Conflict Management

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11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Introduction Objectives The concept of conflict Conflict Management Styles of Conflict Management
11S.1 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.5.5 Competing Avoiding Accommodating Compromising Collaborating


Models of Decision Making

11.6.1 Derr's Model of Conflict Management 11.6.2 Pareek's Model of Conflict Management 11.6.3 Gandhian Model of Conflict Resolution

11.7 11.8

Techniques of Conflict Management

11.7.1 Negotiation and Bargaining

Let Us Sum Up

11.10 References 11.11 Answers to Check Your Progress

In the previous units you have learnt the concept, importance and relevance of interpersonal relationshipwhich helps the institutional head to make and sustain good relations with other personnel. In this unit, we shall discuss the concept and types of conflict management and its different techniques, approaches to understand and resolve or manage conflicts in educational set-ups and organisations. We shall also precede the discussion on these aspects which is closely related with the educational management of an institution. Students come to school or college or polytechnic or universities or any educational institutionswith different ideas. goals, values. beliefs and needs. These differences

relationship or among members of any group, it is the duty of teachers to help students. ~hef must have capabilities to manage and resolve conflicts, develop their understanding of conflict and their abilities to manage and resolve conflict. The teachers need to teach the appropriate communication, leadership,trust, decision making, and conflict management skills to students. In addition to this, they have also to act as model for their students and provide motivation to use these skills in order for groups to function effectively.

Decision Making in Educational Management

Here a case is given to show conflict between college warden and a student: Case- I
Payal, a final year B.A student is residing in a college hostel, does not like to drink milk and the recommended diet by the doctol: The warden Ms Dikshit, of course, is very concerned about her health as she had severe viralfever previozis week and lost her appetite as well as weight too. Ms Dikshit wanted her to recover at the earliest so that she can resume her studies. She recovered from viral fever recently and does not have her meals at regular times. Ms. Dikshit is very much worried about Payal as her final examination is scheduled in a monthk time and she is a bright student of the college. Lets go through their conversations: Warden to Payal: No arguments, before leaving for college you will have to finish a glass of milk and eat breakfast. (Payal instead of drinking milk sulks). Warden to Payal :Ok, don't have breakfast. You always get your own way. If your mother would have told you, then also you would have not taken it. 1 am worried about your health like any other parent as 1 am your immediate caretaker and I can see your health is still not good. Is there any sort of reason why you do not want to eat the recommended diet along with milk? Now, Payal gives a couple of reasons. - (a)Bad smell comes from milk. (b)1 get bored from the routine diet repeated and your nagging me all the time. Warden to Payal :It's ok. Let us see and think of other ways to have variety in your meals. But after every week we both will make menu for your diet. 1 wanl you to recover at the earliest, so that you can retain your position in the college. (a) Identify the conflicts in the given case. (b) How did the warden and Payal solve the conflict? (c) List out other probable solution(s) for the conflicts

(d) Suggest the best solution as per your opinion in this situation. This is just one case. You might have experienced many other conflicts in your personal, professional and social spheres. The present unit revolves round the aspects related to conflicts and their management in educational situations.

7 7

After working through this unit, you will be able to: define conflict and conflict management; iden@ different types of conflict management; analyse different techniques of conflict management; analyse different techniques of stress management; and explain various approaches of conflict management in educationalinstitutions:


Conflict may be defined as a struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas,beliefs, values, or goals. The concise Oxford Dictionary defines conflict as distress due to opposing of incompatible wishes etc. in a person. For example, a student wants to appear for entrance exams for English Major from two universities and the date of exams is same. The student will be facing a conflict about it as helshe cannot appear for both the entrance exams. Helshe needs some guidance or assistance to cope up with it. In other words the individual experiences a conflict due to simultaneous arousal of two or more needs, and helshe cannot satisfy one without denying the other. An individualhas several motives to achieve. Sometimes two motives compete with each other and the satisfaction of one of the motives leads to blocking of the other. For example, an individual may like to attend the class to be taken by the teacher whom he likes most or go for a movie which he has been waiting to see. He fails to choose either of the two. This situation creates conflict in the mind of the individual. Conflicting situations create tension and a feeling of restlessness in our mind. In every conflict, the individual experiences certain degree of uneasiness and discomfort. You may resolve conflicts by seeking advice from others or by analyzing and weighing the comparative merits and demerits of conflicting motives. An unresolved conflict is a state of stress and strain for the individual.
An analysis of the definitions of conflict reveals the following assumptions:

A conflict is more than a mere disagreement. It is a situation in which people perceive a threat-physical,emotional, power, status etc. to their well-being. Persons in conflict tend to respond on the basis of their perceptions of the situations rather than an objective review of it. As such, people filter their perceptionsthrough their values, culture, beliefs, information,experience,gender and other variables. Conflict responses are filled with ideas and feelings that can be very strong and powerful guides to our sense of possible solutions. As in any problem, conflicts contain substantive,procedural and psychological dimensions to be negotiated. In order to best understand the threat perceived by those engaged in a conflict, we need to consider all of these dimensions. Conflicts are normal experiences within the work environment. They are also, to a large degree, predictable and expectable situations that naturally arise as we go about managing complex and stressful projects in which we are sigmficantly invested. Creative problem-solving strategies are essential to positive approaches to conflict management. We need to transform the situation from one in which it is my way or the highway into one in which we entertain new possibilities that have been otherwise elusive.


Conflict management involves acquiring skills related to conflict resolution, selfawareness about conflict modes, conflict communication skills, and establishing a structure for management of conflict in your environment. Ability to manage conflict is probably one of the most important social skills an individualcan possess. Listening, oral communication, interpersonal communication and teamwork rank near the top of skills that are appreciated. When you learn to effectively manage and resolve conflicts with others, then more opportunities for successful team membership are


Decision Making in Educational Management

possible; and you are less apt to practice destructive behaviour that will negatively impact your team. Although conflict may be misunderstood and unappreciated, research shows that unresolved conflict can lead to aggression. Most of us use conflict management skills that we observed when growing up, unless we have made a conscious effort to change our conflict management style. Soine of us observed good conflict management, while others observed faulty conflict management. Most of us have several reasons to improve our conflict-management skills. Faculty members should help students develop their conflict management skills. Most people do not resolve conflicts because they either have a faulty skill set andlor because they do not know the organization's policy on conflict management. All team members need to know their conflict styles, conflict intervention methods, and strategies for conflict skill improvement. It has been found that issues which can not find easy solution in a courtroom are most likely to be settled at the negotiating table in a face to face in the presence of committee members. The social interactionsplay a role in finding an amicable solution to many complaints/grievancesof students, teachers and often staff members.

Physiologically we respond to conflict in one or other ways-we want to "get away from the conflict" or we are ready to "take on anyone who comes our way". Think for a moment about when you are in conflict. Do you want to leave or do you want to fight when a conflict presents itself? Neither physiological response is good or bad-it's a personal response. What is important to learn, regardless of our initial physiological response to conflict, is that we should intentionally choose our response to conflict. Whether we feel like we want to fight or flee when a conflict arises, we can deliberately choose a conflict mode. By consciously choosing a conflict mode ,we are more likely to productively contribute to solving the problem at hand. There are several styles of conflict management that people use, some of which are more effective than others. Below are five conflict response modes that people use typically. None of thesepmdes is wrong to use, but there are right and wrong times to use each. Now we are discussing the components of styles of conflict management:

11.5.1 Competing
This is a power oriented mode, in which one uses whatever power seems appropriate to win one's own position: one's ability to argue, one's rank or economic status. Competing might even mean standing up for your rights, defending a position which you believe correct, or simply trying to win. The skills involved in this style include: Arguing or debating Using rank or Influence Asserting your opinions and feelings Standing your ground Stating your position clearly. This style, however, can appropriately be used when quick action needs to be taken, when unpopular decisions needs to be made, when vital issues must be handled, or when one is protecting self-interest.

11.5.2 Avoiding
Many times people avoid conflicts out of fear of engaging in a conflict or because they do not have confidence in their conflict management skills. This style is appropriate when you have issues of low importance, to reduce tension, or when vou are in a position of lower power. The skills involved in this style include: Ability to withdraw. Ability to leave things unresolved. Ability to side step issues. Senseoftiming.

Conflict Management


11.5.3 Accommodating
This style is opposite to competing. When accommodating, an individual neglects his or her own concerns to satisfy the concerned of the other persons. There is an element of self-sacrifice in this mode. This mode is appropriate when you are to show reasonableness, develop performance, create good will, or keep peace. Some people use this mode when the issue or outcome is of low importance to them. The accommodatingskills are: Forgetting your desires Ability to yield. Selflessness. Obeying Orders.

11.5.4 Compromising
Compromising can be defined as "giving up more than you want". Some define it as both parties winning. Compromise mode is appropriate when you are dealing with issues of moderate importance, when you have equal power status, or when you have a strong commitment for resolution. Compromising mode can also be used as a temporary solution when there are time constraints. The skills involved in compromisinginclude: Negotiating Assessing value Finding a middle ground. Making concessions.

11.5.5 Collaborating
This style is opposite'toavoiding. Collaborating involves an attempt to work with the other person to find some solution which fully satisfies the concerns of both persons. It means digging in to an issue to identify the underlying concerns of the two individuals and to find an alternative which meets both sets of concerns. This is clearly the most effective approach of conflict management. Collaborativemode is appropriate when the conflict is important to the people who are constructing an integrative solulion, when the issues are too important to compromise, when merging perspectives, when gaining commitment, when improving relationships, or when learning. The collaborating skills are:


Decision Making in Educational Management

Active listening Iden-g concerns

Non-threateningconfrontation Analyzing input.

Check Your Progress Note: (a) Space is given below each question to write your answers.
(b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the unit.

What is conflict management ?


................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
What are the styles of conflict management?


Let us go through the models of conflict management :

Derr's model is known as contingency model of conflictmanagement, which suggests three major strategies, viz. power play; bargaining, and collaboration. Power Play is used to deal with conflicts through striking balance between competing forces. This strategy works well with people who are well versed in using power tactics. Bargaining works fine when parties are interested in showing power and is used as a mechanism to allocate scarce resources and usually invoked for arriving at a formal agreement. Bargaining is also effective in the situationswhere parties in conflict use either collaboration or power play and fail to arrive at an agreement. Derr suggested that collaboration is best suited when relationship between the parties is of interdependent nature, cost of unresolved conflict is very high and organization supports the open expression of disagreements and working through the same. The two variables,namely in-group integration and criticality of conflict issues seem to influence choice of strategies and may vary from low to high. If the group is not well integrated, negotiation may not be the appropriate strategy to be used. If the group is internally divided, the group conflict may further worsen under the threat of other group. As the two variables approach high, approach strategies of conflict management may become more relevant and eventually parties may move towards negotiation. Movement towards negotiation may be through compromiseor through third party intervention that can facilitate the process of negotiation. Adoption of negotiation may be a gradual process and parties may take their own time to understand the procedure towards that.

Udai Pareek proposed a contingency model of conflict management strategieswhich consists of avoidance-approach style of conflict management. This model is based on three variables:

1. 2.

Mode of conflict management: Avoidance vs Approach mode Reasonableness of the out-group: Open to reason vs Unreasonable. Interest in peace: Interested in peace vs Belligerent.


A combination of three variables results in eight styles of conflict management Four avoidance styles and four approach styles. Approach Confrontation



Fig.ll.1: Approach-AvoidanceStylesof Conflict Management

Avoidance Styles
Extreme avoidance of conflict happens when the out-group is belligerent and unreasonable, resultant approach is sense of helplessness. However, if the outgroup has perceived interest in power, avoidancetakes place so that there is minimum opportunity for interaction. However, when out-group is perceived as open to reason, avoidancetakes a positive form: withdrawal from the conflict. If both groups are interested in peace, they may suppress the conflict and hide hurt feelings and losses. In such situation, i.e. under avoidance mode no conflicts get resolved.

Approach Styles
Conflict management may vary from very aggressive approach to a very positive and constructive approach. If in-group perceives the out group both as opposed to its interest and unreasonable, in-group members fight for solution in their favour.

Decision Making in Educational Management

Blake and Mouton called this 'win-lose trap'. This is where parties use confrontation style. If out-group is perceived as unreasonable but interested in peace., compromise. is used. When out-group is perceived as belligerent but open to reason, arbitration or third party intervention is considered appropriate. When parties are reasonable, having their own interest and keen to arrive a peaceful solution,negotiation will be the most appropriate strategy.

11.6.3 Gandhian Model of Conflict Resolution

Gandhiji experimentedwith truth and non-violence throughout his life and used them as weapon to make India free from the subjugation of British rule. He has provided a technique of conflict resolution which is based on the principle that psychological change in parties underlies a l lconflict resolution. It rests not on threat, violence and compulsion that normally enters into the process, but on changing the heart of the opponent. Threat, violence, use of force and subjugation of the opponent seldom resolve a conflict. Gandhiji's technique appears the only rational alternative. Ahirnsa used in a conjunctionwith satyagraha means the exercise of power or influence to effect change without injury to the opponent. Through various stages of satyagraha like persuasion through coercion involving non-cooperation, civil disobedience, boycott, dharana, hartal, fast and so on. Gandhian technique seeks to bring about a transformation of perception and change of heart among the opponents. The other element of his technihue consists of ahimsa which in essence means love and respect for others. It implies action based on refusal to do harm and a state of positive love. The whole strategy implies not only a state of harmlessness, but also a more positive love and respect for one's opponent. When non-violent hartal and other methods of persuasion would not succeed, he would often resort to selfsuffering which so dramatized the situation that the opponent felt constrained to change. It was a very potent weapon of moral persuasion. The entire strategy presupposes a "Commonality" between the parties involved in a state of empathy or mutual sharing of experiences both on the conflict. ~t'entails the cognitive and affective levels. Though temporarily there is estrangement and conflict, if a stateof mutual sharing and commonality is there, the use of right technique can lead to mutual understanding and ultimately to the resolution of conflict without resorting to violence or destructive measures. When change of perception occurs on both sides, which results from the various processes unleashed by the technique, the conflict gets resolved without coercion or force. Gandhiji utilized the technique not only for settling labour-management and other kinds of interpersonal disputes, but recommended its use for resolving international conflicts too. Many like Martin Luther King have adopted the technique for protest against social injustice, nuclear armament and so on. m e main strength of his technique lies in its being based on positive effect where hatred, bitterness and rancour are all but absent. Its essence lies, not in threat or violence or physical compulsion,but in change brought about in opponents through moral persuasion. It emphasizes that through the cultivation of right kind of piychological attitudes, the forces of destruction and war can be conquered,and conflictsresolved to the satisfactionof all concerned. In this kind of contlict resolution, there is no winner and no loser.

11.7 TECHNIQUES OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT 11.7.1 Negotiation and Bargaining

Negotiation is one of the most used techniques for resolving a conflict in our daily life. Here, the two parties confer with one another with a view to bringing about a

compromise, an agreement or settlement of the dispute. Its outcome may be a temporary cessation of conflict or a lasting solution. T n a negotiation, the parties in conflict come together, discuss and argue about the terms of compromise that would lead to the resolution. In some cases, the parties concerned directly confer with one another. In other cases, and more frequently so, negotiation is carried out through the representatives of the parties. In all negotiations certain amount of bargaining takes place concerning the terms of settlement. Bargaining involves three factors (1) parties in conflict have divergent interests, (2) there is some form of communication, direct or through representatives between the parties, and (3) there is give and take between the parties, i.e, the parties make provisional offers or concessions for the resolution of the conflict. Each party tries to extract as much advantage for self as it possibly can. This is usually sought to be achieved by getting the most from the opponent and conceding as little as possible. For this, various types of bargaining strategies are employed. Socialpsychologists have studied these experimentally and have determined how they affect the resolution of the conflict. The literaturein this area is rich and extensive, and it is not possible to go into the details. A few major points only are indicated briefly. The "studies" have analysed how the behaviour of one party affects the other as well as the outcome of negotiation, and how bargaining strategiesdevelop. The party, to begin with, may take a very tough stand and make strong demands on the other party. Or, it may take a "soft" line initially. We frequently observethese in negotiations between the students and the university administration in settling a campus dispute. Studies have revealed that from a bargaining point of view, it is better to begin by making highly discrepant offers to very strong demands.Thereby,one is likely to get more concessionsfrom the opponentsrather than beginning with offers that are felt to be completely fair and moderate. However, taking a very strong initial position may lead to the breakdown of the negotiation. On the other hand, making very generous concessionsin the beginning may be interpreted by the opponent a 9 a sign of weakness, and helshe may, as a result, assume a tough stand. The effect of making initially very small concessions and taking a tough stand or its reverse on the behavior of the opponent and the outcomes of the negotiation have been studied. In fact, how the behaviour of the opponent in a negotiation affects the bargaining process, has received special attention of the researchers. A fact that seems to emerge is that of norm of reciprocity, which has already been discussed. It appears that seems to emerge is that of norms of competition begets competition, and cooperation begets cooperation. In general, research of bargaining and concessions indicates that the best strategy involves reciprocating opponent's cooperativebehaviour with small concessions. Failure to make any concession is likely to result in a breakdown of negotiations. On the other hand, making large, uncondtional concessions is likely to lead to exploitation unless a clear explanation of the reasons for the concession is given. It is this aspect which Osgood (1962) had in mind when he suggested the 'GRIT' strategy for the resolution of international conflicts.
An aspect that affects all negotiations is the element of how much time is available for bargaining. If time is of no concern, the parties tend to fill up the available time. Studies indicate that time pressure leads to faster concession from the negotiating parties. However, if time pressure is sought to be put by one party on the other in a negotiation, it must be perceived as real, otherwise it loses its credibility.This is so evident in most cases of negotiations with the hijackers of aeroplanes when their

Conflict Management

Decision Making in EducationalManagement

threat (to take drastic action if w i t w the given time their demands are not conceded) is not carried out. If nothing happens, and the time is extended, the credibility of time pressure is lessened. In fact, time pressure can sometimes backfire. It may give rise to threat and coercion. Thus, if a student union negotiating with the vice-chancellor has put a time limit by which the negotiations have to succeed, the administration, feeling that the time is about to run out and violence may occur on the campus, may pre-empt it by calling the police and getting the ring leaders put in prison.

Check Your Progress Note: (a) Space is given below each question to write your answers.
(b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the unit


Mention the techniquesof conflict management ?


There is nothing innate about a conflict. Much of it can be manipulated and controlled. Though threat and violence are frequently used in resolving a conflict, they usually help only to suspend it. Threat-counter-threatserves to widen it and creates a kind of conflict spiral. As against the techniques that rely on use of threat, force and violence, the Gandhian technique of conflict resolution rests on changing the heart of the opponent through the use df various methods of non-violent persuasion that ahimsa and satyagraha embody. The entire technique is based on non-injury to the opponent, and love, and had been utilized by Gandhian technique. There are no losers but only winners in the conflict and it is in consonance with the principle that since disputes first generate in the minds of men, the fmt defense against them have also to be constructed in the minds of men.



Suppose you are a student in an institution and you found that there is a c d c t between the college students and faculty on some genuine demands. What relevant aspect and situations do you feel the students should take so that college principal accepts their demands?

IGNOU (2003). Social Processes and Behavioural Issues - MS-21 (Group and Inter Group Processes, New Delhi. Caser, L.(i956) The Functions of social Conflict, New York: Free Press. Jones, E.E and Gerrard,H.B (1967), Foundations of Social Psychology, New York: Wdey. Raven, and Kruglanski, A. (1970) Conflict and Power; in Swingle P, (Ed).,Structure of Conflict, New York: Academic Press.

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