Norley News Apr 13
Norley News Apr 13
Norley News Apr 13
Can you please help us give a more accurate account of the flora and fauna in Norley for our report for Norley Neighbourhood Plan? Our group has been set the task of reporting on the wildlife in the village and as such we have split up into 3 smaller groups: one to report on Hatchmere Lake with nearby forest; one to report on Flaxmere Moss; and one to report on the rest of the village. Thats where my subgroup comes in. We have looked at, the site of the former Anti-aircraft Gun Battery, which has an active Rural Skills Centre managed by The Conservation Volunteers, formerly BTCV. Do you know of any more sites of wildlife interest in the village? Apart from Waste Lane, do you know of any other ponds for us to visit? You may have uncommon visitors to your garden, such as unusual or migrant birds. Your pond may be home to unusual species such as the rare Great Crested Newt some have already been noted in a Norley pond! Please let us know anything of interest so that we can include as much as possible in our reports. To help us we have included in the Norley News a survey form and are asking everyone to fill in any relevent information about their land or near-by land and gardens. You can leave your completed records/information at the shop or through my door 15 School Bank (on the estate near the Tigers Head). We will be sending it out again later in the year because different species are around then. If you prefer, you can download it from the Norley Plan website ( ) and after filling it in electronically, either return it as above, or by email, to Sheila Hills - see below. Please return it by the end of May. You can email me on [email protected] or leave a message on 01928 787122
Thank-you, Sheila Hills
April 2013
News Inside
NBR .......................................... drop in report! Diets ....................................................... by Saf How to blow diets ................................ by Karen May Deadline......................................... 15 April Norley NewsApril 2013 1
Many thanks to Norley resident Joan Barclay, for identifying all the people in our picture from last month. These are as follows; Top Row
Patricia Cash, Barbara Sanders, Winifred Wilkinson, Doreen Robertson, Jennifer Barclay , Sylvia Lewis, Margaret Wright, Pamela Thompson,
Second Row
Sylvia Clark, Joan Wilkinson, Dorothy Robertson, Anne Barker, Brian Clark, Alan Lewis, Robert Barclay, Tony Langley
Third Row
Evelyn Potter, Joan Wood, Heather Shallcross, Margaret Robertson, Jean sanders, Paul Barclay, Peter Hooper, Ewart Hough, John Jones
Bottom Row
Roy Tilley, Joyce Tilley, Jean Lightfoot, Betty Hooper, Joan Dale, Beryl Lewis, Pam Lewis, John Ellis, Eric Jones, John Hooper.
Norley Plan website ( for two weeks beforehand and in hard copy on the day. The event had been advertised by hand delivery of an invitation to every house in the Parish, and by posters in the village. Catering was provided. There were display stands for the different parts of the Baseline Report- Infrastructure plus Business, Environment, Community and Social, Housing, and Education and Health. Volunteers for each stand were available to discuss the different sections of the report. Visitors were encouraged to discuss the NBR and to record their views on feedback sheets, which were provided. 494 invitations were delivered to each household in the Parish, and 111 people attended the event. Eight copies of the NBR were lent out. Comments were requested in writing on a prepared feedback form, or by email. 50 feedback replies were returned (9 by email, the rest hard copy feedback forms). This response rate of 45% of those who attended is exceptionally high for surveys of this type and demonstrates the interest engendered during the day. I think its fair to say that the event was well attended, stimulated discussion, and helped to bring villagers up to date. Well done helpers! The feedback requested, and received, focused more on the specific conclusions in the NBR, rather than the more general comments obtained from our earlier questionnaire of August 2012. However, they are consistent with each other and help us to build a view of what people think about the issues raised. There will be more opportunities for discussion and to ensure your views are heard as the Neighbourhood Plan is developed. Written feedback has been very positive on the quality of the NBR (a few errors or omissions have been pointed out).
On the left are Mr Tomlinson and, next to him, Frank Hooper. On the right are Mr Hindley and Miss B Hough. The Minister is Rev Wilfred Hough. Many thanks to Joan, not least for having such an impressive memory!
Brian Wainwright
WHITBYS LANE GARAGE Whitbys Lane Winsford CW7 2LZ 01606 593619
2 Norley News April 2013
Please attend to make your opposition to this application loud and clear!
The Planning Application reference is
13/00982/FUL Land adj. to Redcot School Bank It can be viewed on the CW&C website online-applications/
More detailed comments on the individual conclusions in the NBR are described below. We have only reported comments which are multiple, and which are supported by similar comments on more than 8% of the total number of the feedback forms / emails returned. Moderate and Strong Support means contained or duplicated in more than 10% and 20% of all feedback reports, respectively. Details: Infrastructure and Business: There was strong support for the need for high speed broadband. It was pointed out that this affects students as well as businesses. There was specific opposition to, and no support for, provision of business startup units, and concerns they could lead to more road traffic. Speeding in Norley is a real issue, especially in Blakemere Lane / Delamere Road, also Post Office Lane (morning and evening), and High St. Concern over the lack of a footpath between Waste Lane and School Bank, near the shop. Strong support for getting control of this. Agreement that there is poor maintenance of roads, cycle ways and footpaths. Minimal support for replacement of pole mounted power lines. There was a small level of comment that we needed more buses at more regular times and that Acton Bridge railway car park needed expanding. Moderate but enthusiastic support for preserving and enhancing existing footpaths and a village walking circuit. Community, Social, Health and Education: There were few comments on these sections of the NBR. There was moderate support for development of improved activity / meeting facilities for the village, but also, noting
that the school and chapel facilities were underutilized, suggestions that the current plans should be trimmed back. Reponses on the need for improved health facilities were evenly balanced, for and against. The retention of the school at a viable size is seen as important. Environment Strong support for protection and retention of the open spaces within the built parts of the parish, which are valued, and give Norley its unique character. Strong support for active management to preserve and enhance Norleys environmental assets, particularly Biodiversity, not only in the high profile sites but elsewhere. Housing and Built Environment Unsurprisingly, This section of the NBR attracted the majority of all comments. There were a moderate number of concerns expressed that unless action was taken to prevent or reduce demolition for rebuild and enlarging, Norley could become a dormitory village for the rich which younger people with families could not afford to live in, and the school and other facilities would ultimately close. Strong support that there should be no new large scale housing developments and that any lower cost housing should be by infill in small numbers. There were no contrary comments. A significant number of responses suggested that all future developments should be restricted to brownfield sites, including affordable housing (a moderate level of support) Views on the need for affordable housing are equally split: of those that support it, half suggest it should be aimed at the elderly (i.e. 2 or 3 bed bungalows or similar). People had concerns that the concept was not affordable to first
time buyers. Those that see no need for more affordable housing point to the developments already in the pipeline. In addition there were a small number of concerns raised about the proposed development in Barnes Field at the bottom of Maddocks Hill, and also a suggestion that a better use would be as a nature reserve / wildlife conservation habitat. This proposed development was not widely known about during the Drop-in event and in any case is not part of the scope of the NBR. Unfortunately, until the Neighbourhood Plan is completed and incorporated into the County Plan, we can have little influence on these and future events. The comments will be passed to the Parish Council. We would like to thank everyone for their comments which are invaluable to us and which will be taken into account as we proceed to develop the draft plan.
Martin Bell
If you would like to reserve a performance slot ( maximum five minutes), please contact organiser Lynn Pegler in advance by emailing [email protected]. The event is free, includes a licensed bar and starts at 7.30pm for 8pm. Everyone welcome.
M.P. Building and Joinery (Based in Norley) All Aspects of Building and Joinery
i.e. reduced calorie intake emphasising low-fat foods with follow ups after at least 2 years showed that long term weight loss was around 2kg. Adding in exercise to diet restraints resulted in a loss of only 1 extra kg. Restricting calorie intake slows our metabolism through mechanisms that involve the nervous system, and levels of thyroid hormones and leptin. Leptin is a hormone secreted by fat cells; it stimulates the metabolism and also acts as a satiety signal to the brain. However, as weight falls, so do levels of Leptin. The Kekwick Paper was the first study ever to demonstrate the existence of metabolic advantage was conducted by two British doctors, Alan Kekwick and Gaston Pawan, of the University of London. While the evidence regarding metabolic advantage is mixed, the following is true: When metabolic advantage has been demonstrated, it has been in favour of diets higher in protein and fat and lower in
carbohydrate. They also counteract one of the major reasons diets fail hunger! The positive studies have generally been much longer in duration than the negative studies, and were more likely to detect any metabolic advantage that exists. More importantly, from a health perspective this diet has the ability to improve indicators of disease including blood pressure and blood fat levels. But fats are bad and complex carbohydrates are good arent they? Weve been bombarded with information for a long time that low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet is best. This is based on the belief that eating saturated fat and cholesterol is unhealthy and bad for our heart and circulation. Columnist, editor, practising doctor and leading authority on the impact of nutrition and other lifestyle factors on health and illness, Dr John Briffa states not only does this belief have no scientific backing now, it never did. For the last 30-odd years, our governments, health experts and health agencies have encouraged us to take part in what amounts to a mass experiment that seems to have done nothing to improve our health or to save lives. Worse still, this way of eating was vigorously promoted before we had any idea about its safety. This view is supported by many other doctors and researchers and is the subject of a new documentary on Cholesterol and Statins by Justin Smith. Watch an excerpt at We are all individuals and there is no one size fits all in what works for us and what is suitable for our individual health and medical needs You should always consult with a qualified medical practitioner before starting any weightloss programme, or if you have any concerns about your health. Stay healthy! Safiya
Tel: 077321 44427 Email: [email protected] Web:
20% off a two course weekend evening meal for 4 people (Fri, Sat & 3pm to 6pm Sunday)
25% off Early Bird Dinning (6pm to 8pm) Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Pre-booked tables only (min notice 24 hours)
Discounts not available Bank Holidays Valid 2nd April 16th May
6 Norley News April 2013
Many Thanks
Doreen, Elizabeth and Carole would like to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours for the kind expressions of sympathy, cards and flowers following the sudden death of Stephen Lewis on 22nd February. Thank you for the generous donations to the Hurst Methodist Church.
To the Editor
and Norley Residents,
it is in the middle of the village; it is out of keeping with the local area; it will obtrude for ever on the character of our village. Our Green Belt is under threat as never before: permission to develop this site will set a most dangerous precedent and is likely to prove the thin end of the wedge. Please dont fall into the trap of thinking that this is of no concern to you: it could well, at some stage, result in similar pressure on a piece of rural England close to your home. Help us to fight this scheme by making your feelings known to Cheshire West and Chester Council. Households directly affected by the application have received notification. The expiration date for comments is 11th April 2013. If you wish to comment speed is of the essence. The Planning Application reference is 13/00982/FUL Land adj. to Redcot School Bank It can be viewed on the CW&C website The closing date for comments is 11th April, 2013 Comments can be sent by post to: Winsford Planning Office Cheshire West & Chester Council Wyvern House, The Drumber Winsford CW7 1AH Or by email to: [email protected] The Parish Council is meeting on Tuesday 9th April at 7.00pm in Norley Primary School to consider their response to this application Please attend to make your opposition to this application loud and clear Sincerely Chris Proudfoot Woodford, School Bank
[email protected]
native trees for instance, elm and ash at the higher end of the site. There is a paucity of native wild flowers in the Norley area generally; only the undisturbed linear strip along the south bank of the Weaver Navigation, about two miles away, gives you some idea of what the variety of local flora should be. Wet-loving species such as Ladys Smock, Ragged Robin and Marsh Marigold would thrive in the damper areas, while other types which should be common in the area, but are largely missing because of modern agricultural practices, could be seeded and grown higher up the slope, to the benefit of bees and other pollinating insects. Local beekeepers could be encouraged to have hives close to the wildflower meadow, and the pond could be a venue for properly supervised pond-dipping expeditions from local schools; the site as a whole becoming an educational resource so that children are encouraged to understand about nature and about our need to live alongside and safeguard it rather than plundering it. The protected Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus ) is present in numbers in the immediate locality, and indeed, we have them in both our garden ponds, which are approximately 100 yards from the southern boundary of the site. The area is also the home of Smooth Newts, Common Frogs and Common Toads, and it is essential that any further attempt to interfere with the site should be put on hold until the animals have emerged from hibernation, so that a proper assessment can be made. Of course, there would first be the need to acquire the site, and then its upkeep would have to be assured: for example, the annual mowing of the wildflower area once seed has been set, and the maintenance of the pond to ensure that it remains a good habitat (i.e. doesnt become choked with grasses). Theres a lot to think about, but please give this idea your
consideration. It could result in a beautiful amenity for the community as a whole, as well as a resource of huge value for the younger generation. We may have a chance to do something of lasting value to the environment before our country is completely wrecked by heedless and unnecessary development. The Parish Council agreed to consider this request. 133. Approval of the Minutes from Norley Parish Council Meeting of 08/01/13. The minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting of 08/01/13 were approved subject to the following amendments:Minutes no. 126 (i) should also read Parish Council agree to set a side 150 for the village Christmas tree. Should read co-option an not co-oped 134. Matters arising from the Minutes of Parish Council Meeting of 08/01/13. (i) Clerk instructed to write to Rob Fryer concerning the use of the swimming pool at the Jewish School site at Hatchmere. (ii) Cheshire West & Chester Building Control have informed the builders working at the site on Norley Lane that they must
submit a building control application for the 2 houses that they are developing. (iii) The dates have now been confirmed for the use of the Speed Indicator Device. 6 Volunteers have agreed to support this, and where possible make themselves available for a training session on 11/03/13 at 10.30am at The Cottage Post Office Lane. Clerk to send a reminder to those that have expressed an interested in supporting this exercise. Clerk also instructed to display notices to seek more volunteers around the village. (iv) Councillor Oultram agreed to contact Highways to determine why work has not yet been undertaken to resolve the flood at Maddocks Hill. (v) Councillor Oultram provided an update on Community Governance Review process and urged people who felt strongly to respond as all individual responses will be considered. (vi) Councillor Wild and Councillor Taylor agreed to visit the owners of Windy Ridge concerning the access to this property being over the village green.
135. Norley Parish Council Surgery 26/01/13. No Parishioners attended the first Parish Council surgery held on 26/01/13 at 9.30am in Norley Methodist Church. The Parish Council agreed to continue with these to encourage lines of communication with Parishioners. Clerk instructed to book the next surgery on 23/03/13 at the same time and location, and display notices, informing Parishioners of this event, around the village. Councillor Wild and Councillor Duncalf agreed to attend on 23/03/13, along with the clerk. 136. Neighbourhood Plan Update The consultation event held in the village was attended by over 100 parishioners, with approx 60 forms being completed and returned on the day, this process continues, and everyone is being encouraged to read the baseline report. The Neighbourhood Plan website is now up and running. Funding has been scaled back wherever possible and Councillor Davidson thanked all those that have offered their professional services which have helped to keep the costs down. It is expected that the Management Group will discuss commissioning an independent Housing Report for the village. 137. Norley Parish Council Website Councillor Wild reported that work continues on the Parish Council Website and this should be available in the next few days. 138. Planning Applications 13/00401/FUL single/two storey extension over existing single storey section, internal alterations and render to existing brickwork. Wellow Gallowsclough Lane. Norley Parish Council had no objections. 12/04942/FUL Two storey side and rear extension (demolition of existing extensions) Highview Cottage School Lane Norley Parish Council had no objections
12/05581 The Cottage Flaxmere Norley Parish Council have concerns that this is another loss of a smaller house in the village. It is an increase of 100% on the original property. Although the family have lived in the property for over 10 years, the Parish Council feel that trends to enlarge properties is problematic for the village. 139 Decisions 12/05308/FUL Headlands fingerpost Land Roof alterations from hipped to gabled, permitted subject to conditions 12/05282/OUT Land to rear of Breech Moss detached dwelling, permitted subject to conditions. 12/05308/FUL Land at Beech Lane Norley siting of a residential caravan and container for storage use, permitted subject to conditions 140. Correspondence (i) Email from Hazel Merrill inviting members to Code of Conduct training on 21/02/13 at 7pm. Councillor Wild, Councillor OConnor and Councillor Brewin agreed to attend this training event. (ii) Email from Hazel Merrill inviting members to Councillor Training Workshop 2 on 07/03/13. Clerk instructed to inform them that Councillor OConnor would like to attend. Council agreed to cover the cost of this training at 40.00 per person. (iii) Email received from Hazel Merrill inviting members to a Managing Staff the Town and Council Way event on 17/04/13. Clerk instructed to email this to members. (iv) Email received from Alice Taylor with regard to Land to Rear of Breech Moss, asking for a copy of the minutes of the PC meeting that this Planning Application had been discussed, clerk issued copy of minutes, and a list of forthcoming Council meeting dates. Clerk explained how Planning Application are considered by Parish Council
Mike Kay
Norley 01928 787292 Local Reliable Established for over 25 years. Prompt attention to all your property repairs and maintenance. ROOFING GUTTERING FACIAS BLOCKED DRAINS etc
Members when they are received in between meetings from Cheshire West & Chester. (v) Letter received from Sally Lucas United Utilities informing the Council that they had been approached by Alan Duncalf regarding water showing at the foot of his garden. Sally explained that their investigations had shown that the problem was due to Breech Moss, explaining that the water has risen above a Bridle Path and Public Right of way and that this is a health and safety concern, being close to a childrens playground. She informed the Council that she could not help Mr Duncalf but was writing to Cheshire west & Chester and Norley Parish Council to advise us of this issue, asking that the Parish Council investigates this matter. Councillor Oultram stated that he has spoken to Planning Enforcement and that he would keep the Parish Council updated. Councillor Davidson agreed to tape off the Bridleway and instructed clerk to inform Greenspace that this has been closed, until investigations are completed. (vi) Email received from Paul Nolan informing the Parish Council about The Mersey Forest Plan, encouraging everyone interested to read their draft plan, and forward any comments by the end of April 2013. 141. Accounts (i) Clerk explained that the Council approved payment for 20.00 to Norley Methodist Church, at the last Parish Council meeting, but in error, she only wrote the cheque for 10.00. Parish Council agreed for her to write a cheque for the missing 10.00. (ii) Cheque has been received for 700.00 Jubilee Funding
from Cheshire West & Chester; clerk will pay this in to Parish Council bank account 142. Any Other Business (i) Clerk instructed to write a letter requesting Grit Bins at marsh Lane. Councillor Oultram also agreed to take this matter forward. Councillor Wild informed members about a Community Gritting Scheme, currently in operation in Frodsham, members agreed to consider this for Norley. (ii) Bruce Lane has reported that the walking group have walked some of the paths in the village and report their findings once this exercise has been conducted. (iii) Councillor Wild gained agreement to discuss the Centre of Norley with members individually to enable this item to go on to the next Parish Council agenda. The meeting finished at 8.40pm
Megan Rosney Parish Council Clerk
Hollow Lane Kingsley (Next to the Horseshoe Inn) www [email protected] 01928 787870
Due to very popular demand Offer extended until 30st April 2013
Green. She has been a regular visitor at Norley school, not only taking Assemblies, but also organising religious themed days with Class 4. The children presented Gill with a card and some gift vouchers and acting head, Mrs H Kelly, stressed that although everyone wished Gill good luck for the future, she will be sadly missed. Two Easter hymns were then sung to Gill along with a rousing version of Lets Twist Again to send her on her way.
On Monday 18th March, Norley Cof E Primary school invited Curate Gill Stanning to their Celebration Assembly to say a sad Goodbye. Gill will be leaving the Benefice of Norley, Kingsley and Crowton at the end of March to go to a parish of her own, the Benefice of Sandbach Heath,Wheelock and Hassall
After school throughout the week a cake sale was held, hosted by a different class. There was a wide variety of cakes and biscuits on sale, ranging from Red Nose cakes and Teddy cakes, to a delicious chocolate, Malteser cake. On Friday morning the whole school were treated to a talent show featuring various children from each year group. A small group of Reception and some year 2 children bravely danced to the Gangnam song, while other children sang, played instruments, danced and did impressions. Altogether over 350 was raised to send to Comic Relief after a busy week of fundraising.
Children & Staff
2 punnets of fresh raspberries, a handful saved for decoration 8 fl oz (225 ml) double cream
6 large eggs, separated 5 oz (150 g) caster sugar 2 oz (50 g) cocoa powder, sieved
Aprils recipe
Dave from The Stores has given me a challenge to create a recipe using nothing but ingredients available from The Stores, Norley, and his star ingredient suggestion for this month raspberries! Rather than suggest a healthy option Ive created an ultra indulgent dessert featuring sumptuous dark chocolate, double cream, raspberry jam and raspberries. To be honest my inspiration started with Delia, her cherry version is amazing but Im hoping youll all enjoy my raspberry version. This roulade-style cake is made with a flour-free sponge, layered with chocolate ganache, double cream and fresh raspberries.
Equipment A Swiss Roll tin, 8 ins by 12 ins (20cm by 30cm), greased and lined with baking/greaseproof paper so it comes up 2.5cm above the edge Method 1. Break the pieces of chocolate into a basin and add 3 fl oz (100ml) warm water. Place over a pan of barely
Long established 100% equine veterinary clinic based in Norley Practice covers most of Cheshire, extending to Southern Lancashire, South West Greater Manchester, Merseyside and The Wirral Excellent purpose built facilities 24 hour Emergency Cover Most advanced and portable digital X-ray equipment Ultrasound, Endoscopy, ECG and In-house laboratory facilities All our vets and staff are experienced riders and horse owners themselves No call out charge for Norley patients!
ZUMBA fitness
with Izzy @ Norley Village Hall Every Wednesday 7 7.50pm Pay as you go - 4.00. Just turn up! Please arrive 5 minutes before class starts. You dont need to be able to dance to enjoy Zumba. Its easy, effective and exhilarating! All you need is to bring yourself, water, comfortable clothes and trainers! Age 14+.
Questions? Call or text Izzy on 07951 152172
simmering water. Remove from heat, melt the chocolate and beat with a wooden spoon until smooth. 2. Beat the 2 egg yolks separately and then into the chocolate mixture. Cool mixture then whisk the egg whites to softpeaks, cut and fold them into the chocolate mixture. Cover the bowl and leave in the fridge for a minimum of an hour. 3. To make the sponge: place the 6 egg yolks in a bowl and whisk them with an electric hand whisk until they begin to thicken. Add the caster sugar and whisk until a smooth medium thick consistency. 4. Fold in the sifted cocoa powder. Using a spanking clean bowl and carefully washed and dried beaters, whisk the egg whites to the soft-peak stage. Then take 1 large spoonful, fold it into the chocolate mixture first then fold in the egg whites. 5. Now pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes, until springy in the centre. 6. Remove it from the oven, it will sink down, then leave until cold. 7. Turn out onto a sheet of greaseproof paper, which has been lightly dusted with sieved cocoa powder. Peel away the paper. 8. Remove the chocolate filling from the fridge using a small palette knife, spread evenly all over the surface of the base. 9. Next whip the double cream softly, and spread this all over the chocolate filling, leaving a border all round to allow for it spreading, then lightly press the raspberries into the cream. 10. Roll up the cake by lifting and rolling over, pulling the paper away as it rolls. Dont worry if it cracks! 11. Heat the raspberry jam into a small saucepan and then brush it all over the surface. Sprinkle with cocoa powder
We are offering a range of events for children, families and adults again this year, ranging from Den Building and Mini Beast Hunts for the children to a Dawn Chorus and Dragonfly Walk for the adults. New for Delamere this year is a Forest Holiday Club for 7 to 12 year olds during the Easter and Summer school holidays. If your child loves the outdoors drop them off for the day to learn more about the forest, experiment with a range of bushcraft skills and make new friends. Days are run by fully qualified, experienced Forest School leaders, who have enhanced CRB checks. For further information about the programme of family events and workshops available or to book please e-mail Helena on [email protected], call on 07808 506308 or visit the website
Teddy Bears Picnic Wed 3rd & Fri 5th - 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm- 5/child Forest Holiday ClubNEW! Mon 8th, Tues 9th & Wed 10th 10am-3pm - 25/child For 7 to 12 year olds. If your child loves the outdoors drop them off for the day to learn more about the forest, experiment with a range of bushcraft skills and make new friends. Days are run by fully qualified, experienced Forest School leaders, who have enhanced CRB checks. Bush craft Thurs 11th 10am-12pm or 1.30pm-3.30pm - 6/child Den Building Fri 12th - 10.30am-12pm or 1.30pm-3pm - 4/child Badger WatchNEW! Sat 27th6.30-8.30pm -10 pp
Dawn Chorus Sun 5th - 5.30-7.30am-5 pp Cancer Research UK Race For Life Sun 19th at 11am Join in this years 5km Race for Life by coming along to run, walk, dance, support and sponsor, and show cancer whos boss by raising money to fund groundbreaking research into new drugs and treatments. To register and for more information visit Den Building Thurs 30th & Fri 31st -10.30am-12pm or 1.30-3pm - 4 pp Minibeast Hunt Thurs 30th 10-11am, 12-1pm, 2-3pm4/child Bush Craft Fri 31st - 10am-12pm or 1.30-3.30pm -6/child Wildlife Walk Fri 31st - 10am-12pm -3 pp
Easter Hunt Tues 2nd - Drop in anytime between 10am & 4pm 4/child
Wednesday Club
The Club meets every Wednesday at the Village Hall 2-4 pm. All over 60 are most welcome. Events planned between now and May include; April 3 Theatre Visit Sleeping Beauty on Ice at the Lowry, Manchester, 2pm April 10 AGM & Sales Table May 8 Sales Table May 15 Trip to Bakewell May 29 Visit from Frodsham Townswomens Guild Seats for the Theatre visit are still available. If interested, please contact Joan on 01928 788394.
Judith Hull Rosamund Walley Darren and Jane Stubbs Delamere Stores Anon (x14) Norley CE Primary School The residents of Hatchmere Park Helen and Mike Ebbitt Bette Ashbrook Pat Dixon Stephn Douglas Bruce & Ruth Lane Liz Robinson Frazer & Katrina Higson John & Maureen Lewis
Please send your ads or pictures as JPEGs, not Word docs. Title them so we can identify them. Please title your email Norley News issue yourname. Due to the patronage of the Parish Council, local organisation a d v e r t i s i n g i s F R E E ! All new or single advertisers please pay up front or ask for a pro forma invoice. All contributions (as a simple text document), compliments (and complaints) to Penny Clarke, 2 The Spinney, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email [email protected] Do let us know if any contact details need updating, or if you wish to add email addresses or website details. All copy and adverts for the next issue to be with us by the date on the cover page News Inside, preferably by email.
Community Classifieds
PUBS: Tigers Head 01928 788309 ~ Carriers Inn 01928 787877 Chinese Restaurant:~ Fortune Palace ~ Eat in or out (No delivery) 01928 788293/Fax 01928 787682 Holland Pharmacy ~ 01928 788559 Electrician:~ SWP Electrics 01928 740415 or 01928 740237 Electrician ~ Kingsley Electrical, Frank Pilgrim 01928 788971, 07711 258677 General Household maintenance, rubbish removal, general joinery ~ Munroe & Son 01928 787025 or 07875 304664 Property Repairs:~ Mike Kay 787292 ~ ALL EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PROPERTY MAINTENANCE.
The Ovencleaners ~Lorraine~ 01928 723 906 or 0795 8610 403 or [email protected]
June 13th
BADGERS - Mr Musgrave
Vote of Thanks Rita Boon Teas Jan Overland Pat Sweetingham Competition A Badger item
Vote of thanks Teas Mary Ramskill Marion Thomas Katie Simpson
October 10th
Time Details
Monday April 1
Tuesday April 2 9 16 23 30 May 7 14 21 28 Tuesday Apr 2 9 16 19 23 30 May 7 14 21 28 Tuesday Apr 2 9 16 23 30 May 7 14 21 28 Wednesday April 10 17 24 May 1 8 22 29 Wednesday April 17 24 May 1 8 15 22 29 Wednesday April 24 May 22 Thursday April11 May 9 Thursday April 4 11 18 25 May 2 9 16 23 30 Friday April 5 12 19 26 May 3 10 17 24 31 Saturday April 27 Saturday May 18 Sunday April 7 14 28 May 5 12 19 26 Sunday March 31 Sunday April 21
8:00am 1:00pm To book a table contact Marie Cliff 01928 788181 To donate items for the village hall table contact Penny Clarke 1 :00pm 3:00 Contact Shirley Craven 01928 787251 5pm 6pm
7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 Or Jean Welch 01928 731776 2pm Contact Joan Barclay 788394 7 :00 7:50 Contact Izzy 07951 152 172 4:30 6:30 Contact Joe Smith e.mail [email protected] 7:30pm Contact Helen 01928 787092 Contact Sara 07837053539 7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 Or Jean Welch 01928 731776 1:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 11:00pm See ad in this Norley News for details 4pm 6pm
Childrens dance classes 4:30 6:00 Senior Badminton Private booking JNCOT village quiz Private booking
School Diary
For more details on booking the School Hall call Cath Tomlinson 01928 788471 Tuesday 7pm Parish Council Meeting April 9 Thursday 7pm Parish Council Meeting May 2
Other Events
If you have a forthcoming event planned, email the details to us and we can include it here
1st Norley Scout Group Bedding Plant Order 2013 PLEASE RETURN THIS HALF OF FORM by 3rd May 2013
Tray of 16 plants @ 2.60 per tray
Ageratum Blue Champion Lobelia bedding verities mix blue/white Lobelia Trailing Marigold French Aurora Mesambryanthemum Magic carpet mix Nicotiana Sub Total
1st Norley Scout Group Bedding Plant Order 2013 PLEASE KEEP THIS HALF FOR YOUR REFERENCE
Tray of 16 plants @ 2.60 per tray
Ageratum Blue Champion Lobelia bedding verities mix blue/white Lobelia Trailing Marigold French Aurora Mesambryanthemum Magic carpet mix Nicotiana Sub Total
No. Of trays
No. Of trays
No. Of trays
No. Of trays
Sub Total
Sub Total
No. Of trays
No. Of trays
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Total Payment included with order
Total Payment included with order
Name: Address:
Cheques to 1 Norley Scout Group please st Return to 1 Norley Scout Hut Crabmill Lane, Norley, Cheshire. WA6 8JN Delivery will be between 9.00am and 12.00pm on th Saturday 18 May 2013
Tel. No.