CAC Fruit and Vegitable
CAC Fruit and Vegitable
CAC Fruit and Vegitable
CAC/RCP 53-2003
INTRODUCTION 1. OBJECTIVES OF THE CODE 2. SCOPE, USE AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 Scope 2.2 Use 2.3 Definitions 3. PRIMARY PRODUCTION 3.1 Environmental hygiene 3.2 Hygienic primary production of fresh fruits and vegetables 3.2.1 Agricultural input requirements 3.2.2 Indoor facilities associated with growing and harvesting 3.2.3 Personnel health, hygiene and sanitary facilities 3.2.4 Equipment associated with growing and harvesting 3.3 Handling, storage and transport 3.3.1 Prevention of cross-contamination 3.3.2 Storage and transport from the field to the packing facility 3.4 Cleaning, maintenance and sanitation 3.4.1 Cleaning programmes 3.4.2 Cleaning procedures and methods 3.4.3 Pest control systems 3.4.4 Waste management 4. PACKING ESTABLISHMENT: DESIGN AND FACILITIES 5. CONTROL OF OPERATION 5.1 Control of food hazards 5.2 Key aspects of hygiene control systems 5.2.1 Time and temperature control 5.2.2 Specific process steps 5.2.3 Microbiological and other specifications 5.2.4 Microbial cross-contamination 5.2.5 Physical and chemical contamination 5.3 Incoming material requirements 5.4 Packing 5.5 Water used in the packing establishment 5.6 Management and supervision 5.7 Documentation and records 5.8 Recall procedures 6. PACKING ESTABLISHMENT: MAINTENANCE AND SANITATION 7. PACKING ESTABLISHMENT: PERSONAL HYGIENE 8. TRANSPORTATION 9. PRODUCT INFORMATION AND CONSUMER AWARENESS 10. TRAINING 10.1 Awareness and responsibilities 10.2 Training programmes ANNEX 1 ANNEX FOR READY-TO-EAT FRESH PRE-CUT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INTRODUCTION 1. OBJECTIVE 2. SCOPE, USE AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 Scope 2.2 Use 2.3 Definitions 3. PRIMARY PRODUCTION 4. ESTABLISHMENT: DESIGN AND FACILITIES 4.4 Facilities 4.4.2 Drainage and waste disposal 5. CONTROL OF OPERATIONS 5.1 Control of food hazards 5.2 Key aspects of control systems 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 98 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Adopted 2003. Revision 2010 (new Annex III for Fresh Leafy Vegetables)
CAC/RCP 53-2003
5.2.2 Specific process steps 5.7 Documentation and records 5.8 Recall procedures 6. ESTABLISHMENT: MAINTENANCE AND SANITATION 7. ESTABLISHMENT: PERSONAL HYGIENE 8. TRANSPORTATION 9. PRODUCT INFORMATION AND CONSUMER AWARENESS 10. TRAINING 10.2 Training programmes ANNEX II ANNEX FOR SPROUT PRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 1. OBJECTIVES 2. SCOPE, USE AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 Scope 2.2 Use 2.3 Definitions 3. PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF SEEDS 3.2 Hygienic production of seeds 3.2.4 Equipment associated with growing and harvesting 3.3 Handling, storage and transport 3.4 Analyses 3.5 Recall procedures 4. ESTABLISHMENT FOR SPROUT PRODUCTION 4.2.1 Design and layout 5. CONTROL OF OPERATION 5.2.2 Specific process steps in sprout production 5.2.3 Microbiological and other specifications 5.2.4 Microbiological cross-contamination 5.3 Incoming material requirements 5.3.1 Specifications for incoming seeds 5.3.2 Control of incoming seeds 5.3.3 Seed storage 5.7 Documentation and records 6. ESTABLISHMENT: MAINTENANCE AND SANITATION 7. ESTABLISHMENT: PERSONAL HYGIENE 8. TRANSPORTATION 9. PRODUCT INFORMATION AND CONSUMER AWARENESS 10. TRAINING 10.1 Awareness and responsibilities ANNEX III FOR FRESH LEAFY VEGETABLES INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE 2. SCOPE, USE AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 Scope 2.2 Use 3. PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF FRESH LEAFY VEGETABLES 3.1 Enviromental Hygiene 3.2 Hygienic Primary Production of Fresh Leafy Vegetables 3.3 Handling, Storage and Transport 3.4 Cleaning, Maintenance and Sanitation 4. PACKING ESTABLISHMENT: DESIGN AND FACILITIES 4.1 Establishment 4.2 Drainage and waste disposal 5. CONTROL OF OPERATION 5.1 Control of Food Hazards 5.2 Key Aspects of Hygiene control systems 5.3 Incoming material requirements 5.7Documentation and Records
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CAC/RCP 53-2003
CAC/RCP 53-2003
CAC/RCP 53-2003
DEFINITIONS Definitions of general expressions are included in the General Principles of Food Hygiene. For the purpose of this code, the following terms have the definition stated: Agricultural inputs any incoming material (e.g. seeds, fertilizers, water, agricultural chemicals, plant support, etc.) used for the primary production of fresh fruits and vegetables. Agricultural worker any person that undertakes one or more of the following: cultivation, harvesting and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Antimicrobial agents any substance of natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic origin which at low concentrations kills or inhibits the growth of micro-organisms but causes little or no host damage. Biological control the use of competing biologicals (such as insects, micro-organisms and/or microbial metabolites) for the control of mites, pests, plant pathogens and spoilage organisms. Biosolids Sludge and other residue deposits obtained from sewage treatment plants and from treatment applied to urban and industrial wastes (food industries or other types of industry). Composting a managed process in which organic materials are digested aerobically or anaerobically by microbial action. Cultivation any agricultural action or practise used by growers to allow and improve the growing conditions of fresh fruits or vegetables grown in the field (with of without cover) or in protected facilities (hydroponic systems, greenhouses). Farm any premise or establishment in which fresh fruits and/or vegetables are grown and harvested and the surroundings under the control of the same management. Grower the person responsible for the management of the primary production of fresh fruits and vegetables. Harvester the person responsible for the management of the harvesting of fresh fruits and vegetables. Hazard a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an adverse health effect. Hazardous material any compound which, at specific levels, has the potential to cause adverse health effects. Hydroponics a general term for the production of plants without soil in a water medium. Manure Animal excrement which may be mixed with litter or other material, and which may be fermented or otherwise treated. Micro-organisms include yeasts, moulds, bacteria, viruses and parasites. When used as an adjective, the term microbial is used. Packer the person responsible for the management of post-harvest processing and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables. Packing the action of putting fresh fruits and vegetables in a package. This may take place in a field or in an establishment. Packing establishment any indoor establishment in which fresh fruits and vegetables receive post-harvest treatment and are packaged. Primary production those steps involved in the growing and harvesting of fresh fruits and vegetables such as planting, irrigation, application of fertilizers, application of agricultural chemicals, etc. Types of water: Clean water water that does not compromise food safety in the circumstances of its use. Potable water water which meets the quality standards of drinking water such as described in the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are grown and harvested under a wide range of climatic and diverse geographical conditions, using various agricultural inputs and technologies, and on farms of varying sizes. Biological, chemical and physical hazards may therefore vary significantly from one type of production to another. In each primary production area, it is necessary to consider the particular agricultural practices that promote the production of safe fresh fruits and vegetables, taking into account the conditions specific to the primary production area, type of products, and methods used. Procedures associated with primary production should be conducted under good hygienic conditions and should minimize potential hazards to health due to the contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables.
ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE Where possible, potential sources of contamination from the environment should be identified. In particular, primary production should not be carried out in areas where the presence of potentially harmful substances would lead to an unacceptable level of such substances in or on fresh fruits and vegetables after harvest.
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Where possible, growers should evaluate the previous uses of the sites (indoor and outdoor) as well as adjoining sites in order to identify potential microbial, chemical and physical hazards. The potential for other types of contamination (e.g., from agricultural chemicals, hazardous wastes, etc.) should also be considered. The evaluation process should include the following: Previous and present usage of the primary production area and the adjoining sites (e.g. crop grown, feed lot, animal production, hazardous waste site, sewage treatment site, mining extraction site) to identify potential microbial hazards including faecal contamination and contamination by organic waste and potential environmental hazards that could be carried to the growing site. The access of farm and wild animals to the site and to water sources used in primary production to identify potential faecal contamination of the soils and water and the likelihood of contaminating crop. Existing practices should be reviewed to assess the prevalence and likelihood of uncontrolled deposits of animal faeces coming into contact with crops. Considering this potential source of contamination, efforts should be made to protect fresh produce growing areas from animals. As far as possible, domestic and wild animal should be excluded from the area. Potential for contaminating produce fields from leaking, leaching or overflowing manure storage sites and flooding from polluted surface waters. If previous uses cannot be identified, or the examination of the growing or adjoining sites leads to the conclusion that potential hazards exist, the sites should be analysed for contaminants of concern. If the contaminants are at excessive levels and corrective or preventative actions have not been taken to minimize potential hazards, the sites should not be used until correction/control measures are applied. 3.2 HYGIENIC PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES
3.2.1 Water for irrigation and harvesting Water used for agricultural purposes should be of suitable quality for its intended use. Special attention to water quality should be considered for the following situations: Irrigation by water delivery techniques that expose the edible portion of fresh fruits and vegetables directly to water (e.g. sprayers) especially close to harvest time. Irrigation of fruits and vegetables that have physical characteristics such as leaves and rough surfaces which can trap water. Irrigation of fruits and vegetables that will receive little or no post-harvest wash treatments prior to packing, such as field-packed produce. Water for fertilizers, pest control and other agricultural chemicals Water used for the application of water-soluble fertilizers and agricultural chemicals in the field and indoors should not contain microbial contaminants at levels that may adversely affect the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Special attention to the water quality should be considered when using fertilizer and agricultural chemical delivery techniques (e.g. sprayers) that expose the edible portion of fresh fruits and vegetables directly to water especially close to harvest time. Hydroponic water Plants grown in hydroponic systems absorb nutrients and water at varying rates, constantly changing the composition of the re-circulated nutrient solution. Because of this: Water used in hydroponic culture should be changed frequently, or if recycled, should be treated to minimize microbial and chemical contamination. Water delivery systems should be maintained and cleaned, as appropriate, to prevent microbial contamination of water.
CAC/RCP 53-2003
Manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers The use of manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers in the production of fresh fruits and vegetables should be managed to limit the potential for microbial, chemical and physical contamination. Manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers contaminated with heavy metals or other chemicals at levels that may affect the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables should not be used. Where necessary, in order to minimize microbial contamination the following practices should be considered: Adopt proper treatment procedures (e.g. composting, pasteurization, heat drying, UV irradiation, alkali digestion, sun drying or combinations of these) that are designed to reduce or eliminate pathogens in manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers. The level of pathogen reduction achieved by different treatments should be taken into account when considering suitability for different applications. Manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers which are untreated or partially treated may be used only if appropriate corrective actions are being adopted to reduce microbial contaminants such as maximizing the time between application and harvest of fresh fruits and vegetables. Growers who are purchasing manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers that have been treated to reduce microbial or chemical contaminants, should, where possible, obtain documentation from the supplier that identifies the origin, treatment used, tests performed and the results thereof. Minimize direct or indirect contact between manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers, and fresh fruits and vegetables, especially close to harvest. Minimize contamination by manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers from adjoining fields. If the potential for contamination from the adjoining fields is identified, preventative actions (e.g. care during application and run-off controls) should be implemented to minimize the risk. Avoid locating treatment or storage sites in proximity to fresh fruit and vegetable production areas. Prevent cross-contamination from runoff or leaching by securing areas where manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers are treated and stored. Soil Soils should be evaluated for hazards. If the evaluation concludes that such hazards are at levels that may compromise the safety of crops, control measures should be implemented to reduce hazards to acceptable levels. If this cannot be achieved by available control measures, growers should not use these soils for primary production. Agricultural chemicals Growers should use only agricultural chemicals which are authorized for the cultivation of the specific fruit or vegetable and should use them according to the manufacturers instructions for the intended purpose. Residues should not exceed levels as established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. In order to minimize and contain the emergence of microbial resistance: the use of antimicrobial agents significant to human and animal therapy should be avoided. Antimicrobial agents not significant to human and animal therapy should be used only when unavoidable and in accordance with good agricultural practices and in a manner that achieves this objective. Agricultural workers who apply agricultural chemicals should be trained in proper application procedures. Growers should keep records of agricultural chemical applications. Records should include information on the date of application, the chemical used, the crop sprayed, the pest or disease against which it was used, the concentration, method and frequency of application, and records on harvesting to verify that the time between application and harvesting is appropriate. Agricultural chemical sprayers should be calibrated, as necessary, to control the accuracy of the rate of application. The mixing of agricultural chemicals should be carried out in such a way as to avoid contamination of water and land in the surrounding areas and to protect employees involved in this activity from potential hazards. Sprayers and mixing containers should be thoroughly washed after use, especially when used with different agricultural chemicals on different crops, to avoid contaminating fruits and vegetables. Agricultural chemicals should be kept in their original containers, labelled with the name of the chemical and the instructions for application. Agricultural chemicals should be stored in a safe, well ventilated place, away from production areas, living areas and harvested fruits or vegetables, and disposed of in a manner that does not pose a risk of contaminating crops, the inhabitants of the area, or the environment of the primary production. Empty containers should be disposed of as indicated by the manufacturer. They should not be used for other food-related purposes. Biological control Environmental and consumer safety should be considered when using competing biological organisms and/or their metabolites applied for the control of pests, mites, plant pathogens and spoilage organisms in fresh fruits and vegetables. Growers should use only biological controls which are authorized for the cultivation of the specific fruit or vegetable and should use them according to the manufacturers instructions for the intended purpose.
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CAC/RCP 53-2003
As required, growers and harvesters should follow the technical specifications recommended by the equipment manufacturers for their proper usage and maintenance. Growers and harvesters should adopt the following sanitary practices: Equipment and containers coming into contact with fresh fruits and vegetables should be made of materials that are non-toxic. They should be designed and constructed to ensure that, when necessary, they can be cleaned, disinfected and maintained to avoid the contamination of fresh fruit and vegetables. Specific hygienic and maintenance requirements should be identified for each piece of equipment that is used and the type of fruit or vegetable associated with it. Containers for waste, by-products and inedible or dangerous substances, should be specifically identifiable, suitably constructed and, where appropriate, made of impervious material. Where appropriate, such containers should be lockable to prevent malicious or accidental contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables or agricultural inputs. Such containers should be segregated or otherwise identified to prevent their use as harvesting containers. Containers that can no longer be kept in a hygienic condition should be discarded. Equipment and tools should function according to the use for which they are designed without damaging the produce. Such equipment should be maintained in good order. 3.3 HANDLING, STORAGE AND TRANSPORT
Prevention of cross-contamination
During the primary production and post-harvest activities, effective measures should be taken to prevent cross-contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables from agricultural inputs or personnel who come directly or indirectly into contact with fresh fruits and vegetables. To prevent the potential of cross-contaminating fresh fruits and vegetables, growers, harvesters and their employees should adhere to the recommendations presented elsewhere in section 3 of this code and the following: At the time of harvest, consideration should be given to the need for additional management action where any local factor, for example adverse weather conditions, may increase the opportunity for contamination of the crop. Fresh fruits and vegetables unfit for human consumption should be segregated during harvesting. Those which cannot be made safe by further processing should be disposed of properly to avoid contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables or agricultural inputs. Agricultural workers should not use harvesting containers for carrying materials (e.g. lunches, tools, fuel, etc.) other than harvested fruits and vegetables. Equipment and containers previously used for potentially hazardous materials (e.g. garbage, manure, etc.) should not be used for holding fresh fruits or vegetables or have contact with packaging material that is used for fresh fruits and vegetables without adequate cleaning and disinfecting. Care must be taken when packing fresh fruits and vegetables in the field to avoid contaminating containers or bins by exposure to, manure or animal/human faeces.
CLEANING, MAINTENANCE AND SANITATION Premises and harvesting equipment should be kept in an appropriate state of repair and condition to facilitate cleaning and disinfection. Equipment should function as intended to prevent contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables. Cleaning materials and hazardous substances such as agricultural chemicals should be specifically identifiable and kept or stored separately in secure storage facilities. Cleaning materials and agricultural chemicals should be used according to manufacturers instructions for their intended purpose.
Cleaning programmes
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Cleaning and disinfection programmes should be in place to ensure that any necessary cleaning and maintenance is carried out effectively and appropriately. Cleaning and disinfection systems should be monitored for effectiveness and should be regularly reviewed and adapted to reflect changing circumstances. Specific recommendations are as follows: Harvesting equipment and re-usable containers that come in contact with fresh fruits and vegetables should be cleaned, and, where appropriate, disinfected on a regular basis. Harvesting equipment and re-usable containers used for fresh fruits and vegetables that are not washed prior to packing should be cleaned and disinfected as necessary.
Waste management
Suitable provision must be made for the storage and removal of waste. Waste must not be allowed to accumulate in fresh fruit and vegetable handling and storage areas or the adjoining environment. Storage areas for waste should be kept clean.
5.2.1 5.2.2
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Condensate and defrost water from evaporator type cooling systems (e.g. vacuum cooling, cold rooms) should not drip onto fresh fruits and vegetables. The inside of the cooling systems should be maintained clean. Potable water should be used in cooling systems where water or ice is in direct contact with fresh fruits and vegetables (e.g. hydro cooling, ice cooling). The water quality in these systems should be controlled and maintained. Forced-air cooling is the use of rapid movement of refrigerated air over fresh fruits and vegetables in cold rooms. Air cooling systems should be appropriately designed and maintained to avoid contaminating fresh produce.
Cold storage When appropriate, fresh fruits and vegetables should be maintained at low temperatures after cooling to minimize microbial growth. The temperature of the cold storage should be controlled and monitored. Condensate and defrost water from the cooling system in cold storage areas should not drip on to fresh fruits and vegetables. The inside of the cooling systems should be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
Microbial cross-contamination
Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene.
INCOMING MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene. PACKING Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene. WATER USED IN THE PACKING ESTABLISHMENT Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene. MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene. DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS Where appropriate, records of processing, production and distribution should be kept long enough to facilitate a recall and food borne illness investigation, if required. This period could be much longer than the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables. Documentation can enhance the credibility and effectiveness of the food safety control system. Growers should keep current all relevant information on agricultural activities such as the site of production, suppliers information on agricultural inputs, lot numbers of agricultural inputs, irrigation practices, use of agricultural chemicals, water quality data, pest control and cleaning schedules for indoor establishments, premises, facilities, equipment and containers. Packers should keep current all information concerning each lot such as information on incoming materials (e.g. information from growers, lot numbers), data on the quality of processing water, pest control programmes, cooling and storage temperatures, chemicals used in post-harvest treatments, and cleaning schedules for premises, facilities, equipment and containers, etc. RECALL PROCEDURES Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene. In addition, where appropriate: Growers and packers should have programmes to ensure effective lot identification. These programmes should be able to trace the sites and agricultural inputs involved in primary production and the origin of incoming material at the packing establishment in case of suspected contamination. Growers information should be linked with packers information so that the system can trace products from the distributor to the field. Information that should be included are the date of harvest, farm identification, and, where possible, the persons who handled the fresh fruits or vegetables from the primary production site to the packing establishment.
CAC/RCP 53-2003
Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene and to the Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Food in Bulk and Semi-Packed Food.
Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene except for section 10.1 and 10.2.
AWARENESS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Personnel associated with growing and harvesting should be aware of GAPs, good hygienic practices and their role and responsibility in protecting fresh fruits and vegetables from contamination or deterioration. Agricultural workers should have the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to carry out agricultural activities and to handle fresh fruits and vegetables and agricultural inputs hygienically. Personnel associated with packing should be aware of GMPs, good hygienic practices and their role and responsibility in protecting fresh fruits and vegetables from contamination or deterioration. Packers should have the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to perform packing operations and to handle fresh fruits and vegetables in a way that minimizes the potential for microbial, chemical, or physical contamination. All personnel who handle cleaning chemicals or other potentially hazardous chemicals should be instructed in safe handling techniques. They should be aware of their role and responsibility in protecting fresh fruit and vegetables from contamination during cleaning and maintenance. TRAINING PROGRAMMES Factors to take into account in assessing the level of training required in growing, harvesting and packing activities include: The nature of the fruit or vegetable, in particular its ability to sustain growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The agricultural techniques and the agricultural inputs used in the primary production including the probability of microbial, chemical and physical contamination. The task the employee is likely to perform and the hazards and controls associated with those tasks. The manner in which fresh fruits and vegetables are processed and packaged including the probability of contamination or microbial growth. The conditions under which fresh fruits and vegetables will be stored. The extent and nature of processing or further preparation by the consumer before final consumption. Topics to be considered for training programmes include, but are not limited to, the following: The importance of good health and hygiene for personal health and food safety. The importance of hand washing for food safety and the importance of proper hand washing techniques. The importance of using sanitary facilities to reduce the potential for contaminating fields, produce, other workers, and water supplies. Techniques for hygienic handling and storage of fresh fruits and vegetables by transporters, distributors, storage handlers and consumer.
CAC/RCP 53-2003
The health benefits associated with fresh fruits and vegetables combined with the ongoing consumer interest in the availability of a variety of ready-to-eat foods have contributed to a substantial increase in the popularity of pre-cut fruits and vegetables. Because of the increased convenience and consumption of pre-cut fruits and vegetables in and away from the home, the preparation of these products has moved from the point of consumption to the food processor or retailer. The processing of fresh produce without proper sanitation procedures in place in the manufacturing environment may enhance the potential for contamination by microbiological pathogens. The potential for pathogens to survive or grow may be enhanced by the high moisture and nutrient content of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, the absence of a lethal process to eliminate them, and the potential for temperature abuse during processing, storage, transport, and retail display. Some of the microbiological pathogens associated with fresh fruits and vegetables include Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Norwalk-like virus and hepatitis A virus and parasites such as Cyclospora. Some of these pathogens are associated with the agricultural environment, whereas others are associated with infected workers or contaminated water. Because of the ability for pathogens to survive and grow on fresh produce, it is important for the pre-cut industry to follow good hygienic practices to ensure the microbiological safety of its products.
Hygienic recommendations for the primary production of fresh fruits and vegetables are covered under the Code of Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. This Annex recommends the application of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for all stages involved in the production of ready-to-eat fresh pre-cut fruits and vegetables, from receipt of raw materials to distribution of finished products. The primary objective of this Annex is to identify GMPs that will help control microbiological, physical, and chemical hazards associated with the processing of fresh pre-cut fruits and vegetables. Particular attention is given to minimizing microbiological hazards. This Annex provides elements that should be taken into account in the production, processing and distribution of these foods.
CAC/RCP 53-2003
USE This document follows the format of the Recommended International Code of Practice General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 3 (1997) and should be used in conjunction with the General Principles of Food Hygiene and the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. DEFINITIONS Processor the person responsible for the management of the activities associated with the production of ready-to-eat fresh pre-cut fruits and vegetables.
Refer to the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
Refer to the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. In addition:
CONTROL OF FOOD HAZARDS For the products covered by this Annex it should be recognized that while processing may reduce the level of contamination initially present on the raw materials, it will not be able to guarantee elimination of such contamination. Consequently, the processor should ensure that steps are taken by their suppliers (growers, harvesters, packers and distributors) to minimize contamination of the raw materials during primary production. It is recommended that processors ensure that their suppliers have adopted the principles outlined in the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. There are certain pathogens, Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium botulinum, which present specific concern in relation to ready to eat fresh pre-cut vegetables packaged in a modified atmosphere. Processors should ensure that they have addressed all relevant safety issues relating to the use of such packaging. KEY ASPECTS OF CONTROL SYSTEMS
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Washing cut produce with potable water may reduce microbiological contamination. In addition, it removes some of the cellular fluids that were released during the cutting process thereby reducing the level of available nutrients for microbiological growth. The following should be considered: Water should be replaced at sufficient frequency to prevent the build-up of organic material and prevent cross-contamination. Antimicrobial agents should be used, where necessary, to minimize cross-contamination during washing and where their use is in line with good hygienic practices. The antimicrobial agents levels should be monitored and controlled to ensure that they are maintained at effective concentrations. Application of antimicrobial agents, followed by a wash as necessary, should be done to ensure that chemical residues do not exceed levels as recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Drying or draining to remove water after washing is important to minimize microbiological growth. Cold storage Refer to section of the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. In addition: Pre-cut fresh fruits and vegetables should be maintained at low temperatures at all stages, from cutting through distribution to minimize microbiological growth. DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS Where appropriate, records should be maintained to adequately reflect product information, such as product formulations or specifications and operational controls. Maintaining adequate documentation and records of processing operations is important in the event of recall of with fresh pre-cut fruits and vegetables. Records should be kept long enough to facilitate recalls and foodborne illness investigations, if required. This period will likely be much longer than the shelf life of the product. Some examples of records to keep are the following: Fresh fruit and vegetable supplier records Water quality and supply records Equipment monitoring and maintenance records Equipment calibration records Sanitation records Product processing records Pest control records Distribution records RECALL PROCEDURES Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene.
Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene and the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene and the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. In addition:
TRAINING PROGRAMMES To evaluate the level of training required of persons responsible for the production of fresh pre-cut fruits and vegetables, the additional following factors should be taken into account: the packaging systems used for fresh pre-cut fruits and vegetables, including the risks of contamination or microbiological growth involved in this method; the importance of temperature control and GMPs.
CAC/RCP 53-2003
In recent years the popularity of sprouted seeds has increased dramatically and are favoured by many for their nutritional value. However, the recent increase in reports of food borne illness associated with raw sprouts has raised concerns from public health agencies and consumers about the safety of these products. The microbial pathogens associated with sprouted seeds are for example Salmonella spp, pathogenic E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Shigella spp. Outbreak investigations have indicated that micro-organisms found on sprouts most likely originate from the seeds. Most seeds supplied to sprout producers are produced primarily for forage or animal grazing where the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) necessary to prevent microbial contamination of seeds intended for sprouting are not followed, especially through the misuse of natural fertilizers or contaminated irrigation water. As a result, the seeds may be contaminated in the field or during harvesting, storage or transportation. Typically, the germination process in sprout production involves keeping seeds warm and moist for two to ten days. In these conditions, if low levels of microbial contaminants are present on seeds, they can quickly reach levels high enough to cause illness. The scientific literature proposes microbiological decontamination of seeds treatments which can achieve different levels of pathogen reduction. There is currently no treatment available that can guarantee pathogen free seeds. Research is in progress to find efficient microbiological decontamination treatments which would provide sufficient pathogen reduction on seeds especially if pathogens are internalized.
This annex recommends control measures to occur in two areas: during seed production and during sprout production. During seed production, conditioning and storage, the application of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Hygienic Practices (GHPs) are aimed at preventing microbial pathogen contamination of seeds. During sprout production, the microbiological decontamination of seeds step is aimed at reducing potential contaminants and the good hygienic practices at preventing the introduction of microbial pathogens and minimizing their potential growth. The degree of control in these two areas has a significant impact on the safety of sprouts.
CAC/RCP 53-2003
HYGIENIC PRODUCTION OF SEEDS Manure and biosolids When seeds are destined for the production of sprouts for human consumption, wild or domestic animals should not be allowed to graze in the fields where seeds are grown (e.g., employing sheep for spring clip back of alfalfa). It is particularly important to prevent microbial contamination during the production of seeds which will be used to produce sprouts for human consumption because of the potential for pathogens to grow during the sprouting process. Consequently, manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers should only be used when they have undergone treatments which achieve a high level of pathogen reduction. Agricultural chemicals Seed producers should only use chemicals (e.g., pesticides, desiccants) which are acceptable for seeds intended for the production of sprouts for human consumption.
HANDLING, STORAGE AND TRANSPORT Seeds produced for the production of sprouts for human consumption should be segregated from product to be seeded or planted for animal feed (e.g., for forage or animal grazing) and clearly labelled. Recognizing that seeds are vulnerable to microbial pathogens during thrashing and drying, adequate care is needed to maintain sanitation in drying yards, and exposure of seeds to mist, high humidity and fog should be avoided. ANALYSES Seed producers, distributors, and sprout producers should test lots of seeds for microbial pathogens using internationally accepted analytical methods. Sprouting seeds before testing increases the possibility of finding pathogens that may be present. If lots of seeds are found to be contaminated, they should not be sold or used for the production of sprouts for human consumption. Because of the limitations associated with sampling methods and analytical tests, failure to find contamination does not guarantee that the seeds are pathogen free. However, if contamination is found at this stage, it allows seeds to be diverted or destroyed before entering sprout production for human consumption. Seed producers, distributors and sprout producers should refer to the Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods, CAC/GL 211977, for guidance on establishing a sampling plan. RECALL PROCEDURES Seed producers for the production of sprouts for human consumption should ensure that records and recall procedures are in place to effectively respond to health risk situations. Procedures should enable the complete and rapid recall of any implicated seed. The procedures should also assist in providing detailed information for the identification and investigation of any contaminated seeds and sprouts. The following should be adopted: Seed production and distribution practices should be in place to minimize the quantity of seed identified as a single lot and avoid the mixing of multiple lots that would complicate recalls and provide greater opportunity for cross-contamination. Seed producers and distributors and sprout producers should maintain records for each lot. The lot number, producer and country of origin should be indicated on each container. Seed producers should have a system to: effectively identify lots, trace the production sites and agricultural inputs associated with the lots, and allow physical retrieval of the seeds in case of a suspected hazard. Where a lot has been recalled because of a health hazard, other lots that were produced under similar conditions (e.g., on the same production sites or with the same agricultural inputs) and which may present a similar hazard should be evaluated for safety. Any lot presenting a similar risk should be recalled. Blends containing potentially contaminated seeds must also be recalled. Seeds which may present a hazard must be held and detained until they are disposed of properly.
CAC/RCP 53-2003
Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene. In addition:
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Storage of finished product Where appropriate, sprouts should be kept under cold temperature (e.g. 50C) that will minimize microbial growth for the intended shelf life of the product. Regular and effective monitoring of temperature of storage areas and transport vehicles should be carried out.
Microbiological cross-contamination
Sprout producers should adhere to the following: The traffic pattern of employees should prevent cross-contamination of sprouts. For example: the employees should avoid going back and forth to various areas of production. The employees should not go from a potentially contaminated area to the germination and/or packaging area unless they have washed their hands and changed to clean protective clothing.
Seed storage
Seeds should be handled and stored in a manner that will prevent damage and contamination. Seeds should be stored off the floor, away from walls and in proper storage conditions to prevent mould and bacterial growth and facilitate pest control inspection. Open containers should be stored in such a way that they are protected from pests and other sources of contamination.
DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS Refer to the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. In addition:
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Written records that accurately reflect product information and operational controls should be available to demonstrate the adequacy of the production activities. Upon receipt of seeds, records should be maintained of the seed supplier, the lot number and the country of origin to facilitate recall procedures. Records should be legible, permanent and accurate. Records should include written procedures, controls, limits, monitoring results and subsequent follow-up documents. Records must include: seed sources and lot numbers, water analysis results, sanitation checks, pest control monitoring, sprout lot codes, analysis results, production volumes, storage temperature monitoring, product distribution and consumer complaints. Records should be kept long enough to facilitate recalls and food borne illness investigation, if required. This period will likely be much longer than the shelf life of the product.
Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene.
Refer to the General Principles of Food Hygiene. In addition:
AWARENESS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Refer to the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. In addition: The producer should have a written training programme that is routinely reviewed and updated. Systems should be in place to ensure that food handlers remain aware of all procedures necessary to maintain the safety of sprouts.
CAC/RCP 53-2003
Fresh leafy vegetables are grown, processed and consumed in multiple ways and in diverse conditions throughout the world. They are grown on farms that vary from very large to very small. Fresh leafy vegetables are marketed both locally and globally to provide year round availability to consumers and are sold as fresh, fresh-cut, pre-cut or ready-to-eat products such as pre-packaged salads. International and national concerns have grown in response to recent outbreaks and reported illnesses linked to fresh leafy vegetables. A broad array of microbial pathogens have been associated with fresh leafy vegetables as reported in international outbreak data, including Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter spp, Shigella spp, Hepatitis A virus, Norovirus, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Guardia lamblia Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Listeria monocytogenes. Epidemiological evidence, outbreak investigations and risk assessments have identified areas of risk for pathogen contamination of leafy vegetables including key risks from water, animals, workers and manure based soil amendments. Fresh leafy vegetables are grown and harvested in large volume, often for export and increasingly in places that are new to harvesting and distributing fresh leafy vegetables therefore the potential for human pathogens to spread has also grown. Fresh leafy vegetables are marketed as diverse products including whole, unprocessed heads, loose leaves, mixed cut leaves and fresh herbs, and pre-cut packaged products. Fresh leafy vegetables are packed in diverse ways including field packed direct for market, in packing houses and processed for pre-cut products in sophisticated processing plants. As fresh, fresh-cut, pre-cut or ready to eat leafy vegetables move through the supply chain, there is also the potential for the introduction and growth of pathogens. There is no further processing treatment that would eliminate or inactivate the target microorganisms. Examples of control measures are illustrative only and their use and approval may vary between member countries.
The objective of this Annex is to provide specific guidance to reduce the microbial food safety risks associated with fresh leafy vegetables that are intended to be consumed without cooking during their production, harvesting, packing, processing, storage, distribution, marketing and consumer use. This includes fresh, freshcut, pre-cut or ready-to-eat products such as pre-packaged salads. Because of the diversity of leafy vegetables and practices and conditions used throughout the supply chain, recommendations to minimize microbial contamination will be most effective when adapted to specific operations.
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The following should be considered: Potential sources of environmental contamination should be identified prior to production activities. Assessment of environmental conditions is particularly important because subsequent steps may not be adequate to remove contamination that occurs during production and in some cases may lead to conditions that enable the growth of microbial pathogens. Particular attention should be given to potential sources of faecal contamination in the production area, on near-by sites and to vectors which may introduce faecal contamination to the production and handling areas. These vectors include, but are not limited, to humans, domestic and wild animals, or indirectly via contaminated water, insects, workers, or fomites such as dust, tools and equipment.
HYGIENIC PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF FRESH LEAFY VEGETABLES Water for primary production An appropriate and adequate supply of water of a suitable quality for use in different operations in the primary production of fresh leafy vegetables should be available. The source of the water used for production and the method of delivery can affect the risk of contamination for fresh leafy vegetables. Growers should seek appropriate guidance on water quality and delivery methods to minimize the potential for contamination with microbial pathogens. The quality of water may vary. Water for primary production that has substantial contact with the edible portion of the leafy vegetable should meet the standards for potable or clean water. Examples of water sources that present the lowest risk of contamination are: Rain water, provided the integrity of the water distribution system is maintained Water in deep wells, provided they are maintained, monitored and capped Water in shallow wells provided they are maintained, monitored and capped
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Water sources that pose a higher risk of contamination may need further treatment such as: Surface water Option such as sand filtration or storage in catchments or reservoirs to achieve partial biological treatment should be considered. The efficacy if these treatments should be evaluated and monitored. Reclaimed or wastewater Before using reclaimed or wastewater for crop irrigation, consult with an expert to assess the relative risk and determine the suitability of the water source. Reclaimed wastewater subjected to different levels of treatment should be in compliance with WHO guidelines for safe use of wastewater, excreta and grey water, wastewater use in agriculture, in agricultural production specifically on irrigating vegetables marketed to consumers as fresh, fresh-cut, pre-cut or ready-to-eat. Growers and harvesters should identify the sources of water used on the farm (municipality, re-used irrigation water, reclaimed wastewater, discharge water from aquaculture, well, open canal, reservoir, rivers, lakes, farm ponds, etc.). Growers should assess and manage the risk posed by these waters as follows: Assess the potential for microbial contamination (e.g., from livestock, human habitation, sewage treatment, manure and composting operations) and the waters suitability for its intended use and re-assess the potential for microbial contamination if events, environmental conditions or other conditions indicate that water quality may have changed. Identify corrective actions to prevent or minimize contamination. Possible corrective actions may include fencing to prevent large animal contact, appropriate well casing and head maintenance and placement of wells, filtering water, not stirring the sediment when drawing water, building settling or holding ponds, and water treatment facilities. Settling or holding ponds that are used for subsequent irrigation may be microbiologically safe but may attract animals or in other ways increase the microbial risks associated with water for irrigating crops. If water treatment is needed, consult with water safety authorities. Determine if analytical testing should be done to evaluate the suitability of water for each intended use. Analytical testing may be necessary after a change in irrigation water source, flooding or a heavy rainfall when water is at a higher risk of contamination. If testing, determine and document what tests need to be performed, how often tests should be conducted, what the test outcomes indicate, and how tests will be used to define corrective actions. The frequency of testing will partially depend on the water source (less for adequately maintained deep wells, more for surface water) and the risks of environmental contamination including intermittent or temporary contamination (e.g. heavy rain, flooding, etc.). If testing is limited to non-pathogenic indicators, frequent water tests may be useful to establish the baseline water quality so that changes in the levels of contamination can be identified. Obtain municipal water test results when available. If the water source is found to have unacceptable levels of indicator organisms or is known to be contaminated, corrective actions should be taken to ensure that the water is suitable for its intended use. Testing frequency should be increased until consecutive results are within the acceptable range. Water for irrigation Water used for irrigation purposes should be of suitable quality for its intended use. The type of irrigation or application method affects the risk of contamination. The timing, the quality of water used, and whether the water has direct contact with the edible portion of the plant should all be considered when selecting the type of irrigation or application method to use. Growers should: Evaluate the water distribution system to determine if a contamination source is evident and can be eliminated. Establish no-harvest zones if irrigation source water is known to or likely to contain human pathogens and where failure at connections results in overspray of plants or localized flooding. Overhead irrigation presents the highest risk of contamination because it wets the edible portion of the crop. The duration for wetting can be several hours, and the physical force of water droplet impact may drive contamination into protected sites on the leaf. Therefore, only the clean water should be used for this type of irrigation. Subsurface or drip irrigation that results in no wetting of the plant is the irrigation method with the least risk of contamination, although these methods can still experience localized problems. For drip-irrigation, care should be taken to avoid creating pools of water on the soil surface or in furrows that may come into contact with the edible portion of the crop. Irrigation of fresh leafy vegetables that have physical characteristics such as rough surfaces where water may accumulate, a vase-like growth characteristic, or high density seeding or transplant rates should be irrigated with only clean water. Irrigation of these products should be applied in a way to minimize wetting of the edible portion because the plant characteristics can provide niches for microbial attachment and survival.
CAC/RCP 53-2003 Water for fertilizers, pest control and other agricultural chemicals Clean water should be used in the application of aqueous fertilizers, pesticides, and other agricultural chemicals that are directly applied to edible portions of the fresh leafy vegetables, especially close to harvest. Human pathogens can survive and grow in many agrichemicals including pesticides. The application of pesticide solutions contaminated with human pathogens to the surface of leafy vegetables is known to constitute a risk, particularly near harvest time. Hydroponic water Microbial risks of water used in growing fresh leafy vegetables hydroponically may differ from the microbial risks of water used to irrigate leafy vegetables in soil because the water in hydroponic production is used for both irrigation and as the growth medium and presents therefore a higher risk of microbiological contamination. The growth medium may enhance the survival of pathogens. It is especially critical in hydroponic operations to maintain the water quality to reduce the risk of contamination and survival of pathogens. Water for harvesting and other agricultural uses Water for other agricultural uses includes dust abatement, hydration, as a lubricant, and to maintain roads, yards, and parking lots so that they do not constitute a source of contamination in areas where fresh leafy vegetables are exposed. If sprinkling water using mechanical means to minimize dust on dirt roads within or near the fields, then use clean water to avoid the aerosolization and spread of pathogens. Fresh leafy vegetables may be sprayed with small amounts of water during machine harvest or in the field container just after harvest to hydrate crops. Water may also be used to facilitate the handling of leafy vegetables in the field. Clean water should be used in processes were there is direct contact between the water and edible portions of the leafy vegetables. It is understood that products at this point are not considered readyto-eat and may be washed or further processed. Manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers Manure, biosolids and other natural fertilizers may contain human or animal waste, animal parts or products, or be composed primarily of plant materials. Because of this, natural fertilizers and other soil amendments may contain human pathogens that may persist for weeks or even months, particularly if treatment of these materials is inadequate Proper treatment of biosolids, manures and by-products (e.g. physical, chemical, or biological treatment) will reduce the risk of potential human pathogen survival. The persistence of human pathogens in soil depends on many factors (soil type, relative humidity, temperature, Ultraviolet Index 1 and pathogen type among other known factors). Composting, if done properly, can be a practical and efficient method to inactivate human pathogens in manure. When using aerobic composting methods, compost heaps should be regularly and thoroughly turned so that all of the material will be exposed to elevated temperatures because pathogens can survive for months on the heap surface. Anaerobic methods can also effectively inactivate pathogens; however, special consideration should be given to determine the length of time needed to inactivate pathogens that may be present. In general, only fully decomposed animal waste or plant materials should be applied to fresh leafy vegetables. Fresh leafy vegetables may be contaminated through direct contact with contaminated soil amendments. Therefore untreated and/or partially treated manure, biosolids, and other natural fertilizers should not be applied to leafy vegetables after plant emergence unless it can be demonstrated that product contamination will not occur. Field soil contaminated with human pathogens may also provide a means of fresh leafy vegetables contamination via rain splash or plant uptake. Therefore, establishing suitably conservative pre-plant fertilizer intervals appropriate for specific regional and field conditions is an effective step towards minimizing risk. Competent authorities should provide guidance on appropriate intervals.
Indoor facilities associated with growing and harvesting (protective agricultural structures)
Protective agricultural structures, including greenhouses, high tunnels, hoop houses, and shade house structures, provide some degree of control over various environmental factors. Location, design and layout The following should be considered: Protective agricultural structures Some protective agricultural structures are located in the field (hoop houses, high tunnels, etc.) Factors that influence the magnitude and frequency of the transfer of pathogenic microorganisms in the field, such as the climate, weather, topology, hydrology and other geographic characteristics in or nearby the field may pose a similar risk for certain protective structures. The methods for adequate maintenance of the environment around the structures include, but are not limited to:
1 Ultraviolet Index (UVI): a measure of the solar ultraviolet intensity at the earths surface that indicates the days exposure to ultraviolet rays. The UV Index is measured around noon for a one-hour period and rated on a scale of 0 to 15 based on international guidelines for UVI reporting established by the World Health Organization.
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Properly storing equipment, removing litter and waste, and cutting weeds or grass within the immediate vicinity of the plant buildings or structures that may constitute an attractant, breeding place, or harborage for pests. Adequately draining areas that may contribute contamination to food by providing a breeding place for pests runoff, leakage, or pooled/settled water flowing into food growing areas, O transfer of contaminants via equipment or foot traffic
The land nearby certain protective structures (high tunnel, hoop house, etc.) should not be a significant source of contamination. Appropriate measures should be taken to minimize any relative risks from surrounding land use or environment. These measures may include berms, fences, ditches, buffer zones or other strategies to effectively mitigate any hazards. Water supply Refer to (Water for Irrigation) and (Hydroponic Water) Drainage and waste disposal The following should be considered: Good drainage should be maintained around the structure to eliminate standing water. Waste disposal systems and facilities should be provided. All refuse should be disposed of in containers with lids and stored away from the facility to prevent harbourage of pests. Refuse containers should be emptied regularly. Cleaning, maintenance and sanitation Workers and visitors should take effective measures (e.g., wash hands) before entering greenhouses. Plant debris and cull piles should be removed promptly from inside the structure. There should be no plant refuse around the outside of the structure or nearby to attract or harbour pests. The following should be considered:
As far as possible, such facilities should be located close to the field and readily accessible to the work area: Sanitary facilities should be located in a manner to encourage their use and reduce the likelihood that workers will relieve themselves in the field. Facilities should be in sufficient number to accommodate personnel (e.g. 1 per 10 people) and be appropriate for both genders if workforce contains males and females. Portable facilities should not be located or cleaned in cultivation areas or near irrigation water sources or conveyance systems. Growers should have a standard plan that identifies the areas where it is safe to put portable facilities and to prevent traffic in case of a spill. Facilities should include clean running water, soap, toilet paper or equivalent, and single use paper towels or equivalent.
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Health status The following should be considered: Farm and packinghouse managers should be encouraged to observe symptoms of diarrhoeal or food transmissible communicable diseases and reassign workers as appropriate. Employees should be encouraged to notice and report symptoms of diarrhoeal or food transmissible communicable diseases. Medical examination of food handlers should be carried out if clinically or epidemiologically indicated. Personal cleanliness When personnel are permitted to continue working with cuts and wounds covered by water proof dressings, they should wear gloves to cover the bandages thereby providing a secondary barrier between them and the fresh leafy vegetables they handle. Workers should wear clean clothes and bathe daily. Personal behaviour Personal items (e.g., purses, backpacks, clothes, etc.) should be stored away from production areas.
Prevention of cross-contamination
The following should be considered: The field should be evaluated for the presence of hazards or contamination prior to harvest to determine if the field should be harvested. Written SOPs should be developed for appropriate handling, storage, and transport. Excessive dirt and caked mud should be removed from product and/or containers during harvest. If water is used to remove dirt and debris from leafy vegetables in the field, clean water should be used. Harvesting methods vary depending upon the characteristics of the product. Mechanical harvesting provides opportunity for increased surface contact exposure and may cause damage that could lead to penetration of plant tissues by microorganisms. Specific control measures should be implemented to minimize the risk of contamination from microorganisms associated with the method, such as prevention of sucking up soils and other field contaminants and components that may damage or cut plants. Personal hygiene is critical with manual harvesting due to the amount of human handling that could lead to contamination of the leafy vegetables. Proper cleaning and sanitation of equipment is also important for manual and mechanical harvesting, since knives and other equipment used can wound fresh leafy vegetables, lead to cross contamination, and provide entry for contaminants that may be in soil and water. Over-filling of totes and bins should be avoided to prevent transfer of contaminants to produce during stacking.
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Fresh leafy vegetables are perishable products that should be carefully handled. Damage will adversely affect the quality of the product and may increase its potential for microbial contamination. Damaged product should be discarded. Maintaining optimum temperatures of leafy vegetables between 1-5C throughout the supply chain or minimizing the time they are exposed to higher temperature will limit microbial proliferation and, depending on the type of the product, may be optimum for quality. Consideration should be given to the type of product, particularly certain fresh herbs (e.g. basil and shiso) that are chill sensitive and may require higher storage temperatures to prevent quality deterioration that could leave the product vulnerable to foodborne pathogens. For this type of product, minimizing the time it is exposed to a higher temperature might be preferable to maintaining the temperature below 5C. Cover product to maintain integrity of the load. CLEANING, MAINTENANCE AND SANITATION
Cleaning programs
The following should be considered: Harvesting containers that come into direct contact with leafy vegetables should not be utilized for purposes other than holding product (e.g., should not hold personal items, waste, etc.). Single use primary containers such as cardboard boxes or clamshells should not be reused in food contact applications. Containers should be covered and stored in a location and in a manner to prevent possible contamination (e.g., pests, birds, rodents, dust, water, etc.). Damaged containers should be repaired or replaced. Containers that come into direct contact with the soil should not be stacked in such a manner as to allow soil and debris to contaminate fresh leafy vegetables. Policies should be established for the control of equipment when it is not in use, including policies for the removal of equipment from the work area or site and for the use of scabbards, sheathes or other storage equipment. Harvesting equipment, including hand harvesting implements (knives, pruners, corers, machetes) that come in direct contact with fresh leafy vegetables, should be cleaned and sanitized at least daily or as the situation warrants. Clean water should be used to clean all equipment directly contacting fresh leafy vegetables, including farm machinery, harvesting and transportation equipment, containers and implements.
The following should be considered: Floors and walls should be of a material that is easily cleanable and does not pose a risk for harbourage or growth of foodborne microorganisms. Pipes should not leak and condensation should be minimized to avoid dripping on product or packing equipment
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Drainage in the facility should be designed with sloped floors to effectively drain standing water. Floors should be kept as dry as possible using appropriate methods. Food handlers should have proper training to remove standing water or push standing water to the drains. Drains should be cleaned periodically to prevent build-up of biofilms that may contain organisms of concern (e.g., Listeria monocytogenes). Areas for garbage recyclables and compostable waste should be identified and all waste should be stored and disposed of in a manner to minimize contamination. Waste should be disposed of on a frequent basis to avoid attracting pests (e.g. flies, rodents).
5.1 CONTROL OF FOOD HAZARDS Establishments should pay special attention to product flow and segregation from incoming soiled to outgoing washed product to avoid cross-contamination. KEY ASPECTS OF HYGIENE CONTROL SYSTEMS Receipt and inspection of raw materials Prior to preparation, damaged or decayed material (both at harvest and at the processing plant) should be trimmed and/or discarded. Post-harvest water use The following should be considered: Water quality management will vary throughout all operations. Packers should follow GMPs to prevent or minimize the potential for the introduction or spread of pathogens in processing water. The quality of water should be dependent on the stage of the operation. For example, clean water could be used for initial washing stages, whereas water used for final rinses should be of potable quality. Clean or preferably potable water should be used when water is applied under pressure or vacuum during washing as these processes may alter the leaf structure and force pathogens into plant cells. Where appropriate, the pH, hardness, temperature of the post-harvest water should be controlled and monitored, e.g., where these impact the efficacy of the antimicrobial treatments. Water recirculated for reuse in the establishment should be treated and maintained in conditions that do not constitute a risk to the safety of fresh leafy vegetables. For example the following may be used to maintain the suitability of the water: primary screening, secondary filtration, and antimicrobial treatment process. Chemical treatments Certain post harvest treatments, i.e. paraffin and fungicides, should not be used for fresh leafy green vegetables. Cooling of fresh leafy vegetables The following should be considered: Fresh leafy vegetables can be cooled immediately after harvest by either, using ice (parsley), forced-air cooling, vacuum cooling (iceberg lettuce), hydrocooling, or spray-vacuum (hydrovac) cooling. Water used in postharvest operations may contaminate fresh leafy vegetables if there is direct contact of water containing human pathogens with edible portions of the plant. For fresh leafy vegetables and the control of inputs such as water used for cooling, particular attention should be paid to: Water used to cool fresh leafy vegetables should be free from human pathogens. Water that is used in hydrovacs should be clean or preferably potable. Water that is used only once and is not recirculated is preferable. If recirculated water is used, water disinfectant at sufficient levels to reduce the potential risk of cross-contamination should be used and monitored. Cooling equipment should be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis according to written procedures to ensure that the potential for cross contamination is minimized. Cutting, slicing, shredding and similar pre-cut processes The following should be considered: Maintain sharpness and condition of knives and cutting edges to maintain product quality and safety. Cutting equipment should be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis according to written procedures to ensure that the potential for cross contamination is minimized
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The following should be considered: Microbiological testing can be a useful tool to evaluate and verify the effectiveness of safety and sanitation practices, provide information about an environment, a process, and even a specific product lot, when sampling plans and methodology are properly designed and performed. The intended use of information obtained (e.g. evaluating the effectiveness of a sanitation practice, evaluating the risk posed by a particular hazard, etc.) can aid in determining what microorganisms are most appropriate to test for. Test methods should be selected that are validated for the intended use. Consideration should be given to ensure proper design of a microbiological testing program. Trend analysis of testing data should be undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of food safety control systems. 5.7 DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS The following should be considered: Where practicable, a comprehensive written food safety control plan that includes a written description of each of the hazards identified in assessing environmental hygiene and the steps that will be implemented to address each hazard should be prepared by the businesses operating primary production. The description should include, but is not limited to: an evaluation of the production site, water and distribution system, manure use and composting procedures, personnel illness reporting policy, sanitation procedures, and training programs. The following are examples of the types of records that should be retained: 5.8 Microbiological testing results and trend analyses Water testing results Employee training records Pest control records Cleaning and sanitation reports Equipment monitoring and maintenance records Inspection/audit records TRACEABILITY/PRODUCT TRACING AND RECALL PROCEDURES The following should be considered: The traceability/product tracing system should be designed and implemented according to the Principles for Traceability/Products tracing as a Tool within a Food Inspection and Certification System (CAC/GL 60-2006), especially to enable the withdrawal of the products, where necessary.. Detailed records should be kept that link each supplier of the product with the immediate subsequent recipient of the food throughout the supply chain. The information should include, if available, the packer name, address, and phone, date packed, date released, type of food including brand name and specific variety (e.g., Romaine lettuce rather than just lettuce), lot identification, and number of items, The following are examples of the types of records that should be retained to facilitate traceability: o o o o Shipping documents Invoices Other records maintained by the firm that identifies the supplier and the buyer
Operators such as growers and producers and, in cases where contract harvesters are used, harvesters should keep current all relevant information on agricultural activities such as information concerning each lot, date harvested, grower contact information, harvest practices, if water used in harvesting, water quality. In fresh-cut, pre-cut or ready-to-eat salad operations, multiple ingredients from different sources may be combined in a single package. This practice can complicate efforts to trace leafy vegetables to their source. The processors should consider establishing and maintaining records to identify the source of each ingredient in the product.
Refer to the Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Food in Bulk and Semi-Packed Food (CAC/RCP 472001). 9.3 LABELLING Refer to the General Standard for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985) and In addition, the following should be considered:
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Consumers handling information should provide specific directions for product storage and use, including regarding the use-by date or other shelf-life indicators when provided. Consumers need clear guidance on keeping washed RTE bagged fresh leafy vegetables refrigerated until used. CONSUMER EDUCATION The following should be considered: All stakeholders - government, industry, consumer organizations and the media - should work together to communicate clear consistent messages on handling fresh leafy vegetables safely to avoid giving contradictory advice and causing confusion. Consumer information on handling fresh leafy vegetables safely should cover:
Selecting produce in the marketplace (supermarkets, retailers). Many fresh leafy vegetables such as lettuce are fragile and should be handled with care to avoid mechanical damage and to minimize microbiological contamination. Transporting to home. Increases in product temperatures during transportation can be considerable. Time in transit for fresh leafy vegetables between retail/markets and the home should be kept as short as possible. Storage/refrigeration of fresh leafy vegetables. Washing leafy vegetables as appropriate with potable running water. Products labelled washed and ready-toeat should not be rewashed. Correct hand washing methods using soap and potable water before handling fresh leafy vegetables should continue to be promoted to consumers. Cross-contamination. Consumers need to handle, prepare and store fresh leafy vegetables safely to avoid cross-contamination with pathogens from various sources e.g., hands, sinks, cutting boards, raw meats. Specific information for fresh-cut, pre-cut or ready-to-eat bagged salads. Consumers need specific and clear guidance on how to safely handle fresh-cut, pre-cut or ready-to-eat (RTE) leafy vegetables. Clear labelling is there important. There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that some consumers find it difficult to distinguish between product that can be consumed without further washing and that which requires washing before consumption, particularly bagged produce such as herbs and spinach.
10.1 10.2 AWARENESS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The following should be considered: Making education and training a priority for all personnel. TRAINING AND EDUCATION PROGRAMMES The following should be considered: Where required personnel involved in fresh leafy vegetable operations should receive training appropriate to their tasks and should be periodically assessed while performing their duties to ensure tasks are being completed correctly. Training should be delivered in a language and manner to facilitate understanding of the information and expectations. Training programs should be designed to help personnel understand what is expected of them and why and it should emphasize the importance of using hygienic practices. A welldesigned training programme considers the barriers to learning of the trainees and develops training methods and materials to overcome those barriers. To accommodate the complexity of situations that exist in fresh leafy vegetable operations, the following training considerations should be addressed: Longstanding entrenched trainee behaviours, attitudes and social taboos Transient nature of workforce with no prior training in food safety and hygiene Children/infants, who may accompany parents working in the field with the potential for transfer of pathogens with a human reservoir Diverse cultural, social and traditional practices Literacy and education level Language and dialect of trainees Need to make food safety practices realistic and easy to implement (identify enabling factors, motivators and incentives)
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Raising awareness among trainees of symptoms and signs of disease and encourage them to act upon it (take personal responsibility for health) Importance of food safety training when new crops are being grown for the first time Training programs should be regular, updated particularly when there is a change in product variety or process recorded, monitored for effectiveness and modified when necessary. Increased emphasis on training in cold chain logistics and management is recommended in line with advancing knowledge and technologies for both refrigeration and temperature monitoring and expanding international trade.