BPF Explorer Handbook
BPF Explorer Handbook
BPF Explorer Handbook
Version 4.1
Explorer Handbook
Explorer Handbook
Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 61.
This edition applies to version 4.1.0 of IBM FileNet Business Process Framework (product number 5724-R75) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2010. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Revision log................................................................................................................................................... 7 Business Process Framework overview ....................................................................................................... 9 Business Process Framework components .............................................................................................. 9 Configuration task order.............................................................................................................................. 10 Starting Business Process Framework Explorer......................................................................................... 11 Configuring user access information........................................................................................................... 11 Configuring companies and departments................................................................................................ 11 Configuring companies ........................................................................................................................ 11 Configuring departments (optional) ..................................................................................................... 12 Configuring Business Process Framework roles .................................................................................... 12 Authentication and authorization ......................................................................................................... 12 Configuring a Business Process Framework role................................................................................ 13 Configuring inbaskets for a role ........................................................................................................... 14 Configuring Business Process Framework user accounts...................................................................... 14 Configuring the fields for custom user attributes (optional) ................................................................. 14 Configuring a role-based user account................................................................................................ 15 Managing user accounts...................................................................................................................... 16 Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application ................................................................ 16 Configuring the environment information ................................................................................................ 17 Configuring system-wide settings ........................................................................................................ 17 Configuring XML message logging...................................................................................................... 19 Configuring the Web application.......................................................................................................... 19 Configuring the workflow ......................................................................................................................... 25 Importing the initial workflow configuration .......................................................................................... 25 Viewing and editing queues ................................................................................................................. 26 Viewing steps....................................................................................................................................... 27 Viewing and editing responses ............................................................................................................ 27 Creating and editing actions ................................................................................................................ 28 Creating reasons.................................................................................................................................. 28 Creating queue filters........................................................................................................................... 29 Configuring the case types ...................................................................................................................... 30 Configuring a case type ....................................................................................................................... 30 Deleting a case type ............................................................................................................................ 32 Configuring case fields ............................................................................................................................ 32 Creating pick lists (optional)................................................................................................................. 32 Creating application fields.................................................................................................................... 33 Associating application fields with a case type .................................................................................... 36 Configuring tools...................................................................................................................................... 36 Configuring a custom tool .................................................................................................................... 36 Configuring the sample tools ............................................................................................................... 37 Configuring inbasket filters ...................................................................................................................... 38 Configuring inbaskets .............................................................................................................................. 41 Creating an inbasket ............................................................................................................................ 41 Configuring the general properties ...................................................................................................... 42 Identifying the roles that have access to an inbasket .......................................................................... 44 Selecting the case fields for cases in an inbasket ............................................................................... 44 Designing the Case tab layout for an inbasket .................................................................................... 45 Configuring responses for an inbasket ................................................................................................ 46 Configuring the browse list for an inbasket.......................................................................................... 49 Adding inbasket filters to an inbasket .................................................................................................. 51 Configuring the toolbar and tools for an inbasket ................................................................................ 52 Configuring tabs for the case user interface ........................................................................................ 52 Configuring inbasket templates (optional) ............................................................................................... 53 Creating an inbasket template ............................................................................................................. 53 Configuring the general properties ...................................................................................................... 53 Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 5
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Contents Configuring the browse list for an inbasket.......................................................................................... 55 Applying an inbasket template to one or more inbaskets .................................................................... 56 Exporting and importing Business Process Framework configurations...................................................... 56 Exporting the Business Process Framework configuration..................................................................... 57 Importing the Business Process Framework configuration ..................................................................... 57 Importing the Business Process Framework configuration without using Business Process Framework Explorer ................................................................................................................................................... 58 Deployment of the supporting FileNet P8 objects ................................................................................... 58 Notices ........................................................................................................................................................ 61 Trademarks ............................................................................................................................................. 62
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Revision log Business Process Framework components
Revision log
Date 06/02/2010 Revision Restored recommendations for handling LDAP accounts for new users in the Configuring Business Process Framework user accounts topic. Updated the topic Configuring the environment information > Configuring system-wide settings > Object store folder to file Case objects in response to APAR PJ37173. Revised document to incorporate technical changes and to improve readability.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Revision log Business Process Framework components
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Business Process Framework overview Business Process Framework components
A customizable and configurable portal provided by Business Process Framework for your Business Process Management applications. The Business Process Framework Web application, which you use Business Process Framework Explorer to configure, is hosted within a Java application server environment. The Business Process Framework Web application provides user interfaces for presenting inbaskets and cases to users. You can customize the layout of these user interfaces by using the Business Process Framework Layout Designer. For more information about this tool, see the IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Web Application User Interface Guide.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuration task order Business Process Framework components Component Case Description An object that you configure to represent a business object or transaction. For example, in an insurance company a case might represent a claim. In a retail company, a case might represent a customer order. A case corresponds to one or more work objects in the workflow roster for which Process Engine handles the work object routing. Each case is represented by an instance of a custom object class in a Content Engine repository. Case data dictionary Case field Case type The set of case fields that are available for use with a specific case type. An application field that you select to be used for a specific case type. The superclass for a specific type of case object. The case type defines: The process maps that determine the workflow processes into which the cases are opened The fields that are used for the cases
For example, an insurance company might need a different case type for automotive claims than the case type used for casualty claims. Inbasket A collection of cases at a particular step in the workflow that are assigned to a specific user role.
2. Configure the behavior and general appearance of the Business Process Framework Web application: a. Configure the environment information for the Business Process Framework Web application. b. Import the initial workflow configuration from Process Engine and configure the queues, steps, and responses for use in Business Process Framework. Optionally, create actions, reasons, and queue filters. c. Configure the case types, which are the classes that serve as templates for the cases processed through your Business Process Framework Web application.
d. Configure the case fields, which are the fields that are used to collect and display the information required to process a case.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Starting Business Process Framework Explorer Configuring companies and departments e. Configure the tools that are to be available to users for creating cases, adding attachments, and so on. f. Configure the inbaskets that are to be used to present cases to users.
3. Export and import the Business Process Framework configuration information as part of deploying your Business Process Framework Web application. IMPORTANT Changes to the Business Process Framework configuration on a production system can have a substantial and possibly negative impact on system operation. Always test the changes before you make them available in your production environment.
Configuring companies
You must configure at least one company. If you use a hierarchical structure for categorizing users in the Business Process Framework Web application, you can configure additional companies to represent the primary divisions in the structure. To configure a company: 1. In the console tree, expand the User And Access Information node. 2. Click Companies. 3. Click Action > New > Company to open the Company Properties window. 4. In the Code field, enter the code to be assigned to this company. You define this code to meet the needs of your enterprise. For example, you might assign a code that represents the cost center for the company or a code that represents the short name for the company. Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 11
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring user access information Configuring Business Process Framework roles 5. In the Description field, enter the name that is to be displayed for this company in the Business Process Framework Web application. 6. Optional: Select the default case type for the company from the Case type list.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring user access information Configuring Business Process Framework roles that are set by the Workplace access roles. This feature prevents you from excluding an object store super user from a given Business Process Framework role. The method that you use to assign roles is determined by two systemwide settings: Enable LDAP group integration and Enable Access Roles. The following table identifies the values you specify for these settings to select the role assignment method that you want to use: Role Assignment Method LDAP group integration Workplace access roles LDAP group integration value True True Enable Access Roles value False True
Tip: If your LDAP directory is large or if it contains many levels of nested groups and folders, use the Workplace access roles method to assign Business Process Framework roles. Using the Workplace access roles method can improve performance. For information about system-wide settings, see System-wide Settings.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring user access information Configuring Business Process Framework user accounts 8. In the Default tab field, enter the name of the tab that will be displayed when users assigned to this role open cases. For information about the tabs that are available, see Configuring tabs for the case user interface. 9. Select the Display case count check box to display the number of cases to be processed next to the inbasket name in the Business Process Framework Web application. Restriction: The CaseQuery Layout field is not used and is disabled.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring user access information Configuring Business Process Framework user accounts To configure the labels and the field width for custom user attributes: 1. In the console tree, expand the Application Settings node and click Business Process Framework Explorer. 2. In the detail pane, right-click the user attribute that you want to configure and click Properties. 3. In the text box, enter the label for the attribute and the width of the field required for the attribute value. Use the following format to enter the label and width:
Where label is the new label and n is the field width. For example, to configure a field called "Employee number" that is six characters long, enter the following value:
Employee number^6
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring Business Process Framework user accounts You do not need to complete the Roles, Departments, or Companies tabs for a role-based user account.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the environment information 6. Configuring inbaskets
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the environment information
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the environment information authorize users. If you set this option to False and the Enable LDAP group integration option to True, Business Process Framework uses LDAP group membership to authorize users. This option is ignored if the Enable LDAP group integration option is set to False. IMPORTANT If you use Workplace access roles to perform authorization, users that have Full Control access to the Bootstrap Content Engine object store, in which Workplace access roles are stored, have access to all Business Process Framework roles. The privileges that are associated with Full Control access override any limits that are set by the Workplace access roles and prevent you from excluding an object store super user from a given Business Process Framework role.
To configure the XML message logging: 1. In the console tree, expand the Application Settings node and click XML Message Logging. 2. Right-click each of the following options, click Properties to open the Properties window, and set the value as indicated: Option Settings
Enable XML action messages logging Create separate log file for each action Append to the existing log file Result
True True True/False A separate XML file is created for each message
True False True/False A separate XML file is created for each action. New messages overwrite the contents of the file.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the environment information 2. Right-click the option that you want to configure and click Properties to open the Properties window.
Set this option to False if the merge_case tool is not to copy the audit log entries into the audit log of the case that will continue.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the environment information The Enable Case attachments list display option controls the display of the case attachments list for the Business Process Framework Web application. Two other settings also control the display of the case attachments list: The Attachment Visibility option controls the display of the case attachments list for an inbasket. The _showatt parameter that is configured for custom tabs controls the display of the case attachments list for a tab.
Standard tabs: Audit and Case If the Enable Case attachments list display is set to False, the case attachments list is not displayed on any tab regardless of the values of the Attachment Visibility option or the _showatt parameter. If the Enable Case attachments list display is set to True, the case attachments list is displayed as follows. Attachment Visibility option value Yes No Select Case attachments list displayed on Audit and Case tabs? Yes No Yes
Custom tabs: Attachment, eForms, Table, and custom implemented If the Enable Case attachments list display is set to False, the case attachments list is not displayed on any tab regardless of the values of the Attachment Visibility option or the _showatt parameter. If the Enable Case attachments list display is set to True, the case attachments list is displayed as follows. Attachment Visibility option value Yes or Select _showatt parameter value 0 1 undefined No 0 1 undefined Case attachments list displayed on the custom tab? No Yes Yes No No No
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the environment information You can enter the following SQL statement to display only document and folder attachments:
select a.Bp8ObjectRepositoryID as ObjectStoreId, a.Bp8ObjectGUID as ObjectGUID, a.Bp8VersionSeries as DocVersionSeries, a.Bp8ObjectID as Id, a.Bp8ObjectType as ObjectType, a.Id as AttachID, d.DocumentTitle, d.VersionSeries, d.VersionStatus, d.MajorVersionNumber, d.MinorVersionNumber, d.MimeType, d.isReserved, d.IsVersioningEnabled, f.FolderName from ((Bp8Attachment a left outer join Document d ON d.VersionSeries = a.Bp8VersionSeries) left outer join Folder f ON f.Id = a.Bp8ObjectGUID) where a.Bp8CaseID = ^1 and ^2 order by a.Bp8ObjectType desc, f.FolderName asc, d.DocumentTitle asc
Business Process Framework uses this SQL statement to obtain a list of case attachments from the object store in which the case object is stored. After the search results are returned, the system retrieves the detailed information that is displayed for each attachment from the object store in which the attachment is stored. For example, if an attached document does not reside in the same object store as the case object, this query returns a null value for the d.DocumentTitle attribute. However, Business Process Framework retrieves the document title from the object store in which the attached document is stored and then displays this value in the attachment panel. A null value that is returned by the query can affect the order in which attachments are listed. For example, assume that the SQL statement includes the following order by clause:
order by a.Bp8ObjectType desc, f.FolderName asc, d.DocumentTitle asc
Business Process Framework sorts the returned objects and lists them in the attachment panel as follows: 1. a.Bp8ObjectType desc: This element causes all attachments to be sorted first by object type regardless of where they are stored. The system then lists the attachments in the following order: a. Custom objects b. Folders c. Documents
2. f.FolderName asc: This element causes the attachments that are folders to be sorted by name regardless of where they are stored. 3. d.DocumentTitle asc: This element causes the attachments that are documents to be sorted by title. However, if an attached document is in a different object store than the case, the title initially is a null value. Documents with a null title appear first in the attachment list. Documents in the same object store as the case appear next in the list and are listed next in ascending order by title. Even after the system returns the document titles, the sort order is unchanged.
ReceivedDate:Received Date, AccountNumber:Account Number, Priority1:Priority
TIP In certain circumstances, a property value might not be displayed for a given attachment. For example, no value is displayed if: The property does not apply to the class from which the attachment object is instantiated. The property has a binary or object-type value that cannot be displayed in a Web page.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the environment information By default, this option is set to the following value:
select a.Bp8ObjectRepositoryID as ObjectStoreId, a.Bp8ObjectGUID as ObjectGUID, a.Bp8ObjectClass as ObjectClassID, a.Bp8VersionSeries as DocVersionSeries, a.Bp8ObjectID as Id, a.Bp8ObjectType as ObjectType, a.Id as AttachID, f.FolderName, d.DocumentTitle, d.ReceivedDate, d.CompanyName, d.ContractAmount, d.DocumentType, d.CasePriority, d.VersionSeries, d.VersionStatus, d.MajorVersionNumber, d.MinorVersionNumber, d.MimeType, d.isReserved, d.IsVersioningEnabled from (Bp8Attachment a left outer join Document d ON d.VersionSeries = a.Bp8VersionSeries) left outer join Folder f ON f.Id = a.Bp8ObjectGUID where a.Bp8CaseID = ^1 and ^2 order by a.Bp8ObjectType desc, f.FolderName asc, d.DocumentTitle asc
The order by clause in the default statement does not determine the order in which the case attachments are displayed in the Attachments page. Instead, the attachments are displayed in ascending order by title. Users can change the order in the Attachments page by clicking the arrow icon in the Title column.
The order by clause in the default statement does not determine the order in which the case attachments are displayed in the Business Process Framework Document Viewer. Instead, the attachments are displayed in ascending order by title. Users can change the order in the Document Viewer by clicking the arrow icon in the Title column.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the environment information
Application name
Set this option to the name that is to appear in the title bar for your Business Process Framework Web application. The name cannot include the following characters: Braces ({ or }) Quotation mark (") Apostrophe (')
Use an asterisk (*) to indicate all languages as shown in the following example:
Business Process Framework uses the default language to determine which URL is to be used.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the workflow
Optionally, you can create an action for each response by using the Workflow Map Import wizard. You can run the Workflow Map Import wizard whenever you modify the workflow definition. The wizard imports only the new and modified queues, steps, and responses. Before you run the Workflow Map Import wizard, perform the following steps: 1. Back up the PEP file that contains the configuration that you want to import. 2. Ensure that an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data source exists in the ODBC Administrative Tools. If the ODBC data source does not exist, you must create it. If you are using a SQL Server database, the system automatically creates a data source in the ODBC Administrative Tools when you install Business Process Framework Explorer. The system does not create a data source if you are using a different database. 3. In the registry, make the following changes: a. Navigate to SOFTWARE > FileNet Business Process Framework > Common and change the value of the DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING registry key to the user name and password that are used to log on to Business Process Framework Explorer in your ODBC DSN. For example, if you log on to Business Process Framework Explorer with the user name bp8 and password bp8, set the DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING key to the following value:
IMPORTANT Typically, you use the Workflow Map Import wizard only in your development environment. Therefore, setting the user name and password in the registry key is not a security risk. After you import the workflow map, reset the DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING registry key to the following value:
b. If you are using an Oracle or DB2 database, change the value of the BP8_EXPLORER_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING registry key to include the user name and password used to log on to Business Process Framework Explorer.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the workflow For example, if you log on to Business Process Framework Explorer with the user name bp8 and password bp8, set the BP8_EXPLORER_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING key to the following value:
Provider=Oracle Provider for OLE DB;Data Source=VWDB_ORA10SERVER;User ID=bp8; Password=bp8
4. Place a copy of the wfdef4.dtd file in the folder that contains the workflow map PEP file that you are importing. The wfdef4.dtd file is in the folder \Program Files\FileNet\BPF\BPFExplorer\Utils. To import the workflow configuration: 1. Navigate to the folder Program Files\FileNet\BPF\BPFExplorer\Utils and double-click the WFImport.exe file to start the Workflow Map Import Wizard. 2. On the Step 1 page, click Next. 3. In the Select local file window, navigate to the PEP file that is to be imported and click Open. 4. On the Step 2 page, select the workflow queues, steps, and responses that you want to import. The wizard lists only those objects that were added or modified since the last import. 5. On the Step 3 page, specify the following options: a. In the Select workflow isolated region list, select the number of the isolated region that contains the workflow definition. Ensure that you select the region number that corresponds to the Process Engine connection point for the workflow. TIP You can view the region number on the property sheet for the isolated region. To access the property sheet in Enterprise Manager, select PE Region Ids from the domain, right-click the isolated region, and select Properties. b. If your workflow definition uses case-insensitive views, select the Use Case-Insensitive views in PE check box. c. If you want Business Process Framework to create a separate action for each response that is imported, select the Select this checkbox if you want to generate different Actions for each Response check box. If you do not select this check box, Business Process Framework creates a single system action that is applied to all responses. 6. Click Finish.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the workflow 5. Ensure that the Object name field correctly identifies the name of the database view that points to the queue. The object name uses the following format:
Example: f_sw.VWVQ15_PROCESSOR
Viewing steps
After you run the Workflow Map Import Wizard, review the steps in Business Process Framework Explorer to ensure that they were imported correctly. You can delete any steps that you do not need in your Business Process Framework configuration, but do not modify the step information. To view a step: 1. In the console tree, expand the Workflow Configuration node and then expand the Steps node. 2. Click the step that you want to view. 3. Click Action > Properties to open the Step Properties window. The name of the step in Business Process Framework must match the name of the step on the process map. Do not change the step name in the Step Properties window. If you need to change the name, change it in the process map and import the updated workflow.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the workflow
To create an action and associate it with a response: 1. In the console tree, expand the Miscellaneous node. 2. Click the Actions node. 3. Click Action > New > Action to open the Action Properties window. 4. In the Name field, enter the text that is to be recorded in the audit log for this action. 5. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the action. Business Process Framework displays this description in the Action list on the Response Properties window. 6. In the console tree, expand the Workflow Configuration node and then expand the Responses node. 7. Click the response that you want to view or edit. 8. Click Action > Properties to open the Response Properties window. 9. From the Action list, select the action to be associated with the response. TIP You can associate a single action with multiple responses. However, associating an action with only one response provides more precise information for reporting purposes.
Creating reasons
Reasons provide additional details about why a user selected a particular response. You associate reasons with a response as part of the inbasket configuration. For example, you might associate reasons such as Supporting documentation not submitted and Invalid policy information with the Claim Denied response. When a user selects a response, Business Process Framework prompts the user to select the appropriate reason. Business Process Framework then records the selected reason and the response or action text in the audit log. To create a reason and associate it with a response: 1. In the console tree, expand the Miscellaneous node. 2. Click the Reasons node. 3. Click Action > New > Reason to open the Reason Properties window. 4. In the Reason field, enter the text that Business Process Framework is to display for this reason in the Business Process Framework Web application. 5. Select the Active check box to make this reason visible in the Business Process Framework Web application. If you clear this check box, the action becomes inactive and is no longer visible in the Business Process Framework Web application. Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 28
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the workflow You associate the reason with one or more responses for an inbasket. For more information, see Configuring responses for an inbasket.
You can use these predefined filters as templates for defining custom filters. You can configure queue filters to produce a wide range of behaviors. For example, you can configure a queue filter that excludes cases that are locked by other users from the display. This behavior is useful in inbaskets in which a user is automatically assigned the next case in the queue. To achieve this behavior, add the following statement to the WHERE clause:
(F_LockedUser = %USERID% or F_LockedUser = 0)
In inbaskets in which a user is automatically assigned the next case in the queue, users sometimes simply save and close cases on which they do not want to work. This action typically resets the fields that determine the order of the cases in the browse list. You can configure a queue filter to prevent users from bypassing cases. To prevent these fields from being reset, replace the F_EnqueueTime and F_Unique_Id columns in the ORDER BY clause with fields such as F_CreateTime and Bp8CaseID that do not change when a case is saved. To create a queue filter: 1. In the console tree, expand the Workflow Configuration node. 2. Click the Queue Filters node. 3. Click Action > New > Filter. 4. In the Select Template for the New Filter window, select the template you want to use for this queue filter or select No template if you do not want to use a template. TIP To configure a template to use for queue filters, add the filter to the APPLICATION_SETTINGS table in the Business Process Framework Metastore. You must name the template FilterTemplateXX, where XX is a unique number for the template. For example, you might name the template FilterTemplate03. 5. In the Name field, enter text a description for this filter. 6. In the Display label field, enter the label that Business Process Framework is to display for this filter in the Business Process Framework Web application. 7. Click Edit Query and click Yes when prompted to modify the queue filter query definition. 8. In the Modify Queue Filter Query window, enter the query to be used to retrieve work items from the queue. TIP If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server database for the Process Engine, specify the WITH (NOLOCK) option in the query before the WHERE clause to avoid deadlocks. Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 29
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the case types You can use the following macros in the SQL statement for this query. Macro %FIELDLIST% Description Retrieves the names of the workflow fields that are associated with the case fields in the inbasket browse list. TIP If the inbasket browse list includes workflow fields, you must include this macro in the queue filter. %FILTERBY% %ORDERBY% %PAGESIZE% Retrieves the criteria that a user has selected for an inbasket filter that is defined for the current inbasket. Retrieves the default or user-selected sort order for the inbasket. Retrieves the page size that is specified for the inbasket in Business Process Framework Explorer. To see the page size, click Application settings > Web Application > Inbasket Page Size. Retrieves the name of the workflow step that is associated with the inbasket. Retrieves the workflow user ID for the active user. Retrieves the name of the active user. Retrieves the name of the workflow queue that is associated with the inbasket.
Example: Personal inbasket filter that returns the number of records in the queue
select %PAGESIZE% F_Wobnum, F_UniqueId, F_Locked, F_Lockuser, F_BoundUser, intCaseStatusID, (select count(*) from %VIEWNAME% where %FILTERBY% F_BoundUser = %USERID% and A_StepName='%STEPNAME%' ) queue_depth from %VIEWNAME% WHERE %FILTERBY% F_BoundUser = %USERID% and A_StepName='%STEPNAME%' order by %ORDERBY%, F_EnqueueTime, F_UniqueId asc
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring the case types 4. In the Workflow name field, enter the name of the workflow process for which this case type is to be used. You must enter the name as it was defined for the workflow in Process Designer. 5. In the Content Engine Case Object area, identify the custom object class that contains the class definition for new case objects for this case type: a. Click the browse button for the Object Store field, enter your Content Engine credentials, and click Log On. TIP For the browse button to be enabled, you must install the COM compatibility layer (CCL). CCL provides Business Process Framework Explorer with access to the lists of object stores, classes, and properties. If you do not install CCL, you must type in the object store name. For information about installing CCL, see the IBM FileNet P8 Platform Installation and Upgrade Guide. b. From the Object store list, select the object store that contains the custom object class, and click OK. c. In the Class Name field, enter the symbolic name of the custom object class.
d. Click the browse button for the Favorite Field Name field, click the field that is to be displayed in the status bar when an instance of this case type is opened, and click OK. Business Process Framework displays this field in the status bar on every tab in the case interface. 6. In the Content Engine Document area, identify the document class that represents documents that are attached to instances of this case type: a. Click the browse button for the Object Store field, enter your Content Engine credentials, and click Log On. b. From the Object store list, select the object store that contains the custom object class, and click OK. c. In the Class Name field, enter the symbolic name of the custom object class.
7. In the Content Engine Audit Log area, select the object store that is to contain the audit log for instances of this case type, and click OK. a. Click the browse button for the Object Store field, enter your Content Engine credentials, and click Log On. b. From the Object store list, select the object store that contains the custom object class, and click OK. 8. Select the Display this Case Type in Create Case tool check box to enable users to create cases of this type by using the Create Case tool. If you select this check box, Business Process Framework includes this case type in the Case Type list on the Create new Case window in the Business Process Framework Web application. 9. Select the Enable feature browse for local file in Create Case tool check box to provide a browse button for selecting attachments in the Create Case tool. If you do not select the Enable feature browse for local file in Create Case tool check box, you cannot attach documents when using the Create Case tool. Instead, users must use the Add Document tool to attach documents to existing cases.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring case fields
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring case fields c. Optional: In the icon field, enter the name of the image file that contains the icon to be displayed for this choice. If you specify an image file, the icon is displayed in the pick list instead of the code or description. The Web Application setting Image File location identifies the location of the image files. When you use images, follow these guidelines:
Use an image that is 16 pixels x 16 pixels for the icon. Deploy the image files as part of the Web Application. The image files must be available in the specified URL. For example, if you have an image file icon_1.gif that is located in the img folder and the URL of your BPF Web application is http://server_name:port/bpf, the image file must be available in the URL http://server_name:port/bpf/img/icon_1.gif.
d. Select the Active check box if this choice is to be included in the pick list at run time. Clear the Active check box if this choice is to be hidden at run time. If you clear the Active check box for an existing pick list, the choice remains visible if a user selected that choice before it was disabled. TIP You associate a pick list with an application field when you configure the application field. For more information, see Creating application fields. You specify whether the description, code, or icon is displayed in the pick list when you add the case field to the browse list for an inbasket. For more information, see Configuring the browse list for an inbasket.
7. Click OK. The Pick List Properties window displays the choices generated by the SQL statement.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring case fields 3. Click Action > New > Application Field to open the New Field Properties window. 4. In the Field name field, enter a unique name for the new application field. IMPORTANT Do not modify the name of an existing application field. Several Business Process Framework components reference this name. Renaming an application field can have a negative effect on run-time performance. 5. In the Display label field, enter the name that Business Process Framework is to display for this application field in the Business Process Framework Web application. 6. From the Data type list, select the data type of this application field. Typically, you set the data type for the application to the same data type as the Content Engine or Process Engine property with which the field is associated. Select one of the following data types: DATE: This data type corresponds to the DateTime data type in Content Engine and the Time data type in Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a DATE field as a text box with a calendar control and provides date data validation. BOOLEAN: This data type corresponds to the Boolean data type in Content Engine and Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a BOOLEAN field as a check box. MONEY: This data type corresponds to the Float data type in Content Engine and Process Engine. A MONEY value can be negative. Business Process Framework displays a MONEY field as a text box and validates the money data. Business Process Framework does not support a decimal (floating point) data type without performing money validation. NUMERIC: This data type corresponds to the Integer data type in Content Engine and Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a NUMERIC field as a text box and validates the integer data. STRING: This data type corresponds to the String data type in Content Engine and Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a STRING field as a text box. Business Process Framework does not validate STRING fields. WORKFLOWGROUP: This data type defines a field that provides an interface to a workflow group. This data type does not correspond to any data type in Content Engine or Process Engine. You can configure a WORKFLOWGROUP field as a choice in a pick list. To do so, you first associate the WORKFLOWGROUP field with a Business Process Framework operation. This association configures the WORKFLOWGROUP field for use as a response in an inbasket. You cannot modify or save a WORKFLOWGROUP field. 7. Optional: Configure this field to be displayed as a combination box in the Business Process Framework Web application: a. From the Pick list field, select a pick list to be associated with this field. You cannot associate a pick list with a BOOLEAN or DATE application field. For information about defining pick lists, see Creating pick lists. b. Select the Display pick list code check box if Business Process Framework is to display the Code value that is assigned to each choice in the pick list. c. Select the Display pick list description check box if Business Process Framework is to display the description that is assigned to each choice in the pick list.
8. Optional: Select the Lookup check box to enable the lookup feature for this application field. If you assigned a pick list to this field, selecting the Lookup check box provides additional lookup features for the field in the Business Process Framework Web application. This feature enables users Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 34
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring case fields to type text, including masking characters, into the combination box and then use this text to find the appropriate choice. If you did not assign a pick list to this field, you can select the Lookup check box to provide support for external lookup capabilities. Configure the external lookup capabilities: a. Optional: Select the Disable lookup validation check box to provide a button to perform validation on this field. If you do not select this check box, Business Process Framework validates the value when the use leaves the field. This field is enabled only if you select the Lookup check box and enter a value in the Lookup
service URL field.
b. In the Lookup service URL field, enter the URL of the Web service or Java Server Page (JSP) that you configured for the lookup. For more information, see Lookup extensions interface in the IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Developer Guide. 9. Select the presentation attributes for the application field as applicable for the data type: a. In the Maximum number of characters field, enter the maximum characters that a user can enter into this field. The maximum character restriction applies to the following data types: DATE, MONEY, NUMERIC, STRING, WORKFLOWGROUP b. In the Column width field, enter the width of the field in characters. The width can be less than the maximum number of characters. c. In the Number of rows field, enter the height of the field in lines. Typically, the number of rows is set to 0. The number of rows applies to the following data types: MONEY, NUMERIC, STRING, WORKFLOWGROUP If you set the Number of rows field to a value greater than 0 for a STRING field, Business Process Framework displays a scrollable text box containing the specified number of lines in the Business Process Framework Web application. 10. Optional: If you are defining a DATE field, select one of the following options from the Display format of DATE type field list: Display Both Date and Time: This option displays the field value using the format MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss. Display Date only: This option displays the field value using the format MM/DD/YYYY.
If you do not select one of these options, the DATE value is displayed using the format MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss unless the value of this field is set to midnight (MM/DD/YYYY 00:00:00). If the field is set to midnight, the value is displayed using the format MM/DD/YYYY. 11. In the CE Property name field, select the Content Engine property with which this application field is to be associated: a. Click the browse button to display the Content Engine Logon window. b. In the User name and Password fields, enter your FileNet P8 domain credentials. c. From the Object store list, select the object store in which the Content Engine document property is located.
d. Click OK to display the Select CE Property window. e. Select the Content Engine property and click OK.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring tools 12. In the Attachment field name field, select the Content Engine document property that Business Process Framework is to update for attached documents when a user changes the value of this application field: a. Click the browse button to display the Content Engine Logon window. b. In the User name and Password fields, enter your FileNet P8 domain credentials. c. From the Object store list, select the object store in which the Content Engine document property is located.
d. Click OK to display the Select CE Property window. e. Select the document property that is to be updated and click OK. 13. Optional: In the Process field name field, enter the name of the workflow field that Business Process Framework is to update when a user changes the value of this application field. Workflow field names are case sensitive, so enter the name exactly as it appears in the process map. For Business Process Framework to update the workflow field, you must include the field in the list of parameters that are to be used in the activity step for the process map. TIP Create workflow fields on the process map only when the fields are required to define conditions for workflow routing, to facilitate filtering, or to enable sorting of the inbasket. Not all application fields are process fields.
Configuring tools
You configure the tools that are to be available in the toolbar of the case user interface. Business Process Framework always includes the Search, Action, and Log Out tools in the toolbar, so you do not need to configure these tools. However, you can add custom tools.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring tools 5. In the Display label field, enter the name that is to be displayed for this tool in the Business Process Framework Web application. 6. In the Handler URL field, enter the name of the Java Applet that will be started when a user selects this tool. 7. In the Appearance area, specify the following properties of the window for this tool: a. In the Window width field, enter the width of the window in pixels. b. In the Window height field, enter the height of the window in pixels. c. Select the Resizable check box to enable users to resize the window. Clear this check box if the window is to be a fixed size.
d. Select the Modal check box to prevent users from taking action outside this window until this window is closed. 8. Select the Case mode check box to make this tool available on the toolbar in the case user interface. 9. Select the Browse mode check box to make this tool available on the toolbar in the Web application inbasket selection interface. 10. Configure the case fields for this tool: a. Select the field from the list on the left and click -> to add it to the fields for this tool. b. Optional: In the Display Label field, enter the label that is to be displayed for this field. c. Optional: In the Value field, enter a default field value. This value is displayed in the field when the user runs this tool.
d. Optional: Select the Required cell if the user must enter a value in this field. e. Optional: Clear the Visible cell if this field is to be hidden in the tool window. f. Optional: Select the R/O cell if this field is to be read-only. If this cell is not selected, the field can be written to.
add_document tool
This tool enables users to attach documents to cases from local or network drives. The documents are then checked in to the Content Manager Repository. The Case Type and Local File fields are automatically included in the add_document window. You can select additional case fields to be used to populate the properties of documents that are added to cases.
create_browse tool
This tool enables users to create cases and then to use Workplace to attach documents or folders to the cases from Content Manager repositories. The Case Type field is automatically included in the create_browse window. You can select additional case fields to be used to populate the case fields in the new cases.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbasket filters
create_case tool
This tool enables users to create cases in the Business Process Framework Web application and, optionally, to attach electronic documents to the new cases from local or network drives. The Case Type and Local File fields are automatically included in the create_case window. You can select additional case fields to be used to populate the case fields in the new cases.
create_eFormsCase tool
This tool enables users to use predefined eForms templates to create cases in the Business Process Framework Web application. After the new case is created, the users can display the forms that are associated with the cases in pages that are configured for specific inbaskets. For more information about eForms templates, see IBM FileNet Business Process Framework eForms Integration to Business Process Framework. You do not configure the case fields for new cases in Business Process Framework Explorer. Instead, the case fields are determined by the form templates.
merge_case tool
This tool enables users to merge cases. The users determine the case information that is to be carried forward in the surviving cases.
queue_depth tool
This tool enables users to count the cases in inbaskets.
reclassify_case tool
This tool enables users to change the case types of cases and restart the workflow processes based on the new case types.
split_case tool
This tool enables users to split an existing case into two separate cases. For the new cases, the users specify the case types and identify the information that is to be included in the cases.
wp_add_attach tool
This tool enables users to access Workplace to select documents or folders that are to be attached to cases.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbasket filters For certain data types, Business Process Framework validates user entries in the filter field based on the data type. Data type BOOLEAN Description This data type corresponds to the Boolean data type in Content Engine and Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a BOOLEAN field as a check box. This data type corresponds to the Date/Time data type in Content Engine and the Time data type in Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a DATE field as a text box with a calendar control and provides date data validation. This data type corresponds to the Float data type in Content Engine and Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a MONEY field as a text box and provides money data validation. Business Process Framework does not support a decimal (floating point) data type without money validation. NUMERIC This data type corresponds to the Integer data type in Content Engine and Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a NUMERIC field as a text box and provides integer data validation. This data type corresponds to the String data type in Content Engine and Process Engine. Business Process Framework displays a STRING field as a text box. Business Process Framework does not provide validation for STRING fields. Business Process Framework supports wildcard searches for a STRING field. WORKFLOWGROUP This data type defines a field that provides an interface to workflow group. This data type does not correspond to any data type in Content Engine or Process Engine.
6. In the Description field, enter text that describes this inbasket filter. 7. In the Title field, enter the text that is to be used as the label for this inbasket field in the Business Process Framework Web application. 8. In the Width field, enter the width of this field in characters. 9. In the Max chars field, enter the maximum characters that a user can enter into the field. You must enter a number greater than 0. You can enter a number that is greater than the width of the inbasket filter. The Max chars field is disabled if the inbasket filter is of type BOOLEAN or DATE, or if the filter is configured as a pick list. 10. Optional: Configure a pick list for this inbasket filter: a. From the Pick list list, select the pick list that is to be used for this inbasket filter. b. Optional: Select the Add All record check list to add All as a choice in the pick list. c. Optional: From the Pick list Display Behavior list, select the value indicating which format is to be used to display the choices in this pick list
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbasket filters Option Code Description Business Process Framework displays the abbreviation that is associated with each choice. This option is the default setting for the pick list display behavior. Business Process Framework displays the descriptive name that is associated with each choice.
11. In the Regular area, configure the case field that is to be used for this inbasket filter: a. From the Case field list, select the case field that is to be used for filtering. The Case field list contains only those case fields that are configured with process fields. b. Click Expression to define the filter criteria expression. c. In the Template field, enter the SQL query to be used to retrieve cases. You can use the following macros in this query. Macro %PARAM1% Description This macro represents the data that a user enters in the inbasket filter field. %PARAM1% is the default macro when specifying the filter condition. Examples: Bp8CaseID = %PARAM1% CompanyName LIKE %PARAM1% %CEILDATE% %FLOORDATE% These macros test the high and low boundaries of the data that a user enters in a date inbasket filter field. Example: ReceivedDate < (%CEILDATE%) and ReceivedDate >= (%FLOORDATE%) 12. Optional: If you selected the Add All record check box, configure the case field that is to be used for the All choice: a. From the Case field list, select the case field that is to be used for filtering. The Case field list contains only those case fields that are configured with process fields. b. Click Expression to define the filter criteria expression. For more information, see Defining the inbasket filter criteria expression. c. In the Template field, enter the SQL query to be used to retrieve cases. You can use the following macros in this query. Macro %PARAM1% Description This macro represents the data that a user enters in the inbasket filter field. %PARAM1% is the default macro when specifying the filter condition. Examples: Bp8CaseID = %PARAM1% CompanyName LIKE %PARAM1%
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets Macro %CEILDATE% %FLOORDATE% Description These macros test the high and low boundaries of the data that a user enters in a date inbasket filter field. Example: ReceivedDate < (%CEILDATE%) and ReceivedDate >= (%FLOORDATE%)
Configuring inbaskets
An inbasket contains a set of cases that are assigned to a particular user role. All the cases in an inbasket are at the same step in the workflow. You provide access to inbaskets based on a users Business Process Framework role. When a user logs on to the Business Process Framework Web application, Business Process Framework displays the set of inbaskets to which that user has access. The user then selects an inbasket to access the cases in that inbasket. Depending on how you configure the inbasket, the user is presented with the next case in the queue or with a list of cases from which to select. An inbasket can be public or private depending on the associated workflow step. If the step is assigned to a queue in the workflow map, the inbasket is public. If the step is assigned to specific workflow participants, the inbasket is private.
Creating an inbasket
You can create an inbasket in the following ways: Use the New action to create an inbasket for one or more roles. Use an inbasket template to create an inbasket. This method enables you to apply changes to all inbaskets based on a template at one time. For more information, see Creating and configuring inbasket templates. Copy and paste an existing inbasket in Business Process Framework Explorer to create an inbasket. The new inbasket is independent of the source inbasket.
To create an inbasket: 1. In the console tree, click Inbasket Configurations. 2. Click Action > New > Inbasket to open the New inbasket Properties window. 3. Configure the inbasket properties as required for your Business Process Framework Web application. You must configure the following properties: On the General tab, enter values for the following properties: o o o o o Inbasket name Master Role Inbasket type Queue name Filter name
On the Browse list columns tab, configure at least one browse list column and identify the case fields that are associated with that column.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets
2. In the Inbasket name field, enter a unique name for this inbasket as it is to be displayed in the Business Process Framework Web application. The name can be up to 50 characters. 3. From the Master Role field, select the role that can access this inbasket. You can configure the inbasket to grant access to multiple roles. To do so, add the roles on the Roles tab. For more information, see Configuring roles for an inbasket. TIP Assigning a role as the master role does not provide users with any additional privileges in this inbasket. 4. From the Inbasket type list, select one of the following values: Inbasket type STANDARD Description This type of inbasket enables a user to access an active case from a work queues, edit the case, and dispatch the case to the next step. Business Process Framework displays a STANDARD inbasket when: The user selects the inbasket from the inbasket list in the Business Process Framework Web application. You are using the 9010 (Process Case) command in the Business Process Framework integration servlet and the user selects the inbasket from search results.
This type of inbasket enables users to access cases from either search results or a URL. A CASEQUERY inbasket can contain both active and inactive cases. You can configure the inbasket to enable a user to edit an active case, but not to dispatch the case. For example, you might use a CASEQUERY inbasket to enable administrators to access and fix problems in cases without dispatching the cases. Inactive cases are opened in read-only mode. You can define only one CASEQUERY inbasket for a role. TIP You cannot predict the types of cases that will be returned by a search or the workflow steps in which these cases will be. Therefore, when you configure a CASEQUERY inbasket, populate the inbasket with all case fields for all case types to ensure that the inbasket can accommodate any case that is returned by a search.
5. Optional: Identify the Java adapter class that contains the methods to be run when a user opens a case in this inbasket. You can extend the com.filenet.bp8.api.ext.openCaseEventHandler class to implement a Java adapter class to perform tasks such as data validation or connecting to an external system. You then associate that class with an inbasket. Business Process Framework then runs the methods that are defined for the class whenever a case is opened from the inbasket. For more information about extending the openCaseEventHandler class, see the IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Developer Guide. a. In the Class name field, enter the name of the Java adapter class, including the package name.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets b. In the Parameters field, enter any parameters to be passed to the Java adapter class. Separate multiple parameters with commas. 6. Specify the workflow configuration to determine the cases that are to be available in this inbasket. a. Optional: From the Step name list, select the name of the workflow step with which this inbasket is to be associated. b. From the Queue name list, select the name of the workflow queue to which the specified workflow step is assigned on the process map. c. From the Filter name list, select the queue filter that Business Process Framework is to use to retrieve the cases for this inbasket.
7. Select the mode in which this inbasket is to present cases to users: Inbasket mode Browse Description In Browse mode, Business Process Framework presents the user with a list of the cases in the inbasket. The user can select a case to work on. TIP Select the Browse check box when you are defining a personal inbasket. Sequential In Sequential mode, Business Process Framework presents the user with the case in that inbox that is to be processed next.
If you select both the Browse and Sequential check boxes, Business Process Framework displays the Modes tool on the toolbar in the Business Process Framework Web application to enable users to switch modes. If you clear both check boxes, Business Process Framework uses the Sequential mode by default. 8. Clear the Enable inbasket check box to hide this inbasket in the Business Process Framework Web application. 9. Select the Enable open case event check box to record an event in the audit log whenever a user opens a case from this inbasket. TIP Use this feature sparingly because it can result in unnecessary entries in the audit log. 10. Select the Enable Save button check box to display the Save button in the toolbar of the case user interface when a user opens a case from this inbasket. When a user clicks Save, Business Process Framework saves the case data without closing the case user interface. Business Process Framework does not display any confirmation message that indicates that the case data is saved. To return the case to the inbasket, the user must click the inbasket in the inbasket list or click Close if a Close button is provided. If your application uses a custom plug-in tab that supports the save functionality, selecting the Enable Save button check box enables the Save button for the plug-in tab and for the case user interface. If you do not select this check box, the user must dispatch the case to save any data. If the user attempts to close the case, Business Process Framework displays a message that indicates that the data will be lost and that the user must confirm that the case is to be closed. 11. Select the Enable Close button check box to display a Close button in the toolbar of the case user interface when a user opens a case from this inbasket. If the user clicks the Close button, Business Process Framework returns the case to this inbasket and any unsaved changes are lost. 12. Select the Allow removing attachments check box to enable users to remove attachments from a case that is opened from this inbasket. When this check box is selected, an x icon is displayed next to the document icon for each attachment in the case user interface. The user clicks the x icon to delete the attachment. Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 43
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets 13. Select the Disable updating attachment properties check box to keep Business Process Framework from updating properties for the documents that are attached to a case in this inbox. If a case contains many attachments and there are a number of properties to be updated, performance can decrease Business Process Framework updates the properties in attachments. Performance can further decrease if the updates are part of a batch operation that processes multiple cases. Selecting Disable updating attachment properties check box can prevent this problem. 14. Select the Enable bulk processing check box to enable users to select multiple cases in this inbasket for processing. In addition to selecting this check box, you must configure the actions that are to be available for bulk processing. For more information, see Creating and editing actions. Content Engine limits the number of objects that can be processed at one time to 150. In addition to this limit, processing large numbers of cases can decrease performance. For best performance, users should select no more than 50 cases for processing at one time. 15. From the Attachment visibility list, select the option that indicates whether the case attachments list can be displayed on the Attachment, Audit, Case, eForms, Table, and custom tabs in this inbasket if the Enable Case attachments list display option is set to True. For more information, see Enable Case attachments list display. 16. Optional: In the Attachment panel document list SQL field, enter an SQL query to limit the attachments that are displayed on the Case tab content bar when users open cases in this inbasket. For example, the following query displays only those attachments that are of DocType 1.
select a.Bp8ObjectID as Id, a.Bp8ObjectType as ObjectType, a.Id as AttachID, f.FolderName, d.DocumentTitle, d.VersionSeries, d.VersionStatus, d.MajorVersionNumber, d.MinorVersionNumber, d.MimeType, d.isReserved, d.IsVersioningEnabled from (Bp8Attachment a left join Document d ON d.VersionSeries = a.Bp8VersionSeries) left join Folder f ON f.Id = a.Bp8ObjectGUID where a.Bp8CaseID = ^1 and ^2 and DocType = 1 order by a.Bp8ObjectType desc, f.FolderName asc, d.DocumentTitle asc
If you leave this field blank, Business Process Framework uses the SQL query that is defined in the Case attachments list - Adhoc search definition parameter to determine which attachments to display. By default, this parameter displays all documents and folders that are attached to the case.
To select and configure the fields that will be on the Case tab: 1. Click the Case Fields tab. Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 44
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets 2. From the Case Type list, select a case type from which you want to select case fields. You can select fields from multiple case types to use on the Case tab. 3. From the list of case fields, select a field and click -> to add the field to the table of selected fields. If you do not define a layout for the Case tab, Business Process Framework lists the fields in the order in which they are listed in the table. For information about creating a Case tab layout, see Designing the Case tab layout for an inbasket. 4. Optional: If you do not want Business Process Framework to display this field on the Case tab, click in the Visible cell and then click the arrow to set the value to No. 5. Optional: To make this field read-only, click in the R/O cell and then click the arrow to set the value to Yes. 6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each field in the case type that you want to use for this inbasket. 7. Click Apply. 8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for each case type from which you want to use case fields.
3. Optional: Add expandos to enable users to expand and collapse portions of the Case tab. For information about creating new expando labels, see Creating an expando label. a. Click the cell in which the expando label is to appear. b. In the Expandos list, click the expando and then click the arrow above the list to move the expando to the cell. All the rows between this label and any following expando label are controlled by this expando. Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 45
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets 4. Position case fields on the tab: a. Click the cell in which you want the field placed. You can place only one field in a cell. b. In the Inbasket Fields list, click the field and then click the arrow above the list to move the field to the cell. TIP You can reposition a field by dragging the field to a different cell. 5. Format cells in the Case tab layout as needed. Type text in any cell that does not contain a field. You can make this text bold, italic, or underlined by clicking the B, I, or U buttons respectively. Move the field label to the right of the field. To move the label, right-click the field and click Display label on the right. TIP You cannot change the label text in Case Tab Designer. Instead, you must change the display label for the field. For more information, see Creating application fields. Merge cells in two or more columns to accommodate a long field. To merge cells, right-click one of the cells and click Column > Expand column left or Expand column right. Expand or collapse the expando by default. Click the arrow next to the expando title to expand or collapse the expando. When the user opens the case, the expando appears either expanded or collapsed as it is in Case Tab Designer.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets
Configuring a response
To configure a response for this inbasket: 1. Click the response in the Selected table on the Responses tab. 2. Optional: In the Java class cell, enter the Java class plug-in that Business Process Framework will invoke when a user selects this response from the Action menu. You can define a Java class plug-in to perform tasks such as complex data validations and field checking based on the business rules. For more information, see the IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Developer Guide. 3. Optional: Click in the Bulk Process cell if this response is to be available for bulk processing. TIP Bulk processing is designed to apply a selected subset of responses immediately to a number of cases without additional processing or user interaction. Therefore, if you make a response available for bulk processing, do not configure other operations such as reason selection, required fields, or custom validation for this response. 4. Select the fields for which users must enter values for Business Process Framework to process this response: a. In the Required fields area, click Edit to open the Required Fields window. b. From the Case Type list, select the case type from which you want to select a field. c. From the list box on the left, select a field and click -> to add it to the Field table on the right.
d. When you finish selecting the fields, click OK to return to the Inbasket Properties window. 5. Optional: Associate a pick list to be displayed when a user selects this response. The user must select a value from the pick list to process the response. Typically, this pick list is used to select the person to whom the case will be routed. For example, a response called Route might require that a user select the person to whom the case will be routed. You can associate a pick list with the Route response to provide users with a list of people to whom the case can be routed. a. From the User Pick list list, select the pick list that contains the choices for this response. b. From the User Case field list, select the case field in which Business Process Framework is to record the selected choice. You must select a case field of the WORKFLOWGROUP type. This field also determines how Business Process Framework displays the selected pick list. If you select a Case field that is defined as a standard pick list, Business Process Framework displays the selected pick list in a drop-down list. If the Case field is defined as a lookup, Business Process Framework displays the selected pick list as a text box. c. Optional: Select the Multi-select check box to enable the user to select more than one choice from the pick list.
d. Optional: In the Instructions field, enter the text that will be displayed for this pick list. If you do not enter any text, Business Process Framework displays the following instructions by default: To complete the function request, the following selection must be made. Click OK to continue. e. Optional: Select the Lookup check box to enable the user to access a choice in the pick list by typing a full or partial value in the case field. The user can use wildcard characters when typing the value. The user can enter a percent sign (%) to match multiple characters or an underscore (_) to match a single character. 6. Optional: Provide external lookup capabilities for the response: a. Select the Lookup check box to enable the user to type a full or partial value in the case field.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets The user can use wildcard characters when typing the value. The user can enter a percent sign (%) to match multiple characters or an underscore (_) to match a single character. b. In the URL field, enter the URL of the Web service or Java Server Page (JSP) that you configured for the lookup. For more information, see Lookup extensions interface in the IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Developer Guide. 7. Optional: Select the reasons to be associated with this response. When you associate reasons with a response, the user must select a reason to complete the response. Business Process Framework records the selected reason in the audit log. For example, if the response denies a claim, you might require the user to select the reason for the denial. a. Click Add. b. Click in the Reason field and then click the arrow to display the list of available reasons. For information about defining reasons, see Creating reasons. c. Click a reason.
d. To add another reason, repeat steps a through c. 8. Optional: Define operations to automatically assign values to case fields for a specific response. The values entered by these operations override any values that the user enters in the specified case fields. TIP Business Process Framework runs the operations in the order in which they are listed in the Operations area. a. Click in the Case Field field and then click the arrow to display the list of case fields. b. Select the case field to which this operation applies. c. Click in the Builtin Property field and then click the arrow to display the list of built-in properties that indicate the type of value to be assigned to the case field and how the value is to be assigned.
d. Select the built-in property and, if required, enter the appropriate text in the Value field: Built-in property Constant Value field entry String If the case field is of type date or date/time, you must enter a value that is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. One way to obtain this value is to call the getTime() method on a Date object in a Java or JavaScript program. Active User ID None Value assigned to case field at runtime Business Process Framework assigns the specified literal string as the value of this case field.
Business Process Framework assigns the users Business Process Framework ID to this case field. Business Process Framework obtains the user ID from the USER_ID column of the USERS table in the Business Process Framework Metastore.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets Built-in property Active User name Value field entry None Value assigned to case field at runtime Business Process Framework assigns the users logon name to this case field. TIP If you select this property, ensure that the case field is defined as a workflow group. Case field Name of the case field Business Process Framework assigns the current value of the specified case field to this case field. Business Process Framework assigns the users full name to this case field. Business Process Framework assigns the ID associated with the users role to this case field. Business Process Framework assigns the name of the users role to this case field. Business Process Framework assigns the users Process Engine ID to this case field. Business Process Framework obtains the users ID from the USERS table in the Business Process Framework Metastore.
Current Profile ID
Current Profile
Current WF User ID
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets b. Click the arrow and select the first field to be displayed in this column. This field must be supported for all case types used by the inbasket. c. If this field is a pick list, click in the Pick list Display Behavior field, click the arrow and select the mode in which the choices are to be displayed: Pick list mode Default Description Business Process Framework displays the description that is associated with each choice in the pick list. Business Process Framework displays the description that is associated with each choice in the pick list. Business Process Framework displays the icon that is associated with each choice in the pick list
d. Optional: Click Add to identify another case field to be displayed in this column. 4. Clear the Visible cell if this column is to be hidden in the browse list window. 5. Optional: Indicate whether users can sort the browse list based on the entries in this column. a. Select the Sortable cell to enable users to sort the browse list based on the entries in this column. TIP Runtime errors can occur if the field is not exposed in the Process Engine workflow queue. If you select the Sortable cell, ensure that the field associated with this column is exposed in the workflow queue. b. Select the Sort Direction cell if Business Process Framework is to sort the column in descending order. Clear the Sort Direction cell if Business Process Framework is to sort the column in ascending order. c. Select the Default cell if the browse list is to be sorted based on this column by default. Users can sort the list by other columns, but Business Process Framework sorts the list based on the default column any time users refresh the inbasket. You can define more complex sorting for the default column. For more information, see Changing the sort order for the default column. 6. Optional: Click Add in the Browse list columns area to add another column to the browse list window. TIP For better performance, limit the number of columns in the browse list window.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets
In Workplace XT, select Administration on the Tools menu, and then select Process Configuration Console.
b. In the scope pane, expand PEConnection[1] and Rosters. c. Right-click the workflow in which you want to create the workflow field and select Properties.
d. On the Data Fields page, complete the Field Name, Field Type, and Length fields to define the new workflow field. 2. On the Browse Fields tab, click the browse column for which you want to provide a custom sort order. TIP You must select a browse column that is identified as Default or Sortable. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Workflow field name field, replace the default workflow field with the name of the workflow field that you created in step 1. The contents of the workflow field name dialog box substitutes the %ORDERBY% macro in the workflow filter query when the inbasket is filtered for content. See the Filters section for details on the workflow queue query. Example: Advanced inbasket sorting This example illustrates how you can configure the browse list to sort the cases as follows: Sort the cases first by priority so that priority 1 cases are listed first, priority 2 cases are listed next, and priority 0 cases are listed last. Within each priority group, sort the cases by the voucher numbers so that all voucher numbers beginning with the letter U are listed first. Within each group of voucher numbers, sort the cases so that the cases are listed in ascending order by date.
To implement this sorting requirement for an inbasket: 1. Create the inbasket sort criteria and associate the criteria with a default sorting column:
ap.PRIORITY_ORDER(intPriority), ap.INDEXER_QUEUE_SORT(strVoucherNumber), intCaseStatusID
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbaskets The inbasket filters are listed in the inbasket in the order that they are listed in the table.
You can also create custom tabs that you can use in the Case User interface. For information about creating tabs, see the IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Developer Guide. To add a tab to the Case User interface: 1. Click the Tabs tab in the Inbasket Properties window. 2. From the Available list, select a tab and click -> to add the tab to the Selected table. The tabs are listed in the Case User interface in the order that they are listed in the Selected table. 3. Optional: Click the Hide cell in the Selected table if the tab is not to be visible to users. Typically, you hide a tab that you do not want displayed but that contains information required for the open case. For example, you use an eForm tab to collect information from a user. That information is then used to update fields on the Case tab. In this situation, you might choose to hide the Case tab. If the Hide field is selected, then the tab will be hidden from the user. If unselected, then it will be displayed.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbasket templates (optional)
2. In the Inbasket Template name field, enter a unique name for this inbasket template as it is to be displayed in Business Process Framework Explorer. The name can be up to 50 characters. 3. Select the mode in which an inbasket that is based on this template is to present cases to users: Inbasket mode Browse Description In Browse mode, Business Process Framework presents the user with a list of the cases in the inbasket. The user can select a case to work on. TIP Select the Browse check box when you are defining a personal inbasket. Sequential In Sequential mode, Business Process Framework presents the user with the case in that inbox that is to be processed next.
If you select both the Browse and Sequential check boxes, Business Process Framework displays the Modes tool on the toolbar in the Business Process Framework Web application to enable users to switch modes. If you clear both check boxes, Business Process Framework uses the Sequential mode by default. 4. Clear the Enable inbasket check box to hide an inbasket based on this template in the Business Process Framework Web application. 5. Select the Enable open case event check box to record an event in the audit log whenever a user opens a case from an inbasket based on this template. TIP Use this feature sparingly because it can result in unnecessary entries in the audit log. 6. Select the Enable Save button check box to display the Save button in the toolbar of the case user interface when a user opens a case from an inbasket based on this template. When a user clicks Save, Business Process Framework saves the case data without closing the case user interface. Business Process Framework does not display any confirmation message that Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 53
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbasket templates (optional) indicates that the case data is saved. To return the case to the inbasket, the user must click the inbasket in the inbasket list or click Close, if a Close button is provided. If your application uses a custom plug-in tab that supports the save functionality, selecting the Enable
Save button check box enables the Save button for the plug-in tab as well as for the case user
interface. If you do not select this check box, the user must dispatch the case to save any data. If the user attempts to close the case, Business Process Framework displays a message warning that the data will be lost and asking the user confirm that the case should be closed. 7. Select the Enable Close button check box to display a Close button in the toolbar of the case user interface when a user opens a case from an inbasket based on this template. If the user clicks the Close button, Business Process Framework returns the case to this inbasket and any unsaved changes are lost. 8. Select the Allow removing attachments check box to enable users to remove attachments from a case that is opened from an inbasket based on this template. When this check box is selected, an x icon appears next to the document icon for each attachment in the case user interface. The user clicks the x icon to delete the attachment. 9. Select the Disable updating attachment properties check box to keep Business Process Framework from updating properties for the documents that are attached to a case in an inbasket based on this template. If a case contains many attachments and there are a number of properties to be updated, performance can decrease if Business Process Framework updates the properties in attachments. Performance can further decrease if the updates are part of a batch operation that processes multiple cases. Selecting Disable updating attachment properties check box can prevent this problem. 10. Select the Enable bulk processing check box to enable users to select multiple cases in an inbasket based on this template for processing. In addition to selecting this check box, you must configure the actions that are to be available for bulk processing. For more information, see Creating and editing actions. Content Engine limits the number of objects that can be processed at one time to 150. In addition to this limit, processing large numbers of cases can decrease performance. For best performance, users should select no more than 50 cases for processing at one time. 11. From the Attachment visibility list, select the option that indicates whether the case attachments list can be displayed on the Attachment, Audit, Case, eForms, Table, and custom tabs in this inbasket if the Enable Case attachments list display option is set to True. For more information, see Enable Case attachments list display. 12. Optional: In the Attachment panel document list SQL field, enter an SQL query to limit the attachments that are displayed on the Case tab content bar when users open cases in an inbasket based on this template. For example, the following query displays only those attachments that are of DocType 1.
select a.Bp8ObjectID as Id, a.Bp8ObjectType as ObjectType, a.Id as AttachID, f.FolderName, d.DocumentTitle, d.VersionSeries, d.VersionStatus, d.MajorVersionNumber, d.MinorVersionNumber, d.MimeType, d.isReserved, d.IsVersioningEnabled from (Bp8Attachment a left join Document d ON d.VersionSeries = a.Bp8VersionSeries) left join Folder f ON f.Id = a.Bp8ObjectGUID where a.Bp8CaseID = ^1 and ^2 and DocType = 1 order by a.Bp8ObjectType desc, f.FolderName asc, d.DocumentTitle asc
If you leave this field blank, Business Process Framework uses the SQL query that is defined in the Case attachments list - Adhoc search definition parameter to determine which attachments to display. By default, this parameter displays all documents and folders that are attached to the case.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Configuring the Business Process Framework Web application Configuring inbasket templates (optional)
d. Optional: Click Add to identify another case field to be displayed in this column. 4. Clear the Visible cell if this column is to be hidden in the browse list window. 5. Optional: Indicate whether users can sort the browse list based on the entries in this column. a. Select the Sortable cell to enable users to sort the browse list based on the entries in this column. TIP Runtime errors can occur if the field is not exposed in the Process Engine workflow queue. If you select the Sortable cell, ensure that the field associated with this column is exposed in the workflow queue. b. Select the Sort Direction cell if Business Process Framework is to sort the column in descending order. Clear the Sort Direction cell if Business Process Framework is to sort the column in ascending order. c. Select the Default cell if the browse list is to be sorted based on this column by default. Users can sort the list by other columns, but Business Process Framework sorts the list based on the default column any time users refresh the inbasket. You can define more complex sorting for the default column. For more information, see Changing the sort order for the default column. Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2010 55
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Exporting and importing Business Process Framework configurations Configuring inbasket templates (optional) 6. Optional: Click Add in the Browse list columns area to add another column to the browse list window. TIP For better performance, limit the number of columns in the browse list window.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Exporting and importing Business Process Framework configurations Exporting the Business Process Framework configuration
To import the Business Process Framework configuration: 1. In the console tree, click Export and Import Management. 2. Click Action > All Tasks > Import XML Manifest and then click Yes when prompted to confirm the import. 3. In the Open window, navigate to the folder that contains the XML manifest file, select the file, and click Open. 4. When you are prompted, indicate whether you want to preserve the user information in the current Business Process Framework configuration: Click Yes to prevent import of the user records and preserve the current user records. Click No to import the user records. This action overwrites any existing user records in the destination environment. Click Cancel to exit the procedure without importing the Business Process Framework configuration.
Business Process Framework might take several minutes to import the XML manifest file depending on the number of configuration objects that must be imported.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Exporting and importing Business Process Framework configurations Importing the Business Process Framework configuration without using Business Process Framework Explorer
Importing the Business Process Framework configuration without using Business Process Framework Explorer
You can generate an SQL script from an XML manifest. You can run this SQL script in your database environment to import your Business Process Framework configuration without running Business Process Framework Explorer. You might use this feature to automate the import of the configuration. TIP Business Process Framework generates a server-specific SQL script. Ensure that you use the Oracle, MS SQL Server, and DB2 script as appropriate for your database. To generate the SQL script for your Business Process Framework configuration: 1. In the console tree, click Export and Import Management. 2. Click Action > All Tasks > Generate SQL Script from XML Manifest. 3. In the Open window, navigate to the folder that contains the XML manifest file, select the file, and click Open. 4. In the Save As window, enter a file name for the SQL script. 5. When you are prompted, indicate whether you want to export the user information from the Business Process Framework configuration.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Exporting and importing Business Process Framework configurations Deployment of the supporting FileNet P8 objects The Process Engine isolated region that includes the definitions for the queues, rosters, event logs, and so on
You cannot import the Workplace access roles that are required by your Business Process Framework Web application. Instead, define these roles manually in the Workplace site preferences in the destination environment.
IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Exporting and importing Business Process Framework configurations Deployment of the supporting FileNet P8 objects
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IBM FileNet Business Process Framework Explorer Handbook Notices Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. The sample programs are provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. IBM shall not be liable for any damages arising out of your use of the sample programs.
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