst server in the list. If the server does not respond, ypbind tries the second, and so on, until it nds a server or exhausts the list. 4. ypbind tells the client process which server to talk to. The client then sends the request directly to the server. 5. The ypserv daemon on the NIS server handles the request by consulting the appropriate map. 6. ypserv sends the requested information back to the client.
Broadcast Mode
The broadcast mode binding process works as follows: 1. ypbind must be started with the broadcast option set (broadcast). 2. ypbind issues an RPC broadcast in search of an NIS server. Note In order to support such clients, it is necessary to have an NIS server on each subnet requiring NIS service.
3. ypbind initiates binding to the rst server that responds to the broadcast. 4. ypbind tells the client process which server to talk to. The client then sends the request directly to the server. 5. The ypserv daemon on the NIS server handles the request by consulting the appropriate map. 6. ypserv sends the requested information back to the client. Normally, once a client is bound to a server it stays bound to that server until something causes it to change. For example, if a server goes out of service, the clients it served will then bind to new servers. To nd out which NIS server is currently providing service to a specic client, use the following command. %ypwhich machinename
Chapter 7 Network Information Service (NIS) (Overview) 133
Where machinename is the name of the client. If no machine name is mentioned, ypwhich defaults to the local machine (that is, the machine on which the command is run).
NSKit Discontinued
The most recent Solaris releases have not included NIS service. Up to now, NIS service had to be installed from the unbundled NSKit. NIS has now been included in the Solaris 2.6 and there is no 2.6 NSKit. Because NIS service is now part of the Solaris 2.6, the SUNWnsktu and SUNWnsktr packages no longer exist. Instead, NIS is now installed via the NIS Server cluster (containing the SUNWypu and SUNWypr packages). NIS service is no longer started with the /etc/init.d/yp script which no longer exists. With the Solaris 2.6, you rst congure your master server NIS maps with the ypinit script, and then start NIS with ypstart. NIS service is stopped with the ypstop command.
As with the previous NSKit release, the /var/yp/securenets le is now used to limit access to NIS services. If such a le exists on an NIS server, the server only answers queries or supplies maps to machines and networks whose IP addresses are listed in the le. For the le format, see securenets(4). The following is an example of a securenets le. host host 134 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
where is the netmask and is the network address. For the set up in line 1, ypserv responds to only those addresses in the subnet range. If you modify entries in the /var/yp/securenets le, you must kill and restart the ypserv and ypxfrd daemons.
If the make macro PWDIR is set to the /etc directory, NIS can operate only in the Solaris 2 mode because of the Solaris 2 passwd processing requirements. However, if PWDIR points to any directory other than /etc, the user has the option of keeping passwd conguration les in either the SunOS 4 format or in the Solaris 2 format. The rpc.yppasswdd daemon understands both password formats. The Solaris 2 format is recommended.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter describes initial set up and conguration of the Network Information Service (NIS). Note In some contexts, machine names are referred to as host names or machine names. This discussion uses machine, but some screen messages or NIS map names might use host or machine.
Conguring NIS Task Map on page 137 Before You Begin Conguring NIS on page 138 Planning Your NIS Domain on page 138 Preparing the Master Server on page 139 Starting NIS Service on the Master Server on page 144 Setting Up NIS Slave Servers on page 145 Setting Up NIS Clients on page 147
For Instructions, Go To
Set up master server using ypinit Start NIS on master server. Set up slave servers. Set up NIS client.
How to Set Up the Master Server With ypinit on page 142 Starting NIS Service on the Master Server on page 144 Setting Up a Slave Server on page 145 Setting Up NIS Clients on page 147
Install properly congured nsswitch.conf les on all the machines that will be using NIS. See Chapter 2 for details. Plan your NIS domain. See the following section.
For example, the master server password input les should be stored in a directory such as /var/yp, or any directory of your choice, as long as the le itself is not a link to another le and its location is specied in the Makefile. The /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart script automatically sets the correct directory option according to the conguration specied in your Makefile. Caution Be sure that the passwd le in the directory specied by PWDDIR does not contain an entry for root.
If your source les are in a directory other than /etc, you must alter the PWDIR password macro in the Makefile to refer to the directory where the passwd and shadow les reside, changing the line PWDIR=/etc to PWDIR/your-choice, where your-choice is the name of the directory you will be using to store the passwd map source les.
auto.home or auto_home auto.master or auto_master bootparams ethers group hosts ipnodes netgroup netmasks networks passwd protocols rpc service shadow user_attr
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
3. Copy all of these source les, except passwd, to the DIR directory that you have selected. 4. Copy the passwd le to the PWDIR directory that you have selected. 5. Copy audit_user, auth_attr, exec_attr, and prof_attr to the selected RBACDIR directory. 6. Check the /etc/mail/aliases le. Unlike other source les, the /etc/mail/aliases le cannot be moved to another directory. This le must reside in the /etc/mail directory. Make sure that the /etc/mail/aliases source le contains all the mail aliases that you want to have available throughout the domain. Refer to aliases(4) for more information. 7. Clean all comments and other extraneous lines and information from the source les. These operations can be done through a sed or awk script or with a text editor. The Makefile performs some le cleaning automatically for you, but it is good practice to examine and clean these les by hand before running. 8. Make sure that the data in all the source les is correctly formatted. Source le data needs to be in the correct format for that particular le. Check the man pages for the different les to make sure that each le is in the correct format.
Nondefault maps If you have created your own non-default source les and want to convert them to NIS maps, you must add those source les to the Makefile.
DIR value. If you want the Makefile to use source les stored in some directory other than /etc, as explained in Source Files Directory on page 139, you must change the value of DIR in the Makefile to the directory that you want to use. When changing this value in the Makefile, do not indent the line. PWDIR value If you want the Makefile to use passwd, shadow, and/or adjunct source les stored in some directory other than /etc, you must change the value of PWDIR in the Makefile to the directory that you want to use. When changing this value in the Makefile, do not indent the line.
Domain name resolver If you want the NIS server to use the domain name resolver for machines not in the current domain, comment out the Makefile line B=, and uncomment (activate) the line B= -b.
The function of the Makefile is to create the appropriate NIS maps for each of the databases listed under all. After passing through makedbm the data is collected in two les, mapname.dir and mapname.pag. Both les are in the /var/yp/domainname directory on the master server. The Makefile builds passwd maps from the /PWDIR/passwd, /PWDIR/shadow, and /PWDIR/security/passwd.adjunct les, as appropriate.
6. When ypinit asks whether you want the procedure to terminate at the rst nonfatal error or continue despite nonfatal errors, type y. When you choose y, ypinit exits upon encountering the rst problem; you can then x it and restart ypinit. This is recommended if you are running ypinit for the rst time. If you prefer to continue, you can try to manually x all problems that occur, and then restart ypinit. Note A nonfatal error can appear when some of the map les are not present. This is not an error that affects the functionality of NIS. You might need to add maps manually if they were not created automatically. Refer to Default NIS Maps on page 128 for a description of all default NIS maps.
7. ypinit asks whether the existing les in the /var/yp/domainname directory can be destroyed. This message is displayed only if NIS has been previously installed. 8. After ypinit has constructed the list of servers, it invokes make. This program uses the instructions contained in the Makefile (either the default one or the one you modied) located in /var/yp. The make command cleans any remaining comment lines from the les you designated. It also runs makedbm on the les, creating the appropriate maps and establishing the name of the master server for each map. If the map or maps being pushed by the Makefile correspond to a domain other than the one returned by the command domainname on the master, you can make sure that they are pushed to the correct domain by starting make in the ypinit shell script with a proper identication of the variable DOM, as follows:
# make DOM=domainname password
This pushes the password map to the intended domain, instead of the domain to which the master belongs. 9. To enable NIS as the naming service, type the following. # cp /etc/nsswitch.nis /etc/nsswitch.conf This replaces the current switch le with the default NIS-oriented switch le. You can edit this le as necessary.
Run the domainname command on the server. The domain name returned by the command is the servers default domain. The steps described in the previous section will work properly for setting up service for that domain. To congure service for any other domain, you must modify the ypinit shell script as follows. # make DOM=correct-domain passwd correct-domain is the name of the other domain that you are setting up service for, and passwd is the make target. This command pushes the passwd map to the intended domain, instead of the domain to which the master belongs.
By automatically invoking the /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart script during the boot process Using ypstart from the command line
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Note Because there is a slight delay before ypserv is ready to respond to calls after startup, you should issue a three to ve second sleep after ypstart when calling it from inside a program or script.
Make sure that the network is working properly before you congure an NIS slave server. In particular, check to be sure you can use rcp to send les from the master NIS server to NIS slaves.
3. Change directory to /var/yp on the slave server. Note You must rst congure the new slave server as an NIS client so that it can get the NIS maps from the master for the rst time. See Setting Up NIS Clients on page 147 for details.
4. To initialize the slave server as a client, type the following. # /usr/sbin/ypinit -c The ypinit command prompts you for a list of NIS servers. Enter the name of the local slave you are working on rst, then the master server, followed by the other NIS slave servers in your domain in order from the physically closest to the furthest in network terms. 5. To determine if ypbind is running, type the following. # ps -ef | grep ypbind If a listing is displayed, ypbind is running. 6. If ypbind is running, stop it. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop 7. Type the following to restart ypbind. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart 8. To initialize this machine as a slave, type the following. # /usr/sbin/ypinit -s master Where master is the machine name of the existing NIS master server. Repeat the procedures described in this section for each machine you want congured as an NIS slave server. The following procedure shows how to start NIS on a slave server.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
ypinit. The recommended method for conguring a client machine to use NIS is to login to the machine as root and run ypinit -c. # ypinit c You will be asked to name NIS servers from which the client obtains naming service information. You can list as many master or slave servers as you want. The servers that you list can be located anywhere in the domain. It is a better practice to rst list the servers closest (in network terms) to the machine, than those that are on more distant parts of the net.
Broadcast method. An older method of conguring a client machine to use NIS to log in to the machine as root, set the domain name with the domainname command, then run ypbind. # domainname # ypbind -broadcast When you run ypbind, it searches the local subnet for an NIS server. If it nds a subnet, ypbind binds to it. This search is referred to as broadcasting. If there is no NIS server on the clients local subnet, ypbind fails to bind and the client machine is not able to obtain namespace data from the NIS service.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter describes how to administer NIS. The following topics are covered.
Password Files and Namespace Security on page 149 Administering NIS Users on page 150 Working With NIS Maps on page 153 Updating and Modifying Existing Maps on page 159 Adding a Slave Server on page 164 Using NIS With C2 Security on page 165 Changing a Machines NIS Domain on page 166 Using NIS in Conjunction With DNS on page 166 Turning Off NIS Services on page 168
It is best to limit access to the NIS maps on the master server. The les used to build the NIS password maps should not contain an entry for root to protect against unauthorized access. To accomplish this, the password les used to build the password maps should have the root entry removed from them and be located in a directory other than the master servers /etc directory. This directory should be secured against unauthorized access.
For example, the master server password input les could be stored in a directory such as /var/yp, or any directory of your choice, as long as the le itself is not a link to another le and is specied in the Makele. The /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart script automatically sets the correct directory option according to the conguration specied in your Makefile.
Note In addition to the older Solaris 1 version passwd le format, this implementation of NIS accepts the Solaris 2 passwd and shadow le formats as input for building the NIS password maps.
brown:x:123:10:User brown:/home/brown:/bin/csh:
The line for brown that you would copy from /etc/shadow would look like:
5. Make sure that the Makefile correctly species the directory where the password input le resides. 6. If appropriate, delete the new users entries from /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow input les. For security reasons, do not keep user entries in the NIS master server /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow les. After copying the entries for the new user to the NIS map source les that are stored in some other directory, use the userdel command on the master server to delete the new user. For example, to delete the new user brown from the master servers /etc les, you would enter the following. # userdel brown For more information about userdel, see the userdel man page. 7. Update the NIS passwd maps. After you have updated the passwd input le on the master server, update the passwd maps by running make in the directory containing the source le. #userdel brown # cd /var/yp # /usr/ccs/bin/make passwd 8. Tell the new user the initial password you have assigned to his or her login ID. After logging in, the new user can run passwd at any time to establish a different password.
Note No arguments should follow the rpc.yppasswd -m command. Although you can edit the ypstart script le to achieve a different action, it is not recommended that you modify this le other than optionally removing the -m option. All commands and daemons invoked by this le with the proper set of command line parameters. If you choose to edit this le, be especially careful when editing the rpc.yppasswdd command. If you add an explicit call to the passwd.adjunct le, the exact $PWDIR/security/passwd.adjunct path must be used; otherwise, incorrect processing results.
NIS netgroups are groups (sets) of users or machines that you dene for your administrative purposes. For example, you can create netgroups that do the following
Dene a set of users who can access a specic machine Dene a set of NFS client machines to be given some specic le system access Dene a set of users who are to have administrator privileges on all the machines in a particular NIS domain
Each netgroup is given a netgroup name. Netgroups do not directly set permissions or access rights. Instead, the netgroup names are used by other NIS maps in places where a user name or machine name would normally be used. For example, suppose you created a netgroup of network administrators called netadmins. To grant all members of the netadmins group access to a given machine, you need only add a netadmin entry to that machines /etc/passwd le. Netgroup names can also be added to the /etc/netgroup le and propagated to the NIS netgroup map. See netgroup(4) for more detailed information on using netgroups. On a network using NIS, the netgroup input le on the master NIS server is used for generating three maps: netgroup, netgroup.byuser, and netgroup.byhost. The netgroup map contains the basic information in the netgroup input le. The two other NIS maps contain information in a format that speeds lookups of netgroup information, given the machine or user. Entries in the netgroup input le are in the format: name ID, where name is the name you give to a netgroup, and ID identies a machine or user who belongs to the netgroup. You can specify as many IDs (members) to a netgroup as you want, separated by commas. For example, to create a netgroup with three members, the netgroup input le entry would be in the format: name ID, ID, ID. The member IDs in a netgroup input le entry are in the following format.
([-|machine], [-|user], [domain])
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Where machine is a machine name, user is a user ID, and domain is the machine or users NIS domain. The domain element is optional and should only be used to identify machines or users in some other NIS domain. The machine and user element of each members entry are required, but a dash (-) is used to denote a null. There is no necessary relationship between the machine and user elements in an entry. The following are two sample netgroup input le entries, each of which create a netgroup named admins composed of the users hauri and juanita who is in the remote domain sales and the machines altair and sirius.
admins (altair, hauri), (sirius,juanita,sales) admins (altair,-), (sirius,-), (-,hauri), (-,juanita,sales)
Various programs use the netgroup NIS maps for permission checking during login, remote mount, remote login, and remote shell creation. These programs include mountd, login, rlogin, and rsh. The login command consults the netgroup maps for user classications if it encounters netgroup names in the passwd database. The mountd daemon consults the netgroup maps for machine classications if it encounters netgroup names in the /etc/dfs/dfstab le. rlogin and rsh In fact, any program that uses the ruserok interface consults the netgroup maps for both machine and user classications if they encounter netgroup names in the /etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts les. If you add a new NIS user or machine to your network, be sure to add them to appropriate netgroups in the netgroup input le. Then use the make and yppush commands to create the netgroup maps and push them to all of your NIS servers. See netgroup(4) for detailed information on using netgroups and netgroup input le syntax.
% ypcat -k mapname To list all the map nicknames, type any of the following commands. %ypcat x % ypwhich x % ypmatch x To list all the available maps and their master(s), type the following. % ypwhich m To list the master server for a particular map, type the following. % ypwhich -m mapname To match a key with an entry in a map, type the following. % ypmatch key mapname If the item you are looking for is not a key in a map, type the following. % ypcat mapname | grep item where item is the information for which you are searching. To obtain information about other domains, use the -d domainname options of these commands. If the machine requesting information for a domain other than its default does not have a binding for the requested domain, ypbindconsults the /var/yp/binding/domainname/ypservers le for a list of servers for that domain. If this le does not exist it issues an RPC broadcast for a server. In this case, there must be a server for the requested domain on the same subnet as the requesting machine.
newmaster# cd /var/yp 3. The Makefile must have an entry for the new map before you specify the map to make. If this is not the case, edit the Makefile now, using a map called sites.byname. 4. To update or remake the map, type the following. newmaster# make sites.byname 5. If the old master remains an NIS server, remote log in (rlogin) to the old master and edit Makefile. Make sure you comment out the section of the Makefile that made sites.byname so that it is no longer made there. 6. If sites.byname only exists as an ndbm le, remake it on the new master by disassembling a copy from any NIS server, then running the disassembled version through makedbm. newmaster# cd /var/yp newmaster# ypcat sites.byname | makedbm -domain/sites.byname After making the map on the new master, you must send a copy of the new map to the other slave servers. Do not use yppush, because the other slaves will try to get new copies from the old master, rather than the new one. A typical method for circumventing this is to transfer a copy of the map from the new master back to the old master. To do this, become superuser on the old master server and type the following. oldmaster# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypxfr -h newmaster sites.byname Now it is safe to run yppush. Any remaining slave servers still believe that the old master is the current master and will attempt to get the current version of the map from the old master. When clients do so, they will get the new map, which names the new master as the current master. If this method fails, you can log in as root on each NIS server and execute the ypxfr command shown above.
/var/yp/Makefile to add or delete supported maps Adding or deleting /etc/resolv.conf to allow or deny DNS forwarding Adding or deleting $PWDIR/security/passwd.adjunct to allow or deny C2 security. ($PWDIR is dened in /var/yp/Makefile.)
Deleting a map or source le from an NIS master server does not automatically result in corresponding deletions from slave servers. You must delete maps and source les from slave servers by hand. New maps do not automatically get pushed to existing slave servers. You must run ypxfr from the slaves.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Writing the time rule Adding the rule for the database
For example, in order for the Makefile to work on automounter input les, you would have to add the auto_direct.time and auto_home.time maps to the NIS database. To add these maps to the NIS database:
The order of the entries is not relevant, but the blank space at the beginning of the continuation lines must be a Tab, not spaces. 3. Add the following lines at the end of the Makefile:
auto_direct: auto_direct.time auto_home: auto_home.time
CHKPIPE makes certain that the operations to the left of the pipe (|) are successfully completed before piping the results to next commands. If the operations to the left of the pipe do not successfully complete, the process is terminated with a NIS make terminated message. NOPUSH prevents the makele from calling yppush to transfer the new map to the slave servers. If NOPUSH is not set, the push is done automatically.
The while loop at the beginning is designed to eliminate any backslash-extended lines in the input le. The sed script eliminates comment and empty lines. The same procedure should be followed for all other automounter maps, such as auto_home, or any other nondefault maps.
5. Run make. # make mapname Where mapname is the name of the map you want to make. If you do not want the Makefile to produce maps for a specic database, edit the Makefile as follows. 1. Delete the name of the database from the all rule. 2. Delete or comment out the database rule for the database you want to delete. For example, to delete the hosts database, the hosts.time entry should be removed. 3. Remove the time rule. For example, to delete the hosts database, the hosts: hosts.time entry should be removed. 4. Remove the map from the master and slave servers.
DIR= The directory containing all of the NIS input les except passwd and shadow. The default value is /etc. Since it is not good practice to use the les in the master servers /etc directory as NIS input les, you should change this value. PWDIR= The directory containing the passwd and shadow NIS input les. Since it is not good practice to use the les in the master servers /etc directory as NIS input les, you should change this value. DOM= The NIS domain name. The default value of DOM is set using the domainname command. However, most NIS commands use the current machines domain which is set in the machines /etc/defaultdomain le.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
A default map is a map in the default set created by ypinit from the network databases. Nondefault maps can be any of the following.
Maps included with an application purchased from a vendor Maps created specically for your site Maps created from a nontext le
The following sections explain how to use various updating tools. In practice, you might decide to only use them if you add nondefault maps or change the set of NIS servers after the system is already up and running.
Occasionally, maps fail to propagate and you must to use ypxfr manually to send new map information. You can choose to use ypxfr in two different ways: periodically through the root crontab le, or interactively on the command line. These approaches are discussed in the following sections.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
The script names are ypxfr_1perday, ypxfr_1perhour, and ypxfr_2perday. You can modify or replace these shell scripts to t your site requirements. Example 91 shows the default ypxfr_1perday shell script.
#! /bin/sh # # - Do daily yp map check/updates PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/netsvc/yp:$PATH export PATH # set -xv ypxfr group.byname ypxfr group.bygid ypxfr protocols.byname ypxfr protocols.bynumber ypxfr networks.byname ypxfr networks.byaddr ypxfr services.byname ypxfr ypservers
This shell script updates the maps once per day, if the root crontab is executed daily. You can also have scripts that update maps once a week, once a month, once every hour, and so forth, but be aware of the performance degradation implied in frequently propagating the maps. Run the same shell scripts as root on each slave server congured for the NIS domain. Alter the exact time of execution from one server to another to avoid bogging down the master. If you want to transfer the map from a particular slave server, use the -h machine option of ypxfr within the shell script. Here is the syntax of the commands you put in the script. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypxfr -h machine [ -c ] mapname Where machine is the name of the server with the maps you want to transfer, and mapname is the name of the requested map. If you use the -h option without specifying a machine, ypxfr tries to get the map from the master server. If ypserv is not running locally at the time ypxfr is executed, you must use the -c ag so that ypxfr does not send a clear current map request to the local ypserver. You can use the -s domain option to transfer maps from another domain to your local domain. These maps should be the same across domains. For example, two domains might share the same services.byname and services.byaddr maps. Alternatively, you can use rcp, or rdist for more control, to transfer les across domains.
Use the Makele. Using the Makele is the preferred method of building a non-default map. If the map has an entry in the Makefile, run make name where name is the name of map you want to build. If the map does not have a Makefile entry, try to create one following the instructions in Modifying and Using the Makefile on page 156. Use the /usr/sbin/makedbm program. makedbm(1M) fully describes this command.
Redirect the makedbm -u output to a temporary le, modify the le, then use the modied le as input to makedbm. Have the output of makedbm -u operated on within a pipeline that feeds into makedbm. This is appropriate if you can update the disassembled map with either awk, sed, or a cat append.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
% rm mymap.temp Then propagate the map to the slave servers, by becoming root and typing the following. # yppush mymap The preceding paragraphs explained how to use makedbm to create maps; however, almost everything you actually have to do can be done by ypinit and Makefile unless you add nondefault maps to the database or change the set of NIS servers after the system is already up and running. Whether you use the Makefile in /var/yp or some other procedure the goal is the same. Anew pair of well-formed dbm les must end up in the maps directory on the master server.
1. Log in to the master server as a superuser. 2. Change to the NIS domain directory. # cd /var/yp/domainname 3. Disassemble the ypservers le. # makedbm -u ypservers >/tmp/temp_file The makedbm command converts ypservers from ndbm format to a temporary ASCII le /tmp/temp_file. 4. Edit the /tmp/temp_file le using a text editor. Add the name of the new slave server to the list of servers. Then save and close the le. 5. Run the makedbm command with temp_file as the input le and ypservers as the output le. # makedbm /tmp/temp_file ypservers makedbm then converts ypservers back into ndbm format.
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6. Verify that the ypservers map is correct (since there is no ASCII le for ypservers) by typing the following on the slave. slave3# makedbm -u ypservers The makedbm command displays each entry in ypservers on your screen. Note If a machine name is not in ypservers, it will not receive updates to the map les because yppush consults this map for the list of slave servers.
7. Set up the new slave servers NIS domain directory by copying the NIS map set from the master server. To do this, become superuser on the new NIS slave and run the ypinit and ypbind commands. slave3# cd /var/yp slave3# ypinit -c list of servers slave3# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind 8. Initialize this machine as a slave. slave3# /usr/sbin/ypinit -s ypmaster where ypmaster is the machine name of the existing NIS master server. 9. Run ypstop to stop the machine running as an NIS client. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop 10. Run ypstart to start NIS slave service. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart
1. Become superuser. 2. Edit the machines /etc/defaultdomain le, exchanging its present contents with the new domain name for the machine. For example, if the current domain name is, you might change it to 3. Run domainname cat /etc/defaultdomain 4. Set the machine up as an NIS client, slave, or master server. See for Chapter 8 for details.
Conguring Machine Name and Address Lookup Through NIS and DNS
1. Log into the machine and become a superuser. 2. The two map les, hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr must include the YP_INTERDOMAIN key. To test this key, edit the Makefile and modify the following lines.
#B=-b B=
B=-b #B= 166 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
makedbm will now start with the b ag when it makes the maps, and the YP_INTERDOMAIN key will be inserted into the ndbm les. 3. Run make to rebuild maps. # /usr/ccs/bin/make hosts 4. Check that all the NIS servers /etc/resolv.conf les point to valid nameservers. Note If you have NIS servers that are not running Solaris, Release 2, make sure YP_INTERDOMAIN exists in the hosts maps.
5. To enable DNS forwarding, stop each server. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop 6. Restart each server. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart In this implementation of NIS, ypstart will automatically start the ypserv daemon with the d option to forward requests to DNS.
Solaris NIS
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
NIS Troubleshooting
This chapter explains how to resolve problems encountered on networks running NIS. It covers problems seen on an NIS client and those seen on an NIS server. Before trying to debug an NIS server or client, review Chapter 7 which explains the NIS environment. Then look for the subheading in this section that best describes your problem.
Messages saying that ypbind cant nd or communicate with a server. Messages saying that server not responding. Messages saying that NIS is unavailable Commands on a client limp along in background mode or function much slower than normal Commands on a client hang. Sometimes commands hang even though the system as a whole seems ne and you can run new commands Commands on a client crash with obscure messages, or no message at all
If the domain name returned by running domainname on a machine is not the same as the server domain name listed as a directory in /var/yp, the domain name specied in the machines /etc/defaultdomain le is incorrect. Log in as superuser and correct the clients domain name in the machines /etc/defaultdomain le. This assures that the domain name is correct every time the machine boots. Now reboot the machine.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
No Server Available
If your domain name is set correctly, ypbind is running, and you get messages indicating that the client cannot communicate with a server, this might indicate a number of different problems:
Does the client have a /var/yp/binding/domainname/ypservers le containing a list of servers to bind to? If not, run ypinit -c and specify in order of preference the servers that this client should bind to. If the client does have a /var/yp/binding/domainname/ypservers le, are there enough servers listed in it if one or two become unavailable? If not, add additional servers to the list by running yppinit -c. If none of the servers listed in the clients ypservers le are available, the client searches for an operating server using broadcast mode. If there is a functioning server on the clients subnet, the client will nd it (though performance might be slowed during the search). If there are no functioning servers on the clients subnet can solve the problem in several ways:
If the client has no server on the subnet and no route to one, you can install a new slave server on that subnet. You can make sure your routers are congured to pass broadcast packets so that the client can use broadcast to nd a server on another subnet. You can use the netstat -r command to verify the route. If there should be a route, but it is not working, make sure that the route daemon in.routed/in.rdisc is running. If it is not running, start it.
Note For reasons of security and administrative control it is preferable to specify the servers a client is to bind to in the clients ypservers le rather than have the client search for servers through broadcasting. Broadcasting slows down the network, slows the client, and prevents you from balancing server load by listing different servers for different clients.
Do the servers listed in a clients ypservers le have entries in the /etc/hosts le? If not, add the servers to the NIS maps hosts input le and rebuild your maps by running yppinit -c or ypinit -s as described Working With NIS Maps on page 153. Is the /etc/nsswitch.conf le set up to consult the machines local hosts le in addition to NIS? See Chapter 2 for more information on the switch. Is the /etc/nsswitch.conf le set up to consult files rst for services and rpc?
ypbind Crashes
If ypbind crashes almost immediately each time it is started, look for a problem in some other part of the system. Check for the presence of the rpcbind daemon by typing the following. % ps -ef | grep rpcbind If rpcbind is not present or does not stay up or behaves strangely, consult your RPC documentation.
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You might be able to communicate with rpcbind on the problematic client from a machine operating normally. From the functioning machine, type the following. % rpcinfo client If rpcbind on the problematic machine is ne, rpcinfo produces the following output.
program ... 100007 100007 100007 100007 100007 100007 ... version 2 1 1 2 2 2 netid address service owner
udp ypbind superuser udp ypbind superuser tcp ypbind superuser tcp ypbind superuser ticotsord \000\000\020H ypbind superuser ticots \000\000\020K ypbind superuser
Your machine will have different addresses. If the addresses are not displayed, ypbind has been unable to register its services. Reboot the machine and run rpcinfo again. If the ypbind processes are there and they change each time you try to restart /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind, reboot the system, even if the rpcbind daemon is running.
Under these circumstances, every client on the network experiences the same or similar problems. In most cases, the condition is temporary. The messages usually go away when the NIS server reboots and restarts ypserv, or when the load on the NIS servers or network itself decreases.
Server Malfunction
Make sure the servers are up and running. If you are not physically near the servers, use the ping command.
If either the ypbind or ypserv daemons are not running, kill them and then restart them by entering the following. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart If both the ypserv and ypbind processes are running on the NIS server, use ypwhich. If ypwhich does not respond, ypserv has probably hung and should be restarted. While logged in as root on the server, kill ypserv and restart it by typing the following. # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart
The most common cause of map discrepancy is that something is preventing normal map propagation. For example, an NIS server or router between NIS servers is down. When all NIS servers and the routers between them are running, ypxfr should succeed. If the servers and routers are functioning properly, check the following:
Log ypxfr output (see Logging ypxfr Output on page 175). Check the control les (see Check the crontab File and ypxfr Shell Script on page 175). Check the ypservers map on the master. See Check the ypservers Map on page 176.
Work Around
If the NIS slave server problem is not obvious, you can work around it while you debug using rcp or ftp to copy a recent version of the inconsistent map from any healthy NIS server. The following shows how to transfer the problem map. ypslave# rcp ypmaster:/var/yp/mydomain/map.\* /var/yp/mydomain The * character has been escaped in the command line, so that it will be expanded on ypmaster, instead of locally on ypslave.
ypserv Crashes
When the ypserv process crashes almost immediately, and does not stay up even with repeated activations, the debug process is virtually identical to that described in ypbind Crashes on page 172. Check for the existence of the rpcbind daemon as follows. ypserver% ps -e | grep rpcbind Reboot the server if you do not nd the daemon. Otherwise, if the daemon is running, type the following and look for similar output. % rpcinfo -p ypserver
% program 100000 100000 100068 ... 100007 100004 100004 100004 100004 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 vers tcp tcp udp tcp udp udp tcp tcp proto port 111 portmapper 111 portmapper 32813 cmsd 34900 731 731 732 32772 ypbind ypserv ypserv ypserv ypserv service
Your machine might have different port numbers. The four entries representing the ypserv process are the following.
100004 100004 100004 100004 2 1 1 2 udp udp tcp tcp 731 731 732 32772 ypserv ypserv ypserv ypserv
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
If there are no entries, and ypserv is unable to register its services with rpcbind, reboot the machine. If there are entries, de-register the service from rpcbind before restarting ypserv. To de-register the service from rpcbind, on the server type the following. # rpcinfo -d number 1 # rpcinfo -d number 2 where number is the ID number reported by rpcinfo (100004, in the example above).
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
The following chapter discusses how to congure the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter discusses how to congure the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1. You must complete the procedures contained in this chapter before you can go on to congure the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 for use with Solaris LDAP clients. Note If you are using a directory server other than the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, skip this chapter. See Generic Directory Server Requirements on page 275 for list of basic requirements for other directory servers when used in conjunction with Solaris LDAP naming service clients.
Refer to the following iPlanet manuals for in-depth information regarding the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1.
iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Schema Reference Guide iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Deployment Manual iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Conguration, Command, and File Reference iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide
Preparing for Conguration on page 182 Conguration Components on page 182 Conguration Choices on page 183 Choosing Unique Port Numbers on page 183 Choosing User and Group on page 184 Dening Authentication Entities on page 184 Choosing Your Directory Suffix on page 185 Choosing the Location of the Conguration Directory on page 186 Choosing the Location of the User Directory on page 187 Choosing the Administration Domain on page 187 Conguration Process Overview on page 188 Using Express Conguration on page 189
The iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Deployment Guide contains basic directory concepts as well as guidelines to help you design and successfully deploy your directory service.
Conguration Components
iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 contains the following software components, which are installed by default when you install the entire Solaris disk suite.
iPlanet Console The iPlanet Console provides the common user interface for all iPlanet server products. From it you can perform common server administration functions such as stopping and starting servers and installing new server instances. iPlanet Console can be installed as a stand-alone application on any machine. You can also install it on your network and use it to manage remote servers.
Administration Server The Administration Server is a common front-end to all iPlanet servers. It receives communications from iPlanet Console and passes those communications on to the appropriate iPlanet server.
iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 The iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 is a high-performance, scalable LDAP server with an on-disk database. The iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 runs as the ns-slapd process on Solaris. This is the server that manages the directory databases and responds to client requests. iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 is a required component.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Conguration Choices
During Directory Server conguration, you are prompted for basic information. Decide how you are going to congure these basic parameters before you begin the conguration process. You are prompted for some or all of following information, depending on the type of conguration that you decide to perform the following.
Port number Users and groups to run the server as Your directory suffix Several different authentication user IDs The administration domain
The standard iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 (LDAP) port number is 389. Port 636 is reserved for LDAP over SSL. Therefore, do not use port number 636 for your standard LDAP conguration, even if 636 is not already in use. You can also use LDAP over TLS on the standard LDAP port. Port numbers between 1 and 1024 have been assigned to various services by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Do not use port numbers below 1024 other than 389 or 636 for directory services as they will conict with other services. Additionally, port numbers below 1024 are accessible by root only. iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 must run as root using either port 389 or 636. Make sure the ports you choose are not already in use. Additionally, if you are using both LDAP and LDAPS communications, make sure the port numbers chosen for these two types of access are not identical.
Note If the LDAP naming service clients are using SSL encryption, you must use the default port numbers 389 and 636, so that the server runs as root. See Transport Layer Security (TLS) on page 209 for information on Transport Layer Security.
For information on how to set up LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) for the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, see the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide.
The user and group under which you will run iPlanet Directory Server 5.1. If you will not be running the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 as root, it is strongly recommended that you create a user account for all iPlanet servers. You should not use any existing operating system account, and must not use the nobody account. Also you should create a common group for the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 les; again, you must not use the nobody group
The user and group under which you will run Administration Server. For congurations that use the default port numbers, this must be root. However, if you use ports over 1024, then you should create a user account for all iPlanet servers, and run Administration Server as this account. As a security precaution, when Administration Server is being run as root, it should be shut it down when it is not in use.
You should use a common group for all iPlanet servers, such as gid iPlanet, to ensure that les can be shared between servers when necessary. Before you can install iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 and Administration Server, you must make sure that the user and group accounts you will use exist on your system.
Directory Manager DN and password The Directory Manager DN is the special directory entry to which access control does not apply. Think of the directory manager as your directorys superuser. (In former releases of iPlanet Directory Server, the Directory Manager DN was known as the root DN). The default Directory Manager DN is cn=Directory Manager. Because the Directory Manager DN is a special entry, the Directory Manager DN does not have to conform to any suffix congured for your iPlanet Directory Server 5.1. Therefore, you must not manually create an actual iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 entry that has
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
the same DN as the directory manager DN. The Directory Manager password must be at least 8 characters long, and is limited to ASCII letters, digits, and symbols. Note It is wise to use the same Directory Manager DN and password for all of your LDAP servers, especially if you have set the replicas to follow referrals to the master server during client add and modify operations.
Conguration Directory Administrator ID and password The conguration directory administrator is the person responsible for managing all the iPlanet servers accessible through iPlanet Console. If you log in with this user ID, then you can administer any iPlanet server that you can see in the server topology area of iPlanet Console. For security, the conguration directory administrator should not be the same as the directory manager. The default conguration directory administrator ID is admin.
The Administration Server User and password You are prompted for this only during custom congurations. The Administration Server user is the special user that has all privileges for the local Administration Server. Authentication as this person allows you to administer all the iPlanet servers stored on this server. Administration Server user ID and password is used only when the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 is down and you are unable to log in as the conguration directory administrator. The existence of this user ID means that you can access Administration Server and perform disaster recovery activities such as starting iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, reading log les, and so forth. Normally, Administration Server user and password should be identical to the conguration directory administrator ID and password.
Always back up your conguration directory after you install a new iPlanet server Never change the host name or port number used by the conguration directory Never directly modify the conguration directory tree. Only the setup program for the various iPlanet servers should ever modify the conguration
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
All servers share the same conguration directory, regardless of the domain to which they belong Servers in two different domains may use two different user directories for authentication and user management The conguration directory administrator has complete access to all installed iPlanet servers, regardless of the domain to which they belong Each administration domain can be congured with an administration domain owner. This owner has complete access to all the servers in the domain but does not have access to the servers in any other administration domain The administration domain owner can grant individual users administrative access on a server by server basis within the domain
For many congurations, you can have just one administration domain. In this case, choose a name that is representative of your organization. For other congurations, you may want different domains because of the demands at your site. In the latter case, try to name your administration domains after the organizations that will control the servers in that domain. For example, if you are an ISP and you have three customers for whom you are installing and managing iPlanet servers, create three administration domains each named after a different customer.
Express conguration Use this if you are installing for the purposes of evaluating or testing iPlanet Directory Server 5.1. See Using Express Conguration on page 189.
Typical conguration Use this if you are performing a normal install of iPlanet Directory Server 5.1. See Using Typical Conguration on page 190.
Custom conguration In iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, the custom conguration process is very similar to the typical conguration process. The main difference is that the custom conguration process will allow you to import an LDIF le to initialize the user directory database that is created by default.
Beyond determining which type of conguration process you will use, the process for conguring iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 is as follows: 1. Plan your directory service. By planning your directory tree in advance, you can design a service that is easy to manage and easy to scale as your organization grows. For guidance on planning your directory service, refer to the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Deployment Guide.
188 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
2. Congure your iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 as described in this chapter. 3. Create the directory suffixes and databases. You do not have to populate your directory now; however, you should create the basic structure for your tree, including all major roots and branch points. For information about the different methods of creating a directory entry, refer to the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide. 4. Create additional iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 instances and set up replication agreements between your iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 instances to ensure availability of your data.
express conguration
1. Become superuser. 2. Run the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 program by typing the following. # /usr/sbin/directoryserver setup 3. When you are prompted for what you want to install, hit enter for [the default] iPlanet servers. 4. When you are prompted for the type of conguration, choose Express. 5. For the user and group to run the servers as, enter the identity that you want this server to run as. 6. For Conguration Directory Administrator ID and password, enter the name and password that you will log in as when you want to authenticate to the console with full privileges. Think of this as the root or superuser identity for the iPlanet Console. The server is then minimally congured, and started. You are told what host and port number on which the Administration Server is listening.
Chapter 11 iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Conguration 189
Note the following about your new iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 conguration.
The iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 is listening on port 389 The server is congured to use the following suffixes dc=your_machine s_DNS_domain_name That is, if your machine is named, then you have the suffix dc=example, dc=com congured for this server. o=NetscapeRoot
Do not modify the contents of the directory under the o=NetscapeRoot suffix. Either create data under the rst suffix, or create a new suffix to be used for this purpose. For details on how to create new suffixes for your iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, see the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide.
typical conguration
1. Become superuser. 2. Run the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 program. # /usr/sbin/directoryserver setup 3. When you are prompted for what you want to install, hit enter for [the default] iPlanet Servers. 4. When you are prompted for Directory Suite and Administration Services, hit enter to select all [the default]. 5. Hit enter to select all Directory Suite components. 6. Hit enter to select all Administration components. 7. When prompted for the hostname, select the default [the host] or enter an alternative fully qualied domain name.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Caution Note that the default hostname may be incorrect if the installer cannot locate a DNS name for your system. For example, you might not have a DNS name if your system uses NIS. The hostname must be a fully qualied host and domain name. If the default hostname is not a fully qualied host and domain name, conguration will fail.
8. The setup program then asks you for the System User and the System Group names. Enter the identity under which you want the servers to run. 9. For the conguration directory, select the default if this directory will host your o=NetscapeRoot tree. Otherwise, enter Yes. You will then be asked for the contact information for the conguration directory. If the server you are currently installing is not the conguration directory, then the conguration directory must exist before you can continue this conguration. 10. The setup program then asks if the server you are currently installing will be the one for your user data. For most cases, you can select the default. However, if you intend this server instance to be used as a conguration directory only, then you should enter Yes. 11. For the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 port, select the default (389) unless you already have another application using that port. 12. For the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Identier, enter a unique value (normally the default is sufficient). This value is used as part of the name of the directory in which the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 instance is installed. For example, if your machines host name is phonebook, then this name is the default and selecting it will cause the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 instance to be installed into a directory labeled slapd-phonebook. Caution The iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 identier must not contain a period. For example, is not a valid server identier name.
13. For Conguration Directory Administrator ID and password, enter the name and password that you will log in as when you want to authenticate to the console with full privileges. 14. For a directory suffix, enter a distinguished name meaningful to your enterprise. This string is used to form the name of all your organizations directory entries. Therefore, pick a name that is representative of your organization. It is recommended that you pick a suffix that corresponds to your internet DNS name.
For example, if your organization uses the DNS name, then enter dc=example,dc=com here. 15. For Directory Manager DN, enter the distinguished name that you will use when managing the contents of your directory with unlimited privileges. Note Any Distinguished Names must be entered in the UTF-8 character set encoding. Older encodings such as ISO-8859-1 are not supported.
In former releases of iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, the Directory Manager was known as the root DN. This is the entry that you bind to the directory as when you want access control to be ignored. This distinguished name can be short and does not have to conform to any suffix congured for your directory. However, it should not correspond to an actual entry stored in your directory. 16. For the Directory Manager password, enter a value that is at least 8 characters long. 17. For Administration Domain, enter the domain that you want this server to belong to. The name you enter should be a unique string that is descriptive of the organization responsible for administering the domain. 18. For the administration port number, enter a value that is not in use (for example, you might want to use the value 5100 to indicate a 5.1 iPlanet Directory Server 5.1). Be sure to record this value somewhere you can remember. 19. For the user you want to run Administration Server as, enter root, the default. The server is then minimally congured, and started. You are told what host and port number Administration Server is listening on. The server is congured to use the following suffixes.
Do not modify the contents of the directory under the o=NetscapeRoot suffix. Either create data under the rst suffix, or create a new suffix to be used for this purpose. For details on how to create new suffixes for your iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, see the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This part provides an overview of the LDAP naming service. Additionally, it covers the setup, conguration, administration and troubleshooting of LDAP naming service in the Solaris operating environment, with a focus on the use of iPlanet Directory Server 5.1.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
The LDAP chapters describe how to set up a Solaris naming client to work with the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1. A brief discussion of generic directory server requirements is in Chapter 18. Note Though a directory server is not necessarily an LDAP server, in the context of these chapters, the term, directory server, is considered synonymous with LDAP server.
Audience Assumptions
The LDAP Naming Service chapters are written for system administrators who already have a working knowledge of LDAP. The following is a partial list of concepts with which you must be very familiar prior to deploying a Solaris-based LDAP naming service using this guide.
LDAP Information Model (entries, objectclasses, attributes, type, values) LDAP Naming Model (Directory Information Tree (DIT) structure) LDAP Functional Model (search parameters: base object (DN), scope, size limit, time limit, lters (Browsing Indexes for the iPlanet Directory Server), attribute list) LDAP Security Model (authentication methods, access control models) Overall planning and design of an LDAP directory service, including how to plan the data, design the DIT, design the topology, design the replication, and how to design the security.
Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services by Timothy A. Howes, Ph.D and Mark C. Smith In addition to providing a thorough treatment of LDAP directory services, this book includes useful case studies on deploying LDAP at a large university, a large multinational enterprise, and an enterprise with an extranet.
iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Deployment Guide, which is included in the documentation CD. This guide provides a foundation for planning your directory, including directory design, including schema design, the directory tree, topology, replication, and security. The last chapter provides sample deployment scenarios to help you plan simple deployments as well as complex deployments designed to support millions of users distributed worldwide.
iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide, which is included in the documentation CD.
Additional Prerequisites
If you are transitioning from using NIS+ to using LDAP, refer to the Appendix entitled, Transitioning from NIS+ to LDAP in System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+) and complete the transition before proceeding with these chapters. If you need to Install the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, refer to the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Installation Guide.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Hierarchical Maps
None (root or nothing) Authentication RPC LAN RPC Global (with DNS)/LAN
SSL, varied
TCP/IP Global
TCP/IP Global
both gethostbyname() and getipnodebyname() return the FQDN version when looking up the hostname server.
Also if you use interface specic aliases like server-#, a long list of fully qualied host names is returned. If you are using host names to share le systems or have other such checks you need to account for it. This is especially true if you assume non-FQDN for local hosts and FQDN only for remote DNS resolved hosts. If you setup LDAP with a different domain name from DNS you might be surprised when the same host has two different FQDNs, depending on the lookup source.
LDAP gives you the ability to consolidate information by replacing application-specic databases; reduces the number of distinct databases to be managed LDAP allows for more frequent data synchronization between masters and replicas LDAP is multi-platform and multi-vendor compatible
There is no support for pre-Solaris 8 clients An LDAP server cannot be its own client Setting up and managing an LDAP naming service is more complex and requires careful planning
Note A directory server (an LDAP server) cannot be its own client. In other words, you cannot congure the machine that is running the directory server software to become an LDAP naming service client.
Simplied conguration of LDAP directory server setup using idsconfig A more robust security model, which supports strong authentication, TLS encrypted sessions. A clients proxy credentials are NO LONGER stored in a clients prole on the directory server
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
The ldapaddent command allows you to populate and dump data onto the server Service Search Descriptors and Attribute Mapping New prole schema
For information on transitioning from NIS+ to LDAP, see the Appendix, Transitioning From NIS+ to LDAP in System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+).
Plan the Network Model Plan the DIT Set up replica servers Plan the security model Choose client proles and default attribute values Plan the data population
Planning the Network Model on page 218 Planning the Directory Information Tree (DIT) on page 218 Replica Servers on page 220 Planning the Security Model on page 221 Planning Client Proles and Default Attribute Values on page 221 Planning the Data Population on page 222
For Instructions
Congure the iPlanet Directory Server Using Express and Typical Conguration 5.1 prior to using it with LDAP naming on page 189 services Set up the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 for use with LDAP naming clients Manage printer entries Initialize an LDAP client Initialize a client using proles Initialize a client manually Un-initialize a client Use Service Search Descriptors to modify client proles Retrieve naming service information Customize a client environment Chapter 15 Managing Printer Entries on page 235 Initializing a Client on page 238 Using Proles to Initialize a Client on page 238 Initializing a Client Manually on page 239 Un-initializing a Client on page 240 Using Service Search Descriptors to Modify Client Access to Various Services on page 229 Retrieving Naming Service Information on page 242 Customizing the Client Environment on page 244
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Default Schema on page 202 Default Directory Information Tree (DIT) on page 201 Service Search Descriptors (SSDs) and Schema Mapping on page 202 Client Proles on page 205 ldap_cachemgr Daemon on page 208 LDAP Naming Service Security Model on page 209
Default Container
Information Type
Default Container
netgroup(4) networks(4), netmasks(4) passwd(1), shadow(4), user_attr(4), audit_user(4), publickey for users printers(4) protocols(4) rpc(4) services(4) auth_attr(4) prof_attr(4), exec_attr(4) project auto_*
Default Schema
Schemas are denitions describing what types of information can be stored as entries in an LDAP directory. To support Solaris 9 LDAP naming clients, the directory servers schema might need to be extended. Detailed information about IETF and Solaris specic schemas is included in Chapter 18. The various RFCs can also be accessed on the IETF web site
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
As discussed above, the Solaris LDAP naming service expects, by default, the DIT to be structured in a certain way. If you wish, you can instruct the Solaris LDAP naming service to search in other locations than the default locations in the DIT. Additionally, you can specify that different attributes and object classes be used in place of those specied by the default schema. For a list of default lters see Default Filters Used By Naming Services on page 275.
The serviceSearchDescriptor attribute denes how and where an LDAP naming service client should search for information for a particular service. The serviceSearchDescriptor contains a service name, followed by one or more semicolon-separated base-scope-lter triples. These base-scope-lter triples are used to dene searches only for the specic service and are searched in order. If multiple base-scope-lters are specied for a given service, then when that service looks for a particular entry, it will search in each base with the specied scope and lter. Note Note that the default location is not searched for a service (database) with a SSD unless it is included in the SSD. Unpredictable behavior will result if multiple SSDs are given to a service.
In the following example, the Solaris LDAP naming service client performs a one level search in ou=west,dc=example,dc=com followed by a one level search in ou=east,dc=example,dc=com for the passwd service. To lookup the passwd data for a users username, the default LDAP lter (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=username)) is used for each BaseDN.
serviceSearchDescriptor: passwd:ou=west,dc=example,dc=com;ou=east, dc=example,dc=com
In the following example, the Solaris LDAP naming service client would perform a subtree search in ou=west,dc=example,dc=com for the passwd service. To lookup the passwd data for user username, the subtree ou=west,dc=example,dc=com would be searched with the LDAP lter (&(fulltimeEmployee=TRUE)(uid=username)).
serviceSearchDescriptor: passwd:ou=west,dc=example, dc=com?sub?fulltimeEmployee=TRUE
It is also possible to associate multiple container with a particular service type. For example, the service search descriptor
defaultSearchBase: dc=example,dc=com serviceSearchDescriptor: \ passwd:ou=myuser;ou=newuser,ou=extuser,dc=example,dc=com
species that the three containers, ou=myuser,dc=example,dc=com, ou=newuser,dc=example,dc=com, and ou=extuser,dc=example,dc=com are searched for the password entries. Note that a trailing , implies that the defaultSearchBase is appended to the relative base in the SSD.
Attribute Map
The Solaris LDAP naming service allows one or more attribute names to be remapped for any of its services. (The Solaris LDAP client uses the well-known attributes documented in Chapter 18.) If you map an attribute, you must be sure that the attribute has the same meaning and syntax as the original attribute. Note that mapping the userPassword attribute may cause problems. There are a couple of reasons you might want to use schema mappings.
You want to map attributes in an existing directory server If you have user names that differ only in case, you must map the uid attribute, which ignores case, to an attribute that does not ignore case
The format is service:attribute-name=mapped-attribute-name. If you wish to map more than one attribute for a given service, you can dene multiple attributeMap attributes. In the following example, the employeeName and home attributes would be used whenever the uid and homeDirectory attributes would be for the passwd service.
attributeMap: passwd:uid=employeeName attributeMap: passwd:homeDirectory=home
There exists one special case where you can map the passwd services gecos attribute to several attributes. The following is an example.
attributemap: gecos=cn sn title
The above maps the gecos values to a space-separated list of the cn, sn and title attribute values.
objectClass Map
The Solaris LDAP naming service allows object classes to be remapped for any of its services. If you wish to map more than one object class for a given service, you can dene multiple objectclassMap attributes. In the following example, the myUnixAccount object class is used whenever the posixAccount object class is used.
objectclassMap: passwd:posixAccount=myUnixAccount
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Client Proles
To simplify Solaris client setup, and avoid having to reenter the same information for each and every client, create a single client prole on the directory server. This way, a single prole denes the conguration for all clients congured to use it. Any subsequent change to the prole attributes is propagated to the clients at a rate dened by the refresh interval. These client proles should be stored in a well-known location on the LDAP server. The root DN for the given domain must have an object class of nisDomainObject and a nisDomain attribute containing the clients domain. All proles are located in the ou=profile container relative to this container. These proles should be readable anonymously.
The prole name. No default value, must be specied. The host addresses of the preferred servers is a space separated list of server addresses. (Do not use host names.) The servers in this list are tried in order BEFORE those in the defaultServerList until a successful connection is made. This has no default value. At least one server must be specied in either the preferredServerList or defaultServerList.
The host addresses of the default servers is a space separated list of server addresses. (Do not use host names.) After the servers in the preferredServerlist are tried, those default servers on the clients subnet are tried, followed by the remaining default servers, until a connection is made. At least one server must be specied in either the preferredServerList or defaultServerList. The servers in this list are tried only after those on the preferred server list. This attribute has no default value. The DN relative to which to locate the well-known containers. There is no default for this value. However, this can be overridden for a given service by the serviceSearchDescriptor attribute. Denes the scope of a database search by a client. It can be overridden by the serviceSearchDescriptor attribute. The possible values are one or sub. The default value is a one level search. Identies the method of authentication used by the client. The default is none (anonymous). See Choosing Authentication Methods on page 212 for more information. Identies the type of credentials a client should use to authenticate. The choices are anonymous or proxy. The default is anonymous. Denes how and where a client should search for a naming database, for example, if the client should look in one or more points in the DIT. By default no SSDs are dened. Authentication method used by a client for the specied service. By default, no service Authentication Methods are dened. If a service does not have serviceAuthenticationMethod dened, it will default to the value of authenticationMethod. Attribute mappings used by client. By default no attributeMap is dened.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Object class mappings used by client. By default no objectclassMap is dened. Maximum time [in seconds] a client should allow for a search to complete before timing out. This does not affect the time the LDAP server will allow for a search to complete. Default value is 30 seconds. Maximum time in seconds a client should allow to bind with a server before timing out. Default value is 30 seconds. Species whether a client should follow an LDAP referral. Possible values TRUE or FALSE. The default value is TRUE. Time between refreshes of the client prole from the LDAP server by the ldap_cachemgr(1M). Default is 43200 seconds or 12 hours. If given a value of 0, the prole will never be refreshed.
Species the clients domain name (which becomes the default domain for the client machine). This has no default value and must be specied. The proxys distinguished name. If the client machine is congured with credentialLevel of proxy, the proxyDN must be specied. The proxys password. If the client machine is congured with credentialLevel of proxy, the proxyPassword must be dened.
The directory on the local le system containing the certicate databases. If a client machine is congured with authenticationMethod or serviceAuthenticationMethod using TLS, then this attribute is used. The default value is /var/ldap.
Note If the BaseDN in an SSD contains a trailing comma, it is treated as a relative value of the defaultSearchBase. The values of the defaultSearchBase is appended to the BaseDN before a search is performed.
ldap_cachemgr Daemon
ldap_cachemgr(1M) is a daemon that runs on LDAP client machines. It performs the following key functions.
It gains access to the conguration les, running as root It refreshes the client conguration information stored in the proles on the server and pulls this data from the clients It maintains a sorted list of active LDAP servers to use It improves lookup efficiency by caching some common look-up requests submitted by various clients It improves the efficiency of host lookups
Note The ldap_cachemgr must be running at all times in order for LDAP naming services to work.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Note In order to use TLS for the Solaris LDAP naming service, the directory server must use the default ports, 389 and 636, for LDAP and SSL, respectively. If your directory server does not use these ports, you cannot use TLS at this time.
Anonymous If you use anonymous access, you only have access to data that is available to everyone. Also, you should consider the security implications. Allowing anonymous access for certain parts of the directory implies that anyone with access to the directory will be able to perform those operations. If you are using an anonymous credential level, you will need to allow read access to all the LDAP naming entries and attributes. Caution Allowing anonymous write to a directory should never be done, as anyone could change information in the DIT to which they have write access, including another users password, or their own identity.
Note The iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 allows you to restrict access based on IP addresses, DNS name, authentication method and time-of-day. You might want to limit access with further restrictions. See Managing Access Control in the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide for more information.
Proxy The client authenticates or binds to the directory using a proxy account. This proxy account can be any entry that is allowed to bind to the directory. This proxy account needs sufficient access to perform the naming service functions on the LDAP server. You will need to congure the proxyDN and proxyPassword on every client using
210 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
the proxy credential level. The encrypted proxyPassword will be stored locally on the client. You can setup different proxies for different groups of clients. For example, you can congure a proxy for all the sales clients to access both the company-wide-accessible and sales directories and directories, while preventing sales clients from accessing human resource directories with payroll information. Or, in the most extreme cases, you can either assign different proxies to each client or assign just one proxy to all clients. A typical LDAP deployment would probably lie between the two extremes. Consider the choices carefully. Too few proxy agents might limit the your ability to control user access to resources. However, having too many proxies complicates the setup and maintenance of the system. You need to grant the appropriate rights to the proxy user. This will vary depending on your environment. See the following section for information on how to determine which authentication method makes the most sense for your conguration. If the password changes for a proxy user, you will need to update it on every client that uses that proxy user. If you use password aging on LDAP accounts, be sure to turn it off for proxy users. Note Be aware that the proxy credential level applies to all users and processes on any given machine. If two users need to use different naming policies, they must use different machines.
In addition, if clients are using a proxy credential to authenticate, the proxyDN must have the same proxyPassword on all of the servers. proxy anonymous proxy anonymous is a multi-valued entry, in that more than one credential level is dened. A client assigned the proxy anonymous level will rst attempt to authenticate with its proxy identity. If the client is unable to authenticate as the proxy user for whatever reason (user lock out, password expired, for example), then the client will use anonymous access. This might lead to a different level of service, depending on how the directory is congured.
Credential Storage
If you congure a client to use a proxy identity, the client saves its proxyDN and proxyPassword in /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred. For the sake of increased security, this le is restricted to root-access only and the value of proxyPassword is encrypted. While past LDAP implementations have stored proxy credentials in a clients prole, the Solaris 9 LDAP does not. Any proxy credentials set using ldapclient during initialization are stored locally. This results in improved security surrounding a proxys DN and password information. See Chapter 16 for more information on setting up client proles.
none The client does not authenticate to the directory. This is equivalent to the anonymous credential level.
simple If the client machine uses the simple authentication method, it binds to the server by sending the users password in the clear. The password is thus subject to snooping. The primary advantage of using the simple authentication method is that all directory servers support it and that it is easy to set up.
sasl/digest-MD5 The clients password is protected during authentication, but the session is not encrypted. Some directory servers, including the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1, also support the sasl/digest-MD5 authentication method. The primary advantage of digest-MD5 is that the password does not go over the wire in the clear during authentication and therefore is more secure than the simple authentication method. See RFC 2831 for information on digest-MD5. digest-MD5 is considered an improvement over cram-MD5 for its improved security. When using sasl/digest-MD5, the authentication is secure, but the session is not protected.
sasl/cram-MD5 In this case, the LDAP session is not encrypted, but the clients password is protected during authentication, as authentication is performed using sasl/cram-MD5. See RFC 2195 for information on the cram-MD5 authentication method, which is supported by some, but not all directory servers. For instance, the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 does not supportcram-MD5.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
tls:simple The client binds using simple method and the session is encrypted. The password is protected.
tls: sasl/cram-MD5 The LDAP session is encrypted and the client authenticates to the directory server using sasl/cram-MD5.
tls:sasl/digest-MD5 The LDAP session is encrypted and the client authenticates to the directory server using sasl/digest-MD5.
Caution iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 requires passwords to be stored in the clear in order to use digest-MD5. If the authentication method is set to sasl/digest-MD5 or tls:sasl/digest-MD5, then the passwords for the proxy user will need to be stored in the clear. Be careful that the userPassword attribute has the proper ACIs if it is stored in the clear, so that it is not readable.
passwd-cmd This service is used by passwd(1) to change the login password and password attributes.
keyserv This service is used by the chkey(1) and newkey(1M) utilities to create and change a users Diffie-Hellman key pair.
Note If the service does not have a serviceAuthenticationMethod set, it will default to the value of the authenticationMethod attribute.
The following example shows a section of a client prole in which the users will use sasl/digest-MD5 to authenticate to the directory server, but will use an SSL session to change their password.
serviceAuthenticationMethod=pam_ldap:sasl/digest-MD5 serviceAuthenticationMethod=passwd-cmd:tls:simple
The password must be stored in UNIX crypt format and not in any other encryption methods, including clear. The userPassword attribute must be readable by the name service. For example, if you set the credential level to anonymous, then anyone must be able to read the userPassword attribute. Similarly, If you set the credential level to proxy, then the proxy user must be able to read the userPassword attribute.
Note pam_unix is not compatible with sasl authentication method digest-MD5, since the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 requires passwords to be stored in the clear in order to use digest-MD5, but pam_unix requires the password be stored in crypt format.
pam_ldap When using pam_ldap, the user binds to the LDAP server. The authentication method is dened in pam_ldaps serviceAuthenticationMethod parameter if one exists. Otherwise, the authenticationMethod is used by default. If pam_ldap is able to bind to the server with the users identity and supplied password, it authenticates the user.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
pam_ldap does not read the userPassword attribute. Therefore, there is no need to grant access to read the userPassword attribute unless there are other clients using pam_unix. pam_ldap does not support the none authentication method. Thus, you must dene the serviceAuthenticationMethod or the authenticationMethod attributes in order for clients to use pam_ldap. Caution If the simple authentication method is used, the userPassword attribute can be read on the wire by third parties.
Password Management
Solaris LDAP naming services does not currently support the password management features in iPlanet Directory Server 5.1.
Chapter 13 Basic Components and Concepts (Overview) 215
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter discusses the high-level planning you should do before beginning the server and client setup and installation process. This chapter covers the following topics.
Overview on page 217 Planning the Network Model on page 218 Planning the Directory Information Tree (DIT) on page 218 Replica Servers on page 220 Planning the Security Model on page 221 Planning Client Proles and Default Attribute Values on page 221 Planning the Data Population on page 222
The LDAP client prole is a collection of conguration information an LDAP client uses to access the LDAP naming service information on the supporting LDAP server to provide LDAP naming services. In this chapter, we will use this center piece of the LDAP conguration to discuss the planning of the various aspects of the LDAP naming services. These include the network model, the Directory Information Tree, the security model, the default values of the various prole attributes, and nally, the preparation for data population.
specied with the defaultSearchBase attribute. Additionally, you might want to set the defaultSearchScope attribute to tell the clients the scope of search a naming service lookup should perform. Is it just searching one level under the DN (one), or the entire subtree under the DN (sub)? There are times, however, that more exibility is needed for the LDAP naming service to either work with an existing DIT or handle a more complicated DIT with naming service data scattered around the directory tree. For example, user account entries may exist in different part of the tree. The serviceSearchDescriptor, attributeMap, and objectclassMap attributes in the client prole are designed to handle these situations. A service search descriptor can be used to override the default search base, search scope, and search lter for a particular service. See Service Search Descriptors (SSDs) and Schema Mapping on page 202. AttributeMap and ObjectclassMap attributes provide a way for schema mapping. They make it possible for the LDAP naming services to work with an existing DIT. You can map the posixAccount objectclass to an existing objectclass, myAccount, for example and attributes in the posixAccount objectclass to attributes in the myAccount objectclass.
Replica Servers
There are three different strategies to employ when setting up your replica servers.
Single-master With single-master replication, only one master server for any given partition or non-partitioned network holds writable copies of directory entries. Any replica servers have read-only copies of the directory entries. While both replicas and masters can perform searches, compares and bind operations, only the master server can perform write operations. The potential disadvantage to the single-master replication strategy is that master server is a single point of failure. If the master server goes down, none of the replicas can process write operations. Floating-master The oating master strategy is similar to the single master strategy in that there is only one master server with write capabilities at any given time for a given partition or non-partitioned network. However, when implementing the oating-master strategy, when the master server goes down, a replica is automatically transformed into a master server by way of an algorithm. One potential disadvantage to the oating-master replication strategy is that if your network becomes partitioned and replicas on either side of the partition become masters, the process of reconciling the new masters can be very complicated if the network is rejoined. Multi-master With multi-master replication, there are multiple master servers with their own read-write copies of the directory entry data. While the multi-master strategy eliminates the problem of having a single point of failure, update conicts can occur between servers. In other words, if an entrys attribute is modied around the same time on two masters, an update conict resolution policy, such as last writer wins must be in place.
220 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Refer to the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide for information on how to set up replica servers.
What credential level and authentication methods will LDAP clients use? Will you use TLS? Do you need to be backwards compatible with NIS or NIS+? In other words, will clients use pam_unix or pam_ldap? What will the servers passwordStorageScheme attribute settings be? How will you set up the Access Control Information? For more information on ACIs, consult the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide.
cn defaultServerList preferredServerList
Chapter 14 Planning for the LDAP Naming Service 221
bindTimeLimit searchTimeLimit profileTTL defaultSearchBase defaultSearchScope serviceSearchDescriptor attributeMap objectclassMap followReferrals credentialLevel authenticationMethod serviceCredentialLevel serviceAuthenticationMethod
Out of the above attributes, only the cn, the defaultServerList and defaultSearchBase are required attributes. They have no default values. The rest are optional, and some have default values. See Chapter 16 for more information on setting up LDAP clients.
If you have /etc les from different hosts to be added to the LDAP server, you can either merge all of them into the same /etc le and then use ldapaddent on one host to add, or perform ldapaddent on the different hosts one by one, with the expectation that all these hosts are already congured as a LDAP client. If your naming service data is already in a NIS server, and you want to move the data to the LDAP server for LDAP naming services, use the ypcat (or niscat) command to dump the NIS map into les and run ldapaddent against these les to add the data to the LDAP server. For example, to add hosts information to the LDAP server do the following.
1. Become superuser. 2. Run ldapaddent. # ldapaddent -h ldap_server_name -D directory manager -f \ hosts In the above example, the directory_manager password would be stored in the clear when using simple authentication. You can also populate your directory server with NIS+ data using the proper settings in rpc.nisd. See the Appendix, Transitioning from NIS+ to LDAP in System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+).
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter describes how to congure the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 to support a network of Solaris LDAP naming service clients. The information is specic to the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1. Note You must have already performed all the procedures described in Chapter 11 before you can congure the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 to work with Solaris LDAP clients.
Note A directory server (an LDAP server) cannot be its own client.
Conguring iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Using idsconfig on page 226 Using Service Search Descriptors to Modify Client Access to Various Services on page 229 Running idsconfig on page 230 Populating the Directory Server Using ldapaddent on page 234 Managing Printer Entries on page 235 Populating the Server with Additional Proles on page 236
Port number at which an instance of the directory server is installed (DEFAULT=389) Name of server Replica server(s) (IPnumber:port number) Directory manager [dn: cn=directory manager] Domain name to be served Maximum time (in seconds) to process client requests before timing out
default ipdserver (from the FQDN or [for] default 1
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Note If you are using hostnames in dening defaultServerList or preferredServerList, you MUST ensure LDAP is not used for hosts lookup. This means ldap must not be in /etc/nsswitch.conf hosts line.
Prole name Server list (defaults to the local subnet) Preferred server list (listed in order of which server to try rst, second, and so on) Search scope (number of levels down through the directory tree. One or Sub) Credential used to gain access to server. Default is anonymous Follow Referrals? ( a pointer to another server if the main server is unavailable) Default is no. Search time limit (in seconds, default 30) for waiting for server to return information. Bind time limit (in seconds, default 30) for contacting server. The default is seconds. Authentication method Default is none.
Note Client proles are dened per domain. At least one prole must be dened for a given domain.
Attribute Indices
idsconfig indexes the following list of attributes for improved performance.
Schema Denitions
idsconfig(1M) automatically adds the necessary schema denitions. Unless you are very experienced in LDAP administration, do not manually modify the server schema. See Chapter 18 for an extended list of schemas used by the LDAP naming service.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Q Exit menu Enter menu choice: [Quit] a Enter the service id: passwd Enter the base: service ou=user,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com Enter the scope: one[default] A Add a Service Search Descriptor D Delete a SSD M Modify a SSD P Display all SSDs H Help X Clear all SSDs Q Exit menu Enter menu choice: [Quit] p Current Service Search Descriptors: ================================== Passwd:ou=Users,ou=west,ou=example,ou=com? Hit return to continue. A D M P H X Add a Service Search Descriptor Delete a SSD Modify a SSD Display all SSDs Help Clear all SSDs
Running idsconfig
Note You do not need special rights to run idsconfig, nor do you need to be an LDAP naming client. Remember to create a checklist as mentioned in Creating a Checklist Based on Your Server Installation on page 226 in preparation for running idsconfig. You don not have to run idsconfig from a server or an LDAP naming service client machine. You can run idsconfig from any Solaris machine on the network.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Caution idsconfig sends the Directory Managers password in the clear. If you do not want this to happen, you must run idsconfig on the directory server itself, not on a client.
1. Make sure the target iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 is up and running. 2. Run idsconfig. # /usr/lib/ldap/idsconfig 3. Answer the questions prompted. Note that no [n] is the default user input. If you need clarication on any given question, type
and a brief help paragraph will appear. Refer to the following example run of idsconfig using the denitions listed in the server and client checklists at the beginning of this chapter in Creating a Checklist Based on Your Server Installation on page 226. It is an example of a simple setup, without modifying many of the defaults. The most complicated method of modifying client proles is by creating SSDs. Refer to Using Service Search Descriptors to Modify Client Access to Various Services on page 229 for a detailed discussion. A carriage return sign after the prompt means that you are accepting the [default] by hitting enter.
Default server list (h=help): [] Preferred server list (h=help): Choose desired search scope (one, sub, h=help): [one] The following are the supported credential levels: 1 anonymous 2 proxy 3 proxy anonymous Choose Credential level [h=help]: [1] 2 The following are the supported Authentication Methods: 1 none 2 simple 3 sasl/DIGEST-MD5 4 tls:simple 5 tls:sasl/DIGEST-MD5 Choose Authentication Method (h=help): [1] 2 Current authenticationMethod: simple Do you want to add another Authentication Method? N Do you want the clients to follow referrals (y/n/h)? [n] Y Do you want to modify the server timelimit value (y/n/h)? [n] Y Enter the time limit for iPlanet Directory Server (current=3600): [-1] Do you want to modify the server sizelimit value (y/n/h)? [n] Y Enter the size limit for iPlanet Directory Server (current=2000): [-1] Do you want to store passwords in "crypt" format (y/n/h)? [n] Y Do you want to setup a Service Authentication Methods (y/n/h)? [n] Client search time limit in seconds (h=help): [30] Profile Time To Live in seconds (h=help): [43200] Bind time limit in seconds (h=help): [10] 2 Do you wish to setup Service Search Descriptors (y/n/h)? [n] Summary of Configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 232 Domain to serve Base DN to setup Profile name to create Default Server List Preferred Server List Default Search Scope Credential Level Authentication Method Enable Follow Referrals iPlanet Directory Server Time iPlanet Directory Server Size Enable crypt password storage : : dc=west,dc=example,dc=com : default : : : one : proxy : simple : TRUE Limit : -1 Limit : -1 : TRUE
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Service Auth Method pam_ldap : Service Auth Method keyserv : Service Auth Method passwd-cmd: Search Time Limit : 30 Profile Time to Live : 43200 Bind Limit : 2 Service Search Descriptors Menu
Enter config value to change: (1-19 0=commit changes) [0] Enter DN for proxy agent:[cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com] Enter passwd for proxyagent: Re-enter passwd:
WARNING: About to start committing changes. (y=continue, n=EXIT) Y 1. Changed timelimit to -1 in cn=config. 2. Changed sizelimit to -1 in cn=config. 3. Changed passwordstoragescheme to "crypt" in cn=config. 4. Schema attributes have been updated. 5. Schema objectclass definitions have been added. 6. Created DN component dc=west. 7. NisDomainObject added to dc=west,dc=example,dc=com. 8. Top level "ou" containers complete. 9. Nis maps: auto_home auto_direct auto_master auto_shared processed. 10. ACI for dc=west,dc=example,dc=com modified to disable self modify. 11. Add of VLV Access Control Information (ACI). 12. Proxy Agent cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com added. 13. Give cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com read permission for password. 14. Generated client profile and loaded on server. 15. Processing eq,pres indexes: ipHostNumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing. uidNumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing. ipNetworkNumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing. gidnumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing. oncrpcnumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing. 16. Processing eq,pres,sub indexes: membernisnetgroup (eq,pres,sub) Finished indexing. nisnetgrouptriple (eq,pres,sub) Finished indexing. 17. Processing VLV indexes: getgrent vlv_index Entry created gethostent vlv_index Entry created getnetent vlv_index Entry created getpwent vlv_index Entry created getrpcent vlv_index Entry created getspent vlv_index Entry created Setup of iPlanet Directory Server server ipdserver is complete.
Note: idsconfig has created entries for VLV indexes. Use the directoryserver(1m) script on ipdserver to stop Chapter 15 iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Setup (Tasks) 233
the server and then enter the following vlvindex sub-commands to create the actual VLV indexes: directoryserver directoryserver directoryserver directoryserver directoryserver directoryserver -s -s -s -s -s -s ipdserver ipdserver ipdserver ipdserver ipdserver ipdserver vlvindex vlvindex vlvindex vlvindex vlvindex vlvindex -n -n -n -n -n -n userRoot userRoot userRoot userRoot userRoot userRoot -T -T -T -T -T -T getgrent gethostent getnetent getpwent getrpcent getspent
After idsconfig has completed the setup of the directory, you need to run the specied commands on the server before the server setup is complete and the server is ready to serve clients.
Note ldapaddent(1M)can only run on a client which is already congured for the LDAP naming service.
ldapaddent reads from the standard input (that being an /etc/filename like passwd) and places this data to the container associated with the service. Client conguration determines how the data will be written by default. The following is an example of populating the server with data using ldapaddent.
EXAMPLE 152 How to populate the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 with user password data using ldapaddent
1. Use the ldapaddent command to add /etc/passwd entires to the server. # ldapaddent -D "cn=directory manager" -f /etc/passwd passwd
234 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
See ldapaddent(1M). See Chapter 13 for information regarding LDAP security and write-access to the Directory Server.
Using lpget
lpget(1M) can be used to list all printer entries known by the LDAP clients LDAP directory. If the LDAP clients LDAP server is a replica server, then printers listed may or may not be the same as that in the master LDAP server depending on the update replication agreement. See lpget(1M) for more information. For example, to list all printers for a given base DN you would type the following. # lpget -n ldap list
myprinter: dn=myprinter,ou=printers,dc=mkt,dc=example,dc=com,myprinter,Solaris description=HP LaserJet (PS)
1. Become superuser, 2. Use ldapclient with the genprofile command. # ldapclient genprofile -a profileName=myprofile \ -a defaultSearchBase=dc=west,dc=example,dc=com \ -a "defaultServerList=" \ > myprofile.ldif 3. Upload the new prole to the server. # ldapadd h D cn=directory manager f myprofile.ldif
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
This chapter describes how to set up a Solaris LDAP naming service client. This chapter covers the following topics.
Prerequisites on page 237 Initializing a Client on page 238 Using Proles to Initialize a Client on page 238 Using Proxy Credentials on page 239 Initializing a Client Manually on page 239 Modifying a Manual Client Conguration on page 240 Un-initializing a Client on page 240 TLS Security Setup on page 241
In order for a Solaris client to use LDAP as a naming service the following needs to be in place.
The clients domain name must be served by the LDAP server The nsswitch.conf le needs to point to LDAP for the required services. For information about the nsswitch.conf le, see Chapter 2 The client needs to be congured with all the given parameters that dene its behavior ldap_cachemgr needs to be running on the client At least one server for which a client is congured must be up and running
The ldapclient utility is the key to setting up an LDAP client, as it performs all of the above steps, except for starting the server. The rest of this chapter will show examples of how to use the ldapclient utility to setup a LDAP client and use the various other LDAP utilities to get information about, and check the status of an LDAP client.
Initializing a Client
ldapclient(1M) is an utility used to setup LDAP clients in a Solaris operating environment. ldapclient assumes the server has already been congured with the appropriate client proles. You must install and congure the server with the appropriate proles before you can set up any clients. There are two ways to set up a client using ldapclient.
Prole At a minimum, you need to specify the server address containing the prole and domain you wish to use. If no prole is specied, then the default prole is assumed. The server will provide the rest of the required information, except for proxy and certicate database information. If a clients credential level is proxy or proxy anonymous, you must supply the proxy bind DN and password. See Assigning Client Credential Levels on page 210 for more information.
Manual You congure the prole on the client itself, which means dening all parameters form the command line. Thus, the prole information is stored in cache les and is never refreshed by the server.
Note Though you can manually congure clients, it is not recommended. Using the conguration proles decreases the complexity and cost of managing clients.
System successfully configured
The -a proxyDn and -a proxypassword are required if the prole to be used is setup for proxy. As the credentials are not stored in the prole saved on the server, you need to supply the information when you initialize the client. This method is more secure than the older method of storing the proxy credentials on the server. The proxy info will be used to create the /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred and the rest of the information will be put in /var/ldap/ldap_client_file. Note DO NOT edit either the client conguration les directly. Use ldapclient to create or modify the content of these les.
a credentialLevel=proxy a defaultSearchBase=dc=west, dc=example, dc=com \ a proxyDN=cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com \ a proxyPassword=testtest 3. Use ldapclient list to verify.
NS_LDAP_FILE_VERSION= 2.0 NS_LDAP_BINDDN= cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com NS_LDAP_BINDPASSWD= {NS1}4a3788e8c053424f NS_LDAP_SERVERS= NS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASEDN= dc=west,dc=example,dc=com NS_LDAP_CREDENTIAL_LEVEL= proxy
Un-initializing a Client
M How to un-initialize a client
1. Become superuser. 2. Use ldapclient uninit. # ldapclient uninit
System successfully recovered 240 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
ldapclient uninit restores the client name service to what it was prior to the most recent init, modify, or manual operation. In other words, it performs an undo on the last step taken. For example, if the client was congured to use profile1 and was then changed to use profile2, using ldapclient uninit would revert the client back to using profile1.
If using TLS, the necessary security databases must be installed. In particular, the les cert7.db and key3.db are needed. The cert7.db le contains the database of trusted certicates. The key3.db le contains the clients keys. Although the LDAP naming service client does not use client keys, this le must be present. Before running ldapclient, you should set up and install the needed security database les described in this section. See the section Conguring LDAP Clients to Use SSL in the Managing SSL chapter of the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrators Guide for information on how to create and manage these les. Once congured, these les must be stored in the location expected by the LDAP naming service client. The attribute certificatePath is used to determine this location. This is by default /var/ldap. For example, after setting up the necessary cert7.db and key3.db les using Netscape Communicator, copy them to the default location. # cp $HOME/.netscape/cert7.db /var/ldap # cp $HOME/.netscape/key3.db /var/ldap Next, give everyone read access. # chmod 444 /var/ldap/cert7.db # chmod 444 /var/ldap/key3.db Note Netscape will manage the cert7.db and key3.db in the $HOME/.netscape directory. Copies of these security databases must be stored on a local le system if you are using them for the LDAP naming service client.
Conguring PAM
If you are using pam_ldap, follow the sample pam.conf le included in An example pam.conf le for pam_ldap on page 254 and add the lines containing to the clients /etc/pam.conf le. Not every line containing is needed. Only the section for the command, login and password, for example, which requires pam_ldap, needs to be modied. For details, see pam.conf(4).
dn: ou=netgroup,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: ou=aliases,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: ou=hosts,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: ou=services,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: ou=ethers,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: ou=profile,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: automountmap=auto_home,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: automountmap=auto_direct,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: automountmap=auto_master,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com dn: automountmap=auto_shared,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com
If you want to list all attributes, use ldaplist with the -l option. # ldaplist -l passwd user1
dn: uid=user1,ou=People,dc=west,dc=example,dc=com uid: user1 cn: user1 uidNumber: 30641 gidNumber: 10 gecos: Joe Q. User homeDirectory: /home/user1 loginShell: /bin/csh objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount shadowLastChange: 6445 userPassword: {crypt}J6vlYXRU.sW8c
You can change any of the services, but be careful, because if the data is not populated on the server for the service specied things will stop working. In some cases les may not be setup by default as well.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Use ps -ef. # ps -ef | grep ldap_cachemgr Pass the -g option to ldap_cachemgr. This causes it to dump the following status information, which is useful when you must diagnose a problem. # /usr/lib/ldap/ldap_cachemgr -g
cachemgr configuration: server debug level 0 server log file "/var/ldap/cachemgr.log" number of calls to ldapcachemgr 19
cachemgr cache data statistics: Configuration refresh information: Previous refresh time: 2001/11/16 18:33:28 Next refresh time: 2001/11/16 18:43:28 Server information: Previous refresh time: 2001/11/16 18:33:28 Next refresh time: 2001/11/16 18:36:08 server:, status: UP server:, status: ERROR error message: Cant connect to the LDAP server Cache data information: Maximum cache entries: 256 Number of cache entries: 2
Currently the /var/ldap les are in ASCII format, but that could change to binary at some time and cating the les would cause problems. ldapclient list is the supported method for accessing this information.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Unresolved Hostname
The Solaris operating environment LDAP client backend returns fully qualied hostnames for host lookups, such as hostnames returned by gethostbyname(3N) and getipnodebyname(3N). If the name stored is qualied that is contains at least one dot, the client returns the name as is. For example, if the name stored is hostB.eng, the returned name is hostB.eng. If the name stored in the LDAP directory is not qualied (it does not contain any dot), the client backend appends the domain part to the name. For example, if the name stored is hostA, the returned name is hostA.domainname.
1. ldap not used by the passwd service in the /etc/nsswitch.conf le 2. The users userPassword attribute on the server list is not readable by the proxy agent. You need to allow at least the proxy agent to read the password because the proxy agent returns it to the client for comparison. pam_ldap does not require read access to the password 3. Proxy agent might not have correct password 4. The entry does not have the shadowAccount objectclass 5. There is no password dened for the user When you use ldapaddent, you must use the -p option to ensure that the password is added to the user entry. If you used ldapaddent without using the -p option, the, userss password will not be stored in the directory unless you also add the /etc/shadow le using ldapaddent. 6. None of the LDAP servers are reachable. Check the status of the servers. # /usr/lib/ldap/ldap_cachemgr g 7. pam_conf is congured incorrectly. 8. The user is not dened in the LDAP namespace. 9. NS_LDAP_CREDENTIAL_LEVEL is set to anonymous for pam_unix and userPassword attribute is not available to anonymous users. 10. Password is not stored in crypt format.
5. Incorrect prole name passed to the ldapclient command. Use ldapsearch(1) to verify the prole name in the DIT. 6. Use snoop(1M) on the clients network interface to see what sort of traffic is going out, and determine to which server it is talking.
What are the DIT Default Locations in Solaris LDAP Naming Services?
See Default Directory Information Tree (DIT) on page 201.
Chapter 17 Troubleshooting 249
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
General Reference
1. Blank Checklists on page 251 2. Upgrade Information on page 252 3. LDAP Commands on page 253 4. An example pam.conf le for pam_ldap on page 254 5. IETF Schemas on page 256 6. Directory User Agent Prole (DUAProfile) Schema on page 262 7. Solaris Schemas on page 264 8. Internet Print Protocol Information on page 267 9. Generic Directory Server Requirements on page 275 10. Default Filters Used By Naming Services on page 275
Blank Checklists
TABLE 181 Variable
Port number at which an instance of the directory server is installed (DEFAULT=389) Name of server Replica server(s) (IP number:port number) Directory manager [dn: cn=directory manager] Domain name to be served
Denition for _______ Network
Maximum time (in seconds) to process client requests before timing out Maximum number of entries returned for each search request
TABLE 182 Variable
Prole name Server list (defaults to the local subnet) Preferred server list (listed in order of which server to try rst, second, and so on) Search scope (number of levels down through the directory tree. One or Sub) Credential used to gain access to server. Default is anonymous Follow Referrals? ( a pointer to another server if the main server is unavailable) Default is no. Search time limit (in seconds, default 30) for waiting for server to return information. Bind time limit (in seconds, default 30) for contacting server. The default is seconds. Authentication method Default is none.
Upgrade Information
Solaris 9 clients are fully compatible with directory servers setup to serve Solaris 8 clients. ldapclient(1M) can simply download such a prole and congure the client using version 1 proles. However to take advantage of new features built into Solaris 9 and to use the new security model, version 2 proles must be used. Servers can serve a mix of both old and new clients so that both clients see the same results from the server as long as schema mapping is not enabled and version 2 proles are not congured to use special lters in serviceSearchDescriptors. Obviously if the server is not using the default schema older clients can not use that server as Solaris 8 clients can not arbitrarily map their schema.
252 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
One additional change that also should be considered is that in Solaris 8 clients running ldap_cachemgr() was recommended, but optional. In Solaris 9, ldap_cachemgr() must be running at all times. This daemon is required for the client to function properly.
LDAP Commands
There are two sets of LDAP related commands in Solaris. One set is the general LDAP tools which do not require the client to be congured with the LDAP naming service. The second set use the common LDAP conguration on the client and therefore can only be used if the client is congured to use LDAP as its naming service.
Use to search for directory entries in the namespace. Displays attributes and values found. Use to modify, or add directory entry. Use to add new directory entry. Use to delete existing directory entry.
Used to create entries in LDAP containers from their corresponding /etc les. This tool allows populating the directory from les. For example it reads /etc/passwd format le and populate passwd entries in the directory. Used to list contents of various services from the directory. Used to set up iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 to serve LDAP naming service clients.
# rlogin service (explicit because of pam_rhost_auth) # rlogin auth sufficient rlogin auth required rlogin auth required rlogin auth sufficient rlogin auth required try_first_pass # # rsh service (explicit because of pam_rhost_auth) # rsh auth sufficient rsh auth required rsh auth required rsh auth sufficient rsh auth required try_first_pass # # PPP service (explicit because of pam_dial_auth) # ppp auth required ppp auth required ppp auth required ppp auth sufficient ppp auth required try_first_pass # # Default definitions for Authentication management # Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for authenctication # other auth required other auth required other auth sufficient other auth required try_first_pass # # passwd command (explicit because of a different authentication module) # passwd auth sufficient passwd auth required try_first_pass # # cron service (explicit because of non-usage of # cron account required cron account required # # Default definition for Account management # Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for account management # other account requisite other account required other account required # # Default definition for Session management # Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for session management Chapter 18 General Reference 255
# other session required # # Default definition for Password management # Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for password management # other password required other password required other password required other password sufficient other password required # # Support for Kerberos V5 authentication (uncomment to use Kerberos) # #rlogin auth optional try_first_pass #login auth optional try_first_pass #other auth optional try_first_pass #cron account optional #other account optional #other session optional #other password optional try_first_pass
IETF Schemas
Schemas are denitions describing what types of information can be stored as entries in a servers directory. In order for a directory server to support Solaris 9 LDAP naming clients, schemas dened in this chapter must be congured in the server unless schema is mapped using the schema mapping feature of the clients. There are four required LDAP schemas dened by IETF: the RFC 2307 Network Information Service schema, the LDAP mailgroups Internet draft and the LDAP Internet Print Protocol (IPP) draft schema. To support Naming Information Service, the denition of these schemas must be added to the directory server. The various RFCs can also be accessed on the IETF website Note Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and might be updated, or rendered obsolete by other documents at any time
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
( nisSchema.1.11 NAME shadowFlag EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX INTEGER SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.12 NAME memberUid EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTRINGS caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX IA5String ) ( nisSchema.1.13 NAME memberNisNetgroup EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTRINGS caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX IA5String ) ( nisSchema.1.14 NAME nisNetgroupTriple DESC Netgroup triple SYNTAX nisNetgroupTripleSyntax ) ( nisSchema.1.15 NAME ipServicePort EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX INTEGER SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.16 NAME ipServiceProtocol SUP name ) ( nisSchema.1.17 NAME ipProtocolNumber EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX INTEGER SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.18 NAME oncRpcNumber EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX INTEGER SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.19 NAME ipHostNumber DESC IP address as a dotted decimal, eg. omitting leading zeros SUP name ) ( nisSchema.1.20 NAME ipNetworkNumber DESC IP network as a dotted decimal, eg. 192.168, omitting leading zeros SUP name SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.21 NAME ipNetmaskNumber DESC IP netmask as a dotted decimal, eg., omitting leading zeros EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String{128} SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.22 NAME macAddress DESC MAC address in maximal, colon separated hex notation, eg. 00:00:92:90:ee:e2 EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String{128} ) 258 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
( nisSchema.1.23 NAME bootParameter DESC rpc.bootparamd parameter SYNTAX bootParameterSyntax ) ( nisSchema.1.24 NAME bootFile DESC Boot image name EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String ) ( nisSchema.1.26 NAME nisMapName SUP name ) ( nisSchema.1.27 NAME nisMapEntry EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTRINGS caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX IA5String{1024} SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.28 NAME nisPublicKey DESC NIS public key SYNTAX nisPublicKeySyntax ) ( nisSchema.1.29 NAME nisSecretKey DESC NIS secret key SYNTAX nisSecretKeySyntax ) ( nisSchema.1.30 NAME nisDomain DESC NIS domain SYNTAX IA5String ) ( nisSchema.1.31 NAME automountMapName DESC automount Map Name EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.32 NAME automountKey DESC Automount Key value EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( nisSchema.1.33 NAME automountInformation DESC Automount information EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
The nisSchema OID is The RFC 2307 objectClasses are the following.
( nisSchema.2.0 NAME posixAccount SUP top AUXILIARY DESC Abstraction of an account with POSIX attributes MUST ( cn $ uid $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ homeDirectory ) MAY ( userPassword $ loginShell $ gecos $ description ) ) Chapter 18 General Reference 259
( nisSchema.2.1 NAME shadowAccount SUP top AUXILIARY DESC Additional attributes for shadow passwords MUST uid MAY ( userPassword $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $ shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ description ) ) ( nisSchema.2.2 NAME posixGroup SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC Abstraction of a group of accounts MUST ( cn $ gidNumber ) MAY ( userPassword $ memberUid $ description ) ) ( nisSchema.2.3 NAME ipService SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC Abstraction an Internet Protocol service. Maps an IP port and protocol (such as tcp or udp) to one or more names; the distinguished value of the cn attribute denotes the services canonical name MUST ( cn $ ipServicePort $ ipServiceProtocol ) MAY ( description ) ) ( nisSchema.2.4 NAME ipProtocol SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC Abstraction of an IP protocol. Maps a protocol number to one or more names. The distinguished value of the cn attribute denotes the protocols canonical name MUST ( cn $ ipProtocolNumber ) MAY description ) ( nisSchema.2.5 NAME oncRpc SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC Abstraction of an Open Network Computing (ONC) [RFC1057] Remote Procedure Call (RPC) binding. This class maps an ONC RPC number to a name. The distinguished value of the cn attribute denotes the RPC services canonical name MUST ( cn $ oncRpcNumber $ description ) MAY description ) ( nisSchema.2.6 NAME ipHost SUP top AUXILIARY DESC Abstraction of a host, an IP device. The distinguished value of the cn attribute denotes the hosts canonical name. Device SHOULD be used as a structural class MUST ( cn $ ipHostNumber ) MAY ( l $ description $ manager $ userPassword ) ) ( nisSchema.2.7 NAME ipNetwork SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC Abstraction of a network. The distinguished value of the cn attribute denotes the networks canonical name MUST ipNetworkNumber MAY ( cn $ ipNetmaskNumber $ l $ description $ manager ) ) ( nisSchema.2.8 NAME nisNetgroup SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC Abstraction of a netgroup. May refer to other netgroups MUST cn MAY ( nisNetgroupTriple $ memberNisNetgroup $ description ) ) 260 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
( nisSchema.2.9 NAME nisMap SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC A generic abstraction of a NIS map MUST nisMapName MAY description ) ( nisSchema.2.10 NAME nisObject SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC An entry in a NIS map MUST ( cn $ nisMapEntry $ nisMapName ) MAY description ) ( nisSchema.2.11 NAME ieee802Device SUP top AUXILIARY DESC A device with a MAC address; device SHOULD be used as a structural class MAY macAddress ) ( nisSchema.2.12 NAME bootableDevice SUP top AUXILIARY DESC A device with boot parameters; device SHOULD be used as a structural class MAY ( bootFile $ bootParameter ) ) ( nisSchema.2.14 NAME nisKeyObject SUP top AUXILIARY DESC An object with a public and secret key MUST ( cn $ nisPublicKey $ nisSecretKey ) MAY ( uidNumber $ description ) ) ( nisSchema.2.15 NAME nisDomainObject SUP top AUXILIARY DESC Associates a NIS domain with a naming context MUST nisDomain ) ( nisSchema.2.16 NAME automountMap SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( automountMapName ) MAY description ) ( nisSchema.2.17 NAME automount SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC Automount information MUST ( automountKey $ automountInformation ) MAY description )
( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 NAME mail DESC RFC822 email address for this person EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String(256) SINGLE-VALUE ) ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.30 NAME mgrpRFC822MailMember DESC RFC822 mail address of email only member of group EQUALITY CaseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String(256) )
SINGLE-VALUE ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.3 NAME searchTimeLimit DESC Maximum time in seconds a DUA should allow for a search to complete EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.4 NAME bindTimeLimit DESC Maximum time in seconds a DUA should allow for the bind operation to complete EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.5 NAME followReferrals DESC Tells DUA if it should follow referrals returned by a DSA search result EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.6 NAME authenticationMethod DESC A keystring which identifies the type of authentication method used to contact the DSA EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.7 NAME profileTTL DESC Time to live, in seconds, before a client DUA should re-read this configuration profile serviceSearchDescriptor DESC LDAP search descriptor list used by a DUA EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.9 NAME attributeMap DESC Attribute mappings used by a DUA EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.10 NAME credentialLevel DESC Identifies type of credentials a DUA should use when binding to the LDAP server EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.11 NAME objectclassMap DESC Objectclass mappings used by a DUA EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX )
( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.12 NAME defaultSearchScope SINGLE-VALUE ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.13 NAME serviceCredentialLevel DESC Identifies type of credentials a DUA should use when binding to the LDAP server for a specific service EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.1.15 NAME serviceAuthenticationMethod DESC Authentication Method used by a service of the DUA EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX ) ( DUAConfSchemaOID.2.4 NAME DUAConfigProfile SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC Abstraction of a base configuration for a DUA MUST ( cn ) MAY ( defaultServerList $ preferredServerList $ defaultSearchBase $ defaultSearchScope $ searchTimeLimit $ bindTimeLimit $ credentialLevel $ authenticationMethod $ followReferrals $ serviceSearchDescriptor $ serviceCredentialLevel $ serviceAuthenticationMethod $ objectclassMap $ attributeMap $ profileTTL ) )
Solaris Schemas
The schemas required for the Solaris operating environment are the following.
Solaris Projects schema Role based access control and execution prole schemas Printer schemas
( NAME SolarisProjectName DESC Name of a Solaris Project entry EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String SINGLE ) ( NAME SolarisProjectAttr DESC Attributes of a Solaris Project entry EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String ) ( NAME memberGid DESC Posix Group Name EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String )
( NAME SolarisProfileType DESC Type of object defined in profile EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME SolarisProfileId DESC Identifier of object defined in profile EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME SolarisUserQualifier DESC Per-user login attributes EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME SolarisReserved1 DESC Reserved for future use EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME SolarisReserved2 DESC Reserved for future use EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX IA5String SINGLE-VALUE )
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
( NAME printer-location DESC Identifies the location of the printer. This could include things like: "in Room 123A", "second floor of building XYZ". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{127} SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-info DESC Identifies the descriptive information about this printer. This could include things like: "This printer can be used for printing color transparencies for HR presentations", or "Out of courtesy for others, please print only small (1-5 page) jobs at this printer", or even "This printer is going away on July 1, 1997, please find a new printer". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{127} SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-more-info DESC A URI used to obtain more information about this specific printer. For example, this could be an HTTP type URI referencing an HTML page accessible to a Web Browser. The information obtained from this URI is intended for end user consumption. EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-make-and-model DESC Identifies the make and model of the device. The device manufacturer MAY initially populate this attribute. EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{127} SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-ipp-versions-supported DESC Identifies the IPP protocol version(s) that this printer supports, including major and minor versions, i.e., the version numbers for which this Printer implementation meets the conformance requirements. EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{127} ) ( NAME printer-multiple-document-jobs-supported DESC Indicates whether or not the printer supports more than one document per job, i.e., more than one Send-Document or Send-Data operation with document data. 268 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
EQUALITY booleanMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-charset-configured DESC The configured charset in which error and status messages will be generated (by default) by this printer. Also, a possible charset for printer string attributes set by operator, system administrator, or manufacturer. For example: "utf-8" (ISO 10646/Unicode) or "iso-8859-1" (Latin1). Legal values are defined by the IANA Registry of Coded Character Sets and the "(preferred MIME name)" SHALL be used as the tag. For coherence with IPP Model, charset tags in this attribute SHALL be lowercase normalized. This attribute SHOULD be static (time of registration) and SHOULD NOT be dynamically refreshed attributetypes: (subsequently). EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{63} SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-charset-supported DESC Identifies the set of charsets supported for attribute type values of type Directory String for this directory entry. For example: "utf-8" (ISO 10646/Unicode) or "iso-8859-1" (Latin1). Legal values are defined by the IANA Registry of Coded Character Sets and the preferred MIME name. EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{63} ) ( NAME printer-generated-natural-language-supported DESC Identifies the natural language(s) supported for this directory entry. For example: "en-us" (US English) or "fr-fr" (French in France). Legal values conform to [RFC3066], Tags for the Identification of Languages. EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{63} ) ( NAME printer-document-format-supported DESC The possible document formats in which data may be interpreted and printed by this printer. Legal values are MIME types come from the IANA Registry of Internet Media Types. EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{127} ) ( NAME printer-color-supported DESC Indicates whether this printer is capable of any type of color printing at all, including highlight color. EQUALITY booleanMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-compression-supported DESC Compression algorithms supported by this printer. Chapter 18 General Reference 269
For example: "deflate, gzip". Legal values include; "none", "deflate" attributetypes: (public domain ZIP), "gzip" (GNU ZIP), "compress" (UNIX). EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{255} ) ( NAME printer-pages-per-minute DESC The nominal number of pages per minute which may be output by this printer (e.g., a simplex or black-and-white printer). This attribute is informative, NOT a service guarantee. Typically, it is the value used in marketing literature to describe this printer. EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-pages-per-minute-color DESC The nominal number of color pages per minute which may be output by this printer (e.g., a simplex or color printer). This attribute is informative, NOT a service guarantee. Typically, it is the value used in marketing literature to describe this printer. EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-finishings-supported DESC The possible finishing operations supported by this printer. Legal values include; "none", "staple", "punch", "cover", "bind", "saddle-stitch", "edge-stitch", "staple-top-left", "staple-bottom-left", "staple-top-right", "staple-bottom-right", "edge-stitch-left", "edge-stitch-top", "edge-stitch-right", "edge-stitch-bottom", "staple-dual-left", "staple-dual-top", "staple-dual-right", "staple-dual-bottom". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{255} ) ( NAME printer-number-up-supported DESC The possible numbers of print-stream pages to impose upon a single side of an instance of a selected medium. Legal values include; 1, 2, and 4. Implementations may support other values. EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX ) ( NAME printer-sides-supported DESC The number of impression sides (one or two) and the two-sided impression rotations supported by this printer. Legal values include; "one-sided", "two-sided-long-edge", "two-sided-short-edge". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{127} ) ( NAME printer-media-supported DESC The standard names/types/sizes (and optional color suffixes) of the media supported by this printer. For example: "iso-a4", "envelope", or "na-letter-white". Legal values conform to ISO 10175, Document Printing Application (DPA), and any IANA registered extensions. 270 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{255} ) ( NAME printer-media-local-supported DESC Site-specific names of media supported by this printer, in the language in "printer-natural-language-configured". For example: "purchasing-form" (site-specific name) as opposed to (in "printer-media-supported"): "na-letter" (standard keyword from ISO 10175). EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{255} ) ( NAME printer-resolution-supported DESC List of resolutions supported for printing documents by this printer. Each resolution value is a string with 3 fields: 1) Cross feed direction resolution (positive integer), 2) Feed direction resolution (positive integer), 3) Resolution unit. Legal values are "dpi" (dots per inch) and "dpcm" (dots per centimeter). Each resolution field is delimited by ">". For example: "300> 300> dpi>". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{255} ) ( NAME printer-print-quality-supported DESC List of print qualities supported for printing documents on this printer. For example: "draft, normal". Legal values include; "unknown", "draft", "normal", "high". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{127} ) ( NAME printer-job-priority-supported DESC Indicates the number of job priority levels supported. An IPP conformant printer which supports job priority must always support a full range of priorities from "1" to "100" (to ensure consistent behavior), therefore this attribute describes the "granularity". Legal values of this attribute are from "1" to "100". EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-copies-supported DESC The maximum number of copies of a document that may be printed as a single job. A value of "0" indicates no maximum limit. A value of "-1" indicates unknown. EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-job-k-octets-supported DESC The maximum size in kilobytes (1,024 octets actually) incoming print job that this printer will accept. A value of "0" indicates no maximum limit. A value of "-1" indicates unknown. EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch Chapter 18 General Reference 271
( NAME printer-service-person DESC The name of the current human service person responsible for servicing this printer. It is suggested that this string include information that would enable other humans to reach the service person, such as a phone number. EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{127} SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME printer-delivery-orientation-supported DESC The possible delivery orientations of pages as they are printed and ejected from this printer. Legal values include; "unknown", "face-up", and "face-down". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{127} ) ( NAME printer-stacking-order-supported DESC The possible stacking order of pages as they are printed and ejected from this printer. Legal values include; "unknown", "first-to-last", "last-to-first". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{127} ) ( NAME printer-output-features-supported DESC The possible output features supported by this printer. Legal values include; "unknown", "bursting", "decollating", "page-collating", "offset-stacking". EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX{127} ) ( NAME printer-aliases DESC Site-specific administrative names of this printer in addition the printer name specified for printer-name. EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{127} ) ( NAME sun-printer-bsdaddr DESC Sets the server, print queue destination name and whether the client generates protocol extensions. "Solaris" specifies a Solaris print server extension. The value is represented b the following value: server "," destination ", Solaris". SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) ( NAME sun-printer-kvp DESC This attribute contains a set of key value pairs which may have meaning to the 272 System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
print subsystem or may be user defined. Each value is represented by the following: key "=" value. SYNTAX )
$ printer-xri-supported )) objectclasses: ( NAME printerServiceAuxClass DESC Printer information. AUXILIARY SUP printerAbstract MAY ( printer-uri $ printer-xri-supported )) objectclasses: ( NAME printerIPP DESC Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) information. AUXILIARY SUP top MAY ( printer-ipp-versions-supported $ printer-multiple-document-jobs-supported )) objectclasses: ( NAME printerLPR DESC LPR information. AUXILIARY SUP top MUST ( printer-name ) MAY ( printer-aliases)) objectclasses: ( NAME sunPrinter DESC Sun printer information SUP top AUXILIARY MUST (objectclass $ printer-name) (sun-printer-bsdaddr $ sun-printer-kvp))
ATTRIBUTE ( NAME sun-printer-kvp DESC This attribute contains a set of key value pairs which may have meaning to the print subsystem or may be user defined. Each value is represented by the following: key "=" value. EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX )
Simple paged-mode (RFC 2696) Virtual List View controls The server must support at least one of the following authentication methods. anonymous simple sasl/cram-MD5 sasl/digest-MD5
If using pam_unix, the server must support storing passwords in UNIX crypt format. If using TLS, the server must support SSL or TLS.
hostsByName hostsByAddr keyByUID keyByHost netByName netByAddr nisgroupMember maskByNet printerByName projectByName projectByID protoByName protoByNumber passwordByName passwordByNumber rpcByName rpcByNumber serverByName serverByPort
(&(objectClass=ipHost)(cn=%s)) (&(objectClass=ipHost)(ipHostNumber=%s)) (&(objectClass=nisKeyObject)(uidNumber=%s)) (&(objectClass=nisKeyObject)(cn=%s)) (&(objectClass=ipNetwork)(cn=%s)) (&(objectClass=ipNetwork)(ipNetworkNumber=%s)) (membernisnetgroup=%s) (&(objectClass=ipNetwork)(ipNetworkNumber=%s)) (&(objectClass=sunPrinter)(printer-name=%s)) (&(objectClass=SolarisProject)(SolarisProjectName=%s)) (&(objectClass=SolarisProject)(SolarisProjectID=%ld)) (&(objectClass=ipProtocol)(cn=%s)) (&(objectClass=ipProtocol)(ipProtocolNumber=%d)) (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s)) (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uidNumber=%ld)) (&(objectClass=oncRpc)(cn=%s)) (&(objectClass=oncRpc)(oncRpcNumber=%d)) (&(objectClass=ipService)(cn=%s)) (&(objectClass=ipService)(ipServicePort=%ld))
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
profileByName userByName
(&(objectClass=SolarisProfAttr)(cn=%s)) (&(objectClass=SolarisUserAttr)(uid=%s))
aliases auth_attr audit_user exec_attr group hosts networks prof_attr protocols passwd printers rpc services shadow project usr_attr
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Application-level naming services are incorporated in applications offering services such as les, mail, and printing. Application-level naming services are bound below enterprise-level naming services. The enterprise-level naming services provide contexts in which contexts of application-level naming services can be bound. The means by which a server can verify a clients identity. The program that manages the local caches of NIS+ clients (NIS_SHARED_DIRCACHE), which are used to store location information about the NIS+ servers that support the directories most frequently used by those clients, including transport addresses, authentication information, and a time-to-live value. See domain. (1) The client is a principal (machine or user) requesting an naming service from an naming server. (2) In the client-server model for le systems, the client is a machine that remotely accesses resources of a compute server, such as compute power and large memory capacity. (3) In the client-server model, the client is an application that accesses services from a server process. In this model, the client and the server can run on the same machine or on separate machines.
client-server model
A common way to describe network services and the model user processes (programs) of those services. Examples include the name-server/name-resolver paradigm of the Domain Name System (DNS) . See also client. The authentication information that the client software sends along with each request to a naming server. This information veries the identity of a user or machine.
data encrypting key data encryption standard (DES) decimal dotted notation
A key used to encipher and decipher data intended for programs that perform encryption. Contrast with key encrypting key. A commonly used, highly sophisticated algorithm developed by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards for encrypting and decrypting data. See also SUN-DES-1. The syntactic representation for a 32-bit integer that consists of four 8-bit numbers written in base 10 with periods (dots) separating them. Used to represent IP addresses in the Internet as in: See data encryption standard (DES). (1) An LDAP directory is a container for LDAP objects. In UNIX, a container for les and subdirectories. A local le used to store data associated with directory objects. The DIT is the distributed directory structure for a given network. By default, Solaris LDAP clients access the information assuming that the DIT has a given structure. For each domain supported by the LDAP server, there is an assumed subtree with an assumed structure. A distinguished name is an entry in an X.500 directory information base (DIB) composed of selected attributes from each entry in the tree along a path leading from the root down to the named entry. See directory information tree. See Domain Name System. An NIS server or an NIS+ server with NIS compatibility set forwards requests it cannot answer to DNS servers. Administrative boundaries within a network domain, often made up of one or more subdomains. A set of les wherein the DNS software stores the names and IP addresses of all the workstations in a domain. (1) In NIS+ a group of hierarchical objects managed by NIS+. There is one highest level domain (root domain) and zero or more subdomains. Domains and subdomains may be organized around geography, organizational or functional principles.
distinguished name
Parent domain. Relative term for the domain immediately above the current domain in the hierarchy. Child domain. Relative term for the domain immediately below the current domain in the hierarchy. Root domain. Highest domain within the current NIS+ hierarchy.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
(2) In the Internet, a part of a naming hierarchy usually corresponding to a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN) or a portion of such a network. Syntactically, an Internet domain name consists of a sequence of names (labels) separated by periods (dots). For example, (3) In International Organization for Standardizations open systems interconnection (OSI), domain is generally used as an administrative partition of a complex distributed system, as in MHS private management domain (PRMD), and directory management domain (DMD). domain name The name assigned to a group of systems on a local network that share DNS administrative les. The domain name is required for the network information service database to work properly. See also domain. A service that provides the naming policy and mechanisms for mapping domain and machine names to addresses outside of the enterprise, such as those on the Internet. DNS is the network information service used by the Internet. The means by which the privacy of data is protected. See data encrypting key.
enterprise-level network An enterprise-level network can be a single Local Area Network (LAN) communicating over cables, infra-red beams, or radio broadcast; or a cluster of two or more LANs linked together by cable or direct phone connections. Within an enterprise-level network, every machine is able to communicate with every other machine without reference to a global naming service such as DNS or X.500/LDAP. entry federated namespace A single row of data in a database table. An FNS (XFN) term referring to the set of all possible names generated according to the policies that govern the relationships among member naming systems and their respective namespaces. See Federated naming service. See group ID. A global naming service identies (names) those enterprise-level networks around the world that are linked together via phone, satellite, or other communication systems. This world-wide collection of linked networks is known as the Internet. In addition to naming networks, a global naming service also identies individual machines and users within a given network. A number that identies the default group for a user. A naming format used to identify an entry in a table.
Glossary 281
A 32-bit address assigned to hosts using TCP/IP. See decimal dotted notation. Internet Protocol. The network layer protocol for the Internet protocol suite. A unique number that identies each host in a network. A key used to encipher and decipher other keys, as part of a key management and distribution system. Contrast with data encrypting key. A Solaris operating environment process that stores private keys. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a standard, extensible directory access protocol used by LDAP naming service clients and servers to communicate with each other. Multiple systems at a single geographical site connected together for the purpose of sharing and exchanging data and software. Files that contain a list of DNS domain names and their corresponding mail hosts. A workstation that functions as an email router and receiver for a site. The server that maintains the master copy of the network information service database for a particular domain. Namespace changes are always made to the naming service database kept by the domains master server. Each domain has only one master server. Management information systems (or services) The process of translating workstation or user names to addresses. Servers that run one or more network naming services. A conguration le (/etc/nsswitch.conf) that denes the sources from which an naming client can obtain its network information. A network service that handles machine, user, printer, domain, router, an other network names and addresses. (1) A namespace stores information that users, workstations, and applications must have to communicate across the network. (2) The set of all names in a naming system.
local-area network (LAN) mail exchange records mail hosts master server
MIS name resolution name server naming service switch naming service namespace
A number used by software to separate the local subnet address from the rest of a given Internet protocol address. See Secure RPC password. A distributed network information service containing key information about the systems and the users on the network. The NIS database is stored on the master server and all the replica or slave servers.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
NIS maps
A le used by NIS that holds information of a particular type, for example, the password entries of all users on a network or the names of all host machines on a network. Programs that are part of the NIS service query these maps. See also NIS. A distributed network information service containing hierarchical information about the systems and the users on the network. The NIS+ database is stored on the master server and all the replica servers.
NIS-compatibility mode A conguration of NIS+ that allows NIS clients to have access to the data stored in NIS+ tables. When in this mode, NIS+ servers can answer requests for information from both NIS and NIS+ clients. parent domain preferred server list private key See domain. A client_info table or a client_info le. Preferred server lists specify the preferred servers for a client or domain. The private component of a pair of mathematically generated numbers, which, when combined with a private key, generates the DES key. The DES key in turn is used to encode and decode information. The private key of the sender is only available to the owner of the key. Every user or machine has its own public and private key pair. The public component of a pair of mathematically generated numbers, which, when combined with a private key, generates the DES key. The DES key in turn is used to encode and decode information. The public key is available to all users and machines. Every user or machine has their own public and private key pair. See entry. An easy and popular paradigm for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing. A request is sent to a remote system to execute a designated procedure, using arguments supplied, and the result is returned to the caller. The process of converting workstation IP addresses to workstation names using the DNS software. See domain. See remote procedure call (RPC). The simple authentication and security layer. A framework for negotiating authentication and security layer semantics in application-layer protocols. Password required by Secure RPC protocol. This password is used to encrypt the private key. This password should always be identical to the users login password.
public key
(1) In NIS+, NIS, DNS, and LDAP a host machine providing naming services to a network. (2) In the client-server model for le systems, the server is a machine with computing resources (and is sometimes called the compute server), and large memory capacity. Client machines can remotely access and make use of these resources. In the client-server model for window systems, the server is a process that provides windowing services to an application, or client process. In this model, the client and the server can run on the same machine or on separate machines. (3) A daemon that actually handles the providing of les.
See preferred server list. (1) A server system that maintains a copy of the NIS database. It has a disk and a complete copy of the operating environment. (2) Slave servers are called replica servers in NIS+.
SSL is the secure sockets layer protocol. It is a generic transport-layer security mechanism designed to make application protocols such as LDAP secure. A working scheme that divides a single logical network into smaller physical networks to simplify routing. In NIS+ a two-dimensional (nonrelational) database object containing NIS+ data in rows and columns. (In NIS an NIS map is analogous to a NIS+ table with two columns.) A table is the format in which NIS+ data is stored. NIS+ provides 16 predened or system tables. Each table stores a different type of information. See Transport Control Protocol (TCP). Acronym for Transport Control Protocol/Interface Program. The protocol suite originally developed for the Internet. It is also called the Internet protocol suite. Solaris networks run on TCP/IP by default. The major transport protocol in the Internet suite of protocols providing reliable, connection-oriented, full-duplex streams. Uses IP for delivery. See TCP/IP.
subnet table
Transport Layer Security TLS secures communication between an LDAP client and the directory (TLS) server, providing both privacy and data integrity. The TLS protocol is a super set of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. wide-area network (WAN) X.500 A network that connects multiple local-area networks (LANs) or systems at different geographical sites via phone, ber-optic, or satellite links. A global-level directory service dened by an Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) standard. A precursor to LDAP.
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Numbers and Symbols
+ netgroup, 73 not responding messages (NIS), 169 $PWDIR/security/passwd.adjunct, 155 $PWDIR/shadow, 135 +/- Syntax compat, 43 nsswitch.conf les, 43 passwd_compat, 43 +/- syntax switch les, and, 72 unavailable messages (NIS), 169 auto_master tables nsswitch.conf le, and, 35 awk, 162
Browsing indices, 228
cache manager, 279 Cant find messages, 74 Cant find messages (DNS), 118 cant initialize address messages, 74 child domain, 279 CHKPIPE, 157 client, 279 client-server model, 279 clients NIS, 125 NIS setup, 147 Credential Levels LDAP client, 210 Credential Storage LDAP client, 211 credentials, 279 crontab, 162 NIS, problems, 175 NIS maps propagating, 160 crontab les, 160 NIS, problems, 175
adjunct les, 142 administrative domain (DNS), 50 aliases les, 141 application-level, 279 .asc, 163 Attribute map, 204 Attributes internet print protocol, 267 authentication digest-MD5, 212 simple, 212 authentication methods none, 212 auto_direct.time maps, 157 auto_home tables nsswitch.conf le, and, 35 auto_home.time maps, 157
daemons NIS, 126 NIS, not running, 174 NIS, starting, 144 nscd, 41 rpc.yppasswdd daemon, 126 rpc.ypupdated daemon, 126 ypbind daemon, 126 ypserv daemon, 126 ypupdated, 134 ypxfr daemon, 126 data encrypting key, 280 Database format error messages (DNS), 119 dbm, 163 decimal dotted notation, 280 defaultdomain les, 138 DES, 280 DIR directory, 141 directory, 280 directory cache, 280 Directory Information Tree, 201, 280 distinguished name, 280 DNS, 280 DNS, 27 $INCLUDE control entry, 107 $INCLUDE les, 104 $ORIGIN() control entry, 107 A record, 110 administrative domains, 48, 50 backup les, 71 boot les, 95 cache-only servers, 51, 71 Cant find messages, 74, 118 cant initialize address messages, 74 changes erratic, 116 class elds, 106 clients, 48 CNAME record, 112 control entries, 107 data les, 95 data les, names of, 95 Database format error messages, 119 default domain name, 54, 82 domain name trailing dots in, 54
DNS (continued) domain names, 54, 60 default, 54 fully qualied, 61 domain names, registering, 60 domain names, trailing dots, 73 domains, 94 top level, 59 domains, geographic (Internet), 60 domains, organizational (Internet), 59 email, and, 95 error receiving zone transfer messages, 119 example, 85 le names, 52 lenames, and, 95 ftp problems, 118 HINFO record, 111 hosts les, 101 hosts.rev les, 103 illegal messages, 119 Domain, 63 in.named, 51 in.named, updating, 76 Internet, and, 59 Internet, joining, 60 inverse queries, 82 IP addresses, 48 IP registration, 69 local loopback, 70 LOCALDOMAIN, 82 machines, adding, 77 machines, removing, 78 master server (master), 69 master server (slave), 70 master servers, changes on, 77 modifying, 75 MX record, 113 MX records, 95 name-address resolution, 48 name elds, 105 les, 99 named.conf le, 96 named.local les, 103 namespace, 94 namespace, hierarchy, 94 network, division into subdomains, 80 NIS, and, 123
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
DNS (continued) NIS and, 166 No such... messages, 119 Non-authoritative answer messages, 119 non-authoritative messages, 74 Non-existent domainmessages, 74 NS record, 110 nsswitch.conf le, and, 32 nsswitch.conf les, 42, 55 primary servers, 51 problem solving, 115 PTR record, 112 record-specic-data elds, 106 record-type elds, 106 reloading data, 76 resolver, 55 resource records formats of, 105 special characters, 106 types of, 108 reverse domain data problems, 117 reverse mapping, 63 reverse resolution, 63 RFC1535, 82 rlogin problems, 118 root domain servers, 49 rsh problems, 118 secondary servers, 51 server cannot nd machine, 115 server failed messages, 117 server function, specifying, 85 server initialization, 73 servers, 48 servers, slave, 69 servers, types of, 51 setup testing, 73 short names, client cannot use, 117 SOA, changing number, 76 SOA record, 108 Solaris implementation of, 82 subdomain setup (different zones), 93 subdomain setup (same zone), 92 subdomains, 94 subdomains, creating, 79 subdomains, names of, 80 subdomains, planning, 79 subdomains, set up, 81
DNS (continued) syntax errors, 119 test programs, 82 TTL elds, 105 Unknown field messages, 119 unreachable messages, 118 utility scripts, 82 version of, 82 WKS record, 111 zone les, 62 zone expired messages, 118 zone reverse map, 69 zones, 62 DNS client sertting up, 66 DNS clients resolver and, 55 DNS data les setup, 91 DNS les names of, 51 DNS-forwarding, 280 DNS server setup DNS le names, 51 DNS zone les, 280 DNS zones, 280 DOM variable, 143 domain, 280 domain name, 281 domainname, 143, 145 domains DNS, trailing dots, 73 domain names (DNS), 60 domain names, registering, 60 geographic (Internet), 60, 63 Internet, 59 names of (DNS), 54 NIS, 124, 126, 138 NIS, multiple, 143 organizational (Internet), 59
encryption key, 281 enterprise-level network, 281
Index 287
entry, 281 error receiving zone transfer messages (DNS), 119 /etc/defaultdomain les, 138, 170 /etc les, 27, 43, 127 /etc/hosts, 22, 145 /etc/inet/ipnodes, 22 /etc/init.d/yp, 134 /etc/mail/aliases les, 141 /etc/mail directory, 141 /etc/named.conf le, 97 /etc/named.conf les, 56 /etc/ les, 76 /etc/nodename les, 138 /etc/nsswitch.conf, 41 /etc/nsswitch.files, 40 /etc/nsswitch.nis, 40 /etc/nsswitch.nisplus, 40 /etc/resolv.conf les, 67, 83 NIS and Internet, 84
hosts (DNS le) examples, 88, 102 setup, 101 subdomains, and, 93 zones, multiple, 93 hosts (DNS les), 52 identied in named.boot le, 69 zones, multiple and, 52 hosts (machines) multihome support (NIS), 135 NIS clients, 125 NIS domains, changing, 166 NIS servers, 125 hosts.byaddr, 128 hosts.byaddr maps YP_INTERDOMAIN key, 83 hosts.byname, 128 hosts.byname maps, 128 YP_INTERDOMAIN key, 83 hosts database, 158 hosts le (DNS), 70, 102 hosts les, 77, 145 hosts les (DNS), 101 hosts.rev le, 89 examples, 89 subdomains, and, 93 zones, multiple, 93 hosts.rev le (DNS), 103 hosts.rev les, 52, 77, 103 examples, 103 setup, 103 subdomains (same zone), 92
federated namespace, 281 les-based naming, 28 FNS, 281 FQDN, 197 ftp, 176 problems, 119
gethostbyname(), 31 getipnodebyname(), 31 getpwnam(), 31 getpwuid(), 31 getXbyY(), 31 GID, 281 global naming service, 281 group ID, 281 groups +/- syntax, and, 72 netgroups (NIS), 152
illegal messages (DNS), 119 in.named, 27, 51 in.named le, 71, 91 index LDAP client attributes, 227 indexed name, 281 Internet DNS, and, 59 domain names, registering, 60 domains top level, 59 domains, geographic, 60
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Internet (continued) domains, organizational, 59 joining, 60 le (DNS), 99 NIS, and, 124 nsswitch.conf les, 42 Internet address, 282 IP, 282 IP address, 282 iPlanet Directory Server setup using idscong, 226 iPlanet server setup load data into directory server, 234 IPv6 nsswitch.conf les, 42
mail exchange records, 282 mail hosts, 282 Mailgroups attributes, 261 object class, 262 make, 143, 153, 156, 158, 165 NIS maps, 131 NIS maps and, 130 Make les NIS, 128 makedbm, 127, 131, 142, 157, 162 maps, changing server of, 154 slave servers, adding, 164 Makefile, 155, 157 NIS security, 149 non-default maps, modifying, 162 propagating maps, 160 YP_INTERDOMAIN key, 83 Makefile les, 139, 141 4.x compatibility, 135 maps, supported list, 155 multihome support, 135 mapname.dir les, 142 mapname.pag les, 142 master server, 282 MIS, 282 mymap.asc les, 163
key (encrypting), 282 key server, 282 keyserver nsswitch.conf le, and, 36
LAN, 282 LDAP troubleshooting, 245 ldap_cachemgr deamon, 208 LDAP schema role based attributes, 265 LDAP schema role based object classes, 266 LDAP schemas, 251 LDAP troubleshooting ldapclient cannot bind to server, 248 login fails, 247 lookup too slow, 248 unable to reach systems in LDAP domain remotely, 247 unresolved hostname, 247 ldapaddent, 234 list of, 128 local loopback (DNS), 70 LOCALDOMAIN, 54 ls, 170
name resolution, 282 name server, 282 name space DNS, 27 name-to-address resolution, 48 named.boot le examples, 86 named.boot les backup les, 71 cache-only servers, 71 local loopback, 70 master server (master), 69 master server (slave), 70 zone reverse map, 69 le, 101 example (Internet version), 99
Index 289 le (continued) examples, 90 Internet version of, 99 non-Internet version of, 100 setup the root servers, 99 les, 52, 99 named.conf le, 97 named.conf les, 52, 56 DNS server function, 85 examples, 57 setup (servers), 56 named.local le, 70, 104 examples, 88, 104 named.local les, 53, 103 setup, 104 les, 76 named.root le, 99 namespace, 282 naming, 21 DNS, 27 les-based, 28 NIS, 28 Solaris naming services, 27 naming service, 282 naming service switch, 282 ndbm, 127, 141 slave servers, adding, 164 ndbm les maps, changing server of, 155 netgroup.byhost les, 152 netgroup.byuser les, 152 netgroup les, 152 entries, example, 153 netstat testing, 171 network mask, 282 network password, 282 nicknames les, 131 NIS, 282 NIS, 28, 123 not responding messages, 169 unavailable messages, 169 4.x compatibility, 135 architecture, 124 binding, 132 binding, broadcast, 132 binding, server-list, 132 broadcast binding, 133
NIS (continued) C2 security, 165 client problems, 170 client setup, 147 clients, 125 commands hang, 169 components, 126 conguration les, modifying, 155 crontab, 160 daemons, 126 daemons, not running, 174 daemons, starting, 144 DNS, and, 124 DNS and, 166 domain names, 138 domains, 124, 126 domains, multiple, 143 earlier versions and, 134 halting, 168 Internet, and, 124 madedbm, 127 make, 131 Make files, 128 makedbm, 131 Makefile ltering, 156 makele preparation, 141 master servers, 125 multihome support, 135 ndbm format, 127 netgroups, 152 NSKit, 134 passwd maps, updatingpasswd maps, 151 passwd maps auto update, 160 password data, 139 passwords, user, 151 problems, 169 root entry, 149 rpc.yppasswdd, 126, 151 rpc.ypupdated, 126 securenets, 134 security, 134, 149 server binding not possible, 172 server-list binding, 133 servers, 125 servers, malfunction, 174 servers, maps different versions, 174 servers, overloaded, 173 servers not available, 171
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
NIS (continued) setup, preparation for, 138 slave server setup, 145 slave servers, 125 software installation, 134 source les, 139 starting, 134, 144 starting, automatic, 144 starting, command line, 144 stopping, 134, 168 structure of, 124 SunOS 4.x compatibility, 135 SUNWypr, 134 SUNWypu, 134 updates, automating, 160 updating via shell scripts, 160 user password locked, 150 useradd, 150 userdel, 151 users, adding, 150 users, administering, 150 utility programs, 127 /var/yp/, 128 versions, earlier, 134 ypbind, 126, 131, 133 ypbind cant messages, 169 ypbind fails, 172 ypcat, 127, 131 ypinit, 127, 131, 142 ypmatch, 127, 131 yppoll, 127 yppush, 131 yppush, 127 ypserv, 126, 131 ypservers les, 164 ypset, 127, 131 ypstart, 134 ypstop, 134 ypupdated, 134 ypwhich, 127, 131, 134 ypwhich inconsistent displays, 172 ypxfr, 126, 131 NIS+, 283 NIS clients not bound to server, 171 NIS-compatibility mode, 283 NIS domain names incorrect, 170
NIS domain names (continued) missing, 170 NIS domains changing, 166 NIS hosts changing domain of, 166 NIS maps, 283 NIS maps, 128 administering, 153 CHKPIPE in Makele, 157 commands related to, 131 conguration les, modifying, 155 crontab, 160 default, 128 descriptions of, 128 displaying contents, 153 displaying contents of, 130 format is ndbm, 127 locating, 130 Makefile, DIR variable, 158 Makefile, DOM variable, 158 Makefile, PWDIR variable, 158 Makefile and, 156 Makefile entries, updating, 159 Makefile ltering, 156 Makefile macros, changing, 158 Makefile variables, changing, 158 making, 130 new maps, creating from les, 163 new maps, creating from keyboard, 163 nicknames, 131 non-default, 159 NOPUSH in Makele, 157 propagating, 160 server, changing, 154 updates, automating, 160 updating, 130 updating via shell scripts, 160 /var/yp/, 128 working with, 130 yppush in Makele, 157 ypxfr, crontab le in, 160 ypxfr, invoking directly, 162 ypxfr, logging, 162 ypxfr, shell scripts in, 160 NIS slave servers adding, 164 initializing, 165
Index 291
No such... messages (DNS), 119 nodenameles, 138 Non-authoritative answer messages (DNS), 119 non-authoritative messages, 74 Non-existent domain messages, 74 NOPUSH in Makele, 157 nscd daemon, 41 nslookup, 74 nsswitch.conf les, 27, 31, 36, 44, 81, 115, 138 +/- Syntax, 43 +/- syntax, compatibility, 72 actions, 34 Auto_home table, 35 Auto_master table, 35 choosing a le, 41 comments in, 36 compat, 43 continue, 34 default le, 40 default les, 40 default template les, 37 DNS, and, 32, 42, 55 examples, 37 format of, 32 incorrect syntax, 35 information sources, 33 installation of, 41 Internet access, 42 IPv6, and, 42 keyserver entry, 36 messages, status, 33 missing, 35 modifying, 35 NIS, 124 NOTFOUND=continue, 34 nsswitch.files les, 36 nsswitch.nis les, 37 nsswitch.nisplus les, 37 options, 34 passwd_compat, 43 password data, 44 publickey entry, 36 return, 34 search criteria, 33 sources, 33 status messages, 33
nsswitch.conf les (continued) SUCCESS=return, 34 templates, 31, 36, 40 timezone table, 35 TRYAGAIN=continue, 34 UNAVAIL=continue, 34 nsswitch.confles, 41 nsswitch.files les, 40 nsswitch.ldap, 39 nsswitch.nis, 38 nsswitch.nis les, 40 nsswitch.nisplus les, 40
objectClass Map, 204
parent domain, 283 passwd, 151 NIS map auto updated, 160 passwd.adjunct les, 142, 152, 155, 165 passwd les 4.x compatibility (NIS), 135 Solaris 1.x formats, 150 passwd map, 139 passwd maps users, adding, 150 password data +/- syntax, and, 72 NIS, 139 NIS, and, 149 nsswitch.conf les, 44 root in NIS maps, 149 passwords NIS, and, 151 rpc.yppasswdd (NIS), 151 ping, 174 Pluggable Authentication Methods, 214 preferred server list, 283 private key, 283 Proles LDAP client, 205 Project attributes, 264
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
Project (continued) object class, 265 proxy credentials, 210 public key, 283 PWDIR, 140 PWDIR/security/passwd.adjunct les, 165 /PWDIR/shadow les, 142 /PWDR/security/passwd.adjunct, 142
schema Project, 264 Schemas directory user agent, 262 mail alias, 261 RFC 2307, 257 Secure RPC password, 283 securenets les, 134 security C2 security, NIS and, 165 NIS, 134, 139 NIS, and, 149 NIS, C2 security and, 165 root in NIS maps, 149 securenets les, 134 sed, 162 server, 284 server failed message (DNS, 117 server list, 284 servers NIS, preparing, 139 NIS slave setup, 145 not available (NIS), 171 ypservers les, 164 Service Search Descriptors, 203, 229 setup, 52 DNS data les, 91 DNS example, 85 DNS server initialization, 73 DNS subdomains (different zones), 93 DNS subdomains (same zone), 92 DNS testing, 73 multiple NIS domains, 143 NIS, starting, 144 NIS clients, 147 NIS makele, 141 NIS setup, preparation for, 138 NIS slave servers, 145 switch les, 40 shadow les, 142 NIS and, 135 Solaris 1.x formats, 150 sites.byname les maps, changing server of, 155 slave server, 284 Solaris naming services, 27 subnet, 284
Index 293
rcp, 145, 176 NIS maps, transferring, 161 rdist NIS maps, transferring, 161 record, 283 Referrals, 227 resolv.conf le, 54 examples, 87 resolv.conf les, 66, 81, 83 examples, 65 NIS and Internet, 84 setup, 65 resolve.conf les default domain names, 54 resolver, 55 resource record, 105 resource records (DNS), 91 reverse resolution, 283 RFC 2307 attributes, 257 object classes, 259 rlogin problems, 118 root domain, 283 RPC, 283 rpc.yppasswdd, 151 4.x compatibility (NIS), 136 passwd updates maps, 160 rpc.yppasswdd daemon, 126 rpc.ypupdated daemon, 126 rsh problems, 119
SUNWnsktr, 134 SUNWnsktu, 134 SUNWypr, 134 SUNWypu, 134 switch les nsswitch.files, 39 nsswitch.ldap, 39 nsswitch.nis, 38 syslog, 116
table, 284 TCP, 284 TCP/IP, 284 timezone tables, 35 /tmp/temp_file les, 164 Transport Control Protocol, 284 Transport Layer Security, 209, 284
/var/named/ les, 52 /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root les NIS, problems, 175 /var/yp, 170 /var/yp/, 128, 163 /var/yp/ directory, 142 /var/yp/binding/ les, 171 /var/yp directories NIS security, 149 /var/yp directory, 139, 141, 146 /var/yp/Makefile, 143 maps, supported list, 155 /var/yp/Makefile les 4.x compatibility, 135 /var/yp/mymap.asc, 163 /var/yp/nicknames les, 131 /var/yp/securenets les, 134 /var/yp/ypxfr.log les, 162
WAN, 284
Unknown field messages (DNS), 119 unreachable messages (DNS), 118 useradd, 150 password is locked, 150 userdel, 151 users adding (NIS), 150 netgroups, 152 NIS, 150 passwd maps, updating, 151 passwords (NIS), 151 useradd, 150 userdel (NIS), 151 /usr/lib/netsvc/yp directories, 161 /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart script, 83, 140 NIS security, 149 /usr/sbin/makedbm non-default maps, modifying, 162
X.500, 284
YP_INTERDOMAIN key, 83 ypbind, 131, 133, 144, 147, 154, 173 cant messages, 169 client not bound, 171 fails, 172 slave servers, adding, 165 ypbind cant messages (NIS), 169 ypbind daemon, 126 ypcat, 43, 127, 130 ypinit, 127, 131, 141, 164 default maps, 159 slave servers, adding, 165 ypmatch, 127, 131 yppoll, 127 yppush, 127, 131, 153, 155, 160 maps, changing server of, 155
/var/named/hosts.rev, 52
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002
yppush in Makele, 157 yppush maps NIS, problems, 176 ypserv, 83, 131, 133, 173 failure of, 176 multihome support, 135 ypserv daemon, 126 ypserve, 83, 144 ypservers, 164 ypservers les slave server, adding, 164 ypservers maps NIS, problems, 176 ypset, 127, 131 ypstart, 134, 144 ypstart les, 152 ypstop, 134, 145, 165 ypupdated daemon, 134 ypwhich, 127, 130, 134 display inconsistent, 172 ypxfr, 127, 131, 163, 175 invoking directly, 162 logging, 162 logging output, 175 maps, changing server of, 154 shell script, 175 shell scripts and, 161 ypxfr_1perday, 161 ypxfr_1perhour, 161 ypxfr_2perday, 161 ypxfr daemon, 126 ypxfr.log les, 162, 175
zone expired messages (DNS), 118
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) May 2002