Standard 4

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Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study Standard 4 Documenting and Using Results

CITA-AdvancED Self

The school enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses these results to improve student performance and school effectiveness.

QUALITY SCHOOL INDICATORS IN FULFILLMENT OF THIS STANDARD, THE SCHOOL: 4.1 Establishes performance measures for student learning that yield information that is reliable, valid, and bias free 4.2 Develops and implements a comprehensive assessment system for assessing progress toward meeting the expectations for student learning 4.3 Uses student assessment data for making decisions for continuous improvement of teaching and learning processes 4.4 Conducts a systematic analysis of instructional and organizational effectiveness and uses the results to improve student performance 4.5 Communicates the results of student performance and school effectiveness to all stakeholders 4.6 Uses comparison and trend data of student performance from comparable schools in

Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study evaluating its effectiveness 4.7 Demonstrates verifiable growth in student performance 4.8 Maintains a secure, accurate, and complete student record system in accordance with state and federal regulations 4.1. Focus Indicators for Standard 4

CITA-AdvancED Self

4.1.1. How the assessment system currently used in school to analyze changes in student performance The school year is divided into TWO terms. In each term there are two assessments and one term exam. On an average the student is assessed every month. The students are tested with application oriented questions so that they are able to analyze the concept to real world situations. The teacher will conduct remedial classes after the assessment to reinforce the concept with much more depth and to strengthen the concept. During the teaching weeks, the teachers conduct quizzes or quick class tests so that the students get thorough with the concepts. Apart from the school assessment/exam schedules, we are going to begin with MAP testing process by the end of March. Our first session will begin from this March and in future will follow the MAP assessment schedule as instructed by NWEA centre. General Grading Policy

Grade point reflects judgments of students achievements and performance in a class. The instructors mark in term of raw scores, rank the papers in order of merit and assign an appropriate grade to each paper. Grades are found on the report card and are based on specific expectations for each subject. The students are assessed on an ongoing basis. Evaluation of these skills is not factored into the achievement grades of a specific subject. 2

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Absent students shall be given make up opportunities for all excused absences with out plenty. Grades shall be calculated to ensure that the students grade is a fair reflection of his performance. Evaluation should reflect each students most consistent level of performance. Any subject that has below (D-) is considered as a failed subject. The academic supervisor reviews the quizzes, projects and class, home assignments on fortnightly basis. Letter grades are issued twice a year within the bi-term year, computed on a GPA (grade point average) scale of 5 and all grades are recorded on the school script.

Class Participation is crucial to success in the class. Participation means showing up for each class having completed the assigned readings, asking questions about anything in the readings or discussion that seems unclear or objectionable, offering arguments and responses, and listening to the arguments and responses of others.

An assignment is a content item which can be used for assessments which require manual marking. Students can submit their completed assignment, including their own comments and single or multiple attached files, or can partially complete an assignment, save it, then return later to submit it. Instructors can view and grade submitted assignments, place grades in the Grade book, and give individual feedback to students as comments, or as a further attached file.

The objectives of the projects is to develop different skills in the students like leadership, teamwork, search and research, thinking, planning etc. A project is a theme based task performed by a single student as an individual project, by a couple of students as a pair project and by a group of students with one student as the leader, as a group project. The projects are presented on the project day and are shown to the guests; a special committee evaluates the projects and decides the winner project.

A written quiz will be administered following the discussion of each chapter. The quiz consists of vocabulary, true / false questions, and "fill in the blanks" regarding major themes of the chapter. You may not delay the taking of a quiz due to lack of preparation. Students participate in two types of quizzes, announced and unannounced. Results are

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announced at the end of each announced quiz. Where as the results for the unannounced quizzes are seized and the % age is included in the term marks.


At the end of each semester students are to go through a written exam which consists of 20% of the total, out of 50 % in first term and 40% of the total, out of 100 % in the final exam i.e. term 1& 2. Students are to write the written exam on the given answer sheets in the allocated time.

A portfolio is a folder containing a students best pieces. These collections represent an array of performance and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the pieces. The main purpose of the portfolio may be simply to support instructions or it may also be seen to support administrative functions. Many teachers, administrators and policy makers have learnt that portfolios can provide valuable support for quality teaching and improved learning. There are a total of 10 marks for the portfolio.


Students who fail in any subject have to take the re-exam after the summer vacations. This includes the marks for project, oral test and written test. These obtained marks are than added to the terms earned marks to make the final total. Assessment and Grading System

The academic year is divided into two terms. Students undergo an ongoing assessment each term. In each term, a monthly report is sent to parents recording students' progress. In the first and third months, students' evaluation is measured through quizzes, homework tasks, projects and classroom participation. Each month's evaluation is given 30% of the final score of the term including the on-going quizzes. A mid-term test is planned and given in the second month of the term and given 15%. The final test of the term is given 20%. All these constitute the final score of the term which is 50 % of the total mark of the subject. The average of the scores of the two terms makes the end of the year score .The passing score per subject is 60%. Upon achievement of at least this score in all subjects, the student will be promoted to the upper grade .If a student gets less than 60% in one or two subjects, he/she will have to sit for a make-up exam in these subjects before the beginning of the following academic year .If he/she gets 60% or more he/she will be promoted. A student who fails three or more subjects fails the class and is required to repeat the class. The promotion of students in grades 1-3 is automatic. For 11th and 12th 4

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grade students, they will have to sit for SAT 1 and SAT 2. Teachers will advise students on how to prepare, register and get good results.

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Each core subject that grants one complete credit is out of 100. Each semester is endued 50 marks divided as follows: 10 marks for announced and pop quizzes at least 3 quizzes a quarter, which is equal to 6 weeks, and the average should be out
of 10. 7 marks for homework at least 4 pieces of homework a month. 8 marks for participation and classroom activities 7 marks for subject projects and researches at least once a quarter

A) Quizzes 1- Quizzes can vary in length and style written, oral, open book, subjective, objective...etc. 2- All students of a certain class must take the quizzes in exactly the same time, and no suspension or postponing of a quiz should happen except with prior permission or excuse, then another date should be set and strictly complied with by both students and teachers. 3- All quizzes should be adjusted to a mark of 10. 4- Students take at least two quizzes a month, scored out of 10 considering the average of the best three quizzes for each quarter. 5- Quizzes can be oral, but students have the right to take at least 3 questions each time they set for test. B) Homework 1- Homework handled complete and in time receives (8). 2- One-day-late homework receives (7.5). 3- Two-day-late homework receives (7) 4- Three-day-late homework receives (6) 5- Four-day-late homework receives (5) accompanied by acceptable excuse. 6- Homework is unaccepted after 4 days lateness, and will consequently receive (Zero). 7- Incomplete homework will be given one day chance to be remediated. C) Class work 1- Classroom participation and activities will include: Class written material Absence Conduct Active participation Particular class requirements (book, pen, tools, copybook, etc.) 2- Students lose half a mark each time they derelict in their anticipated duties. 3- Any nonfeasance, slackness, negligence, or misconduct should be considered simultaneously.

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4- Students should be in time in classes with all the required books and tools. 5- Students should follow each teachers particular instructions about his subject.

CITA-AdvancED Self

Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study

CITA-AdvancED Self

D) Monthly and Semester Projects: 1- Projects and researches should be handled at least once a quarter. 2- The overall mark of the projects is out of 5, yet students receive 2 marks for accomplishing monthly projects for each subject. 3 marks will be granted to the semester overall project which will be judged by a committee of teachers and evaluators on an eventful day enhanced by parents and other guests and covered by local media. Important Notice:
Absent students are not, under any circumstances, exempted from handling homework, or any other assigned work on time. Its the absentees duty to refer to the school, classmates or any relevant source to be aware of the assigned duties.

Term Marks
Assessment target Percentage Out of 50% Written home assignments 8% Discussion and class participation 5% semester project Unit quizzes End of semester exam 20% Total Remark





Term 1&2
Assessment target Percentage Out of 100% Written home assignments 16% Discussion and class participation 10% End of semester project 14% Unit quizzes End of semester exam 40% Total Remark




Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study

CITA-AdvancED Self

Grading Structure





100-95 90-94

A+ A

75-79 70-74

C+ C

85-89 80-84

B+ B

65-69 61-64 60

D+ D D-

Below 59

Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study

CITA-AdvancED Self


Letter grades are issued twice a year within the bi-term year, computed on a GPA scale of 5.00. All grades are recorded on the school script. This transcript accompanies the college applications.


NUMERAL EQUIVALENT 95-100 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 61-64 60 Below 59

GPA 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.00 Assessment, Measurement, and Effective Results

Teachers are often asked to report on students' progress to parents and school principal .Teachers also analyze the results to work out points of strength and weakness in order to help in providing feedback and further planning, taking into account standardized international tests in their teaching . These reports present useful information about what a student knows and what he/she can do. These reports also provide space for specific teacher comments and space for parental response. On a weekly basis, teachers log onto the schools server to fill in the relevant follow up for all students and give assessing comments. The administration in turn forwards the students follow up Excel sheets to their parents e-mails.


English Literature

English Language



Social Studies


Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study

Participation Participation Participation

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Home Work

Home Work

Home Work

Home Work

Home Work





Achievement Fields

Arabic language
Participation Home Work Comment Absence Conduct

Islamic Education
Participation Home Work Comment Absence Conduct Conduct

Physical Education
Participation Home Work Comment Absence Achievement Grades (Years 3 to 8)

Demonstrates excellence the student is capable of working at the higher National Curriculum level in a sustained way Demonstrates accomplishment the student is able to cope with work from the higher National Curriculum level. Demonstrates competence - the student is working at the appropriate stage within the age-appropriate National Curriculum level 11












Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study

CITA-AdvancED Self

Requires additional reinforcement the student is working towards achieving at the age-appropriate National Curriculum level Experiences difficulty - the student is not yet achieving at the age-appropriate National Curriculum level.

1.1.2. How assessment results are timely, relevant, and communicated in a way that can be used by teachers, students, parents, and external stakeholders to aid the performance of individual students. It is a continuous process in the whole academic year to evaluate students. There is fixed time for assessments & exams mentioned in the calendar. Parent-teacher meetings ensure that student performance is discussed with the parent and appropriate measures are taken to improve the performance. In critical cases where there is no improvement noted from the students performance, a special meeting is arranged between the parent & the subject teachers in the presence of the administrative members. Moreover remedial classes for such students are arranged to ensure that the student performs remarkably well in the future assessment. See

4.1.3. How are data used to understand and improve overall school effectiveness? Data collected from results is organized in graphs to observe upward & down ward trend and discussions are held with those parents and teachers to improve the performance. To encourage students to excel with their best, special awards are given to those students who obtain 98% and above. A specific % of their fee is waived and a certificate of excellence is awarded. See Standards 7 School Improvement Plan 4.1.4. How are teachers trained to understand and use data in the classroom. 12

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Teachers are trained in the beginning of the academic year to handle a given class of students, the records related to each student, to keep all the marks of each student etc. Timely the subject meetings are conducted with the administration members to check the student performance, to discuss issues related to discipline, learning, homework etc. This helps in enhancing the teacher efficiency in both teaching and record keeping. Orientation with Assessment

All teachers receive the faculty handbook at the beginning of the year. It includes the schools assessment system and grading policy. They are asked to follow the rules and require information from supervisors when necessary. Seminars and workshops are often held to introduce teachers, especially new commers, to methods and techniques of teaching and assessment, to design valid and reliable tests which include items that are appropriate to the goals of the tests, and have a balanced coverage of skills as presented in the curriculum. In addition, teachers are urged to take steps to lower tests anxiety by appropriate preparation, and by creating a supporting classroom climate.

4.2. Important Findings

On an average the student is assessed every month. The teacher will conduct remedial classes after the assessment to reinforce the concept with much more depth and to strengthen the concept. The school is going to begin with MAP testing process by the end of March. The students are assessed on an ongoing basis. Absent students shall be given make up opportunities for all excused absences with out plenty. Any subject that has below (D-) is considered as a failed subject. The academic supervisor reviews the quizzes, projects and class, home assignments on fortnightly basis.


Qimam Al-Hayat International Schools Study

CITA-AdvancED Self

A project is a theme based task performed by a single student as an individual project, by a couple of students as a pair project and by a group of students with one student as the leader, as a group project. There are a total of 10 marks for the portfolio. Students who fail in any subject have to take the re-exam after the summer vacations. Teachers also analyze the results to work out points of strength and weakness in order to help in providing feedback and further planning, taking into account standardized international tests in their teaching. The administration in turn forwards the students follow up Excel sheets to their parents e-mails.

4.3. Major Strengths

Student performance is accurately and regularly reported to parents. Counseling on educational progress is available for students and families. The assessment system provides current data that include a profile of student performance, community characteristics, and school communicates these school-wide results to all appropriate school community members. The school is going to begin with MAP testing process by the end of March.

2.4. Needed Improvements

Teachers should compile a complete profile for each student-presenting the students' improvement and progress. The profile should include non-linguistic criteria, such as the ability to work independently and in a group etc. More intensive preparation for SAT and SAT subject should be practiced. Advanced study programs need to be added to the school academic program. 14

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Policy for raising student achievement School-wide and individual student performance are assessed and analyzed each year using a universally recognized standard assessment, as well as a variety of other measurements.

4.5. Interventions
The school applied for the MAPs to provide the teachers with proper standardized assessment criteria. The school intensified the assessment reports release to be on a weekly basis.

Steering Committee Members Member Position Mr. Hamdy Abdelrazek General Manager Mr. Ibrahim Mousa Deputy Manager Mr. Abdulhamid Al-Fadaly CITA Accreditation Facilitator Mrs. Mona . Girls Section Manager

Sub-Committee Members Member Position Amany Samir English Teacher Samiha Ahmed KG Headmistress Sayed Sahloul English Teacher Ahmed Rabeaa IT Teacher


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