CNC4x35a User Manual

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CNC4X35A 4 axis Stepper Motor Control Board

Just connect bipolar stepper motors, power and a parallel port signal source

CNC4X35A 4 axis Stepper Motor Control Board Specs:

Designed for easy construction/retrofit of desktop/small benchtop milling/engraving machine Direct connection to parallel port computer Drives 4 stepper motors in bipolar microstepping mode Wide range of motors (5-30V and 0.7- 3A) On board switch allowing 4th axis to shadow Y axis or independent Support for up to 5 external input signals (usually used for Limit X, Y, Z, Probe and E-Stop) On board relay for easy Spindle ON/OFF setup LED indicator for Power, input signals and driver status All input ports from computer are buffered and Schmidt triggered Compatible with a large number of programs (Mach2/3, Master5, EMC,KCAM, USBCNC etc.)

Each of 4 axis features :

PWM current control dual D-Mos H-Bridge .6 or 1.5 or 2.25 or 3 Amp (0.56 or 1.4 or 2.1 or 2.8 Vers.) Current Limit adjustable by dip switch Full, Half, Quarter, & 1/16 Microstepping Resolution Current Decay Mode Selection From Fast Decay to Slow-Decay Modes by dip switch Thermal Shutdown and Crossover Current Protection

This document describes configuration and operation of CNC4X35A stepper motor driver boards. The CNC4X35A provides an interface between a step pulse generator (PC , embedded controller etc) and up to 4 stepper motors.

Power supply : min 15 V - max.32V Important precautions on using CNC4X25A driver

Do NOT reverse polarity on board power supply (board will be damaged imediately). At power supply connector it is figured a + sign. There should be conected positive polarity Do NOT connect or disconnect motors when the drive is powered.

Do NOT allow Vsuply to exceed +32VDC, STEP & DIR lines to exceed +5.0 VDC Do NOT connect scopes or any other test devices to the motor leads Use of a cooling fan is recommended for systems operating at or near the maximum current rating

Each axis can be separately setup to deliver different maximum current levels by adjusting on-board configuration switches. Configuration switches are at the right of coil connectors.

(In this picture all switches are off.)

Switches number 1 and 2 are responsable for power configuration. Sw1 Off On Off On Sw2 Off Off On On Current 3.0 A (2.8 A) 2.25 A (2.1 A) 1.5A (1.4 A) 0.6 A (0.56 A)

Each axis can be configured individually to deliver a different microstepping for each motor. Switches number 3 and 4 are dedicated for microstepping configuration. Sw3 Off Off On On Sw4 Off On Off On Microstepping (steps per revolution on a 1.8 deg/step motor) 1/1 (200 steps per revolution) 1/2 (400 steps per revolution) 1/16 (3200 steps per revolution) 1/8 (1600 steps per revolution)

Current Decay
On stepper motors BEMF (Back Electromotive Force) current has big values and methods of reusing if and redirect it back to power supply may change very much the behavoiur of motor spinning. Each axis can be configured individually for a different current decay for each motor. Switches number 5 and 6 are dedicated for this . Sw5 Off Sw6 Off Current Decay Normal 0% - slow decay all time

Off On On

On Off On

25% Decay 50% Decay 100% Decay Fast Decay

Paralel port pin configuration

Pin number 1 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 Direction Input from PC Input from PC Input from PC Input from PC Input from PC Input from PC Input from PC Input from PC Input from PC Input from PC Input to PC Input to PC Input to PC Input to PC Input to PC Signal Relay On Enable Board Direction Motor 1 Step Motor 1 Direction Motor 2 Step Motor 2 Direction Motor 3 Step Motor 3 Direction Motor 4* Step Motor 4* Input P Input X Input Y Input Z Input E Active On : Active High Active High Active High Active High Active High Active High Active High Active High Active High Active High Active Low Active Low Active Low Active Low Active Low

Input ports are pulled up by a resistor to +5V. External signals should connect input point to GND. Suggested inputs are P probe , E Emergency Stop, X,Y,Z home switches. The X Y and Z input have in common the ground signal. *Switch 5 has 2 modes : 1. Motor 4 will shadow/follow motor 2 (signal from pin 4 and 5 of parallel port) 2. Motor 4 will run following signals from pin 8 and 9 of parallel port. Mach3 Users : Put the configuration file into C:\mach3 folder (if you have installed Mach3 in C:\ )


This sample configuration file will allow you to test the board faster. To start the program you should run a command like : C:\Mach3\Mach3.exe /p MillCNC4X35A


Below it is a sample configuration of motor wirings :

Input Signals

Probe Power On

E Stop

Board Dimensions

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