IRC 5-1998 Standards Specifications and Code of Practice For Road Bridges
IRC 5-1998 Standards Specifications and Code of Practice For Road Bridges
IRC 5-1998 Standards Specifications and Code of Practice For Road Bridges
Published by THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS. Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110 011 1998 Price Rs. 120.00 (plus posrage & packing)
lRC : 5-1998 First Published in January, 1956 Second Revision :October, 1960 Reprinted : May, 1962 Reprinted : September, 1963 Third Revision : September, 1964 Fourth Revision in metric units : September, 1966 Repritited : October, 1967 Reprinted :November, 1969 Fifth Revision :December, 1970 Reprinted : June, 1973 Reprinted : October, 1975 Reprinted : July, 1977 (Incorporates AmendmentNo. I-February, 1977) Reprinted : June, 1980 (Incorporates Amendment No. 2-November, 1977) and Amendment No. 3-January, 1979) Reprinted : April, 1983 Sixth Revision :April, 1985 Reprinted : 1991 (Incorporates Amendment No. 4-April, 1987) Reprinted : September, 1993 Reprinted : January, 1996 Seventh Revision : December, 1998 Reprinted : September, 2000 Reprinted : April, 2002 Reprinted : October, 2004 Reprinted : January, 2006 MEMBERS OF THJ3 BRIDGE SPECWICATIONS AND STANDARDS COMhlI'iTEE (As an 12.3.97) A.D. Nanin* (Convenor) The ChieiEngineer (B) S&R (Member-Secretary) S.S. Chaknborty U(i(RD1& Addl Srcmtvy to [hi. Gobt ~f Indn. lln8stry of Surface Tnnrpon (Ruds LVtng). Tnn;pon Hhxuzn. Xcw Delht-l lWOl Ministry of SurfseeTranspon (Roads Wing). Tnnspon Bhawan. Ncw Delhi-1 1WOl Managing Director,ConrullingEngg. Services (1) Pvt. Ltd.. 57; Nchru Place. New Delhi-I I0019 Dicsit~r, Stmctunl Enp;. Rcr Centre. Sector. .V. Centnl Go;,. En:lave. Kmla Nellru 'lagar. PB NU 10. Chnz83bad-201002 DG(RD) & Addl. Secretary (Rcld.). 56. Nalmda Apanmenm. Vikspuri. NEWDelhi Punjab PWD. B&R Bmch. Patiala Tcchntcd AJvtser to Metropol~txn Comrm A.1. Su:neht Plot N 22. Arun Kumar Vxdla o Nag". Handrz Rrclm3tron. Mu,nb>~.400050 Chief Engineer (PIC). Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing). Transpon Bhawan NewDelhi-IIOM)I Centnl Public W6rkr Depmment. Nilma Bhavun. New Delhi (Shri H.P. Jarndar) R&B Dcpmment. Block No. 14. New Sachivalnya. 2nd Floor, Gmdhinagar-382010 (Shri D. Sree Rnma Munhy). National Highways. lmm Manril. Hydcmbad-500482
Head. Bridges Division. Central Rond Res. Inrtilulc. P.O. CRRI. Delhi-Mathun Road.
N.K. Sinhs
Ncw Dclhi-110020 13. C.R. Alimchnndani Choirtlion & Managing Dimctor. STUP Consultants Ltd.. 1004-5. Rvhejn Chambers 213. Nanrnan Point. Mumbai-400021
Printed at Sagar Printers & Publishers, N e w Delhi-110003 (500 copies)
ADG(B) king not in position. The meeting was presided by Shri A.D. Narain. DG(RD)& Addl. Secrrlarjy to [he Govt of India. Ministry cf Surface Tnnspon
IRC:5- 1998
14. 15. Dr. S.K. Thakkar M.K. Bhagwvgar Professor. Department of Emhquake Engg.. University of Roarkee. Roorkee-247667 Consulti!~gEngineer.Eng Consultants (P) Ltd., F-14/15, Connaught jlacc, Innercircle. 2nd Floor. New Delhi-I 10001 The Chief Engineer (NH) The Chief Engineer (NH) The Chief Engineer (NH) 17. 18. P.D. Wani S.A. Reddi Secretary to the Govt. oiMnhanshrm, P.W.D.. Mnntnlaya, Mumbni"XKX)32
I>)Mnnagang Dmctor. Gammon lndn Ltd Gammon Hourc. Vccr S a v u k u Mug. Pnbh3dsvb.Mumbv 400025
(Shri D.Guha), Public Works Depmment. Writers' Building. Block C. Calcutta-700001 M.P. Public Works Depmment. Bhopal-462004 (Shri P.D. Aganvnl), U.P. PWD, PWD Quaners Kabir M q Clay Square. Lucknow-226W1 Offg. DDG (Br.). Dy. Director General (B), West Block-IV. Wing I. R.K. Punm, New Delhi-I10066 324, Mandakini Enclave. Alkananda, NewDelhi-110019 ChiefEngineer. PWD (Roads) Assam. P.O. Chundmari. GuwnhatiJSIW3 H.P. Jamdar, Secretary to the Govt. of Gujmt, R&B Deparnnent. Sachivalaya. 2nd Floor. Gandhinagar-382010 A.D. Nanin, DGIRD) & Addl. Secretary lo thc Govt. of India. Ministry ofsurface Transpon (Roads Wing). Transpon Bhuwan, New k l h i S.C. Sharma. ChiefEnginecr, Ministry ofSurfaceTmspon (koads Wing). Transpon Bhawnn. New Delhi
B.C. Rno
P.C. Bhasin P.K. Sarmnh President, lndian Ronds Congress
Vijay Kumar
Gencnl Manager. UP State Bridge Corpn. Ltd. 486. Hawa Singh Block. Asind Village. Nrw Delhi-I 1 W 9 Consultant. E-21136. Mahavir Nagar, Bhopal-462016 401182. C.R. Park.New Delhi-l IW19 Managing Director, Tandon Consultants (P) Ltd.. 17. Link Rond, JangpunExtn.. New Delhi Chairman. Construmn Consultancy (P) Ltd.. 2nd Floor. Pinky Plarn. 5th Road. Khar(West) Mumbai.400052 (Shri lndu Pnkash). Minirvy ofsurface Tnnrpon (Roads Wing). Transpan Bhawan. New Dclhi-l I0001 Highwnyr Rwearch Station. 76. Sanhat Patel Road. Chcnnai-600025 Executive Director (B&S), Research Designs & Standards Organisation, Lucknow-22601 I (Shri Vinod Kumar). Bureau of Indian Stundud Manak Bhnvan. 9, BnhadurshahZarfar Mnrg. New Delhi-I10002 Member ( T r ~ h n t c ~ I , .~ l o n a I N Htghw~y ~ u t h ~ r 1of )lndis. I . Esrtcrn Avcnuc. 1 Mahannt B ~ g hNew Delhl-1 10065 . ChiefEngineer (B) South. Ministry of Surface Tnnrpoq(Rords Wing).Tnnrpon Bhawan. New Delhi (ii) I. 2. 40.
C.V. Kand
- Ex-Officio
M.K. Mukherjec
MahtshTandon or. T.N. Subba Rao
- Ex-Officio
- Ex-Officio
25. 28.
Corresponding Members N.V. Merani Dr. G.P. Saha Principal Secretary (Reid.), A-4711344, Advnh Nagar, Warli. Mumbai Chxf Engtncer. Hindurun Construct!on Co Ltd Hineon Hodrc. W B3hzdur Shartn Uwg V~khrul~ Uumbs.400083 (W). Advisor Conrulmt. Consulting Engg. Services (I) Pvt. Lld..57,Nehru Place,New Delhi-l IW19 Emeritus Scientist, Structursl Engg. RES.Centre 399. Pocket E. Mnyur Vihx. Phase 11. Delhi.-I IWI
Pnfulln Kumnr
3. 4.
S.V.R. P a n n g u s m
Section I
Page No
Utilities Approaches to Bridges Bearings & Expansion Joints Bridge Foundations lllumination of Bridge Deck Bridge Aesthetics
Ciarise No. introduction 100 101 102 I03 104 105 106 107 109 109 110 11 1 112. I1 3 114 1 15 116 117 118 Scope Definitions ~ollectiok Data of Determination of Design Discharge Determination of Linear Waterway and Effective Linear Waferway Spacing and Location of Piers and Abutments Vertical Clearances Freeboard Restricted Waterways Obstructions and River Training Determination of the Maximum Depth of Scour Kerbs Width of Carriageway, Footpath &Median Superelevation Clearances Railings, Parapets or Guide Posts Drainage of Carriageway and Surface Filiishes Access for Inspection and Maintenance Road Signs and Signals
121 122
6 12
123 124
Appcndix- 1
The Bridgecode in outline form was originally draftedin 1944-45 by the Bridges Sub-committee. The Code was redrafted by the Office of the Consulting Engineer (Roads) in consultation with the members of the Bridges Committee and was circulated to the Chief Engineers of the Public Works Departments of all States in India. It was also discussedat thelndian Roads Congress Session at Jaipur held in 1946. An expanded Bridges Committee modified !he draft in the light of the comments received from the Chief Engineers of Statcs, the discussions at the Jaipur Session and the discussions at the Bridges Committee meeting held from time to time and this Code was first published in January, 1956. Some changes had later been approved by the Bridges Committee in the light of subsequent discussions at the Committee meetings. The Second a ~ ~ d Revisions were published including the approved Third changes. TheExecutive Committee of thelndian Roadscongress approved the publication of the Fourth Revision in metric units. This Code was revised by the Bridges Committee, and was later published as the Fifth Revision. Subsequently the Sixth revision was broughtout based on the provisions contained in IRC:78-1983, Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges. Section VII - Foundations and substructure. The General Design Features Comrniltee (B-2) (personnel given below) in its meeting heldon 21.1 1.96finalised thedraft "General Features
.. Convenor
This Code deals with the general features of design ofroad bridges and the recommendations of this Code shall apply to all types of bridges constructed for use by road traffic or other moving loads.
D . T Grover D.K. Kanl~crc S.B.Ktllkarni M.R. $:och!'aaho
CE (Design), PWC, Gujon! P.K.Salk33 N.C. Szscn3 A.X. Maokejw Dr. C R .51!13
The following definitions shall be applicable for the purpose of this and other sections of the IRC Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges. 101.1. Bridge
Bridge is a structure having a total length of above 6 metres between the inner faces of thedirk walls for carrying traffic or other moving loads over a depression or obstruction such as channel, road or railway. These bridges.arec1assified as minor and major bridges as perclassification given below :
(3) Minor Bridge
: A minor bridge is 3 bridge having n total length of . upto 60m. : A ~najor bridge is a biidgc havins atotal length of a b v t 60 m.
The Draft was approved by the Bridge Specificr.tions and Standards Committee and the E:cecuti~i~ Committee in their rneelirtgs :!rid on 12.3.97 and 29.3.97 respectively. The draft was approved by the Council in their meeting held at Rizawl on 17.4.97. This publication is rnealtl to servt as a guide for engineers, engaged in the design andtor construstion of road bridges. The provisions herein shall be used with discretion and care shall be taken to ensure that andlor constructed as the stability and soundness of ine struca~rvsdesigced per these provisions arc satisfact~ry. The design and construction o i mad bridges require an extensive and thorough knowledge of thc science and technique involved and should be entrusted only to specially qualified engineers witlh adequate practical e experience in bridge engineering and c c ~ a b l of ecsuring cmeful execution of work.
Bridges shall be graded as important essentially on the basis of the seriousness of the consequences of their distresslfailure and the extent of remedial measures involved. 101.1.1. Culvert
Culvert is .a cross-drainage structure having a total length of 6 metres or less between the inner faces of the dirt walls or extreme ventway boundaries measured at right angles thereto. 101.1.2. Foot bridge
A foot bridge is a bridgeexclusivcly used for carrying pedestrians. cycles and animals.
A high level bridge is a bridge which carries the roadway above thehighest flood level of the channel.
Submersible bridgelvented causeway 101.10. traffic. 101.I 1. Width of Carriageway Safety Kerb
A safety kerb is a roadway kerb for occasional use of pedestrian
A submersible bridgelvented causeway is a bridge designed to be overtopped during floods. 101.2. Channel A channel means a natural or artificial water course. 101.3. Clearance Clearance is the shortest distance between the boundaries at a specified position of a bridge structure. 101.4. Freeboard Freeboard at any point is the difference between the hignest flood level after allowing for afflux, i f any, and the formation level of road embankment on the approaches or top level of guide bunds at that point. 101.5. Highest Flood Level (H.F.L.) Highest flood level is the level of the highest flood ever recorded or the calculated level for the design discharge. 101.6. Low Water Level (L.W.L) Low water level is the level of the water surface obtaining generally in the dry season and shall be specified in case of each bridge. 101.7. Length of a ridge The length of a bridge structure will be taken as the overall length measured along the centre line of the bridge between inner faces of dirtwalls. 101.8. Linear Waterway Linear waterway of a bridge is the width of the waterway between the extreme edges of water surface a1 the highest flood level measured at right angles to the abutment faces. 101.9. Effective Linear Waterway Effective linear waterwily is the total width of the waterway of the bridgeat HFLminus theeffective width ofobstruction. Theeffective width of obstruction is to be worked out as per Clause No. 104.6.
The width of carriageway .is the minimum clear width measured at right angles to the longitudinal centre lineof the bridge between the inside faces of roadway kerbs or wheel guards. 101.12. Width of Footway o r Safety Kerb
The width of footway or safety kerb shall be taken as the minimum clear width any where within a height of 2.25 metres above the sdrface of the footway orsafety kerb, such width being measured at right angles to the cenue line of the bridge, Fig. 1.
Super elevation is the transverse inclination given to the cross-section of a carriageway on a horizontal curve in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force on a moving vehicle.
All detailed information For a complete and proper appreciation of the bridge project shall be included in the projectdocuments. Generally, the following information shall be furnished. 102.1. General Data including Maps, Plans a n d Topographical Features
3 h site plan, to a suitable scale, showing details of the site scl.:cted and e::tending not less than 100 metres upstream and dov,nstrenm fro):? the coi~treline of the crossing and covering the approaches to a r3fGcient distance, which in the case of a major bridge, shall not be lesi ib?;! 500 metres on either side of the channel. In case the river is meandering in the vicinity of the bridge site, the course of the river extending a suitable distance not less than two loops on either side of the proposed crosniiig shall be plotted on the site plan. The following i!.<ormaiion si?s!l be indicated OR the site plan.
An index map toasuitable small scale (toposheets in 102.1.1. scale one cm to 500 m or 1150,000 would do in most cases) showing the proposed location of the bridge, the alternative sites investigated and rejected, the existing means of communication, the general topography of the country, and the important towns, villages etc. in the vicinity. A contour survey plan of the stream showing all 102.1.2. topographical features and extending upstream and downstream of any of the proposed sites, to thk distances shown below, (or such other greater distances as the engineer responsible for the design may direct) and to a sufficient distance on either side to give a clear indication of the topographical or other features that might influence the location and design of the bridge and its approaches. All sites for crossings worth consideration shall be shown on the plan. 100 m for catchment areas less than 3 square km (scale not less than 1 cm to 10 m or 111000) 300m for catchment areas of 3 to 15 square km (scale not less than I cm to I0 m or 1l1000) One and a half km or the width between the banks, whichever is more, for catchment areas more than 15 square km (scale not less than 1 cm to 50m or 1/5000) In case of meandering rivers, the provisions made in Clauses, and may he suitably reviewed. In difficuit country and for crossings over mificial channels, theengineerresponsible for thedesign may permit discretion to be used regarding these limits of distances, provided that the plans give sufficient information on the course of the channel and the topographical features near the bridge site. 'The numeof tiiechanirel or bridge and of the road and the identiilc:.don number allotted to the crossing with the location (in kilometres) at the cciilie of crossing.
! 2 ! TI~r.direction l l o t ~ ~ of of~:~:acrar rnaximun? d ~ s c h ~ g e and, if po:;si:)lc, i ! : i e:.i:ni aide! intion at lo:/er discharges. The alignment of existing approaches and of the p~d:>3sed crossing and its approaches. 102.!.3.4. aligned on a skew. The angle and direction of skew if the crossing is The name of the ncarest inhabited identifiable locality at either cnd of the crossing on the roads leading to the site. Reference and R.L. of permanent stations and bench marks used for layout duly connected to G.T.S. benchmark, wherever available. ' The location and identification number of the cross-section and longitudinal section taken within the scope of the site plan, and the exact location of their extreme points. The location of trial pits or borings, each being given an identification number and connected to the datum. The location of all nullahs, buildings, places of worship, wells, burial grounds, outcrops of rocks and other possible obstructions, whichmay affect the approach alignment. 102.1.4. C:oss-section of the channel at the site of the proposed crossing and a few cross-sections at suitable distances both upstream and downstream (at least !wo cross-sections, oile upstream and
other downstream of the proposed site), all to a horizontal scale not less than I cm to 10 m (111000) and vertical scale of not less than 1 cm to I m (11100) recording the bed levels alongwith the corresponding flood levels and indicating the following information. The bed levels upto the top of hanks and the ground levels to asufficient distance beyond the edges of the channels, with levels at intervals sufficiently close to give a clear outline of markedly uneven features of the bed or ground sho\.iing right and left banks and namcs of villages on each side. The nature of the existing surface soil in bed, banks and approaches and the location and depth of trial pits or horings with their respective identification number. The highest llood level and the low water level
102.2.1. A brief description of the reasons for selection of a particular site for the crossing accompanied, if necessary, with typical cross-sections of the channel at alternative sites investigated and rejected: 102.2.2. The cardinal principles to be kept in view at the time of selection of a particular bridge site including river training works are to provide a suitable crossing consistent with safety and economy and acceptable detour from the existing road alignment. The following shall be the guiding considerations in this regard :i) Bridge upto a length of 60 m The location shall eenerallv be eoverned bv the aooroach alignment w ~ t hmynimun; shifiing for impruve~;nr of geomerrics. ~f required, unless there 3re special bridge dwgn problems. ii) Bridges having total lengths between 60 m and 300 m. Requirement of a suitable briilge site and proper alignment of approaches should be considered together and the most suitable sitk selected.
iii) For tidal streams, recordofthe.tidal information.over as long aperiod as possible, including any local informatiori specific to the site of work. The form eiven below is recommended for c re sen tine such a record.
Highest high water (HHW) Mean high water springs (MHWS) Mean high water (MHW) Mean high water neaps (MHWN) Mean sea level (MSL) Mean low water neaps (MLWN) Mean low water (MLW) Mean low water springs (MLWS) Chart Datum Lowest low water (LLW) In coastal areas which are prone to cyclone and slams. increase in water level due to storm surge. For bridges across sea maximum wave height above MSL. 102.1.5. A longitudinal section of the channel, showing the site of the bridge with the highest flood level, the low water level (also the highest high tide level and the lowest low tide level for tidal channels), and the bed levels at suitably spaced intervals along the approximatecentre line of the deep water channel between the approximate points to which the survey plan required in Clause 102.1.2 extends. The horizontal scale shall be the same as for the survey plan and the vertical scale not less than I c k to I0 m or 111000.
Bridges having total lengths in excess of 300 m. The requ~rcment rhe mosr suitable site ~11311 of hove over-riding cunsidcratiun and !he sit? so sclected shall regulate the approach alignments
102.3.1. The size, shape and surface characteristics of the catchment including percolation and interception. 102.3.2. cross directions. The slope of the catchment, both in longitudinal and
The possibility of subsequent changes in the 102.3.3. catchment like aforestation, deforestation, urban development, extention of or reduction in cultivated area etc.
102.3.5. The intensity, frequency, duration and distribution of rainfall in the catchment giving maximum in 24 hours and in one hour and average annual rainfall characteristics alongwith relevant meteorological records. 102.3.6. Hydrogmphs for one or more years, if possible, and in the absence of such data, fluctuations of the water level observed during different months of the year. 102.3.7. The highest flood level and the year of its occurrence delimiting tfie areas flooded. If the flood level is affected by backwater, details of the same. 102.3.8. A'chart of the period of high flood levels for as many years as the relevant data has been recoded. 102.3.9. to he affected. 102.3.10. The influence of afflux on areas in the vicinity likely Low water level.
nature and properties of the various strata to s sufficient depth below the level suitable for foundations and the safe intensity of pressure on the foundation soil (as far as pi-acticable, the spacing of trial pits or bore holes shall be such as to provide a full description of all substrata layers along the whole length and width of the crossing). 102.4.2. Proneness ofthe site toartesiancondition. earthquake disturbance and its magnitude. 102.5. Sub-surface Data
Sub-surfitcc cxplor3tron. snmphng, ~n-situ testing and Inbor3rory icsts for dcter~ninrnr dcsirn mrnmetsr. for the bridae foundation shill1 the becarried out in accordance 4 t h ' ~ l a u s 704ofI.R.C. ~ z d ~ e ~ o d e , e Section VII (IRC:78). 102.6. Environmental Data
Information regarding usual annual temperature range, susceptibility to severe storms, cyclones, tidal effects etc., and probable wind velocity, rainfall characteristics, indication of period of rainy seasons. relative humidity and salinity or presence of harmful chemicals in the subsoil, water and environment. 102.7. Loading a n d Other Data
102.3.11. The design discharge (Clause 103), th'e linear watenvay (Clause 104) and corresponding average velocity of flow. 102.3.12. T h e observed maximum depth of scour with corresponding level and details of obstruction or any other special causes responsible for the scour 102.3.13. History of hydraulic functioning of existing bridge, if any, under flood likedistribution of flow, general direction of river course through the structure, afflux, extent and magnitude of flood, effect of backwater, if any, aggradationldegradation of the bed, evidence of scour, damage to structure and adjacent property, maintenance problems and records of any other bridges across the same river in the vicinity etc. These observations may be supplemented by photographic documentation. 102.4. Geologicd a n d Seismological Data for particular Bridge Site Sdected
102.7.1. The load for which the bridge is to be designed shall be as per relevant clauses of IRC:6 with aliy specific variation from those clauses, if required to cover special load conditions. 102.7.2. Special local conditions like traffic intensify and pattern to enable the designer io fix the loading to be adopted for the footpath and to fix number of traffic lanes required. 102.7.3. Utilities or services, if any, to be carried over.the bridge and if so, nature thereof (e.g. Telephone Cables. Water Conduits, Gas Pipes, etc.) and relevant information regarding size, arrangement, etc. 102.7.4.\ The minimum vertical and horizontal clearances required for any special requirement like navigation, aggradation ofthe bed. etc., and the basis on which it is suggested. An index map showing location of rail and road 102.7.5. bridges, if any, crossing the same channel or its tributaries within a
The nature and properties of the existing soil in bed, 102.4.1. banksand approaches, with trial pit or bore holesectionsshowingthe levels.
reasonable distance of the proposed bridge and a note (with sketches or drawings) giving important details of such bridges. A note stating whether large trees and rolling debris 102.7.6. etc., are likely to float down the channel at the proposed bridge site. 102.7.7. Details of protective works, including guidebunds. if any, provided for structures across the same stream, upstream or downstream alongwith data of their behaviour, depth of scour etc. 102.8. Any other additional information including krrther details regarding floods and bridges in the vic;.?ity alongwith their performance which may be considered essential for complete and proper appreciation of the project.
R.K. Puram, New Delhi. The methodology recommended in the relevant sub-zone report pertaining to a particular region may be followed for assessment of maximum discharge for the design of bridges.
103.2. Where possible, more than one method shall be adopted, results compared, and the maximum discharge fixed by judgement by the engineer responsible for the design. The bridge shall be designed for this maximum discharge. However, for catchment nreas covered by sub-zones mentioned in Appendix l(a), the maximum discharge shall be assessed on the basis of the flood estiination report for the said sub-zone. 103.3. Freak ilood discharges or exceptional discharges of high intensity due to the failure of a dam or tank constructed upstream of the bridge need not be catered for and the maximum estimated discharge flood discharge from the from the catchment area or normal ~ e a k d~ndspillw3y bc ascertained lrom the irrigation ~uthoritie$,whichever (to is more. sliall bc considered for design of thc bridge.
'File design discharge for which the waterway of the 103.1. bridge is lo be desizned, shall be based on maximum flood discharge of 50 yearss return cyclc. In case where the requisite information is not available, the design discharge ~11311 the maximum estimated discliarge determined be by consideration of the following or any other rational method. 103.1.1. From the records available, if any, of discharge observed in the sfream at the site of the bridge, or at any other site in its vicinity. 103.1.2. catchment :
i) ii)
111cases where the design discharge cannot be properly qrrantified and it1 spill zones of rivers krzown for freak nlay floods, the ab~ttnrents be designedas abutment piers to leave scope forfirtlrre extension.
104.1. For artificial channels (irrigation, navigation and drainage), the effective linear waterway should be adequate to pass the full discharge at designed velocity but concurrence shall invariably he obtained from the authority controlling the channel. If it is proposed to flume the channel a1 thesite of the bridge, this fluming shall be subject to the consent of the same authority and in accordance wiih the essential requirements. 104.2. For non-meandering channels in alluvial beds but with well defined banks and for all natural channels irr beds with rigid inerodible boundaries, the linear waterway shall be the distance between banks at that water surface elevation, at which the designed maximum discharge determined i n accordance with Clause 103, can be passed without creating harmful afflux. 104.3. . For natural channels in alluvial beds and having undefined banks, the effective linear waterway shall be determined from dischar~e uslnp sonie accepted rational formula at the discretion
103.1.3. By the area velocity method with the help of hydraulic characteristics of the channel. 103.1.4. By unit Hydrograph Method (See Appendix-I). Flood estimation reports in respect of total 21 climatic sub-zones (Appendix 1(a)) in the country have been prepared based on the hydro-meteorological data collected for selected catchments of areas varying from 25 to 1500 and are available with the Director. Hydrology (small catchments), Central Water Commission. Sewa Bhavan,
of the engineer responsible for the design. One such formula for regiine conditions is :
<on;eitirallon oiilov~. ,cuur. sil~ilt; flc,;~ ill levels, Lccl levels eic. These elfecis sh;ill bc ;oilsidticd ;:I 112.2 c!;:i?ii ,! :~rici$!:s J c r c i ~ d i i ~ e , upon whether the proposed site of the bridge is upsirearn or ;ownsircam a dam or a barrage, or wier etc.
regime width in metres (equal to effective linear waterway under regime condition) the design maximum discharge in m3/sec; aconstanr uslinlly taken as 4.8 for regimecltannels but it may vary fmni 4.5 to 6.3 according to local conditions.
Since the above parameters depend on many factors 104.8.2. which are varying from site to site, no uniform guidelines can possibly be laid down. Such problems may be jointly taken up with the concerned Departments and suitable provision made in the bridge design.
104.4. If the river is of a flashy t~ature the bed does not and submit readily to the scouring effects of the flood, the waterway should be determined by ihearea velocity method taking intoaccount thedesign flood level and its waterspread, the characteristics.of thebed materials and the water surface slope. 104.5. In cases of bridges located in tidal zones, where iris decided to adopt measures likely to affect the volume of the tidal flow and other characteristics of the tide, it shall be ensured that no port or harbour or other installations in tlre proximity of the bridge are adversely affected. 104.6. For calculating the effective linear waterway (as defined in Clause 101.9), the width of obstruction due to each pier shall be taken as the mean submerged width of the pier and its foundation upto the normal scour level. ?he obstruction at the ends due to the abutments or pitched slopes duly protected shall be ignored. 104.7. For unstable meandering rivers flowing through a number of subchannels separated by land or shallow section of nearly stagnant water and having width much in excess of the regime width, it is necessary to constrict the channel by providing training works to prevent the main channel from wandering about freely and for minimising the resultaitt oblique attack on bridge foulidations and approaches. The extent of constriction and the design of training works in such cases should, preferably, be decided on the basis of model studies, keeping in view the ultimate economy, safety, durability and aiming at optimal recurring maintenance needs of the structui-e. 104.8.
I'icrs and abutments shall he so locitted as to make the 105.1. best use of the foundation conditions available. 105.2. Keeping in view Clause 105.1 abovc, the number of supports and their locations shall be so fixed as to provide the most economical design of the bridge and at tlre same time satisfy s. e c i a l . ~ requirements, if any, for navigation, railvcays or other crossings in consultation with the concerned authorities, floating logs or debris and bridge aesthetics, etc.
105.3. The alignment of the piersattd abutmcntsshall, as far as possible, be parallel to the mean direction of flo\x in the channel, as vfell 3s 1 1 dirc;ti,~~t i o t l r c i~icrsI.I 1s ~ r .I ; I ~ ) U ~ I I I C I I [i S t11c vicinit), hut p i ~ b n Islon ,boll be ~n;tde :.c;iin,t lr;~rr~~ful oil ti: st:tl>ili:\ i~itlie cil'ccts bridre structure and on the maiztenance of the channel banks, ~ o n t ~ ~ u to u s o thebridge diic to any temporary variations in the direction and velocity of the current. 105.4. Placing a pier at [lie deepest portio~rof an active channel may he avoided by suitably adjusting the number and length of the spans.
In the case o f a channel, vertica! clearance is usunlly 106.1. the height from the design highest flood ievel with afflus ofthe channel to the lowest point of the bridge superstructure 31 the position along tile bridge where :Icarancc is being denoted. Clearance slia11 be allowed according to navigational 106.2. anti-obstruction requirements in coi~sultationwith the concerned authorities. Where these considerations do not arise, the vertical clearance shall ordinarily hens follows :
104.8.1. Presence of dams, barmges, wiers, sluice gates etc., on therivzrs affect their hydraulic characteristics l i l x causing obliquiry and
106.2.1. For openings of high level bridges, which have a flw soffit or soffit with a very flat curve, the minimum clearance shall be in accordance with the following table. The minimum clearance shall be measured from the lowest point of the deck structure inclusive of main girder in the central half of the clear opening unless otherwise specified. Discharge in m31sec Upto 0.3 Above 0.3 & upto 3.0 Above 3.0 & upto 30.0 Above 30.0 & upto 300 Above 3W & upto 3000 Above 3000 Minimum vertical clearance in mm. 150
Restriction of the waterway as determined by Clause 104 may be done giving careful consideration to the resulting effects based on site conditions in the individual cases. When the waterway is restricted to such an extent that the resultant afflux will cause the channel to discharge at erosive velocities, protection against damage by scour shall be afforded by providing deep foundations, curtain or cut-off walls, rip-rap, bed pavement, bearing piles, sheet piles or other suitable means. Likewise, embankment slopes adjacent to all structures subjet .to erosion shall be adequately protected by pitching, revetment walls or other suitable measures.
900 1200 1500
106.2.2. For arched openings of high level bridges having overhead decking, the clearance below the crown of the arch shall not be less than one tenth of the maximum depthof water plus one-third of the rise of rile arch intrados. 106.2.3. In structures provided with metallic bearings, no part of rhe bearings shali be at a height less than MO mm above the design highest flood level taking into account afflux. 106.2.4. In the case of artificial channels having controlled flows and carrying no floating debris, the engineer responsible for design may, at his discretion, provide less vertical clearance than that specified in Clauses 106.2.1 8r 106.2.2 above. 106.2.5.
across aggrading rivers, silting of the bed of the river should also be taken
Obstruction in the channel bed likely to divert the current or cause unduedisturbed flow orscour and thereby endanger the safety of the bridge shall be removed as far as practicable from within a distance upstream and downstream of the bridge not less than the length of the bridge subject to a minimum of 100 metres in each direction. Attention shall be given to river training and protection of banks over such lengths of the river as required.
The probable maximum depth of scour to be taken 110.1. for the purpose of designing foundations for piers, abutments and river training works shall be estimated after conside,ring all local conditions over a reasonable period of time. The following may help in deciding the maximum scour depth.
Wherever possible. soundings for the purpose of 1 10.1.1. determining the depth of scour shall be taken in the vicinity of the site proposed for the bridge: Such soundings are best taken during or immediately after a flood before the scour holes have had time to silt up appreciably. Allowance shall be made in the observed depth for increased scour resulting from :
i) ii)
107.1. The freeboard for the approaches to high levei bridges sl~all be less than 1750 mm. not !07..2. For aggrading rivers in Himalayan foot-hills and floccl-pone areas of North-Eastern States, North Rengal etc.. the freeboard oe suitably increased.
the design discharge being greater than the flood discharge. the increase in velocity due to obstruction in. flow caused by constructionof the bridge. the'increase in scour in the proximity of piers and guide bunds.
D i s c h a r g e f o r D e s i g n of F o u n d a t i o n s a n d Protection Works
The value of 'ksf for various grades of bed materials normally encountered are given below for general guidance only. weighted mean diameter of particle in mm, dm 0.081 0.120 0.158 0.233 0.323 0.505 0.725 0.988 1.290 Value of silt factor ksf
To provide for an adequate margin of safety, the foundation and protection works shall be designed for a larger discharge which should be a per cent over the design discharge given in Clause 103, for which reference may be made to the retevant provision contained in IRC:7S (Bridge Code Section VII). 110.1.3. The following theoretical method may be adopted when dealing with the natural channels flowing i n non-co-herent alluvium for the estimation of mean depth of scour 'Dsm' in metres.
Type of bed material fine silt fine silt fine silt medium silt standard silt medium sand coarse sand tine bajri &sand heavy sand
The value to be adopted for the purpose of design should be determined after laboratory testing of the representative samples of bed materials collected during the sub-soil exploration.
D b
= the discharge in Cumecs per metre width. The value of 'Db' shall be the maximum of the following :
the total design discharge divided by the effective linear waterway between abutments or guide bunds, as the case may be. the value obtained taking into account any concentration of flow through a ponion of the waterway assessed from the study of the cross-section of the river. Such modification of the value may not be deemed applicable to minor bridges of length uplo 60 m. actual observations, if any
If a river is of flashv nature and the bed does not lend 1 10.1.4. itself readily to the scouring effect of floods, the formula for osrn given in the Clause 110.1.3 shall not apply. In such cases, the maximum depth of scour shall be assessed kom actual observations. For bridges located across streams having bouldery 110.1.5. beds, there is yet no rational formula for determining scour depth. However, the formula given in Clause 110.1.3 may be applied with a b judicious choice of value for D and KSfand the results compared with the actual observations at site or from experiences on similar structure nearby and their performance and decision taken based on sound engineering iudrement. If a w c c a floor at bed is provided, it is essential to check the of these struct&es under various flow conditions to byd;aulic ensure that a standine wave is not formed on the downstream side which may rmult in very heivy scour. It is also essential to check the usual scour that may take place downstream of a bed flooring and to make adequate orovision for the same. If it is not oossible to increase the waterwav and avoid the formation of a standing wave, a depressed pucca floor i n . the downstream may be provided to contain the standing wave within the floor.
iii) k,r
= the silt factor for a representative sample of the bed materials obtained upto the maximum anticipated scour level and is given by the exoression 1 . 7 6 J S i where 'dm' is the weighred mean'diameter of thk bed material in &.
Note :
The effective linear waterway shall be determined in accordance with Clause 101.6 and in no case shall exceed the value assessed as per Clause 104.3.
A typical method of deteimining 'dm' is set forth in Appendix-2.
The section given in Fia. 2 is indicative and shall be 111.1 generally adopted for the road k e r 6 For bridges across deep gorges, major rivers, open sea, breakwaters etc. where crash barriers are not provided, the
road kerb shall be considered as fully unsurmountable. In such cases, the kerb section shown in Fig. 2 shall be suitably modified
comply with the minimum requirements stipulated above. The width of central1 vergelmedian, when provided, shall not be less than 1.2 metres.
In addition, cross-sections of 2-lane and multi-lane bridges shall satisfy the following :
i) For a11 minor bridges of total length upto 60 En, width between the outermost faces of the bridge shall be equal to tllc full roadway width a f t h c approaches subject to a minimum of 10 m for hill roadslother district roods and 12 rn for otliac cases. Far two lane bridgcs hsving total length Inore than 60 lnctrcs in "0x1-urban situations, tho width of the bridgd shnll providc lbr 7.5 m cnrriagcway plus a minimum of 1.5 m wide lbotpath on cithor side, rvherover required. For two lane bridges having total length more thnn 60 m in urban situations, the overall width between tho outermost faces of thc bridge shall be cqual to the full roadway width of the approaches.
iv) FINISHED ROAD SURFACE Fig. 2. Out& of Road Kerb ( C l a w 1 l l . l ) fAllE?imensions are in Millimetm)
For multi-lane bridges, in both urban and aon-urban siiuaiions, the overall width between the outermost faccs of the bridge shall be the same as the full rozd~vaywidth of the appronchos. Wherever footpaths arc provided, their width shall not bc less thnn 1.5 m. T l ~ e width of the mcdian in thc bridge portion shall be kcpt same as that in the approachas.
For bridges on expressways, ; n provisions in sub-clause (iv) i: shall be satisfied and thc carriagewey width sllnll not be less thul the width of cnrriagcway in the approaches plus llard shoulders.
11 1.2. The section of the kerb should be so designed that it would' be safe for vertical and horizontal loads as per relevant Clauses in IRC:6.
1 1 1.3. A safety kerb will have the same outline as that of a roadway kerb except that the top width shall not be less than 750 mm.
For bridges carrying combined road and tramway or 112.2. any other special type of traffic, the widths indicated in Clause 112.1 shall be modified to suit these special requirements.. Vented causeways/submersible bridges shall provide 112.3. for at least two lanes of traffic as specified in Clause 112.1 above unless one lane of traffic is specially permitted in the design. For a bridge on a horizontal curve. the roadway width 1 12.4. shall be increased suitably to conform to the requirements stipulated in the relevant IRC Road Standards.
112.1. For high level bridges constructed for the use of road traffic only, the width of carriageway shall not be less than 4.25 m for a single lane bridge and 7.5 m for a two-lane bridge and shall be increased by 3.5 m forevely additional laneof traffic fora multiple lane bridge. Road bridges shall provide for either one lane, two lanes or multiple of two lanes. Three-lane bridges with two directional traffic shall not be constructed. If a median/central verge is constructed in a wide bridge thus providing two separate carriageways, the carriageway on each side of the verge shall provide for at least two lanes of traffic and-width thereof shall individually
112.5. Whzn a footpath is provided, its widtit shall not be less than 1.5 metres. For urban and populated areas having large concentration of pedestrian traffic, the width of the footpath shall be suitably increased.
for thesuperelevation will he over a d a b o v e the increase in width requited on a curve under Clause 112.4.
113.1. The super elevation on thc deck of a bridge on a horizontal ctlrve shall be provided in accordance with the relevant IRC Road Standards.
113.2. Due allowance shatl be made for the effect of superelevation on the stresses in thc various members of the bridge.
If there is a change of gradient on the bridge deck, 113.3. silitable verticai curve shall be introduced conforming to the stipulations contained in IRCSP-23.
114.1. The minimum horizontal clearance shall be the clear width and the minimum vertical clearance the clear height available for the passage of traffic. 114.2. Thc ~ i ~ i r ~ ~itorizc~ntal vertical cleur:~nce,for l n u ~ n 3nd sinclc Iancnnd muitiole 13ne bridees with vchicol? ;ar'?'.-sbaIl bc assl~own in Fig. 3.
114.3. For Road Over Bridge: across railway lines, horizontal and vertical clearance shall be gover.,dd by the requirements of the Railways as per their specifications.
114.4. Unless otherwise specified, bridges shall have ,all their parts constructed to secure the minimum clevances for traffic given in Fig. 3. 114.5. For footways and cycle cracks, a minimum vertical clearance of 2.25 metres shall be provided. For abridge consrructed on a horizontal curve with 114.6. superelevated road sudace, the horizontal clearance shall be increased on the side of the.inner kerb by an amount equal to 5 metres multiplied by the superelevation. The minimum vertical clearance shall be measured from the superelevated level of the roadway. Extra horizontal clearance required
,one bridge
(a) ~ r b a norea
provide 55Wmm
UullipIc lone
1 14.7. Vertical and lateral clearances at underpasses shall be provided in accordance with the stipulations contained in IRC5CLateral and Vertical Clearances at Underpasses for Vehicular Traffic.
Guard rails shall be provided at the high approaches. 115.1.5. The design. layout and materials chosen for the rails shall suitably blend with the surroundings. 115.2. 115.2.1. Submersible Bridges Railings shall be either collapsible or removable.
1 15. I.!. Sub.;tanria: r~ilings parapcis dong cash siJc of thc or bridgi ~ i l n l bc pro, lded ic)r th? protcctioli of traffic. c'onsidcration shall be l given to the architectural features of the railing or parapet to obtain proper proportioning of its various members and its harmony with the structure and the environment as a whole. For bridges situated in severe marine environment, solid wail type parapets along each side of the bridge shall be preferred for better serviceability. Consideration shall be given also to avoid, as far as is consistent with safety and appearance, obstruction of the view from the passing motor cars. 115.1.2. Railings or parapets shall have a minimum height above the adjacent roadway or footway safety kerb surface of 1.1 metres less one half the horizontal width of the top rail or top of the parapet. For bridges exceeding 300 metres in length, the height of railings, determined in the manner stipulated above, shall be increased by 100 mm. The forces to be considered in design shall be as per relevant stipulations of IRC6. For R.O.Bs across railway lines, these requirzments shxil be governed by those for railways' safety. 115.1.3. Where a road provided with cycle tracks goes over a bridge and the cycle track is located immediately next to the bridge railing or parapet. the height of the railing or parapet shall be kept 15 cm higher than that reqired Qsper Clause 115.1.2 above. 115.1.4. Theclear distance between the lower rail and the top of the kerb shall not exceed 150 mm unless the space is filled by vertical or inclined members, the clear distance between which is not more than 150 mm. The strength of the lower rail shall be at least as great as that of the top rail. The space between lower rail and the top rail shall be filled by means of vertical, horizontal or inclined members, the clear distance between which shall be fixed with due regard to the safety of persons and animals using the structure.
Collapsible railing shall be used where it is necessary 115.2.2. io put up the railings iinnmediately when the bridge is opened to traffic after asubmerging flood has receded. Care shall be taken in thestructural design ofthese railings toensure thatrhey sit well in theirgroovesand arenotliable to be dislodged by floods. Removable type of railings, may be adopted when 115.2.3. there is no danger to the traffic using the bridge for short period without railings. Care shall be taken in the structural design of these railings to ensure that the various members are interchangeable and can be easily removed and refitted. Collapsible or removable railings shall be designed 115.2.4. to resist as far as possible the same forces as specified in Clause 115.1.2 for railings or parapets on high level bridges.
1 1 5.3.
Vented Causeways
Guide posts/stones may be used in lieu of railings, if the submergence of the road surhce over the.causeway is so frequent as to render the use of removable or collapsihle railings unsatisfactory.
J 15.4.
Crash Barriers
Suitably designed crash barriers shall be provided st 1 15.4. I. the following situations to safeguard against errant vehicles :
i) ii) iii)
Multi-lane bridxcs and hridzes on expressways Flyovers and interchanges in urban situations R.O.Bs across railway lines 'Open sea. breakwaten, decp valleys/gorges
For other cases, decision may be taken by theappropriateauthority duly considering the importance of the structure and the level of safety warranted. 115.4.2. Crash barriers, when provided, shall beessentially of the following types :
Vehicle Crash Barrier: Provided for bridges without footpaths to contain errant vehicles. Combinalion Railing/Vehicle Pedestrian Crash Barrier : Provided for bridges with footpaths lo contain vehicles and safeguard pedestrians. High Containment Barriers : Provided mainly on bridges v es busy railway lines, complex interchanges and other simrlli hazardous and high risk locations to contain errant vehicles and redirect thep back inro thetraffic flow.
115.4.3. Typical shapes and dimensional details of crash barriers and their locations on the bridge decks with or without footpaths are shown in Fig. 4. These may be suitably modified and augmented depending on the developments in design and future functional requirements in individual cases.
1 15.3.1. Crash barriersshall he otmctnl orreinforccd concrete and their d c s i ~ n shall r:~l:e inro coniider~lionthe following factors :
Impact of vehicles colliding with the barrier Safety of occupants o l a vehiclecolliding with the barrier Safety of other vehicles near the collision sire Safety of vehicles or pedestrians underneath the bridge Aesthetics and freeeedom of view from passing vehicles
115.4.5. Cidsh ban.iers s1)aIl prdvide I snlooth 2nd continuous I face on the u:tffic side and shall he suit3bly extcnded into the appro;iches Exposed rail ends, posts and sh:trp changes in rhc geoinetry o i thc railings shall be a\,o~ded.Suiwble reflzcrjve ~luminousl c ~ , i i e shall be orov~dcd d s on the traffic face of the barrier at intervals to ensure adequate visibility during night and foggy conditions.
The high level bridges may preferably be built in 116.1. longitudinal gradient with suitably designed cross drains at abutment locations to facilitate proper drainage. For drainage of a road over bridgelflyover, a suitably 1 16.2. designed drainage arrangement should be provided. This may consist of vertical C.I. or rigid PVC pipes connecting the downspouts below the deck with funnels nnd along the pier upto ground level and eventually joined to the road drainage system. Suitable vertical recess in the piers may be provided to accommodate the drainage pipes rather than providing drip courses underneath the deck slab. All carriageways and footpath surfaces shall have 116.3. anti-skid characteristics.
Tlie design of thc bridge slructure shall be such 3s to provide for adeau~te access to all Darts of tlie bridac to fdcilitate future inspection and maintenance operations.
118.1. i)
All multi-lanebridges,complex interchangesandgradeseparated structures shall be provided with overhead signs and signals conforming to [lie provision contained in IRC:67. Non-luminous signs, hou*ever.shall not be permitted. The location of sign boards, barrier kerbs and supporting system should bedesigned and planned alongwith the project and details of the scheme shown in a drawing drawn to a scale.of I:500. Signages required on bridgedecks shall be placed behind roadside barriers. The sign supponsshall be smucturally safe and properly anchored to the bridge deck. The bridge deck shall be designed to withstand all such loads. Provision shall be made to accommodate overhead signs or cantilever signs with requisite supporting system. If necessary. the rnedianlrailine area can be increased locallv to accommodate the rnarslve sup&nr Wherever algnc are [".be !Ilum!nated or slgnsls to be opcr3ted. nscesc3ry ~rr3n~emcnta hc madr tor sh311
cable ducts. Typical anangemeat of supports for overhead structures is shown in Fig. 5.
Vertical Ciearance
The minimum vertical clearance above the roadway in any traffic lane upto the lowest point of the sign or any part of the signage structure or to lamps mounted below the sign shall be 5.5 m. In case of signages mounted over footway, shoulder or parking lane, the vertical clearance may be reduced to 5 m. 118.3.
Lateral Clearance
The sign, supports should be placed at a minimum 1.0 m clear distance behind the traffic face of the roadway kerbs. In longitudinal direction, it shall be placed at a minimum distance of 6 metre from the beginning of a traffic island in any high speed approach direction. On high speed roads, the support shall either be at 9 metre minimum clear distance from the edge of carriageway or adequately protected by ground fence and located at a minimum 0.6 metre clear distance behind the guard rail or parapet/crash'barrier.
Where required, provision shall be made for traction wire supports, poles or pillars for lights, trenches or other suitable places for the installation ofelectric or telephone conduits, water or gas pipes and other similar utilities or services with due care for durability and serviceability of the bridge and its approaches.
The approaches on either side of a straight bridge 120.1. shall have a minimum suaight length of 15 metres and shall he suitably increased where necessary to provide for the minimum sight distance for the, design speed. Minimum surfaced width of these straight lengths of approaches shall be equal to the carriageway width on the bridge.
lndifficultsituations.theEngineerresponsib1eforthedesignmay at hisdiscretionoermitareduclionin theminimumstraightlength of approaches, provided reasons for making adeparrure from the Code are clearly recorded.
Where horizontal curves have to he provided on the 120.2. approaches beyond the straight portion on either side, the minimum radius of curvature, the super elevation and transhion length for various speed and the curve radii shall be provided in accordance with relevant stipulations contained in IRC:38.
120.3. If the approach is i n filling, borrowpits should not be dug close to the embankment to avoid risk ofparallel flow being developed w h ~ c hmay endanger safety of the embankment. Suitable minimum distance from the toe of embankment and depth of borrow pits for the immediate approaches of the bridge may be specified for each case, depending on the size of the channel and topographical conditions of the area. In this connection, provision made in 1RC:IO "Recommended Practice for Borrowpits for Road Embankments Constructed by Manual Operation" may also be kept in view. 120.4. If there is a change of gradient, suitable vertical curves shall be introduced conforming to relevant stipulations contained i n IRC:23. A single vertical curve shall be provided for bridges having a total length upto 30 m. 120.5. A p p r o a c h e s l o submersible bridgesfvented causeways likely to be affecled by lloods shall be provided with suitably designed protective works.
Illumination for bridges, grade separatots and 123.1. interchanges shall be decided by the appropriate authority and conform to the following requirements :
Lighting masts may be of the conventional type of suitable heights not less than 5.5 metres. The design of the bridgeshould duly account for the above provision and the loads therefrom. The choice of lamps may be any of the following:
d) e)
g) iii)
Incandescent lamps Mixed incandescent and high pressure mercury vapour lamps High pressure mercury vapour lamps with clear or fluorescent bulbs Tubular fluorescent lamps Sodium vapour lamps Mercury-halide lamps and High Pressure sodium vapour lamps
121.1. Bearings for the bridges shall be designed for all movements and rotations as applicable and conform to the provision contained in IRC:83 Parts I & 1 . 1 121.2. To cater for expansion anc ;ontraction movements, suitably designed expansion joints shall he provided at theexpansion ends of all spans and at other points where they may he necessary alongwith appropriate drainage arrangement. The number of such expansion joints shnll be kept minimum, as far as practicable. Care shall be taken to ensure watertightness of the expansion joints.
The arrangement of the masts i.e. its height and spacing should be such as to achieve a minimum level of illumination on the bridge deck ofthe order0130 lux.
The installation, lighting arrangement, method of 123.2. conuot, switches etc. shall all conform to the provision contained in IS:1944. At highway interchanges, different lighting 123.3. arrangements viz. low masts or high masts or combination of both considered and the one which gives optimum results from the view points of aesthetics,safety, illumination and ease of maintenance may be adopted. Light colour distinction at junctions to give an early warning signal to approaching vehicles may also be considered. Illumination levels for the vehicular and pedestrian 123.4. subwayslunderpasses may be kept same as those on the approaches at either end of the subwaylunderpass.
The foundations for piers and abutments shall be at such depths that they are safe against scour and large impacts where necessary and are protdcted against it. They shall he taken down to a level sufficient tosecure firm foundation from consideretion of bearing capacity, overall stability and suitability of the strata at the founding level and upto sufficient depth below it. The foundations shall bc designed i n accordance w i ~ hthe provisions made in IRC:78.
Visual forms of bridges, viaducts or flyover structures etc. should be selected with care to be in harmony with the general landscape with a
view tomaintaining the aesthetics of the surrounding. While planning such structures, the following general requirements may be kept in view : i) Dimensions and proportions of various elements from the point of harmony and integration into the environment and being pleasing to the viewers. Symmetry of structure Surface of structure Form or appearance in.totality Abstmcl structuml form of the bridgelviaduct viewed as an independent object.
iv) v)
All the ckaracreristics of the catchment of a river are reflected in the shape ofthe hydrograph of run-off. At a given point on a river for all storms lhnving the same duration of rainfall excess above this point and uniformly distributed with respect to time. the discharge ordinates of the hydrograph are proportional to the total volumes of storm run-off. This implies that rainfall excess of sav 2 cm within the unit of duration will producr 2 run-.lli h!dc3sroph huving ordin~res ttvncr 35 re31as hydrographs are those ol the unit hydrogr3ph. Also. ~f ~nd,v~dunl obtained irom ,evar;!te periods of uniform rdinfall excess In31 may occur throughout storm period, and these are properly airanged with respect to time, the ordinates of the individual hydrographs can be added to giveordinates representing the total stomi run-off hydrngraph for the entire storm period.
Three methods are generally available for giving unit hydrographs at any point in a river.
ii) iii)
By analysis of the run-off compound hydrogmphs: By computation of synthetic unit hydrographs, when sufficient f rainfall and ~ n - o fdata are not available.
The determination of design flood, after the unit hydrograph has been derived, involves the following steps :
Name of Sub-zone Chambal sub-zone Betwa sub-zone Sone sub-zone Upper Indo-Gnnga Plains sub-zone Middle Ganga Plains sub-zone Lower Gangetic Plains sub-zone North Brahmanutra basin sub-zone South Brahm&utn basin'sub-zone Mahi'and Sabamati sub-zonc Lower Na&ada and Tapi sub-zone Upper Narmada and Tapi sub-zone Mahanadi sub-zone Upper Godavari sub-zone Lower Godavari sub-zone Krishna & Pannar sub-zone Kaveri river sub-zo~o Eastern Coast sub-zones West Coast region sub-zones
Sub-zone No.
Division of catchment into sub-areas, if necessary Derivation of design stom and its apportionment to sub-area Determination of minimum retention rate and calculation of rainfall excess of design stonn. Arrangement of design storm, Application of rainfall excess to unit hydrographs for each sub-area. Rouring of flood for each sub-area to the point ofcollection of the whole catchment.
d) e)
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
i I.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1
A rational determination of critical design storm for a catchment requires a comprehensive study of major storms recorded in the region and an evaluation of effects of local conditions upon rainfall rate. This is panicularly necessary in the case of design storms covering a large area of several thousand square kms.
18. 19.
I n the case of areas less than a few thousand square kms, certain and intensity variations assumptions can be made regarding rainfall without beinc inconsistent with meteorological causes. They simplify design-storm estimation, but would entail h i i h degree of conseivation.
Clausef 10.1.3
at every change of strata upto the maximum anticipated scour depth. The sampling should start from 300 mm below theexisting bed. About 500gms of each of the representative samples so collected shall be seived by a set of standard seives and the weight of soil retained in each seive is taken. The ~.esults thereof are then tabulated. A typical test result is shown below (Tables I & 1 ) 1
TABLE-I Seive Designation Sieve Opening (mm) Weight of Soil retained (gm) Per cent retained
... .
1: /
Avenge sire (mm) 3.40 1.90 0.712 0.302 0.127 0.0375
Sieve No
4.00 lo 2.80 rnm ? 80 ro 1.00 mrn 100 to 425 micron 425 to 180 micron I80 lo 75 micron 75 iniclan & below