It is similar to our paper-pencil method, except that it looks for the current as well as previous bit in order to decided what to do. Here are steps
If the current multiplier digit is 1 and earlier digit is 0 (i.e. a 10 pair) shift and sign extend the multiplicand, subtract with previous result. If it is a 01 pair, add to the previous result. If it is a 00 pair, or 11 pair, do nothing.
In Booth's algorithm, if the multiplicand and multiplier are n-bit two's complement numbers, the result is considered as 2n-bit two's complement value. The overflow bit (outside 2n bits) is ignored. The reason that the above computation works is because
0110 x 0010 = 0110 x (-0010 + 0100) = -01100 + 011000 = 1100.
Example 2:
0010 x 0110 -----------00000000 0010 ------------11111100 + 0010 ------------(1) 00001100
-> +15
A long example:
10011100 x 01100011 -------------------00000000 00000000 - 11111111 10011100 -------------------00000000 01100100 + 11111110 011100 -------------------11111110 11010100 - 11110011 100 -------------------00001011 01010100 + 11001110 0 -------------------11011001 01010100 <- -100 <- 99
<- -9900
Note that the multiplicand and multiplier are 8-bit two's complement number, but the result is understood as 16-bit two's complement number. Be careful about the proper alignment of the columns. 10 pair causes a subtraction, aligned with 1, 01 pair causes an addition, aligned with 0. In both cases, it aligns with the one on the left. The algorithm starts with the 0-th bit. We should assume that there is a (-1)-th bit, having value 0. Booth's algorithm in hardware The hardware consists of 32-bit register M for the multiplicand, 64-bit product register P, and a 1-bit register C, 32-bit ALU and control. Initially, M contains multiplicand, P contains multiplier (the upper half Ph = 0), and C contains bit 0. The algorithm is the following steps.
Repeat 32 times: 1. If (P0, C) pair is: o 10: Ph = Ph - M, o 01: Ph = Ph + M, o 00: do nothing, o 11: do nothing. 2. Arithmetic shift P right 1 bit. The shift-out bit gets into C. Logical shift vs. arithmetic shift The above mentioned shift is arithmetic shift. We have learned the logical shift. For example,
shift right logical (srl) 0100 ... 111 1100 ... 111 -> -> 00100 ... 11 01100 ... 11
Shift right arithmetic performed on P is equivalent to shift the multiplicand left with sign extension of the paper-pencil calculation of earlier examples. An example of 4-bit two's complement Booth's algorithm in hardware. Compute 2 x (3) = - 6 or 0010 x 1101.
Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 Step Multiplicand Product C
initial value 0010 (always) 1 Ph = Ph-M 2 arithmetic shift 1 Ph = Ph+M 2 arithmetic shift 1 Ph = Ph-M 2 arithmetic shift 1 do nothing 2 arithmetic shift
0000 1101 0 1110 1101 0 1111 0110 1 0001 0110 1 0000 1011 0 1110 1011 0 1111 0101 1 1111 0101 1 1111 1010 1
The result 1111 1010 is 8-bit two's complement value for -6. Why Booth's algorithm works? In two's complement multiplication b x a, the value a is
The pair (a_i, a_{i-1}) and their difference, and operation are as follows.
a_i 1 0 0 1 a_{i-1} 0 1 0 1 (a_{i-1} - a_i) -1 +1 0 0 action subtract b (shifted) add b (shifted) do nothing do nothing
which is exactly the product of a and b. Multiplication Instructions on MIPS The MIPS machine instruction
mult $4, $5
performs a 32-bit signed multiplication in hardware and put the result in two special registers hi and lo. Since the result is 64-bit in general, hi contains the upper part, and lo contains the lower part of the 64-bit result. The values can be moved to other registers by the instruction:
mflo $2 mfhi $3 # copy content in lo to $2, lower half of the product # move from hi to $3, the upper half # $2 = $3 * $4
The upper part hi is ignored. The content in hi can be used to check for overflow of multiplication. Overflow occurs if result is more than 32 bits. Overflow does not occur if $2 >=0 and hi = 0, or $2 < 0, and hi = -1. The unsigned version of multiplication is multu.
<- Remainder
Again, the above example can be thought of as in decimal notation, or in binary (74/8 = 9 + 2/8). Example: Consider 4-bit division, 0111/0010 or 7 / 2 = ?
0011 ----------0010 | 0000 0111 ? - 001 0 ------------0000 0111 ? 00 10 ------------0000 0111 0 010 --------0000 0011 0010 --------0000 0001
Problem Try 1011101101/1011 (binary). First version of division algorithm and hardware This is very similar to what we do with pencil and paper. Four registers and a 64-bit ALU are needed. The initial values are as follows: The upper 32 bits (Dh) of the 64bit register D contains the 32-bit divisor; the lower 32 bits are zero. The 64-bit remainder register R contains the dividend (the upper half is zero). Q, the quotient, contains zero. Here is the division algorithm Repeat 32 times:
1. Divisor shift right 1 bit, D = D >> 1. 2. Subtract D from R, R = R - D. 3. Quotient shift up, Q = Q << 1; If(R>=0) Q0 = 1, else R = R + D. Note that quotient gets a bit 1 if the subtraction is successful. Otherwise, quotient gets a bit 0 and the subtraction has to be undone. Second version of the division hardware Similar to the case of multiplication, the divisor takes only 32 bits. Instead of shifting down the divisor D, we shift up the remainder R. Third version of the division hardware When the remainder shifts up, the newly created 0 bits is not utilized in the second version. The last modification is to put the result here instead of a separate register. So the final division algorithm looks like this. Initial values: D contains divisor, R contains dividend (upper half of R (Rh) is zero). Repeat 32 times: 1. Shift remainder left 1 bit, R = R << 1. 2. Subtract divisor from the upper half of R, Rh = Rh - D. 3. If (R>=0) R0 = 1, else Rh = Rh + D. The notation R0 denote the 0-th bit of R. Rh denotes the upper half of the 64-bit register R. After the operation, the lower half of R contains quotient, and upper half of R contains remainder. The algorithm can be implement in software see the program divide.s. Signed Division For division, there is no algorithm similar to Booth's algorithm for signed integers. For two's complement numbers, we need first convert to positive numbers then apply the unsigned division algorithm And determine the sign of results afterwards. MIPS instructions for Division The machine division instruction is
div $4, $5
which compute the quotient $4/$5, and remainder $4%$5. The quotient is put in the special register lo, and the remainder in hi. We can copy from lo or hi to general registers by
mflo $2 mfhi $3 # $2 = $4/$5, the quotient, move from lo # $3 = $4%$5, the remainder, move from hi
The unsigned version of division is divu. It is more convenient to use the assembly instruction in program as, e.g.,
div $2, $3, $4 div $3, $4 mflo $2 # $2 = $3/$4
Note that div is used for both assembly and machine instruction depending on the number of operands. Suggested Reading Textbook, Computer Organization & Design, pages 205-224.
Paper and pencil example:
Multiplicand Multiplier 1000 x 1001 1000 0000 0000 1000 1001000
m bits x n bits = m+n bit product Binary makes it easy: 0 => place 0 ( 0 x multiplicand) 1 => place 0 ( 1 x multiplicand) 3 versions of multiply hardware & algorithm: successive refinement
64-bit Multiplicand register 64-bit ALU, 64-bit Product register, 32-bit multiplier register
1 clock per cycle => 100 clocks per multiply Ratio of multiply to add 5:1 to 100:1 1/2 bits in multiplicand always 0 => 64-bit adder is wasted
0's inserted in left of multiplicand as shifted => least significant bits of product never changed once formed
Product register wastes space that exactly matches size of multiplier => combine Multiplier register and Product register
32-bit Multiplicand register, 32 -bit ALU, 64-bit Product register, (Multiplier initially stored in right of product register)
ALU with add or subtract gets same result in more than one way: 6 = - 2 + 8 , or 0110 = - 0010+ 1000
Replace a string of 1s in multiplier with an initial subtract when we first see a one and then later add for the bit after the last one. For example
0010 x 0110 + 0000 shift (0 in multiplier) - 0010 + 0000 + 0010 0001100 sub add (first 1 in multiplier) (prior step had last 1) shift (middle of string of 1s)
Bit 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Beginning of a run of 1s Middle of a run of 1s End of a run of 1s Middle of a run of 0s 0001111000 0001111000 0001111000 0001111000
Originally for Speed since shift faster than add for his machine Booth's Algorithm 1. Depending on the current and previous bits, do one of the following: 00: a. Middle of a string of 0s, so no arithmetic operations. 01: b. End of a string of 1s, so add the multiplicand to the left half of the product. 10: c. Beginning of a string of 1s, so subtract the multiplicand from the left half of the product. 11: d. Middle of a string of 1s, so no arithmetic operation. 2. As in the previous algorithm, shift the Product register right (arithmetic) 1 bit. Example: 2 x 6 m=2,p=6;
m = 0010 p = 0000 0110 p 0000 0110 0 no-op 0000 0011 0 >> p 1110 0011 0 p = p - m 1111 0001 1 >> p 1111 0001 1 no-op 1111 1000 1 >> p 0001 1000 1 p = p + m 0000 1100 0 >> p
=12 Example: 2 x -3
m = 0010 p = 0000 1101 1110 1101 0 p = p - m 1111 0110 1 >> p 0001 0110 1 p = p + m 0000 1011 1 >> p 1110 1011 0 p = p - m 1111 0101 1 >>p 1111 0101 1 no-op 1111 1010 1 >>p