: Jaspreet Kaur
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This project is a web based project which provides online medical solution to the medical service E-medical is online consultation from seekers. Consultancy leading healthcare institutions and professionals in various . Users can send specialties their medical queries and get an opinion. This project is a part of which is a multiple information portal which provide information and online services to users, it has no. of links like e-job solution, matrimonial, dating, entertainment etc. I am working on e-medical consultancy. B y logging on this user can access their email account which is provided after the registration. Each user have their unique login id and password, there two type of user one is medical service seeker another is is medical service . There is a search facility available for user to search desired provider service. This is a web project which helps in: Free Medical advice Physicians help users to get the best treatment. Asking doctors Medical Questions, get advice. Online Information ,symptoms, health, treatment. Fast, simple and affordable online medical consultation. Evaluation of Lab results. Online Pediatrician and Medical Questions Online For Children. Online Appointments. Registration for getting blood. Registration for blood donation.
As we know that today web is growing day by day people are aware of internet its technology there is no. of sites who provides no. of services to the no. of customer as online market, online share trading online banking, online book shop etc so that my project guide advise me to develop a site to provide consultancy service in the medical related field there are some objectives of the sites. The main objective is to bring all the medical services on one platform now a days web is growing day by day. People are aware of web .It is easily accessible by many user so that I decided to design a site where user can find desired medical information. To bring all the medical facility on one platform. Medical service seeker can search for no. of medical services. Medical service provider can reach to no. of service seeker. User can service. search for desired
We have several alternative suggestions about the project category like: desktop application, web-based application, OOPs application, Networking, RDBMS etc. Out of available one we have opted Web based application based on client server architecture. The proposed system falls into the category Multimedia. A web based system has of two types of pages one is static web pages and another are dynamic web pages, which are saved on web server and can be seen by sending request to web server through HTTP protocol. Static web pages : - Static web pages are easy to spot sometimes we can pick them out by just looking at the content of the page. The content (text, images, hyperlinks, and so on) and appearance of static web pages is always the same regardless of who visits the page, or how and when they arrive at the page, or any other factors. Dynamic web pages : - The dynamic web pages are web pages, which we can interact like a time is shown on the page or we are sending information through web form, online chat, sending mail on net etc all the action this action performed with the help of dynamic web pages. Web Server : - Web server are software that manage web pages and make them available to client browser via local network or over the internet. In the case of the internet, the web server and browser are usually on two different machines, possibly many miles apart. However, in a local situation you can set up machine that runs the web server software, and then use a browser on the same machine to look at its web pages.
Software: - The software packages are used Operating System: - Windows professional Front End :ASP.NET Back End: - SQL Server 2000 Operating System
Factors that would influence the choice of an operating system Support for the programming language Feature like multitasking, backup and recovery Performance related issue Open system or patented Support for disk mirroring Data communication Availability of hardware Single user/ multi-user/ network operating system
On the basis of following fact and on the environment on which the purposed system to be work we have selected WindowsXP. Front-End As we know that such computer language can be use in software development, which must have the following criteria Easy To Learn Convenient in coding Easy To use control structure Lesser input provides larger output Highly efficient and productive
Compatibility with other language and other tools Support latest technologies Provides etc. flexibility
Keeping the aforesaid criterions we have opted as Front end tools to develop the application shell. This project is a web based project so that I have decided to develop this site using as a front end and for back end I have decided to use SQL server. There is following features which inspire me to use these packages. Front End Features : is a radical update of Microsofts Active Server Pages (ASP). is a powerful server based technology designed to create dynamic and interactive HTML pages on demand for your World Wide Web site or corporate internet. It is designed to improve upon nearly ever y feature of classic ASP, from reducing the amount of code you need to desire to giving you more power and flexibility ASP.NET also constitutes a key element in Microsofts.NET framework, providing Web-based access to the immensely powerful.NET development environment. It allows us to create Web application in a new flexible way by placing commonly used code into reusable controls of various kinds that can be fired by events initiated by our sites users.
Back-End Factors that affect the choice of a database management system are: Knowledge and skill levels available for developing application on a DBMS Issue Performance Interface with other DBMS Compliance to Industry Standard Support of troubleshooting 9
Number of Database supported etc. Data Security Assuming the fact given above on that basis we have selected Oracle 8 as Back-End tool in our software project. SQL Server 2005 features : Information : - In SQL server, data is represented in terms representation of rows and columns of a table. data stored as a table can be easily visualized Unique definition of : - The relation model requires each row to be rows uniquely defined by at least one or more columns of a table. The unique row requirement ensures that each row in the table can be accessed and changed independently from other rows of the table. It means changes made to a tow in the table do not affect the other rows. Systematic treatment of Null : - SQL server like most RDBMS Values treats Null values, zeros and blanks differently. While creating a table, one can specify whether a field allows Null or not. High level Update, Insert and : - In SQL server, if a record is updated Delete or deleted in the master table the corresponding records in the referencing table is also updated or dropped. Hardware Specification On the basis of above software specification we have decided the following configuration of hardware for server and client. Machine Configuration PROCESSOR P4 3.06 GHz RAM- 256 MB HDD- 40 GB UPGRADABLE UPTO 80 GB CD-ROM MONITORCOLOR PRINTERMATRIX VGA 132 COLUMN DOT 10
As we know that the system development starts with System Analysis known that A System is a collection of interrelated com ponents that work together to achieve common objective and system analysis is the specification of what the system, I required to it is conducted with the following objective in do mind: Identification and analysis of customer needs. System evaluation for identification Performing economic and technical analysis Allocating functions to manpower Establishing constraints Creating a subsequent development activities. cost system and schedule that forms a foundation for all definition
According to the IEEE The application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development operation, maintenance of software: that is the application of engineering to software. According to the process model opted as Water fall life cycle in this model Design just comes after the requirement specification or analysis phase
Waterfall model: It also called the linear sequential model or classic life cycle. Waterfall model suggests a systematic, sequential approach to software development that begins at the system level and progresses through analysis, design, coding testing and maintenance. I am implementing this software development life cycle model in my project because it is simple and easy to implement. It has following phases: Software requirem ents :- The requirements gathering process is analysis intensified and focused specifically on software. To understand the nature of the programs to be built, the software engineer must understand the information domain for the software, as well as required function, behavior, performance, and interfacing. Requirements for both the system and the software are documented and reviewed with the customer.
Feasibility study:-
This is determining whether the system requested is feasible or not. It includes 1. Technical is it possible that the work can be done with current feasibility equipment, software technology and available personnel? And if new technology is required what is the possibility that it can be developed. 2. Economic feasibility there sufficient be benefits in creating the will system. 3. Operational wills the system be used if it is developed and implemented feasibility or will there be resistance from the users. As in my project information about requirements are gathered from many sources like hospitals, doctor, people medical corners etc
Design: - Software design is actually a multi step process that focuses on four distinct attributes of a program: data structure, software architecture, interface representations, and procedural detail. The design process translates requirements into a representation of the software that can be assessed for quality before code generation begins. Like requirements, the design is documented and becomes part of the software configuration. As in my project design should be like that there is a login interface which will accept user id and password for login and there is another links will be use for registration of user there is a no. of button so that user can navigate from one page to another page but for accessing their email account they must use their login id and password Code generation : - The design must be translated into machine readable form. The code generation step performs this task. If design is performed in a detailed manner, code generation can be accomplished mechanistically. As we know ASP.NET is a tool which have no. of server controls so that we can put controls according to our design which is translated into HTML coding at back to make page dynamic we use VB.NET to make page interactive. Testing: - Once code has been generated, program testing begins. The testing process focuses on the logical internals of the software, assuring that all statements have been tested, and on the functional externals that is conduction tests to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with required results. First we test the system with white box testing. The white box testing will test all the coding of the modules. It will check the entire logical path. Loops and conditions applied. After while box testing. It will undergo the black box testing in which a set of inputs N prepared to test the functional requirements of this module. In the unit list of this module interface is tested to ensure that information properly flows into and out of the program because the module is not a stand alone program, drover software must be developed for this unit test the driver is nothing but a main program. To test the module is executed properly. 13
Maintenance: - Software will undoubtedly undergo change after it is delivered to the customer. Change will occur because errors have been encountered, because the software must adapted to accommodate changes in its external environment or because the customer requires functional or performance enhancements. So that their will be scope to make changes in our system.
Seeker Table Field nam e Type Constraints description user_id Char (30) Primary Key It collect the login user_id pwd Char (30) Not Null For collecting Login password fname Char (50) Not Null First name of user lname Char (50) Not Null Last name of user gender Char (10) Not Null Detail about user gender dob Date Not Null Date of birth of user age Number(2) Not Null Age of user education Char (50) Not Null Educational qualification of user occupation Char (50) Not Null Occupation of user email_id Char (50) Not Null Email id of user alt_email_id Char (50) Not Null Alternate email id phone Number(10) Not Null Phone no. Mobile Number(10) Not Null Mobile no. countr y Char (50) Not Null Country name state Char (50) Not Null State name city Char (50) Not Null City name address Char (100) Not Null Address of user pincode Number(8) Not Null Pin code date_of_registration Date Not Null Date of registration
Admin Table Field Name Type Constraints Description Username Char (30) Not Null Username Char (30) Not Null Password Password User Table Field Name Type Constraints Description User id Char (30) Primary Key User id Username Char (30) Not Null Username Password Char (30) Not Null Password Email Char (20) Not Null Email Security_question Char (80) Not Null Security_question Answer Answer Char (50) Not Null
Provider Table Field Name Type Constraints Description User_id Char (30) Not Null It collect the login user_id Pwd Char (30) Not Null For collecting Login password Fname Char (30) Not Null First name of user Lname Char (30) Not Null Last name of user Gender Char (10) Not Null Detail about user gender Category Char (30) Not Null Type of organization Name_of_org Char (30) Not Null Name of organization Specialization Char (30) Not Null Specialization of service provider Email_id Char (50) Not Null Email address of user Alt_email_id Char (50) Not Null Alternate email ID of user Phone Number(10) Not Null Phone no. Mobile Number(10) Not Null Mobile no. Country Char (30) Not Null Country Name State Char (30) Not Null State name 16
City Char (30) Not Null City name Address Char (100) Not Null Address Pincode Number(30) Not Null Pin code Date_of_registration Date Not Null Date of registration Mailbox Table Field Name Type Constraints Description Mail_id Char(50) Not Null S. no. of mail Sender Char(50) Not Null Address of email sender Receiver Char(50) Not Null Address of email reciver attachment Char(100) Not Null Save Url of attachment Subject Char(100) Not Null Title or subject of mail Body Char(200) Not Null Matter of mail Postingdate Date Not Null Date of mail Feedback Table Field Name Type Constraints description Fname Char(50) Not Null First name of user Lname Char(50) Not Null Last name of user Gender Char(10) Not Null Detail of user gender Dob Date Not Null Date of birth Email_id Char(50) Not Null Email address Phone Number(10) Not Null Phone no. Country Char(30) Not Null Country name State Char(30) Not Null State name City Char(30) Not Null City name Address Char(100) Not Null Residential address Pincode Number(10) Not Null Pin code no. Comments Char(250) Not Null Suggestions of user Test_details
Field Type Constraint Receipt_no Char(30) Primary key Patient_id Char (30) Not null Name Char (30) Not null Date Date Not null Report Char (60) Not null Doctor Master Field Type Constraint Dr_code Char (30) Primary Key Dr_name Char (30) Not null Gemder Char (30) Not null Date_of_birth Date Not null Address Char (30) Not null Date_of_join Date Not null Desgination Blood_receiver Field Type Constraint User_id Char(30) Not Null Name Char (30) Not null Address Char (30) Not null Requirement_details Char(100) Not null Blood_Group Char (20) Not null Not null
7. ER Diagram
E-Medical Consultancy
address lnam e fnam e countr y stat e cit y pincod e comment Has Feedba phone passwor d email_i d gender User_i d gender category fnam e lname emai
Feedbac k
do b
Has User
phon e mobil e
Service Provider
Alt_emai l passwor d fnam e Name_of_or g
cit y stat e
countr y addres s
do b mobil e User_i d
lnam e countr y
pincod e specilizatio n
E-Medical Consultancy
address lnam e fnam e countr y stat e cit y pincod e comment Has Feedba phone passwor d User_i d gender category fnam e lname emai
email_i d gender
Feedbac k
do b
Has User
phon e mobil e
Service Provider
Alt_emai l passwor d fnam e Name_of_or g
cit y stat e
countr y addres s
do b mobil e User_i d gender educatio n occupation phon e emai l alt_emai l pincod e addres s
lnam e countr y
pincod e specilizatio n
Medical Seeker
stat e cit y
receive r send er
email id _ subject
poatingdat e
1. Medical Seeker
2. Admi n
4. Inquir y
E-Medical Consultanc y
5. Accounts
9. Feedbac k
8. Online Appointment s
Searc h
EConsultanc Medical y
Medical Seeke Service r
EConsultanc Medical y
2.3 Give the exact Solution with near Charges Medical Service Seeke r
EMedical Consultanc y
3.3 Fix the time & send the to the email service seeker Medical Servic Seeker e
Print Screen
Doctor 4.1
Registration Id
EConsultanc Medical y
Print Screen
/ Doctor
5.2 Search the data base for doctor & its specializatio n
EConsultanc Medical y
Inquir y
6.1 Fill the feedbac form after k getting the Medical Servic e
EMedical Consultanc y
Print Screen
Feed back
9. Module Description
System Modules and Operation The system is divided into various modules. After doing the requirement specification and functional requirement .There are following main operation in our systems which are listed below: REGISTERATION (MODULE : - The users are first registered required 1) to register themselves so that are acquire a unique user id and password LOGIN (MODULE : - In the module both type of user are required to 2) enter their user id and password after all security checks they are allowed to access their mail account SEARCH (MODULE 3): - In this module user can search for doctors, hospitals, nursing home and clinic etc. FEEDBACK (MODULE 4): - In this module user can give their feedback so that further change can be made according to requirement ABOUTUS (MODULE 5):- This module contains information about the organization, and history of organization. CONTACT (MODULE - This module contains the address and phone no. 6): of organization if user wants to contact with organization than he can avail organization address. SITE MAP (MODULE - This module define the structure of 7) : site DOCTORS (MODULE This module define the doctors involved 8) : in medical consultations and . appointments BLOOD DONATION (MODULE - This module is related to the 9) : blood donators, receivers, blood donation camps etc. LAB RESULTS (MODULE 10) : - This module is related to the medical test reports of the patients.
ADMIN PANEL (MODULE 11): This module is related to the functionalities of the administrator: Adding Details of the doctors involved in e-medical consultancy Responding the online appointments. Responding Online medical questions Adding medical test reports Uploading online information, treatments, symptoms, health treatments.
System Design Detailed Design Codin g Unit Testing Test Plan Testing
Jan. Feb.
Pert Chart
PERT(Project Evaluation and Review Technique) charts consist of a network of boxes and arrows. The boxes represent activities and the arrows represent task dependencies. PERTchart represents the statistical variations in the project estimates assuming a normal distribution. Thus in a PERT chart instead of making a single estimate for each task, pessimistic, likely , optimistic estimates are also made. The boxes of PERT and charts are usually annotated with the pessimistic, likely, and optimistic estimates for every task. Since all possible completion times between the minimum and maximum durations for every task have to be considered, there are many critical paths, depending on the permutations of the estimates for each task. This makes critical path analysis in PERT charts very complex. A critical path in a PERT chart is shown by using thicker arrows. The PERT chart representation of the E-Medical consultancy problem of Figure A. is shown in Figure B. Task ES EF LS LF ST Specification Part 0 15 0 15 0 Design Database Part 15 60 15 60 0 Design GUI Part 15 45 90 120 75 Code Database Part 60 165 60 165 0 Code GUI Part 45 90 120 165 75 Integrate and Test 165 285 165 285 0 Write User Manua 15 75 225 285 210 l Figure A : Different Tasks for the E-Medical Consultancy shown in above table.
Specification 12, 15, 20 Design GUI part 38 24, 30, Code GUI part 52 4538,,
Write Manua user l 50, 60, 70 FIGURE B : PERT Chart representation Consultancy. of the E-Medical
PERT charts are a more sophisticated form of activity chart. In activity diagrams only the estimated task durations are represented. Since the actual durations might vary from the estimated durations, the utility of the activity diagrams is limited.
application. We can update it in its next version. We can add new features as and when we require. There is flexibility in all the modules. Scope of this document is to put down the requirements, clearly identif ying the information needed by the user, the source of the information and outputs expected from the system.
E-Medical consultancy allows users to register, pay, and ask a medical question. Answers are provided by doctors who chose to participate.I have decided to develop a project solution that addresses the challenges and allows for a website to remain competitive. It has been developed in ASP.NET, keeping in mind the specifications of the system. For designing the system we have used simple data flow diagrams. Overall the project teaches us the essential skills like: Using system analysis and design techniques like data flow diagram in designing the system . Understanding the database handling and query processing using SQL Server.
[1]Elmarsi Navathe, Wesley . [2]Ian Somerville, [3]Ali Bahrami, Hill Edition. Web References p / m and Fundamentals of Database System (Third Addision Software Engineering , Third Education. Edition, Pearson Edition, Tata Edition),