Problems On Psychrometrics
Problems On Psychrometrics
Problems On Psychrometrics
A cooling load calculation of a building resulted in the following values: ITEM LOAD (Watts) Roof 9,000 Walls 5,000 Fenestration 7,500 Lights 21,000 People 6,000 Equipment 3,000 Infiltration 400 Ventilation 6,600 Total Sensible Load 58,500 People 6,000 Ventilation 10,000 Infiltration 1,600 Total Latent Load 17,600 Grand Total Load 76,100 Given that the Outside Design Temperature is 33C db and 25C wb and the Inside Design Temperature is 23C and 60% rh, use the Psychrometric Chart provided to estimate the values of bypass factor and apparatus due point of the equipment coil, if 10% of the total air supplied to the building space is outside air. 2. A room has a Total Sensible Load of 49,225 W and a Total Latent Load of 17, 582 W at peak conditions. The outside air at peak load is 32 C db and 27 C wb. The inside design temperature is 23.5 C 55% rh. The Sensible Load due to ventilation introduced through the cooling coil is 3,575 W. This outdoor air is mixed with the recirculated air, then cooled and dehumidified by a coil and leaves the coil on the condition line from the room. Draw a schematic diagram of the air conditioning system and determine: (a) (b) (c) (d) the air conditioning process on the Psychrometric Chart provided. ratio of Room Sensible Load to Room Total Load The Room Air Supply Rate The Apparatus Dew Point (ADP) and the Coil By-Pass Factor (BF).
3. An air conditioned room has a room sensible heat load of 60 kW, a room latent heat load of 15 kW, an occupancy of 20 people and is maintained at 24.5C dry bulb and 18C wet bulb. Twenty-five percent of the air entering the room is vented through cracks and door openings. Outside air is assumed to be at design conditions of 35C dry bulb and 24.5C wet bulb. Conditioned air leaves the cooling equipment and enters the room at 15.5C. Use the following letters to designate state points: A Outside design conditions B Inside design conditions C Air entering the cooling equipment (mixed air)
D Air entering the room (supply air) a. b. c. d. e. Complete the table provided below. Calculate the Room SHR. What air quantity must enter the room? What is the load of the outside air in kW? What is the equipment load in kW?
Dry Bulb 35 24.5 15.5 Wet Bulb 24.5 18 Enthalpy, h kJ/kgda Humidity Ratio w, gw/kgwa
Point A B C D