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The document discusses the HSPICE simulation software and provides reference information on its commands and control options.

The document discusses the HSPICE simulation software, which is used to simulate analog circuits. It provides details on licensing, copyright, and proprietary information policies.

The document describes many different HSPICE commands used to set up and run simulations. Commands discussed include .MODEL, .TRAN, .MEASURE, .PLOT and many others listed in the index.

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options

Version D-2010.03-SP1, June 2010

Copyright Notice and Proprietary Information

Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and documentation contain confidential and proprietary information that is the property of Synopsys, Inc. The software and documentation are furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. No part of the software and documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Synopsys, Inc., or as expressly provided by the license agreement.

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Synopsys, AMPS, Astro, Behavior Extracting Synthesis Technology, Cadabra, CATS, Certify, CHIPit, Design Compiler, DesignWare, Formality, HAPS, HDL Analyst, HSIM, HSPICE, Identify, Leda, MAST, ModelTools, NanoSim, OpenVera, PathMill, Physical Compiler, PrimeTime, SCOPE, Simply Better Results, SiVL, SNUG, SolvNet, Syndicated, Synplicity, the Synplicity logo, Synplify, Synplify Pro, Synthesis Constraints Optimization Environment, TetraMAX, UMRBus, VCS, Vera, and YIELDirector are registered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.

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HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

1. HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hspice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examples of Starting HSPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using HSPICE for Calculating New Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hspicerf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 7 9 11


HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HSPICE and RF Commands Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alter Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conditional Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digital Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Field Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input/Output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Library Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model and Variation Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Node Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Porting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulation Runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subcircuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verilog-A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alphabetical Listing of Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ACMATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ACPHASENOISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ALIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ALTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .APPENDMODEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BIASCHK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 24 27 29 30 32 34 35



.CFL_PROTOTYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK EDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK FALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK HOLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK IRDROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK RISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK SETUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHECK SLEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CONNECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DCMATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DCSENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DCVOLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEL LIB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DESIGN_EXPLORATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DISTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .EBD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ELSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ELSEIF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .END. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENDDATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENDIF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENDL (or) .ENDL TT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENVFFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENVOSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .EOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FLAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FSOPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GLOBAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HBAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HBLIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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.HBLSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HBNOISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HBOSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HBXF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IBIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ICM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .INCLUDE (or) .INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IVTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LAYERSTACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LIB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LPRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LSTB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MACRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MALIAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MATERIAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (or) .MEAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (FIND and WHEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (Continuous Results) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (Equation Evaluation/Arithmetic Expression) . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (AVG, EM_AVG, INTEG, MIN, MAX, PP, and RMS). . . . . . . .MEASURE (Integral Function) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (Derivative Function) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (Error Function) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE PHASENOISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE PTDNOISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (Pushout Bisection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (ACMATCH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE (DCMATCH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE FFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEASURE LSTB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MOSRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MOSRAPRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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.NODESET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NOISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PARAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PHASENOISE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PKG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .POWER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .POWERDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PROBE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PROTECT or .PROT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PTDNOISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SAMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHAPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHAPE (Defining Rectangles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHAPE (Defining Circles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHAPE (Defining Polygons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHAPE (Defining Strip Polygons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHAPE (Defining Trapezoids) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SNAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SNFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SNNOISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SNOSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SNXF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STATEYE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SUBCKT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SURGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SWEEPBLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TEMP (or) .TEMPERATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TITLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

223 225 228 230 232 236 238 241 243 245 246 249 251 252 256 257 258 260 262 263 264 265 267 268 269 271 272 275 277 280 282 285 289 292 295 296 298 301 302



.TRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TRANNOISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UNPROTECT or .UNPROT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VARIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VEC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

303 309 312 313 315


HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HSPICE Control Options Grouped By Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Control Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input/Output Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HSPICE Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transient and AC Small Signal Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HSPICE RF Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HB Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phase Noise Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RC Network Reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulation Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shooting Newton Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DSPF Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPEF Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transient Accuracy Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alphabetical Listing of HSPICE Control Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ABSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ABSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ABSIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ABSMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ABSTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ABSV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ABSVAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ABSVDC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ACCURATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ACOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ALTCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ALTCHK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION APPENDALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ARTIST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

317 318 318 319 320 321 321 323 324 324 325 326 326 327 328 329 330 330 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 356



.OPTION ASPEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION AUTOSTOP (or) .OPTION AUTOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BA_ACTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BA_ACTIVEHIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BA_COUPLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BA_ERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BA_FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BA_MERGEPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BA_PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BA_TERMINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BADCHR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BDFATOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BDFRTOL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BEEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BIASFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BIASINTERVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BIASNODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BIASPARALLEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BIAWARN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BINPRNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BPNMATCHTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BRIEF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BSIM4PDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BYPASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BYTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CAPTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CFLFLAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CHGTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CMIMCFLAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CMIFLAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CMIPATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CMIUSRFLAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CONVERGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CPTIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CSCAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CSDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CSHDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CSHUNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CUSTCMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

357 358 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 369 370 372 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 394 395 396 397 398 399 400



.OPTION CVTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION D_IBIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DCAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DCCAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DCFOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DCHOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DCIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DCON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DCSTEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DCTRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFNRD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFNRS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEFW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEGFN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DEGFP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DELMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DIAGNOSTIC (or) .OPTION DIAGNO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DLENCSDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DVDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DVTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION DYNACC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION EM_RECOVERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION EPSMIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION EXPLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION EXPMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION FAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION FFT_ACCURATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION FFTOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION FMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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.OPTION FS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION FSCAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GDCPATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GENK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GEOSHRINK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GMIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GMINDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GRAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GSCAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GSHDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION GSHUNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBACKRYLOVDIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBACKRYLOVITER (or) HBAC_KRYLOV_ITER . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBACTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBCONTINUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBFREQABSTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBFREQRELTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HB_GIBBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBJREUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBJREUSETOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBKRYLOVDIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBKRYLOVTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBKRYLOVMAXITER (or) HB_KRYLOV_MAXITER . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBLINESEARCHFAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBMAXITER (or) HB_MAXITER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBOSCMAXITER (or) HBOSC_MAXITER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBPROBETOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBSOLVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBTRANFREQSEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBTRANINIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBTRANPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HBTRANSTEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HIER_DELIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION HIER_SCALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ICSWEEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION IMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 478 479


.OPTION IMIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION INGOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION INTERP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION IPROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ITL1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ITL2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ITL3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ITL4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ITL5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ITLPTRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ITLPZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ITRPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION IVTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION KCLTEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION KLIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LA_FREQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LA_MAXR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LA_MINC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LA_TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LA_TOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LENNAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LIMPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LIMTIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LISLVL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LIS_NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LOADHB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LOADSNINIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LSCAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION LVLTIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MACMOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MAXAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MAXORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MBYPASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MCBRIEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MEASDGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MEASFAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MEASFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MEASFORM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

480 481 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 511 512 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521



.OPTION MEASOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MESSAGE_LIMIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MODMONTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MONTECON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MOSRALIFE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MOSRASORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MRAAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MRAEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MRAPAGED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MRA00PATH, MRA01PATH, MRA02PATH, MRA03PATH . . . . .OPTION MTTHRESH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NCFILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NCWARN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NEWTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NOELCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NOISEMINFREQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NOMOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NOPIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NOTOP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NOWARN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NUMDGT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NXX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION OPFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION OPTCON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION OPTLST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION OPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PARHIER (or) .OPTION PARHIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PATHNUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVDIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PHASENOISETOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PHD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PHNOISELORENTZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PHNOISEAMPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

522 523 524 527 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 555 556 557 558 559 561 562 563 564




.OPTION PIVOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PIVTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION POST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION POSTLVL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION POST_VERSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION POSTTOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PROBE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PSF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PURETP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PUTMEAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PZABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PZTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RADEGFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RADEGOUTPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RANDGEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELVAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RELVDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION REPLICATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RES_BITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RESMIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RISETIME (or) .OPTION RISETI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RITOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RMIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION RUNLVL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SAVEHB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SAVESNINIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SAMPLING_METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SCALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SCALM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

565 566 567 569 570 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 596 597 598 599 603 604 605 606 607 608 609



.OPTION SHRINK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DELTAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DELTAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF_INSERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF_LUMPCAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF_MAX_ITER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF_RAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF_SCALEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF_SCALER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_LA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_LA_FREQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_LA_MAXR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_LA_MINC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_LA_TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_LA_TOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_ORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_OSC_DETECT_TOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POSTAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POSTDOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POSTSCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POSTSKIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POSTTOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POWER_ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POWER_TOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_ACCURACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_HSPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POWERPOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POWERSTART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_POWERSTOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF_ACTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF_INSERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF_LUMPCAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF_MAX_ITER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF_PARVALUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

610 611 612 613 614 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650



.OPTION SIM_SPEF_RAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF_SCALEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF_SCALER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_SPEF_VTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_TG_THETA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_TRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SLOPETOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SNACCURACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SNCONTINUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SNMAXITER (or) SN_MAXITER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SOIQ0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SPLIT_DP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SPMODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION STATFL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION STRICT_CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SX_FACTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SYMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION TIMERES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION TMIFLAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION TMIPATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION TMIVERSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION TNOM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION TRANFORHB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION TRCON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION TRTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION UNWRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION VAMODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION VERIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION VFLOOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION VNTOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION WACC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION WARN_SEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION WARNLIMIT (or) .OPTION WARNLIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION WDELAYOPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION WDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION WINCLUDEGDIMAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION WL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION WNFLAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION XDTEMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 688 689 690 691



.OPTION (X0R,X0I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION (X1R,X1I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION (X2R,X21). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VARIATION Block Control Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DESIGN_EXPLORATION Block Control Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

693 694 695 696 698


Digital Vector File Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENABLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDELAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ODELAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OUT or OUTZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERIOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RADIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SLOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TDELAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TFALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRIZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TSKIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TUNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VNAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VOH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VREF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

701 702 703 705 706 708 709 710 711 713 715 717 719 720 721 723 724 725 727 729 731 732


Obsolete Commands and Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ACDCFACTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GRAPH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

735 736 737



.MODEL Command for .GRAPH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PLOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WIDTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ACCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ALT999 or ALT9999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION BKPSIZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEGINFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION H9007. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MEASSORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MENTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION MODSRH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PIVREF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION NOPAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PIVREL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION PLIM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION SIM_LA_MINMODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OPTION ZUKEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

739 741 743 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764


How Options Affect other Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEAR Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACCURATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEAR Method, ACCURATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACCURATE, GEAR Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACCURATE, FAST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEAR Method, FAST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

765 766 766 766 767 768 768 769



GEAR Method, ACCURATE, FAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUNLVL=N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUNLVL, ACCURATE, FAST, GEAR method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DVDT=1,2,3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LVLTIM=0,2,3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KCLTEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRIEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Option Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RUNLVL Option Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finding the Golden Reference for Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

770 770 771 771 771 772 772 772 773 774

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



About This Manual

This manual describes the individual HSPICE commands you can use to simulate and analyze your circuit designs.

Inside This Manual

This manual contains the chapters described below. For descriptions of the other manuals in the HSPICE documentation set, see the next section, The HSPICE Documentation Set.
Chapter Description

Chapter 1, HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands Chapter 2, HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Chapter 3, HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Chapter 4, Digital Vector File Commands Appendix A, Obsolete Commands and Options Appendix B, How Options Affect other Options

Describes the commands you use to start HSPICE or HSPICE RF, including syntax, arguments, and examples. Describes the commands you can use in HSPICE and HSPICE RF netlists.

Describes the HSPICE and HSPICE RF simulation control options you can set using various forms of the .OPTION command. Contains an alphabetical listing of the HSPICE commands you can use in an digital vector file. Describes commands and options no longer commonly used in HSPICE. Describes the effects of specifying control options on other options in the netlist.

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


The HSPICE Documentation Set

The HSPICE Documentation Set

This manual is a part of the HSPICE documentation set, which includes the following manuals:
Manual Description

HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis

Describes how to use HSPICE to simulate and analyze your circuit designs, and includes simulation applications. This is the main HSPICE user guide. Describes how to use HSPICE to maintain signal integrity in your chip design. Describes how to use special set of analysis and design capabilities added to HSPICE to support RF and highspeed circuit design. Describes standard models you can use when simulating your circuit designs in HSPICE, including passive devices, diodes, JFET and MESFET devices, and BJT devices. Describes available MOSFET models you can use when simulating your circuit designs in HSPICE. Describes use of the HSPICE simulator integration to the Cadence tool.

HSPICE User Guide: Signal Integrity HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis

HSPICE Reference Manual: Elements and Device Models

HSPICE Reference Manual: MOSFET Models HSPICE Integration to CadenceTM Virtuoso Analog Design Environment User Guide AMS Discovery Simulation Interface Guide for HSPICE AvanWaves User Guide

Describes use of the Simulation Interface with other EDA tools for HSPICE.

Describes the AvanWaves tool, which you can use to display waveforms generated during HSPICE circuit design simulation.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Searching Across the HSPICE Documentation Set

Searching Across the HSPICE Documentation Set

You can access the PDF format documentation from your install directory for the current release by entering -docs on the terminal command line when the HSPICE tool is open. Synopsys includes an index with your HSPICE documentation that lets you search the entire HSPICE documentation set for a particular topic or keyword. In a single operation, you can instantly generate a list of hits that are hyperlinked to the occurrences of your search term. For information on how to perform searches across multiple PDF documents, see the HSPICE release notes. Note: To use this feature, the HSPICE documentation files, the Index directory, and the index.pdx file must reside in the same directory. (This is the default installation for Synopsys documentation.) Also, Adobe Acrobat must be invoked as a standalone application rather than as a plug-in to your web browser.

You can also invoke HSPICE and RF documentation in a browser-based help system by entering-help on your terminal command line when the HSPICE tool is open. This provides access to all the HSPICE manuals with the exception of the AvanWaves User Guide which is available in PDF format only.

Known Limitations and Resolved STARs

You can find information about known problems and limitations and resolved Synopsys Technical Action Requests (STARs) in the HSPICE Release Notes shipped with this release. For updates, go to SolvNet. To access the HSPICE Release Notes: 1. Go to (If prompted, enter your user name and password. If you do not have a Synopsys user name and password, follow the instructions to register with SolvNet.) 2. Select Download Center> HSPICE> version number> Release Notes.

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1



The following conventions are used in Synopsys HSPICE documentation. Table 1 Typographical conventions
Convention Courier Italic Bold Description

Indicates command syntax. Indicates a user-defined value, such as object_name. Indicates user inputtext you type verbatimin syntax and examples. Bold indicates a GUI element. Denotes optional parameters, such as: write_file [-f filename]



Indicates that parameters can be repeated as many times as necessary: pin1 pin2 ... pinN

Indicates a choice among alternatives, such as low | medium | high

+ / Edit > Copy

Indicates a continuation of a command line. Indicates levels of directory structure. Indicates a path to a menu command, such as opening the Edit menu and choosing Copy. Indicates a keyboard combination, such as holding down the Control key and pressing c.


Customer Support
Customer support is available through SolvNet online customer support and through contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Customer Support

Accessing SolvNet
SolvNet includes an electronic knowledge base of technical articles and answers to frequently asked questions about Synopsys tools. SolvNet also gives you access to a wide range of Synopsys online services, which include downloading software, viewing Documentation on the Web, and entering a call to the Support Center. To access SolvNet: 1. Go to the SolvNet Web page at 2. If prompted, enter your user name and password. (If you do not have a Synopsys user name and password, follow the instructions to register with SolvNet.) If you need help using SolvNet, click Help on the SolvNet menu bar. The link to any recorded training is Access recent release update training by going to

Contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center

If you have problems, questions, or suggestions, you can contact the Synopsys Technical Support Center in the following ways:

Open a call to your local support center from the Web by going to (Synopsys user name and password required). Send an e-mail message to your local support center. E-mail [email protected] from within North America. Find other local support center e-mail addresses at Call (800) 245-8005 from within the continental United States. Call (650) 584-4200 from Canada. Find other local support center telephone numbers at

Telephone your local support center.

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Customer Support


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands

Describes the commands you use to start HSPICE or HSPICE RF, including syntax, arguments, and examples.

This chapter provides the syntax and arguments for the hspice or hspicerf application commands. You can enter these commands at the command-line prompt to start HSPICE or HSPICE RF from the unified HSPICE binary (hspice) on all primary platforms. (You can run RF features with one HSPICE license and one HSPICE RF license or with two HSPICE licenses.) The following sections show you how to invoke:

hspice hspicerf

Invokes HSPICE or HSPICE RF. Syntax
hspice [-i path/input_file | -i longpath_exceed256/input_file] [-o path/output_file | -o longpath_exceed256/output_file] [-o path [-n number] [-html path/html_file] [-d] [-C path/input_file] [-CC path/input_file] [-I] [-K] [-L command_file] [-S] [-mp process_count] [-mt thread_count] [-meas measure_file] [-top subcktname] [-restore] [-hdl file_name][-hdlpath pathname] [-vamodel name] [-vamodel name2...] [-help] [-doc] [-h] [-v]

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice



-i path/input_file

Input netlist file name for which an extension *.ext is optional. If you do not specify an input file name extension in the command, HSPICE searches

for a *.sp# file, or for a *.tr#, *.ac#, or *.sw# file (PSF files are not supported).

HSPICE uses the input file name as the root for the output files. To exceed 256 character use the -i longpath_exceed256/ filename command. HSPICE also checks for an initial conditions file (.ic) that has the input file root name. The following is an example of an input file name: /usr/sim/work/rb_design.sp In this file name:

/usr/sim/work/ is the directory path to the design rb_design is the design root name .sp is the file name suffix

-o path/output_file Name of the output file. Here, output_file is the root name of the output file. HSPICE appends the .lis extension to all output files. For example: For the output log file: output_file.lis For transient waveform: output_file.tr0 For transient measurement: output_file.mt0 Everything up to the last period is the root file name and everything after the last period is the file name extension.

If you either do not use this option or you use it without specifying a file name, HSPICE uses the output root file name specified in the -html option. To turn off the html popup, use the -o following the input file name. If you include the .lis extension in the file name that you enter using this option, then HSPICE does not append another .lis extension to the root file name of the output file. If you do not specify an output file name, HSPICE directs output to stdout. For the .meas option, some case results differ from the measure result HSPICE produces. To exceed 256 character use the -o longpath_exceed256/filename command.

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice



-n number

Starting number for numbering output data file revisions (,, output_file.sw#, where # is between 0 and 9999.). HTML output file. If a path is unspecified, HSPICE saves the HTML output file in the same directory that you specified in the -o option. If you do not specify an -o option, HSPICE saves the HTML output in the working directory. If you do not specify an output file name in either the -o or -html option, then HSPICE uses the input root file name as the output file root file name. If you add .option itrprt = 1 to your netlist to print output variables at their internal time points, and you use the -html option when invoking HSPICE, then HSPICE prints the values to a separate file (*.printtr0). (UNIX) Displays the content of .st0 files on screen while running HSPICE. For example, to show the status during simulation. Client/Server (C/S) mode. Entering hspice -C checks out an HSPICE license and starts client/server mode. Entering hspice -C path/input_file simulates your netlist. Entering hspice -C -K releases the HSPICE license and exits. For additional information, see Using HSPICE in Client-Server Mode in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis.

-html path/ html_file


-C path/input_file

-CC path/input_file Advanced Client/Server mode. Entering hspice -CC checks out an HSPICE license and starts the advanced client/server mode. Entering hspice -CC path/input_file simulates your netlist. Adding -mp [process_count] enables multiprocessing in the file contains .Alter, Tran sweeps, or Monte Carlo trials. Entering hspice -CC -share common.sp -o output redirects share file to avoid issues with *.lis file for the shared model file while running the multiple servers on a farm or multi-CPU machine. Entering hspice -CC -K releases the HSPICE license and exits. For additional information, see Launching the Advanced ClientServer Mode (-CC) in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice




Interactive mode. Entering hspice -I invokes interactive mode. Entering help at the HSPICE prompt lists supported commands. Entering hspice -I -L file_name runs a command file. Entering quit at the HSPICE exits interactive mode. For additional information, see Using Interactive Mode in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis.

-K -L file_name -S

Used with -C option to terminate client/server mode and exit. Used with -I option to run commands contained in a command file. Performs as a server. Accepts data from SPEED2000, simulates the circuit, and returns results to SPEED2000.

On UNIX and Linux, HSPICE waits for successive simulations after invocation. On Windows you must re-invoke for each successive simulation.

-mp [process_count] Activates multiprocessing while running ALTER cases, transient sweeps, and Monte Carlo analyses on one machine with multiple processors/cores. If you specify the number of CPUs you can limit the number of CPUs to avoid overtaxing performance scalability. If a CPU number is not specified, HSPICE auto-determines the child processes by the number of available CPUs. For full details see Multiprocessing .ALTER Cases, Transient Sweeps, Monte Carlo in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. -mt thread_count Invokes multithreading and specifies the number of processors for a multithreaded simulation. If thread_count is not entered, HSPICE issues an error. For additional information, see Running Multithread/Multiprocess HSPICE Simulations in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See also .OPTION MTTHRESH in this manual.

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice



-meas measure_file

Re-invokes the measure file to calculate new measurements from a previous simulation. The format of measure_file is similar to the HSPICE netlist format. The first line is a comment line and the last line is an .END command. The following netlist commands are supported. .MEASURE .PARAM .TEMP .OPTION .DATA .ENDDATA .FFT .MEASURE FFT .END Note: The .DATA command in the measure file must be consistent with the .DATA command in the wavefile.

The following types of .OPTION commands are supported: MEASFAIL NUMDGT INGOLD MEASDGT EM_RECOVERY Warnings are issued if other options or commands are used. Wave files formatted as PSF, CSDF, and WDF are not supported. Syntax to perform spectrum analysis measurements from previous simulation results: hspice -i *.tr0 -meas measure_file

-top subcktname

Top level subcircuit name. Effectively eliminates the need for defining .subckt subcktnameand corresponding .endsstatements. Users do not need to instantiate top-level SUBCKT using X syntax of HSPICE.

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice



-restore checkpoint_file. store.gz

The checkpoint_file specifies from which simulation the checkpoint data is to be restored. The restore operation should be submitted on a machine that has the same kernel version as the machine used to store, otherwise, a failure may occur. Note: Do not use -o outputfile to specify output files; the output files will be the same as were used in the previous simulation. Any output files generated by the previous simulation should not be removed. After the restore simulation is done, the output files will be updated. For example: hspice -restore The simulation starts from the time point that data was stored at in the previously interrupted simulation. The data files are named, and test_1000.tar. See Storing and Restoring Checkpoint Files (HSPICE) for full details.

-hdl file_name

Verilog-A module. The Verilog-A file is assumed to have a *.va extension when only a prefix is provided. One -hdl option can include one Verilog-A file, use multiple -hdl options if multiple Verilog-A files are needed. This example loads the Verilog-A source file: hspice amp.sp -hdl When a module to be loaded has the same name as a previouslyloaded module or the names differ in case only, the latter one is ignored and the simulator issues a warning message. If a Verilog-A module file is not found or the Compiled Model Library file has an incompatible version, the simulation exits and an error message is issued.

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice



-hdlpath pathname

Search path for a Verilog-A file if HSPICE cannot find it in the current working directory. The search order for Verilog-A files is: 1. Current working directory 2. Path defined by command-line argument -hdlpath 3. Path defined by environment variable HSP_HDL_PATH The path defined by either -hdlpath or HSP_HDL_PATH can consist a set of directory names. The path separator must follow HSPICE conventions or platform conventions (; on UNIX). Path entries that do not exist are ignored and no error/warning messages are issued. This example first searches the current working directory and when a *.va file is not found, the relative location ./my_modules directory is searched: hspice amp.sp -hdlpath ./my_modules

-vamodel name -vamodel name2...

Cell names for Verilog-A definitions. name is the cell name that uses a Verilog-A definition rather than a subcircuit definition when both exist. Each -vamodel option can take no more than one name. Repeat this option if multiple Verilog-A modules are defined. If no name is supplied after -vamodel, then the Verilog-A definition will be used whenever it is available. Searchable browser-based help system for HSPICE/HSPICFE RF. An html browser must be installed on your machine to access this help system. PDF documentation set user manuals for HSPICE and RF flow. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your system. You can do full text searches of the documentation set. See the Release Notes for instructions. Displays a help message and exits. Outputs version information and exits.



-h -v

Examples of Starting HSPICE

The following are more examples of commands to start running HSPICE.

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice

hspice demo.sp -n 7 > demo.out This command redirects output to a file instead of stdout. demo.sp is the input netlist file. The .sp extension is optional. The -n 7 starts the output data file revision numbers at 7; for example: demo.tr7, demo.ac7, demo.sw7, and so forth. The > redirects the program output listing to file demo.out.

hspice -i demo.sp demo is the root input file name. Without the -o argument and without redirection, HSPICE does not generate an output listing file.

hspice -i demo.sp -o demo demo is the output file root name (designated with the -o option). Output files are named demo.lis, demo.tr0, demo.st0, and demo.ic0.

hspice -i rbdir/demo.sp demo is the input root file name. HSPICE writes the demo.lis, demo.tr0, and demo.st0 output files into the directory where you executed the HSPICE command. It also writes the demo.ic0 output file into the same directory as the input sourcethat is, rbdir.

hspice -i a.b.sp a.b is the root name. The output files are ./a.b.lis, ./a.b.tr0, ./a.b.st0, and ./ a.b.ic0.

hspice -i a.b -o d.e a.b is the root name for the input file. d.e is the root output file name, except for the .ic file to which HSPICE assigns the a.b input file root name. The output files are d.e.lis, d.e.tr0, d.e.st0, and a.b.ic0.

hspice -i a.b.sp -o outdir/d.e HSPICE writes the output files as: outdir/d.e.lis, outdir/d.e.tr0, outdir/d.e.st0, and outdir/d.e.ic0.

hspice -i indir/a.b.sp -o outdir/d.e.lis a.b is the root for the .ic file. HSPICE writes the .ic0 file into a file named indir/a.b.ic0. d.e is the root for the output files.

hspice test.sp -o test.lis -html test.html This command creates output file in both .lis and .html format after simulating the test.sp input netlist.

hspice test.sp -html test.html

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice

This command creates only a .html output file after simulating the test.sp input netlist.

hspice test.sp -o test.lis This command creates only a .lis output file after simulating the test.sp input netlist.

hspice -i test.sp -o -html outdir/a.html This command creates output files in both .lis and .html format. Both files are in the outdir directory and their root file name is a.

hspice -i test.sp -o out1/a.lis -html out2/b.html This command creates output files in both .lis and .html format. The .lis file is in the out1 directory and its root file name is a. The .html file is in the out2 directory and its root file name is b.

hspice -i test.sp -o test -x This command launches a full parasitic back-annotation for the file named test.sp.

Using HSPICE for Calculating New Measurements

When you want to calculate new measurements from previous simulation results produced by HSPICE you can use the following mode to rerun HSPICE without having to do another simulation: hspice -meas measurefile -i wavefile -o outputfile See the following table for arguments and descriptions.

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspice



-meas measurefile This format is similar to the HSPICE netlist format. The first line is a comment line and the last line is an .END command. Seven commands are supported: .MEASURE .PARAM .TEMP .OPTION .DATA .ENDDATA .END Note: The .DATA command in the measure file must be consistent with the .DATA command in the wavefile.

The .OPTION command support four types: MEASFAIL NUMDGT INGOLD MEASDGT Warnings are issued if other options or commands are used. Wave files formatted as PSF and CSDF are not supported.

-i wavefile

*.tr#, *.ac#, and *.sw# files produced by HSPICE. Waveform files formatted as PSF are not supported. If a plot fails to open, it is due to one of the following reasons: Waveform file format is not supported. File format is not understood File is not found File larger than max size of x Note: x depends on any file size limitation of your application. For example, a 2GB file size limitation exists on 32-bit HSPICE Linux, SuSe versions when reading the waveforms. Solaris has no such limitation

-o outputfile

Same output files as HSPICE. Some case results are different from the measure result HSPICE produces due to an accuracy problem. Displays a help message and exits.



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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspicerf




Outputs version information and exits.

Invokes HSPICE RF. Syntax hspicerf [-a] input_file [output_file] [-n] [-h] [-v]
Argument Description


Generates output to stdout in ASCII format. For example, % hspicerf -a You can redirect the ASCII output to another file. For example, % hspicerf -a > xt Output from a .PRINT command goes to an ASCII file with a .print# or .printac# file extension. Name of the input netlist. Name of the output listing file. If specified, the simulation output is written to this file and given a .lis file extension. For example, % hspicerf xt automatically sets -a and generates output to xt.lis.

input_file output_file

-n number

Starting number for numbering output data file revisions (,, output_file.sw#, where # is between 0 and 9999.). Returns a help message. Returns version information.

-h -v

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Chapter 1: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands hspicerf


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands

Describes the commands you can use in HSPICE/HSPICE RF netlists.

This chapter provides a list of the HSPICE and HSPICE RF netlist commands, arranged by task, followed by detailed descriptions of the individual commands. The netlist commands described in this chapter fall into the following categories:

Alter Block Analysis Conditional Block Digital Vector Encryption Field Solver Files Input/Output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS) Library Management Model and Variation Definition Node Naming Output Porting Setup Simulation Runs Subcircuits Verilog-A

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Analysis

Use of Example Syntax To copy and paste proven syntax use the demonstration files shipped with your installation of HSPICE (see Listing of Demonstration Input Files). Attempting to copy and paste from the book or help documentation may present unexpected results, as text used in formatting may include hidden characters, white space, etc. for visual clarity.

HSPICE and RF Commands Overview

Use these commands in your netlist to start different types of HSPICE analysis to save the simulation results into a file and to load the results of a previous simulation into a new simulation.


HSPICE RF Analysis
Use these commands in your RF netlist to run different types of HSPICE RF analyses, save the simulation results into a file, and to load the results of a previous simulation into a new simulation.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Alter Block











Alter Block
Use these commands in your netlist to run alternative simulations of your netlist by using different data.

Conditional Block
Use these commands in your HSPICE netlist to setup a conditional block. HSPICE does not execute the commands in the conditional block unless the specified conditions are true.

Digital Vector
Use these commands in your digital vector (VEC) file.

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Encryption





Use these commands in your netlist to mark the start and end of a traditionally (Freelib) encrypted section of a netlist.

Field Solver
Use these commands in your netlist to define a field solver.

Use this command in your netlist to call other files that are not part of the netlist.

Input/Output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS)

Use these commands in your netlist for specifying input/output buffer information.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Library Management

Library Management
Use these commands in your netlist to manage libraries of circuit designs and to call other files when simulating your netlist.

Model and Variation Definition

Use these commands in your netlist to define models:

Node Naming
Use these commands in your netlist to name nodes in circuit designs.

Output Porting
Use these commands in your netlist to specify the output of a simulation to a printer or graph. You can also define the parameters to measure and to report in the simulation output.

Use these commands in your netlist to set up your netlist for simulation.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Simulation Runs






Simulation Runs
Use these commands in your netlist to mark the start and end of individual simulation runs and conditions that apply throughout an individual simulation run.

Use these commands in your netlist to define subcircuits and to add instances of subcircuits to your netlist.

Use the following command in your netlist to declare the Verilog-A source name and path within the netlist.

Alphabetical Listing of Commands

The following is the alphabetical list of links to the HSPICE/RF command set. For simulation controls see Chapter 3, HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options.



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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Verilog-A


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Verilog-A



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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Verilog-A


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Verilog-A



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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands Verilog-A


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .AC

Performs several types of AC analyses. Syntax Single or Double Sweep .AC type np fstart fstop .AC type np fstart fstop [SWEEP var [START=]start + [STOP=]stop [STEP=]incr] .AC type np fstart fstop [SWEEP var type np start stop] .AC type np fstart fstop + [SWEEP var START=param_expr1 + STOP=param_expr2 STEP=param_expr3] .AC type np fstart fstop [SWEEP var start_expr + stop_expr step_expr] Sweep Using Parameters .AC type np fstart fstop [SWEEP DATA=datanm] .AC DATA=datanm .AC DATA=datanm [SWEEP var [START=]start [STOP=]stop + [STEP=]incr] .AC DATA=datanm [SWEEP var type np start stop] .AC DATA=datanm [SWEEP var START="param_expr" + STOP="param_expr2" STEP="param_expr3"] .AC DATA=datanm [SWEEP var start_expr stop_expr + step_expr] Optimization .AC DATA=datanm OPTIMIZE=opt_par_fun + RESULTS=measnames MODEL=optmod Monte Carlo .AC type np fstart fstop [SWEEP MONTE=MCcommand]
Argument Description

DATA=datanm incr

Data name, referenced in the .AC command. Increment value of the voltage, current, element, or model parameter. If you use type variation, specify the np (number of points) instead of incr. Starting frequency. If you use POI (list of points) type variation, use a list of frequency values, not fstart fstop.



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .AC



fstop MONTE= MCcommand

Final frequency. Where MCcommand can be any of the following:

val Specifies the number of random samples to produce. val firstrun=num Specifies the sample number on which the simulation starts. list num Specifies the sample number to execute. list(num1:num2 num3 num4:num5) Samples from num1 to num2, sample num3, and samples from num4 to num5 are executed (parentheses are optional).


Number of points or points per decade or octave, depending on which keyword precedes it. Starting voltage or current or any parameter value for an element or model. Final voltage or current or any parameter value for an element or a model. Second sweep. Temperature sweep Any of the following keywords:

start stop SWEEP TEMP type

DEC decade variation. OCT octave variation. LIN linear variation. POI list of points.


Name of an independent voltage or current source, element or model parameter or the TEMP (temperature sweep) keyword. HSPICE supports source value sweep, referring to the source name (SPICE style). If you select a parameter sweep, a .DATA command and a temperature sweep, then you must choose a parameter name for the source value. You must also later refer to it in the .AC command. The parameter name cannot start with V or I. The val value specifies the number of Monte Carlo iterations to perform. The firstrun value specifies the desired number of iterations. HSPICE runs from num1 to num1+val-1. Iterations at which HSPICE performs a Monte Carlo analysis. You can write more than one number after a list. The colon represents from ... to ...". Specifying only one number causes to HSPICE run at only the specified point.



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .AC

Description The.AC command is usable in several different formats, depending on the application as shown in the examples. You can also use the .AC command to perform data-driven analysis in HSPICE. If the input file includes an .AC command, HSPICE runs AC analysis for the circuit over a selected frequency range for each parameter in the second sweep. For AC analysis, the data file must include at least one independent AC source element command (for example, VI INPUT GND AC 1V). HSPICE checks for this condition and reports a fatal error if you did not specify such AC sources. Examples
.AC DEC 10 1K 100MEG

This example performs a frequency sweep by 10 points per decade from 1kHz to 100MHz. See Also .DC .DISTO .LSTB .NOISE .TRAN Using the .AC Statement


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ACMATCH

Calculates the effects of variations in device characteristics and parasitic capacitance sensitivities on a circuit's AC response. Syntax .ACMATCH OUTVAR [THRESHOLD=T] [FILE=string] [INTERVAL=Int] + [Virtual_Sensitivity=Yes|No] [Sens_threshold=x] + [Sens_nodes=(nodei_name,nodej_name),, + (nodem_name,noden_name)]
Argument Description


OutputVariable can be one or several output voltages, difference voltages, or branch current through an independent voltage source. The voltage or current specifier is followed by an identifier of the AC quantity of interest: M: magnitude P: phase R: real part I: imaginary part Only devices with variation contributions above Threshold are reported in the table. Results for all devices are displayed if Threshold=0 is set. The maximum value for Threshold is 1.0, but at least 10 devices (or all) are displayed. Default is 0.01. Valid file name for the output tables. Default is, where # is the regular HSPICE sequence number. This option applies to the frequency sweep definition in he .AC command. A table is printed at the first sweep point, then for each subsequent increment of SweepValue, and at the final sweep point. Invokes ACmatch computation and output of virtual sensitivity; sensitivity table is printed even if variation block does not exist in netlist. Default: Yes





Sens_Threshold=x Only nodes with sensitivity above x are reported. At least 10 sensitivities (or all) are displayed. This avoids generation of null output if you specify too large a value for x. Default: 1e-6 Sens_Nodes Output all sensitivities associated with the requested nodes. The node name should appear in pairs. (See examples below.)

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ACMATCH

Description Use to calculate the effects of variations in device characteristics on a circuit's AC response. ACMatch allows for calculation of parasitic capacitor sensitivities whose nominal values are zero in the original design. Such analysis is useful for high precision (differential) analog circuits and switched capacitor filters. If more than one ACMatch analysis is specified per simulation, only the last command is executed. dB syntax is supported in .ACMatch for Vdb and Idb, for local, global, and element variation. Note: ACMatch does not support Spatial Variations.

.ACMATCH VM(out) VP(out) IM(x1.r1) IP(x1.r1) IM(c1) IP(c1) .AC dec 10 1k 10Meg interval=10

When using the virtual capacitance sensitivity option Sens_Nodes multiple name pairs are supported with one comma between node names, but commas are optional between node name pairs. Either of the following specifications is valid in HSPICE:
.ACmatch v(out) virtual_sens=yes + sens_node= (out, xi82.net044), + (0,out), (xi82.net044,xi82.net031) sens_threshold=1e-6

.ACmatch v(out) virtual_sens=yes + sens_node= (out, xi82.net044) + (0,out) (xi82.net044,xi82.net031) sens_threshold=1e-6



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ACPHASENOISE

Helps you interpret signal and noise quantities as phase variables for accumulated jitter for closed-loop PLL analysis. Syntax .ACPHASENOISE output input [interval] carrier=freq + [listfreq=(frequencies|none|all)] + [listcount=val] [listfloor=val] + [listsources=(1|0)] Description The .ACPHASENOISE command aids in the ability to compute Accumulated Jitter or Timing Jitter for the closed loop PLL. The accumulated jitter response is essentially an integral transformation of the closed-loop PLL response. The .ACPHASENOISE analysis outputs raw data to *.pn0 and *.printpn0 files. The PHNOISE data is given in units of dBc/Hz, i.e., dB relative to the carrier, per Hz, across the output nodes specified by the .ACPHASENOISE command. The data plot is a function of offset frequency. If the JITTER keyword is present, .ACPHASENOISE also outputs the accumulated TIE jitter data to *.jt0 and *.printjt0 data files. These data are plotted as a function of time in units of seconds. The Timing Jitter data itself has units of seconds. The timing jitter calculations make use of the parameters given in the .ACPHASENOISE syntax, such as freq and interval. For details, see Small-Signal Phase-Domain Noise Analysis (.ACPHASENOISE) in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ALIAS

Renames a model or library containing a model; deletes an entire library of models. Syntax .ALIAS model_name1 model_name2 Description Use in instances when you have used .ALTER commands to rename a model, to rename a library containing a model, or to delete an entire library of models in HSPICE. If your netlist references the old model name, then after you use one of these types of .ALTER commands, HSPICE no longer finds this model. For example, if you use .DEL LIB in the .ALTER block to delete a library, the .ALTER command deletes all models in this library. If your netlist references one or more models in the deleted library, then HSPICE no longer finds the models. To resolve this issue, HSPICE provides an .ALIAS command to let you keep the old model name that HSPICE can find in the existing model libraries. Examples
Example 1 For a scenario in which you delete a library named poweramp that contains a model named pa1, while another library contains an equivalent model named par: You can then convert the pa1 model name to the par1 model name. .ALIAS pa1 par1 Example 2 During simulation when HSPICE encounters a model named pa1 in your netlist, it initially cannot find this model because you used an .ALTER command to delete the library that contained the model. However, the .ALIAS command indicates to use the par1 model in place of the old pa1 model and HSPICE does find this new model in another library so simulation continues.You must specify an old model name and a new model name to use in its place. You cannot use .ALIAS without any model names:


or with only one model name:

.ALIAS pa1


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ALIAS

Example 3

You also cannot alias a model name to more than one model name because the simulator cannot determine which of these new models to use in place of the deleted or renamed model. For the same reason, you cannot substitute a model name to a second model name and then substitute the second model name to a third model name. .ALIAS pa1 par1 par2 Example 4

If your netlist does not contain an .ALTER command and if the .ALIAS does not report a usage error, then the .ALIAS does not affect the simulation results. .ALIAS pa1 par1 .ALIAS par1 par2

Your netlist might contain the command:

.ALIAS myfet nfet

Without an .ALTER command, HSPICE does not use nfet to replace myfet during simulation. If your netlist contains one or more .ALTER commands, the first simulation uses the original myfet model. After the first simulation if the netlist references myfet from a deleted library, .ALIAS substitutes nfet in place of the missing model.

If HSPICE finds model definitions for both myfet and nfet, it reports an error and aborts. If HSPICE finds a model definition for myfet, but not for nfet, it reports a warning and simulation continues by using the original myfet model. If HSPICE finds a model definition for nfet, but not for myfet, it reports a replacement successful message.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ALTER

Reruns an HSPICE/HSPICE RF simulation using different parameters and data. Syntax .ALTER title_string
Argument Description


Any string up to 80 characters. HSPICE prints the appropriate title string for each .ALTER run in each section heading of the output listing and in the graphical data (.tr#) files.

Description Use this command to rerun an HSPICE simulation using different parameters and data. Use parameter (variable) values for .PRINT commands before you alter them. The .ALTER block cannot include .PRINT, or any other input/ output commands. You can include analysis commands (.DC, .AC, .TRAN, .FOUR, .DISTO, .PZ, and so on) in a .ALTER block in an input netlist file. However, if you change only the analysis type and you do not change the circuit itself, then the simulation runs faster if you specify all analysis types in one block, instead of using separate .ALTER blocks for each analysis type. To activate multiprocessing while running .ALTER cases, enter hspice -mp on the command line. While running in parallel mode, HSPICE checks if the input case has .ALTER commands. If it has, HSPICE splits the input case into several subcases, then fork HSPICE processes to run each subcase at the same time. After all HSPICE processes finish running the subcases, HSPICE merges all the output files of the subcases. The .ALTER sequence or block can contain:

Element commands (except E, F, G, H, I, and V source elements) .AC commands .ALIAS commands .DATA commands .DC commands .DEL LIB commands


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ALTER

.HDL commands .IC (initial condition) commands .INCLUDE (or) .INC commands .LIB commands .MODEL commands .NODESET commands .OP commands .OPTION commands .PARAM commands .TEMP (or) .TEMPERATURE commands .TF commands .TRAN commands .VARIATION commands

Caution: When using an .INCLUDE command within an .ALTER statement, be aware that the purpose of this feature is to enable you to slightly modify the original netlist; perhaps adding some elements/nodes without changing or deleting any elements/ nodes that were already defined in the original .INC. This feature is not intended or able to significantly modify, but rather to add elements/nodes to the previously existing circuit topology. Using .INC statements within an .ALTER that disregard this limitation will yield simulation results that are unlikely to reflect the reality of the intended netlist. Examples
.ALTER simulation_run2

See Also .OPTION ALTCC .OPTION MEASFILE .OPTION OPTCON Multiprocessing .ALTER Cases, Transient Sweeps, Monte Carlo

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .APPENDMODEL

Appends the .MOSRA (model reliability) parameters to a model card. Syntax .APPENDMODEL SrcModel ModelKeyword1 DestModel ModelKeyword2
Argument Description

SrcModel ModelKeyword DestModel ModelKeyword2

Source model name, e.g., the name of the MOSRA model. Model type for SrcModel. For example, the keyword mosra. Destination model name, e.g, the original model in the model library. Model type for DestModel. For example, 'nmos'.

Description Appends the parameter values from the source model card (SrcModel) to the destination model card (DestModel). All arguments are required. There is wildcard support for the .APPENDMODEL command. The auxiliary command .OPTION APPENDALL refines how .APPENDMODEL works. Examples
Example 1 Appending the content of the model card hci_1 to the b3_nch BSIM3 model card. .appendmodel hci_1 mosra b3_nch nmos Example 2 Model p1_ra is appended to all of the pmos models. Quotation marks are required if the model name is defined only by a wildcard. .appendmodel p1_ra mosra * pmos Example 3 The model p1_ra is appended to all of the pmos models that are named pch* (pch1, pch2, pch_tt, etc.). .appendmodel p1_ra mosra pch* pmos



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .BIASCHK

Monitors the voltage bias, current, device size, expression, and region. Syntax As an expression monitor .BIASCHK 'expression' [limit=lim] [noise=ns] + [max=max] [min=min] + [simulation=op|dc|tr|all] [monitor=v|i|w|l] + [tstart=time1] [tstop=time2] [autostop] + [interval=time] As an element and model monitor .BIASCHK type terminal1=t1 [terminal2=t2] + [limit=lim] [noise=ns] [max=max] [min=min] + [simulation=op|dc|tr|all] [monitor=v|i] + [name=name1,name2,...] + [mname=modname_1,modname_2,...] + [tstart=time1] [tstop=time2] [autostop] + [except=name_1,name_2,...] + [interval=time] [sname=subckt_name1,subckt_name2,...] As a region monitor .BIASCHK MOS [region=cutoff|linear|saturation] + [simulation=op|dc|tr|all] + [name=name1,name2,...] + [mname=modname_1,modname_2,...] + [tstart=time1] [tstop=time2] [autostop] + [except=name1,name2,...] + [interval=time] [sname=subckt_name1,subckt_name2,...] As a length and width monitor .BIASCHK type monitor=w|l + [limit=lim] [noise=ns] [max=max] [min=min] + [simulation=op|dc|tr|all] + [name=devname_1,devname_2,...] + [name=devname_n,devname_n+1,...] + [mname=modelname_1,modelname_2,...] + [tstart=time1] [tstop=time2] [autostop] + [interval=time] [sname=subckt_name1,subckt_name2,...]

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .BIASCHK




Element type to check. MOS (C, BJT, ...) For a monitor, type can be DIODE, BIPOLAR, BJT, JFET, MOS, NMOS, PMOS, C, or SUBCKT. When used with REGION, type can be MOS only. Terminals between which HSPICE checks (that is, checks between terminal1 and terminal2): For MOS level 57: nd, ng, ns, ne, np, n6 For MOS level 58: nd, ngf, ns, ngb For MOS level 59: nd, ng, ns, ne, np For other MOS level: nd, ng, ns, nb For capacitor: n1, n2 For diode: np, nn For bipolar: nc, nb, ne, ns For JFET: nd, ng, ns, nb For type=subckt, the terminal names are those pins defined by the subcircuit definition of mname.

terminal 1, 2


Bias check limit that you define. Reports an error if the bias voltage (between appointed terminals of appointed elements and models) is larger than the limit. Bias check noise that you define. The default is 0.1v. Noise-filter some of the results (the local maximum bias voltage that is larger than the limit). The next local max replaces the local max if all of the following conditions are satisfied:local_max-local_min noise. next local_max-local_min noise. This local max is smaller than the next local max. For a parasitic diode, HSPICE ignores the smaller local max biased voltage and does not output this voltage. To disable this feature, set the noise detection level to 0. Maximum value. Minimum value.


max min


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .BIASCHK




Element name to check. If name and mname are not both set for the element type, the elements of this type are all checked. You can define more than one element name in keyword name with a comma (,) delimiter.If doing bias checking for subcircuits:

When both mname and name are defined while multiple name definitions are allowed if a name is also an instance of mname, then only those names are checked, others will be ignored. This command is ignored if no name is an instance of mname. For name definitions which are not of the type defined in mname will be ignored. If a mname is not defined, the subcircuit type is determined by the first name definition.


Model name. If you are doing bias checking for a subcircuit, it is the subcircuit definition name. HSPICE checks elements of the model for bias. If you define mname, then HSPICE checks all devices of this model. You can define more than one model name in the keyword mname with the comma (,) delimiter. If mname and name are not both set for the element type, the elements of this type are all checked. If doing bias checking for subcircuits: Once there is one and only one mname defined, the terminal names for this command are those pins defined by the subckt definition of mname. Multiple mname definitions are not allowed. Wildcards are supported for mname. If only mname is specified in a subckt bias check, then all subcircuits will be checked. See also sname below.


Values can be cutoff, linear, or saturation. HSPICE monitors when the MOS device, defined in the .BIASCHK command, enters and leaves the specified region (such as cutoff). Simulation type you want to monitor. You can specify op, dc, tr (transient), and all (op, dc, and tr). The tr option is the default simulation type. Type of value you want to monitor. You can specify v (voltage), i (current), w, and l (device size) for the element type. This parameter is not used for an expression-type monitor. Bias check start time during transient analysis. The default is 0.




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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .BIASCHK




Bias check end time during transient analysis. The analysis ends on its own by default if you do not set this parameter. When set, HSPICE supports an autostop for a biaschk card so that it can report error messages and stop the simulation immediately. Specify the element or instance that you do not want to bias check. Active when .OPTION BIASINTERVAL is set to a nonzero value. This argument prevents reporting intervals that are less than or equal to the time specified. Name of the subcircuit definition that the type of element of lies in. HSPICE checks all elements in this subcircuit for bias. You can define more than one subcircuit name in the keyword sname with a comma (,) delimiter. If you are doing bias checking for a subcircuit, sname = the X-element name.


except interval


Description Use this command to monitor the voltage bias, current, device size, expression, and region during analysis. The output reports:

Element (instance) name Time Terminals Bias that exceeds the limit Number of times the bias exceeds the limit for an element

HSPICE saves the information as both a warning and a bias check summary in the *.lis file or a file you define in the BIASFILE option. You can use this command only for active elements, capacitors, and subcircuits. More than one simulation type or all simulation types can be set in a single .BIASCHK command. Also, more than one region can be set in a single .BIASCHK command. After a simulation that uses the .BIASCHK command runs, HSPICE outputs a results summary including the element name, time, terminals, model name, and the number of times the bias exceeded the limit for a specified element. The keywords name, mname, and sname act as OR'd filters for element selection. Also, if type is subckt in a .BIASCHK command that tries to check
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .BIASCHK

the ports of a subcircuit, the keyword sname then behaves identically to the name keyword. Element and model names can contain wildcards, either ? (stands for one character) or * (stands for 0 or more characters). If a model name that is referenced in an active element command contains a period (.), then .BIASCHK reports an error. This occurs because it is unclear whether a reference such as x.123 is a model name or a subcircuit name (123 model in x subcircuit). If you do not specify an element and model name, HSPICE checks all elements of this type for bias voltage (you must include type in the BIASCHK card). However, if type is subckt at least one element or model name must be specified in the .BIASCHK command; otherwise, a warning message is issued and this command is ignored. Note: To perform a complete bias check and print all results in the Outputs Biaschk Report, do not use .protect/.unprotect in the netlist for the part that is used in .biaschk. For example: If a model definition such as model nch is contained within .prot/.unprot commands, in the *.lis you'll see a warning message as follows: **warning** : model nch defined in .biaschk cannot be found in netlist--ignored

Example 1 Monitoring an expression: .biaschk 'v(1)' min='v(2)*2' simulation= op Monitoring element m1 and model types between two specified terminals. .biaschk nmos terminal1=ng terminal2=ns simulation=tr name=m1 Example 3 Monitoring MOSFET model m1 whose bias voltage exceeds 2.5 V and interval exceeds 5 ns. .biaschk nmos terminal1=nb terminal2=ng limit=2.5 + mname=m1 interval=5n Example 4 The following two examples use .BIASCHK commands that do not require terminal specifications. Example 4 monitors the MOS transistor region of operation .biaschk mos region=saturation name=x1.m1 mname=nch name=m2 Example 2

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .BIASCHK

Example 5 Monitors MOS transistor length and width. .biaschk mos monitor=l mname=m* p* min=1u minu=op Defines the differences between using .BIASCHK with a MOSFET instance and macro models. If the MOSFET in your netlist is written as follows: mp0 gd s sub dgxnfet w=1.0u l=0.18u Example 6

...then the .BIASCHK statement can be written as:

.biaschk pmos terminal1=ns terminal2=nd mname=m*.dgnfet* + limit=0.9v Example 7 If a macro model is used, then the MOSFET is defined inside a subcircui: .subckt test g d mp0 g d s sub dgxnfet w=1.0u l=0.18u .model dgxnfet nmos level=54 .ends X1 g d test

For this case

.biaschk pmos terminal1=ns terminal2=nd mname=x*.dgnfet* + limit=0.9v

For a full example netlist go to:$installdir/demo/hspice/apps/biaschk.sp



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CFL_PROTOTYPE

Specifies function protocol type for the Compiled Function Library capability. Syntax .CFL_PROTOTYPE function_name(arg1_type, arg2 type,...,argn type)
Argument Description

function_name arg_type

CFL function name input argument type; it can be

double: (default) keyword argument passed to C library as C language's double type for C code used in C-based file (not HSPICE netlist); used to generate the *.so file (CFL library file) param: parameter storage reference as output only

Description This command specifies a function type. Function types include:

a predefined parameter value a mathematical expression of multiple predefined parameter values a built-in mathematical function in the standard library an output of another evaluated CFL function

The CFL function can re-assign local and global parameter values. Only local functions with the parameters in the argument list are updated with the new local values. The global functions are updated with the new global values. The following rules apply:

CFL functions cannot be used in .PRINT, .PROBE and .MEASURE statements. Only a single compiled CFL *.so file is allowed in the simulation input netlist. Parameter definition must be order-dependent when using multiple return values for the CFL functions (unlike the current HSPICE order-independent parameter definition requirement). If the CFL function name is same as the user-defined function (UDF), the UDF is used and CFL is not called.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CFL_PROTOTYPE


In the C code, the protocol type of C library must be func(argc,argv), where argc is argument number, and argv is the argument array. See Examples 2 and 3 for sample CFL function syntax.

The CFL feature requires setting an environment variable, CFL_COMPILED_LIB CFL_library_file_name, (*.so file) and use of the .OPTION CFLFLAG to enable it in a netlist. For other descriptive information on the Compiled Library Function see Features in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples

Note the use of the & notation that signifies the bidirectional nature of an argument which means the value of the argument is updated upon returning from the function. The example presents multiple return values for the CFL functions: .CFL_PROTOTYPE xyz_eval (double, param) .param p1=5 .param p2=9 .param p3= xyz_eval(p1, &p2) Example 2

Example 1

In this Sample CFL function, the content of the return parameters does not affect the calculated return values from the function with the same arguments. Parameters passed into the functions as references are used only as return values and do not contribute to the calculation inside the CFL function in any form.

double func1 (int argc, long **argv) { double a1 = *(double*)argv[0]; double *a2 = (double*)argv[1]; return eval1_func(a1, a2); } double eval1_func (double arg1, double *arg2) { double val = 0; *arg2 = arg1 + 2; val = (*arg2) * (arg1 + 4) return val }

In Example 2, CFL C-code Function Implementation, CFL functions are an arbitrary number of function arguments with any combination of the argument


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CFL_PROTOTYPE

base type as either double or parameter address. Example 3 is the function prototype:
Example 3 Netlist Showing Redefinition of User Functions static double eval1_func(double a1, double *a2) { *a2 = a1 + 10; return a1 - 4;} double xyz_eval 1(int argc, long **argv) { double a1 = *(double *)(argv[0]); double *a2 = (double*)argv[1]; return eval1_func(a1, a2); } static double eval2_func(double *a1, double a2, double *a3) { *a1 = a2 + 2; *a3 = a2 - 3; return a2 - 1; } double xyz_eval_2(int argc, long **argv) { double *a1 = (double*)(argv[0]); double a2 = *(double *)argv[1]; double *a3 = (double *)argv[2]; return eval2_func(a1, a2, a3); } Example 4 .param p2 .param p1 .param p3 Redefinition following evaluations = 10 = 2 = func1 (p1, &p2)

After returning from evaluating func1(), p3=24, and user function are redefined to p2=4.
.subckt INV .param p1 = 3 .param p2 = 3 .param p3 = func1(p1, &p2)

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CFL_PROTOTYPE

After returning from evaluating func1(), the user function p1=3 is redefined to p2=5 while p3=35.
.param p3 = 0 .param p4 = func1(p2, &p3)

After the evaluation of func1(), p2=5 and p3=7 & p4=63.

.ends INV Example 5 Sample Netlist * .cfl_prototype zyz_eval_1(double, param) .cfl_prototpye xyz_eval_2(param, double, param) * .param p1 = 5 .param p2 = 8 .param p3 = 9 .param p4 = 7 .param p5 = 10 * .param p7 = xyz_eval_1(p1, &p2) * p2 = 15 ; p7 = 1 .param p8 = xyz_eval_2(&p3, p4, &p5) * p3 = 9; p5 = 4; p8 = 6 .param p9 = p8 + p5 - p3 + p2 * R1 n1 A r="p2" * R = 15 R2 n3 B r="p7" * R = 1 M1 n1 n2 n3 NMOS w=5u l=6u bqi="p9" * bqi = 16



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK EDGE

Verifies that a triggering event provokes an appropriate RISE or FALL action in HSPICE RF. Syntax .CHECK EDGE (ref RISE | FALL minmax RISE | FALL) + node1 [node2 ...] (hi lo hi_th low_th)
Argument Description

ref min max node1 node2 ... hi lo hi_th lo_th

Name of the reference signal. Minimum time. Maximum time. List of nodes to which you apply the edge condition. Logic levels for the timing check.

Description Use a .CHECK EDGE command to verify that a triggering event provokes an appropriate RISE or FALL action within the specified time window. Examples This example sets the condition that the rising action of the clock (clk) triggers the falling edge of VOUTA within 1 to 3 ns, as shown in Figure 1:

Values for hi, lo, and the thresholds were defined in a .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL command placed earlier in the netlist.
voutA CLK

HI HI_thresh LO_thresh LO

1ns < t < 3 ns

Figure 1

EDGE Example

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK EDGE



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK FALL

Verifies that a fall time occurs within a specified time window in HSPICE RF. Syntax .CHECK FALL (minmax) node1 [node2 ...] + (hi lo hi_th lo_th)
Argument Description

min max node1 node2 ... hi lo hi_th lo_th

Lower boundary for the time window. Upper limit for the time window. List of all nodes to check. Logic levels for the timing check.

Description Use a .CHECK FALL command verifies that a fall time occurs within the specified window of time. See Also .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL .CHECK RISE .CHECK SLEW

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL

Globally sets specified high and low definitions for all CHECK commands in HSPICE RF. Syntax .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL (hi lo hi_th lo_th)
Argument Description

hi lo hi_th lo_th

Value for logic high. Value for logic low. Is the minimum value considered high. Is the maximum value considered low.

Description Use this command to globally set the desired high and low definitions for all CHECK commands. The high and low definitions can be either numbers or expressions, and hi_th and lo_th can be either absolute values or percentages if punctuated with the % symbol. You can also locally set different logic levels for individual timing checks. Examples
Example 1 Defines a logic high as 5 volts and a logic low as 0 volts. A voltage value as small as 4 V is considered high, while a value up to 1 V is low. .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL (5 0 4 1) Example 2 Illustrates an alternative definition for the first example. .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL (5 0 80% 20%)



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK HOLD

Ensures that specified signals do not switch for a specified period of time in HSPICE RF. Syntax .CHECK HOLD (ref RISE | FALL duration RISE | FALL) + node1 [node2 ...] (hi lo hi_th low_th)
Argument Description

ref duration

Reference or trigger signal. Minimum time required after the triggering event before the specified nodes can rise or fall. List of nodes for which the HOLD condition applies. Logic levels for the timing check.

node1 node2 ... hi lo hi_th lo_th

Description Use this command to ensure that the specified signals do not switch for a specific period of time. Examples This example specifies that vin* (such as vin1, vin2, and so on), must not switch for 2ns after every falling edge of nodeA (see Figure 2).
.CHECK HOLD (nodeA FALL 2ns RISE) vin*



HI HI_thresh LO_thresh LO

t >=2ns

Figure 2

HOLD Example

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK HOLD



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK IRDROP

Verifies that IR drop does not fall below or exceed a specified value in HSPICE RF. Syntax .CHECK IRDROP (volt_valtimeduration) node1 [node2 ...] + (hi lo hi_th low_th)
Argument Description


Limiting voltage value.

A positive volt_val (voltage value) indicates ground bounce checking. A negative volt_val denotes VDD drop.


Maximum allowable time. If you set duration to 0, then HSPICE RF reports every glitch that strays beyond the specified volt_val. List of nodes for which the IR drop checking applies. Logic levels for the timing check.

node1 [node2 ...] hi lo hi_th lo_th

Description Use this command to verify that the IR drop does not fall below or exceed a specified value for a specified duration. Examples This example specifies that v1 must not fall below -2 volts for any duration exceeding 1ns (see Figure 3).
.CHECK IRDROP (-2 1ns) v1


-2 volts

t <=1ns

Figure 3

IR Drop Example

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK IRDROP



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK RISE

Verifies that a rise time occurs within a specified time window in HSPICE RF. Syntax .CHECK RISE (minmax) node1 [node2 ...] (hi lo hi_th lo_th)
Argument Description

min max node1 node2 ... hi lo hi_th lo_th

Lower boundary for the time window. Upper limit for the time window. List of all nodes to check. Logic levels for the timing check.

Description Use this command to verify that a rise time occurs within the specified window of time. Examples This example defines a window between 1.5ns and 2.2ns wide, in which the va and vb signals must complete their rise transition (see Figure 4). Values for the HI, LO, and the thresholds were defined in a .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL command placed earlier in the netlist.
.CHECK RISE (1.5ns 2.2ns) va vb

HI HI_thresh LO_thresh LO 1.5 ns < t < 2.2 ns

Figure 4

RISE Time Example

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK RISE



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK SETUP

(RF) Verifies that specified signals do not switch for a specified time-period. Syntax .CHECK SETUP (ref RISE | FALL duration RISE | FALL) + node1 [node2 ...] (hi lo hi_th low_th)
Argument Description

ref duration

Reference or trigger signal. Minimum time before the triggering event during which the specified nodes cannot rise or fall List of nodes for which the HOLD condition applies. Logic levels for the timing check.

node1 [node2 ...] hi lo hi_th lo_th

Description Use to verify that specified signals do not switch for a specified period of time. Examples This example specifies that v1 and v2 must not switch for 2 ns before every rising edge of nodeA (see Figure 5).
.CHECK SETUP (nodeA RISE 2ns FALL) v1 v2



HI HI_thresh LO_thresh LO

t >=2ns

Figure 5

SETUP Example


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK SLEW

Verifies that a slew rate occurs within a specified time window in HSPICE RF. Syntax .CHECK SLEW (minmax) node1 [node2 ...](hi lo hi_th lo_th)
Argument Description

min max node1 node2 ... hi lo hi_th lo_th

Lower boundary for the time window. Upper limit for the time window. List of all nodes to check. Logic levels for the timing check.

Description Use this command to verify that a slew rate occurs within specified time range. Examples This example sets the condition that nodes starting with a* nodes must have a slew rate between (HI_thresh - LO_thresh)/3ns and (HI_thresh - LO_thresh)/ 1ns. If either node has a slew rate greater than that defined in the .CHECK SLEW command, HSPICE RF reports the violation in the .err file.
.CHECK SLEW (1ns 3ns) a* (3.3 0 2.6 0.7)

The slew rate check in Figure 6 defines its own hi, lo, and corresponding threshold values, as indicated by the four values after the node names.

3.3 2.6 0.7 0.0 1ns < t < 3ns

Figure 6

SLEW Example


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CHECK SLEW


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CONNECT

Connects two nodes together; the first node replaces the second node in the simulation. Syntax .CONNECT node1node2
Argument Description

node1 node2

Name of the first of two nodes to connect together Name of the second of two nodes to connect together. This node is replaced by Node1, which is the first node, in the simulation.

Description Use this command to connect two nodes together in your netlist. This causes the simulation to evaluate the two nodes as if they were only one node that uses the name of the first node. The name of the second node is not recognized in the simulation. Both nodes must be at the same level in the circuit design that you are simulating: you cannot connect nodes that belong to different subcircuits. A .CONNECT statement in the higher level does not work on the .SUBCKT node. Examples
Example 1 A is the name of the first of two nodes to connect together and VSS is the name of the second of two nodes to connect together. A, the first node, replaces the second node, VSS, in the simulation. .CONNECT A VSS ... .subckt eye_diagram node1 node2 ... .connect node1 node2 ... .ends


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CONNECT

Example 2 Example 1 now is the same as the following: ... .subckt eye_diagram node1 node1 ... ... .ends ...

HSPICE reports the following error message:

**error**: subcircuit definition duplicates node node1

To apply any HSPICE command to node2, apply it to node1, instead. Then, to change the netlist construction to recognize node2, use an .ALTER command. In the following variation of the example, node1 node2 are not be the same in this situation and the duplicated node error message will not be issued.
.connect node1 node2 .subckt eye_diagram node1 node2 ... ... .ends The first .TRAN simulation includes two resistors. Later simulations have only one resistor because r2 is short-circuited by connecting cc with 1. v(1) does not print out, but v(cc) prints out instead. *example for .connect vcc 0 cc 5v r1 0 1 5k r2 1 cc 5k .tran 1n 10n .print i(vcc) v(1) .alter .connect cc 1 .end Example 4 Shows how to use multiple .CONNECT commands to connect several nodes together. This example connects both node2 and node3 to node1. All connected nodes must be in the same subcircuit or all in the main circuit. The first HSPICE simulation evaluates only node1; node2 and node3 are the same node as node1. Use .ALTER commands to simulate node2 and node3. .CONNECT node1 node2 .CONNECT node2 node3 Example 3

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .CONNECT

If you set .OPTION NODE, then HSPICE prints out a node connection table.
vcc cc 0 5v r1 cc net1 5k r2 net1 net2 5k c1 net2 0 1n .tran 1n 10n .connect net2 0 .print i(vcc) v(net2) .end

This causes the circuit elements to be connected as shown in Example 5:

Example 5 vcc cc net2 5v r1 cc net1 5k r2 net1 net2 5k c1 net2 net2 1n .tran 1n 10n .connect net2 0 .print i(vcc) v(net2) .end

For Example 5, HSPICE reports the following error message for the elements vcc r1 and r2, since there is now no ground node in the netlist.
**error** no dc path to ground from node Example 6 The correct way to connect net2 to ground is to specify the .CONNECT command as follows: .connect 0 net2



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DATA

Concatenates or column-laminates data sets to optimize measured I-V, C-V, transient, or S-parameter data. Syntax Inline command .DATA datanm pnam1 [pnam2 pnam3 ... pnamxxx] + pval1 [pval2 pval3 ... pvalxxx] + pval1 [pval2 pval3 ... pvalxxx] .ENDDATA External File command for concatenated data files .DATA datanm MER + FILE=filename1 pname1=col_num [pname2=col_num ...] + [FILE=filename2 pname1=col_num + [pname2=col_num ...] ... [OUT=fileout] .ENDDATA Column Laminated command (not available for HSPICE RF) .DATA datanm LAM + FILE=filename1 pname1=col_num + [pname2=col_num ...] + [FILE=filename2 pname1=col_num + pname2=col_num ...] ... [OUT=fileout] .ENDDATA
Argument Description


Column number in the data file for the parameter value. The column does not need to be the same between files. Data namereferenced in the .TRAN, .DC, or .AC command. Data file to read. HSPICE concatenates files in the order they appear in the .DATA command. You can specify up to 10 files. Data file name, where simulation writes concatenated data. This file contains the full syntax for an inline .DATA command and can replace the .DATA command that created it in the netlist. You can output the file and use it to generate one data file from many. Column-laminated (parallel merging) data files to use.

datanm filenamei



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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DATA



MER pnami

Concatenated (series merging) data files to use. Parameter namesused for source value, element value, device size, model parameter value, and so on. You must declare these names in a .PARAM command. Parameter value.


Description Use the .DATA command to concatenate or column-laminate data sets to optimize measured I-V, C-V, transient, or S-parameter data. You can also use the .DATA command for a first or second sweep variable when you characterize cells and test worst-case corners. Simulation reads data measured in a lab, such as transistor I-V data, one transistor at a time in an outer analysis loop. Within the outer loop, the analysis reads data for each transistor (IDS curve, GDS curve, and so on), one curve at a time in an inner analysis loop. Data-driven analysis syntax requires a .DATA command and an analysis command that contains a DATA=dataname keyword. The .DATA command specifies parameters that change values, and the sets of values to assign during each simulation. The required simulations run as an internal loop. This bypasses reading-in the netlist and setting-up the simulation, which saves computing time. In internal loop simulation you can also plot simulation results against each other and print them in a single output. You can enter any number of parameters in a .DATA block. The .AC, .DC, and .TRAN commands can use external and inline data provided in .DATA commands. For example, to specify the circuit temperature for an HSPICE simulation you can use the .TEMP command, the TEMP parameter in the .DC, .AC, and .TRAN commands, or the TEMP/TEMPER parameter in the first column of the .DATA command.The number of data values per line does not need to correspond to the number of parameters. For example, you do not need to enter 20 values on each line in the .DATA block if each simulation pass requires 20 parameters: the program reads 20 values on each pass, however the values are formatted. Each .DATA command can contain up to 50 parameters. If you need more than 50 parameters in a single .DATA command, place 50 or less parameters in the .DATA command, and use .ALTER commands for the other parameters.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DATA

HSPICE refers to .DATA commands by their data names so each data name must be unique. HSPICE supports three .DATA command formats:

Inline data, which is parameter data, listed in a .DATA command block. The datanm parameter in a .DC, .AC, or .TRAN analysis command, calls this command. The number of parameters that HSPICE reads determines the number of columns of data. The physical number of data numbers per line does not need to correspond to the number of parameters. For example, if the simulation needs 20 parameters you do not need 20 numbers per line. Data that is concatenated from external files. Concatenated data files are files with the same number of columns, placed one after another. Data that is column-laminated from external files. Column laminated data are columns of files with the same number of rows, arranged side-by-side. Use the MER and LAM keywords to prepare HSPICE for external file data, rather than inline data. Use the FILE keyword to specify the external filename. Use simple file names, such as out.dat without single or double quotation marks ( or ), but use quotation marks when file names start with numbers, such as 1234.dat. Use the proper case, since file names are case sensitive on UNIX systems.

To use external files with the .DATA format:

For data-driven analysis, specify the start time (time 0) in the analysis command so that the analysis correctly calculates the stop time. The following shows how different types of analyses use .DATA commands: .DC DATA=dataname Operating point: .DC vin 1 5 .25 SWEEP DATA=dataname DC sweep: AC sweep: TRAN sweep: Examples
Example 1 HSPICE performs these analyses for each set of parameter values defined in the .DATA command. For example, the program first uses the width=50u, length=30u, thresh=1.2v, and cap=1.2pf parameters to

.DC vin 1 5 .25 SWEEP DATA=dataname AC dec 10 100 10meg SWEEP DATA=dataname .TRAN 1n 10n SWEEP DATA=dataname

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DATA

perform .TRAN, .AC, and .DC analyses. HSPICE then repeats the analyses for width=25u, length=15u, thresh=1.0v, and cap=0.8pf, and again for the values on each subsequent line in the .DATA block. * Inline .DATA statement .TRAN 1n 100n SWEEP DATA=devinf .AC DEC 10 1hz 10khz SWEEP DATA=devinf .DC TEMP -55 125 10 SWEEP DATA=devinf .DATA devinf width length thresh cap + 50u 30u 1.2v 1.2pf + 25u 15u 1.0v 0.8pf + 5u 2u 0.7v 0.6pf .ENDDATA Example 2

HSPICE performs a DC sweep analysis for each set of VBS, VDS, and L parameters in the .DATAvdot block. That is, HSPICE runs eight DC analyses one for each line of parameter values in the .DATA block.

* .DATA as the inner sweep M1 1 2 3 0 N W=50u L=LN VGS 2 0 0.0v VBS 3 0 VBS VDS 1 0 VDS .PARAM VDS=0 VBS=0 L=1.0u .DC DATA=vdot .DATA vdot VBS VDS L 0 0.1 1.5u 0 0.1 1.0u 0 0.1 0.8u -1 0.1 1.0u -2 0.1 1.0u -3 0.1 1.0u 0 1.0 1.0u 0 5.0 1.0u .ENDDATA Example 3 These values result in transient analyses at every time value from 0 to 100 ns in steps of 1 ns by using the first set of parameter values in the .DATA d1 block. Then HSPICE reads the next set of parameter values and does another 100 transient analyses. It sweeps time from 0 to 100


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DATA

ns in 1 ns steps. The outer sweep is time and the inner sweep varies the parameter values. HSPICE performs 200 analyses: 100 time increments, times 2 sets of parameter values. * .DATA as the outer sweep .PARAM W1=50u W2=50u L=1u CAP=0 .TRAN 1n 100n SWEEP DATA=d1 .DATA d1 W1 W2 L CAP 50u 40u 1.0u 1.2pf 25u 20u 0.8u 0.9pf .ENDDATA Example 4 This example shows the external file .DATA for concatenated data files. * External File .DATA for concatenated data files .DATA datanm MER + FILE=filename1 pname1 = colnum + pname2=colnum ... + FILE=filename2 pname1=colnum + pname2=colnum ... + ... + OUT=fileout .ENDDATA

If you concatenate the three files (file1, file2, and file3).

file1 a a a a a a a a a file2 b b b b b b file3 c c c c c c

The data appears as follows:

Example 5 a a a a a a a a a b b b b b b c c c c c c

The number of lines (rows) of data in each file does not need to be the same. The simulator assumes that the associated parameter of each column of the A

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DATA

file is the same as each column of the other files. The .DATA command for this example is:
* External File .DATA inputdata FILE=file1 FILE=file2 FILE=file3 .ENDDATA .DATA statement MER p1=1 p2=3 p3=4 p1=1

This example listing concatenates file1, file2, and file3 to form the inputdata data set. The data in file1 is at the top of the file, followed by the data in file2, and file3. The inputdata in the .DATA command references the data name specified in either the .DC, .AC, or .TRAN analysis commands. The parameter fields specify the column that contains the parameters (you must already have defined the parameter names in .PARAM commands). For example, the values for the p1 parameter are in column 1 of file1 and file2. The values for the p2 parameter are in column 3 of file1. For data files with fewer columns than others, HSPICE assigns values of zero to the missing parameters.

(HSPICE only) In Example 5 three files (D, E, and F) contain the following columns of data:
Example 6 File D File E d1 d2 d3 e4 e5 d1 d2 d3 e4 e5 d1 d2 d3 e4 e5

File F f6 f6 f6

The laminated data appears as follows:

d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3 e4 e5 e4 e5 e4 e5 f6 f6 f6


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DATA

The number of columns of data does not need to be the same in the three files. The number of lines (rows) of data in each file does not need to be the same. HSPICE interprets missing data points as zero. The .DATA command for this example is:
* Column-Laminated .DATA statement .DATA dataname LAM FILE=file1 p1=1 p2=2 p3=3 FILE=file2 p4=1 p5=2 OUT=fileout .ENDDATA

This listing laminates columns from file1 and file2 into the fileout output file. Columns one, two, and three of file1 and columns one and two of file2 are designated as the columns to place in the output file. You can specify up to 10 files per .DATA command. If you run HSPICE on a different machine than the one on which the input data files reside (such as when you work over a network), use full path names instead of aliases. Aliases might have different definitions on different machines. See Also .AC .DC .ENDDATA .PARAM .TRAN

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DC

Performs several types of sweeps during DC analysis. Syntax Sweep or Parameterized Sweep: .DC var1 START=start1 STOP=stop1 STEP=incr1 .DC var1 START=[param_expr1] + STOP=[param_expr2] STEP=[param_expr3] .DC var1 start1 stop1 incr1 + [SWEEP var2 type np start2 stop2] .DC var1 start1 stop1 incr1 [var2 start2 stop2 incr2] Data-Driven Sweep: .DC var1 type np start1 stop1 [SWEEP DATA=datanm] .DC DATA=datanm [SWEEP var2 start2 stop2 incr2] .DC DATA=datanm Monte Carlo: .DC var1 type np start1 stop1 [SWEEP MONTE=MCcommand] .DC MONTE=MCcommand Optimization: .DC DATA=datanm OPTIMIZE=opt_par_fun + RESULTS=measnames MODEL=optmod .DC var1 start1 stop1 SWEEP OPTIMIZE=OPTxxx + RESULTS=measname MODEL=optmod
Argument Description

DATA=datanm Datanm is the reference name of a .DATA command. incr1... Voltage, current, element, or model parameters; or temperature increments. Optimization reference name. The .MODEL OPT command uses this name in an optimization analysis



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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DC



MONTE= MCcommand

Where MCcommand can be any of the following:

val Specifies the number of random samples to produce. val firstrun=num Specifies the sample number on which the simulation starts. list num Specifies the sample number to execute. list(num1:num2 num3 num4:num5) Samples from num1 to num2, sample num3, and samples from num4 to num5 are executed (parentheses are optional).


Number of points per decade or per octave or just number of points, based on which keyword precedes it. Specifies the parameter reference name, used for optimization in the .PARAM command Measure name used for optimization in the .MEASURE command Starting voltage, current, element, or model parameters; or temperature values. If you use the POI (list of points) variation type, specify a list of parameter values, instead of start stop.HSPICE supports the start and stop syntax; HSPICE RF does not. Final voltage, current, any element, model parameter, or temperature values. Second sweep has a different type of variation (DEC, OCT, LIN, POI, or DATA command; or MONTE=val). Temperature sweep. Can be any of the following keywords:


RESULTS start1 ...

stop1 ...


TEMP type

DEC decade variation OCT octave variation LIN linear variation POI list of points

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DC



var1 ...

Name of an independent voltage or current source, or Name of any element or model parameter, or TEMP keyword (indicating a temperature sweep). HSPICE supports a source value sweep, which refers to the source name (SPICE style). However, if you select a parameter sweep, a .DATA command, and a temperature sweep, then you must select a parameter name for the source value. A later .DC command must refer to this name. The parameter must not start with the TEMP keyword. The var1 parameter should be defined in advance using the.PARAM command.


The val value specifies the number of Monte Carlo iterations to perform. The firstrun value specifies the desired number of iterations. HSPICE runs from num1 to num1+val-1. The iterations at which HSPICE performs a Monte Carlo analysis. You can write more than one number after list. The colon represents from ... to ...". Specifying only one number makes HSPICE run at only the specified point.


Description You can use the .DC command in DC analysis to:

Sweep any parameter value. Sweep any source value. Sweep temperature range. Perform a DC Monte Carlo (random sweep) analysis. Perform a data-driven sweep. Perform a DC circuit optimization for a data-driven sweep. Perform a DC circuit optimization by using start and stop. Perform a DC model characterization.

The format for the .DC command depends on the application that uses it. The DC sweep functionality is enhanced by use of the GSHUNT algorithm.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DC

Example 1 Sweeps the value of the VIN voltage source from 0.25 volts to 5.0 volts in increments of 0.25 volts. .DC VIN 0.25 5.0 0.25 Example 2 Sweeps the drain-to-source voltage from 0 to 10 v in 0.5 v increments at VGS values of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 v. .DC VDS 0 10 0.5 VGS 0 5 1 Example 3 Starts a DC analysis of the circuit from -55 C to 125 C in 10 C increments. .DC TEMP -55 125 10 Example 4


Script runs a DC analysis at five temperatures: 0, 30, 50, 100, and 125

.DC XVAL 1K 10K .5K SWEEP TEMP LIN 5 25 125 Example 5 Runs a DC analysis on the circuit at each temperature value. The temperatures result from a linear temperature sweep from 25 C to 125 C (five points), which sweeps a resistor value named xval from 1 k to 10 k in 0.5 k increments. .DC XVAL 1K 10K .5K SWEEP TEMP LIN 5 25 125 Example 6 Specifies a sweep of the par1 value from 1 k to 100 k in increments of 10 points per decade. .DC DATA=DATANM SWEEP PAR1 DEC 10 1K 100K Example 7 Requests a DC analysis at specified parameters in the .DATA DATANM command. It also sweeps the par1 parameter from 1k to 100k in increments of 10 points per decade. .DC PAR1 DEC 10 1K 100K SWEEP DATA=DATANM Example 8 Invokes a DC sweep of the par1 parameter from 1k to 100k by 10 points per decade by using 30 randomly generated (Monte Carlo) values. .DC PAR1 DEC 10 1K 100K SWEEP MONTE=30

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DC

Example 9 Schmitt Trigger script. *file: bjtschmt.sp bipolar schmitt trigger .OPTION post=2 vcc 6 0 dc 12 vin 1 0 dc 0 pwl(0,0 2.5u,12 5u,0) cb1 2 4 .1pf rc1 6 2 1k rc2 6 5 1k rb1 2 4 5.6k rb2 4 0 4.7k re 3 0 .47k diode 0 1 dmod q1 2 1 3 bmod 1 ic=0,8 q2 5 4 3 bmod 1 ic=.5,0.2 .dc vin 0,12,.1 .model dmod d is=1e-15 rs=10 .model bmod npn is=1e-15 bf=80 tf=1n + cjc=2pf cje=1pf rc=50 rb=100 vaf=200 .probe v(1) v(5) .print .end Example 10 Invokes a DC sweep of the par1 parameter from 1k to 100k by 10 points per decade and uses 10 Monte Carlo) values from 11th to 20th trials. .DC par1 DEC 10 1k 100k SWEEP MONTE=list(10 20:30 35:40 50) Example 11 Invokes a DC sweep of the par1 parameter from 1k to 100k by 10 points per decade and a Monte Carlo analysis at the 10th trial, then from the 20th to the 30th trials, followed by the 35th to 40th trials and finally at the 50th trial. .DC par1 DEC 10 1k 100k SWEEP MONTE=list(10 20:30 35:40 50)



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DCMATCH

Calculates the effects of variations on a circuit's DC characteristics. Syntax .DCMATCH OUTVAR [THRESHOLD=T] [FILE=string] [INTERVAL=Int]
Argument Description


One or more node voltages, voltage differences for a node pair, or currents through an independent voltage source or currents through a resistor, a capacitor, or an inductor. Report devices with a relative contribution above Threshold in the summary table. T=0: reports results for all devices T<0: suppresses table output; however, individual results are still available through .PROBE or .MEASURE commands. The upper limit for T is 1, but at least 10 devices are reported or all if there are less than 10. Default value is 0.01.



Valid file name for the output tables. Default is where # is the usual sequence number for HSPICE output files. Applies only if a DC sweep is specified. Int is a positive integer. A summary is printed at the first sweep point, then for each subsequent increment of Int and then if not already printed at the final sweep point. Only single sweeps are supported.


Description Use this command to calculate the effects of variations in device characteristics on the DC solution of a circuit. You can perform only one DCMATCH analysis per simulation. Only the last .DCMATCH command is used in case more than one in present. The others are discarded with warnings. Examples
Example 1 HSPICE reports DCmatch variations on the voltage of node 9, the voltage difference between nodes 4 and 2, and on the current through the source VCC and on the current through resister x1.r1. .DCMatch V(9) V(4,2) I(VCC) I(x1.r1)

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DCMATCH

Example 2

The variable XVal is being swept in the .DC command. It takes nine values in sequence from 1k to 9k in increments of 1k. Tabular output for the.DCMATCH command is only generated for the set XVal={1k, 4k, 7k, 9k}. .DC XVal Start=1K Stop=9K Step=1K .DCMATCH V(vcc) interval=3

See Also .DC .MEASURE (DCMATCH) .PROBE DCMatch Analysis


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DCSENS

Invokes DC sensitivity analysis using variation definitions as specified in the Variation Block. Syntax .DCSENS Output_Variable [File=string] [Perturbation=x] + [Interval=SweepValue] [Threshold=x] [GroupByDevice=0|1]
Argument Description


Response with regard to the parameters designated in Sensitivity Block. Similar to the .DCMATCH command, the Output_Variable can be node voltage or branch current in a circuit. Valid file name for the output tables. Default=basename.ds# where # is a number in the style of ds0, ds1, etc. If multiple dcsweep commands are specified in the netlist, then sensitivity analysis table results for each dcsweep are listed in *.ds# files. If .OPTION OPFILE specified, sensitivity result tables on operating points are listed in *.dp# files, otherwise, these tables are listed in the *.lis file. Perturbations of x standard deviation are used in computing the finite difference approximations to device derivatives. The valid range for the parameter is 0.0001 to 1.0 with a default value of 0.05.



Interval=SweepValue This option only applies to one dimensional sweeps. The SweepValue fields are positive integers. A summary is printed at the first sweep point, then for each subsequent increment of SweepValue, and then, if not already printed, at the final sweep point. The Interval key is ignored with a warning if a sweep is not being carried out. The option only controls the printed summary table. The analysis may be carried out at additional sweep values if required by other forms of output such as Probe and Measure statements. Threshold=x Only devices with absolute sensitivity value above x are reported. Results for all devices are displayed if Threshold=0 is set. Default=10u.

GroupByDevice = 0|1 Alternate mode of generating sensitivity result tables; Default=0

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DCSENS

Description Use this command to calculate the parameter sensitivity in the following instances:

Global variation Local variation Local element variation with model type and model parameters that are permitted for DCmatch, including subckt variation

The methodology is based on using a finite difference approximation algorithm. DC sensitivity analysis combines the device derivatives, the DC solution, and the adjoint variables to get the sensitivity. DC sensitivity analysis enables you to compute sensitivity of any model parameter and many more models than traditional HSPICE sensitivity analysis. In addition, the analysis supports sensitivity for Probe and Measure output statements and for DC sweeps. Note: .DCSENS does not support spatial variation and global element variation.

Examples In the following example, the variable XVal is being swept in the DC command. It takes nine values in sequence from 1K to 9K in increments of 1K. Tabular output for the sensitivity command is only generated for the set XVal={1K, 4K, 7K, 9K}.
.DC XVal Start=1K Stop=9K Step=1K .DCsens V(vcc) Interval=3

See Also .OPTION OPFILE DC Sensitivity Analysis and Variation Block


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DCVOLT

Sets initial conditions in HSPICE. Syntax .DCVOLT V(node1)=val1 V(node2)=val2 ... .DCVOLT V node1val1 [node2val2 ...]
Argument Description

val1 ...

Voltages. The significance of these voltages depends on whether you specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command. Node numbers or names can include full paths or circuit numbers.

node1 ...

Description Use the .IC command or the .DCVOLT command to set transient initial conditions in HSPICE. How it initializes depends on whether the .TRAN analysis command includes the UIC parameter. If you specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command, HSPICE does not calculate the initial DC operating point but directly enters transient analysis. Transient analysis uses the .IC initialization values as part of the solution for timepoint zero (calculating the zero timepoint applies a fixed equivalent voltage source). The .IC command is equivalent to specifying the IC parameter on each element command but is more convenient. You can still specify the IC parameter, but it does not take precedence over values set in the .IC command. If you do not specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command, HSPICE computes the DC operating point solution before the transient analysis. The node voltages that you specify in the .IC command are fixed to determine the DC operating point. Transient analysis releases the initialized nodes to calculate the second and later time points. Examples
.DCVOLT 11 5 4 -5 2 2.2

See Also .IC .TRAN

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DEL LIB

Removes library data from memory for HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .DEL LIB [file_path]file_name entry_name .DEL LIB libnumber entry_name
Argument Description

entry_name filen_ame

Name of entry used in the library call command to delete. Name of a file to delete from the data file; the file path, plus the file name, can be up to 256 characters long. You can use any file name that is valid for the operating system that you use. Enclose the file path and file name in single or double quotation marks. Path name of a file if the operating system supports tree-structured directories. Library number, used in the library call command to delete.



Description Use this command to remove library data from memory. The next time you run a simulation, the .DEL LIB command removes the .LIB call command with the same library number and entry name from memory. You can then use a .LIB command to replace the deleted library. In this way, .DEL LIB helps you avoid name conflicts. You can use the .DEL LIB command with the .ALTER command. Examples
Example 1 Calculates a DC transfer function for a CMOS inverter using these steps:

1. HSPICE simulates the device by using the NORMAL inverter model from the MOS.LIB library. 2. Using the .ALTER block and the .LIB command, HSPICE substitutes a faster CMOS inverter, FAST for NORMAL. 3. HSPICE then resimulates the circuit. 4. Using the second .ALTER block, HSPICE executes DC transfer analysis simulations at three different temperatures and with an nchannel width of 100 mm, instead of 15 mm.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DEL LIB

5. HSPICE also runs a transient analysis in the second .ALTER block and uses a .MEASURE command to measure the rise time of the inverter.
FILE1: ALTER1 TEST CMOS INVERTER .OPTION ACCT LIST .TEMP 125 .PARAM WVAL=15U VDD=5 * .OP .DC VIN 0 5 0.1 .PRINT DC V(3) V(2) * VDD 1 0 VDD VIN 2 0 * M1 3 2 1 1 P 6U 15U M2 3 2 0 0 N 6U W=WVAL * .LIB 'MOS.LIB' NORMAL .ALTER .DEL LIB 'MOS.LIB' NORMAL $removes LIB from memory .DEL LIB 'MOS.LIB' NORMAL $removes normal library from memory .OPTION BRIEF=1 $suppress printing of details .LIB 'MOS.LIB' FAST $get fast model library .OPTION BRIEF=0 $resume normal printing .ALTER .OPTION NOMOD OPTS $suppress printing model $parameters and print the $option summary .TEMP -50 0 50 $run with different temperatures .PARAM WVAL=100U VDD=5.5 $change the parameters using VDD 1 0 5.5 $VDD 1 0 5.5 to change the power $supply VDD value doesn't work VIN 2 0 PWL 0NS 0 2NS 5 4NS 0 5NS 5 $change the input source .OP VOL $node voltage table of $operating points .TRAN 1NS 5NS $run with transient also M2 3 2 0 0 N 6U WVAL $change channel width .MEAS SW2 TRIG V(3) VAL=2.5 RISE=1 TARG V(3) + VAL=VDD CROSS=2 $measure output * .END

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DEL LIB

Example 2

The .ALTER block adds a resistor and capacitor network to the circuit. The network connects to the output of the inverter and HSPICE simulates a DC small-signal transfer function. FILE2: ALTER2.SP CMOS INVERTER USING SUBCIRCUIT .OPTION LIST ACCT .MACRO INV 1 2 3 M1 3 2 1 1 P 6U 15U M2 3 2 0 0 N 6U 8U .LIB 'MOS.LIB' NORMAL .EOM INV XINV 1 2 3 INV VDD 1 0 5 VIN 2 0 .DC VIN 0 5 0. 1 .PRINT V(3) V(2) .ALTER .DEL LIB 'MOS.LIB' NORMAL .TF V(3) VIN $DC small-signal transfer $function * .MACRO INV 1 2 3 $change data within $subcircuit def M1 4 2 1 1 P 100U 100U $change channel length,width,also $topology M2 4 2 0 0 N 6U 8U $change topology R4 4 3 100 $add the new element C3 3 0 10P $add the new element .LIB 'MOS.LIB' SLOW $set slow model library $.INC 'MOS2.DAT' $not allowed to be used $inside subcircuit, allowed $outside subcircuit .EOM INV .END

See Also .ALTER .LIB


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DESIGN_EXPLORATION

Creates an Exploration Block to extract the parameters suitable for exploration from a netlist. Syntax .Design_Exploration Options Parameter Parameter_Name = value Parameter Parameter_Name = expression .Data BlockName Index Name Name, .EndData .End_Design_Exploration
Argument Option Description

Option Explore_only Subckts= SubcktList

This command is executed hierarchicallythe specified subcircuits and all instantiated subcircuits and elements underneath are affected. Thus, if an inverter with name INV1 is placed in a digital control block called DIGITAL and in an analog block ANALOG, and Option Explore_only Subckts = ANALOG, then the perturbations only affect the INV1 in the analog block. You must create a new inverter INV1analog, with the new device sizes.

Option Do_not_explore Subckts= Excludes listed subcircuits. SubcktList Option Export=yes Exports extraction data and runs one simulation with the original netlist (Default) Runs a simulation with Exploration data The Block_name is the same as the name specified in the .DATA block; HSPICE will sweep the row content with the EXCommand (see Executing Exploration in HSPICE). (Default=no) HSPICE ignores the content in the design_exploration block, when Ignore_exploration=yes.

Option Export=no Option Exploration_method= external Block_name= Block_name

Option Ignore_exploration= yes|no

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DESIGN_EXPLORATION

Argument Option


Option Secondary_param= yes|no (Default = no) If Secondary_param= yes, HSPICE exports the MOSFET secondary instance parameters to a *.mex file (created when option export=yes), and also permits the secondary parameters to be imported as a column header in the .DATA block (option export=no).

Description Use the command to create an exploration block to extract prearrangers from a netlist to explore in the early stages of designing integrated circuits in CMOS technology. Exploration is currently supported for:

Independent sources: DC value MOS devices: W, L, M, dtemp Resistors: R or W, L, M, dtemp Capacitors: C or W, L, M, dtemp

When designing circuits, the multiplicity factor M is always a positive integer, but the Exploration tool can request arbitrary positive values. To preserve relationships which have been previously defined through expressions, exploration can only be applied to parameters which are defined with numerical values. The Export and non-export modes of exploration are distinguished by setting Export either yes or no. The perturbation types are selected by setting any of the last three option listed in the Argument section. For a detailed description of the Exploration Block usage, see Exploration Block in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DISTO

Computes the distortion characteristics of the circuit in an AC analysis. Syntax .DISTO Rload [inter [skw2 [refpwr spwf]]]
Argument Description


Resistor element name of the output load resistor into which the output power feeds. Interval at which HSPICE prints a distortion-measure summary. Specifies a number of frequency points in the AC sweep (see the np parameter in the .AC command). If you omit inter or set it to zero, HSPICE does not print a summary. To print or plot the distortion measures, use the .PRINT command. If you set inter to 1 or higher, HSPICE prints a summary of the first frequency and of each subsequent inter-frequency increment. To obtain a summary printout for only the first and last frequencies, set inter equal to the total number of increments needed to reach fstop in the .AC command. For a summary printout of only the first frequency, set inter to greater than the total number of increments required to reach fstop. HSPICE prints an extensive summary from the distortion analysis for each frequency listed. Use the inter parameter in the .DISTO command to limit the amount of output generated.



Ratio of the second frequency (F2) to the nominal analysis frequency (F1) in the range 1e-3 < skw2 < 0.999. If you omit skw2, the default value is 0.9. Reference power levelused to compute the distortion products. If you omit refpwr, the default value is 1mWmeasured in decibels magnitude (dbM). The value must be 1e-10. Amplitude of the second frequency (F2). The value must be 1e-3. The default is 1.0.



Description Use the .DISTO command to calculate the distortion characteristics of the circuit in an AC small-signal, sinusoidal, steady-state analysis. The program

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DISTO

computes and reports five distortion measures at the specified load resistor. The analysis assumes that the input uses one or two signal frequencies.

HSPICE uses the first frequency (F1, the nominal analysis frequency) to calculate harmonic distortion. The .AC command frequency-sweep sets it. HSPICE uses the optional second input frequency (F2) to calculate intermodulation distortion. To set it implicitly, specify the skw2 parameter, which is the F2/F1 ratio

HSPICE performs only one distortion analysis per simulation. If your design contains more than one .DISTO command, HSPICE runs only the last command. The .DISTO command calculates distortions for diodes, BJTs (levels 1, 2, 3, and 4), and MOSFETs (Level49 and Level53, Version 3.22). You can use the .DISTO command only with the .AC command. Examples
.DISTO RL 2 0.95 1.0E-3 0.75

See Also .AC


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DOUT

Specifies the expected final state of an output signal. Syntax .DOUT nd VTH (time state [time state]) .DOUT nd VLO VHI (time state [time state])
Argument Description

nd time state

Node name Absolute timepoint (maximum 60) Expected condition of the nd node at the specified time:

0: Expect ZERO,LOW. 1: Expect ONE,HIGH. Else: Do not care.


Single voltage threshold Voltage of the logic-low state Voltage of the logic-high state

Description Use .DOUT to specify the expected final state of an output signal. During simulation, HSPICE compares simulation results with the expected output. If the states are different, an error report results. For both syntax cases, the time, state pair describes the expected output. During simulation, the simulated results are compared against the expected output vector. .DOUT State values are 0, 1, X, x, U, u, Z, z. Legal values for state are:

0: Expect zero 1: Expect one X, x: Do not care U, u: Do not care Z, z: Expect high impedance (do not care)

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .DOUT

Examples The .PARAM command in this example sets the VTH variable value to 3. The .DOUT command, operating on the node1 node, uses VTH as its threshold voltage. When node1 is above 3V, it is a logic 1; otherwise, it is a logic 0.

At 0ns, the expected state of node1 is logic-low. At 2ns, 3ns, and 4ns, the expected state is do not care. At 5ns, the expected state is again logic low.

.PARAM VTH=3.0 .DOUT node1 VTH(0.0n 0 1.0n 1 + 2.0n X 3.0n U 4.0n Z 5.0n 0)



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .EBD

Invokes IBIS Electronic Board Description (EBD) functionality. Syntax .EBD ebdname + file = filename + component = compname:reference_designator + {component = compname:reference_designator...} + {usemap = package_value}
Argument Description


Name after the .IBIS command that describes a component.

reference_designator Reference designator that maps the component. package_value Value=0,1, 2,or 3 sets the package value (the same as option 'package' of .IBIS) of all components in [Reference Designator Map]. Default=0.

Description Enter the .EBD command to use the IBIS EBD feature. HSPICE uses the EBD file when simulating the line connected with the reference_designator. When the keyword 'usemap' is added to the .EDB command, new components are added into the circuit according to the [Reference Designator Map]. The new component names are: 'Comp'+referenceName+'_'+ebdName In Figure 7, CompU22_ebd and CompU23_ebd are added if U22 and U23 occur in [Reference Designator Map].
Len=0.5 Len=0.5 Len=0.5

Pin1 U21

Pin2 U22

Pin3 U23

Figure 7

Circuit Connection for EBD Example

If a component is associated with both the keywords component and usemap, then the mapping relation defined by component only is used. The format of the node name on the EBD side is ebdName_pinName. For example, the name J25 is ebd_J25
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .EBD


If a component pin is not found and it is not a terminal node in the EBD path, then the name is used to designate the related node. For example, in Figure 7 on page 87, if U22_2 (here, 2 is the pin name) does not exist, then the node name will be ebd_U22_2. If the component pin is a terminal node in the EBD path and is not found, then the node and the associated section will not be added into circuit. For example, in Figure 7, if U23_3 does not exist, then the section between Pin2 and Pin3 will be ignored and U22_2 is the terminal node.

.ebd ebd + file = test.ebd + model = 16Meg X 8 SIMM Module + component = cmpnt:u21 * + usemap = 0 .ibis cmpnt + file = ebd.ibs + component = SIMM + hsp_ver=2003.09 nowarn

This example corresponds to the following .ebd file:

................... [Begin Board Description] 16Meg X 8 SIMM Module .................. [Pin List] signal_name J25 POWER5 [Path Description] CAS_2 Pin J25 Len=0.5 L=8.35n C=3.34p R=0.01 / Node u21.1 Len=0.5 L=8.35n C=3.34p R=0.01 / Node u22.2 Len=0.5 L=8.35n C=3.34p R=0.01 / Node u23.3

See Also .IBIS .PKG


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ELSE

Precedes commands to be executed in a conditional block when preceding .IF and .ELSEIF conditions are false. Syntax .ELSE Description Use this command to precede one or more commands in a conditional block after the last .ELSEIF command, but before the .ENDIF command. HSPICE/HSPICE RF executes these commands by default if the conditions are all false in the preceding .IF command and in all of the preceding .ELSEIF commands in the same conditional block. For the syntax and a description of how to use the .ELSE command within the context of a conditional block, see the .IF command. For information on use of conditional blocks with the Exploration Block, see, Specifying Constraints in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .ELSEIF .ENDIF .IF

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ELSEIF

Specifies conditions that determine whether HSPICE/HSPICE RF executes subsequent commands in a conditional block. Syntax .ELSEIF (condition) Description HSPICE executes the commands that follow the first.ELSEIF command only if condition1 in the preceding .IF command is false and condition2 in the first .ELSEIF command is true. If condition1 in the .IF command and condition2 in the first .ELSEIF command are both false, then HSPICE moves on to the next .ELSEIF command if there is one. If this second .ELSEIF condition is true, HSPICE executes the commands that follow the second .ELSEIF command, instead of the commands after the first .ELSEIF command. HSPICE ignores the commands in all false .IF and .ELSEIF commands, until it reaches the first .ELSEIF condition that is true. If no .IF or .ELSEIF condition is true, HSPICE continues to the .ELSE command. For the syntax and a description of how to use the .ELSEIF command within the context of a conditional block, see the .IF command. For information on use of conditional blocks with the Exploration Block, see, Specifying Constraints in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .ELSE .ENDIF .IF


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .END

Ends a simulation run in an input netlist file. Syntax .END [comment]
Argument Description


Can be any comment. Typically, the comment is the name of the netlist file or of the simulation run that this command terminates.

Description An .END command must be the last command in the input netlist file. The period preceding END is required. Text that follows the .END command is regarded as a comment only. An input file that contains more than one simulation run must include an .END command for each simulation run. You can concatenate several simulations into a single file. Examples
MOS OUTPUT .OPTION NODE NOPAGE VDS 3 0 VGS 2 0 M1 1 2 0 0 MOD1 L=4U W=6U AD=10P AS=10P .MODEL MOD1 NMOS VTO=-2 NSUB=1.0E15 TOX=1000 + UO=550 VIDS 3 1 .DC VDS 0 10 0.5 VGS 0 5 1 .PRINT DC I(M1) V(2) .END MOS OUTPUT MOS CAPS .OPTION SCALE=1U SCALM=1U WL ACCT .OP .TRAN .1 6 V1 1 0 PWL 0 -1.5V 6 4.5V V2 2 0 1.5VOLTS MODN1 2 1 0 0 M 10 3 .MODEL M NMOS VTO=1 NSUB=1E15 TOX=1000 + UO=800 LEVEL=1 CAPOP=2 .PRINT TRAN V(1) (0,5) LX18(M1) LX19(M1) LX20(M1) + (0,6E-13) .END MOS CAPS

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ENDDATA

Ends a .DATA block in an HSPICE input netlist file. Syntax .ENDDATA Description Use this command to terminate a .DATA block in an HSPICE input netlist. See Also .DATA


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ENDIF

Ends a conditional block of commands in an HSPICE input netlist file. Syntax .ENDIF Description Use this command to terminate a conditional block of commands that begins with an .IF command. For the syntax and a description of how to use the .ENDIF command within the context of a conditional block, see the .IF command. See Also .ELSE .ELSEIF .IF

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ENDL (or) .ENDL TT


Ends a .LIB command in an HSPICE/HSPICE RF input netlist file. Syntax .ENDL .ENDL TT Description Use this command to terminate a .LIB command in an HSPICE input netlist. Examples Either the .ENDL or .ENDL TT command is valid for ending a .LIB statement.
.lib tt .param vth=0.1 .include 'model_tt.sp' .endl tt

.lib tt .param vth=0.1 .include 'model_tt.sp' .endl

See Also .LIB


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ENDS

Ends a subcircuit definition (.SUBCKT) in an HSPICE input netlist file. Syntax .ENDS subckt_name
Argument Description


Subcircuit name definition to end a command that begins with a .SUBCKT command.

Description Use this command to terminate a .SUBCKT command. This command must be the last for any subcircuit definition that starts with a .SUBCKT command. You can nest subcircuit references (calls) within subcircuits in HSPICE. Note: Using -top subck_name on the command line effectively eliminates the need for the .subckt subckt_name and .ends subckt_name

Example 1 Terminates a subcircuit named mos_circuit. .ENDS mos_circuit Example 2 .ENDS Terminates all subcircuit definitions that begin with a .SUBCKT command.

See Also .SUBCKT

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ENV

Performs standard envelope simulation in HSPICE RF. Syntax .ENV TONES=f1 [f2...fn] NHARMS=h1[] + ENV_STEP=tstep ENV_STOP=tstop
Argument Description


Carrier frequencies, in hertz Number of harmonics Envelope step size, in seconds Envelope stop time, in seconds

Description Use this command to perform standard envelope simulation. The simulation proceeds just as it does in standard transient simulation, starting at time=0 and continuing until time=env_stop. An HB analysis is performed at each step in time. You can use Backward-Euler (BE), trapezoidal (TRAP), or level-2 Gear (GEAR) integration.

For BE integration, set .OPTION SIM_ORDER=1. For TRAP, set .OPTION SIM_ORDER=2 (default) METHOD=TRAP (default). For GEAR, set .OPTION SIM_ORDER=2 (default) METHOD=GEAR.



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ENVFFT

Performs Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on envelope output in HSPICE RF. Syntax .ENVFFT output_var NP=value FORMAT=keyword + WINDOW=keyword ALFA=value
Argument Description

output_var NP

Any valid output variable. Number of points to use in the FFT analysis. NP must be a power of 2. If not a power of 2, then it is automatically adjusted to the closest higher number that is a power of 2. The default is 1024. Output format: NORM= normalized magnitude UNORM=unnormalized magnitude (default)



Window type to use:

RECT=simple rectangular truncation window (default) BART=Bartlett (triangular) window HANN=Hanning window HAMM=Hamming window BLACK=Blackman window HARRIS=Blackman-Harris window GAUSS=Gaussian window KAISER=Kaiser-Bessel window


Controls the highest side-lobe level and bandwidth for GAUSS and KAISER windows. The default is 3.0.

Description Use this command to perform Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on envelope output. This command is similar to the .FFT command. In HSPICE RF the data being transformed is complex. You usually want to do this for a specific harmonic of a voltage, current, or power signal. See Also .ENV .ENVOSC .FFT
HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1 97

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ENVOSC

Performs envelope simulation for oscillator startup or shutdown in HSPICE RF. Syntax .ENVOSC TONE=f1 NHARMS=h1 ENV_STEP=tstep ENV_STOP=tstop + PROBENODE=n1,n2,vosc [FSPTS=num, min, max]
Argument Description


Carrier frequencies, in hertz. Number of harmonics. Envelope step size, in seconds. Envelope stop time, in seconds. Defines the nodes used for oscillator conditions and the initial probe voltage value. Specifies the frequency search points used in the initial small-signal frequency search. Usage depends on oscillator type.


Description Use .EVOSC to perform envelope simulation for oscillator startup or shutdown. Oscillator startup or shutdown analysis must be helped along by converting a bias source from a DC description to a PWL description that either:

Starts at a low value that supports oscillation and ramps up to a final value (startup simulation) Starts at the DC value and ramps down to zero (shutdown simulation).

In addition to computing the state variables at each envelope time point, the .ENVOSC command also computes the frequency. This command is applied to high-Q oscillators that take a long time to reach steady-state. For these circuits, standard transient analysis is too costly. Low-Q oscillators, such as typical ring oscillators are more efficiently simulated with standard transient analysis. See Also .ENV .ENVFFT


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .EOM

Ends a .MACRO command. Syntax .EOM subckt_name
ArgumentArgument DescriptionDescription


Subcircuit name definition to end a macro that begins with a .SUBCKT command.

Description Use this command to terminate a .MACRO command..EOM must be the last for any subcircuit definition that starts with a .MACRO command. You can nest subcircuit references (calls) within subcircuits. Examples
Example 1 Terminates a subcircuit named diode_circuit. .EOM diode_circuit Example 2 .EOM If you omit the subcircuit name as in this second example, this command terminates all subcircuit definitions that begin with a .MACRO command.

See Also .MACRO

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FFT

Calculates the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) value used for spectrum analysis. Numerical parameters (excluding string parameters) can be passed to the .FFT command. Syntax Syntax # 1 Alphanumeric input .FFT output_var [START=value] [STOP=value] + NP=value [FORMAT=keyword + [WINDOW=keyword] [ALFA=value] + [FREQ=value [FMIN=value] [FMAX=value] Syntax #2 Numerics and expressions .FFT [output_var] [START=param_expr1] [STOP=param_expr2] + [NP=param_expr3] [FORMAT=keyword] + [WINDOW=keyword] [ALFA=param_expr4] + [FREQ=param_expr5] [FMIN=param_expr6] [FMAX=param_expr7] Syntax # Verilog-A Blocks .FFT VAblock:SigName StartIdx=n1 StartIdx=n2 + SamplePeriod=val + ...
Argument Description

output_var START

Any valid output variable, such as voltage, current, or power. Start of the output variable waveform to analyze. Defaults to the START value in the .TRAN command (tstart), which defaults to 0. An alias for START in .FFT commands. End of the output variable waveform to analyze. Defaults to the TSTOP value in the .TRAN command. An alias for STOP, in .FFT commands. Number of points to use in the FFT analysis. NP must be a power of 2. If NP is not a power of 2, HSPICE automatically adjusts it to the closest higher number that is a power of 2. The default is 1024.




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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FFT




Output format:

NORM= normalized magnitude (default) UNORM=unnormalized magnitude


Window can be one of the following types:

RECT=simple rectangular truncation window (default). BART=Bartlett (triangular) window. HANN=Hanning window. HAMM=Hamming window. BLACK=Blackman window. HARRIS=Blackman-Harris window. GAUSS=Gaussian window. KAISER=Kaiser-Bessel window.


Parameter to use in GAUSS and KAISER windows to control the highest sidelobe level, bandwidth, and so on. 1.0 <= ALFA <= 20.0 The default is 3.0 Frequency to analyze. If FREQ is non-zero, the output lists only the harmonics of this frequency, based on FMIN and FMAX. HSPICE also prints the THD for these harmonics. The default is 1.0 (STOP-START) (Hz). Minimum frequency for which HSPICE prints FFT output into the listing file. THD calculations also use this frequency. T=(STOP-START) The default is 1.0/T (Hz). Maximum frequency for which HSPICE prints FFT output into the listing file. THD calculations also use this frequency. The default is 0.5*NP*FM IN (Hz). Name of the Verilog-A block. Parameter name of the series output from Verilog-A. It should have the following type definition in Verilog-A block: (* desc="SigName" *) real SigName[n1:n2]; Start index of the series for FFT. End index of the series for FFT; it must be greater than StartIdx; otherwise, HSPICE uses the whole series for the FFT process.




VAblock SigName

StartIdx StopIdx

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FFT




Time interval between two samples inside the series. It must be a positive value, the default value is 1 second.

Description Use this command to calculate the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) values for spectrum analysis. .FFT uses internal time point values to calculate these values. A DFT uses sequences of time values to determine the frequency content of analog signals in circuit simulation. You can pass numerical parameters/expressions (but no string parameters) to the .FFT command. Output variables for .FFT can be voltage, current, or power, followed by a parenthesis containing the instance name. If it is power, for example, you need to write the signals name in the format p(instance_name). You can specify only one output variable in an .FFT command. The following is an incorrect use of the command because it contains two variables in one .FFT command: For an .FFT analysis using a Verilog A-block, the FFT time window is: TimeWindow = SamplePeriod*(stopidx-startidx) A FFT process requires sampling the waveform with equally spaced time points, and the total point number must be 2N (N: integer). Therefore, the start/ stop time points, fundamental frequency, sampling rate, and total point number are not independent of each other. They need to satisfy the following relationship: point_number = sample rate, where point_number = 2 N ----------------------------------t stop t start M F fund = -------------------------- , where M is an integer number t stop t start If that relationship is compromised, conflicts between parameters may arise. To avoid such conflicts, HSPICE conducts an error check process according to the following:
Parameter Check if input... Adjust if input... Set if not input...


Error if < tstart (start point in .TRAN)


=tstart (start point in .TRAN


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FFT


Check if input...

Adjust if input...

Set if not input...


Error if > tstop (stop point in .TRAN)


=tstop (stop point in .TRAN Default value (1024)


Error if NP< 4Error if NP > 227 Is not a power of 2; adjust to nearest power of 2, issue warning and final value


Error if < --------------------------------------


If not integer multiple of 1/(STOP-START)), adjust to nearest multiple of 1/(STOP-START), issue warning and final value Use default value: 1s N/A

1 -------------------------------------STOP START

SamplePeriod Error if non-positive StartIdx Error if StopIdx Error if StartIdx

1 second Start index of the VA array Stop index of the VA array



An embedded .FFT command in a measure_file can be called to perform FFT measurements from previous simulation results as follows: HSPICE -i *.tr0 -meas measure_file Examples
.FFT v(1) .FFT v(1,2) np=1024 start=0.3m stop=0.5m freq=5.0k + window=kaiser alfa=2.5 .FFT I(rload) start=0m to=2.0m fmin=100k fmax=120k + format=unorm .FFT par(v(1) + v(2)) from=0.2u stop=1.2u + window=harris

The example below generates an .ft0 file for the FFT of v(1) and an .ft1 file for the FFT of v(2).
.FFT v(1) np=1024 .FFT v(2) np=1024

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FFT

See Also .TRAN .MEASURE FFT Spectrum Analysis Fourier Analysis Examples for demo files on window weighting


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FLAT

Provides subcircuit OP back annotation when a device is modeled as a subckt. Syntax If defined in subckt definition block: .FLAT element_name If defined in main circuit: .FLAT subckt_nameelement_name Description This command enables subcircuit OP back annotation when a device is modeled as a subckt. Note: subckt_name is the name appearing in a .subckt definition statement; element_name is a simple element name which is defined in the same subckt definition block.

When a device is modeled as a subcircuit rather than as .MODEL, using the .FLAT command within a subcircuit allows the writing of a results file with proper values for the device. Back-annotation is done by retrieving results from the input.op0 (for DC) and input.op1 (for transient) results files. The .FLAT command works for *.wdf format, *.psf, and *.tr0 files.
This subckt file equal to

.subckt nmos_sub d g s b m0 d g s b nmos 10u 10u r0 int_d d 100 .flat m0 .model nmos nmos level=49 .ends nmos_sub

.flat nmos_sub m0 .subckt nmos_sub d g s b m0 d g s b nmos 10u 10u r0 int_d d 100 .model nmos nmos level=49 .ends nmos_sub

If the .FLAT command is in both the subckt definition block and main circuit, the subckt block .FLAT takes priority. If more than one .FLAT is defined for the same subckt, the last one takes priority.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FLAT

.subckt nmossub D G S B l=l w=w M1 D_int G_int S_int B nch l=l w=w M2 D_int G_int S_int B nch l=l w=w RD D D_int 100 RG G G_int 10 RS S S_int 400 .flat M1 .ends nmossub X1 1 2 0 0 nmossub


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FOUR

Performs a Fourier analysis as part of the transient analysis. Syntax .FOUR freq ov1 [ov2 ov3 ...]
Argument Description

freq ov1 ...

Fundamental frequency Output variables to analyze

Description Use this command to perform a Fourier analysis as part of the transient analysis. You can use this command in HSPICE to perform the Fourier analysis over the interval (tstop-fperiod, tstop), where:

tstop is the final time, specified for the transient analysis. fperiod is a fundamental frequency period (freq parameter).

HSPICE performs Fourier analysis on 501 points of transient analysis data on the last 1/f time period, where f is the fundamental Fourier frequency. HSPICE interpolates transient data to fit on 501 points, running from (tstop-1/f) to tstop. To calculate the phase, the normalized component and the Fourier component, HSPICE uses 10 frequency bins. The Fourier analysis determines the DC component and the first nine AC components. For improved accuracy, the .FOUR command can use non-linear, instead of linear interpolation. You can use a .FOUR command only with a .TRAN command. Examples
.FOUR 100K V(5)

See Also .TRAN .FFT

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FSOPTIONS

ArgumentArgument DescriptionDescription


Option name. Solver accuracy is one of the following:



Multiplication factor (integer) to determine the final number of segments used to define the shape. If you set COMPUTE_RS=yes, the field solver does not use this parameter to compute Ro and Rs values.


Prints output matrixes to a file. Computes the static conductance matrix. Computes the dielectric loss matrix. Computes the DC resistance matrix.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FSOPTIONS

ArgumentArgument DescriptionDescription


Activates and chooses filament solver to compute Ro and Rs. The solver computes the skin-effect resistance matrix.

YES: activate filament solver with direct matrix solver NO: (Default) Does not perform filament solver DIRECT: Activate filament solver with direct matrix solver (same as YES) ITER: Activates filament solver with iterative matrix solver

COMPUTE_TABLE Specifies a type of frequency sweep for extracting RLGC Tabular Model. You can specify either LIN, DEC, OCT, POI. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop values using the following syntax for each type of sweep:


nsteps nsteps nsteps nsteps

start stop start stop start stop freq_values


When PRINTDATA=APPEND, RLGC model output is appended to the specified output file.

Description Use the .FSOPTIONS command to set various options for the field solver. The following rules apply to the field solver when specifying options with the .FSOPTIONS command:

The field solver always computes the L and C matrixes. If COMPUTE_RS=YES, the field solver starts and calculates Lo, Ro, and Rs. For each accuracy mode, the field solver uses either the predefined number of segments or the number of segments that you specified. It then multiplies this number times the GRIDFACTOR to obtain the final number of segments.

Because a wide range of applications are available, the predefined accuracy level might not be accurate enough for some applications. If you need a higher accuracy than the value that the HIGH option sets, then increase either the GRIDFACTOR value or the N, NH, or NW values to increase the mesh density. NW and NH quantities are used for rectangles and N is used for circles, polygons and strips. See the .SHAPE commands in this chapter for the complete syntax for each shape. Note: The forms of the following arguments are interchangeable:

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .FSOPTIONS


See the HSPICE User Guide: Signal Integrity for more information on Extracting Transmission Line Parameters (Field Solver). Examples
// LU solver *.fsoptions printem printdata=yes compute_rs=direct compute_gd=yes // GMRES solver .fsoptions printem printdata=yes compute_rs=iter compute_gd=yes

See Also .LAYERSTACK .MATERIAL .SHAPE Transmission (W-element) Line Examples


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .GLOBAL

Globally assigns a node name. Syntax .GLOBAL node1 node2 node3 ...
Argument Description

node1, node2...

Name of a global nodes, such as supply and clock names; overrides local subcircuit definitions.

Description Use this command to globally assign a node name in HSPICE. This means that all references to a global node name, used at any level of the hierarchy in the circuit, connect to the same node. The most common use of a .GLOBAL command is if your netlist file includes subcircuits. This command assigns a common node name to subcircuit nodes. Another common use of .GLOBAL commands is to assign power supply connections of all subcircuits. For example, .GLOBALVCC connects all subcircuits with the internal node name VCC. Typically, in a subcircuit, the node name consists of the circuit number concatenated to the node name. When you use a .GLOBAL command, HSPICE does not concatenate the node name with the circuit number and assigns only the global name. You can then exclude the power node name in the subcircuit or macro call. Examples This example shows global definitions for VDD and input_sig nodes.
.GLOBAL VDD input_sig

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HB

Invokes the single and multitone harmonic balance algorithm for periodic steady state analysis. Syntax Syntax # 1 without SS_TONE .HB TONES=F1 [F2 FN] [SUBHARMS=SH] + [NHARMS=H1, H2 HN] [INTMODMAX=n] + [SWEEP parameter_sweep] Syntax#2 with SS_TONE .HB TONES=F1 [F2 FN] [SUBHARMS=SH] + [NHARMS=H1, H2 HN] [INTMODMAX=n] + [SS_TONE=n] [SWEEP parameter_sweep]
Argument Description


Fundamental frequencies. Subharmonics in the analysis spectrum. The minimum non-DC frequency in the analysis spectrum is f/subharms, where f is the frequency of oscillation. Number of harmonics to use for each tone. Must have the same number of entries as TONES. You must specify NHARMS, INTMODMAX or both.


INTMODMAX Maximum intermodulation product order that you can specify in the analysis spectrum. You must specify NHARMS, INTMODMAX or both. SWEEP Type of sweep. You can sweep up to three variables. You can specify either LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, DATA, OPTIMIZE or MONTE. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop times using the following syntax for each type of sweep:

LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK nsteps freq1 freq2 ... freqn DATA=dataname OPTIMIZE=OPTxxx MONTE=val


Small-signal tone number for HBLIN analysis. The value must be an integer number. The default value is 0, indicating that no small signal tone is specified.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HB

Description Use this command to invoke the single and multitone harmonic balance algorithm for periodic steady state analysis. The NHARMS and INTMODMAX input parameters define the spectrum.

If INTMODMAX=N, the spectrum consists of all f=a*f1 + b*f2 + ... + n*fn frequencies so that f>=0 and |a|+|b|+...+|n|<=N. The a,b,...,n coefficients are integers with absolute value <=N. If INTMODMAX is not specified, HSPICE RF defaults it to the largest value in the NHARMS list. If entries in the NHARMS list are > INTMODMAX, HSPICE RF adds the m*fk frequencies to the spectrum, where fk is the corresponding tone, and m is a value <= the NHARMS entry.

For detailed discussion of HBLIN analysis, see Frequency Translation SParameter (HBLIN) Extraction in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples In Example 1, the resulting HB analysis spectrum={dc, f1, f2}.
Example 1 .hb tones=f1, f2 intmodmax=1

In Example 2, the HB analysis spectrum={dc, f1, f2, f1+f2, f1-f2, 2*f1, 2*f2}.
Example 2 .hb tones=f1, f2 intmodmax=2

In Example 3, the resulting HB analysis spectrum={dc, f1, f2, f1+f2, f1-f2, 2*f1, 2*f2, 2*f1+f2, 2*f1-f2, 2*f2+f1, 2*f2-f1, 3*f1, 3*f2}.
Example 3 .hb tones=f1, f2 intmodmax=3

In Example 4, the resulting HB analysis spectrum={dc, f1, f2, f1+f2, f1-f2, 2*f1,2*f2}.
Example 4 .hb tones=f1, f2 nharms=2,2

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HB

In Example 5, the resulting HB analysis spectrum={dc, f1, f2, f1+f2, f1-f2, 2*f1, 2*f2, 2*f1-f2, 2*f1+f2, 2*f2-f1, 2*f2+f1}.
Example 5 hb tones=f1, f2 nharms=2,2 intmodmax=3

The resulting HB analysis spectrum={dc, f1, f2, f1+f2, f1-f2, 2*f1, 2*f2, 2*f1-f2, 2*f1+f2, 2*f2-f1, 2*f2+f1, 3*f1, 3*f2, 4*f1, 4*f2, 5*f1, 5*f2}.
Example 6 .hb tones=f1, f2 nharms=5,5 intmodmax=3



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBAC

Performs harmonic-balancebased periodic AC analysis on circuits operating in a large-signal periodic steady state. Syntax .HBAC frequency_sweep
Argument Description


Frequency sweep range for the input signal (also refer to as the input frequency band (IFB) or fin). You can specify LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, or DATA. Specify the nsteps, start and stop times using the following syntax for each type of sweep:

LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK nsteps freq1 freq2 ... freqn DATA=dataname

Description Use this command to invoke a harmonic balance-based periodic AC analysis to analyze small-signal perturbations on circuits operating in a large-signal periodic steady state. See Also .HB .HBNOISE .HBOSC .OPTION HBACTOL .OPTION HBACKRYLOVDIM .PRINT .PROBE

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBLIN

Extracts frequency translation S-parameters and noise figures. Syntax Without SS_TONE .HBLIN frequency_sweep + [NOISECALC=1|0|yes|no] [FILENAME=file_name] + [DATAFORMAT=ri|ma|db] + [MIXEDMODE2PORT=dd|cc|cd|dc|sd|sc|cs|ds] With SS_TONE .HBLIN [NOISECALC=1|0|yes|no] [FILENAME=file_name] + [DATAFORMAT=ri|ma|db] + [MIXEDMODE2PORT=dd|cc|cd|dc|sd|sc|cs|ds]
Argument Description


Frequency sweep range for the input signal (also referred to as the input frequency band (IFB) or fin). You can specify LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, or DATA. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop times using the following syntax for each type of sweep:

LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK nsteps freq1 freq2 ... freqn DATA=dataname


Enables calculating the noise figure. The default is no (0). Output file name for the extracted S-parameters or the object name after the -o command-line option. The default is the netlist file name. Format of the output data file.


dataformat=RI, real-imaginary. This is the default for .sc#/citi file. dataformat=MA, magnitude-phase. This is the default format for Touchstone file. dataformat=DB, DB(magnitude)-phase.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBLIN



MIXEDMODE2PORT Mixed-mode data map of output mixed mode S-parameter matrix. The availability and default value for this keyword depends on the first two port (P element) configuration as follows:

case 1: p1=p2=single-ended (standard-mode P element) available: ss default: ss case 2: p1=p2=balanced (mixed-mode P element) available: dd, cd, dc, cc default: dd case 3: p1=balanced p2=single-ended available: ds, cs default: ds case 4: p1=single p2=balanced available: sd, sc default: sd

Description Use this command in HSPICE RF to extract frequency translation Sparameters and noise figures. See Also .HB .HBAC .PRINT .PROBE

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBLSP

Performs periodically driven nonlinear circuit analyses for power-dependent S parameters. Syntax .HBLSP NHARMS=nh [POWERUNIT=dbm|watt] + [SSPCALC=1|0|YES|NO] [NOISECALC=1|0|YES|NO] + [FILENAME=file_name] [DATAFORMAT=ri|ma|db] + FREQSWEEP freq_sweep POWERSWEEP power_sweep
Argument Description


Number of harmonics in the HB analysis triggered by the .HBLSP command. Power unit. Default is watt. Extract small-signal S-parameters. Default is 0 (NO). Perform small-signal 2-port noise analysis. Default is 0 (NO). Output data .p2d# filename. Default is the netlist name or the object name after the -o command-line option. Format of the output data file. Default is ma (magnitude, angle). Frequency sweep specification. A sweep of type LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, or SWEEPBLOCK. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop times using the following syntax for each type of sweep:



LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK=blockname This keyword must appear before the POWERSWEEP keyword.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBLSP



POWERSWEEP Power sweep specification. A sweep of type LIN, DEC, OCT,POI, or SWEEPBLOCK. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop times using the following syntax for each type of sweep:

LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps power_values SWEEPBLOCK=blockname This keyword must follow the FREQSWEEP keyword.

Description Use this command in HSPICE RF to invoke periodically driven nonlinear circuit analyses for power-dependent S-parameters. For details, see the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis, Large-Signal Sparameter (HBLSP) Analysis. See Also .HB .PRINT .PROBE

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBNOISE

Performs cyclo-stationary noise analysis on circuits operating in a large-signal periodic steady state. Syntax .HBNOISE [output] [insrc] [parameter_sweep] + [n1, n2, , nk,+/-1] + [listfreq=(frequencies|none|all)] [listcount=val] + [listfloor=val] [listsources=on|off]
Argument Description


Output node, pair of nodes, or 2-terminal element. HSPICE RF references equivalent noise output to this node (or pair of nodes). Specify a pair of nodes as V(n+,n-). If you specify only one node, V(n+), then HSPICE RF assumes that the second node is ground. You can also specify a 2-terminal element name that refers to an existing element in the netlist. Input source. If this is a resistor, HSPICE RF uses it as a reference noise source to determine the noise figure. If the resistance value is 0, the result is an infinite noise figure. Frequency sweep range for the input signal. Also referred to as the input frequency band (IFB) or fin). You can specify LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, DATA, MONTE, or OPTIMIZE sweeps. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop frequencies using the following syntax for each type of sweep:



LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK nsteps freq1 freq2 ... freqn DATA dataname MONTE niterations OPTIMIZE optxxx


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBNOISE



n1,n2,...,nk, +/-1

Index term defining the output frequency band (OFB or fout) at which the noise is evaluated. Generally, fout=ABS(n1*f+n2*f2+...+nk*fk+/-fin) Where: f1,f2,...,fk are the first through k-th steady-state tones determined from the harmonic balance solution n1,n2,...,nk are the associated harmonic multipliers fin is the IFB defined by parameter_sweep. The default index term is [1,1,...1,-1]. For a single tone analysis, the default mode is consistent with simulating a low-side, down conversion mixer where the RF signal is specified by the IFB and the noise is measured at a downconverted frequency that the OFB specifies. In general, you can use the [n1,n2,...,nk,+/-1] index term to specify an arbitrary offset. The noise figure measurement is also dependent on this index term.


Prints the element noise value to the .lis file. You can specify at which frequencies the element noise value is printed. The frequencies must match the sweep_frequency values defined in the parameter_sweep, otherwise they are ignored.In the element noise output, the elements that contribute the largest noise are printed first. The frequency values can be specified with the NONE or ALL keyword, which either prints no frequencies or every frequency defined in parameter_sweep. Frequency values must be enclosed in parentheses. For example:listfreq=(none) listfreq=(all) listfreq=(1.0G) listfreq=(1.0G, 2.0G)The default value is NONE. Prints the element noise value to the .lis file, which is sorted from the largest to smallest value. You do not need to print every noise element; instead, you can define listcount to print the number of element noise frequencies. For example, listcount=5 means that only the top 5 noise contributors are printed. The default value is 1. Prints the element noise value to the .lis file and defines a minimum meaningful noise value (in V/Hz1/2 units). Only those elements with noise values larger than listfloor are printed. The default value is 1.0e-14 V/ Hz1/2. Prints the element noise value to the .lis file when the element has multiple noise sources, such as a FET, which contains the thermal, shot, and 1/f noise sources. You can specify either ON or OFF: ON Prints the contribution from each noise source and OFF does not. The default value is OFF.




HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBNOISE

Description Use this command to invoke cyclo-stationary noise analysis on circuits operating in a large-signal periodic steady state. See Also .HB .HBAC .HBOSC .PRINT .PROBE


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBOSC

Performs oscillator analysis on autonomous (oscillator) circuits. The input syntax for HBOSC analysis supports two different formats, depending on whether the PROBENODE location is specified using a circuit element (current source) or using the HBOSC PROBENODE parameters: Syntax Syntax #1 .HBOSC TONE=F1 NHARMS=H1 + PROBENODE=N1,N2,VP +[FSPTS=NUM, MIN, MAX] [STABILITY=(-2|-1|0|1|2)] +[SWEEP PARAMETER_SWEEP] [SUBHARMS=I] Syntax #2 (Uses current source to set PROBENODE) ISRC N1N2 HBOSCVPROBE=VP .HBOSC TONE=F1 NHARMS=H1 +[FSPTS=NUM, MIN, MAX] [STABILITY=(-2|-1|0|1|2)] +[SWEEP PARAMETER_SWEEP] [SUBHARMS=I]
Argument Description


Approximate value for oscillation frequency (Hz). The search for an exact oscillation frequency begins from this value unless you specify an FSPTS range or transient initialization. Number of harmonics to use for oscillator HB analysis. Circuit nodes that are probed for oscillation conditions. N1 and N2 are the positive and negative nodes for a voltage probe inserted in the circuit to search for oscillation conditions. VP is the initial probe voltage value (suggested: 1/2 the supply voltage). The phase of the probe voltage is forced to zero; all other phases are relative to the probe phase. HSPICE RF uses this probe to calculate small-signal admittance for the initial frequency estimates. It should be connected near the heart of the oscillator (near resonators, inside the ring of a ring oscillator, and so on). Note: The PROBENODE pins and approximate voltage value can also be set by using a zero amp current source that uses the HBOSCVPROBE keyword.



Sets PROBENODE with a current source. If a current source with HBOSCVPROBE is used, the PROBENODE syntax is not necessary.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBOSC




Frequency search points that HSPICE RF uses in its initial small-signal frequency search to find an oscillation frequency. Optional, but recommended for high-Q and most LC oscillators. NUM is an integer. MIN and MAX are frequency values in units of Hz. If the FSPTS analysis finds an approximate oscillation frequency, the TONE parameter is ignored. An option for FSPTS


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBOSC




When used with FSPTS, activates the additional oscillator stability analyses depending on the following values:

0: A single point oscillator frequency-search stability analysis is performed. The FSPTS search is executed, and the first successful linear oscillation frequency value found is used as the starting point for the twotier Newton nonlinear oscillator analysis. The probenode vp value specified is used as the starting amplitude for the Newton solver. 1: (default) A single point oscillator frequency-search stability analysis, plus an estimate of oscillator amplitude, is performed. The FSPTS search is executed, and the first successful linear oscillation frequency value found is used as the starting point for the two-tier Newton nonlinear oscillator analysis. An additional analysis for automatically estimating the probenode amplitude is also performed, and this value is used as the starting amplitude for the two-tier Newton solver. 1: A single point oscillator frequency-search stability analysis, plus an estimate of oscillator amplitude, is performed. The FSPTS search is executed, and the first successful linear oscillation frequency value found is accurately computed and reported. An additional analysis for automatically estimating the probenode amplitude is also performed, and this value is also reported. The analysis aborts without attempting the two-tier Newton nonlinear oscillator analysis. By using STABILITY=1, a check can be made if any linear oscillation conditions are found, before attempting the nonlinear oscillator analysis. 2: A multipoint frequency-search stability analysis is performed. The FSPTS search is executed, and all successful linear oscillation frequency values found over the entire FSPTS search range are reported. For each potential oscillation frequency found, an additional analysis for estimating the probenode amplitude is also performed. All frequency and amplitude values are reported. The frequency value that has the largest predicted amplitude is used as the starting point for the two-tier Newton nonlinear oscillator analysis. 2: A multipoint frequency-search stability analysis is performed. The FSPTS search is executed, and all successful linear oscillation frequency values found over the entire FSPTS search range are reported. For each potential oscillation frequency found, an additional analysis for estimating the probenode amplitude is also performed. All frequency and amplitude values are reported. The analysis aborts without attempting the two-tier Newton nonlinear oscillator analysis. By using STABILITY=2, a check can be made if any linear oscillation conditions are found, before attempting the nonlinear oscillator analysis.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBOSC




Type of sweep. You can sweep up to three variables. You can specify either LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, DATA, OPTIMIZE, or MONTE. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop frequencies using the following syntax for each type of sweep:

LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK nsteps freq1 freq2 ... freqn DATA=dataname OPTIMIZE=OPTxxx MONTE=val


Subharmonics in the analysis spectrum. The minimum non-DC frequency in the analysis spectrum is f/subharms, where f is the frequency of oscillation. Use this option if your oscillator circuit includes a divider or prescaler that result in frequency terms that are subharmonics of the fundamental oscillation frequency

Description Use this command to invoke oscillator analysis on autonomous (oscillator) circuits. Examples
Example 1 Performs an oscillator analysis searching for frequencies in the vicinity of 900 MHz. This example uses nine harmonics with the probe inserted between the gate and gnd nodes. The probe voltage estimate is 0.65 V. .HBOSC tone=900MEG nharms=9 probenode=gate,gnd,0.65 Example 2 Performs an oscillator analysis searching for frequencies in the vicinity of 2.4 GHz. This example uses 11 harmonics with the probe inserted between the drainP and drainN nodes. The probe voltage estimate is 1.0 V. .HBOSC tone=2400MEG nharms=11 + probenode=drainP,drainN,1.0 fspts=20,2100MEG,2700MEG


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBOSC

Another means to define the probenode information is through a zero-current source. Examples 3 and 4 shows two methods define an equivalent .HBOSC command.
Example 3 Method 1 .HBOSC tone = 2.4G nharms = 10 + probenode = drainP, drainN, 1.0 + fspts = 20, 2.1G, 2.7G

In Method 2, the PROBENODE information is defined by a current source in the circuit. Only one such current source is needed, and its current must be 0.0 with the HBOSC PROBENODE voltage defined through its HBOSCVPROBE property.
Example 4 Method 2 ISRC drainP drainN 0 HBOSCVPROBE = 1.0 .HBOSC tone = 2.4G nharms = 10 + fspts = 20, 2.1G, 2.7G


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HBXF

Calculates transfer from the given source in the circuit to the designated output. Syntax .HBXF out_varfreq_sweep
Argument Description


Specify i(2_port_elem) or V(n1<,n2>)

freq_sweep A sweep of type LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, or SWEEPBLOCK. Specify nsteps, start/stop times the syntax below for each type of sweep: LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK = BlockName Specify the frequency sweep range for the output signal. HSPICE RF determines the offset frequency in the input sidebands; for example,f1 = abs(fout - k*f0) s.t. f1<=f0/2The f0 is the steady-state fundamental tone and f1 is the input frequency.

Description Calculates the transfer function from the given source in the circuit to the designated output. Examples Here, trans-impedance from isrc to v(1)is calculated based on HB analysis.
.hb tones=1e9 nharms=4 .hbxf v(1) lin 10 1e8 1.2e8 .print hbxf tfv(isrc) tfi(n3)



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HDL

Specifies the Verilog-A source name and path. Syntax .HDL "file_name" [module_name] [module_alias]
Argument Description

file_name module_name

Verilog-A or CML file. Optional module name. If a module is specified, then only that module is loaded from the specified Verilog-A or CML file. If the module is not found or if the module specification is not uniquely case-insensitive inside, then an error is generated. (HSPICE only). If specified (in addition to a module name), then that module is loaded into the system using the alias in place of the module name defined in the Verilog-A source file. Thereafter, any reference to the module is made using its alias. The system behaves as if the module had the alias as its module name. A module might be loaded with any number of aliases in addition to being loaded without an alias. This argument is useful when loading modules of the same name from different files. See Example 4 below. (HSPICE only)


Description Use .HDL commands to specify the Verilog-A or compiled model library (CML) source name and path within a netlist. The Verilog-A file is assumed to have a *.va extension only when a prefix is provided. You can also use .HDL commands in .ALTER blocks to vary simulation behavior. For example, to compare multiple variations of Verilog-A modules. In .MODEL commands you must add the Verilog-A type of model cards. Every Verilog-A module can have one or more associated model cards. The type of model cards should be the same as the Verilog-A module name. Verilog-A module names cannot conflict with HSPICE built-in device keywords. If a conflict occurs, HSPICE issues a warning message and the Verilog-A module definition is ignored. The module_name and module_alias arguments can be specified without quotes or with single or double quotes. Any tokens after the module alias are ignored.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .HDL

The same Verilog-A case insensitivity rules used for module and parameter names apply to both the module_name and module_alias arguments, and the same module override logic applies. Examples Example 1 loads the Verilog-A model file from the directory /myhome/ Verilog_A_lib.
Example 1 .HDL "/myhome/Verilog_A_lib/"

Example 2 loads the Verilog-A model file (not va_model file) from the current working directory.
Example 2 .HDL "va_models"

Example 3 loads the module called va_amp from the file for the first simulation run. For the second run, HSPICE loads the va_amp module from the file.
Example 3 * simple .alter test .hdl v1 1 0 10 x1 1 0 va_amp .tran 10n 100n .alter alter1 .hdl .end



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IBIS

Provides IBIS functionality by specifying an IBIS file and component and optional keywords. Syntax .IBIS 'ibis_name' + file='ibis_file_name' + component='component_name' [time_control=0|1] + [mod_sel='sel1=mod1,sel2=mod2,...'] + [package=0|1|2|3] [pkgfile='pkg_file_name'] + [typ={typ|min|max}] + [nowarn] + ...
Argument (Keyword) Description

ibis_name file component or cname time_control

Instance name of this ibis command. Name of ibis (*ibs) file. Component name.

Invokes an HSPICE time-control algorithm to achieve greater accuracy for high speed digital signal buffers:

0 (default): Time step algorithm will not take effect. 1: Launches the time-step algorithm.


Assigns special model for model selector, here model selector can be used for series model. If model selector is used for a pin of a component, but mod_sel is not set in the .ibis command, then the first model under the corresponding [Model Selector] will be selected as default.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IBIS

Argument (Keyword) Description


When package equals: 0, then the package is not added into the component. 1, then RLC of [Package] (in the .ibs file) is added. 2, then RLC of [Pin] (in the .ibs file) is added. 3 (default), and if [Package Model] is defined, set package with a package model. If the [Package Model] is not defined, set the package with [Pin]. If the package information is not set in [Pin], set the package with [Package] as a default. You can define the [Package Model] in an IBIS file specified by the file keyword or a PKG file specified by the pkgfile keyword. The pkgfile keyword is useful only when package =3


The value of the typ signifies a column in the IBIS file from which the current simulation extracts data. The default is typ=typ. If min or max data are not available, typ data are used instead. The nowarn keyword suppresses warning messages from the IBIS parser.


Description The general syntax above shows the .IBIS command when used with a component. The optional keywords are in square brackets. Examples
.ibis cmpnt + file = ebd.ibs + component = SIMM + hsp_ver=2002.4 nowarn package=2


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IBIS

This example corresponds to the following ebd.ibs file:

[Component] SIMM [Manufacturer] TEST [Package] R_pkg 200m NA NA L_pkg 7.0nH NA NA C_pkg 1.5pF NA NA | [Pin] signal_name model_name R_pin | 1 ND1 ECL 40.0m 2n 0.4p 2 ND2 NMOS 50.0m 3n 0.5p ...................



Component cmpnt

buffer cmpnt_nd1 cmpnt_1_i 40.0m 2n 0.4p


gnd buffer cmpnt_nd2 cmpnt_2_i 50.0m 3n 0.5p



Figure 8

Equivalent Circuit for IBIS Component Example

.IBIS cmpt1 + file='example.ibs' + component='EXAMPLE' + mod_sel = 'DQ = DQ_FULL'

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IBIS

In the following example, the model DQ_FULL will be used for all pins that use the model name DQ.The corresponding IBIS file, example.ibs, contains the following [Model Selector] section:
|***********************MODEL SELECTOR*********************** | Model Selector] DQ | DQ_FULL Full-Strength IO Driver DQ_HALF 54% Reduced Drive Strength IO Driver *

See Also .EBD .PKG IBIS Examples (/iob_ex1.sp) for demonstration files


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IC

Sets transient initial conditions in HSPICE. Syntax .IC V(node1)=val1 V(node2)=val2 ...
Argument Description

val1 ...

Specifies voltages. The significance of these voltages depends on whether you specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command. Node numbers or names can include full paths or circuit numbers.

node1 ...

Description Use the .IC command or the .DCVOLT command to set transient initial conditions in HSPICE. How it initializes depends on whether the .TRAN analysis command includes the UIC parameter. This command is less preferred compared to using the.NODESET command in many cases. When using the .IC command, forcing circuits are connected to the .IC nodes for the duration of DC convergence. After DC convergence is obtained, the forcing circuits are removed for all further analysis. The DC operating point for each .IC'd node should be very close to the voltage specified in the .IC command. If a node is not, then that node has a DC conductance to ground comparable to GMAX. This is almost certainly an error condition. In the rare case that it is not, GMAX can be increased to prevent appreciable current division. Example: .OPTION GMAX=1000 Note: In nearly all applications, .NODESET should be used to ensure a true DC operating point is obtained. Intentionally floating (or very high impedance) nodes should be set to a known good voltage using .IC.

If you do not specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command, HSPICE computes the DC operating point solution before the transient analysis. The node voltages that you specify in the .IC command are fixed to determine the DC operating point. They are used only in the first iteration to set an initial guess for the DC operating point analysis. The .IC command is equivalent to specifying the IC parameter on each element command, but is more convenient.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IC

If you specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command, HSPICE does not calculate the initial DC operating point, but directly enters transient analysis. When you use .TRAN UIC, the .TRAN node values (at time zero) are determined by searching for the first value found in this order: from .IC value, then IC parameter on an element command, then .NODESET value, otherwise use a voltage of zero. Note that forcing a node value of the dc operating point may not satisfy KVL and KCL. In this event you may likely see activity during the initial part of the simulation.This may happen if UIC is used and some node values left unspecified, when too many (conflicting) .IC values are specified, or when node values are forced and the topology changes. In this event you may likely see activity during the initial part of the simulation. Forcing a node voltage applies a fixed equivalent voltage source during DC analysis and transient analysis removes the voltage sources to calculate the second and later time points. Therefore, to correct DC convergence problems use .NODESETs (without .TRAN UIC) liberally (when a good guess can be provided) and use .ICs sparingly (when the exact node voltage is known). In addition, you can use wildcards in the .IC command. See Using Wildcards on Node Names in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples
.IC V(11)=5 V(4)=-5 V(2)=2.2



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ICM

Automatically creates port names that reference the pin name of an ICM model and generate a series of element nodes on the pin. Syntax .ICM icmname + file='icmfilename' + model='icmmodelname'
Argument Description

icmname icmfilename icmmodelname nodemapname pinmapname pinname

.ICM command card name. Name of an *.icm file that contains an ICM model. Working model in an .icm file. Name of the [ICM node map] keyword in an .icm file. Name of the [ICM pin map] keyword in an .icm file. Name of the first column of entries of the [ICM node map] or [ICM pin map]. Name of the side subparameter


Description Use this command to automatically create port names that reference the pin name of an ICM model and generate a series of element (W/S/RLGCK) nodes on the pin when one of the following conditions occur:

If the model is described using [Nodal Path Description] 'icmname'_'nodemapname'_'sidename'_'pinname' If the model is described using [Tree Path Description] 'icmname'_'pinmapname'_'sidename'_'pinname' If a side subparameter is not used in an ICM file, then 'sidename'_ (above) should be removed.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .ICM

.ICM icm1 + file='test1.icm' + model='FourLineModel1'

The following example shows how to reference a pin of the ICM model in a HSPICE netlist.
icm1_NodeMap1_SideName1_pin1, icm1_NodeMap2_SideName2_pin1, icm1_NodeMap2_SideName2_pin2, ...

See Also IBIS Examples for .ICM (RLGC approach/icm/nodepath_rlgc/bga_1.sp) and (S-element approach/icm/nodepath_sele/test1.sp)


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IF

Specifies conditions that determine whether HSPICE executes subsequent commands in conditional block. Syntax .IF (condition1)... + [.ELSEIF (condition2)...] + [.ELSE ...] .ENDIF
Argument Description


Condition that must be true before HSPICE executes the commands that follow the .IF command. Condition that must be true before HSPICE executes the commands that follow the .ELSEIF command. HSPICE executes the commands that follow condition2 only if condition1 is false and condition2 is true.


Description HSPICE executes the commands that follow the first.ELSEIF command only if condition1 in the preceding .IF command is false and condition2 in the first .ELSEIF command is true. If condition1 in the .IF command and condition2 in the first .ELSEIF command are both false, then HSPICE moves on to the next .ELSEIF command if there is one. If this second .ELSEIF condition is true, HSPICE executes the commands that follow the second .ELSEIF command, instead of the commands after the first .ELSEIF command. HSPICE ignores the commands in all false .IF and .ELSEIF commands, until it reaches the first .ELSEIF condition that is true. If no .IF or .ELSEIF condition is true, HSPICE continues to the .ELSE command. .ELSE precedes one or more commands in a conditional block after the last .ELSEIF command, but before the .ENDIF command. HSPICE executes these commands by default if the conditions in the preceding .IF command and in all of the preceding .ELSEIF commands in the same conditional block all false. The .ENDIF command ends a conditional block of commands that begins with an .IF command.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IF

For information on use of conditional blocks with the Exploration Block, see, Specifying Constraints in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples
.IF (a==b) .INCLUDE /myhome/subcircuits/diode_circuit1 ... .ELSEIF (a==c) .INCLUDE /myhome/subcircuits/diode_circuit2 ... .ELSE .INCLUDE /myhome/subcircuits/diode_circuit3 ... .ENDIF



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .INCLUDE (or) .INC


Includes another netlist as a subcircuit of the current netlist. Syntax .INCLUDE file_pathfile_name
Argument Description


Path name of a file for computer operating systems that support treestructured directories. An include file can contain nested .INCLUDE calls to itself or to another include file. If you use a relative path in a nested .INCLUDE call, the path starts from the directory of the parent .INCLUDE file, not from the current working directory. If the path starts from the current working directory, HSPICE can also find the .INCLUDE file, but prints a warning.


Name of a file to include in the data file. The file path, plus the file name, can be up to 16 characters long. You can use any valid file name for the computers operating system.

Description Use this command to include another netlist in the current netlist. You can include a netlist as a subcircuit in one or more other netlists. You must enclose the file path and file name in single or double quotation marks. Otherwise, an error message is generated. Any file name following an .INC command is case sensitive beginning with the 2009.09 release. This command can be used as part of a compressed (.gzip) netlist file. Examples
.INCLUDE `/myhome/subcircuits/diode_circuit

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IVTH

Enables the ivth feature to handle multiple devices for the following equation: Ivthx=I0x * (Wdrawn * SX_factor + DWx)/(Ldrawn * SX_factor + DLx). Syntax .IVTH model_name Ivth0=x DW=x DL=x .OPTION SX_factor=x
Argument Description


User-defined model.

Ivth0=x, DW=x, DL=x Different values for each different transistor type. .OPTION SX_factor SX_factor is an external shrink factor (different from any keyword reserved for HSPICE or model). It is only used for Ivthx calculation.

Description Use this command to enable ivth to for multiple devices per the equation: Ivthx=I0x * (Wdrawn * SX_factor + DWx)/(Ldrawn * SX_factor + DLx) where:

Ivthx is the current for threshold voltage extraction. x serves to distinguish different type of transistor models. I0x, DWx, and DLx may be different values for each different transistor type. SX_factor is an external shrink factor (different from any keyword reserved for HSPICE or model). It is only used for Ivthx calculation.

For different model types you can specify different Ivth0, DW, DL in the netlist using the following syntax: .ivth nch Ivth0=1e-7 DW=2e-8 DL=1e-8 Examples For a compact model, nch means the model name in model card definition:
.model nch nmos level=54


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .IVTH

For a subckt macro model, nch means the model name defined in the subckt model card:
.subckt nch_mac d g s b .model nch nmos level=54 .ends

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LAYERSTACK

Defines a stack of dielectric or metal layers. Syntax .LAYERSTACK sname [BACKGROUND=mname] + [LAYER=(mname,thickness) ...]
Argument Description

sname mname

Layer stack name. Material name.

BACKGROUND Background dielectric material name. By default, the field solver assumes AIR for the background. thickness Layer thickness.

Description Use this command to define a stack of dielectric or metal layers. You must associate each transmission line system with only one layer stack. However, you can associate a single-layer stack with many transmission line systems. In the layer stack:

Layers are listed from bottom to top. Metal layers (ground planes) can be located only at the bottom, only at the top, or both at the top and bottom. Layers are stacked in the y-direction; the bottom of a layer stack is at y=0. All conductors must be located above y=0. Background material must be dielectric. Free space without ground: .LAYERSTACK mystack Free space with a (bottom) ground plane where a predefined metal name = perfect electrical conductor (PEC): .LAYERSTACK halfSpace PEC 0.1mm

The following limiting cases apply to the .LAYERSTACK command:


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LAYERSTACK

See Also .FSOPTIONS .MATERIAL .SHAPE Transmission (W-element) Line Examples

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LIB

Creates and reads from libraries of commonly used commands, device models, subcircuit analyses, and commands. Syntax Use the following syntax for library calls: .LIB [file_path] file_name entry_name Use the following syntax to define library files: .LIB entry_name1 . $ ANY VALID SET OF HSPICE STATEMENTS .ENDL entry_name1 .LIB entry_name2 . . $ ANY VALID SET OF HSPICE STATEMENTS .ENDL entry_name2 .LIB entry_name3 . . $ ANY VALID SET OF HSPICE STATEMENTS .ENDL entry_name3
Argument Description


Path to a file. Used where a computer supports tree-structured directories. When the LIB file (or alias) is in the same directory where you run HSPICE RF you do not need to specify a directory path; the netlist runs on any machine. Use ../ syntax in the file_path to designate the parent directory of the current directory.

entry_name Entry name for the section of the library file to include. The first character of an entry_name cannot be an integer. If more than one entry with the same name is encountered in a file, only the first one is loaded. file_name Name of a file to include in the data file. The combination of filepath plus file_name can be up to 256 characters long, structured as any filename that is valid for the computers operating system. Enclose the file path and file name in single or double quotation marks. Use ../ syntax in the filename to designate the parent directory of the current directory.

Description Use the .LIB call command to read from libraries of commonly used commands, device models, subcircuit analyses, and commands (library calls) in library files. Note that as HSPICE RF encounters each .LIB call name in the
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LIB

main data file, it reads the corresponding entry from the designated library file, until it finds an .ENDL command. You can also place a .LIB call command in an .ALTER block. To build libraries (library file definition), use the .LIB command in a library file. For each macro in a library, use a library definition command (.LIB entry_name) and an .ENDL command. The .LIB command begins the library macro and the .ENDL command ends the library macro. The text after a library file entry name must consist of HSPICE RF commands. Library calls can call other libraries (nested library calls) if they are different files. You can nest library calls to any depth. Use nesting with the .ALTER command to create a sequence of model runs. Each run can consist of similar components by using different model parameters without duplicating the entire input file. The simulator uses the .LIB command and the .INCLUDE command to access the models and skew parameters. The library contains parameters that modify .MODEL commands. You must enclose the file path and file name in single or double quotation marks. Otherwise, an error message is generated. Any file name following a .LIB command is case sensitive beginning with the 2009.09 release. To terminate the .LIB command use .ENDL or .ENDL TT. This command can be used as part of a compressed (.gzip) netlist file. Examples Example 1 is a simple library call.
Example 1 * Library call .LIB 'MODELS' cmos1

Example 2 shows the syntax of using any valid set of RF commands.

Example 2 .LIB MOS7 $ Any valid set of HSPICE RF commands . . . .ENDL MOS7

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LIB

Example 3 is an example of illegal nested .LIB commands for the file3 library.
Example 3 .LIB MOS7 ... .LIB 'file3' MOS7 $ This call is illegal in MOS7 library ... .ENDL

Example 4 is a .LIB call command of model skew parameters and features both worst-case and statistical distribution data. The statistical distribution median value is the default for all non-Monte Carlo analyses. The model is in the /usr/meta/lib/cmos1_mod.dat include file.
Example 4 .LIB TT $TYPICAL P-CHANNEL AND N-CHANNEL CMOS LIBRARY $ PROCESS: 1.0U CMOS, FAB7 $ following distributions are 3 sigma ABSOLUTE GAUSSIAN .PARAM TOX=AGAUSS(200,20,3) $ 200 angstrom +/- 20a + XL=AGAUSS(0.1u,0.13u,3) $ polysilicon CD + DELVTON=AGAUSS(0.0,.2V,3) $ n-ch threshold change + DELVTOP=AGAUSS(0.0,.15V,3) $ p-ch threshold change .INC /usr/meta/lib/cmos1_mod.dat $ model include file .ENDL TT .LIB FF $HIGH GAIN P-CH AND N-CH CMOS LIBRARY 3SIGMA VALUES .PARAM TOX=220 XL=-0.03 DELVTON=-.2V + DELVTOP=-0.15V .INC /usr/meta/lib/cmos1_mod.dat $ model include file .ENDL FF

In example 5, the .MODEL keyword (left side) equates to the skew parameter (right side). A .MODEL keyword can be the same as a skew parameter.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LIB

See Also .ALTER .ENDL (or) .ENDL TT .INCLUDE (or) .INC

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LIN

Extracts noise and linear transfer parameters for a general multiport network. Syntax Multiport Syntax .LIN [sparcalc=[1|0] [modelname = modelname]] + [filename = filename] [format=selem|citi|touchstone] + [noisecalc=[2|1|0] [gdcalc=[1|0]] + [mixedmode2port=dd|dc|ds|cd|cc|cs|sd|sc|ss]> + [dataformat=ri|ma|db] Two-Port Syntax .LIN [sparcalc=1|0 [modelname = modelname]] + [filename = filename] [format=selem|citi|touchstone] + [noisecalc=1|0] [gdcalc=1|0] + [mixedmode2port=dd|dc|ds|cd|cc|cs|sd|sc|ss] + [dataformat=ri|ma|db] [FREQDIGIT=x] [SPARDIGIT=x] + [listfreq=(frequencies|none|all|freq1 freq2...)] + [listcount=num] [listfloor=val] [listsources=1|0|yes|no]
Argument Description

sparcalc modelname

If 1, extract S parameters (default). Model name to be listed in the .MODEL command in the .sc# model output file. Output file name (The default is netlist name). Output file format:

filename format

selem is for S-element .sc# format, which you can include in the netlist. citi is CITIfile format. touchstone is TOUCHSTONE file format.


Specifies level of N-port noise wave correlation matrix extraction. If 2, extract N noise parameters (perform multiport noise analysis). If 1, extract noise parameters (perform 2-port noise analysis). The default is 0.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LIN




If 1, extract group delay (perform group delay analysis). The default is 0. The mixedmode2port keyword describes the mixed-mode data map of output mixed mode S-parameter matrix. The availability and default value for this keyword depends on the first two port (P-element) configuration as follows:


case 1: p1=p2=single (standard mode P element) available: ss default: ss case 2: p1=p2=balanced (mixed mode P element) available: dd, cd, dc, cc default: dd case 3: p1=balanced p2=single available: ds, cs default: ds case 4: p1=single p2=balanced available: sd, sc default: sd


The dataformat keyword describes the data format output to the .sc#/touchstone/citi file. dataformat=RI, real-imaginary. This is the default for the .sc#/citi file. dataformat=MA, magnitude-phase. This is the default format for touchstone file. dataformat=DB, DB(magnitude)-phase. HSPICE uses six digits for both frequency and S-parameters in HSPICE generated data files (.sc#/touchstone/citifile). The number of digits for noise parameters are five in .sc# and Touchstone files and six in CITIfiles. Note: The lower limit of DB output is -300.


Sets the numerical precision (number of digits) for frequency output in Touchstone, Citi, or sc# files. The default is 6. Sets the numerical precision (number of digits) for S parameter output in Touchstone, Citi, or sc# files. The default is 6.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LIN



listfreq= (none|all|freq1req2....)

Dumps the element noise figure contribution to the total NF in the *.lis file. You can specify at which frequencies HSPICE dumps the element noise figure contribution. The elements that contribute the largest noise figure are dumped first. The frequency values can be specified by the NONE or ALL keyword, which either dumps no frequencies or every frequency defined in the AC sweep. ALL: Output all of the frequency points (default, if LIST* is required). NONE - Do not output any of the frequency points. freq1 freq2...: Output the information on the specified frequency points. For example: listfreq=none listfreq=all listfreq=1.0G listfreq=1.0G 2.0G


Outputs the first few noise elements that make the biggest contribution to NF. The number is specified by num. The default is to output all of the noise element contribution to NF. The NF contribution is calculated with the source impedance equal to the Zo of the first port. Lists elements whose noise contribution to NF (in dB) are higher than value specified in dB to .lis file. Default is 0.


listsources=[1|0|yes|no] Defines whether or not to output the contribution of each noise source of each noise element. Default is no/0.

Description Use this command to extract noise and linear transfer parameters for a general multiport network. When used with P- (port) element(s) and .AC commands, .LIN makes available a broad set of linear port-wise measurements:

standard and mixed-mode multiport S- (scattering) parameters standard and mixed-mode multiport Y/Z parameters standard mode multiport H-parameter


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LIN

standard mode two-port noise parameters standard and mixed-mode group delays standard mode stability factors standard mode gain factors standard mode matching coefficients

The .LIN command computes the S-(scattering), Y-(admittance), Z(impedance) parameters directly, and H-(hybrid) parameters directly based on the location of the port (P) elements in your circuit, and the specified values for their reference impedances. The .LIN command also supports mixed-mode transfer parameters calculation and group delay analysis when used together with mixed-mode P elements. To calculate the insertion and return loss for the high speed differential signal on my PCB board you can use the .LIN command with a port (P) element at input and output, where Port=1 defines the input and Port=2 defines the output. The return loss in dB is |S111(DB)| and the insertion loss in dB is |S21(DB)|. By default, the .LIN command creates a .sc# file with the same base name as your netlist. This file contains S-parameter, noise parameter, and group delay data as a function of the frequency. You can use this file as model data for the S-element. Noise contributor tables are generated for every frequency point and every circuit device. The last four arguments allow users to better control the output information. If the LIST* arguments are not set, .LIN 2port noise analysis will output to .lis file with the older format. If any of the LIST* arguments is set, the output information follows the syntax noted in the arguments section. Examples This example extracts linear transfer parameters for a general multiport network, performs a 2-port noise analysis and a group-delay analysis for a model named my_custom_model. The output is in the mydesign Touchstone format output file. The data format in the Touchstone file is real-imaginary.
.LIN sparcalc=1 modelname=my_custom_model + filename=mydesign format=touchstone noisecalc=1 + gdcalc=1 dataformat=ri

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LOAD

Uses the operating point information of a file previously created with a .SAVE command. Syntax .LOAD [FILE=load_file] [RUN=PREVIOUS|CURRENT]
Argument Description


Name of the file in which .SAVE saved an operating point for the circuit under simulation.The format of the file name is design.ic#. Default is design.ic0, where design is the root name of the design. The format of file name is design.ic#. Used only outside of .ALTER commands in a netlist that contains .ALTER commands.


PREVIOUS: Each .ALTER uses the saved operating point from the previous .ALTER run in the current simulation run. CURRENT: Each .ALTER uses the saved operating point from the corresponding .ALTER run in the previous simulation run.

Description Use this command to input the contents of a file that you stored using the .SAVE command. Files stored with the .SAVE command contain operating point information for the point in the analysis at which you executed .SAVE. Do not use the .LOAD command for concatenated netlist files. This command can be used as part of a compressed (.gzip) netlist file. Examples Example 1 loads a file name design.ic0, which you previously saved using a .SAVE command.
Example 1 .SAVE FILE=design.ic0 .LOAD FILE=design.ic0 $load--design.ic0 save--design.ic0 .alter ... $load--none save--design.ic1 .alter ... $load--none save--design.ic2 .end


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LOAD

Example 2 runs a previously saved and loaded design.

Example 2 .SAVE FILE=design.ic .LOAD FILE=design.ic RUN=PREVIOUS $load--none save--design.ic0 .alter ... $load--design.ic0 save--design.ic1 .alter ... $load--design.ic1 save--design.ic2 .end

Example 3 runs the current design.

Example 3 .SAVE FILE=design.ic .LOAD FILE=design.ic RUN=CURRENT $load--design.ic0 save--design.ic0 .alter ... $load--design.ic1 save--design.ic1 .alter ... $load--design.ic2 save--design.ic2 .end


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LPRINT

Produces output in VCD file format from transient analysis in HSPICE RF. (Valid only for HSPICE RF.) Syntax .LPRINT (v1,v2) output_varable_list
Argument Description

v1, v2

Threshold values for digital output. Values less than v1 are output as digital 0. Values greater than 1 are output as digital 1.

output_varable_list Output variables to .PRINT. These are variables from a DC, AC, TRAN, or NOISE analysis).

Description Use this command to produce output in VCD file format from transient analysis. Examples In this example, the .LPRINT command sets threshold values to 0.5 and 4.5, and the voltage level at voltage source VIN.
.OPTION VCD .LPRINT (0.5,4.5) v(VIN)

See Also .PRINT


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LSTB

Invokes linear loop stability analysis. Syntax Vxxx drv fbk 0 .LSTB mode=[single|diff|comm] + vsource=[vlstb|vlstbp,vlstbn] .PRINT|PROBE AC + LSTB|LSTB(DB)|LSTB(M)|LSTB(P)|LSTB(R)|LSTB(I)
Argument Description


The 0V voltage source(s) indicating the insertion point of test circuit. Note that the direction of Vxxx is of significance in diff/comm mode analysis.

drv: Driving node (i.e., input of amplifier) fbk: Feedback node (i.e., output of amplifier) Single: (default) single-ended test. Diff: differential mode test. Comm: common mode test. Vlstb: The only one vsource for single-ended mode test. Vlstbp: One of the two vsources for differential or common mode test. Vlstpn: The other one of the two vsources for differential or common mode test.




Output all results: dB, magnitude, phase, real and imaginary part of loop gain.

x=DB: Output the dB values of loop gain. X=M: Output magnitude of loop gain. X=P: Output phase of loop gain. X=R: Output real part of loop gain. X=I: Output imaginary part of loop gain.

Description The .LSTB command measures the loop gain by successive injection (Middlebrooks Technique). A 0V voltage source is placed in series in the loop: one pin of the voltage loop must be connected to the loop input, the other pin to the loop output. The orientation of inserted voltage sources in differential and common-mode testing is significant. It is required that the positive terminal of both voltage sources go to the input of amplifier or go to the output of amplifier. The first 3 characters of the mode type are effective (sin, dif or com). For single-

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LSTB

ended (default mode) test: place one 0V DC voltage source in series and specify its name in the loop of interest, then add the .LSTB statement and specify single as mode. For differential and common-mode loop analysis, set diff or comm as the mode and specify the names of two 0V DC voltage sources. .MEASURE statements are supported similar to any ac output variables. The feature can be used with .ALTER to generate multiple loop analyses. (See examples below.) The outputs for loop stability analysis are as follows:

The gain margin (GM), phase margin (PM), unity gain frequency (FU) and gain at minimum frequency (ADC) are reported in the *.lis file. The Loop Gain is reported to the *.cx# file, which is always produced for .LSTB analysis. The *.cx# file is a general file for all the complex number outputs. It contains the data for waveforms as complex vectors. If you specify.probe ac lstb(db) lstb(mag) lstb(real) lstb(imag) lstb(phase), the specific format of loop gain goes to the *.ac# file for viewing. If an *.ac# file is produced with .probe ac lstb, then both *.ac# and *.cx# file could be used to view magnitude, phase, real, and imaginary versus frequency as complex vectors. .LSTB analysis is based on a linearized circuit at a given DC operating point. It does not guarantee a stable condition for large signal condition. As a final stability check, designers should perform transient analysis; i.e.,inject a slow sinusoid superimposed with a series of fast pulses into the loop; the amount of ringing indicates the degree of stability for the circuit. All other independent AC voltage sources are disabled automatically when.LSTB is enabled. .OPTION UNWRAP is set to 1 and if phase wrapping is found, the phase is corrected by 180 degrees. If phase/gain margin is not found in the given ac analysis frequency range, a warning message is issued.

Considerations regarding loop stability analysis include the following:


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .LSTB

Example 1 This example shows a sample portion of a netlist where the first two lines are the 0 voltage sources indicating the insertion point of circuit under test; line 3 sets the .LSTB analysis using the differential mode and specifies the two vsources; line 4 sets the .AC analysis, and the last three lines specify post-processing (printing, plotting, and measurements).

V1 n1 n2 0 V2 n3 n4 0 .LSTB mode=diff vsource=v1,v2 .AC DEC 10 1K 1MEG .PRINT AC LSTB(DB) LSTB(M) LSTB(P) LSTB(R) LSTB(I) .PROBE AC LSTB(DB) LSTB(M) LSTB(P) LSTB(R) LSTB(I) .MEASURE AC phase_margin FIND LSTB(P) when LSTB(DB)=0 The .MEASURE statement is supported such as any common ac output variable. .measure ac phase_margin FIND lstb(P) when lstb(db)=0 .measure ac integ1 INTEGRAL lstb(P) FROM=1k TO=100k Example 3 In this example, the lstb scalars are measured in which lstb is the type name, out1-out4 are names for output, followed by scalar variable keywords: lstb out1 gain_margin lstb out2 phase_margin lstb out3 unity_gain_freq lstb out4 loop_gain_minifreq Example 2

.measure .measure .measure .measure

Example 4 A series of loop stability analyses are supported by the .alter command. V3 n3 n4 0 .lstb mode=single vsource=V3 .alter V4 n5 n6 0 V5 n7 n8 0 .lstb mode=common vsource=v4, v5

See Also .AC .ALTER .MEASURE LSTB .PRINT .PROBE .OPTION UNWRAP Using .LSTB for Loop Stability Analysis

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MACRO

Defines a subcircuit in your netlist. Syntax .MACRO subckt_namen1 [n2n3...] [parnam=val] .EOM
Argument Description

subckt_nam n1 ...

reference name for the subcircuit model call. Node numbers for external reference; cannot be the ground node (zero). Any element nodes that are in the subcircuit, but are not in this list strictly local with three exceptions:

Ground node (zero). Nodes assigned using BULK=node in MOSFET or BJT models. Nodes assigned using the .GLOBAL command.


Parameter name set to a value. Use only in the subcircuit. To override this value, assign it in the subcircuit call or set a value in a .PARAM command. SubParam1=Expression [SubParam2=Expression...]


Description Use this command to define a subcircuit in your netlist (effectively the same as the .SUBCKT command). You can create a subcircuit description for a commonly used circuit and include one or more references to the subcircuit in your netlist. Use the .EOM command to terminate a .MACRO command. Examples Example 1 defines two subcircuits: SUB1 and SUB2. These are resistor divider networks, whose resistance values are parameters (variables). The X1, X2,


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MACRO

and X3 commands call these subcircuits. Because the resistor values are different in each call, these three calls produce different subcircuits.
Example 1 *FILE SUB2.SP TEST OF SUBCIRCUITS .OPTION LIST ACCT V1 1 0 1 .PARAM P5=5 P2=10 .SUBCKT SUB1 1 2 P4=4 R1 1 0 P4 R2 2 0 P5 X1 1 2 SUB2 P6=7 X2 1 2 SUB2 .ENDS * .MACRO SUB2 1 2 P6=11 R1 1 2 P6 R2 2 0 P2 .EOM X1 1 2 SUB1 P4=6 X2 3 4 SUB1 P6=15 X3 3 4 SUB2 * .MODEL DA D CJA=CAJA CJP=CAJP VRB=-20 IS=7.62E-18 + PHI=.5 EXA=.5 EXP=.33 .PARAM CAJA=2.535E-16 CAJP=2.53E-16 .END

Example 2 implements an inverter that uses a Strength parameter. By default, the inverter can drive three devices. Enter a new value for the Strength parameter in the element line to select larger or smaller inverters for the application.
Example 2 .SUBCKT Inv a y Strength=3 Mp1 <MosPinList> pMosMod L=1.2u W=Strength * 2u Mn1 <MosPinList> nMosMod L=1.2u W=Strength * 1u .ENDS ... xInv0 a y0 Inv $ Default devices: p device=6u, $ n device=3u xInv1 a y1 Inv Strength=5 $ p device=10u, n device=5u xInv2 a y2 Inv Strength=1 $ p device= 2u, n device=1u ...

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MACRO



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MALIAS

Assigns an alias to a diode, BJT, JFET, or MOSFET model that you defined in a .MODEL command. Syntax .MALIAS model_name=alias_name1 [alias_name2 ...]
Argument Description

model_name alias_name1...

Model name defined in the .MODEL card Alias that an instance (element) of the model references

Description Use this command to assign an alias (another name) to a diode, BJT, JFET, or MOSFET model that you defined in a .MODEL command. .MALIAS differs from .ALIAS in two ways:

A model can define the alias in an .ALIAS command, but not the alias in a .MALIAS command. The .MALIAS command applies to an element (an instance of the model), not to the model itself. The .ALIAS command works only if you include .ALTER in the netlist. You can use .MALIAS without .ALTER.

You can use .MALIAS to alias to a model name that you defined in a .MODEL command or to alias to a subcircuit name that you defined in a .SUBCKT command. The syntax for .MALIAS is the same in either usage. Note: The .MALIAS command is supported for diode, BJT, JFET, and MOSFET models in .Global_Variation and .Local_Variation blocks.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MALIAS


zendef is a diode model zen and zend are its aliases. The zendef model points to both the zen and zend aliases.

*file: test malias statement .OPTION acct tnom=50 list gmin=1e-14 post .temp 0.0 25 .tran .1 2 vdd 2 0 pwl 0 -1 1 1 d1 2 1 zend dtemp=25 d2 1 0 zen dtemp=25 * malias statements .malias zendef=zen zend * model definition .model zendef d (vj=.8 is=1e-16 ibv=1e-9 bv=6.0 rs=10 + tt=0.11n n=1.0 eg=1.11 m=.5 cjo=1pf tref=50) .end



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MATERIAL

Specifies material to be used with the HSPICE field solver. Syntax .MATERIAL mname METAL|DIELECTRIC [ER=val] + [UR=val] [CONDUCTIVITY=val] [LOSSTANGENT=val] + ROUGHNESS=val
Argument Description


Material name.

METAL|DIELECTRIC Material type: METAL or DIELECTRIC. ER UR CONDUCTIVITY LOSSTANGENT ROUGHNESS Dielectric constant (relative permittivity). Relative permeability. Static field conductivity of conductor or lossy dielectric (S/m). Alternating field loss tangent of dielectric (tan ). RMS surface roughness height, used when scaling the field solver.

Description The field solver assigns the following default values for metal: CONDUCTIVITY=-1 (perfect conductor), ER=1, UR=1. PEC (perfect electrical conductor) is a predefined metal name. You cannot redefine its default values.The field solver assigns default values for dielectrics:

CONDUCTIVITY=0 (lossless dielectric) LOSSTANGENT=0 (lossless dielectric) ER=1 UR=1

AIR is a predefined dielectric name. You cannot redefine its default values. Because the field solver does not currently support magnetic materials, it ignores UR values.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MATERIAL

See Also .LAYERSTACK .FSOPTIONS Transmission (W-element) Line Examples


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (or) .MEAS


Modifies information to define the results of successive simulations. Syntax See the links below for the various syntaxes. Description Use this command to modify information and to define the results of successive HSPICE simulations. The .MEASURE command prints user-defined electrical specifications of a circuit. Optimization uses .MEASURE commands extensively. You can shorten the command name to .MEAS. The specifications include:

Propagation Delay RIse time Fall time Peak-to-peak voltage Minimum and maximum voltage over a specified period Other user-defined variables

You can also use .MEASURE with either the error function (ERRfun) or GOAL parameter to optimize circuit component values, and to curve-fit measured data to model parameters. The .MEASURE command can use several different formats, depending on the application. You can use it for DC sweep, and AC or transient analyses. Note: If a .measure command uses the result of previous .meas command, then the calculation starts when the previous result is found. Until the previous result is found, it outputs zero.

Examples To measure the difference between two different nodes in a dc analysis:

.MEAS dc V1 MAX V(1) .MEAS dc V2 MAX V(2) .MEAS VARG PARAM="(V2 - V1)"

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (or) .MEAS

See Also .MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements) .MEASURE (FIND and WHEN) .MEASURE (Equation Evaluation/Arithmetic Expression) .MEASURE (AVG, EM_AVG, INTEG, MIN, MAX, PP, and RMS) .MEASURE (Integral Function) .MEASURE (Derivative Function) .MEASURE (Error Function) .MEASURE (Pushout Bisection) .MEASURE (ACMATCH) .MEASURE (DCMATCH) .MEASURE FFT .MEASURE LSTB .AC .DC .DCMATCH .DOUT .OPTION NCWARN .OPTION MEASFAIL .OPTION MEASFILE .OPTION MEASOUT .PRINT .PROBE .STIM .TRAN Measuring the Value of MOSFET Model Card Parameters


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements)

.MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements)

Measures independent-variable differentials such as rise time, fall time, and slew rate. Syntax The following are parameters for the TRIG and TARG subcommands. .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] ResultName TRIG TrigSpec TARG TargSpec + [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] The input syntax for delay, rise time, and fall time in HSPICE RF is: .MEASURE [TRAN] varnameTRIG_SPECTARG_SPEC In this syntax, varname is the user-defined variable name for the measurement (the time difference between TRIG and TARG events). The input syntax for TRIG_SPEC and TARG_SPEC is: TRIG var VAL=val [TD=time] [CROSS=c|LAST] + [RISE=r|LAST] [FALL=f|LAST][TRIG AT=time] TARG var VAL=val [TD=time-delay] [CROSS=c|LAST] + [RISE=r|LAST] [FALL=f|LAST] [REVERSE][TARG AT=time]
Argument Description

DC | AC | TRAN Analysis type of the measurement. If you omit this parameter, HSPICE uses the last analysis mode that you requested. result Name associated with the measured value in the HSPICE output, can be up to 16 characters long. This example measures the independent variable, beginning at the trigger and ending at the target: Transient analysis measures time. AC analysis measures frequency. DC analysis measures the DC sweep variable. If simulation reaches the target before the trigger activates, the resulting value is negative.Do not use DC, TRAN, or AC as the result name.


Beginning of trigger specifications. Beginning of the target specification.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements)




OutputVar VAL={Number|'Expression'} [TD={Number|'Expression'}] where: NumericExpression= {FloatingPointNumber|'AlgebraicExpression'} See Using Algebraic Expressions for information on algebra in output statements. OutputVar VAL={Number|'Expression'} [TD={Number|'Expression'}] where: NumericExpression:= {FloatingPointNumber|'AlgebraicExpression'} See Using Algebraic Expressions for information on algebra in output statements. If a time-delay is not specified for the Target, the TD is inherited from the Trigger value. Desired measure value in ERR calculation for optimization. To calculate the error, the simulation uses the equation:



ERRfun = ( GOAL result ) GOAL .

MINVAL If the absolute value of GOAL is less than MINVAL, the MINVAL replaces the GOAL value in the denominator of the ERRfun expression. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0e-12. Multiplies the calculated error by the weight value. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0.



print=0 prevents the printing a measure result into the measure output file print=1 (Default) prints the measure result into the output file


Value of trig_var, which increments the counter by one for crossings, rises, or falls. See Using Algebraic Expressions for information on algebra in output statements. Specifies the name of the output variable that determines the logical beginning of a measurement. If HSPICE reaches the target before the trigger activates, .MEASURE reports a negative value. See Using Algebraic Expressions for information on algebra in output statements. Allows trigger time to come before target time when added to the command.




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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements)




Amount of simulation time that must elapse before HSPICE enables the measurement. Simulation counts the number of crossings, rises, or falls only after the time_delay value. Default trigger delay is zero. If a time-delay is not specified for the Target, the TD is inherited from the Trigger value. Special case for trigger specification. val is: Time for TRAN analysis. Frequency for AC analysis. Parameter for DC analysis. SweepValue from .DC mismatch analysis. The trigger determines where measurement takes place.


Description Use the Rise, Fall, and Delay form of the .MEASURE command to measure independent-variable (time, frequency, or any parameter or temperature) differentials such as rise time, fall time, slew rate, or any measurement that requires determining independent variable values. This format specifies TRIG and TARG subcommands. These two commands specify the beginning and end of a voltage or current amplitude measurement. Examples In the following example, HSPICE automatically measures T_prop using the .MEASURE command. This reference file contains .MEAS commands for rising edge and falling edge measurements. The time delay is measured and saved during simulation in an *.mt0 file. Note that if a falling edge simulation is run, the rising edge measurements are invalid. Similarly, if a rising edge simulation is run, the falling edge measurements are invalid. (Remember this when referring to the *.mt0 file after a simulation.) In this sample file, .MEASURE statements are provided to measure T_prop from the ref_50pf waveform to each of ten loads. Since each load is measured, the worst-case T_prop for a given configuration can be quickly determined by finding the largest value. The .MEASURE commands work by triggering on the ref_50pf signal as it crosses 1.5 volts, and ending the measurement when the target waveform, crosses the specified voltage for the last time. For rising edge measurements,

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements)

this value is 2.0 Volts. For falling edge measurements, the value is 0.8 Volt. Examples from a sample file are listed here.
Example 1 *************************************************************** * Rising edge T_prop measurements * *************************************************************** .MEAS tran tr1_val TRIG V(ref_50pf) val=1.5v td=per/2 cross=1 + TARG V(load1) val=2.0v rise=last .MEAS tran tr2_val TRIG B(ref_50pf) val=1.5v td=per/2 cross=1 +TARG V(load2) val=2.0v rise=last . . . .MEAS tran tr10_val TRIG V(ref_50pf) val=1.5v td=per/2 cross=1 + TARG V(load10) val=2.0v rise=last *************************************************************** * Falling edge T_prop measurements * *************************************************************** .MEAS tran tf1_val TRIG V(ref_50pf val=1.5v td=per/2 cross=1 +TARG V(load1) val=0.8v fall=last . . . .MEAS tran tf10_vasl TRIG V(ref_50pf) vbal=1.5v td=per/2 crpss=1 + TARFG V(load10) val=0.8v fall=last

Example 2 measures the propagation delay between nodes 1 and 2 for a transient analysis. HSPICE measures the delay from the second rising edge of the voltage at node 1 to the second falling edge of node 2. Measurement begins when the second rising voltage at node 1 is 2.5 V and ends when the second falling voltage at node 2 is 2.5 V. The TD=10n parameter counts the crossings after 10 ns have elapsed. HSPICE prints results as tdlay=value.
Example 2 * Example of rise/fall/delay measurement .MEASURE TRAN tdlay TRIG V(1) VAL=2.5 TD=10n + RISE=2 TARG V(2) VAL=2.5 FALL=2


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements)

In Example 3, TRIG AT=10n starts measuring time at t=10 ns in the transient analysis. The TARG parameters terminate time measurement when V(IN) = 2.5 V on the third crossing. pwidth is the printed output variable. If you use the .TRAN analysis command with a .MEAS command, do not use a non-zero start time in the .TRAN command to avoid incorrect .MEAS results.
Example 3 .MEASURE TRAN riset TRIG I(Q1) VAL=0.5m RISE=3 + TARG I(Q1) VAL=4.5m RISE=3 * Rise/fall/delay measure with TRIG and TARG specs .MEASURE pwidth TRIG AT=10n TARG V(IN) VAL=2.5 + CROSS=3

Example 4 shows a target delayed until the trigger time before the target counts the edges.
Example 4 .MEAS TRAN TDEL12 TRIG V(signal1) VAL='VDD/2' + RISE=10 TARG V(signal2) VAL='VDD/2' RISE=1 TD=TRIG

By using the cross keyword, Example 4 calculates the final settled value when you don't know how many times the signal crosses the final value.
Example 5 .meas tran tim2 when v(out)='final_value' cross=last

In Example 6, print=0 prevents the printing of Vmax to the *.mt0 and *.lis files. Delay will be output into *.mt# file and *.lis file.
Example 6 .meas tran Vmax max v(out) print=0 .meas tran delay trig V(in) val=vmax/2 rise=1 targ v(out) + val=vmax/2 rise=1


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (FIND and WHEN)


Measures independent and dependent variables (as well as derivatives of dependent variables if a specific event occurs). Syntax .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result WHEN out_var=val [TD=val] + [FROM=val] [TO=val] + [RISE=r|LAST][FALL=f|LAST][CROSS=c|LAST][REVERSE] + [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result + WHEN out_var1=out_var2 [TD=val] [RISE=r|LAST] + [FALL=f|LAST] [CROSS=c|LAST] [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] + [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result FIND out_var1 + WHEN out_var2=val [TD=val] [FROM=val] [TO=val] + [RISE=r|LAST][FALL=f|LAST] [CROSS=c|LAST] [REVERSE] + [GOAL=val][MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result FIND out_var1 + WHEN out_var2=out_var3 [TD=val] + [RISE=r|LAST] [FALL=f|LAST] [REVERSE] [CROSS=c|LAST] + [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result FIND out_var1 + AT=val [FROM=val] [TO=val] [GOAL=val][MINVAL=val] + [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description

DC | AC | TRAN Analysis type of the measurement. If you omit this parameter, HSPICE uses the last analysis mode that you requested. result WHEN out_var(1,2,3) TD Name of a measured value in the HSPICE output. WHEN function. Variables that establish conditions to start a measurement. Time at which measurement starts.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (FIND and WHEN)



FROM... TO...

Allows adding multiple trigger conditions to some WHEN measurements. Numbers indicate which CROSS, FALL, or RISE event to measure. For example: .meas tran tdlay trig v(1) val=1.5 td=10n + rise=2 targ v(2) val=1.5 fall=2 In this example, rise=2 specifies the measure of the v(1) voltage only on the first two rising edges of the waveform. The value of these first two rising edges is 1. However, trig v(1) val=1.5 indicates to trigger when the voltage on the rising edge voltage is 1.5, which never occurs on these first two rising edges. So the v(1) voltage measurement never finds a trigger. RISE=r, the WHEN condition is met and measurement occurs after the designated signal has risen r rise times. FALL =f, measurement occurs when the designated signal has fallen f fall times. A crossing is either a rise or a fall so for CROSS=c, measurement occurs when the designated signal has achieved a total of c crossing times as a result of either rising or falling. For TARG, the LAST keyword specifies the last event.



HSPICE measures when the last CROSS, FALL, or RISE event occurs. CROSS=LAST, measurement occurs the last time the WHEN condition is true for a rising or falling signal. FALL=LAST, measurement occurs the last time the WHEN condition is true for a falling signal. RISE=LAST, measurement occurs the last time the WHEN condition is true for a rising signal. LAST is a reserved word; you cannot use it as a parameter name in the above .MEASURE commands.


Allows FALL to precede RISE in specified .MEAS commands, when declared.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (FIND and WHEN)




Desired .MEASURE value. Optimization uses this value in ERR calculation. The following equation calculates the error:

ERRfun = ( GOAL result ) GOAL

In HSPICE RF output you cannot apply .MEASURE to waveforms generated from another .MEASURE command in a parameter sweep. MINVAL If the absolute value of GOAL is less than MINVAL, then MINVAL replaces the GOAL value in the denominator of the ERRfun expression. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0e-12. Calculated error multiplied by the weight value. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0.



print=0 prevents the printing a measure result into the measure output file print=1 (Default) prints the measure result into the output file


FIND function. Special case for trigger specification. val is: Time for TRAN analysis. Frequency for AC analysis. Parameter for DC analysis. SweepValue from .DC mismatch analysis. The trigger determines where measurement takes place.

Description The FIND and WHEN functions of the .MEASURE command measure:

Any independent variables (time, frequency, parameter). Any dependent variables (voltage or current for example). A derivative of a dependent variable if a specific event occurs.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (FIND and WHEN)

Examples Calculating Voltage In Example 1, the first measurement, TRT, calculates the difference between V(3) and V(4) when V(1) is half the voltage of V(2) at the last rise event. The second measurement, STIME, finds the time when V(4) is 2.5V at the third rise-fall event. A CROSS event is a rising or falling edge.
Example 1 * MEASURE statement using FIND/WHEN .MEAS TRAN TRT FIND PAR(V(3)-V(4)) + WHEN V(1)=PAR(V(2)/2) RISE=LAST .MEAS STIME WHEN V(4)=2.5 CROSS=3

Using a DC Sweep Variable: By adding par() to the sweep variable it can be used in a .MEASURE command.
Example 2 * sweep measure v0 1 0 3 r0 1 0 x .dc x 1 5 1 .meas res find par(x) when i(r0)=2 .end

Example 3 calculates capacitance from node to node:

Example 3 .meas tran pct_5 when v(out)='vddr*0.05' rise=1 .meas tran pct_95 when v(out)='vddr*0.95' rise=1 .meas tran avg_rout_n avg par('v(out)/i(') + from=pct_5 to=pct_95


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Continuous Results)

.MEASURE (Continuous Results)

Measures continuous results for TRIG-TARG and Find-When functions. Syntax .MEASURE [DC_CONT|AC_CONT|TRAN_CONT] result TRIG TARG + [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val][PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC_CONT|AC_CONT|TRAN_CONT] result + WHEN out_var=val [TD=val] + [RISE=r | LAST] [FALL=f| LAST][CROSS=c | LAST] + [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC_CONT|AC_CONT|TRAN_CONT] result + WHEN out_var1=out_var2 [TD=val] + [RISE=r | LAST] [FALL=f | LAST] [CROSS=c | LAST] + [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] .MEASURE [DC_CONT|AC_CONT|TRAN_CONT] result FIND out_var1 + WHEN out_var2=val [TD=val] [RISE=r | LAST] + [FALL=f | LAST] [CROSS=c| LAST] [GOAL=val] + [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC_CONT|AC_CONT|TRAN_CONT] result FIND out_var1 + WHEN out_var2=out_var3 [TD=val] [RISE=r | LAST] + [FALL=f | LAST] [CROSS=c | LAST] [GOAL=val] + [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description


Analysis type of the continuous measurement.

Name of a measured value in the HSPICE output. Beginning of trigger specifications. Beginning of the target specification.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Continuous Results)




Desired .MEASURE value. Optimization uses this value in ERR calculation. The following equation calculates the error:

ERRfun = ( GOAL result ) GOAL

In HSPICE RF output you cannot apply .MEASURE to waveforms generated from another .MEASURE command in a parameter sweep. MINVAL If the absolute value of GOAL is less than MINVAL, then MINVAL replaces the GOAL value in the denominator of the ERRfun expression. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0e-12. Calculated error multiplied by the weight value. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0.



print=0 prevents the printing a measure result into the measure output file print=1 (Default) prints the measure result into the output file

WHEN out_var(1,2,3) TD CROSS=c RISE=r FALL=f

WHEN function. Variables that establish conditions to start a measurement. Time at which measurement starts. Numbers indicate which CROSS, FALL, or RISE event to measure. For example:.meas tran tdlay trig v(1) val=1.5 td=10n + rise=2 targ v(2) val=1.5 fall=2 In this example, rise=2 specifies the measure of the v(1) voltage only on the first two rising edges of the waveform. The value of these first two rising edges is 1. However, trig v(1) val=1.5 indicates to trigger when the voltage on the rising edge voltage is 1.5, which never occurs on these first two rising edges. So the v(1) voltage measurement never finds a trigger.RISE=r, the WHEN condition is met and measurement occurs after the designated signal has risen r rise times.FALL =f, measurement occurs when the designated signal has fallen f fall times.A crossing is either a rise or a fall so for CROSS=c, measurement occurs when the designated signal has achieved a total of c crossing times as a result of either rising or falling. For TARG, the LAST keyword specifies the last event.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Continuous Results)




HSPICE measures when the last CROSS, FALL, or RISE event occurs. CROSS=LAST, measurement occurs the last time the WHEN condition is true for a rising or falling signal. FALL=LAST, measurement occurs the last time the WHEN condition is true for a falling signal. RISE=LAST, measurement occurs the last time the WHEN condition is true for a rising signal. LAST is a reserved word; you cannot use it as a parameter name in the above .MEASURE commands.


FIND function.

Description Enables HSPICE to give multiple results during the measurement of DC, AC, and transient analysis data. For example, it gives all the time points at which two signals cross each other. Similar to HSIM, this command uses the same syntax. The standalone measure utility also supports this feature. The continuous measurement feature only applies to TRIG-TARG and Find-When functions. Examples In Example 1, the .measure statement will continuously find the voltage out1 when the voltage value of node a1 reaches 2.5 starting from the first falling edge.
Example 1 .measure tran_cont vout1 find v(out1) when v(a1)=2.5 fall=1

In Example 2, the .measure statement will continuously report the time when the voltage value of node a1 reaches 2.5V, starting from the second falling edge.
Example 2 .measure tran_cont cont_vout1 when v(a1)=2.5 fall=2



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Equation Evaluation/Arithmetic Expression)

.MEASURE (Equation Evaluation/Arithmetic Expression)

Evaluates an equation that is a function of the results of previous .MEASURE commands. Syntax .MEASURE [DC|TRAN|AC] result PARAM=equation + [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE TRAN varname PARAM="expression"
Argument Description


Analysis type of the measurement. If you omit this parameter, HSPICE uses the last analysis mode that you requested. Name of a measured value in the HSPICE output. Equation wrapped in single quotes, a function of the results of previous .MEASURE commands. Desired .MEASURE value. In HSPICE RF output you cannot apply .MEASURE to waveforms generated from another .MEASURE command in a parameter sweep. If the absolute value of GOAL is less than MINVAL, then MINVAL replaces the GOAL value in the denominator of the ERRfun expression. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0e-12. Transient analysis results. Name of variable to be used in evaluation.

result PARAM=equation



TRAN varname

Param="expression" Arithmetic expression that uses results from other prior .MEASURE commands.

Description Use the Equation Evaluation form of the .MEASURE command to evaluate an equation that is a function of the results of previous .MEASURE commands. The equation must not be a function of node voltages or branch currents. The expression option is an arithmetic expression that uses results from other prior .MEASURE commands.
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Equation Evaluation/Arithmetic Expression)

Expressions used in arithmetic expression must not be a function of node voltages or branch currents. Expressions used in all other .MEASURE commands can contain either node voltages or branch currents, but must not use results from other .MEASURE commands. When using formulas in a .MEAS command, use the PAR( ) keyword to designate the formula. Examples In Example 1, he first two measurements, V3MAX and V2MIN, set up the variables for the third .MEASURE command.

V3MAX is the maximum voltage of V(3) between 0ns and 100ns of the simulation. V2MIN is the minimum voltage of V(2) during that same interval. VARG is the mathematical average of the V3MAX and V2MIN measurements.


Example 2 illustrates use of the par() keyword to measure the integral of a formula.
Example 2 .meas i1 integ par('v(a)+v(b)')


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (AVG, EM_AVG, INTEG, MIN, MAX, PP, and RMS)


Reports statistical functions of the output variable. Syntax .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result func out_var + [FROM=val] [TO=val] [GOAL=val] MINVAL=val] +[WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description

DC|AC|TRAN Analysis type for the measurement. If you omit this parameter, HSPICE defaults to the last analysis mode that you requested. result Name of the measured value in the output, can be up to 16 characters long. The value is a function of the variable (out_var) and func. Indicates one of the following measure function types:


AVG (average): Calculates the area under the out_var, divided by the periods of interest. INTEG (Integral function): Reports the integral of an output variable over a specified period. MIN (minimum): Reports the minimum value of the out_var over the specified interval. MAX (maximum): Reports the maximum value of the out_var over the specified interval. PP (peak-to-peak): Reports the maximum value, minus the minimum value of the out_var over the specified interval. RMS (root mean squared): Calculates the square root of the area under the out_var2 curve, divided by the period of interest. EM_AVG: Calculates the average electromigration current. For a symmetric bipolar waveform, the current is: I_avg (0, T/2) - R*Iavg (T/2, T), where R is the recovery factor specified using .option em_recovery. Wildcards are also supported during this measurement. See Example 5 below.


Name of any output variable whose function (func) the simulation measures. Initial value for the INTEG calculation. End of the INTEG calculation.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (AVG, EM_AVG, INTEG, MIN, MAX, PP, and RMS)




.MEASURE value. Optimization uses this value for ERR calculation. This equation calculates the error:

ERRfun = ( GOAL result ) GOAL

In HSPICE RF simulation output you cannot apply .MEASURE to waveforms generated from another .MEASURE command in a parameter sweep. WEIGHT Calculated error multiplied by the weight value. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0.


print=0 prevents the printing a measure result into the measure output file print=1 (Default) prints the measure result into the output file

Description Average (AVG), EM_AVG,RMS, MIN, MAX, and peak-to-peak (PP) measurement modes report statistical functions of the output variable, rather than analysis values. Wildcards are supported for the From-To functions for AVG, EM_AVG, RMS, MIN, MAX and PP measurement (unlike other measurement functions). AVG, RMS, and INTEG have no meaning in a DC data sweep so if you use them, HSPICE issues a warning message. Examples Example 1 calculates the average nodal voltage value for node 10 during the transient sweep from the time 10ns to 55ns. It prints out the result as avgval.
Example 1 .MEAS TRAN avgval AVG V(10) FROM=10ns TO=55ns

Example 2 finds the maximum voltage difference between nodes 1 and 2 for the time period from 15 ns to 100 ns.
Example 2 .MEAS TRAN MAXVAL MAX V(1,2) FROM=15ns



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (AVG, EM_AVG, INTEG, MIN, MAX, PP, and RMS)

In Example 3, the first command finds the minimum voltage difference between nodes 1 and 2 over the time period 15 ns to 100 ns. The second command measures the peak to peak current through transistor M1 from 10ns to 100ns.
Example 3 .MEAS TRAN MINVAL MIN V(1,2) FROM=15ns TO=100ns .MEAS TRAN P2PVAL PP I(M1) FROM=10ns TO=100ns

In Example 4, the coefficient value is set by .option em_recovery=val. The electromagnetic migration average is measured from 5 ns to 10.2 ns.
Example 4 .option em_recovery=0.2 .measure tran vout_1 EM_AVG v(5) from=5ns to=10.2ns

In Example 5, these commands measure result parameter currents over specified ranges.
Example 5 .measure tran em1 em_avg i(rload) from=1n to=3.5n .measure tran em2 em_avg i(rload) from=4n to=9n

This example does the following operations (using the wildcard (*):

Finds the average of all the positive currents (Ipos_avg) from 5ns to 50ns. Finds the average (absolute value) of all negative currents from 5ns to 50ns.Performs the operation Ipos_avg - R*Ineg_avg Where R is a user-provided coefficient following use of .option em_recovery=value, and where (OUT) is the node at which the measurement is taken.


In Example 7, the .MEASURE command calculates the RMS voltage of the OUT node from 0ns to 10ns. It then labels the result RMSVAL.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (AVG, EM_AVG, INTEG, MIN, MAX, PP, and RMS)

In example 8, the .MEASURE command finds the maximum current of the VDD voltage supply between 10ns and 200ns. The result is called MAXCUR.

In Example 9, the .MEASURE command uses the ratio of V(OUT) and V(IN) to find the peak-to-peak value in the interval of 0ns to 200ns.
Example 9 .MEAS P2P PP PAR(V(OUT)/V(IN)) FROM=0NS TO=200NS



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Integral Function)

.MEASURE (Integral Function)

Reports the real time integration (instantaneous time integral) of an output variable over a specified period. Syntax .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result INTEG[RAL] out_var + [FROM=val] [TO=val] [GOAL=val] + [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description


Analysis type of the measurement. If you omit this parameter, HSPICE uses the last analysis mode that you requested. Name of a measured value in the HSPICE output. Integral function to find an output variable over a specified period. Name of any output variable whose function the simulation measures. Initial value for the func calculation. For transient analysis, this value is in units of time. End of the func calculation. Desired .MEASURE value. In HSPICE RF output you cannot apply .MEASURE to waveforms generated from another .MEASURE command in a parameter sweep.

result INTEG outvar




If the absolute value of GOAL is less than MINVAL, then MINVAL replaces the GOAL value in the denominator of the ERRfun expression. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0e-12.

Description The INTEGRAL function reports the integral of an output variable over a specified period. The INTEGRAL function uses the same syntax as the AVG (average), RMS, MIN, MAX and peak-to-peak (PP) measurement modes.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Integral Function)

Examples This example calculates the integral of I(cload) from 10ns to 100ns.
.MEAS TRAN charge INTEG I(cload) FROM=10ns TO=100ns

The following .MEASURE command calculates the integral of I(R1) from 50ns to 200ns.
.MEASURE TRAN integ_i INTEGRAL I(r1) FROM=50ns TO=200ns



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Derivative Function)

.MEASURE (Derivative Function)

Provides the derivative of an output or sweep variable. Syntax .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN result DERIV[ATIVE] out_var + [FROM=val] [TO=val] AT=val [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] + [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result DERIV[ATIVE] out_var + [FROM=val TO=val] WHEN var2=val [RISE=r|LAST] + [FALL=f|LAST] [CROSS=c|LAST] [TD=tdval] [GOAL=goalval] + [MINVAL=minval] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE [DC|AC|TRAN] result DERIV[ATIVE] out_var + [FROM=val] [TO=val] WHEN var2=var3 [RISE=r|LAST] + [FALL=f|LAST] [CROSS=c|LAST] [TD=tdval] + [GOAL=val] [MINVAL=val] [WEIGHT=val] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description

DC | AC | TRAN Analysis type of the measurement. If you omit this parameter, HSPICE uses the last analysis mode that you requested. result DERIVATIVE out_var FROM=val TO=val var(2,3) AT=val GOAL Name of the measured value in the output. Derivative function. Variable for which HSPICE finds the derivative. Specifies a range to measure, such as time window.

Variables establish that conditions to start a measurement. Value of out_var at which the derivative is found. Specifies the desired .MEASURE value. Optimization uses this value for ERR calculation. This equation calculates the error:

ERRfun = ( GOAL result ) GOAL

In HSPICE RF output you cannot apply .MEASURE to waveforms generated from another .MEASURE command in a parameter sweep.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Derivative Function)




If the absolute value of GOAL is less than MINVAL, MINVAL replaces the GOAL value in the denominator of the ERRfun expression. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0e-12. Calculates the error between result and GOAL by multiplied by the weight value. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0. WHEN function. Numbers indicate which occurrence of a CROSS, FALL, or RISE event starts a measurement.



For RISE=r when the designated signal has risen r rise times, the WHEN condition is met and measurement starts. For FALL=f, measurement starts when the designated signal has fallen f fall times. A crossing is either a rise or a fall so for CROSS=c, measurement starts when the designated signal has achieved a total of c crossing times as a result of either rising or falling.


Last CROSS, FALL, or RISE event. CROSS=LAST, measures the last time the WHEN condition is true for a rising or falling signal. FALL=LAST, measures the last time WHEN is true for a falling signal. RISE=LAST, measures the last time WHEN is true for a rising signal. LAST is a reserved word; do not use it as a parameter name in the above .MEASURE commands.


Time when measurement starts.

Description The DERIV function provides the derivative of:

An output variable at a specified time or frequency. Any sweep variable, depending on the type of analysis. A specified output variable when some specific event occurs.

Example 1 Calculates the derivative of V(out) at 25 ns. .MEAS TRAN slew rate DERIV V(out) AT=25ns


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Derivative Function)

Example 2

Calculates the derivative of VP(output)/360.0 when the frequency is 10 kHz. .MEAS AC delay DERIV VP(output)/360.0 AT=10khz Example 3 Measures the derivative of a nodal waveform. .MEAS DC result find v(in) when deriv v(out)= Example 4 If you plot result from the command you will get the dV(out)/dTemperature vs Temperature plot. .MEAS DC result deriv v(out) Example 5 Measures and finds when the maximum derivative of a signal occurs. The example shows (1) a probe of the derivative of the signal, (2) the maximum value of the derivative, and (3) when the maximum value of the derivative occurred. .probe dt=deriv("v(out)") .meas m0 max par(dt) .meas m1 when par(dt)=m0


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Error Function)

.MEASURE (Error Function)

Reports the relative difference between two output variables. Syntax .MEASURE DC|AC|TRAN> result + ERRfun meas_varcalc_var + [MINVAL=val] [IGNOR|YMIN=val] + [YMAX=val] [WEIGHT=val] [FROM=val] [TO=val] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description

DC|AC|TRAN Analysis type for the measurement. If you omit this parameter, HSPICE defaults to the last analysis mode requested. result ERRfun meas_var Name of the measured result in the output. Error function to use: ERR, ERR1, ERR2, or ERR3. Name of any output variable or parameter in the data command. M denotes the meas_var in the error equation. Name of the simulated output variable or parameter in the .MEASURE command to compare with meas_var. C is the calc_var in the error equation. If the absolute value of meas_var is less than MINVAL, MINVAL replaces the meas_var value in the denominator of the ERRfun expression. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. Default: 1.0e-12.



IGNOR|YMIN If the absolute value of meas_var is less than the IGNOR value, then the ERRfun calculation does not consider this point. Default: 1.0e-15. YMAX If the absolute value of meas_var is greater than the YMAX value, then the ERRfun calculation does not consider this point. Default: 1.0e+15. Calculates error multiplied weight value. Used only in ERR calculation for optimization. The default is 1.0. Specifies the beginning of the ERRfun calculation. For transient analysis, the FROM value is in units of time. Defaults to the first value of the sweep variable.




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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Error Function)




End of the ERRfun calculation. Default is last value of the sweep variable.

Description The relative error function reports the relative difference between two output variables. You can use this format in optimization and curve-fitting of measured data. The relative error format specifies the variable to measure and calculate from the .PARAM variable. To calculate the relative error between the two, HSPICE uses the ERR, ERR1, ERR2, or ERR3 functions. With this format you can specify a group of parameters to vary to match the calculated value and the measured data. Examples
.measure ac comp1 err1 par(s11m) s11(m) .measure tran re1 err1 par(out2) v(out) from=1u to=2u


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE PHASENOISE

Enables measurement of phase noise at various frequency points in HSPICE RF. Syntax Find-When ... Phase Noise .MEASURE PHASENOISE result FIND phnoise At = IFB_value + [PRINT 0|1] .MEASURE PHASENOISE result WHEN phnoise=value [PRINT 0|1] RMS, average, min, max, and peak-to-peak Phase Noise .MEASURE PHASENOISE result funcphnoise + [FROM = IFB1] [TO = IFB2] [PRINT 0|1] Integral Evaluation of Phase Noise .MEASURE PHASENOISE result INTEGRAL phnoise + [FROM = IFB1] [TO = IFB2] [PRINT 0|1] Derivative Evaluation of Phase noise .MEASURE PHASENOISE result DERIV[ATIVE] phnoise AT = IFB1 + [PRINT 0|1] Amplitude modulation noise .MEASURE phasenoise result AM[NOISE] phnoise + [FROM = IFB1] [TO = IFB2] [PRINT 0|1] Phase modulation noise .MEASURE phasenoise result PM[NOISE] phnoise + [FROM = IFB1] [TO = IFB2] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description

FIND result phnoise WHEN IFB_value

Selects the FIND function Name of the measured result in the output. .MEASURE PHASENOISE value for phase noise Selects the WHEN function Input frequency band point value


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE PHASENOISE




Indicates one of the measure command types:

AVG (average): Calculates the phase noise over the frequency range. MAX (maximum): Reports the maximum value of the phase noise over the specified frequency range. MIN (minimum): Reports the minimum value of the phase noise over the specified frequency range. PP (peak-to-peak): Reports the maximum value, minus the minimum value of the phase noise over the specified frequency range. RMS (root mean squared): Calculates the square root of the phase noise over the specified frequency range.


Optional range for input frequency bands (IFB) Integrates the phase noise value from the first to the second IFB frequency points

DERIVATIVE Finds the derivative of the phase noise at the first IFB frequency point PM[NOISE] Measures the phase modulation noise from the specified first to the second IFB frequency points (when .OPTION PHASENOISEAMPM=1) Measures the amplitude modulation noise from the specified first to the second IFB frequency points (when .OPTION PHASENOISEAMPM=1)


Description This command enables measurement of phase noise at various frequency points in HSPICE RF. The .MEASUREPHASENOISE syntax supports yielding the following phase noise instances in dbc/Hz:

Yields the phase noise using FIND or WHEN functions: at a specified input frequency band (FIND), or phase noise found at a specified input frequency point (WHEN). Yields the average, RMS, minimum, maximum, or peak-to-peak value of the phase noise from frequency IFB1 to frequency IFB2, where the value of func can be RMS, AVG, MIN, MAX or PP. If FROM and TO are not specified, the value will be calculated over the frequency range specified in the .PHASENOISE command.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE PHASENOISE

Integrates the phase noise value from the IFB1 frequency to the IFB2 frequency. Finds the derivative of phase noise at the IFB1 frequency point. The .MEASURE PHASENOISE command cannot contain an expression that uses a phase noise variable as an argument. You also cannot use .MEASUREPHASENOISE for error measurement and expression evaluation of PHASENOISE.


The HSPICE RF optimization flow can read the measured data from a .MEASURE PHASENOISE analysis. This flow can be combined in the HSPICE RF optimization routine with a .MEASUREHBTR analysis. Examples The FIND keyword yields the result of a variable value at a specific input frequency band (IFB) point.

The WHEN keyword yields the input frequency point at a specific phase noise value.

The following sample command find functions such as the RMS, AVG, MIN, MAX, or PP over the frequency range.
.measure PHASENOISE rn1 RMS phnoise .measure PHASENOISE agn1 AVG phnoise from=100k to=10meg .measure PHASENOISE nmin MIN phnoise

The INTEGRAL command integrates the phase noise across the two specified Input frequency band points.
.measure PHASENOISE inns1 INTEGRAL phnoise .measure PHASENOISE rns1 INTEGRAL phnoise from=50k to 500k

These DERIV sample commands find the derivative of the phase noise at one input frequency band point.
.measure PHASENOISE dnf1 DERIVATIVE phnoise at=100k .measure PHASENOISE fdn1 DERIVATIVE phnoise at=10meg


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE PHASENOISE

These AM/PM sample commands find the amplitude modulation (AM) and phase modulation (PM) noise across the specified input frequency range.
.measure PHASENOISE amp1 AM phnoise from=100k to 400k .measure PHASENOISE pmp1 PM phnoise from=10meg to=30meg


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE PTDNOISE

Allows for the measurement of these integnoise, time-point, tdelta-value, slewrate, and strobed jitter parameters in HSPICE RF. Syntax .MEASURE PTDNOISE meas_name STROBEJITTER onoisefreq_sweep +[PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description

strobed jitter

Calculated from the noise voltage (integrated over the frequency range specified by frequency_range), divided by the slewrate at the same node(s), at the time point specified by time_value. While only STROBEJITTER can be specified, all of the parameters listed below are also output to the *.msnptn# file. Unit: sec

integptdnoise Unit: V timepoint tdelta-value slewrate Unit: sec Unit: sec Unit: V/sec

Description Use to obtain strobed jitter parameters in large signal periodic time dependent noise analysis. For more information, see the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis section on Periodic Time-Dependent Noise Analysis (.PTDNOISE). See Also .PTDNOISE .MEASURE Syntax and File Format


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Pushout Bisection)

.MEASURE (Pushout Bisection)

Specifies a maximum allowed pushout time to control the distance from failure in bisection analysis. Syntax .MEASURE TRAN result MeasureClause + pushout=time [lower|upper] [POSITIVE|NEGATIVE] +[PRINT 0|1] -or.MEASURE TRAN result MeasureClause + pushout_per=percentage [lower|upper] [POSITIVE|NEGATIVE] + [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description


Name associated with the measured value in the HSPICE output, can be up to 16 characters long. Appropriate time to obtain the pushout result (an absolute time). Relative error. If you specify a 0.1 relative error, the T_lower or T_upper and T_pushout have more than a 10% difference in value. This occurrence causes the iteration to stop and output the optimized parameter. Parameter boundary values for pushout comparison. These arguments are optional. If the parameter is defined as .PARAMParamName= OPTxxx(Initial, min, max), the lower means the lower bound min, and the upper means the upper bound max. The default is lower. Pushout constraints only take effect when the measuring results are larger than the golden measure. Pushout constraints only take effect when the measuring results are smaller than the golden measure.

pushout=time pushout_per= percentage




Description Pushout is used only in bisection analysis. In Pushout Bisection, instead of finding the last point just before failure you specify a maximum allowed pushout time to control the distance from failure. To limit the range you can add both absolute and relative pushout together.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Pushout Bisection)

For example: .Measure Tran pushout When v(D_Output)='vih/2' + rise=1 pushout=20p,50p pushout_per=0.1 The final measure result for the preceding example should be in the range of: | measresult-goldmeas | < Min[ pushout_max, ...or the final measure result should satisfy, Max( pushout_per*goldmeas, pushout_min ) Examples In Example 1, the parameter to be optimized is Delaytime and the evaluation goal is setup_prop. The Pushout=1.5n lower means that the setup_prop of the final solution is not 1.5n far from the setup_prop of the lower bound of the parameter (0.0n).
Example 1 .Param DelayTime=Opt1 ( 0.0n, 0.0n , 5.0n ) .Tran 1n 8n Sweep Optimize=Opt1 Result=setup_prop + Model=OptMod .Measure Tran setup_prop Trig v(data) + Val='v(Vdd) 2' fall=1 Targ v(D_Output) + Val='v(Vdd)' rise=1 pushout=1.5n lower

In Example 2, the differences between the setup_prop of the final solution and that of the lower bound of the parameter (0.0n) is not more than 10%.
Example 2 .Measure Tran setup_prop Trig v(data) + Val='v(Vdd)/2' fall=1 Targ v(D_Output) + Val='v(Vdd)' rise=1 pushout_per=0.1 lower

In Example 3, pushout constraints only take effect when the measuring results are larger than the golden measure.
Example 3 .MEASURE TRAN result MeasureClause pushout=time + pushout_perpercentage POSITIVE


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (Pushout Bisection)

In Example 4, pushout constraints only take effect when the measuring results are smaller than the golden measure.
Example 4 .MEASURE TRAN result MeasureClause pushout=time + pushout_perpercentage NEGATIVE

See Also Pushout Bisection Methodology

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (ACMATCH)

Introduces special keywords to access results for ACMatch analysis in HSPICE. Syntax .MEASURE AC result [MAX][ACM_Total|ACM_Global|+ ACM_Global(par)|ACM_Local|ACM_Local(dev)] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument DescriptionDescription


Name associated with the measured values in the HSPICE output, can be up to 16 characters long. Sample function; Instead of MAX other functions can be used which select one out of multiple results. Output sigma due to global, local, and spatial variations. Output sigma due to global variations.


ACM_Total ACM_Global

ACM_Global(par) Contribution of parameter (par) to output sigma due to global variations. ACM_Local ACM_Local(dev) Output sigma due to local variations. Contribution of device (dev) to output sigma due to local variations.

Description ACMatch analysis saves results using .MEASURE commands, with AC type (M,P,R,I) for an output variable, as specified on the .ACMatch command. If you specify multiple output variables the command issues a result for the last one only. You must specify an AC sweep to produce these kinds of outputs; a single point sweep is sufficient. ACMatch uses the special keywords shown above to access the results from the different variation types. For usable keywords with the .PROBE command, see Output from .PROBE and .MEASURE Commands for ACMatch in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .AC .MEASURE (ACMATCH) .PROBE


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (DCMATCH)

Introduces special keywords to access the different types of results for DCMatch analysis in HSPICE. Syntax .MEASURE DC result [MAX] [DCM_Total | DCM_global | + DCM_Global(par) | DCM_Local | DCM_Local(dev) | + DCM_Spatial | DCM_Spatial(par)] [PRINT 0|1]
ArgumentArgume DescriptionDescription nt


Name associated with the measured values in the HSPICE output, can be up to 16 characters long. Sample function. Instead of MAX, other functions can be used which select one out of multiple results. Output sigma due to global, local, and spatial variations. Output sigma due to global variations.


DCM_Total DCM_Global

DCM_Global(par) Contribution of parameter (par) to output sigma due to global variations. DCM_Local DCM_Local(dev) DCM_Spatial Output sigma due to local variations. Contribution of device (dev) to output sigma due to local variations. Output sigma due to local variations.

DCM_Spatial(par) Contribution of parameter (par) to output sigma due to spatial variations.

Description DCMatch analysis uses special keywords to access the different types of results. You can save the different results produced by a DCMatch analysis using the .MEASURE command for the output variable specified on the .DCMatch command. For keywords to be used with the .PROBE command, see Syntax for .PROBE Command for DCMatch in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. If you specify multiple output variables, the command produces a result for the last one only. You must specify a DC sweep to produce these kinds of outputs; a single point sweep is sufficient.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE (DCMATCH)

Examples In this example, the result systoffset reports the systematic offset of the amplifier; the result matchoffset reports the variation due to mismatch; and the result maxoffset reports the maximum (3-sigma) offset of the amplifier.
.MEAS DC systoffset avg V(inp,inn) .MEAS DC matchoffset avg DCm_local .MEAS DC maxoffset param='abs(systoffset)+3.0*matchoffset'

See Also .DC .PROBE


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE FFT

Specifies measurement of FFT results. Syntax Syntax #1 .MEASURE FFT result + Find [vm|vp|vr|vi|vdb|im|ip|ir|ii|idb](signal) AT=freq + [PRINT 0|1] Syntax #2 .MEASURE FFT result THD signal_name [nbharm=num] [PRINT 0|1] Syntax #3 .MEASURE FFT result[SNR|SNDR|ENOB] signal_name + [nbharm=num|maxfreq=val] [BINSIZ=num] [PRINT 0|1] Syntax #4 .MEASURE FFT result SFDR signal_name + [minfreq=val][maxfreq=val] [PRINT 0|1]
Argument Description


Name associated with the measured values in the FFT output, can be up to 16 characters long. FIND function. Value of the frequency at which the component frequency and signal are found Can be any of the following: vm|vp|vr|vi|vdb|im|ip|ir|ii|idb

Find At

frequency component/signal freq THD signal_name nbharm

Specified frequency Total harmonic distortion User-supplied name of signal Harmonic up to which to carry out the measurement. Default: highest harmonic in FFT result.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE FFT




Higher limit of frequency range to carrying out the measurement. Default: maximum frequency in an FFT result. Lower limit of frequency range to calculate SFDR. Signal to noise ratio. Signal to noise-plus-distortion ratio. Effective number of bits. Filters out noise component within the bin; the noise component is calculated from the index of "fundamental_freq_idx+BINSIZ+1". Default=0. Spurious free dynamic range.



Description Four syntaxes are provided for finding measurements of several types for FFT results. See examples below for sample usage.

Syntax #1: Measures a frequency component at certain frequency. Syntax #2: Measures THD of a signal spectrum up to a specified harmonic; Default: nbharm=maximum harmonic in FFT result Syntax # 3: Measures SNR/SNDR/ENOB of a signal up to a specified frequency; Defaults: nbharm=maximum harmonic in FFT result; maxfreq=maximum frequency in FFT result; BINSIZ=0. Syntax # 4: Measures SFDR of a signal from minfreq to maxfreq; searches the frequency component with maximum magnitude from minfreq to maxfreq.

An embedded .MEASURE FFT command in a measure file can be called to perform FFT measurements from previous simulation results as follows: HSPICE -i *.tr0 -meas measure_file Examples
Example 1 Measures frequency component at certain frequency. .meas FFT v12 Find vm(1,2)at=20k


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE FFT

Example 2 Measures THD of a signal spectrum up to a specified harmonic. .meas FFT thd56 THD V(node5, node6) nbharm=10 Example 3 Measures SNR/SNDR/ENOB of a signal up to a specified frequency. .meas FFT snr12 SNDR V(node1, node2) maxfreq=1G Example 4 Measures SFDR of a signal from minfreq to maxfreq and searching the frequency component with maximum magnitude from minfreq to maxfreq. .meas FFT sfdr9 SFDR V(node9) Example 5 Filters out the noise component within the bin. .meas fft snrsrc SNR v(out) BINSIZ=10

See Also .FFT Spectrum Analysis

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE LSTB

Enables the measurement of lstb output variables similar to any other common ac variable. Syntax .MEASURE AC Result FIND LSTB(x) WHEN LSTB(x)=val .MEASURE AC Result LSTB(x) FROM=val TO=val
Argument Description

AC Result LSTB LSTB(x)

AC analysis result Result name of an .AC .LSTB analysis Output loop gain as complex numbers

x=DB: Output the dB values of loop gain x=M: Output magnitude of loop gain x=P: Output phase of loop gain x=R: Output real part of loop gain x=I: Output imaginary part of loop gain


Selects the Find and When functions Selects the range of measurement

Description Use the .MEASURE LSTB statement to measure linear loop stability outputs in a similar manner to any common ac output variable. Measure phase margin, gain margin, unity gain frequency, dc gain, etc... from the return ratio waveform that is generated in the .LSTB analysis. The lstb scalars can be measured as follows: .measure lstb out1 gain_margin .measure lstb out2 phase_margin .measure lstb out3 unity_gain_freq .measure lstb out4 loop_gain_minifreq in which out1 - out4 are names for measured output, lstb is the type name, and gain_margin, phase_margin, unity_gain_freq, and loop_gain_minifreq are keywords of scalar variables.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MEASURE LSTB

Example 1 Finds the measurement for the output phase of loop gain of phase margin when the decibel output is 0. .MEASURE AC PHASE_MARGIN FIND LSTB(P) WHEN LSTB(DB)=0 Example 2 Measures the first output phase of loop gain Integral across a range of 1 to 100k. .MEASURE AC INTEG1 INTEGRAL LSTB(P) FROM=1k TO=100k

See Also .LSTB

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MODEL

Includes an instance of a predefined HSPICE model in an input netlist. Syntax Passive and active device model syntax .MODEL mname type [level=num] + [pname1=val1pname2=val2 ...] See specific element type for supported model parameter information. Optimization model syntax .MODEL mname OPT [METHOD=BISECTION|PASSFAIL][close=num] + [max][cut=num] [difsiz=num] [grad=num] [parmin=num] + [relin=num][relout=num] [itrop=num][absin=num] + [DYNACC=0|1] [cendif=num] The following syntax is used for a Monte Carlo analysis: .MODEL mname ModelType ([level=val] + [keyword1=val1][keyword2=val2] + [keyword3=val3][lot/n/distributionvalue] + [DEV/n /distribution value]...) The following syntax is used for model reliability analysis .model mname mosra + level|mosralevel value + [relmodelparam]
Argument Description


Model name reference. Elements must use this name to refer to the model. If model names contain periods (.), the automatic model selector might fail. When used with .MOSRA it is the user-defined MOSFET reliability model name.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MODEL




Model type. Must be one of the following.:

AMPoperational amplifier model Ccapacitor model COREmagnetic core model Ddiode model Linductor model or magnetic core mutual inductor model NJFn-channel JFET model NMOSn-channel MOSFET model NPNnpn BJT model OPToptimization model PJFp-channel JFET model PLOTQplot model for the .GRAPH command (obsolete) PMOSp-channel MOSFET model PNPpnp BJT model Rresistor model Ulossy transmission line model (lumped) Wlossy transmission line model SS-parameter


Model level.

For optimization model, LEVEL=1 specifies the Modified LevenbergMarquardt method. Use this setting with multiple optimization parameters and goals. Only Level=1 is available in HSPICE. Additional levels are available in HSPICE RF. See below This argument is ignored when METHOD has been specified. LEVEL=2 (HSPICE RF) specifies the BISECTION method in HSPICE RF. You would use this setting with one optimization parameter. LEVEL=3 (HSPICE RF) specifies the PASSFAIL method. You would use this setting with two optimization parameters. For transistors, diodes, and some passive element models, see the HSPICE Reference Manual, Elements and Device Models. For MOSFET Models, see the HSPICE Reference Manual: MOSFET Models. To use custom MOSRA models and for discussion of LEVEL values, refer to the HSPICE Application Note: Unified Custom Reliability Modeling API (MOSRA API). Contact your Synopsys technical support team for more information.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MODEL



pname1 ...

Parameter name. Assign a model parameter name (pname1) from the parameter names for the appropriate model type. Each model section provides default values. For legibility, enclose the parameter assignment list in parentheses and use either blanks or commas to separate each assignment. Use a plus sign (+) to start a continuation line. Keyword to indicate the definition model is for optimization analysis. Specifies an optimization method. METHOD=BISECTION specifies the Bisection method. When the difference between the two latest test input values is within the error tolerance and the latest measured value exceeds the goal, bisection has succeeded and then ends. This process reports the optimized parameter that corresponded to the test value that satisfies this error tolerance and this goal (passes). METHOD=PASSFAIL specifies the passfail method. When the difference between the last two optimization parameter test values is < the error tolerance and the associated goal measurement fails for one of the values and passes for the other, bisection has succeeded and then ends. The process reports the optimization parameter test value associated with the last passing measurement. Pass is defined as a condition in which the associated goal measurement can produce a valid result. Fail is defined as a condition in which the associated goal measurement is unable to produce a valid result. This argument supersedes LEVEL when present.



(Optimization) Initial estimate of how close parameter initial value estimates are to the solution. The close argument multiplies changes in new parameter estimates. If you use a large close value, the optimizer takes large steps toward the solution. For a small value, the optimizer takes smaller steps toward the solution. You can use a smaller value for close parameter estimates and a larger value for rough initial guesses. The default is 1.0. If close is greater than 100, the steepest descent in the LevenburgMarquardt algorithm dominates. If close is less than 1, the Gauss-Newton method dominates. For more details, see L. Spruiell, Optimization Error Surfaces, Meta-Software Journal, Volume 1, Number 4, December 1994.


(Optimization) Upper limit on close. Use values > 100. The default is 6.0e+5.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MODEL




(Optimization) Modifies close, depending on how successful iterations are toward the solution. If the last iteration succeeds, descent toward the close solution decreases by the cut value. That is, close=close / cut If the last iteration was not a successful descent to the solution, close increases by cut squared. That is, close=close * cut * cut. Cut drives close up or down, depending on the relative success in finding the solution. The cut value must be > 1. The default is 2.0.


(Optimization) Increment change in a parameter value for gradient calculations (x=DIFSIZ MAX(x, 0.1) ). If you specify delta in a .PARAM command, then x=delta. The default is 1e-3. (Optimization) Represents possible convergence if the gradient of the RESULTS function is less than GRAD. Most applications use values of 1e-6 to 1e-5. Too large a value can stop the optimizer before finding the best solution. Too small a value requires more iterations. The default is 1.0e-6. (Optimization) Allows better control of incremental parameter changes during error calculations. The default is 0.1. This produces more control over the tradeoff between simulation time and optimization result accuracy. To calculate parameter increments, HSPICE uses the relationship: par_val=IFSIZ MAX(par_val, PARMIN) (Optimization) Relative input parameter (delta_par_val / MAX(par_val,1e-6)) for convergence. If all optimizing input parameters vary by no more than RELIN between iterations, the solution converges. RELIN is a relative variance test so a value of 0.001 implies that optimizing parameters vary by less than 0.1%from one iteration to the next. The default is 0.001. (Optimization) Relative tolerance to finish optimization. For relout=0.001, if the relative difference in the RESULTS functions from one iteration to the next, is less than 0.001, then optimization is finished. The default is 0.001. (Optimization) Maximum number of iterations. Typically, you need no more than 20-40 iterations to find a solution. Too many iterations can imply that the relin, grad, or relout values are too small. The default is 20. (Optimization) Overrides relin parameter and ignores relout and itropt; there is no default value







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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MODEL




(Optimization) Dynamic accuracy tolerance setting to accelerate bisection simulation. The default is 0. When DYNACC=1, if HSPICE is in accuracy mode, it uses reduced accuracy simulations to narrow the bisection window, then switches to the original accuracy algorithm to refine the solution. This method reduces simulation time by doing the majority of simulations at lower accuracy, which run faster by taking fewer time steps.

cendif keyword distribution

(Optimization) Point at which more accurate derivatives are desired. (Monte Carlo) Model parameter keyword. (Monte Carlo) The distribution function name, which must be specified as GAUSS, AGAUSS, LIMIT, UNIF, or AUNIF. If you do not set the distribution function, the default distribution function is used. The default distribution function is uniform distribution. (Monte Carlo) DEV tolerance, which is independent (each device varies independently). (Monte Carlo) The LOT tolerance, which requires all devices that refer to the same model use the same adjustments to the model parameter. (Monte Carlo) Sets which of ten random number generators numbered 0 through 9 is used to calculate parameter value deviations. This correlates deviations between parameters in the same model as well as between models. The generators for DEV and LOT tolerances are distinct: Ten generators exist for both DEV tracking and LOT tracking. N must be an integer 0 to 9. Keyword to indicate the definition model is for MOSRA analysis. To use the Synopsys MOSRA model, set LEVEL=1. For compatibility with HSIM, in the .MODEL statement, 'LEVEL=' can be replaced with 'MOSRALEVEL='. HSPICE will consider them equivalent. Example: The following two lines will be interpreted the same by HSPICE. .MODEL my_mod MOSRA LEVEL=1 .MODEL my_mod MOSRA MOSRALEVEL=1 To use custom MOSRA models and for discussion of LEVEL values, refer to the HSPICE Application Note: Unified Custom Reliability Modeling API (MOSRA API). Contact your Synopsys technical support team for more information.




mosra level (alias: mosralevel)


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MODEL




HSPICE reliability mode level; selects whether a simulation accounts for both HCI and NBTI effects or either one of them. If the RelMode in the .MOSRA command is defined as 1 or 2, it takes higher priority and applies to all MOSRA models. If RelMode in the .MOSRA command is not set or set to 0, then the RelMode inside individual MOSRA models take precedence for that MOSRA model only; the rest of the MOSRA models take the RelMode value from the .MOSRA command. If any other value is set, except 0, 1, or 2, a warning is issued, and RelMode is automatically set to the default value 0. 0: both HCI and NBTI, Default. 1: HCI only 2: NBTI only


Model parameter for HCI or BTI, when doing a reliability MOSFET device analysis. See Level 1 MOSRA BTI and HCI Model Parameters in theHSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis for listing of HCI and NBTI parameters. Contact Synopsys Technical Support for access to the MOSRA API.

Description Use this command to include an instance (element) of a predefined HSPICE model in your input netlist. For each optimization within a data file, specify a .MODEL command. HSPICE can then execute more than one optimization per simulation run. The .MODEL optimization command defines:

Convergence criteria: (Bisection accuracy is controlled by the parameters: relin, relout, absin, and itropt. The relin parameter (default 1e-3) times the bisection window size is the goal accuracy. This goal accuracy is also influenced by relout (default 1e-3, the difference ratio between last two iterations) and itropt (default 20 iterations). To keep the same bisection accuracy, these three parameters need to change accordingly with a changing bisection window size. You can override the relin value by using the absin option which has no default (see .OPTION ABSIN.) The absin parameter also ignores itropt and relout. Number of iterations Derivative methods

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MODEL

Example 1 A standard .model statement. .MODEL MOD1 NPN BF=50 IS=1E-13 VBF=50 AREA=2 PJ=3 N=1.05 Example 2 Shows the addition of the DYNACC=1 option in an optimization model card to invoke bisection speedup. .MODEL optmod OPT METHOD=BISECTION ITROPT=20 dynacc=1 relout=1e20 Example 3 Model command used for a Monte Carlo analysis. .model m1 nmos level=6 bulk=2 vt=0.7 dev/2 0.1 + tox=520 lot/gauss 0.3 a1=.5 a2=1.5 cdb=10e-16 + csb=10e-16 tcv=.0024 Example 4 Transistors M1 through M3 have the same random vto model parameter for each of the five Monte Carlo runs through the use of the LOT construct.

... .model mname nmos level=53 vto=0.4 LOT/agauss 0.1 version=3.22 M1 11 21 31 41 mname W=20u L=0.3u M2 12 22 32 42 mname W=20u L=0.3u M3 13 23 33 43 mname W=20u L=0.3u ... .dc v1 0 vdd 0.1 sweep monte=5 .end Example 5 Transistors M1 through M3 have different values of the vto model parameter for each of the Monte Carlo runs through the use of the DEV construct.

... .model mname nmos level=54 vto=0.4 DEV/agauss 0.1 M1 11 21 31 41 mname W=20u L=0.3u M2 12 22 32 42 mname W=20u L=0.3u M3 13 23 33 43 mname W=20u L=0.3u ... .dc v1 0 vdd 0.1 sweep monte=5 .end Example 6 Establishes a MOS reliability model card. .model NCH_RA mosra + level=1 + a_hci=1e-2 + n_hci=1


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MODEL

See Also Cell Characterization Examples for demo files of .MODEL opt Method=bisection or passfail

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MOSRA

Starts HSPICE HCI and/or BTI reliability analysis for HSPICE. Syntax .MOSRA RelTotalTime=time_val + [RelStartTime=time_val] [DEC=val] [LIN=val] + [RelStep=time_val] [RelMode=0|1|2] SimMode=[0|1|2|3] + [AgingStart=time_val] [AgingStop=time_val] + [AgingPeriod=time_val] [AgingWidth=time_val] + [AgingInst="inst_name"] + [HciThreshold=val] [NbtiThreshold=val] + [Integmod=0|1|2] [Xpolatemod=0|1|2] + [Tsample1=val] [Tsample2=val] + [Agethreshold=val] + [MosraLlife=degradation_type_keyword] [DegF=val] + [DegFN=val] [DegFP=val]
Argument Description


Final reliability test time to use in post-stress simulation phase. Required argument. Time point of the first post-stress simulation. Default is 0. Specifies number of post-stress time points simulated per decade. Linear post-stress time points from RelStartTme to RelTotalTime. Post-stress simulation phase on time= RelStep, 2* RelStep, 3* RelStep, until it achieves the RelTotalTime; the default is equal to RelTotalTime. Value is ignored if DEC or LIN value is set.

RelStartTime DEC LIN RelStep


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MOSRA




HSPICE reliability model mode selects whether a simulation accounts for both HCI and BTI effects or either one of them. If the RelMode in the .MOSRA command is defined as 1 or 2, it takes higher priority and applies to all MOSRA models. If RelMode in the .MOSRA command is not set or set to 0, then the RelMode inside individual MOSRA models take precedence for that MOSRA model only; the rest of the MOSRA models take the RelMode value from the .MOSRA command. If any other value is set, except 0, 1, or 2, a warning is issued, and RelMode is automatically set to the default value 0.

0: both HCI and BTI, Default. 1: HCI only 2: BTI only


0: Select pre-stress simulation only 1: Select post-stress simulation only 2: Select both pre- and post-stress simulation 3: Select continual degradation integration through alters When SimMode=1

HSPICE reads in the *.radeg0 file and uses it to update the device model for reliability analysis; new transient output is generated in a *.tr1 waveform file. The *.radeg file and input netlist must be in the same directory. The netlist stimuli could be different from the SimMode=0 netlist that generated the *.radeg file. When SimMode=3

If no .option radegfile is specified in the top level netlist, simulation will start from fresh device. If .option radegfile is specified in the top level netlist, HSPICE reads in the last suite degradation in the radeg file, and continues the degradation integration and extrapolation from the corresponding circuit time in the radeg file. In consecutive alters, the radeg generated from the previous alter run is read in.


Optionally defines time when HSPICE starts stress effect calculation during transient simulation. Default is 0.0. Optionally defines time when HSPICE stops stress effect calculation during transient simulation. Default is tstop in .TRAN command. Stress period. Scales the total degradation over time.



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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MOSRA




The AgingWidth (circuit time on) argument works with the AgingPeriod argument. For example: if you specify AgingPeriod=1.0s and AgingWidth=0.5s, then the circuit is turned on for 0.5s, and turned off for 0.5s. (The period is 1.0s.) Selects MOSFET devices to which HSPICE applies HCI and/or BTI analysis. The default is all MOSFET devices with reliability model appended. The name must be surrounded by quotes. Multiple names allowed/wildcards supported. Optionally, used in post-stress simulation. HCI effect is accounted for in a particular transistor, based on the specified HCI threshold value. Default is 0.0 Optionally, used in post-stress simulation. BTI effect is accounted for in a particular transistor, based on this threshold value. Default is 0.0 The flag is used to select the integration method and function.





0 (default): User-defined integration function in MOSRA API 1: True derivation and integration method 2: Linearized integration method (support non-constant n coefficient)


The flag is used to select the extrapolation method and function.

0 (default): User-defined extrapolation function in MOSRA API 1: Linearization extrapolation method (support non-constant n coefficient) 2: Two-point fitting extraction and extrapolation method

Tsample1 Tsample2 Agethreshold

First simulation time point of stress_total sampling for Xpolatemod=2 Second simulation time point of stress_total sampling for Xpolatemod=2 Only when the degradation value >= Agethreshold, the MOSFET information will be printed in the MOSRA output file. Default is 0. Argument to compute device lifetime calculation for the degradation type specified. This argument has the same function as .option mosralife. Sets the MOSFETs failure criteria for lifetime computation.




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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MOSRA




Sets the NMOS's failure criteria for lifetime computation. This argument has the same function as .option degfn. Sets the PMOS's failure criteria for lifetime computation. This argument has the same function as .option degfp.


Description Use the .MOSRA command to initiate HCI and BTI analysis for the following models: Level 49, Level 53, Level 54, Level 57, Level 66, Level 69, Level 70, Level 71, Level 73, and external CMI MOSFET models. This is a two-phase simulation, the fresh simulation phase and the post stress simulation phase. During the fresh simulation phase, HSPICE computes the electron age/stress of selected MOS transistors in the circuit based on circuit behavior and the HSPICE built-in stress model including HCI and/or BTI effect. During the post stress simulation phase, HSPICE simulates the degradation effect on circuit performance, based on the stress information produced during the fresh simulation phase. If you specify either DEC or LIN, the RelStep value is ignored. For a full description refer to the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis: MOSFET Model Reliability Analysis (MOSRA). Examples
.mosra reltotaltime=6.3e+8 relstep=6.3e+7 + agingstart=5n agingstop=100n + hcithreshold=0 nbtithreshold=0 + aginginst="x1.*"


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .MOSRAPRINT

Provides.PRINT/.PROBE usage to the .MOSRA command. Syntax .MOSRAPRINT output_nameoutput_type(element_name, vds=exp1, vgs=exp2, vbs=exp3)
Argument Description


User-defined output variable; this output_name@element_name is used as the as output variable name in the output file. One of the following output variable types: vth, gm, gds, ids, dids or dvth Output variable name in the output file.



Description This command enables .PRINT/.PROBE usage to the .MOSRA command and provides access to device degradation information. There is no order requirement for vds, vgs, and vbs. You can use the wildcards '?' and '*' in element_name. The output variable dids reports the change of ids between post-stress simulation and fresh-simulation. dvth reports the change of vth between post-stress simulation and fresh-simulation. dids is output as a percentage. The output file format is the same as the measurement file format. The extension file name for this file is *.ra#. Examples The following syntax prints the ids value of the MOSFET m1, when vds = 5vgs=5, vbs=0, at each reltime point.
.MOSRA reltotaltime=5e+7 relstep=1e+7 .MOSRAPRINT ids(m1, vds=5, vgs=5, vbs=0)

See Also .MOSRA


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .NODESET

Initializes specified nodal voltages for DC operating point analysis and corrects convergence problems in DC analysis. Syntax .NODESET V(node1)=val1 V(node2)=val2 ... -or.NODESET node1val1node2val2
Argument Description

node1 ... val1

Node numbers or names can include full paths or circuit numbers. Voltages.

Description Use the .NODESET command to set a seed value for the iterative DC convergence algorithm for all specified nodal voltages. Use this to correct convergence problems in DC analysis. How it behaves depends on whether the .TRAN analysis command includes the UIC parameter. Forcing circuits are connected to the .NODESET nodes for the first iteration of DC convergence. To increase the number of held iterations, see .OPTION DCHOLD. The forcing circuits are then removed and Newton Raphson iterations continued until DC convergence is obtained. The .NODESET nodes can move to their true DC operating points. For this reason, .NODESET should be used to provide initial guesses to either speed up convergence, aid nonconvergence, or to set the preferred DC state of multistable nodes. If the DC operating voltage of a .NODESET node is appreciably different than the voltage in the .NODESET command you should investigate the circuit to determine why. It is a likely error condition. Note: In nearly all applications you should use .NODESET to ensure a true DC operating point. Set intentionally floating (or very high impedance) nodes to a known good voltage using .IC.

If you do not specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command then use .NODESET to set seed values for an initial guess for DC operating point analysis. If the node value is close to the DC solution then you will enhance convergence of the simulation.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .NODESET

If you specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command, HSPICE does not calculate the initial DC operating point, but directly enters transient analysis. When you use .TRAN UIC, the .TRAN node values (at time zero) are determined by searching for the first value found in this order: from .IC value, then IC parameter on an element command, then .NODESET value, otherwise use a voltage of zero. Note that forcing a node value of the DC operating point might not satisfy KVL and KCL. In this event you might see activity during the initial part of the simulation. This might happen if you use UIC and do not specify some node values, when you specify too many conflicting .IC values, or when you force node values and topology changes. Forcing a node voltage applies a fixed equivalent voltage source during DC analysis and transient analysis removes the voltage sources to calculate the second and later time points.Therefore to correct DC convergence problems use .NODESETs (without .TRAN UIC) liberally (when a good guess can be provided) and use .ICs sparingly (when the exact node voltage is known). In addition, you can use wildcards in the .NODESET command. See Using Wildcards on Node Names in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples
.NODESET V(5:SETX)=3.5V V(X1.X2.VINT)=1V .NODESET V(12)=4.5 V(4)=2.23 .NODESET 12 4.5 4 2.23 1 1



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .NOISE

Controls the noise analysis of the circuit. Syntax .NOISE v(out) vin [interval|inter=x] + [listckt=[1|0]] + [listfreq=frequencies|none|all] + [listcount=num] [listfloor=val] + [listsources=1|0|yes|no]]
Argument Description


Nodal voltage or branch current output variable. Defines the node or branch at which HSPICE sums the noise. Independent voltage source to use as the noise input reference Interval at which HSPICE prints a noise analysis summary. inter specifies how many frequency points to summarize in the AC sweep. If you omit inter or set it to zero, HSPICE or HSPICE RF does not print a summary. If inter is equal to or greater than one, HSPICE prints summary for the first frequency, and once for each subsequent increment of the interval frequency. The noise report is sorted according to the contribution of each node to the overall noise level. If any of the LIST* arguments below are specified, the output information will follow the format required by LIST*, and interval does not influence the output information for later sweeps.

vin interval | inter

listckt= [1|0]

1: The contribution of each subcircuit is listed in the .lis file and you can view the subcircuit noise contribution curve in WaveView. 0: (default) HSPICE does not list the noise contribution of any subcircuits.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .NOISE



listfreq= (none|all|freq1 freq2....)

Dumps the element noise figure value to the .lis file. You can specify which frequencies the element phase noise value dumps. The frequencies must match the sweep_frequency values defined in the parameter_sweep, otherwise they are ignored. In the element phase noise output, the elements that contribute the largest phase noise are dumped first. The frequency values can be specified with the NONE or ALL keyword, which either dumps no frequencies or every frequency defined in the parameter_sweep. ALL: output all of the frequency points (default, if LIST* is required.) NONE: do not output any of the frequency points freq1 freq2...: output the information on the specified frequency points Frequency values must be enclosed in parentheses. For example: listfreq=(none)listfreq=(all)listfreq=(1.0G)listfreq=(1 .0G, 2.0G)


Outputs the first few noise elements that make the biggest contribution to NF. The number is specified by num. The default is to output all of the noise element contribution to NF. The NF contribution is calculated with the source impedance equal to the Zo of the first port. Contribution to the output noise power greater than the value specified by LISTFLOOR. Default is to output all the noise elements. The unit of LISTFLOOR is V2/hz Defines whether or not to output the contribution of each noise source of each noise element. Default is no/0.


listsources= [1|0|yes|no]

Description Use this command and .AC commands to control the noise analysis of the circuit. You can use this command only with an .AC command. Noise contributor tables are generated for every frequency point and every circuit device. The last four arguments allow users to better control the output information. Examples
Example 1 This example sums the output noise voltage at the node 5 by using the voltage source VIN as the noise input reference and prints a noise analysis summary every 10 frequency points. .NOISE V(5) VIN 10


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .NOISE

Example 2

Sums the output noise current at the r2 branch by using the voltage source VIN as the noise input reference and prints a noise analysis summary every 5 frequency points. .NOISE I(r2) VIN 5 Example 3 Shows the list subcircuit option turned on and sample results: *************************************************************** subcircuit squared noise voltages (sq v/hz) x1 total 1.90546e-20 x7 total 7.14403e-19 x1.x3 total 1.90546e-20 ***************************************************************

See Also .AC

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .OP

Calculates the DC operating point of the circuit; saves circuit voltages at multiple timesteps. Syntax .OP format time format time... [interpolation] ... .op voltage time1 time2...
Argument Description


Any of the following keywords. Only the first letter is required. The default is ALL ALL: Full operating point, including voltage, currents, conductances, and capacitances. This parameter outputs voltage/current for the specified time. BRIEF: One-line summary of each elements voltage, current, and power. Current is stated in milliamperes and power in milliwatts. CURRENT: Voltage table with a brief summary of element currents and power. DEBUG: Usually invoked only if a simulation does not converge. Debug prints the non-convergent nodes with the new voltage, old voltage, and the tolerance (degree of non-convergence). It also prints the non-convergent elements with their tolerance values. NONE: Inhibits node and element printouts, but performs additional analysis that you specify. VOLTAGE: Voltage table only. The preceding keywords are mutually-exclusive; use only one at a time.


Time at which HSPICE prints the report. HSPICE RF returns node voltages only if time (t) is 0.

interpolation Interpolation method for .OP time points during transient analysis or no interpolation. Only the first character is required; that is, typing i has the same effect as typing interpolation. Default is not active.If you specify interpolation, all of the time points in the .OP command (except time=0) use the interpolation method to calculate the OP value during the transient analysis. If you use this keyword, it must be at the end of the .OP command. HSPICE ignores any word after this keyword.

Description Use this command to calculate the DC operating point of the circuit. You can also use the .OP command to produce an operating point during a transient analysis. You can include only one .OP command in a simulation.
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .OP

If an analysis requires calculating an operating point you do not need to specify the .OP command; HSPICE calculates an operating point. If you use a .OP command and if you include the UIC parameter in a .TRAN analysis command, then simulation omits the time=0 operating point analysis and issues a warning in the output listing. Use .OP to output circuit node voltages at different timesteps to *.ic0 files. You can replace use of the .SAVE command to save node voltages. The *.ic0 files are identical to those created by the .SAVE command. (Remove.SAVE commands to avoid conflict with the .OP command used to save node voltages.) If you want to generate *.dp# files for your transient simulations, use .OPTION OPFILE in your netlist. Note: Without .OP in the netlist,HSPICE does not create an *.op0 file.

Examples Example 1 calculates:

Operating point at .5ns. Currents at 10 ns for the transient analysis. Voltages at 17.5 ns, 20 ns and 25 ns for the transient analysis.

Example 1 .OP .5NS CUR 10NS VOL 17.5NS 20NS 25NS

Example 2 calculates a complete DC operating point solution.

Example 2 .OP


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .OPTION

Modifies various aspects of an HSPICE simulation; individual options for HSPICE and HSPICE RF commands are described in Chapter 3, HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options. Syntax .OPTION opt1 [opt2opt3 ...]
Argument Description

opt1 ...

Input control options. Many options are in the form opt=x, where opt is the option name and x is the value assigned to that option.

Description Use this command to modify various aspects of an HSPICE simulation, including:

output types accuracy speed convergence

You can set any number of options in one .OPTION command, and you can include any number of .OPTION commands in an input netlist file. Most options default to 0 (OFF) when you do not assign a value by using either .OPTIONopt=valor the option with no assignment: .OPTIONopt. To reset options, set them to 0 (.OPTIONopt=0). To redefine an option, enter a new .OPTION command; HSPICE uses the last definition. You can use the following types of options with this command. For detailed information on individual options, see Chapter 3, HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options.

General Control Options Input/Output Controls Model and Variation Definition Analysis


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .OPTION

For instructions on how to use options that are relevant to a specific simulation type, see the appropriate analysis chapters in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis for:

Initializing DC-Operating Point Analysis Pole-Zero Analysis Spectrum Analysis Transient Analysis AC Small-Signal and Noise Analysis Linear Network Parameter Analysis Timing Analysis Using Bisection Monte Carlo-Traditional Flow and Statistical Analysis Analyzing Variability and Using the Variation Block Monte Carlo Analysis Variation Block Flow Mismatch Analyses Optimization RC Reduction and Post-Layout Simulation MOSFET Model Reliability Analysis (MOSRA)

.OPTION BRIEF $ Sets BRIEF to 1 (turns it on) * Netlist, models, ... .OPTION BRIEF=0 $ Turns BRIEF off

This example sets the BRIEF option to 1 to suppress a printout. It then resets BRIEF to 0 later in the input file to resume the printout.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PARAM

Defines parameters in HSPICE and HSPICE RF. Syntax Simple parameter assignment: .PARAM ParamName=RealNumber Algebraic parameter assignments: .PARAM ParamName=AlgebraicExpression .PARAM ParamName1=ParamName2 User-defined functions: .PARAM ParamName(pv1[pv2])=Expression Redefined analysis functionsVariability definitions (see .PARAM Distribution Function: .PARAM ParamName=DistributionFunction(Arguments) Optimization parameter assignment: .PARAM ParamName=OPTxxx (initial_guess, low_limit, + upper_limit) .PARAM ParamName=OPTxxx (initial_guess, low_limit, + upper_limit, delta) String parameter assignment: .PARAM ParamName=str('string')
Argument Description


Parameter to vary. Initial value estimate. Lower limit. Upper limit. If the optimizer does not find the best solution within these constraints, it attempts to find the best solution without constraints.


Optimization parameter reference name. The associated optimization analysis references this name. Must agree with the OPTxxx name in the analysis command associated with an OPTIMIZE keyname.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PARAM




The final parameter value is the initial guess (n delta). If you do not specify delta, the final parameter value is between low_limit and upper_limit. For example, you can use this parameter to optimize transistor drawn widths and lengths, which must be quantized.

Description Use this command to define parameters. Parameters in HSPICE are names that have associated numeric values. Note: A .PARAM statement with no definition is illegal.

A parameter definition always uses the last value found in the input netlist (subject to global parameter rules). Use any of the following methods to define parameters:

A simple parameter assignment is a constant real number. The parameter keeps this value unless a later definition changes its value or an algebraic expression assigns a new value during simulation. HSPICE does not warn you if it reassigns a parameter. An algebraic parameter (equation) is an algebraic expression of real values, a predefined or user-defined function or circuit or model values. Enclose a complex expression in single quotes to invoke the algebraic processor, unless the expression begins with an alphabetic character and contains no spaces. A simple expression consists of a single parameter name. To use an algebraic expression as an output variable in a .PRINT, or .PROBE command, use the PARAM keyword. A user-defined function assignment is similar to an algebraic parameter. HSPICE extends the algebraic parameter definition to include function parameters, used in the algebraic that defines the function. You can nest user-defined functions up to three levels deep. A predefined analysis function. HSPICE provides several specialized analysis types, which require a way to control the analysis: Temperature functions (fn) Optimization guess/range

HSPICE also supports the following predefined parameter types:


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PARAM

Time Monte Carlo functions To print the final evaluated values of all .PARAM commands in the netlist, use .OPTION LIST. This helps you avoid seeing the same value for every time point if you run a transient analysis.


Example 1 Examples 1-3 illustrate predefined analysis function .PARAM mcVar=Agauss(1.0,0.1,1) Example 2 In this example, uox and vtx are the variable model parameters, which optimize a model for a selected set of electrical specifications. The estimated initial value for the vtx parameter is 0.7 volts. You can vary this value within the limits of 0.3 and 1.0 volts for the optimization procedure. The optimization parameter reference name (OPT1) references the associated optimization analysis command (not shown). PARAM vtx=OPT1(.7,.3,1.0) uox=OPT1(650,400,900) Example 3 .PARAM fltmod=str('bpfmodel') s1 n1 n2 n3 n_ref fqmodel=fltmod zo=50 fbase=25e6 fmax=1e9 Example 4 Simple parameter assignment .PARAM power_cylces=256 Example 5 Numerical parameter assignment .PARAM TermValue=1g rTerm Bit0 0 TermValue rTerm Bit1 0 TermValue ... Example 6 Parameter assignment using expressions .PARAM Pi =355/113 .PARAM Pi2 =2*Pi .PARAM npRatio =2.1 .PARAM nWidth =3u .PARAM pWidth =nWidth * npRatio Mp1 ... <pModelName> W=pWidth Mn1 ... <nModelName> W=nWidth ...


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PARAM

Example 7 Algebraic parameter .param x=cos(2)+sin(2) Example 8 Algebraic expression as an output variable .PRINT DC v(3) gain=PAR(v(3)/v(2)) + PAR(V(4)/V(2)) Example 9 User-defined functions .PARAM MyFunc( x, y )=Sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)) .PARAM CentToFar (c)=(((c*9)/5)+32) .PARAM F(p1,p2)=Log(Cos(p1)*Sin(p2)) .PARAM SqrdProd (a,b)=(a*a)*(b*b) Example 10 Undefined .PARAM statement results in a warning requesting parameter variables with their respective values or expressions. .PARAM $ Illegal as a standalone netlist command.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PAT

Specifies predefined pattern names to be used in a pattern source; also defines new patnames. Syntax .PAT PatName=data [RB=val][R=int] .PAT patName=[component 1... component n] [RB=val] + [R=int]
Argument Description


String of 1, 0, M, or Z that represents a pattern source. The first letter must be B to represent it as a binary bit stream. This series is called b-string. A 1 represents the high voltage or current value, and a 0 is the low voltage or current value. An M represents the value that is equal to 0.5*(vhi+vlo), and a Z represents the high impedance state (only for voltage source). Pattern name that has an associated b-string or nested structure. Elements that make up a nested structure. Components can be bstrings or a patname defined in other .PAT commands. Starting component of a repetition. The repeat data starts from the component or bit indicated by RB. RB must be an integer. If RB is larger than the length of the NS or b-string, an error is issued. If it is less than 1, it is automatically set to 1. Number of times the repeating operation is executed. With no argument, the source repeats from the beginning of the NS or bstring. If R=-1, the repeating operation continues forever. R must be an integer. If it is less than -1, it automatically set to 0.

PatName component



Description When the .PAT command is used in an input file, some patnames are predefined and can be used in a pattern source. Patnames can associate a bstring or nested structure, two different types of pattern sources. In this case, a b-string is a series of 1, 0, m, and z states. The nested structure is a combination of a b-string and another netlisted structure defined in the .PAT command. The .PAT command can also be used to define a new patname, which can be a b-string or nested structure.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PAT

Avoid using a predefined patname to define another patname to lessen the occurrence of a circular definition for which HSPICE issues an error report. Nested structures must use brackets [ ], but HSPICE does not support using multiple brackets in one command. If you need to use another nested structure as a component, define it in a new .PAT command. Examples
Example 1 Shows the .PAT command used for a b-string. .PAT a1=b1010 r=1 rb=1 Example 2 Shows how an existing pattern name is used to define a new name. .PAT a1=b1010 r=1 rb=1 .PAT a2=a1 Example 3 Shows a nested structure. .PAT a1=[b1010 r=1 rb=2 b1100] Example 4 Shows how a predefined nested structure is used as a component in a new nested structure. .PAT a1=[b1010 r=1 rb=2 b1100] r=1 rb=1 .PAT a2=[a1 b0m0m] r=2 rb=1

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PHASENOISE

Performs phase noise analysis on autonomous (oscillator) circuits in HSPICE RF. Syntax .PHASENOISE outputfrequency_sweep [method=0|1|2] + [carrierindex=int] [listfreq=(frequencies|none|all)] + [listcount=val] [listfloor=val] [listsources=on|off] + [spurious=0|1]
Argument Description


Output node, pair of nodes, or 2-terminal element. HSPICE RF references phase noise calculations to this node (or pair of nodes). Specify a pair of nodes as V(n+,n-). If you specify only one node, V(n+), then HSPICE RF assumes that the second node is ground. You can also specify a 2-terminal element.

frequency_sweep Sweep of type LIN, OCT, DEC, POI, or SWEEPBLOCK. Specify the type, nsteps, and start and stop time for each sweep type, where: type = Frequency sweep type, such as OCT, DEC, or LIN. nsteps = Number of steps per decade or total number of steps. start = Starting frequency. stop = Ending frequency. The four parameters determine the offset frequency sweep about the carrier used for the phase noise analysis.

LIN type nsteps start stop OCT type nsteps start stop DEC type nsteps start stop POI type nsteps start stop SWEEPBLOCK freq1 freq2 ... freqn


METHOD=0 (default) selects the Nonlinear Perturbation (NLP) algorithm, which is used for low-offset frequencies. METHOD=1 selects the Periodic AC (PAC) algorithm, which is used for high-offset frequencies. METHOD=2 selects the Broadband Phase Noise (BPN) algorithm, which you can use to span low and high offset frequencies. You can use METHOD to specify any single method.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PHASENOISE




Harmonic index of the carrier at which HSPICE RF computes the phase noise (optional). The phase noise output is normalized to this carrier harmonic. The default is 1. Element phase noise value written to the .lis file. You can specify which frequencies the element phase noise value dumps. The frequencies must match the sweep_frequency values defined in the parameter_sweep, otherwise they are ignored.In the element phase noise output, the elements that contribute the largest phase noise are dumped first. The frequency values can be specified with the NONE or ALL keyword, which either dumps no frequencies or every frequency defined in the parameter_sweep. Frequency values must be enclosed in parentheses. For example:listfreq=(none)listfreq=(all)listfreq=(1.0G)listfreq=(1.0G, 2.0G)The default value is the first frequency value. Dumps the element phase noise value to the .lis file, which is sorted from the largest to smallest value. You do not need to dump every noise element; instead, you can define listcount to dump the number of element phase-noise frequencies. For example, listcount=5 means that only the top 5 noise contributors are dumped. The default value is 20. Dumps the element phase noise value to the .lis file and defines a minimum meaningful noise value (in dBc/Hz units). Only those elements with phase-noise values larger than the listfloor value are dumped. For example, listfloor=-200 means that all noise values below -200 (dbc/Hz) are not dumped. The default value is -300 dbc/ Hz. Writes the element phase-noise value to the .lis file. When the element has multiple noise sources, such as a level 54 MOSFET, which contains the thermal, shot, and 1/f noise sources. When dumping the element phase-noise value you can decide if you need to dump the contribution from each noise source. You can specify either ON or OFF: ON dumps the contribution from each noise source and OFF does not. The default value is OFF.





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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PHASENOISE




Additional .HBAC analysis that predicts the spurious contributions to the phase noise. Spurs result from deterministic signals present within the circuit. In most cases, the spurs are very small signals and do not interfere with the steady-state operation of the oscillator but do add energy to the output spectrum of the oscillator. The energy that the spurs adds might need to be included in jitter measurements. 0 - No spurious analysis (default)1 - Initiates a spurious noise analysis

Description Use this command to invoke phase noise analysis on autonomous (oscillator) circuits. See Also .HB .HBAC .HBOSC .SN .SNAC .SNOSC .PRINT .PROBE Identifying Phase Noise Spurious Signals


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PKG

Provides the IBIS Package Model feature; automatically creates a series of Welements or discrete R, L and C components. Syntax .PKG pkgname + file = pkgfilename + model = pkgmodelname
Argument Description

pkgname pkgfilename pkgmodelname

Package card name Name of a .pkg or .ibs file that contains package models. Working model in the .pkg file

Description The .PKG command provides the IBIS Package Model feature. It supports both sections and matrixes. The .PKG command automatically creates a series of W-elements or discrete R, L and C components. The following nodes are referenced in the netlist:

Nodes on the die side:


Nodes on the pin side:


See Example 2 for how pin1 is referenced.

If package = 0 in the .IBIS card, then no package information is added. If package = 1 or 2, then the package information in the .ibs file is added. If package = 3, then the package information in the .pkg file is added.

Example 1 Illustrates a typical .PKG statement. .pkg p_test + file=processor_clk_ff.ibs + model=FCPGA_FF_PKG

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PKG

Example 2 Shows how pin1 is referenced. p_test_pin1_dia and p_test_pin1 Example 3 The element name becomes: w_p_test_pin1_? ? or r_p_test_pin1_? ? ...

See Also .EBD .IBIS


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .POWER

Prints a table containing the AVG, RMS, MAX, and MIN measurements for specified signals in HSPICE RF. Syntax .POWER signal [REF=vname FROM=start_time TO=end_time]
Argument Description

signal vname

Signal name. Reference name.

start_time Start time of power analysis period. You can also use parameters to define time. end_time End time of power analysis period. You can also use parameters to define time.

Description Use this command to print a table containing the AVG, RMS, MAX, and MIN measurements for every signal specified. By default, the scope of these measurements are set from 0 to the maximum timepoint specified in the .TRAN command. For additional information, see POWER Analysis in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples
Example 1 No simulation start and stop time is specified for the signal, so the simulation scope for this signal runs from the start (0ps) to the last .tran time (100ps). .power .tran 4ps 100ps

Example 2 shows how you can use the FROM and TO times to specify a separate measurement start and stop time for each signal. In this example.

The scope for simulating the signal is from 20ps to 80ps. The scope for simulating the signal is from 30ps to 70ps.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .POWER

Example 2 .param myendtime=80ps .power REF=a123 from=20ps to=80ps .power REF=abc from=30ps to=myendtime - 10ps



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .POWERDC

Calculates the DC leakage current in the design hierarchy. Syntax .POWERDC keywordsubckt_name1...
Argument Description


One of these keywords:

TOP prints the power for top-level instances ALL (default) prints the power for all instances


Prints the power of all instances in this subcircuit definition

Description Use this command to calculate the DC leakage current in the design hierarchy. This option prints a table containing the measurements for AVG, MAX, and MIN values for the current of every instance in the subcircuit. This table also lists the sum of the power of each port in the subcircuit. For additional information, see POWER Analysis in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. You can use the SIM_POWERDC_HSPICE and SIM_POWERDC_ACCURACY options to increase the accuracy of the .POWERDC command. See Also .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_ACCURACY .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_HSPICE

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PRINT

Prints the values of specified output variables. Syntax .PRINT antype ov1 [ov2 ... ]
Argument Description


Type of analysis for outputs. Can be one of the following types: DC, AC, TRAN, NOISE, or DISTO. Output variables to print. These are voltage, current, or element template variables from a DC, AC, TRAN, NOISE, or DISTO analysis.

ov1 ...

Description Use this command to print the values of specified output variables. You can include wildcards in .PRINT commands. You can also use the iall keyword in a .PRINT command to print all branch currents of all diode, BJT, JFET, or MOSFET elements in your circuit design. By default, the .PRINT command prints out simulation data at a time interval of tstep of .TRAN command, so the number of points for this output data reported in the *.lis are the # points shown at the end of *.lis file. Examples
Example 1 Three cases of invoking the print function: In Case 1, if you replace the .PRINT command with: .print TRAN v(din)i(mnx), then all three cases have identical .sw0 and .tr0 files. If you replace the .printcommand with: .print DC v(din) i(mnx), then the .sw0 and .tr0 files are different.

* CASE 1 .print v(din) i(mxn18) .dc vdin 0 5.0 0.05 .tran 1ns 60ns * CASE 2 .dc vdin 0 5.0 0.05 .tran 1ns 60ns .print v(din) i(mxn18) * CASE 3 .dc vdin 0 5.0 0.05 .print v(din) i(mxn18) .tran 1ns 60ns


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PRINT

Example 2

Example 2 prints the results of a transient analysis for the nodal voltage named 4. It also prints the current through the voltage source named VIN. It also prints the ratio of the nodal voltage at the OUT and IN nodes. .PRINT TRAN V (4) I(VIN) PAR(`V(OUT)/V(IN)') Example 3 In Example 3: Depending on the value of the ACOUT option, VM(4,2) prints the AC magnitude of the voltage difference, or the difference of the voltage magnitudes between nodes 4 and 2. VR(7) prints the real part of the AC voltage between node 7 and ground. Depending on the ACOUT value, VP(8,3) prints the phase of the voltage difference between nodes 8 and 3, or the difference of the phase of voltage at node 8 and voltage at node 3. II(R1) prints the imaginary part of the current through R1. .PRINT AC VM(4,2) VR(7) VP(8,3) II(R1) Example 4 This example prints: The magnitude of the input impedance. The phase of the output admittance. Several S and Z parameters. .PRINT AC ZIN YOUT(P) S11(DB) S12(M) Z11(R) This example prints the DC analysis results for several different nodal voltages and currents through: The resistor named R1. The voltage source named VSRC. The drain-to-source current of the MOSFET named M1. .PRINT DC V(2) I(VSRC) V(23,17) I1(R1) I1(M1) Example 6 Prints the equivalent input noise. .PRINT NOISE INOISE Example 7 Prints the magnitude of third-order harmonic distortion, and the dB value of the intermodulation distortion sum through the load resistor that you specify in the .DISTO command. .PRINT DISTO HD3 SIM2(DB) Example 8 The command in Example 8 includes NOISE, DISTO, and AC output variables in the same .PRINT statement. .PRINT AC INOISE ONOISE VM(OUT) HD3 Prints the value of pj1 with the specified function. (HSPICE ignores .PRINT command references to nonexistent netlist part names, and prints those names in a warning.) .PRINT pj1=par(p(rd) +p(rs)) Example 9 Example 5

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PRINT

Example 10 The commands in Example 10 illustrate print statements for a derivative function and an integrative function. The parameter can be a node voltage or a reasonable expression. .PRINT der=deriv('v(NodeX)') .PRINT int=integ('v(NodeX)') Example 11 Shows how you can use p1 and p2 as parameters in netlist. The p1 value is 3; the p2 value is 15. You can use p1 and p2 as parameters in netlist. .param p1=3 .print par('p1') .print p2=par("p1*5") Example 12 Shows the syntax for outputting the length and width of a polygon in template format for the following models: BSIM3, BSIM4, BSIM3SOI, BSIM4SOI, and PSP. .print ac wpoly() lpoly()

See Also .AC .DC .DCMATCH .DISTO .DOUT .MEASURE (or) .MEAS .NOISE .PROBE .STIM .TRAN Measuring the Value of MOSFET Model Card Parameters


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PROBE

Saves output variables to interface and graph data files. Syntax .PROBE antypeov1 [ov2 ...]
Argument Description


Type of analysis for the specified plots. Analysis types are: DC, AC, TRAN, NOISE, or DISTO for HSPICE; ENV, HB, HBAC, HBLSP, HBNOISE, HBTR, HBTRAN, HBXF, NOISE, or PHASENOISE for HSPICE RF. Output variables to plot: voltage, current, or element template (HSPICEonly variables from a DC, DCMATCH, AC, ACMATCH, TRAN, NOISE, or DISTO analysis. .PROBE can include more than one output variable. HSPICE RF analyses include: ENV, HB, HBAC, HBLSP, HBNOISE, HBTR, HBTRAN, HBXF, NOISE, or PHASENOISE analysis.


Description Use this command to save output variables to interface and graph data files. The parameter can be a node voltage or a reasonable expression. You can include wildcards in .PROBE commands. The .PROBE command outputs the signals to waveform files no matter how .OPTION PROBE and .OPTION PUTMEAS are set. Note: For AC analysis in HSPICE, only the magnitude is saved to the waveform file unless a complex quantity is explicitly specified.

Example 1 Saves several node voltages and an expression. .PROBE DC V(4) V(5) V(1) beta=PAR(`I1(Q1)/I2(Q1)') Example 2 PROBE This syntax probes the voltage of the net connected with the Gate of XINST1.MN0. TRAN V2(XINST1.MN0)

Example 3 Illustrates saving derivative and integrative functions. * Derivative function .PROBE der=deriv('v(NodeX)') * Integrate function .PROBE int=integ('v(NodeX)')
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PROBE



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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PROTECT or .PROT

Keeps models and cell libraries private as part of the encryption process in HSPICE. Syntax .PROTECT Description Use this command to designate the start of the file section to be encrypted when using Metaencrypt.

Use .UNPROTECT to end the file section that will be encrypted. Any elements and models located between a .PROTECT and an .UNPROTECT command inhibit the element and model listing from the LIST option. The .OPTION NODE nodal cross-reference and the .OP operating point printout do not list any nodes that are contained between the .PROTECT and .UNPROTECT commands.

Caution: If you use.prot/.unprot in a library or file that is not encrypted you will get warnings that the file is encrypted and the file or library is treated as a black box. Note: To perform a complete bias check and print all results in the Outputs Biaschk Report, do not use .protect/.unprotect in the netlist for the part that is used in .biaschk. For example: If a model definition such as model nch is contained within .prot/.unprot commands, in the *.lis you'll see a warning message as follows: **warning** : model nch defined in .biaschk cannot be found in netlist--ignored

Usage Note: The .prot/.unprot feature is meant for the encryption process and not netlist echo suppression. Netlist and model echo suppression is on by default since HSPICE C-2009.03. For a compact and better formatted output (*.lis) file, use .OPTION LIS_NEW See Also .UNPROTECT or .UNPROT .OPTION BRIEF .OPTION LIS_NEW

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PTDNOISE

Calculates the noise spectrum and total noise at a point in time for HSPICE RF. Syntax .PTDNOISE [output] [TIME=[val|meas|sweep]] + [frequency_sweep] + [listfreq=(frequencies|none|all)] [listcount=val] + [listfloor=val] [listsources=on|off]




An output node, pair of nodes, or 2-terminal elements. HSPICE RF references the equivalent noise output to this node (or pair of nodes). Specify a pair of nodes as V(n+,n-); only one node as V(n+, n-). If you specify only one node, V(n+), then HSPICE RF assumes the second node is ground. You can also specify a 2-terminal element name that refers to an existing element in the netlist. Time point, time points, or measure value where the time domain noise is evaluated


TIME=val: a single time point at which time domain noise is measured. The value can be a numeric value or a parameter. TIME=meas: the result name of a .MEASURE statement located in the netlist. The time point or points generated from the .MEASURE statement are used to evaluate the noise characteristics. This is useful if you want to evaluate noise or jitter when a signal reaches some threshold value. If TIME=meas is specified and a strobed jitter measurement is specified a warning statement will be generated indicating that the measurement will be ignored. TIME=sweep: a set of time points at which time domain noise is measured. The sweep can be specified as a LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK or DATA sweep. If TIME = sweep is specified, all strobed jitter measurements will be ignored. Specify the number of steps (nsteps), start, and stop time using the following syntax for each type of sweep: LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nvalues freq_values SWEEPBLOCK sweepblock_name DATA data name


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PTDNOISE




Frequency sweep range for the output noise spectrum. The upper and lower limits also specify the integral range in calculating the integrated noise value. Specify LIN,DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, DATA sweeps. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop frequencies using the following syntax for each type of sweep:

LIN nsteps start stop DECnsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stopPOI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK nsteps freq1 freq2 ... freqn DATA data_name


Prints the element noise spectral density value to the .lis file. This information is only printed if a noise spectrum is requested in a .PRINT or .PROBE statement. You can specify at which time points the element noise value is printed. The frequencies must match the time values defined by the TIME keyword, otherwise they will be ignored. The time values can be specified with the NONE or ALL keyword, which either prints no time points or all time points defined in by the TIME keyword. Time values must be enclosed in parentheses. For example: listtime=(none) listtime=(all) listtime=(1n) listtime=(1n, 2n) The default value is the first time value.

Note: The noise listing is printed in frequency blocks for each time point. See the remaining list parameters, listfreq, listcount and listsources to determine how each frequency block is constructed.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PTDNOISE




Prints the element noise value to the .lis file. This information is only printed if a noise spectrum is requested in a PRINT or PROBE statement. (See PTDNOISE Output Syntax and File Format.) You can specify which frequencies the element noise is printed. The frequencies must match the sweep_frequency values defined in the frequency_sweep, otherwise they are ignored. In the element noise output, the elements that contribute the largest noise are printed first. The frequency values can be specified with the NONE or ALL keyword, which either prints no frequencies or every frequency defined in frequency_sweep. Frequency values must be enclosed in parentheses. For example: listfreq=(none) listfreq=(all) listfreq=(1.0) listfreq=(1.0G, 2.0G) The default value is NONE.


Prints the element noise value to the .lis file, which is sorted from the largest to smallest value. You do not need to print every noise element; instead, you can define listcount to print the number of element noise frequencies. For example, listcount=5 means that only the top 5 noise contributors are printed. The default value is 1. Prints the element noise value to the .lis file and defines a minimum meaningful noise value (in V/Hz1/2 units). Only those elements with noise values larger than listfloor are printed. The default value is 1.0e-14 V/ Hz1/2. Prints the element noise value to the .lis file when the element has multiple noise sources, such as a MOSFET, which contains the thermal, shot, and 1/ f noise sources. You can specify either ON or OFF: ON prints the contribution from each noise source and OFF does not. The default value is OFF.



Description Periodic Time-Dependent noise analysis (PTDNOISE) calculates the noise spectrum and the total noise at a point in time. Jitter in a digital threshold circuit can then be determined from the total noise and the digital signal slew rate. .MEASURE PTDNOISE allows for the measurement of these parameters: integnoise, time-point, tdelta-value, slewrate, and strobed jitter. See Periodic


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PTDNOISE

Time-Dependent Noise Analysis (.PTDNOISE) in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis for details. Examples The following example does a time point sweep.
.param f0 = 5.0e8 .sn tones=f0 nharms=4 trinit=10n .PTDNOISE v(out1) TIME=lin 3 0 2n TDELTA=.1n dec 5 1e5 1e10 + listfreq=(1e6,1e8) + listcount=1 + listsources=ON ...


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .PZ

Performs pole/zero analysis. Syntax .PZ output input .PZ ovsrcname
Argument Description

input output

Input source; the name of any independent voltage or current source. Output variables, which can be:

Any node voltage, V(n). Any branch current, I(branch_name).


Output variable:

a node voltage V(n), or a branch current I(element)


Input source:

an independent voltage or a current source name

Description Use to perform Pole/Zero analysis. You do not need to specify .OP because the simulator automatically invokes an operating point calculation. See Pole-Zero Analysis in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis for complete information about pole/zero analysis. Examples

In the first pole/zero analysis, the output is the voltage for node 10 and the input is the VIN independent voltage source. In the second pole/zero analysis, the output is the branch current for the RL branch and the input is the ISORC independent current source.

See Also .DC


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SAMPLE

Analyzes data sampling noise. Syntax .SAMPLE FS=freq [TOL=val] [NUMF=val] + [MAXFLD=val] [BETA=0|1]
Argument Description

FS=freq TOL

Sample frequency in hertz. Sampling-error tolerance: the ratio of the noise power (in the highest folding interval) to the noise power (in baseband). The default is 1.0e-3. Maximum number of frequencies that you can specify. The algorithm requires about ten times this number of internally-generated frequencies so keep this value small. The default is 100. Maximum number of folding intervals (The default is 10.0). The highest frequency (in hertz) that you can specify is: FMAX=MAXFLD FS Optional noise integrator (duty cycle) at the sampling node: BETA=0 no integrator BETA=1 simple integrator (default) If you clock the integrator (integrates during a fraction of the 1/FS sampling interval), then set BETA to the duty cycle of the integrator.




Description Use this command to acquire data from analog signals. It is used with the .NOISE and .AC commands to analyze data sampling noise in HSPICE. The SAMPLE analysis performs a noise-folding analysis at the output node. See Also .AC .NOISE

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SAVE

Stores the operating point of a circuit in a file that you specify in HSPICE only. Syntax .SAVE [TYPE=type_keyword] [FILE=save_file] + [LEVEL=level_keyword] [TIME=save_time]
Argument Description

TYPE= Storage method for saving the operating point. The type can be one of type_keyword the following. Default is NODESET.

NODESET: Stores the operating point as a NODESET command. Later simulations initialize all node voltages to these values if you use the .LOAD command. If circuit conditions change incrementally, DC converges within a few iterations. IC: Stores the operating point as an IC command. Later simulations initialize node voltages to these values if the netlist includes the .LOAD commands.


Name of the file that stores DC operating point data. The file name format is save_file.ic#. Default is design.ic0.

level_keyword Circuit level at which you save the operating point. The level can be one of the following.

ALL (default): Saves all nodes from the top to the lowest circuit level. This option offers the greatest improvement in simulation time. TOP: Saves only nodes in the top-level design. Does not save subcircuit nodes. SELECT: Enables you to select nodes that you would like to be reported using .PRINT or .PROBE statements. NONE: Does not save the operating point.


Time during transient analysis when HSPICE saves the operating point. HSPICE requires a valid transient analysis command to save a DC operating point. The default is 0.

Description Use this command to store the operating point of a circuit in a file that you specify. For quick DC convergence in subsequent simulations, use the .LOAD command to input the contents of this file. HSPICE saves the operating point by default, even if the HSPICE input file does not contain a .SAVE command. To


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SAVE

not save the operating point, specify .SAVELEVEL=NONE. You can save the operating point data as either an .IC or a .NODESET command. A parameter or temperature sweep saves only the first operating point. The .SAVE command only saves one bias point to a file. Note: To save multiple node voltages at different timesteps, it is preferable to use the .OP command.

Example 1 This example saves the operating point corresponding to .TEMP -25 to a file named my_design.ic0. .TEMP -25 0 25 .SAVE TYPE=NODESET FILE=my_design.ic0 LEVEL=ALL + TIME=0 Example 2 In this example statement, only the four specified signals are printed in the test.ic0 file. .SAVE LEVEL=SELECT FILE='test.ic0' .probe v(in) v(x1.clk) v(x1.xpll.4gout) v(out_n) Example 3 This example appears in a file where there there are eight end's where there are .SAVE lines in every other .end (four total). The save_file flag is 6230_lrmf.ic. The resultant files are: 6230_lrmf.ic0 6230_lrmf.ic1 6230_lrmf.ic2 6230_lrmf.ic3 .SAVE TYPE=IC TIME=1.72323e-09 FILE='6230_lmrf.ic'


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SENS

Determines DC small-signal sensitivities of output variables for circuit parameters. Syntax .SENS ov1 [ov2 ...]
Argument Description

ov1 ov2 ...

Branch currents or nodal voltage for DC component-sensitivity analysis

Description Use this command to determine DC small-signal sensitivities of output variables for circuit parameters. If the input file includes a .SENS command, HSPICE determines DC smallsignal sensitivities for each specified output variable relative to every circuit parameter. The sensitivity measurement is the partial derivative of each output variable for a specified circuit element measured at the operating point and normalized to the total change in output magnitude. Therefore, the sum of the sensitivities of all elements is 100%. DC small-signal sensitivities are calculated for:

resistors voltage sources current sources diodes BJTs (including Level 4, the VBIC95 model) MOSFETs (Level49 and Level53, Version=3.22).

You can perform only one .SENS analysis per simulation. Only the last .SENS command is used in case more than one is present. The others are discarded with warnings. The amount of output generated from a .SENS analysis is dependent on the size of the circuit.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SENS

Examples In Example 1, the .SENS v(2) command is used to find out how sensitive the voltage at node 2 is to change at any element value. For sensitivity analysis only one element is changed at a time while all other element values are retained at their original value. The output of the .SENS v(2) command appears in the list file as follows:
Example 1 v1 1 0 1 r1 1 2 1k r2 2 0 1k .SENS v(2) .end

In Example 2, the element sensitivity column lists the absolute change in V(2) when the element value is changed by unity. As shown, an element sensitivity of -250.0000u for element r1 indicates that v(2) decreases by 250uv when R1 is increased from 1000 ohms to 1001 ohms. Similarly, an element sensitivity of 500.0000m for element v1 indicates that v(2)increases by 500mv when v1 increases by 1V. The normalized sensitivity column lists the absolute change in v(2) when the element value is increased by 1%. As shown for element r1, the normalized sensitivity of -2.5000m indicates that v(2) decreases by 2.5mv when the value of r1 is increased by 1%.
Example 2 dc sensitivities of output v(2) element element element normalized name value sensitivity sensitivity (volts/unit) (volts/percent) 0:r1 1.0000k -250.0000u -2.5000m 0:r2 1.0000k 250.0000u 2.5000m 0:v1 1.0000 500.0000m 5.0000m


In both columns, a negative sign indicates a decrease and a positive sign indicates an increase in the output variable (in this case, v(2)).

See Also .DC

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SHAPE

Defines a shape to be used by the HSPICE field solver. Syntax .SHAPE snameShape_Descriptor
Argument Description


Shape name.

Shape_Descriptor One of the following:

Rectangle Circle Strip Polygon Trapezoid

Description Use this command to define a shape. The field solver uses the shape to describe a cross-section of the conductor. See Also .SHAPE (Defining Rectangles) .SHAPE (Defining Circles) .SHAPE (Defining Polygons) .SHAPE (Defining Strip Polygons) .SHAPE (Defining Trapezoids) .FSOPTIONS .LAYERSTACK .MATERIAL Transmission (W-element) Line Examples


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SHAPE (Defining Rectangles)

.SHAPE (Defining Rectangles)

Defines a rectangle to be used by the HSPICE field solver. Syntax .SHAPE RECTANGLE WIDTH=val HEIGHT=val [NW=val] [NH=val]
Argument Description


Width of the rectangle (size in the x-direction). Height of the rectangle (size in the y-direction). Number of horizontal (x) segments in a rectangle with a specified width. Number of vertical (y) segments in a rectangle with a specified height.

Description Use this keyword to define a rectangle. Normally, you do not need to specify the NW and NH values because the field solver automatically sets these values, depending on the accuracy mode. You can specify both values or only one of these values and let the solver determine the other.


Height Origin


Figure 9

Coordinates of a Rectangle

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SHAPE (Defining Circles)

.SHAPE (Defining Circles)

Defines a circle to be used by the HSPICE field solver. Syntax .SHAPE CIRCLE RADIUS=val [N=val]
Argument Description


Radius of the circle. Number of segments to approximate a circle with a specified radius.

Description Use this keyword to define a circle in the field solver. The field solver approximates a circle as an inscribed regular polygon with N edges. The more edges, the more accurate the circle approximation is. Do not use the CIRCLE descriptor to model actual polygons; instead use the POLYGON descriptor. Normally, you do not need to specify the N value because the field solver automatically sets this value, depending on the accuracy mode. But you can specify this value if you need to

y Origin Radius

Starting vertex of the inscribed polygon (0,0) x

Figure 10

Coordinates of a Circle


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SHAPE (Defining Polygons)

.SHAPE (Defining Polygons)

Defines a polygon to be used by the HSPICE field solver. Syntax .SHAPE POLYGON VERTEX=(x1y1x2y2 ...) + [N=(n1,n2,...)]
Argument Description


(x, y) coordinates of vertices. Listed either in clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Number of segments that define the polygon with the specified x and y coordinates. You can specify a different N value for each edge. If you specify only one N value, then the field solver uses this value for all edges.For example, the first value of N, n1, corresponds to the number of segments for the edge from (x1 y1) to (x2 y2).

Description Use this command to define a polygon in a field solver. The specified coordinates are within the local coordinate with respect to the origin of a conductor.

Origin (0,0) x

Figure 11

Coordinates of a Polygon

Examples Example 1 demonstrates a rectangular polygon using the default number of segments.
Example 1 .SHAPE POLYGON VERTEX=(1 10 1 11 5 11 5 10)

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SHAPE (Defining Polygons)

The rectangular polygon specified in Example 2 uses five segments for each edge.
Example 2 .SHAPE POLYGON VERTEX=(1 10 1 11 5 11 5 10) + N=5

Example 3 shows how rectangular polygon uses different number of segments for each edge.
Example 3 .SHAPE POLYGON VERTEX=(1 10 1 11 5 11 5 10) + N=(5 3 5 3)


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SHAPE (Defining Strip Polygons)

.SHAPE (Defining Strip Polygons)

Defines a strip polygon to be used by the HSPICE field solver. Syntax .SHAPE STRIP WIDTH=val [N=val]
Argument Description


Width of the strip (size in the x-direction). Number of segments that define the strip shape with the specified width.

Description Use this command to define a strip polygon in a field solver. Normally, you do not need to specify the N value because the field solver automatically sets this value, depending on the accuracy mode. But you can specify this value if you need to. The field solver (filament method) does not support this shape.


Origin (0,0) x

Figure 12

Coordinates of a Strip Polygon

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SHAPE (Defining Trapezoids)

.SHAPE (Defining Trapezoids)

Defines a trapezoid to be used by the HSPICE field solver. Syntax .SHAPE TRAPEZOID TOP=val BOTTOM=val HEIGHT=val + [NW=val] [NH=val]
Argument Description


Top edge length of the trapezoid (size in the x-direction). Bottom edge length of the trapezoid (size in the x-direction). Height of the trapezoid (size in the y-direction). Number of horizontal (x) segments in a trapezoid with a specified top and bottom. Number of vertical (y) segments in a trapezoid with a specified height.


Description Use this keyword to define a trapezoid. Normally, you do not need to specify the NW and NH values because the field solver automatically sets these values, depending on the accuracy mode. You can specify both values or only one of these values to let the solver determine the other.

Figure 13

Coordinates of a Trapezoid


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SN

In HSPICE RF, Shooting Newton provides two syntaxes. Syntax #1 is recommended when you are using/making Time Domain sources and measurements (for example, going from .TRAN to .SN). Syntax #2 effectively supports Frequency Domain sources and measurements (and should be used, for example, when going from .HB to .SN). Syntax Syntax #1 .SN TRES=Tr PERIOD=T [TRINIT=Ti] + [SWEEP parameter_sweep][MAXTRINITCYCLES=integer] Syntax #2 .SN TONE=F1 NHARMS=N [TRINIT=Ti] + [SWEEP parameter_sweep] [MAXTRINITCYCLES=integer]
Argument Description


Time resolution to be computed for the steady-state waveforms (in seconds). Expected period T (seconds) of the steady-state waveforms. Enter an approximate value when using for oscillator analysis. The period of the steady-state waveform may be entered either as PERIOD or its reciprocal, TONE. Transient initialization time. If not specified, the transient initialization time will be equal to the period (for Syntax 1) or the reciprocal of the tone (for Syntax 2). Parameter sweep. As in all main analyses in HSPICE RF such as .TRAN, .HB, etc., you can specify LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, DATA, MONTE, or OPTIMIZE. SN stabilization simulation and frequency detection is stopped when the simulator detects that maxtrinitcycles have been reached in the oscnode signal, or when time=trinit, whichever comes first. Minimum cycles is 1. Fundamental frequency (in Hz).






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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SN




Specifies the number of high-frequency harmonic components to include in the analysis. NHARMS defaults to PERIOD/TRES rounded to nearest integer. NHARMS is required to run subsequent SNAC, SNNOISE, SNXF, and PHASENOISE analyses. When using Syntax #1, NHARMS is computed automatically as NHARMS=Round(PERIOD/ TRES).

Description Shooting-Newton adds analysis capabilities for PLL components, digital circuits/logic, such as ring oscillators, frequency dividers, phase/frequency detectors (PFDs), and for other digital logic circuits and RF components that require steady-state analysis, but operate with waveforms that are more square wave than sinusoidal. Refer to the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis, SteadyState Shooting Newton Analysis. In addition to all .TRAN options, .SN analysis supports the following options:




HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNAC

Runs a frequency sweep across a range for the input signal based on a Shooting Newton algorithm. Syntax .SNAC frequency_sweep
Argument Description


Frequency sweep range for the input signal (also referred to as the input frequency band (IFB) or fin). You can specify LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, or SWEEPBLOCK. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop times using the following syntax for each type of sweep:

LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK nsteps freq1 freq2 ... freqn

Description The frequency_sweep runs across a range for the input signal based on a Shooting Newton algorithm. For more information, see Shooting Newton AC Analysis (.SNAC) in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples
VSRC node1 node2 0 SNAC 1 45 .SNAC DEC 10 1k 10K


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNFT

Calculates the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) value used for Shooting Newton analysis. Numerical parameters (excluding string parameters) can be passed to the .SNFT command. Syntax Syntax # 1 Alphanumeric input .SNFT output_var [START=value] [STOP=value] + [NP=value] [FORMAT=keyword] + [WINDOW=keyword] [ALFA=value] + [FREQ=value] [FMIN=value] [FMAX=value] Syntax #2 Numerics and expressions .SNFT output_var [START=param_expr1] [STOP=param_expr2] + [NP=param_expr3] [FORMAT=keyword] + [WINDOW=keyword] [ALFA=param_expr4] + [FREQ=param_expr5] [FMIN=param_expr6] [FMAX=param_expr7]
Argument Description

output_var START

Any valid output variable, such as voltage, current, or power. Start of the output variable waveform to analyze. Defaults to the START value in the .SN command, which defaults to 0. Alias for START in .SNFT commands. End of the output variable waveform to analyze. Defaults to the TSTOP value in the .SN command. Alias for STOP, in .SNFT commands. Number of points to use in the SNFT analysis. NP must be a power of 2. If NP is not a power of 2, HSPICE automatically adjusts it to the closest higher number that is a power of 2. The default is 1024. Output format:




NORM= normalized magnitude (default) UNORM=unnormalized magnitude


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNFT




Window type to use:

RECT=simple rectangular truncation window (default). BART=Bartlett (triangular) window. HANN=Hanning window. HAMM=Hamming window. BLACK=Blackman window. HARRIS=Blackman-Harris window. GAUSS=Gaussian window. KAISER=Kaiser-Bessel window.


Parameter to use in GAUSS and KAISER windows to control the highest side-lobe level, bandwidth, and so on. 1.0 <= ALFA <= 20.0The default is 3.0 Frequency to analyze. If FREQ is non-zero, the output lists only the harmonics of this frequency, based on FMIN and FMAX. HSPICE also prints the THD for these harmonics. The default is 0.0 (Hz). Minimum frequency for which HSPICE prints SNFT output into the listing file. THD calculations also use this frequency. T=(STOP-START) The default is 1.0/T (Hz). Maximum frequency for which HSPICE prints SNFT output into the listing file. THD calculations also use this frequency. The default is 0.5*NP*FM IN (Hz).




Description Use this command to calculate the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) spectrum analysis values for Shooting Newton analysis. It uses internal time point values to calculate these values. A DFT uses sequences of time values to determine the frequency content of analog signals in circuit simulation. You can pass numerical parameters/expressions (but no string parameters) to the .SNFT command. The output goes to a file with extension .snft#. You can specify only one output variable in an .SNFT command. The following is an incorrect use of the command because it contains two variables in one .SNFT command:

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNFT

Example 1 Correctly designates the variables per .SNFT command. .SNFT v(1) .SNFT v(1,2) np=1024 start=0.3m stop=0.5m freq=5.0k + window=kaiser alfa=2.5 .SNFT I(rload) start=0m to=2.0m fmin=100k fmax=120k + format=unorm .SNFT par(v(1) + v(2)) from=0.2u stop=1.2u + window=harris Example 2 Generates a .snft0 file for the SNFT of v(1) and a .snft1 file for the SNFT of v(2). .SNFT v(1) np=1024 .SNFT v(2) np=1024

See Also .SN


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNNOISE

Runs a periodic, time-varying AC noise analysis based on a Shooting Newton algorithm. Syntax .SNNOISE [output] [insrc] [frequency_sweep] + [n1, +/-1] +[listfreq=(frequencies|none|all)> [listcount=val] +[listfloor=val] [listsources=on|off]
Argument Description


Output node, pair of nodes, or 2-terminal element that the equivalent noise output references. Input source.


frequency_sweep Frequency sweep range for the input signal. You can specify LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, DATA, MONTE, or OPTIMIZE sweeps. n1, +/Index term defining the output frequency band at which the noise is evaluated. The output frequency is computed according to fout=|n1*f1 +/ - fin|, where f1 is the fundamental tone (inverse of fundamental period) and fin is from the frequency sweep. Prints the element noise value to the .lis file; the default is none. Prints the element noise value to the .lis file, sorted from the largest to smallest value. Prints the element noise value to the .lis file and defines a minimum meaningful noise value. Only those elements with noise values larger than listfloor are printed. The default value is 1.0e-14 V/sqrt(Hz). Prints the element noise value to the .lis file when the element has multiple noise sources. The default is off.

listfreq listcount



Description The functionality for the .SNNOISE command to is similar to the Harmonic Balance (HBNOISE command) for periodic, time-varying AC noise analysis, but

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNNOISE

the Shooting Newton-based algorithm completes the analysis in a much faster run time with the same result. Examples
.SNNOISE V(n1,n2) RIN DEC 10 1k 10k 0 -1



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNOSC

Performs oscillator analysis on autonomous (oscillator) circuits. As with regular Shooting Newton analysis, input might be specified in terms of time or frequency values. Syntax Syntax #1 .SNOSC TONE=F1 NHARMS=H1 [TRINIT=Ti] OSCNODE=N1 +[MAXTRINITCYCLES=N][SWEEP PARAMETER_SWEEP] Syntax #2 .SNOSC TRES=Tr PERIOD=Tp [TRINIT=Tr] OSCNODE=N1 +[MAXTRINITCYCLES=I] SWEEP PARAMETER_SWEEP
Argument Description


Approximate value for oscillation frequency (Hz). The search for an exact oscillation frequency begins from this value. Number of harmonics to be used for oscillator SN analysis. Node used to probe for oscillation conditions. This node is automatically analyzed to search for periodic behavior near the TONE or PERIOD value specified. Transient initialization time. If not specified, the transient initialization time is equal to the period (for Syntax 1) or the reciprocal of the tone (for Syntax 2). For oscillators we recommend specifying a transient initialization time since the default initialization time is usually too short to effectively stabilize the circuit. SN stabilization simulation and frequency detection is stopped when the simulator detects that MAXTRINITCYCLES have been reached in the oscnode signal, or when time=trinit, whichever comes first. Minimum cycles is 1. Time resolution to be computed for the steady-state waveforms (in seconds). The period of the steady-state waveform may be entered either as PERIOD or its reciprocal, TONE.





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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNOSC




Expected period T (seconds) of the steady-state waveforms. Enter an approximate value when using for oscillator analysis. Type of sweep. You can sweep up to three variables. You can specify either LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, SWEEPBLOCK, DATA, OPTIMIZE, or MONTE. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop frequencies using the following syntax for each type of sweep:


LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK nsteps freq1 freq2 ... freqn DATA=dataname OPTIMIZE=OPTxxx MONTE=val

Description Use this command to invoke oscillator analysis on autonomous (oscillator) circuits. The SNOSC command is very effective for ring oscillator circuits, and oscillators that operate with piecewise linear waveforms (HBOSC is superior for sinusoidal waveforms). As with the Harmonic Balance approach, the goal is to solve for the additional unknown oscillation frequency. This is accomplished in Shooting Newton by considering the period of the waveform as an additional unknown, and solving the boundary conditions at the waveform endpoints that coincide with steady-state operation. As with regular Shooting Newton analysis, input might be specified in terms of time or frequency values. See the examples, below. Examples
Example 1 Performs an oscillator analysis searching for periodic behavior after an initial transient analysis of 10 ns. This example uses nine harmonics while searching for a oscillation at the gate node. .SNOSC tone=900Meg nharms=9 trinit=10n oscnode=gate Example 2 Performs an oscillator analysis searching for frequencies in the vicinity of 2.4 Ghz. This example uses 11 harmonics and a search at the drainP. .SNOSC tone=2400MEG nharms=11 trinit=20n oscnode=drainP Example 3 Presents another equivalent method to define the OSCNODE information through a zero-current source. Example 3 is identical to Example 2, except that the OSCNODE information is defined by a current
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNOSC

source in the circuit. Only one such current source is needed and its current source must be 0.0 with the SNOSC OSCNODE identified by the SNOSCVPROBE keyword. ISRC drainP 0 SNOSCVPROBE .SNOSC tone = 2.4 G nharms = 1 trinit=20n


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNXF

Calculates the transfer function from the given source in the circuit to the designated output. Syntax .SNXF out_varfreq_sweep
Argument Description

out_var freq_sweep

I(2_port_elem) or V(n1<,n2>) Sweep of type LIN, DEC, OCT, POI, or SWEEPBLOCK. Specify the nsteps, start, and stop times using the following syntax for each type of sweep: LIN nsteps start stop DEC nsteps start stop OCT nsteps start stop POI nsteps freq_values SWEEPBLOCK = BlockName Specify the frequency sweep range for the output signal. HSPICE RF determines the offset frequency in the input sidebands; for example,f1 = abs(fout - k*f0) s.t. f1<=f0/2The f0 is the steady-state fundamental tone and f1 is the input frequency.

Description Use this command in HSPICE RF to calculate the transfer function from the given source in the circuit to the designated output. The functionality for the .SNXF command is similar to the Harmonic Balance (.HBXF) command for periodic, time-varying AC noise analysis, but the Shooting Newton based algorithm completes the analysis in a much faster run time with the same result. Examples In this example, the trans-impedance from isrc to v(1)is calculated based on the HB analysis.
.hb tones=1e9 nharms=4 .snxf v(1) lin 10 1e8 1.2e8 .print snxf tfv(isrc) tfi(n3)

See Also .HB


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SNXF


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STATEYE

Enables use of statistical eye diagram analysis. Syntax .STATEYE T=time_interval Trf=rise_fall_time + [Tr=rise_time] [Tf=fall_time] + Incident_port=idx1, [idx2, ... idxN] + Probe_port=idx1, [idx2, ... idxN] + [Rj=Rj1, [Rj2, ... RjN]] + [Tran_init=n_periods] + [V_low=val] [V_high=val] + [T_resolution=n] [V_resolution=n] + [VD_range=val] [Edge=1|2] + [Pattern_max=n] + [Save_tr=ascii] [Load_tr=ascii]
Argument Description

Time (in seconds) of single bit width of the incident signal, normally referred as Unit Interval (UI) Single value (in seconds) to set both the rise and fall times of the incident pulse Rise time (in seconds) of the incident port Fall time (in seconds) of the incident port An array of the index numbers of the incident port elements An array of the index numbers of the probing port elements An array of the real numbers to specify the standard deviation of the Gaussian random jitter. The array must be in the order of the port element index. No random jitter is added by default. Low voltage level of the incident pulse. The value is used when the voltage level is not specified in the incident port(s). High voltage level of the incident pulse. The value is used when the voltage level is not specified in the incident port(s).


Tr Tf Incident_port Probe_port Rj




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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STATEYE




An integer number that specifies the numbers of unit intervals (T) that is used by the initial transient analysis to determine the response of the system. Default value is 60. An integer number used to specify the probability density function (PDF) image resolution of the time axis. Default value is 200. An integer number used to specify the probability density function (PDF) image resolution of the voltage axis. Default value is 200. Specifies voltage display (output data) range. By default, the .StatEye analysis engine automatically determines the optimum voltage display range. Specifying VD_range can enlarge the display range. Number of edges to be used.1: Conventional statistical eye generation using the single pulse response (default).2: Double-edge mode. The rising and falling edges are evaluated separately. Limits the number of bits to be examined for a custom bit pattern specified with LFSR/PAT in incident Port-element(s). For example, if PATTERN_MAX=100 is specified, StatEye examines only the first 100 bits in the LFSR/PAT sources. This keyword is especially effective when LFSR is used with very high (over 20-bit) feedback tap(s) since it generates an extremely long bit stream. The default value of the PATTERN_MAX is 221 to provide sufficient accuracy for most cases. When PATTERN_MAX is not specified or PATTERN_MAX=0 is specified, StatEye examines all the given pattern(s). Saves initial transient data in text files Loads initial transient data from text files when available






SAVE_TR=ascii LOAD_TR=ascii

Description Use this command to perform statistical eye analysis to evaluate high-speed serial interfaces. Note: The .STATEYE command is invoked using the hspicerf executable on the command line for this release, not hspice. However, running a statistical eye analysis only requires an HSPICE license token.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STATEYE

The statistical eye diagram is a fundamental performance metric for high-speed serial interfaces in the bit error rate (BER). When setting up a Statistical Eye Analysis, the Port element is used to designate the incident (input) and probe (output) ports for the system to be analyzed. Ports can be specified as singleended or mixed mode. Random jitter can be applied to each incident and probe point in the system.Each incident port acts as random bit pattern source with specified voltage magnitude. If an incident port element does not have a time domain voltage magnitude specification, the default values, V_high=1.0, V_low=-1.0 are used.Probe ports are used as observation points where .PRINT, .PROBE, and .MEASURE commands can be defined. Examples
.STATEYE T=400p Trf=20p + incident_port= 1, 2 + probe_port= 3, 4 + Rj = 5p, 5p, 2p, 2p tran_init= 50 + T_resolution= 300 V_resolution= 300

See Also .MEASURE (or) .MEAS .PRINT .PROBE Statistical Eye Analysis


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STIM

Uses the results (output) of one simulation as input stimuli in a new simulation in HSPICE. Syntax General Syntax: .STIM [tran|ac|dc] PWL|DATA|VEC + [filename=output_filename ...] PWL Source Syntax (Transient Analysis Only) .STIM [tran] PWL [filename=output_filename] + [name1=] ovar1 [node1=n+] [node2=n-] + [[name2=]ovar2 [node1=n+] [node2=n-] ...] + [from=val] [to=val] [npoints=val] .STIM [tran] PWL [filename=output_filename] + [name1=] ovar1 [node1=n+] [node2=n-] + [[name2=]ovar2 [node1=n+] [node2=n-] ...] + indepvar=[(]t1 [t2 ...[)]] Data Card Syntax .STIM [tran|ac|dc] DATA [filename=output_filename] + dataname [name1=] ovar1 + [[name2=]ovar2 ...] [from=val] [to=val] + [npoints=val] [indepout=val] .STIM [tran | ac | dc] DATA [filename=output_filename] + dataname [name1=] ovar1 + [[name2=]ovar2 ...] indepvar=[(]t1 [t2 ...[)]] + [indepout=val] Digital Vector File Syntax (Transient Analysis Only) .STIM [tran] VEC [filename=output_filename] + vth=val vtl=val [voh=val] [vol=val] + [name1=] ovar1 [[name2=] ovar2 ...] + [from=val] [to=val] [npoints=val] .STIM [tran] VEC [filename=output_filename] + vth=val vtl=val [voh=val] [vol=val] + [name1=] ovar1 [[name2=] ovar2 ...] + indepvar=[(]t1 [t2 ...[)]]

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STIM



tran | ac | dc Simulation type: transient, AC, or DC. filename name1 Output file name. If you do not specify a file, HSPICE uses the input filename. PWL Source Name that you specify. The name must start with V (for a voltage source) or I (for a current source). OrName of a parameter of the data card to generate. Output variable that you specify. ovar can be: Node voltage. Element current. Parameter string. If using a parameter string you must specify name1. For example: v(1), i(r1), v(2,1), par(v(1)+v(2))


dataname node1 node2 from

Name of the data card to generate. Positive terminal node name. Negative terminal node name. Time to start output of simulation results. For transient analysis, it uses the time units that you specified. Cannot use with indepvar. Number of output time points or independent-variable points. Time to terminate output of simulation results. For transient analysis, it uses the time units that you specified. The from value can be greater than the to value. Cannot use with indepvar. Dispersed (independent-variable) time points. Specify dispersed time points in increasing order. Replaces the from and to construct. Indicates whether to generate the independent variable column. indepout, indepout=1, or on, produces the independent variable column. You can specify the independent-variables in any order. indepout= 0 or off (default) does not create an independent variable column. You can place the indepout field anywhere after the ovar1 field.

npoints to



vth vtl

High voltage threshold. Low voltage threshold.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STIM



voh vol

Logic-high voltage for each output signal. Logic-low voltage for each output signal.

Description Use this command to reuse the results (output) of one simulation as input stimuli in a new simulation. The .STIM command specifies:

Expected stimulus (PWL Source, DATA CARD, or VEC FILE). Signals to transform. Independent variables.

One .STIM command produces one corresponding output file. For additional information, see Reusing Simulation Output as Input Stimuli in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples In Example 1, the .STIM command creates a file test.pwl0_tr0, having a voltage source v0 applied between nodes neg and 0 (ground). It has a PWL source function based on the voltage of node n0 during the time 0.0ns to 5.0ns with 10 points.
Example 1 .stim tran pwl filename=test v0=v(n0) node1=neg + node2=0 from=0.0ns to=5ns npoints=10

Example 2: In this example the from and to construct is used:

.stim tran data filename=new PWL v(2) from=start to=end

Example 3: In this example, the indepvar construct replaces from and to; using both constructs results in an error.
.stim tran pwl filename=new v(2) indepvar=(2n 3n 4n)

See Also .DOUT .MEASURE (or) .MEAS

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STIM



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STORE

Starts a store operation to create checkpoint files describing a running process during transient analysis (HSPICE). Syntax .STORE [file=checkpoint_file] [time=time1] + [repeat=checkpoint_interval]
Argument Description

file=checkpoint_file Checkpoint files are saved as and checkpoint_file.tar; if not specified, the default checkpoint file name prefix is same as the HSPICE output file. time=time1 Collects checkpoint data beginning at time1 after the start of transient analysis. It then updates the checkpoint data every 21,600 wall-clock seconds if no checkpoint interval is specified.

repeat= If you specify a nonzero checkpoint_interval, new checkpoint data is checkpoint_interval collected at every checkpoint_interval, starting at transient time=0 and overwriting previous interval checkpoint data. If a nonzero time1 is specified, checkpoint data is collected at time1 + checkpoint_interval * n, where n is an integer. Checkpoint_interval is always calculated based on time1. If repeat=0, the store operation is disabled. If you set both time=0 and repeat=0, checkpoint data is saved at transient time=0 only. trantime=flag If flag is not equal to 1 (! =1), or trantime is not specified, time1 and checkpoint_interval are taken as wall-clock time. If flag=1, time1 and checkpoint_interval will be taken as simulation time; checkpoint will start at simulation time time1+checkpoint_interval*n. To avoid too-frequent checkpoints, checkpoint_interval adjusts automatically if the wall-clock time interval of the store operation is less than 7200 seconds.

Description Use this command in a netlist to trigger a restore operation by creating checkpoint files describing a running process during transient analysis; the operating system can later reconstruct the process from the contents of this file. This feature is not supported in HSPICE-RF.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STORE

The shortest period for a checkpoint_interval is 7,200 seconds, anything shorter than that defaults to 7,200 seconds automatically. If the netlist contains more than one .store statement, only the last statement takes effect. The restore operation is done on the command-line with the restore keyword. See Chapter 1, HSPICE and HSPICE RF Application Commands for more information. For usage requirements and additional information, see Storing and Restoring Checkpoint Files (HSPICE) in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples Example 1: Checkpoint data is saved at 50 wall-clock seconds of transient analysis in and chk_50.tar files. Checkpoint data is also updated every 21,600 wall-clock seconds.
.store file=chk_50 time=50

Example 2: After transient analysis starts, the store operation occurs at 7,200 wall-clock seconds, 14,400 wall-clock seconds, 21,600 wall-clock seconds, and so on. Each new time interval overwrites previous interval checkpoint files.
.store repeat=7200

Example 3: After transient analysis starts, the store operation occurs at 300 wall-clock seconds, 7,500 wall-clock seconds, 14,700 wall-clock seconds, and so on. Each new time interval overwrites previous interval check-point files.
.store time=300 repeat=7200

Example 4: This statement turns off the store operation.

.store repeat=0

Example 5: The store operation saves the data at the time transient analysis begins in and outputfile.tar files.
.store time=0 repeat=0

Example 6: The first store operation starts at simulation time 1ns, then repeats every 10ns. The repeat value is adjusted if the wall-clock time interval of the store operation less than 7,200 seconds.
store trantime=1 time=1n repeat=10n


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .STORE

Example 7: The first store operation starts at simulation time 10ns, then repeat every 10ns. The repeat value is adjusted if the wall-clock time interval of the store operation is less than 7,200 seconds.
.store trantime=1 repeat=10n

Example 8: The store operation starts at simulation time 0.00001s, but does not repeat.
.store trantime=1 time=0.00001

Example 9: HSPICE does not do a store operation.

.store trantime=1

See Also .TRAN

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SUBCKT

Defines a subcircuit in a netlist. Syntax .SUBCKT subnam n1 n2 n3 ... [param=val] .ENDS .SUBCKT SubNamePinList [SubDefaultsList] .ENDS .SUBCKT subnam n1 n2 n3 ... [param=str('string')] .ENDS
Argument Description

subnam n1...

Reference name for the subcircuit model call. Node numbers for external reference; cannot be the ground node (0, gnd, ground, gnd!). Any element nodes that are in the subcircuit, but are not in this list are strictly local with three exceptions:

Ground node (0, gnd, ground, gnd!). Nodes assigned using BULK=node in MOSFET or BJT models. Nodes assigned using the .GLOBAL command.


Parameter name set to a value. Use only in the subcircuit. To override this value, assign it in the subcircuit call or set a value in a .PARAM command. SubParam1=Expression [SubParam2=Expression...]


Description Use this command to define a subcircuit in your netlist. You can create a subcircuit description for a commonly used circuit and include one or more references to the subcircuit in your netlist. When you use hierarchical subcircuits, you can pick default values for circuit elements in a .SUBCKT command. You can use this feature in cell definitions to simulate the circuit with typical values. Use the .ENDS command to terminate a .SUBCKT command. Note: Using -top subck_name on the command line effectively eliminates the need for the .subckt subckt_name and .ends subckt_name.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SUBCKT

Examples This example defines two subcircuits: SUB1 and SUB2. These are resistordivider networks, whose resistance values are parameters (variables). The X1, X2, and X3 commands call these subcircuits. Because the resistor values are different in each call, these three calls produce different subcircuits.
Example 1 *FILE SUB2.SP TEST OF SUBCIRCUITS .OPTION LIST ACCT V1 1 0 1 .PARAM P5=5 P2=10 .SUBCKT SUB1 1 2 P4=4 R1 1 0 P4 R2 2 0 P5 X1 1 2 SUB2 P6=7 X2 1 2 SUB2 .ENDS * .MACRO SUB2 1 2 P6=11 R1 1 2 P6 R2 2 0 P2 .EOM X1 1 2 SUB1 P4=6 X2 3 4 SUB1 P6=15 X3 3 4 SUB2 * .MODEL DA D CJA=CAJA CJP=CAJP VRB=-20 IS=7.62E-18 + PHI=.5 EXA=.5 EXP=.33 .PARAM CAJA=2.535E-16 CAJP=2.53E-16 .END

Example 2 implements an inverter that uses a Strength parameter. By default, the inverter can drive three devices. Enter a new value for the Strength

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SUBCKT

parameter in the element line to select larger or smaller inverters for the application.
Example 2 .SUBCKT Inv a y Strength=3 Mp1 <MosPinList> pMosMod L=1.2u W=Strength * 2u Mn1 <MosPinList> nMosMod L=1.2u W=Strength * 1u .ENDS ... xInv0 a y0 Inv $ Default devices: p device=6u, $ n device=3u xInv1 a y1 Inv Strength=5 $ p device=10u, n device=5u xInv2 a y2 Inv Strength=1 $ p device= 2u, n device=1u ...

This example implements an IBIS model (in HSPICE only) that uses string parameters to specify the IBIS file name and IBIS model name.
Example 3 * Using string parameters .subckt IBIS vccq vss out in + IBIS_FILE=str('file.ibs') + IBIS_MODEL=str('ibis_model') ven en 0 vcc B1 vccq vss out in en v0dq0 vccq vss + file= str(IBIS_FILE) model=str(IBIS_MODEL) .ends



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SURGE

Automatically detects and reports a current surge that exceeds the specified surge tolerance in HSPICE RF. Syntax .SURGE surge_thresholdsurge_widthnode1 [node2 ...noden]
Argument Description

surge_threshold surge_width noden

Minimum absolute surge current. Defines the minimum duration of a surge. Any valid node name at current or lower subcircuit level.

Description Use this command to automatically detect and report a current surge that exceeds the specified surge tolerance. The command reports any current surge that is greater than surge_threshold for a duration of more than surge_width. Surge current is defined as the current flowing into or out of a node to the lower subcircuit hierarchy. Examples In this example, the .SURGE command detects any current surge that has an absolute amplitude of more than 1mA, and that exceeds 100ns, x(xm.x1.a), x(xm.x2.c), and x(xn.y).
.SUBCKT sa ... .ENDS .SUBCKT sb ... .ENDS .SUBCKT sx x1 x y sa x2 x a sb .ENDS xm 1 2 sx xn 2 a sx .SURGE 1mA a b c d x y

100ns xm.x1.a xm.x2.c xn.y

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SWEEPBLOCK

Creates a sweep whose set of values is the union of a set of linear, logarithmic, and point sweeps in HSPICE RF. Syntax .SWEEPBLOCK swblocknamesweepspec [sweepspec + [sweepspec [...]]]
Argument Description

swblockname sweepspec

Assigns a name to SWEEPBLOCK. You can specify an unlimited number of sweepspec parameters. Each sweepspec can specify a linear, logarithmic, or point sweep by using one of the following forms:start stop increment lin npoints start stop dec npoints start stop oct npoints start stop poi npoints p1 p2 ...

Description Use this command to create a sweep whose set of values is the union of a set of linear, logarithmic, and point sweeps. You can use this command to specify DC sweeps, parameter sweeps, AC, and HBAC frequency sweeps, or wherever HSPICE accepts sweeps. For additional information, see SWEEPBLOCK in Sweep Analyses in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples The following example specifies a logarithmic sweep from 1 to 1e9 with more resolution from 1e6 to 1e7:
.sweepblock freqsweep dec 10 1 1g dec 1000 1meg 10meg

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .SWEEPBLOCK


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TEMP (or) .TEMPERATURE


Specifies the circuit temperature for an HSPICE/HSPICE RF simulation. Syntax .TEMP t1 [t2t3 ...]
Argument Description

t1 t2

Temperatures in C at when HSPICE/HSPICE RF simulates the circuit.

Description Use this command to specify the circuit temperature for an HSPICE simulation. You can use either the .TEMP command or the TEMP parameter in the .DC, .AC, and .TRAN commands. HSPICE compares the circuit simulation temperature against the reference temperature in the TNOM option. HSPICE uses the difference between the circuit simulation temperature and the TNOM reference temperature to define derating factors for component values. HSPICE RF supports only one .TEMP command in a netlist. If you use multiple .TEMP commands, only the last one will be used. Note: HSPICE allows multiple .TEMP commands in a netlist and performs multiple DC, AC or TRAN analyses for each temperature. Do not set the temperature to the same value multiple times. When you use multiple temperature values in a .TEMP command, HSPICE RF perform multiple HB, SN, PHASENOISE, etc. analyses for each temperature. The simulation results for the different temperature values saved using a file naming convention consistent with .ALTER commands. Examples In Example 1, the .TEMP command sets the circuit temperatures for the entire circuit simulation. To simulate the circuit by using individual elements or model temperatures, HSPICE/HSPICE RF uses:

Temperature as set in the .TEMP command. .OPTION TNOM setting (or the TREF model parameter). DTEMP element temperature.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TEMP (or) .TEMPERATURE

Example 1 .TEMP -55.0 25.0 125.0

In Example 2:

The .TEMP command sets the circuit simulation temperature to 100 C. You do not specify .OPTION TNOM so it defaults to 25 C. The temperature of the diode is 30 C above the circuit temperature as set in the DTEMP parameter. D1temp=100 C + 30 C=130 . HSPICE/HSPICE RF simulates the D2 diode at 100 C. R1 simulates at 70 C.

That is:

Because the diode model command specifies TREF at 60 C, HSPICE/ HSPICE RF derates the specified model parameters by:

70 C (130 C - 60 C) for the D1 diode. 40 C (100 C - 60 C) for the D2 diode. 45 C (70 C - TNOM) for the R1 resistor.

Example 2 .TEMP 100 D1 N1 N2 DMOD DTEMP=30 D2 NA NC DMOD R1 NP NN 100 TC1=1 DTEMP=-30 .MODEL DMOD D IS=1E-15 VJ=0.6 CJA=1.2E-13 + CJP=1.3E-14 TREF=60.0

In Example 3, parameterized .TEMP is also supported.

Example 3 .param mytemp =0 .temp '105 + 3*mytemp'

See Also .AC .DC

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TEMP (or) .TEMPERATURE



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TF

Calculates DC small-signal values for transfer functions. Syntax .TF ovsrcnam
Argument Description

ov srcnam

Small-signal output variable. Small-signal input source.

Description Use this command to calculate DC small-signal values for transfer functions (ratio of output variable to input source). You do not need to specify .OP. The .TF command defines small-signal output and input for DC small-signal analysis. When you use this command, HSPICE computes:

DC small-signal value of the transfer function (output/input) Input resistance Output resistance


For the first example, HSPICE computes the ratio of V(5,3) to VIN. This is the ratio of small-signal input resistance at VIN to the small-signal output resistance (measured across nodes 5 and 3). If you specify more than one .TF command in a single simulation, HSPICE runs only the last .TF command. See Also .DC

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TITLE

Sets the simulation title. Syntax .TITLE string_of_up_to_73_characters Or, if .TITLE is not used string_of_up_to_80_characters
Argument Description


Any character string up to 73 (or 80 if .TITLE is omitted) characters long.

Description Use this command to set the simulation title in the first line of the input file. This line is read and used as the title of the simulation, regardless of the lines contents. The simulation prints the title verbatim in each section heading of the output listing file. To set the title you can place a .TITLE command on the first line of the netlist. However, the .TITLE syntax is not required. In the second form of the syntax, the string is the first line of the input file. The first line of the input file is always the implicit title. If any command appears as the first line in a file, simulation interprets it as a title and does not execute it. An .ALTER command does not support using the .TITLE command. To change a title for a .ALTER command, place the title content in the .ALTER command itself. Examples
.TITLE my-design_netlist

See Also .ALTER


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRAN

Starts a transient analysis that simulates a circuit at a specific time. In HSPICE RF you can run a parameter sweep around a single analysis, but the parameter sweep cannot change an .OPTION value. In addition, HSPICE RF does not support the .TRAN DATA command and only supports the data-driven syntax for parameter sweeps (for example, .TRAN AB sweepdata=name). Syntax Syntax for Single-Point Analysis: .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [START=val] [UIC] Syntax for Double-Point Analysis: .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [tstep2 tstop2] + [START=val] [UIC] [SWEEP var type np pstart pstop] .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [tstep2 tstop2] + [START=val] [UIC] [SWEEP var START="param_expr1" + STOP="param_expr2" STEP="param_expr3"] .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [tstep2tstop2] [START=val] [UIC] + [SWEEP var start_expr stop_expr step_expr] Syntax for Multipoint Analysis: .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [tstep2 tstop2 ...tstepN tstopN] + [START=val] [UIC] [SWEEP var type np pstart pstop] .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [tstep2 tstop2 ...tstepN tstopN] + [START=val] [UIC] [SWEEP var START="param_expr1" + STOP="param_expr2" STEP="param_expr3"] .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [tstep2 tstop2 ...tstepN tstopN] + [START=val] [UIC] + [SWEEP var start_expr stop_expr step_expr] Syntax for Data-Driven Sweep: .TRAN DATA=datanm .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [tstep2 tstop2 ...tstepN tstopN] + [START=val] [UIC] [SWEEP DATA=datanm] .TRAN DATA=datanm [SWEEP var type np pstart pstop] .TRAN DATA=datanm [SWEEP var START="param_expr1" + STOP="param_expr2" STEP="param_expr3"] .TRAN DATA=datanm + [SWEEP var start_expr stop_expr step_expr] Syntax for Monte Carlo Analysis: .TRAN tstep1 tstop1 [tstep2 tstop2 ...tstepN tstopN]
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRAN

+ [START=val] [UIC] [SWEEP MONTE=MCcommand] Syntax for Optimization: .TRAN DATA=datanm OPTIMIZE=opt_par_fun + RESULTS=measnames MODEL=optmod .TRAN [DATA=filename] SWEEP OPTIMIZE=OPTxxx + RESULTS=ierr1 ... ierrn MODEL=optmod
Argument Description

DATA=datanm Data name, referenced in the .TRAN command. MONTE= MCcommand Where MCcommand can be any of the following:

val Specifies the number of random samples to produce. val firstrun=num Specifies the sample number on which the simulation starts. list num Specifies the sample number to execute. list(num1:num2 num3 num4:num5) Samples from num1 to num2, sample num3, and samples from num4 to num5 are executed (parentheses are optional).


Number of points or number of points per decade or octave, depending on what keyword precedes it. Expressions you specify: param_expr1...param_exprN. Voltage, current, element, or model parameter; or any temperature increment value. If you set the type variation, use np (number of points), not pincr. Starting voltage, current, or temperature; or any element or model parameter value. If you set the type variation to POI (list of points), use a list of parameter values, instead of pstart pstop. Final value: voltage, current, temperature; element or model param. Time when printing or plotting begins. Caution: If you use .TRAN with a .MEASURE command, a non-zero START time can cause incorrect .MEASURE results. Do not use non-zero START times in .TRAN commands when you also use .MEASURE. Indicates that .TRAN specifies a second sweep.

param_expr... pincr


pstop START



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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRAN




Printing or plotting increment for printer output and the suggested computing increment for post-processing. This argument is always a positive value. Time when a transient analysis stops incrementing by the first specified time increment (tstep1). If another tstep-tstop pair follows, analysis continues with a new increment. This argument is always a positive value. If you specify the UIC parameter in the .TRAN command, HSPICE does not calculate the initial DC operating point, but directly enters transient analysis. When you use .TRAN UIC, the .TRAN node values (at time zero) are determined by searching for the first value found in this order: from .IC value, then IC parameter on an element command, then .NODESET value, otherwise use a voltage of zero. Note that forcing a node value of the DC operating point might not satisfy KVL and KCL. In this event you might see activity during the initial part of the simulation. This might happen if you use UIC and do not specify some node values, when you specify too many (conflicting) .IC values are specified, or when you force node values and the topology changes. Forcing a node voltage applies a fixed equivalent voltage source during DC analysis and transient analysis removes the voltage sources to calculate the second and later time points. Therefore, to correct DC convergence problems use .NODESETs (without .TRAN UIC) liberally (when a good guess can be provided) and use .ICs sparingly (when the exact node voltage is known).




Any of the following keywords:

DEC decade variation. OCT octave variation (the value of the designated variable is eight times its previous value). LIN linear variation. POI list of points.


Name of an independent voltage or current source, any element or model parameter, or the TEMP keyword (indicating a temperature sweep). You can use a source value sweep, referring to the source name (SPICE style). However, if you specify a parameter sweep, a .DATA command, or a temperature sweep you must choose a parameter name for the source value and subsequently refer to it in the .TRAN command. The parameter must not start with TEMP and should be defined in advance using the .PARAM command.

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRAN




MONTE=val value specifies the number of Monte Carlo iterations to perform. This argument specifies the desired number of iterations. HSPICE runs from num1 to num1+val-1. Iterations at which HSPICE performs a Monte Carlo analysis. You can write more than one number after list. The colon represents from... to.... Specifying only one number makes HSPICE run at only the specified point. When used with .TRAN and SWEEP, this argument is either opt_par_fun or OPTxxx for a bisection/Monte Carlo analysis in HSPICE.



Description Use to start a transient analysis that simulates a circuit at a specific time. For single-point analysis, the values of the tstep, tstop1, and START arguments should obey the following rules: For double-point analysis, the values of the tstep1, tstop1, tstep2, tstop2, and START arguments should obey the following rules: In double-point analysis, if tstep2 < tstop1, tstop2 < tstop1, and START is not explicitly set, the command is interpreted as: There can be three different DELMAX values involved in a .TRAN command:

.OPTION DELMAX (value specified with this .OPTION) delmax (value that can be specified with the .TRAN command) auto DELMAX (value that is computed automatically)

When column 4 is interpreted as delmax, this command has a higher priority than the DELMAX option. The maximum internal timestep taken by HSPICE during transient analysis is referred to as t max . Its value is normally computed automatically based on several timestep control settings. If you wish to override the automatically computed value, and force the maximum step size to be a specific value, you can do so with .OPTION DELMAX, or by specifying a delmax value with the .TRAN command. If not specified, HSPICE automatically computes a DELMAX auto value, based on timestep control factors such as FS and RMAX. (For a complete list of timestep control factors, see Transient Control Options in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis.) For multipoint analysis, the values of the tstep1, tstop1,..., tstepN, tstopN, and START arguments should obey the following rules:
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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRAN

The following limitation applies for HSPICE: The ratio between tstop1 and tstep must be 1e09. For example, .TRAN 8n 8 is permissible, but .TRAN 0.1n 8 is not. You can initiate a store/restore operation that creates checkpoint files describing a running process during transient analysis; the operating system can later reconstruct the process from the contents of this file. This function is available in HSPICE only on Redhat Linux/SuSE Linux platforms for the current release. Examples
Example 1 Performs and prints the transient analysis every 1 ns for 100 ns. .TRAN 1NS 100NS Example 2 Performs the calculation every 0.1 ns for the first 25 ns; and then every 1 ns until 40 ns. Printing and plotting begin at 10 ns. .TRAN .1NS 25NS 1NS 40NS START=10NS Example 3 Does the calculation every 0.1 ns for 25 ns; and then every 1 ns for 40 ns; and then every 2 ns until 100 ns. Printing and plotting begin at 10 ns. .TRAN .1NS 25NS 1NS 40NS 2NS 100NS START = 10NS Example 4 performs the calculation every 10 ns for 1 s. This example bypasses the initial DC operating point calculation. It uses the nodal voltages specified in the .IC command (or by IC parameters in element commands) to calculate the initial conditions. .TRAN 10NS 1US UIC Example 4 Example 5 This example increases the temperature by 10 degreesC through the range -55 degreesC to 75 degreesC. It also performs transient analysis for each temperature. .TRAN 10NS 1US UIC SWEEP TEMP -55 75 10 Example 6 Analyzes each load parameter value at 1 pF, 5 pF, and 10 pF. .TRAN 10NS 1US SWEEP load POI 3 1pf 5pf 10pf Example 7 This example is a data-driven time sweep. It uses a data file as the sweep input. If the parameters in the data command are controlling sources, then a piecewise linear specification must reference them. .TRAN data=dataname

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRAN

Example 8

Performs the calculation every 10ns for 1us from the 11th to 20th Monte Carlo trials. .TRAN 10NS 1US SWEEP MONTE=10 firstrun=11 Example 9 Performs the calculation every 10ns for 1us at the 10th trial, then from the 20th to the 30th trial, followed by the 35th to the 40th trial and finally at the 50th Monte Carlo trial. .TRAN 10NS 1US SWEEP MONTE=list(10 20:30 35:40 50)

See Also .IC .NODESET .STORE .OPTION DELMAX Timing Analysis Using Bisection Transient Analysis


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRANNOISE

RF analysis that activates transient noise analysis to compute the additional noise variables over a standard .TRAN analysis. Important: FMAX has a dramatic effect on TRANNOISE, since it controls the amount of energy each noise source is allowed to emit. Therefore, huge values of FMAX (like 100G) can result in huge instantaneous noise levels. FMIN sets the low frequency limit for flicker noise, and therefore controls the energy in flicker noise sources. You can expect some significant differences with FMAX and FMIN changes: Noise power will increase linearly with FMAX; Flicker noise power can scale as 1/ FMIN. Syntax Input SyntaxMonte Carlo Approach .TRANNOISE output SWEEP MONTE=MCcommand + [FMIN=val][FMAX=val][SCALE=val] Input SyntaxSDE Approach .TRANNOISE output + [TIME=(all|val)] + [FMIN=val] [FMAX=val] [SCALE=val]
Argument Description


(Required) Output node, pair of nodes, or 2-terminal element. Noise calculations are referenced to this node (or node pair). Specify a pair of nodes as V(n+,n-). If you specify only one node, V(n+), then HSPICE RF reads the second node as ground. If you specify a 2-terminal element, the noise voltage across this element is treated as the output.

MONTE=MCc Where MCcommand can be any of the following: ommand val: Specifies the number of Monte Carlo simulations (i.e., samples) to produce. val firstrun=num: number of Monte Carlo simulations to run, beginning with the simulation sample specified as firstrun.list (num1, num2, num3, ...): Specifies the sample simulation numbers to execute.list([num1:num2] [num3][num4:num5]): Samples from num1 to num2, sample num3, and samples from num4 to num5 are executed (parentheses are optional).

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRANNOISE




(Optional) Used to specify additional time points (breakpoints) where time-domain noise should be evaluated in addition to those time points that will be evaluated as part of the normal time-stepping algorithm.Use this parameter to force noise evaluation at important time points of interest (such as rising/falling edges). TIME=all: (default) causes timedomain noise ONOISE values to be computed and available for output at all time points selected by the .TRAN command time-step algorithm.TIME=val: Specifies a single additional time point at which time domain noise is measured. The value can be numeric or a parameter. A .TRAN analysis at this time point will be forced. Note that time-domain noise calculations require an accompanying .TRAN analysis at each time point. The TIME parameter may therefore add transient analysis time-points (breakpoints) as needed while values given outside the range of the .TRAN command constraints are ignored. (Optional) Base frequency used for modeling frequency dependent noise sources. Sets bandwidth for contributing noise sources. (Default: 1/ TSTOP) See Note below. (Optional) Maximum frequency used for modeling frequency dependent noise sources. Sets bandwidth for contributing noise sources. Default: 1/ TSTEP; See Note below. Scale factor that can be applied to uniformly amplify the intensity of all device noise sources to exaggerate their contributions. Default: 1.0




Description Use to analyze time-variant noise in HSPICE RF for circuits driven with nonperiodic waveforms. The transient noise analysis requires an accompanying .TRAN analysis which determines the time-sampling, matrix solutions, and deterministic output waveforms. The .TRANNOISE command is used to activate transient noise and to compute the additional noise variables. Note that this is consistent with how .NOISE computes additional noise outputs when added to an .AC analysis. The Monte Carlo approach can capture very nonlinear noise behaviors. This is useful, for example, when the responses of circuits with noise are known to have non-Gaussian variations about their noise-less simulations. For an in-depth discussion, see Transient Noise Analysis in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .TRANNOISE

Generates 30 Monte Carlo noise simulations beginning with a noiseless (index=1) simulation. .TRANNOISE v(out) SWEEP MONTE=30 Example 2 Generates 20 Monte Carlo noise simulations starting with the seed value (i.e., index) of 31 for the first simulation. .TRANNOISE v(out) SWEEP MONTE=20 FIRSTRUN=31 Generates a single noise simulation, with seed value of 50, with all noise sources amplified by a factor of 10. .TRANNOISE v(out) SWEEP MONTE=1 FIRSTRUN=50 SCALE=10.0 Example 4 Activates SDE noise analysis, and dumps the ONOISE output to the *.tr0 file: .TRANNOISE v(out) .PROBE TRANNOISE ONOISE Example 5 Activates SDE noise analysis, placing a lower bound on flicker noise to be 10kHz, and an upper bound on all noise power at 100MHz: .TRANNOISE v(out) FMIN=10k FMAX=100MEG Example 3 Example 1


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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .UNPROTECT or .UNPROT

Restores normal output functions previously restricted by a .PROTECT command as part of the encryption process in HSPICE. Syntax .UNPROTECT Description Use this command to restore normal output functions previously restricted by a .PROTECT command.

Any elements and models located between .PROTECT and .UNPROTECT commands, inhibit the element and model listing from the LIST option. Neither the .OPTION NODE cross-reference, nor the .OP operating point printout list any nodes within the .PROTECT and .UNPROTECT commands. The .UNPROTECT command is encrypted during the encryption process.

Caution: If you use.prot/.unprot in a library or file that is not encrypted warnings are issued that the file is encrypted and the file or library is treated as a black box. Note: To perform a complete bias check and print all results in the Outputs Biaschk Report, do not use .protect/.unprotect in the netlist for the part that is used in .biaschk. For example: If a model definition such as model nch is contained within .prot/.unprot commands, in the *.lis you'll see a warning message as follows: **warning** : model nch defined in .biaschk cannot be found in netlist--ignored

Usage Note: The .prot/.unprot feature is meant for the encryption process and not netlist echo suppression. Netlist and model echo suppression is on by default since HSPICE C-2009.03. For a compact and better formatted output (*.lis) file, use .OPTION LIS_NEW See Also .PROTECT or .PROT .OPTION BRIEF .BIASCHK .OPTION LIS_NEW


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .VARIATION

Specifies global and local variations on model parameters in HSPICE. Syntax .Variation Define options Define common parameters that apply to all subblocks .Global_Variation Define the univariate independent random variables Define additional random variables through transformation Define variations of model parameters .End_Global_Variation .Local_Variation Define the univariate independent random variables Define additional random variables through transformation Define variations of model parameters .Element_Variation Define variations of element parameters .End_Element_Variation .End_Local_Variation .Spatial_Variation Define the univariate independent random variables Define additional random variables through transformation Define variations of model parameters .End_Spatial_Variation .End_Variation Description Use this command to specify global, local, and spatial variations on model parameters, resulting from variations in materials and manufacturing. If a Variation Block is read as part of .ALTER processing, then the contents are treated as additive. If the same parameters are redefined, HSPICE considers this an error. The following are parameters and options available to the Variation Block:

Constant parameterdefinition which can be referenced anywhere within the Variation Block:
parameter PARAM=val

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .VARIATION

Univariate Independent Random Variable normal, uniform, and cumulative distributions below, respectively:
parameter IVarName=N() parameter IVarName=U() parameter IVarName=CDF(xn,yn)

Transformed Random Variable

parameter TVarName=expression(IVarNameIVarName)

Variation Definition for Model Parameter

modelType modelName paramName=Expression_For_Sigma

Variation Definition for Element Parameter

modelType paramName=Expression_For_Sigma modelType(condition) paramName=Expression_For_Sigma


Referencing a previously defined Random Variable

perturb('expression(IVarName|TVarNameIVarName TVarName)') perturb('expression(IVarName|TVarNameIVarName TVarName)') %

Referencing a previously defined Random Variable

absolute relative

perturb('expression(IVarName|TVarNameIVarName TVarName)') perturb('expression(IVarName|TVarNameIVarName TVarName)') %

absolute relative

Access Function

For element parameter (for example w, l, x, y):

For netlist parameter (for example .param vdd, temper):


Options: For a detailed description of the Variation Block and usage examples, see Analyzing Variability and Using the Variation Block in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis and for Variation Block options, see Control Options and Syntax.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .VEC

Calls a digital vector file from an HSPICE/HSPICE RF netlist. Syntax .VEC digital_vector_file Description Use this command to call a digital vector file from an HSPICE netlist. A digital vector file consists of three sections:

Vector Pattern Definition Waveform Characteristics Tabular Data

The .VEC file must be a text file. If you transfer the file between UNIX/Linux and Windows, use text mode. See Chapter 4, Digital Vector File Commands for more information. Examples This is a fragment from a netlist with a call to a digital vector file.
*file: mos2bit_v.sp - adder - 2 bit all-nand-gate binary adder *uses digital vector input .options post nomod .option opts fast * .tran .5ns 60ns * .vec 'digstim.vec' ...

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Chapter 2: HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands .VEC


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HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options

Describes the HSPICE and HSPICE RF simulation control options you can set using various forms of the .OPTION command.

You can set HSPICE and HSPICE RF simulation control options using the .OPTION command. This chapter provides a list of the options grouped by usage, followed by detailed descriptions of the individual options in an alphabetical list. Note that in many cases an option is only usable in either the HSPICE or HSPICE RF mode of operation. In a few instances, an option has different functionality, depending on which mode (HSPICE or HSPICE RF) has been invoked. The description of the command notes the differences. The control options described in this chapter fall into the following broad categories:

General Control Options Input/Output Controls Model Analysis HSPICE Analysis Options HSPICE RF Analysis Options Transient and AC Small Signal Analysis Options Transient Control (Integration) Method Options .VARIATION Block Control Options .DESIGN_EXPLORATION Block Control Options

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options General Control Options

Notes on Default Values The typical behavior for options is:

Option not specified: value is default value, typically OFF or 0. Option specified but without value: typically turns the option ON or to a value of 1.

If an option has more than two values allowed, specifying it without a value sets it to 1, if appropriate.In most cases, options without values are allowed only for flags that can be on or off, and specifying the option without a value turns it on. There are a few options (such as POST), where there are more than two values allowed, but you can still specify it without a value. Usually, you should expect it to be 1. Use of Example Syntax To copy and paste proven syntax use the demonstration files shipped with your installation of HSPICE (see Listing of Demonstration Input Files). Attempting to copy and paste from the book or help documentation may present unexpected results, as text used in formatting may include hidden characters, white space, etc. for visual clarity.

HSPICE Control Options Grouped By Function

General Control Options
Netlist Parser Control







HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Input/Output Controls

Output Listing Control


.MEAS Options


.BIASCHK Options


Multithreading Option

Input/Output Controls
I/O Control Options

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Model Analysis

Back Annotation Post-Layout Options





Interface Control Options


Model Analysis

Custom Models

Model Control



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options HSPICE Analysis Options




Diode and BJT


Inductor and Mutual Inductors


RC Reduction

HSPICE Analysis Options Transient and AC Small Signal Analysis Options Transient Control (Integration) Method Options

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient and AC Small Signal Analysis Options


Transient Control Limit Options


Error Tolerance




Speed and Accuracy







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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient and AC Small Signal Analysis Options


Spectral Analysis Controls


Transmission Lines

HSPICE RF Analysis Options

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options HB Options

HB Options








Phase Noise Analysis





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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Power Analysis

Power Analysis


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options RC Network Reduction

RC Network Reduction

Simulation Output


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Shooting Newton Options

Shooting Newton Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options DSPF Options

DSPF Options





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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options SPEF Options

SPEF Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options

Transient Accuracy Options


Alphabetical Listing of HSPICE Control Options

The following is the alphabetical list of links to the HSPICE/RF control option set. For commands see HSPICE and HSPICE RF Netlist Commands.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options Transient Accuracy Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ABSH

Sets the absolute current change through voltage-defined branches. Syntax .OPTION ABSH=x Default 0.0

Description Use this option to set the absolute current change through voltage-defined branches (voltage sources and inductors). Use this option with options DI and RELH to check for current convergence. See Also .OPTION DI .OPTION RELH


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ABSI

Sets the absolute error tolerance for branch currents in diodes, BJTs, and JFETs during DC and transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION ABSI=x Default 1e-9 when KCLTEST=0 or 1e-6 when KCLTEST=1.

Description Use this option to set the absolute error tolerance for branch currents in diodes, BJTs, and JFETs during DC and transient analysis. Decrease ABSI if accuracy is more important than convergence time. To analyze currents less than 1 nanoamp, change ABSI to a value at least two orders of magnitude smaller than the minimum expected current. Min value: 1e25; Max value: 10. See Also .AC .OPTION ABSMOS .OPTION KCLTEST .TRAN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ABSIN

Convergence criteria for bisection/passfail optimization. Syntax .OPTION ABSIN=val Default None

Description This option invokes the absolute input parameter value and takes effect only for bisection methods bisection or passfail. When set as .OPTION ABSIN, it overrides all optimization model card accuracy settings and ignores the relout and itropt parameters; when set in the model card, absin takes effect only for the specified model. In cases where both absin and relin are set, absin takes higher priority and dominates the simulation. Examples

For use in a model card:

.MODEL optmod opt absin=5.0e-11

See Also .MODEL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ABSMOS

Specifies the current error tolerance for MOSFET devices in DC or transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION ABSMOS=x Default 1uA

Description Use this option to specify the current error tolerance for MOSFET devices in DC or transient analysis. The ABSMOS setting determines whether the drain-tosource current solution has converged. The drain-to-source current converged if:

The difference between the drain-to-source current in the last iteration and the current iteration is less than ABSMOS, or This difference is greater than ABSMOS, but the percent change is less than RELMOS.

Min value: 1e-15; Max value 10. If other accuracy tolerances also indicate convergence, HSPICE solves the circuit at that timepoint and calculates the next timepoint solution. For lowpower circuits, optimization, and single transistor simulations, set ABSMOS=1e12. See Also .DC .OPTION RELMOS .TRAN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ABSTOL

Sets the absolute error tolerance for branch currents in DC and transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION ABSTOL=x Default 1e-9

Description Use this option to set the absolute error tolerance for branch currents in DC and transient analysis. Decrease ABSTOL if accuracy is more important than convergence time. ABSTOL is the same as ABSI. Min value: 1e-25; Max value: 10. See Also .DC .OPTION ABSI .OPTION ABSMOS .TRAN


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ABSV

Sets the absolute minimum voltage for DC and transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION ABSV=x Default 50 uV

Description Use this option to set the absolute minimum voltage for DC and transient analysis.ABSV is the same as VNTOL.

If accuracy is more critical than convergence, decrease ABSV. If you need voltages less than 50 uV, reduce ABSV to two orders of magnitude less than the smallest desired voltage. This ensures at least two significant digits.

Typically, you do not need to change ABSV, except to simulate a high-voltage circuit. A reasonable value for 1000-volt circuits is 5 to 50 uV. Default value: 5e05; Min value: 0; Max value: 10. See Also .DC .OPTION VNTOL .TRAN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ABSVAR

Sets the absolute limit for maximum voltage change between time points. Syntax .OPTION ABSVAR=volts Default 0.5 (volts)

Description Use this option to set the absolute limit for the maximum voltage change from one time point to the next. Use this option with .OPTION DVDT. If the simulator produces a convergent solution that is greater than ABSVAR, HSPICE discards the solution, sets the timestep to a smaller value and recalculates the solution. This is called a timestep reversal. For additional information, see DVDT Dynamic Timestep in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .OPTION DVDT


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ABSVDC

Sets the minimum voltage for DC and transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION ABSVDC=volts Default 50uV.

Description Use this option to set the minimum voltage for DC and transient analysis. If accuracy is more critical than convergence, decrease ABSVDC. If you need voltages less than 50 uV, reduce ABSVDC to two orders of magnitude less than the smallest voltage. This ensures at least two digits of significance. Typically, you do not need to change ABSVDC unless you simulate a high-voltage circuit. For 1000-volt circuits, a reasonable value is 5 to 50 uV. See Also .DC .OPTION VNTOL .TRAN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ACCURATE

Selects a time algorithm for circuits such as high-gain comparators. Syntax .OPTION ACCURATE=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to select a time algorithm that uses LVLTIM=3 and DVDT=2 for circuits such as high-gain comparators. Use this option with circuits that combine high gain and large dynamic range to guarantee accurate solutions in HSPICE. When set to 1, this option sets these control options: The default does not set the above control options. In HSPICE RF, this option turns on .OPTION FFT_ACCURATE and is subordinate to .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY. To see how use of the ACCURATE option impacts the value settings when used with .METHOD=GEAR, and other options, see Appendix B, How Options Affect other Options. See Also .OPTION ABSVAR .OPTION DVDT .OPTION FFT_ACCURATE .OPTION FT .OPTION LVLTIM .OPTION METHOD .OPTION RELMOS .OPTION RELVAR .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ACOUT

Specifies the method for calculating differences in AC output values. Syntax .OPTION ACOUT=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to specify a method for calculating the differences in AC output values for magnitude, phase, and decibels for print output and plots.

ACOUT=0: selects the SPICE method which calculates the magnitude of the differences real and imaginary in HSPICE. (Rarely used, but available for backward compatability.) ACOUT=1: (rarely used by analog and HSPICE RF designers) selects the HSPICE method which calculates the difference of the magnitudes of the values real and imaginary.

ACOUT=0 VR(N1,N2) = REAL [V(N1,0) - V(N2,0)] VI(N1,N2) = IMAG [V(N1,0) - V(N2,0)] Magnitude VM(N1,N2) = [VR(N1,N2)^2+VI(N1,N2)^2]0.5 Phase VP(N1,N2) = ARCTAN[VI(N1,N2)/VR(N1,N2)] Decibel VDB(N1,N2) = 20 * LOG10[VM(N1,N2)] ACOUT=1 VR(N1,N2) = REAL [V(N1,0)] - REAL [V(N2,0)] VI(N1,N2) = IMAG [V(N1,0)] - IMAG [V(N2,0)] Magnitude VM(N1,0) = [VR(N1,0)^2 + VI(N1,0)^2]0.5 VM(N2,0) = [VR(N2,0)^2 + VI(N2,0)^2]0.5 VM(N1,N2) = VM(N1,0) - VM(N2,0) Phase VP(N1,0) = ARCTAN[VI(N1,0)/VR(N1,0)] VP(N2,0) = ARCTAN[VI(N2,0)/VR(N2,0)]VP(N1,N2) = VP(N1,0) VP(N2,0) Decibel VDB(N1,N2) = 20 * LOG10(VM(N1,0)/VM(N2,0))

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ALTCC

Sets onetime reading of the input netlist for multiple .ALTER commands. Syntax .OPTION ALTCC=[-1|0|1] Default 0

Description Use this option to enable HSPICE to read the input netlist only once for multiple .ALTER commands.

ALTCC=1 reads input netlist only once for multiple .ALTER commands. ALTCC=0 or -1 disables this option. HSPICE does not output a warning message during transient analysis. Results are output following analysis.

.OPTION ALTCC or .OPTION ALTCC=1 ignores parsing of an input netlist before an .ALTER command during standard cell library characterization only when an .ALTER command changes parameters, source stimulus, analysis, or passive elements. Otherwise, this option is ignored. See Also .ALTER .LIB


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ALTCHK

Disables (or re-enables) topology checking in redefined elements (in altered netlists). Syntax .OPTION ALTCHK=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description By default, HSPICE automatically reports topology errors in the latest elements in your top-level netlist. It does not report errors in elements that you redefine by using the .ALTER command (altered netlist). To enable topology checking redefined elements in the .ALTER block, set: .OPTION ALTCHK=1or .OPTION ALTCHK To disable topology checking in redefined elements (that is, to check topology only in the top-level netlist, not in the altered netlist), set: .OPTION ALTCHK=0 See Also .ALTER

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION APPENDALL

Allows the top hierarchical level to use the .APPENDMODEL command even if the MOSFET model is embedded in a subcircuit. Syntax .OPTION APPENDALL Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option when, for example, MOSFET model cards from fabs might be embedded in subcircuit definitions. The option ends the need to edit fab model files to include .APPENDMODEL commands in subcircuit definitions.When this option is declared above the .APPENDMODEL command, then the main (uppermost) circuit level hierarchy can be used, even if the MOSFET model is embedded in a subcircuit. With this option, if the .APPENDMODEL command appears both in the main circuit and in a subcircuit, the .APPENDMODEL in the subcircuit takes priority.Without this option, the rules of .APPENDMODEL remain unchanged. Examples In this example, the .APPENDMODEL in the main circuit is used.
.option appendall .appendmodel n_ra mosra nch nmos .SUBCKT mosra_test 1 2 3 4 M1 1 2 3 4 nch L=PL W=PW .model nch nmos level= ... .ENDS

In this example, the .APPENDMODEL in the subcircuit is used.

.option appendall .appendmodel n_ra mosra nch nmos .SUBCKT mosra_test 1 2 3 4 M1 1 2 3 4 nch L=PL W=PW .model nch nmos level= ... .appendmodel n_ra1 mosra nch nmos .ENDS



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION APPENDALL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ARTIST

Enables the CadenceTM Virtuoso Analog Design Environment interface. Syntax .OPTION ARTIST=[0|1|2] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 2 Description Enables the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment if ARTIST=2. This option requires a specific license. For HSPICE RF, this option allows you to include HSPICE RF analyses such as Harmonic Balance, Shooting Newton, and their associated small-signal analyses and use their native waveform viewer. This option is generally used together with .OPTION PSF. If you use .OPTION PSF=1 or 2 with ARTIST=1 or 2 then the output format is always binary (Parameter Storage Format) and you need to use the Cadence ADE converter utility to change the binary format to ASCII format. Note: The PSF format is only supported on Sun/SPARC, Red Hat/ SUSE Linux and IBM AIX platforms as well as the 64-bit versions.

The syntax is: ADE_install_dir/platform/tools/dfII/bin/psf -i input_file -o output_file See Also .OPTION PSF


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ASPEC

Sets HSPICE or HSPICE RF to ASPEC-compatibility mode. Syntax .OPTION ASPEC=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to set the application to ASPEC-compatibility mode. When you set this option to 1, the simulator reads ASPEC models and netlists, and the results are compatible. If you set ASPEC, the following model parameters default to ASPEC values:

ACM=1: Changes the default values for CJ, IS, NSUB, TOX, U0, and UTRA. Diode Model: TLEV=1 affects temperature compensation for PB. MOSFET Model: TLEV=1 affects PB, PHB, VTO, and PHI. SCALM, SCALE: Sets the model scale factor to microns for length dimensions. WL: Reverses implicit order for stating width and length in a MOSFET command. The default (WL=0) assigns the length first, then the width.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION AUTOSTOP (or) .OPTION AUTOST


Stops a transient analysis in HSPICE or HSPICE RF after calculating all TRIGTARG, FIND-WHEN, and FROM-TO measure functions. Syntax .OPTION AUTOSTOP -or.OPTION AUTOSTOP=expression Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to terminate a transient analysis in HSPICE after calculating all TRIG-TARG, FIND-WHEN, and FROM-TO measure functions. This option can substantially reduce CPU time. You can use the AUTOSTOP option with any measure type. You can also use the result of the preceding measurement as the next measured parameter. When using .OPTION AUTOSTOP=expression, the expression can only involve measure results, a logical AND (&&) or a logical OR(||). Using these types of expressions ends the simulation if any one of a set of .MEASURE commands succeeds, even if the others are not completed. Also terminates the simulation after completing all .MEASURE commands. This is of special interest when testing corners. Examples
.option autostop='m1&&m2||m4' .meas tran m1 trig v(bd_a0) val='ddv/2' + val='ddv/2' rise=1 .meas tran m2 trig v(bd_a0) val='ddv/2' + val='ddv/2' rise=2 .meas tran m3 trig v(bd_a0) val='ddv/2' + val='ddv/2' rise=3 .meas tran m4 trig v(bd_a0) val='ddv/2' + val='ddv/2' rise=4 .meas tran m5 trig v(bd_a0) val='ddv/2' + val='ddv/2' rise=5 fall=1 fall=2 rise=2 fall=3 rise=3 targ v(re_bd) targ v(re_bd) targ v(re_bd) targ v(re_bd) targ v(re_bd)

In this example, when either m1 and m2 are obtained or just m4 is obtained, the transient analysis ends. See Also .MEASURE (Rise, Fall, and Delay Measurements)


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION AUTOSTOP (or) .OPTION AUTOST

.MEASURE (FIND and WHEN) .MEASURE (Continuous Results) .MEASURE (AVG, EM_AVG, INTEG, MIN, MAX, PP, and RMS) .MEASURE (Integral Function) .MEASURE (Derivative Function) .MEASURE (Error Function) .MEASURE PHASENOISE

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_ACTIVE

Specifies the active net file name(s) selective net back-annotation. Syntax .OPTION BA_ACTIVE = "FILENAME [;FILENAME2; FILENAME3...]" Description Conducts selective back-annotation. The active net file name contains the selected nets in the format defined by Star-RC or Star-RCXT. If no file is supplied, all nets (nodes) are selected for annotation. Multiple active net files can be specified, with each other being delimited by semicolon. You must use this option with BA_FILE, or it has no effect. To view examples of active net files used in a format for Star-RC/Star-RCXT, see Selective Net Back-Annotation in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples
.option ba_active = "./hspice/NETLIST/DSPF/active.rcxt"

See Also .OPTION BA_ACTIVEHIER .OPTION BA_FILE Back-Annotation Demo Cases


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_ACTIVEHIER

Annotate full hierarchical net names that are specified for BA_ACTIVE files. Syntax .OPTION BA_ACTIVEHIER = 0|1 Default 0 Description Setting this option to 1 annotates the full hierarchical net names that are specified in BA_ACTIVE files, instead of the name starting from last period (.). For example, in an active net file, if the net name is xi1.xi2.net_name, by default, HSPICE truncates this name from the last period and identifies the net name as 'net_name'. If you set ba_activehier=1, HSPICE use the full net name. See Also .OPTION BA_ACTIVE Post-Layout Back-Annotation Back-Annotation Demo Cases

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_COUPLING

Controls how to treat cutoff coupling capacitors when invoking selective net back-annotation. Syntax .OPTION BA_COUPLING = 0|1|2 Default 0 Description Coupling capacitors across two nets are very common in parasitic netlists. For example, assume one coupling capacitor CC with terminals connected to two nodes belonging to nets A and B, respectively. When selective net backannotation is launched and net A is active while net B is inactive, then CC is cut off from the node under net B and the terminal becomes a dangling node. .OPTION BA COUPLING allows three methods to deal with the cutoff coupling capacitor, with BA_COUPLING assigned a value listed below:

0: Just discards this coupling capacitor (a warning is issued). 1: Lets the cutoff terminal connect to the node defined by *|GROUND_NET. 2: Lets the cutoff terminal connect to the unexpanded inactive node (node B in the example above).


See Also Post-Layout Back-Annotation Back-Annotation Demo Cases


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_ERROR

Mode for handling error on nets. Syntax .OPTION BA_Error=0|1|2 Default 1 (LUMPCAP) Description Specifies means to handle an error on nets, where:

0: EXITTerminates the simulation with an error message 1: LUMPCAPAdds only the total lumped net capacitance 2: YESExpands whatever can be expanded


See Also Post-Layout Back-Annotation

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_FILE

Launches parasitic back-annotation. Syntax .OPTION BA_FILE = FILENAME [;FILENAME2; FILENAME3 ]" Description This option launches back-annotation. FILENAME is the name of the file that contains parasitic information in SPEF or DSPF format. Multiple parasitic netlists can be specified, with each other being delimited by semicolon. These parasitic netlists must be independent but cannot cross-reference each other. Use .OPTION BA_ACTIVE with .OPTION BA_FILE to launch selective parasitic expansion. To view examples of the SPEF and DSPF file structures, see DSPF and SPEF File Structures in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples
Example 1 Single Parasitic Netlist .option ba_file = "./hspice/NETLIST/DSPF/add4.spf" Example 2 Multiple Parasitic Netlists .OPTION BA_FILE = "./ba_file1.spf; ba_file2.spf; ba_file3.spef"

See Also Full Back-Annotation Back-Annotation Demo Cases


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_MERGEPORT

Controls whether to merge net ports into one node. Syntax .OPTION BA_MERGEPORT = 0|1 Default 1 Description Merging net ports into one node may introduce some small inaccuracy. To separate the net ports, set BA_MERGEPORT = 0. Examples .OPTION BA_MERGEPORT = 0 See Also Post-Layout Back-Annotation Back-Annotation Demo Cases

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_PRINT

Controls whether to output nodes and resistors/capacitors introduced by backannotation. Syntax .OPTION BA_PRINT = IDEAL|ALL Default All Description Specify this option to control the output of nodes and resistors/capacitors added by back-annotation. After back-annotation many nodes and resistors/capacitors are introduced in the output files, which can distract from the effective and useful information. By setting BA_PRINT=IDEAL, the newly-added nodes and resistors/capacitors by back-annotation are filtered from the *.lis, *.ic# and *.tr#. To switch on the output of these nodes and RCs, set BA_PRINT=ALL (the default setting). Examples

See Also Post-Layout Back-Annotation Back-Annotation Demo Cases


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_TERMINAL

Specifies mapping characters for back annotation terminal name. Syntax .OPTION BA_TERMINAL = "TERMINAL ALIAS [; TERMINAL2 ALIAS2; TERMINAL3 ALIAS3 ]"




Terminal name used in the parasitic netlist. Common terminal name recognized by the simulator, or user-defined/ tool-specific terminal name used in the ideal netlist.

Description Specifies the terminal name mapping between the parasitic netlist and the terminal names recognized by the simulator. Multiple TERMINAL-ALIAS pairs can be specified, with each other being delimited by semicolon. Generally, terminal names used in the parasitic netlist and ideal netlist are same. These terminals are widely accepted by various simulators, as listed in the following table.
Table 1 Default rules for element terminal names
Q (BJT) R,C,D (Resistor, Capacitor, Diode)

Term. M (MOS) Index

D [R] [A] [I] [N]

C [O] [L] [L] [E] [C] [T] [O] [R] A [N] [O] [D] [E], P [L] [U] [S], P [O] [S] [I] [T] [I] [V] [E]

G [A] [T] [E]

B [A] [S] [E]

B, C [A] [T] [H] [O] [D [E], M [I] [N] [U] [S], N [E] [G] [A] [T] [I] [V] [E]

3 4

S [O] [U] [R] [C] [E] E [M] [I] [T] [T] [E] [R] B [U] [L] [K]

S [U] [B] [S] [T] [R] [A] [T] [E]

S [U] [B] [S] [T] [R] [A] [T] [E] N/A

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BA_TERMINAL

HPSICE uses the first character and optional subsequent characters listed above to determine which terminal is referred to. However, sometimes terminal names referenced in the parasitic netlist are user-defined/tool-specific and different from above default terminal characters. Another case is the terminal names employed in the parasitic netlist follow the default rules, but are different from the ones used in ideal netlist, which are user-defined/tool-specific. This is especially common for elements of subckt type. That's what BA_TERMINAL is intended for. .OPTION BA_TERMINAL is used to set up the terminal name mapping between the parasitic netlist and ideal netlist. Of the TERMINAL ALIAS pair, the first entry is the terminal name used in the parasitic netlist, and the second entry is the corresponding terminal name used in the ideal netlist. Note: Consider the following limitation for BA_TERMINAL. All terminal mapping pairs specified are of global scope, not only applied for specific elements/blocks, but applicable for all unfound terminal names. Besides, if multiple mapping pairs have the same first entry (key), e.g., .OPTION BA_TERMINAL = "UDRN N1; UDRN N2", then the latter pair will hide the previous one and take effect.

This example maps user-defined terminals (UDRN, UGATE) in the parasitic netlist to default terminal characters (D, G). .OPTION BA_TERMINAL="UDRN D; UGATE G" Example 2 This example maps widely accepted terminal characters (D, G, S) in the parasitic netlist to subckt-defined node list (SUBCKT_N1, SUBCKT_N2, SUBCKT_N3) in the ideal netlist. .OPTION BA_TERMINAL="D SUBCKT_N1; G SUBCKT_N2; S SUBCKT_N3" Example 1

See Also Post-Layout Back-Annotation Back-Annotation Demo Cases


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BADCHR

Generates a warning on finding a nonprintable character in an input file. Syntax .OPTION BADCHR=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to generate a warning on finding a nonprintable character in an input file by setting to 1.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BDFATOL

Sets the absolute tolerance for the global accuracy control of the Backward Differentiation Formulae integration method. Syntax .OPTION BDFATOL=val Default 1e-3

Description Use this option to set the absolute tolerance of the circuit convergence integration method BDF (a higher order integration algorithm than BackwardEuler, Gear, or Trapezoidal). The option operates independent of .OPTIONS RUNLVL and ACCURATE settings with the following exception: If either .OPTION RUNLVL or ACCURATE follows an .OPTION BDFATOL or BDFRTOL value, the RUNLVL or ACCURATE setting overrides the tolerance of the BDF algorithm. If ACCURATE is set with or without RUNLVL, the default for BDFATOL will always set to 1.e-5.
RUNLVL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 BDFATOL 1e-4 1e-2 1e-2 1e-3 1e-4 1e-4 1e-5

The option appears in the .lis file. Examples



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BDFATOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BDFRTOL

Sets the relative tolerance for the global accuracy control of the Backward Differentiation Formulae integration method. Syntax .OPTION BDFRTOL=val Default 1e-3

Description Use this option to set the relative tolerance of the circuit convergence integration method BDF (a higher order integration algorithm than BackwardEuler, Gear, or Trapezoidal). The option operates independent of .OPTIONS RUNLVL and ACCURATE settings with the following exception: If .OPTION RUNLVL or ACCURATE follows an .OPTION BDFATOL or BDFRTOL value, the RUNLVL or ACCURATE setting overrides the tolerance of the BDF algorithm. If ACCURATE is set with or without RUNLVL, the default for BDFRTOL will always reset to 1.e-5.
RUNLVL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 BDFRTOL 1e-4 1e-2 1e-2 1e-3 1e-4 1e-4 1e-5

The value of the option appears in the .lis file. Examples



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BDFRTOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BEEP

Enables or disables audible alert tone when simulation returns a message. Syntax .OPTION BEEP=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to enable or disable the audible alert tone when simulation returns a message.

BEEP=1 Turns on an audible tone when simulation returns a message (such as HSPICE job completed). BEEP=0 Turns off the audible tone.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BIASFILE

Sends .BIASCHK command results to a specified file. Syntax .OPTION BIASFILE=file_name Default Default *.lis Description Use this option to output the results of all .BIASCHK commands to a file that you specify. If you do not set this option, HSPICE outputs the .BIASCHK results to the *.lis file. Examples
.OPTION BIASFILE=biaschk/mos.bias


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BIASINTERVAL

Controls the level of information output during transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION BIASINTERVAL=[0|1|2|3] Description Use this option with the .BIASCHKinterval argument to control the level of information output during transient analysis.

BIASINTERVAL=0: Ignores the interval argument. BIASINTERVAL=1: Output the total number of suppressed violation regions for those elements being monitored. Violation warning messages that are generated in these suppressed regions are removed from the output. BIASINTERVAL=2: Output detailed information regarding suppressed violation regions. This includes element information, start time, stop time, and peak values. Also, violation warning messages that are generated in these suppressed regions are removed from the output. BIASINTERVAL=3: Output detailed information about all violation regions. Also, violation warning messages that are generated in these regions are removed from the output.




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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BIASNODE

Specifies whether to use node names or port names in element commands. Syntax .OPTION BIASNODE=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to specify whether to use node names or port names in element commands in .BIASCHK warning messages.

BIASNODE=1: use node names instead of port names BIASNODE=0: use port names (for example, ng of MOS element)



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BIASPARALLEL

Controls whether .BIASCHK sweeps the parallel elements being monitored. Syntax .OPTION BIASPARALLEL=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option with the .BIASCHKmname argument to control whether .BIASCHK sweeps the parallel elements being monitored.

BIASPARALLEL=1: sweep parallel elements. If node voltage is also being monitored, only the first element is used to generate warning messages. BIASPARALLEL=0: do not sweep parallel elements.




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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BIAWARN

Controls whether HSPICE outputs warning messages when local max bias voltage exceeds limit during transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION BIAWARN=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to control whether HSPICE outputs warning messages when a local max bias voltage exceeds the limit during transient analysis.

BIAWARN=1: Output warning messages. When transient analysis is completed, the results are output as filtered by noise. BIAWARN=0: Do not output a warning message. When the transient analysis is completed, output the results.


See Also .TRAN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BINPRNT

Outputs the binning parameters of the CMI MOSFET model. Syntax .OPTION BINPRNT=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to output the binning parameters of the CMI MOSFET model. Currently available only for Level 57.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BPNMATCHTOL

Determines the minimum required match between the NLP and PAC phase noise algorithms in HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION BPNMATCHTOL=val Default Default0.5dB Description Use this option to determines the minimum required match between the NLP and PAC phase noise algorithms. An acceptable range is 0.05dB to 5dB. See Also .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVDIM .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVITER (or) PHASENOISE_KRYLOV_ITER .OPTION PHASENOISETOL .OPTION PHNOISELORENTZ

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BRIEF

Stops echoing (printback) of data file to stdout until HSPICE reaches an .OPTION BRIEF=0 or .END command. Syntax .OPTION BRIEF=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to terminate echoing (printback) of the data file to stdout until HSPICE finds an .OPTION BRIEF=0 or the .END command. It also resets the LIST, NODE and OPTS options, and sets NOMOD. BRIEF=0 enables printback. The NXX option is the same as BRIEF. BRIEF=1 disables printback. .OPTION BRIEF=1 and .OPTION BRIEF=0 act similar to the commands .PROTECT and .UNPROTECT, respectively. For information on how BRIEF impacts other options, see Appendix B, How Options Affect other Options. Examples This example shows how, if you include in your netlist .option brief=0, the printback of the library file would be prevented but the list option would work.
.option brief .lib 'mymodels.lib' tt .option brief=0



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BSIM4PDS

Flag to control the BSIM4 Pseff (effective source perimeter) and Pdeff (effective drain perimeter) model equation calculation. Syntax .OPTION BSIM4PDS=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Setting BSIM4PDS=1 enhances the pseff and pdeff calculation, so that when the calculated pseff and pdeff is negative, HSPICE uses the PAeffGeo function to recalculate it. (This option solves the issue of negative pseff and pdeff causing potential non-convergence issues.) When BSIM4PDS=0, HSPICE strictly follows the UCB code, and results in no recalculation if negative pseff or pdeff occurs. Note: This option is only available for BSIM4 (Level 54).

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BYPASS

Bypasses model evaluations if the terminal voltages stay constant. Syntax .OPTION BYPASS=[0|1|2] Default 1 for MESFETs, JFETs, or BJTs; 2 for MOSFETs and diodes

Description Use this option to bypass model evaluations if the terminal voltages do not change. Values can be 0 (off), 1 (on), or 2 (advanced algorithm, applies to BSIM3v3, BSIM4, BSIM3SOI (LEVEL=57), BSIM4SOI (LEVEL 70), HVMOS (LEVEL 66), and PSP (LEVEL=69) MOSFETs in special cases). To speed up simulation, BYPASS=1 does not update the status of latent devices. BYPASS=2 uses linear prediction to update the devices and balance speed and accuracy. (Assuming BYPASS is not explicitly set otherwise): When the BYPASS option is not given in the netlist, its value is determined by the value of RUNLVL and ACCURATE. When RUNLVL=0 then BYPASS=1; when RUNLVL=0 + ACCURATE=1 then BYPASS=0; when RUNLVL=1 through 6, then BYPASS=2. See Also .OPTION ACCURATE .OPTION RUNLVL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION BYTOL

Sets a voltage tolerance at which a MOSFET, MESFET, JFET, BJT, or diode becomes latent. Syntax .OPTION BYTOL=x Default 100.00u

Description Use this option to specify a voltage tolerance at which a MOSFET, MESFET, JFET, BJT, or diode becomes latent. HSPICE does not update status of latent devices. The default=MBYPASS x VNTOL. See Also .OPTION MBYPASS .OPTION VNTOL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CAPTAB

Adds up all the capacitances attached to a node and prints a table of singleplate node capacitances. Syntax .OPTION CAPTAB=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to print a compiled table of single-plate node capacitances for diodes, BJTs, MOSFETs, JFETs, and passive capacitors at each operating point. Note: When .OPTION CAPTAB is used to estimate the equivalent capacitance of the circuit nodes, HSPICE can give a zero capacitance values for some nodes when a resistance is connected to that node. The reason for getting 0 is that the capacitance is a dynamic, frequency-dependent capacitance and not a static capacitance. You need to run an AC analysis to see a non-zero node capacitance.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CFLFLAG

Activates the Compiled Function Library (CFL) feature in HSPICE. Syntax .OPTION CFLFLAG=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to turn on the CFL capability and pass arguments (mathematical or user-defined functions written in C that can be dynamically linked to HSPICE during run time). See the Features section of the HSPICE User GUIDE: Simulation and Analysis for more information. Examples In the following example, mysqrt(x) and func(arg1, arg2) are a coded as a CFL function. The functions mysqrt and func are called in the netlist as follows:
.option CFLflag .param area = 4u*u .param p1 = mysqrt(area) .param p2 = mysqrt(area/2) .param p3 = func(p1, p2)


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CHGTOL

Sets a charge error tolerance. Syntax .OPTION CHGTOL=x Default 1.00f

Description Use this option to set a charge error tolerance if you set LVLTIM=2. Use CHGTOL with RELQ to set the absolute and relative charge tolerance for all HSPICE capacitances. The default is 1e-15 (coulomb). Min value: 1e-20; Max value: 10. See Also .OPTION CHGTOL .OPTION LVLTIM .OPTION RELQ


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CMIMCFLAG

Restricted: for specified users only. Enables model memory allocation for each element. Syntax .OPTION CMIMCFLAG=0|1 Default 0 Description For restricted use: Setting this option to 1, changes the method for storing instance-specific local variation information. With use of this flag, during the instance reset process model memory is allocated for each element. Each instance will have its own model structure to store the local variation information. Note: Users employing conventional public domain models where many model parameters exist should not use this option to avoid memory issues.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CMIFLAG

Loads and links the dynamically linked Common Model Interface (CMI) library. Syntax .OPTION CMIFLAG=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to load and link the compiled CMI object .so file to HSPICE/ HSPICE RF during simulation runs. If this option parameter is set with no value or to 1, then the CMI .so file is loaded as a dynamically-linked object file. If this option parameter does not exist (deemed as default) in the netlist, or is explicitly set to 0, no loading or linking takes place. If CMIFLAG is set, model parameter CMIMODEL can be used to enable hybrid model usage, i.e., you can determine if a built-in model or model from custom CMI library is to be used in the simulation. CMIMODEL=0|1|2|undefined Model parameter CMIMODEL values are as follows:

0: HSPICE searches for the model from built-in models. If not found, an error message is issued and HSPICE aborts. 1: HSPICE searches for the model from the Custom CMI. If not found, a warning message is issued and HSPICE then searches for the model from built-in models. 2: Invokes the CMI2 mode. undefined: HSPICE proceeds as if CMIMODEL=1.

If .OPTION CMIFLAG is not set, model parameter CMIMODEL is ignored. See Also .OPTION CUSTCMI


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CMIPATH

Enables automatic selection of correct Custom CMI .so library platform. For information on the HSPICE CMI, contact your Synopsys technical support team. Syntax .OPTION CMIPATH='LIB_DIRECTORY' Description This option allows you to automatically select the correct custom CMI .so library platform, even though you might not have the right information about the platform HSPICE is running on. This functionality eliminates the need to manually search for the correct platform and allows for efficient CMI .so library distribution and customer applications. The solution to this issue keeps the environment variable hspice_lib_models backward compatible in its usage model, but users can add the control option .OPTION CMIPATH='LIB_DIRECTORY' to the model file. For the UNIX OS, HSPICE provides two scripts, hspice and hspice64 to invoke the right HSPICE executable for the platform on which HSPICE is being invoked to run. These scripts are enhanced to recognize the correct machine and platform for automatic CMI .so library selection. For the Windows OS, no HSPICE script is required, since all Windows platforms share the same single CMI .so library:LIB_DIRECTORY/WIN for all Windows platforms.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CMIUSRFLAG

Flag to control.OPTION SCALE parsing into the External Common Model Interface (CMI). Syntax .OPTION CMIUSRFLAG=0|1|2|3 Default 0

Description Controls the CMI element instance parameter value (unit) scaling. This option is only available for custom CMI MOS Level 101. It permits users and/or foundry model development teams to choose desired scaling for the instance parameters of the MOSFET devices that call a foundrys CMI model libraries. The CMIUSRFLAG values are as follows:

0: Turns off other functions of the CMIUSRFLAG option. 1: Passes scale*geoshrink value to custom CMI through artificial instance parameter scale. If set with no value or to 1, the products of option parameters SCALE and GEOSHRINK are passed and made available to scale the CMI model instance parameter values. 2: Turns on dynamic model bin selection for custom CMI and turns off other functions. 3: HSPICE will pass options SHRINK, SCALE and M into Custom CMI (both MOSFET model with BSIM4-like topology and DIODE model), using string names "optshrink", "optscale", and "mult", respectively. In addition, final constant capacitance value (for capacitors) will be scaled by .OPTION SHRINK.

If the CMIUSRFLAG option parameter does not exist in the netlist (default), or is explicitly set to 0, then the option parameters SCALE and GEOSHRINK are not accessible in the CMI; and the element instance parameter scaling is not activated for the foundry CMI models and libraries. Examples In this example, the value scale*geoshrink=0.9e-6 is parsed to the external CMI.
.option cmiflag=1 .option scale=1e-6 geoshrink=0.9 cmiusrflag=1 ... .model nch nmos level=101 ...


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CMIUSRFLAG


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CONVERGE

Invokes various methods for solving nonconvergence problems. Syntax .OPTION CONVERGE=[-1|0|1|2|3|4|5|100] Description Use this option to run different methods for solving nonconvergence issues. This option is part of the autoconverge flow. Note:

In HSPICE RF, this option is ignored because it is replaced by automated algorithms.

CONVERGE=-1: Use with DCON=-1 to disable autoconvergence. CONVERGE=0: Autoconvergence. CONVERGE=1: Use the Damped Pseudo Transient algorithm. If simulation does not converge within the set CPU time (in the CPTIME control option), then simulation halts. CONVERGE=2: Use a combination of DCSTEP and GMINDC ramping. Not used in the autoconvergence flow. CONVERGE=3: Invoke the source-stepping method. Not used in the autoconvergence flow. CONVERGE=4: Use the gmath ramping method. CONVERGE=5: Use the gshunt ramping method. Even you did not set it in an .OPTION command, the CONVERGE option activates if a matrix floatingpoint overflows or if HSPICE reports a timestep too small error. The default is 0. If a matrix floating-point overflows, then CONVERGE=1. CONVERGE=100 Adaptive option control for autoconvergence; this value requires less dependence on convergence option settings, such as DV, ITL1, GRAMP, SYMB, and DCON.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CPTIME

Sets the maximum CPU time allotted for a simulation. Syntax .OPTION CPTIME=x Default 10.00x

Description Use this option to set the maximum CPU time, in seconds, allotted for this simulation job. When the time allowed for the job exceeds CPTIME, HSPICE prints or plots the results up to that point and concludes the job. Use this option if you are uncertain how long the simulation takes, especially when you debug new data files. The default is 1e7 (400 days).

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CSCAL

Sets the capacitance scale for Pole/Zero analysis. Syntax .OPTION CSCAL=x Default 1.0e+12

Description Use this option to set the capacitance scale for Pole/Zero analysis. HSPICE multiplies capacitances by CSCAL. See Also .OPTION FMAX .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION ITLPZ .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CSDF

Selects the Common Simulation Data Format (Viewlogic-compatible graph data file format). Syntax .OPTION CSDF=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to specify whether HSPICE/ HSPICE RF outputs CSDF data when you run a HSPICE simulation.

If CSDF=0, CSDF output is disabled.If CSDF=1, HSPICE produces CSDF output.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CSHDC

Adds capacitance from each node to ground; used only with the CONVERGE option. Syntax .OPTION CSHDC=x Description Use this option to add capacitance from each node to ground. This is the same option as CSHUNT; use CSHDC only with the CONVERGE option. When defined, .OPTION CSHDC is the same as .OPTION CSHUNT, except that CSHDC becomes invalid after DC OP analysis, while CSHUNT stays in both DC OP and transient analysis. See Also .OPTION CONVERGE .OPTION CSHUNT


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CSHUNT

Adds capacitance from each node to ground. Syntax .OPTION CSHUNT=x Default 0 Description Use this option to add capacitance from each node to ground. Add a small CSHUNT to each node to solve internal timestep too small timestep problems caused by high frequency oscillations or numerical noise. When defined, .OPTION CSHUNT is the same as .OPTION CSHDC, except that CSHDC becomes invalid after DC OP analysis, while CSHUNT stays in both DC OP and transient analysis. Examples
.option .option .option .option .option gshunt=1e-13 gshunt=1e-12 gshunt=1e-11 gshunt=1e-10 gshunt=1e-9 cshunt=1e-17 cshunt=1e-16 cshunt=5e-15 cshunt=1e-15 cshunt=1e-14


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CUSTCMI

Turns on gate direct tunneling current modeling and additional instance parameter support. Syntax .OPTION CUSTCMI= 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to turn on gate direct tunneling current modeling and instance parameter support. Set .OPTION CUSTCMI=1 jointly with .OPTION CMIFLAG to turn on gate direct tunneling current modeling and instance parameters. .OPTION CUSTCMI=0 to turns off the feature. The existing HSPICE BSIM4-like instance parameters include: geomod, acnqsmod, delk1, delnfct, deltox, min, mulu0, nf, rbdb, rbodymod, rbpb, rbpd, rbps, rbsb, rgatemod, sa, sa1, sa10,sa2, sa3, sa4, sa5, sa6, sa7,sa8, sa9, sb, sb1, sb10, sb2,sb3, sb4, sb5, sb6, sb7, sb8,sb9, sd, stimod, sw1, sw10, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw6, sw7, sw8, sw9, and trnqsmod. .OPTION CUSTCMI=1 also supports the six integer instance model flags: insflg1, insflg2, insflg3, insflg4, insflg5, and insflg6 and the ten double precision instance parameters supported for customer CMI: insprm1, insprm2, insprm3, insprm4,...,insprm10. See Also .OPTION CMIFLAG


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION CVTOL

Changes the number of numerical integration steps when calculating the gate capacitor charge for a MOSFET. Syntax .OPTION CVTOL=x Description Use this option to change the number of numerical integration steps when calculating the gate capacitor charge for a MOSFET by using CAPOP=3. See the discussion of CAPOP=3 in the Overview of MOSFET Models chapter of the HSPICE Reference Manual: MOSFET Models for explicit equations and discussion.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION D_IBIS

Specifies the directory containing the IBIS files. Syntax .OPTION D_IBIS=ibis_files_directory Description Use this option to specify the directory containing the IBIS files. If you specify several directories, the simulation looks for IBIS files in the local directory (the directory from which you run the simulation). It then checks the directories specified through .OPTIOND_IBIS in the order that .OPTION cards appear in the netlist. You can use the D_IBIS option to specify up to 40 directories. Examples
.OPTION d_ibis='/home/user/ibis/models'


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DCAP

Specifies equations used to calculate depletion capacitance for Level 1 and 3 diodes and BJTs. Syntax .OPTION DCAP Description Use this option to specify equations for HSPICE to use when calculating depletion capacitance for Level 1 and 3 diodes and BJTs. The HSPICE Reference Manual: Elements and Device Models describes these equations in the section Using Diode Capacitance Equations.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DCCAP

Generates C-V plots. Syntax .OPTION DCCAP=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to generate C-V plots. Prints capacitance values of a circuit (both model and element) during a DC analysis. You can use a DC sweep of the capacitor to generate C-V plots. If not set, MOS device or voltage-variable capacitance values are not evaluated and the printed value is zero. When doing C-V curves for devices, make sure you set .OPTION DCCAP so that the capacitance values can be output. Depending on the MOS model level you are using, make sure that you use the appropriate model templates for the models. See Also .DC MOSFET Device Examples, mosivcv.sp.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DCFOR

Sets the number of iterations to calculate after a circuit converges in the steady state. Syntax .OPTION DCFOR=x Default 0

Description Use this option to set the number of iterations to calculate after a circuit converges in the steady state. The number of iterations after convergence is usually zero, so DCFOR adds iterations (and computation time) to the DC circuit solution. DCFOR ensures that a circuit actually, not falsely, converges. Use this option with .OPTIONDCHOLD and the .NODESET command to enhance DC convergence. See Also .DC .NODESET .OPTION DCHOLD

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DCHOLD

Specifies how many iterations to hold a node at the .NODESET voltage values. Syntax .OPTION DCHOLD=n Default 1

Description Use this option to specify how many iterations to hold a node at the .NODESET voltage values. Note: In HSPICE RF, this option is ignored; it is replaced by automated algorithms.

Use DCFOR and DCHOLD together to initialize DC analysis.DCFOR and DCHOLD enhance the convergence properties of a DC simulation. DCFOR and DCHOLD work with the .NODESET command. The effects of DCHOLD on convergence differ, according to the DCHOLD value and the number of iterations before DC convergence. If a circuit converges in the steady state in fewer than DCHOLD iterations, the DC solution includes the values set in .NODESET. If a circuit requires more than DCHOLD iterations to converge, HSPICE ignores the values set in the .NODESET command, and calculates the DC solution by setting the .NODESET fixed-source voltages as open circuited. See Also .DC .NODESET .OPTION DCFOR


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DCIC

Specifies whether to use or ignore .IC commands in the netlist. Syntax .OPTION DCIC=0|1 Description Use this option to specify whether to use or ignore .IC commands in the netlist.

DCIC=1 (default): Each point in a DC sweep analysis acts like an operating point and all .IC commands in the netlist are used. DCIC=0: .IC commands in the netlist are ignored for DC sweep analysis.

See Also .IC .DC

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DCON

Aids in the auto-convergence routines; can also disable autoconverge routines when set to =-1. Syntax .OPTION DCON=x Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description This option aids in the autoconvergence routines. When DCON equals

-1: Disables convergence routines, Steps 2 and 3 of the HSPICE autoconverge process (when DCON=-1 and .OPTION CONVERGE=-1). 0: Enables autoconvergence routines as designed 1: If a circuit cannot converge using Newton-Raphson, HSPICE automatically sets DCON=1 and calculates the following: V max DV = max 0.1, ----------- , if DV =1000 50 I max GRAMP = max 6, log 10 ------------------------ GMINDC ITL1 = ITL1 + 20 GRAMP

2: If the circuit still cannot converge, HSPICE sets DCON=2, which sets DV=1e6.

See Also .OPTION CONVERGE .OPTION DV Autoconverge Process


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DCSTEP

Converts DC model and element capacitors to a conductance. Syntax .OPTION DCSTEP=n Default 0 (seconds)

Description Use this option to convert DC model and element capacitors to a conductance to enhance DC convergence properties. HSPICE divides the value of the element capacitors by DCSTEP to model DC conductance. See Also .DC

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DCTRAN

Invokes different methods to solve nonconvergence problems. Syntax .OPTION DCTRAN=x Description Use this option to run different methods to solve nonconvergence problems. DCTRAN is an alias for CONVERGE. See Also .OPTION CONVERGE


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFAD

Sets the default MOSFET drain diode area. Syntax .OPTION DEFAD=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to set the default MOSFET drain diode area.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFAS

Sets the default MOSFET source diode area. Syntax .OPTION DEFAS=x Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to set the default MOSFET source diode area.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFL

Sets the default MOSFET channel length. Syntax .OPTION DEFL=x Default 100.00u

Description Use this option to set the default MOSFET channel length.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFNRD

Sets the default number of squares for the drain resistor on a MOSFET. Syntax .OPTION DEFNRD=n Default 0

Description Use this option to set the default number of squares for the drain resistor on a MOSFET.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFNRS

Sets the default number of squares for the source resistor on a MOSFET. Syntax .OPTION DEFNRS= n Default 0

Description Use this option to set the default number of squares for the source resistor on a MOSFET.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFPD

Sets the default MOSFET drain diode perimeter. Syntax .OPTION DEFPD=n Default 0

Description Use this option to set the default MOSFET drain diode perimeter.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFPS

Sets the default MOSFET source diode perimeter. Syntax .OPTION DEFPS=x Default Default 0 Description Use this option to set the default MOSFET source diode perimeter.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFSA

Sets the default BSIM4 MOSFET SA parameter in HSPICE. Syntax .OPTION DEFSA=x Default 0.0

Description Use this option to set the default distance between the S/D diffusion edge to the poly gate edge from one side in the BSIM STI/LOD model.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFSB

Sets the default BSIM4 MOSFET SB parameter. Syntax .OPTION DEFSB=x Default 0.0

Description Use this option to set the default distance between the S/D diffusion edge to the poly gate edge from side opposite the SA side in the BSIM STI/LOD model.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFSD

Sets default for BSIM4 MOSFET SD parameter. Syntax .OPTION DEFSD=x Default 0.0

Description Use this option to set the default for the distance between neighboring fingers (SD parameter) in a BSIM STI/LOD model.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEFW

Sets the default MOSFET channel width. Syntax .OPTION DEFW=x Default 100.00u

Description Use this option to set the default MOSFET channel width. The default is 1e-4m.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEGFN

Sets the NMOS's failure criteria for lifetime computation when using the MOSRA API. Syntax .option DEGFN=val Description This option is used in conjunction with .OPTION MOSRALIFE. This option sets the PMOS's degradation value at lifetime. If the option is not specified or the keyword can not be identified by the MRAlifetimeDeg function, HSPICE will not do the lifetime computation.The options apply to all MOSFETs. The lifetime values are printed in the RADEG file.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DEGFP

Sets the PMOS's failure criteria for lifetime computation when using the MOSRA API. Syntax .option DEGFP= val Description This option is used in conjunction with .OPTION MOSRALIFE. This option sets the PMOS's degradation value at lifetime. If the option is not specified or the keyword can not be identified by the MRAlifetimeDeg function, HSPICE will not do the lifetime computation. The options apply to all MOSFETs. The lifetime values are printed in the RADEG file.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DELMAX

Sets the maximum allowable step size of the timesteps taken during transient analysis in HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION DELMAX=x Default (Computed automatically)

Description Use this option to set the maximum allowable step size of the internal timestep. The maximum internal timestep taken by HSPICE during transient analysis is referred to as t max . Its value is normally computed automatically based on several timestep control settings. If you wish to override the automatically computed value, and force the maximum step size to be a specific value, you can do so with .OPTION DELMAX, or by specifying a delmax value with the .TRAN command. If not specified, HSPICE automatically computes a DELMAX auto value, based on timestep control factors such as FS and RMAX. The initial calculated DELMAX auto value, shown in the output listing, is generally not the value used for simulation. The calculated DELMAX value is automatically adjusted by the timestep control methods, DVDT, RUNLVL and LVLTIM. If DELMAX is defined in an .OPTION command, its priority is higher than the value given with a .TRAN command and it overrides the DELMAX auto value calculations. Min value: -1e10; Max value 1e10. See Also .TRAN .OPTION DVDT .OPTION RUNLVL .OPTION LVLTIM .OPTION FS .OPTION RMAX Appendix B, How Options Affect other Options


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DI

Sets the maximum iteration to iteration current change in HSPICE. Syntax .OPTION DI=n Default 100.00

Description Use this option to set the maximum iteration to iteration current change through voltage-defined branches (voltage sources and inductors). Use this option only if the value of the ABSH control option is greater than 0. See Also .OPTION ABSH

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DIAGNOSTIC (or) .OPTION DIAGNO


Logs the occurrence of negative model conductances. Syntax .OPTION DIAGNOSTIC Description Use this option to log the occurrence of negative model conductances.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DLENCSDF

Specifies how many digits to include in scientific notation (exponents) or to the right of the decimal point when using Common Simulation Data Format. Syntax .OPTION DLENCSDF=x Default 5

Description If you use the Common Simulation Data Format (Viewlogic graph data file format) as the output format, this digit length option specifies how many digits to include in scientific notation (exponents) or to the right of the decimal point. Valid values are any integer from 1 to 10. If you assign a floating decimal point or if you specify less than 1 or more than 10 digits, HSPICE uses the default. For example, it places 5 digits to the right of a decimal point.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DV

Specifies maximum iteration to iteration voltage change for all circuit nodes in both DC and transient analyses. Syntax .OPTION DV=x Default 1.00k

Description Use this option to specify maximum iteration to iteration voltage change for all circuit nodes in both DC and transient analysis. High-gain bipolar amplifiers can require values of 0.5 to 5.0 to achieve a stable DC operating point. Large CMOS digital circuits frequently require about 1 V. The default is 1000 (or 1e6 if DCON=2). See Also .DC .OPTION DCON .TRAN


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DVDT

Adjusts the timestep based on rates of change for node voltage. Syntax .OPTION DVDT=0|1|2|3|4 Default 4 when Runlvl is off (=0) 3 when runlvl is set(=1,2,3,4,5,6).

Description Use this option to adjust the timestep based on rates of change for node voltage.

0: Original algorithm 1: Fast 2: Accurate 3, 4: Balance speed and accuracy The ACCURATE option also increases the accuracy of the results.

For additional information, see DVDT Dynamic Timestep in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. For information on how DVDT values impact other options, see Appendix B, How Options Affect other Options. See Also .OPTION ACCURATE .OPTION DELMAX

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DVTR

Limits the voltage in transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION DVTR=x Default 1.00k

Description Use this option to limit the voltage in transient analysis. The default is 1000.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION DYNACC

(Optimization) Dynamic accuracy tolerance setting to accelerate bisection simulation. Syntax .OPTION DYNACC = 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description When DYNACC=1, if HSPICE is in accuracy mode, it uses reduced accuracy simulations to narrow the bisection window, then switches to the original accuracy algorithm to refine the solution. This method reduces simulation time by doing the majority of simulations at lower accuracy, which run faster by taking fewer time steps.If DYNACC is set using the .OPTION command, the setting of DYNACC in .model card is overridden. See Also .MODEL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION EM_RECOVERY

Provides a coefficient value for measuring recovered average current such as electromigration for bipolar currents. Syntax .OPTION EM_RECOVERY=value Default 1

Description This option is used in a transient analysis with the .MEAS keyword em_avg (electromigration average) using the From-To function. .OPTION EM_RECOVERY assists in measuring recovered average current from an electromigration perspective. The option can have a coefficient value between 0.0 and 1.0. Recovered average current is especially meaningful for bipolar currents (for example output of the inverter), as the mathematical average for such a waveform is zero. Examples
.option em_recovery=0.9



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION EPSMIN

Specifies the smallest number a computer can add or subtract. Syntax .OPTION EPSMIN=x Description Use this option to specify the smallest number that a computer can add or subtract, a constant value. This options helps avoid zero denominator issues.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION EXPLI

Enables the current-explosion model parameter. Syntax .OPTION EXPLI=x Default 0 (amp/area effective)

Description Use this option to enable the current-explosion model parameter. PN junction characteristics, above the explosion current are linear. HSPICE/HSPICE RF determines the slope at the explosion point. This improves simulation speed and convergence.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION EXPMAX

Specifies the largest exponent that you can use for an exponential before overflow occurs. Syntax .OPTION EXPMAX=x Default 80.00

Description Use this option to specify the largest exponent that you can use for an exponential before overflow occurs. Typical value for an IBM platform is 350.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION FAST

Disables status updates for latent devices; this speeds up simulation. Syntax .OPTION FAST=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to set additional options, which increase simulation speed with minimal loss of accuracy. To speed up simulation, this option disables status updates for latent devices. Use this option for MOSFETs, MESFETs, JFETs, BJTs, and diodes. A device is latent if its node voltage variation (from one iteration to the next) is less than the value of either the BYTOL control option or the BYPASSTOL element parameter. (If FAST is on, HSPICE sets BYTOL to different values for different types of device models.) Besides the FAST option, you can also use the NOTOP and NOELCK options to reduce input preprocessing time. Increasing the value of the MBYPASS or BYTOL option, also helps simulations to run faster, but can reduce accuracy. To see how use of FAST impacts the value settings of other options, see Appendix B, How Options Affect other Options. See Also .OPTION BYTOL .OPTION MBYPASS .OPTION NOELCK .OPTION NOTOP


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION FFT_ACCURATE

Dynamically adjusts the time step so that each FFT point is a real simulation point in HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION FFT_ACCURATE=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to dynamically adjust the time step so that each FFT point is a real simulation point. This eliminates interpolation error and provides the highest FFT accuracy with minimal overhead in simulation time. See Also .OPTION ACCURATE .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY (RF)

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION FFTOUT

Prints 30 harmonic fundamentals. Syntax .OPTION FFTOUT=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to print 30 harmonic fundamentals sorted by size, THD, SNR, and SFDR, but only if you specify a FFTOUT option and a .FFTfreq=xxx command. See Also .FFT


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION FMAX

Sets the maximum frequency value of angular velocity, for poles and zeros. Syntax .OPTION FMAX=x Default 1.0e+12

Description Use this option to set the maximum frequency value of angular velocity for Pole/ Zero analysis. The units of value are in rad/sec. See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION ITLPZ .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS .OPTION PZTOL .OPTION RITOL .PZ

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION FS

Decreases FS value to help circuits that have timestep convergence difficulties. Syntax .OPTION FS=x Description Use this option to decrease delta (internal timestep) by the specified fraction of a timestep (TSTEP) for the first time point of a transient. Decreases the FS value to help circuits that have timestep convergence difficulties. DVDT=3 uses FS to control the timestep. Delta = FS [ MIN ( TSTEP, DELMAX, BKPT ) ]

You specify DELMAX. BKPT is related to the breakpoint of the source. The .TRAN command sets TSTEP.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION FSCAL

Sets the frequency scale for Pole/Zero analysis. Syntax .OPTION FSCAL=x Default 1e-9

Description Use this option to set the frequency scale for Pole/Zero analysis. HSPICE multiplies capacitances by FSCAL. See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FMAX .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION ITLPZ .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS .OPTION PZTOL .OPTION RITOL .PZ

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION FT

Decreases delta by a specified fraction of a timestep for iteration set that does not converge. Syntax .OPTION FT=x Description Use this option to decrease delta (the internal timestep) by a specified fraction of a timestep (TSTEP) for an iteration set that does not converge. If DVDT=2 or DVDT=4, FT controls the timestep. See Also .OPTION DVDT .TRAN


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GDCPATH

Adds conductance to nodes having no DC path to ground. Syntax .OPTION GDCPATH[=x] Description Use this option to add conductance to nodes having no DC path to ground. You use this option to help solve no DC path to ground problems. If you specify GDCPATH in a netlist without a value that value is assumed to be 1e-12.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GENK

Automatically computes second-order mutual inductance for several coupled inductors. Syntax .OPTION GENK= 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to automatically calculate second-order mutual inductance for several coupled inductors. The default (1) enables the calculation.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GEOSHRINK

Element scaling factor used with .OPTION SCALE. Syntax .OPTION GEOSHRINK=x Description Use this option as a global model to apply to all elements. In addition to .OPTION SCALE, use this option (usually through a technology file) on top of the existing scale option to further scale geometric element instance parameters whose default units are meters. The final instance geometric parameters are then be calculated as:final_dimension = original_dimension * SCALE * GEOSHRINK The effective scaling factor is the product of the two parameters. The default value for both SCALE and GEOSHRINK is 1. If a model library contains devices other that MOSFET, such as R, L, C, diode, bjt... etc., and/or the netlist is a post-layout design with RCs, the shrink factor is applied to all elements. Examples Example 1: If there is more than one geoshrink option set, only the last geoshrink is used.
.option geoshrink=0.8 .option geoshrink=0.9

Then the final_dimension = original_dimension * SCALE * 0.9 Example 2: If there is more than one geoshrink and scale in the model card, only the last scale and the last geoshrink are used.
.option .option .option .option scale=2u scale=1u geoshrink=0.8 geoshrink=0.9

Then the final_dimension = original_dimension * 1u * 0.9 See Also .OPTION SCALE .OPTION CMIUSRFLAG

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GMAX

Specifies the maximum conductance in parallel with a current source for .IC and .NODESET initialization circuitry. Syntax .OPTION GMAX=x Default 100.00 (mho)

Description Use this option to specify the maximum conductance in parallel with a current source for .IC and .NODESET initialization circuitry. Some large bipolar circuits require you to set GMAX=1 for convergence. See Also .IC .NODESET


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GMIN

Specifies the minimum conductance added to all PN junctions for a time sweep in transient analysis for HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION GMIN=x Description Use this option to specify the minimum conductance added to all PN junctions for a time sweep in transient analysis. Min value: 1e-30; Max value: 100. See Also .OPTION GMINDC

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GMINDC

Specifies conductance in parallel for PN junctions and MOSFET nodes in DC analysis. Syntax .OPTION GMINDC=x Description Use this option to specify conductance in parallel for all PN junctions and MOSFET nodes except gates in DC analysis.GMINDC helps overcome DC convergence problems caused by low values of off-conductance for pn junctions and MOSFETs. You can use GRAMP to reduce GMINDC by one order of magnitude for each step. Set GMINDC between 1e-4 and the PIVTOL value. Min value: 1e-30; Max value: 100. Large values of GMINDC can cause unreasonable circuit response. If your circuit requires large values to converge, suspect a bad model or circuit. If a matrix floating-point overflows and if GMINDC is 1.0e-12 or less, HSPICE sets it to 1.0e-11. HSPICE manipulates GMINDC in auto-converge mode. See Also .DC .OPTION GRAMP .OPTION PIVTOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GRAMP

Specifies a conductance range over which DC operating point analysis sweeps GMINDC. Syntax .OPTION GRAMP=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to specify a conductance range over which the DC operating point analysis sweeps GMINDC. HSPICE sets this value during autoconvergence. Use GRAMP with the GMINDC option to find the smallest GMINDC value that results in DC convergence. GRAMP specifies a conductance range over which the DC operating point analysis sweeps GMINDC. HSPICE replaces GMINDC values over this range, simulates each value, and uses the lowest GMINDC value where the circuit converges in a steady state. If you sweep GMINDC between 1e-12 mhos (default) and 1e-6 mhos, GRAMP is 6 (value of the exponent difference between the default and the maximum conductance limit). In this example:

HSPICE first sets GMINDC to 1e-6 mhos and simulates the circuit. If circuit simulation converges, HSPICE sets GMINDC to 1e-7 mhos and simulates the circuit. The sweep continues until HSPICE simulates all values of the GRAMP ramp.

If the combined GMINDC and GRAMP conductance is greater than 1e-3 mho, false convergence can occur. Min value: 0; Max value: 1000. See Also .DC .OPTION GMINDC

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GSCAL

Sets the conductance scale for Pole/Zero analysis. Syntax .OPTION GSCAL=x Default 1e+3

Description Use this option to set the conductance scale for Pole/Zero analysis. HSPICE multiplies the conductance and divides the resistance by GSCAL. See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FMAX .OPTION FMAX .OPTION FSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS .OPTION PZTOL .OPTION RITOL .PZ


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GSHDC

Adds conductance from each node to ground when calculating the DC operating point of the circuit. Syntax .OPTION GSHDC=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to add conductance from each node to ground when calculating the DC operating point of the circuit (.OP). See Also .OPTION GSHUNT

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION GSHUNT

Adds conductance from each node to ground. Syntax .OPTION GSHUNT=x Default 0 Description Use this option to add conductance from each node to ground. Add a small GSHUNT to each node to help solve timestep too small problems caused by either high-frequency oscillations or numerical noise. Examples
.option .option .option .option .option gshunt=1e-13 gshunt=1e-12 gshunt=1e-11 gshunt=1e-10 gshunt=1e-9 cshunt=1e-17 cshunt=1e-16 cshunt=5e-15 cshunt=1e-15 cshunt=1e-14



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBACKRYLOVDIM

Specifies the dimension of the Krylov subspace used by the Krylov solver. Syntax .OPTION HBACKRYLOVDIM=value Default 300

Description Use this option to specify the dimension of the Krylov subspace that the Krylov solver uses. The value parameter must specify an integer greater than zero. The range is 1 to infinity. This option overrides the corresponding PAC option if specified in the netlist. When this option is not specified in the netlist if HBACKRYLOVDIM < HBKRYLOVDIM, then HBACKRYLOVDIM = HBKRYLOVDIM. See Also .HB .OPTION HBKRYLOVDIM

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBACKRYLOVITER (or) HBAC_KRYLOV_ITER


Specifies the number of GMRES solver iterations performed by the HB engine. Syntax .OPTION HBACKRYLOVITER | HBAC_KRYLOV_ITER = value Description Use this option to specify the number of Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) solver iterations that the HB engine performs. The value parameter must specify an integer greater than zero. The range is 1 to infinity. This option overrides the corresponding PAC option if specified in the netlist. See Also .HBAC .OPTION HBKRYLOVDIM


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBACTOL

Specifies the absolute error tolerance for determining convergence. Syntax .OPTION HBACTOL=value Default 1.e-8

Description Use this option to specify the absolute error tolerance for determining convergence. The value parameter must specify a real number greater than zero. The range is 1.e-14 to infinity. This option overrides the corresponding PAC option if specified in the netlist. When this option is not specified in the netlist if HBACTOL > HBTOL, then HBACTOL = HBTOL. See Also .HB .OPTION HBTOL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBCONTINUE

Specifies whether to use the sweep solution from the previous simulation as the initial guess for the present simulation. Syntax .OPTION HBCONTINUE= 0|1 Default 1

Description Use this option to specify whether to use the sweep solution from the previous simulation as the initial guess for the present simulation.

HBCONTINUE=1 Use solution from previous simulation as the initial guess. HBCONTINUE=0: Start each simulation in a sweep from the DC solution.

See Also .HB


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBFREQABSTOL

Specifies the maximum absolute change in frequency between solver iterations for convergence. Syntax .OPTION HBFREQABSTOL=value Default 1Hz Description Use this option to specify the maximum absolute change in frequency between solver iterations for convergence. This option is an additional convergence criterion for oscillator analysis. See Also .HBOSC

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBFREQRELTOL

Specifies the maximum relative change in frequency between solver iterations for convergence. Syntax .OPTION HBFREQRELTOL=value Description Use this option to specify the maximum relative change in frequency between solver iterations for convergence. This option is an additional convergence criterion for oscillator analysis. See Also .HBOSC


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HB_GIBBS

Option for HBTRAN output to minimize Gibbs phenonema. Syntax .OPTION HB_GIBBS=n Default 0

Description Minimize any Gibbs' phenomenon that may occur in transforming a squarewave signal from the frequency domain to the time domain. < n >=0 (defaults to zero, which is equivalent to not using it at all). The result is that the HBTRAN waveforms are filtered by a ( sin c ( x ) ) function before being transformed to the time domain via FFT. This option applies only to single-tone output. Examples
.option hb_gibbs = 2 ... .print hbtran v(2)

See Also The HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis, Minimizing Gibbs Phenomenon

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBJREUSE

Controls when to recalculate the Jacobson matrix. Syntax .OPTION HBJREUSE=0|1 Default Conditional, see below

Description Use this option to control when to recalculate the Jacobson matrix.

HBJREUSE=0: Recalculates the Jacobian matrix at each iteration. This is the default if HBSOLVER=1. HBJREUSE=1: Reuses the Jacobian matrix for several iterations if the error is sufficiently reduced. This is the default if HBSOLVER=0.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBJREUSETOL

Determines when to recalculate Jacobian matrix if HBJREUSE=1.0. Syntax .OPTION HBJREUSETOL=value Description Determines when to recalculate Jacobian matrix (if HBJREUSE=1.0). This is the percentage by which HSPICE RF must reduce the error from the last iteration so you can use the Jacobian matrix for the next iteration. The value parameter must specify a real number between 0 and 1. See Also .HB .OPTION HBJREUSE

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBKRYLOVDIM

Specifies the dimension of the subspace used by the Krylov solver. Syntax .OPTION HBKRYLOVDIM=value Description Use this option to specify the dimension of the Krylov subspace that the Krylov solver uses. The value parameter must specify an integer greater than zero. See Also .HB


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBKRYLOVTOL

Specifies the error tolerance for the Krylov solver. Syntax .OPTION HBKRYLOVTOL=value Default 0.01

Description Use this option to specify the error tolerance for the Krylov solver. The value parameter must specify a real number greater than zero. See Also .HB

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBKRYLOVMAXITER (or) HB_KRYLOV_MAXITER


Specifies the maximum number of GMRES solver iterations performed by the HB engine. Syntax .OPTION HBKRYLOVMAXITER | HB_KRYLOV_MAXITER =value Default 500

Description Use this option to specify the maximum number of Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) solver iterations that the HB engine performs. Analysis stops when the number of iterations reaches this value. See Also .HB


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBLINESEARCHFAC

Specifies the line search factor. Syntax .OPTION HBLINESEARCHFAC=value Default 0.35

Description Use this option to specify the line search factor. If Newton iteration produces a new vector of HB unknowns with a higher error than the last iteration, then scale the update step by this value and try again. The value parameter must specify a real number between 0 and 1. See Also .HB

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBMAXITER (or) HB_MAXITER


Specifies the maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations performed by the HB engine. Syntax .OPTION HBMAXITER | HB_MAXITER=value Default 10000

Description Use this option to specify the maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations that the HB engine performs. Analysis stops when the number of iterations reaches this value. See Also .HB


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBOSCMAXITER (or) HBOSC_MAXITER


Specifies the maximum number of outer-loop iterations for oscillator analysis. Syntax .OPTION HBOSCMAXITER | HBOSC_MAXITER=value Default 10000

Description Use this option to specify the maximum number of outer-loop iterations for oscillator analysis. See Also .HBOSC

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBPROBETOL

Searches for a probe voltage at which the probe current is less than the specified value. Syntax .OPTION HBPROBETOL=value Default Default 1.e-9 Description Use this option to cause oscillator analysis to try to find a probe voltage at which the probe current is less than the specified value. This option defaults to the value of the HBTOL option, which defaults to 1.e-9. See Also .HBOSC .OPTION HBTOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBSOLVER

Specifies a preconditioner for solving nonlinear circuits. Syntax .OPTION HBSOLVER=0|1|2 Default 1

Description Use this option to specify a preconditioner for solving nonlinear circuits.

HBSOLVER=0: Invokes the direct solver. HBSOLVER=1 Invokes the matrix-free Krylov solver. HBSOLVER=2: Invokes the two-level hybrid time-frequency domain solver.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBTOL

Specifies the absolute error tolerance for determining convergence. Syntax .OPTION HBTOL=value Description Use this option to specify the absolute error tolerance for determining convergence. The value parameter must specify a real number greater than zero. See Also .HB


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBTRANFREQSEARCH

Specifies the frequency source for the HB analysis of a ring oscillator. Syntax .OPTION HBTRANFREQSEARCH=[1|0] Default 1

Description Use this option to specify the frequency source for the HB analysis of a ring oscillator.

HBTRANFREQSEARCH=1: HB analysis calculates the oscillation frequency from the transient analysis HBTRANFREQSEARCH=0: HB analysis assumes that the period is 1/f, where f is the frequency specified in the tones description.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBTRANINIT

Selects transient analysis for initializing all state variables for HB analysis of a ring oscillator. Syntax .OPTION HBTRANINIT=time Description Use this option to cause HB to use transient analysis to initialize all state variables for HB analysis of a ring oscillator. The time parameter is defined by when the circuit has reached (or is near) steady-state. The default is 0. See Also .HB .HBOSC


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBTRANPTS

Specifies the number of points per period for converting time-domain data results into the frequency domain for HB analysis of a ring oscillator. Syntax .OPTION HBTRANPTS=npts Default 4*nh

Description Use this option to specify the number of points per period for converting the time-domain data results from transient analysis into the frequency domain for HB analysis of a ring oscillator. The npts parameter must be set to an integer greater than 0. The units are in nharms (nh). This option is relevant only if you set .OPTION HBTRANINIT. You can specify either .OPTION HBTRANPTS or .OPTION HBTRANSTEP, but not both. See Also .HB .HBOSC .OPTION HBTRANINIT .OPTION HBTRANSTEP

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HBTRANSTEP

Specifies transient analysis step size for the HB analysis of a ring oscillator. Syntax .OPTION HBTRANSTEP=stepsize Description Use this option to specify transient analysis step size for the HB analysis of a ring oscillator. The stepsize parameter must be set to a real number. The default is 1/ (4*nh*f0), where nh is the nharms value and f0 is the oscillation frequency. This option is relevant only if you set .OPTION HBTRANINIT. Note: You can specify either .OPTION HBTRANPTS or .OPTION HBTRANSTEP, but not both.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HIER_DELIM

Replaces the caret delimiter with a period when used for HSPICE in ADE only. Syntax .OPTION HIER_DELIM= 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use .OPTION HIER_DELIM to change the hierarchy delimiter from a caret (^) to a period (.) for HSPICE in ADE. When .OPTION HIER_DELIM=1, a caret (^) is changed to a period(.). This option only works for HSPICE in ADE; this option works with .OPTION PSF and .OPTION ARTIST.

0: Maintains the caret. 1: Replaces the caret with a period.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HIER_SCALE

Uses the parameter S to scale subcircuits. Syntax .OPTION HIER_SCALE=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option so you can use the parameter S to scale subcircuits.

0 Interprets S as a user-defined parameter. 1 Interprets S as a scale parameter.

This option enables you to selectively scale the required instance. See the example below. Examples Assume you have an encrypted subcircuit from an IP vendor A which has .option SCALE=1e-6 defined. You have another encrypted subcircuit (from another IP vendor B), which has the units defined as microns and does not need to be scaled. When you simulate the circuit, HSPICE applies the SCALE option globally and the subcircuit from IP vendor B is scaled again. You can selectively apply the SCALE option so that this does not happen, as follows:
* Top level netlist .option hier_scale=1 .include "" $ subcircuit from IP vendor A .include "" $ subcircuit from IP vendor B vin in 0 5 x1 in 2 subckt_a $ uses .option scale=1e-6 defined in file x2 2 0 subckt_b S=1e6 $ scale option is not required .tran 100p 10n .end

The file has .option scale=1u defined and this is applied globally. When .option hier_scale=1 is used and the subcircuit instance, X2 contains S=1e6, the global scaling is offset.If W=10u is used in subcircuit instance X2 and hier_scale is used, then:


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION HIER_SCALE

If W=10 is used in subcircuit instance X1 and S is not used, then only the global .option SCALE=1e-6 is applied and the value of W is 10u.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ICSWEEP

Saves the current analysis result of a parameter or temperature sweep as the starting point in the next analysis. Syntax .OPTION ICSWEEP=0|1|2 Default 1

Description Use this option to save the current analysis result of a parameter or temperature sweep as the starting point in the next analysis in the sweep.

If ICSWEEP=1, the next analysis uses the current results. If ICSWEEP=0, the next analysis does not use the results of the current analysis. If ICSWEEP=2 the operating point is reused between each optimization sweep.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION IMAX

Specifies the maximum timestep in timestep algorithms for transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION IMAX=x Description Use this option to specify the maximum timestep in algorithms for transient analysis.IMAX sets the maximum iterations to obtain a convergent solution at a timepoint. If the number of iterations needed is greater than IMAX, the internal timestep (delta) decreases by a factor equal to the FT transient control option. The new timestep calculates a new solution. IMAX also works with the IMIN transient control option. IMAX is the same as ITL4. See Also .OPTION FT .OPTION IMIN .OPTION ITL4

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION IMIN

Specifies the minimum timestep in timestep algorithms for transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION IMIN=x Description Use this option to specify the minimum number of iterations required to obtain convergence for transient analysis. If the number of iterations is less than IMIN, the internal timestep (delta) doubles. Use this option to decrease simulation times in circuits where the nodes are stable most of the time (such as digital circuits). If the number of iterations is greater than IMIN, the timestep stays the same unless the timestep exceeds the IMAX option. IMIN is the same as ITL3. See Also .OPTION IMAX .OPTION ITL3


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION INGOLD

Controls whether HSPICE prints *.lis file output in exponential form or engineering notation in HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION INGOLD=[0|1|2] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1
Argument Description


Engineering Format; defaults 1.234K, 123M G Format (fixed and exponential); defaults 1.234e+03, .123 E Format (exponential SPICE); defaults 1.234e+03, .123e-1

Description Use this option to control if HSPICE prints output in exponential form (scientific notation) or engineering notation. Engineering notation provides two to three extra significant digits and aligns columns to facilitate comparison, as: F=1e-15 P=1e-12 N=1e-9 U=1e-6 M=1e-3 K=1e3 X=1e6 G=1e9

HSPICE RF prints variable values in engineering notation by default. To use the exponential form, specify .OPTION INGOLD=1 or 2. To print variable values in exponential form, specify .OPTION INGOLD=1 or 2. .OPTION INGOLD does not control the number format in measure files(*.mt#/ *.ms#/*.ma#). If you specify a measure output file using .OPTION MEASFORM, HSPICE automatically resets an INGOLD=0 setting to INGOLD=1, which allows the measure file to be imported to Excel when .OPTION MEASFORM=1. Examples

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION INGOLD



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION INTERP

Limits output to only the .TRAN timestep intervals for post-analysis tools. Syntax .OPTION INTERP=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 (engineering notation) Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use to limit output for post-analysis tools to only the .TRAN timestep intervals for some post-analysis tools. This option can be used to reduce the size of the post-processing output. By default, HSPICE outputs data at internal timepoints. In some cases, INTERP produces a much larger design .tr# file, especially for smaller timesteps, and it also leads to longer runtime. Note: Since HSPICE uses the post-processing output to compute the .MEASURE command results, interpolation errors result if you use the INTERP option and your netlist also contains .MEASURE commands. Using the INTERP option with .MEASURE commands is not recommended.

When you run data-driven transient analysis (.TRAN DATA) in an optimization routine, HSPICE forces INTERP=1. All measurement results are at the time points specified in the data-driven sweep. To measure only at converged internal timesteps (for example, to calculate the AVG or RMS), set ITRPRT=1. See Also .OPTION ITRPRT .TRAN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION IPROP

Controls whether to treat all of the circuit information as IP protected. Syntax .OPTION IPROP 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use to control whether to treat all of the circuit information as IP protected and not output this information during simulation.

0= Output information (IP not protected) 1=Do not output information (IP protected)


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ITL1

Specifies the maximum DC iteration limit. Syntax .OPTION ITL1=n Description Use this option to specify the maximum DC iteration limit. Increasing this value rarely improves convergence in small circuits. Values as high as 400 have resulted in convergence for some large circuits with feedback (such as operational amplifiers and sense amplifiers). However, most models do not require more than 100 iterations to converge. See Also .DC

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ITL2

Specifies the iteration limit for the DC transfer curve. Syntax .OPTION ITL2=n Description Use this option to specify the iteration limit for the DC transfer curve. Increasing this limit improves convergence only for very large circuits. See Also .DC


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ITL3

Specifies minimum timestep in timestep algorithms for transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION ITL3=x Description Use this option to specify the minimum timestep in timestep algorithms for transient analysis.ITL3 is the minimum number of iterations required to obtain convergence. If the number of iterations is less than ITL3, the internal timestep (delta) doubles. Use this option to decrease simulation times in circuits where the nodes are stable most of the time (such as digital circuits). If the number of iterations is greater than IMIN, the timestep stays the same unless the timestep exceeds the IMAX option. ITL3 is the same as IMIN. See Also .OPTION IMAX .OPTION IMIN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ITL4

Specifies maximum timestep in timestep algorithms for transient analysis in HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION ITL4=x Default 8

Description Use this option to specify the maximum timestep in timestep algorithms for transient analysis.ITL4 sets the maximum iterations to obtain a convergent solution at a timepoint. If the number of iterations needed is greater than ITL4, the internal timestep (delta) decreases by a factor equal to the FT transient control option. HSPICE uses the new timestep to calculate a new solution. ITL4 also works with the IMIN transient control option. For HSPICE, ITL4 is the same as IMAX. See Also .OPTION FT .OPTION IMAX .OPTION IMIN


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ITL5

Sets an iteration limit for transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION ITL5=x Default 0 (infinite number of iterations) Description Use this option to set an iteration limit for a transient analysis. If a circuit uses more than ITL5 iterations, the program prints all results up to that point.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ITLPTRAN

Controls iteration limit used in the final try of the pseudo-transient method. Syntax .OPTION ITLPTRAN=x Default 30

Description Use this option to control the iteration limit used in the final try of the pseudotransient method in OP or DC analysis. If a simulation fails in the final try of the pseudo-transient method, provide a higher value. See Also .DC .OP


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ITLPZ

Sets the iteration limit for pole/zero analysis. Syntax .OPTION ITLPZ=x Default 100

Description Use this option to set the iteration limit for pole/zero analysis. See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .PZ .OPTION FMAX

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION ITRPRT

Enables printing of output variables at their internal time points. Syntax .OPTION ITRPRT 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to enable printing of output variables at their internal time points. When set to 1, HSPICE prints output variables at their internal transient simulation time points. In addition, if you use the -html option when invoking HSPICE, then HSPICE prints the values to a separate file (*.printtr0).


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION IVTH

Invokes a constant-current threshold voltage probing and characterization function for BSIM4 models. Syntax .OPTION IVTH=val | IVTHN=val | IVTHP=val Description Specifies the ivth constant drain terminal current density, to be multiplied by the ratio of transistor width (W) and length (L). The value must be greater than zero to enable the function; the IVTH option should always be set to a positive value for both PMOS and NMOS. .OPTION IVTH has been enhanced to support HSPICE BSIM4 (level 54), BSIMSOI4.x (level 70) and PSP (level 69). .OPTION IVTHN and IVTHP support NMOS and PMOS, respectively. Note: The val should be a constant.

In OP analysis, a constant current based vth is reported in the OP output. In addition, the element region operation check and Vod output are based on the new vth. During transient or DC analysis, a template output of LX142 accesses the new vth value.LX142(m*) or ivth(m*) could be used for the new vth output. This methodology is based on the monotony Id/Vgs curve.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION KCLTEST

Activates the KCL (Kirchhoffs Current Law) test. Syntax .OPTION KCLTEST=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to activate the KCL test. This increases simulation time, especially for large circuits, but checks the solution with a high degree of accuracy. If you set this value to 1, HSPICE sets these options:

Sets RELMOS and ABSMOS options to 0 (off). Sets ABSI to 1e-6 A. Sets RELI to 1e-6.

To satisfy the KCL test, each node must satisfy this condition: i b < RELI i b + ABSI In this equation, the ibs are the node currents. See Also .OPTION ABSI .OPTION ABSMOS .OPTION RELI .OPTION RELMOS


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION KLIM

Sets the minimum mutual inductance. Syntax .OPTION KLIM=x Description Use this option to set the minimum mutual inductance below which automatic second-order mutual inductance calculation no longer proceeds. KLIM is unitless (analogous to coupling strength, specified in the K-element). Typical KLIM values are between .5 and 0.0.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LA_FREQ

Specifies the upper frequency for which accuracy must be preserved. Syntax .OPTION LA_FREQ=value Default 1GHz

Description Use this option to specify the upper frequency for which accuracy must be preserved. The value parameter specifies the upper frequency for which the PACT algorithm must preserve accuracy. If value is 0, the algorithm drops all capacitors because only DC is of interest. The maximum frequency required for accurate reduction depends on both the technology of the circuit and the time scale of interest. In general, the faster the circuit, the higher the maximum frequency. For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA .OPTION LA_TIME


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LA_MAXR

Specifies the maximum resistance for linear matrix reduction. Syntax .OPTION LA_MAXR=value Default 1e15 ohms

Description Use this option to specify the maximum resistance for linear matrix reduction. The value parameter specifies the maximum resistance preserved in the reduction. The linear matrix reduction process assumes that any resistor greater than value has an infinite resistance and drops the resistor after reduction is completed. For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LA_MINC

Specifies the minimum capacitance for linear matrix reduction. Syntax .OPTION LA_MINC=val Default 1e-16 farads Description Removes any capacitor in the original netlist less than the value of LA_MINC prior to reduction. For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA .OPTION LA_FREQ .OPTION LA_MAXR .OPTION LA_TIME .OPTION LA_TOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LA_TIME

Specifies the minimum time for which accuracy must be preserved. Syntax .OPTION LA_TIME=value Description Use this option to specify the minimum time for which accuracy must be preserved. The value parameter specifies the minimum switching time for which the PACT algorithm preserves accuracy. Waveforms that occur more rapidly than the minimum switching time are not accurately represented. This option is simply an alternative to .OPTION LA_FREQ. The default is equivalent to setting LA_FREQ=1GHz. Note: Higher frequencies (smaller times) increase accuracy, but only up to the minimum time step used in HSPICE.

For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. Examples For a circuit having a typical rise time of 1ns, either set the maximum frequency to 1 GHz, or set the minimum switching time to 1ns:

However, if spikes occur in 0.1ns, HSPICE does not accurately simulate them. To capture the behavior of the spikes, use:


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LA_TOL

Specifies the error tolerance for the PACT algorithm. Syntax .OPTION LA_TOL=value Default 0.05

Description Use this option to specify the error tolerance for the PACT algorithm. The value parameter must specify a real number between 0.0 and 1.0. For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LENNAM

Specifies maximum name length for printing operating point analysis results. Syntax .OPTION LENNAM=x Default 16 (characters) Description Use this option to specify the maximum length of names in the printout of operating point analysis results. The maximum value is 1024. .OPTION LENNAME prints the full related name of the transistor in the noise tables and OP tables. Examples

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LIMPTS

Specifies the number of points to print in AC analysis. Syntax .OPTION LIMPTS=x Default 2001

Description Use this option to specify the number of points to print or plot in AC analysis. You do not need to set LIMPTS for a DC or transient analysis. HSPICE spools the output file to disk. See Also .AC .DC .TRAN


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LIMTIM

Specifies the amount of CPU time reserved to generate prints. Syntax .OPTION LIMTIM=x Default 2 (seconds) Description Use this option to specify the amount of CPU time reserved to generate prints and plots if a CPU time limit (CPTIME=x) terminates simulation. Default is normally sufficient for short printouts. See Also .OPTION CPTIME

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LISLVL

Controls whether of not HSPICE suppresses the circuit number to circuit hierarchy information in the listing file. Syntax LISLVL=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description LISLVL=0 prints the circuit name directory information in the .lis file.If the value is 1, the circuit number and circuit hierarchy information is not output to the .lis file.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LIS_NEW

Enables streamlining improvements to the *.lis file. Syntax .OPTION LIS_NEW=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use .OPTION LIS_NEW to activate several streamlining improvements to the *.lis file as noted below. A value of 0 disables the following functions. A value of 1 enables the following:

Moves .PRINT data and .NOISE analysis data to separate files, Suppresses operating point node voltage table that exists in the *.ic# file. Prints loading information for input files. Invokes console printing of simulation progress percentage. Adds a convergence status update to *.lis. Increments every 10% of analysis update to *.lis. Reports analysis output file with analysis-specific format. Prints Improved format of circuit statistics information. Operating point analysis information is separated to file if .OP is used in netlist (LIS_NEW=1 automatically sets .OPTION OPFILE=1). Model related information is suppressed(lis_new=1 automatically sets .OPTION NOMOD=1).Circuit hierarchy to number mapping information is not printed to *.lis file and .OPTION LISLVL becomes nullified with usage of LIS_NEW=1.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LIST

Prints a list of netlist elements, node connections, and values for components, voltage and current sources, parameters, and more. Syntax .OPTION LIST=val Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option as follows:
Value 0 1 2 3 Alias NONE ALL ELEMENT PARAMETER Description None of below supported Print circuit element summary table and parameter definitions Print circuit element summary table only Print circuit parameter definitions only

The LIST option also prints effective sizes of elements and key values. Note: This option is suppressed by the BRIEF option.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LOADHB

Loads state variable information from a specified file. Syntax .OPTION LOADHB=filename Description Use this option to load the state variable information contained in the specified file. These values are used to initialize the HB simulation. See Also .HB .OPTION SAVEHB

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LOADSNINIT

Loads the operating point saved at the end of Shooting Newton analysis initialization. Syntax .OPTION LOADSNINIT="filename" Description Use this option to load the operating point file saved at the end of SN initialization, which is used as initial conditions for the Shooting-Newton method.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LSCAL

Sets the inductance scale for Pole/Zero analysis. Syntax .OPTION LSCAL=x Default 1e+6

Description Use this option to set the inductance scale for Pole/Zero analysis. HSPICE multiplies inductance by LSCAL. Note: Scale factors must satisfy the following relations: GSCAL = CSCAL FSCAL 1 GSCAL = -------------------------------------------LSCAL FSCAL If you change scale factors, you might need to modify the initial Muller points, (X0R, X0I), (X1R, X1I) and (X2R, X2I), even though HSPICE internally multiplies the initial values by (1.0e-9/ GSCAL). The three complex starting-trial points, in the Muller (x1R,X1I) algorithm for pole/zero analysis are listed below with their defaults. HSPICE multiplies these initial points, and FMAX, by FSCAL.
Starting-Trial Points Defaults


X0R=-1.23456e6 X1R=1.23456e5 X2R=+1.23456e6

X0I=0.0 X1I=0.0 X2I=0.0


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LSCAL



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION LVLTIM

Selects the timestep algorithm for transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION LVLTIM=[1|2|3]|4] Default 1

Description Use this option, (levels 1-3, only) to select the timestep algorithm for transient analysis.

LVLTIM=1 (default) uses the DVDT timestep control algorithm. LVLTIM=2 uses the local truncation error (LTE) timestep control method. You can apply LVLTIM=2 to the TRAP method. LVLTIM=3 uses the DVDT timestep control method with timestep reversal. LVLTIM=4 is invalid if set by user; it is invoked by the RUNLVL option only to enhance the LTE time step control method used by the latest RUNLVL algorithm.

The local truncation algorithm LVLTIM=2 (LTE) provides a higher degree of accuracy than LVLTIM=1 or 3 (DVDT). If you use this option, errors do not propagate from time point to time point, which can result in an unstable solution. Selecting the GEAR method changes the value of LVLTIM to 2 automatically. For information on how LVLTIM values impact other options, see Appendix B, How Options Affect other Options. See Also .OPTION CHGTOL .OPTION DVDT .OPTION FS .OPTION FT .OPTION RELQ

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MACMOD

Enables HSPICE MOSFET to access the subcircuit definition when there is no matching model reference or enables an HSPICE X-element to access the model reference when there is no matching subcircuit definition. Syntax .OPTION MACMOD=[1|2|3|0] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description When macmod=1, HSPICE seeks a subckt definition for the M*** element if no model reference exists. The desired subckt name must match (case insensitive) the mname field in the M*** instance command. In addition, the number of terminals of the subckt must match with the M*** element referencing it; otherwise HSPICE exits the simulation based on no definition for the M*** element. When macmod=2, HSPICE seeks a MOSFET model definition when it cannot find a matching subckt or Verilog-A definition for an X-element. The targeted MOSFET MODEL card could be either an HSPICE built-in MOSFET model or CMI MOSFET model. If the model card that matched the X-element reference name is not a type of MOSFET model, the simulator exits and displays an error message indicating that the reference is not found. When macmod=3, HSPICE enables the same features as when macmod=1. HSPICE seeks a .subckt definition for an M-element if there is no matching model reference; HSPICE seeks a .model MOSFET definition for an Xelement if there is no matching .subckt or Verilog-A definition. Usage considerations and limitations remain the same for both features, respectively. If .OPTION TMIFLAG=1, .OPTION MACMOD automatically equals 3. Note: When MACMOD=2 or 3, for the X-element that maps to an Melement, if it has an instance parameter named Multi (case insensitive), then Multi is used as an alias for the M factor (the M multiply parameter).

When macmod=0: if there is no .option MACMOD in the input files or MACMOD=0, then neither of the features is enabled. HSPICE ignores the option MACMOD when any value other than 1|2|3|0 is set.The MACMOD option is a


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MACMOD

global option; if there are multiple MACMOD options in one simulation, HSPICE uses the value of the last MACMOD option. For examples and detailed discussion, see MOSFET Element Support Using .OPTION MACMOD in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .OPTION TMIFLAG

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MAXAMP

Sets the maximum current through voltage-defined branches. Syntax .OPTION MAXAMP=x Description Use this option to set the maximum current through voltage-defined branches (voltage sources and inductors). If the current exceeds the MAXAMP value, HSPICE reports an error.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MAXORD

Specifies the maximum order of integration for the GEAR method. Syntax .OPTION MAXORD=[1|2|3] Description Use this option to specify the maximum order of integration for the GEAR method. When the GEAR method is used, based on the circuit type, HSPICE/ HSPICE RF automatically switches the GEAR order on the fly. If this option is not specifically set, HSPICE automatically selects the BDF or GEAR integration method based on circuit type when METHOD=GEAR. The value of the parameter can be either 1, 2, or 3:

MAXORD=1 selects the first-order GEAR (Backward-Euler) integration (and prohibits GEAR from switching to BDF). MAXORD=2 selects the second-order GEAR (Gear-2), which is more stable and accurate than MAXORD=1. MAXORD=3 selects the third-order or high GEAR (Gear-3), which is most accurate, since it uses 3 previous time points to estimate the next time point.

Examples This example selects the Backward-Euler integration method.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MBYPASS

Computes the default value of the BYTOL control option. Syntax .OPTION MBYPASS=x Description Use this option to calculate the default value of the BYTOL control option: Also multiplies the RELV voltage tolerance. Set MBYPASS to about 0.1 for precision analog circuits.

Default is 1 for DVDT=0, 1, 2, or 3. Default is 2 for DVDT=4.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MCBRIEF

Controls how HSPICE outputs Monte Carlo parameters. Syntax .OPTION MCBRIEF=0|1|2|3 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to control how HSPICE outputs Monte Carlo parameters:

MCBRIEF=0: Outputs all Monte Carlo parameters MCBRIEF=1: Suppresses the MC parameters in the *.mt# and *.lis files. MCBRIEF=2: Outputs the Monte Carlo parameters into a .lis file only. MCBRIEF=3: Outputs the Monte Carlo parameters into the measure files only.

This option is only for parameters defined in the traditional Monte Carlo format (e.g., .param a=gauss(0,1,1) b=a). The parameters defined inside a Variation Block are exported in an *.mc?# file.Note that this option only works for parameters defined in a netlist, not for measurement results.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MEASDGT

Formats the .MEASURE command output of significant digits in both the listing file and the .MEASURE output files. Syntax .OPTION MEASDGT=x Default 4.0

Description Use this option to format the .MEASURE command outputs significant digits in both the listing file and the .MEASURE output files (.ma0, .mt0, .ms0, and so on). The value of x is typically between 1 and 7 significant digits, although you can set it as high as 10. Use MEASDGT with .OPTION INGOLD=x to control the output data format. Examples For example, if MEASDGT=5, then .MEASURE displays numbers as:

Five decimal digits for numbers in scientific notation. Five digits to the right of the decimal for numbers between 0.1 and 999.

In the listing (.lis), file, all .MEASURE output values are in scientific notation so .OPTION MEASDGT=5 results in five decimal digits. See Also .OPTION INGOLD .MEASURE (or) .MEAS


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MEASFAIL

Specifies where to print the failed measurement output. Syntax .OPTION MEASFAIL=0|1 Default 1

Description Use this option to specify where to print the failed measurement output. You can assign this option the following values:

MEASFAIL=0, outputs 0 into the .mt#, .ms#, or .ma# file, and prints failed in the .lis file. MEASFAIL=1, prints failed in the .mt#, .ms#, or .ma# file, and in the .lis file.

See Also .MEASURE (or) .MEAS

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MEASFILE

Controls whether measure information outputs to single or multiple files when an .ALTER command is present in the netlist. Syntax .OPTION MEASFILE=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to control whether the measure information outputs to a single or multiple files when an .ALTER command is present in the netlist. You can assign this option the following values:

MEASFILE=0, outputs measure information to several files. MEASFILE=1, outputs measure information to a single file.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MEASFORM

Enables writing of measurement output files to Excel or HSIM formats, as well as the traditional HSPICE *.mt# format. Syntax .MEASFORM=0|1|2 Default 0 Description This option allows specification of file formats other than the traditional HSPICE *mt#, *ms#, and *ma# measure output files to include Excel or HSIM file formats.

0: Writes measure file in traditional HSPICE format. (Example 1) 1: Writes file in Excel format, readable in Microsoft products. (Example 2) 2: Writes file in HSIM format, readable in Synopsys HSIM tools. (Example 3)

Examples Results Example 1: Default (Traditional) Measure Format (.option measform=0)

.TITLE '***inverter circuit***' delayf delayr delay 9.187e-10 5.487e-10 7.337e-10 temper -25.0000 alter# 1.0000

Results Example 2: Excel Format (.option measform=1)

.TITLE '***inverter circuit***' delayf delayr delay 9.187e-10 5.487e-10 7.337e-10 temper -25.0000 alter# 1.0000

Results Example 3: HSIM Format (.option measform=2)

.TITLE '***inverter circuit***' delayf = 9.187e-10 delayr = 5.487e-10 delay = 7.337e-10 temper =-25.0000 alter# = 1.0000


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MEASOUT

Outputs .MEASURE command values and sweep parameters into an ASCII file. Syntax .OPTION MEASOUT=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to output .MEASURE command values and sweep parameters into an ASCII file. Post-analysis processing (WaveView or other analysis tools) uses this <design>.mt# file, where # increments for each .TEMP or .ALTER block. For example, for a parameter sweep of an output load, which measures the delay, the .mt# file contains data for a delay-versus-fanout plot. You can set this option to 0 (off) in the hspice.ini file. See Also .ALTER .MEASURE (or) .MEAS .TEMP (or) .TEMPERATURE


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MESSAGE_LIMIT

Limits how many times a certain type warning can appear in the output listing based on the message index. Syntax .OPTION MESSAGE_LIMIT 'message_index:number'



message_index number

Specifies the message index linked below Specifies the limiting number of displays of the message

Description Use this option to set the number of display times for a certain warning type based on its message index number.

The message_index parameter specifies the message index listed in the Warning Message Index [10001-10076] or Error Message Index [2000120024], located in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis, Chapter 34, Warning/Error Messages. The number parameter specifies the display times.

.OPTION MESSAGE_LIMIT has a higher priority than OPTION WARNLIMIT and increases the coverage of types messages to be limited. See Also .OPTION WARNLIMIT (or) .OPTION WARNLIM .OPTION STRICT_CHECK

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION METHOD

Sets the numerical integration method for a transient analysis for HSPICE/ HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION METHOD=GEAR | TRAP [PURETP] | BDF Default TRAP

Description Use this option to set the numerical integration method for a transient analysis.

TRAP selects trapezoidal rule integration. This method inserts occasional Backward-Euler timesteps to avoid numerical oscillations. You can use the PURETP option to turn this oscillation damping feature off. TRAP PURETP selects pure trapezoidal rule integration. This method is recommended for high-Q LC oscillators and crystal oscillators. GEAR selects BDF integration or GEAR integration based on circuit type. GEAR MAXORD=2|3 selects GEAR integration. GEAR MAXORD=1 prohibits GEAR from selecting BDF. GEAR MU=0 selects Backward-Euler integration. BDF selects the high order integration method based on the backward differentiation formulation. Note: To change LVLTIM from 2 to 1 or 3, set LVLTIM=1 or 3 after the METHOD=GEAR option. This overrides METHOD=GEAR, which sets LVLTIM=2.

TRAP (trapezoidal) integration usually reduces program execution time with more accurate results. However, this method can introduce an apparent oscillation on printed or plotted nodes, which might not result from circuit behavior. To test this, run a transient analysis by using a small timestep. If oscillation disappears, the cause is the trapezoidal method. The GEAR method is a filter, removing oscillations that occur in the trapezoidal method. Highly non-linear circuits (such as operational amplifiers) can require very long execution times when you use the GEAR method. Circuits that do not converge in trapezoidal integration, often converge if you use GEAR. The BDF method is a high order integration method based on the backward differentiation formulae. Two tolerance options are available to the user for the


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION METHOD

BDF method: .OPTIONS BDFRTOL (relative) and BDFATOL (absolute); each has a default of 1e-3. BDF can provide a speed enhancement to mixed-signal circuit simulation, especially for circuits with a large number of devices. The BDF method currently provides no advantage for use with small circuits in standard cell characterization. The BDF supported models/devices/elements and limitations are listed. METHOD=BDF supports the following:

Bulk MOSFET, levels 1-54 SOI MOSFET, levels 57, 70 BJT, levels 1, 2, 3 Diodes, all Resistors, all Capacitors (excludes DC block) Independent sources: V and I Dependent sources: E/F/G/H L (excludes AC choke) K (excludes magnetic core, ideal transformer) Signal integrity elements: B (IBIS buffer)/S/ W/ T BDF issues a warning in the .lis file if it encounters an unsupported model. The message is similar to: WARNING!!!, netlist contains unsupported models, HSP-BDF is disabled.


When RUNLVL is turned off (=0), method=GEAR sets bypass=0; the user can reset bypass value by using .option bypass=value. Also, when RUNLVL is turned off, there is an order dependency with GEAR and ACCURATE options; if method=GEAR is set after the ACCURATE option, then the ACCURATE option does not take effect; if method=GEAR is set before the ACCURATE option, then both GEAR and ACCURATE take effect. If GEAR is used with RUNLVL, then GEAR only determines the numeric integration method; anything else is controlled by RUNLVL; there is no order dependency with RUNLVL and GEAR. Since there is no order dependency with RUNLVL and GEAR, or RUNLVL and ACCURATE, then: is equivalent to To see how use of the GEAR method impacts the value settings of ACCURATE and other options, see Appendix B, How Options Affect other Options.
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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION METHOD

Examples Example 1 sets pure trapezoidal method integration. No Gear-2 or BackwardEuler is mixed in. Use this setting when you simulate harmonic oscillators.
Example 1 .option method=trap puretp

Example 2 sets pure Backward-Euler integration.

Example 2 .option method=gear maxord=1

Example 3 sets pure Gear-2 integration.

Example 3 .option method=gear

Example 4 sets the higher order backward differentiation formulation integration for supported models.
Example 4 .option method=bdf



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MODMONTE

Controls how random values are assigned to parameters with Monte Carlo definitions. Syntax .OPTION MODMONTE=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Ordinarily, the assignment of a random value is only done once, then used several times. The exception to this rule is for model parameters. Since a model definition is only done once, the behavior described above would assign the same parameter value to all devices referencing that model. To overcome this, .OPTION MODMONTE lets you decide if all instances of a device should get the same or unique model parameters. Use this option to control how random values are assigned to parameters with Monte Carlo definitions.

If MODMONTE=1, then within a single simulation run, each device that shares the same model card and is in the same Monte Carlo index receives a different random value for parameters that have a Monte Carlo definition. If MODMONTE=0, then within a single simulation run, each device that shares the same model card and is in the same Monte Carlo index receives the same random value for its parameters that have a Monte Carlo definition.

Examples In the following example, transistors M1 through M3 have the same random vto model parameter for each of the five Monte Carlo runs through the use of the MODMONTE option.
... .option MODMONTE=0 $$ MODMONTE defaults to 0;OK to omit this line. .param vto_par=agauss(0.4, 0.1, 3) .model mname nmos level=53 vto=vto_par version=3.22 M1 11 21 31 41 mname W=20u L=0.3u M2 12 22 32 42 mname W=20u L=0.3u M3 13 23 33 43 mname W=20u L=0.3u ... .dc v1 0 vdd 0.1 sweep monte=5 .end

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MODMONTE

In Example 2, transistors M1 through M3 have different values of the vto model parameter for each of the Monte Carlo runs by the means of setting .option MODMONTE=1.
Example 1 ... .option MODMONTE=1 .param vto_par=agauss(0.4, 0.1, 3) .model mname nmos level=54 vto=vto_par M1 11 21 31 41 mname W=20u L=0.3u M2 12 22 32 42 mname W=20u L=0.3u M3 13 23 33 43 mname W=20u L=0.3u ... .dc v1 0 vdd 0.1 sweep monte=5 .end

See Also .MODEL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MONTECON

Continues a Monte Carlo analysis in HSPICE by retrieving the next random value, even if non-convergence occurs. Syntax .OPTION MONTECON=0|1 Default 1

Description Use this option to retrieve the next random value, even if non-convergence occurs. A random value can be too large or too small to cause convergence to fail. Other types of analyses can use this Monte Carlo random value.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MOSRALIFE

Invokes the MOSRA lifetime computation. Syntax .OPTION MOSRALIFE=degradation_type_keyword Description Use this option to compute device lifetime calculation for the degradation type specified. If the option is not specified or the keyword cannot be identified by the MRAlifetimeDeg function, HSPICE does not do the lifetime computation. The option is used in conjunction with two others, .OPTION DegFN=val and .OPTION DegFP=val which is the designated NMOS's or PMOSs failure criteria for lifetime computation, respectively. The options apply to all MOSFETs. The lifetime value is printed in the RADEG file. See Also .OPTION DEGFN .OPTION DEGFP .OPTION RADEGFILE .OPTION RADEGOUTPUT


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MOSRASORT

Enables the descending sort for reliability degradation (RADEG) output. Syntax .OPTION MOSRASORT=degradation_type_keyword Default delvth0 Description Use this option mosrasort to enable the descending sort for reliability degradation (RADEG) output. If the mosrasort option is not specified, or the degradation type keyword is not recognized, HSPICE does not do the sorting. (Degradation type keywords are listed in the HSPICE Application Note: Unified Custom Reliability Modeling API (MOSRA API), available by contacting the HSPICE technical support team.) If you only specify the option mosrasort, and do not specify the degradation type keyword, HSPICE sorts RADEG by the delvth0 keyword. HSPICE sorts the output separately in lists, one for NMOS, one for PMOS. HSPICE prints the NMOS list first, and then the PMOS list. Examples In the following usage, the option does a descending sort for RADEG output on delvth0s value.
.option mosrasort=delvth0

See Also .MOSRA MOSFET Model Reliability Analysis (MOSRA)

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MRAAPI

Loads and links the dynamically linked MOSRA API library. Syntax .OPTION MRAAPI=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to load and link the compiled MOSRA API object .so file to HSPICE during simulation. If this option parameter is set with no value or to 1, then the MOSRA API .so file is loaded as a dynamically-linked object file. If this option parameter does not exist in the netlist, or is explicitly set to 0, no loading or linking takes place.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MRAEXT

Enables access to MOSRA API extension functions. Syntax .OPTION MRAEXT 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to control the access to the MOSRAAPI extension functions. When MRAEXT=1, HSPICE can access the extension functions. Details are in the HSPICE User Guide: Implementing the MOSRA API. Contact HSPICE Technical Support for more information.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MRAPAGED

Enables the MOSRA API to enable two modes of model parameter degradation. Syntax .OPTION MRAPAGED=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to select the delta_P or Paged mode. If this option parameter is set to 1, then the degradation from the MOSRAAPI model is the degraded model parameter. If this option parameter does not exist (deemed as default) in the netlist, or is explicitly set to 0, degradation from the MOSRA API model is the parameter value shift with regard to the fresh model, delta_P.

0: delta_P mode 1: Paged mode


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MRA00PATH, MRA01PATH, MRA02PATH, MRA03PATH


These options support file path access in MOSRAAPI functions. Syntax .OPTION MRA00PATH ='file_path1' .option MRA01PATH ='file_path2' .option MRA02PATH ='file_path3' .option MRA03PATH ='file_path4' Default NULL for each path Description Use these options to enable global string type variables such as user-defined paths. This option is for API model developers to access functions of the MOSRA API.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MTTHRESH

Reduces the default active device limit for multithreading. Syntax .OPTION MTTHRESH=N Default 64

Description Use .OPTION MTTHRESH only for model evaluation threading. For multithreading to be effective in model evaluation, the number of active devices or elements should meet certain requirements. The condition for model evaluation to be multithreaded is ONE of the following:

MOSFET >= 64 BJT >= 128 Diode >= 128 G-element >= 128 E-element >= 128 F-element >= 128 H-element >= 128 or parameter expressions >= 64

If the circuit lacks the required number of active devices, HSPICE automatically uses a single thread. You can manually enforce multithreading on model evaluation by using .OPTION MTTHRESH. The default MTTHRESH value is 64. You can set it to any positive integer number equal to or greater than 2. This option has no effect on matrix solving. MTTHRESH must = 2 or more. Otherwise, HSPICE MT defaults to 64. Examples If MTTHRESH=50, model evaluation of MOSFETs would be threaded if the number of MOSFETs is greater than 50. Similarly, a diode model evaluation would receive benefit from multithreading if the circuit contains more than 100 (50 x 2) diodes.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION MU

Defines the integration method coefficient. Syntax .OPTION MU=x Default 0.5

Description Use this option to define the integration method coefficient. The value range is 0.0 to 0.5. The default integration method is trapezoidal which corresponds to the default coefficient value of 0.5. If the value is set to 0, then the integration method becomes backward-Euler. A value between 0 and 0.5 is a blend of the trapezoidal and backward-Euler integration methods. See Also .OPTION METHOD

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NCFILTER

Filters negative conductance warning messages according to the setting value. Syntax .OPTION NCFILTER=val Default 1e12 Description When .option ncwarn is set, use this option to filter the negative conductance warning messages according to the setting value. If gds, gm, gmbs < value, a warning message is reported. When ncwarn is set, this filter is automatically enabled. The legal range of val is 1e20 to 0. See Also .OPTION NCWARN


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NCWARN

Allows turning on a switch to report a warning message for negative conductance on MOSFETs. Syntax .OPTION NCWARN=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use the option to turn on (.option NCWARN=1), printing out of the first occurrence of MOSFET related negative conductance in the listing file; if you want to check the entire negative conductance on MOSFETs, use.option DIAGNOSTIC to print all these warning messages.NCWARN=0 (default) turns off all warning messages on negative conductance. See Also .OPTION DIAGNOSTIC (or) .OPTION DIAGNO .OPTION NCFILTER

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NEWTOL

Calculates one or more iterations past convergence for every calculated DC solution and timepoint circuit solution. Syntax .OPTION NEWTOL=x Description Use this option to calculate one or more iterations past convergence for every calculated DC solution and timepoint circuit solution. If you do not set NEWTOL after HSPICE determines convergence the convergence routine ends and the next program step begins.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NODE

Prints a node cross-reference table. Syntax .OPTION NODE=x Description Use this option to print a node cross-reference table. The BRIEF option suppresses NODE. The table lists each node and all elements connected to it. A code indicates the terminal of each element. A colon (:) separates the code from the element name. The codes are: + Diode anode - Diode cathode B BJT base B MOSFET or JFET bulk C BJT collector D MOSFET or JFET drain E BJT emitter G MOSFET or JFET gate S BJT substrate S MOSFET or JFET source Examples This sample part of a cross-reference line indicates that the bulk of M1, the anode of D2 and the base of Q4, all connect to node 1. See Also .OPTION BRIEF

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NOELCK

Bypasses element checking to reduce preprocessing time for very large files. Syntax .OPTION NOELCK 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to bypass element checking to reduce preprocessing time for very large files. HSPICE typically checks for duplicate element definitions. If .option NOELCK is set (1), HSPICE skips the element checking and the simulation runs even if there is a duplicate element definition. For the duplicate elements, HSPICE uses the last definition it finds. When NOELCHK is not turned on, if HSPICE finds a duplicate element definition, it issues an error and aborts the simulation. Note: Subcircuit redefinition is not supported by this option.

Examples In the following netlist:

R1 R2 C1 C1 1 2 2 2 2 1k 0 1k end 1p 0 1n

...unless .option NOELCHK is set to 1, HSPICE aborts the simulation and issue an error message.
**error** attempts to redefine c1 at line xx and line yy


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NOISEMINFREQ

Specifies the minimum frequency of noise analysis in HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION NOISEMINFREQ=x Description Use this option to specify the minimum frequency of noise analysis. If the frequency of noise analysis is smaller than the minimum frequency, then HSPICE automatically sets the frequency for NOISEMINFREQ.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NOMOD

Suppresses the printout of model parameters. Syntax .OPTION NOMOD=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to suppress the printout of model parameters.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NOPIV

Controls whether HSPICE automatically switches to pivoting matrix factors. Syntax .OPTION NOPIV=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to prevent HSPICE from automatically switching to pivoting matrix factors if a nodal conductance is less than PIVTOL. NOPIV=1 inhibits pivoting. See Also .OPTION PIVTOL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NOTOP

Suppresses topology checks to increase preprocessing speed. Syntax .OPTION NOTOP=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to suppress topology checks to increase the speed for preprocessing very large files. HSPICE normally checks the netlist topology and reports a warning or error message. The different topologies that HSPICE checks includes inductor/voltage loops, dangling nodes, stacked current sources and current sources in a closed capacitor loop. If you set the NOTOP option to 1, these checks will not be performed and there will be no warning or error messages issued for these topologies. Examples If you run the following netlist:
R1 1 2 1k R2 2 0 1k C1 2 end 1p

...the dangling node check function causes HSPICE to issue a warning in the .lis file.
only 1 connection at node 0:end ...

If .option NOTOP is set, the topology check is skipped and you will not get the warning.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NOWARN

Suppresses parameter conflict warning messages. Syntax .OPTION NOWARN=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to suppress all conflicting parameter warning messages, except those generated from commands in .ALTER blocks. .OPTION WARNLIMIT can be used to limit the number of a same warning message. Note: This option only suppresses warnings about conflicting parameters, not model-related or other warnings.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NUMDGT

Controls the listing printout accuracy. Syntax .OPTION NUMDGT=x Description Use this option to control the listing printout (.lis) accuracy. The value of x is typically between 1 and 7, although you can set it as high as 10. This option does not affect the accuracy of the simulation.This option does, however, affect the results files (ASCII and binary) if you use the .OPTIONPOST_VERSION=2001 setting. The default setting is 5 digits for results for printout accuracy when using POST_VERSION=2001. See Also .OPTION POST_VERSION


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES

Diagnostic-only option for checking a problem with the device models. Syntax .OPTION NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description This option can be used to help diagnose convergence problems or suspected inaccuracies in small-signal analyses such as HBAC, HBNOISE, or PHASENOISE. If a convergence or accuracy problem stems from an inaccuracy in the current or charge derivatives returned by a transistor or diode model, setting this option to 1 will resolve the problem, although with a performance decrease. If NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES=1 resolves the problem, please contact Synopsys support so that the underlying transistor model issue can be resolved. If you are confident that the models are providing accurate derivatives, do not use this option.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION NXX

Stops echoing (printback) of the data file to stdout. Syntax .OPTION NXX=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to terminate echoing (printback) of the data file to stdout until HSPICE finds an .OPTION BRIEF=0 or the .END command. It also resets the LIST, NODE and OPTS options and sets NOMOD. When BRIEF=0, it enables printback.NXX is the same as BRIEF. See Also .OPTION BRIEF .OPTION LIST .OPTION NODE .OPTION OPTS


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION OFF

Initializes terminal voltages to zero for active devices not initialized to other values. Syntax .OPTION OFF=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to initialize terminal voltages to zero if you did not initialize them to other values for all active devices. For example, if you did not initialize both drain and source nodes of a transistor (using .NODESET, .IC commands, or connecting them to sources), then OFF initializes all nodes of the transistor to 0. HSPICE checks the OFF option before element IC parameters. If you assigned an element IC parameter to a node, simulation initializes the node to the element IC parameter value, even if the OFF option previously set it to 0. You can use the OFF element parameter to initialize terminal voltages to 0 for specific active devices. Use the OFF option to help find exact DC operatingpoint solutions for large circuits. See Also .DC .IC .NODESET

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION OPFILE

Outputs the operating point information to a file. Syntax .OPTION OPFILE=[0|1|2] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to output the operating point information to a file. When back annotating the operating point information for the Synopsys Galaxy Custom Designer product, use this option =1 in conjunction with .OPTION SPLIT_DP=1.

0: The operating point information outputs to stdout. 1: The operating point information is output to a file named design.dp#. 2: The operating point information is output to multiple separate *.dp# files.

When used with multiprocessing (-mp) .OPTION OPFILE=1 or 2 is valid (3 is ignored). Examples The fhe following command, these files below are returned:
.option opfile=1 split_dp=2 *.op0 *.dp0 *.op@timepoint@sweep_index *.dp@timepoint@sweep_index

With .op timepoint1 timepoint2... in the netlist ...

.tran '1n' '2n' start='0' sweep monte=10 firstrun=1 .option opfile=1 split_dp=1

The following results are generated:

*.op0 *.dp0 *.dp@timepoint@sweep_index



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION OPTCON

Continues running a bisection analysis (with multiple .ALTER commands) even if optimization failed. Syntax .OPTION OPTCON=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to override how HSPICE treats bisection measure failure. With this option turned on, Instead of issuing an error and exiting the simulation, HSPICE treats a bisection search failure like a measurement failure and completes the simulation, or continues if .ALTER commands are specified. Examples
.option optcon=1 r1 1 0 2000 v1 1 0 3 .param target=0.5 .param x=opt1(0, 0, 1) .model opt_model opt method=bisection relout=1e6 relin=0.0005 .meas tran y param = x goal = target .tran 1.0e-10 1.0e-9 sweep optimize=opt1 results=y model=opt_model .alter target=1.5 .param target=1.5 .alter target=0.75 .param target=0.75 .end

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION OPTCON

If a bisection search fails because of endpoints having the same sign, for example, screen output might appear as follows:
>info: ***** hspice job concluded the maximum number of iterations ( 14)was exceeded. however, results might be accurate. x = 3.556e-09 y = 1.7103E+00 >info: ***** hspice job concluded **Warning** endpoints have same sign in bisection x = failed y = failed >info: ***** hspice job concluded Output stored in file => test.lis



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION OPTLST

Outputs additional optimization information. Syntax .OPTION OPTLST=0|1|2|3 Default 0 Description Use this option to output additional optimization information:

OPTLST=0: No information (default). OPTLST=1: Prints parameter, Broyden update and bisection results information. OPTLST=2: Prints gradient, error, Hessian, and iteration information. OPTLST=3: Prints all of the above and Jacobian.

Since the results of each iteration during an optimization do not meet the defined electrical specifications, HSPICE does not allow you to probe the results at each optimization iteration. However, you can use .OPTION OPTLST=3 to get the useful information about each iteration.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION OPTS

Prints current settings for all control options. Syntax .OPTION OPTS Description Use this option to print the current settings for all control options. If you change any of the default values of the options, the OPTS option prints the values that the simulation actually uses. The BRIEF option suppresses OPTS. Note: All SIM_LA* printed settings are shown as LA_*.



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PARHIER (or) .OPTION PARHIE


Specifies scoping rules. Syntax .OPTION PARHIER=[GLOBAL|LOCAL] Description Use this option to specify scoping rules. Examples
.OPTION parhier=<global | local> .PARAM DefPwid=1u .SUBCKT Inv a y DefPwid=2u DefNwid=1u Mp1 <MosPinList> pMosMod L=1.2u W=DefPwid Mn1 <MosPinList> nMosMod L=1.2u W=DefNwid .ENDS

This example explicitly shows the difference between local and global scoping for using parameters in subcircuits.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PATHNUM

Prints subcircuit path numbers instead of path names; overrides 8-character model name limitation. Syntax .OPTION PATHNUM=[0|1|2] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description When set to 1, this option prints subcircuit path numbers instead of path names. When set to 2, the complete model name (no truncation) is printed to the *.lis file; without this setting, model names are limited to eight characters.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVDIM

Specifies the dimension of the Krylov subspace that the Krylov solver uses. Syntax .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVDIM Default 500

Description Specifies the dimension of the Krylov subspace that the Krylov solver uses. This must be an integer greater than zero. See Also .OPTION BPNMATCHTOL .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVITER (or) PHASENOISE_KRYLOV_ITER .OPTION PHASENOISETOL .OPTION PHNOISELORENTZ

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Specifies the maximum number of Krylov iterations that the phase noise Krylov solver takes. Syntax .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVITER | PHASENOISE_KRYLOV_ITER Default 1000

Description Specifies the maximum number of Krylov iterations that the phase noise Krylov solver takes. Analysis stops when the number of iterations reaches this value. See Also .OPTION BPNMATCHTOL .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVDIM .OPTION PHASENOISETOL .OPTION PHNOISELORENTZ


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PHASENOISETOL

Specifies the error tolerance for the phase noise solver. Syntax .OPTION PHASENOISETOL Default 1e-8

Description Specifies the error tolerance for the phase noise solver. This must be a real number greater than zero. See Also .OPTION BPNMATCHTOL .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVDIM .OPTION PHASENOISEKRYLOVITER (or) PHASENOISE_KRYLOV_ITER .OPTION PHNOISELORENTZ

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PHD

Facilitates fast OP convergence for BSIM4 testcases. Syntax .OPTION PHD=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description When PHD is set to 1 (ON), this option facilitates fast OP convergence for BSIM4 testcases. The PHD flow may show performance improvement in simulations that require large DC OP convergence iterations. When PHD is on but fails to converge, the simulation exits.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PHNOISELORENTZ

Turns on a Lorentzian model for the phase noise analysis. Syntax .OPTION PHNOISELORENTZ= 0|1|2 Default 1

Description Turns on a Lorentzian model for the phase noise analysis.

0: Uses a linear approximation to a lorentzian model 1 (default): Applies a lorentzian model to all noise sources 2: Applies a lorentzian model to all non-frequency dependent noise sources


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PHNOISEAMPM

Allows you to separate amplitude modulation and phase modulation components in a phase noise simulation. Syntax .OPTION PHNOISEAMPM=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to enable HSPICE RF to calculate separate amplitude (am) and phase modulation (pm) components using the output and measure syntax of a .PHASENOISE simulation. A value of 0 sets the Periodic AC (PAC) phase noise amplitude modulation (AM) component to zero and the results will be identical to earlier releases. A value of 1 calculates separate AM and phase noise components. When .OPTION PHNOISEAMPM=1, then .MEASURE PHASENOISE extends output variables to the set:<am[noise]> <pm[noise]> Examples The following explicitly sets the calculation for separate am and pm calculation.
.opt phnoiseampm=1

See Also .PHASENOISE Amplitude Modulation/Phase Modulation Separation


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PIVOT

Selects a pivot algorithm. Syntax .OPTION PIVOT=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Set this option to 1 to select a pivot algorithm to achieve convergence in circuits that produce hard-to-solve matrix equations. PIVOTselects the numerical pivoting algorithm that is used to manipulate the matrices. Pivoting affects both DC and transient analysis. Usually the reason for choosing a pivot method other than the default 0 is that the circuit contains both very large and very small conductances. If PIV0T=0, HSPICE automatically changes from a non-pivoting to pivot strategy if it detects any diagonal-matrix entry less than PIVTOL. This strategy provides the time and memory advantages of non-pivoting inversion and avoids unstable simulations and incorrect results. Use .OPTION NOPIV to prevent HSPICE from pivoting. The SPARSE option is the same as PIVOT. See Also .OPTION NOPIV .OPTION PIVTOL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PIVTOL

Sets the absolute minimum value for which HSPICE accepts a matrix entry as a pivot. Syntax .OPTION PIVTOL=x Description Use this option to set the absolute minimum value for which HSPICE accepts a matrix entry as a pivot. PIVTOL is used to prevent numeric overflow conditions like divide by 0. If the conductance is less than the value of PIVTOL, HSPICE rebuilds the matrix and chooses the PIVOT algorithm. If the conductance is greater than the value of PIVTOL, the PIVTOL value replaces the conductance in the matrix. When a non-pivot algorithm is selected by setting PIVOT=0, then pivtol is the minimum conductance in the matrix and not a pivot. The default value of PIVTOL is 1e-15 and the range of PIVTOL is Min:1e-35, Max:1, excluding 0. The value of PIVTOL must be less than GMIN or GMINDC. Values that approach 1 increase the pivot. The example below shows how you can correct a maximum conductance on node error. Note: If PIVTOL is set too small, you run the risk of creating an overflow condition and a convergence problem. If you set the value to 0, an out-of-bounds error is reported.

Examples If you get an error message such as:

**error** maximum conductance on node 1:v75 } =( 9.2414D-23) is less than pivtol in transient analysis. Check hookup for this node, set smaller option pivtol and rerun.

the error message informs that the node conductance value is less than the value of PIVTOL. Decrease the PIVTOL value so that it is less than the value in the error message. The valid range of pivtol values is between 1e-35 to 1, excluding 0. For this case a setting PIVTOL to 1e-25 resolves the error. See Also .OPTION GMIN .OPTION GMINDC .OPTION PIVOT


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION POST

Saves simulation results for viewing by an interactive waveform viewer. Syntax HSPICE Syntax .OPTION POST=[0|1|2|3|ASCII|BINARY|CSDF] HSPICE RF Syntax .OPTION POST=[0|1|2|3|ASCII|BINARY|CSDF|NW|P|TW|UT|VCD|WDBA] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to save simulation results for viewing by an interactive waveform viewer and to provide output without specifying other parameters. Note: The behavior for .OPTION POST in HSPICE RF is different from the same option used in HSPICE.

The defaults for the POST option supply usable data to most parameters.

POST=0: Does not output simulation results. POST=1, BINARY: (Default if POST is declared without a value) Output format is binary. POST=2, ASCII: Output format is ASCII. POST=3: Output format is New Wave binary (which enables you to generate .tr0 files that are larger than 2 gigabytes on Linux platforms). POST=CSDF: Output format is Common Simulation Data Format (Viewlogiccompatible graph data file format). POST=NW: Output format is XP/AvanWaves. POST=TW: Output format is TurboWave. POST=UT: Output format is Veritools Undertow. POST=VCD: Output format is value change dump. Use with an .LPRINT command.

Options available to HSPICE RF only:

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION POST

POST=WDBA: Output format is XP/CosmosScope. POST=XP: Output format is XP/AvanWaves/CosmosScope.

By default, HSPICE outputs single precision for both time and signal data. If you want to get double precision data, in the netlist set: .OPTION POST POST_VERSION=2001 Note: .OPTION POST in HSPICE is not a global option to dump output in general and then use other options to specify another format. Other options such as PSF, CSDF, SDA, ZUKEN override POST if they are specified after POST, and vice versa. This is unlike HSPICE RF which allows values beyond [0|1|2|3|ASCII|BINARY|CSDF].

HSPICE uses the last output control option if multiple output control options are specified in the netlist. Examples In this example the option post overrides the options artist/PSF.
.option artist=2 psf=2 .option post

In this example, the options artist/PSF override the option post.

.option post .option artist=2 psf=2



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION POSTLVL

Limits the data written to your waveform file to a specified level of nodes. Syntax .OPTION POSTLVL=n Description Limits the data written to your waveform file to the level of nodes specified by the n parameter. This option differs from POSTSTOP in that it specifies the signals of one given level at any level. Note: .OPTIONS POSTLVL and POSTTOP are ignored if .OPTION PROBE is also in the netlist. .OPTION PROBE overrides POSTLVL and POSTTOP.


This example limits the data written to the waveform file to only the secondlevel nodes (voltage and current). See Also .OPTION POSTTOP .OPTION PROBE

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION POST_VERSION

Specifies the post-processing output version for HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION POST_VERSION=x Default 9601 Description Use this option to set the post-processing output version:

x=9007 truncates the node name in the post-processor output file to a maximum of 16 characters. x=9601 sets the node name length for the output file consistent with input restrictions (1024 characters) and limits the number of output variables to 9999. x=2001 uses an output file header that displays the correct number of output variables when the number exceeds 9999. This option also changes the digit-number precision in results files to match the value of .OPTIONNUMDGT (when < 5).

By default, HSPICE outputs single precision for both time and signal data. If you want to get double precision data, in the netlist set: .OPTION POST POST_VERSION=2001 If you set .OPTION POST_VERSION=2001POST=2 in the netlist, HSPICE returns more accurate ASCII results. To use binary values (with double precision) in the output file, include the following in the input file: For more accurate simulation results, comment this format. Examples If you need to probe more than 9999 signals, set the POST_VERSION option to 2001; for example,

HSPICE now outputs all the signals into a waveform file and the correct number of output signals is shown rather than **** when the number of signals exceeds 9999. You can load this waveform file in WaveView to view the signals.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION POST_VERSION


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION POSTTOP

Limits the data written to the waveform file to data from only the top n level nodes. Syntax .OPTION POSTTOP=n Description Use this option to limit the data written to your waveform file to data from only the top n level nodes. This option outputs instances up to n levels deep. If you do not specify either the PROBE or the POSTTOP options, HSPICE/HSPICE RF outputs all levels. To enable the waveform display interface, you also need to specify the .OPTIONPOST option. This option differs from .OPTION POSTLVL in that it specifies the signals of one or multiple levels from the top level down. Note: .OPTIONS POSTTOP and POSTLVL are ignored if .OPTION PROBE is also in the netlist. .OPTION PROBE overrides POSTLVL and POSTTOP.


This example limits the data written to the waveform file to only the three toplevel nodes (voltage and current). See Also .OPTION POST .OPTION PROBE .OPTION POSTLVL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PROBE

Limits post-analysis output to only variables specified in .PROBE and .PRINT commands for HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION PROBE=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description When turned on (1), allows you to set post-analysis output to only variables specified in .PROBE, and PRINT commands. 0=off.By default, HSPICE outputs all voltages and power supply currents in addition to variables listed in .PROBE, and .PRINT commands. Using this option can significantly decrease the sizes of simulation output files. If .OPTION PROBE is not set:

All node voltage and source currents are output to *.tr#, *.ac#, *.sw# files. If measured, the resistor or MOSFET current is also output to *.tr#, *.ac#, or *.sw# files. If the resistor or MOSFET current are determined by measurement variables, and .OPTION PUTMEAS is reset (set to 0), these measurement variables are not output to waveform files.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PSF

In a standalone HSPICE simulation, specifies whether the output is binary (Parameter Storage Format) or ASCIi. When used with HSPICE RF, specifies whether binary or ASCII data is output when you run an HSPICE simulation from the CadenceTM Virtuoso Analog Design Environment. Syntax .OPTION PSF=0|1|2 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to specify whether HSPICE RF outputs binary (Parameter Storage Format) or ASCII data when you run an HSPICE RF simulation through the Cadence Virtuoso Analog Design Environment. If you use .OPTON PSF only (without .OPTION ARTIST), the value of x can be 1 or 2.

If .OPTION PSF=1, HSPICE produces binary output. If .OPTION PSF=2, HSPICE produces ASCII output.

When the netlist contains .option psf=2 and a .tran analysis statement (with no .op statement in the netlist file), HSPICE creates the following output files:

.op0 dc node voltage and dc operating points .op1 transient voltage and transient operating points for the transient end time.

Ordinarily, PSF output is directed to a directory named ./psf to accommodate the Analog Design Environment. However, HSPICE and Custom Designer users can redirect PSF output by setting the HSPICE command line option -o to a directory other than ./psf (for example: -o ../results/input). Note: The PSF format is only supported on Sun/SPARC, Red Hat/ SUSE Linux, and IBM AIX platforms, as well as 64-bit versions.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PURETP

Specifies the integration method to use for reversal time point in HSPICE/ HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION PURETP=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to specify the integration method to use for reversal time point. If you set PURETP=1 and HSPICE finds non-convergence, it uses TRAP (instead of Bbackward-Euler) for the reversed time point. Use this option with an .OPTION METHOD=TRAP command to help some oscillating circuits to oscillate if the default simulation process cannot satisfy the result. See Also .OPTION METHOD

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PUTMEAS

Controls the output variables listed in the .MEASURE command. Syntax .OPTION PUTMEAS=0|1 Default 1

Description Use this option to control the output variables listed in the .MEASURE command.

0: Does not save variable values listed in the .MEASURE command into the corresponding output file (such as .tr#, .ac# or .sw#). This option decreases the size of the output file. 1: Default. Saves variable values listed in the .MEASURE command to the corresponding output file (such as .tr#, .ac# or .sw#). This option is similar to the output of HSPICE 2000.4.

See Also .MEASURE (or) .MEAS


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PZABS

Sets absolute tolerances for poles and zeros. Syntax .OPTION PZABS=x Default 1.0e-2 Description Use this option to set absolute tolerances for poles and zeros in Pole/Zero analysis. Use this option as follows: If ( X real + X real < PZABS ) , then X real and X imag = 0 . You can also use this option for convergence tests. See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FMAX .OPTION FSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZTOL .OPTION RITOL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION PZTOL

Sets the relative tolerance for poles and zeros. Syntax .OPTION PZTOL=x Default 1.0e-6

Description Use this option to set relative tolerances for poles and zeros in Pole/Zero analysis. See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FMAX .OPTION FSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS .OPTION RITOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RADEGFILE

Use to specify a MOSRA degradation file name to be used with SIMMODE=1. Syntax .OPTION RADEGFILE=file_name Description Use this option to specify a MOSRA degradation file name to be used with SIMMODE=1. HSPICE will read in the degradation information in the specified file and do a MOSRA post-stress simulation. Examples
.mosra reltotaltime='10*365*24*60*60' lin=11 simmode=1 .option radegfile = '1.radeg0'


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RADEGOUTPUT

Outputs the MOSRA degradation information to the Word Excel CSV format. Syntax .OPTION RADEGOUTPUT=CSV Description Use this option to output the MOSRA degradation information to the Microsoft Excel CSV format. If the CSV value is not specified no CSV file is generated. See Also .OPTION RADEGFILE


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RANDGEN

Specifies the random number generator used in traditional Monte Carlo analysis. Syntax .OPTION RANDGEN= [0|moa|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to specify the random number generator used in HSPICE traditional Monte Carlo analysis. If RANDGEN= moa or 1, then a multiplywith-carry type random number generator with longer cycle is used. If RANDGEN=0, then the traditional random number generator is used. Note: The .OPTION SEED command is also valid for the new random number generator without usage change.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELH

Sets the relative current tolerance from iteration to iteration through voltagedefined branches. Syntax .OPTION RELH=x Description Use this option to set the relative current tolerance through voltage-defined branches (voltage sources and inductors) from iteration to iteration. This option can also be used to check current convergence, but only if the value of the ABSH option is greater than zero. See Also .OPTION ABSH


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELI

Sets the relative error/tolerance change from iteration to iteration. Syntax .OPTION RELI=x Description Use this option to set the relative error/tolerance change from iteration to iteration. This option determines convergence for all currents in diode, BJT, and JFET devices. (RELMOS sets tolerance for MOSFETs). This value is the change in current from the value calculated at the previous timepoint.

Default=0.01 for .OPTION KCLTEST=0. Default=1e-6 for .OPTION KCLTEST=1.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELIN

(Optimization) Relative input parameter (delta_par_val / MAX(par_val,1e-6)) for convergence. Syntax .OPTION RELIN=value Default 0.001 Description (Optimization) Relative input parameter (delta_par_val / MAX(par_val, 1e-6)) for convergence. If all optimizing input parameters vary by no more than RELIN between iterations, the solution converges. RELIN is a relative variance test so a value of 0.001 implies that optimizing parameters vary by less than 0.1% from one iteration to the next. If RELIN is set in .OPTION, the setting of RELIN in the .model card will be overridden. Examples
.option RELIN=1e-6 DYNACC

See Also .MODEL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELMOS

Sets the relative error tolerance for drain-to-source current from iteration to iteration. Syntax .OPTION RELMOS=x Description Use this option to set the relative error tolerance for drain-to-source current from iteration to iteration. This option determines convergence for currents in MOSFET devices while .OPTION RELI sets the tolerance for other active devices. This option also sets the change in current from the value calculated at the previous timepoint. HSPICE uses the .OPTION RELMOS value only if the current is greater than the .OPTION ABSMOS floor value. Min value: 1e-07; Max value 10. See Also .OPTION ABSMOS .OPTION RELI .OPTION RELMOS

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELQ

Sets the timestep size from iteration to iteration. Syntax .OPTION RELQ=x Description Use this option in the timestep algorithm for local truncation error (LVLTIM=2). If the capacitor charge calculation in the present iteration exceeds that of the past iteration by a percentage greater than the RELQ value, then HSPICE reduces the internal timestep (delta). The default is 0.01. See Also .OPTION LVLTIM


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELTOL

Sets the relative error tolerance for voltages from iteration to iteration. Syntax .OPTION RELTOL=x Default 1e-3

Description Use this option to set the relative error tolerance for voltages from iteration to iteration. Min value: 1e-20; Max value: 10. Use this option with the ABSV option to determine voltage convergence. Increasing x increases the relative error. This option is the same as the RELV option. The RELI and RELVDC options default to the RELTOL value. See Also .OPTION ABSV .OPTION RELI .OPTION RELV .OPTION RELVDC

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELV

Sets the relative error tolerance for voltages from iteration to iteration. Syntax .OPTION RELV=x Default 1e-3 Description Use this option to set the relative error tolerance for voltages from iteration to iteration. If voltage or current exceeds the absolute tolerances, a RELV test determines convergence. Increasing x increases the relative error. You should generally maintain this option at its default value. It conserves simulator charge. For voltages, this option is the same as the RELTOL option. Min value: 1e-20; Max value: 10. See Also .OPTION RELTOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELVAR

Sets the relative voltage change for LVLTIM=1 or 3 from iteration to iteration. Syntax .OPTION RELVAR=x Description Use this option to set the relative voltage change for LVLTIM=1 or 3 from iteration to iteration. Use this option with the ABSVAR and DVDT timestep algorithm. If the node voltage at the current timepoint exceeds the node voltage at the previous timepoint by RELVAR, then HSPICE reduces the timestep and calculates a new solution at a new timepoint. The default is 0.30, or 30 percent. For additional information, see DVDT Dynamic Timestep in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. See Also .OPTION ABSVAR .OPTION DVDT .OPTION LVLTIM

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RELVDC

Sets the relative error tolerance for voltages from iteration to iteration. Syntax .OPTION RELVDC=x Description Use this option to set the relative error tolerance for voltages from iteration to iteration. If voltages or currents exceed their absolute tolerances, the RELVDC test determines convergence. Increasing the x parameter value increases the relative error. You should generally maintain RELVDC at its default value to conserve simulator charge. See Also .OPTION RELTOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION REPLICATES

Runs replicates of the Latin Hypercube samples. Syntax .OPTION REPLICATES=number Description When the advanced sampling method Latin Hypercube is used wth traditional Monte Carlo simulation, you can add this option following .OPTION SAMPLING _METHOD=LHS. This option runs replicates of the Latin Hypercube samples. The sample with nominal conditions is simulated once. HSPICE repeats the LHS run the number of times specified by number. For example, if, in a regular run, you have 10+1 (including nominal value) iterations, if you set .OPTION REPLICATES=2, you generate 21 (or 2* Value +1) Latin Hypercube samples. Examples


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RES_BITS

Tightens tolerances when using HPP (High Performance Parallel) in transient simulations. Syntax .OPTION RES_BITS=n Default 0 Description When running a multithread operation in a transient simulation using HPP (only) this option can be used to tighten convergence tolerances. Tightening convergence tolerances enable resolving the least significant bit in an n-bit converter. Note: Setting this option may result in increased number of iterations and, sometimes, slightly increased number of time steps.

Examples The following example, for a 14-bit A-to-D converter, is set as:
.option res_bits=14


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RESMIN

Specifies the minimum resistance for all resistors. Syntax .OPTION RESMIN=x Description Use this option to specify the minimum resistance for all resistors, including parasitic and inductive resistances. The range is 1e-15 to 10 ohms.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RISETIME (or) .OPTION RISETI


Specifies the smallest signal risetime to be supported in elements and analyses that are sensitive to frequency bandwidth and time scale constraints. Syntax .OPTION RISETIME=x Default Calculated automatically (see below)

Description Use this option to specify the smallest signal risetime to be anticipated when analyzing certain elements that have frequency dependencies. Several HSPICE elements require some knowledge regarding either their maximum frequency of operation, or the minimum signal rise time to be expected. This is particularly true of elements that are described in the frequency domain, yet require time-domain simulation. The RISETIME option is used to establish time scale and frequency scale information needed for inverse Fourier transform and convolution calculations. In the W-element (transmission line) model, RISETIME is used to determine the maximum signal frequency to be taken into account for frequency dependencies such as skin effect, and dielectric loss (non-zero Rs or Gd). In the S-element (scattering-parameter) based model, the reciprocal of RISETIME sets the maximum signal frequency (FMAX) value used for the Sparameter analysis. In the U-element (lumped transmission line) model, RISETIME is used to set the number of lumps according to the equation: TDeff #lumps = M IN 20, 1 + 20 ---------------------------- RISETIME where, TDeff is the end-to-end delay in a transmission line. When needed, HSPICE automatically calculates a default value for RISETIME as follows:

25% of the tstep value specified with the .TRAN command. The time corresponding to a 90-degree phase shift for the highest frequency specified in SIN, SFFM, and AM sources. The smallest delay time, rise time, fall time, or time increment used in PULSE, EXP, and PWL sources.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RISETIME (or) .OPTION RISETI


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RITOL

Sets the minimum ratio value for the (real/imaginary) or (imaginary/real) parts of the poles or zeros. Syntax .OPTION RITOL=x Default 1.0e-2 Description Use this option to set the minimum ratio value for the (real/imaginary) or (imaginary/real) parts of the poles or zeros. Use the RITOL option as follows. if: X imag RITOL X real , then X imag = 0 . If X real RITOL X imag , then X real = 0 . See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FMAX .OPTION FSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS .OPTION PZTOL .PZ


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RMAX

Sets the TSTEP multiplier, which controls the maximum value for the internal timestep delta fore HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION RMAX=x Description Use this option to set the TSTEP multiplier, which controls the maximum value (DELMAX) for the delta of the internal timestep: DELMAX=TSTEP x RMAX

The default is 5 if DVDT is 4 and LVLTIM is 1. Otherwise, the default is 2.

Min value: 1e-9; Max value: 1e+9. The RMAX value cannot be smaller than RMIN. See Also .OPTION DELMAX .OPTION DVDT .OPTION LVLTIM

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RMIN

Sets the minimum value of delta (internal timestep). Syntax .OPTION RMIN=x Description Use this option to set the minimum value of delta (internal timestep). An internal timestep smaller than RMIN x TSTEP, terminates the transient analysis, and reports an internal timestep too small error. If the circuit does not converge in IMAX iterations, delta decreases by the amount you set in the FT option. The default is 1.0e-9. Min value: 1e-15. See Also .OPTION FT .OPTION IMAX


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RUNLVL

Controls runtime speed and simulation accuracy. Syntax .OPTION RUNLVL= 1|2|3|4|5|6 Description Higher values of RUNLVL result in higher accuracy and longer simulation runtimes; lower values result in lower accuracy and faster simulation runtimes. For HSPICE: The RUNLVL option setting controls the scaling of all simulator tolerances simultaneously, affecting timestep control, transient analysis convergence, and model bypass tolerances all at once. Higher values of RUNLVL result in smaller timestep sizes and could result in more Newton-Raphson iterations to meet stricter error tolerances. RUNLVL settings affect transient analysis only. RUNLVL can be set to 0 (to disable) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6:

1: Lowest simulation runtime 2: More accurate than RUNLVL=1 and faster than RUNLVL=3 3: Default value, similar to HSPICEs original default mode 4: More accurate than RUNLVL=3 and faster than RUNLVL=5 5 or 6: Corresponds to HSPICEs standard accurate mode for most circuits: 5 is similar to the standard accurate mode in HSPICE 6 has the highest accuracy

If RUNLVL is specified in the netlist without a value, the value is the default, 3. If .OPTION ACCURATE is specified in the netlist together with RUNLVL, the value of RUNLVL is limited to 5 or 6; specifying a specifying a RUNLVL value of 1, 2, 3, or 4 defaults to 5. If .OPTION RUNLVL is not turned off, there is no dependency with GEAR and ACCURATE options, and .OPTION ACCURATE method=GEAR RUNLVL is equivalent to .OPTION method=GEAR ACCURATE RUNLVL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RUNLVL

The RUNLVL option interacts with other options as follows:

Regardless of its position in the netlist, RUNLVL ignores the following step control-related options (which are replaced by automated algorithms): LVLTIM DVDT FT FAST TRTOL ABSVARRELVAR RELQ CHGTOL DVTR IMIN ITL3

See the notes to the table below for discussion of options ACCURATE and BYPASS in relation to RUNLVL if it is specified in the netlist. The tstep value specified with the .TRAN command affects timestep control when a RUNLVL option is used. Timestep values larger than tstep*RMAX use a tighter timestep control tolerance.

For information on how RUNLVL values affect other options, see the following section, and also see RUNLVL=N and RUNLVL, ACCURATE, FAST, GEAR method in Appendix B of this manual. For HSPICE RF: While HSPICE RF supports .OPTION RUNLV, this option is most compatible with HSPICE. For HSPICE RF, the SIM_ACCURACY option gives you a more continuous range of settings. You can use .OPTION RUNLVL to control runtime speed and simulation accuracy. As in HSPICE, higher values of RUNLVL result in higher accuracy and longer simulations; lower values result in lower accuracy and faster simulation. .OPTION RUNLVL maps to .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY as follows:


Interactions Between .OPTION RUNLVL and Other Options Since the latest algorithm invoked by RUNLVL sets the timestep and error tolerance internally, many transient error tolerance and timestep control options are no longer valid; furthermore, to assure the most efficiency of the new RUNLVL algorithm, you should let the new engine manage everything itself. Options that are recommended not to tune are listed in the table, as well.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RUNLVL


Once RUNLV is set, it does not = 0.

Default value without RUNLVL Default value with RUNLVL=3 User definition ignored Recommend not to tune


50u 500m 0 2 1.0f 100 4 1.0k 0 250m 250m 3 1 TRAP 10m 1.0m 1.0m 300.0m 5 1.0n 7

50u 500m 0 2 for RUNLVL=1-6 1.0f 100 4 1.0k 0 250m 250m 3 4 TRAP 10m 1.0m 1.0m 300.0m 5 1.0n 7

x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x -

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION RUNLVL

1. ACCURATE and BYPASS notes: 1. If .option ACCURATE is set, then the RUNLVL value is limited to 5 or 6. Specifying a RUNLVL less than 5 results in a simulation at RUNLVL=5. When both ACCURATE and RUNLVL are set, the RUNLVL algorithm will be used. 2. When RUNLVL is set, BYPASS is set to 2. Users can redefine the BYPASS value by setting .option BYPASS=value; this behavior is independent of the order of RUNLVL and BYPASS; 2. The FAST option is disabled by the RUNLVL option; setting the RUNLVL value to 1 is comparable to setting the FAST option. 3. RUNLVL can work with METHOD=GEAR; in cases where GEAR only determines the numeric integration method during transient analysis, the other options that were previously set by GEAR (when there is no RUNLVL) now are determined by the RUNLVL mode. This behavior is independent of the order of RUNLVL and METHOD. See below.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SAVEHB

Saves the final-state variable values from an HB simulation. Syntax .OPTION SAVEHB=filename Description Use this option to save the final state (that is, the no-sweep point or the steady state of the first sweep point) variable values from an HB simulation to the specified file. This file can be loaded as the starting point for another simulation by using a LOADHB option. See Also .HB .OPTION LOADHB

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SAVESNINIT

Saves the operating point at the end of Shooting Newton initialization (sninit). Syntax .OPTION SAVESNINIT="filename" Description Use this option to save an operating point file at the end of a SN initialization for use as initial conditions for another Shooting Newton analysis. For more information, see SN Steady-State Time Domain Analysis in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .SN .OPTION LOADSNINIT .OPTION SAVESNINIT .OPTION SNACCURACY .OPTION SNMAXITER (or) SN_MAXITER


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SAMPLING_METHOD

Enables use of advanced sampling methods with traditional Gaussian Monte Carlo trials. Syntax .OPTION SAMPLING_METHOD=SRS|LHS|Factorial|OFAT|Sobol| + Neiderreiter Default SRS
Argument Description


Simple random sampling performed in traditional HSPICE Monte Carlo method. Latic Hypercube sampling; efficient for large number of variable parameters (used with .OPTION REPLICATES). Factorial sampling;



Evaluates the circuit response at the extremes of variable ranges to get an idea of the worst and best case behavior. Creates polynomial response surface approximations.


One-Factor-At-a-Time sampling; useful for sensitivity studies and for constructing low order response surface approximations. Sobol sampling uses low discrepency sequences (LDS); LDS sample points are more frequently distributed compared to LHS and the sampling error is lower. Sobol is used with a sampling dimension of 40 or less.


Neiderreiter LDS sampling sequence useful as a sampling method for cases of a sampling dimsension up to 318. If that number is exceeded, HSPICE switches to the default SRS sampling method.

Description This option enables use of sampling methods other than Gaussian techniques available in traditional HSPICE Monte Carlo simulation. For a full discussion about advanced sampling methods see Comparison of Sampling Methods in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis. These methods are also available in the HSPICE Variation Block functionality. See Also .OPTION REPLICATES
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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SCALE

Sets the element scaling factor for HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION SCALE=x Description Use this option to scale geometric element instance parameters whose default unit is meters. You can also use this option with .OPTION GEOSHRINK to scale an element even more finely (usually through a technology file). The effective scaling factor is the product of the two parameters; HSPICE will use scale*geoshrink to scale the parameters/dimensions. In HSPICE, the possible geometrical instance parameters include width, length, or area for both passive and active devices, in addition to the commonly known MOSFET parameters such as AS, AD, PS, PD, and so on.

For active elements, the geometric parameters are: Diode W, L, Area JFET/MESFET W, L, Area MOS W, L, AS, AD, PS, PD

For passive elements having values calculated as a function geometry, the geometric parameters are: Resistor W, L Capacitor W, L

In cases where you want to selectively scale a required instance, such as in an encrypted file, you can use .OPTION HIER_SCALE. See Also .OPTION GEOSHRINK .OPTION CMIUSRFLAG .OPTION HIER_SCALE


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SCALM

Sets the model scaling factor. Syntax .OPTION SCALM=x Description Use this option to set the scaling factor defined in a .MODEL command for an element. See the HSPICE Elements and Device Models Manual for parameters that this option scales. For MOSFET devices, this option is ignored in Level 49 and higher model levels. See the HSPICE Reference Manual: MOSFET Models for levels available to the SCALM option. See Also .MODEL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SEARCH

Automatically accesses a library or individual vendor files. Syntax .OPTION SEARCH=directory_path [path_name] Description Use this option to auto-access a library, or, using path_name, to search for library (*.lib) files, for example, to search the specified directory for vendor supplied parts. Typically, vendors supply part files containing a single subcircuit. The name of the file is the same as the subcircuit with the file extension *.inc. The commands .LIB.INC, and .LOAD each searches for the file. In addition, HSPICE supports .OPTION SEARCH for .VEC commands. The path can be given as '/remote/home1/aa' or as '../' Examples
.OPTION SEARCH=$installdir/parts/vendor

This example searches for models in the vendor subdirectory, under the $installdir/parts installation directory (see Figure 14). The parts directory contains the DDL subdirectories.
x1 in out vdd vss buffer_f .OPTION search=$installdir/parts/vendor

$installdir/parts/vendor/ $installdir/parts/vendor/skew.dat .lib ff $ fast model .param vendor_xl=-.1u .inc $installdir/parts/vendor/model.dat .endl ff $installdir/parts/vendor/model.dat .macro buffer_f in out vdd vss .lib $installdir/parts/vendor/skew.dat ff .inc $installdir/parts/vendor/ .eom $installdir/parts/vendor/ .macro buffer in out vdd vss m1 out in vdd vdd nch w=10 l=1 ...

.model nch nmos level=28 + xl=vendor_xl ... Note: The /usr directory is in the HSPICE install directory.

Figure 14

Vendor Library Usage


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SEED

Specifies the starting seed for the random-number generator in Monte Carlo analysis. Syntax .OPTION SEED=x | random Description Use this option to specify the starting seed for the random-number generator in HSPICE Monte Carlo analysis. The minimum value is 1; the maximum value of is 259200 of SEED. If SEED='random', HSPICE assigns a random number between 1 and 259200 according to the system clock and prints it in the .lis file for you to debug. .OPTION SEED is supported In HSPICE and the RF flow. See Also .OPTION RANDGEN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SHRINK

Scales the final constant capacitance value (only works with .OPTION CMIUSRFLAG=3). Syntax .OPTION SHRINK= val Description Use this option to scale the final constant capacitance value. The default setting overrides .OPTION SHRINK before applying shrink*shrink scaling to constant capacitance value. The following is the usage of .OPTION SHRINK and instance parameter shrink:

1: If both .OPTION SHRINK and the shrink instance are not set in the netlist, do nothing. 2: If only .OPTION SHRINK is set in the netlist, use it to scale the final constant capacitance value. 3: If the instance parameter shrink is set in the netlist, use the instance shrink to scale the final constant capacitance value.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY

Sets and modifies the size of timesteps. Syntax .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY=value Default Default Conditional, see below Description Use this option to set and modify the size of timesteps. This option applies to all modes and tightens all tolerances, such as: Newton-Raphson tolerance, local truncation error, and other errors. The value must be a positive number. The default is 1. If you specify .OPTION ACCURATE, the default value is 10; you can use .option sim_accuracy=10 instead of .option accurate. They are interchangeable. You can set .option sim_accuracy=10 if you have not set previous sim_accuracy settings that are 10 or greater or have previously set .option accurate. To set global accuracy, use .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY=n, where n is a number greater than 0. You can apply different accuracy settings to different blocks or time intervals. The syntax to set accuracy on a block, instance, or time interval is similar to the settings used for a power supply. Examples This example sets accuracy to 3 for the XNAND1 and XNAND2 instances and 4 for all instances of the INV subcircuit. Globally, the accuracy is 2. If accuracy settings conflict, then HSPICE RF uses the higher accuracy value. At 12.0ns before the end of the simulation, the global accuracy level is 5. Because this is higher than 2, 3, or 4, it overrides all previous settings.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DELTAI

Sets the selection criteria for current waveforms in WDB and NW format. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DELTAI=value Default 0 amps

Description Use this option to set the selection criteria for RF current waveforms in WDB and NW format (see Eliminating Current Datapoints in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis).The value parameter specifies the amount of change. NW format is not supported by Monte Carlo analysis. Examples In this example, at the n timestep, HSPICE RF saves only data points that change by more than 0 amps from previous values at the n-1 timestep.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DELTAV

Sets the selection criteria for current waveforms in WDB and NW format. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DELTAV=value Default 1mv

Description Sets the selection criteria for RF current waveforms in WDB and NW format (see Eliminating Voltage Datapoints in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis). NW format is not supported by Monte Carlo analysis. The value parameter specifies the amount of change. Examples In this example, at the n timestep, HSPICE RF saves only data points that change by more than 1 mV from their previous values at the n-1 timestep.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF

Runs simulation with standard DSPF expansion of all nets from one or more DSPF files. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF=[scope] dspf_filename Description Use this option to run simulation with standard DSPF expansion of all nets from one or more DSPF files. scope can be a subcircuit definition or an instance. If you do not specify scope, it defaults to the top-level definition. You can repeat this option to include more DSPF files. This option can accelerate simulation by more than 100%. You can further reduce total CPU time by including the .OPTION SIM_LA in the netlist. For designs of 5K transistors or more, including .OPTION SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE in your netlist to expand only active nodes also provides a performance gain. Note: HSPICE RF requires both a DSPF file and an ideal extracted netlist. Only flat DSPF files are supported; hierarchy commands, such as .SUBCKT and .x1 are ignored.

For additional information, see Post-Layout Back-Annotation in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples In Example 1, the parasitics in the DSPF file are mapped into the hierarchical ideal netlist.
Example 1 $ models .MODEL p pmos .MODEL n nmos .INCLUDE add4.dspf .OPTION SIM_DSPF="add4.dspf" .VEC "dspf_adder.vec" .TRAN 1n 5u vdd vdd 0 3.3 .OPTION POST .END
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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF

In Example 2, the SIM_DSPF option accelerates the simulation by more than 100%. By using the SIM_LA option at the same time, you can further reduce the total CPU time:
Example 2 $ models .MODEL p pmos .MODEL n nmos .INCLUDE add4.dspf .OPTION SIM_DSPF="add4.dspf" .OPTION SIM_LA=PACT .VEC "dspf_adder.vec" .TRAN 1n 5u vdd vdd 0 3.3 .OPTION POST .END

Example 3, the x1.spf DSPF file is back-annotated to the x1 top-level instance. It also back-annotates the inv.spf DSPF file to the inv subcircuit.
Example 3 .OPTION SIM_DSPF = "x1 x1.spf" .OPTION SIM_DSPF = "inv inv.spf"


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE

Runs simulation with selective DSPF expansion of active nets from one or more DSPF files. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE=active_node Description Use this option to run simulation with selective DSPF expansion of active nets from one or more DSPF files. HSPICE RF performs a preliminary verification run to determine the activity of the nodes and generates two ASCII files: active_node.rc and active_node.rcxt. These files save all active node information in both Star-RC and Star-RCXT formats. If an active_node file is not generated from the preliminary run, no nets are expanded. Active nets are added to the file as they are identified in the subsequent transient simulation. A second simulation run using the same file and option causes only the nets listed in the active_node file to be expanded. It is possible that activity changes are due to timing changes caused by expansion of the active nets. In this case, additional nets are listed in the active_node file and a warning is issued. HSPICE RF uses the active_node file and the DSPF file with the ideal netlist to expand only the active portions of the circuit. If a net is latent, then HSPICE RF does not expand it, which saves memory and CPU time. For additional information, see Selective Post-Layout Flow in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples In the following example, an active net in which the tolerance of the voltage change is greater than 0.5V is saved to both the active.rc and active.rcxt files. Based on these files, HSPICE RF back-annotates only the active parasitics from x1.spf and s2.spf to the x1 and x2 top-level instances.



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_INSERROR

Skips unmatched instances. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF_INSERROR=ON | OFF Default OFF

Description Use this option to skip unmatched instances.

ON: Skips unmatched instances OFF: Does not skip unmatched instances.

For additional information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_LUMPCAPS

Connects a lumped capacitor with a value equal to the net capacitance for instances missing in the hierarchical netlist. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF_LUMPCAPS=ON | OFF Default ON

Description Use this option to connect a lumped capacitor with a value equal to the net capacitance for instances missing in the hierarchical netlist.

ON (default): Adds lumped capacitance while ignoring other net contents OFF: Uses net contents

For additional information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_MAX_ITER

Specifies the maximum number of simulation runs for the second selective DSPF expansion pass. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF_MAX_ITER=value Default 1

Description Use this option to specify the maximum number of simulation runs for the second selective DSPF expansion pass. The value parameter specifies the number of iterations for the second simulation run. Some of the latent nets might turn active after the first iteration of the second simulation run. In this case:

Resimulate the netlist to ensure the accuracy of the post-layout simulation. Use this option to set the maximum number of iterations for the second run. If the active_node remains the same after the second simulation run, HSPICE RF ignores these options.

For details, see Selective Post-Layout Flow HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_RAIL

Controls whether power-net parasitics are back-annotated Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF_RAIL=ON | OFF Default OFF

Description Use this option to control whether power-net parasitics are back-annotated.

OFF: Do not back-annotate nets in a power rail ON: Back-annotate nets in a power rail

For additional information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_SCALEC

Scales the capacitance values in a DSPF file for a standard DSPF expansion flow. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF_SCALEC=scaleC Description Use this option to scale the capacitance values in a DSPF file for a standard DSPF expansion flow. The scaleC parameter specifies the scale factor. For additional information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA .OPTION SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_SCALER

Scales the resistance values in a DSPF file for a standard DSPF expansion flow. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF_SCALER=scaleR Description Use this option to scale the resistance values in a DSPF file for a standard DSPF expansion flow. The scaleR specifies the scale factor. For additional information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA .OPTION SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL

Specifies multiple DSPF active thresholds. Syntax .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL=value | scope1 scope2 ... + scopen Default 0.1V Description Use this option to specify multiple DSPF active thresholds.

The value parameter specifies the tolerance of voltage change. This value should be relatively small compared to the operating range of the circuit or smaller than the supply voltage. scopen can be a subcircuit definition that uses a prefix of @ or a subcircuit instance.

HSPICE RF performs a second simulation run by using the active_node file, the DSPF, and the hierarchical LVS ideal netlist to back-annotate only active portions of the circuit. If a net is latent, HSPICE RF does not expand the net. This saves simulation runtime and memory. By default, HSPICE RF performs only one iteration of the second simulation run. Use the SIM_DSPF_MAX_ITER option to change this setting. For additional information, see Selective Post-Layout Flow in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples In Example 1, the first line sets the sensitivity voltage to 0.01V. Subcircuit definition snsamp and the subcircuit instance xvco have full parasitics if their nodes move more than 0.01V during active nodes generation. In the second line, xand and xff are less sensitive than the default, indicating that they are not sensitive to parasitics.
Example 1 .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL=0.01 | @snsamp xvco .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL=0.25 | xand xff

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL

In this example, the sense amp circuit uses full parasitics if their nodes move more than 0.01V during active-node generation. The inv subcircuit definition is less sensitive than the default so the nodes are less sensitive to the parasitics.
Example 2 .OPTION SIM_DSPF = "inv inv.spf" .OPTION SIM_DSPF = "senseamp senseamp.spf" .OPTION SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE = "activenet" .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL = "0.15 | @inv" .OPTION SIM_DSPF_VTOL = "0.01 | @senseamp"



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_LA

Activates linear matrix (RC) reduction for HSPICE/HSPICE RF. Syntax .OPTION SIM_LA=[PACT | PI | 0 | 1 | 2 ] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to activate linear matrix reduction. SIM_LA does not reduce a node used by any analysis command, such as .PROBE, .MEASURE, and so on This option accelerates the simulation of circuits that include large linear RC networks by reducing all matrixes that represent RC networks.

0 turns off SIM_LA 1 is the equivalent of PACT, which selects the Pole Analysis via Congruence Transforms (PACT) algorithm to reduce RC networks in a well-conditioned manner, while preserving network stability. 2 invokes the PI algorithm to create PI models of the RC networks. If SIM_LA is not specified in the input file, the lis file returns SIM_LA=0. If SIM_LA is specified with no value or SIM_LA=PACT, the lis file returns SIM_LA=1. If SIM_LA=PI, the lis file returns SIM_LA=2.

For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis or Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_DSPF .OPTION LA_FREQ .OPTION LA_MAXR .OPTION LA_MINC .OPTION LA_TIME .OPTION LA_TOL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_LA_FREQ

Specifies the upper frequency for which accuracy must be preserved. Syntax .OPTION SIM_LA_FREQ=value Default 1GHz

Description Use this option to specify the upper frequency for which accuracy must be preserved. The value parameter specifies the upper frequency for which the PACT algorithm must preserve accuracy. If value is 0, the algorithm drops all capacitors because only DC is of interest. The maximum frequency required for accurate reduction depends on both the technology of the circuit and the time scale of interest. In general, the faster the circuit, the higher the maximum frequency. For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA .OPTION SIM_LA_TIME


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_LA_MAXR

Specifies the maximum resistance for linear matrix reduction. Syntax .OPTION SIM_LA_MAXR=value Default 1e15 ohms

Description Use this option to specify the maximum resistance for linear matrix reduction. The value parameter specifies the maximum resistance preserved in the reduction. The linear matrix reduction process assumes that any resistor greater than value has an infinite resistance and drops the resistor after reduction completes. For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_LA_MINC

Specifies the minimum capacitance for linear matrix reduction. Syntax .OPTION SIM_LA_MINC=value Default 1e-16 farads

Description Use this option to specify the minimum capacitance for linear matrix reduction. The value parameter specifies the minimum capacitance preserved in the reduction. The linear matrix reduction process lumps any capacitor smaller than value to ground after the reduction completes. For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_LA_TIME

Specifies the minimum time for which accuracy must be preserved. Syntax .OPTION SIM_LA_TIME=value Default 1 ns.

Description Use this option to specify the minimum time for which accuracy must be preserved. The value parameter specifies the minimum switching time for which the PACT algorithm preserves accuracy. Waveforms that occur more rapidly than the minimum switching time are not accurately represented. This option is simply an alternative to .OPTION SIM_LA_FREQ. The default is equivalent to setting SIM_LA_FREQ=1GHz. Note: Higher frequencies (smaller times) increase accuracy, but only up to the minimum time step used in HSPICE RF.

For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples For a circuit having a typical rise time of 1ns, either set the maximum frequency to 1 GHz, or set the minimum switching time to 1ns:

However, if spikes occur in 0.1ns, HSPICE RF does not accurately simulate them. To capture the behavior of the spikes, use:


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_LA_TOL

Specifies the error tolerance for the PACT algorithm. Syntax .OPTION SIM_LA_TOL=value Default 0.05ns. Description Use this option to specify the error tolerance for the PACT algorithm. The value parameter must specify a real number between 0.0 and 1.0. For additional information, see Linear Acceleration in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_LA


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_ORDER

Controls the amount of Backward-Euler (BE) method to mix with the Trapezoidal (TRAP) method for hybrid integration. Syntax .OPTION SIM_ORDER=x Default 1.9 Description Use this option to control the amount of Backward-Euler (BE) method to mix with the Trapezoidal (TRAP) method for hybrid integration. The x parameter must specify a real number between 1.0 and 2.0.

SIM_ORDER=1.0 selects BE SIM_ORDER=2.0 selects TRAP. Note: .OPTION SIM_ORDER has precedence over .OPTION SIM_TRAP.

A higher order is more accurate, especially with inductors (such as crystal oscillators), which need SIM_ORDER=2.0. A lower order has more damping. This option affects time stepping when you set .OPTION METHOD to TRAP or TRAPGEAR. Examples This example causes a mixture of 10% Gear-2 and 90% BE-trapezoidal hybrid integration. The BE-trapezoidal part is 10% BE.
.option sim_order=1.9


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_OSC_DETECT_TOL

Specifies the tolerance for detecting numerical oscillations. Syntax .OPTION SIM_OSC_DETECT_TOL=value Default 10^8 Description Use this option to specify the tolerance for detecting numerical oscillations. If HSPICE RF detects numerical oscillations, it inserts Backward-Euler (BE) steps. Smaller values of this tolerance result in fewer BE steps. See Also .OPTION METHOD


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POSTAT

Limits waveform output to nodes in the specified subcircuit instance. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POSTAT=instance Description Use this option to limit waveform output to nodes in the specified subcircuit instance only. Examples The following example outputs X1.X4; see Figure 15.

top X1(ADD) X2(SUB)

X3 X1 Figure 15 X2 X1

X4 X2



Node Hierarchy


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POSTDOWN

Limits waveform output to nodes in the specified subcircuit instance and their children. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POSTDOWN=instance Description Use this option with .OPTION SIM_POSTTOP and it takes precedence over .OPTION SIM_POSTSKIP. You can either use wildcards or set the option multiple times to specify multiple instances. Examples The following example outputs top, X1, X1.X4, X1.X4.X1, X1.X4.X2, and X2. (See Figure 15 on page 633.)



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POSTSCOPE

Specifies the signal types to probe from within a scope. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POSTSCOPE= net | port | all Description Use this option to specify the signal types to probe from within a scope.

net: Outputs only nets in the scope port: Outputs both nets and ports all: Outputs nets, ports, and global variables.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POSTSKIP

Causes the SIM_POSTTOP option to skip subckt_definition instances. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POSTSKIP=subckt_definition Description Use this option to cause the SIM_POSTTOP option to skip any instances and their children that are defined by the subckt_definition parameter. To specify more than one subcircuit definition, issue this option once for each definition you want to skip. Examples The following example outputs top, and skips X2. X1 because they are instances of the ADD subcircuit. (See Figure 15 on page 633.)



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POSTTOP

Limits data written to your waveform file to data from only the top n level nodes. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POSTTOP=n Description Limits the data written to your waveform file to data from only the top n level nodes. This option outputs instances from up to n levels deep.

SIM_POSTTOP=3: Outputs instances from 3 levels deep SIM_POSTTOP=1: Outputs instances from only the top-level signals.

If you specify the PROBE option without specifying a SIM_POSTTOP option HSPICE RF sets the SIM_POSTTOP=0. HSPICE RF outputs all levels if you do not specify either the PROBE option or a SIM_POSTTOP option. Note: You must specify the POST option to enable the waveform display interface.

Examples Example 1 outputs top, X1, and X2. (See Figure 15 on page 633.)

The following example outputs top, X1, X2,and X4, X1and X2. (See Figure 15 on page 633.)


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POWER_ANALYSIS

Prints a list of signals matching the tolerance setting at a specified point in time. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POWER_ANALYSIS=time_pointtol .OPTION SIM_POWER_ANALYSIS=bottom time_pointtol
Argument Description


Time when HSPICE RF detects signals where the port current is larger than the tolerance value. Tolerance value for the signal defined in the .POWER command. Signal at the lowest hierarchy level, also called a leaf subcircuit.

tol bottom

Description Use this option to print a list of signals matching the tolerance (tol) setting at a specified point in time. The first syntax produces a list of signals that consume more current than tol at time point, in this format: The second syntax produces the list of lowest-level signals, known as leaf subcircuits that consume more than tol at time point. The output is similar to this: For additional information, see Power Analysis Output Format in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples In this example, print the names of leaf subcircuits that use more than 100uA at 100ns into the simulation are printed.

See Also .POWER


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POWER_TOP

Controls the number of hierarchy levels on which power analysis is performed. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POWER_TOP=value Description Use this option to control the number of hierarchy levels on which power analysis is performed. By default, power analysis is performed on the top levels of hierarchy. Examples In the following example, HSPICE RF produces .POWER command results for top-level and first-level subcircuits (the subcircuit children of the top-level subcircuits).

See Also .POWER

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_ACCURACY

Increases the accuracy of operating point calculations for POWERDC analysis. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_ACCURACY=value Description Use this option to increase the accuracy of operating point calculations for POWERDC analysis. A higher value results in greater accuracy, but more time to complete the calculation. See Also .POWERDC .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_HSPICE


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_HSPICE

Increases the accuracy of operating point calculations for POWERDC analysis. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_HSPICE Description Use this option to increase the accuracy of operating point calculations for POWERDC analysis. See Also .POWERDC .OPTION SIM_POWERDC_ACCURACY

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POWERPOST

Controls power analysis waveform dumping. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POWERPOST=ON|OFF Description Use this option to enable or disable power analysis waveform dumping. See Also .POWER


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POWERSTART

Specifies a default start time for measuring signals during simulation. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POWERSTART=time Description Use this option with a .POWER command to specify a default start time for measuring signals during simulation. This default time applies to all signals that do not have their own FROM measurement time. This option together with the .OPTION SIM_POWERSTOP control the power measurement scope for an entire simulation. Examples In this example, the scope for simulating the signal is from 10 ps to 90 ps.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_POWERSTOP

Specifies a default stop time for measuring signals during simulation. Syntax .OPTION SIM_POWERSTOP=time Description Use this option with a .POWER command to specify a default stop time for measuring signals during simulation. This default time applies to all signals that do not have their own TO measurement time. This option together with the .OPTION SIM_POWERSTART control the power measurement scope for an entire simulation. See Also .OPTION SIM_POWERSTART .POWER


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF

Runs simulation with SPEF expansion of all nets from one or more SPEF files. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF=spec_filename Description Use this option to run simulation with SPEF expansion of all nets from one or more SPEF files. You can repeat this option to include more SPEF files. For additional information, see Post-Layout Back-Annotation in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. Examples In this example, the senseamp.spf SPEF file is back-annotated to the sense amp circuit.
.OPTION SIM_SPEF = "senseamp.spf"


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_ACTIVE

Runs simulation with selective SPEF expansion of active nets from one or more DSPF files. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_ACTIVE=active_node Description Use this option to run simulation with selective SPEF expansion of active nets from one or more DSPF files. HSPICE RF performs a preliminary verification run to determine the activity of the nodes and generates two ASCII files: active_node.rc and active_node.rcxt. These files save all active node information in both Star-RC and Star-RCXT formats. If an active_node file is not generated from the preliminary run, no nets are expanded. Active nets are added to the file as they are identified in the subsequent transient simulation. A second simulation run using the same file and option causes only the nets listed in the active_node file to be expanded. It is possible that activity changes are due to timing changes caused by expansion of the active nets. In this case, additional nets are listed in the active_node file and a warning is issued. By default, a node is considered active if the voltage varies by more than 0.1 V. You can use the SIM_SPEF_VTOL option to change this value. HSPICE RF uses the active_node file and the DSPF file with the ideal netlist to expand only the active portions of the circuit. If a net is latent, then HSPICE RF does not expand it, which saves memory and CPU time. For additional information, see Selective Post-Layout Flow in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_SPEF_VTOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_INSERROR

Skips unmatched instances. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_INSERROR=ON | OFF Description Use this option to skip unmatched instances.

ON: Skips unmatched instances. OFF: Does not skip unmatched instances.

For more information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_LUMPCAPS

Connects a lumped capacitor with a value equal to the net capacitance for instances missing in the hierarchical netlist. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_LUMPCAPS=ON | OFF Description Use this option to connect a lumped capacitor with a value equal to the net capacitance for instances missing in the hierarchical netlist.

ON: Adds lumped capacitance while ignoring other net contents. OFF: Uses net contents.

For additional information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_MAX_ITER

Specifies the maximum number of simulation runs for the second selective SPEF expansion pass. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_MAX_ITER=value Description Use this option to specify the maximum number of simulation runs for the second selective SPEF expansion pass. The value parameter specifies the number of iterations for the second simulation run. Some of the latent nets might turn active after the first iteration of the second simulation run. In this case:

Re simulate the netlist to ensure the accuracy of the post-layout simulation. Use this option to set the maximum number of iterations for the second run. If the active_node remains the same after the second simulation run, HSPICE RF ignores these options.

For additional information, see Selective Post-Layout Flow in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_SPEF_ACTIVE .OPTION SIM_SPEF_VTOL

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_PARVALUE

Interprets triplet format float:float:float values in SPEF files as best:average:worst. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_PARVALUE=1|2|3 Description Use this option to interpret triplet format float:float:float values in SPEF files as best:average:worst.

SIM_SPEF_PARVALUE = 1: Use best. SIM_SPEF_PARVALUE = 2: Use average. SIM_SPEF_PARVALUE = 3: Use worst.

For further information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_RAIL

Controls whether power-net parasitics are back-annotated. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_RAIL=ON | OFF Description Use this option to control whether power-net parasitics are back-annotated.

OFF: Do not back-annotate nets in a power rail. ON: Back-annotate nets in a power rail.

For further information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_SCALEC

Scales the capacitance values in a SPEF file for a standard SPEF expansion flow. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_SCALEC=scaleC Description Use this option to scale the capacitance values in a SPEF file for a standard SPEF expansion flow. The scaleC parameter specifies the scale factor. See Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_SPEF_ACTIVE


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_SCALER

Scales the resistance values in a SPEF file for a standard SPEF expansion flow. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_SCALER=scaleR Description Use this option to scale the resistance values in a SPEF file for a standard SPEF expansion flow. The scaleR parameter specifies the scale factor. For more information, see Additional Post-Layout Options in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_SPEF_ACTIVE

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_SPEF_VTOL

Specifies multiple SPEF active thresholds. Syntax .OPTION SIM_SPEF_VTOL=value | scope1 scope2... + scopen Description Use this option to specify multiple SPEF active thresholds.

The value parameter specifies the tolerance of voltage change. This value should be relatively small compared to the operating range of the circuit, or smaller than the supply voltage. The scopen parameter can be a subcircuit definition that uses a prefix of @ or a subcircuit instance.

HSPICE RF performs a second simulation run by using the active_node file, the SPEF, and the hierarchical LVS ideal netlist to back-annotate only active portions of the circuit. If a net is latent, then HSPICE RF does not expand the net. This saves simulation runtime and memory. By default, HSPICE RF performs only one iteration of the second simulation run. Use the SIM_SPEF_MAX_ITER option to change it. For additional information, see Selective Post-Layout Flow in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_SPEF_ACTIVE .OPTION SIM_SPEF_MAX_ITER


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_TG_THETA

Controls the amount of second-order Gear method to mix with Trapezoidal integration for the hybrid TRAPGEAR method. Syntax .OPTION SIM_TG_THETA=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to control the amount of second-order Gear (Gear-2) method to mix with Trapezoidal (TRAP) integration for the hybrid TRAPGEAR method. The value parameter must specify a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The default is 0.1.

SIM_TG_THETA=0 selects TRAP without Gear-2. SIM_TG_THETA=1 selects pure Gear-2.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SIM_TRAP

Changes the default SIM_TG_THETA=0 so that METHOD=TRAPGEAR acts like METHOD=TRAP. Syntax .OPTION SIM_TRAP=x Description Use this option to change the default SIM_TG_THETA=0 so that METHOD=TRAPGEAR acts like METHOD=TRAP. The x parameter must specify a value between 0.0 and 1.0. See Also .OPTION METHOD .OPTION SIM_TG_THETA


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SLOPETOL

Specifies the minimum value for breakpoint table entries in a piecewise linear (PWL) analysis. Syntax .OPTION SLOPETOL=x Description Use this option to specify the minimum value for breakpoint table entries in a piecewise linear (PWL) analysis. If the difference in the slopes of two consecutive PWL segments is less than the SLOPETOL value, HSPICE RF ignores the breakpoint for the point between the segments. Min value: 0; Max value: 2.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SNACCURACY

Sets and modifies the size of timesteps. Syntax .OPTION SNACCURACY=integer Default 10

Description Use this option to set and modify the size of timesteps. Larger values of snaccuracy result in a more accurate solution but might require more time points. Because Shooting-Newton must store derivative information at every time point, the memory requirements might be significant if the number of time points is very large. The maximum integer value is 50. For additional information, see SN Steady-State Time Domain Analysis in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .OPTION SIM_ACCURACY .OPTION SNMAXITER (or) SN_MAXITER


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SNCONTINUE

Specifies whether to use the sweep solution from the previous simulation as the initial guess for the present simulation. Syntax .OPTION SNCONTINUE= 0|1 Default 1

Description Use this option to specify whether to use the sweep solution from the previous simulation as the initial guess for the present simulation.

SNCONTINUE=1: Use solution from previous simulation as the initial guess. SNCONTINUE=0: Start each simulation in a sweep from the DC solution.

See Also .SN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SNMAXITER (or) SN_MAXITER


Sets the maximum number of iterations for a Shooting Newton analysis. Syntax .OPTION SNMAXITER | SN_MAXITER=integer Description Use this option to limit the number of SN iterations. For more information, see Steady-State Shooting Newton Analysis in the HSPICE User Guide: RF Analysis. See Also .SN


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SOIQ0

Invokes the body charge initialization (BQI) algorithm. Syntax .OPTION SOIQ0=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to invoke the BQI algorithm for floating body SOI transistors. This option is to be used in conjunction with instance parameter soiq0. The BQI algorithm allows users to specify a SOI device initial state for simulation to start with the initial state. The initial body charge can be provided by CFL function calls. The BQI algorithm is applied to SOI models (Levels: 57, 60, and 70). For additional information, see MOSFET Models (BSIM): Levels 47 through 72 in the HSPICE Reference Manual: MOSFET Models. See Also .DC .OP .TRAN

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SPLIT_DP

Enables the writing of multiple operating points in separate files. Syntax .OPTION SPLIT_DP=0|1|2 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option in conjunction with .OPTION OPFILE when back annotating the operating point information for the Synopsys Custom Designer product.

If .OPTION SPLIT_DP=0, HSPICE ignores the SPLIT_DP option. If OPFILE=1 and SPLIT_DP=0, HSPICE writes operating point information for all time points specified in the .OP statement in a single .dp0 file. If OPFILE=1 and SPLIT_DP=1, HSPICE writes operating point information in a separate file for each time point specified in .OP statement. If OPFILE=2 .op0 and .dp0 files are created together except that with sweep variables, split_dp=2 permits you to create *.op0 files corresponding to *.dp0 files with sweep. Note: Because the split_dp=2 option was developed for the Custom Designer Environment, HSPICE users should avoid its use lest you create more *.dp0 and *.op0 files than you desire.

Examples Using fhe following command, these files below are returned:
.option opfile=1 split_dp=2 *.op0 *.dp0 *.op@timepoint@sweep_index *.dp@timepoint@sweep_index

With .op timepoint1 timepoint2... in the netlist ...

.tran '1n' '2n' start='0' sweep monte=10 firstrun=1 .option opfile=1 split_dp=1

These resulting files are generated:


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SPLIT_DP

*.op0 *.dp0 *.dp@timepoint@sweep_index


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SPMODEL

Disables the previous .OPTIONVAMODEL. Syntax .OPTION SPMODEL [= name] Description Use this option to disable a previously issued VAMODEL option. In this option, the name is the cell name that uses a SPICE definition. Each SPMODEL option can take no more than one name. Multiple names need multiple SPMODEL options. Examples Example 1 disables the previous .OPTIONVAMODEL but has no effect on the other VAMODEL options if they are specified for the individual cells. For example, if .OPTIONVAMODEL=vco has been set, the vco cell uses the Verilog-A definition whenever it is available until .OPTIONSPMODEL=vco disables it.

This example disables the previous .OPTIONVAMODEL=chargepump, which causes all instantiations of chargepump to now use the subcircuit definition again.
.option spmodel=chargepump



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION STATFL

Controls whether HSPICE creates a .st0 file. Syntax .OPTION STATFL=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to control whether HSPICE creates a .st0 file.

STATFL=0 Outputs a .st0 file. STATFL=1 Suppresses the .st0 file.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION STRICT_CHECK

Turns a subset of HSPICE netlist syntax warnings into terminal (abortive) syntax errors. Syntax .OPTION STRICT_CHECK 0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description When enabled (set to 1), netlist conditions listed below will abort HSPICE with an error message. When disabled (set to 0), HSPICE will make assumptions and continue to run with only a warning message. The following is a list of the messages controlled by STRICT_CHECK: 10001, 10002, 10003,10004, 10008, 10011, 10012, 10013, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10047, 10048. For more information refer to Warning Message Index [10001-10076] located in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis, Chapter 34, Warning/Error Messages. See Also .OPTION MESSAGE_LIMIT


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SX_FACTOR

External shrink factor, only used for Ivthx calculation with the .IVTH command.

Syntax .IVTH model_name Ivth0=x DW=x DL=x .OPTION SX_factor=x Description This option is only used with the IVTH command as shown in the Syntax section. It is restricted to use for ivthx calculation only. See Also .IVTH

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION SYMB

Uses a symbolic operating point algorithm to get initial guesses before calculating operating points. Syntax .OPTION SYMB=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to calculate the operating point. When SYMB is set to 1, HSPICE operates with a symbolic operating point algorithm to get initial guesses before calculating operating points. SYMB assumes the circuit is digital and assigns a low/high state to all nodes that set a reasonable initial voltage guess. This option improves DC convergence for oscillators, logic, and mixedsignal circuits. .OPTION SYMB does not have any effect on the transient analysis if you set UIC in the .TRAN command.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION TIMERES

Sets the minimum separation between breakpoint values for the breakpoint table. Syntax .OPTION TIMERES=x Description Use this option to set the minimum separation between breakpoint values for the breakpoint table. If two breakpoints are closer together in time than the TIMERES value, HSPICE enters only one of them in the breakpoint table.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION TMIFLAG

Invokes the TSMC Model Interface (TMI) flow. Syntax .OPTION TMIFLAG=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to invoke the TMI flow using proprietary TSMC model files and compiled libraries. The TMIFLAG option must equal 1 to enable a TMI flow. Both the technology and API are jointly developed by Synopsys and TSMC. The TMI is a compact model with additional instance parameters and equations to support TSMCs extension of the standard BSIM4 model. Modeling API code is written in C and available in a compiled format for HSPICE and HSIM to link to during the simulation. TMI-required settings to invoke the flow and the location of a .so file are set by TSMC using their TMIMODEL parameter with the HSPICE TMI. The API also performs automatic platform selection on the .so file. Both HSPICE and HSIM provide the tool binaries and support the same .so file. To point to a TMI .so file location use the .OPTION TMIPATH command. If .OPTION TMIFLAG=1, .OPTION MACMOD automatically equals 3 to enable the mapping of an instance name starting with x to m thus allowing TMI libraries to be shared for all vendor's simulator(s). Use the existing HSPICE and HSIM commands to run the simulation. (Contact Synopsys Technical Support for further information.) See Also .OPTION TMIPATH .OPTION MACMOD


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION TMIPATH

Points to a TMI *.so (compiled library) file location. Syntax .OPTION TMIPATH=tmifilename_dir Description Use this option to point to a TSCM Model Interface (TMI) *.so file location. The path must be enclosed in single quotation marks. This option supports both relative and absolute paths. Examples
.option tmipath=tmi_v0d03_dir


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION TMIVERSION

Specifies TMI version. Syntax .OPTION TMIVERSION=1.0|2.0 Default 1.0 Description Use this option to select the TMI version:

1.0: Compatible with version TMI 1. HSPICE passes the model level and model type id (e.g., TMI_MOS_MODEL in tmiDef.h) to TMI for TMI model selection 2.0: Compatible with TMI 2 and CMC TMI. HSPICE passes model name id (e.g,. TMI_MOS_BSIM4, TMI_MOS_PSP... defined in tmiDef.h) to TMI for TMI model selection.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION TNOM

Sets the reference temperature for the simulation. Syntax .OPTION TNOM=x Default 25C

Description Use this option to set the reference temperature for the HSPICE RF simulation. At this temperature, component derating is zero. Note: The reference temperature defaults to the analysis temperature if you do not explicitly specify a reference temperature.


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION TRANFORHB

Forces HB analysis to recognize or ignore specific V/I sources. Syntax .OPTION TRANFORHB=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description This option forces HB analysis to recognize or ignore specific V/I sources.

TRANFORHB=1: Forces HB analysis to recognize V/I sources that include SIN, PULSE, VMRF, and PWL transient descriptions, and to use them in analysis. However, if the source also has an HB description, analysis uses the HB description instead. TRANFORHB=0: Forces HB to ignore transient descriptions of V/I sources and to use only HB descriptions.

To override this option, specify TRANFORHB in the source description. See Also .HB


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION TRCON

Controls the automatic convergence process of transient simulation. Syntax .OPTION TRCON=[0|1|2] Default 1

Description Use this option to control autoconvergence of transient simulation. If the circuit fails to converge using the trapezoidal (TRAP) numerical integration method (for example because of trapezoidal oscillation), HSPICE sets the GEAR method to run the transient simulation again from time=0. This process is called autoconvergence. HSPICE invokes autoconvergence if you use the default integration method (trapezoidal), and if HSPICE fails to converge, an internal timestep too small error is issued.

TRCON=0: Disables autoconvergence. TRCON=1: Enables autoconvergence only when the CPU time of first simulation, using the trapezoidal method, is less than 10 hours. TRCON=2: Enables autoconvergence with no restriction.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION TRTOL

Estimates the amount of error introduced when the timestep algorithm truncates the Taylor series expansion. Syntax .OPTION TRTOL=x Description Use this option timestep algorithm for local truncation error (LVLTIM=2).HSPICE multiplies TRTOL by the internal timestep, which is generated by the timestep algorithm for the local truncation error. TRTOL reduces simulation time and maintains accuracy. It estimates the amount of error introduced when the algorithm truncates the Taylor series expansion. This error reflects the minimum timestep to reduce simulation time and maintain accuracy. The range of TRTOL is 0.01 to 100; typical values are 1 to 10. If you set TRTOL to 1 (the minimum value), HSPICE uses a very small timestep. As you increase the TRTOL setting, the timestep size increases. See Also .OPTION LVLTIM


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION UNWRAP

Displays phase results for AC analysis in unwrapped form. Syntax .OPTION UNWRAP=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to display phase results for AC analysis in unwrapped form (with a continuous phase plot).HSPICE uses these results to accurately calculate group delay. HSPICE also uses unwrapped phase results to compute group delay, even if you do not set UNWRAP. By default, HSPICE calculates the unwrapped phase first and then converts it to wrapped phase. The convention is to normalize the phase output from -180 degrees to +180 degrees. A phase of -181 degrees is the same as a phase of +179 degrees.Below is an example to illustrate how HSPICE wraps the phase. Examples Default Method (Without)
Freq Phase 3.16228k --> -167.7243 3.98107k --> 178.7844

If you use .OPTION UNWRAP = 1

3.16228k --> -167.7243 3.98107k --> -181.2156

If the phase value goes beyond -180, then it wraps to a positive value. At the frequency 3.98107kHz the actual value is -181.2156, but by default, it is wrapped to +178.7844. HSPICE does the following calculation to wrap the phase:
-181.2156 +180.0000 ----------1.2156 +180.0000 -1.2156 ---------178.7844

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION VAMODEL

Specifies that name is the cell name that uses a Verilog-A definition rather than the subcircuit definition when both exist (for use in HSPICE with Verilog-A). Syntax .OPTION VAMODEL [=name] Description Use this option to specify that name is the cell name that uses a Verilog-A definition rather than the subcircuit definition when both exist. Each VAMODEL option can take no more than one name. Multiple names need multiple VAMODEL options. If a name is not provided for the VAMODEL option, HSPICE uses the Verilog-A definition whenever it is available. The VAMODEL option works on cell-based instances only. Instance-based overriding is not allowed. Examples The following example specifies a Verilog-A definition for all instantiations of the cell vco.
Example 1 .option vamodel=vco

Example 2 specifies a Verilog-A definition for all instantiations of the vco and chargepump cells.
Example 2 .option vamodel=vco vamodel=chargepump

The following example instructs HSPICE to always use the Verilog-A definition whenever it is available.
Example 3 .option vamodel


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION VERIFY

Duplicates the LIST option. Syntax .OPTION VERIFY=[0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option as an alias for the LIST option. See Also .OPTION LIST

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION VFLOOR

Sets the minimum voltage to print in the output listing. Syntax .OPTION VFLOOR=x Description Use this option to set the minimum voltage to print in the output listing. All voltages lower than VFLOOR print as 0. Affects only the output listing; VNTOL (ABSV) sets the minimum voltage to use in a simulation. See Also .OPTION ABSV .OPTION VNTOL


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION VNTOL

Duplicates the ABSV option. Syntax .OPTION VNTOL=x Description Use this option as an alias for the ABSV option. Default value: 5e-05; Min value: 0; Max value: 10. See Also .OPTION ABSV

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WACC

Activates the dynamic step control algorithm for a W-element transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION WACC=x Default -1 (variable, see below) Description Use this option to activate the dynamic step control algorithm for a W-element transient analysis. WACC is a non-negative real value that can be set between 0.0 and 10.0. The WACC value influences a series of tolerances for W-element simulation. The default value of WACC is determined by HSPICE, according to the transmission line properties, such as loss and delay. Therefore, for different transmission line, the default WACC value is different. It is suggested that you not give a WACC value in the .option line, because it will give a constant value to all the transmission lines in the netlist.HSPICE assigns WACC -1 if you do not set a WACC option, or if you set .OPTION WACC. When a value of 1 is specified, HSPICE assigns WACC a positive value. If a non-negative value is set in the .option line (.OPTION WACC=XXX), HSPICE uses the specified WACC value for all the W-elements. When WACC=0, HSPICE uses static breakpoint with the interval between each two as the transmission line system delay. Otherwise, when a positive value is set, W element uses dynamic time step control, which may improve the performance, especially for short delay cases. A large WACC value results in loose tolerance and bigger time steps, while small values result in tight tolerances and smaller time steps. The following refers to HSPICE only: For cases containing IBIS, PKG, EBD, or ICM blocks, HSPICE turns WACC off automatically. If you want to use the dynamic time step control algorithm for IBIS-related cases, you must set it explicitly in the netlist. For example: .option WACC $ Make HSPICE use automatically generated WACC value for each W element or .option WACC=value elements $ Use this value for all the W

See Also Using Dynamic Time-Step Control in the HSPICE User Guide: Signal Integrity.
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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WARN_SEP

Separates out warnings to a file, while suppressing them in the *.lis file. Syntax .OPTION WARN_SEP [0|1] Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Setting a value of 1 for this option separates error and warning messages from the *.lis file into a separate file (.warnlog). This file reports error and warning message subheadings, contents, and summaries. This option also prints message types to the terminal. See Also .OPTION WARNLIMIT (or) .OPTION WARNLIM .OPTION LIS_NEW

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WARNLIMIT (or) .OPTION WARNLIM


Limits how many times certain warnings appear in the output listing. Syntax .OPTION WARNLIMIT=n Description Use this option to limit how many times the same warning appears in the output listing. This reduces the output listing file size. The n parameter specifies the maximum number of warnings for each warning type. This limit applies to the following warning messages:

MOSFET has negative conductance. Node conductance is zero. Saturation current is too small. Inductance or capacitance is too large.



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WDELAYOPT

Globally applies the DELAYOPT keyword to a W-element transient analysis. Syntax .OPTION WDELAYOPT=[0|1|2|3] Default 0

Description Use this option as a global option which applies to all W-elements in a netlist. .OPTION WDELAYOPT can be overridden by the DELAYOPT keyword for a specified W-element.

In cases where WDELAYOPT is set in the .OPTION and the DELAYOPT keyword is not specially set for Wxxx, the WDELAYOPT keyword is auto-set for Wxxx. In cases where the DELAYOPT keyword is already set for Wxxx, .OPTION WDELAYOPT is overridden for the Wxxx. In cases where neither .OPTION WDELAYOPT nor the DELAYOPT keyword is set, the DELAYOPT keyword defaults to 0.

.OPTION WDELAYOPT helps construct a W-element transient (recursive convolution) model with a higher level of accuracy. By specifying this option, you can add the DELAYOPT keyword to the W-element instance line. You can use DELAYOPT=0|1|2 to deactivate, activate, and automatically determine, respectively. Use DELAYOPT=3 to achieve a level of accuracy up to a tens of GHz operation and involve harmonics up to THz order. With this option, line length limits are removed, which frees the simulation from segmenting and allows independence in the behavior of the RISETIME option setting. A setting of WDELAYOPT=3 automatically detects whether or not frequency-dependent phenomena need to be recorded, which makes it identical to the DELAYOPT=0 setting if it produces a high enough accuracy. See Use DELAYOPT Keyword for Higher Frequency Ranges in the HSPICE User Guide: Signal Integrity See Also .OPTION WINCLUDEGDIMAG .OPTION RISETIME (or) .OPTION RISETI

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WDF

Enables HSPICE to produce waveform files in WDF format. Syntax .OPTION WDF=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to enable HSPICE to produce waveform files in WDF format. The WDF (Waveform Data File) format is the former Sandwork (acquired by Synopsys in 2007) proprietary waveform storage format. The WDF format compresses analog and logic waveform data, and facilitates fast waveform access for large data files. The compression scheme can be lossy or lossless (default). Use this option with the .PRINT or .PROBE command.

.option WDF=0Disables this option .option WDF or .option WDF=1Enables HSPICE to produce the waveform file in WDF format

For the WDF waveform file, HSPICE automatically appends _wdf into the output file root name to specify that it is in WDF format. The file names appear as: *, *_wdf.sw#, or * For example, the WDF waveform output file will be named: design_wdf.tr0. The WDF format is available to HSPICE RF for .AC, .DC, and .TRAN analyses. Examples
Example 1 In this example, HSPICE creates these output files: input_wdf.op0 input.dp0@timepoint@spweep_index .option WDF=1 opfile=1 split_dp=1 .tran '1n' '2n' start='0' sweep monte=10 firstrun=1 .op All 0.5n 1n 1.5n Example 2 In this example, HSPICE outputs: input_wdf.op0@timepoint@sweep_index input.dp0@timepoint@spweep_index .option WDF=1 opfile=1 split_dp=2


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WDF

Example 3

In this example, HSPICE generates these output files: *.op0 *.dp0*.dp@timepoint@sweep_index .tran '1n' '2n' start='0' sweep monte=10 firstrun=1 .option opfile=1 split_dp=1 Example 4 In this example, HSPICE generates these output files: *.op0, *.dp0 *.op@timepoint@sweep_index *.dp@timepoint@sweep_index opfile=1 split_dp=2



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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WINCLUDEGDIMAG

Globally activates the complex dielectric loss model in W-element analysis. Syntax .OPTION WINCLUDEGIMAG=[YES|NO] Default NO

Description Use this option as a global option to activate the complex dielectric loss model for all W-elements a netlist by introducing an imaginary term of the skin effect to be considered. If WINCLUDEGDIMAG=YESand there is no wp input, the Welement regards the Gd matrix as the conventional model and then automatically extracts constants for the complex dielectric model. The .OPTION WINCLUDEGIMAG operates with the .OPTION WDELAYOPT option.

In cases where WINCLUDEGDIMAG is set in the .OPTION and the INCLUDEGDIMAG keyword is not specially set for Wxxx, the INCLUDEGDIMAG is auto-set for Wxxx. In cases where the INCLUDEGDIMAG keyword is already set for Wxxx, .OPTION WINCLUDEGDIMAG is overridden for the Wxxx. In cases where neither .OPTION WINCLUDEGDIMAG nor the INCLUDEGDIMAG keyword is set, the INCLUDEGDIMAG keyword defaults to N0.

For details about the INCLUDEGDIMAG keyword, see Fitting Procedure Triggered by INCLUDEGDIMAG Keyword in the HSPICE USER GUIDE: Signal Integrity. See Also .OPTION WDELAYOPT .OPTION RISETIME (or) .OPTION RISETI


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WL

Reverses the order of the VSIZE MOS element. Syntax .OPTION WL=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to reverse the order of the MOS element VSIZE. The default order is length-width; this option changes the order to width-length.

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION WNFLAG

Controls whether bin is selected based on w or w/nf. Syntax .OPTION WNFLAG=[0|1] Description Use this option to control whether HSPICE selects the bin based on the total device width (WNFLAG=0) or based on the width of one finger of a multi fingered device (WNFLAG=1). For devices which are using a BSIM4 model, an element parameter wnflag=[0|1] can be set, with the same effect as the option, and this element parameter overrides then the option setting on an element basis. Examples For All Levels:
.option wnflag M1 out in vdd vdd pmos w=10u l=1u nf=5

For BSIM4 models only:

M1 out in vdd vdd pmos w=10u l=1u nf=5 wnflag=1


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION XDTEMP

Defines how HSPICE interprets the DTEMP parameter. Syntax .OPTION XDTEMP=0|1 Default Value if option is not specified in the netlist: 0 (user-defined parameter) Value if option name is specified without a corresponding value: 1 Description Use this option to define how HSPICE interprets the DTEMP parameter, where value is either:

0: Indicates a user-defined parameter 1: Indicates a temperature difference parameter

If you set .OPTION XDTEMP to 1, HSPICE adds the DTEMP value in the subcircuit call command to all elements within the subcircuit that use the DTEMP keyword syntax. The DTEMP parameter is cumulative throughout the design hierarchy. Examples

In this example:

X1 sets a temperature difference (2 degrees Celsius) between the elements within the subcircuit SUB1. X2 (a subcircuit instance of X1) sets a temperature difference by the DTEMP value of both X1 and X2 (2+4=6 degrees Celsius) between the elements within the SUB2 subcircuit. The DTEMP value of each element in this example is:

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION XDTEMP

Elements DTEMP Value (Celsius) X1 2 X1.R1 2+3 =5 X1.C1 2 X2 2+4=6 X2.R2 6


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION (X0R,X0I)

The first of three complex starting-trial points in the Muller algorithm used in Pole/Zero analysis. Syntax .OPTION (X0R,X0I)= x,x Default X0R=-1.23456e6 X0I=0.0

Description Use this option in Pole/Zero analysis if you need to change scale factors and modify the initial Muller points, (X0R, X0I), (X1R, X1I) and (X2R, X2I). HSPICE multiplies these initial points, and FMAX, by FSCAL. Scale factors must satisfy the following relations: GSCAL = CSCAL FSCAL 1 GSCAL = -------------------------------------------LSCAL FSCAL See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FMAX .OPTION FSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION ITLPZ .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS .OPTION PZTOL .PZ

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION (X1R,X1I)

The second of three complex starting-trial points in the Muller algorithm used in Pole/Zero analysis. Syntax .OPTION (X1R,X1I)= x,x Default X1R=1.23456e5 X1I=0.0 Description Use this option in Pole/Zero analysis if you need to change scale factors and modify the initial Muller points, (X0R, X0I), (X1R, X1I) and (X2R, X2I). HSPICE multiplies these initial points, and FMAX, by FSCAL. Scale factors must satisfy the following relations: GSCAL = CSCAL FSCAL 1 GSCAL = -------------------------------------------LSCAL FSCAL See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FMAX .OPTION FSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION ITLPZ .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS .OPTION PZTOL .PZ


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .OPTION (X2R,X21)

The third of three complex starting-trial points in the Muller algorithm used in Pole/Zero analysis. Syntax .OPTION (X2R,X2I)= x,x Default X2R=+1.23456e6 X2I=0.0

Description Use this option in Pole/Zero analysis if you need to change scale factors and modify the initial Muller points, (X0R, X0I), (X1R, X1I) and (X2R, X2I). HSPICE multiplies these initial points, and FMAX, by FSCAL. Scale factors must satisfy the following relations: GSCAL = CSCAL FSCAL 1 GSCAL = -------------------------------------------LSCAL FSCAL See Also .OPTION CSCAL .OPTION FMAX .OPTION FSCAL .OPTION GSCAL .OPTION ITLPZ .OPTION LSCAL .OPTION PZABS .OPTION PZTOL .PZ

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .VARIATION Block Control Options

.VARIATION Block Control Options

The following options can be applied when doing .VARIATION analysis. Note that no leading period is allowed with Variation Block control options. Syntax Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Normal_Limit=Value Ignore_Variation_Block=Yes Ignore_Local_Variation=Yes Ignore_Global_Variation=Yes Ignore_Spatial_Variation=Yes Ignore_Interconnect_Variation=Yes Output_Sigma_Value=Value Vary_Only Subckts=SubcktList Do_Not_Vary Subckts=SubcktList

Monte Carlo-Specific Options Using the Variation Block Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Random_Generator = [Default | MSG] Stream =[x | Random | Default] Use_Agauss_Format=No|Yes (Default: No) Normal_Limit=Value Output_Sigma_Value=Value Print_Only Subckts=SubcktList Do_Not_Print Subckts=SubcktList

Description The following describes the available options:

Option Use_Agauss_Format=Yes Allows use of Gaussian sampling methods as well as advanced sampling formats in a Variation Block. Option Normal_Limit=Value=[1|2|3|4] Limits the range of the Normal distributions. This option allows a foundry to limit the perturbations to parameter ranges where a model is still valid. Where: 1: Infinity 2: Specifies no sampling value > 5 within 1000000 index 3: If a negative value is set it is automatically reset to 4 4: (Default) Numbers in the range +/- 4 are generated. The range allowed is 0.1 to 6.0.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .VARIATION Block Control Options

Option Ignore_Variation_Block=Yes Ignores the Variation Block and executes earlier style variations (traditional Monte Carlo analysis). By default, the contents of the variation block are executed and other definitions (AGAUSS, GAUSS, AUNIF, UNIF, LOT, and DEV) are ignored. Previous methods of specifying variations on parameters and models are not compatible with the Variation Block. By default, the contents of the Variation Block are used and all other specifications are ignored. Thus no changes are required in existing netlists other than adding the Variation Block. Option Ignore_Local_Variation=Yes Excludes effects of local variations in simulation. Default is No. Option Ignore_Global_Variation=Yes Excludes effects of global variations in simulation. Default is No. Option Ignore_Spatial_Variation=Yes Excludes effects of spatial variations in simulation. Default is No. Option Ignore_Interconnect_Variation=Yes Excludes effects of interconnect variations in simulation. Default is No. (See Interconnect Variation in Star-RC with the HSPICE Flow.) Option Output_Sigma_Value=Value Use to specify the sigma value of the results of Monte Carlo, DCMatch, and ACMatch analyses. Default is 1, range is 1 to 10. Note that this option only changes the output listings and that the input sigma is not affected. Option Vary_Only Subckts=SubcktList Use either this option to limit variation to the specified subcircuits or the one below, but not both. Actual subcircuit names are specified here (not the hierarchical names). Option Do_Not_Vary Subckts=SubcktListExcludes variation on the specified subcircuits. Use either this option to limit variation to the specified subcircuits or the one above, but not both. Actual subcircuit names are specified here (not the hierarchical names).

See Also Analyzing Variability and Using the Variation Block Monte Carlo Analysis Using the Variation Block Flow

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .DESIGN_EXPLORATION Block Control Options

.DESIGN_EXPLORATION Block Control Options

The following options can be applied when doing .DESIGN_EXPLORATION analysis. Note that no leading period is allowed with variation control options: Syntax Option Option Option Option Option Option Explore_only Subckts= SubcktList Do_not_explore Subckts= SubcktList Export=yes|no Exploration_method=external Block_name=Block_name Ignore_exploration= yes|no Secondary_param= yes|no

Description The Design Exploration control options are described below:

Option Explore_only Subckts= SubcktList This command is executed hierarchicallythe specified subcircuits and all instantiated subcircuits and elements underneath are affected. Thus, if an inverter with name INV1 is placed in a digital control block called DIGITAL and in an analog block ANALOG, and OptionExplore_only Subckts = ANALOG, then the perturbations only affect the INV1 in the analog block. You must create a new inverter, INV1analog, with the new device sizes. Option Do_not_explore Subckts= SubcktList Excludes listed subcircuits. Option Export=yes|no If yes, exports extraction data and runs one simulation with the original netlist. If no (default), runs a simulation with Exploration data. Option Exploration_method=external Block_name=Block_name The Block_name is the same as the name specified in the .DATA block; HSPICE will sweep the row content with the EXCommandexplore. Option Ignore_exploration= yes|no (Default=no) HSPICE ignores the content in the design_exploration block, when Ignore_exploration=yes. Option Secondary_param= yes|no (Default=no) If Secondary_param=yes, HSPICE exports the MOSFET secondary instance parameters to a *.mex file (created when option export=yes), and also permits the secondary parameters to be imported as a column header in the .DATA block (option export=no).


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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .DESIGN_EXPLORATION Block Control Options

See Also .DESIGN_EXPLORATION Exploration Block

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Chapter 3: HSPICE and RF Netlist Simulation Control Options .DESIGN_EXPLORATION Block Control Options


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Digital Vector File Commands

Contains an alphabetical listing of the commands you can use in a digital vector file.

You can use the following HSPICE/HSPICE RF commands in a digital vector file.

For additional information on vector file usage, see Specifying a Digital Vector File and Mixed Mode Stimuli in the HSPICE User Guide: Simulation and Analysis.

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands ENABLE

Specifies the controlling signal(s) for bidirectional signals. Syntax ENABLE controlling_signalname [mask]
ArgumentArgument DescriptionDescription


Controlling signal for bidirectional signals. Must be an input signal with a radix of 1. The bidirectional signals become output when the controlling signal is at state 1 (or high). To reverse this default control logic, start the control signal name with a tilde (~). Defines the bidirectional signals to which ENABLE applies.


Description Use this command to specify the controlling signal(s) for bidirectional signals. All bidirectional signals require an ENABLE command. If you specify more than one ENABLE command, the last command overrides the previous command and HSPICE issues a warning message: [Warning]:[line 6] resetting enable signal to WENB for bit XYZ Examples
radix 144 io ibb vname a x[[3:0]] y[[3:0]] enable a 0 F 0 enable ~a 0 0 F

In this example, the x and y signals are bidirectional as defined by the b in the io line.

The first enable command indicates that x (as defined by the position of F) becomes output when the a signal is 1. The second enable specifies that the y bidirectional bus becomes output when the a signal is 0.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands IDELAY

Defines an input delay time for bidirectional signals. Syntax IDELAY delay_value [mask]
Argument Description

delay_value mask

Time delay to apply to the signals. Signals to which the delay applies. If you do not provide a mask value, the delay value applies to all signals.

Description Use this command to define an input delay time for bidirectional signals relative to the absolute time of each row in the Tabular Data section. HSPICE ignores IDELAY settings on output signals and issues a warning message. You can specify more than one TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY command.

If you apply more than one TDELAY (IDELAY, ODELAY) command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE or HSPICE RF issues a warning. If you do not specify the signal delays in a TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY command, HSPICE or HSPICE RF defaults to zero.

RADIX 1 1 4 1234 11111111 IO i i o iiib iiiiiiii VNAME V1 V2 VX[[3:0]] V4 V5[[1:0]] V6[[0:2]] V7[[0:3]] + V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 TDELAY 1.0 TDELAY -1.2 0 1 F 0000 00000000 TDELAY 1.5 0 0 0 1370 00000000 IDELAY 2.0 0 0 0 000F 00000000 ODELAY 3.0 0 0 0 000F 00000000

This example does not specify the TUNIT command so HSPICE or HSPICE RF uses the default, ns, as the time unit for this example. The first TDELAY command indicates that all signals have the same delay time of 1.0ns. Subsequent TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY commands overrule the delay time of some signals.

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands IDELAY

The delay time for the V2 and Vx signals is -1.2. The delay time for the V4, V5[0:1], and V6[0:2] signals is 1.5. The input delay time for the V7[0:3] signals is 2.0, and the output delay time is 3.0.



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands IO

Defines the type for each vector: input, bidirectional, output, or unused. Syntax IO I | O | B | U
Argument Description

[I | O | B | U ...]

i o b u

Input that HSPICE uses to stimulate the circuit. Expected output that HSPICE compares with the simulated outputs. Bidirectional vector. Unused vector that HSPICE ignores.

Description Use this command to define the type for each vector. The line starts with the IO keyword followed by a string of i, b, o, or u definitions. These definitions indicate whether each corresponding vector is an input (i), bidirectional (b), output (o), or unused (u) vector.

If you do not specify the IO command, HSPICE or HSPICE RF assumes that all signals are input signals. If you define more than one IO command, the last command overrides previous commands.

io i i i bbbb iiiioouu

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands ODELAY

Defines an output delay time for bidirectional signals. Syntax ODELAY delay_value [mask]
Argument Description

delay_value mask

Time delay to apply to the signals. Signals to which the delay applies. If you do not provide a mask value, the delay value applies to all signals.

Description Use this command to define an output delay time for bidirectional signals relative to the absolute time of each row in the Tabular Data section. HSPICE ignores ODELAY settings on input signals and issues a warning message. You can specify more than one TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY command.

If you apply more than one TDELAY (IDELAY, ODELAY) command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE issues a warning. If you do not specify the signal delays in a TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY command, HSPICE defaults to zero.

RADIX 1 1 4 1234 11111111 IO i i o iiib iiiiiiii VNAME V1 V2 VX[[3:0]] V4 V5[[1:0]] V6[[0:2]] V7[[0:3]] + V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 TDELAY 1.0 TDELAY -1.2 0 1 F 0000 00000000 TDELAY 1.5 0 0 0 1370 00000000 IDELAY 2.0 0 0 0 000F 00000000 ODELAY 3.0 0 0 0 000F 00000000

This example does not specify the TUNIT command so HSPICE or HSPICE RF uses the default, ns, as the time unit for this example. The first TDELAY command indicates that all signals have the same delay time of 1.0ns.


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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands ODELAY

Subsequent TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY commands overrule the delay time of some signals.

The delay time for the V2 and Vx signals is -1.2. The delay time for the V4, V5[0:1], and V6[0:2] signals is 1.5. The input delay time for the V7[0:3] signals is 2.0 and the output delay time is 3.0.


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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands OUT or OUTZ

Specifies output resistance for each signal for which the mask applies. OUT and OUTZ are equivalent. Syntax OUT output_resistance [mask]
Argument Description

output_resistance mask

Output resistance for an input signal. The default is 0. Signals to which the output resistance applies. If you do not provide a mask value, the output resistance value applies to all input signals.

Description The OUT and OUTZ keywords are equivalent: use these commands to specify output resistance for each signal (for which the mask applies). OUT or OUTZ applies to input signals only.

If you do not specify the output resistance of a signal in an OUT (or OUTZ) command, HSPICE uses the default (zero). If you specify more than one OUT (or OUTZ) command for a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE issues a warning message.

The OUT (or OUTZ) commands have no effect on the expected output signals. Examples
OUT 15.1 OUT 150 1 1 1 0000 00000000 OUTZ 50.5 0 0 0 137F 00000000

The first OUT command in this example creates a 15.1 ohm resistor to place in series with all vector inputs. The next OUT command sets the resistance to 150 ohms for vectors 1 to 3. The OUTZ command changes the resistance to 50.5 ohms for vectors 4 through 7.


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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands PERIOD

Defines the time interval for the Tabular Data section. Syntax PERIOD time_interval
Argument Description


Time interval for the Tabular Data.

Description Use this command to define the time interval for the Tabular Data section. You do not need to specify the absolute time at every time point. If you use a PERIOD command without the TSKIP command, the Tabular Data section contains only signal values, not absolute times. The TUNIT command defines the time unit of the PERIOD. Examples
radix 1111 1111 period 10 1000 1000 1100 1100 1010 1001

The first row of the tabular data (1000 1000) is at time 0ns. The second row (1100 1100) is at 10ns. The third row (1010 1001) is at 20ns.


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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands RADIX

Specifies the number of bits associated with each vector. Syntax RADIX number_of_bits [number_of_bits...]
Argument Description


Specifies the number of bits in one vector in the digital vector file. You must include a separate number_of_bits argument in the RADIX command for each vector listed in the file.

Description Use this command to specify the number of bits associated with each vector. Valid values for the number of bits range from 1 to 4. A digital vector file must contain only one RADIX command and it must be the first non-comment line in the file.
Table 2
# bits

Valid Values for the RADIX command

Radix Number System Valid Digits

1 2 3 4

2 4 8 16

Binary Octal Hexadecimal

0, 1 03 07 0F

; start of Vector Pattern Definition section RADIX 1 1 4 1234 1111 1111 VNAME A B C[[3:0]] I9 I[[8:7]] I[[6:4]] I[[3:0]] O7 O6 O5 O4 + O3 O2 O1 O0 IO I I I IIII OOOO OOOO

This example illustrates two 1-bit signals followed by a 4-bit signal, followed by one each 1-bit, 2-bit, 3-bit, and 4-bit signals, and finally eight 1-bit signals.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands SLOPE

Specifies the rise/fall time for the input signal. Syntax SLOPE [input_rise_time | input_fall_time] [mask]
Argument Description

input_rise_time input_fall_time mask

Rise time of the input signal. Fall time of the input signal. Name of a signal to which the SLOPE command applies. If you do not specify a mask value, the SLOPE command applies to all signals.

Description Use this command to specify the rise/fall time for the input signal. Use the TUNIT command to define the time unit for this command.

If you do not specify the SLOPE command, the default slope value is 0.1 ns. If you specify more than one SLOPE command, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE or HSPICE RF issues a warning message.

The SLOPE command has no effect on the expected output signals. You can specify the optional TRISE and TFALL commands to overrule the rise time and fall time of a signal. Examples In the following example, the rising and falling times of all signals are 1.2 ns.
Example 1 SLOPE 1.2

In the following example, the rising/falling time is 1.1 ns for the first, second, sixth, and seventh signals.
Example 2 SLOPE 1.1 1100 0110

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands SLOPE



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TDELAY

Defines the delay time for both input and output signals in the Tabular Data section. Syntax TDELAY delay_value [mask]
Argument Description

delay_value mask

Time delay to apply to the signals. Signals to which the delay applies. If you do not provide a mask value, the delay value applies to all signals.

Description Use this command to define the delay time of both input and output signals relative to the absolute time of each row in the Tabular Data section. You can specify more than one TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY command.

If you apply more than one TDELAY (IDELAY, ODELAY) command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE or HSPICE RF issues a warning. If you do not specify the signal delays in a TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY command, HSPICE or HSPICE RF defaults to zero.

RADIX 1 1 4 1234 11111111 IO i i o iiib iiiiiiii VNAME V1 V2 VX[[3:0]] V4 V5[[1:0]] V6[[0:2]] V7[[0:3]] + V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 TDELAY 1.0 TDELAY -1.2 0 1 F 0000 00000000 TDELAY 1.5 0 0 0 1370 00000000 IDELAY 2.0 0 0 0 000F 00000000 ODELAY 3.0 0 0 0 000F 00000000

This example does not specify the TUNIT command so HSPICE or HSPICE RF uses the default, ns, as the time unit for this example. The first TDELAY command indicates that all signals have the same delay time of 1.0ns. Subsequent TDELAY, IDELAY, or ODELAY commands overrule the delay time of some signals.

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TDELAY

The delay time for the V2 and Vx signals is -1.2. The delay time for the V4, V5[0:1], and V6[0:2] signals is 1.5. The input delay time for the V7[0:3] signals is 2.0, and the output delay time is 3.0.



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TFALL

Specifies the fall time of each input signal for which the mask applies. Syntax TFALL input_fall_time [mask]
Argument Description

input_fall_time mask

Fall time of the input signal. Name of a signal to which the TFALL command applies. If you do not specify a mask value, the TFALL command applies to all input signals.

Description Use this command to specify the fall time of each input signal for which the mask applies. The TUNIT command defines the time unit of TFALL.

If you do not use any TFALL command to specify the fall time of the signals, HSPICE or HSPICE RF uses the value defined in the slope command. If you apply more than one TFALL command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE or HSPICE RF issues a warning message.

TFALL commands have no effect on the expected output signals. Examples In Example1, the TFALL command assigns a fall time of 0.5 time units to all vectors.
Example 1 TFALL 0.5

In the following example, the TFALL command assigns a fall time of 0.3 time units overriding the older setting of 0.5 to vectors 2, 3, and 4 to 7.
Example 2 TFALL 0.3 0 1 1 137F 00000000

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TFALL

In the following example, the TFALL command assigns a fall time of 0.9 time units to vectors 8 through 11.
TFALL 0.9 0 0 0 0000 11110000



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TRISE

Specifies the rise time of each input signal for which the mask applies. Syntax TRISE input_rise_time [mask]
ArgumentArgument DescriptionDescription

input_rise_time mask

Rise time of the input signal. Name of a signal to which the TRISE command applies. If you do not specify a mask value, the TRISE command applies to all input signals.

Description Use this command to specify the rise time of each input signal for which the mask applies. The TUNIT command defines the time unit of TRISE.

If you do not use any TRISE command to specify the rising time of the signals, HSPICE or HSPICE RF uses the value defined in the slope command. If you apply more than one TRISE command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE or HSPICE RF issues a warning message.

TRISE commands have no effect on the expected output signals. Examples In this example, the TRISE command assigns a rise time of 0.3 time units to all vectors.
Example 1 TRISE 0.3

In this example, the TRISE command assigns a rise time of 0.5 time units overriding the older setting of 0.3 in at least some of the bits in vectors 2, 3, and 4 through 7.
Example 2 TRISE 0.5 0 1 1 137F 00000000

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TRISE

In Example 3, the TRISE command assigns a rise time of 0.8 time units to vectors 8 through 11.
Example 3 TRISE 0.8 0 0 0 0000 11110000



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TRIZ

Specifies the output impedance when the signal for which the mask applies is in tristate. Syntax TRIZ output_impedance [mask]
Argument Description

output_impedance mask

Output impedance of the input signal. Name of a signal to which the TRIZ command applies. If you do not specify a mask value, the TRIZ command applies to all input signals.

Description Use this command to specify the output impedance when the signal (for which the mask applies) is in tristate; TRIZ applies only to the input signals.

If you do not specify the tristate impedance of a signal, in a TRIZ command, HSPICE or HSPICE RF assumes 1000M. If you apply more than one TRIZ command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE or HSPICE RF issues a warning.

TRIZ commands have no effect on the expected output signals. Examples

TRIZ 15.1Meg TRIZ 150Meg 1 1 1 0000 00000000 TRIZ 50.5Meg 0 0 0 137F 00000000

The first TRIZ command sets the high impedance resistance globally at 15.1 Mohms. The second TRIZ command increases the value to 150 Mohms for vectors 1 to 3. The last TRIZ command increases the value to 50.5 Mohms for vectors 4 through 7.

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TSKIP

Causes HSPICE to ignore the absolute time field in the tabular data. Syntax TSKIP absolute_time tabular_data ...
Argument Description

absolute_time tabular_data

Absolute time. Data captured at absolute_time.

Description Use this command to cause HSPICE to ignore the absolute time field in the tabular data. You can then keep, but ignore, the absolute time field for each row in the tabular data when you use the .PERIOD command. You might do this, for example, if for testing reasons the absolute times are not perfectly periodic. Another reason might be that a path in the circuit does not meet timing, but you might still use it as part of a test bench. Initially, HSPICE writes to the vector file using absolute time. After you fix the circuit, you might want to use periodic data. Examples
radix 1111 1111 period 10 tskip 11.0 1000 1000 20.0 1100 1100 33.0 1010 1001

HSPICE or HSPICE RF ignores the absolute times 11.0, 20.0 and 33.0, but HSPICE does process the tabular data on the same lines as those absolute times. See Also PERIOD


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TUNIT

Defines the time unit for PERIOD, TDELAY,IDELAY, ODELAY, SLOPE, TRISE, TFALL, and absolute time. Syntax TUNIT [fs|ps|ns|us|ms]
Argument Description

fs ps ns us ms

femtosecond picosecond nanosecond (default) microsecond millisecond

Description Use this command to define the time unit in the digital vector file for PERIOD, TDELAY, IDELAY, ODELAY, SLOPE, TRISE, TFALL, and absolute time.

If you do not specify the TUNIT command, the default time unit value is ns. If you define more than one TUNIT command, the last command overrides the previous command.

Examples The TUNIT command in this example specifies that the absolute times in the Tabular Data section are 11.0ns, 20.0ns, and 33.0ns.
TUNIT ns 11.0 1000 1000 20.0 1100 1100 33.0 1010 1001

The following are legal ways to write the time values.

tunit tunit tunit tunit tunit 999ns .99ps .99e+6ps 999 ns .99 ps

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands TUNIT

The following are examples of wrong syntax which will result in an error message:
tunit .99eps tunit .99 e+6ps tunit .99 eps



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VIH

Specifies the logic-high voltage for each input signal to which the mask applies. Syntax VIH logic-high_voltage [mask]
Argument Description

logic-high_voltage mask

Logic-high voltage for an input signal. The default is 3.3. Name of a signal to which the VIH command applies. If you do not specify a mask value, the VIH command applies to all input signals.

Description Use this command to specify the logic-high voltage for each input signal to which the mask applies.

If you do not specify the logic high voltage of the signals in a VIH command, HSPICE assumes 3.3. If you use more than one VIH command for a signal, the last command overrides previous commands and HSPICE issues a warning.

VIH commands have no effect on the expected output signals. Examples

VIH 5.0 VIH 3.5 0 0 0 0000 11111111

The first VIH command sets all input vectors to 5V when they are high. The last VIH command changes the logic-high voltage from 5V to 3.5V for the last eight vectors.


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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VIL

Specifies the logic-low voltage for each input signal to which the mask applies. Syntax VIL logic-low_voltage [mask]
ArgumentArgument DescriptionDescription

logic-low_voltage mask

Logic-low voltage for an input signal. The default is 0.0. Name of a signal to which the VIL command applies. If you do not specify a mask value, the VIL command applies to all input signals.

Description Use this command to specify the logic-low voltage for each input signal to which the mask applies.

If you do not specify the logic-low voltage of the signals in a VIL command, HSPICE or HSPICE RF assumes 0.0. If you use more than one VIL command for a signal, the last command overrides previous commands and HSPICE issues a warning.

VIL commands have no effect on the expected output signals. Examples

VIL 0.0 VIL 0.5 0 0 0 0000 11111111

The first VIL command sets the logic-low voltage to 0V for all vectors. The second VIL command changes the logic-low voltage to 0.5V for the last eight vectors.



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VNAME

Defines the name of each vector. Syntax VNAME vector_name [[starting_index:ending_index]]
Argument Description

vector_name starting_index ending_index

Name of the vector, or range of vectors. First bit in a range of vector names. Last bit in a range of vector names. You can associate a single name with multiple bits (such as bus notation). The opening and closing brackets and the colon are required; they indicate that this is a range. The vector name must correlate with the number of bits available. You can nest the bus definition inside other grouping symbols, such as { }, ( ), [ ], and so on. The bus indices expand in the specified order

Description Use this command to define the name of each vector. If you do not specify VNAME, HSPICE or HSPICE RF assigns a default name to each signal: V1, V2, V3, and so on. If you define more than one VNAME command, the last command overrides the previous command. Examples Auto-defined names for each signal.
Example 1 RADIX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VNAME V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12

Example 2 represents a0, a1, a2, and a3, in that order. HSPICE or HSPICE RF does not reverse the order to make a3 the first bit. The bit order is MSB:LSB, which means most significant bit to least significant bit. For example, you can represent a 5-bit bus such as: {a4 a3 a2 a1 a0}, using this notation: a[[4:0]].

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VNAME

The high bit is a4, which represents 24. It is the largest value and therefore is the MSB.
Example 2 VNAME a[[0:3]]

HSPICE or HSPICE RF generates voltage sources with the following names: VA0 VA1 VB4 VB3 VB2 VB1

VA0 and VB4 are the MSBs. VA1 and VB1 are the LSBs.

Example 3 RADIX 2 4 VNAME VA[[0:1]] VB[[4:1]]

For Example 4, HSPICE or HSPICE RF generates voltage sources with the following names: VA[0] VA[1] VB<4> VB<3> VB<2> VB<1>
Example 4 VNAME VA[[0:1]] VB<[4:1]>

Example 5 specifies a single bit of a bus. This range creates a voltage source named VA [2].
Example 5 VNAME VA[[2:2]]

Example 6 generates signals named A0, A1, A2, ... A23.

Example 6 RADIX 444444 VNAME A[[0:23]]


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VOH

Specifies the logic-high threshold voltage for each output signal to which the mask applies. Syntax VOH logic-high_threshold_voltage [mask]
ArgumentArgument DescriptionDescription


Logic-high threshold voltage for an output vector. The default is 2.66. Name of a signal to which the VOH command applies. If you do not specify a mask value, the VOH command applies to all output signals.


Description Use this command to specify the logic-high threshold voltage for each output signal to which the mask applies.

If you do not specify the logic-high threshold voltage in a VOH command, HSPICE assumes 2.64. If you apply more than one VOH command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE issues a warning.

VOH commands have no effect on input signals. Examples

VOH 4.75 VOH 4.5 1 1 1 137F 00000000 VOH 3.5 0 0 0 0000 11111111

The first line tries to set a logic-high threshold output voltage of 4.75V, but it is redundant. The second line changes the voltage level to 4.5V for the first seven vectors. The last line changes the last eight vectors to a 3.5V logic-high threshold output.

These second and third lines completely override the first VOH command. If you do not define either VOH or VOL, HSPICE or HSPICE RF uses VTH (default or defined).

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VOH



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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VOL

Specifies the logic-low threshold voltage for each output signal to which the mask applies. Syntax VOL logic-low_threshold_voltage [mask]
Argument Description


Logic-low threshold voltage for an output vector. The default is 0.64. Name of a signal to which the VOL command applies. If you do not specify a mask value, the VOL command applies to all output signals.


Description Use this command to specify the logic-low threshold voltage for each output signal to which the mask applies.

If you do not specify the logic-low threshold voltage in a VOL command, HSPICE assumes 0.66. If you apply more than one VOL command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE issues a warning.

VOL 0.0 VOL 0.2 0 0 0 137F 00000000 VOL 0.5 1 1 1 0000 00000000

The first VOL command sets the logic-low threshold output to 0V. The second VOL command sets the output voltage to 0.2V for the fourth through seventh vectors. The last command increases the voltage further to 0.5V for the first three vectors.

These second and third lines completely override the first VOL command. If you do not define either VOH or VOL, HSPICE or HSPICE RF uses VTH (default or defined).

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VOL



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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VREF

Specifies the name of the reference voltage for each input vector to which the mask applies. Syntax VREF reference_voltage
Argument Description


Reference voltage for each input vector. The default is 0.

Description Use this command to specify the name of the reference voltage for each input vector to which the mask applies. Similar to the TDELAY command, the VREF command applies only to input signals.

If you do not specify the reference voltage name of the signals in a VREF command, HSPICE assumes 0. If you apply more than one VREF command, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE issues a warning.

VREF commands have no effect on the output signals. Examples

VNAME v1 v2 v3 v4 v5[[1:0]] v6[[2:0]] v7[[0:3]] v8 v9 v10 VREF 0 VREF 0 111 137F 000 VREF vss 0 0 0 0000 111

When HSPICE or HSPICE RF implements these commands into the netlist, the voltage source realizes v1:
v1 V1 0 pwl(......)

as well as v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, and v7. However, v8 is realized by
V8 V8 vss pwl(......)

v9 and v10 use a syntax similar to v8. See Also TDELAY

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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VTH

Specifies the logic threshold voltage for each output signal to which the mask applies. Syntax VTH logic-threshold_voltage
Argumentt Description


Logic-threshold voltage for an output vector. The default is 1.65.

Description Use this command to specify the logic threshold voltage for each output signal to which the mask applies. It is similar to the TDELAY command. The threshold voltage determines the logic state of output signals for comparison with the expected output signals.

If you do not specify the threshold voltage of the signals in a VTH command, HSPICE assumes 1.65. If you apply more than one VTH command to a signal, the last command overrides the previous commands and HSPICE or HSPICE RF issues a warning.

VTH commands have no effect on the input signals. Examples

VTH 1.75 VTH 2.5 1 1 1 137F 00000000 VTH 1.75 0 0 0 0000 11111111

The first VTH command sets the logic threshold voltage at 1.75V. The next line changes that threshold to 2.5V for the first 7 vectors. The last line changes that threshold to 1.75V for the last 8 vectors.

All of these examples apply the same vector pattern and both output and input control commands, so the vectors are all bidirectional. See Also TDELAY VIH VIL
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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VTH


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Chapter 4: Digital Vector File Commands VTH


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Obsolete Commands and Options

Describes the obsolete or rarely used HSPICE commands.

The following commands and options are included for completeness only. More efficient functionality and commands are available.


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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .ACDCFACTOR


OBSOLETE with the D-2010.03 releaase. Invokes degradation characterization under DC/AC stress, respectively. Syntax .ACDCFACTOR vds=value vgs=value [vbs=value] Time=value
Argument Description

vds vgs vbs Time

vds value for the dc calculation vgs value for the dc calculation vbs value for the dc calculation Time to calculate the acdcfactor

Description This command invokes degradation characterization under DC/AC stress, respectively, based on the customized algorithm(s) implemented in the MOSRA API model. A new output file *.acdcfactor is generated. Example
.ACDCFACTOR Vds=1.0 Vgs=1.2 Vbs=0 time = 4n


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .GRAPH

OBSOLETE. Provides high-resolution plots of HSPICE simulation results. This is an obsolete command. You can gain the same functionality by using the .PROBE command. Syntax .GRAPH antype [MODEL=mname] unam1= ov1, + [unam2=ov2] ... [unamn=ovn] (plo,phi)
Argument Description


Type of analysis for the specified plots (outputs). Analysis types are: DC, AC, TRAN, NOISE, or DISTO. Plot model name, referenced in the .GRAPH command. Use .GRAPH and its plot name to create high-resolution plots directly from HSPICE. You can define output names, which correspond to the ov1 ov2 ... output variables (unam1 unam2 ...), and use them as labels, instead of output variables for a high resolution graphic output. Output variables to print. Can be voltage, current, or element template variables from a different type of analysis. You can also use algebraic expressions as output variables, but you must define them inside the PAR( ) command. Lower and upper plot limits. Set the plot limits only at the end of the .GRAPH command.



ov1 ...

plo, phi

Description Use this command when you need high-resolution plots of HSPICE simulation results. Each .GRAPH command creates a new .gr# file, where # ranges first from 0 to 9 and then from a to z. You can create up to 10000 graph files. You can include wildcards in .GRAPH commands. You cannot use .GRAPH commands in the Windows version of HSPICE or in HSPICE RF.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .GRAPH

.GRAPH DC cgb=lx18(m1) cgd=lx19(m1) + cgs=lx20(m1) .GRAPH DC MODEL=plotbjt + model_ib=i2(q1) meas_ib=par(ib) + model_ic=i1(q1) meas_ic=par(ic) + model_beta=par('i1(q1)/i2(q1)') + meas_beta=par('par(ic)/par(ib)')(1e-10,1e-1) .MODEL plotbjt PLOT MONO=1 YSCAL=2 XSCAL=2 + XMIN=1e-8 XMAX=1e-1


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .MODEL Command for .GRAPH

.MODEL Command for .GRAPH

OBSOLETE. For a description of how to use the .MODEL command with .GRAPH, see .MODEL. Syntax N/A
Argument Description


Monotonic option. MONO=1 automatically resets the x-axis, if any change occurs in the x direction. Default 0.0 Shows tick marks. Default 0.0 Plots symbol frequency.Default 0.0


A value of 0 does not generate plot symbols. A value of n generates a plot symbol every n points. This is not the same as the FREQ keyword in element commands.


Set these values to 1.0, to turn on the axis grid lines. Default 0.0 If XMIN is not equal to XMAX, then XMIN and XMAX determine the x-axis plot limits. If XMIN equals XMAX, or if you do not set XMIN and XMAX, then HSPICE automatically sets the plot limits. These limits apply to the actual x-axis variable value, regardless of the XSCAL type. Default 0.0 Scale for the x-axis. Two common axis scales are: Linear(LIN) (XSCAL=1) Logarithm(LOG) (XSCAL=2) Default 1.0 If YMIN is not equal to YMAX, then YMIN and YMAX determine the y-axis plot limits. The y-axis limits in the .GRAPH command overrides YMIN and YMAX in the model. If you do not specify plot limits, HSPICE sets the plot limits. These limits apply to the actual y-axis variable value, regardless of the YSCAL type. Default 0.0



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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .MODEL Command for .GRAPH




Scale for the y-axis. Two common axis scales are: Linear(LIN) (XSCAL=1) Logarithm(LOG) (XSCAL=2) Default 1.0


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .NET

OBSOLETE. Computes parameters for impedance, admittance, hybrid, and scattering matrixes. Syntax One-Port Network .NET input [RIN=val] .NET input val Two-Port Network .NET output input [ROUT=val] [RIN=val]
Argument Description

input output

Name of the voltage or current source for AC input. Output port. It can be:

An output voltage, V(n1[,n2]). An output current, I (source), or I (element).


Input or source resistance. RIN calculates output impedance, output admittance, and scattering parameters. The default RIN value is 1 ohm. Output or load resistance. ROUT calculates input impedance, admittance, and scattering parameters. The default is 1 ohm.


Description You can the .NET command to compute parameters for:

Z impedance matrix Y admittance matrix H hybrid matrix S scattering matrix

You can use the .NET command only in conjunction with the .AC command. HSPICE also computes:

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .NET

Input impedance Output impedance Admittance

This analysis is part of AC small-signal analysis. To run network analysis, specify the frequency sweep for the .AC command. Examples One-Port Network

Two-Port Network


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .PLOT

OBSOLETE. Plots the output values of one or more variables in a selected HSPICE analysis as a low-resolution (ASCII) plot in the output listing file. This is an obsolete command. You get the same functionality using the .PRINT command. Syntax .PLOT antype ov1 [(plo1,phi1)] [ov2] [(plo2,phi2)] ...]
Argument Description


Type of analysis for the specified plots. Analysis types are: DC, AC, TRAN, NOISE, or DISTO. Output variables to plot: voltage, current, or element template variables (HSPICE only; HSPICE RF does not support element template output or .PLOT commands) from a DC, AC, TRAN, NOISE, or DISTO analysis. See the next sections for syntax. Lower and upper plot limits. The plot for each output variable uses the first set of plot limits after the output variable name. Set a new plot limit for each output variable after the first plot limit. For example to plot all output variables that use the same scale, specify one set of plot limits at the end of the .PLOT command. If you set the plot limits to (0,0) HSPICE automatically sets the plot limits.

ov1 ...

plo1, phi1 ...

Description Use this command to plot the output values of one or more variables in a selected HSPICE analysis. Each .PLOT command defines the contents of one plot, which can contain more than one output variable. If more than one output variable appears on the same plot, HSPICE prints and plots the first variable specified. To print out more than one variable, include another .PLOT command. You can include wildcards in .PLOT commands.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .PLOT

Examples In Example 1,

In the first line, PAR plots the ratio of the collector current and the base current for the Q1 transistor. In the second line, the VDB output variable plots the AC analysis results (in decibels) for node 5. In the third line, the AC plot can include NOISE results and other variables that you specify.

Example 1 .PLOT DC V(4) V(5) V(1) PAR(`I1(Q1)/I2(Q1)') .PLOT TRAN V(17,5) (2,5) I(VIN) V(17) (1,9) .PLOT AC VM(5) VM(31,24) VDB(5) VP(5) INOISE

In the last line of Example 2, HSPICE sets the plot limits for V(1) and V(2), but you specify 0 and 5 volts as the plot limits for V(3) and V(4).
Example 2 .PLOT AC ZIN YOUT(P) S11(DB) S12(M) Z11(R) .PLOT DISTO HD2 HD3(R) SIM2 .PLOT TRAN V(5,3) V(4) (0,5) V(7) (0,10) .PLOT DC V(1) V(2) (0,0) V(3) V(4) (0,5)


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .WIDTH

OBSOLETE. Specifies the width of the low resolution (ASCII) plot in the listing file. Syntax .WIDTH OUT={80 |132}
Argument Description


Output print width.

Description Use this command to specify the width of the low resolution (ASCII) plot. Permissible values for OUT are 80 and 132. You can also use .OPTION CO to set the OUT value. Examples
.WIDTH OUT=132 $ SPICE compatible style .OPTION CO=132 $ preferred style

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION ACCT

OBSOLETE. Generates a detailed accounting report. Syntax .OPTION ACCT .OPTION ACCT=[1|2] Default Default 1
Argument Description


Enables reporting. Is the same as ACCT without arguments. Enables reporting and matrix statistic reporting.

Description Obsolete with 2009.03 release (MT starts will be printed by default.) Use this option to generate a detailed accounting report. Examples

The ratio of TOT.ITER to CONV.ITER is the best measure of simulator efficiency. The theoretical ratio is 2:1. In this example the ratio is 2.57:1. SPICE generally has a ratio from 3:1 to 7:1. In transient analysis, the ratio of CONV.ITER to # POINTS is the measure of the number of points evaluated to the number of points printed. If this ratio is greater than about 4:1, the convergence and time step control tolerances might be too tight for the simulation.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION ALT999 or ALT9999

.OPTION ALT999 or ALT9999

Allows the.GRAPH command to create more output files when you run .ALTER simulations. Syntax .OPTION ALT999 .OPTION ALT9999 Description Use this option to allow the.GRAPH command to create more output files when you run .ALTER simulations. This option is now obsolete. HSPICE can now generate up to 10,000 unique files without using this option.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION BKPSIZ

OBSOLETE. Sets the size of the breakpoint table. Syntax .OPTION BKPSIZ=x Default Default 5000 Description Use this option to set the size of the breakpoint table. This is an obsolete option, provided only for backward-compatibility.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION CDS

OBSOLETE. Produces a Cadence WSF (ASCII format) post-analysis file for Opus . Syntax .OPTION CDS=x Description Use this option to produce a Cadence WSF (ASCII format) post-analysis file for Opus when CDS=2. This option requires a specific license. The CDS option is the same as the SDA option.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION CO

OBSOLETE. Sets column width for printouts. Syntax .OPTION CO=column_width
Argument Description


The number of characters in a single line of output.

Description (Obsolete) Use this option to set the column width for printouts. The number of output variables that print on a single line of output is a function of the number of columns. You can set up to 5 output variables per 80-column output, and up to 8 output variables per 132-column output with 12 characters per column. HSPICE automatically creates additional print commands and tables for all output variables beyond the number that the CO option specifies. The default is 78. Examples
* Narrow print-out (default) .OPTION CO=80 * Wide print-out .OPTION CO=132


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .DEGINFO

OBSOLETE with the D-2010.03 release. Generates the degradation information during the transient simulation for user-specified MOSFET element when used with the MOSRA API. Syntax .DEGINFO [YES|NO] MOSFET_instance_name1 + MOSFET_instance_name2... Default



YES: the MOSFETs in the instance name list will be recorded. NO: the MOSFETs in the instance name list will NOT be recorded.

Description Use this command to generate the degradation information during the transient simulation for user-specified MOSFET element. A separate output file, *.deginfo, is generated. Examples The command in Example 1 records the information of MN1 and MP2 in the .deginfo file.
Example 1 .DEGINFO YES MN1 MP2

The command in Example 2 records the information of all of the MOSFETs except MN3 and MP5.
Example 2 DEGINFO NO MN3 MP5

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION H9007

OBSOLETE. Sets default values for general-control options to correspond to values for HSPICE H9007D. Syntax .OPTION H9007 Default 0

Description Use this option to set default values for general-control options to correspond to values for HSPICE H9007D. If you set this option, HSPICE does not use the EXPLI model parameter.


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION MEASSORT

OBSOLETE. Automatically sorts large numbers of .MEASURE commands. (This option is obsolete.) Syntax .OPTION MEASSORT=x Default 0

Description Starting in version 2003.09, this option is obsolete. Measure performance is now order-independent and HSPICE ignores this option. In versions of HSPICE before 2003.09, to automatically sort large numbers of .MEASURE commands, you could use the .OPTION MEASSORT command.

.OPTION MEASSORT=0 (default; did not sort .MEASURE commands). .OPTION MEASSORT=1 (internally sorted .MEASURE commands).

You needed to set this option to 1 only if you used a large number of .MEASURE commands, where you needed to list similar variables together (to reduce simulation time). For a small number of .MEASURE commands, turning on internal sorting sometimes slowed-down simulation while sorting, compared to not sorting first.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION MENTOR

OBSOLETE. Enables the Mentor MSPICE-compatible (ASCII) interface. Syntax .OPTION MENTOR=0|1|2 Default Default 0 Description Use this option to enable the Mentor MSPICE-compatible (ASCII) interface. MENTOR=2 enables that interface. This option requires a specific license.


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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION MODSRH

OBSOLETE. Made obsolete beginning in the 2008.03 release as it increases runtime and costs more memory. Controls whether HSPICE loads or references a model described in a .MODEL command, but not used in the netlist. Syntax .OPTION MODSRH=0|1 Description Use this option to control whether HSPICE loads or references a model described in a .MODEL command, but is not used in the netlist. This option parameter determines if HSPICE reads and loads every model card or all model bins that are present in netlists and model libraries during a simulation run. When this parameter is set to 0, all the model cards in the model libraries are read into HSPICE even if there are certain models or bins that are not referenced by any elements of the netlists. If this option parameter is not assigned a numerical value or is set to 1, or it is not specified at all, then only those model cards or model bins that are referenced are read into the HSPICE executable for simulation. Note:

The.OPTION MODSRH control must appear before the .MODEL definition.

MODSRH=0: all models expanded even if the model described in a .MODEL command is not referenced. This was the default prior to Y-2006.03 and restored in A-2008.03. MODSRH=1: only referenced models are expanded. This option shortens simulation runtime when the netlist references many models, but no element in the netlist calls those models. This option increased read-in time. This became the default after 2008.03.

Examples In this example, the input file automatically searches for the nch model, but it is not loaded.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION MODSRH

example.sp: .option post modsrh=1 xi1 net8 b c t6 xi0 a b net8 t6 v1 a 0 pulse 3.3 0.0 10E-6 1E-9 1E-9 + 25E-6 50E-6 v2 b 0 2 v3 c 0 3 .model nch nmos level=49 version=3.2 .end

See Also .MODEL


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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION PIVREF

OBSOLETE. Made obsolete with 2009.03 release. Sets a pivot reference. Syntax .OPTION PIVREF=x Description Use this option to set a pivot reference. Use PIVREF in PIVOT=11, 12, or 13 to limit the size of the matrix. The default is 1e+8.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION NOPAGE

OBSOLETE Suppresses page ejects for title headings. Syntax .OPTION NOPAGE=[0|1] Description Use this option to suppress page ejects for title headings.


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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION PIVREL

OBSOLETE (2009.03) release.Sets maximum and minimum ratio of a row or matrix. Syntax .OPTION PIVREL=x Description Use this option to set the maximum and minimum ratio of a row or matrix. Use only if PIVOT=1. Large values for PIVREL can result in very long matrix pivot times; however, if the value is too small, no pivoting occurs. Start with small values of PIVREL by using an adequate but not excessive value for convergence and accuracy. The default is 1e-4.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION PLIM

OBSOLETE. Made obsolete with 2009.03 release.Specifies plot size limits for current and voltage plots. Syntax .OPTION PLIM Default Default 0 Description Use this option to specify plot size limits for current and voltage plots:

Finds a common plot limit and plots all variables on one graph at the same scale. Enables SPICE-type plots, which create a separate scale and axis for each plot variable.

This option does not affect postprocessing of graph data.


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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION SDA

OBSOLETE. Produces a Cadence WSF (ASCII format) post-analysis file for Opus . Syntax .OPTION SDA=x Default Default 0 Description Use this option to produce a Cadence WSF (ASCII format) post-analysis file for Opus . Set SDA=2 to produce this file. This option requires a specific license. The SDA is the same as the CDS option.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION SPICE

Makes HSPICE compatible with Berkeley SPICE. Syntax .OPTION SPICE Description When the option SPICE is set, the following options and model parameters are used: General parameters used with .OPTION SPICE: TNOM=27 DEFNRD=1 DEFNRS=1 INGOLD=2 ACOUT=0 DC PIVOT PIVTOL=IE-13 PIVREL=1E-3 RELTOL=1E-3 ITL1=100 ABSMOS=1E-6 RELMOS=1E-3 ABSTOL=1E-12 VNTOL=1E-6 ABSVDC=1E-6 RELVDC=1E-3 RELI=1E-3 Transient parameters used with .OPTION SPICE: DCAP=1 RELQ=1E-3 CHGTOL-1E-14 ITL3=4 ITL4=10 ITL5=5000 FS=0.125 FT=0.125 Model parameters used with .OPTION SPICE: For BJT: MJS=0 For MOSFET, CAPOP=0 LD=0 if not user-specified UTRA=0 not used by SPICE for level=2 NSUB must be specified NLEV=0 for SPICE noise equation


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION SIM_LA_MINMODE

Obsolete as of 2009.03. Reduces the number of nodes instead of the number of elements. Syntax .OPTION SIM_LA_MINMODE=ON | OFF Default Default OFF Description Use this option to reduce the number of nodes instead of the number of elements.

ON: reduces the number of nodes OFF: does not reduce the number of nodes.

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Appendix A: Obsolete Commands and Options .OPTION ZUKEN

OBSOLETE. Enables or disables the Zuken interface. Syntax .OPTION ZUKEN=x Description Use this option to enable or disable the Zuken interface.

If x is 2, the interface is enabled. If x is 1 (default), the interface is disabled.


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How Options Affect other Options

Describes the effects of specifying control options on other options in the netlist.

The following options either impact or are impacted by the specifying of other .OPTION parameters:


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Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options GEAR Method

GEAR Method
Specifying .OPTION METHOD=GEAR sets the values of other options as follows:

BYPASS = 0 BYTOL = 50u DVDT = 3 LVLTIM = 2 MBYPASS = 1.0 METHOD = 2 RMAX = 2.0 SLOPETOL = 500m

Specifying the ACCURATE option sets the values of other options as follows:

ABSVAR = 0.2 ACCURATE =1 BYPASS = 2 DVDT = 2 FFT_ACCU = 1 FT = 0.2 LVLTIM = 3 RELMOS = 0.01 RELVAR = 0.2

Specifying the FAST option sets the values of other options as follows:


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options GEAR Method, ACCURATE

BYTOL = 50u DVDT = 3 BYPASS = 0 DVDT = 2 FAST = 1 MBYPASS = 1.0 RMAX = 2.0 SLOPETOL = 500m


Specifying .OPTION METHOD=GEAR first with the ACCURATE option sets the values of other options as follows:

ABSVAR = 0.2 ACCURATE =1 BYPASS = 2 BYTOL = 50u DVDT = 2 FFT_ACCU = 1 FT = 0.2 LVLTIM = 3 MBYPASS = 1.0 METHOD = 2 RELMOS = 0.01 RELVAR = 0.2 RMAX = 2 SLOPETOL = 500m When GEAR is specified first, DVDT=2 and LVLTIM=3.


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Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options ACCURATE, GEAR Method


Specifying the ACCURATE option first in with .OPTION METHOD=GEAR sets the values of other options as follows:

ABSVAR = 0.2 ACCURATE =1 BYPASS = 2 BYTOL = 50u DVDT = 3 FFT_ACCU = 1 FT = 0.2 LVLTIM = 2 MBYPASS = 1.0 METHOD = 2 RELMOS = 0.01 RELVAR = 0.2 RMAX = 2 SLOPETOL = 500m When ACCURATE is specified before the GEAR method, then DVDT=2, LVLTIM=3.


Specifying the ACCURATE option with the FAST option sets the values of other options as follows:



HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options GEAR Method, FAST

DVDT = 2 FAST = 1 FFT_ACCU = 1 FT = 0.2 LVLTIM = 3 MBYPASS = 1.0 RELMOS = 0.01 RELVAR = 0.2 RMAX = 2 SLOPETOL = 500m The ACCURATE and FAST options are order-independent.



Specifying .OPTION METHOD=GEAR in combination with the FAST option sets the values of other options as follows:

BYTOL = 50u DVDT = 3 FAST = 1 LVLTIM = 2 MBYPASS = 2 METHOD = 0.01 RMAX = 2 SLOPETOL = 500m The METHOD=GEAR and FAST options are order-independent.


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Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options GEAR Method, ACCURATE, FAST


Specifying .OPTION METHOD=GEAR first in combination with the ACCURATE and FAST options sets the values of other options as follows:

ABSVAR = 0.2 ACCURATE =1 BYPASS = 2 BYTOL = 50u DVDT = 2 FAST = 1 FFT_ACCU = 1 FT = 0.2 LVLTIM = 3 METHOD = 2 MBYPASS = 1.0 RELMOS = 0.01 RELVAR = 0.2 RMAX = 2 SLOPETOL = 500m If GEAR is specified first, then DVDT=2 LVLTIM=3. Otherwise, the METHOD=GEAR, ACCURATE, and FAST options are orderindependent.


Specifying the RUNLVL option with any legal numeric value sets the following options:


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options RUNLVL, ACCURATE, FAST, GEAR method



Specifying the options RUNLVL, ACCURATE, and FAST with METHOD=GEAR is order-independent:

RUNLVL option (LVLTIM = 4) is always on GEAR method is always selected RUNLVL = 5 is always selected FAST has no effect on RUNLVL

Specifying the DVDT option= 1,2,3 sets the following options:

BYPASS = 0 BYTOL = 50u MBYPASS = 1.0 RMAX = 2 SLOPETOL = 500m

Specifying the LVLTIM option= 1,2,3 sets the following options:

BYPASS = 0 BYTOL = 50u MBYPASS = 1.0 RMAX = 2 SLOPETOL = 500m


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options KCLTEST

These options are order-independent. Note: The DVDT value is ignored if LVLTIM = 2

Specifying the KCLTEST option sets the following options:

ABSTOL = 1u RELI = 1u

KCLTEST is order-dependent with ABSTOL and RELI.

Specifying the BRIEF option resets the following options to their defaults:


and sets the NOMOD option. The BRIEF option is order-dependent with the affected options. If option BRIEF is specified after NODE, LIST, OPTS, and NOMOD, then it resets them. If option BRIEF is specified before NODE, LIST, OPTS, and NOMOD, then those options overwrite whatever values option BRIEF may have set.

Option Notes

ABSTOL aliases ABSI VNTOL aliases ABSV If ABSVDC is not set, VNTOL sets it DCTRAN aliases CONVERGE GMIN does not overwrite GMINDC, nor does GMINDC overwrite GMIN


HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options Option Notes

RELH only takes effect when ABSH is non-zero RELTOL aliases RELV RELVDC defaults to RELTOL If RELTOL < BYTOL, BYTOL = RELTOL RELVAR applies to LVLTIM = 1 or 3 only CHGTOL, RELQ & TRTOL are the only error tolerance options for LVLTIM = 2 (LTE) The DVDT algorithm works with LVLTIM = 1 and 3

RUNLVL Option Notes

If RUNLVL is invoked, you can disable it by:

Adding .OPTION RUNLVL=0 to your current simulation job. Copying $installdir/hspice.ini to your HOME directory and customize it by adding .OPTION RUNLVL=0, which disables it for all of your simulation jobs. Re-invoking the $installdir/bin/config program and deselecting the option runlvl setting in box 'hspice.ini' which disables it for the whole group of simulation jobs.

If RUNLVL is invoked, some options are ignored or automatically set: Options below are automatically set (user setting will overwrite them):

If runlvl=6, then .option bypass=0 If runlvl=1|2|3|4|5, then .option bypass=2 The following options are ignored; they are replaced by automated algorithms: lvltim, dvdt, ft, fast, trtol, absvar, relvar, relq, chgtol, dvtr, imin, itl3, rmax runlvl= 3 bypass= 2 mbypass= 2.00 bytol= 100.00u

If RUNLVL is invoked, actual values of options used by HSPICE are:

HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1


Appendix B: How Options Affect other Options Finding the Golden Reference for Options

bdfatol=1e-3 bdfrtol=1e-3

Finding the Golden Reference for Options

When trying to determine the acceptable trade-off between HSPICE accuracy and transient analysis simulation performance, it is important to first establish a reference value for the measurements you are using to evaluate the performance (speed and accuracy) of a given HSPICE configuration. There are multiple ways to configure HSPICE for higher accuracy. The following is a good starting point that you might want to modify for your specific application: .OPTION RUNLVL=6 ACCURATE KCLTEST DELMAX=a_small_value The options are described as follows:
Options Description


Invokes the RUNLVL algorithm and sets tolerances to their tightest values. Refer to .OPTION RUNLVL for more details: Sets even more HSPICE OPTIONs to tighter tolerances. (See .OPTION ACCURATE for details. Activates Kirchhoff's Current Law testing for every circuit node. (See .OPTION KCLTEST for details. Sets the largest timestep that HSPICE is allowed to take. It should be set to the smallest value (1ps, for example) that still allows the simulation to finish in a reasonable amount of time. Typically, it should be set approximately 1/(20*highest-frequency-activity-in-the-circuit) Warning: This option can create very large tr0 files. Be careful to only probe the needed nodes (use .OPTION PROBE combined with .PROBE). See .OPTION DELMAX for details.





HSPICE Reference Manual: Commands and Control Options D-2010.03-SP1

(X0R, X0I) option 693 (X1R, X1I) option 694 (X2R, X2I) option 695 ALTCC option 352 ALTCHK option 353 alter block commands 15 ALTER cases, multiprocessing 4 .ALTER command 32, 78 Analog Artist interface 574 See also Artist Analysis commands 14 analysis, network 742 APPENDALL option 354 .APPENDMODEL 34 arguments, command-line hspice 1 hspicerf 11 arithmetic expression 181 ARTIST option 356 ASCII output 11 ASCII output data 522, 749, 761 ASPEC option 357 AT keyword 171, 176 AUTOSTOP option 358 average nodal voltage, with .MEASURE 183 average value, measuring 184 AVG keyword 183, 195

ABSH option 342 ABSI option 343, 494 ABSMOS option 345, 494 ABSTOL option 346 ABSV option 347 ABSVAR option 348 ABSVDC option 349 AC analysis magnitude 351 optimization 24 output 351 phase 351 .AC command 24 external data 62 ACCT option 746 ACCURATE option 350 combined with FAST option 768 combined with FAST option and GEAR method

combined with GEAR option 767, 768 plus FAST and RUNLVL options and METHOD=GEAR 771 .ACMATCH command 27 ACOUT option 351 algorithms DVDT 348, 511 local truncation error 511, 586, 676 pivoting 565 timestep control 429 transient analysis timestep 511 trapezoidal integration 524 .ALIAS command 30 ALL keyword 228, 258 ALT9999 option 747

BADCHR option 369, 374 BETA keyword 257 .BIASCHK command 35 BIASFILE option 375 BIASINTERVAL option 376 BIASNODE option 377 BIASPARALLEL option 378 BIAWARN option 379 BINPRNT option 380 bisection pushout 199 BKPSIZ option 748 BPNMATCHTOL option 381


Index C

branch current error 343 breakpoint table, size 748 BRIEF option 228, 231, 382, 506, 541, 550, 556 effect on other options 772 BSIM4PDS option 383 bus notation 725 BYPASS option 384 BYTOL option 385

Cadence Opus 749, 761 WSF format 749, 761 capacitance charge tolerance, setting 388 CSHUNT node-to-ground 399 table of values 386 capacitor, models 211 CAPTAB option 386 CDS option 749 .CFL_PROTOTYPE 41 C-function library 41 characterization of models 70 charge tolerance, setting 388 .CHECK EDGE command 45 .CHECK FALL command 47 .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL command 48 .CHECK HOLD command 49 .CHECK IRDROP command 51 .CHECK RISE command 53 .CHECK SETUP command 55 .CHECK SLEW command 56 CHGTOL option 388 CLOSE optimization parameter 212 CMIFLAG option 390 CMIPATH option 391 CMIUSRFLAG option 392 CO option 303, 306, 745, 750 column laminated data 66 command-line arguments hspice 1 hspicerf 11 commands .AC 24 .ACMATCH 27 .ALIAS 30

.ALTER 32, 78 alter block 15 analysis 14 .APPENDMODEL 34 .BIASCHK 35 .CFL_PROTOTYPE 41 .CHECK EDGE 45 .CHECK FALL 47 .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL 48 .CHECK HOLD 49 .CHECK IRDROP 51 .CHECK RISE 53 .CHECK SETUP 55 .CHECK SLEW 56 .CONNECT 58 .DATA 61 .DC 68 .DCMATCH 73 .DCVOLT 77 .DEL LIB 78 .DISTO 83 .DOUT 85 .EBD 87 .ELSE 89 .ELSEIF 90 .END 91 .ENDDATA 92 .ENDIF 93 .ENDL 94 .ENDS 95 .ENV 96 .ENVFFT 97 .ENVOSC 98 .EOM 99 .FFT 100 .FLAT 105 .FOUR 107 .FSOPTIONS 108 .GLOBAL 111 .GRAPH 737 .HB 112 .HBAC 115 .HBLIN 116 .HBLSP 118 .HBNOISE 120 .HBOSC 123 .HBXF 128 .HDL 129


Index C

.IBIS 131 .IC 135 .ICM 137 .IF 139 .INCLUDE 141 .LAYERSTACK 144 .LIB 146 .LIN 150 .LOAD 154 .LPRINT 156 .MACRO 160 .MALIAS 163 .MATERIAL 165 .MEASURE 167 .MEASURE PHASENOISE 194, 195 .MEASURE PTDNOISE 198 .MEASURE(ACMATCH) 202 .MEASURE(DCMATCH) 203 .MODEL 210 .MOSRA 218 .MOSRAPRINT 222 .NET 741 .NODESET 223 .NOISE 225 .OP 228 .OPTION 230 .PARAM 232 .PAT 236 .PHASENOISE 238 .PKG 241 .PLOT 743 .POWER 243 .POWERDC 245 .PRINT 246 .PROBE 249 .PROTECT 251 .PTDNOISE 252 .PZ 256 .SAVE 258 .SENS 260 .SHAPE 262 .SNFT 272 .SNOSC 277 .SNXF 280 .STATEYE 282 .STIM 285 subcircuit 18 .SUBCKT 292

.SURGE 295 .SWEEPBLOCK 296 .TEMP (or) .TEMPERATURE 298 .TF 301 .TITLE 302 .TRAN 303 .UNPROTECT 312 .VARIATION 313 .VEC 315 Verilog-A 18 .WIDTH 745 Common Simulation Data Format 427 concatenated data files 65 Conditional Block 15 conductance current source, initialization 446 minimum, setting 447 models 409 MOSFETs 448 negative, logging 426 node-to-ground 452 sweeping 449 .CONNECT command 58 control options printing 556 setting 231 transient analysis limit 680 CONVERGE option 394, 410 convergence for optimization 213 problems changing integration algorithm 524 CONVERGE option 394, 410 DCON setting 408 decreasing the timestep 440 operating point Debug mode 228 steady state 449 CPTIME option 395 CPU time, reducing 542 CROSS keyword 175, 179 CSCAL option 396, 509 CSDF option 397 CSHDC option 398 CSHUNT option 399 current ABSMOS floor value for convergence 585 branch 343


Index D

operating point table 228 CURRENT keyword 228 current threshold option 493 CUSTCMI option 400 CUT optimization parameter 213 CVTOL option 401

-d argument 3 D_IBIS option 402 .DATA command 61 datanames 63 external file 61 for sweep data 62 inline data 63 data files, disabling printout 382, 550 DATA keyword 24, 62, 68, 304 datanames 63, 286 DC analysis decade variation 69 initialization 406 iteration limit 485 linear variation 69 list of points 69 octave variation 69 optimization 68 .DC command 68, 70 external data with .DATA 62 DCAP option 403 DCCAP option 404 DCFOR option 405 DCHOLD option 406 DCIC option 407 .DCMATCH command 73 DCON option 408 DCSTEP option 409 DCTRAN option 410 .DCVOLT command 77, 135 DEBUG keyword 228 DEC keyword 25, 69, 305 DEFAD option 411 DEFAS option 412 DEFL option 413 DEFNRD option 414

DEFNRS option 415 DEFPD option 416 DEFPS option 417 DEFSA option 418 DEFSB option 419 DEFSD option 420 DEFW option 421 .DEL LIB command 78 with .ALTER 78 with .LIB 78 delays group 677 DELMAX option 424, 597 DELTA internal timestep See also timestep demo files transmission (W-element) lines 110, 145, 166,

derivative function 189 DERIVATIVE keyword 189 derivatives, measuring 176 DI option 425 DIAGNOSTIC option 426 DIFSIZ optimization parameters 213 digits, significant 518 diode models 211 .DISTO command 83 DLENCSDF option 427 .DOUT command 85 DV option 408, 428 DVDT algorithm 348 option 429, 511 DVDT option 429 value 1,2,3 effect on other options .OPTION DVDT

value 1,2,3 effect on other options

DVTR option 430

.EBD command 87 element checking, suppression of 542 OFF parameter 551 .ELSE command 89


Index F

.ELSEIF command 90 EM_RECOVERY option 432 ENABLE command 702 Encryption 16 .END command 91 for multiple HSPICE runs 91 location 91 .ENDDATA command 92 ENDDATA keyword 61, 65 .ENDIF command 93 .ENDL command 94, 147 .ENDS command 95 .ENV command 96 envelope simulation 96 FFT on output 97 oscillator startup, shutdown 98 .ENVFFT command 97 .ENVOSC command 98 .EOM command 99 EPSMIN option 433 equation 181 ERR function 192, 193 ERR1 function 192 ERR2 function 192 ERR3 function 192 error function 192 errors branch current 343 function 193 internal timestep too small 399, 598 optimization goal 170 tolerances ABSMOS 345 branch current 343 RELMOS 345 EXPLI option 434 EXPMAX option 435 expression, arithmetic 181 external data files 63

FALL keyword 175, 179 fall time verification 47

FAST option 436 effect on other options 766 FASToption combined with ACCURATE option 768 combined with ACCURATE option and GEAR method 770 combined with GEAR method 769 plus ACCURATE and RUNLVL options and METHOD=GEAR 771 .FFT command 100 FFT_ACCURATE option 437 FFTOUT option 438 FIL keyword 63 files column lamination 66 concatenated data files 65 filenames 63 hspice.ini 522 include files 141, 148 input 2 multiple simulation runs 91 output version number 3, 11 FIND keyword 176 FIND, using with .MEASURE 174 .FLAT command 105 floating point overflow CONVERGE setting 394 setting GMINDC 448 FMAX option 439 .FOUR command 107 FREQ model parameter 739 frequency ratio 83 sweep 26 FROM parameter 192 FS option 257, 440 FSCAL option 441 .FSOPTIONS command 108 FT option 442 functions ERR 193 ERR1 192 ERR2 192 ERR3 192 error 192


Index G

GDCPATH option 443 GEAR method combined with FAST option 769 effect on options 766 GEAR option combined with ACCURATE option 767, 768 effect on other options 766 GENK option 444 GEOSHRINK option 445 .GLOBAL command 111 global node names 111 GMAX option 446 GMIN option 447, 448 GMINDC option 448 GOAL keyword 184 GRAD optimization parameter 213 GRAMP calculation 408 option 449 .GRAPH command 737 graph data file (Viewlogic format) 427 ground bounce checking 51 group delay, calculating 677 GSCAL option 450 GSHDC option 451 GSHUNT option 452

-h argument usage information 11 H9007 option 752 harmonic balance analysis 113 harmonic balance noise analysis 122 harmonic balance transfer analysis 128, 280 harmonic balance-based periodic AC analysis 115 .HB command 112 HB_GIBBS option 459 .HBAC command 115 HBACKRYLOVDIM option 453 HBACKRYLOVITR option 454 HBACTOL option 455 HBCONTINUE option 456 HBFREQABSTOL option 457 HBFREQRELTOL option 458

HBJREUSE option 460 HBJREUSETOL option 461 HBKRYLOVDIM option 462 HBKRYLOVMAXITER option 464 HBKRYLOVTOL option 463 .HBLIN command 116 HBLINESEARCHFAC option 465 .HBLSP command 118 HBMAXITER option 466 .HBNOISE command 120 .HBOSC command 123 HBOSCMAXITER option 467 HBPROBETOL option 468 HBSOLVER option 469 HBTOL option 470 HBTRANFREQSEARCH option 471 HBTRANINIT option 472 HBTRANPTS option 473 HBTRANSTEP option 474 .HBXF command 128 HCI and NBTI analysis 221 .HDL command 129 HIER_DELIM option 475 HIER_SCALE option 476 HSPICE job statistics report 746 version H9007 compatibility 752 hspice arguments 1 command 1 hspice.ini file 522 hspicerf arguments 11 command 11 -html argument 3

-I argument 4 -i argument 2 .IBIS command 131 IBIS commands 16 .IC command 77, 135 from .SAVE 259 IC keyword 258


Index J

IC parameter 77 .ICM command 137 ICSWEEP option 478 IDELAY command 703 .IF command 139 IGNOR keyword 192 IMAX option 479, 488 IMIN option 480, 487 .INCLUDE command 141 include files 141, 148 indepout 286 indepvar 286 inductors, mutual model 211 INGOLD option 481, 518 initial conditions saving and reusing 478 initialization 551 inline data 63 input data adding library data 78 column laminated 66 concatenated data files 65 deleting library data 78 external, with .DATA command 62 filenames on networks 67 formats 63, 66 include files 141 printing 506 suppressing printout 506 file names 2 netlist file 91 INTEG keyword 183, 187, 195 used with .MEASURE 183 integral function 187 integration backward Euler method 515 interfaces Analog Artist 574 Mentor 754 MSPICE 754 ZUKEN 764 INTERP option 483 IO command 705 iterations limit 485 maximum number of 489

ITL1 option 485 ITL2 option 486 ITL3 option 487 ITL4 option 488 ITL5 option 489 ITLPTRAN option 490 ITLPZ option 491 ITROPT optimization parameter 213 ITRPRT option 492 IVTH option 493

Jacobian data, printing 555

KCLTEST option 494 KCLTESToption effect on other options 772 keywords .AC command parameter 24 ALL 228, 258 AT 171, 176 AVG 183, 195 BETA 257 CROSS 175, 179 CURRENT 228 DATA 24, 62, 68, 304 .DATA command parameter 62 .DC command parameter 68 DEBUG 228 DEC 25, 69, 305 DERIVATIVE 189 ENDDATA 61, 65 FALL 175, 179 FIL 63 FIND 176 FS 257 IGNOR 192 INTEG 183, 187, 195 LAM 63, 67 LAST 175, 180 LIN 25, 69, 305 MAXFLD 257 .MEASUREMENT command parameter 183,

MER 63, 66


Index L

MINVAL 192 MODEL 68 MONTE 25, 69, 304 NONE 228, 258 NUMF 257 OCT 25, 69, 305 OPTIMIZE 69 POI 25, 69, 305 PP 183, 195 RESULTS 69 RIN 741 RISE 175, 179 START 304 SWEEP 25, 69, 304 target syntax 171, 176 TO 183, 187, 193 TOL 257 TOP 258 .TRAN command parameter 304 TRIG 169 VOLTAGE 228 WEIGHT 184, 192 weight 184 WHEN 176 Kirchhoffs Current Law (KCL) test 494 KLIM option 495

building 147 deleting 78 private 251 protecting 251 Library Management 17 LIMPTS option 502 LIMTIM option 503 .LIN command 150 LIN keyword 25, 69, 305 LIST option 506 listing, suppressing 251 .LOAD command 154 LOADHB option 507 LOADSNINIT option 508 local truncation error algorithm 511, 586, 676 .LPRINT command 156 LVLTIM option 511, 676 value 0,2,3 effect on other options 771

MACMOD option 512 .MACRO command 160 macros 78 magnetic core models 211 .MALIAS command 163 .MATERIAL command 165 Material Properties 16 matrix minimum pivot values 566 parameters 741 row/matrix ratio 759 size limitation 757 MAX 183 MAX parameter 183, 195, 212 MAXAMP option 514 MAXFLD keyword 257 maximum value, measuring 184 MAXORD option 515 MBYPASS option 516 MCBRIEF option 517 MEASDGT option 518 MEASFAIL option 519 MEASFILE option 520 MEASOUT option 522 MEASSORT option 753

LA_FREQ option 496 LA_MAXR option 497 LA_MINC option 498 LA_TIME option 499 LA_TOL option 500 LAM keyword 63, 67 laminated data 66 LAST keyword 175, 180 latent devices excluding 436 .LAYERSTACK command 144 LENNAM option 501 .LIB command 146 call command 146 in .ALTER blocks 147 nesting 147 with .DEL LIB 78 libraries adding with .LIB 78


Index N

.MEASURE command 167, 518, 522 average nodal voltage 183 expression 181 propogation delay 169 .MEASURE PHASENOISE 194, 195 .MEASURE(ACMATCH) command 202 .MEASURE(DCMATCH) command 203 measuring average values 184 measuring derivatives 176 Mentor interface 754 MENTOR option 754 MER keyword 63, 66 messages See also errors, warnings METHOD option 524 MIN 183 MIN parameter 183, 195 minimum value, measuring 184 MINVAL keyword 192 .MODEL command 210 CLOSE 212 CUT 213 DEV 214 DIFSIZ 213 distribution 214 GRAD 213 ITROPT 213 keyword 214 LOT 214 MAX 212 model name 210 PARMIN 213 RELIN 213 RELOUT 213 type 211 .MODEL command for .GRAPH 739 MODEL keyword 68 model parameters .GRAPH command parameters 739 MONO 739 output 739 suppressing printout of 544 TEMP 298 TIC 739 models BJTs 211 capacitors 211

characterization 70 diode 211 JFETs 211 magnetic core 211 MOSFETs 211 mutual inductors 211 names 210 npn BJT 211 op-amps 211 optimization 211 plot 211 private 251 protecting 251 simulator access 147 types 211 models, diode 211 MODMONTE option 527 MODSRH option 755 MONO model parameter 739 Monte Carlo AC analysis 24 DC analysis 68 .MODEL parameters 214 time analysis 303 MONTE keyword 25, 69, 304 MONTECON option 529 .MOSRA command 218 MOSRALIFE option 530 .MOSRAPRINT command 222 MOSRASORT option 531 MSPICE simulator interface 754 -mt argument 4 MTTHRESH option 536 MU option 537 multiprocessing, ALTER cases 4 multithreading, lowering device number threshold


-n argument 3, 11 namei 286 NBTI and HCI analysis 221 NCFILTER option 538 n-channel, MOSFETs models 211 NCWARN option 539 negative conductance, logging 426


Index O

nested library calls 147 .NET comamnd 741 network analysis 742 filenames 67 network analysis 742 NEWTOL option 540 Node Naming 17 NODE option 541 nodes cross-reference table 541 global versus local 111 printing 541 .NODESET command 223 from .SAVE 259 NODESET keyword 258 NOELCK option 542 noise folding 257 numerical 399 sampling 257 .NOISE command 225 NOISEMINFREQ option 543 NOMOD option 544 NONE keyword 228, 258 NOPAGE option 758 NOPIV option 545 NOTOP option 546 NOWARN option 547 npn BJT models 211 npoints 286 NUMDGT option 548 numerical integration algorithms 524 numerical noise 399, 452 NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES option 549 NUMF keyword 257 NXX option 550

.IC command initialization 77 restoring 154 solution 551 voltage table 228 OPFILE option 552 OPTCON option 553 optimization AC analysis 24 DC analysis 68 error function 170 iterations 213 models 211 time analysis 304 optimization parameter, DIFSIZ 213 OPTIMIZE keyword 69 .OPTION (X0R, X0I) 693 .OPTION (X1R, X1I) 694 .OPTION (X2R, X2I) 695 .OPTION ABSH 342 .OPTION ABSI 343 .OPTION ABSMOS 345 .OPTION ABSTOL 346 .OPTION ABSV 347 .OPTION ABSVAR 348 .OPTION ABSVDC 349 .OPTION ACCT 746 .OPTION ACCURATE 350 combined with FAST option 768 combined with FAST option and GEAR method


OCT keyword 25, 69, 305 ODELAY command 706 OFF option 551 .OP command 228 op-amps model, names 211 operating point capacitance 386


Index O





Index O




Index O




Index P


data format 518, 574 limiting 483 significant digits specification 548 specifying 502 storing 522 data, redirecting 8 files reducing size of 684 version number, specifying 3, 11 .MEASURE results 167 plotting 743744 printing 247?? printout format 481 redirecting 8, 11 variables printing 492 probing 249 specifying significant digits for 548 ovari 286

.PARAM command 232 parameters AC sweep 24 DC sweep 68 defaults 557 FROM 192 IC 77 inheritance 557 ITROPT optimization 213 matrix 741 names .MODEL command parameter name 212 simulator access 147 skew, assigning 148 UIC 77, 135 PARHIER option 557 PARMIN optimization parameter 213 .PAT command 236 path names 558 path numbers, printing 558 PATHNUM option 558, 561 p-channel JFETs models 211 MOSFETs models 211 peak-to-peak value measuring 183


Index R

PERIOD command 709 PERIOD statement 709 periodic pime-dependent noise analysis 254 .PHASENOISE command 238 PHASENOISEAMPM option 564 PHASENOISEKRYLOVDIM option 559 PHASENOISEKRYLOVITER option 560 PHNOISELORENTZ option 563 pivot algorithm, selecting 565 reference 757 PIVOT option 565 pivot option 565 PIVREF option 757 PIVREL option 759 PIVTOL option 566 .PKG command 241 PLIM option 760 plot models 211 value calculation method 351 .PLOT command 743 in .ALTER block 32 pnp BJT models 211 POI keyword 25, 69, 305 pole-zero (X0R, X0I) option 693 (X1R, X1I) option 694 (X2R, X2I) option 695 CSCAL option 396, 509 FSCAL option 441 GSCAL option 450 PZABS option 577 PZTOL option 578 RITOL option 596 pole-zero analysis FMAX option 439 maximum iterations 491 polygon, defining 267 POST option 567 POST_VERSION option 570 POSTLVL option 569 POSTTOP option 572 .POWER command 243 power operating point table 228 .POWERDC command 245

power-dependent S parameter extraction 119 PP 183, 187 PP keyword 183, 195 .PRINT command 246 in .ALTER 32 printing Jacobian data 555 printout disabling 382, 550 suppressing 251 value calculation method 351 .PROBE command 249 PROBE option 573 propogation delays measuring 171 with .MEASURE 169 .PROTECT command 251 protecting data 251 PSF option 574 PTDNOISE overview 254 .PTDNOISE command 252 PTDNOISE with .MEASURE command 198 PURETP option 575 pushout bisection 199 PUTMEAS option 576 .PZ command 256 PZABS option 577 PZTOL option 578

RADIX scommand 710 RANDGEN option 581 reference temperature 298 RELH option 582 RELI option 494, 583 RELIN optimization parameter 213 RELMOS option 345, 494, 585 RELOUT optimization parameter 213 RELQ option 586 RELTOL option 388 RELTOLoption 587 RELV option 436, 516, 588 RELVAR option 589 RELVDC option 590


Index S

resistance 593 RESMIN option 593 RESULTS keyword 69 RF .MEASURE PTDNOISE 198 RF commands .SNNOISE 271, 275 RIN keyword 741 Rise 169 rise and fall times 171 RISE keyword 175, 179 rise time example 53 specify 715, 717 verify 53 RISETIME option 594 RITOL option 596 RMAX option 597 RMIN option 598 RMS keyword 183, 195 ROUT keyword 741 row/matrix ratio 759 RUNLVL option 599 N value effect on other options 770

.SAMPLE 257 .SAMPLE command 257 sampling noise 257 .SAVE command 258 SAVEHB option 603 SAVESNINIT option 604 SCALE option 606 SCALM option 607 SDA option 761 SEARCH option 608 SEED option 609 .SENS command 260 Setup 17 .SHAPE command 262 Defining Circles 264 Defining Polygons 265 Defining Rectangles 263 Defining Strip Polygons 267 Shooting Newton syntaxes 269

significant digits 518 SIM_ACCURACY option 611 SIM_DSPF option 614 SIM_DSPF_ACTIVE option 616 SIM_DSPF_DELTAI option 612 SIM_DSPF_DELTAV option 613 SIM_DSPF_INSERROR option 617 SIM_DSPF_LUMPCAPS option 618 SIM_DSPF_MAX_ITER option 619 SIM_DSPF_RAIL option 620 SIM_DSPF_SCALEC option 621 SIM_DSPF_SCALER option 622 SIM_DSPF_VTOL option 623 SIM_LA option 625 SIM_LA_FREQ option 626 SIM_LA_MAXR option 627 SIM_LA_MINC option 628 SIM_LA_MINMODE option 763 SIM_LA_TIME option 629 SIM_LA_TOL option 630 SIM_ORDER option 631 SIM_OSC_DETECT_TOL option 632 SIM_POSTAT option 633 SIM_POSTDOWN option 634 SIM_POSTSCOPE option 635 SIM_POSTSKIP option 636 SIM_POSTTOP option 637 SIM_POWER_ANALYSIS option 638 SIM_POWER_TOP option 639 SIM_POWERDC_ACCURACY option 640 SIM_POWERDC_HSPICE option 641 SIM_POWERPOST option 642 SIM_POWERSTART option 643 SIM_POWERSTOP option 644 SIM_SPEF option 645 SIM_SPEF_ACTIVE option 646 SIM_SPEF_INSERROR option 647 SIM_SPEF_LUMPCAPS option 648 SIM_SPEF_MAX_ITER option 649 SIM_SPEF_PARVALUE option 650 SIM_SPEF_RAIL option 651 SIM_SPEF_SCALEC option 652 SIM_SPEF_SCALER option 653 SIM_SPEF_VTOL option 654 SIM_TG_THETA option 655


Index S

SIM_TG_TRAP option 656 simulation accuracy 350, 511 accuracy improvement 429 multiple analyses, .ALTER command 32 multiple runs 91 reducing time 62, 358, 429, 480, 487, 657, 676 results plotting 743744 printing 247 specifying 167 title 302 Simulation Runs 18 skew, parameters 148 slew rate verification 56 SLEW, .CHECK command 56 SLOPE command 711 SLOPETOL option 657 small-signal, DC sensitivity 260 .SN command 269 SNACCURACY option 658 SNCONTINUE option 659 .SNFT command 272 SNMAXITER option 660 .SNNOISE command 271, 275 .SNOSC command 277 .SNXF command 280 source AC sweep 24 DC sweep 68 S-parameter, model type 211 SPICE compatibility AC output 351 plot 760 SPMODEL option 664 START keyword 304 statements .AC 24 .ACMATCH 27 .ALIAS 30 .ALTER 32, 78 alter block 15 .BIASCHK 35 .CHECK EDGE 45 .CHECK FALL 47 .CHECK GLOBAL_LEVEL 48

.CHECK HOLD 49 .CHECK IRDROP 51 .CHECK RISE 53 .CHECK SETUP 55 .CHECK SLEW 56 .CONNECT 58 .DATA 61 external file 61 inline 61 .DC 68, 70 .DCMATCH 73 .DCVOLT 77, 135 .DEL LIB 78 .DISTO 83, 84 .DOUT 85 .EBD 87 .ELSE 89 .ELSEIF 90 .END 91 .ENDDATA 92 .ENDIF 93 .ENDL 94, 147 .ENDS 95, 99 .ENV 96 .ENVFFT 97 .ENVOSC 98 .EOM 99 .FFT 100 .FOUR 107 .FSOPTIONS 108 .GLOBAL 111 .GRAPH 737 .HB 112 .HBAC 115 .HBLIN 116 .HBLSP 118 .HBNOISE 120 .HBOSC 123 .HBXF 128 .HDL 129 .IBIS 131 .IC 77, 135 .ICM 137 .IF 139 .INCLUDE 89, 91, 139, 141, 259 .LAYERSTACK 144 .LIB 146, 147 nesting 147


Index T

.LIN 150 .LOAD 154 .LPRINT 156 .MACRO 160 .MALIAS 163 .MATERIAL 165 .MEASURE 167, 518, 522 .MODEL 210 .MOSRA 218 .MOSRAPRINT 222 .NET 741 .NODESET 223 .NOISE 225 .OP 228, 229 .PARAM 232 .PAT 236 .PERIOD 709 .PHASENOISE 238 .PKG 241 .PLOT 743 .POWER 243 .POWERDC 245 .PRINT 246 .PROBE 249 .PROTECT 251 .PZ 256 .SAMPLE 257 .SAVE 258 .SENS 260 .SHAPE 262 .SNFT 272 .SNOSC 277 .SNXF 280 .STIM 285 .SUBCKT 292 .SURGE 295 .SWEEPBLOCK 296 .TEMP 298 .TF 301 .TITLE 302 .TRAN 303 .UNPROTECT 312 .VARIATION 313 .VEC 315 .WIDTH 745 .STATEYE command 282 STATFL option 665 statistical eye diagram analysis 282

statistics, listing 746 .STIM command 285 subcircuit commands 18 subcircuits calling 161, 293 global versus local nodes 111 names 160, 292 node numbers 160, 292 parameter 95, 99, 160, 161, 292, 293 printing path numbers 558 .SUBCKT command 292 .SURGE command 295 sweep data 522 frequency 26 SWEEP keyword 25, 69, 304 .SWEEPBLOCK command 296 SYMB option 668

Tabular Data section time interval 709 TARG_SPEC 169 target specification 169, 178 TDELAY command 713 TEMP keyword 25, 69 model parameter 298 .TEMP (or) .TEMPERATURE command 298 temperature AC sweep 24 DC sweep 68 derating 298, 299 reference 298 .TF command 301 TFALL command 715 TIC model parameter 739 time 228 See also CPU time TIMERES option 669 timestep algorithms 429 calculation for DVDT=3 440 changing size 586 control 440, 589, 676 maximum 479, 488, 597 minimum 480, 487, 598


Index U

reversal 348 transient analysis algorithm 511 .TITLE command 302 title for simulation 302 TMI flow 670 TNOM option 298, 673 TO keyword 183, 187, 193 TOL keyword 257 TOP keyword 258 .TRAN command 303 TRANFORHB option 674 transient analysis Fourier analysis 107 initial conditions 77, 135 number of iterations 489 TRAP algorithm See trapezoidal integration TRCON option 675 TRIG keyword 169 TRIG_SPEC 169 trigger specification 169, 178 TRISE command 715, 717 TRIZ command 719 TRTOL option 676 TSKIP command 720 TSTEP multiplier 597, 598 option 597, 598 TUNIT command 721

UIC parameter 77, 135 U-lement, transmission line model 211 .UNPROTECT command 312 UNWRAP option 677

-v argument version information 11 VAMODEL option 678 .VARIATION command 313 .VEC command 315 VEC commands ENABLE 702 IDELAY 703

IO 705 ODELAY 706 OUT, OUTZ 708 PERIOD 709 RADIX 710 SLOPE 711 TDELAY 713 TFALL 715 TRISE 717 TRIZ 719 TSKIP 720 TUNIT 721 VIH 723 VIL 724 VNAME 725 VOH 727 VOL 729 VREF 731 VTH 732 VERIFY option 679 Verilog-A commands 18 version determining 11 H9007 compatibility 752 VFLOOR option 680 Viewlogic graph data file 427 VIH command 723 VIL command 724 VNAME command 725 VNTOL option 436, 681 VOH command 727, 729 VOL command 729 voltage initial conditions 77, 135 iteration-to-iteration change 428 logic high 723, 727 logic low 724 logic low threshold 729 maximum change 348 minimum DC analysis 349 listing 680 transient analysis 347 operating point table 228 tolerance MBYPASS multiplier 516 value for BYPASS 385 VOLTAGE keyword 228


Index W

VREF command 731 VREF statement 731 VTH command 732

WSF output data 749, 761

XDTEMP option 691 XGRID model parameter 739 XMAX model parameter 739 XMIN model parameter 739 XSCAL model parameter 739

WACC option 682 warnings limiting repetitions 684 suppressing 547 WARNLIMIT option 684 WDELAYOPT option 685 WEIGHT keyword 184, 192 W-elements transmission line model 211 WHEN keyword 176 WHEN, using with .MEASURE 174 .WIDTH command 745 WINCLUDEGDIMAG option 688 WL option 689 WNFLAG option 690

YGRID model parameter 739 YMAX parameter 192, 739 YMIN parameter 192, 739 YSCAL model parameter 740

ZUKEN option 764


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