February 3, 2013 Bulletin

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Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2013

April 24, 2011 , 2010
Saturday, February 2nd 5:00 PM Woman & Men in Consecrated Life + Sunday, February3rd 9:00 AM Eleanore Bohley+ 11:15AM For the People of the Parish Monday, February 4th 8:30 AM No Mass Tuesday, February 5th 8:30 AM No Mass Wednesday, February 6th 7:00 PM No Mass Thursday, February 7th 8:30 AM No Mass Friday, February 8th 8:30 AM Intention Available Saturday, February 9th 5:00 PM Intention Available Sunday, February 10th 9:00 AM For the People of the Parish 11:15 AM Charlie Johnson+ Liturgical Minister Schedule Saturday, February 9, 2013, 5:00pm Lector: Betty Ross Servers: C. Walker / C. Dunn E.M.s: A. & M. Lincoln Sunday, February 10, 2013, 9:00am Lector: Jane Cullin Servers: J. Alberts / J. Alberts E.M.s: T. DeRodes, A. Rodgers, P. & B. Chamberlin Sunday, February 10, 2013, 11:15am Lector: Gary Burky Servers: M. & X. McLain E.M.s: C. Jones / M. Piazza

Next Sunday all parishes in the Diocese will be holding our annual Catholic Charities Campaign. If you recall, last year we did not request that you make a commitment to this charitable organization as part of the money we pledged for the Diocesan Capital Campaign was set aside for Catholic Charities. So we will resume this appeal this year. I ask you to prayerfully consider this week what you may be able to contribute to this charitable arm of the Church. Speaking of our Diocesan Campaign, I continue to be gratified by the pledges so many of you were able to make which allowed our parish to come within just a percentage point or two from our goal of $221,000. I am happy to say that this past week we just received our first check in the amount of $8,863.00, part of the 30% of our pledge goal which was promised would be returned back to the parish. This has been deposited in the general fund of the parish so that we can continue to live within our budget. More checks will come to us in the months & years ahead as we make our contributions to the Catholic Community Foundation. Again I am inspired by your continued commitment to satisfying the needs of faith. This weekend we are also reminded of the request for our prayers for the World Day for Consecrated Life. This refers to those men & women, especially in our Diocese, who have taken vows as a religious sister or brother. They serve the Church in a variety of ways, beginning with their daily prayers for the church & the world. They minister to us so that we can minister to each other. Pray for those in active ministry and ask God to send more men & women into Consecrated Life for their good and the good of the whole Church.

Readings for the Week of February 3, 2013


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71; 1 Cor 12:3113:13 or 13:4-13; Lk 4:21-30 Monday Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48; Mk 6:7-13 Friday Saint Jerome Emiliani; Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138; 1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11; Lk 5:1-11

10:00am 10:00am Monday, 7:00pm 7:00pm Tuesday, 7:00pm Wednesday, 7:30am 5:30pm Thursday, 7:00pm Friday, Saturday, 8:00pm

February 3rd Offertory Counter Team 1 PSR (Hall) Adult Education (Church Meeting Room) February 4th Guitar Group Practice (Church) Boy Scouts/Webelos (Hall) February 5th Choir Practice (Church) February 6th Eucharistic Adoration Meals & More (Hall) February 7th Adult Ed: Barrons Catholicism(Ch. Mtg. Rm.) February 8th No Events Scheduled February 9th AA Meeting (Hall)

Last weeks collections: 1/27/13 Offertory - $2,739.02, SVDP - $221.19. Thank you! Please remember the sick in your prayers: Mary Grace Kenny, Ron Guidetti, Eleanor Roe, Donette del Guidice, Joe Pauer, Margie Keep, Pauline Sheridan, Tony Vallo, Jennifer Ansbro, Juanita Hines; Juliete Turi, Freda Brazis; Pat Siddall, Louise Bauer, Natalie Zemla, Judy Wozencraft, Jessica Johnson, Tracy Lenhoff, Joann Foreman, Mary Cooke, Dorothy Starcher, Deacon Joe Johnson, Brenda Martin, Glen Cullin, Joe Hajek, Alene & Raymond Smith, Kris Kandola, and all those on our prayer board. DEACON'S CORNER: Men of the parish, please consider spending a day in prayer and listening to great speakers at the Catholic Men's Fellowship Conference on Saturday Feb. 23. The three main speakers are Fr. Rick Wendell, Gerry Faust and Sean Forest. Bishop Lennon will celebrate the closing Mass at 4:00 PM. There are also break-out sessions for teens. Invite your father, sons and friends. There are brochures in the vestibule and gathering room. There is also a sign-up sheet in the gathering room. If we have ten or more men going, the price is $30.00 each. It is also a good time to carpool and get to know each other better. "Answer the Call" An Encounter with Christ As are all the sacraments, The Sacrament of Penance is first and foremost an encounter, an exchange between a penitent sinner and the forgiving Christ (in the person of the priest). The form of the sacrament assists us to experience this sinfulness and place it in Christs hands. The penitent and Christ greet one another warmly; we make the sign of the cross recalling that this is a sacred moment; we may share a line or two from Scripture to heighten our consciousness to this time; and using the traditional words, Bless me Father . . . or other words, we own our sinfulness and place it in Christs hands. Owning our sinfulness means to go beyond just listing what we have done or failed to do according to the commandments or teaching of Jesus. Rather, it means uncovering the roots of sin in our hearts and behavior. Here the seven capital sins serve as a good guide. These are recognized by Christian teachers and pagan philosophers as the source of most evil in the world. In this sacrament we resolve, with the help of Christ, to strike at the roots and not just prune the branches. Christ then speaks to us through the priest, giving us wise counsel and direction for attacking sins roots. This is the purpose of the penance that is assigned. With heartfelt gratitude to God for His mercy and understanding we express our contrition and resolve to move forward as His sons and daughters. Our contrition may be expressed in our own words or with any suggested formula. Finally we hear the words of absolution assuring us that we are forgiven, that we are reconciled with God, with His Church, and within our own being. To this we can only say, AMEN. ACCESS a SUCCESS!!! Thanks to all our volunteers who gave their time in helping and showing the love of Christ to our guests! As a result of your loving efforts, ACCESS has helped over 140 adults and 50 children find homes! The program is working thanks to you! Our next rotation is April 7th, so mark your calendars!

World Day For Consecrated Life This Sunday we celebrate World Day For Consecrated Life. We recognize and give thanks for those who have consecrated their lives to God and the Church through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The consecrated life is one way that women and men live out their baptismal commitment as followers of Jesus. We pray for Bishop Lennon, Fr. Schmitz, Fr. Uhler, Deacon Pete, Deacon Joe Johnson, and ask God t bless our Church with others who will dedicate their lives to Gods service. Prayer for Vocations Holy God, During this Year of Faith, With gratitude in our hearts, We praise you for your love and your fidelity. You have shown us the way to holiness through Mary and Jesus and many faithful witnesses. You continue to call men and women to dedicate their lives through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Give them courage to respond generously To your call with Here I am, send me! Blessed by your Spirit, May we always proclaim your love with our lives. Amen. TELEVISED SUNDAY MASS! A televised Sunday Mass is now airing on ABC Family from 6:30 am to 7:00 am each Sunday morning. THE SUNDAY MASS is produced by the Passionist Fathers and Brothers out of New York City and is available nationally on local affiliates. Too early for you? Tape it, Tivo it, or watch it online. For more information consult the website at www.TheSundayMass.org or call us at 1-800-THE-MASS. 2013 PSR Food Challenge Thanks for all the donations so far! We are getting near the end of this years challenge. Students from K thru 5 classes are collecting Boxed Food items that can be dropped off in the 4th grade classroom, while th the 6 thru 12 graders are gathering Canned Foods which can be dropped off in the 6th grade classroom. Thank you for your continued support of our children! Meals & More Volunteers this week: Paul & Barb Chamberlin. Ladies Guild Meeting and Soup Night February 11 th! Come one come all... women of the parish wanting to help be a part of the St. Stephen Ladies Guild. A special meeting will be held on February 11th at 7 pm in Hackman Hall to review the by-laws. Copies will be available in the vestibule. Feel free to pick one up and share your ideas with us. We will be enjoying soup made by a few of our members, so put on your thinking caps and share in the fun! ORATORY CONTEST ... Wayne-Holmes Right to Life is again sponsoring an oratory contest. It will be held Mar. 25, 2013. All the information is posted on the bulletin board under Youth Group.

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