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Edited by Peter M. Corcoran

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Edited by Peter M. Corcoran

Published by InTech
Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

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Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition, Edited by Peter M. Corcoran
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-307-368-2

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Preface IX
Part 1 Statistical Face Models & Classifiers 1
Chapter 1 A Review of Hidden Markov Models
in Face Recognition 3
Claudia Iancu and Peter M. Corcoran
Chapter 2 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verification 29
Jesus Olivares-Mercado, Gualberto Aguilar-Torres,
Karina Toscano-Medina, Mariko Nakano-Miyatake
and Hector Perez-Meana
Chapter 3 New Principles in Algorithm Design for
Problems of Face Recognition 49
Vitaliy Tayanov
Chapter 4 A MANOVA of LBP Features
for Face Recognition 75
Yuchun Fang, Jie Luo, Gong Cheng,
Ying Tan and Wang Dai
Part 2 Face Recognition with Infrared Imaging 93
Chapter 5 Recent Advances on Face Recognition
Using Thermal Infrared Images 95
Csar San Martin, Roberto Carrillo, Pablo Meza,
Heydi Mendez-Vazquez, Yenisel Plasencia,
Edel Garca-Reyes and Gabriel Hermosilla
Chapter 6 Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System 113
Mrinal Kanti Bhowmik, Kankan Saha, Sharmistha Majumder,
Goutam Majumder, Ashim Saha, Aniruddha Nath Sarma,
Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Dipak Kumar Basu and Mita Nasipuri
VI Contents

Part 3 Refinements of Classical Methods 139
Chapter 7 Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
for Face Recognition 141
Shylaja S S, K N Balasubramanya Murthy and S Natarajan
Chapter 8 Face and Automatic Target Recognition Based on
Super-Resolved Discriminant Subspace 167
Widhyakorn Asdornwised
Chapter 9 Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single
Sample per Person Based Face Recognition 181
Milo Oravec, Jarmila Pavloviov, Jn Mazanec,
ubo Omelina, Matej Fder and Jozef Ban
Chapter 10 Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical
Kernel Feature Space 207
Huilin Xiong and Zhongli Jiang
Part 4 Robust Facial Localization & Recognition 223
Chapter 11 Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint
Transform Correlators in Face Recognition 225
Alin Cristian Teusdea and Gianina Adela Gabor
Chapter 12 Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization
using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm 249
Somaya Adwan
Part 5 Face Recognition in Video 271
Chapter 13 Video-Based Face Recognition Using
Spatio-Temporal Representations 273
John See, Chikkannan Eswaran
and Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi
Chapter 14 Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots 293
Chin-Shyurng Fahn and Chih-Hsin Wang
Part 6 Perceptual Face Recognition in Humans 315
Chapter 15 Face Recognition without Identification 317
Anne M. Cleary


As a baby one of our earliest stimuli is that of human faces. We rapidly learn to
identify, characterize and eventually distinguish those who are near and dear to us.
This skill stays with us throughout our lives.
As humans, face recognition is an ability we accept as commonplace. It is only when
we attempt to duplicate this skill in a computing system that we begin to realize the
complexity of the underlying problem. Understandably, there are a multitude of
differing approaches to solving this complex problem. And while much progress has
been made many challenges remain.
This book is arranged around a number of clustered themes covering different aspects
of face recognition. The first section on Statistical Face Models and Classifiers presents
some reviews and refinements of well-known statistical models. The second section
presents two articles exploring the use of Infrared imaging techniques to refine and
even replace conventional imaging. After this follows the section with a few articles
devoted to refinements of classical methods. Articles that examine new approaches to
improve the robustness of several face analysis techniques are followed by two articles
dealing with the challenges of real-time analysis for facial recognition in video
sequences. A final article explores human perceptual issues of face recognition.
I hope that you find these articles interesting, and that you learn from them and
perhaps even adopts some of these methods for use in your own research activities.
Peter M. Corcoran
College of Engineering & Informatics,
National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG),
Galway, Ireland

Part 1
Statistical Face Models & Classifiers

A Review of Hidden Markov
Models in Face Recognition
Claudia Iancu and Peter M. Corcoran
College of Engineering & Informatics
National University of Ireland Galway
1. Introduction
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are a set of statistical models used to characterize the
statistical properties of a signal. An HMM is a doubly stochastic process with an underlying
stochastic process that is not observable, but can be observed through another set of
stochastic processes that produce a sequence of observed symbols. An HMM has a finite set
of states, each of which is associated with a multidimensional probability distribution;
transitions between these states are governed by a set of probabilities. Hidden Markov
Models are especially known for their application in 1D pattern recognition such as speech
recognition, musical score analysis, and sequencing problems in bioinformatics. More
recently they have been applied to more complex 2D problems and this review focuses on
their use in the field of automatic face recognition, tracking the evolution of the use of HMMs
from the early-1990s to the present day.
Our goal is to enable the interested reader to quickly review and understand the state-of-art
for HMM models applied to face recognition problems and to adopt and apply these
techniques in their own work.
2. Historical overview and Introduction to HMM
The underlying mathematical theory of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) was originally
described in a series of papers during the 1960s and early 1970s [Baum & Petrie, 1966;
Baum et al., 1970; Baum, 1972]. This technique was subsequently applied in practical pattern
recognition applications, more specifically in speech recognition problems [Jelinek et al.,
1975]. However, widespread understanding and practical application of HMMs only began
a decade later, in the mid-1980s. At this time several tutorials were written [Levinson et al.,
1983; Juang, 1984; Rabiner & Juang, 1986; Rabiner, 1989]. The most comprehensive of these
was the last, [Rabiner, 1989], and provided sufficient detail for researchers to apply HMMs
to solve a broad range of practical problems in speech processing and recognition. The
broad adoption of HMMs in automatic speech recognition represented a significant
milestone in continuous speech recognition problems [Juang & Rabiner, 2005].
The mathematical sophistication of HMMs combined with their successful application to a
wide range of speech processing problems has prompted researchers in pattern recognition
to consider their use in other areas, such as character recognition, keyword spotting, lip-

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

reading, gesture and action recognition, bioinformatics and genomics. In this chapter we
present a review of the most important variants of HMMs found in the automatic face
recognition literature. We begin by presenting the initial 1D HMM structures adapted for use
in face recognition problems in section 3. Then a number of papers on hybrid approaches
used to improve the performance of HMMs for face recognition are discussed in section 4.
In section 5 the various 2D variants of HMM are described and evaluated in terms of the
recognition rates achieved from each. Finally section 6 includes some recent refinements in
the application of HMM techniques to face recognition problems.
3. HMM in face recognition - initial 1D HMM structures
As mentioned in the previous section, HMMs have been used extensively in speech
processing, where signal data is naturally one-dimensional. Nevertheless, HMM techniques
remain mathematically complex even in the one-dimensional form. The extension of HMM
to two-dimensional model structures is exponentially more complex [Park & Lee, 1998]. This
consideration has led to a much later adoption of HMM in applications involving two-
dimensional pattern processing in general and face recognition in particular.
3.1 Initial research on ergodic and top-to-bottom 1D HMM
In 1993, a new approach to the problem of automatic face recognition based on 1D HMMs
was proposed by [Samaria & Fallside, 1993]. In this paper faces are treated as two-
dimensional objects and the HMM model automatically extracts statistical facial features.
For the automatic extraction of features, a 1D observation sequence is obtained from each
face image by sampling it using a sliding window. Each element of the observation sequence
is a vector of pixel intensities (or greyscale levels).
Two simple 1D HMMs were trained by these authors in order to test the applicability of
HMMs in face recognition problems. A test database was used comprising images of 20
individuals with a minimum of 10 images per person. Images were acquired under
homogeneous lighting against a constant background, and with very small changes in head
pose and facial expressions. For a first set of tests an ergodic HMM was used. The images were
sampled using a rectangular window, size 64 64, moving left-to-right horizontally with a
25% overlap (16 pixels), then vertically with 16 pixels overlap and starting again horizontally
right-to-left. Using the observation sequence thus extracted, an 8-state ergodic HMM was built
to approximately match the 8 distinct regions that seem to appear in the face image (eyes,
mouth, forehead, hair, background, shoulders and two extra states for boundary regions).
Figure 1 taken from [Samaria & Fallside, 1993] shows the training data used for one subject
and the mean vectors for the 8 states found by HMM for that particular subject.

Fig. 1. Training data and states for ergodic HMM [Samaria & Fallside, 1993]

A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

In the second set of tests, a left-to-right (top-to-bottom) HMM was used. Each image was
sampled using a horizontal stripe 16 pixels high and as wide as the image, moving top-to-
bottom with 12 lines overlap. The resulting observation sequence was used to train a 5-state
left-to-right HMM where only transitions between adjacent states are allowed. The training
images and the mean vectors for the 5 states found by HMM are presented in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Examples of training data and states for top-to-bottom HMM from [Samaria &
Fallside, 1993]
In both of these models the statistical determination of model features, yields some states of
the HMM which can be directly identified with physical facial features. Training and testing
were performed using the HTK toolkit
. According to these authors, successful recognition
results were obtained when test images were extracted from the same video sequence as the
training images, proving that the proposed approach can cope with variations in facial
features due to small orientation changes, provided the lighting and background are
constant. Unfortunately these authors did not provide any explicit recognition rates so it is
not possible to compare their methods with later research. It is reasonable, however, to
surmise that their experimental results were marginal and are improved upon by the later
refinements of [Samaria & Harter, 1994].
3.2 Refinement of the top-to-bottom 1D HMM
In a later paper [Samaria & Harter, 1994] refined the work begun in [Samaria & Fallside,
1993] on a top-to-bottom HMM. These new experiments demonstrate how face recognition
rates using a top-to-bottom HMM vary with different model parameters. They also indicate
the most sensible choice of parameters for this class of HMM. Up until this point, the
parameterization of the model had been based on subjective intuition.
For such a 1D top-to-bottom HMM there are three main parameters that affect the
performance of the model: the height of the horizontal strip used to extract the observation
sequence, L (in pixels), the overlap used, M (in pixels) and the number of states N of the
HMM. The height of the strip, L, determines the size of the features and the length of the
observation sequence, thus influencing the number of states. The overlap, M, determines
how likely feature alignment is and also the length of the observation sequence. A model
with no overlap would imply rigid partitioning of the faces with the risk of cutting across
potentially discriminating features. The number of states, N, determines the number of
features used to characterize the face, and also the computational complexity of the system.
These experiments were performed using the Olivetti Research Lab (ORL) database,
containing frontal facial images with limited side movements and head tilt. The database
was comprised of 40 subjects with 10 pictures per subject. The experiments used 5 images


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

per person for training and the remaining 5 images for testing. The results were reported as
error rates, calculated as the proportion of incorrectly classified images. Three sets of tests
were done, varying the values of each of the three parameters as follows: 2 N 10, 1 L
10 and 0 M L1. For M varied, the number of states was xed at N = 5 and window
height L was varied between 2 and 10. According to the tests, the error rates drop as the
overlap increases, approximately from 28% to 15%. However a greater overlap implies a
bigger computational effort. When L was varied, N was xed to 5 and the overlaps
considered were 0, 1 and L-1. In this case if there is little or no overlap, the smaller the strip
height the lower the error rate is, with values between 13% for L = 1 up to 28% for L = 10.
However, for sufficiently large overlap the strip height has marginal effect on the
recognition performance, the error rate remaining almost constant around 14%. In the third
set of tests N was varied, with L = 1 and 0 overlap and L = 8 and maximum overlap (M=L-
1). The performance is fairly uniform for values of N between 4 and 10, with an increase in
error for values smaller than three.
The conclusions of this paper are: (i) a large overlap in the sampling phase (the extraction of
observation sequences) yields better recognition rates; the error rate varies from up to 30%
for minimum overlap down to 15% for maximum overlap; (ii) for large overlaps the height
of the sampling strip has limited effect. The error rate remains almost constant at 15% for
maximum overlap, regardless of the value of L, and (iii) best results are obtained with a
HMM with 4 or more states. Error rate drops from around 25% for 1-2 states to 15% from 4
states onward. We remark that these early models were relatively unsophisticated and were
limited to fully frontal faces with images taken under controlled background and
illuminations conditions.
3.3 1D HMM with 2D-DCT features for face recognition
In [Nefian & Hayes, May 1998], Samarias version of 1D HMM, is upgraded using 2D-
DCT feature vectors instead of pixel intensities. The face image is divided into 5
significant regions, viz: hair, forehead, eyes, nose, and mouth. These regions appear in a
natural order, each region being assigned to a state in a top-to-bottom 1D continuous
HMM. The state structure of the face model and the non-zero transition probabilities are
shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Sequential HMM for face recognition
The feature vectors were extracted using the same technique as in [Samaria & Harter, 1994].
Each face image of height H and width W is divided into overlapping strips of height L and
width W, the amount of overlap between consecutive strips being P, see Figure 4. The
number of strips extracted from each face image determines the number of observation

A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

The 2D-DCT transform is applied on each face strip and the observation vectors are
determined, comprising the first 39 2D-DCT coefficients. The system is tested on ORL

database containing 400 images of 40 individuals, 10 images per individual, image size 92
112, with small variations in facial expressions, pose, hair style and eye wear. Half of the
database is used for training and the other half is used for testing. The recognition rate
achieved for L=10 and P=9 is 84%. Results are compared with recognition rates obtained
using other face recognition methods on the same database: recognition rate for the
eigenfaces method is 73%, and for the 1D HMM used by Samaria is also 84%, but the
processing time for DCT based HMM is an order of magnitude faster - 2.5 seconds in
contrast to 25 seconds required by the pixel intensity method of [Samaria & Harter, 1994].

Fig. 4. Face image parameterization and blocks extraction [Nefian & Hayes, May 1998].
3.4 1D HMM with KLT features for face detection and recognition
In a second paper [Nefian & Hayes, October 1998] introduce an alternative 1D HMM
approach, which performs the face detection function in addition to that of face recognition.
This employs the same topology and structure as in the previous work of these authors,
described above, but uses different image features. In contrast with the previous paper, the
observation vectors used here are the coefficients of Karhunen-Loeve Transform. The KLT
compression properties as well as its decorrelation properties make it an attractive
technique for the extraction of the observation vectors. Block extraction from the image is
achieved in the same way as in the previous paper. The eigenvectors corresponding to the
largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the extracted vectors form the KLT basis set.
If is the mean of the vectors used to compute the covariance matrix, a set of vectors is
obtained by subtracting this mean from each of the vectors corresponding to a block in the
image. The resulting set of vectors is then projected onto the eigenvectors of the covariance
matrix and the resulting coefficients form the observation vectors.
The system is used both for face detection and recognition by the authors. For face detection,
the system is first trained with a set of frontal faces of different people taken under different
illumination conditions, in order to build a face model. Then, given a test image, face
detection begins by scanning the image with horizontally and vertically overlapping
rectangular windows, extracting the observation vectors and computing the probability of


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

data inside each window given the face model, using Viterbi algorithm. The windows that
have face model likelihood higher than a threshold are selected as possible face locations.
The face detection system was tested on MIT database with 48 images of 16 people with
background and with different illuminations and head orientations. Manually segmented
faces from 9 images were used for training and the remaining images for testing, with a face
detection rate of 90%.
For face recognition this system was applied to the ORL database containing 400 images of
40 individuals, 10 images per individual, at a resolution of 92 112 pixels, with small
variations in facial expressions, pose, hairstyle and eye wear. The system was trained with
half of the database and tested with the other half. The accuracy of the system presented in
this paper is increased slightly over earlier work to 86% while the recognition time decreases
due to use of the KLT features.
3.5 Refinements to 1D HMM with 2D-DCT features
Following on the work of [Samaria, 1994] and [Nefian, 1999], Kohir & Desai wrote a series of
three papers using the 1D HMM for face recognition problems. In a first paper, [Kohir &
Desai, 1998], these authors present a face recognition system based on 1D HMM coupled
with 2D-DCT coefficients using a different approach for feature extraction than that
employed by [Nefian & Hayes, May 1998 & October 1998]. The extracted features are
obtained by sliding square windows in a raster scan fashion over the face image, from left to
right and with a predefined overlap. At every position of the window over the image (called
sub-image) 2D DCT are computed, and only the first few DCT coefficients are retained by
scanning the sub-image in a zigzag fashion. The zigzag scanned DCT coefficients form an
observation vector. The sliding procedure and the zigzag scanning are illustrated in Figure 5
[Kohir & Desai, 1998].

Fig. 5. (a) Raster scan of face image with sliding window. (b) Construction of 1D observation
vector from zigzag scanning of the sliding window [Kohir & Desai, 1998].
The performance of this system is tested using the ORL database. Half of the images were
used in the training phase and the other half for testing (5 faces for training and the
remaining 5 for testing), sampling windows of 8 8 and 16 16, were used with 50% and

A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

75% overlaps, and 10, 15 and 21 DCT coefficients were extracted. The number of states in the
HMM was fixed at 5 as per the earlier work of [Nefian & Hayes, May 1998]. The recognition
rates vary from 74.5% for a 16 16 window, with a 50% overlap and 21 DCT coefficients to
99.5% for 16 16 window, 75% overlap and 10 DCT coefficients.
In a second paper [Kohir & Desai, 1999] these authors further refined their research
contribution. To evaluate the recognition performances of the system, 2 new experiments
are performed:
In a first experiment the proposed method is tested with different numbers of training
and testing faces per subject. The tests were performed on the ORL database, and the
number of training faces was increased from 1 to 6, while the remaining faces were
used in the testing phase. A sampling window of 16 16 with 75% overlap was used
with 10 DCT coefficients as these had provided optimal recognition rates in their earlier
work. The recognition rates achieved are from 78.33% for a single training image and 9
testing images up to 99.5% which is the rate obtained when 5 or 6 training images and 5
or 4 testing images are used. It is worth noting that the ORL database comprises frontal
face images in uniform lighting conditions and that recognition rates close to 100% are
often achieved when using such datasets.
In a second experiment the system was tested while increasing the number of states in
the HMM. Again the ORL database is used, with 5 images for training and 5 for testing.
The recognition rates vary as follows: 92% for a 2-states HMM, increasing to 99.5% for
a 5-states HMM and stabilizing around 97%-98% when using up to 17 states. The
system was also tested with the SPANN database
containing 249 persons, each with 7
pictures, with variations in pose, 3 pictures were used for training and the remaining 4
for testing, and the recognition rate achieved was 98.75%.
A third paper, [Kohir & Desai, 2000] describes the same 1D HMM with DCT features,
with a variation in the training phase. In this paper, first a mean image is constructed
from all the training images, and then each training image is subtracted from the mean
image to obtain a mean subtracted image. The observation vectors are extracted from these
mean subtracted images using the same window sliding method. The observation vector
sequences are then clustered using the K-means technique, and thus an initial state
segmentation is obtained. Subsequently, the conventional training steps are followed. In
the recognition phase, each test image is first subtracted from the mean image obtained
during the training phase and recognition is performed on the resulting mean subtracted
The experiments for face recognition were performed on the same two databases, ORL and
SPANN. For ORL database 5 pictures were used for training and the remaining 5 for testing,
and the recognition rate obtained is 100%, compared to 88% when the eigenfaces method is
used. For SPANN database 3 pictures were used for training and the remaining 4 for testing,
the obtained recognition rate was 90%, compared again with the eigenfaces method where a
77% recognition rate was achieved. For the ORL database different resolutions were also
tested, the highest recognition rate, 100% being obtained for 96 112.
Also, new subject rejection for authentication applications was tested on the ORL database.
The database was segmented into 2 sets: 20 subjects corresponding to an authorized
subject class - 5 pictures used in training phase and the rest in the testing phase. The


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

remaining 20 subjects are assigned to an unauthorized class - all 10 pictures are used in the
testing phase. For each authorized subject a HMM model is built. Also a separate common
HMM model is built using all mean subtracted training images of all the authorized subjects.
For each test face, if the probability of the common HMM is the highest, the input face
image is rejected as unauthorized, otherwise the input face image is treated as authorized.
The results are: 100% rejection of any new subjects and 17% rejection of known subjects
(false negatives).
3.6 Refinement of 1D HMM with sequential prunning
As proved by [Samaria & Harter, 1994], the number of states used in a 1D HMM can have a
strong influence on recognition rates. The problem of the optimal selection of the structure
for an HMM is considered in [Bicego at al., 2003a]. The first part of this paper presents a
method of improving the determination of the optimal number of states for an HMM. These
authors then proceed to prove the equivalence between (i) a 1D HMM whose observation
vectors are modelled with multiple Gaussians per state and (ii) a 1D HMM with one Gaussian
per state but employing a larger number of states. According to the authors, there are several
possible methods for solving the first problem, e.g. cross-validation, Bayesian inference
criterion (BIC), minimum description length (MDL). These are based on training models
with different structures and then choosing the one that optimizes a certain selection
criterion. However, these methods involve a considerable computational burden plus they
are sensitive to the local-greedy behaviour of the HMM training algorithm, i.e. the
successful training of the model is influenced by the initial estimates selected.
The approach proposed by [Bicego et al., 2003a] addresses both the computational burden of
model selection, and the initialization phase. The key idea is the use of a decreasing learning
strategy, starting each training session from a nearly good situation derived from the
previous training session by pruning the least probable state. More specifically, the authors
proposed starting the model training with a large number of states. They next run the
estimation algorithm and, on convergence, evaluate the model selection criterion. The least
probable state is then pruned, and the resulting configuration of the model with one less
state is used as a starting point for the next sequence of iterations. In this way, each training
session is started from a nearly good estimate. The key observation supporting this
approach is that, when the number of states is extremely large, the dependency of the model
behaviour on the initial estimates is much weaker. An additional benefit is that using nearly
good initializations drastically reduces the number of iterations required by the learning
algorithm at each step in this process. Thus the number of model states can be rapidly
reduced at low computational cost.
In order to assess the performance of their proposed method, these authors tested the
pruning approach and the standard approach (consisting in training one HMM for varying
number of states) with BIC criterion and MMDL (mixture minimum description length)
[Figueiredo et al., 1999] criterion. These two strategies are compared in terms of: (i) accuracy
of the model size estimation, (ii) total computational cost involved in the training phase, and
(iii) classification accuracy. In all the HMMs considered in this paper the emission
probability density for each state is a single Gaussian. For the accuracy of the model size
estimation, synthetically generated test sets of 3 known HMMs were used. The authors set
the number of states allowed from 2 to 10. The selection accuracy ranged from 54% to 100%
for standard BIC and MMDL, and from 98% to 100% for pruning BIC and MMDL, with up
to 50% less iteration required for the latter.

A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

Classification accuracy was tested on both synthetic and real data. For the synthetic data, the
test sets used previously to estimate the accuracy of the model size estimation were used,
obtaining 92% to 100% accuracy for standard BIC and MMDL compared to 98% to 100%
accuracy for pruning BIC and MMDL, with 35% less iterations for pruning. For classification
accuracy on real data, two experiments were conducted. The first involves a 2D shape
recognition problem, and uses a data set with four classes each with 12 different shapes.
The results obtained are 92.5% for standard BIC, 94.37% for standard MMDL, and 95.21%
for pruning BIC and MMDL. The second experiment was conducted on the ORL database,
using the method proposed by [Kohir & Desai 1998]. The results are 97.5% for standard BIC
and MMDL and 97.63% for pruning BIC and MMDL. The classification accuracies are
similar, but the pruning method reduces substantially the number of iterations required.
3.7 A 1D HMM with 2D-DCT features and Haar wavelets
In a following paper [Bicego et al., 2003b], a comparison between DCT coding and wavelet
coding is undertaken. The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of HMMs in modelling faces
using these two different forms of image features. Each compresses the relevant image data,
but employing different underlying techniques. Also, the suitability of HMM to deal with the
JPEG 2000 image compression standard is considered by these authors. They adopt the 1D
HMM approach introduced by [Kohir & Desai, 1998]. However, the optimum number of states
for the model is selected using the sequential pruning strategy presented in [Bicego et al.,
2003a] and described in the preceding section. The same feature extraction used by [Kohir &
Desai, 1998] is employed, and both 2D DCT and Haar wavelet coefficients are computed.
These experiments have been conducted on the ORL database, consisting of 40 subjects with
10 sample images of each. The first 5 images are used for training the HMM while the
remaining 5 are used in the testing phase. The number of states for each HMM is estimated
using the pruning strategy. For feature extraction, a 16 16 pixel sliding window is used,
with 50% and 75% overlaps being tested, and in each case the first 4, 8 and 12 DCT or Haar
coefficients are retained. The recognition rate scores for 50% overlap are between 97.4% for 4
coefficients to 100% for 12 coefficients, and for 75% overlap between 95.4% for 4 coefficients
to 99.6% for 12 coefficients. Slightly better results were obtained for DCT coefficients
throughout the experiments. It is worth noting that unlike [Samaria & Harter, 1994] and
[Nefian & Hayes, 1998] in the case of [Kohir & Desai, 1998] the method of extracting
observation vectors results in better performance for a 50% overlap than for 75% overlap.
A second experiment was performed to prove the effectiveness of HMM in solving the face
recognition problem regardless of the coefficients used, by replacing in the proposed system
the wavelet coding with a trivial coding represented by the mean of the square window. The
results obtained are 84.9% for 50% overlap and 77.8% for 75% overlap.
4. Hybrid approaches based on 1D HMM
From the discussions of the preceding section it can be seen that 1D HMM can perform
successfully in face recognition applications. However, the vast majority of early
experiments were performed on the ORL database. The images in this dataset only exhibit
very small variations in head pose, facial expressions, facial occlusions such as facial hair
and glasses, and almost no variations in illumination. For practical applications a face
recognition system must be able to handle significant variations in facial appearance in a

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

robust manner. Thus in this next section more challenging face recognition applications are
described and further HMM approaches are considered from the literature. Specifically, in
this section we consider hybrid approaches based on HMMs used successfully in more
challenging applications of face recognition.
There are several core problems that a face recognition system has to solve, specifically those
of variations in illumination, variations in facial expressions or partial occlusions of the face,
and variations in head pose. Firstly an attempt at solving recognition problems caused by
facial occlusions is considered [Martinez, 1999]. The solution adopted by this author was to
explore the use of principle component analysis (PCA) features to characterize 6 different
regions of the face and use 1D HMM to model the relationships between these regions. A
second group of researchers [Wallhoff et al., 2001] have tackled the challenging task of
recognizing side-profile faces in datasets where only frontal faces were used in the training
stage. These authors have used a combination of artificial neural network (ANN) techniques
combined with 1D HMM to solve this challenging problem.
4.1 Using 1D HMM with PCA derived features
A face recognition system is introduced [Martinez, 1999] for indexing images and videos
from a database of faces. The system has to tackle three key problems, identifying frontal
faces acquired, (i) under differing illumination conditions, (ii) with varying facial
expressions and (iii) with different parts of the face occluded by sunglasses/scarves.
Martinezs idea was to divide the face into N different regions analyzing each using PCA
techniques and model the relationships between these regions using 1D HMMs.
The problem of different lighting conditions is solved in this paper by training the system
with a broad range of illumination variations. To handle facial expressions and occlusions,
the face is divided into 6 distinct local areas and local features are matched. This
dependence on local rather than global features should minimize the effect of facial
expressions and occlusions, which affect only a portion of the overall facial region. Each of
these local areas obtained from all the images in the database is projected into a primary
eigenspace. Each area is represented in vector form. Figure 6 [Martinez, 1999] shows the
local feature extraction process.

Fig. 6. Projection of the 6 different local areas into a global eigenspace Martinez, 1999].

A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

Note that face localization is performed manually in this research and thus cannot be precise
enough to guarantee that the extracted local information will always be projected accurately
into the eigenspace. Thus information from pixels within and around the selected local area
is also extracted, using a rectangular window. By considering these six local areas as hidden
states, a 1D HMM was built for each image in the database. However, a more desirable case
is to have a single HMM for each person in the database, as opposed to a HMM for each
image. To achieve this, all HMMs of the same person were merged together into a single 1D
HMM, where the transition probability from one state to another is 1/number of HMMs per
person. In the recognition phase, instead of using the forward-backward algorithm, the
authors used the Viterbi algorithm [Rabiner, 1989] to compute the probability of an
observation sequence given a model.
Two sets of tests were performed, using pictures and video sequences. The image database

was created by Aleix Martinez and Robert Benavente. It contains over 4,000 colour facial
images corresponding to 126 people - 70 men and 56 women. There are 12 images per
person, the first 6 frontal view faces with different facial expressions and illumination
conditions and the second 6 faces with occlusions (sun-glasses and scarf) and different
illumination conditions. These pictures were taken under strictly controlled conditions. No
restrictions on appearance including clothing, accessories such as glasses, make-up or
hairstyle were imposed on participants. Each person participated in two sessions, separated
by 14 days. The same pictures were taken in both sessions. In addition, 30 video sequences
were processed consisting of 25 images almost all of them containing a frontal face. Five
different tests were run, using 50 people (25 males and 25 females) randomly selected from
the database, converted to greyscale images and sampled at half their size, and also using 30
corresponding video sequences. In a first test, all 12 images per person were used in
training, and the system was tested with every image by replacing each one of the local
features with random noise with mean 0. The recognition rate obtained was 96.83%. For a
second test training was with the first six images and testing with the last six images,
featuring occlusions. A recognition rate of 98.5% was achieved. In a third test the last six
images were used for training and the first six for testing and the resulting recognition rate
was 97.1%. A fourth test consisted of training with only two non-occluded images and
testing with all the remaining images. A lower recognition rate of 72% was obtained. Finally,
the system was trained with all 12 images for each person, and tested with the video
sequences, achieving a 93.5% recognition rate.
4.2 Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in conjunction with 1D HMM
[Wallhoff et al., 2001] approached the challenging task of recognizing profile views with
previous knowledge from only frontal views, which may prove a challenging task even for
humans. The authors use two approaches based on a combination of Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) and a modelling technique based on 1D HMMs: a first approach uses a
synthesized profile view, while a second employs a joint parameter-estimation technique.
This paper is of particular interest because of its focus on non-frontal faces. In fact these
authors are one of the first to address the concept of training the recognition system with
conventional frontal faces, but extending the recognition to include faces with only a side-
profile view.


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

The experiments are performed on the MUGSHOT
database containing the images of 1573
cases, where most individuals are typically represented by only two photographs: one
showing the frontal view of the persons face and the other showing the persons right hand
profile. The database contains pairs of mostly male subjects at several ages and
representatives of several ethnic groups, subjects with and without glasses or beards and a
wide range of hairstyles. The lighting conditions and the background of the photographs
also change. The pictures in the database are stored as 8-bit greyscale images. Prior to
applying the main techniques of [Wallhoff et al., 2001] a pre-processing of each image is
conducted. Photographs with unusually high distortions, perturbations or underexposure
are discarded; all images are manually labelled so that all faces appear in the centre of the
image and with a moderate amount of background, and resized to 64x 64 pixels. Then two
sets are defined: a first set consisting of 600 facial image pairs, frontal and right-hand profile,
are used for training the neural network. A second set with 100 facial image pairs is used for
testing. The features used for experiments are pixel intensities. In order to obtain the
observation vectors, each image which was resized to 64 64 pixels is divided into 64
columns. So from each image 64 observation vectors are extracted. The dimension of the
vectors is the number of rows in the image, which is also 64, and these vectors consist of
pixel intensities. In the training phase an appropriate neural network is used, estimated by
applying the following intuitions: (i) a point in the frontal view will be found in
approximately the same row as in the profile view, (ii) considering the right half of the face
to be almost bilaterally symmetrical with the left half, only the first 40 columns of the image
are used in the input layer to the ANN. Figure 7 taken from [Wallhoff et al., 2001] shows
how a frontal view of the face is used to generate the profile view. In the testing phase, a 1D
left to right first order HMM is used, allowing self transitions and transitions to the next
state only. The models consist of 24 states, plus two non-emitting start and end states.
In the first hybrid approach for face profile recognition there are two training stages. Firstly,
a neural network is trained using the first set of 600 images, the frontal image of each
individual representing the input and the profile view the output. In this way the neural
network is trained to synthesize profiles from the frontal image. In figure 8 [Wallhoff et al.,
2001] an example of synthesized profile is shown. In the second training stage, the 100
frontal images are introduced in the neural network and their corresponding profiles are
synthesized. Using these profiles, an average profile HMM model is obtained. Then for each
testing profile, an HMM model is built using for initialization the average profile model. The
Baum-Welch estimation procedure is used for training the HMM.
In a second approach only one training stage is performed, the computation speed being
vastly improved as a result. This proceeds as follows: the NN is trained using the frontal
images as input; the target outputs are in this case the mean values of each Gaussian
mixture used for describing the observations of the corresponding profile image. First, an
average profile HMM model is obtained using the 600 training profile images. Using this
average model, the mean values for each individual in the training set are computed and
used as the target values for the NN to be trained. In the recognition phase, for each
frontal face the mean value for profile is returned by the NN. Using this mean and the
average profile model, the corresponding HMM is built, then the probability of the test
profile image given the HMM model is computed. The recognition rates achieved for the


A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

systems proposed in this paper are around 60% for the first approach and up to 49% for
the second approach, compared to 70%-80% when humans perform the same recognition
task. The approach presented by the authors is very interesting in the context of a
mugshot database, where only the two instances, one frontal and one profile of a face are
present. Also the results are quite impressive compared to the human recognition rates
reported. However, both ANN and HMM are computationally complex, and using pixel
intensities as features also contributes to making this approach very greedy in terms of
computing resources.

Fig. 7. Generation of a profile view from a frontal view [Wallhoff et al., 2001].

Fig. 8. Example of frontal view, generated and real profile [Wallhoff et al., 2001].
5. 2D HMM approaches
In section 3 and section 4 we showed how 1D HMMs might be adapted for use in face
recognition applications. But face images are fundamentally 2D signals and it seems
intuitive that they would be more effectively processed with a 2D recognition algorithm.
Note however that a fully connected 2D extension of HMM exhibits a significant increase in
computational complexity making it inefficient and unsuitable for practical face recognition
applications [Levin & Pieraccini, 1992]. As a consequence of this complexity of the full 2D
HMM approach a number of simpler structures were developed and are discussed in detail
in the following sections.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

5.1 A first application of pseudo 2D HMM to Facial Recognition
In his PhD thesis, [Samaria, 1994] was the first researcher to use pseudo-2D HMMs in face
recognition, with pixel intensities as features. In order to obtain a P2D HMM, a one-
dimensional HMM is generalized, to give the appearance of a two-dimensional structure, by
allowing each state in a one-dimensional global HMM to be a HMM in its own right. In this
way, the HMM consists of a top-level set of super states, each of which contains a set of
embedded states. The super states may then be used to model the two-dimensional data in
one direction, with the embedded HMMs modelling the data along the other direction. This
model is appropriate for face images as it exploits the 2D physical structures of a face,
namely that a face preserves the same structure of states from top to bottom forehead,
eyes, nose, mouth, chin, and also the same left-to-right structure of states inside each of
these super states. An example of state structure for the face model and the non-zero
transition probabilities of the P2D HMM are shown in figure 9. Each state in the overall top-
to-bottom HMM is assigned to a left-to-right HMM.

Fig. 9. Structure of a P2D HMM.
In order to simplify the implementation of P2D-HMM, the author used an equivalent 1D
HMM to replace the P2D-HMM as shown in figure 10. In this case, the shaded states in the
1D HMM represent end-of-line states with two possible transitions: one to the same row of
states - superstate self-transition - and one to the next row of states - superstate to superstate
transition. For feature extraction a square window is used sliding from left-to-right and top-
to-bottom. Each observation vector contains the intensity level values of the pixels
contained by the window, arranged in a column-vector. In order to accommodate the extra
end-of-line state, a white frame is added at the end of each line of sampling. Each state is
modelled by one Gaussian with mean and standard deviation set, initialized at the
beginning of training, to mid-intensity values for normal states and to white with near zero
standard deviation for the end-of-line states. The parameters of the model are then
iteratively re-estimated using the Baum-Welch algorithm.

Fig. 10. P2D HMM and its equivalent 1D HMM.

A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

Samarias experiments were carried out on the ORL database. Different topologies and
sampling parameters were used for the P2D-HMM: from 4 to 5 superstates and from 2 to 8
embedded states within each superstate. In addition these experiments considered different
sizes of sampling windows with different overlaps ranging from 2 2 pixels with 1 1
overlap up to 24 22 (horizontal vertical) pixels with 20 13 pixels overlap. The highest
error rate of 18% was obtained for a 3-5-5-3 P2D-HMM, using a 10 8 scanning window
with an 8 6 overlap, while the smallest error rate of 5.5% was obtained for 3-6-6-6-3 P2D-
HMM, with 10 8 (and 12 8) window and 8 6 (and 9 6 respectively) overlap. In the
same thesis Samaria also tested the standard unconstrained P2D HMM, which does not have
an end-of-line state. In this case no attempt is made to enforce the fact that the last frame of a
line of observations should be generated by the last state of the superstate. The recognition
results for the unconstrained P2D HMM are similar to those obtained with constrained P2D-
HMM, the error rates ranging from 18% to 6%. We remark that Samaria also obtained a 2%
error rate for a 3-7-7-5-3 P2D HMM with 128 sampling window and 4 6 overlap, but
considering that for only slightly different overlaps (8 6 and 4 4) the error rates were 6%
and 8.5% respectively, this particular result appears to be a statistical anomaly. It does serve
to remind that these models are based on underlying statistical probabilities and that
occasional aberrations can occur.
5.2 Refining pseudo 2D HMM with DCT features
In [Nefian & Hayes, 1999] the authors adapted the P2D-HMM developed by [Kuo & Agazzi,
1994] for optical character recognition analysis, showing how it represented a valid
approach for facial recognition and detection. These authors renamed this technique as
embedded HMM. In order to obtain the observation vectors, a set of overlapping blocks are
extracted from the image from left to right and top to bottom as shown in figure 11, the
observation vector finally consisting of the 6 lower-frequency 2D-DCT coefficients extracted
form each image block. Each state in the embedded HMMs is modelled using a single

Fig. 11. Face image parameterization and blocks extraction.
For face recognition the ORL database was used. The system was trained with half of the
database and tested with the other half. The recognition performance of the method
presented in this paper is 98%, improving by more than 10% compared with the best results
obtained in using 1D HMM in earlier work [Nefian & Hayes, May 1998, October 1998].

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

This research also considered the problem of face detection. In the testing phase for
detection, 288 images of the MIT database were used, representing 16 subjects with different
illuminations and head orientations. A set of 40 images representing frontal views of 40
different individuals from the ORL database is used to train one face model. The testing is
performed using a doubly embedded Viterbi algorithm described by [Kuo & Agazzi, 1994].
The detection rate of the system described in this paper is 86%. While this version of HMM
appears to be relatively efficient in face detection, it is however computationally very
complex and slow, particularly when compared with state of art algorithms [Viola & Jones,
5.3 Improved initialization of pseudo 2D HMM
Also employing a P2D HMM, [Eickler et al., 2000] describe an advanced face recognition
system based on the use of standard P2D HMM employing 2D DCT features is presented.
The performance of the system is enhanced using improved initialization techniques and
mirror images. It is very important to use a good initial model therefore the authors used all
faces in the database to build a common initial model. Then for each person in the database
a P2D HMM model is refined using this common model. Feature extraction is based on
DCT. The image is scanned with a sliding window of size 8 8 from left-to-right and top-to-
bottom with an overlap of 6 pixels (75%). The first 15 DCT coefficients are extracted. The
use of DCT coefficients allows the system to work directly on images compressed with JPEG
standard without a need to decompress these images. The size of the sampling window was
chosen as 8 8 because the DCT portion of JPEG image compression is based on this
window size.
Tests are performed on the ORL database, described previously, with the first 5 images per
person used for training and the remaining 5 for testing. Three sets of experiments are
performed in this paper. First Experiment Set: the system is tested on different quadratic P2D
HMM model topologies (44 states to 88 states) with 1 to 3 Gaussian mixtures to model the
probability density functions. The recognition rates achieved range from 81.5% for 44
states with 1 Gaussian to 100% for 8 8 states with 2 and 3 Gaussians. Second Experiment Set:
the effect of overlap on recognition rates is tested. An overlap of 75% is used for all training
while for testing overlaps between 75% and 0% were used, with a 77 HMM and from 1 to 3
Gaussian mixtures. The overall result of this experiment is that recognition rates decrease
slightly when the overlap is reduced, however, very good recognition rates of 94.5%-99.5%
were still obtained even for 0% overlap, compared with 98.5%-100% for 75% overlap. Thus
wide variations in overlap have relatively minor effects on overlap for a sophisticated 7x7
HMM model.
Third Experiment Set: comprises an evaluation of the effect of compression artefacts on the
recognition rate. Recognition was performed on JPEG compressed images across a range of
quality settings ranging from 100 for the best quality to 1 for the highest compression ratio
as shown in figure 12 [Eickler et al., 2000]. The results are as follows: for compression ratios
of up to 7.5 to 1, the recognition rates remain constant around 99.5%0.5%. For compression
ratios over 12.5 to 1, the recognition rates drop below 90%, down to approximately 5% for
19.5 to 1 compression ratio.
There are some additional conclusions we can draw from the work of [Eickler et al., 2000].
Firstly, building an initial HMM model using all faces in the database is an improvement
over the intuitive initialization used by [Samaria, 1994] or [Nefian & Hayes, 1999], however

A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

this may lead to the dependency of the initial model on the composition of the database.
Secondly, these authors obtain excellent results when using JPEG compressed images in the
testing phase (overlap 0%), speeding up the recognition process significantly. Note however,
in the training stage they use uncompressed images scanned with a 75% overlap and as they
have used a very complex HMM model with 49 states the training stage of their approach is
resource and time intensive offsetting the benefits of faster recognition speeds.

Fig. 12. Recognition rates versus compression rates [Eickler et al., 2000].
5.4 Discrete vs continuous modelling of observation vectors for P2D HMM
In another paper on the subject of face recognition using HMM, [Wallhoff et al., 2001]
consider if there is a major difference in recognition performance between HMMs where the
observation vectors are modelled as continuous or discrete processes. In the continuous
case, the observation probability is expressed as a density probability function
approximated by a weighted sum of Gaussian mixtures. In the case of a discrete output
probability, a discrete set of observation probabilities is available for each state, and input
vector. This discrete set is stored as a set of codebook entries. The codebook is typically
obtained by k-means clustering of all available training data feature vectors.
The authors used for their experiments 321 subjects selected from the FERET database
. For
testing the system, two galleries of images were used: f
gallery, containing a regular frontal
image for each subject, and f
gallery, containing an alternative frontal image, taken seconds
after the corresponding f
image. First the images are pre-processed, using a semi-
automated feature extraction that starts with the manual labelling of the eye and mouth
centre-coordinates. The next step is the automatic rotation of the original images so that a
line through the eyes is horizontal. After this the face is divided vertically and processing
continues on a half-face image. The images are re-sized to the smallest image among the
resulting images being 64 96 pixels.
For feature extraction, the image is scanned using a rectangular window, with an overlap of
75%. After the DCT coefficients for each block are calculated, a triangular shaped mask is
applied and the first 10 coefficients are retained, representing the observation vector. Two


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

sets of experiments were performed, for continuous and discrete outputs. For the case of
continuous output, the experiments used 8 8 and 16 16 scanning windows, and 4 4 to 7
7 state structures for the P2D HMM. Initially only one Gaussian per state was used. The
best recognition rate in this case was 95.95%, for 8 8 block size and 7 7 states for HMM.
When the number of Gaussians was increased form 1 to 3, the recognition rate dropped,
maybe due to the fact that only one image per person was used in the training phase. In the
case of discrete output values, identical scanning windows and HMM were used, and two
codebook sizes of 300 and 1000 values were used to generate the observation vectors. The
highest recognition rate obtained was 98.13%, for 8 8 pixels block size, 7 7 states HMM,
and a codebook size of 1000. In both cases, continuous and discrete, better results were
obtained for the smaller size of scanning window.
5.5 Face retrieval on large databases
After using the combination of 2D DCT and P2D HMM for face recognition on small
databases, a new HMM-based measure to rank images within a larger database is next
presented, [Eickeler, 2002]. The relation of the method presented to confidence measures is
pointed out and five different approximations of the confidence measure for the task of
database retrieval are evaluated. These experiments were carried out on the C-VIS database,
containing the extracted faces of three days of television broadcast resulting in 25000
unlabeled face images. Normal HMM-based face recognition for database retrieval entails
building a model for each person in the database. However, in the case of a very large and
unlabeled database, that would imply building a model
for each image
O in the
database, which is not only computationally expensive, but results in poor modelling,
considering that a robust model for one person requires multiple training images of that
person. In this case, calculating the probability of a query image for each built model
( | )
query j
P O is simply not practical.
A more feasible method for database retrieval is to train a query HMM
using the query
O of the person searched for
, but noting that the probability derived by the
Forward-Backward algorithm, ( | )
j query
P O cannot be used as ranking measure for the images
in the database because inaccuracies in the modelling of the face images have a big influence
on the probability. In order to fix this problem, the ranking of the images uses the query
as a representation of the person being searched for and a set of cohort models
representing people not being searched for. An easy way to form the cohort is by using
former queries or by taking some images form the database. So instead of calculating
( | )
query j
P O , the probability of an image
O given the person being searched is used:

( | )
( | ) ( | )
( | )
j Query
j query query j
j cohort


In this research five different confidence measures were used for database retrieval based on
this formula. For the confidence measure using normalization, the denominator is replaced:
( | ) ( | )
k cohort
j cohort j k



A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

Another confidence measure uses one filler (common) model instead of a cohort of HMMs for
a group of people. The filler model can be trained on all people of the cohort group. If the
denominator is set to a fixed probability, it can be dropped from the formula, in which case
the confidence measure will be ( | )
j query
P O . The fourth confidence measure is based on the
sum of ranking differences between the ranking of the cohort models on the query image
and the ranking of the cohort models on each of the database images. Finally, the
Levenshtein Distance (the Levenshtein distance between two strings is given by the
minimum number of operations needed to transform one string into the other) is considered
as an alternative measure for the comparison of the rankings of the cohort models for the
query image and the database images.
For the experimental part 14 people with 8 to 16 face images each were used as query
images, and also as cohort set. A NN-based face detector was used to detect the inner facial
rectangles in the video broadcast and the rectangle of each image is scaled to 66 86 pixels.
In order to remove the background an ellipsoid mask is applied. A P2D HMM with 5 5
states is used. The results of the query are evaluated using precision and recall: precision is
the proportion of relevant images among the retrieved images while recall is the proportion
of relevant images in the database that are part of the retrieval result. In a first experiment a
database retrieval for each person of the query set using the normalization is performed and
only the precision is calculated considering the database is unlabeled hence an exact number
for each person in unknown. For 12 out of 14 people the precision is constant at 100% for
around 40 retrieved images (the number of images per person varies between 20 and 300). In
a second experiment all five measures were tested for one person. The results are almost
perfect for normalization, a little worse but much faster for the filler model. The sum of
ranking differences and Levenshtein Distance measures return relatively good results but
are inferior to normalization, while the use of a fixed probability gives significantly worse
results than all other measures.
5.6 A low-complexity simplification of the Full-2D-HMM
An alternative approach to 2D HMM was proposed by [Othman & Aboulnasr, 2000]. These
authors propose a low-complexity 2D HMM (LC2D HMM) system for face recognition. The
aim of this research is to build a full 2D HMM but with reduced complexity. The challenge
is to take advantage of a full 2D HMM structure, but without the full complexity implied by
an unconstrained 2D model. Their model is implemented in the 2D DCT compressed
domain with 88 pixel non-overlapping blocks to maintain compatibility with standard
JPEG images. The authors claim a computational complexity reduction from N
for a fully
connected 2D HMM to 2N
for the LC2D HMM, where N is the number of states. Although
the accuracy of the system is not better than other approaches, these authors claim that the
computational complexity involved is somewhat less than that required for a 1D HMM and
significantly less than that of P2D HMM.
The LC2D HMM is based on 2 key assumptions: (i) the active state at the observation block
is dependant only on immediate vertical and horizontal neighbours, B
and B
; (ii)
the active states at the 2 observation blocks in anti-diagonal neighbourhood locations, B
and B
are statistically independent given the current state. This assumption allows

From a mathematical perspective this assumption is equivalent to a second-order Markov Model,
requiring a 3D transition matrix.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

separating the 3D state transition matrix into two distinct 2D transition matrices, for
horizontal and vertical transitions. This decreases the complexity of the model quite
significantly. This low-complexity model topology and image scanning are illustrated in
figure 13.

Fig. 13. (a) Image scanning b) Model topology [Othman & Aboulnasr, 2000]
The authors state that the two assumptions are acceptable for non-overlapped feature
blocks, but have less validity for very small sized feature blocks or as the allowable overlap
increases. The tests were performed on the ORL database. The model for each person was
trained with 9 images, and the remaining image was used in the testing phase. Image
scanning is performed in a two dimensional manner, with block size set to 88. Only the
first 9 DCT coefficients per block were used. Different block overlap values were used to
investigate the system performance and the validity of the design assumptions. The
recognition rates are around 70% for 0 or 1 pixel overlap, decreasing dramatically down to
only 10% for a 6-pixel overlap. This is explained because the assumptions of statistical
independence, which are the underlying basis of this model, lose their validity as the
overlap increases.
5.7 Refinements of the low-complexity approach
In a subsequent publication by the same authors, [Othman & Aboulnasr, 2001], a hybrid
HMM for face recognition is introduced. The proposed system comprises of a LC2D HMM,
as described in their earlier work used in combination with a 1D HMM. The LC2D HMM
carries out a complete search in the compressed JPEG domain, and a 1D HMM is then
applied that searches only in the candidate list provided by the first module.
In the experiments presented in this paper, a 62 states model was used for the LC2D
HMM, and 4 and 5 state top-to-bottom models were used for the 1D HMM. For the 1D
HMM, DCT feature extraction is performed on a horizontal 10 92 scanning window. For
the 2D HMM, a 88 block size is used for scanning the image, and the first 9 DCT
coefficients are retained from each block. No overlap is allowed for the sliding windows.
Tests are performed on the ORL database. In a first series of tests the effects of training data
size on the model robustness were studied. The accuracy of the system ranges from 48%-
58% when trained with only 2 images per person, to almost 95%-100% if trained with 9
images per person. A second series of experiments provides a detailed analysis of the trade-
off between recognition accuracy and computational complexity and determines an optimal
operating point for this hybrid approach. This appears to be the first research in this field to

A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

consider such trade-offs in a detailed study and this methodology should provide a useful
approach for other researchers in the future.
In a third paper, [Othman & Aboulnasr, 2003], these authors propose a 2D HMM face
recognition system that limits the independence assumptions described in their original
work to conditional independence among adjacent observation blocks. In this new model,
the active states of the two anti-diagonal observation blocks are statistically independent
given the current state and knowledge of the past observations. This translates into a more
flexible model, allowing state transitions in the transverse direction as shown in figure 14,
taken from, [Othman & Aboulnasr, 2003].

(a) (b)
Fig. 14. Modified LC2D HMM [Othman & Aboulnasr, 2003]. (a) Vertical transitions to state
S3,3 for 55 state model (b) Horizontal transitions to state S3,3 also for 55 state model.
This modified LC2D HMM face recognition system is examined for different values of the
structural parameters, namely number of states per model and number of Gaussian
mixtures per state. These tests are again conducted on the ORL database. The images are
scanned using 88 blocks and the first 9 2D DCT coefficients comprise the observation
vector. The HMMs were trained using 9 images per person, and tested using the 10th image.
The test is repeated 5 times with different test images and the results are averaged over a
total of 200 test images for 40 persons. Test images are not members of the training data set
at any time. The results vary from a very low 4% recognition rate for a 7 3 HMM with 64
Gaussian mixtures per state, up to 100% for a 7 3 HMM with 4 Gaussian mixtures per
state. Best results are obtained for 4 and 8 Gaussians per state. The reason for the poor
performance for a higher number of Gaussian mixtures is that the model becomes too
discriminating and cannot recognize data with any flexibility, outside the original training
set. Finally, the readers attention is drawn to detailed comments by [Yu & Wu, 2007] on the
key assumption of conditional independence in the relationship between adjacent blocks. In
this communication, [Yu & Wu, 2007] it is shown that this key assumption is entirely
6. More recent research on HMM in face recognition
While there have been more recent research which applies HMM techniques to face
recognition, most of this work has not refined the underlying methods, but has instead
combined known HMM techniques with other face analysis techniques. Some work is worth

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

mentioning, such as that of [Le & Li, 2004] who combined a one-dimensional discrete
hidden Markov model (1D-DHMM) with new way of extracting observations and using
observation sequences. All subjects in the system share only one HMM that is used as a
means to weigh a pair of observations. The Haar wavelet transform is applied to face images
to reduce the dimensionality of the observation vectors. Experiments on the AR face
and the CMU PIE face database
show that the proposed method outperforms
PCA, LDA, LFA based approaches tested on the same databases.
Also worth mentioning is the work of [Yujian, 2006]. In this paper, several new analytic
formulae for solving the three basic problems of 2-D HMM are provided. Although the
complexity of computing these is exponential in the size of data, it is almost the same as that
of a 1D HMM for cases where the numbers of rows or columns are a small constant. While
this author did not apply these results specifically to facial recognition problem they appear
to offer some promise in simplifying the application of a full 2D HMM to the face
recognition problem.
Another notable contribution is the work of [Chien & Liao, 2008] which explores a new
discriminative training criterion to assure model compactness combined with ability for
accurate to discrimination between subjects. Hypothesis testing is employed to maximize
the confidence level during model training leading to a maximum-confidence model (MC-
HMM) for face recognition. From experiments on the FERET
database and GTFD
, the
proposed method obtains robust segmentation in the presence of different facial
expressions, orientations, and so forth. In comparison with the maximum likelihood and
minimum classification error HMMs, the proposed MC-HMM achieves higher recognition
accuracies with lower feature dimensions. Notably this work uses more challenging
databases than the ORL database.
Finally we conclude this chapter referring to our own recent work in face recognition
using EHMM, presented in [Iancu, 2010; Corcoran & Iancu 2011]. This work can be
divided in three parts according to our objectives. The tests were performed on a
combined database (BioID, Achermann, UMIST) and on the FERET database. The first
objective was to build a recognition system applicable on handheld devices with very low
computational power. For this we tested the EHMM-based face recognizer for different
sizes of the model, different number of Gaussians, picture size, features, and number of
pictures per person used for training. The results obtained for very small picture size (32
32), with 1 Gaussian per state and on a simplified EHMM are only 58% recognition for
only 1 image per person used for training, when we use 5 pictures per person for training
the recognition rates go up to 82% [Corcoran & Iancu 2011]. A second objective was to
limit the effect of illumination variations on recognition rates. For this three illumination
normalization techniques were used and various combinations of these were tested:
histogram equalization (HE), contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)
and DCT in logarithm domain (logDCT). The best recognition rates were obtained for a
combination of CLAHE and HE (95.71%) and the worst for logDCT (77.86%) on the
combined database [Corcoran & Iancu 2011].


A Review of Hidden Markov Models in Face Recognition

A third objective was to build a system robust to head pose variations. For this we tested
the face recognition system using frontal, semi-profile and profile views of the subjects.
The first set of tests was performed on the combined database. Here the maximum head
pose angle is around 30. We compared recognition rates obtained when building one
EHMM model per person versus one EHMM model per picture. The second set of tests
was performed on FERET database which has a much bigger variety of head poses. In this
case we used one frontal, 2 semi-profiles and 2 profiles for each subject in the training
stage and all pictures of each subject in the testing stage. We compared the recognition
rates when building 1 model per person versus 2 models per person versus 3 models per
person. We obtained better recognition rates for one model per person for the first set of
tests where the database has little head pose variation but better recognition rates for 2
models per person for the second set of tests where the database has a very high head
pose variation [Iancu, 2010].
7. Review and concluding remarks
The focus of this chapter is on the use of HMM techniques for face recognition. For this
review we have presented a concise yet comprehensive description and review of the most
interesting and widely used techniques to apply HMM models in face recognition
applications. Although additional papers treating specific aspects of this field can be found
in the literature, these are invariably based on one or another of the key techniques
presented and reviewed here.
Our goal has been to quickly enable the interested reader to review and understand the
state-of-art for HMM models applied to face recognition problems. It is clear that different
techniques balance certain trade-offs between computational complexity, speed and
accuracy of recognition and overall practicality and ease-of-use. Our hope is that this
article will make it easier for new researchers to understand and adopt HMM for face
analysis and recognition applications and continue to improve and refine the underlying
8. References
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GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication
Jesus Olivares-Mercado, Gualberto Aguilar-Torres, Karina Toscano-Medina,
Mariko Nakano-Miyatake and Hector Perez-Meana
National Polytechnic Institute
1. Introduction
The security is a theme of active research in which the identication and verication identity
of persons is one of the most fundamental aspects nowadays. Face recognition is emerging as
one of the most suitable solutions to the demands of recognition of people. Face verication
is a task of active research with many applications from the 80s. It is perhaps the biometric
method easier to understand and non-invasive systembecause for us the face is the most direct
way to identify people and because the data acquisition method consist basically on to take a
picture. Doing this recognition method be very popular among most of the biometric systems
users. Several face recognition algorithms have been proposed, which achieve recognition
rates higher than 90%under desirables condition (Chellapa et al., 2010; Hazem & Mastorakis,
2009; Jain et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2003).
The recognition is a very complex task for the human brain without a concrete explanation.
We can recognize thousands of faces learned throughout our lives and identify familiar faces
at rst sight even after several years of separation. For this reason, the Face Recognition is
an active eld of research which has different applications. There are several reasons for the
recent increased interest in face recognition, including rising public concern for security, the
need for identity verication in the digital world and the need for face analysis and modeling
techniques in multimedia data management and computer entertainment. Recent advances in
automated face analysis, pattern recognition, and machine learning have made it possible to
develop automatic face recognition systems to address these applications (Duda et al., 2001).
This chapter presents a performance evaluation of two widely used classiers such as
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classication task
in a face recognition system, but before beginning to explain about the classication stage it
is necessary to explain with detail the different stages that make up a face recognition system
in general, to understand the background before using the classier, because the stages that
precede it are very important for the proper operation of any type of classier.
1.1 Face recognition system
To illustrate the general steps of a face recognition system consider the system shown in Fig.
1, which consists of 4 stages:
2 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Fig. 1. General Structure of a face recognition system.
1.1.1 Capture
This stage is simple because it only needs a camera to take the face image to be procesed. Due
to this is not necessary to have a camera with special features, currently cell phones have a
camera with high resolutionwhich would serve or a conventional camera would be more than
enough because the image can be pre-processedprior to extract the image features. Obviously,
if the camera has a better resolution can be obtained clearer images for processing.
1.1.2 Pre-processing
In this stage basically apply some kind of cutting, ltering, or some method of image
processing such as normalization, histogram equalization or histogram specication, among
others. This is to get a better image for processing by eliminating information that is not
useful in the case of cutting or improving the quality of the image as equalization. The
pre-processing of the image is very important because with this is intended to improve the
quality of the images making the system more robust for different scenarios such as lighting
changes, possibly noise caused by background, among others.
1.1.3 Feature extraction
The feature extraction stage is one of the most important stages in the recognition systems
because at this stage are extracted facial features in correct shape and size to give a good
representation of the characteristic information of the person, that will serve to have a good
training of the classication models.
Today exists great diversity of feature extraction algorithms, the following are listed some of
Fisherfaces (Alvarado et al., 2006).
Eigenfaces(Alvarado et al., 2006).
Discrete Walsh Transform (Yoshida et al., 2003).
Gabor Filters (Olivares et al., 2007).
Discrete Wavelet Transform (Bai-Ling et al., 2004).
Eigenphases (Savvides et al., 2004).
1.1.4 Classiers
The goal of a classier is to assign a name to a set of data for a particular object or entity. It
denes a set of training as a set of elements, each being formed by a sequence of data for a
specic object. A classier is an algorithm to dene a model for each class (object specic),
so that the class to which it belongs an element can be calculated from the data values that
dene the object. Therefore, more practical goal for a classier is to assign of most accurate
form to new elements not previously studied a class. Usually also considered a test set that
allows measure the accuracy of the model. The class of each set of test is known and is used to
validate the model. Currently there are different ways of learning for classiers among which
are the supervised and unsupervised.
30 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 3
In supervised learning, a teacher provides a category label or cost for each pattern in a training
set, and seeks to reduce the sumof the costs for these patterns. While in unsupervised learning
or clustering there is no explicit teacher, and the system forms clusters or natural groupings
of the input patterns. Naturalis always dened explicitly or implicitly in the clustering
system itself; and given a particular set of patterns or cost function, different clustering
algorithms lead to different clusters.
Also, is necessary to clarify the concept of identication and verication. In identication the
system does not know who is the person that has captured the characteristics (the human face
in this case) by which the system has to say who owns the data just processed. In verication
the person tells the system which is their identity either by presenting an identication card
or write a password key, the system captures the characteristic of the person (the human face
in this case), and processes to create an electronic representation called live model. Finally, the
classier assumes an approximation of the live model with the reference model of the person
who claimed to be. If the live model exceeds a threshold verifying is successful. If not, the
verication is unsuccessful. Classiers types.
Exist different types of classiers that can be used for a recognition system in order to choose
one of these classiers depends on the application for to will be used, it is very important to
take in mind the selection of the classier because this will depend the results of the system.
The following describes some of the different types of classiers exist.
Nearest neighbor. In the nearest-neighbor classication a local decision rule is constructed
using the k data points nearest the estimation point. The k-nearest-neighbors decision rule
classies an object based on the class of the k data points nearest to the estimation point
. The output is given by the class with the most representative within the k nearest
neighbors. Nearness is most commonly measured using the Euclidean distance metric in
x-space (Davies E. R., 1997; Vladimir & Filip, 1998).
Bayes decision. Bayesian decision theory is a fundamental statistical approach to the
problem of pattern recognition. This approach is based on quantifying the tradeoffs
between various classication decisions using probability and the costs that accompany
such decisions. It makes the assumption that the decision problemis posed in probabilistic
terms, and that all of the relevant probability values are known (Duda et al., 2001).
Neural Networks. Articial neural networks are an attempt at modeling the information
processing capabilities of nervous systems. Some parameters modify the capabilities of
the network and it is our task to nd the best combination for the solution of a given
problem. The adjustment of the parameters will be done through a learning algorithm, i.e.,
not through explicit programming but through an automatic adaptive method (Rojas R.,
Gaussian Mixture Model. A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is a parametric probability
density function represented as a weighted sum of Gaussian component densities.
GMMs are commonly used as a parametric model of the probability distribution of
continuous measurements or features in a biometric system, such as vocal-tract related
spectral features in a speaker recognition system. GMM parameters are estimated from
training data using the iterative Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm or Maximum
A Posteriori MAP) estimation from a well-trained prior model (Reynolds D. A., 2008).
Support Vector Machine. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a universal constructive
learning procedure based on the statistical learning theory. The term universalmeans
31 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
4 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
that the SVM can be used to learn a variety of representations, such as neural net (with
the usual sigmoid activation), radial basis function, splines, and polynomial estimators. In
more general sense the SVM provides a new form of parameterization of functions, and
hence it can be applied outside predictive learning as well (Vladimir & Filip, 1998).
In This chapter presents only two classiers, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and Support
Vector Machine (SVM) as it classiers are two of the most frequently used on different pattern
recognition systems, and then a detailed explanation and evaluation of the operation of these
classier is required.
2. Gaussian Mixture Model
2.1 Introduction.
Gaussian Mixture Models can be used to represent probability density functions complex,
from the marginalization of joint distribution between observed variables and hidden
variables. Gaussian mixture model is based on the fact that a signicant number of
probability distributions can be approximated by a weighted sum of Gaussian functions as
shown in Fig. 2. Use of this classier has excelled in the speakers recognition with very good
results (Reynolds & Rose, 1995; Reynolds D. A., 2008).
Fig. 2. Approximation of a probability distribution function by a weighted sum of Gaussian
To carry out the development of Gaussian Mixture Model must consider 3 very important
Model initialization.
Model development.
Model evaluation.
2.1.1 Model initialization
Gaussian mixture models allow grouping data. The K-means algorithm is an algorithm that
corresponds to a non-probabilistic limit, particular of the maximum likelihood estimation
applied to Gaussian mixtures.
32 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 5
The problem is to identify data groups in a multidimensional space. It involves a set x1..., x
of a random variable of D-dimensions in a Euclidean space. A group can be thought of as a
data set whose distance between them is small compared to the distance to points outside the
Introducing a set of D-dimensional vectors
, with k = 1, 2, . . . , K where
is the prototype
associated with the k-th group. The goal is to nd an assignment of the observed data to the
groups, as well as a set of vectors
as to minimize the sum of the squares of the distances
between each point to its nearest vector
For example, initially select the rst M feature vectors as the initial centers, as shown in Figure
3, ie:

= X
Fig. 3. Illustration of K-Means algorithm for M3.
Then is added a vector more and get the distance between the new vector and M centers,
determining that the new vector belongs to the center with which the distance is the lowest.
Subsequently the new center is calculated by averaging the items belonging to the center.
Thus denoting by X
the characteristic vectors belonging to the center k, the new center
is given by:


This process is repeated until the distance between the k th center on the iteration n and
n +1 is less than a given constant.
Figure 3 shows that the rst three vectors are used as initial centers. Then insert the fourth
vector which has the shortest distance from the center x. Subsequently the new center is
33 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
6 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
calculated by averaging the two vectors belonging to the center X. Then is analyzed the vector
5, which has a shorter distance from the center O, which is modied by using the vectors 1
and 5, as shown in the second iteration in Figure 3. Then is analyzed the vector 6, which has
a minimum distance to the center O. Here the new center O vectors are modied using 1, 5
and 6. The process continues until ninth iteration, where the center O is calculated using the
vectors 1, 5, 6, 9, 12; the center X is calculated using the vector 2, 4, 8, 11, while the Y is obtained
3, 7, 10 from the vectors.
After obtaining the centers, the variance of each center is obtained using the relationship:




2.1.2 Model development
Gaussian Mixture Models(GMM) are statistical modeling methods while a model is dened
as a mixture of a certain numbers of Gaussian functions for the feature vectors (Jin et al., 2004).
A Gaussian mixture density is a weighted sum of M component densities , this is shown in
Figure 4 and obtained by the following equation:
p(x|) =

(x) (4)
Where x is a N-dimensional vector, b

x ),i = 1, 2, . . . , M, are the components of density and

, i = 1, 2, . . . , M, are weights of the mixtures. Each component density is a D-Gaussian
variation of the form:

x ) =



Where ()

denotes the transposed vector, i denotes the average value of N dimensions and

covariance matrix which is diagonal, and p
the distribution of weights which satisfy the

= 1 (6)
So the distribution model is determined by the mean vector, covariance matrix and the
weights of the distribution with which the model is represented as:
= p
, i = 1, 2, . . . , M (7)
The estimation of system parameters using the ML algorithm (Maximum Likeklihood) seeks
to nd the parameters to approximate the best possible distribution of the characteristics of
the face under analysis and will seek to nd the parameters of to maximize distribution. For
a sequence of T training vectors X = x
, . . . , x
, the GMM likelihood can be written as:
p(X|) =

|) (8)
Unfortunately, Equation 8 is nonlinear in relation to the parameters of , so to is possible to
maximize directly, so it must use an iterative algorithm called Baum-Welch. Baum-Welch
34 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 7
Fig. 4. Gaussian Mixture Model, GMM
algorithm is used by HMM algorithm to estimate its parameters and has the same basic
principle of the algorithm of Expectation Maximization (EM Expectation-Maximization),
which is part of an initial set of parameters (r 1) and a new model is estimated (r), where
r denotes the r th iteration, so to:
p(X|(r)) P(X|(r 1)) (9)
Thus, this new model (

), becomes the initial model for the next iteration. Each T elements
must update the model parameters as follows:
Pesos de la mezcla

, ) (10)


, )X

, )


, )(X


, )
To calculate the posterior probability is obtained by:
, ) =

2.1.3 Model evaluation
In order to carry out the evaluation of the model considers that the system will be used to
identify R people, which are represented by models
, . . . ,
. The aim is then to nd
the model with maximum posterior probability for a given observation sequence. Formally,
the person identied is one that satises the relation:
35 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
8 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH

R = argmax Pr(
|X), k = 1, 2, . . . , R (14)
Using Bayes theorem, equation 14 can be expressed as:

R = argmax
, k = 1, 2, . . . , R (15)
Assuming to the probability of each person is equally likely, then Pr(
) =
and taking into
account to P(X) is the same for all models of speakers, equation 15 simplies to:

R = argmax p(X|
), k = 1, 2, . . . , R (16)
Replacing p(X|
p(X|) =

) (17)
in equation 16 yields:

R = argmax

), k = 1, 2, . . . , R (18)
Finally using logarithms have:

R = argmax

)), k = 1, 2, . . . , R (19)
where p(X
) is given by the equation 4, that is by the output of the systemshown in Figure
3. Support Vector Machine
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Vladimir & Filip, 1998) is a universal constructive
learning procedure based on the statistical learning theory. Unlike conventional statistical and
neural network methods, the SVM approach does not attempt to control model complexity by
keeping the number of features small. Instead, with SVM the dimensionality of z-space can
be very large because the model complexity is controlled independently of its dimensionality.
The SVM overcomes two problems in its design: The conceptual problem is how to control
the complexity of the set of approximating functions in a high-dimensional space in order
to provide good generalization ability. This problem is solved by using penalized linear
estimators with a large number of basis functions. The computational problem is how to
perform numerical optimization in a high-dimensional space. This problem is solved by
taking advantage of the dual kernel representation of linear functions.
The SVM combines four distinct concepts:
1. New implementation of the SRM inductive principle. The SVM use a special structure that
keeps the value of the empirical risk xed for all approximating functions but minimizes
the condence interval.
2. Input samples mapped onto a very high-dimensional space using a set of nonlinear basis functions
dened a priori. It is common in pattern recognition applications to map the input vectors
into a set of new variables which are selected according to a priori assumptions about the
36 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 9
learning problem. For the support vector machine, complexity is controlled independently
of the dimensionality of the feature space (z-space).
3. Linear functions with constraints on complexity used to approximate or discriminate the input
samples in the high-dimensional space. The support vector machine uses a linear estimators
to perform approximation. As it, nonlinear estimators potentially can provide a more
compact representation of the approximation function; however, they suffer from two
serious drawbacks: lack of complexity measures and lack of optimization approaches
which provide a globally optimal solution.
4. duality theory of optimization used to make estimation of model parameters in a high-dimensional
feature space computationally tractable. For the SVM, a quadratic optimization problem
must be solved to determine the parameters of a linear basis function expansion. For
high-dimensional feature spaces, the large number of parameters makes this problem
intractable. However, in its dual form this problem is practical to solve, since it
scales in size with the number of training samples. The linear approximating function
corresponding to the solution of the dual is given in the kernel representation rather than
in the typical basis function representation. The solution in the kernel representation is
written as a weighted sum of the support vectors.
3.1 Optimal separating hyperplane
A separating hiperplane is a linear fuction that is capable of separating the training data
without error (see Fig. 5). Suppose that the training data consisting of n samples
, y
), . . . , (x
, y
), x
, y +1, 1 can be separated by the hypoerplane decision
D(x) = (w x) + w
Fig. 5. Classication (linear separable case)
with appropriate coefcients w and w
. A separating hyperplane satises the constraints that
dene the separation of the data samples:
(w x) + x
+1 if y
= +1
(w x) + x
1 if y
= 1, i = 1, . . . , n (21)
37 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
10 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
For a given training data set, all possible separating huperplanes can be represented in the
form of equation 21.
The minimal distance from the separating hyperplane to the closest data point is called the
margin and will denoted by . A separating hyperplane is called optimal if the margin is
the maximum size. The distance between the separating hyperplane and a sample x


)|/||w||, assuming that a margin exists, all training patterns obey the inequality:
, k = 1, . . . , n (22)
where y
1, 1.
The problem of nding the optimal hyperplane is that of nding the w that maximizes the
margin . Note that there are an innite number of solutions that differ onlu in scaling of w.
To limit solutions, x the scale on the product of and norm of w,
||w|| = 1 (23)
Thus maximizing the margin is equivalent to minimizing the norm of w. An optimal
separating hyperplane is one that satises condition (21 above and additionally minimizes
(w) = ||w||
with respect to both w and w
. The margin relates directly to the generalization ability of the
separating hyperplane. The data points that exist at margin are called the support vectors (Fig.
5). Since the support vectors are data points closest to the decision surface, conceptually they
are the samples that are the most difcult to classify and therefore dene the location of the
decision surface.
The generalization ability of the optimal separating hyperplane can be directly related to the
number of support vectors.
[Numbero f supportvectors]
The operator E
denotes expectation over all training sets of size n. This bound is independent
of the dimensionality of the space. Since the hyperplane will be employed to develop the
support vector machine, its VC-dimension must be determined in order to build a nested
structure of approximating functions.
For the hyperplane functions (21) satisfying the constraint ||w||
c, the VC-dimension is
bounded by
h min(r
c, d) +1 (26)
where r is the radius of the smallest sphere that contains the training input vectors (x
, . . . , x
The factor r provides a scale in terms of the training data for c. With this measure of the
VC-dimension, it is now possible to construct a structure on the set of hyperplanes according
to increasing complexity by controlling the norm of the weights ||w||
= (w x) + w
: ||w||
, c
< c
< c
. . . (27)
The structural risk minimization principle prescribes that the function that minimizes the
guaranteed risk should be selected in order to provide good generalization ability.
By denition, the separating hyperplane always has zero empirical risk, so the guaranteed
risk is minimized by minimizing the condence interval. The condence interval is minimized
38 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 11
by minimizing the VC-dimension h, which according to (26) corresponds to minimizing the
normof the weights ||w||
. Finding an optimal hyperplane for the separable case is a quadratic
optimization problem with linear constraints, as formally stated next.
Determine the w and w
that minimize the functional
(w) =
subject to the constraints
[(w x) + w
] 1, i = 1, . . . , n (29)
given the training data (x
, y
), i = 1, . . . , n, x
. The solution to this problem consists
of d + 1 parameters. For data of moderate dimension d, this problem can be solved using
quadratic programming.
For training data that cannot be separated without error, it would be desirable to separate
the data with a minimal number or errors. In the hyperplane formulation, a data point is
nonseparable when it does not satisfy equation (21). This corresponds to a data point that
falls within the margin or on the wrong side of the decision boundary. Positive slack variables

, i = 1, . . . , n, can be introdiced to quantify the nonseparable data in the dening condition
of the hyperplane:
[(w x) + w
] 1
For a training sample x
, the slack variable
is the deviation from the margin border
corresponding to the class of y
see Fig. 6. According to our denition, slack variables greater
than zero correspondto misclassiedsamples. Therefore the number of nonseparable samples
Q(w) =

> 0) (31)
Numerically minimizing this functional is a difcult combinatorial optimization problem
because of the nonlinear indicator function. However, minimizing (31) is equivalent to
minimizing the functional
Q() =


where p is a small positive constant. In general, this minimization problem is NP-complete.
To make the problem tractable, p will be set to one.
3.2 Inner product kernel
The inner product kernel (H) is known a priori and used to form a set of approximating
functions, this is determined by the sum
H(x, x

) =


) (33)
where m may be innite.
Notice that in the form(33), the evaluation of the inner products between the feature vectors in
a high-dimensional feature space is done indirectly via the evaluation of the kernel Hbetween
support vectors and vectors in the input space. The selection of the type of kernel function
39 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
12 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Fig. 6. Nonseparable case
corresponds to the selection of the class of functions used for feature construction. The general
expression for an inner product in Hilbert space is
(z z

) = H(x, x

) (34)
where the vectors z and z

are the image in the m-dimensional feature space and vectors x and

are in the input space.

Below are several common classes of multivariate approximating functions and their inner
product kernels:
Polynomials of degree q have inner product kernel
H(x, x

) = [(x x

) +1]
Radial basis functions of the form
f (x) = sign



|x x

where denes the width have the inner product kernel
H(x, x

) = exp

|x x


Fourier expansion
f (x) = v

cos(jx) + w
sin(jx)) (38)
has a kernel
H(x, x

) =
sin(q +
)(x x

sin(x x

40 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 13
4. Evaluation results
Here are some results with both classiers, GMM and SVM combined with some feature
extraction methods mentioned above, like Gabor, Wavelet and Eigenphases. The results
shown were performed using the database The AR Face Database(Martinez, 1998) is used,
which has a total of 9, 360 face images of 120 people (65 men and 55 women) that includes face
images with several different illuminations, facial expressionand partial occluded face images
with sunglasses and scarf. Two different training set are used, the rst one consists on images
without occlusion, in which only illumination and expressions variations are included. On
the other hand the second image set consist of images with and without occlusions, as well as
illumination and expressions variations. Here the occlusions are a result of using sunglasses
and scarf. These images sets and the remaining images of the AR face database are used for
Tables 1 and 2 shows the recognition performance using the GMM as a classier. The
recognition performance obtained using the Gabor lters-based, the wavelet transform-based
and eigenphases features extraction methods are shown form comparison. Table 1 shows
that when the training set 1 is used for training, with a GMM as classier, the identication
performance decrease in comparison with the performance obtained using the training set
2. This is because the training set 1 consists only of images without occlusion and then
system cannot identify several images with occlusion due to the lack of information about
the occlusion effects. However when the training set 2 is used the performance of all of them
increase, because the identication system already have information about the occlusion
Image set 1 Image set 2
Gabor 71.43 % 91.53 %
Wavelet 71.30 % 92.51 %
Eigenphases 60.63 % 87.24 %
Table 1. Recognition using GMM
Image set 1 Image set 2
Average False acceptance False reject False acceptance False reject
Gabor 4.74 % 7.26 % 1.98 % 4.13 %
Wavelet 6.69 % 6.64 % 1.92 % 5.25 %
Eigenphases 37.70 % 14.83 % 21.39 % 21.46 %
Table 2. Verication using GMM
Tables 3 and 4 show the obtained results with Gabor lters, Wavelet and Eigenphases as
features extractors methods in combination with SVM for identication and verication task.
Also shows the same characteristics like GMM when the training set 1 and training set 2 are
used for training.
Figs. 7 and 8 shows the ranking performance evaluation of Gabor, Wavelets and eigenphases
feature extractions methods, using GMM for identitication and Figs. 9 and 10 shows the
ranking performance evaluation of Gabor, Wavelet and Eigenphases with the Support Vector
Machine for identication.
In Figs. 11-13 shows the evaluation of the GMM as verier using different thresholds for
acceptance in these graphs shows the performance of both the false acceptance and the false
rejection. Showing the moment when both have the same percentage, depending on the needs
41 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
14 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Fig. 7. Ranking performance evaluation using GMM and Training set 1.
Fig. 8. Ranking performance evaluation using GMM and Training set 2.
42 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 15
Fig. 9. Ranking performance evaluation using SVM and Training set 1.
Fig. 10. Ranking performance evaluation using SVM and Training set 2.
43 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
16 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Image set 1 Image set 2
Gabor 75.98 % 94.90 %
Wavelet 79.54 % 97.29 %
Local 3 84.44 % 97.67 %
Local 6 81.05 % 97.29 %
Local fourier 3 85.92 % 97.92 %
Local fourier 6 85.59 % 97.85 %
Eigenphases 80.63 % 96.28 %
Table 3. Recognition using SVM
Image set 1 Image set 2
Average False acceptance False reject False acceptance False reject
Gabor 0.43 % 22.65 % 0.12 % 8.38 %
Wavelet 0.17 % 22.27 % 0.04 % 4.64 %
Eigenphases 0.001 % 34.74 % 0.002 % 16.04 %
Table 4. Verication using SVM
will have to choose a threshold. In Figs. 14-16 shows the evaluation of the SVM as verier
using also different thresholds.
Fig. 11. Verication performance of Gabor-based feature extraction method, for several
threshold values using GMM.
5. Conclusion
In this chapter presented two classiers that can be used for face recognition, and shown some
evaluation results where the GMMand SVM are used for identication and verication tasks.
Two different image sets were used for training. One contains images with occlusion and the
44 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 17
Fig. 12. Verication performance of Wavelet-based feature extraction method, for several
threshold values using GMM.
Fig. 13. Verication performance of Eigenphases feature extraction method, for several
threshold values using GMM.
45 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
18 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Fig. 14. Verication performance of Gabor-based feature extraction method, for several
threshold values using SVM.
Fig. 15. Verication performance of Wavelet-based feature extraction method, for several
threshold values using SVM.
46 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition
and Face Verication 19
Fig. 16. Verication performance of Eigenphases feature extraction method, for several
threshold values using SVM.
other one contains images without occlusions. The performance of this classiers are shown
using the Gabor-based, Wavelet-based and Eigenphases method for feature extraction.
It is important to mention, at the verication task it is very important to keep the false
acceptation rate as low as possible, without much increase of the false rejection rate. To nd
a compromise between both errors, evaluation results of both errors with different thresholds
are provided. To evaluate the performance of proposed schemes when they are required to
perform an identication task the rank(N) evaluation was also estimated.
Evaluation results show that, in general, the SVM performs better that the GMM, specially,
when the training set is relatively small. This is because the SVM uses a supervised training
algorithm and then it requires less training patterns to estimate a good model of the person
under analysis. However it requires to jointly estimating the models of all persons in the
database and then when a new person is added, the all previously estimated models must be
computed again. This fact may be an important limitation when the database changes with
the time, as well as, when huge databases must be used, as in banking applications. On the
other hand, because the GMMis uses a non-supervised training algorithm, it requires a larger
number of training patterns to achieve a good estimation of the person under analysis and
then its convergence is slower that those of SVM, however the GMM estimated the model of
each person independently of that of the other persons in the database. It is a very important
feature when large number of persons must be identied and the number of persons grows
with the time because, using the GMM, when a new person is added, only the model of the
new person must be added, remaining unchanged the previously estimated ones. Thus the
GMM is suitable for applications when large databases must be handed and they change with
the time, as in banking operations. Thus in summary, the SVM is more suitable when the size
of databases under analysis is almost constant and it is not so large, while the GMM is more
suitable for applications in which the databases size is large and it changes with the time.
47 GMM vs SVM for Face Recognition and Face Verification
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6. References
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48 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
New Principles in Algorithm Design for
Problems of Face Recognition
Vitaliy Tayanov
Vyacheslav Chornovil State Institute of Modern Technologies and Management of Lviv
1. Introduction
This chapter is devoted to two main problems in pattern recognition. First problem concerns
the methodology of classification quality and stability estimation that is also known as
classification reliability estimation. We consider general problem statement in classification
algorithms design, classification reliability estimation and the modern methods solution of
the problem. On the other hand we propose our methods for solution of such kind of a
problem. In general this could be made by using of different kind of indicators of
classification (classifier) quality and stability. All this should summarize everything made
before with our latest results of solution of the problem. Second part of the chapter is
devoted to new approach that gives the possibility to solve the problem of classifier design
that is not sensitive to the learning set but belongs to some kind of learning algorithms.
Let us consider recognition process, using the next main algorithms, as some parts of the
some complicated recognition system: algorithm for feature generating, algorithms for
feature selection and classification algorithms realizing procedure of decision making. It is
really important to have good algorithms for feature generating and selection. Methods for
feature generating and selection are developed a lot for many objects to be recognized. For
facial images the most popular algorithms use 3D graph models, morphological models, the
selection some geometrical features using special nets, etc. From other hand very popular
algorithms for feature generating and selection are those which use Principle Component
Analysis (PCA) or Independent Component Analysis (ICA). PCA and ICA are good enough
for a number of practical cases. However there are a lot of different deficiencies in classifier
building. For classifiers using learning the most essential gap is that all such classifiers can
work pretty well on learning stage and really bad for some test cases. Also they can work
well enough if classes are linearly separated e.g. Support Vector Machines (SVM) in linear
case. For non-linear case they have a number of disadvantages. That is why it is important to
develop some approaches for algorithms building that are not sensitive for the kind of
sample or complexity in classification task.
All classification algorithms built for the present could be divided almost into 5 groups:
algorithms built on statistical principles, algorithms, built on the basis of potential functions
and non-parametrical estimation, algorithms, using similarity functions (all kinds of
metrical classifiers like 1NN and kNN classifiers) algorithms, using logical principles like
decision lists, trees, etc, hierarchical and combined algorithms. A lot of recognition systems
use a number of algorithms or algorithm compositions. For their optimization and tuning

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

one uses special algorithms like boosting. These compositions can be linear or non-linear as
To build any effective classifier we need to use some algorithms that allow us to measure
the reliability of classification. Having such algorithms we can find estimates of optimal
values of classifier parameters. Accuracy of these estimates allows us to build reliable and
effective classification algorithms. They perform the role of indicators of measurement of
different characteristics and parameters of the classifier.
We propose the new approach for object classification that is independent of the learning set
but belongs to some kind of learning algorithms. Methods, using for new classification
approach concerns the field of results combination for the classification algorithms design.
One of the most progressive directions in this area assumes using of the consensus in
recognition results, produced by different classifiers.
Idea of usage of consensus approach is the following. One divides all objects to be
recognized into three groups: objects, located near separation hyperplane (ambiguity
objects), objects, located deeply inside the second class and belong to the first one
(misclassified objects) and objects that are recognized correctly with large enough index of
reliability (easy objects). The group of ambiguity objects is the largest one that can cause
errors during recognition due to their instability. Because of that it is extremely important to
detect such kind of objects. Next step will be detecting of the true class for every of
ambiguity objects. For this it is planned to use apparatus of cellular automata and Markov
models. It is important to mark that such an approach allows us to reduce the effect of
overestimation for different recognition tasks. This is one of the most principle reasons for
using such kind of algorithms.
The practical application of consensus approach for the task of face recognition could be
realized by the following way. If we use one of the following classifiers e.g. 1NN, kNN,
classifier, built on the basis of potential functions, SVM, etc. we can have some fiducial
interval of the most likely candidates. Fiducial interval in general is the list of the candidates
that are the most similar to the target object (person). If we use decision making support
system controlled by operator result of the system work could be one or two candidates,
given to the operator for the final decision or expertise. If we use an autonomous system the
final decision should be made by the system that has to select one of the most likely
candidates using some special verification algorithms that analyse the dynamics of
behaviour of the object in the fiducial interval under the verifying external conditions and
parameters of the algorithm.
2. Estimations building in pattern recognition
2.1 Some important tasks of machine learning
The modern theory of machine learning has two vital problems: to obtain precise upper
bound estimates of the overtraining (overfitting) and ways of its overcoming. Now the most
precise familiar estimates are still very overrated. So the problem is open for now. It is
experimentally determined the main reasons of the overestimation. By the influence
reducing they are as follows [Vorontsov, 2004]:
1. The neglect of the stratification effect or the effect of localization of the algorithms
composition. The problem is conditioned by the fact that really works not all the
composition but only part of it subject to the task. The overestimation coefficient is from
several tens to hundreds of thousands;

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition

2. The neglect of the algorithms similarity. The overestimation coefficient for this factor is
from several hundreds to tens of thousands. This factor is always essential and less
dependent from the task than first one;
3. The exponential approximation of the distribution tail area. In this case the
overestimation coefficient can be several tens;
4. The upper bound estimation of the variety profile has been presented by the one scalar
variety coefficient. The overestimation coefficient is often can be taken as one but
sometimes it can be several tens.
The reason of overtraining effect has been conditioned by the usage of an algorithm with
minimal number of errors on the training set. This means that we realize the one-sided
algorithms tuning. The more algorithms are going to be used the more overtraining will be.
It is true for the algorithms, taken from the distribution randomly and independently. In
case of algorithm dependence (as rule in reality they are dependent) it is suggested that the
overtraining will be reduced. The overtraining can be in situation if we use only one
algorithm from composition of two algorithms. Stratification of the algorithms by the error
number and their similarity increasing reduces the overtraining probability.
Let us consider a duplet algorithm-set. Every algorithm can cover a definite number of the
objects from the training set. If one uses internal criteria [Kapustii et al., 2007; Kapustii et al.,
2008] (for example in case of metrical classifiers) there is the possibility to estimate the
stability of such coverage. Also we can reduce the number of covered objects according to
the stability level. To cover more objects we need more algorithms. These algorithms should
be similar and have different error rate.
There is also interesting task of redundant information decrease. For this task it is important
to find the average class size guaranteeing the minimal error rate. The reason in such
procedure conditioned also by the class size decrease for the objects interfering of the
recognition on the training phase.
The estimation of the training set reduction gives the possibility to define the data structure
(the relationship between etalon objects and objects that are the spikes or non-informative
ones). Also the less class size the less time needed for the decision making procedure. But
the most important of such approach consists in possibility to learn precisely and to
understand much deeper the algorithms overtraining phenomenon.
In this paper we are going to consider the metrical classifiers. Among all metrical classifiers
the most applied and simple are the kNN classifiers. These classifiers have been used to
build practical target recognition systems in different areas of human's activity and the
results of such classification can be easily interpreted. One of the most appropriate
applications of metrical classifiers (or classifiers using the distance function) concerns the
biometrical recognition systems and face recognition systems as well.
2.2 Probabilistic approach to parametrical optimization of the kNN classifiers
The most advanced methods for optimization composition algorithm, informative training
set selection and feature selection are bagging, boosting and random space method (RSM).
These methods try to use the information containing in the learning sample as much as they
can. Let us consider the metrical classifier optimization in feature space, using different
metrics. The most general presentation of the measure between feature vectors x and y has
been realized through Manhatten measure as the simple linear measure with weighted
a [Moon & Stirling, 2000]:

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


( , ) | |
i i i
d x y a x y

, (1)
( , ) | |
i i i
d x y a x y

is the arbitrary measure between vectors x and y .

Minkovski measure as the most generalized measure in pattern recognition theory can be
presented in form of

1 1
1 1 1
( , ) ( | | ) ( | |) ( ) | |,
n n n
p p p
i i i i i i i i
i i i
d x y x y a x y C p a x y
= = =
= = =

where parametrical multiplier ( ) C p have been presented in form of

( ) ( | |) ; | | ; 0
p p
i i i i i i
C p a x y a x y p

= = >

One can make the following conclusions. An arbitrary measure is the filter in feature space.
It determines the weights on features. The weight must be proportional to the increase of
one of indexes when it has been added to general feature set used for class discrimination
procedure. Such indexes are: correct recognition probability, average class size, divergence
between classes, Fisher discriminant [Bishop, 2006]. One can use another indexes, but the
way of their usage should be similar. If one of the features does not provide the index
increase (or worsen it) the value of such feature weight should be taken as zero. So by force
of supplementary decrease of feature number one can accelerate the recognition process
retaining the qualitative characteristics. The feature optimization problem and measure
selection has been solved uniquely. This procedure has been realized using weighted
features and linear measure with weighted coefficients. Feature selection task at the same
time has been solved partially. First the feature subset from general set is determined. Such
set has been determined by some algorithm (for example by the number of orthogonal
transforms). Such algorithm should satisfy the definite conditions like follows: class entropy
minimization or divergence maximization between different classes. These conditions have
been provided by the Principle Component Analysis [Moon & Stirling, 2000]. The last
parameter using in the model is the decision function or decision rule. Number of decision
functions can be divided into functions working in feature space and the functions based on
distance calculation. For example the Bayes classifier, linear Fisher discriminant, support
vector machine etc. work in feature space. The decision making procedure is rather complex
in multidimensional feature space when one uses such decision rules. Such circumstance is
especially harmful for continuous recognition process with pattern series that have been
recognized. Thus realizing the recognition system with large databases in practice one uses
classifiers based on distance function. The simplest classifier is 1NN. But this classifier has
been characterized by the smallest probability indexes. Therefore one should use kNN one.
So the task consists in selection of k value that is optimal for decision making procedure in
bounds of fiducial interval. This interval corresponds to the list of possible candidates.
Unlike the classical approach k value has upper bound by class size. In classical approach
the nearest neighbor value should be taken rather large, approximating Bayes classifier.

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition

Let us consider RS with training. The calculation and analysis of the parameters of such
systems is carried out on the basis of learning set. Let there exists the feature distribution in
linear multidimensional space or unidimensional distribution of distances. We are going to
analyse the type of such distribution. The recognition error probability for 0 = could be
presented as
| |
( )
p x dx

, where is the threshold. According to the Chebyshev inequality

[Moon & Stirling, 2000] we obtain
| |
( )
p x dx

Let us consider the case of mean and variance equality of ( ) p x distribution. The upper
bound for single mode distributions with mode 0 = with help of Gauss inequality
[Weinstein, 2011] is:

(| | )
P x

2 2 2
( ) + .
0 = = and . Then the threshold is = = and

= . Thus the Gauss

inequality for the threshold could be presented in form of:

| |
( )
p x dx

. (5)
As seen from (5), the Gauss upper bound estimate for the single-mode distribution is better
in 2.25 times then for the arbitrary distribution. So the influence of the distribution type on
the error probability is significant. The normal distribution has equal values of mode, mean
and median. Also this distribution is the most popular in practice. On the other hand the
normal distribution has been characterized by the maximum entropy value for the equal
values of variance. This means that we obtain the minimal value of classification error
probability for the normally distributed classes. For the algorithm optimization one should
realize the following steps:
to calculate the distance vector between objects for the given metric;
to carry out the non-parametrical estimation of the distance distribution in this vector
by the Parzen window method or by the support vector machines;
to estimate the mean and variance of the distribution;
on the basis of estimated values to carry out the standardization of the distribution
( 0 = , 1 = );
to build the distributions both for the theoretical case and estimated one by the non-
parametrical methods;
to calculate the mean square deviation between the distributions;
to find out the parameter space, when deviation between the distributions less then
given level.
2.2.1 Probability estimation for some types of probability density functions
Let us consider some probability density functions (pdfs) that have a certain type of the
form (presence of the extremum, right or left symmetry). If pdf have not one of such types of

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

structure one can use the non-parametrical estimation. As the result of such estimation we
get the uninterrupted curve describing pdf. This function can be differentiated and
integrated by the definition. Because the Gaussians have been characterized by the minimal
error of the classification for the given threshold and does not exceed

(see eq.5) for

the unimodal and symmetric pdf or pdf with right asymmetry, the double-sided inequality
for the given value of recognition error can be presented in form of :

0.5(1 ( ))

. (6)
where 0 = .

Fig. 1. Right asymmetry of pdf

Fig. 2. Left asymmetry of pdf

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition

Let us analyse the form of potentially generated pdfs of distances between objects. All of the
distributions will have extremum. This will be conditioned by following facts. All of the
pdfs have been determined on the interval [0, ) and the density near zero and for the large
distances is not high because these values are mostly unlikely. The right asymmetry is much
more likely because pdf of distances is limited by zero and from the other side it has no
strictly determined limitations.
Let's consider a widespread problem of classification in the conditions of two classes. We
will denote the size of classes as
s and
s correspondingly. Then if the probability of
replacement of object of a class having size
s within a fiducial interval is equal
probability of no replacement of objects from the same class by objects from a class
s in this
interval is equal to
(1 )
under the condition of independence of objects [Kapustii et al,
2008; Kyrgyzov, 2008; Tayanov & Lutsyk, 2009]. For other class at corresponding changes
this probability is equal to
(1 )
. If now one selects some virtual class and admits that
replacement of any object of this class by objects from the mentioned two classes is authentic
event it is possible to write down a following equation:

2 1
1 2
((1 ) (1 ) ) 1
s s
+ = , (7)
where the proportionality multiplier is calculated trivially.
Sometimes there are situations when distances between objects are equal to 0. Thus non-
parametrically estimated distribution of one of the classes can have a maximum in a point
corresponding to zero distance. Let density of distributions are equal
(0) p and
(0) p in a
zero point. The estimation of relation between probabilities can be set in a form of
. Thus it is necessary to make boundary transition from cumulative density
function (cdf) to pdf as they are connected among themselves by differentiation operation.
The relation
or generally (
) can be used for construction of the following

( )
ln ;
( )
( )
ln ,
( )

( )
ln ;
( )
( )
ln ,
( )

where values
( )
ln 0
( )

= or
( )
ln 0
( )

= have no influence on classification results and

the decision can be accepted for benefit of any class. In case of non-parametric estimation
the probability of such value is almost equal to 0. This approach is especially useful for the
recognition tasks with similar objects i.e. objects that are week separated in the feature
space. It should be noted that such type of algorithms have been oriented on the tasks with

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

high level of class overlapping. Face recognition belongs to the tasks that have sufficiently a
lot of objects that could not be separated so easy.
2.3 Combinatorial approach
Let us present the recognition results for kNN classifier in form of binary sequence:

3 1 3
1 2 2
l m m
l l m

Fig. 1. The recognition results in form of binary sequence for kNN classifier
Using kNN classifier it is important that among k nearest neighbours we have the related
positive objects majority or the absolute one. Let us consider the simpler case meaning the
related majority. The kNN classifier correct work consists in fact that for k nearest
neighbours it has to be executed the condition

, 1, 2, 3...
i i
i i
l m i > =

, (9)
where ,
i i
l m

are the groups that appear after class size decrease. Under the group one
understands the homogeneous sequence of elements. In such sequence (see Fig.1) there exist
patterns of all classes. In general case there is no direct conformity between the group
number and the class number although.
Let us consider the case of non-pair k value in kNN classifier only. This means that we have
the case of synonymous classification. Such univocacy could disappear in case of pair k
value and votes equality for different classes.
Let us estimate the effect of class size reduction in case of kNN classifier. Note that reduced
class sizes are equal to each other and equal s

. Let us consider the kNN classifier correct

work condition:


. In contradistinction to 1NN classifier there is no such an
importance of the first nearest patterns of the true class. Thus all such sequences one could
denote as
l . Let us determine the probabilities that it will be selected
s patterns from the
true class by the combinatorial approach. These probabilities have fiducial sense. This
means that for the given part of positive objects there will be no selections among the
patterns of the false classes by the correspondent combinatorial way. The multiplication of
pointed two probabilities determines the probability of kNN classifier correct work. Let
q as the recognition error probability for the corresponding
m groups:

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition


2 1
1 2
inf 1 ;
inf 1 ;
i i
i i i
i i j
i j
q P m ENT
q P m m ENT
m m m
q P
m m
q P
+ +

= +

= + +

+ +






The combinatorial expression for
q probability could be written in form of:

1 1
, ,
, 1
i j i j
i j i j
j s j
k m s m
j i j
i j
q m ENT

+ +

= +


= +

. (11)
The fiducial probability for arbitrary true pattern sequence is equal:

i i
i i
j s j
l s l k

= +


. (12)
Thus the correct recognition probability for kNN classifier has been determined by
probability (12) and addition to probability (11):

( )
1 1
, ,
1 1
2 2
(1 )
i i
i i
i i
i j i j
i i
i j i j
j s j
l s l k
j q j
s s
j s j j s j
l s l k k m s m
P P q

+ +

= +

= + = +

= =

. (13)
It is modelled the recognition process with different sequences of patterns of true and false
classes for the 1NN and kNN classifiers in case of absolute majority. For modelling the face
recognition system has been taken. The class size (training set) has been taken as 18

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

according to the database that it was made. On the Fig.1 the results of modelling of the
training set decrease influence on the recognition results for the 1NN classifier have been
presented. On the Fig.2 the similar results for kNN classifier under condition

+ =

have been presented.

Fig. 2. The probability of correct recognition as function of training set ( x axis) and number
of true/false objects in the target sequence ( y axis) for the 1NN classifier

Fig. 3. The probability of correct recognition as function of training set ( x axis) and number
of true/false objects in the target sequence( y axis) for the kNN classifier
On the Fig.1,2 x axis means the size of the training set and the y axis means the size of the
true patterns sequence (left picture) and sequence of both true and false patterns (right

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition

picture). The y axis has been formed by the following way. We organized 2 cycles where
we changed the number of true and false patterns. For every combination of these patterns
and different class sizes we calculate the probability of correct recognition.

Fig. 4. The probability of correct recognition as function of training set ( x axis) and


value ( y axis)
On the Fig.4,5 the results of kNN classifier modelling have been presented. Here it has been
satisfied the following condition: 1


. On the Fig.5 the fiducial probability as
function of training set size ( x axis) and 1


value ( y axis).
The probability part of proposed approach is based in following idea. Despite of
combinatorial approach, where the recognition results were determined precisely, we define
only the probability of the initial sequence existence. Due to low probability of arbitrary
sequence existing (especially for the large sequences) it has been determined the probability
of homogeneous sequences existing of the type {0} or {1} . This probability has been
determined on the basis of the last object in given sequence as probability of replacing this
object (the object from the true class {1} by the others objects of the false classes from the

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

database. This means that the size of homogeneous sequence has been determined by the
most "week" object in the homogeneous pattern sequence. The probability of existing of the
non-homogeneous sequences is inversely proportional to the
| |
l m +
value, where | | l m + is
the sequence size. This procedure could be realized using distribution function (fatigue
function) of the distances between the objects. This approach has been developed for
metrical classifiers and classifiers on the basis of distance function in [Kapustii et al., 2008;
Tayanov & Lutsyk, 2009]. Thus we need to calculate the probability of sequence with true
patterns existing that has definite size or for the given probability rate we need to calculate
the maximal size of the sequence that satisfies this probability. For the binary sequence the
sum of the weights of the lower order bits is always less than the next most significant bit.

Fig. 5. The probability of correct recognition as function of 1


( x axis) and
number of true/false objects in the target sequence ( y axis)

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition

The difference is equal to 1. This means that arbitrary pattern replacement of the true class
in the fiducial interval is equivalent to the alternate replacement of the previous ones. The
minimal whole order of the scale of notation that has such peculiarity is equal to 2. Thus we
need to calculate the weights of the true patterns position and compare them with binary
digit. Such representation of the model allows us to simplify the probability calculation of
the patterns replacement from the true sequences by the patterns of false classes. On the
other side the arbitrary weights can be expressed through the exponent of number 2 that
also simplifies the presentation and calculation of these probabilities. So the probability of
the homogeneous sequence of the true patterns existence has been calculated on the basis of
distance distribution function and is the function of the algorithm parameters. We should
select the sequence of the size that has been provided by the corresponding probability. We
after apply the combinatorial approach that allows us to calculate the influence effect of the
class size decrease on the recognition probability rate. Thus the probabilistic part of the
given approach has been determined by the recognition algorithm parameters. So the
integration of both probabilistic and combinatorial parts allows us to define more precise
the influence of the effect of the training set reduction.
Let us consider step by step the example of fast computing of replacement of true pattern
probability from the sequence where relation between weights of the objects is whole
exponent of number 2. Thus for example the weights can be presented by the following
9 6 4 3 2 1 0
{2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 } w = . As known the probability of replacement of true object
from the sequence by the false one when it is known that replacement is true event is
inversely proportional to the weights of these objects. Let define the probability of
replacement of the object having the
2 weight comparatively to the object with
2 weight.
As far as we do not know what object has been replaced the total weight of the fact that
there will not be replaced the objects with
2 weight and lower is equal:
9 6 4 3 2 1 0
{2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 } w = . This weight can be expressed trough
2 weight accurate
within 1 by following way:
6 6
2 (1 0.5) 1.5 * 2 + = . In case of large sequences this one has week
influence on the accuracy. The relation between
2 and
2 is equal to 8. In case of divisible
group of events we obtain the 8 1.5 1 + = equation, where the proportional coefficient
approximately equal to 0.11. So the probability of non-replacement of the object with
weight is equal 8 * 0.11 0.88 = . The object with
2 weight has the corresponding probability
equal to 1 0.88 0.12 = . Since we know exactly that replacement is the true event and the
last object has weight equal to 1 the accuracy correction that equal to 1 makes the
appropriate correction of probability calculation.
3. Classification on the basis of division of objects into functional groups
Algorithms of decision making are used in such tasks of pattern recognition as supervised
pattern recognition and unsupervised pattern recognition. Clustering tasks belong to
unsupervised pattern recognition. They are related to the problems of cluster analysis. Tasks
where one provides the operator intervention in the recognition process belong to the
learning theory or machine learning theory. The wide direction in the theory of machine
learning has the name of statistical machine learning. It was founded by V.Vapnik and Ja.
Chervonenkis in the sixties-seventies of the last century and continued in nineties of the
same century and has the name of Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory (VC theory) [Vapnik, 2000].

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

It should be noted that classification algorithms built on the basis of training sets are mostly
unstable because learning set is not regular (in general). That is why it has been appeared
the idea of development of algorithms that partially use statistical machine learning but
have essentially less sensitivity to irregularity of the training sets.
This chapter focuses on tasks that partially use learning or machine learning. According to
the general concept of machine learning a set is divided into general training and test
(control) subsets. For the training subset one assumes that the class labels are known for
every object. Using test subsets one verifies the reliability of the classification. The
reliability of algorithms has been tested by methods of cross-validation [Kohavi, 1995;
Mullin, 2000].
Depending on the complexity of the classification all objects can be divided into three
groups: items that are stable and are classified with high reliability (easy objects), objects
belonging to the borderline area between classes (ambiguous objects) and objects
belonging to one class, and deeply immersed inside another one (misclassified objects).
Among those objects that may cause an error the largest part consists of terminal facilities.
Therefore it is important to develop an algorithm that allows one to determine the largest
number of frontier facilities. The principal idea of this approach consists in preclassification
of objects by dividing them into three functional groups. Because of this it is possible to
achieve much more reliable results of classification. This could be done by applying the
appropriate algorithms for every of obtained groups of objects.
3.1 The most stable objects determination
The idea of the model building is as follows. The general object set that have to be classified
is divided on three functional groups. To the first group of objects the algorithm selects the
objects with high level of classification reliability. The high level of reliability means that
objects are classified correctly under the strong (maximal) deviations of the parameters from
optimal ones. From the point of view of classification complexity these objects belongs to the
group of so called "easy" objects. The second group includes objects, on which there is no
consensus. If one selects two algorithms in a composition of algorithms, they should be as
dissimilar as possible and they should not be a consensus. If one uses larger number of
algorithms, the object belongs to the second group if there is no consensus in all algorithms.
If consensus building uses intermediate algorithms, parameters of which are within the
intervals between the parameters of two the most dissimilar algorithms, this makes it
impossible to allocate a larger number of objects, on which there is no consensus.
Dissimilarity between algorithms is determined on the basis of the Hamming distance
between results of two algorithms defined as binary sequences [Kyrgyzov, 2008; Vorontsov,
2008]. In practice this also means that in general it will not be detected the new objects, if
one uses composition of more than two algorithms, on which one builds the consensus. The
third group consists of those objects, on which both algorithms have errors, while they are in
consensus. The error caused by these objects can not be reduced at all. Thus the error can not
be less than the value determined by the relative amount of objects from the third group.
The next step will be the reclassification of the second group of objects. This special
procedure allows us to determine the true class, to which a particular object belongs to.
Reclassifying the second group of objects we can also have some level of error. This error
together with the error caused by the third group will give the total error of all proposed

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition

The research carried out in this paper concerns the analysis of statistical characteristics of the
results of a consensus generating by two algorithms. The objective of the task analysis is a
statistical regularity of characteristics of various subsets taken by division of the general set
into blocks of different size. Probability distribution by the consensus for three groups of
objects has been carried out by nonparametric estimation using Parzen window with Gauss
3.1.1 Experimental results
Figs 6-11 show the parametrically estimated pdfs for the probability of a correct consensus,
the probability of incorrect consensus and the probability that consensus will not be

Fig. 6. Task pima from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of the
correct consensus that consists of two algorithms (solid line is used for the set of 200 objects
and dot line is used for set of 30 objects correspondingly) .

Fig. 7. Task pima from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of the
incorrect consensus that consists of two algorithms (solid line is used for the set of 200
objects and dot line is used for set of 30 objects correspondingly)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 8. Task pima from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of no
consensus between two algorithms (solid line is used for the set of 200 objects and dot line is
used for set of 30 objects correspondingly)
As can be seen from the figures these distributions can be represented using one-
component, two-component or multicomponent Gauss mixture models (GMM). In
multicomponent GMM weights determined according to their impact factors. Distribution
parameters (mean and variance) and weights of impact in the model are estimated using EM
algorithm. Estimation of corresponding probability values was carried out by blocks with a
minimal size of 30 Q = and 200 Q = elements. The size of these blocks has been driven by a
small sample size which according to various criteria ranges from 30 to 200 items. According
to the standard definition of a small sample it is assumed that sample is small when it is
characterized by irregular statistical characteristics.
As seen from all figures the estimates obtained by blocks with a minimal size of 30 elements
and some more are irregular. This means that for these tasks the sub-sample size of 30 items
and some more is small. This has been indicated by long tails in the corresponding
probability distributions. The maximum in zero point for two-component model is
characterized by a large number of zero probabilities. This can be possible if there are no
mistakes in the consensus of two algorithms. Estimates of probabilities on the basis of
average values and the corresponding maximum probability distributions (for maximum
likelihood estimation (MLE)) are not much different, which gives an additional guarantee
for the corresponding probability estimates. Significance of obtained consensus estimates of
probabilities of correct consensus, incorrect consensus and probability that consensus will
not be achieved, provides a classification complexity estimate. Problems and algorithms for
the complexity estimation of classification task is discussed in [Basu, 2006]. For example,
tasks "pima" and "bupa" are about the same level of complexity because values of three
probabilities are approximately equal. Tab. 1 shows that all algorithms excepting proposed
new one have large enough sensitivity to the equal by the classification complexity tasks
they work with. Mathematical analysis of composition building of algorithms has been
considered in details in [Zhuravlev, 1978].

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition


Fig. 9. Task bupa from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of the
correct consensus that consists of two algorithms (solid line is used for the set of 200 objects
and dot line is used for set of 30 objects correspondingly)
Figs 6-11 show graphic dependencies of consensus results for problems taken from
repository UCI. This repository is formed at the Irvins University of California. The data
structure of the test tasks from this repository is as follows. Each task is written as a text
file where columns are attributes of the object and rows consist of a number of different
attributes for every object. Thus the number of rows corresponds to the number of objects
and the number of columns corresponds to the number of attributes for each object. A
separate column consists of labels of classes, which mark each object. A lot of data within
this repository has been related to biology and medicine. Also all these tasks could be
divided according to the classification complexity. In the data base of repository there
exists a number of tasks with strongly overlapped classes. Some of them will be used for

Fig. 10. Task bupa from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of the
incorrect consensus that consists of two algorithms (solid line is used for the set of 200
objects and dot line is used for set of 30 objects correspondingly)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 11. Task bupa from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of no
consensus between two algorithms(solid line is used for the set of 200 objects and dot line is
used for set of 30 objects correspondingly)
In Tab. 1 one gives the probabilities of errors obtained on the test data for different
classifiers or classifier compositions. All these algorithms were verified on two tasks that are
difficult enough from the classification point of view. For the proposed algorithm it has been
given the minimal and maximal errors that can be obtained on given tested data.
In Tab. 1 the value of minimal error is equal to consensus error for the proposed algorithm.
The value of maximal error has been calculated as sum of minimal error and the half of the
related amount of objects, on which there is no consensus (fifty-fifty principle). As seen from
the table the value of maximal error is much less than the least value of error of all given
algorithms for two tasks from UCI repository. In comparison with some algorithms given in
the table the value of minimal error is approximately 10 times less for the proposed
algorithm then the error of some other algorithms from the table. The proposed algorithms
are characterized by much more stability of the classification error in comparison with other
algorithms. It can be seen from corresponding error comparison for two tasks from the UCI

Algorithm Task bupa pima
Monotone (SVM) 0.313 0.236
Monotone (Parzen) 0.327 0.302
AdaBoost (SVM) 0.307 0.227
AdaBoost (Parzen) 0.33 0.290
SVM 0.422 0.230
Parzen 0.338 0.307
RVM 0.333 -
Proposed algorithm
0.040/0.212 0.041/0.203
Table 1. Error of classification for different algorithms

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition


Q=200 Q=30

0.635 0.024 0.611 0.064
0.041 0.006 0.046 0.013
0.324 0.019 0.344 0.052
Table 2. Task pima from UCI repository

Q=200 Q=30

0.635 0.024 0.611 0.064
0.041 0.006 0.046 0.013
0.324 0.019 0.344 0.052
Table 3. Task bupa from UCI repository
In tabs 2-3 the estimates of probability of belonging of every object from the task of
repository UCI to every of three functional groups of objects have been given. In this case
the objects, on which consensus of the most dissimilar algorithms exists (
), belong to the
class of so called "easy" objects. Then objects, on which both of algorithms that are in
consensus make errors (
), belong to the class of objects that cause uncorrected error and
this error can not be reduced at all. The last class of objects consists of objects, on which
there is no consensus of the most dissimilar algorithms (
). This group of objects also
belongs to the class of border objects. In the tables one gives variances of corresponding
probabilities too. Minimal size of the blocks, on which one builds estimates using algorithms
of cross-validation changes from 30 to 200.
3.1.2 Case of three classifiers in the consensus composition
In the previous case we analysed the classifier composition that consists of two the most
dissimilar algorithms. Now we are going to build the classifier composition that consists of
three algorithms. The third algorithms we choose considering the following requirements.
These algorithms have to be exactly in the middle of two the most dissimilar algorithms.
This means that the Hamming distance between the third algorithm and one of the most
dissimilar algorithms is equal to the distance between the middle algorithm and the
second algorithm in the consensus composition of two the most dissimilar algorithms. In
Tabs 4 and 5 the results of comparison of two consensus compositions have been given. The
first composition consists of two algorithms and the second one consists of three algorithms
correspondingly. As in the previous case we used pima and bupa testing tasks from
UCI repository.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


consensus of
two classifiers
consensus of
tree classifiers

0.635 0.024 0.607 0.021
0.041 0.006 0.0347 0.006
0.324 0.019 0.358 0.017
Table 4. Task pima from UCI repository
As seen from the both tabs there is no big difference between two cases. Consensus of two
algorithms can detect a bit lager quantity of correctly classified objects that means a bit more
reliable detection of correctly classified objects. Consensus of three algorithms can detect a
bit larger quantity of objects on which we have no consensus (the third group of objects).
But if we will use the fifty-fifty principle for detection objects from the third group the
general error of classification will be the same. We can also note that the variances of two
consensuses compositions have no large differences between each other.

consensus of
two classifiers
consensus of
tree classifiers

0.616 0.008 0.586 0.012
0.040 0.002 0.037 0.002
0.344 0.008 0.377 0.013
Table 5. Task bupa from UCI repository

Fig. 12. Task bupa from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of correct
consensus between two (solid line) and tree (dot-line) algorithms

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition


Fig. 13. Task bupa from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of
incorrect consensus between too (solid line) and tree (dot-line) algorithms

Fig. 14. Task bupa from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of no
consensus between too (solid line) and tree (dot-line) algorithms
On figs 12-17 the results of consensus building for three algorithms have been given. Here
we also use two tasks from the UCI repository as in the case of two algorithms. According to
figs corresponding to the task of bupa we can make the following conclusions. In
comparison to the case of two algorithms we can see that for the number of preclassified
groups of objects we have just shifts between the corresponding pdfs and the form of curves
is approximately the same. We can also note that relative value of the shift is rather small
(about 5% for the pdf of correct probability). This shift is almost conditioned by the
statistical error of determining of the most different algorithms.
According to figs corresponding to the task of pima we can mark that differences in forms
of pdfs are more essential than in previous task. This circumstance could be used for

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

comparison of the task complexity using the value of overtraining as stability to learning.
Using such approach it is possible to obtain much more precise and informative estimations
of the complexity from the learning process point of view.

Fig. 15. Task pima from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of correct
consensus between too (solid line) and tree (dot-line) algorithms

Fig. 16. Task pima from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of
incorrect consensus between too (solid line) and tree (dot-line) algorithms

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition


Fig. 17. Task pima from UCI repository: non-parametrical estimation of the pdf of no
consensus between too (solid line) and tree (dot-line) algorithms
4. Specific of usage of the proposed approach for problems of face
The problem of face recognitions is one of the principle tasks of the large project connected
with determining of human behaviour and psychoanalysis of the human, based on the face
expression and body movement. Such type of systems belongs to the class of no contact
systems. Unlike to the human recognition systems based on fingerprints or images of iris
these systems do not require human to keep finger of eyes near (or on) the scanner. This is
also very important from law point of view. It is impossible to force a human to put the
finger on the scanner if he does not want to do this and if this is not a criminal case. The
same fact is concerned the case of iris recognition systems. To take a picture of somebody is
not forbidden and this or that person could not be familiar with the fact that somebody took
already picture of the face of such person. This is really important when creating the
training and test databases. Face recognitions systems can be joined with hidden video
cameras installed in shops, supermarkets, banks and other public places. Here it is
important to hide the fact of video surveillance. This could be done with help of no contact
recognition systems only. On other hand the facial information and mimicry could be used
for the human behaviour determination and psychophysical state of the human. This is
important to avoid and predict of acts of terrorism. Here it is very important information
about dynamics of face expression and movement of the separate parts of the face.
In spite of the fact that face recognition systems has larger value of error of both of the types
than finger print recognition systems, iris recognition systems and others, they find a lot of
different applications because of their flexibility of installation, training and testing. In this
situation it is very important to make research in the field of recognition probability
estimation, overtraining estimation, model parameters estimation, etc. to find the most
optimal parameters of the face recognition systems. To build very reliable recognition
systems it is important to use proposed approach that allows us to build hierarchical
recognition on the basis of objects division into functional groups and due to this to use the
effect of preclassification.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

For the procedure of decision making one proposes to use the notation of fiducial interval.
By the fiducial interval one understands the list of possible candidates for the classification.
Usage of the fiducial interval is very useful for the decision making support systems with
presence of an operator. The result of the system work is the list of candidates that are the
most similar to the object to be recognized. In this case the final decision about the object
will be made by operator. The system can work as completely autonomous one with using
of the fiducial interval for the decision making. In fiducial interval there exist several group
of objects that belong to their own class. Our task is to find the group of objects that
corresponds to the object to be recognised or to make decision that there is no corresponding
objects in fiducial interval. The idea of fiducial interval consists in following concepts. The
size of the fiducial interval (the number of possible candidates) has to be enough to be sure
that if the corresponding objects are in the database of the recognition system they will drop
into this interval. The size of the fiducial interval corresponds to the fiducial probability.
The larger is fiducial interval the larger is fiducial probability. That is why it is convenient to
use the notation of fiducial interval for the probability of the fact that corresponding objects
will drop in the list of possible candidates. The second paragraph of this chapter has been
devoted to the problems of forming of some types of fiducial intervals.
5. Discussion and future work
In this chapter we shortly considered some approaches for solution of such important
problems as recognition reliability estimation and advanced classification on the basis of
division of objects into three functional groups. In domain of reliability estimation there exist
two principal problems. First problem concerns the tasks of statistical estimation of the
probability of correct recognition especially for small training sets. This is very important
when we can not achieve additional objects so fast and make our training set more
representative. That could be in situations when we work with data slowly changing in time.
Another important problem concerns the effect of overestimation in pattern classification.
The value of overestimation could be found as difference between the recognition results on
training and test sets. In the beginning of the chapter one mentioned the main problems of
the statistical learning theory and overestimation as one of the most principal problems. One
did not pay attention to this problem in this chapter but it is planned to do in future
research. The attention has been payed to the problems of recognition reliability estimation.
In this chapter the results of both combinatorial and probabilistic approach to recognition
reliability estimation have been presented. As seen from the figures there was realized the
advanced analysis and estimation of the recognition results when the training set is
decreased. So we can make the prognosis of the recognition probability for reduced training
sets using combinatorial approach. The reliability of such approach can be provided on the
basis of probabilistic approach.
It was considered some methods of the reliability estimation for some types of classifiers.
Such of the classifiers belongs to the group of so called metrical classifiers or classifiers on
the basis of dissimilarity functions or distance functions. It will be interesting to consider the
proposed methods in case of other types of classifiers e.g. classifiers using separating
hyperplane, classifiers built on logic functions and others. It will be interesting to consider
the idea of how to express one classifier through another or to build relations between the
different types of classifiers. All this could give us the possibility to use one approach to
reliability estimation for any type of the classifiers.

New Principles in Algorithm Design for Problems of Face Recognition

In the second part of the chapter the probability of belonging of every object to each of the
three groups of objects: a group of "easy" objects, on which it is reached the correct
consensus of two algorithms, a group of objects, on which two the most dissimilar
algorithms have an incorrect consensus and a group of objects, on which one does not
achieve consensus have been considered. The analysis shows that there are probability
distributions of data that can be presented as a multicomponent models including GMM.
All this makes it possible to analyze the proposed algorithms by means of mathematical
statistics and probability theory. From the figures and tables one can see that the probability
estimations using methods of cross-validation with averaged blocks of 30 and 200 elements
minimum differ a little among themselves, which makes it possible to conclude that this
method of consensus building, where consensus consists in the most dissimilar algorithms,
is quite regular and does not have such sensitivity to the samples as other algorithms that
use training. As seen from the corresponding tables, the minimum classification error is
almost less by order of magnitude than error for the best of existing algorithms. The
maximal error is less of 1.5 to 2 times in comparison with other algorithms. Also, the
corresponding errors are much more stable both relatively to the task, on which one tests the
algorithm and the series of given algorithms where the error value has significantly large
variance. Moreover, since the minimal value of error is quite small and stable, it guaranties
the stability of receipt of correct classification results on objects, on which consensus is
reached by the most dissimilar algorithms. Relatively to other algorithms such a confidence
can not be achieved. Indeed, the error value at
30 40%
(as compared to
) gives no
confidence in results of classification. The fact that the number of ambiguous objects selected
by two the most different algorithms is less than the number of objects selected by three
algorithms conditioned by the overtraining of two the most dissimilar algorithms. So the
future research in this domain should be devoted to the problem of overtraining of the
ensemble of two the most dissimilar algorithms. This means that it should be reduced the
overtraining of the preclassification that allows us to reduce the error of classification
gradually and due to this to satisfy much more reliable classification.
6. References
Basu, M. & Ho, T. (2006). Data complexity in pattern recognition, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 1-
84628-171-7, London
Bishop, C. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-
31073-8, New York
Kapustii, B.; Rusyn, B. & Tayanov, V. (2007) Mathematical model of recognition systems
with smalldatabases. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, vol. 39, No. 10,
pp. 7080, ISSN 1064-2315
Kapustii, B.; Rusyn, B. & Tayanov, V. (2008). Features in the Design of Optimal Recognition
Systems . Automatic control and computer sciences, vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 6470, ISSN
Kapustii, B.; Rusyn, B. & Tayanov, V. (2008). Estimation of the Influence of Information
Class Coverage on Generalized Ability of the k-Nearest-Neighbors Classifier.
Automatic control and computer sciences, vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 283287, ISSN 0146-4116

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Kohavi, R. (1995). A study of cross-validation and bootstrap for accuracy estimation and
model selection, Proceedings of 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 1137-1145, Palais de Congres Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2010
Kyrgyzov, I. (2008). Recherche dans les bases de donnes satellitaires des paysages et application au
milieu urban :clustering, consensus et categorisation: Ph.D. thesis, lecole Nationale
Superiere des Telcommunications, Paris
Moon, T., Stirling, S. (2000). Mathematical methods and algorithms for signal processing, Prentice-
Hall, ISBN 0-201-36186-8, New Jersey.
Mullin, M., Sukthankar, R. (2000) Complete cross-validation for nearest neighbour
classiers, Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 639-646,
Tayanov, V. & Lutsyk, O. (2009). Classifier Quality Definition on the Basis of the Estimation
Calculation Approach. Computers & Simulations in Modern Science, Mathematical
and Computers in Science and Engineering, A series of Reference Books and
Textbooks, pp. 166-171, ISSN 1790-2769
Vapnik, V. (2000). The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory (2), Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-
98780-0, New York
Vorontsov, K. (2010). Exact combibatorial bounds on the probability of overfitting for
empirical risk minimization. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, vol.20, No. 3 pp.
269-285 ISSN 1054-6618
Vorontsov, K. (2008) On the inuence of similarity of classiers on the probability of
overtting pattern recognition and image analysis: new information technologies,
Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: new
information technologies (PRIA-9), Volume 2., Nizhni Novgorod, Russian Federation,
pp. 303-306, 2000
Weinstein, E. (March 2011). Gausss Inequality, In: A Wolfram Web Resource, 16.03.2011,
Available from
Zhuravlev, J. (1978). An Algebraic Approach to Recognition and Classification Problems.
Problems of cybernetics, vol.33, pp.568 (in Russian)
A MANOVA of LBP Features for
Face Recognition
Yuchun Fang, Jie Luo, Gong Cheng, Ying Tan and Wang Dai
School of Computer Engineer and Science College, Shanghai University
1. Introduction
Face recognition is one of the most broadly researched subjects in pattern recognition.
Feature extraction is a key step in face recognition. As an effective texture description
operator, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) feature is firstly introduced by Ahonen et al into face
recognition. Because of the advantages of simplicity and efficiency, LBP feature is widely
applied and later on becomes one of the bench mark feature for face recognition. The basic
idea of LBP feature is to calculate the binary relation between the central pixel and its local
neighborhood. The images are described with a multi-regional histogram sequence of the
LBP coded pixels. Since most of the LBP pattern of the images are uniform patterns, Ojala et
al, 2002 proposed Uniform Local Binary Pattern (ULBP). Through discarding the direction
information of the LBP feature, they proposed the Rotation Invariant Uniform Local Binary
Pattern (RIU-LBP) feature. The Uniform LBP feature partly reduces the dimension and
retains most of the image information. RIU-LBP greatly reduces the dimension of the
feature, but its performance in face recognition decreases drastically. This chapter mainly
discusses the major factors of the ULBP and RIU-LBP features and introduces an improved
RIU-LBP feature based on the factor analysis.
Many previous works also endeavored to modify the LBP features. Zhang and Shan et al,
2006 proposed Histogram Sequence of Local Gabor Binary Pattern (HSLGBP), whose basic
idea was to perform LBP coding to the image in multi-resolution and multi-scale of the
images, thereby enhancing the robustness to the variation of expression and illumination;
Jin et al, 2004 handled the center pixel value as the last bin of the binary sequence, the
formation of the new LBP operator could effectively describe the local shape of face and its
texture information; Zhang and Liao et al, 2007a, 2007b proposed multi-block LBP algorithm
(MB-LBP), the mean of pixels in the center block and the mean of pixels in the neighborhood
block were compared; Zhao & Gao, 2008 proposed an algorithm for multi-directional binary
mode (MBP) to perform LBP coding from four different directions; Yan et al, 2007 improved
the robustness of the algorithm by fusing the mult-radius LBP feature; He et al, 2005
believed that every sub-block contained different information, and proposed an enhanced
LBP feature. The original image was decomposed into four spectral images to calculate the
Uniform LBP codes, and then the waterfall model was used to combine them as the final
feature. In order to effectively extract the global and local features of face images, Wang Wei
et al 2009 proposed LBP pyramid algorithm. Through multi-scale analysis, the algorithm

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

first constructed the pyramid of face images, and then the histogram sequence in a
hierarchical way to form the final features.
No matter how the ULBP features are modified, the blocking number, the sampling density,
the sampling radius and the image resolution dominantly control the performance of the
algorithms. They affect the memory consumption and computation efficiency of the final
feature drastically. However, the values of these factors have to be pre-selected and in most
previous work, their values are decided with some experience, which obviously ignores the
influence degree of each factor and the experience values are hard to be generalized to other
databases. In order to seek a general conclusion, in this chapter, we use statistical method of
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to discuss the contribution of four factors for
face recognition based on both ULBP and RIU-LBP features. Besides, we research the
correlation of the factors and explore which factors play a key role in face recognition. We also
analyze the characteristics of the factors; discuss the change of influence of factors for different
LBP features. Based on the factor analysis, we propose a modified RIU-LBP feature.
The chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the LBP operators, the LBP
features and the four major factors. In Section 3, we illustrate how the MANOVA is applied
in exploring the importance of four factors and the results obtained for the two types of LBP
features. Based on the above analysis results, an improved RIU-LBP algorithm is introduced
in Section 4, which is a fusion of multi-directional RIU-LBP features. We summarize the
chapter with several key conclusions in Section 5.
2. LBP features and factors
LBP feature is a sequence of histograms of blocked sub-images of face images coded with
LBP operator. The image is divided into rectangle regions and histograms of the LBP codes
are calculated over each of them. Finally, the histograms of each region are concatenated
into a single one that represents the face image.
2.1 Three LBP operators
With the variation of the LBP operator, the obtained LBP features are of different
computation complexity. Three types of LBP operators are compared in this chapter.
The basic LBP operator is formed by thresholding the neighborhood pixels into binary code
0 or 1 in comparison with the gray value of the center pixel. Then the central pixel is coded
with these sequential binary values. Such coding denoted as
( , ) P R
LBP is determined by the
radius of neighborhoods R and the sampling density P . With various values of R and P ,
the general LBP operator could adapt to different scales of texture features, as shown in
Figure 1. The order of binary code reserves the direction information of texture around each
pixel with 2
When there exist at most 2 times of 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 variation, the binary pattern is called a
uniform pattern. The Uniform LBP operator
( , )
LBP codes the pixel with uniform patterns
and denotes all un-uniform patterns with the same value. Its coding complexity is
2 P P + .
Rotation Invariant Uniform (RIU) LBP operator
( , )
LBP is another very popular texture
operator. It neglects the order of binary coding and the center pixel of RIU-LBP is denoted
by simply counting the number of 1s in the neighborhood as denoted in Equation (1)

A MANOVA of LBP Features for Face Recognition


0 ( , )
( ( ) ( )), for uniform patterns
1, therwise.
p P R
s g p g c
P o

where c is the center pixel, ( ) g denotes gray level of pixel and ( ) s is the sign function. The
coding complexity of the RIU-LBP operator is 2 P + .

Fig. 1. The General LBP operator
2.2 Three LBP features
After the original face image is transformed into an LBP image with the LBP operators,
the LBP image is blocked into M-by- N squares (See examples in Figure 2) to reserve the
space structure of face, and then the LBP histogram is calculated for each square to
statistically reflect the edge sharpness, flatness of region, existence of special points and
other attributes of a local region. The LBP feature is the concatenated serial of all M-by-
N LBP histograms. Hence, LBP feature is intrinsically a statistic texture description of the
image containing a sequence of histograms of blocked sub-images. The blocking number
and the sampling density determine the feature dimensions. For the three LBP operators
introduced in Section 2.1, the corresponding LBP feature is denoted as
( , )
( , )
( , )
( , )
LBP M N and
( , )
( , )
LBP M N respectively by taking into consideration the blocking
Due to different coding complexity, the above three LBP features
( , )
( , )
( , )
( , )
LBP M N and
( , )
( , )
LBP M N are of various dimensions as shown in Equation (2) to
(4) respectively. For the former two types of LBP feature, increasing the sampling density
will result in explosion of dimension. Examples of dimension comparison are listed in Table
I. The blocking number and sampling density are two major factors affecting the dimensions
of the LBP feature.
( ) 2
D M N = (2)
( )
[ 2 1] D M N P P = + + (3)
( ) ( 2) D M N P = + (4)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

/ M N P
7 8 /8

7 8 /16

14 16 /8

The general LBP
14336 28672 57344
Uniform LBP
3304 13608 13216
( 2 1) M N P P + +

560 1008 2240
( 2) M N P +
Table 1. Dimension comparison of three LBP features ( M N denotes the blocking number,
P denotes the sampling density)
2.3 The four factors of LBP feature
The blocking number, the sampling density, the sampling radius and the image resolution
are four factors that determine the LBP features.
The blocking number and sampling density are two important initial parameters affecting
the dimensions and arouse more attentions in previous research. In addition, the blocking
number and the image resolution determine the number of pixels of each sub-image. It
means how much local information of face contains in each sub-image. If the image
resolution is H W , the blocking number is M N , and then each sub-image
( (

( (

[ ]
is rounding. For example, when the image resolution is 140 *
160, the blocking numbers are respectively 3 4 , 7 8 , 14 16 , 21 24 and the sub-images
contain respectively 1880, 400, 100, 49 pixel as shown in Figure 2. The position of the
neighbour points of the LBP operator is decided by the size of the sampling radius, so the
vale of radius also directly affects the LBP features.

Fig. 2. Comparison of the blocking number of sub-image
Among the four factors, the blocking number and the sampling density are two factors
deciding the dimension of the LBP features. For an example shown in Table 1, in the case of
different sampling density, the dimension of
LBP feature is 3304 D = . When P
doubles, 13608 D = for
(8, 7)
LBP . Figure 2 shows that the more the blocking number is,
the higher the dimension of features is. Such feature will inevitably cost huge amount of
memory and lowers the speed in computation. Does it deserve to spend so much memory to

A MANOVA of LBP Features for Face Recognition

prompt precision of merely a few percents? We do some preliminary experiments to find the
For different values of the four factors, we compare the face recognition rate on a face
database containing 2398 face images (1199 persons, each of 2 images) selected from the
FERET database. Experimental results are evaluated with the curve of rank with respect to
CMS (Cumulative Matching Score), meaning the rate of correct matching lower than a
certain rank. The closer this curve towards the line 1 CMS = , the better is the performance of
the corresponding algorithms.
Figure 3 is the comparison of recognition rate for three LBP features. It can be observed that
the Uniform LBP has very close performance with the basic LBP but of much lower
dimension. While the recognition rate of the RIU-LBP feature decreases significantly due to
the loss of direction information. The results indicate that it is good enough to adopt ULBP
instead of the basic LBP feature and the direction information has major impact to the
recognition rate.

5 10 15 20 25 30


Basic LBP
Uniform LBP

Fig. 3. Comparison of recognition rate for three LBP features (With blocking number 7 x 8,
sampling density 8, sampling radius 2 and image resolution 70*80)
Figure 4 compares the performance of the same kind of LBP feature with various values of the
blocking numbers and sampling density. The comparison shows that higher sampling density
and more blocking numbers could result in better performance. It demonstrates that the two
factors affect not only the feature dimensions, but also the face recognition rate. Besides, the
sampling radius determines the sampling neighborhood of sub-blocks. The image resolution
and the blocking number determine the number of pixels of each sub-block.

5 10 15 20 25 30



Fig. 4. Comparison of recognition rate for different blocking number and sampling density
for RIU-LBP (With sampling radius 2, image resolution 70*80 and 7 x 8 /4 denotes blocking
number 7 x 8 and sampling density 4)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Figure 5 compares the performance of the same kind of LBP feature with various values of
the sampling radius and image resolution. The results show that higher resolution and
larger sampling density are better for face recognition. Though, these two factors do not
affect the feature dimensions, they have unneglectable impact on the recognition rate.

5 10 15 20 25 30



Fig. 5. Comparison of recognition rate for different sampling radius and image resolution
for RIU-LBP (With blocking number 7 x 8, sampling density 8 and 140*160/1 denotes image
resolution 140*160 and sampling radius 1)
3. The importance of four factors
As described in the above, when we use LBP feature in face recognition, the blocking
number, the sampling density, the sampling radius, the image resolution would affect the
recognition rate in varying degrees.
In most present research, the values of these factors are selected according to experience in
experiments. Ahonen , et al, 2004 compared different levels of the blocking number, the
sampling density and the sampling radius based on the Uniform LBP feature. Under the
image resolution of 130 * 150, they selected blocking number 7 7 , sampling density 8 and
radius 2 as a set of best value which could balance the recognition rate and the feature
dimensions. Moreover, they referred to that if the sampling density dropped from 16 to 8, it
could substantially reduce the feature dimension and the recognition rate only lowered by
3.1%. Later on, Ahonen, et al, 2006 also analyzed the effect of blocking number for the
recognition rate by several experiments. The conclusion is that the blocking number 6 6
are better than blocking number 4 4 in case of less noise, and vice versa. Chen, 2008 added
fusion of decision-making in LBP feature extraction method. They selected the sampling
density 8, radius 2 blocking number 4 4 and image resolution 128 * 128. Xie et al, 2009
proposed LLGP algorithm, and they selected image resolution 80* 88 and blocking number
8 11 as the initial parameters. Zhang et al 2006 proposed HSLGBP algorithm and also
discussed the size of sub-images and its relationship with recognition rates. Wang et al, 2008
used multi-scale LBP features to describe the face image. On the basis, they discussed the
relationship between the blocking number and recognition rate, and summarized that too
large or too small size of blocks would affect recognition rate. In some other papers, the
researchers fixed the size of sub-image determined by the blocking number and the
resolution of images.

A MANOVA of LBP Features for Face Recognition

However, more open problems could not be explained with the experienced values. How is
the degree of impact of the four factors? Are they contributes the same in efficiency? Are
there interactions between pairs of factors? How will the parameters affect the recognition?
How to compare the performance of different LBP features? In order to solve these
problems, we endeavor to compare four major factors for the two most typical LBP features,
i.e. the ULBP and the RIU-LBP feature with MANOVA. Our purpose is to explore the
contribution of the four factors for recognition and the correlation among them. The results
of the studies to these problems provide important merits for the improvement of LBP
MANOVA is an extensively applied tool for multivariate analysis of variance in statistics.
For our problem, the four variables waiting to be explored are the resolution of images,
the blocking numbers, the sampling density and the radius of LBP operators for face
recognition tasks. With MANOVA, we could identify whether the independent variables
have notable effect and whether there exist notable interactions among the independent
variables [12].
By denoting the four factors as follows:
I - Resolution of images
B - Blocking numbers
P - Sampling density of the LBP operator
R - Sampling radius of the LBP operator
And taking the face recognition rate as the dependent variable, the total sum of squares
S is denoted in Equation (5):


= + + + + +
+ + + + +

+ +

+ + + is the sum of interaction, and
S is the sum of
squares of the errors.
MANOVA belongs to the F -test, in which the larger F value and the smaller P value
correspond to independent variables that are more significant. Hence, the significance of the
factors is evaluated through checking and comparing the F value and the P value. If
the P value is less than a given threshold, the factor has dominant effect, or there exist
notable interactions between two factors. If the F value of one factor is the largest, its effect
is the most important.
3.2 Experiment design of factors
We use the same face database as described in Section 2.3 in MANOVA. As analyzed in
Section 2.3, the general LBP feature has much higher dimensions than the ULBP feature but
the performance is close, so we conduct the experiments for ULBP and RIULBP features.
We set each factor three or four different levels as shown in Table 2. Under the RIU-LBP
features, 108 sets of experimental data were obtained. Under the ULBP features, 81 sets of
experimental data were obtained (level of blocking number 21 24 is missed due to too
high computation complexity).

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Level1 3 4 4 1 35*40
Level2 7 8 8 2 70*80
Level3 14 16 16 3 140*160
Level4 21 24
Table 2. Different levels of four factors in experiment
3.3 Analysis of the factors of RIU-LBP
3.3.1 The significance and interaction
We firstly analyze the independent influence of four factors and significance of interaction.
Table 3 shows the results based on RIU-LBP feature. The row of Table 3 is in descending
order by F value.
The first part of Table 3 shows the independent effect of the four factors. The value of P were
less than 0.05, it means all four factors have significant effects for recognition rate. The
impact from the largest to the smallest, respectively, is the blocking number, the sampling
radius, the image resolution and the sampling density. Specially, the F value of blocking
number is greater than the other three factors, which reflects the importance of the blocking
number in face recognition. The F value of the sampling density is much smaller than the
other three factors, meaning the weakest degree of influence.

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value P value
B 3 1.509 0.503 900.683 <0.001
R 2 0.464 0.232 415.919 <0.001
I 2 0.381 0.190 341.202 <0.001
P 2 0.048 0.024 42.772 <0.001
* B R 6 0.067 0.011 20.058 <0.001
* R I 4 0.043 0.010 19.239 <0.001
* B I 6 0.021 0.004 6.300 <0.001
* P I 6 0.011 0.003 4.729 0.002
* R P 6 0.007 0.002 2.923 0.027
* B P 6 0.006 0.001 1.700 0.134
Residuals 68 0.038
Total 107 2.594
Table 3. MANOVA results based on RIU-LBP (Df is freedom, Sum Sq is sum of squares,
Mean Sq is mean square and * is interaction)

A MANOVA of LBP Features for Face Recognition

3.3.2 Analysis of levels of each single factor
For each single factor, we also design the MANOVA for each pair of levels. The P values are
recorded for all four factors shown in Table 4-7 respectively. The second column lists the
average recognition rate for each level in each of these tables.
Table 4 is the analysis result based on four levels of blocking numbers. From the second
column it can be seen that the more the blocking number is, the higher the mean of
recognition rate. For blocking numbers, the P value between level 14*16 and level 21*24 is
0.241. So there are no notable difference between them while for other pairs of levels, the
interactions are notable.

Level Mean 3 4 7 8 14 16 21 24
3 4 0.477 1.000 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
7 8 0.679 <0.001 1.000 0.016 0.002
14 16 0.754 <0.001 0.016 1.000 0.410
21 24 0.777 <0.001 0.002 0.410 1.000
Table 4. Level comparison for the blocking number based on RIU-LBP
Through the first part of the analysis, we know that the sampling density is of the least
affect among four factors. The pair-wise results for sampling density in Table 5 show that
there is no significant difference for various levels since the P values are all larger than
0.05. Besides, the second column shows that the highest recognition rate is 0.689,
corresponding to the sampling density is 8. It gives us an important information that the
sampling density is not the bigger the better. So we should not blindly pursue high
sampling density.

Level Mean 4 8 16
4 0.642 1.000 0.61 0.61
8 0.689 0.61 1.000 0.89
16 0.684 0.61 0.89 1.000
Table 5. Level comparison for sampling density based on RIU-LBP
Table 6 and Table 7, respectively are the analysis result based on the three levels of sampling
radius and image resolution. Although these two factors would not affect the feature
dimension, but from previous discussion we already know that they also affect recognition
rate. If we select the appropriate parameter values of these factors, it could help to improve
the recognition rate.
For the resolution of image, there exists significant difference between 35*40 and 140*160.
The significance between 35*40 and 70*80 is larger than that between 70*80 and 140*160 as
shown in Table 6. Because the clearer the images are, the more useful information could be
extracted. But at the same time, we should also consider that the higher the resolution, the
larger the storage space is required. For the massive database, high-resolution images would
increase the storage difficulties and need to spend more time to load image information. So
according to the requirement of applications, we could select the lower resolution images to
reduce storage space with acceptable recognition rate.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Level Mean 35*40 70*80 140*160
35*40 0.591 1.000 0.007 <0.001
70*80 0.692 0.007 1.000 0.252
140*160 0.732 <0.001 0.252 1.000
Table 6. Level comparison for image resolution based on RIU-LBP
In Table 7, we observe that both level 2 and level 3 are more important than level 1 for the
sampling radius. However, there is no significant difference between level 2 and level 3.

Level Mean 1 2 3
1 0.580 1.000 0.001 <0.001
2 0.705 0.001 1.000 0.452
3 0.730 <0.001 0.452 1.000
Table 7. Level comparison for sampling radius based on RIU-LBP
3.4 Analysis of factors of ULBP feature
In comparison with RIU-LBP feature, ULBP feature keeps the order of neighborhood coding
and thus bears more direction information. Whether the analysis result with the RIU-LBP
feature could be applicable to the ULBP features? Similar to the RIU-LBP, we perform
MANOVA analysis to ULBP.
3.4.1 The significance and Interaction
Table 8 is the results for independent factors and their interactions. It shows that the four
factors have significant effects independently for recognition rate. From large to small, the
order of impact is respectively the image resolution, the blocking number, the sampling
radius and the sampling density. The influence of sampling density is still the minimal.
Compared with the RIULBP features, the image resolution is of the most notable effect for

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value P value
I 2 0.0788 0.0394 329.104 <0.001
B 2 0.0672 0.0336 280.965 <0.001
R 2 0.0217 0.0108 90.517 <0.001
P 2 0.0107 0.0053 44.824 <0.001
* B R 4 0.0061 0.0015 12.680 <0.001
* B I 4 0.0043 0.00108 9.030 <0.001
* R I 4 0.0042 0.00106 8.856 <0.001
* B P 4 0.0018 <0.001 3.862 0.008
* P I 4 0.0011 <0.001 2.321 0.070
* R P 4 0.0007 <0.001 1.575 0.196
Residuals 48 0.0057
Total 80 0.2026
Table 8. MANOVA results based on Uniform LBP

A MANOVA of LBP Features for Face Recognition

ULBP feature instead of the blocking number. But for ULBP feature, the F values of the
image resolution and the blocking number are very close and both are over 3 times larger
than the other two factors. In the interaction part, we could see that the interaction have no
obvious effect between the sampling density and the sampling radius. We could
approximately believe that these two factors of ULBP operator are independent to each
other. And similar to the RIU-LBP, the interactions between pairs of factors are much
smaller than the independent factors of the ULBP feature.
3.4.2 Analysis of levels of each single factor
Similarly, we also analyze the difference among various levels of factors for ULBP feature,
and the results are summarized in Table 9-12.
Based on Table 9, there are significant differences between the three levels of blocking
numbers, and the 14 16 blocks is corresponding to the highest mean of recognition rate.

Level Mean 14 16 7 8 14 16
7 8 0.735 1.000 <0.001 <0.001
7 8 0.781 <0.001 1.000 0.004
14 16 0.805 <0.001 0.004 1.000
Table 9. Level comparisons for blocking number based on Uniform LBP
As in Table 10, the three levels of sampling density are not significantly different. The
average recognition rate is the highest when the sampling density is 8, which indicates that
high sampling density is not necessary.

Level Mean 4 8 16
4 0.759 1.000 0.120 0.420
8 0.788 0.120 1.000 0.420
16 0.776 0.420 0.420 1.000
Table 10. Level comparisons for sampling density based on Uniform LBP
For sampling radius, there is no apparent difference between level 2 and 3. When the
sampling radius is 2, the mean of recognition rate is the highest.

Level Mean 1 2 3
1 0.751 1.000 0.025 0.025
2 0.786 0.025 1.000 0.899
3 0.785 0.025 0.899 1.000
Table 11. Level comparisons for sampling radius based on Uniform LBP
Lastly, for the most prominent factor, i.e. the image resolution, there is no prominent
difference between 70 * 80 and 140 * 160.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Level Mean 35*40 70*80 140*160
35*40 0.730 1.000 <0.001 <0.001
70*80 0.791 <0.001 1.000 0.410
140*160 0.800 <0.001 0.410 1.000
Table 12. Level comparisons for image resolution based on Uniform LBP
3.5 More analysis on the blocking number
Based on the MANOVA analysis for both RIULBP and ULBP feature, we can conclude that
the more the blocking number is, the higher the recognition rate will be. But should its value
goes to the up-limit of 1 pixel per block? And what is the suitable blocking number? We do
more experiments to analyze these problems for RIU-LBP features.
We pick two more levels of the blocking number, i.e. 35 40 and 70 80 , and fixed
sampling density 8, the sampling radius 2, and the image resolution 70*80 based on
previous conclusions of MANOVA. The RIU-LBP features of these two groups of parameter
setting are of dimension 14,000 and 56,000 respectively. And there is only one pixel in each
block when the blocking number is 70 80 . Figure 6 summarizes the variation of the face
recognition rate with respect to the blocking number. It shows that the blocking number is
not the higher the better.

3x4 7x8 14x16 21x24 35x40 70x80

Fig. 6. Comparison recognition rate based on different the blocking number and RIU-LBP
(With sampling density 8, sampling radius 2 and image resolution 70*80)
We extend the experiments to 35*40 and 140*160 image resolution cases. The recognition
rate of blocking number 14 16 is the highest for image resolution 35*40; the recognition
rate of blocking number 35 40 is the highest for image resolution 140*160. Hence, the
blocking number is not the more the better.
Based on the analysis result of ULBP and RIU-LBP feature, we could take the following
steps in setting the parameters of the four factors. Although different setting might be
necessary for the specific applications, the basic rule is that more bits should be assigned to
the blocking numbers and less for the sampling density. Moreover, the appropriate blocking
number should be selected in consideration of the image resolution together, and then to
choose the proper value for sampling density and sampling radius.

A MANOVA of LBP Features for Face Recognition

I / B 3 4 7 8 14 16 21 24 35 40 70 80
35*40 0.460 0.689 0.751 0.750 0.751 N/A
70*80 0.567 0.743 0.817 0.839 0.830 0.784
140*160 0.581 0.770 0.831 0.847 0.862 0.849
Table 13. Comparison recognition rate based on different the blocking number and three
image resolution (With RIU-LBP, sampling density 8, sampling radius 2)
3.6 Summary
We comprehensively analyze the four factors of the ULBP and RIU-LBP features and many
useful conclusions are drawn. Firstly, the blocking number is the main factor that influences
the recognition rate, which indicates that the contribution of local features in face
recognition is more important than the global features. Secondly, the effect of sampling
density for the recognition rate is small, but it severely affects the feature dimension. At the
same time, such results mean the feasibility of using low sampling density to acquire
features of high recognition rate. In addition, the sampling density and the sampling radius
decide the setting of the LBP operator, but they have much less obvious affect to the
recognition rate compared with the blocking numbers and the image resolution. These
conclusions demonstrate that the complex encoding of the LBP operator is not important in
face recognition. Finally, the interactions between the factors are of less effect to recognition
rate compared with the independent factors.
4. Fusion of multi-directional RIU-LBP
The difference between the ULBP feature and the RIU-LBP feature lies in the way of LBP
coding. The latter totally abandons the directional information and hence of much lower
dimension but of less precision in face recognition. However, if introducing the direction
information into the RIU-LBP feature in a linear complexity, a new feature of much lower
dimension could result in similar precision as the ULBP feature.
4.1 Multi-directional RIU-LBP
The dimension explosion of the LBP features is mainly aroused by the sampling density.
The basic LBP operator adopts an ordered way to code the variation in each direction
around one pixel, thus it has to cost 2
bits in the calculation of one LBP histogram and
even the ULBP feature can only lower the cost to
3 P P + . We propose a new LBP feature
that fuses multi-directional low density RIU-LBP feature.
First, we split P neighbors of a pixel into several non-overlapped subsets with
1 2
, ,..., ( )
K i
= uniformly distributed pixels respectively. In accordance with the
mathematical coordinate system, set the angle of positive x axis as 0

counterclockwise as positive direction, then each subset can be discriminate by its size
( {1, 2,..., })
P i k and the pixel with minimum positive angle ( {1, 2,..., })
i k , denoted as
( , )
i i
S P . An example is shown for a 16 P = case in Fig.7, in which the 16-point
neighborhood is split into both two 8-point sets and four 4-point sets. Secondly, the regular

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

RIU-LBP feature is calculated for each neighbor ( , )( {1, 2,..., })
i i
S P i k , denoted as
( , , )
( , )
i i

, the so-called directional low density RIU-LBP feature. Lastly, a

combination of all
( , , )
( , )( 1,... )
i i
LBP M N i k

= at feature level is taken as the final LBP

features denoted as
( , , )
( , )
i i

, defined as multi-directional RIU-LBP feature. The

dimension of
( , , )
( , )
i i

( )
( 2)
= +

For the two division settings shown in Fig.7, the dimension of
(8, ,1)
(8,7)( {0, })

1120 , and 1344 for
2 3
(4, ,1)
8 4 8
(8,7)( {0, , , })

. Both types of features are of the same

computation complexity as
(8, 7)
LBP . In comparison with
(8, 7)
LBP , the dimension
decreases to nearly 1/10.

Fig. 7. Example of neighborhood split
With such simple way of feature fusion, the
( , , )
( , )
i i

feature reserves the

variation of intensity in a certain direction represented by each component
( , , )
( , )
i i

. Instead of the exponential or power 2 way of dimension growth with P

) 16 , 0 ( S
) 8 , 0 ( S
) 8 , (

) 4 , 0 ( S ) 4 , (

S ) 4 , (

S ) 4 , (

A MANOVA of LBP Features for Face Recognition

aroused by the basic LBP operator, the dimension of multi-directional RIU-LBP feature
increases linearly with P growth.
4.2 Performance analysis
We perform the experimental analysis to the multi-directional RIU-LBP feature with the
same face database described in Section 2.3. We also compare the proposed multi-directional
RIU-LBP feature
( , , )
( , )
i i

with the uniform LBP feature and the RIU-LBP

feature. Two examples are illustrated in Fig.8 and Fig.9. Fig.8 shows the comparison results
LBP and
(4, ,1)
(8,7)( {0, })

. All these three methods

have adopted exactly the same 8 neighborhood in LBP coding. The four curves in Fig.9
respectively are results of
(8, ,2)
(8,7)( {0, })

LBP and
2 3
(4, ,2)
8 4 8
(8,7)( {0, , , })

with the same 16 neighborhood in LBP coding.

Dimensions of all features are also put in the parenthesis. In Fig.8, where
8, 1, 8 7 P R M N = = = , the proposed multi-directional RIU-LBP features perform much
better than the RIU-LBP features and the dimensions of both feature are very close. In Fig.9,
where 16, 2, 8 7 P R M N = = = , two types of multi-directional RIU-LBP features all
outperform the RIU-LBP features with very close length of feature. Moreover, both features
have very close or even better CMS in comparison with that of the uniform LBP features
though the dimension of both features are much lower.
Though all three types of LBP features have adopted exactly the same neighborhood in LBP
coding, the curves in Fig.8 and Fig.9 prove the promising application of the proposed multi-
directional RIU-LBP features in comparison with the uniform LBP feature and the RIU-LBP

5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 8. Comparison results: 1-
LBP ( 3304 D = ), 2-
(8, 7)
LBP ( 560 D = ) and 3-
(4, ,1)
(8,7)( {0, })

( 672 D = )

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

feature. The RIU-LBP feature abandons the direction information of intensity variation
around pixel. The uniform LBP feature uses a complex ordered coding way which bears of
course more direction information of intensity variation. However, both work no better than
the proposed algorithm.

5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 9. Comparison results: 1-
LBP ( 13608 D = ), 2-
(8, 7)
LBP ( 1008 D = ), 3-
(8, ,2)
(8,7)( {0, })

( 1120 D = ) and 4-
2 3
(4, ,2)
8 4 8
(8,7)( {0, , , })

( 1344 D = )
In one hand, the experiments reveal that the direction information of intensity variation is
very important and useful in face recognition. In another hand, the proposed algorithm
reserves such direction information through feature fusion. With much lower dimensional
in comparison with the uniform LBP feature, the proposed algorithm gains very close and
even better precision.
5. Conclusion
In this chapter, we first perform a thorough analysis of the four factors of the ULBP features
and the RIU-LBP features. From a statistical point of view, we use MANOVA to study four
factors the blocking numbers, the sampling density, the sampling radius and the image
resolution that affect the recognition rate. Based on the analysis results, a multi-directional
RIU-LBP, a modified LBP feature, is proposed through fusing the RIU-LBP features of
various initial angels. Several conclusions are drawn as follows: 1) For the RIU-LBP features
and the ULBP features, the impact of the blocking number is more important than the other
factors. For example, for the RIU-LBP feature with constant values of other factors, when the
blocking number changes from 7 *8 to 14 * 16, the recognition rate increased 9 percents. This
result indicates that the accuracy of face recognition strongly relies on the localized LBP
histograms. 2) The sampling density has little contribution to the recognition rate and high
sampling density could not help to achieve high recognition rate. So complex LBP coding is
not necessary. (3) The correlation between pairs of the factors is not important. (4) The
multi-directional RIU-LBP feature preserve intensity variation around pixels in different
directions at the cost of linearly increasing of feature dimension instead of the power 2 way
of ULBP feature. Experiments not only show that the proposed scheme could result in better
recognition rate than RIU-LBP feature after reserving the direction information in feature-
level fusion, but also prove that with much lower dimension of features, the proposed

A MANOVA of LBP Features for Face Recognition

multi-directional RIU-LBP feature could result in very close performance compared with the
ULBP feature. In all, through the statistical analysis of the importance of four factors, an
effective feature is proposed and the future directions to improve the LBP feature are
6. Acknowledgment
This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
No.60605012, the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai under Grant No.08ZR1408200, the
Open Project Program of the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition of China under
Grant No.08-2-16 and the Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project under Grant
7. References
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Zhang, WC; Shan, SG; Zhang, HM; Chen, J; Chen, XL. & Gao, W. (2006). Histogram
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Zhang, L; Chu, RF; Xiang, SM. & Liao, SC. (2007). Face Detection Based on Multi-Block LBP
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Liao, SC ; Zhu, XX ; Lei, Z ; Zhang, L. & Li, SZ.(2007). Learning Multi-scale Block Local
Binary Patterns for Face Recognition. Proc. International Conference on Advances in
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Zhao, S. & Gao, Y. (2008). Establishing Point Correspondence Using Multidirectional Binary
Pattern for Face Recognition. Proc. 19th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, pp.1-4, ISBN 978-1-4244-2174-9, Tampa, Florida, USA, December 8-11,
Yan, SC; Wang, H. & Tang, XO. (2007). Exploring Feature Descriptors for Face Recognition.
Proc. 30th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. I629-
I632, ISBN 1-4244-0727-3, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 15-20, 2007
He, LH; Zou, CR; Zhao, L. & Hu, D. (2005). An enhanced LBP feature based on facial
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Engineering in Medicine and Biology, pp. 3300-3303, ISBN 0-7803-8741-4, Shanghai,
China, September 1-4, 2005
Wang, W; Huang, FF; Li, JW. & Feng HL. (2009). Face Description and Recognition by LBP
Pyramid. Journal of Computer-aided Design & Computer Graphics, Vol. 21, No.1,
(January 2009), pp.94-100, ISSN 1003-9775

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Ojala, T; Pietikinen, M. & Harwood, D. (1996). A Comparative study of texture measures
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Vol.29, No.1, (January 1996), pp. 51-59 ISSN 0031-3203
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Part 2
Face Recognition with Infrared Imaging

Csar San Martin
, Roberto Carrillo
, Pablo Meza
Heydi Mendez-Vazquez
, Yenisel Plasencia
, Edel Garca-Reyes
and Gabriel Hermosilla
Information Processing Laboratory, DIE, University of La Frontera
Center for Optics and Photonics, University of Concepcin
Advanced Technologies Application Center, CENATAV
University of Chile
1. Introduction
Nowadays it is possible to nd several works on face recognition, where principally the visible
range spectra is used. In addition, many techniques are tested on different databases and it
is possible to identify the best method to use in applications such as: surveillance, access
control, human robots interaction, people searching, identication, among others. In practice,
the performance of any face recognition system depends on conditions such as viewing angle
of the face, lighting, sunglasses, occlusion of the face by other objects, low resolution of the
images, different distance of the subject to the camera, focus of the scene, facial expressions,
changes of the subject along the time, etc. This type of variations have been simulated in
several works in order to estimate the limitations and advantages of the classication methods
developed at the moment. One of the most important effects to consider is the kind of
illumination that exists in the scene, difference in lighting condition produces variations in the
recognition rate, decreasing the effectiveness of the methods. In this way, infrared technology
is introduced in face recognition in order to eliminate the dependence of lighting conditions,
achieving satisfactory results even when exist the complete absence of illumination. Bebis et
al. (2006); Chen et al. (2003); Chen (2005); Dowdall (2005); Friedrich (2002); Heo et al. (2005); Li
et al. (2007); Singh et al. (2008); Socolinsky and Selinger (2002); Socolinsky et al. (2001); Zou et
al. (2005; 2007) Conventional visible cameras are composed of a lens and a focal plane array,
a detectors matrix that collect the input information in the range 0.4-0.75 m. These sensors
can be composed by CCD or CMOS technology, and their function is to translate the incident
light ux to an electrical signal and then it is digitalized using analog to digital conversion.
The infrared camera is similar, but the lens and the sensor technology are changed, i.e., the
focal plane array is composed of a matrix of infrared sensor or detector with response ranging
from the near wave infrared ( 0.75-1.4 m ) to the long wave infrared ( 8-15 m ).

Recent Advances on Face Recognition Using
Thermal Infrared Images
2 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
The development of infrared detectors has been evoked principally in the use of
semiconductors or photodetectors Piotrowski and Rogalski (2004). In this type of detectors the
radiation is absorbed by the material by means of the photon interaction with the electrons,
presenting at the same time a good signal to noise ratio and a swift answer. In order to achieve
it, the detectors require a cooling system, this is the main obstacle for a massive use of this
type of systems, since it represents an increase of the weight, volume and system cost. In the
last years another class of commercial arrays have appeared and are compound with thermic
detectors, in which the incident radiation is absorbed, provoking changes on the physical
properties of the material. In contrast to the photodetectors, the thermic detectors can operate
at roomtemperature, they are cheap and easy-to-use, but present modest sensibility and lower
answering velocity Liu et al. (2007).
The imaging systempresents different undesired kinds of noise, being the principals temporal
or electronic noise and the Spatial or Fixed-Pattern Noise (FPN) Mooney et al. (1989); Pron
et al. (2000). Temporal noise is typically modeled by additive gaussian white noise, and by
denition it varies with time. This type of noise is due to the photon noise and reset noise, and
can be reduced using frame averaging. On the other hand, the FPN is due to the nonuniform
response presented by the individual detectors and dark current non-uniformity, the principal
characteristic is that not change in time and this kinds of noise can affect the nal result of the
classication. The FPNeffect is stronger at longer wavelengths, such as in Infrared Focal-Plane
Arrays (IRFPA), producing a severe mitigation on the quality and the effective resolution of
the imaging device. Therefore, a nonuniformity correction (NUC) Perry and Dereniak (1993)
is a mandatory task for properly using several imaging systems. The study associated of
the NUC algorithms represents a broad area of work, in which we are supported by many
developed articles.
This chapter presents the behavior of several state-of-art facial classication methods using the
infrared spectra, considering temporal and xed-pattern noise. The principal motivation is to
introduce the recent advances in infrared face recognition eld, and the use of different data
sets built with at least two different infrared cameras. The performance of the recognition
system is evaluated considering temporal and spatial noise, in real and simulated scenario,
keeping in mind that a computer simulation allow the possibility of controlling the signal to
noise ratio and then, obtain more representative results. An infrared scene, acquired froma IR
camera,present only one level of noise, but it is possible to consider 20 degrees of maximum
rotation of the face and different facial expression.
Two mechanism are used: full image and segmented image. The rst one consist on
using all pixels of the image, and then, build the classication. In a segmented image, the
region corresponding to the face image is separated from the background and the process is
introduced to design the classication rule, and then, the recognition process is performed. In
some cases, from segmented images is possible to build a characteristic vector that represent
the principal feature in order to perform the classication. The principal advantage of
segmentation and feature representation corresponds to the reduction of the dimensionality
and then, the computing time. In this chapter, we use full image in order to obtain more
representative evaluations of the noise effect on recognition task.
The algorithms will be tested on a database with different frames for each subject considering
vocalization and facial expressions, allowing to construct a symmetric database with and
without noise. The results shown different behavior of different recognition techniques
considering temporal or xed noise pattern.
96 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Recent Advances on Face Recognition using Thermal Infrared Images 3
In this work, two IR face databases are used. The rst one has been collected by Equinox
Equinox (2009) and consists of images captured using multiple camera sensors: visible,
long-wave infrared (LWIR), mid-wave infrared and short-wave infrared spectra. Moreover,
they use a special visible-IR sensors capable of taking images with both visible CCD and
LWIR microbolometer in 8 14m spectral range. The database consists of 3, 244 face images
from 90 individuals captured with left, right and frontal lighting, and neutral and varying
facial expression. Also include an eyeglasses condition since eyeglasses block the thermal
emission. Only LWIR imagery are used, with a resolution of 320x240 pixels and 12 bits per
pixel.The images contain a xed-pattern noise from captured image and is removed using
NUC scene-based-method.
The second database consists of images captured using the CEDIP JADE UC camera with
an operating range in 8 14m with microbolometer detector-based. The database consists of
612 images corresponding to 6 images per 102 persons. The images containing expression and
vocalization faces, with 320x240 pixels and 14 bits of resolutions. The images are captured and
corrected using two-point radiometrically calibration by means black bodie radiator, located
in the Center for Optics and Photonic CEFOP laboratory. This second database is noise
free and this condition permit to simulate xed and temporal noise allowing to gain more
representative results.
We are interesting in to study both cases, the noise-behavior of correlation lters and LBP
face recognition system, considering two scenarios: identication and verication. In the
rst case, the performance is evaluated using the correct classication (CC) percent, dened
as the ability of the system to identify new pattern or signature. In a verication scenario
typically it conrms if a subject is valid or not for a given data set, measured by the false
acceptance rate (FAR) and a false rejection rate (FRR). CC, FAR, and FRR are obtained for the
cases with/without xed noise and temporal noise. In this work, the performance results are
obtained with the top match approach.
2. Non-uniformity and FPN noise in IR-FPA sensors
In an IR-FPA system, the main noise source is the FPA temporal noise: the FPA NU noise and
the readout noise due to the associated electronic Milton et al. (1985). The FPN corresponds
to any spatial pattern that does not change in time. Then, the NU in IR-FPA is added to the
readout signal forming a FPN that degrades the quality of acquired data. Visually, the FPN
is a pixel-to-pixel variation when a uniform infrared radiator is captured by the IR sensors.
Typically, each pixel on the IR-FPAcan be modeled in the instant n using a rst-order equation
given by Perry and Dereniak (1993):
(n) = A
(n) + B
(n) + V
(n), (1)
where Y
(n) is the readout signal, X
(n) is the photon ux collected by the ij sensor, A
and B
(n) are the gain and offset of the detector respectively, and V
(n) is the additive
temporal noise, usually assumed to be white gaussian random process.
In order to solve this problem, several NU compensation techniques have been developed
Amstrong et al. (1999); Averbuch et al. (2007); Hardie et al. (2000); Harris and Chiang (1999);
Narendra (1981); Pezoa et al. (2006); Ratliff et al. (2002; 2005); Scribner et al. (1991; 1993);
Torres and Hayat (2002); Torres et al. (2003); Zhou et al. (2005). They can be divided into
97 Recent Advances on Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Images
4 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
calibration techniques and scene-based correction methods. The rst group requires two
uniform references from blackbody radiator at different temperatures, and by solving the
system of equations, the gain and offset are obtained. The NU compensation is performed
using the following equation:

(n) =


, (2)


are the estimates of the gain and offset, and

(n) is the estimated IR input
The scene-based methods estimate gain and offset but the performance is limited by the
amount of spatio-temporal information and the diversity of temperature in the image
sequence. The condition of constant movement of the camera, to wich these methods are
subject, is the main constraint for the scene-based methods. In addition, the requirement of a
large number of frame also plays an important roll in a correct estimation.
A well-known scene-based NUC method is the constant statistics method proposed in Harris
and Chiang (1999). The principal assumption of this method is that the the rst and second
moment of the input irradiance are equal to all sensors of FPA. Applying the mean and
variance to equation (1), and assuming that the mean and standard deviation of X
are 0
and 1, respectively, we can obtain the gain and offset from:


, (3)

. (4)
In order to obtain a solution with low error estimation, it is required a good estimation of
the mean and variance (large number of frames). To avoid this condition we assume that
the readout data have a uniform distribution in a known range [Y
, Y
], in such case the
mean and variance can be obtained respectively from:



, (5)
and then, the correction is performed using equation (2) with the values obtained from(3) and
Another NUC method can by applied when the NU in the IR-FPA is mainly produced by
the spatial variation in the offset, i.e., the gain A
(n) is assumed a know constant given by
the camera manufacturer. In this case, a one-point calibration is required in order to perform
the NUC. If the offset is assumed constant for a particular time period t
, it can be estimated
recursively as:

(n) = n
(n) + n
(n 1)

(n 1), (6)
and the FPN can be reduced by Y

(n). Also, the drift in time of the parameters t
such that satises t
. This means that for a time greater than t
a new estimation of the
offset is necessary in order to perform an adaptive and continuous NUC.
98 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Recent Advances on Face Recognition using Thermal Infrared Images 5
Test Images
Correlation Filter
Filter Design
Training Images
Fig. 1. The correlation process for face identication problems. Template correspond to the IR image set
to design the correlation lters.
3. Face recognition methods
In this section, two traditional recognition methods are presented: correlation lters and
local-binary pattern-based method. For both techniques a full image is used in order to build
the classication rule. The aim of this is to evaluate the noise-tolerance of both methods when
xed and temporal noise are presented, degrading the quality of the acquired image in the
input data.
3.1 Correlation lters
The correlation is a metric normally used to characterize the similarities between a reference
pattern and a test pattern; this concept is widely use on recognition application, presenting a
major degree of importance the use of the cross correlation obtaining the relative location of
the object. Due to this analysis, the peak side lobe is consider as a classication metric. The
cross correlation can by expressed as follow:
) =

T( f
, f

( f
, f
j2( f


d f
d f
= IFT{T( f
, f

( f
, f
)}, (8)
where R( f
, f
) and T( f
, f
) are the 2D fourier transform of the reference and test pattern
respectively. The equation 7 can be interpreted as the test pattern being ltered through a
lter with a frequency response H( f
, f
) = R( f
, f
), generating the c(
) (Fig. 1)
One of the many application of this concept correspond to the face recognition Kumar et al.
(2004), allowing to perform the classication at the speed of light in an optical laser-based
system, generating a peak of information for a successful recognition, xing a threshold of
approval for a negative result Kumar (1992).
The fourier transform in the correlation allows the use of displaced or clipped images because
it has not have inuence on the discernment of the classication system, which favors the
image preprocessing. The peak response just indicates the level of displacement without
directly affecting the magnitude.
99 Recent Advances on Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Images
6 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
3.2 Filter types
The correlation lter generation procedure depend on the images training set included in the
database, which must be selected maintaining a format that is as representative as possible,
depending on the image size, certain variations in facial expressions, the face position, etc.
There are several types of lters, including: phase-only lter, minimum average correlation
energy, noise-tolerant, and optimal tradeoff lter.
3.2.1 POF (Phase-Only Filter)
One advantage of this lter is because it only uses one image per subject for the lter
generation, represented by the following expression Horner & Gianino (1984):
POF : h =

FT{r(x, y)}
|FT{r(x, y)|}

, (9)
but is necessary to consider that h has a lowsensitivity to potential changes on the test images.
3.2.2 MACE (Minimum Average Correlation Energy)
The MACE lter Casasent &Ravichandran (1992) is designed with the objective of minimizing
the average energy in the correlation plane resulting from the training images, restricting the
value at the origin with respect to a preset value. The solution is represented by:
MACE : h = D

u, (10)
where u is a rowvector containing the desired values for the correlation peak, X is the complex
matrix where each column is a vectorized training image and matrix D is the diagonal matrix
containing the spectral power of training images.
3.2.3 NTC (Noise-Tolerant Correlation)
Because the MACE lter generates a correlation peak more notorious, tends to amplify the
high spatial frequencies and any input noise. It is for this reason that the NTC lter aims to
minimize the sensitivity of the lter represented by:
NTC : h = C

u, (11)
diagonal matrix C is dened as the spectral power density of noise.
3.2.4 TOF (Optimal Tradeoff Filter)
The TOF algorithmRfrgier (1993) provides a compromise between the features of the MACE
lter, which accentuates the peak for positive results and the NTC lter, which aims to reduce
the variance of the output noise. In this case, it is necessary to assume the presence of white
noise in order to approximate the matrix C as the identity matrix, with a factor equal to 0.99.
Each lter is dened as:
NTC : h = T

u (12)
T = D + (1 )C. (13)
100 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
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Input image
1 0 0
1 0
1 1 1
LBP image
1 if g
0 if g
< g
of g
new value at g
for every
pixel g
= 241
Fig. 2. Local Binary Patterns.
For analysis purposes, it will be use the TOF because of its robustness to evaluate the
3.3 Local binary patterns
The use of the LBP operator in face recognition was introduced in Ahonen et al. (2004) and
different extensions of the original operator have appeared afterwards Marcel et al. (2007).
As it can be appreciated in Figure 2, the original LBP operator represents each pixel of an
image by thresholding its 3x3- neighborhood with reference to the center pixel value, g
, and
considering the result as a binary number, called the LBP code. The image is then divided
into rectangular regions and histograms of the LBP codes are calculated over each of them.
Finally, the histograms of each region are concatenated into a single one that represents the
face image. The Chi-square dissimilarity measure is used to compare the histograms of two
different images.
3.4 Performance evaluation
In the diverse studies the analysis of the classication results depends on the characteristics
of the system according to the structure that the database possesses; one of the most common
is the peak-to-sidelobe ratio.
3.4.1 PSR (Peak-to-Sidelobe Ratio)
The correlation results can be compared by calculating the following Kumar & Hassebrook
PSR : p =

, (14)
where the peak corresponds to the higher correlated output amplitude, the mean and standard
deviation correspond to an outer area of xed size around the peak resulting in the output
3.4.2 PCE (Peak-to-Correlation Energy)
Amore accurate way of characterize the correlated output is through the calculation of Kumar
& Hassebrook (1990):
PCE : p =
|c(0, 0)|

|c(x, y)|
, (15)
which is dened as the ratio of the correlation peak c(0, 0) and the energy present in the
correlation plane. The PCE value approaches innity as c approaches a delta function. Thus,
as desired, larger PCE values imply a sharper correlation peaks. However, the major reason
for using the PCE over other available peak sharpness measures is its analytical convenience.
101 Recent Advances on Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Images
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Since an identication measure only provides information if a classication is correct or
incorrect, it is necessary to include some metric that allow to verify the performance of the
classication itself. Typically face verication measures whether a subject is valid or not for a
given set, that is why we dene two sets of database, subjects valid and imposters, measured
by the FAR and FRR.
3.4.3 FAR
The false acceptance rate points to the statistical calculation of those subjects classied
correctly without belonging to the data base, represented by:

impostors accepted as valid subjects

total number of invalid subjects

. (16)
3.4.4 FRR
The false rejection rate is a statistical complement of the previous measure, indicating the
number of subjects rejected during the identication and belong to the database:

valid subjects rejected

total number of valid subjects

. (17)
The FRR and FAR are directly affected by the threshold value dened in the identication. The
variation of this value causes these rates vary inversely, being able to appreciate this effect in
the distribution features seen in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Distribution of FAR and FRR for valid and invalid subjects.
For each threshold value, there is FAR and FRR dened as the identication, in an ideal case,
the two curves should overlap at least as possible. Dependence between these two values
can best be seen in Fig. 4, dependent on the statistical values calculated for value dened
threshold, where the intersection on the curve indicates the critical threshold value to obtain
an equal error rate (EER) for a FRR = FAR.
4. Face identication using Equinox infrared imagery
The Equinox Corporation database is composed of three 40 frame sequences from 90 persons,
acquired in two days with three different light sources: frontal, left lateral and right lateral.
The frame sequences were recorded while people were uttering vowels standing in a frontal
pose, and three more images from each person were taken to capture the expression of,
102 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Recent Advances on Face Recognition using Thermal Infrared Images 9
Fig. 4. EER as an intersection between FAR an FRR curves.
respectively to smile, frown and surprise. In addition, the complete process was repeated
for those persons who wore glasses.
The LWIR images of Equinox are of 320x240 pixels size, they were represented as gray-scale
images with 12 bits per pixels. The blackbody images are not available from Equinox (2009).
Since much of the data is highly correlated, usually only a subset of the images is used for
experimentation Heo et al. (2005); Socolinsky and Selinger (2002). In LWIR is not easy to
precisely detect the facial features, so the images were not geometrically normalized and the
different face images of one person are not aligned as can be appreciated in Figure 5. The size
of the windows to divide the images for the LBP method was selected as 18x21 pixels taking
into account this fact without decreasing the recognition performance.
4.1 FPN removal procedure
Considering the database Equinox (2009) it is possible to assume that the NU does not change
in time. For instance, analyzing some images of two individuals (Fig. 5a and 5d) is possible
to note that contain two typical distortions presents in IR imagery: dead-pixel and FPN. The
rst source of noise means that the detector always gives the same readout value independent
of the input irradiance. The second is a FPN present in several sequences of individuals, but
it is not possible to explain the nature of this FPN.
In order to remove the dead-pixel, it is possible to assume that the IR irradiance collected by
the sensor ij is to be close to the neighbors around the sensor ij, and this value can be assumed
the readout data. The FPN can be estimated using the equation (6) and then, reduced by
perform the NUC process. Previously, the spatial offset of each image was removed resulting
as shows Fig. 5b and 5e. The NUC images are shown in Fig. 5c and 5f, respectively. Note that
the nal images maintain the 320 240 resolution of the IR images of the database.
4.2 Data set for gallery and test
Following the procedure presented by Bebis et al. (2006); Socolinsky and Selinger (2002) we
dene multiple subsets using only three images of the vocal pronunciation frame sequence
(vowel frames) and the three expression frames of each subject in each illumination condition:
VA: Vowel frames, all illuminations.
EA: Expression frames, all illuminations.
VF: Vowel frames, frontal illumination.
EF: Expression frames, frontal illumination.
103 Recent Advances on Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Images
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(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 5. Full size images of subject 2417 (a) and 2434 (d) from Equinox (2009) database. (b)(e) correspond
to the spatial offset adjustment and (c) and (f) is with FPN removed. Its clear that the quality of the
images are improved maintaining the 320x240 original spatial resolution.
VL: Vowel frames, lateral illuminations.
EL: Expression frames, lateral illuminations.
The performance of the correlation lter and LBP based matching are evaluated by using,
each time, one set as gallery and another as a test set. Some of the subset combinations are
not considered in the experiments since one subset is included in the other. Table 1 shows the
performance of the evaluated methods.
4.3 Results using xed-pattern-noise removal
From the rst two rows of 1, corresponding to the use POF and TOF lter, is possible to
appreciate the CC of 85.74% and 59.30% respectively, over the the original IR images. This
implies that the performance of the POF lter in the original images is better than the TOF
The LBP method on the other hand, presents an average of 97.3%of correct classication. Note
that images are not geometrically normalized or cropped, and even a small localization error
usually affects the appearance based methods. This performance is comparable with the best
performance of an appearance based method obtained earlier with the same LWIR images by
means of the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) method Belhumeur et al. (1997), reported
in Socolinsky and Selinger (2002) and summarized in Table 1. In this case, LDA achieves an
average of 97.5% of correct classication. However, LBP has the advantage over the LDA
method because it only needs one image per person in the gallery set, neither it requires a
training set, which are very important properties of a face recognition system.
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In order to improve the results and following the idea in San Martin et al. (2008), we applied
the NU correction method discussed in section 2.2 prior to applying POF lter, TOF lter
and the LBP representation, aiming to suppress the FPN present in the IR images. As can be
appreciated in the second part of Table 1, the performance of POF and TOF lters with NUC
in terms of CC are 97.93% and 99.60% respectively. Note that the performance of both lters
is improved by using NUC method and the TOF lter CC is better than the one of POF lter.
Surprisingly, with an average value of 93.3 percent, the performance with the NU correction
using LBP was lower than without it. Inspecting the original and NU corrected images in
Figure 5, it is apparent that although the NUC method suppresses xed-pattern noise in the
IR images, the random noise is magnied and the image texture is affected. Since LBP is a
texture descriptor, it is sensitive to this kind of noise.
In order to support the hypothesis that the LBP method is sensitive to temporal random noise
in LWIR images, we conducted the same experiments adding some random noise articially
to the original images. Table 5 displays the results of the experiments adding the randomnoise
to the original LWIR images, with an average of 86.3 percent they conrm that LBP method
decreases its performance in the presence of this kind of noise.
without NUC with NUC
POF lter VA 84.64 83.77 84.39 82.40 84.14 98.13 99.13 98.50 98.50 98.88
EA 84.08 85.58 89.33 87.08 89.33 97.94 97.94 98.13 97.94 97.75
VF 89.76 81.90 84.27 80.77 84.27 100.00 98.25 98.75 97.50 99.25
EF 97.19 80.52 91.39 85.58 91.76 99.44 96.44 97.75 96.07 97.94
VL 83.52 85.27 82.77 84.52 83.77 99.75 98.50 98.88 98.75 99.00
EL 81.27 90.07 84.46 86.70 87.64 95.13 96.44 95.51 95.69 95.88
TOF lter VA 54.56 55.31 54.81 53.43 55.68 100.00 99.75 100.00 99.88 99.88
EA 52.25 56.74 67.79 64.42 60.30 99.63 99.63 100.00 99.81 99.81
VF 60.05 48.69 52.18 51.31 55.93 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
EF 88.20 53.18 73.22 60.49 78.65 99.81 99.81 99.44 99.25 100.00
VL 52.93 55.81 54.68 54.81 53.93 99.88 100.00 99.75 100.00 99.88
EL 51.12 60.30 67.60 54.68 76.04 98.13 98.13 98.31 98.88 97.75 98.88
LBP VA 98.13 97.75 98.50 99.25 95.13 88.89 95.63 87.89 95.38 90.14
EA 97.67 93.77 98.44 97.67 100.00 97.67 94.94 93.77 98.05 97.67
VF 98.13 97.00 97.38 95.51 85.77 92.51 90.26 86.02
EF 99.24 99.62 99.24 95.08 98.48 98.86 98.48 94.70
VL 98.13 96.63 96.63 96.63 91.26 93.63 83.65 90.76
EL 97.74 92.83 95.09 98.49 96.60 93.96 93.21 98.11
LDA VA 99.60 98.30 96.20 99.60 99.30
EA 97.40 94.00 98.10 96.80 99.20
VF 100.00 97.00 98.80 98.60
EF 97.10 94.60 95.60 97.90
VL 99.50 97.40 95.80 99.60
EL 97.40 93.70 97.10 97.40
Table 1. Correct classication percent with POF lter, TOF lter, LBP and LDA.
105 Recent Advances on Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Images
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VA 90.26 86.64 86.77 92.26 90.01
EA 87.03 81.06 80.16 87.55 91.05
VF 82.27 89.89 86.14 85.27
EF 89.14 88.76 85.61 83.33
VL 89.01 83.02 82.77 88.64
EL 86.79 80.50 82.64 87.92
Table 2. Classication results with the LBP method adding random noise.
5. Face recognition performance using CEDIP JADE UC infrared imagery
The second database are collected using the CEDIP JADE infrared camera, with a focal plane
array composed on type of detector capable of working without a cooling system known as
microbolometer aSi and tuned at 8 14m. This data set consists of 6 images for 102 subjects
considering vowel and expression variations, without illumination controls, generating the
following codication:
V: Vowel frames.
E: Expression frames.
The infrared image are corrected using two-point calibration method, using the Mikron M345
black bodie radiatior. In this case, the goals is considering the following simulated scenarios:
- IR image without FPN and temporal noise.
- IR image with FPN with variance equal to 10, 20 and 30 percent.
- IR image with temporal noise with variance equal to 1, 5 and 10 percent.
In all cases, identication and verication problems are considered. In the rst case, V (E)
images are used as gallery and E (V) as test. In second experiment, the data set is divided in
order to calculate the FAR, FRR and EER, and then, obtain the behavior of the classications.
5.1 Identication results
In this experiment, a white noise is added in order to simulate the FPN and temporal noise.
For all cases, ve realization for each kind of noise and variance are considered, and the
mean value is assumed as the mean correct classication using POF lter, TOF lter and LBP
methods, respectively. In Table 3 the results considering FPN with 10, 20 and 30 percent
are presented. In this case, the correlations lters strongly decrease their performance when
the FPN noise variance increases. For the LBP method, the performance remains with low
variability from the images without FPN noise. This mean that the LBP based method is
robust to the FPN, not requiring a corrected infrared image.
5.2 Verication results
For this experiment, the database is divided into a training set composed of images of 34
subjects as clients, an evaluation set with images of the same subjects and a test set with 68
subjects. Three images per person are used for training, and the number of clients accesses
is equal to 34x3 = 102, i.e., the other three images of clients. The imposters accesses is given
by the other 68 subjects of the database, and the number of accesses or comparisons can be
summarized as:
106 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Recent Advances on Face Recognition using Thermal Infrared Images 13
original image FPN = 10% FPN = 20% FPN = 30%
POF lter V 91.50 91.50 91.44 91.57
E 88.24 88.10 88.17 87.97
TOF lter V 98.69 84.12 81.18 76.47
E 94.77 61.70 52.75 51.05
LBP V 99.35 97.32 97.19 97.52
E 97.71 96.93 96.41 96.01
Table 3. Correct classication percent with POF lter, TOF lter and LBP considering FPN.
original image noise = 1% noise = 5% noise = 10%
POF lter V 91.50 91.44 91.50 91.18
E 88.24 88.24 88.24 88.17
TOF lter V 98.69 97.26 95.29 89.61
E 94.77 94.44 92.81 88.17
LBP V 99.35 98.37 97.06 96.93
E 97.71 96.86 96.80 95.23
Table 4. Correct classication percent with POF lter, TOF lter and LBP considering
temporal noise.
Evaluation Test
Clients accesses 102(34x3) 204(68x3)
Imposters accesses 3366(102x33) 13668(204x67)
Table 5. Distribution of the database to perform the verications experiment.
original image FPN = 10% FPN = 20% FPN = 30%
Evaluation Test Evaluation Test Evaluation Test Evaluation Test
TOF V 7.84 14.48 20.64 25.51 23.67 27.16 25.74 28.16
E 11.76 14.72 34.63 43.00 34.62 43.01 38.29 44.45
LBP V 3.92 5.42 7.45 7.15 7.50 7.74 8.48 8.41
E 3.92 5.42 8.56 8.62 9.45 9.56 9.34 10.25
Table 6. Average Total Error Rate percent for the verications experiment with TOF lter and
LBP method considering FPN.
original image noise = 1% noise = 5% noise = 10%
Evaluation Test Evaluation Test Evaluation Test Evaluation Test
TOF V 7.84 14.48 8.04 18.01 9.23 18.58 9.61 19.02
E 11.76 14.72 12.54 15.41 12.44 15.46 16.09 20.60
LBP V 3.92 5.42 3.92 5.10 6.00 6.77 9.34 10.51
E 3.92 5.42 8.11 9.07 5.68 6.40 11.04 13.17
Table 7. Average Total Error Rate percent for the verications experiment with TOF lter and
LBP method considering temporal noise.
107 Recent Advances on Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Images
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(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 6. Images of two different subjects from CEDIP JADE database: image without NUC (a)(d), with
FPN 10% (b)(e) and FPN 30% (c)(f). The LBP method can be recognize the subject (c) and (f) with the
same performance that the case (b) and (e).
The EER is the point at which the FRR is equal to the FAR in the evaluation set. The value
obtained by the classication method at this point in the evaluation set is used as a threshold
for the decision of acceptance or rejection in the test set. On the other hand, the Total Error
Rate (TER) is the sum of FRR and FAR. The TER is used to evaluate the performance of
the verication systems on the database. The lower this value, the better the recognition
6. Remarks
From the results obtained using two infrared databases is possible to conrm that the LBP
method is more robust than correlation lter when FPN is present, keeping in mind that this
type of noise is natural in IR images, but from the results exposed is possible to consider that
LBP does not require to apply NUC methods. An example is presented in Fig.6 (a) and (b),
where two subjects images, initially noise-free, are aficted due to the intrinsic properties of
the FPN, drifting its parameters over time, decreasing the image quality, showing its effect
on (b) and (e), and then (c) and (f). In this case, the results presented in this chapter allow to
recognize the subject in image 6 (c) and (f) with the same error that (b) and (e), respectively.
These results empirically demonstrate the ability of LBP method in order to perform good
recognition task in infrared image with aggressive FPN.
7. Conclusion
In this chapter, is presented a review of various face recognition algorithms applied to an
infrared database in order to evaluate the performance of each one, related with the problems
108 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Recent Advances on Face Recognition using Thermal Infrared Images 15
associated by working on this range of the spectrum. In particular, the use of infrared
technology allows to formulate a face recognition system invariant to the illumination. For
this, the long-wave spectra located at 8 14m correspond to the emitted energy contraries
with the visible spectra, in which the sensor collected the reected energy. But the long-wave
infrared spectra generate an intrinsic and special kind of noise (called nonuniformity), the
xed-pattern-noise (FPN) that correspond to a xed pattern superimposed to the infrared
image. In order to solve this problem, several nonuniformity correction techniques has been
proposed, been an active area in the last years. The FPN is a pattern that slowly change in
time. In several study, this kind of noise can be considered xed or constant for almost two
hours, but is depending of the technology of the infrared sensors.
In pattern recognition elds, is not habitual to study the noise robustness of classication
techniques. A little kind of study consider only temporal noise, i.e., a pattern noise that
change frame to frame, typically modeled as white noise. Our group include optoelectronic
group and pattern recognition group, and the principal contribution is to present an infrared
sensor description and the behavior of face recognition techniques considering this kind of
sensors. In this chapter, rstly is introduced the concepts of FPN noise, and the objective is
to study the behavior of two classical face recognition techniques when the nonuniformity
of infrared cameras is not reduced or compensated. Then, the variation on the performance
of each technique with and without nonuniformity correction method is obtained using two
infrared databases. For both face recognition techniques identication and verication are
Two face recognition techniques are used: correlation lters and local-binary pattern (LBP)
based method. The results show that the LBP algorithm is one of the most robust to xed
pattern noise due to the inherent features of the correlation lters, the presence of any
persistent pattern noise in time diminish the performance of the classication. In other hand,
the temporal noise does not affect on a comparable level with the FPN, but the LBP still shows
outstanding results.
As a counterpart to the analysis obtained by the different realizations of noise, it is clear that
nonuniformity corrections generate an improvement over the correlation lters discernment,
achieving competitive results with the other algorithms presented. Considering the case when
TOF lter is used in Table 6, the TER for IR face recognition is 25.74%, and when the FPN is
removed from images, the TER is reduced to 7.84%. Under these conditions, the techniques
of non-uniformity correction behave like a promising feature extraction technique, extracting
features to effectively and efciently differentiate a subject from another.
Future work considering to build another database with more images per subject and repeat
the process considering two weeks between acquisitions. The objective is to evaluate the
robustness of LBP when real FPNis presented in the camera considering the past of time. Also,
more face recognition should be included in order to nd more FPN robustness techniques to
perform face identication.
8. Acknowledgments
This work was partially supported by Center for Optics and Photonics CEFOP, FB0824/2008,
Fondecyt 11090034, Proyecto de Iniciacin en Investigacin 2009, CONICYT, Chile, and by
Universidad de La Frontera DIUFRO N
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16 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
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112 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition
a Biometric Identification Technique
for Robust Security System
Mrinal Kanti Bhowmik
, Kankan Saha
, Sharmistha Majumder
Goutam Majumder
, Ashim Saha
, Aniruddha Nath Sarma

Debotosh Bhattacharjee
, Dipak Kumar Basu
and Mita Nasipuri

Tripura University (A Central University)

Jadavpur University
1. Introduction
Face of an individual is a biometric trait that can be used in computer-based automatic security
system for identification or authentication of that individual. While recognizing a face through
a machine, the main challenge is to accurately match the input human face with the face image
of the same person already stored in the face-database of the system. Not only the computer
scientists, but the neuroscientists and psychologists are also taking their interests in the field of
development and improvement of face recognition. Numerous applications of it relate mainly
to the field of security. Having so many applications of this interesting area, there are
challenges as well as pros and cons of the systems. Face image of a subject is the basic input of
any face recognition system. Face images may be of different types like visual, thermal, sketch
and fused images. A face recognition system suffers from some typical problems. Say for
example, visual images result in poor performance with illumination variations, such as
indoor and outdoor lighting conditions, low lighting, poses, aging, disguise etc. So, the main
aim is to tackle all these problems to give an accurate automatic face recognition. These
problems can be solved using thermal images and also using fused images of visual and
thermal images. The image produced by employing fusion method provides the combined
information of both the visual and thermal images and thus provides more detailed and
reliable information which helps in constructing more efficient face recognition system.
Objective of this chapter is to introduce the role of different IR spectrums, their applications,
some interesting critical observations, available thermal databases, review works, some
experimental results on thermal faces as well as on fused faces of visual and thermal face
images in face recognition field; and finally sorting their limitations out.
2. Thermal face recognition
Any typical face image is a complex pattern consisting of hair, forehead, eyebrow, eyes,
nose, ears, cheeks, mouth, lips, philtrum, teeth, skin, and chin. Human face has other

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

additional features like expression, appearance, adornments, beard, moustache etc. The face
is the feature which best distinguishes a person, and there are "special" regions of the human
brain, such as the fusiform face area (FFA), which when get damaged prevent the
recognition of the faces of even intimate family members. The patterns of specific organs
such as the eyes or parts thereof are used in biometric identification to uniquely identify
Thermal face recognition deals with the face recognition system that takes thermal face as an
input. In preceding description, the concept of thermal images will be made clearer.
Thermal human face images are generated due to the body heat pattern of the human being.
Thermal Infra-Red (IR) imagery is independent of ambient lighting conditions as the
thermal IR sensors only capture the heat pattern emitted by the object. Different objects emit
different range of Infra-red energy according to their temperature and characteristics. The
range of human face and body temperature nearly same and quite uniform, varying from
35.5C to 37.5C providing a consistent thermal signature. The thermal patterns of faces are
derived primarily from the pattern of superficial blood vessels under the skin. The vein and
tissue structure of the face is unique for each person and, therefore, the IR images are also
unique. Fig. 1 shows a thermal image corresponding to its visual one.

Fig. 1. (a) Thermal Image of Corresponding Visual One of (b).
2.1 Infrared
In Latin infra means "below" and hence the name 'Infrared' means below red. Red is the
color of the longest wavelengths of visible light. Infrared light has a longer wavelength (and
so a lower frequency) than that of red light visible to humans, hence the literal meaning of
below red.
'Infrared' (IR) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 0.7 and 300
micrometers, which equates to a frequency range between approximately 1 and 430 THz. IR
wavelengths are longer than that of visible light, but shorter than that of terahertz radiation
2.1.1 Infrared bands and thermal spectrum
Objects generally emit infrared radiation across a spectrum of wavelengths, but only a
specific region of the spectrum is of interest because sensors are usually designed only to
collect radiation within a specific bandwidth. As a result, the infrared band is often
subdivided into smaller sections.
The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) recommended the division of infrared
radiation into three bands namely, IR-A that ranges from 700 nm1400 nm (0.7 m 1.4

(a) (b)
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

m), IR-B that ranges from 1400 nm3000 nm (1.4 m 3 m) and IR-C that ranges from
3000 nm1 mm (3 m 1000 m).
A commonly used sub-division scheme can be given as follows:
Near-infrared (NIR, IR-A DIN): This is of 0.7-1.0 m in wavelength, defined by the water
absorption, and commonly used in fiber optic telecommunication because of low
attenuation losses in the SiO
glass (silica) medium. Image intensifiers are sensitive to this
area of the spectrum. Examples include night vision devices such as night vision camera.
Short-wavelength infrared (SWIR, IR-B DIN): This is of 1-3 m. Water absorption increases
significantly at 1,450 nm. The 1,530 to 1,560 nm range is the dominant spectral region for
long-distance telecommunications.
Mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR, IR-C DIN) or Intermediate Infrared (IIR): It is of 3-5 m.
In guided missile technology the 3-5 m portion of this band is the atmospheric window in
which the homing heads of passive IR 'heat seeking' missiles are designed to work, homing
on to the IR signature of the target aircraft, typically the jet engine exhaust plume.
Long-wavelength infrared (LWIR, IR-C DIN): This infrared radiation band is of 814 m.
This is the "thermal imaging" region in which sensors can obtain a completely passive
picture of the outside world based on thermal emissions only and require no external
light or thermal source such as the sun, moon or infrared illuminator. Forward-looking
infrared (FLIR) systems use this area of the spectrum. Sometimes it is also called "far
Very Long-wave infrared (VLWIR): This is of 14 - 1,000 m.
NIR and SWIR is sometimes called "reflected infrared" while MWIR and LWIR is sometimes
referred to as "thermal infrared". Due to the nature of the blackbody radiation curves,
typical 'hot' objects, such as exhaust pipes, often appear brighter in the MW compared to the
same object viewed in the LW.
Now, we can summarize the wavelength ranges of different infrared spectrums as in
Table 1.

Spectrum Wavelength range
Visible Spectrum 0.4-0.7 m (micro meter / micron)
Near Infrared (NIR) 0.7-1.0 m (micro meter / micron)
Short-wave Infrared (SWIR) 1-3 m (micro meter / micron)
Mid-wave Infrared (MWIR) 3-5 m (micro meter / micron)
Long-wave Infrared (LWIR) 8-14 m (micro meter / micron)
Very Long-wave Infrared (VLWIR) > 14 m (micro meter / micron)
Table 1. Wavelength Range for Different Spectrums (Miller, 1994).
Developments in infrared technology (camera) over the last decade have given computer
vision researchers a whole new diversity of imaging options, particularly in the infrared
spectrum. Conventional video cameras use photosensitive silicon that is typically able to
measure energy at electromagnetic wavelengths from 0.4m to just over 1.0m. Multiple
technologies are currently available, with lessening cost and increasing performance, which
are capable of image measurement in different regions of the infrared spectrum, as shown in
Fig. 2.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 2. Infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrum showing the different IR sub-bands.
At wavelengths of 3 m and longer imaged radiation from objects become significantly
emissive due to temperature, and is hence generally termed as thermal infrared. The
thermal infrared spectrum is divided into two primary spectra (Wolff et al., 2006) the
MWIR and LWIR. Between these spectra lies a strong atmospheric absorption band
between approximately 5 and 8 m wavelength, where imaging becomes extremely
difficult due to nearly complete opaqueness of air. The range beyond 14m is termed the
very long-wave infrared (VLWIR) and although in recent years it has received increased
attention. The amount of emitted radiation depends on both the temperature and the
emissivity of the material. Emissivity in the thermal infrared is conversely analogous to
the notion of reflective albedo used in the computer vision literature (Horn, 1977, Horn et
al., 1979). For instance, a Lambertian reflector can appear white or grey depending on its
efficiency for reflecting light energy. The more efficient it is in reflecting energy (more
reectance albedo) the less efficient it is in thermally emitting energy respective to its
temperature (less emissitivity). Objects with perfect emissivity of 1.0 are completely black.
Many materials that are poor absorbers transmit most light energy while reflecting only a
small portion. This applies to a variety of different types of glass and plastics in the visible
Different types of thermal imaging are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. At sunrise SWIR cameras provide effective imaging day and night thus eliminating
thermal crossover.
2.1.2 Different types of thermal spectrums
Thermal Face Spectrums are captured mainly under three classes and those are

Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

SWIR (Short-wave Infrared): Short-wave Infrared ranges from 1-3 m (micro-
meter/micron). SWIR has its own characteristics which are suitable for human face images.
These characteristics are:
Light in the SWIR band is not visible to the human eye: The visible spectrum ranges from
the wavelengths of 0.4 microns (blue, nearly ultraviolet to the eye) to 0.7 microns (deep red).
Wavelengths longer than visible wavelengths can only be seen by dedicated sensors, such as
InGaAs. Though shortwave infrared lights interact with the objects similar way the light of
visual wavelength does, human eyes cannot track the object in short wavelength. SWIR light
is reflective light; it bounces off objects much like visible light. As a result of its reflective
nature, SWIR light has shadows and contrast in its imagery. Images from an InGaAs camera
are comparable to visible images in resolution and detail; however, SWIR images are not in
color. This makes objects easily recognizable and yields one of the tactical advantages of
SWIR, namely, object or individual identification (
InGaAs sensors can be made extremely sensitive: literally counting individual photons.
Thus, when built as focal plane arrays with thousands or millions of tiny point sensors, or
sensor pixels, SWIR cameras will work in very dark conditions
SWIR Works at Night: An atmospheric phenomenon called night sky radiance emits five to
seven times more illumination than starlight, nearly all of it in the SWIR wavelengths. So,
with a SWIR camera and this night radiance - often called nightglow - we can "see" objects
with great clarity on moonless nights and share these images across networks as no other
imaging device can do. Fig. 4 describes the clarity even at night can be obtained using SWIR

Fig. 4. (a) The visible imagery of a parking lot at night. (b) The short wave infrared (SWIR)
imagery ( of the same scene under the same conditions
using a Goodrich camera. of the electromagnetic spectrum showing the different IR sub-
Low Power: InGaAs cameras can be small and use very little power, but give good results.
InGaAs found early applications in the telecom industry as it is sensitive to the light used in
long distance fiber optics communications, usually around 1550 nm.

(a) (b)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Ability to Image through Glass: One major benefit of SWIR imaging that is unmatched by
other technologies is the ability to image through glass. So, in short, SWIR images are
basically used because of high sensitivity, high resolution, seeing in the light of night glow
or night sky radiance, day-to-night imaging, covert illumination, able to see covert lasers
and beacons, no cryogenic cooling required, conventional and low-cost visible spectrum
lenses, small size and low power.
These foresaid characteristics have made SWIR useful even in the area of face recognition.
Detecting Disguises at Border and Immigration Security Checkpoints Using Short Wave
Infrared (SWIR) Cameras is one of such applications in Homeland-Defense
( SWIR has a unique aspect of identifying artificial and
natural materials. This helps to detect disguise, artificial hairs appear much darker than the
original one, and sometimes it comes almost black. Fig. 5 shows how does an actor seen in
disguise when he is captured under SWIR.
Translating this to a border crossing or checkpoint situation, one can assume that anyone
wearing a disguise as they approach the border has some form of criminal or even hostile
intent. Employed clandestinely, SWIR imaging can add a very valuable layer of protection
in the defense of the homeland.

Fig. 5. (a) an actor wearing typical stage make up in color image, (b) same actor in SWIR
band (
MWIR (Middle-Wave Infrared). MWIR ranges from 3-5 m (micro meter / micron). For
night - vision applications, the SWIR imaging with InGaAs technology is enhanced with
thermal imaging cameras for MWIR and LWIR in the form of uncooled microbolometers or
cooled infrared cameras. Their thermal detectors only show the presence of warm objects
against a cooler background. In combination with thermal images, SWIR cameras thus
simplify the identification of objects which in the thermal image alone are more difficult to
recognize. LWIR is being discussed in the following point.
LWIR (Long-Wave Infrared). LWIR ranges from 8-14 m (micro meter / micron). The
sensor elements of microbolometer cameras for LWIR are made up of IR absorbing
conductors or semiconductors, whose radiation - dependent resistance is measured. Because
polysilicon is also suitable as an absorber, they can also be made from polysilicon as MEMS
and combined with evaluation circuits in CMOS technology. Fig. 6 shows an LWIR image.

(a) (b)
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

2.1.3 Best thermal spectrum for face recognition purpose
The spectral distribution of energy emitted by an object is simply the product of the Planck
distribution for a given temperature, with the emissivity of the object as function of
wavelength (Siegal & Howell, 1981). In the vicinity of human body temperature (37 C), the
Planck distribution has a maximum in the LWIR around 9m, and is approximately one-
sixth of this maximum in the MWIR. The emissivity of human skin in the MWIR is at least
0.91, and at least 0.97 in the LWIR. Therefore, face recognition in the thermal infrared favors
the LWIR, since LWIR emission is much higher than that in the MWIR.

Fig. 6. LWIR Image.
Thermal IR and particularly Long Wave Infra-Red (LWIR) imagery is independent of
illumination since thermal IR sensors operating at particular wavelength bands measure
heat energy emitted and not the light reflected from the objects. More importantly IR energy
can be viewed in any light conditions and is less subject to scattering and absorption by
smoke or dust than visible light. Hence thermal imaging has great advantages in face
recognition under low illumination conditions and even in total darkness (without the need
for IR illumination), where visual face recognition techniques fail.
3D position variations naturally give rise to 2D image variations (Friedrich & Yeshurun,
2002). IR based face recognition is more invariant than CCD based one under various
conditions, specifically varying head 3D orientation and facial expressions. Modification of
facial expressions and head orientation cause direct 3D structural changes, as well as
changes of shadow contours in CCD images that deteriorate the accuracy of any
classification method. In an IR image this effect is greatly reduced.
Anatomical features of faces, useful for identification, can be measured at a distance using
passive IR sensor technology with or without the cooperation of the subject (Gupta &
Majumdar). The thermal infrared (IR) spectrum comprises of mid-wave infrared (MWIR),
and long-wave infrared (LWIR), all longer than the visible spectrum.
Accelerated developments in camera technology over the last decade have given computer
vision researchers a whole new diversity of imaging options, particularly in the infrared
spectrum. Conventional video cameras use photosensitive silicon that is typically able to
measure energy at electromagnetic wavelengths from 0.4m to just over 1.0m. Multiple
technologies are currently available, with dwindling cost and increasing performance which
are capable of image measurement in different regions of the infrared spectrum, as shown in
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, which shows the different appearances of a human face in the visible,
shortwave infrared (SWIR), midwave infrared (MWIR) and long wave infrared (LWIR)
spectra. Although in the infrared, the near-infrared (NIR) and SWIR spectra are still

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

reective and differences in appearance between the visible, NIR and SWIR are due to
reective material properties. Both NIR and SWIR have been found to have advantages over
imaging in the visible for face detection (Dowdall et al., 2002) and detecting disguise
(Pavlidis & Symosek, 2000).

Fig. 7. A face simultaneously imaged in the (a) visible spectrum, 0.40.7 m, (b) short-wave
infrared, 1.03.0m, (c) mid-wave infrared, 3.05.0m, and (d) long-wave infrared, 8.0-14.0m.

Fig. 8. A face simultaneously imaged in the (a) visible spectrum, 0.40.7 m, (b) short-wave
infrared, 1.03.0m, (c) mid-wave infrared, 3.05.0m, and (d) long-wave infrared, 8.0-14.0m.
Thermal infrared imaging for face recognition first used MWIR platinum silicide detectors in
the early 1990s (Prokoski, 1992). At that time, cooled LWIR technology was very expensive. By
the late 1990s, uncooled micro bolometer imaging technology in the LWIR became more
accessible and affordable, enabling wider experimental applications in this regime. At that
time, cooled MWIR technology was about ten times more sensitive than uncooled micro
bolometer LWIR technology, and even though faces are more emissive in the LWIR, in the late
1990s MWIR could still discern more image detail of the human face. At present, uncooled
micro bolometer LWIR technology coming off the assembly lines is rapidly approaching one-
half of the sensitivity of cooled MWIR. For face recognition in the thermal infrared, this is a
turning point as for the first time the most appropriate thermal infrared imaging technology
(i.e. LWIR) for studying human faces is also the most affordable.
2.2 Advantages of thermal face over visual face
Visual images are considered to be the best in some cases like extracting and locating facial
features easily. Another advantage of visual image is that the visual cameras are less

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) (c) (d)
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

expensive. But Visual images have some problems (Kong et al., 2005) with themselves:
Visual images results in poor performance with illumination variations, such as in
indoor and outdoor lighting conditions.
Again it is not efficient enough to distinguish different facial expressions.
It is difficult to segment out faces from cluttered scene.
Visual images are useless in very low lighting.
Visual images are unable to detect disguise.
The challenges are even more profound when one considers the large variations in the
visual stimulus due to
illumination conditions,
viewing directions or poses,
facial expressions,
aging, and
disguises such as facial hair, glasses, or cosmetics.
Unlike using the visible spectrum, recognition of faces using different multi-spectral
imaging modalities, particularly infrared (IR) imaging sensors (Yoshitomi et al., 1997;
Prokoski, 2000; Selinger & Socolinsky, 2001; Wolff et al., 2006; Wolff et al., 2001; Heo et al.,
2004) has become an area of growing interest. So, to solve different challenges faced while
using visual images in face recognition systems, thermal images are used because of (Kong
et al., 2005):
Face (and skin) detection, location, and segmentation are easier when using thermal
Within-class variance smaller.
Nearly invariant to illumination changes and facial expressions.
Works even in total darkness.
Useful for detecting disguises.
Fig. 9 shows that thermal face images of a human being have no effect of illumination.

Fig. 9. Thermal images have no effect of illumination: (c) and (d) are the corresponding
thermal images of the visual images shown in (a) and (b) respectively.
2.3 Some critical observations on thermal face
However, thermal imaging needs to solve some challenging problems, which are discussed
2.3.1 Identical twins
Though identical twins have some different thermal patterns, there are some exceptions too.
The twins images in Fig. 10 are not necessarily substantially different from each other.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 10. A pair of twins IR images.
2.3.2 Exhale-inhale effect
High temporal frequency thermal variation is associated with breathing. The nose or
mouth appears cooler as the subject is inhaling and warmer as he or she exhales, since
exhaled air is at core body temperature, which is several degrees warmer than skin
temperature. Fig. 11 shows the different thermal images of same person while exhaling
and inhaling.
2.3.3 Metabolism effect
Symptoms such as alertness and anxiety can be used as a biometric, which is difficult to
conceal as redistribution of blood flow in blood vessels causes abrupt changes in the local
skin temperature. Thermal signatures can be changed significantly according to different
body temperatures caused by physical exercise or ambient temperatures (Heo et al., 2005).

Fig. 11. Variation in facial thermal emission from two subjects in different sessions. For first
subject (a) and (b) are different and for second subject (c) and (d) are different.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(a) (b)
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

Fig. 11 shows comparable variability within data collected with LWIR sensor. Each column
shows images acquired in different sessions. It is clear that thermal emission patterns
around the eyes, nose and mouth are rather different in different sessions. Such variations
can be induced by changing environmental conditions. For example, exposed to cold or
wind, capillary vessels at the surface of the skin contract, reducing the effective blood flow
and thereby the surface temperature of the face. Also, when a subject transitions from a cold
outdoor environment to a warm indoor one, a reverse process occurs, whereby capillaries
dilate suddenly flushing the skin with warm blood in the bodys effort to regain normal
Additional fluctuations in thermal appearance are unrelated to ambient conditions, but are
rather related to the subjects metabolism. Vigorous physical activity, consumption of food,
alcohol or caffeine may all affect the thermal appearance of a subjects face.
2.3.4 Effects of using glasses
Thermal images of a subject wearing eyeglasses may lose information around the eyes since
glass blocks a large portion of thermal energy; in fact most of the thermal energy is blocked.
Thermal imaging has difficulty in recognizing people inside a moving vehicle (because of
speed, glass).
2.3.5 Liveness solution
Spoofing attack (or copy attack) is a fatal threat for biometric authentication systems.
Liveness detection, which aims at recognition of human physiological activities as the
liveness indicator to prevent spoofing attack, is becoming a very active topic in field of
fingerprint recognition and iris recognition. In face recognition community, although
numerous recognition approaches have been presented, the effort on anti-spoofing is still
very limited. Liveness detection methods allow differentiating live human characteristics
from characteristics coming from other sources. Spoofing, now-a-days has become a big
threat for biometrics, especially in the field of face recognition. Therefore anti-spoof problem
should be well solved before face recognition could widely be applied in our life. If we are
thinking of keeping image as a part of biometric identity then it is very easy for someone to
spoof an image and retrieve sensitive information from somebodys account and retrieve
their valuable information by hacking their account. There are various methods to spoof an
image. Photo attack is the cheapest and easiest spoofing approach, since one's facial image is
usually very easily available in the public. Video spoofing is another big threat to face
recognition systems, because it is very similar to live face and can be shot in front of legal
users face by a needle camera. It has many physiological clues that photo does not have,
such as head movement, facial expression, blinking etc.
Thermal images can be a solution to the spoofing problem and detecting live faces as it
captures only the heat emitted and so the thermal images generated from the emitted heat
by a photograph or a video will be totally different from the thermal image of an original
human face.
2.4 Drawbacks of thermal images
Though thermal images have found to be useful in accurate recognition of human face; there
are some limitations of them.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Redistribution of blood flow due to alertness and anxiety causes abrupt changes in the
local skin temperature.
Thermal calibration is mandatory in ambient temperature or activity level may change
thermal characteristics.
Energetic physical activity, consumption of food, alcohol, caffeine etc. may also affect
the thermal characteristics.
While breathing exhaling results big change in skin temperature.
Glasses block most of thermal energy.
Not appropriate for recognition of vehicle occupants (because of speed, glass).
Thermal images have low resolution.
Thermal cameras are expensive.

Fig. 12. Visual images may fail to detect fake faces.
2.5 Problems of face recognition solvable by thermal images
In contrast to visual face images thermal face images are having certain characteristics by
which they are able to handle some difficulties mentioned earlier. But they do have some
limitations like pose variation; aging etc cant be solved by thermal images. Table 2
describes the problems in face recognition that can or cannot be solved using thermal

Different Problems of Face Recognition Problems that can be Solved using
Thermal Face Images
Illumination Variation
Pose Variation
Variation in Expression
Different Scaling
Disguises (except use of glasses)
Aging Problem
Variation in Temperature
Table 2. Different face recognition problems and use of thermal face images to solve them.

(a) Fake Face (b) Live Face
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

2.6 Thermal face image databases
There are only two publicly available thermal face image databases. These are IRIS
(Imaging, Robotics and Intelligent System) Thermal/Visible Face Database and Terravic
Facial IR Database. Among them IRIS database comprises of almost all the features that
should be present in a standard face database. A short overview of these two databases is
given in Table 3.

Name of the
No. of
Pose Illumination
30 11 6 3 1
Terravic Facial
20 3 --- 1 1
Table 3. Overview of the recording conditions for all databases discussed in this section.
These two databases are publicly available benchmark dataset for testing and evaluating
novel and state-of-the-art thermal face recognition algorithms. The benchmark contains
videos and images recorded in and beyond the visible spectrum and are available for free to
all researchers in the international computer vision communities. It also allows a large
spectrum of IEEE and SPIE vision conference and workshop participants to explore the
benefits of the non-visible spectrum in real-world applications, contribute to the OTCBVS
workshop series, and boost this research field significantly.
2.6.1 IRIS (Imaging, Robotics and Intelligent System) thermal/visual database
In the IRIS database unregistered thermal and visible face images are acquired
simultaneously under variable illuminations, expressions, and poses. Total no. of 30
individuals of RGB color image type with Exp1 (surprised), Exp2 (laughing) and Exp3
(Anger) are available. Resolution of each image is 320 x 240. Illumination types available in
this database are left light on, right light on, both lights on, dark room, left and right lights
off with varying poses like left, right, mid, mid-left, mid-right. Two different sensors are
used to capture this database. One is Thermal - Raytheon Palm-IR-Pro and another is Visible
- Panasonic WV-CP234. Table 4 is furnished with the IRIS database ( overview.

No. of
Total Number of
320 x 240
Thermal 1529
Illumination 5 Visual 1529
Table 4. IRIS (Imaging, Robotics and Intelligent System) Database Information.
Sensors used
Thermal - Raytheon Palm-IR-Pro.
Visible - Panasonic WV-CP234.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Setup of the Camera. Fig. 13 shows the camera set up used for preparing the IRIS
Thermal/Visible database.

Fig. 13. Camera Setup for IRIS (Imaging, Robotics and Intelligent System) Database.
Database description
It contains images of 30 individuals (28 men and 2 women).
The imaging and recorded condition (camera parameters, illumination setting, camera
Total 176-250 images per person and 11 images per rotation (poses for each expression
and each illumination) are captured.
Database images having the format of bmp color images are 320 x 240 pixels in size.
The subjects were recorded in 3 different expressions Exp-1 (Surprised), Exp-2
(laughing), Exp-3 (Anger) and 5 different illumination Lon (left light on), Ron (right
light on), 2on (both lights on), dark (dark room), off (left and right lights off) with
varying poses.
Size of this database is 1.83 GB.
Variable numbers of images are available per class.
Total 3058 images are available; 1529 images are thermal and other images are visual.
All the classes dont contain each type of illumination.
This database has disguise faces too. Samples of images with different facial expression and
different illumination conditions, and different disguise faces are given in Fig. 14, Fig. 15,
and Fig. 16, respectively.

Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System


Fig. 14. Faces of Expression in IRIS Thermal/Visible database.

Fig. 15. Faces of Illumination in IRIS Thermal/Visible database.
5 Different Illuminations

Left Light
Both Light
Right Light
Left and Right
Light On
Dark Room

Thermal Faces

Visual Faces
3 Different Expressions

Thermal Faces

Exp1 (Surprised) Exp2 (Laughing) Exp3 (Anger)

Visual Faces
Exp1 (Surprised) Exp2 (Laughing) Exp3 (Anger)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 16. Sample of Disguised Faces in IRIS Thermal/Visible database.
2.6.2 Terravic facial infrared database
The Terravic Facial Infrared database contains total no. of 20 classes (19 men and 1 woman)
of 8-bit gray scale JPEG thermal faces. Size of the database is 298MB and images with
different rotations are left, right and frontal face images also available with different items
like glass and hat. Table 5 is furnished with the Terravic Facial Infrared database
( overview.

No. of

320 x 240
Table 5. IRIS (Imaging, Robotics and Intelligent System) Database Information.
Sensors Used. Raytheon L-3 Thermal-Eye 2000AS.
Database description
In this database, they provide total 20 classes.
They use different poses for this database like front, left, right, indoor, outdoor; glasses,
hat, both.
Different Disguises

Goggle Wig Sunglass +
Mask Sunglass +
Moustache 1

Thermal Faces

Visual Faces
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

Type of that database is thermal in JPEG format.
Size of that database is 298 MB.
Total no. of images is 21,308.
In Fig. 17 some image samples of Terravic Facial Infrared database are shown.
2.7 Some review work on thermal face recognition
Over the last few years, many researchers have investigated the use of thermal infrared face
images for person identification to tackle illumination variation, facial hair, hairstyle etc.
(Chen et al. 2003; Buddharaju et al., 2004; Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004, Singh et al., 2004,
Buddharaju et al., 2007).
It is found that while face recognition using different expressions with visible-light imagery
outperforms that with thermal imagery when both gallery and probe images are acquired
indoors, if the probe image or the gallery and probe images are acquired outdoors, then it
appears that the performance possible with IR can exceed that with visible light. IR imagery
represents a feasible substitute to visible imaging in the search for a robust and practical
identication system. Leonardo Trujillo proposed an unsupervised local and global
feature extraction paradigm to the problem of facial expression using thermal images
(Trujillo et al., 2005).

Fig. 17. Sample of Terravic Facial Infrared Database.
First they have localized facial features by novel interest point detection and clustering
approach and after that they apply PCA for feature extraction and at last they use SVD for
facial expression classification. For facial expression recognition they use the IRIS dataset.
Their experimental results show that their FER system clearly degrades when classifying the
happy expression of the dataset. Xin Chen et al. developed a face recognition technique
with PCA. They used PCA to study the comparisons and combination of infrared and
visible images to the effects of lighting, facial expression change and the time difference
between gallery and probe images (Chen et al., 2003).

Left Pose Right Pose Hat and Glass With Glass Frontal Pose

Frontal with
Right Pose
with Hat
Left Pose
with Hat
Right Pose with
Hat and Glass
Left Pose with
Hat and Glass

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

The techniques developed by Socolinsky & Selinger (Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004) show
performance statistics for outdoor face recognition and recognition across multiple sessions.
A few experimental results with thermal images in face recognition are being recorded in
Table 6. All the result support the conclusion that face recognition performance with
thermal infrared imagery is stable over multiple sessions.

Method Recognition
Fusion of Thermal and Visual (Singh et al., 2004) 90%
Segmented Infrared Images via Bessel forms (Buddharaju et al.,
PCA for Visual indoor Probes (Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004) 81.54%
PCA+LWIR( Indoor probs) (Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004) 58.89%
LDA+LWIR (Indoor probs) (Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004) 73.92%
Equinox +LWIR (Indoor probs) (Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004) 93.93%
PCA+LWIR( Outdoor probs) (Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004) 44.29%
LDA+LWIR (Outdoor probs) (Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004) 65.30%
Equinox+LWIR (Outdoor probs) (Socolinsky & Selinger, 2004) 83.02%
ARENA+LWIR (Different illumination but same expression)
(Socolinsky et al., 2001)
99.3% (Average),
99% (Minimum)
Eigenfaces +LWIR (Different illumination but same expression)
(Socolinsky et al., 2001)
95.0% (Average),
89.4% (Minimum)
ARENA+LWIR (Different illumination and expression)
(Socolinsky et al., 2001)
99% (Average),
98% (Minimum)
Eigenfaces +LWIR(Different illumination and expression)
(Socolinsky et al., 2001)
93.3% (Average),
86.8% (Minimum)
Table 6. Comparison of recognition rate of different methods.
3. Fused images
There is another type of face image used in face recognition field which is known as fused
image. Fused image comprises of more than one image. So, the resulted fused image is more
informative than any of the individual image. In face recognition, sometimes visual images
are found to be more helpful than thermal images. For example, problem of variation in
temperature can be solved by visual images which cannot be in case of thermals. Again,
thermal images are best to detect liveliness. So, we can apply the concept of fusion in face
recognition to get better result of person recognition. So, fusion of both thermal and visual
images will generate a new fused image that will store the information of both thermal and
visual faces. Fig. 18 shows a pictorial example of a fused image.
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System


Fig. 18. Fused image.
Image fusion methods mainly fall under two categories viz. spatial domain fusion and
transform domain fusion. Many scientists have been involved in research and development
in the area of data fusion for over a decade.
3.1 Different types of fusion techniques
Over a decade, researchers are working on image fusion. Generally, in face recognition three
types of fusion techniques can be used. Those are:
Feature Level Fusion
Decision Level Fusion
Pixel / Data Level Fusion
3.1.1 Feature level fusion
Before merging the features of the source data, all the features are required to be merged
together. Fusion at feature level involves the integration of feature sets corresponding to
different sensors. These feature vectors are often fused to form joint feature vectors from
which the classification is made. The first hurdle towards feature level fusion is effective
feature detection. Once features are selected, the role of feature-level fusion is to establish
boundaries in feature space and separate patterns belonging to different classes. Thus two
main issues are involved: feature detection and the use of distance metrics for clustering. In
general, signal features can be classified into the following 3 categories:
Time Domain Features that describe waveform characteristics (slopes, amplitude
values, maxima/minima and zero crossing rates) and statistics (mean, standard
deviation, energy, kurtosis, etc).
Frequency Domain Features (periodic structures, Fourier coefficients, spectral density)
Hybrid Features that cover both time and frequency domains (Wavelet representations,
Wigner-Ville distributions, etc.)
Since the feature set contains richer information about the raw biometric data than the
match score or the final decision, integration at this level is expected to provide better
recognition results. However, fusion at this level is difficult to achieve in practice because of
the following reasons:
The feature sets of multiple modalities may be incompatible. For example, minutiae set
of finger prints and eigen-coefficients of faces.
The relationship between the feature spaces of different biometric systems may not be
Concatenating two feature vectors may result in a feature vector with very large
dimensionality leading to the curse of dimensionality problem.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

3.1.2 Decision level fusion
Decision level fusion combines the results from multiple algorithms to yield a final fused
decision. Decision level fusion is generally based on a joint declaration of multiple single
source results (or decisions) to achieve an improved classification or event detection. At the
decision level, prior knowledge and domain specific information can also be incorporated.
Widely used methods for decision level fusion include the following:
Bayesian inference (Information theory, inference and learning algorithms, book by
David Mackay).
Classical inference; computing a joint probability given an assumed hypothesis usually
using Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) or maximum likelihood decision rules.
Dempster-Shafer's method.
Decision-level fusion schemes can be broadly categorized according to the type of
information the decision makers output. Abstract-level fusion algorithms are used to fuse
the individual experts that produce only class labels. In this category, plurality voting is the
most commonly used one that just outputs the class label having the highest vote.
3.1.3 Pixel/data level fusion
Pixel level fusion is the combination of the raw data from multiple source images into a
single image. It combines information into a single image from a set of image sources using
pixel, feature or decision level techniques.
The task of interpreting images, either visual images alone or thermal images alone, is an
unconstraint problem. Thermal image can at best yield estimates of surface temperature
that, in general, is not specific in distinguishing between object classes. The features
extracted from visual intensity images also lack the specificity required for uniquely
determining the identity of the imaged object.
The interpretation of each type of image thus leads to ambiguous inferences about the
nature of the objects in the scene. The use of thermal data gathered by an infrared camera,
along with the visual image, is seen as a way of resolving some of these ambiguities. On the
other hand, thermal images are obtained by sensing radiation in the infrared spectrum. The
radiation sensed is either emitted by an object at a non-zero absolute temperature, or
reflected by it. The mechanisms that produce thermal and visual images are different from
each other. Thermal image produced by an objects surface can be interpreted to identify
these mechanisms. Thus, thermal images can provide information about the object being
imaged which is not available from a visual image (Yin & Malcolm, 2000).
A great deal of effort has been expended on automated scene analysis using visual images,
and some work has been done in recognizing objects in a scene using infrared images.
However, there has been little effort on interpreting thermal images of outdoor scenes based
on a study of the mechanism that gives rise to the differences in the thermal behavior of
object surfaces in the scene. Also, nor has been any effort been made to integrate
information extracted from the two modalities of imaging.
The process of image fusion may be where pixel data of 70% of visual image and 30% of
thermal image of same class or same image is brought together into a common operating
image or now commonly referred to as a Common Relevant Operating Picture (CROP)
(Hughes, 2006). This implies that an additional degree of filtering and intelligence is to be
applied to the pixel streams to present pertinent information to the user. So image pixel
fusion has the capacity to enable seamless working in a heterogeneous work environment
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

with more complex data. For accurate and effective face recognition we require more
informative images. Image by one source may lack some information which might be
available in images by other source (i.e. visual). So if it becomes possible to combine the
features of both the face images then efficient, robust, and accurate face recognition can be
Ideally, the fusion of common pixels can be done by pixel-wise weighted summation of
visual and thermal images (Horn & Sjoberg, 1979), as below:
F(x, y) = a(x, y)V(x, y) + b(x, y)T(x, y) (1)
where, F(x, y) is a fused output of a visual image, V(x, y), and a thermal image, T(x, y), while
a(x, y) and b(x, y) represent the weighting factors for visual and thermal images respectively.

Fig. 19. Fusion Technique.
4. Discussions
Being inspired by the characteristics of thermal and fused images that are applicable for
solving different problems of face recognition, we have been using thermal and fused
images in our so far research-works. In this section some important observations and
outcome of these research works are briefly discussed.
To handle the challenges of face recognition that include pose variations, changes in facial
expression, partial occlusions, variations in illumination, rotation through different angles,
change in scale etc., two techniques have been applied. In the first method log-polar
transformation is applied to the fused images, which are obtained after fusion of visual and
thermal images, whereas in second method fusion is applied on log-polar transformed
individual visual and thermal images. Log-polar transformed images are capable of

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

handling complicacies introduced by scaling and rotation. The second method has shown
better performance, which is 95.71% (maximum) and on an average 93.81% as correct
recognition rate on Object Tracking and Classification Beyond Visible Spectrum (OTCBVS)
database (Bhowmik et al, April 11 15, 2011).
In another experiment, the aim was to recognize thermal face images for face recognition
using line features and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network as classifier for them.
The proposed method works in three different steps. In the first step, line features are
extracted from thermal polar images and feature vectors are constructed using these lines. In
the second step, feature vectors thus obtained are passed through eigenspace projection for
the dimensionality reduction of feature vectors. Finally, the images projected into
eigenspace are classified using a Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network.
Experimental results of verification and identification is performed in the OTCBVS database
and the maximum success rate is 100% whereas on an average it is 94.44% (Bhowmik et al,
April 25 29, 2011a).
For achieving better recognition rate, an image fusion technique based on weighted average
of Daubechies wavelet transform (db2) coefficients from visual face image and their
corresponding thermal images have been conducted. Both PCA and ICA have separately
been applied for dimension reduction (Bhowmik et al, April 25 29, 2011b). The resulted
fused images have then been classified using multi-layer perceptron (MLP). Experimental
results show that the performance of ICA architecture-I is better than the other two
approaches i.e. PCA and ICA-II. The average success rate for PCA, ICA-I and ICA-II are
91.13%, 94.44% and 89.72% respectively. However, approaches presented here achieves
maximum success rate of 100% in some cases, especially in case of varying illumination over
the IRIS Thermal/Visual Face Database.
Thermal images minimize the affect of illumination changes and occlusion due to
moustache, beards, adornments etc. The training and testing sets of thermal images are
registered in a polar coordinate that is capable to handle complicacies introduced by scaling
and rotation and then polar images are projected into eigenspace and finally classified using
a multi-layer perceptron. The results improve significantly in the verification and
identification performance and the success rate is 97.05% over the OTCBVS database
(Bhowmik et al., 2008).
Fused images generated from visual and thermal ones are projected into eigenspace and
finally classified using a radial basis function neural network that is useful to recognize
unknown individuals with a maximum success rate of 96% of the Object Tracking and
Classification Beyond Visible Spectrum (OTCBVS) database (Bhowmik et al., 2009).
Biometric is a unique identity for each person where security as well as authentication is
concerned. Based on machine learning algorithms, a general framework is designed to show
the effectiveness of a biometric system using different levels of pixel fusion. One of the most
popular feature extraction algorithms along with multilayer perceptron (MLP) has been
used for classification purpose over the OTCBVS database that leads to an optimal
recognition result (Bhowmik et al., 2011).
When only one-sided semi profile thermal images of an individual are available, a
mosaicing technique can be applied to build an apparent 2-D front profile view of that
person (Majumder et al., 2011). The available semi-profile image is converted into a mirror
image which is similar to the opposite half semi-profile thermal image of that person.
Human face is symmetric. So, simple concatenation of these two images (one is the original
side view image and another is the mirror or opposite side view image) produces an
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition a Biometric
Identification Technique for Robust Security System

apparent 2-D front face thermal mosaiced image of that person. This mosaiced image can
further be imputed in any simple thermal face recognition system.
As a part of future work of the foresaid thermal face mosaicing, the mosaiced faces are
experimented for face recognition purpose where we are checking the similarity between
mirror face images and normal face images. Here thermal and visual faces are fused
together and then mosaicing is applied to construct apparent or complete profile view of an
individual and then these mosaiced faces are classified using support vector machine
5. Acknowledgment
Authors are thankful to the projects entitled "Development of Techniques for Human Face
Based Online Authentication System Phase-I, Vide No. 12(14)/08-ESD, dated: 27.01.2009
and Creation of a Visual Face Database of North-Eastern People and Implementation of
Techniques for Face Identification, Vide No. 12(2)/2011-ESD,dated 29/3/11, both
sponsored by Department of Information Technology under the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India and Design and
Development of Facial Thermogram Technology for Biometric Security System, funded by
University Grants Commission(UGC), India for providing necessary infrastructure facilities
to conduct experiments relating to different works mentioned in this chapter.
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Yin Z. & Malcolm A.A. (2000). Thermal and Visual Image Processing and Fusion, SIMTech
Technical Report
Yoshitomi Y., Miyaura T., Tomita S, & Kimura S. (1997). Face identification using thermal
image processing, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Workshop on Robot and Human
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Part 3
Refinements of Classical Methods

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
for Face Recognition
Shylaja S S, K N Balasubramanya Murthy and S Natarajan
Department of Information Science and Engineering, P E S Institute of Technology
1. Introduction
High level of image content analysis is required for several applications. This is taking more
significance as the number of digital images stored is growing exponentially. On the one
hand the technology should help store these images, on the other, enable us to develop
newer algorithmic models aimed at efficient and quick retrieval of images. The entire
captured data may not be applicable for an application and hence deriving a subset of data
to achieve objective function is desirable.
Face detection and recognition are preliminary steps to a wide range of applications such as
personal identity verification, video-surveillance, facial expression extraction, gender
classification, advanced human and computer interaction. A face recognition system would
allow user to be identified by simply walking past a surveillance camera. Research has been
devoted to facial recognition for years and has brought forward algorithms in an attempt to
be as accurate as humans are.
A face recognition system is expected to identify faces present in images and videos
automatically. It can operate in either or both of two modes:

Fig. 1. Face Verification System
Face verification or authentication,(fig above)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Face identification or recognition.
Face verification involves a one-to-one match that compares a query face image against a
template face image whose identity is being claimed. Face identification involves one-to-
many matches that compare a query face image against all the template images in the
database to determine the identity of the query face. Another face recognition scenario
involves a watch-list check, where a query face is matched to a list of suspects (one-to-few
matches). As per Hietmeyer, face recognition is one of the most effective biometric
techniques for travel documents and scored higher on several evaluation parameters.
Computational models of face recognition must address several difficult problems. This
difficulty arises from the fact that faces must be represented in a way that best utilizes the
available face information to distinguish a particular face from all other faces. The problem
of dimensionality reduction arises in face recognition because an m X n face image is
reconstructed to form a column vector of mn components, for computational purposes. As
the number of images in the data set increases, the complexity of representing data sets
increases. Analysis with a large number of variables generally consumes a large amount of
memory and computation power.
2. Dimensionality reduction
Efforts are on for efficient storage and retrieval of images. Considerable progress has
happened in face recognition with newer models especially with the development of powerful
models of face appearance. These models represent faces as points in high-dimensional image
spaces and employ dimensionality reduction to find a more meaningful representation,
therefore, addressing the issue of the curse of dimensionality. Dimension reduction is a
process of reducing the number of variables under observation. The need for dimension
reduction arises when there is a large number of univariate data points or when the data
points themselves are observations of a high dimensional variable. The key observation is that
although face images can be regarded as points in a high-dimensional space, they often lie on a
manifold (i.e., subspace) of much lower dimensionality, embedded in the high-dimensional
image space. The main issue is how to properly define and determine a low-dimensional
subspace of face appearance in a high-dimensional image space.
Dimensionality reduction techniques using linear transformations have been very popular
in determining the intrinsic dimensionality of the manifold as well as extracting its principal
directions. Dimensionality reduction is an effective approach to downsizing data. In
statistics, dimension reduction is the process of reducing the number of random variables
under consideration, R
(M<N) and can be divided into feature selection and feature
Feature selection is choosing a subset of all the features
] Feature selection [ x
Feature extraction is creating new features from existing ones
] Feature extraction [ y
In either case, the goal is to find a low-dimensional representation of the data while still
describing the data with sufficient accuracy.
For reasons of computational and conceptual simplicity, the representation is often sought
as a linear transformation of the original data. In other words, each component of the

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition

representation is a linear combination of the original variables. Well-known linear
transformation methods include principal component analysis, factor analysis, and
projection pursuit. Independent component analysis (ICA) is a recently developed method
in which the goal is to find a linear representation of nongaussian data so that the
components are statistically independent, or as independent as possible. Such a
representation seems to capture the essential structure of the data in many applications,
including feature extraction and signal separation.
Several techniques exist to tackle the curse of dimensionality out of which some are linear
methods and others are nonlinear. PCA, LDA, LPP are some popular linear methods and
nonlinear methods include ISOMAP & Eigenmaps. PCA and LDA are the two most widely
used subspace learning techniques for face recognition. These methods project the training
sample faces to a low dimensional representation space where the recognition is carried out.
The main supposition behind this procedure is that the face space (given by the feature
vectors) has a lower dimension than the image space (given by the number of pixels in the
image), and that the recognition of the faces can be performed in this reduced space. PCA
has the advantage of capturing holistic features but ignore the localized features. Fisher
faces from LDA technique extracts discriminating features between classes and is found to
perform better for large data sets. Its shortcoming is that of Small Sample Space (SSS)
problem. LPPs are linear projective maps that arise by solving variational problem that
optimally preserves the neighborhood structure of the data set.
In many cases, face images may be visualized as points drawn on a low-dimensional
manifold hidden in a high-dimensional ambient space. Specially, we can consider that a
sheet of rubber is crumpled into a (high-dimensional) ball. The objective of a
dimensionality-reducing mapping is to unfold the sheet and to make its low-dimensional
structure explicit. If the sheet is not torn in the process, the mapping is topology-preserving.
Moreover, if the rubber is not stretched or compressed, the mapping preserves the metric
structure of the original space.
PCA is guaranteed to discover the dimensionality of the manifold and produces a
compact representation. Turk and Pentland use Principal Component Analysis to describe
face images in terms of a set of basis functions, or eigenfaces. LDA is a supervised
learning algorithm. LDA searches for the project axes on which the data points of
different classes are far from each other while requiring data points of the same class to be
close to each other. Unlike PCA which encodes information in an orthogonal linear space,
LDA encodes discriminating information in a linear separable space using bases are not
necessarily orthogonal. It is generally believed that algorithms based on LDA are superior
to those based on PCA. However, some recent work shows that, when the training dataset
is small, PCA can outperform LDA, and also that PCA is less sensitive to different training
Recently, a number of research efforts have shown that the face images possibly reside on a
nonlinear submanifold. However, both PCA and LDA effectively see only the Euclidean
structure. They fail to discover the underlying structure, if the face images lie on a nonlinear
submanifold hidden in the image space. Some nonlinear techniques have been proposed to
discover the nonlinear structure of the manifold, e.g. Isomap, LLE and Laplacian Eigenmap.
These nonlinear methods do yield impressive results on some benchmark artificial data sets.
However, they yield maps that are defined only on the training data points and how to
evaluate the maps on novel test data points remains unclear.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

3. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Singular value decomposition (SVD) is an important factorization of a rectangular real or
complex matrix, with many applications in signal processing and statistics. As applied to
face recognition this technique is used to extract the holistic global features of the training
set SVD is the best, in the mean-square error sense, linear dimension reduction technique.
Being based on the covariance matrix of the variables, it is a second-order method. SVD
seeks to reduce the dimension of the data by finding a few orthogonal linear combinations
of the original variables with the largest variance.
The basic idea behind SVD is taking a high dimensional, highly variable set of data points
and reducing it to a lower dimensional space that exposes the substructure of the original
data more clearly and orders it from most variation to the least. What makes SVD practical
for pattern recognition applications is that one can simply ignore variation below a
particular threshold to massively reduce the data but be assured that the main relationships
of interest have been preserved.
Singular value decomposition (SVD) can be looked at from three mutually compatible
points of view. On the one hand, we can see it as a method for transforming correlated
variables into a set of uncorrelated ones that better expose the various relationships among
the original data items. At the same time, SVD is a method for identifying and ordering the
dimensions along which data points exhibit the most variation. This ties into the third way
of viewing SVD, which is that once we have identified where the most variation is, it's
possible to find the best approximation of the original data points using fewer dimensions.
Hence, SVD can be seen as a method for data reduction.
As said earlier Singular Value Decomposition is a way of factoring matrices into a series of
linear approximations that expose the underlying structure of the matrix. If A is the input
matrix, calculating the SVD consists of finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of AA
A. This yields three matrices U,V & S where the eigenvectors of A
A make up the
columns of V , the eigenvectors of AA
make up the columns of U. and the singular values
in S are square roots of eigenvalues from AA
or A
A. The singular values are the diagonal
entries of the S matrix and are arranged in descending order. The singular values are always
real numbers. If the matrix A is a real matrix, then U and V are also real.
In the factorization, the first principal component is s1, with the largest variance is the linear
combination with T T . We have
1 1
S XW = , where the p-dimensional coefficient vector
1 11 1
( ,...., )
W W W = where
{ }
argmax ,
W Var x w
= (1)
The second PC is the linear combination with the second largest variance and orthogonal to
the first PC, and so on. There are as many PCs as the number of the original variables. PCs
explain most of the variance, so that the rest can be disregarded with minimal loss of
information. Since the variance depends on the scale of the variables, it is customary to first
standardize each variable to have mean zero and standard deviation one. After the
standardization, the original variables with possibly different units of measurement are all
in comparable units.
The mathematical model formulated is given below:
Let A is m X n real matrix and N=A

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition


Fig. 2. Range and Null space of matrix
R denotes the range space and N denotes the null space of a matrix. Rank of A, A
, A
is equal and is denoted by orthonormal basis v
1 i are sought for R

is the rank of R
& u
1 i for




j j
AV S U = (2)
, 1 j
j j j
A U S V = (3)
Advantages of having such a basis are that geometry becomes easy and gives a
decomposition of A into one-ranked matrices. Combining the equations (2) & (3)

U , 1 j
A S V =

If V
is known then ,
( )
j j
1 / S AV
j j j
U S AV = = therefore ,s
0 , choosing s
>0 ,

j j j
AV S U = (5)

j j j
A AV S A U = (6)

2 T
j j j
A AV S V = (7)
j i
S =
j i i
NV V =
is required U
s as orthonormal eigenvectors of N=A
A are found
j i
S = Where
>0 are eigen values corresponding to V
The resulting Ui span the
Eigen subspace. When SVD is applied to the sample set below in figure 3, the corresponding
eigen faces obtained are shown in figure 4. The figure is highlighting the holistic features
from the given sample set.

Fig. 3. Training set example faces




Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 4. Eigen faces from SVD
Basis selection from SVD
If A is the face Space, then x vectors are drawn from [X
] =
UD) Where U & D
are the unitary and diagonal matrices of SVD of A.
5. Linear Discriminant Analysis
Fisher Linear Discriminant also referred as Linear Discriminant Analysis is a classical
pattern recognition method, which was introduced by Fisher (1934). It is a very effective
feature extraction method but facing issues for Small Sample Space problem.
The Dimensionality Reduction technique SVD searches for directions in the data that have
largest variance and subsequently project the data onto it. In this way, one can obtain a lower
dimensional representation of the data, that removes some of the noisy directions. There are
many difficult issues with how many directions one needs to choose. It is an unsupervised
technique and as such does not include label information of the data. For instance, if we
imagine 2 clusters in 2 dimensions, one clusters has y = 1 and the other y = 1. The clusters are
positioned in parallel and very closely together, such that the variance in the total data-set,
ignoring the labels, is in the direction of the clusters. For classification, this would be a terrible
projection, because all labels get evenly mixed and will destroy the useful information.
A much more useful projection is orthogonal to the clusters, i.e. in the direction of least
overall variance, which would perfectly separate the data-cases (obviously, we would still
need to perform classification in this 1-D space).
The conventional solution to misclassification for small sample size problem and large data
set with similar faces is the use of PCA into LDA i.e. fisher faces. PCA is used for
dimensionality reduction and then LDA is performed on the lower dimensional space.
Discriminant analysis often produces models whose accuracy approaches complex modern
methods. The target variable may have two or more categories. The following figure 5
shows a plot of the two categories with the two predictors on orthogonal axes:

Fig. 5. A plot of the two categories with the two predictors on orthogonal axes

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition

A transformation function is found that maximizes the ratio of between-class variance to
within-class variance as illustrated by this figure 6 produced by Ludwig Schwardt and
Johan du Preez:

Fig. 6. Output of applying transformation function
The transformation seeks to rotate the axes so that when the categories are projected on the
new axes, the differences between the groups are maximized. So the question is, how do we
utilize the label information in finding informative projections?
To that purpose Fisher-LDA considers maximizing the following objective:

( )
w S w
J w
w S w
The second use of the term LDA refers to a discriminative feature transform that is optimal
for certain cases [10]. This is what we denote by LDA throughout this paper. In the basic
formulation, LDA finds eigenvectors of matrix

w b

S is the between-class covariance matrix, that is, the covariance matrix of class means.
Sw denotes the within-class covariance matrix, that is equal to the weighted sum of
covariance matrices computed for each class separately.

captures the compactness of

each class, and
S represents the separation of the class means. Thus T captures both. The
eigenvectors corresponding to largest k eigenvalues of T form the rows of the transform
matrix w, and new discriminative features
d are derived from the original ones d simply

k d
d W
The straightforward algebraic way of deriving the LDA transform matrix is both a strength
and a weakness of the method. Since LDA makes use of only second-order statistical
information, covariances, it is optimal for data where each class has a unimodal Gaussian
density with well separated means and similar covariances. Large deviations from these
assumptions may result in sub-optimal features.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Also the maximum rank of
S in this formulation is 1
N where
N the number of
different classes is. Thus basic LDA cannot produce more than 1
N features. This is,
however, simple to remedy by projecting the data onto a subspace orthogonal to the
computed eigenvectors, and repeating the LDA analysis in this space.
However, the classification performance of traditional LDA is often degraded by the fact
that their separability criteria are not directly related to their classification accuracy in the
output space. A solution to the problem is to introduce weighting functions into LDA.
Object classes that are closer together in the output space, and thus can potentially result in
misclassification, should be more heavily weighted in the input space. This idea has been
further extended in with the introduction of the fractional-step linear discriminant analysis
algorithm (F-LDA), where the dimensionality reduction is implemented in a few small
fractional steps allowing for the relevant distances to be more accurately weighted.
Although the method has can be applied on low dimensional patterns it cannot be directly
applied to high-dimensional patterns, such as those face images due to two factors: (1) the
computational difficult of the eigen-decomposition of matrices in the high-dimensional
image space; (2) the degenerated scatter matrices caused by the small sample size, which
widely exists in the FR tasks where the number of training samples is smaller than the
dimensionality of the samples.
The traditional solution to the SSS problem requires the incorporation of a PCA step into the
LDA framework. In this approach, PCA is used as a pre-processing step for dimensionality
reduction so as to discard the null space of the within-class scatter matrix of the training
data set. Then LDA is performed in the lower dimensional PCA subspace. However, it has
been shown that the discarded null space may contain significant discriminatory
information. To prevent this from happening, solutions without a separate PCA step, called
direct LDA (D-LDA) methods have been presented recently. In the D-LDA framework, data
are processed directly in the original high-dimensional input space avoiding the loss of
significant discriminatory information due to the PCA pre-processing step.
Firstly dimensionality of the original input space is lowered by introducing a new variant of
D-LDA that results in a low-dimensional SSS-free subspace where the most discriminatory
features are preserved. The variant of D-LDA utilizes a modified Fishers criterion to avoid a
problem resulting from the wage of the zero eigenvalues of the within-class scatter matrix as
possible divisors. Also, a weighting function is introduced into the variant of D-LDA, so that
a subsequent F-LDA step can be applied to carefully re-orient the SSS-free subspace
resulting in a set of optimal discriminant features for face representation.
The DF-LDA is a linear pattern recognition method. Compared with nonlinear models, a
linear model is rather robust against noises and most likely will not over fit. Although it
has been shown that distribution of face patterns is highly non convex and complex in
most cases, linear methods are still able to provide cost effective solutions to the FR tasks
through integration with other strategies, such as the principle of divide and conquer,
in which a large and nonlinear problem is divided into a few smaller and local linear sub
S and
S denote the between- and within-class scatter matrices of the training
image set, respectively. LDA-like approaches such as the Fisherface method find a set of
basis vectors, denoted by that maximizes the ratio between
S and
S is

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition


( )
( )

The maximization process in (3) is not directly linked to the classification error which is the
criterion of performance used to measure the success of the Face Recognition procedure.
Thus, the weighted between-class scatter matrix can be expressed as:

i i BTW S


( )
( ) ( )
( )
i i i j i i
w L Z Z Z
d =

is the mean of class
Z ,
L is the number of elements in
Z , and

, j i j
d Z Z
is the Euclidean distance between the means of class i and j .
Basis selection from DF-LDA
The set Y vectors are chosen by the equation [y
] =
) Where S
is the
sum of between and within class scatter matrices, U is a diagonal matrix from Eigen values
and vectors. Fisher faces are shown in figure 7 below.

Fig. 7. Fisher Faces from DF-LDA
We can clearly see from fisher faces that more pronounced features are highlighted than the
rest of the face point like hair, eyebrows etc.
6. Locality preserving projections
Different from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis
(LDA) which effectively see only the Euclidean structure of face space, LPP finds an
embedding that preserves local information, and obtains a face subspace that best detects
the essential face manifold structure. The Laplacianfaces are the optimal linear
approximations to the eigen functions of the Laplace Beltrami operator on the face manifold.
In this way, the unwanted variations resulting from changes in lighting, facial expression,
and pose may be eliminated or reduced. Theoretical analysis shows that PCA, LDA and LPP
can be obtained from different graph models. By using Locality Preserving Projections
(LPP), the face images are mapped into a face subspace for analysis.
LPP shares many of the data representation properties of nonlinear techniques such as
Laplacian Eigen maps or Locally Linear Embedding. Yet LPP is linear and more crucially is

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

defined everywhere in ambient space rather than just on the training data points. It builds a
graph incorporating neighborhood information of the data set. Using the notion of the
Laplacian of the graph, transformation matrix is computed which maps the data points to a
This linear transformation optimally preserves local neighborhood information in a certain
sense. The representation map generated by the algorithm may be viewed as a linear
discrete approximation to a continuous map that naturally arises from the geometry of the
manifold. In the meantime, there has been some interest in the problem of developing low
dimensional representations through kernel based techniques for face recognition. These
methods can discover the nonlinear structure of the face images. However, they are
computationally expensive. Moreover, none of them explicitly considers the structure of the
manifold on which the face images possibly reside.
While the Eigen faces method aims to preserve the global structure of the image space, and
the Fisher faces method aims to preserve the discriminating information; our Laplacianfaces
method aims to preserve the local structure of the image space. In many real world
classification problems, the local manifold structure is more important than the global
Euclidean structure, especially when nearest neighbor like classifiers are used for
LPP seems to have discriminating power although it is unsupervised. An efficient subspace
learning algorithm for face recognition should be able to discover the nonlinear manifold
structure of the face space. LPP shares some similar properties to LLE, such as a locality
preserving character. However, their objective functions are totally different. LPP is
obtained by finding the optimal linear approximations to the eigen functions of the Laplace
Beltrami operator on the manifold. LPP is linear, while LLE is nonlinear. Moreover, LPP is
defined everywhere, while LLE is defined only on the training data points and it is unclear
how to evaluate the maps for new test points. In contrast, LPP may be simply applied to any
new data point to locate it in the reduced representation space. LPP seeks to preserve the
intrinsic geometry of the data and local structure.
The objective function of LPP is as follows:

( )
y y S


exp /
x x t
| |

\ .

x x
< (15)
7. Statistical view of LPP
LPP can also be obtained from statistical viewpoint. Suppose the data points follow some
underlying distribution. Let d be the number of non-zero S
, and D be a diagonal matrix
whose entries are column (or row, since S is symmetric) sums of S, D
By the Strong
Law of Large Numbers, E(zz
| ||z||< ) can be estimated from the sample points as

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition

( )
E ZZ z



( ) ( )
i j
i j i j
x x
x x x x

( ) ( )
i j i j ij
i j
x x x x S

, , , ,
i i ij j j ij i j ij j i ij
i j i j i j i j
x x S x x S x x S x x S
| |
= +
\ .

, ,
i i ii i j ij
i j i j
x x D x x S
| |
\ .

( )

= (16)
where L = D S is the Laplacian matrix. The ith column of matrix X is xi.
8. Theoretical analysis of LPP, PCA AND LDA
In this section, we present a theoretical analysis of LPP and its connections to PCA and
8.1 Connections to PCA
It is worthwhile to point out that XLX
is the data covariance matrix, if the Laplacian matrix
L is

1 1
I ee
n n
where n is the number of data points, I is the identity matrix and e is a column vector taking
1 at each entry. In fact, the Laplacian matrix here has the effect of removing the sample
mean from the sample vectors.
In this case, the weight matrix S takes 1/n
at each entry, i.e

1 / , ,
S n i j = (18)
1 /
ii ji
D S n = =


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Hence the Laplacian matrix is

1 1
L D S I ee
n n
= = (20)
Let m denote the sample mean i.e.
1 /
m n x =

we have
1 1
XLX X I ee X
n n
| |
\ .

( )( )
1 1 T
e e
n n

( )( )
1 1 T
i i
x x nm nm
n n

1 1 1 1
( )( )
i i i i
i i i i
x m x m x m mx mm mm
n n n n
= + +

[( )( )] 2 2
E x m x m mm mm = +
[( )( )]
E x m x m = (22)
Where [( )( )] ,
E x m x m is just the covariance matrix of the data set
The above analysis shows that the weight matrix S plays a key role in the LPP algorithm.
When we aim at preserving the global structure, we take (or k) to be infinity and choose
the eigenvectors (of the matrix XLX
) associated with the largest eigenvalues. Hence the
data points are projected along the directions of maximal variance. should be sufficiently
small to preserve the local structure and choose the Eigen vectors associates with smallest
Eigen values.
Hence the data points are projected along the directions preserving locality. It is important
to note that, when (or k) is sufficiently small, the Laplacian matrix is no longer the data
covariance matrix, and hence the directions preserving locality are not the directions of
minimal variance. In fact, the directions preserving locality are those minimizing local
8.2 Connections to LDA
LDA seeks directions that are efficient for discrimination. The projection is found by solving
the generalized Eigen value problem

S w S w = (23)

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition

S and
S are between and within class scatter matrices. Suppose there are l classes.
The i
class contains ni sample points. Let m(i) denote the average vector of the i
class. Let
x(i) denote the random vector associated tothe i
class and ) (i j x denote the j
sample point
in the i
h class. We can rewrite the matrix SW as follows:
) )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
1 1
l i
i i
i i
j j W
i j
S x m x m
| |
| |

\ \ |
= =
\ .

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1
T n
l i T T T
i i i
i i i i i
j j j
i j
x x m m x m m m
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
= +
| | | |
\ . \ . \ . \ . |
= =
\ .
\ .

( ) ( ) ( )
( )
1 1
l i T T
i i i
i j j
i j
n m
x x m
| |
| |
| | | |
| |
\ . \ . |
= =
\ .
\ .

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1
... ...
i i i i T
i i ni ni
X X x x x x
| |
= + + + +
\ .

( )
i i i i i i
X X X e e X
| |
\ .

i i i

i i i
X L X is the data covariance matrix of the ith class and
X = [
( )
X ,
( )
( )
X ,.
( ) i
X ] is a x
d n matrix.
1 /
i i i i
L I n e e = is a x
i i
n n matrix where I is the identity matrix and ( ) 1, 1, 1....1
e is an ni
dimensional vector.
To further simplify the above equation, we define
if x
and x
both belong to the kth class
otherwise, (25)
It is interesting to note that we could regard the matrix W as the weight matrix of a graph
with data points as its nodes. Specifically, Wij is the weight of the edge (xi, xj). W reflects the
class relationships of the data points. The matrix L is thus called graph Laplacian, which plays
key role in LPP.
Similarly, we can compute the matrix SB as follows:
( (
( ) ( )
l T
i i
i B
S n m m m m
| |
| |
. .

1 /


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1 1 1
l l l l
i i i i
m m mm
i i i i
i i i i
n m m n m n m n
| | | | | | | |
| | | | = +
| | | |
= = = = \ . \ . \ . \ .

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1
... ... 2
i i i i T T
ni ni
x x x x nmm nmm
| |
= + + + + +
\ .

( )
( ) ( )
1 , 1
i i T T
j j
n l
x x nmm nmm
i j k
| |
= +
= =
\ .

XWX nmm nmm = +
XWX nmm =
XWX X ee X
| |
\ .

X W ee X
| |
\ .

X W I I ee X
| |
= +
\ .

XLX X I ee X
| |
= +
\ .

XLX C = + (26)
where e = (1,1,,1)
is a n dimensional vector and
C X I ee X
| |
\ .
is the data covariance
Thus, the generalized eigenvector problem of LDA can be written as follows:

S w S w = (27)
( )
C XLX w XLX w =
( ) 1
Cw XLX w = +
XLX w Cw


Thus, the projections of LDA can be obtained by solving the following generalized
eigenvalue problem,

XLX w Cw = (28)

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition

The optimal projections correspond to the eigenvectors associated with the smallest
eigenvalues. If the sample mean of the data set is zero, the covariance matrix is simply XX

which is close to the matrix XDX
in the LPP algorithm. Our analysis shows that LDA
actually aims to preserve discriminating information and global geometrical structure.
Moreover, LDA has a similar form to LPP. However, LDA is supervised while LPP can be
performed in either supervised or unsupervised manner.
8.3 Learning laplacian faces for representation
LPP is a general method for manifold learning. It is obtained by finding the optimal linear
approximations to the eigenfunctions of the Laplace Betrami operator on the manifold.
Therefore, though it is still a linear technique, it seems to recover important aspects of the
intrinsic nonlinear manifold structure by preserving local structure. Based on LPP,
Laplacianfaces method for face representation is a locality preserving subspace. In the
face analysis and recognition problem one is confronted with the difficulty that the matrix
is sometimes singular. This stems from the fact that sometimes the number of
images in the training set (n) is much smaller than the number of pixels in each image (m).
In such a case, the rank of XDX
is at most n, while XDX
is an mm matrix, which
implies that XDX
is singular. To overcome the complication of a singular XDX
, we first
project the image set to a PCA subspace so that the resulting matrix XDX
is nonsingular.
Another consideration of using PCA as preprocessing is for noise reduction. This method,
we call Laplacianfaces, can learn an optimal subspace for face representation and
The algorithmic procedure of Laplacianfaces is formally stated below:
1. PCA projection: We project the image set {xi} into the PCA subspace by throwing away
the smallest principal components.
2. Constructing the nearest-neighbor graph: Let G denote a graph with n nodes. The ith
node corresponds to the face image x
. We put an edge between nodes i and j if x
and x

are close, i.e. xi is among k nearest neighbors of xi or xi is among k nearest neighbors
of x
. The constructed nearest neighbor graph is an approximation of the local manifold
structure. Note that, here we do not use the - neighborhood to construct the graph.
This is simply because it is often difficult to choose the optimal in the real world
applications, while k nearest neighbor graph can be constructed more stably. The
disadvantage is that the k nearest neighbor search will increase the computational
complexity of our algorithm. When the computational complexity is a major concern,
one can switch to the -neighborhood.
3. Choosing the weights: If node i and j are connected, put

i j
x x
S e

where t is a suitable constant. Otherwise, put S
= 0. The weight matrix S of graph G models
the face manifold structure by preserving local structure.
4. Eigenmap: Compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for the generalized eigenvector

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


XLX w XDX w = (30)
where D is a k-dimensional vector. W is the transformation matrix. This linear mapping best
preserves the manifolds estimated intrinsic geometry in a linear sense. The column vectors
of W are the so called Laplacianfaces.
9. Face representation using laplacianfaces
As we described previously, a face image can be represented as a point in image space. A
typical image of size mn describes a point in mn-dimensional image space. However,
due to the unwanted variations resulting from changes in lighting, facial expression, and
pose, the image space might not be an optimal space for visual representation, we have
discussed how to learn a locality preserving face subspace which is insensitive to outlier
and noise. The images of faces in the training set are used to learn such a locality
preserving subspace. The subspace is spanned by a set of eigenvectors of equation (1), i.e.
w0, w1, , wk-1.
Eigenmaps are obtained from the generalized eigenvector problem as ALA
a = ADA
where D is a diagonal matrix whose entries are column or row, since W is symmetric sums
of W, D
= jW
., L = D -W is the Laplacian matrix is equivalent nonlinear Laplace Beltrami
opearator. The ith column of matrix A is xi. Let the column vectors a
; _ _ _ ; a
be the
solutions of equation (), ordered according to their eigenvalues, in ascending order Thus, the
embedding is as follows: yi = E
; E = (a
; a
; _ _ _ ; a
) where y
is a l-dimensional vector,
and E is a n x l matrix.. The y
represent the Laplacian faces.
9.1 Basis selection from LPP
Locality information can be preserved by the following transformation on A, the input face
space [z
. Z
] =
L A) Where L =D-W gives the Laplacian matrix. D is the
diagonal matrix and W is the weight matrix of the K nearest neighbors clustering.
Basis for the face space is obtained as,
1 2 1 2 1 2
[ .... ...... ..... ]
x y z
B X X X Y Y Y Z Z Z =
, such that

x y z + + =

x y z + + =
where M is the dimension of the original face space
9.2 Projection onto reduced subspace
Each face in the training set
can be represented as a linear combination of these vectors,
B , 1 i K such that
i j j
w u

, where
u s are Eigenfaces. These weights are
calculated as:
1 2
[ ... ]
j j i i k
w u w w w = = i.e. the orthogonal projection of a face vector on
each basis vector.

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition


Fig. 8. Laplacian Faces from LPP
10. Independent component analysis
Independent component analysis (ICA) is a statistical method, the goal of which is to
decompose multivariate data into a linear sum of non-orthogonal basis vectors with
coefficients (encoding variables, latent variables, hidden variables) being statistically
ICA generalizes a widely-used subspace analysis method such as principal component
analysis (PCA) and factor analysis, allowing latent variables to be non-Gaussian and basis
vectors to be non-orthogonal in general. ICA is a density estimation method where a
linear model is learned such that the probability distribution of the observed data is best
captured, while factor analysis aims at best modeling the covariance structure of the
observed data.
The ICA model is a generative model, which means that it describes how the observed
data are generated by a process of mixing the components si. The independent
components are latent variables, meaning that they cannot be directly observed. Also the
mixing matrix is assumed to be unknown. All we observe is the random vector X, and we
must estimate both A and S using it. This must be done under as general assumptions as
possible. The starting point for ICA is the very simple assumption that the components S

are statistically independent. It will be seen below that we must also assume that the
independent component must have nongaussian distributions. However, in the basic
model we do not assume these distributions known (if they are known, the problem is
considerably simplified.) For simplicity, we are also assuming that the unknown mixing
matrix is square, but this assumption can be sometimes relaxed. Then, after estimating the
matrix A, we can compute its inverse, say W, and obtain the independent component
simply by: s=Wx
ICA is very closely related to the method called blind source separation (BSS) or blind signal
separation. A source means here an original signal, i.e. independent component, like the
speaker in a cocktail party problem. Blind means that we know very little, if anything, on
the mixing matrix, and make little assumptions on the source signals. ICA is one method,
perhaps the most widely used, for performing blind source separation.
The task of ICA is to estimate the mixing matrix A or its inverse W = A
such that elements
of the estimate y = A
x =Wx are as independent as possible. For the sake of simplicity, we
often leave out the index t if the time structure does not have to be considered.
PCA makes one important assumption: the probability distribution of input data must be
Gaussian. When this assumption holds, covariance matrix contains all the information of
(zero-mean) variables. Basically, PCA is only concerned with second-order (variance)
statistics. The mentioned assumption need not be true. If we presume that face images have

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

more general distribution of probability density functions along each dimension, the
representation problem has more degrees of freedom. In that case PCA would fail because
the largest variances would not correspond to meaningful axes of PCA.
(t) = a
(t) +a
(t) + a
(t) + a
(t) ... (33)
Here, i =1:4.
In vector-matrix notation, and dropping index t, this is
x A s = (34)

s A x

= (35)
s W x = (36)


= (37)

Fig. 9. Mixture Matrix forming face

Fig. 10. Different Principal Component(PC) directions & PCA vs. ICA Projections

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition


Fig. 11. x=As (Blind Source Separation)

Fig. 12. Construction of face from Basis

Fig. 13. Basis Images from ICA
11. Random projections
There has been a strong trend lately in face processing research away from geometric
models towards appearance models. Appearance-based methods employ dimensionality
reduction to represent faces more compactly in a low-dimensional subspace which is found
by optimizing certain criteria. Recently, Random Projection (RP) has emerged as a powerful

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

method for dimensionality reduction. It represents a computationally simple and efficient
method that preserves the structure of the data without introducing significant distortion.
( )
log / n dimensional subspace such that the distances between the points are
approximately preserved.

to a lower dimension d, with d<<p via the following transformation:

i i
R =
where R is orthonormal and its columns are realizations of independent and
identically distributed (i.i.d.) zero-mean normal variables, scaled to have unit length. RP is
motivated by the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma that states that a set of M points in a high
Euclidean space can be mapped down onto a
( )
/ log n d
dimensional subspace
such that the distances between the points are approximately preserved.
The main reason for orthogonalizing the random vectors is to preserve the similarities
between the original vectors in the low-dimensional space. In high enough dimensions,
however, it is possible to save computation time by avoiding the orthogonalization step
without affecting much the quality of the projection matrix. This is due to the fact that, in
high-dimensional spaces, there exist a much larger number of almost orthogonal vectors
than orthogonal vectors. Thus, high-dimensional vectors having random directions are very
likely to be close to orthogonal.
12. Mixture of components
One can use different ratios of feature vectors drawn from SVD, DF-LDA & LPP Techniques.
The first step can be normalizing the images in the training set to compensate for the
illumination effects. These processed images should be subjected to dimensionality
reduction using each of the methods mentioned in the chapter. Basis selection can be carried
out using these independent sets of dimension reduced vectors in different proportions
aimed at enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of recognition task. Below is a sample
example mentioned with two trials, one with for 1/3
dimensionality reduction and
another with 2/3
reduction. In each of the trials, several iterations are performed by taking
different combinations of the feature vectors. The iterations will converge when the desired
precision of recognition rate is obtained.
12.1 Example
12.1.1 Preprocessing
The Face Space: For the recognition task , each m X n I
image in the training set is
transformed into a column vector of mn components. A matrix S (mn X M) is constructed
such that S =[ I
2 . . .
] , where M is number of face images in training set It is found that
all N vectors are linearly independent, which implies that the range space of matrix S is the
entire region spanned by the columns of S. i.e Range space of S R(S)=[ S]
Normalization: Normalize the images ,to reduce illumination effects and lighting conditions

( )

+ = X Ai

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition

For i=1,2,3.., M

j i


= =
1 1
1 1
i A


( ) 2

i j i


= =

2 2
2 2
1 1
i A

12.1.2 Basis selection
Recognition Task: Unknow probeface is normalized () and projected on to the subspace to
get weight for the probe image
j i
u w
Euclidean Distance measure is used in
classification given by
i r
e = min
. And if <
e where is a threshold chosen
heuristically, then we the probe image is recognized as the image with which it gives the
lowest score. If however
then the probe does not belong to the database.
Deciding on the Threshold: A set of 150 known images other than the ones in the data set is
used in the computation of threshold given by + = . Where,



( )

2 2

I is chosen according to level of precision required in the results. x

The method of choosing right combination of right proportion of feature vectors has been
applied on a large database consisting of a variety of still images with illumination,
expression variations as well as partially occluded images. The ratio 3:2:5:: SVD:DF-
LDA:LPP has yielded highest accuracy in recognition. The example is tried on a total test set
of 165 images drawn from YALE dataset and the training set consisting 15 classes having a
class count of five images.
An ROC graph is plotted to visualize and analyze the working of face recognition
efficiency. It is a two dimensional graph in which TP rate, true positive rate, is plotted on
the Y axis and FP rate, false positive rate, is plotted on the X axis. Given a set of test
images a two by two contingency table is constructed representing the dispositions of the
set of images.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


(no. of vectors)
(no. of vectors)
(no. of vectors)
(in %)
15 5 5 80.00
5 5 15 81.21
8 9 8 81.81
15 5 15 87.27
5 15 5 81.21
Table 1. Iterations for subspace of dimension M/3

Graph No. True Positive False Negative False Positive True Negative
1 122 28 5 10
2 123 27 4 11
3 125 15 5 10
4 132 18 3 12
5 122 28 3 12
Table 2. Comparative results with Iteration Trial of M/3

Fig. 14. ROCs Indicating the True Positive VS False Positive for M/3

(no. of vectors)
(no. of vectors)
(no. of vectors)
(in %)
30 10 10 84.24
10 10 30 85.45
20 15 15 86.67
25 15 10 84.84
15 10 25 92.12
Table 3. Iterations for subspace of dimension 2M/3

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition

Graph No. True Positive False Negative False Positive True Negative
1 129 21 5 10
2 132 18 4 11
3 133 17 5 10
4 128 32 4 11
5 140 10 3 12
Table 4. Comparative results with Iterartion Trial of M/3

Fig. 15. ROCs Indicating the True Positive VS False Positive for 2M/3
13. Conclusion
In this chapter several linear and non linear dimensionality reduction techniques were
discussed from the perspective of face recognition. Since the face images contain several
characteristic features both global and local, using any one method alone may not yield
better recognition accuracy. It may be good to have combinations of the basis vectors from
several approaches to achieve higher accuracy. Underlying manifold structure in image
space will get face subspace and is possible with LPP, ICA methods. More pronounced
features can be drawn from the space in case of LDA based algorithms. Random and PCA
projections give appearance models which are holistic in nature.
Future of face recognition can also look at increase in dimension like depth information
for recognition purposes. Algorithmic models should aim at addressing scale invariance
feature vectors which can hopefully solve recognition task even under extreme variations in
The approach to face recognition was motivated by information theory, leading to the idea
of basing face recognition on a small set of image features that best approximate the set of
known face images, without requiring that they correspond to our intuitive notions of facial
parts and features. The approach does provide a practical solution to the problem of face
recognition and is relatively simple and has been shown that it can work well in a

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

constrained environment. Anecdotal experimentation with acquired image sets indicates
that profile size, complexion, ambient lighting and facial angle play significant parts in the
recognition of a particular image.
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Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Santosh S. Vempala ,The Random Projection Method,DIMACS 5
Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods,Digital Image Processing 2
Face and Automatic Target Recognition Based
on Super-Resolved Discriminant Subspace
Widhyakorn Asdornwised
Department of Electrical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
1. Introduction
Recently, super-resolution reconstruction (SRR) method of low-dimensional face subspaces
has been proposed for face recognition. This face subspace, also known as eigenface, is
extracted using principal component analysis (PCA). One of the disadvantages of the
reconstructed features obtained from the super-resolution face subspace is that no class
information is included. To remedy the mentioned problem, at first, this chapter will be
discussed about two novel methods for super-resolution reconstruction of discriminative
features, i.e., class-specific and discriminant analysis of principal components; that aims on
improving the discriminant power of the recognition systems. Next, we discuss about two-
dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA), also refered to as image PCA. We suggest
new reconstruction algorithm based on the replacement of PCA with 2DPCA in extracting
super-resolution subspace for face and automatic target recognition. Our experimental
results on Yale and ORL face databases are very encouraging. Furthermore, the performance
of our proposed approach on the MSTAR database is also tested.
In general, the fidelity of data, feature extraction, discriminant analysis, and classification
rule are four basic elements in face and target recognition systems. One of the efficacies of
recognition systems could be improved by enhancing the fidelity of the noisy, blurred, and
undersampled images that are captured by the surveillance imagers. Regarding to the
fidelity of data, when the resolution of the captured image is too small, the quality of the
detail information becomes too limited, leading to severely poor decisions in most of the
existing recognition systems. Having used super-resolution reconstruction algorithms (Park
et al., 2003), it is fortunately to learn that a high-resolution (HR) image can be reconstructed
from an undersampled image sequence obtained from the original scene with pixel
displacements among images. This HR image is then used to input to the recognition system
in order to improve the recognition performance. In fact, super-resolution can be considered
as the numerical and regularization study of the ill-conditioned large scale problem given to
describe the relationship between low-resolution (LR) and HR pixels (Nguyen et al., 2001).
On the one hand, feature extraction aims at reducing the dimensionality of face or target
image so that the extracted feature is as representative as possible. On the other hand,
super-resolution aims at visually increasing the dimensionality of face or target image.
Having applied super-resolution methods at pixel domain (Lin et al., 2005; Wagner et al.,
2004), the performance of face and target recognition applicably increases. However, with
the emphases on improving computational complexity and robustness to registration error

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

and noise, the continuing research direction of face recognition is now focusing on using
eigenface super-resolution (Gunturk et al., 2003; Jia & Gong, 2005; Sezer et al., 2006).
The essential idea of eigen-domain based super-resolution using 2D eigenface instead of the
conventional 1D eigenface is to overcome the three major problems in face recognition
system, i.e., the curse of dimensionality, the prohibited computing processing of the singular
value decomposition at visually improved high-quality image, and natural structure and
correlation breaking in the original data.
In Section 2, the basic of super-resolution for low-dimensional framework is briefly
explained. Then, discriminant approaches are detailed in Section 3 with the purpose of
increasing the discrimination power of the eigen-domain based super-resolution. In Section
4, the implement of the two dimensional eigen-domain based super-resolution is addressed.
We also discuss the possibility of the extension of two dimensional eigen-domain based
super-resolution with discriminant information in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 provides the
experimental results on the Yale and ORL face databases and MSTAR non-face database.
2. Eigenface-domain super-resolution
The fundamental of the super-resolution for in low-dimensional face subspace is formulated
here. The important of the image super-resolution model and its eigenface-domain based
reconstruction is that they can be used for practical extensions of one- and two-dimensional
super-resolved discriminant face subspaces in the next sections, respectively.
2.1 Image super-resolution model
According to the numerically computational SRR framework (Nguyen et al., 2001), the
relationship between an HR image and a set of LR images can be formulated in matrix form
as follows:
, 1
k k k k k
D B E k p = + f x n

where p is the number of available frame,
f and x are vectors extracted from the k
image frame and HR image in lexicographical order, respectively, and D is the down-
sampling operator, B is the blurring or averaging operator, and E
is the affine transform,
and n
is noise of the frame k, respectively.
Thus, we can reformulate (1) as

1 1 1 1 1
p p p p p

= +

f n
f n


k k k
H = +
= +
f x n
f Hx n

The above equation can be solved as an inverse problem with a regularization term, or

= +
T T 1
x H (HH I) f .


Face and Automatic Target Recognition Based on Super-Resolved Discriminant Subspace

It should be noted that the matrix H is a very large sparse matrix. As a result, the analytic
solution of x is very hard to find. One of the popular methods used for finding the solution
of this kind of the inverse problem is by using conjugate gradient method.
2.1 Reconstruction algorithm
Common preprocessing step used for pattern recognition and in compression schemes is
dimensionality reduction of data. In image analysis, PCA is one of the popular methods
used for dimensionality reduction. Let be an optimal eigenface that removes the
redundancy by decorrelating the image data x. The optimal eigenfaces are coded in its
columns. Face image x is assumed to be vectored. Thus, the optimal image representation of
x can be written as

= + x a e ,

where a is the 1 L dimensional feature that represents x, and e
is its representation error.
Given that is the
2 2
N L matrix that contains eigenfaces of the k
LR image frame,
where the scaling resolution factor is within the range 0 to 1 and N is the total face image
pixels. We can formulate the low-resolution image representation as

k k f
= + f a e .

By substituting (5) and (6) in (3), we obtain

k f k k x k
H H + = + + a e a e n .

= e

= .

It is easy to derive the following equation

k k k x k
H H = + + a a e n .

By considering the second and third terms as the observation noise with Gaussian
distribution (Gunturk et al., 2003), we can obtain

k k k
= + a a ,


k k x k
H = + e n ,


k k
H = .


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Without loss of generality, we can numerically solve for the true super-resolution feature
vector at the eigen-domain level as in (5), or

= +
T T 1
a ( I) a ,

where is the regularization term. In particular, we introduce the notation p in (14) in order
to differentiate the PCA-domain based super-resolution approach (Gunturk et al., 2003)
from our proposed approaches which will be presented in the upcoming sections,

p p p p p

= +
a ( I) a .

3. Discriminant face subspaces
PCA and its eigenface extension are constructed around the criteria of preserving the data
distribution. Hence, it is well suited for face representation and reconstruction from the
projected face feature. However, it is not an efficient classification method because the
between classes relationship has been neglected. Here, we discuss on the possibilities that
how we can embed discriminant information into eigenface-domain based super-resolution.
3.1 Face-specific subspace super-resolution
As widely known, the eigen-domain based face recognition methods use the subspace
projections that do not consider class label information. The eigenface's criterion chooses the
face subspace (coordinates) as the function of data distribution that yields the maximum
covariance of all sample data. In fact, the coordinates that maximize the scatter of the data
from all training samples might not be so adequate to discriminate classes. In recognition
task, a projection is always preferred to include discrimination information between classes.
One of the extensions of eigenface, called face-specific subspace (FSS) (Shan, 2003), is
proposed as an alternative feature extraction method to include class information for face
recognition application. According to FSS, each reduced dimensional basis of class-specific
subspace (CSS) is learned from the training samples of the same class. Actually, each
individual set of CSS optimally represents the data within its own class with negligible
error. As a result, large representation error occurs, when the input data is projected and
then reconstructed using a reduced set with less maximum covariance coordinates (or
equivalently, using a set of principal components that does not belong to the input class).
This way, by using reconstruction error obtained from projection-reconstruction process
between classes, also called distance from CSS (DFCSS), a new metric can be suitably used
as the distance for classifying the input data. In other words, the smaller the DFCSS is, the
higher the probability that the input data belongs to the corresponding class will be. Similar
work based on FSS (Belhumeur, 1997) attacking wide attentions in face recognition society is
also published recently.
The original face-specific subspace (FSS) was proposed to manipulate the conventional
eigenface in order to improve the recognition performance. According to FSS, the difference
between FSS and the traditional method is that the covariance matrix of the p
class is
individually evaluated from training samples of the p
class. Thus, the p
FSS is represented
as a 4-tuple, i.e., the projection matrix, the mean of the p
class, the eigenvalues of
covariance matrix, and the dimension of the p
CSS. For identification, the input sample is

Face and Automatic Target Recognition Based on Super-Resolved Discriminant Subspace

projected using all CSSs and then reconstruct by those CSSs. If reconstruction error which
obtained from the p
CSS is minimum then the input sample is belong to the p
class, also
called distance from CSS (DFCSS).
There are many advantages of using CSS in face and target recognition. For example, the
transformation matrices are trained from samples within their own classes, thus it is more
optimum (using fewer components) to represent each sample in its own class than a
transformation matrix trained by samples in all classes. Additionally, since DFCSS is the
distance between the original image and its reconstruction image obtained from CSS, the
memory space needed is only for storing the C transformation matrices, where C is the
number of classes. This is far less than the conventional subspace methods, where we need
to store both a single all-classes transformation matrix and also its prototypes (a large set of
feature vectors calculated for all training samples). Moreover, the number of distance
calculation in CSS is less than the number of distance calculation in conventional methods,
since the number of classes is usually less than the number of training samples.
By combining super-resolution reconstruction approach with class-specific idea, a new
method for face and automatic target recognition is proposed.
3.2 Discriminant analysis of principal components
The PCA's criterion chooses the subspace as the function of data probability distribution
while linear discriminant analysis (LDA) chooses the subspace which yields maximal inter-
class distance, and at the same time, keeping the intra-class distance small. In general, LDA
extracts features which are better suitable for classification task. Both techniques intend to
project the vector representing face image onto lower dimensional subspace, in which each
2D face image matrix must be first transformed into vector and then a collection of the
transformed face vectors are concatenated into a matrix.
The PCA and LDA implementation causes three major problems in pattern recognition. First
of all, the covariance matrix, which collects the feature vectors with high dimension, will
lead to curse of dimensionality. It will further cause the very demanding computation both in
terms of memory and time. Secondly, the spatial structure information could be lost when
the column-stacking vectorization and image resize are applied. Finally, especially in face
recognition task, the available number of training samples is relatively small compared to
the feature dimension, so the covariance matrix which estimated by these features trends to
be singular, which is addressed ased singularity problem or small sample zize (SSS) problem.
Especially, as a supervised technique, LDA has a tendency to overfitting because of the SSS
Various solutions have been proposed for solving the SSS problem. Among these LDA
extensions, Fisherface and the discriminant analysis of principal components framework
(Zhao, 1998) demonstrate a significant improvement when applying LDA over principal
components subspace. Since both PCA and LDA can overcome the drawbacks of each other.
It has also been noted that LDA faces two certain drawbacks when directly applied to the
original input space. First of all, some non-face information such as image background has
been regarded by LDA as the discriminant information. This causes misclassification when
the face of the same subject is presented on different background. Secondly, the within-class
scatter matrix trends to be singular when SSS problem has occurred. Projecting the high
dimensional input space into low dimensional subspace via PCA first can solve the
shortcomings of the LDA problems. In other words, class information should be included to
PCA by incorporating LDA.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

3.2.1 Proposed reconstruction algorithm
Here, we can obtain a linear projection which maps the HR input image x first into the face
subspace, and finally into the classification space z. Thus, we can modify the equation (5) to

z dp x z
= + + x Wa e e ,

W is the optimal discrimination projection obtained from solving the generalized
eigenvalue problem:

z z
B w
S W S W ,

S ,
S are the between-class and within-class scatter matrices, respectively. Similarly, we
can find the optimal discriminant project of the LR image frame
W , by little manipulating
on (16)-(17) with corresponding LR images.
With little manipulations, we can reconstruct discriminant analysis of principal components
based super-resolution as

dp dp dp dp dp

= +
a ( I) a ,


lp z z
W HW ,


z k
= + +
He He n . (20)
4. Two-dimensional eigen-domain based super-resolution
Recently, Yang (Yang et al., 2004) proposed an original technique called two-dimensional
principal component analysis (2DPCA), in which the image covariance matrix is computed
directly on image matrices so the spatial structure information can be preserved. One of the
benefits of this method is that the dimension of the covariance matrix just equals to the
width of the face image or the height in case of 2DPCA variant. This size is much smaller
than the size of covariance matrix estimated in PCA. Therefore, the image covariance matrix
can be better estimated with full rank in case of few training examples, like in face
We now consider linear projection of the form
= +
x v e ,

where x represents any face image in its original matrix form, { }
, ,
, be the d largest
eigenvectors that can be form to be ,and v is the projected HR feature of this image on
, called principal component matrix. The criterion used for obtaining the eigenvectors in
(21) has been descriptively shown in Yang and Sanguangsat (Yang et al., 2004;
Sanguangsat, 2006).

Face and Automatic Target Recognition Based on Super-Resolved Discriminant Subspace

4.1 Alternative image super-resolution model
LR and HR images can be simply related as (Vijay, 2008)
, 1
k k k k
L R k p = + f x n


where p is the number of available frame;
L ,
R are downsampling matrices, and

, x are
image matrices from the k
LR image frame and HR image, respectively. It should be
noted that two-dimensional Gaussian blur can be represented by using together the two
L and
R . An extension to downsampling and affine transform can also be easily
conducted by placing the elements of the matrices properly (Gsmooth, n.d.). It should
also be noted that both the input LR and HR image are represented in its original matrix
form. We do not transform the LR and HR images to be vectors in lexicography order as
in (1).
4.2 Proposed reconstruction algorithm

k k k k x k k
L R L R + = + + v e v e n


where { }
, ,
, be the d largest eigenvectors that can be form to be ,and

v is the
projected LR feature of the image on .
Without loss of generality,
= e

= .

It is easy to derive the following equation

k k k k x k k
L R L R = + + v v e n .

It should be noted that

v is a feature matrix, unlike

a which is a feature vector. Thus, it
is a little more complicated to solve the inverse problem for super-resolution feature
v . By applying vector operator as presented in Kumar and Schott (Kumar, 2008;
Schott, 2005),
(26) can be rewritten as

k k k
= + ,


( )
k k
vec = v , ( )
vec = v ,
k k k
R L = and ( )
k k x k k
vec L R = + e n . Here is
Kronecker operator. This way, we can solve for the two-dimensional feature matrix at the
eigen-domain level similarly to (15) and (18), or

= +
T T 1
( I) , (28)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

where is the regularization term. Thus, after we convert back to matrix, we will obtain
the desired super-resolution feature matrix.
5. Extensions to two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis of principal
component matrix
Similarly to PCA, 2DPCA is more suitable for face representation than face recognition. For
better performance in recognition task, LDA is necessary. Unfortunately, the linear
transformation of 2DPCA reduces only the size of rows. However, if we apply LDA directly
to 2DPCA, the number of the rows still equals to the height of original image. As a result,
we are still facing the singular problem in LDA. Thus, a modified LDA, called two-
dimensional linear discriminant analysis (2DLDA), based on the 2DPCA concept is proposed to
overcome the SSS problem. Applying 2DLDA to 2DPCA not only can solve the SSS problem
and the curse of dimensionality dilemma but also allows us to work directly on the image
matrix in all projections. This way, the spatial structure information is still maintained.
Moreover, the SSS problem has been remedy since the size of all scatter matrices cannot be
greater than the width of face image. Our research group (Sanguangsat, 2006) are the first
group that focus on the extension of discriminant analysis of principal component of Section
3.1 by two-dimensional projection, called two-dimensional linear discriminant of principal
component matrix
6. Experimental results
Having assumed that we can perfectly obtain the information regarding to frame to frame
motion, hence we can use these information to form the proper super-resolution matrix
equation in (5). In our experiment settings, evaluation images were shifted by a uniform
random integer, blurred with 4 4 Gaussian point spreading function with standard
deviation 1, and downsampled by a factor of four to produce 16 low-resolution images for
each high-resolution image. Using 9 (preselected) out of 16 complete set of frames of each
image, we can construct the super-resolution subspaces and also super-resolution images,
respectively. Our super-resolution subspace approach is then compared with pixel-domain
super-resolution approach using the class-specific subspace for face and automatic target
recognition. Here, we conduct and show experiments according to the algorithm proposed
in Subsection 3.1 only. Ongoing experiments on the other reconstruction algorithms, i.e.,
discriminant analysis of principal components, two-dimensional eigenface-domain based super-
resolution, and 2DLDA of 2DPCA, are conducting. Essentially, we expect very encouraging
the recognition results.
6.1 Evaluation databases
Eigenface-domain super-resolution method is used as the baseline for comparison based on
the well-known Yale and AR face databases (Yale, 1997; Martinez, 1998) and MSTAR non-
face database (Center, 1997), respectively.
6.1.1 Yale database
The Yale database contains 165 images of 15 subjects. There are 11images per subject, one for
each of the following facial expressions or configurations: center-light, with glasses, happy,

Face and Automatic Target Recognition Based on Super-Resolved Discriminant Subspace

left-light, without glasses, normal, right-light, sad, sleepy, surprised, and wink. All sample
images of one person from the Yale database are shown in Fig. 1. Each image was manually
cropped and resized to 100 80 pixels. In all experiments, the five image samples
(centerlight, glasses, happy, leftlight, and noglasses) are used for training, and the six
remaining images (normal, rightlight, sad, sleepy, surprise and wink) for test.

Fig. 1. The sample images of one subject in the Yale database

Fig. 2. The sample images of one subject in the AR database
6.1.2 AR database
The AR face database was created by Aleix Martinez and Robert Benavente in the Computer
Vision Center (CVC) at the U.A.B. It contains over 4,000 color images corresponding to 126
people's faces (70 men and 56 women). Images feature frontal view faces with different
facial expressions, illumination conditions, and occlusions (sun glasses and scarf). The
pictures were taken at the CVC under strictly controlled conditions. No restrictions on wear
(clothes, glasses, etc.), make-up, hair style, etc. were imposed to participants. Each person
participated in two sessions, separated by two weeks (14 days) time. The same pictures were
taken in both sessions.
In our experiments, only 14 images without occlusions (sun glasses and scarf) are used for
each subject, as shown in Fig. 2. All images were manually cropped and resized to
112 92 pixels, and then convert to 256 level gray scale images. The first five images per
subject are used to train, and the remaining images to test.
6.1.3 MSTAR database
The MSTAR public release data set contains high resolution synthetic aperture radar data
collected by the DARPA/Wright laboratory Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and
Recognition (MSTAR) program. The data set contains SAR images with size 128 128 of
three difference types of military vehicles, i.e., BMP2 armored personal carriers (APCs),
BTR70 APCs, and T72 tanks. The sample images from the MSTAR database are shown in
Fig. 3. Because the MSTAR database is large, at this time, all images were centrally cropped
to 32 32 pixels for evaluation purpose.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 3. Sample SAR images of MSTAR database: the upper row is BMP2 APCs, the middle
row is BTR70 APCs, and the lower row is T72 tank.
Tables 1 and 2 detail the training and testing sets, where the depression angle means the
look angle pointed at the target by the antenna beam at the side of the aircraft. Based on the
different depression angles SAR images acquired at different times, the testing set can be
used as a representative sample set of the SAR images of the targets for testing the
recognition performance.

Vehicle No. Serial No. Depression Angle Images

BTR-70 1 C71 17

Table 1. MSTAR images comprising training set

Vehicle No. Serial No. Depression Angle Images

BTR-70 1 C71 15

Table 2. MSTAR images comprising testing set
6.2 Class-specific subspace results
The class-specific super-resolution images reconstructed for classification with pixel-domain
and eigen-domain based approaches are shown in Fig. 4 and 5, respectively. The first images

Face and Automatic Target Recognition Based on Super-Resolved Discriminant Subspace

in the first column are the input testing images. The images from the second to the sixth
columns are corresponding to the class-specific super-resolution reconstruction obtained
from the corresponding five different set of class-specific eigenfaces. Here, we show five
class-specific units. Thus, five reconstructed images are obtained from each input image.
Image with least error at i
class-specific unit will be identified to i
class. It should be noted
that the images reconstructed using pixel-domain based super-resolution approach give us
good perceptual view. However, as shown for eigen-domain based approach, the fourth and
fifth input images also give us good perceptual views, while others give comparable
reconstruction results. Thus, the reconstruction images based on class-specific super-
resolution subspace are more dependent to its corresponding eigen-vectors.

Fig. 4. Samples of class-specific pixel-domain based super-resolution reconstruction images

Fig. 5. Samples of class-specific eigen-domain based super-resolution reconstruction images

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

BMP-2 BTR-70 T-72

BMP-2 526 0 61 89.61
BTR-70 103 0 93 0
T-72 19 0 563 96.74
Average - - - 79.78
Table 3. The pixel-domain super-resolution based class-specific subspace method:
Recognition test of a three class problem for 32 x 32 images.

BMP-2 BTR-70 T-72

BMP-2 526 0 61 89.61
BTR-70 116 0 80 0
T-72 41 0 541 92.96
Average - - - 78.17
Table 4. Our proposed method: Recognition test of a three class problem for 32 x 32 images.

Database Pixel-Domain Eigen-Domain
Yale 88.56 81.11
AR 88.00 87.50
MSTAR 79.78 78.17
Table 5. Comparison Results for 32 x 32 images.
Table 3 and 4 show the confusion matrices of the MSTAR target recognition. As shown in
Table 5, the performance of the pixel-domain based super-resolution method is slightly
better than our proposed method. However, our method is greatly benefits in term of
computation. Additionally, we can derive principal component coefficients of the face
databases using simple matrix inversion of very small size, which is 36 36 only. This is
because of the reason we use inner product approach to calculate the PCA coefficients. Thus,
our algorithm is far faster than implementing super-resolution at pixel-domain. In pixel-
domain based super-resolution approach, they have to solve a very large and sparse matrix
using conjugate gradient method. In the MSTAR database, we found that the class 2 target
cannot be recognized at all. This may be because the size of the low-resolution test image is
too small. If we increase the size of the test images to 48 48 or larger, we think that we can
have better recognition accuracy.
7. Conclusion
In this chapter we have conducted experiments on face and automatic target recognition by
focusing on the eigenface-domain based super-resolution implementations. We have also
presented an extensive literature survey on the subject of more advanced and/or
discriminant eigenface subspaces. From our discussion, several new super-resolution
reconstruction algorithms have been proposed here.

Face and Automatic Target Recognition Based on Super-Resolved Discriminant Subspace

In particular, several new eigenface-domain super-resolution algorithms are suggested as
1. Class-specific face subspace based super-resolution is proposed in Subsection 3.1
2. Equation (18) is used for including discriminant analysis of principal components for
extracting face feature for eigenface-domain super-resolution
3. Equation (28) is used for two-dimensional eigenface-domain super-resolution
4. Two-dimensional eigenface in Equation (28) is proposed to be replaced by two-
dimensional linear discriminant analysis of principal component matrix
Current research in face and automatic target recognition is yet to utilize the full potential of
these techniques. During preparing this chapter, we have just realized that there many
aspects of studies and comparisons that should be conducted to gain more understanding
on the variants of the eigenface-domain based super-resolution. For example, recognition
accuracy should be compared between majority-voting using multiple low-resolution
eigenfaces VS one super-resolved eigenface. This way, we can relate a set of LR face
recognition with multiple classifier system. Furthermore, all of the proposed algorithms use
a two-stage approach, that is, dimensionality reduction is first implemented, after that the
super-resolution enhancement is performed. It may be a little more encouraging if we can
further conduct the study on joint dimensionality reduction-resolution enhancement. This idea is
quite similar to joint source-channel coding, which is a very popular approach studied for
transmitting data over network. Evidently, we are thinking about computing certain desired
eigenfaces and then super-resolve the computed eigenfaces on the fry. This approach trends
to be quite a more biological plausible.
8. Acknowledgments
The MSTAR data sets provided through the Center for Imaging Science, John Hopkin
University, under the contact ARO DAAH049510494. This work was partially supported by
the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) under grant number: MRG 5080427.
9. References
Park, S. C.; Park, M. K. & Kang, M. G. (2003). Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction: A
Technical Overview. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 20, pp. 21-36
Nguyen, N.; Milanfar, P. & Golub, G. H (2001). A Computationally Efficient Image Super-
Resolution Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Image Proc., Vol. 4, pp. 573-583
Lin, F.; Cook, J.; Chandran, V. & Sridharan, S. (2005). Face Recognition from Super-Resolved
Images, ISSPA, Australia, August 2005
Wagner, R.; Waagen, D. & Cassabaum, M. (2004). Image Super-Resolution for Improved
Automatic Target Recognition, SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, Orlando,
USA, April 2004
Gunturk, B. K.; Batur, A. U.; Altunbasak, Y.; Hayes, M. H. & Mersereau, R. M. (2003).
Eigenface-Domain Super-Resolution for Face Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern
Anal. and Mach. Intell., Vol. 12, pp. 597-606
Jia, K. & Gong, S. (2005). Multi-Modal Tensor Face for Simultaneous Super-Resolution and
Recognition, Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer
Vision (ICCV), pp. 1683-1690, Washington, DC, USA, 2005

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Sezer, O.G.; Altunbasak, Y. & Ercil, A. (2006). Face Recognition with Independent
Component-based Super-Resolution, Proc. of SPIE: Visual Communications and
Image Processing, Vol. 6077, 2006
Shan, S.; Gao, W. & Zhao, D. (2003). Face Recognition based on Face-Specific Subspace.
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol.13, No.1, pp.23-32
Belhumeur, P. N.; Hespanha, J. P. & Kriegman, D. J. (1997). Eigenface vs. Fisherfaces:
Recognition using Class Specific Linear Projection, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal.
Machine Intell, Vol.19 (May 1997), pp.711-720
Zhao, W.; Chellappa, R. & Krishnaswamy, A. (1998) Discriminant Analysis of Principal
Components for Face Recognition, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International
Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), pp. 336-341, Nara, Japan, 14-16
April 1998
Yang, J.; Zhang, D.; Frangi, A.F. & Yang, J. yu (2004) Two-dimensional PCA: A New
Approach to Appearance-Based Face Representation and Recognition. IEEE Trans.
Pattern Anal. and Mach. Intell., Vol.26, pp.131-137, Jan. 2004.
Sanguansat, P.; Asdornwised, W.; Jitapunkul, S. & Marukatat, S. (2006).Two-Dimensional
Linear Discriminant Analysis of Principle Component Vectors for Face Recognition.
IEICE Transaction on Information and System: Special Issue on Machine Vision
Applications, Vol. E89- D, No. 7, pp. 2164-2170
Vijay Kumar, B. G. & Aravind, R. (2008). A 2D Model for Face Superresolution. Proceedings
of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 14,
Tampa, Florida, USA, 2008
Gsmooth (n.d.). Gaussian Smoothing. Available from
Schott, J. R. (2005), Matrix Analysis for Statistics, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-66983-0,
New Jersey, USA
Yale University (1997). The Yale Face Database. Available from
Martinez, A. & Benavente, R. (1998). The AR Face Database. Available from
The Center for Imaging Science (CIS) (1997). DARPA Moving and Stationary Target
Recognition Program (MSTAR). Available from
Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single
Sample per Person Based Face Recognition
Milo Oravec, Jarmila Pavloviov, Jn Mazanec,
ubo Omelina, Matej Fder and Jozef Ban
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
1. Introduction
Even for the present-day computer technology, the biometric recognition of human face is
a difficult task and continually evolving concept in the area of biometric recognition. The
area of face recognition is well-described today in many papers and books, e.g. (Delac et al.,
2008), (Li & Jain, 2005), (Oravec et al., 2010). The idea that two-dimensional still-image face
recognition in controlled environment is already a solved task is generally accepted and
several benchmarks evaluating recognition results were done in this area (e.g. Face
Recognition Vendor Tests, FRVT 2000, 2002, 2006, Nevertheless,
many tasks have to be solved, such as recognition in unconstrained environment,
recognition of non-frontal images, single sample per person problem, etc.
This chapter deals with single sample per person face recognition (also called one sample
per person problem). This topic is related to small sample size problem in pattern
recognition. Although there are also advantages of single sample fast and easy creation of
a face database and modest requirements for storage, face recognition methods usually fail
to work if only one training sample per person is available.
In this chapter, we concentrate on the following items:
Mapping the state-of-the-art of single sample face recognition approaches after year
2006 (the period till 2006 is covered by the detailed survey (Tan et al., 2006)).
Generating new face patterns in order to enlarge the database containing single samples
per subject only.
Such approaches can include modifications of original face samples using e.g. noise, mean
filtering, suitable image transform (forward transform, then neglecting some coefficients
and image reconstruction by inverse transform), or generating synthetic samples by ASM
(active shape method) and AAM (active appearance method).
Comparing recognition efficiency using single and multiple samples per subject.
We illustrate the influence of number of training samples per subject to recognition
efficiency for selected methods. We use PCA (principal component analysis), MLP
(multilayer perceptron), RBF (radial basis function) network, kernel methods and LBP (local
binary patterns). We compare results using single and multiple training samples per person
for images taken from FERET database. For our experiments, we selected large image set
from FERET database.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Highlighting other relevant important facts related to single sample recognition.
We analyze some relevant facts that can influence further development in this area. We also
outline possible directions for further research.
2. Face recognition based on a single sample per person
2.1 General remarks
Generally, we can divide the face recognition methods into three groups (Tan et al., 2006):
holistic methods, local methods and hybrid methods.
Holistic methods like PCA (eigenfaces), LDA (fisherfaces) or SVM need principally more
image samples per person in the training phase. To solve the one sample problem there are
basically two ways how to deal with it:
To extend the classical methods to be trained from single sample more efficiently e.g.
2D-PCA (Yang et al., 2004), (PC)2A (Wu & Zhou, 2002), E(PC)2A (Chen et al., 2004a),
SPCA (Zhang, et al., 2005), APCA (Chen & Lovell, 2004), FLDA (Chen, et al., 2004b),
Gabor+PCA+WSCM (Xie & Lam, 2006).
To enlarge the training set by new representations or generating new views.
Local methods can be divided into 2 groups:
Local feature based, which mostly work with some type of graph spread over the face
regions with corners in important face features face recognition is formulated as a
problem of graph matching. These methods deal with the one sample problem better
than the typical holistic methods (Tan et al., 2006). EBGM (Elastic Bunch Graph
Matching) or DCP (directional corner points) are examples of this type of methods.
Local appearance-based methods extract information from defined local regions. The
features are extracted by known methods for texture classification (Gabor wavelets,
LBP, etc.) and the feature space is reduced by known methods like PCA or LDA.
An excellent introduction to the single sample problem and survey of related methods
mapping state-of-the-art till 2006 is described and discussed in (Tan et al., 2006).
2.2 State-of-the-art in single sample per person face recognition from 2006
After year 2006, new approaches were proposed. They are based mainly on enhancement of
various conventional methods.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is still one of the most popular methods used to deal
with one sample problem. Despite of its popularity, calculating of representative covariance
matrix from one sample is very difficult task. In contrast to conventional application of PCA,
2DPCA (Yang et al. 2004) is based on two dimensional matrices, where the image does not
need to be previously transformed into a 1D vector.
In (Que et al., 2008) a new face recognition algorithm MW(2D)2PCA was proposed.
Modular Weighted (2D)2PCA (MW(2D)2PCA) is based on the study of (2D)2PCA.
Weighting method (W) emphasizes the different influence of different eigenvectors and
image blocking method (M) can extract detailed information of face image more effectively.
Modularization of image into several blocks according to face elements provides more
detailed information of face and assigns this approach rather to local appearance than
holistic methods. The best recognition rate achieved by this method was 74.14%.
Similar approach, that deals with the single sample problem from human perception point
of view, was proposed in (Zhan et al., 2009) where modularized image was processed by 2D

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

DCT to extract features, instead of (2D)2PCA. Gabor filters can be applied even to the image
divided into several areas to reduce illumination impact as it is shown in (Nguyen & Bai,
Standard way to solve single sample problem is to use local facial representations.
Conventional procedure in local methods is face image partitioning into several segments.
In (Akbari et al., 2010), an algorithm based on single image per person, with input images
segmented into 7 partitions was proposed. The moment feature vectors of a definite order
for all images are extracted and distance measure is used to recognize the person.
Another way to get better results of recognition is a fusion of more biometrics. In (Ma et al.,
2009) a new multi-modal biometrics fusion approach was presented. They used face and
palmprint biometrics and combined the normalized Gaborface and Gaborpalm images at
the pixel level. They presented a kernel PCA plus RBF classifier (KPRC) to classify the fused
images. Using both face and palmprint samples, the average recognition results were
improved from 42.60% and 52.36% (single-modal biometrics) to 87.01% (multi-modal
In (Xie & Lam, 2006) novel Gabor-based kernel principal component analysis with doubly
nonlinear mapping for human face recognition was proposed. The algorithm is evaluated
using 4 databases: Yale, AR, ORL and YaleB database. The best of the proposed variations of
the algorithm GW+DKPCA get very good results even under varying lighting, expression
and perspective conditions.
(Kanan & Faez, 2010) presents a new approach for face representation and recognition based
on Adaptively Weighted Sub-Gabor Array (AWSGA). The proposed algorithm utilizes a
local Gabor array to represent faces partitioned into sub-patterns. It employs an adaptively
weighting scheme to weight the Sub-Gabor features extracted from local areas based on the
importance of the information they contain and their similarities to the corresponding local
areas in the general face image. Experiments on AR and Yale databases show, that the
proposed method significantly outperforms eigenfaces and modular eigenfaces in most of
the benchmark scenarios under both ideal conditions and varying expressions and lighting
conditions and this method achieves better results under partial occlusion conditions than
the local probabilistic approach.
A novel feature extraction method named uniform pursuit (UP) was proposed in (Deng et
al., 2010). A standardized procedure on the large-scale FERET and FRGC databases was
applied to evaluate the one sample problem. Experimental results show that the robustness,
accuracy and efficiency of the proposed UP method can compete successfully with the state-
of-the-art one sample based methods.
In (Qiao et al., 2010), a new graph-based semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
algorithm called sparsity preserving discriminant analysis (SPDA) based on SDA was
developed. Experiments on AR, PIE and YaleB databases show that proposed method
outperforms the SDA method.
Solution for single sample problem based on Fisherface method on generic dataset was
presented in (Majumdar & Ward, 2008). The method was also extended to multiscale
transform domains like wavelet, curvelet and contourlet. Results on Faces94 and the AT&T
database show, that this approach outperforms SPCA and Eigenface Selection methods. Best
results came from the Pseudo-fisherface method in the wavelet domain.
In (Gao et al., 2008), a method based on singular value decomposition (SVD) was used to
evaluate the within-class scatter matrix so that the FLDA could be applied for face

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

recognition with only one sample image in training set. The experiments on FERET,
UMIST, ORL and Yale databases show, that the proposed method outperforms other
state-of-the-art methods like E(PC)2A, SVD perturbation and different FLDA
A novel local appearance feature extraction method based on multi-resolution Dual Tree
Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) was presented in (Priya & Rajesh, 2010).
Experiments with ORL and Yale databases show, that this method and its block-based
modification get very good results under illumination, perspective and expression
variations conditions compared to PCA and global DT-CWT, while keeping low
computational complexity.
In (Tan & Triggs, 2010) original LBP method used for face recognition was extended. More
efficient preprocessing was proposed to eliminate illumination variances using LTP (local
ternary patterns) generalization and enhancement of the original LBP texture descriptor.
By replacing the local histogram with a distance transform based similarity metrics the
performance of the LBP/LTP face recognition was further improved. Experiments under
difficult lighting conditions with Face Recognition Grand Challenge, Extended Yale-B, and
CMU PIE databases provide results comparable to up to date methods.
Another extension of the LBP algorithm was presented in (Lei et al., 2008). The face image is
first decomposed by multi-scale and multi-orientation Gabor filters. Local binary pattern
analysis is then applied on the derived Gabor magnitude responses. Using FERET database
with 1 image per person in the gallery, the method achieved results outperforming LBP,
PCA and FLDA. To improve the recognition accuracy, it helps to add some synthetic
samples of subject to the learning process. Standard procedures to create synthetic samples
are the parallel deformation method (generate novel views of a single face image under
different poses) (Tan et al., 2006), modification by noise or filtering original images. In (Xu &
Yang, 2009) the feature extraction technique called Local Graph Embedding Discriminant
Analysis(LGEDA) was proposed, where the imitated images were generated using a mean
In (Su et al., 2010) an Adaptive Generic Learning (AGL) method was described. To better
distinguish the persons with single face sample, a generic discriminant model was
adopted. As a specific implementation of the AGL, a Coupled Linear Representation
(CLR) algorithm was proposed to infer, based on the generic training set, the within-class
scatter matrix and the class mean of each person given its single enrolled sample. Thus,
the traditional Fishers Linear Discriminant (FLD) can be applied to one sample problem
task. Experiments are taken on images from FERET, XM2VTS, CAS-PEAL databases and a
private passport database. The results show, that the Adaptive Gabor-FLD outperforms
other methods like E(PC)2A, LBP and other FLD implementations. The proposed method
is related to methods using virtual sample generation although it does not explicitly
generate any virtual sample.
3. Face recognition methods
We use various methods in order to deeply explore the behavior of face recognition
methods for single sample problem and to compare the methods using multiple face
samples - both real-world samples and virtually generated samples. Used methods are
briefly introduced in this subchapter.

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

3.1 Methods based on principal component analysis - PCA (PCA, 2D PCA and KPCA)
3.1.1 Principal component analysis - PCA
One of the most successful techniques used in face recognition is principal component
analysis (PCA). The method based on PCA is named eigenface and was pioneered by Turk
and Pentland (Turk & Pentland, 1991). In this method, each input image must be
transformed into one dimensional image vector and set of these vectors forms input matrix.
So the main idea behind PCA is that each n-dimensional face image can be represented as a
linearly weighted sum of a set of orthonormal basis vectors.
This standard statistical method can be used for feature extraction. Principal component
analysis reduces the dimension of input data by a linear projection that maximizes the
scatter of all projected samples (Bishop, 1995).
For classification of projected samples Euclidean distance or other metrics can be used.
Mahalanobis Cosine (MahCosine) is defined as the cosine of the angle between the image
vectors that were projected into the PCA feature space and were further normalized by the
variance estimates (Beveridge et al., 2003).
3.1.2 Two-dimensional PCA 2D PCA
PCA is well-known feature extraction method mostly used as a baseline method for
comparison purpose. Several extensions of PCA have been proposed. A major problem of
using PCA lies in computation of covariance matrix what is computationally expensive. This
computation can be significantly reduced by computing PCA features for columns (or rows)
without previous matrix-to-vector conversion. This approach is also called two dimensional
PCA (Yang et al., 2004). Main idea behind 2D PCA is the projection of image columns (rows)
onto covariance matrix computed as the average of covariance matrices of each column for
all training images. Let A be an m by n image matrix and average image A defined
as 1
A M A =

, where M is number of all k training images. Then covariance matrix can
be calculated by

( ) ( )
( ) ( )
1 1
( ) ( )
M m
i i
i i T
k k
k i
= =

Equation (1) reveals that the image covariance matrix can be obtained from the outer
product of column (row) vectors of images, assuming the training images have zero mean.
For that reason, we claim that original 2D PCA works in the column direction of images.
Result of feature extraction is then a matrix instead of a vector. Feature matrix has the same
number of columns (rows) as width (height) of face image.
The extraction of image features is computationally more efficient using 2D PCA than PCA
since the size of the image covariance matrix is quite small compared to the size of a
covariance matrix in PCA (by using Turk & Pentlands optimization it depends on number
of training images). 2D PCA is not only more efficient than PCA but it is possible to reach
even higher recognition accuracy (Yang et al., 2004).
Despite its better efficiency, 2D PCA has also one disadvantage because it needs more
coefficients for image representation than PCA. Because the size of the image covariance
matrix for 2D PCA is equal to the width of images, which is quite small compared to the size
of a covariance matrix in PCA, 2D PCA evaluates the image covariance matrix more
accurately and computes the corresponding eigenvectors more efficiently than PCA.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

3.1.3 Kernel PCA KPCA
PCA is a linear algorithm that is not able to work with nonlinear data. Kernel PCA (Mller
et al., 2001) is a method computing a nonlinear form of PCA. Instead of directly doing
nonlinear PCA, it implicitly computes linear PCA in high-dimensional feature space that is
in non-linear relation to input space.
3.2 Support vector machine - SVM
Support vector machines (SVM) (Asano, 2006; Hsu et al., 2003; Mller et al., 2001; Boser et al,
1992) are based on the concept of decision planes that define optimal boundaries. Its
fundamental idea is very simple: the boundary is located to achieve the largest possible
distance for the vectors of different sets. Example of this is shown in the Fig. 1. This figure
illustrates linearly separable problem. In the case of linearly nonseparable problem, kernel
methods are used. The concept of kernel method is a transformation of the vector space into
a higher dimensional space.

Support vectors
Fig. 1. Optimal boundary of support vector machine
The kernel function is defined as follows:
( ) ( ) ( )
K = x, x' x x' (2)
Kernel function is equivalent to the distance between x and x measured in the higher
dimensional space transformed by a nonlinear mapping .
3.3 Methods based on neural networks (MLP, RBF network)
Neural network (Bishop, 1995; Haykin, 1994; Oravec et al., 1998) is a massive parallel
processor that is inspired by biological nervous systems. Neural network is able to learn and
to adapt its free parameters (connections between neurons known as synaptic weights are
adjusted during the learning process).
3.3.1 Multilayer perceptron
Multilayer perceptron (MLP) (Bishop, 1995; Haykin, 1994; Oravec et al., 1998) is a layered
feedforward network consisting of input, hidden and output layers.

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

Multilayer perceptron operates with functional and error signals. The functional signal
propagates forward starting at the network input and ending at the network output as an
output signal. The error signal originates at output neurons during the learning and
propagates backward. MLP is trained by backpropagation algorithm.
MLP represents nested sigmoidal scheme (Haykin, 1994), its form for single output neuron is
( ) ,
oj jk li i
j k i
F w w w x


x w (3)
where ( ) is a sigmoidal activation function,
w is the synaptic weight from neuron j in
the last hidden layer to the single output neuron o , and so on for the other synaptic
x is the i -th element of the input vector x . The weight vector w denotes the
entire set of synaptic weights ordered by layer, then neurons in a layer, and then number in
a neuron.
3.3.2 Radial basis function network
Radial basis function network (RBF) (Oravec et al., 1998; Hlavkov, 1993) is a feedforward
network consisting of input, one hidden and output layer. Input layer distributes input
vectors into the network, hidden layer represents RBFs h
. Linear output neurons compute
linear combinations of their inputs. RBF network topology is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. RBF network topology
RBF network is trained in three steps:
1. Determination of centers of the hidden neurons
2. Computation of additional parameters of RBFs
3. Computation of output layer weights.
RBF network from Fig. 2 can be described as follows (Mark, 1996):

( ) ( )
i i
f w w h
= +

x x (4)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

where x is the input of RB activation function h
and w
are weights. Output of network is a
linear combination of RBFs.
3.4 Local binary patterns LBP
Local binary patterns (LBP) were first described in (Ojala et al., 1996). It is a computationally
efficient descriptor to capture the micro-structural properties and was proposed for texture
classification. The operator labels the pixels of an image by thresholding the 3x3-
neighbourhood of each pixel with the center value and considering the result as a binary
number. Later the LBP operator has been extended to use circle neighborhoods of different
sizes - the pixel values are bilinearly interpolated (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The extended LBP operator with circular neighborhood
Another extension uses just uniform patterns. A local binary pattern is called uniform if it
contains at most two bitwise transitions from 0 to 1 or vice versa when the binary string is
considered circular. For example, 00000000, 00011110 and 10000011 are uniform patterns.
Such patterns represent important features on the image like corners or edges. Uniform
patterns account for most of the pattern in images (Ojala et al., 1996).
A system using LBP for face recognition is proposed in (Ahonen et al., 2004, 2006). Image is
divided into non-overlapping regions. In each region a histogram of uniform LBP patterns is
computed, the histograms are concatenated into one histogram (see Fig. 4 for illustration),
which represents features extracted from the image in 3 levels (pixel, region and whole

Fig. 4. Description of face using concatenated LBP histogram (image taken from (Marcel et
al., 2007))
The 2 metric is used as the distance metric for comparing the histograms:

( ( ) ( ))
( )
( ) ( )
r i
S i M i
S i M i


S, M (5)

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

where S and M are the histograms to be compared and i is the i-th bin of histogram.
4. Face database
We used images selected from FERET image database (Phillips et al., 1998). FERET face
images database is de facto standard database in face recognition research. It is a complex
and large database, which contains more than 14126 images of 1199 subjects of dimensions
256 x 384 pixels. Images differ in head position, lighting conditions, beard, glasses, hairstyle,
expression and age of subjects.
We worked with grayscale images from Gray FERET (FERET Database, 2001). We selected
image set containing total 665 images from 82 subjects. It consists of all available subjects
from whole FERET database that have more than 4 frontal images containing also
corresponding eyes coordinates (i.e. largest possible set fulfilling these conditions from
FERET database was chosen). The used image sets are visualized in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Visualization of subset of images from FERET used in our experiments
The images were preprocessed. Our preprocessing consists of
geometric normalization (aligning according to eye coordinates)
histogram equalization
masking (cropping an ellipse around the face)
resizing to 65x75pix
Fig. 6 shows an example of the original image and the image after preprocessing.
Gray FERET 14051 images
Frontal view 3816 images
Images with eye coordinates 2061
Images with more than
4 samples per person
665 images / 82 subjects

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 6. Original images and corresponding images after preprocessing
5. Simulation results for 1 - 4 original training images per subject
In our experiments with original training images we compared the efficiency of several
algorithms in scenario with 1 (single sample problem), 2, 3 and 4 images/subject. We
carefully selected algorithms generally considered to play the major role in today face
recognition research. Also standard PCA was included for comparison purposes. All these
methods are briefly reviewed in subchapter 3. Face recognition methods.

1_train 2_train 3_train 4_train
PCA 72.26 82.43 86.60 89.43
2D-PCA 73.41 81.90 86.36 89.02
KPCA 73.97 82.28 87.83 91.62
PCA+SVM 79.97 91.52 95.76 97.18
SVM 66.32 68.76 91.73 95.05
MLP 61.69 72.86 83.40 85.86
RBF 66.41 85.26 93.16 96.79
LBP-5x5 83.02 89.37 92.06 94.21
LBP 7x7 85.29 91.47 94.45 95.99
LBP 7x7w 85.81 92.91 95.05 96.59
Table 1. Results for different training sets (dependence of face recognition accuracy in %
with regard to number of samples per subject in the training set)
In each test with different number of images in training set we made 4 runs with different
selection of the images into the training set: original one with choosing the first images
alphabetically by name and 3 additional training/testing collections with randomly shuffled
images. The final test results are the average from these 4 values.
Our results are summarized in Table 1 and in Fig. 7. All figures and tables in this chapter
contain values whose meaning is recognition accuracy in % achieved on test sets. The
notation n_train means n images (samples) per subject in training sets.

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition


Fig. 7. Graphic comparison of the results for different training sets (dependence of face
recognition accuracy in % with regard to number of samples per subject in the training set)
Presented results are summarized as follows:
Neural networks and SVM
For single sample per person training sets, methods based on neural networks (RBF network
and MLP) and also SVM achieved less favorable results (below 70%). The extension of the
training sets by second sample per person slightly increased face recognition test results for
MLP and SVM methods. For RBF network, the second sample improved the result to the
value above 85%. Impact of adding third sample per person into training sets caused a
significant improvement of test results (for RBF and SVM above 90% accuracy was
achieved). Adding more than four samples per person into training sets has only a minimal
effect on increasing the face recognition results and has a negative impact on the
computational and time complexity. The larger training sets the better recognition results
were achieved.
PCA-based methods
PCA with Euclidean distance metric as a reference method shows that more images per
subject in training set lead to more accurate recognition results, improving from 68% with 1
img./subj. to 89% with 4 img./subj. Although there was reported that 2D PCA can reach
higher accuracy in term of precision, PCA slightly overcome 2D PCA in our experiments.
However, 2D PCA still has big advantage in comparison to PCA which lies in faster training
time due to using smaller covariance matrix. As it is shown in (Li-wei et al., 2005), 2D PCA
is equal to block-based PCA and it means that it uses only several parts of covariance matrix
used in PCA. In other words we lose information from rest of covariance matrix that can
lead to worse recognition rates. KPCA achieved slightly better results compared to 2D PCA
(KPCA is included for comparison purposes here and it will not be used further within this

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

PCA+SVM method is a two-stage setup including both feature extraction and classification.
Features are first efficiently extracted by PCA with optimal truncating the vectors from the
transform matrix. The parameters for the selection of the transformation vectors are based
on our previous research (Oravec et al., 2010). The classification stage is performed by SVM.
SVM model is created with the best parameters found using cross-validation on the training
set. PCA+SVM has very good recognition rate even with 1 img./subj. and with 3 and 4
img./subj. it outperforms all other methods in our tests reaching 97% recognition rate with 4
In our experiments, we used local binary patterns method for face recognition in 3 different
modifications. The image is divided into 5x5 or 7x7 blocks from which the concatenated
histogram is computed. The LBP 7x7w modification adds also weighting of the histogram
with different weights according to corresponding image regions. This weighting has been
proposed in (Ahonen et al., 2004).
Results for all LBP methods are the best in our tests and were outperformed only slightly
with PCA+SVM method with 3 and 4 img./subj. The main characteristic of LBP is that the
recognition results are very good even for 1 img./subj.. From the graph in Fig. 7 we see that
the recognition rates for the three LBP methods go parallel with each other. The LBP is
starting with 83% reaching 94% accuracy with 4 img./subj. LBP 7x7 is approximately 1.5%
better than the 5x5modification and the LBP 7x7w more than 2% better reaching almost 97%
accuracy with 4 img./subj.
Within this chapter, we work with images of size 65x75 pixels after preprocessing. In Table
2, results for image size 130x150pix (FERET default standard) are shown for illustration.
Generally, larger size of images can yield slightly better recognition rates.

Method 1_train Method 1_train
LBP-5x5 83.02 LBP 7x7 130x150pix 84,82
LBP 7x7 85.29 LBP 7x7w 130x150pix 86,66
LBP 7x7w 85.81 LBP 10x10 130x150pix 87,48
LBP 10x10w 130x150pix 88,34
Table 2. Recognition rates for different LBP modifications
6. Simulation results for training sets enlarged by generating new samples
In the previous subchapter, we presented recognition results for methods trained by 1
img./subj. in training sets. We also presented the comparison to results for 2, 3 and 4
img./subj. in training sets, while 2
, 3
and 4
images were the original images, i.e. the
images were real, taken from the original face database.
Herein we consider different situation: only 1 original sample is available and we try to
enhance recognition accuracy by generating new samples to the training sets in artificial
manner. Thus, we try to enlarge the training sets by generating new (virtual, artificial)
samples. We propose to generate new samples by modifying single available original image
in different ways this is why we will use the term image modification (or modified image).
Natural continuation of such approach leads to generating synthetic face images.

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

In our tests we use different modifications of available single per person images: adding
noise, applying wavelet transform and performing geometric transformation.
6.1 Modifications of face images by adding Gaussian noise
Noise in face images can seriously affect the performance of face recognition systems
(Oravec et al., 2010). Each image capturing generates digital or analog noise of diverse
intensity. The noise is also generated while transmitting and copying analog images. Noise
generation is a natural property for image scanning systems. Herein we use noise for
generating modified samples of original image. In our modifications, we use Gaussian
(Truax, 1999) noise.
Gaussian noise was generated using Gaussian distribution function
( )
( )
p x e

= (6)
where is the mean value of the required distribution and
is a variance (Truax, 1999;
Chiodo, 2006).

Original 03-06noise 08-16noise
Fig. 8. Examples of images modified by Gaussian noise
Gaussian noise was applied on each image with zero mean and in two random intervals of
variance. Examples of images degraded by Gaussian noise can be seen in Fig. 8. The labels
03-06noise and 08-16noise mean that the variance of Gaussian noise is random between
values 0.03 - 0.06 and 0.08 - 0.16, respectively. The same notation is used also in presented
graphs and tables (Tab. 3a and 3b, Fig. 9a and 9b). Noise parameters settings for our
simulations were determined empirically. Training sets were created by noise modification
of samples added to the original one (1+1noise, 1+2noise and 1+3noise).
Presented results for noise modifications shown in Tab. 3a, 3b and Fig. 9a, 9b are
summarized as follows:
Neural networks and SVM
The improvement for RBF, MLP and SVM is clearly visible. In both noise modifications
(03-06noise and 08-16noise), the most significant increase in accuracy of test results is
achieved by RBF network (about 80% for 1+3 training sets). Similarly to the tests in
subchapter 5, adding more samples into training sets has a constant effect on the
recognition results.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

1+1_train 1+2_train 1+3_train
1_train 03-06noise 03-06noise 03-06noise
PCA 72.26 72.16 72.16 72.16
2D-PCA 73.41 73.18 73.24 73.24
PCA+SVM 79.97 78.73 79.03 78.43
SVM 66.32 67.44 74.76 74.84
MLP 61.69 65.99 68.39 71.48
RBF 66.41 79.19 79.73 79.87
LBP-5x5 83.02 83.02 83.02 83.02
LBP-7x7 85.29 85.29 85.29 85.29
LBP-7x7w 85.81 85.81 85.81 85.81
Table 3a. Results for generating new face samples (modifications of original face samples by
Gaussian noise lower variance)

1+1_train 1+2_train 1+3_train
1_train 08-16noise 08-16noise 08-16noise
PCA 72.26 72.16 72.16 72.16
2D-PCA 73.41 73.24 73.13 73.07
PCA+SVM 79.97 78.90 77.83 77.79
SVM 66.32 74.84 74.87 74.81
MLP 61.69 64.83 65.57 65.63
RBF 66.41 77.1 79.3 80.07
LBP-5x5 83.02 83.02 83.02 83.02
LBP-7x7 85.29 85.29 85.29 85.29
LBP-7x7w 85.81 85.81 85.81 85.81
Table 3b. Results for generating new face samples (modifications of original face samples by
Gaussian noise higher variance)
PCA-based methods
The results of PCA and 2D PCA methods are only slightly affected when adding additional
images with different amount of noise to the training set. The results with the noise images
added are approximately 1% worse than the original recognition rate with 1 img./subj.
Reason for this effect can be probably found in the fact that the transformation matrix
computed from the training sample with added noise represents the variances in the space
worse than after computing it from original images only. Adding samples to training set is
also very uneconomical from the point of view of PCA methods since the time needed to
compute the transform matrix grows.

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition


Fig. 9a. Graphic comparison of the results for generating new face samples (modifications of
original face samples by Gaussian noise lower variance)

Fig. 9b. Graphic comparison of the results for generating new face samples (modifications of
original face samples by Gaussian noise higher variance)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

The effect observed with PCA can be observed also with PCA+SVM method. Adding the
noise images to the training set leads to worse results than with the original training set for
about 1% for every scenario. The SVM classification model is influenced by the features
extracted from noisy samples, but this accuracy drop is not dramatic.
The results of LBP methods are not influenced with the noisy samples at all. This has two
By LBP method no model or transformation is calculated from the training images, so
there cannot be such global effect to the recognition results as with PCA or SVM.
The histograms of LBP patterns in noisy images change rapidly so the distance between
the noisy image and the original image of the same person is higher than the distance
between two original images of different persons. The consequence is that the minimal
distances between the testing and training images do not change and the results are the
same as without the noisy images in training set. See Table 4. for illustration of the
distances between original and noisy images.

Testimg1_subj1 Testimg1_subj2
Trainimg1_subj1 21.45 22.52
Trainimg1_subj1_noise 28.81 30.90
Table 4. Distances between the LBP 7x7 histograms for original and noisy train images
compared with the same and different subject (see Fig. 10 for illustration of the images

Fig. 10. Illustration of images used in comparison in Table 4
6.2 Modifications of face images based on wavelets
Discrete wavelet transform DWT (Puyati et al., 2006; Sluciak & Vargic 2008) (notation
wavelets is used in our tables and charts) is defined as follows:

( , ) ( )
DWT j k f x k dx

where j is the power of binary scaling, k is a constant of the filter and function is a basic
wavelet, f(x) is a function which is to be transformed.
Our modifications of face images were done by three steps:
1. Forward transform of image by DWT
2. Setting horizontal, diagonal and vertical details in frequency spectrum
3. Image reconstruction by inverse DWT

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

We used two types of wavelets: Reverse biorthogonal 2.4 (Vargic & Prochska, 2005) and
Symlets 4 (Puyati et al., 2006) (Fig. 11.). These wavelets were chosen empirically our aim
was to produce slight change in the expression of a face. The training sets were created
similarly to those with the noise modification (1+1, 1+2 and 1+3), see subchapter 6.1. An
example of new samples is shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 11. Wavelet function : Reverse biorthogonal 2.4, Symlets 4

Fig. 12. Original image and three types of images modified by wavelet transform

1+1_train 1+2_train 1+3_train
1_train wavelets wavelets wavelets
PCA 72.26 72.16 73.07 73.47
2D-PCA 73.41 73.30 73.18 73.36
PCA+SVM 79.97 78.43 65.27 50.47
SVM 66.32 28.04 24.71 23.61
MLP 61.69 68.92 73.65 74.73
RBF 66.41 77.49 77.70 79.12
Table 5. Results for generating new face samples (modifications of original face samples by
wavelet transform)
Presented results for wavelet modifications (shown in Table 5 and in Fig. 13) are
summarized as follows:
Neural networks and SVM
Experiment with wavelet transform demonstrated improvement of one sample per person
face recognition using neural network methods - RBF network and MLP. These methods
confirmed increase of recognition rate with extending the training sets with images
modified by wavelet transform. Improvement above 10% was achieved for RBF network

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

with adding three samples per person (1+3_train) into training sets. On the other hand, SVM
method achieved very low face recognition accuracy.

Fig. 13. Graphic comparison of the results for generating new face samples (modifications of
original face samples by wavelet transform)
PCA-based methods
Experiments with extending the training set with images modified by wavelet transform
show that there is only a small influence to the results of PCA and 2D PCA methods. The
accuracy increases when adding the images with stronger wavelet modification. The
accuracy of recognition results is only 1% higher than original 1img./subj. The modified
images do not cause any significant change in recognition and so there is almost no gain by
adding new sample.
In contrast to PCA, the effect of decreasing accuracy can be seen when also SVM is involved.
When 3 images modified by wavelets are added to the training set, the recognition result is
almost 30% worse than using the original image only. In this case, only 50% accuracy can be
The effect of the wavelet modifications to the LBP histogram is similar to that with the noise
images, so the LBP results stay the same as with the original training set.
6.3 Modifications of face images based on geometry
One of the most successful approaches to samples generation is that based on geometric
transformation. The idea is to learn some suitable manifolds and extend training set by new
synthetic poses or expressions based on original image (Wen et al., 2003). Because
generation of new samples is based on facial features and their position on the face, these
features need to be localized at first.

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

After the all facial features are properly localized and represented by contour and middle
points, the next step is to generate target expressions. Because the change of an expression
involves moving detected feature points, there is a need to change texture information as
well. Real expressions and direction of movements during the expression depends on
strength of muscles contractions. We divided each face image into triangles according to
direction of these contractions. Face features localization process and dividing into triangles
(also called triangulation) is fully automated (unlike usual manual method described in (C.-
kai Yang & Chiang, 2007)) using active shape models (Milborrow, 2008). Using active shape
models produces very precise positions of facial features and facial boundaries. Result of
triangulation is facial graph containing only triangles among detected points determining
facial features.
Making use of rule based system, similar to system described in (Yang & Chiang, 2007), we
generated different expressions from each training sample by moving location of points in
the facial graph. Texture in each triangle containing moved points is then interpolated from
original according new coordinates. This procedure with different rules creates new smile
and sad expressions (Fig. 14) and represents more sophisticated approach to generating
additional training samples.

a) b) c) d)
Fig. 14. Example of image modified by geometric transformation: a) example of triangular
division of face, b) original face image, c) synthetic smile expression, d) synthetic sad

1+1_train 1+1_train 1+2_train
PCA 72.26 73.07 73.13 73.87
2D-PCA 73.41 73.58 73.24 73.87
PCA+SVM 79.97 80.19 80.32 75.09
SVM 66.32 48.26 47.63 28.82
MLP 61.69 71.62 69.60 75.61
RBF 66.41 76.50 75.69 72.96
LBP-5x5 83.02 82.98 83.10 83.23
LBP-7x7 85.29 85.33 85.33 85.51
LBP-7x7w 85.81 85.89 85.98 87.22
Table 6. Results for generating new face samples (modifications of original face samples by
geometric transformation)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Simulation results for geometric modifications are summarized in Table 6 and Fig. 15. Only
results for SMILE expression were included in the graph since it helps to improve
recognition. It agrees with the fact that the face database contains more faces with smiles
than sad faces. In this way it is also possible to present results consistent with other graphs
1, 2 and 3 samples per face.
The results are summarized as follows:
Neural networks and SVM
Both RBF network and MLP achieved better recognition accuracy using SMILE face
expression images (the increase compared with one sample per person about 10%). Tests
with extending the training set by SMILE+SAD face expression images were most effective
for MLP method (75.61%). For SVM method, these new samples caused the drop of
recognition rate about 25%, similar to the wavelet transform.

Fig. 15. Graphic comparison of the results for generating new face samples (modifications of
original face samples by geometric transformation)
PCA-based methods
Geometric transformation results show comparable influence as those of PCA and 2D PCA
using wavelet modifications. The accuracy increases when adding samples with SMILE
expression. The accuracy of recognition results is only 1% higher than original 1 img./subj.
The modified images do not cause any significant change in recognition. An improvement
could be expected when more face expressions is taken in account.
Adding one image modified by geometry into the training set (either SAD or SMILE
modification) improved the recognition rate for only about 0.2-0.3% (adding SMILE
transformation helps slightly more). Surprisingly, when both transformed images were
added to the training set, the recognition rate drops almost 5%.
As expected, adding transformed images with artificial change of expression (SAD and
SMILE emotion) to the training set improves recognition. LBP method reaches better results
because the system is more resistant against change in expression. Better results are reached
when both transformed images (SAD+SMILE) are used. When also the images in the test set

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

are transformed (for every sample also distances for SAD and SMILE transformation are
computed), the results are even better, yielding 87.22% accuracy for LBP 7x7w method with
1 img./subj.
6.4 Comments and summary for methods that are influenced significantly by
enlarging training sets by adding modified samples
This subchapter deals with methods for which extending the training set by modified
images influences recognition results significantly (compared to recognition using multiple
original images). The modifications of images described above (noise, wavelets and
geometric tranformations) may be most helpful to neural networks. The comparison of
recognition results for original training sets and extended training sets for RBF network and
MLP is shown in Fig. 16. In Fig. 16 (and similarly in Fig. 17), the horizontal axis represents
the number of images per person in training sets: the meaning for method using original
images is 1, 2 ,3 and 4 original images in the training set; the meaning for modified images is
1 original image, 1 original plus 1, 2, or 3 modified images. For RBF network, above 10%
improvement using modified images was achieved. For MLP, geometric transformation
was the most successful modification of face images (75.61%).

Fig. 16. Comparison of the results obtained using original and modified training images for
RBF network and MLP (generated samples improve recognition)
Figure 17. shows the negative effects of adding newly generated samples into training sets.
This effect is clearly visible for PCA+SVM and SVM, when training sets are extended by
wavelet transform and geometric transformation.

Fig. 17. Comparison of the results obtained using original and modified training images for
PCA+SVM and SVM (generated samples degrade recognition)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

7. Conclusion
In this chapter, we considered relevant issues related to one sample per person problem in
the area of face recognition. We focused mainly on recognition efficiency of several methods
working with single and multiple samples per subject. We researched techniques for
enlargement of the training set by new (artificial, virtual or nearly synthetic) samples, in
order to improve recognition accuracy. Such samples can be generated in many ways we
concentrated on modifications of the original samples by noise, wavelets and geometric
transformation. We proposed methods for modifying expression of a subject by geometric
transformation and by wavelet transform. We examined the impact of these extensions on
various methods (PCA, 2D PCA, SVM, PCA+SVM, MLP, RBF and LBP variants).
Methods such as PCA+SVM or LBP achieved recognition results above 80% for single
sample per person in the training set. For these methods, adding new samples (modified
images) did not help significantly. On the other hand, the utilization of the extended
training sets for neural networks (MLP and RBF network) always increased the face
recognition rate. This confirms that an appropriate extension of the input data set enhances
the learning process and the recognition accuracy. Adding more than three new samples per
person into the training sets has almost no influence on the recognition rate and has a
negative impact on the computational and time complexity. The SVM method improved
recognition accuracy only for extension of the training set by noise modification of images.
Experimental results for PCA and 2D PCA show only negligible influence of adding
modified samples. We can conclude that the use of modified samples for PCA and 2D PCA
has no added value, especially when samples are modified by Gaussian noise only.
PCA+SVM (two-stage method with PCA for feature extraction and SVM for classification)
achieved very good results even for 1 img./subj. Adding any modified images to the
training set did not improve the recognition rates, but the results were still one of the best
from the compared methods.
Our experiments show that LBP is one of the most efficient state-of-the-art methods in face
recognition. Adding noise and wavelet modified images to the training set does not have
any effect on the recognition rates of LBP unlike other methods that use the training
sample to compute models or transformation matrices. This is caused by the nature of the
method, where the histogram of LBP patterns of the noisy image differs too much from the
original images. This can be also a disadvantage, when the images in the test set are
corrupted with noise. On the other hand, adding images with transformed face expression
helps and the system is more resistant to expression change in the images.
LBP for face recognition has obvious advantages such as state-of-the-art recognition rates
even with 1 img./subj. in the training set, no need to train models or transformation
matrices and good computational efficiency. But there is still potential to improve the results
by possible modifications and optimization, which can be researched further: selection of
LBP patterns, different preprocessing or modifications of LBP operator. The geometric
transformation of images (emotional expression or head pose) and generating synthetic
samples seem to be good ways how to improve the results. Further research is needed, since
a simple extension of the training set with modified images does not always help.
We are currently working on a more sophisticated geometric transformation to cover more
facial expressions. Although the results in section 6.3 show only a small improvement (with
the exception of MLP where the improvement was significant), we suppose there is great
potential of using samples with synthetic expression. The triangular model of face enables to

Efficiency of Recognition Methods for Single Sample per Person Based Face Recognition

extend the generation algorithm by other possibilities like generation of samples with
different poses and illumination conditions. In the future, we also plan to publish modules
generating new samples (with different expressions, poses and illumination) for our
universal biometric system BioSandbox
(used in our experiments).
Modification of images using wavelet transform has also large potential to generate new
samples. One way to create new samples by wavelet transform is a fusion of two face
images, where a new image is generated by applying the wavelet transform on two original
images, followed by suitable manipulations of coefficients in a transformed space and
finally merging images by inverse transform.
Using mean filter (Xu, J. & Yang, J., 2009) is another simple way of creating modified
images. By using mean filter with different kernels (2x2, 3x315x15), we achieved results
close to the modifications by wavelet transform.
Evaluating face recognition in single sample image per subject conditions reflects the real-
world scenario. Also other effects such as various occlusions or lighting variation need to be
taken into account when trying to reflect real conditions. We also need to test our methods
using face databases that contain samples with these variations. Face databases such as ORL
or AR could be used for this purpose.
For authentication and identification purposes, face recognition with 1 img./subj. only may
not be enough, because its accuracy does not necessarily reach the required level. Therefore
face recognition methods can be combined with different biometrics to form a multimodal
system with much better characteristics than each of the biometrics itself (Ross & Jain, 2004).
8. Acknowledgment
Research described in this paper was done within the grants 1/0214/10 and 1/0961/11 of
the Slovak Grant Agency VEGA. Portions of the research in this paper use the FERET
database of facial images collected under the FERET program, sponsored by the DOD
Counterdrug Technology Development Program Office. We would like to thank to our
colleague Radoslav Vargic for valuable consultation regarding practical use of wavelets. We
also thank to our student Jn Renk for preparation of KPCA results.
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Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical
Kernel Feature Space
Huilin Xiong
and Zhongli Jiang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai
1. Introduction
Over the last decade, kernel-based nonlinear learning machines, e.g., support vector machines
(SVMs) Vapnik (1995), kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) Scholkopf (1998), and
kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA) Mika (1999), attracted a lot of attentions in the
elds of pattern recognition and machine learning, and have been successfully applied in
many real-world applications Mika (1999); Yang (2002); Lu (2003); Yang (2004). Basically,
the kernel-based learning methods work by mapping the input data space, X, into a high
dimensional space, F, called the kernel feature space: : X F, and then building linear
machines in the kernel feature space to implement their nonlinear counterparts in the input
space. This procedure is also known as a kernelization, in which the so-called kernel trick is
associated in such a way that the inner product of each pair of the mapped data in the kernel
feature space is calculated by a kernel function, rather than explicitly using the nonlinear map,
The kernel trick provides an easy way to kernelize linear machines. However, in many cases,
formulating a kernel machine via the kernel trick could be difcult and even impossible. For
example, it is pretty tough to formulate the kernel version of the direct disciminant analysis
algorithm (KDDA) Lu (2003) using the kernel trick. Moreover, for some recently developed
linear discriminant analysis schemes, such as the uncorrelated linear discriminant analysis
(ULDA) Ye (2004), and the orthogonal linear discriminant analysis (OLDA) Ye (2005), which
have been shown to be efcient in many real-world applications Ye (2004), it is impossible
to directly kernelize them via the kernel trick, since these schemes need rst computing the
singular value decomposition (SVD) of an interim matrix, namely, H
(see Ye (2004)), which is
generally of innite column size in the case of the kernel feature space.
Theoretically, the kernel feature space is generally an innite dimensional Hilbert space.
However, given a training data set {x
} (i = 1, 2, . . . , n), the kernel machines we known
perform actually in a subspace of the kernel feature space, span(x
) (i = 1, 2, . . . , n),
which can be embedded into a nite-dimensional Euclidean space with all datas geometrical
measurements, e.g., distance and angle, being preservedXiong (2005). This nite-dimensional
embedding space, called empirical kernel feature space, provides a unied framework for
kernelizing all kinds of linear machines. With this framework, kernel machines can be
2 Face Recognition / Book 1
seamlessly formulated from their linear counterparts without any difculty: performing
linear machines in the nite-dimensional empirical kernel feature space, the corresponding
nonlinear kernel machines are then constructed in the input data space.
In this chapter, we propose to approach the kernelization from the empirical kernel feature
space, that is, we formulate nonlinear kernel machines by directly performing their linear
counterparts in the empirical kernel feature space. The kernel machines constructed, called
empirical kernel machines, are usually different from the conventional kernel machines
based on the kernel trick, and surprisingly, the empirical kernel machines are shown to be
more efcient in many real-world applications, such as face recognition, facial expression
recognition, and handwritten digit recognition, than the conventional nonlinear kernel
machines and their linear counterparts.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: In Section 2, we introduce the concepts
and related notation concerning the empirical kernel feature space. Section 3 shows the
difference in formulation between the conventional kernel principal component analysis
(KPCA) and the empirical kernel principal component analysis (eKPCA), which is constructed
by performing the linear principal component analysis (PCA) in the empirical kernel feature
space. In Section 4, we formulate three other empirical kernel machines, namely, the empirical
kernel direct discriminant analysis (eKDDA), the empirical kernel ULDA, denoted as eKUDA,
and the empirical kernel OLDA, denoted as eKODA, via directly performing the DLDA Yu
(2001), ULDA, and OLDA schemes in the empirical kernel feature space. Experiments for
evaluating the performance of the empirical kernel machines in the real-world applications,
e.g., face and facial expression recognition, are presented in Section 5.1. Finally, Section 6
concludes this chapter.
2. The empirical kernel feature space
Let {x
be a d-dimensional training data with class labels {
}, the kernel matrix K =
, where k
= (x
) (x
) = k(x
, x
), and rank(K) = r, r n. Since K is a symmetrical
positive semi-denite matrix, K can be decomposed as:
= P

where is a diagonal matrix only containing the r positive eigenvalues of K in decreasing
order, and P consists of the eigenvectors corresponding to the positive eigenvalues. The map
from the input data space to an r-dimensional Euclidean space
: X R

(k(x, x
), k(x, x
), . . . , k(x, x
is referred to the empirical kernel map in Xiong (2005); Scholkopf (1999). We call the subspace
)} the empirical kernel feature space, and denote it by F
. Obviously, we have
)} span{
(X)} R
. For the completion of the subspaces, it is easy to verify:
)} = span{
(X)} = R
It is well-known that various kernel machines, such as KPCA and SVM, perform only in a
subspace of the kernel feature space: span{(x
)}, which is actually isometric isomorphic
with the empirical kernel feature space span{
)}. In fact, let Y denote the data matrix
208 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space 3
with size r n in the empirical kernel feature space, that is,
Y = (
), . . . ,
)) =

K. (2)
The dot product matrix of {
)} in the empirical kernel feature space can be calculated as
Y = KP


K = K. (3)
This is exactly the dot product matrix of {(x
)} in the feature space. Since the distances
of the n vectors {(x
in the kernel feature space are uniquely determined by the dot
product matrix, we can see the training data have the same distance matrix in both the
empirical kernel feature space, F
, and the kernel feature space, F, that is, as pointed out
in Xiong (2005), span{(x
)} can be embedded into an r-dimensional Euclidean space with
the distances between each pair of the training data being preserved. Note that the dimension
of the samples in the empirical kernel feature space is always smaller than the sample size,
r n, which may help to some extent to alleviate the so-called Small Sample Size (SSS)
problems Chen (2000); Yu (2001) in discriminant analysis.
3. Principal component analysis in the empirical kernel feature space
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a widely used subspace method in pattern recognition
and dimension reduction. It gives the optimal representation of the pattern data with the
minimum mean square error. The PCA transform (projection) matrix can be calculated
from the eigendecomposition of the sample covariance matrix, or alternatively, from the
eigendecomposition of the inner product matrix of samples in the case of high data
dimensionality. Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) is carried out by applying
PCA in the kernel feature space. Using the kernel trick, the KPCA transform matrix can be
computed from the eigendecomposition of the kernel matrix.
Let us perform the linear PCA in the empirical kernel feature space. The scheme obtained
is called empirical kernel principal component analysis, denoted as eKPCA for short. Let K
represent the centered kernel matrix, that is,
= (I


where I
is the n n identity matrix, and 1
represents the n n matrix with all
entries being equal to unity. The centered kernel matrix can be decomposed as K
= QQ
where is a diagonal matrix containing the positive eigenvalues of K
, and Q consists of the
eigenvectors corresponding to the positive eigenvalues. Given a sample x, the conventional
KPCA maps x to

(k(x, x
), . . . , k(x, x
. However, when we perform the linear PCA
in the empirical feature space, the x will be transformed to




(k(x, x
), . . . , k(x, x

(k(x, x
), . . . , k(x, x
This is our eKPCA formula. Note that P
P is the identity matrix of size r r, however, PP
generally is not the identity matrix of size n n. If Q
= Q
, or equivalently, PP
Q = Q
209 Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space
4 Face Recognition / Book 1
holds, our eKPCA scheme turns to be

(k(x, x
), . . . , k(x, x
, which is actually the
conventional KPCA. Many experiments (see the experiment section below) show that eKPCA
and KPCA usually lead to the same results, which may suggest that the equation PP
Q = Q
holds frequently in practices.
4. Discriminant analysis in the empirical kernel feature space
Currently, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) has become a classical statistical approach for
pattern classication, feature extraction, and dimension reduction. It has been successfully
applied in many real-world applications, e.g., face recognition Belhumeour (1997),
information retrieval Berry (1995), and microarray gene expression data analysis Dudoit
(2002). while PCA calculates the optimal projection for pattern representation, LDA projects
data aiming to discriminate the labeled pattern data. LDA calculates the optimal projection
directions by maximizing the ratio of the between-class scatter measure to the within-class
scatter measure, and thus, achieves the maximumclass discrimination. Abig challenge facing
the conventional LDA is that it requires the within-class scatter matrix (or the total scatter
matrix) be nonsingular, which usually cannot be met in practices, specically for the SSS
problems Chen (2000); Yu (2001).
In recent years, we have witnessed a great development of the linear discriminant analysis
(LDA) research in handling the problem caused by the singularity of the scatter matrices. A
variety of linear schemes have been proposed, from the pseudo-inverse LDA Raudys (1998),
the null space LDAChen (2000), and the direct linear discriminant analysis (DLDA) Yu (2001),
to the recently developed sophisticated schemes, the uncorrelated LDA(ULDA) Ye (2004) and
orthogonal LDA (OLDA) Ye (2005).
In this section, we perform various linear discriminant analysis schemes in the r-dimensional
empirical kernel feature space to formulate our kernel nonlinear discriminant analysis
schemes. It needs to emphasis that, in the empirical kernel feature space, the data dimension
and the scatter matrix size are always smaller than the sample size (r n). However, even so,
we still face the singularity problemof the scatter matrices. We choose to kernelize three LDA
schemes, namely, the DLDA, ULDA, and OLDA schemes, which are three typical extensions
of the classical LDA scheme in overcoming the singularity problem. With these examples,
we want to highlight our point that performing linear LDA schemes in the empirical kernel
feature space can seamlessly formulate the kernel versions of vaious linear discriminant
analysis schemes.
Suppose the labeled training data {x
are grouped into m class, and each class contains
samples, where
= n. The data matrix of the training data in the empirical kernel
feature space is Y, that is, Y =

K. Let us dene three matrices H
, H
, and H


y), ,

= [

), , (Y

(Y y1
210 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space 5
where Y
and y
respectively denote the data matrix and centroid of the i-th class in the
empirical kernel feature space, y is the global centroid of the data in the empirical kernel
feature space, and 1
represents the n
-dimensional vector with entries being unity. Then, the
between-class scatter matrix S
, the with-in class scatter matrix S
, and the total scatter matrix S
dened in Fukunaga (1990) can be representedas: S
= H
, S
= H
, and S
= H
It is easy to verify:
= YE
, H
= YE
, and H
= YE
and therefore, we have
= YE
, S
= YE
, and S
= YE
where the three constant matrices, E
, E
, and E
, are:
= D
= I
= I

in which matrix D is:


is the n n identity matrix, and 1
represents the n
matrix with all the entries
being equal to unity.
4.1 Empirical kernel direct discriminant analysis
In discriminant analysis, it has been recognized that the null space of the within-class scatter
matrix may contain signicant discriminant information. The so-called direct LDA, or
DLDA in the literature, involves two schemes Chen (2000); Yu (2001) in extracting the
discriminant information from the null space, and meanwhile addressing the singularity
problem of the scatter matrix. Different from Chen scheme Chen (2000), Yu
scheme Yu (2001) rst projects the data into the range space of the between-class matrix,
and then calculates the projection in the null space of the within-class scatter matrix. Yu scheme is more efcient in computation than Chen, and this scheme has
been kernelized by Lu in Lu (2003). In this section, we formulate our kernel direct
discriminant analysis by performing the Yus DLDA scheme in the empirical kernel feature
space. The obtained kernel direct discriminant analysis algorithm is called empirical kernel
direct discriminant analysis, denoted as eKDDA in order to differentiate it from Lus KDDA
Step 1. Calculate the matrices Y, S
, and S
in Eq.(2) and Eq.(5).
Step 2. Calculate the eigen decomposition of S
= YE
as S
= P

, where
the diagonal matrix consisting of the r
positive eigen values sorted in decreasing order,
and r
= rank(S
). Let M
= P

211 Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space
6 Face Recognition / Book 1
Step 3. Calculate

= M
, and decompose it as:







Step 4. Suppose we need extracting q-dimensional feature vectors, where q m 1. Let

M = M

(:, 1 : q), then, for given x X, eKDDA transform x to
G(k(x, x
), k(x, x
), . . . , k(x, x
where G = M




In the implementation of the eKDDAalgorithm, to avoid possible numerical instability in step
2, we introduce an extra parameter, , to discard some tiny eigenvalues. The eigenvalue is
considered to be zero if

, where
denotes the maximum eigenvalue. In the step 3,
we only need calculate the eigen decomposition of the matrix

, and sort the eigenvalues (or
the absolute values of the eigenvalues) in ascend order. The

(:, 1 : q) is then composed of
the q eigenvectors corresponding to the rst p small eigenvalues.
4.2 Empirical kernel uncorrelated and orthogonal discriminant analysis
Uncorrelated linear discriminant analysis (ULDA) Ye (2004) and orthogonal linear
discriminant analysis (OLDA) Ye (2005) are two recently developed LDA schemes, in which
some sophisticated matrix techniques such as singular value decomposition (SVD) and
QR-decomposition are used to address the singularity problem in the classical LDA scheme.
In the ULDA and OLDA algorithms, we need rst compute the SVD of the matrix H
, which
makes it difcult to kernelize ULDA and OLDA directly via the conventional kernel trick,
since the dimension of the matrix H
in the kernel feature space is innite in general. In Ji
(2008), an indirect kernelization scheme of ULDA and OLDA, refereed to as KUDA and
KODA, respectively, is proposed. Essentially, in the scheme of Ji (2008), KUDA is equivalent
to applying ULDAto the kernel matrix, where each column is considered as an n-dimensional
data point Ji (2008). Since the geometrical structure, e.g., distance and angle, among the
column data of the kernel matrix is different fromthat of the data in the kernel feature space,
some discriminatory information may be changed or lost as we use the column data to
replace the data in the kernel feature space. On the contrary, the empirical kernel feature space
preserves the geometrical structure of the training data in the kernel feature space, therefore,
there would be no information loss in performing LDA in the empirical kernel feature space
instead of the kernel feature space. Furthermore, our experiments show (see the experiment
section) that the kernel ULDA and OLDA formulated in the empirical kernel feature space
perform substantially better than KUDA and KODA in most cases.
According to the schemes of ULDA and OLDA Ye (2004; 2005), we simply performthe ULDA
and OLDA algorithms in the empirical kernel feature space to formulate our empirical kernel
ULDA and OLDA, denoted as eKUDA and eKODA, respectively.
4.2.1 The eKUDA algorithm
Step 1. Calculate the matrices Y, H
, and H
in Eq.(2) and (4).
Step 2. Calculate the reduced SVD of H
as H
= U

212 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space 7
Fig. 1. Some sample images in the ORL, JAFFE, and Yale data sets.
Step 3. Let B =
, and q = rank(B). Calculate the reduced SVD of B as B =

Step 4. Let X = U

, M = X(:, 1 : q), then, for given x X, eKUDA transform x to
G(k(x, x
), k(x, x
), . . . , k(x, x
where G = M

4.2.2 The eKODA algorithm
Step 1. Calculate the matrices Y, H
, and H
in Eq.(2) and (4).
Step 2. Calculate the reduced SVD of H
as H
= U

Step 3. Let B =
, and q = rank(B). Calculate the reduced SVD of B as B =

Step4. Let X = U

. Calculate the QR-decomposition of X
= X(:, 1 : q) as X
= QR,
then, for a given sample x X, eKODA transform x to
G(k(x, x
), k(x, x
), . . . , k(x, x
where G = Q

5. Experiments
We conduct three types of experiments to investigate the efciency of our empirical kernel
machines in a wide range of real-world applications. We compare the performances of our
empirical kernel machines, specically, eKPCA, eKDDA, eKULDA ,and eKOLDA, with those
of the kernel-trick-based machines, namely, KPCA, KDDA, KUDA, and KODA, and the linear
machines, namely, PCA, ULDA, and OLDA, in the applications of face recognition, facial
expression recognition, and handwritten digit recognition.
Four standard databases, including three face image data sets and one handwritten
digit image data set, are used to evaluate the pattern classication algorithms
213 Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space
8 Face Recognition / Book 1
p 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
PCA 81.401.99 88.032.36 92.141.65 94.621.66 95.521.49
KPCA 81.441.97 88.162.36 92.261.62 94.901.65 95.941.35
eKPCA 81.441.97 88.152.36 92.261.62 94.901.65 95.941.35
KDDA 78.805.27 86.292.54 93.091.63 95.901.10 97.701.39
eKDDA 83.382.01 89.932.07 93.511.68 94.641.44 96.341.35
ULDA 80.842.57 86.462.01 90.181.91 92.052.26 93.331.49
KUDA 85.962.06 91.781.88 95.061.55 96.511.08 97.771.10
eKUDA 85.522.14 91.421.89 94.821.53 96.911.21 97.671.10
OLDA 84.962.18 90.862.09 94.181.47 96.011.25 97.251.35
KODA 85.072.44 91.411.95 95.081.75 96.571.16 97.841.33
eKODA 85.302.13 91.581.90 95.371.35 96.951.10 98.091.11
Table 1. Experimental results in terms of the average values and the standard deviations of
the best recognition accuracy (%) on test data for the ORL data set
mentioned above. The three face image databases are ORL face images (available
at, Yale face images
(available at, and JAFFE facial
expression images Lyons (1998). The handwritten digit images, in size 16 16, are collected
from the USPS database Hull (1994). Some samples of these image databases are shown in
Fig.(1). Except the JAFFE images and Yale images, where the face part of each image is
cropped, in size of 128 128 and 112 112, respectively, from the original images, no any
other preprocessing is applied to the images. The ORL and Yale data are used to evaluate
the algorithms for the task of face recognition, and the JAFFE face images are used for facial
expression recognition.
We only consider the Gaussian kernel, k(x, y) = exp(x y
), in this chapter. There is
no parameter need to be set in advance for the ULDA and OLDA schemes, and only one
parameter, , need to set for the KUDA, eKUDA, KODA, and eKODA schemes. However, for
the KPCA, eKPCA, KDDA, and eKDDAschemes, an extra parameter, , is introduced to avoid
the numerical instability caused by the tiny eigenvalues. The tiny eigenvalue is considered
to be zero, if

, where
denotes the maximum eigenvalue. We select the parameter
from set {10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
}, and the parameter from set {10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 0}. For the KDDA and eKDDA schemes, the nal projection dimension
q, where q m 1, still needs to be pre-specied. However, to avoid setting too many
parameters, especially, for the KDDA scheme, we usually x q at m 2. In the experiments,
we implement the KDDA scheme using the Matlab code written by Lu, which is available
for downloading at However, for the
sake of fairness in the comparisons, the regularization constant, Eta_sw, in Lus KDDAcode
is set to zero, since no other scheme employs the regularization technique to further improve
After data are mapped to the different projection spaces, the nearest neighbor (NN) classier
is employed to classify the sample images, and the classication accuracy on test samples are
used to evaluated the performances of various learning machines.
214 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space 9
p 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
PCA 57.594.91 64.623.01 67.264.32 68.924.11 72.124.85
KPCA 58.174.71 64.922.98 67.694.17 69.224.13 72.374.73
eKPCA 58.134.69 64.902.95 67.674.15 69.194.12 72.424.67
KDDA 49.466.14 69.153.67 74.214.35 76.694.04 81.004.43
eKDDA 63.333.87 74.943.79 77.453.59 82.533.68 86.463.60
ULDA 70.633.73 79.603.10 81.385.33 83.944.81 86.545.34
KUDA 68.746.57 79.692.93 76.2915.86 74.0821.16 72.8824.09
eKUDA 71.633.26 80.542.99 83.054.34 85.444.36 88.584.46
OLDA 66.673.74 77.653.55 81.904.00 84.922.81 87.004.79
KODA 63.204.01 75.353.46 79.003.92 82.083.08 87.334.23
eKODA 67.193.75 78.213.44 82.553.95 85.782.65 88.963.92
Table 2. Experimental results in terms of the average values and the standard deviations of
the best recognition accuracy (%) on test data for the Yale data set
p 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
PCA 58.484.48 64.524.15 69.255.69 73.045.69 78.338.62
KPCA 59.054.40 65.064.03 70.085.54 73.696.31 79.528.50
eKPCA 58.934.38 65.064.04 70.045.54 73.696.31 79.408.45
KDDA 61.575.32 65.514.36 68.335.20 70.777.15 73.338.68
eKDDA 69.485.00 73.874.51 77.064.97 79.464.96 86.557.54
ULDA 70.624.71 74.374.41 77.345.05 79.705.39 85.717.78
KUDA 71.694.50 75.714.12 79.255.00 82.745.08 88.076.82
eKUDA 71.834.48 75.954.23 79.445.01 83.044.80 88.107.23
OLDA 72.145.31 76.825.09 78.975.36 82.385.80 87.747.46
KODA 73.505.03 78.425.09 80.555.74 85.245.32 89.526.92
eKODA 73.624.72 78.075.01 81.035.26 85.364.84 90.126.23
Table 3. Experimental results in terms of the average values and the standard deviations of
the best recognition accuracy (%) on test data for the JAFFE data set
5.1 Experiment on face recognition
In this experiment, we compare the empirical kernel machines with the kernel-trick-base
kernel machines and the linear machines in the application of face recognition. The
experiment is carried out on two face image database, the ORL and Yale database. The ORL
data contain 40 persons, each having 10 different images of size 92 112 with the variation
to a certain extent in pose and scaling, and the Yale data we used includes 15 individuals,
each having 10 pictures (cropped to size 112 112) with different facial expressions and
illuminations, wearing or without wearing glasses. The samples of each subject are randomly
divided to two disjoint subsets, one is used as the training data, and the other the test data.
The ratio of the training data number to the total sample number per class (individual), called
training rate, is denoted by p.
We investigate the performances of different machines with different values of p. The best
value of the recognition accuracy on the test data over different parameter settings is used
to evaluate the performances of different algorithms. The experiment is repeated 40 times,
and the experimental results in terms of the average values and the standard deviations of
the recognition accuracy on test data are shown in Table 1, for the ORL data, and Table 2, for
215 Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space
10 Face Recognition / Book 1
1.0e+06 1.0e+07 1.0e+08 1.0e+09 1.0e+10



1.0e+06 1.0e+07 1.0e+08 1.0e+09 1.0e+10



Fig. 2. Performance comparisons of (a) KUDA vs. eKUDA, and (b) KODA vs. eKODA on
ORL data, with different parameter settings.
the Yale data. The best results under different training rates (p) are shown in boldface in the
We also compare the performances of two pairs of kernel machines, namely, KUDA vs.
eKUDA, and KODA vs. eKODA, when their unique parameter is set to different values.
Fig.(2) (a) (b) illustrate the average test recognition accuracy (%) as a function of 1/ on the
ORL data set, where the training rate is set at p = 0.6. The corresponding result on the Yale
data set is presented in Fig.(3)
The experimental results in Tables 1 and 2 and Figs.(2)(3) lead to following points:
216 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space 11
1.0e+06 1.0e+07 1.0e+08 1.0e+09 1.0e+10



1.0e+06 1.0e+07 1.0e+08 1.0e+09 1.0e+10



Fig. 3. Performance comparisons of (a) KUDA vs. eKUDA, and (b) KODA vs. eKODA on
Yale data, with different parameter settings.
217 Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space
12 Face Recognition / Book 1
p 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
PCA 82.542.31 83.252.37 84.301.73 87.302.13 88.532.39
KPCA 83.332.21 84.251.99 85.241.67 87.971.86 89.411.89
eKPCA 83.332.21 84.251.99 85.221.66 88.001.85 89.411.89
KDDA 82.922.46 84.452.04 83.621.87 87.101.80 87.452.09
eKDDA 83.842.59 85.821.71 86.082.07 88.112.13 90.232.20
ULDA 60.804.00 52.754.95 46.603.60 40.994.11 29.183.04
KUDA 83.912.99 86.852.54 88.161.76 90.202.11 92.191.87
eKUDA 86.162.00 88.441.98 89.451.41 90.651.98 92.781.73
OLDA 67.323.50 59.853.52 57.603.06 50.843.81 37.053.63
KODA 83.222.62 85.932.22 86.981.66 88.452.13 89.372.24
eKODA 86.742.20 89.121.97 89.751.33 91.091.66 92.911.90
Table 4. Experimental results in terms of the average values and the standard deviations of
the best recognition accuracy (%) on test data for the USPS data set
1. Empirical kernel machines achieve the best results in most cases.
2. Empirical kernel PCA performs almost the same as the conventional KPCA, which may
suggests that the Eq.(2) holds or approximately holds in practices.
3. Lus KDDA scheme works better than eKDDA in two cases on the ORL data. However,
on the Yale data set, where the within-class scatter measure is much larger than that of the
ORL data due to the variations of illumination, the eKDDA scheme performs much better
than the KDDA scheme.
4. For the SVD-based discriminant analysis schemes, either ULDA, OLDA, or their kernel
counterparts, they usually outperform the PCA schemes and the direct-LDA schemes.
Moreover, while the KUDAand KODA schemes work better than their linear counterparts
on the ORL data, their performances degenerate remarkably on the Yale data, especially
for KUDA. However, in either case, our eKUDA and eKODA work well, and lead to most
best results.
5.2 Experiment on facial expression recognition
We investigate the efciency of our empirical kernel machines in the application of facial
expression recognition, and compare their performances with those of the other pattern
classication methods. Compared with face recognition, the facial expression recognition
is a more challenging classication task, since the between-class discrimination among
different facial expression patterns is much smaller than the within-class discrimination of
the expression patterns. In this experiment, we use the JAFFE facial expression database
to test and evaluate various algorithms. The JAFFE data set is a widely-used database for
facial expression recognition. It contains ten Japanese womens face images with 7 typical
facial expressions (angry, disgust, fear, happy, sad, surprise, and neutral), each expression
having three different pictures, which are cropped to size 128 128. Since facial expression
recognition is a difcult classication task, the training rate p is set to a relatively large
value. The experimental results are shown in Table 3 in terms of the average best recognition
accuracy on test data over 40 trails , corresponding to the training rate p = 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6,
and 0.5, respectively. Furthermore, we also compare the performances of KDDA and eKDDA
218 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space 13
1 2 3 4 5 6
Subspace Dimension (q)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Subspace Dimension (q)



Fig. 4. Comparison of the performances of the KDDA and eKDDA schemes on, (a) the JAFFE
data, and (b) the USPS data, under different projection dimension q
219 Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space
14 Face Recognition / Book 1
with different projection dimension q (in the previous experiments, we x q at m2 = 5), as
the training rate p is at level 0.9. Fig.(4) (a) shows the results.
It can be seen that, for the facial expression recognition on the JAFFE data set, 1)the eKDDA
scheme remarkably outperforms the KDDA scheme; 2)the orthogonal discriminant analysis
schemes perform better than the uncorrelated disciminant analysis schemes, either in OLDA
vs. ULDA, KODA vs. KUDA, or eKODA vs. eKUDA, and furthermore, the eKODA scheme
achieves the best results in all cases except p = 0.6.
5.3 Experiment on handwritten digit recognition
To test our algorithms in a wide-range of applications, we conduct experiment for handwritten
digit recognition using the USPS data. The USPS handwritten digit data set, available for
downloading at cjlin/libsvmtools/datasets/, is widely used
as a benchmark for evaluating various learning methods. It contains more then 7 thousands
training samples and two thousands test samples of handwritten digits from 0 to 9. Each
sample is represented by an 16 16 image.
Since our goal in this experiment is focused at comparing different classication algorithms,
to reduce the computational burden, we randomly select 800 samples, 80 samples per class,
from the training set of the USPS data to form our experiment data set. Considering the data
dimension in this experiment is much smaller than that of the data used in other experiments,
we choose the value of the parameter from {10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
}, and the
parameter from {10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 0}. Table 4 gives the experimental results
in terms of the average values of the best recognition accuracy on test data over 40 trails ,
corresponding to the training rate p = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, respectively. Furthermore,
to compare the performances of the KDDA and eKDDA schemes under different projection
dimension q (in the previous experiments, we always set q = m2), we illustrate the average
test recognition accuracy (%) as a function of q in Fig.(4) (b), where the training rate is set at
p = 0.6.
FromTable 4 and Fig.(4), it is easy to see that the eKODAscheme achieves the best recognition
results in all cases, and eKDDA performs substantially better than KDDA. Moreover, a big
difference between Table 4 and other tables is that the linear versions of the SVD-based
discriminant analysis, i.e., ULDAand OLDA, performsurprisingly worse than other methods
this time. However, their kernel nonlinear versions still work well, especially, the empirical
kernel versions.
6. Conclusion
We have presented a newway to seamlessly kernelize linear machines. The empirical kernel
feature space, a nite-dimensional embedding space, in which the distances of the data in
the kernel feature space are preserved, provides a unied framework for the kernelization.
This method is different from the conventional kernel-trick based kernelization, and more
importantly, the nal empirical kernel machines performs more efciently in many real-world
applications, such as face recognition, facial expression recognition, and handwritten digit
identication, than the kernel-trick based kernel machines.
220 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Constructing Kernel Machines in the Empirical Kernel Feature Space 15
7. Acknowledgements
We would thank Dr. Lu and Dr. Ye for providing Matlab codes for the implementation of
the KDDA, ULDA, and OLDA algorithms. This work was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (grant no. 60775008) and the National High Technology Research
and Development Program (863 Program) of China (grant no. 2007AA01Z196).
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M.J. Lyons, S. Akamatsu, M. Kamachi, J. Gyoba. Coding Facial Expressions with Gabor
Wavelets. Proceedings of Third IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and
Gesture Recognition, Nara, Japan, pp. 200-205, April 14-16 1998.
222 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Part 4
Robust Facial Localization & Recognition

Additive Noise Robustness of
Phase-Input Joint Transform
Correlators in Face Recognition
Alin Cristian Teusdea and Gianina Adela Gabor
University of Oradea
1. Introduction
This chapter introduces a new phase-input joint transform correlator (PiJTC) to
accommodate the additive noise in face recognition. It begins with the 4f Vander Lugt
architecture in order to highlight the importance of spatial coordinate filtering in the Fourier
plane. It continues with the introduction of non-zero order fringe-adjusted amplitude joint
transform correlator (FA-AJTC) model. There are also presented the experimental optical
and hybrid setups, with their benefits and drawbacks, for a better understanding of the
correlation process.
The authors emphasize the presentation of this model because it represents the basis for the
phase-input model. A better understanding of the (FA-AJTC) facilitates the use of the
proposed sine modulated fringe-adjusted phase-input joint transform correlator (FA-
sinePiJTC). All the steps that help the amplitude (FA-AJTC) model performances improve,
are similar in the phase model with the benefits migration, too. A short step by step example
of correlation process explains and reveals the pattern recognition performances
improvements of the proposed phase-input JTC model.
It is pointed out that the sine modulation function comprises a degree of freedom through
the limits of the modulation domain,
2 1
dfPRE fPRE fPRE = . With these parameters one can
adjust the pattern recognition performance of the correlation process due to the variations of
faces in the captured images.
Next stage of this chapter analysis the face database recognition performances of the
proposed (FA-sinePiJTC) model in additive noise conditions from 10% to 50% random
noise. There are presented some computer simulation results of the correlation process
over face images selected from a small test database with 21 individual classes x 3 face
images/class. Due to the variations of the faces in the original images there were chosen
different sine modulation domains to achieve better face recognition performances in
additive noisy conditions for a larger database. Thus, there were selected 102 individual
classes with 5 face images/class multiplied by 5 additive noise conditions. The goal was
to build up 1,560,600 cross-correlations between all original face images and all the noisy
ones. Where was necessary, the face recognition performances were analysed with the
error rates: equal error rate (EER), genuine acceptance rate (GAR), false acceptance rate
(FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR). The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
was also built up.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

2. Amplitude joint transform correlators (AJTC)
Vander Lugt correlator (VLC) is based on 4f setup involving two convergent lenses, L1 and
L2, with the same focal length, f (figure 1) (Born & Wolf, 1970; Vlad et al., 1976). The two
lenses represent the 2D Fourier operators and generate the Fourier transform in the output
Fourier plane of the input image. Thus, there are two Fourier output planes in the VLC: the
Fourier plane or the spatial frequencies plane, PF, of L1 lens and the output plane, Pe, of L2
lens. An important notice regarding the optical or hybrid correlators based on 4f Vander
Lugt principle is that they have two Fourier transforms related with the L1 and L2.

Fig. 1. Architecture of the 4f VLC and JTC.
The mathematical model of (VLC) starts considering an input image, ( ) , scn x y , that contains
the target image, ( ) , t x y , and clutter or the embedding noise, ( ) , n x y (Born & Wolf, 1970;
Vlad et al.,1976)
( ) ( ) ( ) , , ,
t t
scn x y t x x y y n x y = + . (1)
The L1 lens generates ( ) , Scn u v as the Fourier transform of the input image, in the (VLCs)
Fourier plane, PF. In this plane, the complex filter, ( ) , H u v , of the reference image that has
to be recognized by the (VLC) is placed. In other words, the reference ( ) ,
r r
ref x x y y + + has
to be discriminated in the input image, ( ) , scn x y , at the target image ( ) ,
t t
t x x y y
location. The complex filter consists of complex conjugate Fourier of the reference, located at
( ) ,
r r
x y (Born & Wolf, 1970; Vlad et al., 1976)
( ) ( ) ( )
, , exp 2 ( )
r r
H u v Ref u v i x u y v t = + , (2)

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition

where ( , ) Ref u v is the Fourier transform of ( , ) ref x y ,
u x

= and
v y

= are the spatial

coordinates in the Fourier plane, f is the focal length of the lenses, is the wavelength of
the coherent light used.
This filter is applied to
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , , exp 2 ( ) ,
t t
Scn u v T u v i x u y v N u v t = + + (3)
and generates the filtered Fourier transform in the (VLC) Fourier plane (Vlad et al., 1976)

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) | |
( ) ( ) ( )
, , ,
, , exp 2 ( ) 2 ( )
, , exp 2 ( ) .
r t r t
r r
Scn u v H u v Scn u v
Ref u v T u v i x x u i y y v
Ref u v N u v i x u y v
t t
' = =
= +
+ +
The L2 lens generates the Fourier transform (second in number) of the ( ) , Scn u v ' . The result
is the optical cross-correlation 2D function or image (Vlad et al., 1976)

( ) ( ) ( ) | |
( ) ( ) ( )
1 0
, , , ( ),( )
, ,
r t r t
r r
corr x y ref x y t u v x x y y
ref u v n u v x y
+ +
= +
There are two output cross-correlation terms. The
T one is called the DC or zero-order
term and represents the useless term of cross-correlation between the reference image
and the embedding noise. The
T one is called the dc-term and represents the cross-
correlation between the reference image and the target image. Now, if the target image
consists in identical or distorted reference image, then this term is the auto-correlation
Pattern recognition (i.e. discrimination or detection) process fails, if the cross-correlation
term presents higher correlation peak than the autocorrelation
T . The L1 and L2 lenses
optical axes alignment is the main disadvantage of the (VLC). If the optical axes of L1 and
L2 lenses are not perfectly aligned then the spatial filtering in the (VLC) Fourier plane is
missed and the correlation process doesnt generate accurate information. In this case, the
pattern recognition process may fail.
Optical axis alignment, as being the major disadvantage of (VLC), generates the occurrence
of the amplitude joint transform correlator (AJTC). This correlator is based on the 4f Vander
Lugt correlator, but uses a joint image to alleviate the optical axes alignment (Abookasis et
al., 2001; Alam & Karim, 1993a). The joint image ( ) , jnt x y presents the reference image
( ) , ref x y and the scene image ( ) , scn x y placed in two separate half (figure 2). The
corresponding mathematical model of an optical (AJTC) consists in the following well
known equations, starting with the joint image
( , ) ( , ) ( , )
r t
jnt x y ref x y y scn x y y = + + . (6)
Here ( , )
ref x y y + and ( , )
scn x y y are the reference image and the scene image (figure 2).

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Fig. 2. Joint image: reference image is presented in the upper half and the scene image is
presented in the lower half.
The next equations, after the L1 lens optical Fourier transform, are

( , ) ( , ) ( , )
( , ) ( , )exp( ( ))
( , ) ( , )exp( ( )).
r t
r t
JTPS u v RPS u v SPS u v
Ref u v Scn u v iv y y
Scn u v Ref u v iv y y
= +
Here, ( , ) Ref u v and ( , ) Scn u v are the Fourier transforms of ( , ) ref x y and ( , ) scn x y ,
respectively, and
u x

= ,
v y

= are the spatial frequency coordinates in the Fourier

plane, f is the focal length of the lenses, is the wavelength of the light used, ( , ) JTPS u v ,
( , ) SPS u v , ( , ) RPS u v , are the joint power spectra, scene power spectrum and reference
power spectrum, respectively (Alam & Karim, 1993a; Huang, et al, 1997; Javidi & Kuom,
1988; Lu et al., 1997).
The L2 lens Fourier transform, of the ( , ) JTPS u v , generates the correlation result with the
(AJTC) in the output correlation plane (Alam & Karim, 1993a; Javidi & Kuom, 1988)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) | |
( ) ( ) | |
0 1 2
, , , , , , ,
, , , ( )
, , , ( )
r t
r t
corr x y ref x y ref x y x y scn x y scn x y x y
ref x y scn x y x y y y
scn x y ref x y x y y y
o o
( = +

+ +
= + +
The correlation result presents the zero-order term,
T , and two anti-parallel correlation
lines, as
T and
T , with the same information.
Amplitude joint transform correlators (AJTC) are known as robust to embedding and
additive noise, thus they are a good solution for the pattern recognition in these
conditions. Also, the main disadvantage of the JTCs is that it has a very high intensity

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition

zero-order correlation peak (dc term),
T . This term is useless for the discrimination (e.g.
pattern recognition) process.
It was the past issue to resolve the JTCs. To remove the zero-order term and to accomplish
the non-zero order JTC (NZAJTC), many methods have been proposed: for instance, phase-
shifting technique (Su & Karim, 1998; Su & Karim, 1999), joint transform power spectrum
(JTPS) subtraction strategy (Cheni & Wu, 2003; Cheni & Wu, 2005; Lu et al., 1997), Mach-
Zehnder method.
The (NZAJTC) based on JTPS subtraction is more time consuming than the others, as a
digital operation of non-zero order term subtraction is needed (Cheni & Wu, 2003; Cheni &
Wu, 2005; Lu et al., 1997 )

( , ) ( , ) ( , ) ( , )
( , ) ( , )exp( ( ))
( , ) ( , )exp( ( ))
r t
r t
NZJTPS u v JTPS u v RPS u v SPS u v
Ref u v Scn u v iv y y
Scn u v Ref u v iv y y
where ( , ) NZJTPS u v , ( , ) JTPS u v , ( , ) SPS u v , ( , ) RPS u v , are the non-zero joint power
spectrum, joint power spectrum, scene power spectrum and reference power spectrum,
In order to achieve thin and higher correlation peaks with (NZAJTC), one must make a
spatial frequency domain filtering that enhances the high order spatial frequencies which
defines the reference object details.
One of the conventional methods to alleviate this issue is the use of amplitude fringe-
adjusted joint transform correlator (FA-AJTC). The method applies to ( , ) NZJTPS u v , an
amplitude fringe-adjusted filter (FAF) which consists in the inverse amplitude spectrum of
the reference Fourier transform, ( ) ( ) , , REF u v Ref u v = , (Abookasis et al., 2001; Alam &
Karim, 1993a; Alam & Karim, 1993b; Alam & Horache ,2004)
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
, ,
, ,
, ,
REF u v
REF u v
FAF u v
REF u v
REF u v Z u v




+ (

where c is the lowest positive real value that the computer recognizes and ( ) , Z u v is a real
non-zero function used to alleviate the poles of ( ) , REF u v .
The (FAF) creates better light diffraction efficiency because it works like inverse reference
adaptive filtering. In other words, use of inverse adaptive filter increases the higher spatial
frequencies and decreases the lower spatial frequencies of the ( , ) NZJTPS u v . The higher
frequencies are responsible for the details of an object-image and the lower frequencies
are responsible for common properties of the object-image. Thus, increasing the higher
spatial frequencies of the ( , ) NZJTPS u v with a reference inverse adaptive filter, it generates
higher autocorrelation peaks and fades the cross-correlation peaks. As a consequence, a
better discrimination of the reference in the scene image is achieved.
The final fringe-adjusted non-zero joint power spectrum in the Fourier plane is (Abookasis
et al., 2001; Alam & Karim, 1993a; Alam & Karim, 1993b)

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


( ) ( )
( , ) , ,
( , ) ( , )exp( ( ))
( , )
( , ) ( , )exp( ( ))
( , ) ( , )
exp( ( ))
( , )
( , ) ( , )
exp( (
( , )
r t
r t
r t
FA JTPS u v NZJTPS u v FAF u v
Ref u v Scn u v iv y y
REF u v
Scn u v Ref u v iv y y
Ref u v Scn u v
iv y y
REF u v
Ref u v Scn u v
iv y y
REF u v

= (
+ (

+ )),
and generates the correlation result

( ) ( ) ( ) | |
( ) ( ) | |
1 2
, , , , ( )
, , , ( )
r t
r t
corr x y ref x y scn x y x y y y
scn x y ref x y x y y y
= +
According to this equation, the amplitude fringe-adjusted joint transform correlator (FA-
AJTC) generates only the two anti-parallel cross-correlation lines ,
T and
T , with the
usefull pattern recognition information (figure 5).
All optics experimental setup of the fringe-adjusted non zero-order amplitude joint
transform correlator (FA-AJTC) invokes holographic (i.e. CD media type) or high resolution
photographic media. With the help of the laser coherent light, these plates have to be
written with the joint image in the input plane and the reference fringe-adjusted filter in
the Fourier plane.
Alternatively a hybrid (optical-digital) (FA-AJTC) can be built up that is implemented with
amplitude spatial modulator (ASLM) and a square law image capture device (CCD camera)
(Demoli et al., 1997; Sharp et al., 1999). A coherent laser beam light is projected on the
(ASLM1) which is addressed by a computer with the joint image in the input plane. After
the Fourier transform with the L1 lens, the joint power spectrum, ( , ) JTPS u v , is captured by
a CCD1 camera and stored in the computer. Here, the digital processing of ( , ) JTPS u v
generates the ( , ) NZJTPS u v , and then the application of FAF filter is accomplished. After
these digital processing steps the resulting power spectrum is projected in the Fourier plane
with a (ASLM2) on lens L2 to perform the inverse Fourier transform. In the output plane a
CCD2 camera captures the correlation result as a digital image.
All the above steps describe the 4f (FA-AJTC) architecture in the hybrid version. The 1/f (FA-
AJTC) architecture in the hybrid version can be done using just one amplitude spatial
modulator (ASLM), one CCD camera and just one lens. The correlation peaks are generated
by using two passes through this hybrid system.
The only drawback of the hybrid setup of (FA-AJTC) is the time consuming of the digital
operations (i.e. digital addressing the (ASLM), digital image capturing with CCD camera
and digital computer operations). The benefits of the hybrid experimental setup of (FA-
AJTC) are the mathematical perfect filtering and processing of the digital ( , ) JTPS u v - thus,
there is no need of optical lenses axis alignment.
As follows, quantitative analysis should be done. Correlation performance criteria, that can
be used to analyse the described joint transform correlators, need the definition of cross-

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition

correlation peak intensity, CPI, and the auto-correlation peak intensity, API. The ratio
DEC API CPI = denotes the detection efficiency coefficient (Abookasis et al., 2001; Alam &
Karim, 1993a; Alam & Karim, 1993b) and prescribes a pattern recognition failure for values
less than the recommended threshold value of 1.2000 (and not 1.0000). Values greater than
the threshold conclude in a successful pattern recognition process.
A better understanding of the correlation performances of the (JTC) is accomplished by a
short example. Thus, a joint image (figure 2) with the scene image gathering a reference with
additive noise (50% random type indexed F1), two morphologically distorted reference
images (indexed F2 and F3) and a non-reference image (with index F4) are considered.

Fig. 3. Correlation performance of (NZAJTC) with the input image from figure 2.

Fig. 4. Fringe-adjusted filter (FAF) (left image) and the corresponding filtered power
spectrum, FA-JTPS (right image), in the case of the input image from figure 2.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 5. Correlation performance of (FA-AJTC) with the input image from figure 2.
Correlation results, presented in figures 3 and 5, show the benefits of fringe-adjusted
frequency domain filtering (figure 4). After this filtering, the output correlation peaks are
sharper and the minimum value of detection efficiency coefficients calculated with CPI for
F4 and APIs for F1, F2, F3, for (FA-AJTC) (DEC = 1.7501) is greater than for (NZAJTC) (DEC
= 1.1944). There can be noticed that the (NZAJTC) fails to discriminate between the
reference-type image, F3, and the non-reference image, F4. The F3 image generates the
lowest API from the reference-image class and the DEC value is less sensible than the
3. Phase-input joint transform correlators (PiJTC)
Amplitude encoding joint transform correlators need (ASLM) with large bandwidth and
thus, generate wider correlation peaks and lower light efficiency. In the holographic
research, there is stated that the phase encoding needs small bandwidth of the recording
media to generate higher light efficiency. These reasons have made the transition from
amplitude JTC to phase-input JTC, denoted (PiJTC), worthy.
Since the appearance of phase spatial light modulators (PSLM) there were several
approaches to encode the joint image in the phase domain. In early attempts direct phase
encoding domain was restricted to
| | 0;t . Nowadays, (PSLM) direct phase encoding
domains cover the full range of | | 0; 2t (Cohn & Liang, 1996; Labastida et al., 1994;
Takahashi & Ishii, 2010; Takahashi & Ishii, 2006). Here it must be mentioned that all optics
phase-input correlators can be built with holographic approach, but not a versatile one.
The (PiJTC) model is the same as the amplitude one, but it uses the phase transformation of
the reference, scene and joint input image. This method, assumes that the amplitude image
( , ) AmplitudeImage x y is somehow transformed from intensity gray levels (usually from 0 to
255) in phase levels with a domain usually of 0 dfPSLM t or 2 0 dfPSLM t . Phase
transformation function, [ ] PhT , invoked to obtain a phase image ( , ) PhaseImage x y , is
mathematically described by (Lu & Yu, 1996; Sharp et al., 1998)

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition


( ) ( )
( ) ( )
, ,
exp , ,
PhaseImage x y PhT AmplitudeImage x y
i ScalAmplitudeImage x y
( =

( )
( )
AmpliudeImage x y Min
ScalAmplideImage x y dfPSLM fPSLM
Max Min
| |
= +

\ .
, (14)

2 1
dfPSLM fPSLM fPSLM = , (15)
where dfPSLM is the phase depth, Max , Min , are the maximum and the minimum gray
levels of the amplitude encoded image.
Reference, scene and joint phase encoded images are optically Fourier transformed to obtain
the reference ( , ) RPS u v , scene ( , ) SPS u v and joint ( , ) JPS u v power spectrum in the Fourier
plane (Chang & Chen, 2006; Nomura, 1998; Su & Karim, 1998; Su & Karim, 1999). These
power spectrums can be processed as in the amplitude non-zero order fringe-adjusted joint
transform correlator (FA-AJTC) to provide the correlation peaks in the output plane. The
second Fourier transform generated by the L2 lenses uses the amplitude coded
( , ) NZJTPS u v image projection and does not need just the amplitude one, (ASLM).
These steps describe the non-zero order fringe adjusted phase-input joint transform
correlates (FA-PiJTC). The phase-input terminology comes from the fact that in the input
plane of the (FA-PiJTC) a (PSLM) is used to make a direct phase projection of an amplitude
input image.
In optical holography, when the object is a phase encoded one, then the whitened
holographic method must be applied in order to get the best contrast and light diffraction
efficiency. Similarly, in the (FA-PiJTC) the input direct projection phase encoded image
must have a non-black background to achieve the theoretically predicted performances. One
solution is to apply a gray level grating background at the (PSLM) pixel level. But this
processing is due to the amplitude gray domain range of the input image and the phase
encoding domain of the (PSLM), dfPSLM . If this step is done manually, then real time
applications are not possible. Thus, for speed reasons and better pattern recognition
performances, the authors proposed a new (FA-PiJTC) which can automatically adjust the
amplitude gray domain range of the input image and the phase encoding domain of the
(PSLM) in the same time denoted as (FA-sinePiJTC).
Sine modulated fringe-adjusted non-zero order phase-input joint transform correlator, (FA-
sinePiJTC) presents the amplitude domain pre-processing step, other than the scalar
transform of the input amplitude image. In this step, as in the previous one, a scalar
transformation of the input amplitude is involved. This is required by a pre-processing
trigonometric function, chosen by the authors as the sine function

( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
, ,
sin ,
exp sin , .
sinePhaseImage x y PhT TrigPreProccAmplitudeImage x y
ScalAmplitudeImage x y
i ScalAmplitudeImage x y
( =

( ( =

( ( =


Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

( )
( )
, sin
AmpliudeImage x y Min
TrigPreProccAmplideImage x y dfPRE fPRE
Max Min
( | |
= +
( |

( \ .

2 1
dfPRE fPRE fPRE = , (18)

Fig. 6. Fringe-adjusted filter (FAF) (left image) and the corresponding filtered power
spectrum, FA-PiJTPS (right image).

Fig. 7. Correlation performance of FA-PiJTC.
The pre-processing amplitude sine function needs a definition domain within the amplitude
image to be scaled in, dfPRE . The limits of this definition domain represent the parameters
of the (FA-sinePiJTC) and they can be considered as degree of freedom. With these
parameters, one can make the adjustments for better correlation performance. One of the
aims of this paragraph is to analyse the correlation performance adjustments possibilities
with these two parameters.
A better understanding of the correlation performances of the (FA-PiJTC) and (FA-
sinePiJTC) is accomplished by a short example which consider the same joint image used
previously for the amplitude models.

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition


Fig. 8. Fringe-adjusted filter (FAF) (left image) and the corresponding filtered power
spectrum, (FA-sinePiJTPS) (right image).

Fig. 9. Correlation performance of (FA-sinePiJTC).
In the same way, from figure 7 and 9, it can be noticed that (FA-PiJTC) has sharper
correlation peaks than (FA-AJTC) and the minimum detection efficiency coefficient value is
DEC=1.5547, with | | 0; 2t the PSLM definition domain; the (FA-sinePiJTC) has the sharpest
correlation peaks and the best pattern recognition performance DEC=2.0036, with
| | 0.8 ; 0.8 t t the sine definition domain and | | 0; 2t the (PSLM) definition domain.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

These results conclude that (FA-sinePiJTC) can be chosen for database (i.e. inter-class and
intra-class) face recognition with and without additive noise (that consists in an image
4. Experimental and computer simulation aspects of phase-input fringe-
adjustment joint transform correlators (PiJTC)
Previous paragraphs present the mathematical models of (FA-AJTC) and (FA-sinePiJTC)
and the experimental setup for (FA-AJTC) in all optics and hybrid versions.
The following presentation emphasizes the experimental hybrid setup, the computer
simulation conditions and results for (FA-sinePiJTC) model. In the 4f architecture the (FA-
sinePiJTC) can be done more accurate. The reason is that in the first stage the joint image
projection is done in the phase domain with a (PSLM) and in the second stage the
( , ) FA JTPS u v is projected in the amplitude domain with a (ASLM). Thus for a phase-input
joint transform correlator, two spatial light modulators are imminently needed: one in phase
domain and one in the amplitude domain. This is the fact that generates the synonym
phase-amplitude architecture correlator for the 4f phase-input joint transform correlator.
From this point of view, some researchers proved that phase-phase architecture does not
bring any improvements to pattern recognition performances in comparison with
amplitude-amplitude one.
The drawbacks and benefits of the 4f hybrid architecture of (FA-AJTC) model are the same
as for the (FA-sinePiJTC) model. The (FA-sinePiJTC) model has a degree of freedom, the
sine modulation domain limits, that can adjust the performances of the correlation
The computer simulations were done on a face database with the sine modulated fringe-
adjusted phase-input joint transform correlator, (FA-sinePiJTC). The (FA-sinePiJTC) model
has a degree of freedom, the sine modulation domain limits, that can adjust the
performances of the correlation process. In the computer simulations two sine modulation
| | 0.5 ; 0.5 t t and | | 0.75 ; 0.75 t t are used.
The face databases used are two parts from the General Purpose Recognition and Face
Recognition section from Computer Vision Research Projects supervised by Dr. Libor
Spacek from Department of Computer Science University of Essex, Colchester, UK
( As it is described by the database owner,
the face images are held in four directories (Faces94, Faces95, Faces96, Grimace), in order
of increasing the difficulty degree. Faces96 and Grimace are the most difficult, for two
different reasons - variation of background and scale, versus extreme variation of
The presented computer simulations use the male and malestaff directories from
Faces94 (updated Friday, 16-Feb-2007 15:52:52 GMT). The subjects sit at fixed distance from
the camera and are asked to speak, whilst a sequence of images is taken. The speech is used
to introduce facial expression variation (see table 1).
Joint images, built up to perform the correlation process, have 512x512 pixels. The reference
image is located in the upper half and two target images are located in the lower half
composing the scene image.

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition

malestaff male
Total number of individuals 21 102
Number of images per individual 20 20
Total number of images 420 2040
Gender contains images of male subjects
Race contains images of people of various racial origins
Range older individuals are also present; the
images are mainly of first year undergraduate
students, so the majority of individuals are
between 18-20 years old
Glasses Yes
Beards Yes
Head Scale none
Head turn, tilt and slant significant variation in these attributes
Position of face in image minor changes
Expression variation considerable expression changes
Additional comment
there is no individual hairstyle variation as the
images were taken in a single session
Backgrounds is plain green
artificial, mixture of tungsten and fluorescent
overhead no variation
Image format 180x200 (WxH pixels); 24bit colour JPEG
Camera used S-VHS camcorder
Table 1. Face image database description.
5. Correlation performances of phase-input fringe-adjustment joint transform
correlator (FA-PiJTC) in face recognition with additive noise
Computer simulations of correlation process over a database can be very time consuming. In
order to avoid time loss, a step by step strategy is chosen. In this strategy a small database is
tested and after that, due to the results, the decisions are applied to a larger database in
order to draw final conclusions. The smaller database from directory malestaff the larger
the one from directory male.
The test face database used is organized in individual classes Figure 10. One individual class
has a total of 20 images of the same person (i.e. individual). For the test database there are
selected only 3 face images (figure 11) from each class of the 21 classes (figure 12).
Five additive noise conditions - with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% random noise levels - are
presented in figure 11. References, just the face parts, were subtracted from the original
images to prevent the background false correlation. CIELab colour filter was used to extract
the predominant green background.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 10. A selection of test database original face images (upper line); reference images
filtered from the original ones (lower line).

Fig. 11. Example of one individual class (3 face images) from the test database.

Fig. 12. Five additive noise conditions of a face image (target images as reference-type
images), with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% random noise levels, respectively.
Correlation performance analyse over the face database without additive noise should be
done. If the pattern recognition process fails or has poor detection efficiency for the situation
without additive noise, then the additive noise condition will collapse the process. At the
start, autocorrelations over all class reference images were done: 21 classes x ((20x20)
reference images/class). For each class only the overall (20x20=400 values) minimum value
represented with diamond line - figure 13 as intra-class correlation peak intensity (ICPI) was
Large domain values of ICPI can be noticed from figure 13. The main reason is that the
face images were captured during a monologue. At the start of session, in the first images,
the individuals take care about their posing. After a few seconds they have head motions
that generate significant variations in the face images. As a consequence, the ICPI
decreases very fast for 8 individual classes. In order to analyze the additive noise
correlator performances, as a counter measure, the authors decide to drop the number of
reference images for the test database from 20 to only 3 and the target images to just one
(the first in the class).

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition


Fig. 13. Autocorrelation results for all the classes reference images of the test database.

Fig. 14. Correlation performances of FA-sinePiJTC for interclass (diamond line) and intra-
class (boxed line) cases from face database without additive noise.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 15. Correlation performances of FA-sinePiJTC for interclass (diamond line) and intra-
class (boxed line) cases from face database with additive noise.
Autocorrelations between 63 reference images (21 classes x 3 reference images) were done.
The diagonal (3x3) block from the cross-correlation matrix represents the intra-class results
(ICPI). For each class was retained only the overall (3x3=9 values) minimum value
represented with boxed line - figure 12 - as intra-class correlation peak intensity line (ICPI).
The rest of the values consist of the inter-class cross-correlations values. For each class, only
the maximum values of the inter-class correlation values were retained, as the inter-class
correlation peak intensity (IECPI) represented in figure 14 with diamond line.
In the same manner, the results for cross-correlations between 63 reference images (21
classes x 3 reference images) and 105 additive noisy images (21 classes x (1 original image x
5 noise conditions)) were generated. Graphical results are presented in figure 15 as the ICPI-
AN and IECPI-AN (AN from Additive Noise) correlations peak intensity lines.
Figure 14 shows that the ICPI line does not intersect with IECPI line; figure 15 shows that
the ICPI-AN line does not intersect with IECPI-AN line. If the lines intersect then there is an
image from an individual class that is similar with an image from different class. But, these
facts prove that the (FA-sinePiJTC) is robust to random additive noise.
Figure 14/15 present gaps between the ICPI/ICPI-AN values and IECPI/IECPI-AN values
along all classes. The significance of these gaps is a very good discrimination (e.g. pattern
recognition) performance of the (FA-sinePiJTC). Thus, the (FA-sinePiJTC) can discriminate
with high accuracy over all classes (figure 16), between faces of different classes and do the
registration of the faces from the same class successfully. The accuracy (gap magnitude)
decreases in additive noise conditions (figure 16) at 22.95 (a.u.), from 96.05 (a.u in the
situation without additive noise.

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition

Fig. 16. Overall correlation performances comparison for FA-sinePiJTC on face database
without and with additive noise.
The algorithm revealed by correlation results with the (FA-sinePiJTC) over the test face
image database, can be now applied on a larger face images database. First, the (21 classes x
(20x20) reference images) autocorrelations are done. The results presented in figure 17 show
small values of ICPI for 10% of the classes. As consequence, only 5 reference images per
individual class were considered.
With these conditions, the autocorrelations between 510 reference images (102 classes x 5
reference images) were done. The results are presented in figure 18 as the ICPI and IECPI
correlations peak intensities lines.

Fig. 17. Autocorrlation results for the all classes reference images of the large database.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 18. Correlation performances of FA-sinePiJTC for interclass (diamond line) and intra-
class (boxed line) cases from face database without additive noise.

Fig. 19. Correlation performances of (FA-sinePiJTC) for interclass (diamond line) and intra-
class (boxed line) cases from large face database with additive noise.

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition

Correlation lines, ICPI and IECPI, in figure 18 do not intersect, but the gap between them is
very small. As mentioned before, the main reason is the significant variation of the faces due
to the motion during the monologue.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
CPI thershold [a.u.]



Fig. 20. Error rates curves.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
CPI threshold [a.u.]



Fig. 21. Error rates curves emphasize part in the EER point neighbor.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

In analogue conditions, the cross-correlations between 510 reference images (102 classes x 5
reference images) and 2550 additive noisy images (102 classes x (5 original image x 5 noise
conditions)) were done. Graphical results are presented in figure 19 as ICPI-AN and
IECPI-AN correlations peak intensity lines. Correlation lines ICPI-AN and IECPI-AN,
intersect because no gap between them is present. This fact conclude that some individuals
appear to be similar using the (FA-sinePiJTC) in the mentioned conditions.

Fig. 22. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
The pattern recognition performances in this case are measured by equal error rate (EER),
genuine acceptance rate (GAR), false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR)
(figures 20-22). Also there must be built up the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
(figure 22).
6. Conclusion
This chapter presents additive noise robustness of sine modulated fringe-adjusted phase-
input joint transform correlator (FA-sinePiJTC), tested over a human face images database.
There were inspected two databases: a small test database for preliminary results, and
then a large database for the final results and conclusions. The architecture for the proposed

Additive Noise Robustness of Phase-Input Joint Transform Correlators in Face Recognition

JTC is the 4f, with non-zero order algorithm and a fringe-adjusted filter, in order to achieve
better pattern recognition efficiency.
The sine modulation function gives the correlation process a degree of freedom through the
limits of the modulation domain,
2 1
dfPRE fPRE fPRE = . These parameters can adjust the
pattern recognition performance of the correlation process due to the variations of faces in
the captured images. These variations are in plane and in axis head rotations, known as very
altering for pattern discrimination performances. To ensure better performances the
correlation processes were made with | | 0.5 ; 0.5 dfPRE t t = , for the test database, and with
| | 0.75 ; 0.75 dfPRE t t = for the large database. There has to be pointed out that the
conjunction of: the sine modulation function, the phase-input and the fringe-adjusted filter,
provides best pattern recognition performances over the inspected face databases.
Presented results of the proposed joint transform correlator algorithm were achieved with
512x512 pixels input images. The joint image has two target images in the scene section, so it
works twice faster than the Vander Lugt correlator (VLC), or other single pair matching
correlators. Computer simulations were done on Intel i7-870 processor at 2.93 MHz with 3
GB of RAM with an operation speed of 0.185 seconds/single reference-target correlation.
The application was built up to be used as a single process (CPU thread) or as multiple
processes run simultaneously in maximum 5 CPU threads. The limited number of the CPU
threads used is due to RAM memory and not to the processor. In these conditions, the single
reference-target correlation time drops to only 37 milliseconds and make possible the
achievement of 1,560,600 single pair correlations from the large database. In this way, the
statistical significance of the face recognition results is very high.
The (FA-sinePiJTC) face recognition for the test database reveals that choosing only 3 out of
20 face images at the start of capturing process provides zero ERR and FAR error rates. This
is stated because of the gap between the maximum IECPI and the minimum ICPI over the
entire database process, without and with random additive noise. We can conclude that the
(FA-sinePiJTC) is robust to additive noise up to 50% for database face recognition.
The selection of more than 3 initial face images, to 5 face images in the individual classes,
widens the variations of faces. In this situation non-zero error rates. The equal error rate
appear value is EER=0.0886% for CPI value of 35.4007, and the genuine acceptance rate is
GAR=99.9020% at a false acceptance rate of FAR=0.0869%. The error rates values are very
low revealing high accuracy and high robustness of the (FA-sinePiJTC) at most 50% additive
random noise in face recognition.
Low resolution used (200x180 pixels) in the above performance analysis validate video
security systems applications.
Authors experience with the same (FA-sinePiJTC) confirm the good pattern recognition
results in correlation applications involving human fingerprint and irises, mostly based on
the sine modulation function, the phase-input and the fringe-adjusted filter, previously
Future work can involve 3D face recognition systems based on (FA-sinePiJTC) correlation
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Robust Face Detection through Eyes
Localization using Dynamic
Time Warping Algorithm
Somaya Adwan
Factuly of engineering, department of electrical engineering, University of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur
1. Introduction
Detection of faces and facial patterns in static or video images is an important but
challenging problem in computer vision, as faces may present in different scales,
orientations, positions and poses in an uncontrolled background. To date, numerous
approaches have been implemented for face and facial pattern detection [1-4]. These
approaches have been grouped into four broad categories [2]. These are knowledge-based,
feature based, appearance based and template based methods.
In this chapter, we present a simple yet robust algorithm for template matching method for
face detection through eyes localization by using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm
with different poses and variations. By using DTW, we overcome some of the main
limitations of Classical template matching.
We elaborate through discussion and experiments results that how our image processing
strategy applied to DTW algorithm effectively increase the performance and detection rate.
Using such an approach does not require translation of human knowledge about the face
and facial patterns to computer representation, training data set and training mechanisms or
face geometry, and does not require large numbers of model templates to handle different
pose and variation changes shown by facial features. In the coming section, short study of
Dynamic Time Warping algorithm (DTW) is presented. Proceeding to the next section we
discuss the necessary steps for our image processing strategy. This is followed by presenting
our approach of image partitioning, and in the next section we present dynamic time
warping algorithm application in our work. Towards the end of this paper, results and
discussion are put forward and conclusion is presented.
2. Visiting Dynamic Time Warping review
Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is a fast and efficient algorithm for measuring similarity
between two sequences. It is used to find the optimal alignment between two time series, if
one time series may be warped non-linearly along its time axis. This warping between the
two time series can be used to determine the similarity which may vary in time or speed.
Similarity is measured by aligning two sequences and computing a distance between them

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

[5]. This technique has made it possible to make a matching between two curves that are
subject not only to alteration by the usual additive random error but also to variations in
speed from one portion to another [5]. Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) was initially
introduced to recognize spoken words [7]. Since then it has been used and proved useful in
different applications such as: handwriting recognition [6, 8], signature verification [9-12],
fingers print verification [13], face recognition [14, 15], speech and gesture recognition [16],
protein structure [17], gene expression [18, 19], chromosome classification [20], object
detection and classification [21, 22], curve matching [23, 24] control system [25], image and
shape matching [24,26] database and data mining [27- 29, 31, 32, 34-37), brain activity
classification [38], voice control [39] and so on.
The DTW algorithm uses a dynamic programming technique to align time series with a
given template so that a total distance measure is minimized [25]. To align these sequences
(the reference/template vector X of length M and the test vector Y of length N), a local cost
matrix is defined where each cell (i,j) represents the pair wise distances between the i
component of X and the corresponding component j
of vector Y. Generally the Euclidean
distance is suggested as a distance cost function in DTW algorithm to build a local cost
matrix [30], the cost (distance) function has a small value when sequences are similar and
large value if they are different. After computing the local cost matrix between two 1-
dimenasional features vectors X and Y, a warping path is constructed by building a
cumulative/global cost matrix D(i,j) [6,7]. The cumulative distances matrix D(i,j) is defined
as the sum of the local distance d(i,j) found in the current cell and the minimum of the
cumulative distances of the adjacent cells. A warping path is a concatenation of cells starting
from (1,1) to the cell (M,N). The objective is to search an optimal path for which a least cost
is associated. This path provides the low cost areas between the two feature-vectors (see
section 3.5 for more details of building the local and global matrices).
In DTW, contsriants are applied for constructing optimal warping path [7, 27]. Constraints
are widely used to speed up DTW [7, 27, 30, 33] by reducing the number of paths to be
considered during the computation. These constraints serve to reduce the search space- the
space of possible warping paths. Searching through all possible warping paths is
computationally expensive. Therefore, out of concern for efficiency, it is important to
restrict the space of possible warping paths [27]. Several well-known constraints have been
applied to the problem to restrict the moves that can be made from any point in the path.
Sakoe and Chiba applied a pattern matching algorithm with a nonlinear time-normalization
effect using dynamic programming to spoken word recognition [7]. They introduced several
kinds of reasonable constraints as outlined below [27]:
Monotonicity: The alignment path doesnt go back in time index, i
and j
k .

This guarantees that features are not repeated in the alignment.
Continuity: The alignment doesnt jump in time index, i
- i
1 and j
1. This
guarantees that important features are not omitted.
Boundary: The alignment starts at the top-left and ends at the bottom-right. This
guarantees that the sequences are not considered only partially.
Warping window: A good alignment path is unlikely to wander too far from the
diagonal. This guarantees that the alignment doesnt try to skip different features or get
stuck at similar features, and allowable points must fall within a given window, |i
- i
| w; where w is a positive integer window width (threshold).

Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm

A new restriction called a slope constraint was introduced in their work and it was claimed
that symmetric form and slope constraint are effective, which resulted in optimum
performance in comparison to several dynamic programming algorithms [7]. Slope
constraint was also used later by Wang et al. [23], to prevent unrealistic warping.
Berndt and Clifford [27] applied the constraints introduced in Sakoe and Chiba work [7]
using symmetric form to find patterns in time series for archiving purpose. They used
tracing backward technique to find the optimal warping path. Daniel et al. [33] proposed the
threshold DTW (TDTW) algorithm based on the DTW technique, for two dimensional
spatial activity recognition, by introducing a user defined threshold to the diagonal
matching condition of the DTW. Their work showed that the TDTW is less affected to noise
and they accomplished higher classification accuracy than DTW. David Clifford et al. [36]
used DTW for aligning chromatogram signals. A variable penalty was introduced into the
DTW that was added to the distance metric to reduce the number of non-diagonal paths.
The percentage of non-diagonal moves taken during the usual DTW ranges from 52% to
70%. After adding the variable penalty to DTW, This range was reduced and it ranges from
1% to 5%. It was shown in the experiments that penalized DTW is highly significant and
achieves good alignment of peaks in chromatograms.
These constraints are best visualized in [27, 23, 40]. Using constraints helps speed up DTW
execution time by a constant factor but the DTW algorithm time complexity remains O(N
Some of the principal advantages of using Dynamic Time Warping include its capability to
handle different scale and translation, its ability to compare two sequences of signals with
different elongations. It does not require complex mathematical models.And it is more
robust against noise and provides scaling along the time axis. This ability allows DTW to
identify similarities far more accurately and so enhances the functionality of the applications
that use it [31]. Furthermore, a simple pattern representation template is enough for
similarity matching and detecting purposes with DTW [28]. However, DTW algorithm
poses limitations in terms of time and space complexity [28, 40]. The time and space
complexity of DTW is approximately O (NMV), where N and M are sequences lengths (O
V) if the two sequences is equal in length), and V is the number of templates to be
considered. This means that practical applications may be quite slow. To overcome these
limitations, researchers proposed different methods to make DTW faster and to reduce the
complexity of time and calculations required for alignment process.
Another significant issue with DTW is to achieve the higher accuracy for classification
problems. This issue is dealt on application by application or domain by domain basis.
Research efforts are being put forward to address this issue [48,49].
2.1 Dynamic Time Warping and face detection
Dynamic time warping gained significant attention in the last decade as a classification
algorithm and similarity measure technique for different applications in different domains.
Researchers have also attempted to use DTW with different existing algorithm within the
domain of face localization and face recognition.
Luis et al. [43] introduced a face localization algorithm using DTW supplemented with skin
color filter in RGB space to reduce the computational complexity. The template used in
DTW is an average face created by manually extracting and aligning 40 different human
faces with a constant size of 80 83 from 66 still images. The averaged face is quantized and

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

smoothed using median filter prior to extracting the feature vectors. The feature vectors, in
their work, consist of vertical projection of the template and two horizontal vectors one for
the eyebrows and eye region and the later for the nose and mouth region. Prior to DTW
classification algorithm, they had segmented the image using a morphological skin color
filter in RGB space. Then they had extracted the large regions, which contain the skin color
as a candidate face region and restricted the DTW classification algorithm to the extracted
regions that had reduced the total computational complexity of their approach. Finally the
DTW is used to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient as a similarity distance measure
for every extracted feature vector in stepwise. Alexander et al. [15] proposed DTW and
LSTM ANN algorithms for face recognition. For DTW, they used the Euclidian distance as
similarity measure. The templates consists of 50 face images of the size of 19 19 pixels
converted into 1-D 361 element feature vector. The test set consists of 50 face images for the
same persons in the templates and the DTW classification algorithm is applied to calculate
the similarity measure for every test image with all the templates. To validate their
approach, they repeated the experiments in three scenarios:
1. The templates and the test images are free of noise.
2. The templates are free of noise and the test images are degraded with Gaussian noise
3. The templates and the test images are degraded with Gaussian noise (
The first scenario showed a 100% detection rate and the path sizes matrix showed a perfect
alignment of the templates and the test faces. The performance of the algorithm was
reduced to 94% when applied to the second scenario; however, it shows the robustness of
the algorithm in the presence of noise. The last scenario the performance is further reduced
to 70%. All the scenarios are repeated using MSE as similarity measure and the
performances were reported as 92%, 72%, and 34% respectively. For LSTM neural network,
they used 50 faces converted to 1361 feature vector as training set to represent the main
classes. Eigen faces were extracted using PCA to reduce the dimensionality of the input
space. The experiment is performed in two scenarios:
1. Using 10 PCA, and
2. Using 20 PCA.
Selecting the learning rate to be 0.02 and training the LSTM ANN for 50000 epochs in both
scenarios to reach 0.05 mean square error. In the first scenario the detection rate was 96%
and 88% for the second one. Computational complexity of their approach was not
investigated. The proposed LSTM ANN exhibited high performance and robustness.
3. Method for face detection
The eyes region has the most edge information in a facial image [42], and hence, it can be
considered as a vital signature of a human face. Thus, the eyes region was chosen in this
study as a facial pattern to apply the proposed method.
To have an eye region as a facial pattern template, a face image of a person from a data set
(reference) has been cropped to eyes. Significant information (features) is then extracted
from this particular template and transformed into a 1-Dimendioanl (1-D) series sequence.
In addition, this facial pattern is used as a reference to detect eyes in the input images from
the data set. On the other hand, an input face image from the image data set is gone
through a partitioning process (see sub-section 3.2.3). This process produces virtual
partitions of an input image. Each partition is equivalent to the template image in size. For

Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm

each partitioned region, significant information is extracted and converted into a 1-D vector
sequence to be aligned with the reference sequence (from template image) by DTW. The
partition which belongs to a sequence that best matches the reference sequence is selected as
the eyes/face region of the facial image. The proposed image processing strategy consists of
the following steps:
i. Edge Detection,
ii. Histogram Equalization,
iii. Image Partitioning, and
iv. Features-Vectors Extraction.
Figures 1 and 2 present the functional flow of the image processing strategy and the image
processing strategy respectively. All the steps stated above are described in the following

Fig. 1. Functional flow of Eye region detection process
3.1 Edge detection and cropping rules
The first step of proposed strategy is edge detection. An input image is processed for edge
detection to find the region boundaries. Standard Sobel operators are used with 3X3 filters
for edge detection. Once the boundaries of the image are determined, a cropping step is

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Cropping an image is important in reducing the size of the data and iterations required to
scan full image by DTW. For this purpose, a cropping rule is set instead of the manual
cropping. An image is cropped till the first boundary region determined in the previous step
is obtained. Figure 3 shows the original input image and the edge image for the same image,
as well as the result of the cropping rules.

Fig. 2. Image processing strategy

Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm




Fig. 3. (a) The original image, (b) the image after the application of Sobel operator, (c) the
cropped image.
3.2 Histogram equalization
Intensities in the images are highly sensitive to external factors, such as illuminations, pose,
rotations of the images, etc. These external factors affect the distribution of intensities in the
histogram of the images [44], which in turn affects the detection rate to a great extent. In
order to make the intensities relatively insensitive to a particular contrast, and brightness of
the original image, etc., a histogram equalization is applied with a flat envelop on the image
to re-distribute the intensities throughout the range. Figure 4 shows the histogram of an
image before applying the histogram equalization step. In comparison to the histogram
shown in Figure 4, the histogram of the same image is shown in Figure 5 after applying the
histogram equalization. It can be seen in Figure 5 that the intensities of the image have been
distributed throughout the range of the histogram.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


Fig. 4. A histogram distribution of an image before histogram equalization

Fig. 5. A histogram distribution of an image after histogram equalization
3.3 Image partitioning
Image partitioning is an important step of the proposed strategy for face detection using DTW.
In this step, virtual image partitions are extracted from an image. It is applied only on the test
(input) images, which have been cropped through the steps of the image processing strategy.
The image partitioning performed by our heuristic is given in Figure 6 below.
All partitions are equal in the size of the template image. Partitioning of an image is
performed from the beginning of the first row and column and these are continued till the
last row and column. All image partitions are further processed through the steps of the
proposed image processing strategy, as shown in Figure 1. These image partitions are
transformed into 1-D feature vectors (see section 3.4). It is important to note that at this
point, DTW algorithm is used to measure the similarity between the template features
vector and the vectors of the partition features to detect facial patterns and faces.
Partitioning process has been elaborated with the example given in Figure 7. In this figure,
the first input image partition is virtually extracted (equivalent in the size of the template)
from the first row and the first column, as shown by the sky blue colour. The second
partition is extracted from the first row and the second column, which is shown in white
(see Figure 7). In this way, the partitioning of an input test image goes through each column
and row in a test image to find the optimal path between the two sequences. Thus,
horizontally, a column and vertically a row becomes a step size.
0 50 100 150 200 250
Intensities Range

0 50 100 150 200 250
The Intensities Range


Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm


Fig. 6. Heuristic for image partitions

Fig. 7. Image Partitioning Process

T= template image;
I= test image;



for every i from 1 to imax
for every j from 1 to jmax
increment k
partition I Ipart=I(i:i+Trow,j:j+Tcol);

repeat for i
repeat for j

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

3.4 Features vector extraction
To extract a particular feature from the image using 1-D DTW algorithm, horizontal and
vertical projections are computed by integrating the columns and rows to produce 1-D
vectors. The horizontal and vertical integral projections are presented in Equations 1 and 2,
Eorizontol rclic (y ielief) = | I
] (1)
Icrticol rclic (x ielief) = | I
] (2)
In Equations 1 and 2, N is the width of the template/input partition image (the total number
of columns available), M is the height of the template/input partition image (total number
of rows). Figure 8 and 9 show the horizontal and vertical relief of the image (eyes region)

Fig. 8. Horizontal projections for image template

Fig. 9. Vertical projections for image template
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
x 10
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm

The feature vector is formed by concatenating the y
and x
vectors. From Equations 1
and 2, the feature vector f can be obtained, as follows:
coturc :cctor = x ielief y ielief = |


] (3)
Where denotes vector concatenation and k=N+M.
Equation 3 represents the feature vector extracted from a 2-D image. In the present work,
the last element of the row sequence was joined to the first element of the column sequence.
It was found through the experiment that an advantage of concatanating the horizontal and
vertical projections in the features would include the cross correlation between the values in
the rows and columns in the resulted accomulative distance matrix (in DTW algorithm).
This row-column cross correlation has been found to make the classification less sensitive to
the variation in the pose and orientation of the images. Figure 10 shows the result of
cocatnation the vertical and horisontal vectors of the image template (eyes in this case).

Fig. 10. Concatenated projections for image template
3.5 Dynamic Time Warping algorithm
Assume that there are two image vectors, I (the input image partition) and T (representing
template image) each having noise n
and n
, the vectors are:
= I +n
= |I
+ n
+ n
] (4)
= I +n
= |I
+ n
] (5)
In Equations 4 and 5, m denotes the number of columns (the length) in the input images
partition I, and k denotes the number of column in the template image T (both vectors I and
T have same length in the proposed method), whereas I
and T
are the input image
partition and template image vectors with noise, respectively.
To align the image sequences, first a grid, I

T, local cost matrix is defined, where each cell
represents the distance between the corresponding indices of the two feature-vectors.
Normally, Euclidean distance is chosen to calculate the distance between the two elements
in the matrix, d. The local distance matrix d can be computed as follows:
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
x 10

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

J(I, I) = |I I| (6)
The d matrix is of the size of mk, presenting the cost values between each element of vector
I and T, as shown in Equation 3.7 below:
J = _
+ n

_ (7)
Rearranging the terms in each element in Equation 7, the local distance matrix can be
written as shown in Equation 8:
, I
) = J(I, I) +J(n
, n
) (8)
After computing and building the local distance cost matrix (d) between two 1-D features
vectors I and T, a warping path (WP) is constructed by building a cumultaive/global cost
matrix D(i,j). As previously mentioned (see section 2), the cumulative distance matrix D(i,j)
is defined as the sum of the local distance d(i,j) found in the current cell and the minimum of
the cumulative distances of the adjacent cells. A warping path is a concatenation of the cells
starting from (1,1) to the cell (m,k). Lets define the minimum operator as follows:
= min|
-1 ,]
] (9)
Where M
is the minimum of the three cells in the global cost matrix D, from where the cell
can be reached (depicted in Figure 11).

Fig. 11. The cell (i, j) and the three cells surrounding it.
Therefore, the global distance matrix (or the accumulative distance) can be formed from d (I,
T) in Equation 7, as presented in Equation 10.
= _

+ H
_ (10)
Applying the minimum operator and the steps to create the global distance matrix will
result in building matrix D. Equations 11-21 represent the process of building the global
cost matrix D.

Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm

The first element in the D matrix is equivalent to zero.
The entire first row and first column of the global matrix D is filled by infinity to ensure that
the first element D (1,1) is the minimum. The second element of D, D (2, 2) is filled as
(2,2) = J(1,1) +H
(2,2) = J(1,1) +minimum(
) (12)
(2,2) = J(1,1) +minimum(in, in, u) (13)
(2,2) = I
+u = I
Proceeding in the same manner for the second column of D and the second row of D:
(S,2) = J(2,1) +H
(S,2) = J(2,1) + minimum(
) (16)
(S,2) = J(2,1) + minimum(A
, in, in) (17)
(S,2) = I
+ I
= I
In the same manner, the contents of the second column can be written as:
(m, 2) = I
(m 1)I
Once again, the second row elements of the matrix D can be expressed in the same manner,
(2, k) = (k 1)I
The rest of D elements can be computed on the same manner, D will be:
= _
(k 1)I

(m 1)I
+ H
_ (21)
Constraints are applied for constructing the optimal warping path (Sakoe & Chiba 1978),
(see section 2 for more details).
Monotonicity: The alignment path does not go back in the time index, i
and j

This guarantees that the features are not repeated in the alignment (see Figure 3.12).
Continuity: The alignment does not jump in the time index, i
1 and j
This guarantees that the important features are not omitted. Continuity condition is
shown in Figure 12, along with the monotonicity constraint.
Boundary: The alignment starts at the beginning of the matrix and ends at the bottom-
right. This guarantees that the sequences are not considered only partially. The blue
boxes in Figure 12 show that the path starts at D (1,1) and ends at D (m,k).
Warping window: A good alignment path is unlikely to wander too far from the
diagonal. This guarantees that the alignment does not try to skip different features or

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

get stuck at similar features, and allowable points must fall within a given window, |i

| w; where w is a positive integer window width (threshold). Windowing
constraint appears in Figure 12, as the two dark red lines surrounded the purple
diagonal line.
Figure 12 illustrates the global cost matrix together with the warping path and the
constraints applied to the paths.

Vector I





Vector T

Fig. 12. Alignment between the two image vectors I and T
4. Working example of the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm for face detection
The proposed algorithm is implemented in MatLab 9 running on a computer with 2.0GHz
dual core OPTERON processor and 1.87GB RAM. To evaluate the proposed techniques and

Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm

method, two publicly available databases were used in this study. One database, containing
face images with a resolution of 512 x 342 pixels under controlled lighting conditions and
different rotations, is available from University of Bern, Switzerland [47]. Additionally, face
images have changes in their facial expressions and immediate changes in head poses (right,
left, up down and straight). The second one is the BioID face images database with the
resolution of 384 x 286 pixels [46]. This database has face images with a complex
background, along with different expressions and various illumination conditions, poses,
and rotations. We conducted the experiments in different settings to evaluate the efficacy of
our approach. In first setting, we applied the technique for eyes localization using DTW
without our image processing strategy; the detection rate was very low. In second setting,
we applied our image processing strategy with histogram equalization and DTW algorithm
on the same dataset, the detection rate improved within 35%. Figure 13 shows the arbitrary
eyes template chosen for our experiment.

Fig. 13. The arbitrary template of eyes
With our experimental analysis and observation, histogram equalization reduced the effect
of light on intensity distribution.
Comparing to other template matching methods [45] our system is simple fast and easy to
implement with no training data set and shape model is needed, and template of eyes is
manually cropped. The proposed method is showing acceptable detection rate and less time
complexity comparing to other classifier and distance measurement systems.
Using the proposed image processing strategy, features vector were extracted (see section
3.4). With these extracted features, histogram equalization was applied with a flat envelop
for both the template image and input test image(s) so as to re-distribute the intensities
throughout the range. Histogram equalization distributes the intensities of an image
throughout a range of histogram. The better distribution of the intensities has helped to
detect facial patterns and face in bright background with existing illumination and lighting
conditions. For example, the face image shown in Figure 14(a) was processed in Experiment
setting 1 for the eye detection. Figure 14(a) shows that the eyes were not detected before
histogram equalization was applied. Figure 14(b) illustrates the alignment between both the
template and input image template vectors. Before that figure 14(c) depicts the histogram
distribution for the image shown in Figure 14(a). It is obvious that both vector sequences
are not well aligned. With our experimental analysis, histogram equalization was applied to
reduce the effect of light on intensity distribution. The same facial image is shown in Figure
15(a) after applying histogram equalization. From the figure, it can be seen that the eyes
have been detected correctly. Furthermore, both the vectors have been well aligned, as
shown Figure 15(b) below:

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition




Fig. 14. Before applying image processing strategy
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
x 10
The length of the two vectors








The alignment between the two vectors
Histogram distribution of the image before applying histogram equalization
0 50 100 150 200 250

Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm




Fig. 15. Correct detection of the eyes after applying image processing strategy
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
x 10
The length of the two vectors








The alignment between the two vectors
Histogram distribution of the image after applying histogram equalization
0 50 100 150 200 250

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Figure 16 and 17 show some of the image faces in different poses and lighting conditions,
which are detected correctly and the alignment between the template image and the test
images corresponding to these images, respectively.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 16. (a-f) Face Images with positive eyes localized. (BioID images database [22])

Robust Face Detection through Eyes Localization using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 17. (a-f) the corresponding graph of the warping path for the same image presented in
Figure 16.
5. Conclusions
We have presented our approach of template-based matching method and Dynamic time
warpping to efficiently enhance the detection and localization of eyes in complex
0 50 100 150
Warping of the Two sequences Vectors T & I


Input Image partition
Eyes template vector
0 50 100 150
Warping the Two sequences T & I

Input Image sequence I
Template Image T
0 50 100 150
Warping the two sequences T and I


Input image Sequence
Templagte Image Sequence
0 50 100 150
The warping of the two sequences T and I

Input Image partition
Template Image
0 50 100 150
Warping between vectors T & I


Input Image Partition
Template Image T
0 50 100 150
Warping template image T with input image I


Input Image Partition
Template Image

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

background with face images under differnt illumination, light conditions, expressions and
poses. This method overcomes some of the limitations of tempalte matching for face
detection. With more developed DTW technique this method helps in getting high accuracy
in matching process. Results of our approach show that supplementing DTW with proposed
image processing strategy enhances the detection of facial feature patterns and face
detection by overcoming intensities and face pose variations. Future work involves the
improvement of DTW algorithm and Dynamic Programming constraints to further increase
the detection rate.
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Part 5
Face Recognition in Video

John See
, Chikkannan Eswaran
and Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi
Faculty of Information Technology, Multimedia University
Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University
1. Introduction
Face recognition has seen tremendous interest and development in pattern recognition and
biometrics research in the past few decades. A wide variety of established methods proposed
through the years have become core algorithms in the area of face recognition today, and they
have been proven successful in achieving good recognition rates primarily in still image-based
scenarios (Zhao et al., 2003). However, these conventional methods tend to perform less
effectively under uncontrolled environments where signicant face variability in the form
of complex face poses, 3-D head orientations and various facial expressions are inevitable
circumstances. In recent years, the rapid advancement in media technology has presented
image data in the formof videos or video sequences, which can be simply viewed as a temporally
ordered collection of images. This abundance and ubiquitous nature of video data has
presented a new fast-growing area of research in video-based face recognition (VFR).
Recent psychological and neural studies (OToole et al., 2002) have shown that facial
movement supports the face recognition process. Facial dynamic information is found to
contribute greatly to recognition under degradedviewing conditionsand also when a viewers
experience with the same face increases. Biologically, the media temporal cortex of a human
brain performs motion processing, which aids the recognition of dynamic facial signatures.
Inspired by these ndings, researchers in computer vision and pattern recognition have
attempted to improve machine recognition of faces by utilizing video sequences, where
temporal dynamics is an inherent property.
In VFR, temporal dynamics can be exploited in various ways within the recognition process
(Zhou, 2004). Some methods focused on directly modeling temporal dynamics by learning
transitions between different face appearances in a video. In this case, the sequential ordering
of face images is essential for characterizing temporal continuity. While its elegance in
modeling dynamic facial motion "signatures" and its feasibility for simultaneous tracking
and recognition are obvious, classication can be unstable under real-world conditions where
demanding face variations can caused over-generalization of the transition models learned
In a more general scenario, VFR can also be performed by means of image sets, comprising of
independent unordered frames of a video sequence. A majority of these methods characterize
the face manifold of a video using two different representations (1) face subspaces
, and (2)
Sometimes termed as local sub-manifolds or local models in different works.

Video-Based Face Recognition Using
Spatio-Temporal Representations
2 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
face exemplars, or representative images that summarizes face appearances in a video. While
these methods are attractive due to their straightforward representation and computational
ease, they are typically dependent on the effectiveness of extracting meaningful subspaces
or exemplars that can accurately represent the videos. Certain works have incorporated
temporal dynamics into the nal classication step to some degree of success.
This chapter presents a new framework for video-based face recognition using
spatio-temporal representations at various levels of the task. Using the exemplar-based
approach, our spatio-temporal framework utilizes additional temporal information between
video frames to partition training video data into local clusters. Face exemplars are then
extracted as representatives of each local cluster. In the feature extraction step, meaningful
spatial features are extracted from both training and test data using the newly proposed
Neighborhood Discriminative Manifold Projection (NDMP) method. Finally, in order to
facilitate video-to-video recognition, a new exemplar-driven Bayesian network classier
which promotes temporal continuity between successive video frames is proposed to identify
the subject in test video sequences. In the next section, some related works in literature will
be discussed.
2. Related work
By categorizing based on feature representation, recent methods in video-based face
recognition (VFR) can be loosely organized into three categories: (1) direct modeling
of temporal dynamics, (2) subspace-based representation, and (3) exemplar-based
In video sequences, continuity is observed in both face movement and change in appearances.
Successful modeling of temporal continuity can provide an additional dimension into
the representation of face appearances. As such, the smoothness of face movement
can also be used for face tracking. Simultaneous tracking and recognition by Zhou
and Chellappa is the rst approach that systematically incorporate temporal dynamics
in video-based face recognition (Zhou et al., 2003). A joint probability distribution of
identity and head motion using sequential importance sampling (SIS) was modelled. In
another tracking-and-recognition work (Lee et al., 2005), a nonlinear appearance manifold
representing each training video was approximated as a set of linear sub-manifolds, and
transition probabilities were learned to model the connectivity between sub-manifolds.
Temporal dynamics within a video sequence can also be modeled over time using Hidden
Markov Models (HMM) (Liu & Chen, 2003). Likelihood scores provided by the HMMs are
then compared, and the identity of a test video is determined by its highest score. Due to
the nature of these representations, many of these methods lack discriminating power due to
disjointed person-specic learning. Moreover, the learning of temporal dynamics during both
training and recognition tasks can be very time-consuming.
Subspace-based methods represent entire sets of images as subspaces or manifolds, and are
largely parametric in nature. Typically, these methods represent image sets using parametric
distribution functions (PDF) followedby measuring the similarity between distributions. Both
the Mutual Subspace Method (MSM) (Yamaguchi et al., 1998) and probabilistic modeling
approaches (Shakhnarovich et al., 2002) utilize a single Gaussian distribution in face space
while Arandjelovic et al. (Arandjelovic et al., 2005) extended this further using Gaussian
mixture models. While it is known that these methods suffer from the difculty of parameter
estimation, their simplistic modeling of densities is also highly sensitive to conditions where
training and test sets have weak statistical relationships. In a specic work on image sets,
274 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 3
Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2007) bypass the need of using PDFs by computing similarity between
subspaces using canonical correlations.
Exemplar-based methods offer an alternative model-free method of representing image sets.
This non-parametric approach has become increasingly popular in recent VFR literature.
Kreger and Zhou (Kreger & Zhou, 2002) rst proposed a method of selecting exemplars
from face videos using radial basis function network. There are some comprehensive
works (Fan & Yeung, 2006; Hadid & Peitikinen, 2004) that proposed view-based schemes
by applying clustering techniques to extract view-specic clusters in dimensionality-reduced
space. Cluster centers are then selected as exemplars and a probabilistic voting strategy is
used to classify new video sequences. Later exemplar-based works such as (Fan et al., 2005;
Liu et al., 2006) performed classication using various Bayesian learning models to exploit
the temporal continuity within video sequences. Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2006) also introduced a
spatio-temporal embedding that learns temporally clustered keyframes (or exemplars) which
are then spatially embedded using nonparametric discriminant embedding. While all these
methods have good strengths, none of these classication methods consider the varying
inuence of different exemplars with respect to their parent clusters.
Our proposed exemplar-based spatio-temporal framework for video-based face recognition
can be summarized by the following contributions at each step of the recognition process:
1. Clustering and Exemplar Extraction: Motivated by the advantages of using hierarchical
agglomerative clustering (HAC) (Fan & Yeung, 2006), a new spatio-temporal hierarchical
agglomerative clustering (STHAC) method is proposed to exploit temporal continuity in
video sequences. For each training video, the nearest faces to the cluster means are selected
as exemplars.
2. Feature Representation: The newly proposed Neighborhood Discriminative Manifold
Projection (NDMP) (See & Ahmad Fauzi, 2011) is applied to extract meaningful features
that are both discriminative and neighborhood preserving, from both training and test
3. Classication: A new exemplar-driven Bayesian network classier which promotes
temporal continuity between successive video frames is proposed to identify the subject
in test video sequences. Our classier accumulates evidences from previous frames to
decide on the subject identity. In addition, causal relationships between each exemplar
and its parent class are captured by the Bayesian network.
Figure 1 illustrates the steps taken in our proposed framework, and where spatial and
temporal information has been utilized.
3. Exemplar-based spatio-temporal framework
In this section, we elaborate in detail our proposal of an exemplar-based spatio-temporal
framework for video-based face recognition.
3.1 Problem setting
The abundance of images in video poses a methodological challenge. While conventional
still image-based face recognition is a straightforward matching of a test image to a gallery
of training images i.e. an image-to-image
recognition task, it is an ill-posed problem for video
In the abbreviated recognition settings, the rst and third words denote data representation for each
subject in the training/gallery and test/probe sets respectively.
275 Video-Based Face Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Representations
4 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Feature Representation
Spatio-temporal Hierarchical
Agglomerative Clustering (STHAC)
Neighborhood Discriminative
Manifold Projection (NDMP)
Exemplar-Driven Bayesian
Network (EDBN) classifier
spatial temporal
Training video sequences
Training exemplars
Test video sequences
Identity of subject in video
Fig. 1. The proposed exemplar-based spatio-temporal framework for video-to-video face
recognition. The usage of spatial and temporal information are indicated in red and blue
respectively in this diagram. The STHAC method in the clustering step and EDBN classier
in the classication step utilizes both spatio-temporal dynamics. Feature representation
(NDMP method) takes only spatial information since the extracted training exemplars are
used here, unlike subspace-based and temporal modeling-based methods (as discussed in
Section 2).
276 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 5
sequences. Which image from the training video is to be matched with images from the test
To accomplish a complete video-to-video setting, one possible conguration used by
exemplar-based approaches is to simplify it to a image-to-video recognition task, whereby each
training video is represented by a set of exemplars (Fan & Yeung, 2006; Hadid & Peitikinen,
2004). The availability of multiple image frames in the test video provides a good platform
for utilizing temporal information between successive frames. For general notation, given a
sequence of face images extracted from a video,

, x
, . . . , x

, (1)
where N
is the number of face images in the video. Assuming that each video contains the
faces of the same person and c is the subject identity of a C-class problem, c {1, 2, . . . , C}, its
associated exemplar set
= {e
, e
, . . . , e
} , (2)
where E
and the number of exemplars extracted, M N
. Thus, the overall
exemplar-class set can be succintly summarized as
E = {e
|c = 1, . . . , C; m = 1, . . . , M} , (3)
in which there are a total of C M unique exemplar-classes. In cases where more than one
training video of a particular class is used, image frames from all similar-class videos are
aggregated to extract M exemplars.
3.2 Embedding face variations
Considering the large amount of face variations in each training video sequence, a suitable
dimensionality reduction method is necessary to uncover the intrinsic structure of the data
manifold which may originally lie on a complex hyperplane. Recent nonlinear dimensionality
reduction techniques such as Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) (Roweis & Saul, 2000) and
Isomap (Tenenbaum et al., 2000) have been proven effective at seeking a low-dimensional
embedding of a data manifold. LLE in particular, is known for its capability in modeling the
global intrinsic structure of the manifold while preserving local neighborhood structures to
better capture various face variations such as pose, expressionand illumination. Conventional
unsupervised methods such as Principal Component Analaysis (PCA) (Turk & Pentland,
1991) and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) (Cox & Cox, 2001) have the tendency of
overestimating the intrinsic dimensionality of high-variability data.
For each training video in our method, we apply the LLE algorithm to embed the face
variations in a low-dimensional space, in preparation for the subsequent clustering step. Fig.
2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) shows the embedding of image data from a single video in PCA, Isomap
and LLE spaces respectively. From Fig. 2(d), we can clearly see that the LLE method is able
to uncover linear patches in its embedded space after performing spectral clustering, where
each cluster represents a particular face appearance.
3.3 Spatio-temporal clustering for exemplar extraction
In the next step, clustering is performed on the LLE-space by extracting M number of clusters
that group together faces of similar appearances. In many previous works (Fan et al., 2005;
Hadid & Peitikinen, 2004), k-means clustering is the primary choice for assigning data into
different clusters due to its straightforward implementation. However, it has some obvious
limitations rstly, it is sensitive to the initial seeds used, which can differ in every run, and
secondly, it produces suboptimal results due to its inability to nd global minima.
277 Video-Based Face Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Representations
6 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
2nd dimension 1st dimension
(a) PCA
2nd dimension 1st dimension
(b) Isomap
1st dimension
2nd dimension
(c) LLE
(d) Linear cluster patches (in different colors) in
Fig. 2. The embedding plots of data taken from a sample video sequence, embedded using
(a) PCA, (b) Isomap, and (c) LLE dimensionality reduction methods. Each data point
represents an image in the embedded space. In the case of LLE, the formation of linear
patches enables the spreading of different face appearances across its spectral projection (d).
3.3.1 Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC)
Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) is a hierarchical method of partitioning data
points by constructing a nested set of partitions represented by a cluster tree, or dendrogram
(Duda et al., 2000). The agglomerative approach works from"bottom-up" by grouping smaller
clusters into larger ones, as described by the following procedure:
1. Initialize each data point (of all N
points) as a singleton cluster.
2. Find the nearest pairs of clusters, according to a certain distance measure d(
between clusters
. Commonly used measures are such as single-link,
complete-link, group-average-link and Wards distance criterion. Merge the two nearest
clusters to form a new cluster.
3. Continue distance computation and merging (repeat Step 2), and terminate when all points
belong to a single cluster. The required number of clusters, M is selected by partitioning at
the appropriate level of the dendrogram.
278 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 7
3.3.2 Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (STHAC)
Our proposed Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (STHAC) differs from
the standard HAC in terms of the computation of the nearest pair of clusters (Step 2). A
spatio-temporal distance measure is proposed by fusing both spatial and temporal distances to
inuence the location of data points in time-space dimension. Since clustering procedures
generally only utilize the distances between points, perturbations can be applied to the
original spatial distances without cumbersome modeling of points in time-space dimension.
While spatial distance is measured by simple Euclidean distance between points, temporal
distance is measured by the time spanned between two frame occurrences (x
and v
) in a
video sequence,
, x
) =


where t is a discretized unit time. This formulation is intuitive enough to quantify temporal
relationships across sequentially ordered data points. The matrices containing pairwise
spatial Euclidean distances D
, x
) and temporal distances D
, x
) between all data
points, are computed and normalized. We present two varieties of fusion schemes, one which
functions at the global structural level, and another at the local neighborhood level.
The Global Fusion (STHAC-GF) scheme blends the contribution of spatial and temporal
distances using a temporal tuning parameter, . The tuning parameter adjusts the
perturbation factor dened by its upper and lower bounds, p
and p
respectively, which
acts to increase or reduce the original distances. GSTF denes the spatio-temporal distance as
= (p
+ ( + p
, 0 1 . (5)
The Local Perturbation (STHAC-LP) scheme perturbs spatial and temporal distances based
on local spatio-temporal neighborhood relationships between a point and its neighbors. For
each point x
, a temporal window segment,
= {x
, . . . , x
, . . . , x
} , (6)
of length (2w +1) is dened as its temporal neighborhood. The spatial neighborhood of point
= {x
, x
, . . . , x
} (7)
is simply a set containing k-nearest neighbors of x
computed by Euclidean distance. A point
is identied as a common spatio-temporal neighbor (CSTN) of point x
if it belongs to both
spatial and temporal neighborhood point sets, hence the criterion,
= S
. (8)
With that, we introduce a perturbation afnity matrix containing multipliers that represent
the degree of attraction and repulsion betwee

, if x
1 +
, if x
1, otherwise
are the similarity and dissimilarity perturbation constants respectively,
taking appropriate values of 0 < {
} < d(x
, x
) . To simplify parameter tuning,
we use a single perturbation constant, that is =
. In short P
seeks to
279 Video-Based Face Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Representations
8 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
accentuate the similarities and dissimilarities between data samples by articially reducing
and increasing spatial and temporal distances between samples. By matrix multiplication,
STHAC-LP denes the spatio-temporal distance as
= P
+ D
) . (10)
The linkage criterion chosen in our work for merging clusters is Wards distance criterion,
) =
+ n


. (11)
where m
and m
are means of cluster i and j respectively, while n
and n
are the cardinality
of the clusters. Wards criterion (Webb, 2002) is chosen due to its attractive sample-dependent
mean squared error term, which is a good heuristic for approximating the suitable number of
clusters via nding the "elbow" of the residual error curve (see Fig. 3).
After clustering the face data in each training video, face images that are nearest to each cluster
mean are chosen as exemplars.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of clusters




Fig. 3. Residual error curve of three different training videos (plotted with different colors)
that were partitioned into different number of clusters. The "elbow" of the curve is
approximately at 5 9 clusters.
3.4 Feature representation
Traditional linear subspace projection methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
(Turk & Pentland, 1991) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) (Belhumeur et al., 1997)
have been widely used to great effect in characterizing data in smooth and well-sampled
manifolds. Recently, there has been a urry of manifold learning methods such as Locality
Preserving Projections (LPP) (He & Niyogi, 2003), Marginal Fisher Analysis (MFA) (Yan et al.,
2007) and Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) (He et al., 2005), that are able to
effectively derive optimal linear approximations to a low-dimensional embedding of complex
manifolds. NPE in particular, has an attractive neighborhood preserving property due to its
formulation based on LLE.
280 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 9
For improved extraction of features for face recognition, we apply the Neighborhood
Discriminative Manifold Projection (NDMP) method (See & Ahmad Fauzi, 2011), which is
our earlier work on feature representation. NDMP is a supervised discriminative variant
of the NPE which seeks to learn an optimal low-dimensional projection by distinguishing
between intra-class and inter-class neighborhood reconstruction. Global structural and local
neighborhood constraints are imposed in a constrained optimization problem, which can be
solved as a generalized eigenvalue problem:
)A = (XM
)A, (12)
where X denotes the face exemplar set in
, while M
and M
are the intra-class and
inter-class orthogonal weight matrices respectively.
A new test sample X

can be projected to the embedded space in


by the linear

= A

where D

D. More details on the theoretical formulation of the NDMP method can be

found in (See & Ahmad Fauzi, 2011).
Fig. 4 shows the plots of face exemplar points in LDA, LPP and NDMP feature space.
Note that among the three supervised methods, the NDMP dimensionality reduction method
provides the best discrimination between classes. The insufcient amount of separation
between different-class points (for LPP) and attraction within same-class points (for LDA and
LPP) can potentially contribute towards erroneous classication in the next task.
Fig. 4. Data points of a 20-class exemplar set plotted in LDA (left), LPP (center), and NDMP
(right) feature space. Exemplars of each class are indicated by a different shape-color point.
3.5 Exemplar-driven Bayesian network classication
Many conventional still-image face recognition systems evaluate the performance of an
algorithm by measuring recognition accuracies or error rates, which can simply be computed
based on the number of correctly or incorrectly identied test images in a test set. In
video-based evaluation, this is usually extended to a voting scheme, where the face in every
video frame is identied independently, and then a voting method (typically majority vote or
condence-based methods such as sum rule and product rule) is performed to decide on the
overall identity of the person in the sequence.
In this work, we propose a new classication method for video sequences using an
exemplar-driven Bayesian network (EDBN) classier, which introduces a joint probability
281 Video-Based Face Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Representations
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function that is estimated by maximum a posteriori (MAP) decision rule within a Bayesian
inference model. In comparison to other Bayesian methods (Fan et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2006),
the EDBN classier incorporates temporal continuity between successive video frames with
consideration for the causal relationships between exemplars and their parent classes.
In a Bayesian inference model (Duda et al., 2000), the subject identity of a test video X can be
found by estimating the MAP probability decision rule,

= arg max
), (14)
where the subscript notation of x succintly represents a sequence of N images.
In a typical Naive Bayes classier, estimation based on MAP decision rule can be expressed as
) =

, (15)
where P(c) is the prior probability of each class, P(x
|c) is the likelihood probability of
x given class c and the denominator is a normalization factor to ensure that the sum of the
likelihoods over all possible classes equals to 1.
Within an embedding space, the extracted exemplars can be irregularlylocated due to varying
degree or magnitude of appearances. Thus, they should be weighted according to their
inuence or contribution in the subspace. Intuitively, contribution of exemplars that lie farther
fromthe within-class exemplar subspace (more limited or uncommon) should be emphasized
while exemplars that are near the within-class exemplar subspace (more likely found) should
contribute at a lesser degree. To introduce causal relationship between exemplars and their
parent classes, we formulate a joint probability function,
P(c, E, X) = P(X|c, E)P(E|c)P(c) , (16)
which includes the exemplar-class set E as a new latent variable. The graphical model of the
EDBN classier is shown in Fig. 5. Thus, the MAP classier is redened by maximizing the
joint posterior probability of the class c and exemplar-class E given observation X:
P(c, E|X) = max
P(c, E, X)
= max

P(X|c, e
= max


|c, e
. (17)
The marginal probability P(x
) does not depend on both c and E, thus functioning
only as a normalizing constant. Since the class prior probability P(c) is assumed to be
non-informative at the start of observation sequence X, using uniform priors is a good
estimation. The conditional probability P(e
|c) represents the exemplar prominence probabilitiy
while P(x
|c, e
) is the class likelihood probability.
282 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 11
Fig. 5. Graphical model of the exemplar-driven Bayesian network (EDBN) classier
3.5.1 Computation of class likelihood probability
Conventional Bayesian classiers typically estimate the distribution of data using a
multivariate Gaussian density function. However, accurate estimation of distribution can
be challenging with the limited sample size in our problem setting. Alternatively, we
can perform non-parametric density estimation by applying distance measures (or a kernel
density estimator with uniform kernel), which are computationally inexpensive.
We dene Frame Similarity Score (FSS) as the reciprocal of the
-norm distance between the
observed face image x
and the j-th exemplar-class e
, e
) =

2 (x
, e
. (18)
The likelihood probability of the test face image x
given the class c and exemplar-class e is
determined by the ratio of FSS for exemplar-class e
to the total sum of FSS across all C M
|c, e
) =
, e


, e
. (19)
3.5.2 Computation of exemplar prominence
Causal relationship between exemplars and their parent classes can be represented by
the exemplar prominence probability P(e
|c). Similar to the computation of likelihood
probability, we avoid estimating density functions by representing the inuence of an
exemplar in its own class subspace using a normalized Hausdorff distance metric,
, E
) =




, (20)
where E
is the exemplar set of class c and is a normalizing factor to ensure that distances
are relatively scaled for each class.
By dening Exemplar Prominence Score (EPS) as the reciprocal of the distance metric,
, e
) = 1/d
, E
), (21)
283 Video-Based Face Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Representations
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the exemplar prominence probability can be formulated as
|c) =
, e

, e
, (22)
which can be pre-computed since it does not depend on input observation X.
4. Experimental setup
Unlike VFR, still image-based face recognition uses very standardized evaluation procedures
and there exist many benchmark datasets up-to-date (Gross, 2004). Due to the different
evaluation settings used for video-based face recognition, it is generally difcult to make
direct comparisons between results reported in different works in the literature. Also, a
large variety of datasets have been used or customized for the purpose of video-based face
4.1 Datasets
Fig. 6. Sample face images of a video sequence from the Honda/UCSD (left), and CMU
MoBo (right) datasets
In order to ensure a comprehensive evaluation was conducted, we use two standard video
face datasets: Honda/UCSD Face Video Database (Lee et al., 2005) and CMU Motion of Body
(MoBo) (Gross & Shi, 2001).
The rst dataset, Honda/UCSD, which was collected for the purpose of VFR, consists of 59
video sequences of 20 different people (each person has at least 2 videos). Each video contains
about 300-600 frames, comprising of large pose and expression variations and signicant
3-D head rotations. The second dataset, CMU MoBo is another commonly used benchmark
dataset customized for VFR, although it was originally intended for human motion analysis.
It consists of 96 sequences of 24 different subjects (each person has 4 videos). Each video
contains about 300 frames.
For both datasets, faces were extracted using the Viola-Jones face detector (Viola & Jones,
2001) and IVT object tracker (Ross et al., 2008) (which is very robust towards out-of-plane
284 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 13
head movements), to ensure all frames with the presence of a face are successfully processed.
The extracted faces are resized to grayscale images of 32 32 pixels, followed by histogram
equalization to normalize lighting effects. Sample face images of a video sequence from both
datasets are shown in Fig. 6.
4.2 VFR evaluation settings
For each subject, one video sequence is used for training, and the remaining video sequences
for testing. To ensure extensive evaluation on the datasets, we construct our test set by
randomly sampling 20 sub-sequences consisting of 100 frames fromeach test video sequence.
We use 7 exemplars for Honda/UCSD and 6 exemplars for CMU MoBo
. Tuning parameters
for STHAC-GF and STHAC-LP were set at = 0.75 and = 0.2 respectively.
5. Evaluation results and discussions
To evaluate our proposed exemplar-based spatio-temporal framework for video-based face
recognition, we conduct a collection of experiments to test the effectiveness of novel
spatio-temporal representations at various levels of the VFR task. Finally, some rank-based
identication results are reported.
5.1 Exemplar extraction/clustering methods
Focusing our attention rst to exemplar extraction/clustering methods, we perform
experiments on the following exemplar-based methods:
Random exemplar selection
LLE+k-means clustering (used in (Hadid & Peitikinen, 2004))
Geodesic distances + HAC (used in (Fan & Yeung, 2006))
Fig. 7. Sample extracted exemplar sets of three different training videos (one in each row)
from the Honda/UCSD (left), and CMU MoBo (right) datasets.
To narrow the scope of our experiments, we only conduct this experiment on the
Honda/UCSD dataset since it possesses much larger and more complex face variations
compared to the CMU MoBo. Test sequences are evaluated using the proposed
The number of exemplars selected from each video is heuristically determined using the "elbow" rule
of thumb from the residual error curve of Wards distance criterion.
285 Video-Based Face Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Representations
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Exemplar-driven Bayesian Network (EDBN) classier. Some sample extracted exemplars
from both datasets are shown in Fig. 7.
Methods\Feature PCA LDA NPE NDMP
Randomselection 63.68 64.81 65.68 66.09
LLE + k-means 68.54 70.43 65.36 73.66
Geodesic + HAC 73.69 71.30 66.07 76.75
LLE + HAC 66.18 71.20 71.70 86.90
LLE + STHAC-GF 74.89 76.94 80.68 95.33
LLE + STHAC-LP 81.91 87.21 90.84 94.52
Table 1. Average recognition rates (%) of different exemplar extraction methods on the
Table 1 demonstrates the superiority of our proposed spatio-temporal hierarchical
agglomerative clustering (STHAC) technique in partitioning data into relevant clusters for
exemplar extraction. The Global Fusion variant (STHAC-GF) performs slightly better than
the Local Perturbation variant (STHAC-LP) when NDMP features are used. However, the
STHAC-LP is notably more effective using the other tested features. This substantiates
our hypothesis that the usage of the temporal dimension plays a vital role in processing
continuous stream data such as video. Conventional spatial techniques such as HAC and
k-means clustering do not utilize the temporal continuity to its good potential.
5.2 Feature representation methods
In our second evaluation, we examine the effectiveness of different feature representation
methods in extracting meaningful features that can produce the best possible recognition
results. Experiments were conducted on both Honda/UCSD and CMU MoBo datasets,
with six different feature extraction techniques: PCA, LDA, LPP, MFA, NPE and our
recently-proposed NDMP method. Training exemplars are selected using the STHAC-GF
clustering method. Test sequences are evaluated using the proposed Exemplar-driven
Bayesian Network (EDBN) classier (EDBN).
Feature\Datasets Honda/UCSD CMU MoBo
PCA 74.89 85.32
LDA 78.04 89.79
LPP 75.00 91.41
MFA 58.88 80.68
NPE 81.62 91.80
NDMP 95.33 95.55
Table 2. Average recognition rates (%) of different feature representation methods on the
evaluated datasets
The NDMP method is able to produce the best results among the tested state-of-art
methods by extracting features that are discriminative, structure-constraining and
neighborhood-preserving, as shown in Table 2. It is worth noticing that classic methods
for still image-based recognition such as PCA and LDA struggle to nd meaningful
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Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 15
features within a complex face manifold. Our method also performed better than recent
neighborhood-preserving methods such as MFA and NPE.
Overall, it can also be observed that evaluation on the CMU MoBo dataset yielded better
recognition rates than the Honda/UCSD dataset. This is an expected outcome as the
Honda/UCSD dataset contains much more challenging pose variations, head movements and
illumination changes.
5.3 Classication methods
In our third evaluation, we xed the methods used for the exemplar extraction/clustering
and feature representation steps to our best options (STHAC-GF and NDMP respectively)
while testing the recognition capability of an array of classication schemes. Our experiment
implements the following schemes:
1. Majority voting (with nearest neighbor matching), where a vote is taken in each frame and
the class with the majority vote is classied as the subject.
2. Probabilistic voting, where the likelihood probabilities of each frame (from Eq. 19)
are combined cumulatively by simple sum rule. The class with the highest cumulative
likelihoods is classied as the subject. The class with the largest sum of likelihoods is
classied as the subject.
3. Naive Bayes classier (from Eq. 15)
4. Exemplar-driven Bayesian Network (EDBN) classier (from Eq. 17)
Classier\Datasets Honda/UCSD CMU MoBo
Majority voting 78.68 92.67
Probabilistic voting 83.95 93.10
Naive Bayes 90.67 94.04
EDBN 95.33 95.55
Table 3. Average recognition rates (%) of different classication methods on the evaluated
From the results in Table 3, it is clear that Bayesian classiers performed better in the
video-based setting where rapidly changing face pose and expression can easily cause
recognition failure. It is no surprise that the superiority of the EDBN classier is more
pronounced on the Honda/UCSD dataset, where facial appearances change quickly. In Fig.
8, the posterior plot of a sample test sequence from the Honda/UCSD dataset demonstrates
that the EDBNclassier is capable of arriving at the correct identity, even if initial frames were
incorrectly classied.
Unlike conventional voting schemes, the major advantage of our framework is the ability
to incorporate temporal dependencies between successive frames. Also, the establishment
of causality between exemplars and their parent classes in our proposed Bayesian network
slightly enhances recognition accuracy since exemplars that are more prominent are given
more inuence in the model and vice versa.
Our proposed framework can achieved the top recognition rate of more than 95% on both
Honda/UCSD and CMU MoBo datasets using the best combination of spatio-temporal
representations exemplar extraction by clustering with STHAC-GF (Global Fusion scheme),
representating the exemplar features with Neighborhood Discriminative Manifold Projection
287 Video-Based Face Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Representations
16 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
frame index, i


Fig. 8. Plot of posterior P(c|E, X) versus frame index i of a sample 100-frame rakesh video
subsequence from Honda/UCSD dataset. Posterior probabilities of the seven most probable
subjects are shown in different colors. The subject rakesh (in blue line) is correctly identied
for this test subsequence.
(NDMP) dimensionality reduction method, and classication with the Exemplar-Driven
Bayesian Network (EDBN) classier.
5.4 Rank-based identication
We further evaluate the reliability of the proposedspatio-temporal framework in a rank-based
identication setting, by presenting its performance using a cumulative match curve (CMC).
To accomodate this setting, we alter the MAP decision rule in Eq. 14 to take the top-n
matches (insted of the maximum) based on the posterior probabilities. The subject in the test
sequence is identied if it matches any class fromthe top-n matches. We gauge the rank-based
performance of our proposed framework by comparing the effect of using different feature
representation and clustering methods through their respective CMCs.
Figs. 9(a) and 9(b) shows the CMC of using different feature representation methods (PCA,
LDA, LPP, MFA, NPE, NDMP) on both Honda/UCSD ad CMU MoBo datasets. At any given
rank, the NDMP feature always yields better recognition rates compared to the other tested
features. The NDMP feature is able to achieve a perfect recognition score of 100% as early as
rank-6 on both datasets.
In the comparison of clustering methods in Fig. 10, the spatio-temporal HAC with Global
Fusion (STHAC-GF) method is able to outperform other spatial methods such as k-means
clustering and HAC in the rank-based identication setting. For both our methods,
dimensionality reductionis performedusing LLE. Interestingly, the Local Perturbation variant
(STHAC-LP) is unable to improve its recognition rate even when the rank increases.
288 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Fig. 9. Cumulative match curves of different feature representation methods on the (a)
Honda/UCSD dataset, and (b) CMU MoBo dataset. On both datasets, it is clear that using
NDMP features to represent exemplars consistently yield better recognition rates than using
other features at any given rank. Assume STHAC-GF and EDBN classier are used for
clustering and classication respectively.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Random selection
LLE + kmeans
Geodesic + HAC
Fig. 10. Cumulative match curves of different clustering methods for exemplar extraction on
the Honda/UCSD dataset. It can be observed that the proposed spatio-temporal HAC
method with Global Fusion (STHAC-GF) is clearly superior to spatial clustering methods
such as k-means and HAC. Assume NDMP and EDBN classier are used for feature
representation and classication respectively.
289 Video-Based Face Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Representations
18 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH
6. Future directions
While our proposed exemplar-based spatio-temporal framework has demonstrated
promising results in our video-based face recognition evaluation, there are many avenues
for future improvements in the following areas:
Clustering and Exemplar Extraction: While the straightforward STHAC-GF method is able
produce good clusters for exemplar extraction, the STHAC-LP has shown unpredictable
results especially in the rank-based identication setting in Section 5.4. It is possible that
the optimum values for the
parameters in Eq. 9 have not been found, thus
limiting its full potential for better performance. Future work can also extend beyond the
exemplar-based approach by utilizing the already-extracted clusters as "local clusters" to
create a dual exemplar-and-image set representation, with works by (Kim et al., 2007) and
(Wang et al., 2008) being the primary motivations of this idea.
Feature Representation: The superior performance of the NDMP method compared to
other existing state-of-art dimensionality reduction methods shows its potential usage
for real-world applications such as biometric authentication, and video surveillance.
Theoretically, the NDMP method can also be further generalized to a nonlinear formin kernel
feature space, which may increase its robustness towards nonlinear manifolds.
Classication: The elegance of using a Bayesian network lies in its ability to encode causality
between latent variables involved in the decision-making. While our EDBN model is the
rst step towards utilizing additional information to enhance classication, we can further
formulate conditional probabilities between clusters, which can be easily simplied by
computing canonical correlations.
Evaluation: With the luxury of temporal information in video, more comprehensive
experiments can be further conducted to test the robustness of our proposed recognition
framework in real-world scenarios, such as (1) having multiple identities in a same video
sequence, (2) variable-length video sequences, and (3) degraded or low-quality video.
7. Conclusion
In this chapter, a novel exemplar-based spatio-temporal framework for video-based face
recognition is presented. The paradigm of this framework involves identifying feasible
spatio-temporal representations at various levels of a video-to-video recognition task. There
are major contributions in all three stages of an exemplar-based approach clustering for
exemplar extraction, feature representation and classication. In the training stage, a new
spatio-temporal hierarchical agglomerative clustering (STHAC) partitions data from each
training video into clusters by exploiting additional temporal information between video
frames. Face exemplars are then extracted as representatives of each cluster. In feature
representation step, meaningful spatial features are extracted from both training and test
data using the Neighborhood Discriminative Manifold Projection (NDMP) method. In the
nal classication task, a new exemplar-driven Bayesian network (EDBN) classier which
promotes temporal continuity between successive video frames is proposed to identify the
subject in test video sequences. Extensive experiments conducted on two large video datasets
demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework and its associated novel methods
compared to other existing state-of-art techniques. Furthermore, the reported results show
promising potential for other real-world pattern recognition applications.
290 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Video-based Face Recognition using Spatio-Temporal Representations 19
8. References
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292 Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and
Tracking Techniques Used for the
Interaction between Humans and Robots

Chin-Shyurng Fahn and Chih-Hsin Wang

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei
Taiwan, R. O. C.
1. Introduction
The technology of biometric recognition systems for personal identification commonly
manipulate the input data acquired from irises, voiceprints, fingerprints, signatures, human
faces, and so on. The recognition of irises, voiceprints, fingerprints, and signatures belongs
to the passive methods that require the camera with a high resolution or capture peoples
biometric information at a short range. These methods are not suitable for our person
following robot to be developed, because they cannot provide convenience for users. Face
recognition belongs to one of the active methods that users need keep away from a camera
at a certain distance only. In this chapter, face recognition is regarded as a kind of human
computer interfaces (HCIs) that are applied to the interaction between humans and robots.
Thus, we attempt to develop an automatic real-time multiple faces recognition and tracking
system equipped on the robot that can detect human faces and confirm a target in an image
sequence captured from a PTZ camera, and keep tracking the target that has been identified
as a master or stranger, then employ a laser range finder to measure a proper distance
between targets owner and the robot.
Generally, three main procedures: face detection, face recognition, and face tracking are
implemented on such a system. In literature, a large number of face localization techniques
had been proposed. According to the literature (Hjelms & Low, 2001), the methods for face
detection can be basically grouped into feature-based and image-based approaches. The
development of the feature-based approaches can be further divided into three areas: active
shape models, feature analysis, and low-level analysis for edges, grey-levels, skin colours,
motions, and so forth. On the other hand, the image-based approaches can be categorized
into linear subspace methods, neural networks, and statistical approaches.
The development of face recognition is more and more advanced in the past twenty years
(Zhao et al., 2003). Each system has its own solution. At present, all researches about face
recognition take the features that are robust enough to represent different human faces. A

This work was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan (R. O. C.) under Grant
C. S. Fahn and C. H. Wang are with the Department of Computer Science and Information
Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 10607, Taiwan, R. O. C.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

novel classification method, called the nearest feature line (NFL), for face recognition was
proposed (Li et al., 1999). The derived FL can capture more variations of face images than
the original feature points do, and it thus expands the capacity of an available face image
database. However, if there are a lot of face images in the database, the recognition accuracy
will reduce. Two simple but general strategies for a common face image database are
compared and developed two new algorithms (Brunelli & Poggio, 1993); the first one is
based on the computation of a set of geometrical features, such as nose width and length,
mouth position, and chin shape, and the second one is based on almost-grey-level template
matching. Nevertheless, under the different lighting conditions, the characteristic of
geometry will change. In the literature (Er et al., 2002), the researchers combined the
techniques of principal component analysis (PCA), Fishers linear discriminant, and radial
basis function to increase the correct rate of face recognition. However, their approach is
unable to carry out in real time.
On the whole, the methods of tracking objects can be categorized into three ways: match
tracking, predictive tracking, and energy functions (Fan et al., 2002). Match tracking has to
detect moving objects in the entire image. Although the accuracy of match tracking is
considerable, it is very time-consuming and we can not improve the performance
effectively. Energy functions are often adopted in a snake model. They provide a good
help for contour tracking. In general, there are two methods of predictive tracking: the
Kalman filter and a particle filter. The Kalman filter has great effects when the objects
move in linear paths, but its not appropriate for the non-linear and non-Gaussian
movements of objects. On the contrary, the particle filter performs well for non-linear and
non-Gaussian problems. A research team completed a face tracking system which exploits
a simple linear Kalman filter (An et al., 2005). They used a small number of critical
rectangle features selected and trained by an AdaBoost learning algorithm, and then
detected the initial position, size, and incline angle of a human face correctly. Once a
human face is reliably detected, they extract the colour distributions of the face and the
upper body from the detected facial regions and the upper body regions for creating
respective robust colour modelling by virtue of k-means clustering and multiple Gaussian
models. Then fast and efficient multi-view face tracking is executed using several critical
features and a simple linear Kalman filter. However, two critical problems, lighting
condition change and the number of clusters in the k-means clustering, are not solved well
yet. In addition to the Kalman filter, some real-time face tracking systems based on
particle filtering techniques were proposed (Fahn et al., 2009; Fahn & Lin, 2010; Fahn &
Lo, 2010). The researchers utilized a particle filter to localize human faces in image
sequences. Since they have considered the hair colour information of a human head, it
will keep tracking even if the person is back to the sight of a camera.
In this chapter, an automatic real-time multiple faces recognition and tracking system
installed on a person following robot is presented, which is inclusive of face detection, face
recognition, and face tracking procedures. To identify human faces quickly and accurately,
an AdaBoost algorithm is used for training a strong classifier for face detection (Viola &
Jones, 2001). As to face recognition, we modify the discriminative common vectors (DCVs)
algorithm (Cevikalp & Wilkes, 2004; Cevikalp et al., 2005; Gulmezoglu et al., 2001) and
employ the minimum Euclidean distance to measure the similarity of a detected face image
and a candidate one. To raise the confidence level, the most likely person is determined by
the majority voting of ten successive recognition results from a face image sequence. In the
sequel, the results of recognition will be assigned into two classes: master and stranger.
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots

In our system, the robot will track the master unceasingly except that the power is turned
off. In the face tracking procedure, we propose an improved particle filter to dynamically
locate multiple faces. According to the position of the target in an image, we issue a series of
commands (moving forward, turning left or turning right) to drive the motors of wheels on
the robot, and evaluate the distance between a master and the robot by means of a laser
range finder to issue a set of commands (stop or turn backward) until the robot follows to a
suitable distance in front of the master.
2. Hardware description
The following describes the hardware system of our experimental robot whose frame size is
40 cm long, 40 cm wide, and 130 cm high as Fig. 1 shows. The robot has three wheels; the
motors of two front wheels driving the robot to move forward/backward and turn
left/right, whereas one rear wheel without dynamic power is used for supporting the robot
only. By controlling the turning directions of the two front wheels, we can change the
moving direction of the robot. In order to help the robot to balance, we settle one ball caster
in the rear.

Robot wheel
Laser range
12V DC battery
Industrial PC
Lithium power
Touch screen
PTZ camera

(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Illustration of our experimental robot: (a) the robot frame; (b) the concrete robot.
Fig. 2 illustrates the hardware architecture of our experimental robot. We can receive the
distance data of the laser range finder from the Industrial PC via RS-232. In the camera
system, the images are acquired through the USB 2.0 video grabber. After processing the
captured images and receiving the distance data from the laser range finder, the program
will send commands through RS-232 to the motor system. The H8/3694F microprocessor

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

can link the micro serial servo controller, and then the left and right motors of the front
wheels are driven.

Fig. 2. Hardware architecture of our experimental robot.
3. Face detection
The face detection is a crucial step of the human face recognition and tracking system. For
enabling the system to extract facial features more efficiently and perfectly, we must narrow
the range of face detection first, and the performance of the face detection method cant be
too low. In order to detect human faces quickly and accurately, we take advantage of an
AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting) algorithm to build a strong classifier with simple rectangle
features involved in an integral image (Viola & Jones, 2001). Therefore, no matter what the
size of a rectangle feature we use, the execution time is always constant. Some rectangle
features are fed to the strong classifier that can distinguish positive and negative images.
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots

Although the AdaBoost algorithm spends a lot of time on training the strong classifier, the
face detection result attains high performance in the main. Fig. 3 depicts the boosting
learning algorithm that we adopt for face detection.

Given: n training images (x
), (x
), , and (x
), where y
= 0, 1 stand for negative
and positive examples, respectively.

Initialize weights:

if is the number of negative examples
if is the number of positive examples.
w m
w l

For t = 1, 2, , T:
1. Normalize the weights:
t i
t i
t j


2. Compute the weighted error of each weak classifier:
min ( , , , ) .
, ,
w h x f p y
i i i
t f p
c u
3. Choose the weak classifier that has the minimum error:
( ) ( ) , , , .
t t t
h x h x f p u =
4. Update the weights:
if is classified correctly
1, ,
1, ,
where .
w w x
t i t i t
w w
t i t i


The final strong classifier is
( )
( )
1 1
0 otherwise,
where log .
h x
t t t
C x
t t
o o


= =


Fig. 3. The boosting learning algorithm used in face detection.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

The cascaded structure of weak classifiers using the AdaBoost algorithm is constructed one
by one, and each weak classifier has its own order. A positive result will be processed by the
next weak classifier, whereas a negative result at any currently processed point leads to the
immediate rejection for the corresponding sub-window. First, we input the rectangle
features via different sub-windows into many weak classifiers, and the detection error rate
is the minimum in the first weak classifier that can delete a lot of negative examples, then
the remaining images are more difficult to be removed, which are further processed by the
successive weak classifiers. Such an operation is repeatedly executed until the last weak
classifier is performed, and the remainders are face images.
In order to take advantage of the integral image, we adopt the concept like processing a
pyramid of images. That is, a sub-window constituting the detector scans the input image
on many scales. For example, the first detector is composed of 20 20 pixels, and an image
of 320 240 pixels is scanned by the detector. After that, the current image is smaller than the
previous one by 1.25 times. A fixed scale detector is then employed to scan each of these
images. When the detector scans an image, subsequent locations are acquired from shifting
the window by some number of pixels, sA , where s is the current scale. Note that the
choice of A affects both the speed of the detector and the accuracy of the detection.
Detection results are clustered into a class to determine the representative position of the
target via comparing the distance between the centres of a detection result and the class
with a given threshold. The threshold changes with the current scale like shifting pixels
mentioned above. If more than one detection result overlaps with each other, the final
region is computed from the average of their positions of each overlapping part.
4. Face recognition
Through the face detection procedure, we can take face images that are then fed to the face
recognition procedure. To begin with, we execute the image normalization to make the sizes
of face images be the same. The intensity of the images will be also adjusted for reducing the
lighting effect. After the size normalization and intensity adjustment, we subsequently
perform the feature extraction process to obtain the feature vector of a face image. The idea
of common vectors was originally introduced for isolated word recognition problems in the
case that the number of samples in each class is less than or equal to the dimensionality of
the sample space. The approaches to solving these problems extract the common properties
of classes in the training set by eliminating the differences of the samples in each class. A
common vector for each individual class is obtained from removing all the features that are
in the directions of the eigenvectors corresponding to the nonzero eigenvalues of the scatter
matrix of its own class. The common vectors are then used for pattern recognition. In our
case, instead of employing a given classs own scatter matrix, we exploit the within-class
scatter matrix of all classes to get the common vectors. We also present an alternative
algorithm based on the subspace method and the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
procedure to acquire the common vectors. Therefore, a new set of vectors called the
discriminative common vectors (DCVs) will be used for classification, which results from
the common vectors. What follows elaborates the algorithms for obtaining the common
vectors and the discriminative common vectors (Gulmezoglu et al., 2001)
4.1 The DCV algorithm
Let the training set be composed of C classes, where each class contains M samples, and
x be a -dimensional d column vector which denotes the -th m sample from the -th c
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots

class. There will be a total of N MC = samples in the training set. Supposing that d M C > ,
three scatter matrices
S ,
S , and
S are respectively defined below:

1 1
( )( ) ,
c c c c T
W m m
c m
S x x x x
= =

( )( ) ,
c c T
S x x x x

1 1
( )( ) ,
c c T
T m m W B
c m
S x x x x S S
= =
= = +
where x is the mean of all samples and
x is the mean of samples in the -th c class.
In the special case, 0
w S w = and 0
w S w = for all 0
w R e , modified Fishers linear
discriminant criterion attains a maximum. However, a projection vector w , satisfying the
above conditions, does not necessarily maximize the between-class scatter matrix. The
following is a better criterion (Bing et al., 2002; Turk & Pentland, 1991):

0 0
( ) argmax argmax
out B T
= =
= = .

To find the optimal projection vectors w in the null space of
S , we project the face
samples onto the null space of
S and then obtain the projection vectors by performing
principal component analysis (PCA). To accomplish this, the vectors that span the null space
S must first be computed. Nevertheless, this task is computationally intractable since
the dimension of this null space is probably very large. A more efficient way of realizing this
task is resorted to the orthogonal complement of the null space of
S , which significantly
becomes a lower-dimensional space.
R be the original sample space, V be the range space of
S , and V

be the null space

S . Equivalently,
{ }
0, 1, 2, ,
k W k
V span S k r o o = = =

and { }
0, 1, 2, , ,
k W k
V span S k r r d o o

= = = + +

where r d < is the rank of
S ,
{ }
1 2
, , ,
o o o
is an orthonormal set, and{ }
1 2
, , ,
o o o is the
set of orthonormal eigenvectors corresponding to the nonzero eigenvalues of
S .
Consider the matrices
1 2 r
Q o o o

1 2 r r d
Q o o o
+ +

. Since

= , every
face image
c d
x R e has a unique decomposition of the following form

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition


c c c
m m m
x y z = +
where ,
c c T c c c T c
m m m m m m
y Px QQ x V z Px QQ x V

= = e = = e , and P and P are the orthogonal

projection operators onto V and V

, respectively. Our goal is to compute

c c c c c
m m m m m
z x y x Px = =

To do this, we need to find a basis inV , which can be accomplished by an eigenanalysis
S . In particular, the normalized eigenvectors
o corresponding to the nonzero
eigenvalues of
S will be an orthonormal basis inV . The eigenvectors can be obtained by
calculating the eigenvectors of the smaller N N matrix defined as
S A A = where A is
a d N matrix of the form depicted below:

1 1 1 1 2 2
1 1
A x x x x x x x x

v be the -th k nonzero eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of
A A,
where k N C < . Then
k k
Av o = will be the orthonormal eigenvector that corresponds to
the -th k nonzero eigenvalue of
S . The sought-for projection onto V

is achieved using
Eq. (8). In this manner, it turns out that we obtain the same unique vector for all samples of
a class as follows:
, 1, 2, , , 1, 2, , .
c c T c T c
com m m m
x x QQ x QQ x m M c C = = = =

That is, the vector on the right-hand side of Eq. (10) is independent of the sample
indexed m . We refer to the vectors
x as the common vectors.
The theorem states that it is enough to project a single sample from each class. This will
greatly reduce the computational load of the calculations. After acquiring the common
x , the optimal projection vectors will be those that maximize the total scatter of
the common vectors:

0 0
( ) argmax argmax
argmax ,
out B T
= =
= =

where W is a matrix whose columns are the orthonormal optimal projection vectors
w ,
S is the scatter matrix of the common vectors:

( )( ) , 1, 2, , ,
c com c com T
com com com
S x x x x c C
= =

x is the mean of all common vectors:
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots


com c
x x

In this case, the optimal projection vectors
w can be found by an eigenanalysis in
S .
Particularly, all eigenvectors corresponding to the nonzero eigenvalues of
S will be the
optimal projection vectors.
S is typically a large d d matrix. Thus, we can use the
smaller C C matrix
com com
A A to find nonzero eigenvalues and the corresponding
eigenvectors of
com com com
S A A = , where
A is the d C matrix of the form expressed as

1 C
com com com com com
A x x x x


There will be 1 C optimal projection vectors since the rank of
S is 1 C if all common
vectors are linearly independent. If two common vectors are identical, then the two classes,
which are represented by this vector, cannot be distinguished from each other. Since the
optimal projection vectors
w belong to the null space of
S , it follows that when the
image samples
x of the -th i class are projected onto the linear span of the projection
w , the feature vector
1 1
, ,
c c
c m m C
x w x w

O =

of the projection coefficients
m k
x w will also be independent of the sample indexed m . Therefore, we have
, 1, 2, , , 1, 2, ,
T c
c m
W x m M c C O = = = . .

We call the feature vectors
O discriminative common vectors, and they will be used for the
classification of face images. To recognize a test image
x , its feature vector is found by

test test
W x O =
which is then compared with the discriminative common vector
O of each class using the
Euclidean distance. The discriminative common vector found to be the closest to
O is
adopted to identify the test image.
O is only compared to a single vector for each class, the classification is very
efficient for real-time face recognition tasks. In the Eigenface, Fisherface, and Direct-LDA
methods, the test sample feature vector
O is typically compared to all feature vectors of
samples in the training set. It makes these methods be impractical for real-time applications
for large training sets. To overcome this, they should solve the small sample size problem
alternatively (Chen et al., 2000; Huang et al., 2002).
The above method can be summarized as follows:
Step 1. Compute nonzero eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors of
S using the
A A, where
S AA = and A is given by Eq. (9). Set matrix
1 2 r
Q o o o

where , 1, 2, ,
k r o = are the orthonormal eigenvectors of
S with rank r .

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Step 2. Choose any sample from each class and project it onto the null space of
S to obtain
the common vectors:
, 1, 2, , , 1, 2, , .
c c T c
com m m
x x QQ x m M c C = = =

Step 3. Compute the eigenvectors
w of
S , associated with the nonzero eigenvalues, by use
of the matrix
com com
A A , where
com com com
S A A = and
A is given in Eq. (14). There are at most 1 C
eigenvectors corresponding to the nonzero eigenvalues to constitute the projection
1 2 1 C
W w w w

= (

, which will be employed to obtain feature vectors as shown in Eqs.
(15) and (16).
4.2 Similarity measurement
There exist a lot of methods about similarity measurement. In order to implement face
recognition on the robot in real time, we select the Euclidean distance to measure the
similarity of a face image to those in the face database after feature extraction with the aid of
the DCV transformations.
Let the training set be composed of C classes, where each class contains M samples, and
y be a -dimensional d column vector which denotes the -th m sample from the -th c
class. If y is the feature vector of a test image, the similarity of the test image and a given
sample is defined as
( , ) .
c c
m m
d y y y y =

And the Euclidean distance between the feature vectors of the test image y and class c is

{ } 1 2
( , ) min ( , ), ( , ), , ( , ) .
c c c
d y c d y y d y y d y y =

After the test image compared with the feature vectors in all training models, we can find
out the class whose Euclidean distance is minimum. In other words, the test image is
identified the most possible person, namely
Id . Note that a range of the threshold
T is
prescribed for every class to eliminate the person who does not belong to the face database
as Eq. (20) shows:

{ }
argmin ( , )
if min ( , ) , 1, 2, ,
d y c
d y c T c C

s =

5. Face tracking
Our detection method can effectively find face regions, and the recognition method can
know the master for people in front of the robot. Then the robot will track the master
using our face tracking system. On the other hand, we can exchange the roles of the
master with a stranger, and the robot will resume its tracking to follow the stranger. Until
now, many tracking algorithms have been proposed by researchers. Of them, the Kalman
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots

filter and particle filter are applied extensively. The former is often used to predict the
state sequence of a target for linear predictions, and it is not suitable for the non-linear
and non-Gaussian movement of objects. However, the latter is based on the Monte Carlo
integration method and suit to nonlinear predictions. Considering that the postures of a
human body are nonlinear motions, our system chooses a particle filter to realize the
tracker (Foresti et al., 2003; Montemerlo et al., 2002; Nummiaro et al., 2003). The key idea
of this technique is to represent probability densities by sets of samples. Its structure is
divided into four major parts: probability distribution, dynamic model, measurement, and
factored sampling.
5.1 Particle filter
Each interested target will be defined before the face tracking procedure operates. The
feature vector of the -th i interested face in an elliptical shape in the -th t frame is denoted as
{ }
, , , , , ,
, , , , ,
t i t i t i t i t i t i
F x y w h Id =

, ,
( , )
t i t i
x y is the centre of the -th i elliptical window in the -th t frame (i.e., at time step
t ),
, t i
w and
, t i
h symbolize the minor and major axes of the ellipse, respectively, and
, t i
Id is
persons identity assigned from the face recognition result.
According to the above target parameters, the tracking system builds some face models and
their associated candidate models, each of which is represented by a particle. Herein, we
select the Bhattacharyya coefficient to measure the similarity of two discrete distributions
resulting from the respective cues of a face model and its candidate models existing in two
consecutive frames.
Three kinds of cues are considered in the observation model; that is, the colour cue, edge
cue, and motion cue. The colour cue employed in the observation model is still generated
from the practice presented in the above literatures, instead of modelling the target by a
colour histogram. The raw image of each frame is first converted to a colour probability
distribution image via the face colour model, and then the samples are measured on the
colour probability distribution image. In this manner, the face colour model is adapted to
find interested regions by the face detection procedure, next handle the possible changes of
the face regions due to variable illumination frame-by-frame, and the Bhattacharyya
coefficient is used to calculate the similarity defined as
( )
, 1, ,
( , ), ( , ) ,
t i t i t i
C face face
M BC C l m C l m


( , )
t i
C l m

( , )
t i
C l m mean the discrete distributions of the colour cues of the
-th i face model and its candidate model at time steps 1 t and , t respectively.
In comparison to our earlier proposed methods (Fahn et al., 2009; Fahn & Lin, 2010; Fahn &
Lo, 2010), the edge cue is a newly used clue. Edges are a basic feature in images, and they
are not more influenced than the colour model suffering from illumination. First, the Sobel
filter is applied to obtain all the edges in each frame, and the Bhattacharyya coefficient is
employed to represent the similarity measurement just like the colour model:

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

( )
, 1, ,
( , ), ( , ) ,
t i t i t i
E face face
M BC E l m E l m


( , )
t i
E l m

( , )
t i
E l m stand for the discrete distributions of the edge cues of
the -th i face model and its candidate model at time steps 1 t and , t respectively.
As for the motion feature, our tracking system records the centre positions of interested
objects in the previous num frames continued, say twenty. Both the distance and direction
are then computed in the face tracking procedure for each interested object acting as a
particle. At time step t , the average moving distance
, t i
Adis of the -th i particle (i.e., a
candidate model) referring to its average centre positions
, t i
Ax and
, t i
Ay in the previous
num frames are expressed below:

t k i
t i



t k i
t i



2 2
, , , ,
( ) ( )
t i t k i t i t k i
t i
x x y y



There are two states of the motion, including the accelerated velocity and decelerated
velocity. If the interested face moves with the accelerated velocity, the distance between the
current centre position and the average centre position will be larger than the average
moving distance. If the interested face moves with the decelerated velocity, conversely, the
distance between the current centre position and the average centre position will be less
than the average moving distance.
In addition to the distance of face motion, the direction of face motion is another important
factor. The angle
, t i
u symbolizing the direction of the -th i particle at time step t is
expressed as

, , 1
, ,
tan 180
t i t i
t i t i
t i
y Ay
x Ax

| |


\ .

It also depends on the average centre positions of the -th i particle in the previous num
frames. All the scope of angles ranged from 90

to 90

+ is partitioned into four

orientations, each of which covers the angle of 45

. In order to get rid of an irregular face

motion trajectory, we consider the most possibility of the direction by virtue of the majority
voting on the number of times of the corresponding orientation of
, 1, 2, , .
t k i
k num u

Thus, the likelihood of face motion at time step t is determined by the following equation:
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots


, , ,
0.25 0.2 0.6 if
0.35 0.2 0.2 otherwise,
t i
t i
t i t i t i
t i
t i
t i
t i
vote dis Adis

+ + s

+ +


, t i
dis is the distance between the centre position in the current frame and the average
centre position in the previous num frames,
, t i
Adis is referred to Eq. (26), and
, t i
vote is the
maximum frequency of the four orientations appearing in the previous num frames.
Therefore, the likelihood of the motion feature combines both the measurements of the
moving distance and moving direction.
When the occlusion of human faces happens, the motion cue is obvious and becomes more
reliable. On the contrary, when the occlusion does not happen, we can weigh particles
mainly by the observation of the colour and edge cues. As a result, we take a linear
combination of colour, edge, and motion cues as follows:

, , ,
(1 ) (1 ) ,
t i t i t i
t i t t c t t E t v
M M M M o | o | | = + +

where 0 , 1, and 1
t t t t
o | o | s s + = . Fig. 4 shows the iteration procedure for tracking the -th i
interested face using our improved particle filter.

Given: a particle set
( ) { }
( ) ( )
1, 1, 1,
, 1, 2,...,
j j
t i t i t i
S s j N t

= = , a target
1, 1, 1,
( , )
t i t i t i
s S t

e , and its
centre positions
, t k i

, 1, 2, ,
t k i
y k num

= at time step 1 t , perform the following

Propagation: fluctuate each particle
( )
t i

with the weight
( )
t i

by a dynamic model to
obtain the particle set
, t i
S .
Observation: weigh the particles using colour, edge, and motion cues as:
1. Calculate the distance between each particle and the target by

( ) ( )
, ,
j j
t i t i
Dis M = , where
( )
t i
M is a linear combination of the three cues.
2. Weigh each particle with

( )2
( )
t i
t i

= , where o is the standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution.
Selection: check the weights of particles. If the particle
( )
t i
s with
( )
t i
t exceeds or equals a
threshold, then duplicate
( )
t i
K even-weighted particles from it; otherwise, ignore the
Estimate: acquire the new target
, t i

with the largest weight as:

*( ) *( )
, , ,
for arg max
k k
t i t i t i
k t t t

= = and its centre positions

, t i

t i

Fig. 4. The iteration procedure for tracking the -th i interested face by the improved particle

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

After the current filtering process is finished, we execute the next filtering process again
until a local search is achieved. Such a method will track faces steadily even if humans move
very fast. In the first filtering process, we establish thirty particles to track faces. But, in the
subsequent filtering processes, only ten particles are set up to facilitate the face tracking
5.2 Occlusion handling
Occlusion handling is a major problem in visual surveillance (Foresti et al., 2003). The
occlusion problem usually occurs in a multi-target system. When multiple moving objects
occlude each other, both the colour and edge information are more unreliable than the
velocities and directions of moving objects. In order to solve the occlusion problem, we have
improved the strategies of the filtering process and modified the weights of the particles
depicted in the previous subsection. Compared with the earlier proposed methods (Fahn et
al., 2009; Fahn & Lin, 2010; Fahn & Lo, 2010), the major improvement is that the directions of
moving objects in a number of the past frames are incorporated into the constituents of the
motion cue. We will check whether the occlusion ceases to exist. If only one human face is
detected in the face detection procedure, then the occlusion will not occur in this condition.
Nevertheless, if two and more faces are detected, the occlusion will occur when moving
faces are near to each other, and the system will go to the occlusion handling mode.
5.3 Robot control
We can predict the newest possible position of a human face by means of the particle
filtering technique. According to the possible position, we issue a control command to make
the robot track the -th i face continuously. Such robot control comprises two parts: PTZ
camera control and wheel motor control. The following is the command set of robot control
described at time step t, where the first two commands belong to the PTZ camera control
and the remaining ones used for the wheel motor control:
{ }
, , , , , , ,
, , , , , , .
t i
Command t i t i t i t i t i t i t i
S up down forward stop backward left right =

5.3.1 PTZ camera control
The principal task of the PTZ camera control is to keep the -th i face appearing in the centre
of the screen. It prevents the target from situating on the upper or lower side of the scope of
the screen. If
, t i
y is lower than or equal to 50, then we assign the command
, t i
up to the PTZ
camera at time step t; if
, t i
y is greater than or equal to 190, then we assign the command
, t i
down to the PTZ camera at time step t, as shown in Eq. (31):

, ,
, , ,
if 50
if 190
no-operation otherwise,
t i t i
t i t i t i
up y
Command down y

= >

, t i
y is the centre of the -th i elliptic window in the y-direction at time step t.
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots

5.3.2 Wheel motor control
The main task of the wheel motor control is to direct the robot to track the -th i face
continuously. We utilize two kinds of information to determine which command is issued.
The first information is the position of the face appearing in the screen. According to this,
we assign the commands to activate the wheel motors that make the robot move
appropriately. If
, t i
x is lower than or equal to 100, then we assign the command
, t i
left to the
wheel motors at time step t; if
, t i
x is greater than or equal to 220, then we assign the
, t i
right to the wheel motors at time step t as Eq. (32) shows:

, ,
, , ,
if 100
if 220
no-operation otherwise,
t i t i
t i t i t i
left x
Command right x

= >

, t i
x is the centre of the -th i elliptic window in the x-direction at time step t.
The second information is the laser range data. We equip a laser range finder on the front of
the robot to measure the distance
, t i
D between the robot and a target which is allowed to
have the incline angle ranged from 10

to 10

+ . In accordance with the distance

, t i
D , we
can assign the commands to the wheel motors to control the movement of the robot. If
, t i
is lower than or equal to 60, then we assign the command
, t i
backward to the wheel motors at
time step t; if
, t i
D is greater than or equal to 120, then we assign the command
, t i
forward to
the wheel motors at time step t; otherwise, we assign the command
, t i
stop to the wheel
motors at time step t, as stated in Eq. (33):

, ,
, , ,
if 60
if 120
t i t i
t i t i t i
t i
backward D
Command forward D

= >

Through controlling the robot, we can increase its functionality of interacting with people. If
the robot can recognize humans identities and follow him/her abidingly, then the relation
between the robot and human being is definitely closer to each other, and it can be more
extensive to use. So, we control the movement of the robot on the condition of state changes
between the face tracking and face recognition modes. After face detection and target
confirmation, the system will switch to the recognition mode and start the robot to execute a
certain task.
6. Experimental results
Table 1 list both the hardware and software that are used for the development of the real-
time face tracking and recognition system installed on our robot. All the experimental
results presented in this section were obtained from taking an average of the outcome data
for different 10 times to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Hardware Software
Host computer:
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T2300 2.0GHz with
1.0 GB RAM
PTZ camera:
Sony product FCB-EX480C
Operating system:
Microsoft Windows XP SP3 equipped
with DirectX 9.0
Developing tool:
Borland C++ Builder 6.0
H8/3694F Editor Software
Table 1. The Developing Environment of Our Face Tracking and Recognition System
Installed on the Robot
6.1 Face detection
The training database for face detection consists of 861 face images segmented by hand and
4,320 non-face images labelled by a random process from a set of photographs taken in
outdoors. The sizes of these face and non-face images are all 20 20 pixels. Fig. 5 illustrates
some examples of positive and negative images used for training. Notice that each positive
image contains a face region beneath the eyebrows and beyond the half-way between the
mouth and the chin.

Fig. 5. Some examples of positive and negative images used for training. The first row is face
images and the others are non-face images.
We perform the experiments on face detection in two different kinds of image sequences:
ordinary and jumble. The image sequence is regarded as a jumble if the background in this
sample video is cluttered; that is, the environment is possessed of many pixels like skin
colours and/or the illumination is not appropriate. Then we define the error rate as a
probability of detecting human faces incorrectly; for example, regarding an inhuman face as
a human face. And the miss rate is a probability which a target appears in the frame but
not detected by the system. Table 2 shows the face detection rates for the above experiments.
From the experimental results, we can observe that the ordinary image sequences have
better correct rates, because they encounter less interference, and the error rates are lower in
this situation. The performance on the jumble image sequences is inferior to that on the
ordinary ones. The main influence is due to the difference of luminance, but the effect of the
colour factor is comparatively slight, particularly for many skin-like regions existing in the
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots

background. It is noted that the error rate of the jumble image sequences is larger than that
of the ordinary ones, because our database has a small number of negative examples. That
will cause the error rate raise. Fig. 6 demonstrates some face detection results from using our
real-time face detection system in different environments.

The number
of faces
The number of
detected faces
Error rate Miss rate
Ordinary image sequence
50 48 96.00% 2.00% 2.00%
100 94 94.00% 2.00% 4.00%
150 142 94.67% 0.67% 4.67%
200 187 93.50% 1.00% 5.50%
Jumble image sequence
50 45 90.00% 6.00% 4.00%
100 91 91.00% 5.00% 4.00%
150 134 89.33% 6.00% 4.67%
200 181 90.50% 6.50% 3.00%
Table 2. The Face Detection Rates of Two Different Kinds of Image Sequences

Fig. 6. Some face detection results from using our real-time face detection system.
6.2 Face recognition
Our face image database comprises 5 subjects to be recognized, and each of them has 20
samples. The nicknames are Craig, Eric, Keng-Li, Jane, and Eva (3 males and 2 females)
respectively. The facial expressions (open or closed eyes and smiling or non-smiling) are
also varied. The images of one subject included in the database are shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Images of one subject included in our database.

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Craig Eric Keng-Li Jane Eva
Craig 0~210 374~461 420~513 207~351 238~491
Eric 381~437 0~185 483~526 525~637 448~664
Keng-Li 372~450 348~493 0~95 366~513 418~622
Jane 215~429 524~618 342~572 0~226 259~373
Eva 225~411 459~586 409~597 276~356 0~100
Table 3. The Range of Thresholds for Each Class to Eliminate the Corresponding Person
from the Possible Subjects
We have our robot execute face recognition in real time using the DCV method. After
comparing the feature vector of the captured and then normalized face image with those of
all training models, we can find out the class whose Euclidean distance is the minimum. In
other words, it is identified as the most possible person. Table 3 presents the range of
thresholds for each class to eliminate the corresponding person from the possible subjects
included in the database. If the feature similarity of a captured and normalized face image is
lower than or equal to the threshold value for every class, the corresponding person is
assigned to one of classes. For every 10 frames per a period, we rank the frequency of
assignments for each class to determine the recognition result. Fig. 8 graphically shows
some face recognition results from using our real-time face recognition system installed on
the robot.

Fig. 8. Some face recognition results from using our real-time face recognition system
installed on the robot.
6.3 Face tracking
Several different types of accuracy measures are required to evaluate the performance of
tracking results. In this subsection, we utilize track cardinality measures for estimating the
tracking rates. The reference data should be first determined in order to obtain any of the
accuracy measures. Let A be the total number of actual tracks as the reference data, R be
the total number of reported tracks, A' be the number of actual tracks that have
corresponding reported tracks, and R' be the number of reported tracks that do not
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots

correspond to true tracks. The measures are determined by ,
m the fraction of true tracks,
f the fraction of reported tracks that are false alarms where they do not correspond to true
tracks, and the miss rate is
m . The following defines these variables:


and 1 .

The types of our testing image sequences are roughly classified into three kinds: a single face
(Type A), multiple faces without occlusion (Type B), and multiple faces with occlusion (Type
C). Each type has three different image sequences, and we will perform five tests on each of
them. In these experiments, we use 30 particles to track human faces in each frame for the first
filtering process, followed by 10 particles. Then we analyze the performance of face tracking
on the three kinds of testing image sequences according to the aforementioned evaluation
methods. Table 4 shows the face tracking performance for the above experiments.

A R A' R' c
f (%)
m (%)
m (%)
Type A
100 99 98 1 1.00 1.00 98.00
150 147 146 1 0.67 2.00 97.33
200 198 196 2 1.00 1.00 98.00
250 248 246 2 0.80 0.80 98.40
Type B
100 99 98 1 1.00 1.00 98.00
150 148 147 1 0.67 1.33 98.00
200 198 195 3 1.50 1.00 97.50
250 247 245 2 0.80 1.20 98.00
Type C
100 98 83 15 15.00 2.00 83.00
150 146 124 23 15.33 2.67 82.00
200 194 167 27 13.50 3.00 83.50
250 241 205 36 14.40 3.60 82.00
Table 4. The Face Tracking Performance of Three Different Kinds of Image Sequences
From the experimental results, the tracking accuracy of Type C is lower than those of the
other two types. This is because when the occlusion happens, the particles are predicted on
the other faces that are also the colour regions. On the other hand, the correct rates of face
tracking for Types A and B are similar to each other; that is, the tracking performance for a
single face is almost the same to that for multiple faces without occlusion. When the robot
and the target move simultaneously, some objects whose colours are close to the skin colour
may exist in the background. In this situation, we must consider the speed of the target and
assume that the target disappearing on the left side of the image does not appear on the
right side immediately. Through simple distance limits, the robot can track the target

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

continuously. Moreover, at regular intervals we will either abandon the currently tracked
targets then intend to detect the face regions once more, or keep tracking on the wrong
targets until the head moves near the resampling range of the particle filter. Attempting to
enlarge the resampling range can slightly conquer this problem. However, the wider the
resampling range is, the sparser the particles are. It has good outcomes for the robot to track
faces, but sometimes it will reduce the tracking correctness. Fig. 9 shows some face tracking
results from using our real-time face tracking system equipped on the robot.

Frame # 20 Frame # 40 Frame # 60

Frame # 80 Frame # 100 Frame # 120

Frame # 20 Frame # 30 Frame # 40

Frame # 45 Frame # 50 Frame # 80

Fig. 9. Some face tracking results from using our real-time face tracking system for: (a) a
single human; (b) multiple humans within the field of view of the PTZ camera equipped on
the robot.
Real-Time Multi-Face Recognition and Tracking Techniques
Used for the Interaction between Humans and Robots

7. Conclusion and feature works
In this chapter, we present a completely automatic real-time multiple faces recognition and
tracking system installed on a robot that can capture an image sequence from a PTZ camera,
then use the face detection technique to locate face positions, and identify the detected faces
as the master or strangers, subsequently track a target and guide the robot near to the target
continuously. Such a system not only allows robots to interact with human being
adequately, but also can make robots react more like mankind.
Some future works are worth investigating to attain better performance. In the face recognition
procedure, if the background is too cluttered to capture a clear foreground, the recognition rate
will decrease. Because most of our previous training samples were captured in a simple
environment, sometimes static objects in the uncomplicated background are identified as the
foreground. We can increase some special training samples in a cluttered background to lower
the miss rate during the face detection. Of course, it will raise the face recognition accuracy,
but need a lot of experiments to collect special and proper training samples.
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Image and Vision Computing, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 99-110, 2003.
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Part 6
Perceptual Face Recognition in Humans

Face Recognition without Identification
Anne M. Cleary
Colorado State University
1. Introduction
Most people have had the experience of recognizing a persons face as familiar despite
failing to identify who the person is or where the person was seen before. Many domains of
research have aimed to study this phenomenon; thus, there exist many research paradigms
for attempting to tap it in laboratory settings. Among these paradigms are dual-process
recognition memory paradigms within the recognition memory literature (e.g., Yonelinas,
2002), feeling-of-knowing paradigms within the metacognition literature (Koriat, 1995), and
face identification paradigms within the more general face recognition literature (e.g.,
Burton, Bruce & Hancock, 1999).
2. Dual process methods of studying recognition memory
2.1 Familiarity-based recognition
Recognition memory is the type of memory that enables people to determine that they have
experienced something previously. Dual process theories of recognition memory hold that it
can be based on either of two processes: Recollection or familiarity (see Diana et al., 2006, or
Yonelinas, 2002, for reviews). Recollection-based recognition occurs when one recognizes
having experienced something before based on the retrieval of specifics about the prior
occurrence. For example, one might pass someone on the sidewalk and recognize that the
person has been seen before by calling to mind the specific instance in which the person was
seen before: This person was the receptionist at the dentist the other day. In contrast,
familiarity-based recognition occurs when one recognizes having experienced something
before based only on a gut feeling or sense about the situation. For example, one might pass
someone on the sidewalk and only recognize that the person is familiar without recalling
where that person was seen before. The person simply seems familiar.
From a dual-process perspective, studying recognition that is familiarity-based requires
teasing apart instances of familiarity-based recognition and instances of recollection-based
recognition. Over the years, researchers have developed many methods of doing so within
list-learning paradigms (see Yonelinas, 2002, or Mandler, 2008, for reviews). Some existing
methods are: The process dissociation procedure (e.g., Jacoby, Toth, & Yonelinas, 1993), the
tasks procedure (e.g., Cleary & Greene, 2001; Yonelinas, 1997), analyses of receiver operating
characteristics (ROCs, Yonelinas, 1994, 1997), the signal-lag procedure (e.g., Hintzman &
Curran, 1994) and the remember-know procedure (e.g., Rajaram, 1993).
By separating familiarity from recollection in studies of recognition, presumably the
characteristics of familiarity can be studied. Indeed, much has been learned about

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

familiarity from dual-process methods. Yonelinas (1994) combined the process-dissociation
procedure with the analysis of receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) and found that
although overall recognition memory tends to lead to a z-ROC slope of significantly less
than 1.0, when the contribution of familiarity is isolated, the slope of the z-ROC
approximates 1.0, as would be predicted by simple signal detection theory; this suggests
that familiarity may be well-described by simple single detection theory when it is isolated.
Rajaram (1993) used the remember-know procedure (whereby subjects simply indicate
whether the basis for each yes response on a recognition test was recollection or
familiarity) to show that familiarity, but not recollection, is affected by manipulations of
perceptual fluency, such as the rapid presentation of a test stimulus prior to presenting it for
the recognition decision. Jacoby, et al. (1993) found similar results using the process-
dissociation procedure. Rajaram and Geraci (2000) used the remember-know technique to
show that familiarity is affected by manipulations of conceptual fluency, such as the
presentation of a semantically related word prior to presenting the recognition test stimulus.
Unlike recollection, familiarity is unaffected by divided attention at encoding, as has been
shown using the process-dissociation procedure (Jacoby, et al., 1993) and the remember-
know paradigm (Gardiner & Parkin, 1990).
Research using the signal-lag procedure, in which subjects are given varying response
deadlines across recognition test trials, has shown that familiarity-based old-new
discrimination emerges sooner in the processing stream than recollection-based old-new
discrimination. This has been shown with such tasks as the plurality task, in which subjects
must discriminate between words that remain the same from study to test (e.g., frog) and
words that changed plurality from study to test (e.g., frogs). Subjects can discriminate which
root words were studied versus unstudied significantly earlier than they can discriminate
between correct and incorrect pluralities, suggesting that familiarity becomes available
earlier on in processing than recollection (Hintzman & Curran, 1994). This finding is
consistent with studies of event-related potentials (ERPs) during recognition testing (e.g.,
Curran, 2000; Curran & Cleary, 2003), which have suggested that the brain
electrophysiological correlate to familiarity occurs earlier (300-500 ms) than that of
recollection (e.g., 500-800 ms).
Mathematical models often describe familiarity in terms of features (e.g., Clark & Gronlund,
1996). Memory traces for encoded items each exist as a set of the separable features that
composed the item itself. At the time of the recognition test, the features in the test item are
matched, on a feature by feature basis, with all of the features that have been stored in
memory. From this perspective, features should play a critical role in familiarity-based
recognition. Indeed, many studies have shown that there are various features that, when
isolated, can produce familiarity-based recognition. Among the features that have been
shown to play a role in familiarity are: Letters of words (Cleary & Greene, 2000, 2001),
phonemes (Cleary, Winfield & Kostic, 2007), geometric shapes within pictures (Cleary,
Langley & Seiler, 2004), song notes (Kostic & Cleary, 2009) and song rhythm (Kostic &
Cleary, 2009).
Finally, familiarity appears to be left intact with certain forms of memory impairment and
with aging. Many amnesics have been shown to be impaired on recollection with familiarity
relatively spared (e.g., Aggleton & Brown, 1999; Vann et al., 2009), suggesting that whereas
recollection involves the hippocampus proper, familiarity may involve other regions of the
medial temporal lobe (MTL) that are often spared in amnesics. Functional neuroimaging

Face Recognition without Identification

studies have generally converged on this idea (e.g., Cohn et al., 2009; see Diana et al., 2007
and Eichenbaum et al., 2007, for reviews).
With regard to familiarity and aging, Mantyla (1993) used the remember-know paradigm
and showed that know responses (indicating familiarity) were unaffected by aging, while
remember responses (indicating recollection) declined with aging. In another study,
Parkin and Walter (1992) found that know responses actually increased with age, while
remember responses decreased. Other more recent studies have converged on the idea
that recollection tends to be more impaired by aging than familiarity (e.g., Jacoby, 1999;
Jacoby & Rhodes, 2006; McCabe, Roediger, McDaniel, & Balota, 2009; Rhodes, Castel, &
Jacoby, 2008).
2.2 Familiarity-based face recognition
In the dual-process recognition literature, the most commonly-used example of familiarity-
based recognition is that of recognizing a face as familiar without recollecting any specifics
about the person. For example, in their dual-process study of recognition memory, Curran
and Cleary (2003, p. 191) state, We have all had the experience of knowing a face is familiar
despite an inability to recollect details such as the persons name, and in his review of dual-
process theory, Yonelinas (2002, p. 441) states, The distinction is illustrated by the common
experience of recognizing a person as familiar but not being able to recollect who the person
is or where they were previously encountered. Finally, in her dual-process study, Rajaram
(1993, p. 90) states, There are times when we meet someone on the street whom we met at a
party a few days ago. Although we know that we met this person at the party, we may not
remember actually meeting the person, or his/her name. Although most dual-process
studies use face recognition as an anecdotal example of familiarity-based recognition, most
such studies use stimuli other than faces to isolate and study familiarity; in most cases, the
stimuli are words. This section examines dual-process studies that have used faces as stimuli
in trying to isolate familiarity-based recognition of faces.
Yonelinas, Kroll, Dobbins and Soltani (1999) examined recognition memory for faces. These
authors were following up on prior work that had suggested that whereas item recognition
(i.e., recognizing a single item as having been studied on an earlier list) can be based on
either familiarity or recollection, associative recognition (i.e., recognizing which items were
paired together in an earlier studied list and which were re-paired from study to test)
appears to require recollection. Specifically, a number of studies have suggested that when
subjects study pairs of words (e.g., apple-pond, rock-cat, desk-bottle) and are later tested on
their ability to discriminate old from new words, this overall old-new discrimination
involves a combination of both familiarity and recollection. However, when participants are
instead later tested on their ability to discriminate intact (e.g., apple-pond) from rearranged
(e.g., rock-bottle or desk-cat) pairs, recollection is required to make the discrimination
(Hintzman, Caulton & Levitin, 1998; Yonelinas, 1997); familiarity alone is thought to lead
subjects to false alarm to rearranged pairs.
Yonelinas et al. (1999) examined whether the same principle would apply to faces. To create
intact and rearranged faces, these researchers manipulated the features of the faces so as to
present some of the faces as rearranged versions of studied faces. Analogously to the
rearranged word pairs mentioned above, the rearranged faces were each a combination of
two different studied faces features. Thus, subjects had to discriminate actually studied
(intact) faces from faces that were actually recombined versions of studied faces. In this case,

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

unlike with rearranged word pairs, familiarity was found to contribute to the ability to
discriminate intact from rearranged faces, as suggested by the shape of the ROC curve.
Yonelinas et al. suggested that the reason familiarity can contribute to this type of
associative recognition with faces is because faces tend to be processed holistically, rather
than decomposed into features (e.g., Searcy & Bartlett, 1996).
Prior work has suggested that while faces tend to be processed holistically when presented
upright, when presented upside-down, they tend to instead be decomposed into features
(e.g., Searcy & Bartlett, 1996). Accordingly, Yonelinas et al. (1999) found that familiarity-
based discrimination between intact studied faces and faces comprised of recombined,
studied features occurred only when the faces were presented upright. Recollection was
required for such discrimination when the faces were presented upside-down. Thus,
holistic processing of faces indeed appears to contribute to the ability to use familiarity
alone to discriminate actually studied, intact faces from highly familiar, feature-rearranged
Aly, Knight and Yonelinas (2010) investigated whether faces may be more likely to drive
familiarity-based recognition than other types of stimuli. These researchers noted that many
studies of amnesic patients (i.e., patients with severe memory impairment due to damage to
the medial temporal lobe region) demonstrated impaired recognition memory for such
stimuli as words or scenes, but relatively spared recognition memory for faces (e.g., Bird &
Burgess, 2008; Carlesimo et al., 2001; Taylor, Henson & Graham, 2007). Aly et al. found that,
indeed, overall word recognition was more impaired than overall face recognition in their
amnesic patients. However, ROC analysis revealed that the amnesics were impaired in
recollection for both words and faces. Furthermore, the type of medial temporal lobe
damage made a difference; all patients showed intact familiarity for faces, but some of the
patients showed impaired familiarity for words. From the full pattern of results, Aly et al.
argued that the reason why amnesic patients may often appear less impaired on face
recognition may be because 1) face recognition relies more heavily on familiarity than other
types of stimuli and 2) face familiarity remains relatively spared in many cases of amnesia.
The research presented thus far suggests that faces may be somewhat unique within
recognition memory. First, the evidence suggests that faces tend to be processed holistically
rather than decomposed into features, and as such, familiarity can serve as a basis for
discriminating similar faces from actually studied faces, or rearranged faces from intact
faces. Second, people may rely more heavily on familiarity in face recognition than in the
recognition of other types of stimuli. Finally, face familiarity tends to be relatively spared
during impairment to other types of familiarity and to recollection.
2.3 Face recognition without identification
A relatively unique laboratory approach to studying familiarity-based recognition within
the dual-process framework is that which is used to induce what has been termed recognition
without identification (e.g., Cleary & Greene, 2000, 2001; Cleary et al., 2004; Peynircioglu,
1990). In this method, one examines recognition memory in situations where participants
fail to identify the experimental reason for the feeling of recognition. For example, after
listening to a list of words spoken through a set of computer speakers, subjects may receive
a recognition test containing fragments of spoken words, such that only certain spliced
phonemes of a given word are presented through the speakers (Cleary et al., 2007). Some of
these phoneme fragments come from studied words and some come from unstudied words.

Face Recognition without Identification

For each such fragment presented, subjects attempt to identify the word to which it
corresponds. They are also asked to rate the likelihood that the fragment came from a
studied word. Recognition without identification is the finding that among unidentified test
items (as when the word from which a phoneme fragment came cannot be identified),
people give higher recognition ratings to studied than to unstudied items. In short, people
can recognize a test item as familiar despite an inability to identify the experimental source
of that familiarity; the source in this case is the particular study episode that led to the
familiarity (i.e., the particular spoken studied word corresponding to given unidentifiable
phoneme fragment).
Cleary and Specker (2007) attempted to apply the recognition without identification
paradigm to face recognition. They gave subjects celebrity names at study (e.g., Adrien
Brody, Jennifer Connelly). At test, they gave the subjects pictures of celebrity faces, half of
which were of celebrities whose names were studied, and half of which were of celebrities
whose names were not studied. For each face presented on the test, subjects first attempted
to identify the person by typing the persons name. Then, regardless of whether the face
could be identified, subjects also rated the likelihood that the persons name was studied.
Among celebrity faces that went unidentified on the test, subjects discriminated between
those of celebrities whose names were studied and those of celebrities whose names were
not. In this case, the unidentifiable experimental source of the familiarity was the persons
name. Thus, subjects demonstrated some ability to recognize faces as familiar within the
context of the experiment, yet were unable to identify the experimental source of that
familiarity. Cleary and Specker termed this finding recognition without face identification. The
finding suggests that recognition without identification of faces can be based on semantic
information, as this effect required a pre-existing link in memory between the celebrity
names and their corresponding faces.
Cleary and Specker (2007) also linked their recognition without face identification effect to
the tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon, which occurs when a person feels as if a words
retrieval is imminent, on the verge of being retrieved, yet remains inaccessible at the
moment. Specifically, Cleary and Specker added an additional question to the test phase of a
second experiment; after giving a recognition rating to the face, subjects were asked to
indicate if they were experiencing a TOT state for the name or not. The results suggested a
relationship between the recognition without face identification effect (i.e., higher
recognition ratings for unidentified faces of celebrities whose names were studied than for
unidentified faces of celebrities whose names were not studied) and the TOT phenomenon.
Specifically, when the recognition ratings were broken down into those given during
reported TOT states and those given during reported non-TOT states, the recognition
without face identification effect was only found when subjects reported being in a TOT
state; it was not present when subjects reported not being in a TOT state.
This finding suggests that the feeling of being able to recognize a face without being able to
identify who the person is may be related to the more general TOT phenomenon. Indeed,
some have used the example of face recognition without identification to illustrate the TOT
phenomenon itself. For instance, Yarmeys (1973) article is entitled, I recognize your face
but I cannot remember your name: Further evidence on the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon,
and Schwartz (2002, p. 114) gives the following example in his review of the TOT
experience: You see an acquaintance approaching. Instantly, you are hit with a TOT. You
cannot retrieve the persons name, although you are sure that you know it. Cleary and

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

Specker (2007), Cleary and Reyes (2009), and Cleary, Konkel, Nomi and McCabe (2010)
suggest that the feeling of recognizing something as familiar, such as a face, may
subjectively resemble the feeling of being in a TOT state. They based this assertion on the
additional finding that subjects consistently give higher familiarity ratings overall when in a
TOT state than when not in a TOT state (e.g., Cleary et al., 2010; Cleary & Reyes, 2009;
Cleary & Specker, 2007).
3. Feelings of knowing
3.1 The feeling of knowing phenomenon
Feelings of knowing (FOKs) are judgments that people make for momentarily unretrievable
information about the likelihood that they would recognize that information if presented
with it in the future. Koriat (1995, p. 311) used the example of person recognition without
identification to illustrate the FOK phenomenon: The FOK phenomenon is best illustrated
by the many everyday situations in which people try to recall the name of a person but fail
to find it. These situations are sometimes accompanied by the subjective conviction that one
knows the name and that one is likely to recall it given sufficient time and effort. However,
as with the dual-process recognition literature, most FOK studies use stimuli other than
faces and their corresponding names, even though peoples faces and names are often used
to illustrate the real-world phenomenon under investigation.
In one of the first FOK studies, Hart (1965) gave subjects general knowledge questions (e.g.,
What is the largest planet in the solar system?). When subjects failed at retrieving an
answer, they rated the likelihood that they would be able to recognize the answer in a future
forced-choice recognition test. In comparing subjects predictions with their actual
performance on the later forced-choice test, Hart found that subjects could predict at above-
chance levels which of the then-unretrievable answers would be recognized on the later test.
Since Harts study, the FOK phenomenon has been the subject of a fairly large literature (see
Koriat, 2007, for a review).
Many theories of the FOK phenomenon have been proposed over the years (e.g., Koriat &
Levy-Sadot, 2001; Nelson, Gerler & Narens, 1984; Yaniv & Meyer, 1987). One of the most
widely-held theoretical frameworks is that of Koriat and Levy-Sadot. This framework
combines two different theoretical accounts of the FOK phenomenon into a single two-stage
account. The first of the two stages is cue familiarity. Cue familiarity refers to the familiarity
of the test probe or test question itself, and has been shown to be a basis for FOKs (e.g.,
Metcalfe, Schwartz & Joaquim, 1993). The second of the two stages is accessibility (Koriat,
1993, 1995, 2007). Accessibility refers to the amount of information that is retrievable in
response to the cue, and perhaps even the ease with which it is accessed. In the second stage,
subjects attribute any retrieved information and the ease with which it was accessed,
whether correct or incorrect, to the likelihood that they will recognize the target if presented
with it later (Koriat, 1993, 1995; Koriat & Levy-Sadot, 2001).
According to Koriat and Levy-Sadot (2001), subjects first assess the familiarity of the cue
itself (i.e., the question or probe). If it seems familiar, this familiarity prompts them to
proceed to the accessibility stage, at which point they search memory for any accessible
information that can be retrieved in response to the cue. Benjamin (2005) found support for
this idea by showing that, when subjects had to make an FOK judgment in a time-
constrained manner, cue-familiarity had a larger influence than accessibility. In short,

Face Recognition without Identification

accessibility played a larger role in subjects FOK judgments when they had enough time to
proceed to that stage.
3.2 Feelings of knowing with faces
Hosey, Peynircioglu, and Rabinovitz (2009) examined subjects FOKs for pictures of peoples
faces whose names failed to be retrieved. Hosey et al. also required subjects to indicate the
bases of their FOK judgments. These researchers were particularly interested in whether
subjects reported relying on cue familiarity or accessibility more often. Though few FOK
studies had actually examined FOKs for names in response to faces, at least one study had
indicated that cue familiarity with the face itself has an influence on FOKs for faces (Hanley
& Cowell, 1988). In line with this idea, Hosey et al. found that subjects indicated relying on
cue familiarity as a basis of their FOK judgments more often than they indicated relying on
accessibility. These authors assert that this finding is consistent with a claim made by
Schwartz, Benjamin and Bjork (1997) that feelings of knowing a persons name in response
to a face may actually be driven largely by the familiarity of the face itself. As Schwartz et al.
(p. 136) state, . . .if you feel that a passerbys name is on the tip of your tongue, it is not
because you know the persons name, although it is likely that you do, but because the
persons face is familiar.
If indeed such day-to-day feelings of knowing about people are driven largely by familiarity
with peoples faces themselves, then studying familiarity from the perspective of dual-
process theory within recognition memory paradigms may be a complimentary
experimental approach toward attempting to understand such day-to-day phenomena, as
dual-process paradigms attempt to understand the cue familiarity process itself. Indeed, in
Metcalfe et al.s (1993) demonstration that cue familiarity can drive FOK judgments, cues
were familiarized through earlier presentation in the experiment, similarly to how
familiarity is manipulated in standard list-learning approaches to dual-process theory in
recognition memory.
An interesting future direction for research on feelings of knowing with faces would be to
determine how reliance on cue familiarity differs when feelings of knowing with faces are
compared to feelings of knowing with other types of stimuli, such as verbal materials. Given
the findings by Aly et al. (2010) that faces may tend to elicit a greater reliance on familiarity
than other types of stimuli, it may be the case that subjects rely more heavily on cue
familiarity when giving FOKs to faces than when giving FOKs to other types of stimuli.
4. Modeling the processes of face recognition
Burton, Bruce and Hancock (1999) developed a model of face recognition that includes
mechanisms for explaining instances where face recognition occurs, but the persons name
cannot be retrieved. This model stems neither from the dual-process recognition memory
literature nor the FOK literature, but rather from a more general literature on identifying
faces. This model is called the Interactive Activation and Competition (IAC) model (Burton
et al., 1999; Burton, Bruce & Johnston, 1990). The model contains multiple levels of units that
contribute to face recognition: Face recognition units (FRUs), person identification nodes
(PINs), and semantic information units (SIUs), which carry general semantic information
about a person including name information. The model also contains lexical output units for
identifying the persons face. In this model, peoples names are more difficult to retrieve

Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition

than other types of semantic information about a person (e.g., occupation) because names
are more distinctive than other types of semantic information, and distinctive information
can often be difficult to retrieve.
In the IAC model, different pieces of information become available at different points in
time. Face familiarity occurs at the earliest stage, at the level of the PINs. A face is
recognized as familiar if a PINs activation exceeds a determined threshold; this mechanism
allows for a face to be recognized as familiar even though no information about the identity
of the face may be recalled. Access to semantic information about the persons face becomes
available next and occurs at the level of the SIUs. Activation at this level may allow a person
to access semantic information associated with the face (e.g., the persons occupation) even
though the persons name may still be unretrievable. Again, because they are distinctive,
peoples names tend to be more difficult to access than general semantic information; thus,
semantic information becomes available earlier. At the latest stage of processing, retrieval of
the persons name may finally occur.
The stages of processing proposed in the IAC model are supported by a number of
empirical studies on general face recognition and identification processes. First, Johnston
and Bruce (1990) have shown that subjects are able to determine that a face is familiar earlier
than they are able to retrieve semantic information about the person. This type of finding is
analogous to the signal-lag and ERP studies of dual-process theory discussed above, which
have suggested that familiarity becomes available earlier on in processing than recollection
(e.g., Hintzman & Curran, 1994; Curran, 2000; Curran & Cleary, 2003). Second, there is a lot
of evidence to suggest that people commonly retrieve semantic information about a person
without being able to retrieve the persons name, yet almost no evidence suggests that
people can retrieve a persons name in the absence of any semantic information about the
person (e.g., Hay, Young & Ellis, 1991; Young, Hay & Ellis, 1985). Third, a substantial
literature suggests that people have greater difficulty recalling peoples names than recalling
general semantic information about people (e.g., Bredart & Valentine, 1998; Cohen, 1990;
Stanhope & Cohen, 1993).
5. Summary, conclusions, and future directions
This chapter is concerned with the common experience of recognizing a persons face as
familiar, despite an inability to identify who the person is, or very often, anything specific at
all about the person. As illustrated here, many different research approaches to this
phenomenon have been taken. Many dual-process recognition paradigms aim to study the
process of familiarity-based recognition, which is thought to underlie, or at least contribute
to, the real-life experience of recognizing without identifying a person. Feeling-of-knowing
(FOK) paradigms aim to study the experience of feeling as if one knows something that
cannot currently be accessed from memory, and the feeling that one would recognize that
information as the sought-after information if later presented with it. Finally, the Interactive
Activiation and Competition (IAC) model aims to simulate the processes involved in the
day-to-day experience of recognizing without identifying a person, as when one looks at a
picture of person, recognizes the face as familiar, yet cannot identify the person.
All three of these different approaches aim to tap the same real-world phenomenon, as
illustrated by the fact that face recognition without identification is the most common
example of the phenomenon under investigation in all of these approaches. However, the
extent to which these different approaches all actually tap the same phenomenon remains to

Face Recognition without Identification

be determined. That said, many commonalities exist between the three approaches. First, the
relative timeline for when different types of information become available is very similar
across the three paradigms. In dual-process theory, familiarity is thought to become
available earlier than recollection (Hintzman & Curran, 1994; Curran, 2000; Curran &
Cleary, 2003). In FOK theory, cue familiarity is thought to become available before partial
information becomes accessible (Benjamin, 2005). Finally, in the IAC model, face familiarity
becomes available before semantic information about the person can be accessed, which in
turn becomes available before the name itself can be accessed.
Second, as mentioned, the cue familiarity thought to contribute to FOK judgments (e.g.,
Metcalfe et al., 1993) may actually be the same type of familiarity that drives familiarity-based
recognition in dual-process recognition paradigms. Thus, the findings from different
paradigms that 1) subjects in FOK paradigms may rely more heavily on face familiarity than
on accessibility of partial information when giving FOK judgments to faces (Hosey et al., 2009)
and 2) that faces may elicit a greater reliance on familiarity-based recognition than other types
of stimuli in dual-process paradigms (Aly et al., 2010), may indicate a convergence on the idea
that face familiarity itself largely drives real-world cases of face recognition without
identification. As mentioned, the IAC model contains a mechanism for this: The activation of
Person Identification Nodes (PINs) allows a face to be recognized as familiar even when no
other information can be accessed. In short, the three methods discussed here may converge
on the same general ideas regarding face recognition without identification. Future research
should aim to further determine how well they actually do converge.
6. References
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