January 13, 2013 Bulletin

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The Baptism of the Lord January 13, 2013

April 24, 2011 , 2010
Saturday, January 12th 5:00 PM Intention Available Sunday, January 13th 9:00 AM Eleanore Bohley+ 11:15AM For the People of the Parish Monday, January 14th 8:30 AM Mary Woolf+ Tuesday, January 15th 8:30 AM Intention Available Wednesday, January 16th 7:00 PM Charlie Johnson+ Thursday, January 17th 8:30 AM Anne Spinelli+ Friday, January 18th 8:30 AM Intention Available Saturday, January 19th 5:00 PM Intention Available Sunday, January 20th 9:00 AM For the People of the Parish 11:15 AM Charlie Johnson+ Liturgical Minister Schedule Saturday, January 19, 2013, 5:00pm Lector: Betty Ross Servers: M. Levanoff / C. Dunn E.M.s: A. & M. Lincoln Sunday, January 20, 2013, 9:00am Lector: Carol Cooke Servers: J. Alberts / J. Alberts E.M.s: T. DeRodes, A. Rogers, P. & B. Chamberlin Sunday, January 20, 2013, 11:15am Lector: Cristina Burky Servers: F. del Guidice Jr. / G. del Guidice E.M.s: F. del Guidice Sr. / G. del Guidice

We said our sad goodbyes on January 4th to Jack Yuncker, a longtime parishioner of St. Stephen who died from pneumonia and whose Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Friday, January 4th. Jack would have been 95 years old this weekend on January 12th. He was a funny, friendly man who sat in the 2nd pew on the St. Joseph side of the church, all the way on the right end of the pew. He shook many hands while at Mass and always had a friendly disposition. Most importantly, he was very devoted to his Catholic faith. His wife of 66 years had died a few years ago & he is the grandfather of Mary Mennell. We will miss him but know that we have another saint praying for us at St. Stephen. Since ticket sales for our planned Dinner Dance on January 19th have been very slow, we have decided to cancel the event (those who did purchase tickets will receive a refund of course). We believe the financial climate has a lot to do with the slow sales. But we can look forward to our annual Lenten Fish Frys which will begin February 22nd. We will have 4 of them this year and know that youll enjoy them as you did the last couple of years. As we progress during this Year of Faith, we remind you of the opportunities you have to view the very popular and well done video series called Catholicism by Father Robert Barron. These videos are shown Sunday morning between Masses & on several Thursday evenings (check the bulletin) from 7-8pm. They are viewed in the church meeting room. Its a fascinating tour of our Catholic Faith which covers many topics and really uncovers the treasures of our Church. You are also welcome to borrow the DVDs if youd like to view them at home. Just let us know. According to the laws of physics, what goes up must come down. Thats also a liturgical law so we will be undecorating" the church this Sunday after the 11:15am Mass as Christmas Time ends with our feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It doesnt take very long because of all the volunteers we have so feel free to join us and enjoy some free pizza which we provide to all those who help us return the church to its simple beauty.

Sunday, 10:00am 10:00am 6:00pm Monday, 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Tuesday, 7:00pm Wednesday, 7:30am 5:00pm 5:30pm Thursday, 7:00pm Friday, Saturday, 8:00pm

Readings for the Week of January 13, 2013


The Baptism of the Lord Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14, 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Monday Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday Saint Anthony, Abbot Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95; Mk 1:40-45 Friday Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 62:1-5; Ps 96; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11

January 13th Offertory Counter Team 2 PSR (Hall) Adult Education (Church Meeting Room) Confirmation Session (Church Meeting Room) January 14th Ladies Guild Meeting (Hall) Guitar Group Practice (Church Meeting Room) Boy Scouts/Webelos (Hall) January 15th Choir Practice (Church) January 16th Eucharistic Adoration Health Clinic (Hall) Meals & More (Hall) January 17th Adult Ed. Barrons Catholicism (Ch. Mtg. Rm.) January 18th No Events Scheduled January 19th AA Meeting (Hall)

Last weeks collections: 12/30/12 Offertory - $2559.61, SVDP - $151.70; 1/01/2013 Offertory - $1069.00, 1/06/2013 Offertory - $3069.47; SVDP $127.60.God bless you! Please remember the sick in your prayers: Mary Grace Kenny, Ron Guidetti, Eleanor Roe, Donette del Guidice, Joe Pauer, Margie Keep, Pauline Sheridan, Tony Vallo, Jennifer Ansbro, Juanita Hines; Juliete Turi, Freda Brazis; Pat Siddall, Louise Bauer, Natalie Zemla, Judy Wozencraft, Jessica Johnson, Tracy Lenhoff, Joann Foreman, Mary Cooke, Dorothy Starcher, Deacon Joe Johnson, Brenda Martin, Glen Cullin, Joe Hajek, Alene & Raymond Smith, and all those on our prayer board. Did you Know Stroke is the 4th leading cause of death in the US, 4 out of 5 people who have suffered a stroke had no apparent warning signs, 80% of all strokes can be prevented. Protect your health by finding out your risk of having a stroke by participating in the Life Line Screening that will be at St Stephen Church on Tuesday, January 29, 2013. Through ultrasound we evaluate the carotid arteries for the buildup of fatty plaque, which is the leading cause of stroke. Not only will you receive $10 off any package priced $139 and up, but St Stephen Church will ALSO receive a $10 donation for any parishioner that signs up through this number and attends the screening! Call 800-324-9458 and use Source Code HSC3338 to get a slot. 2013 PSR Food Challenge This years drive is at full throttle and will run through February 10th. Students from K thru 5 classes are collecting Boxed Food items that can be dropped off in the 4 th grade classroom, while the 6th thru 12 graders are gathering Canned Foods which can be dropped off in the 6th grade classroom. Spread the word to your relatives and friends so we can fill the shelves of West Salem Outreach Food Pantry! Meals & More Volunteers this week: Bryan & Kathy Landrum During this Year of Faith, we are asked to learn more about the Catechism of the Catholic Church---Why we believe, what we believe: Why does the Church baptize infants? From its earliest days, the Church has practiced infant Baptism. There is one reason for this: before we decide on God, God has decided on us. Baptism is therefore a grace, an undeserved gift of God who accepts us unconditionally. Infant Baptism presupposes that Christian parents will raise the baptized child in faith. It is an injustice to deprive the child of Baptism out of a mistaken liberality. One cannot deprive a child of love so that he can later decide on love for himself; so it would be an injustice to deprive the child of Gods grace in Baptism. (From the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church) (Youcat #197) From the Ladies Guild Thanks to everyone who came to the Epiphany Party and supported the Ladies Guild Raffle. It was a great success. Hats off to all who helped in setting up and cleaning. Thank You!!! Congratulations to Raffle Winners: Ken Clancy 1st Place, Mike Piazza 2nd Place, Dave & Deb Vasel 3rd Place.

Make a Gift through an IRA Charitable Rollover Normally, a distribution from your IRA is taxed as ordinary income. However, fiscal cliff tax legislation just enacted extends the opportunity throughout 2013 for individuals 70 or older to make a direct distribution from your IRA to a qualified charity, such as your parish, the Catholic Charities Appeal, the Rooted in Faith Forward in Hope Campaign, Borromeo and/or St. Mary Seminary or perhaps another diocesan institution or school. Such qualified direct distributions to charity from your IRA are not subject to income tax. The new law also provides that you may consider such distributions made in January 2013 as having been made in 2012. In addition, the new law provides a special election available to individuals who took a distribution from their IRA after November 30, 2012 and before January 1, 2013, and who make a gift to a qualified charity before February 1, 2013, to treat the gift as an IRA charitable rollover even though the distribution is not directly from the IRA to charity. For more information about how you and the Church can benefit from an IRA charitable rollover, contact the Catholic Community Foundation at (216) 696-6525 ext. 8070 or e-mail at [email protected] or visit the Foundations website at www.catholiccommunity.org/IRA. ACCESS has been Scheduled! The 2013 ACCESS Hosting Schedule has been set and our first rotation is for the week of January 27 th to February 3rd. Regular volunteers can call Ray Hirsch at 419-945-7017 to sign up for your favorite days and times. If you resolved to do more community service this year, call Ray who will assist you!:) Local Right to Life Events On Sunday, Jan. 20th, from 3:00 4:00 p.m. Smithville Mennonite Church, 6097 Akron Rd., Smithville, OH 44677, will host a WHRTL Sanctity for Life Worship Service. We are asking you to join us in solidarity with those who are preparing to go forth to Washington D.C. and participate in the national March for Life. Speakers will be: Frida Gashumba, International Speaker/Author; and Rhonda Greer, Adoption Supervisor, Childrens Christian Home. Peter Douglas, Pianist, Music Director for the Church of the Epiphany, will provide several solos throughout the program. Our theme will be positive alternatives for those women and men who are involved in unwanted pregnancies. On Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, from 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m., the date on which the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion, there will be a Stand for Life Service at the gazebo in downtown Wooster. If the weather is inclement, the gathering will be held at Faith Harvest Fellowship, located at 116 E. South St., Wooster, formerly The Big Picture Theater. Speakers and musicians will share their perspective on specific ways to support women in unwanted pregnancies, and also on the impact of this judicial decision legalizing over 50 million abortions since 1973. Questions? Call: Paulette (330) 567-3048 The Catholic University Of America The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States, located in Washington, D. C. It provides a n academically rigorous education guided by Catholic intellectual tradition to nearly 7,000 students every year. More than 4,000 students directly receive scholarship aid from this Collection, including many from our diocese. Next week is the National Collection for the Catholic University of America. Please be generous.

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