Final Lakme CB Project
Final Lakme CB Project
Final Lakme CB Project
Submitted By: Disha Singh (054) Divya Omprakash Gupta (055) Isha (064) Kriti Srivastava (072) Lav Mohan (076) Sonal Gupta (163)
We take this opportunity to express our profound sense of gratitude and respect to all those who helped us throughout the duration of this project.
We would like to express our sincere indebtedness to Prof. Sandhya for giving us the opportunity to work on this project and make it a success.
We would also like to express our deep sense of gratitude to all the faculty members and friends for providing their help and advice whenever it was needed.
Finally we wish to extend our sincere acknowledgement to our parents for their moral and support.
The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as how
The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products);
The the psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs, media);
The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions; Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence decisions and marketing outcome;
How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and
How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies to more effectively reach the consumer.
One "official" definition of consumer behavior is "The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society." Although it is not necessary to memorize this definition, it brings up some useful points:
Behavior occurs either for the individual, or in the context of a group (e.g., friends influence what kinds of clothes a person wears) or an organization (people on the job make decisions as to which products the firm should use).
Consumer behavior involves the use and disposal of products as well as the study of how they are purchased. Product use is often of great interest to the marketer, because this may influence how a product is best positioned or how we can encourage increased consumption. Since many environmental problems result from product disposal (e.g., motor oil being sent into sewage systems to save the recycling fee, or garbage piling up at landfills) this is also an area of interest. 3
Consumer behavior involves services and ideas as well as tangible products. The impact of consumer behavior on society is also of relevance. For example, aggressive marketing of high fat foods, or aggressive marketing of easy credit, may have serious repercussions for the national health and economy.
The most obvious is for marketing strategyi.e., for making better marketing campaigns. For example, by understanding that consumers are more receptive to food advertising when they are hungry, we learn to schedule snack advertisements late in the afternoon. By understanding that new products are usually initially adopted by a few consumers and only spread later, and then only gradually, to the rest of the population, we learn that (1) companies that introduce new products must be well financed so that they can stay afloat until their products become a commercial success and (2) it is important to please initial customers, since they will in turn influence many subsequent customers brand choices.
A second application is public policy. In the 1980s, Accutane, a near miracle cure for acne, was introduced. Unfortunately, Accutane resulted in severe birth defects if taken by pregnant women. Although physicians were instructed to warn their female patients of this, a number still became pregnant while taking the drug. To get consumers attention, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) took the step of requiring that very graphic pictures of deformed babies be shown on the medicine containers.
Social marketing involves getting ideas across to consumers rather than selling something. Marty Fishbein, a marketing professor, went on sabbatical to work for the Centers for Disease Control trying to reduce the incidence of transmission of diseases through illegal drug use. The best solution, obviously, would be if we could get illegal drug users to stop. This, however, was deemed to be infeasible. It was also determined that the practice of sharing needles was too ingrained in the drug culture to be stopped. As a result, using knowledge of consumer attitudes,
Dr. Fishbein created a campaign that encouraged the cleaning of needles in bleach before sharing them, a goal that was believed to be more realistic.
As a final benefit, studying consumer behavior should make us better consumers. Common sense suggests, for example, that if you buy a 64 liquid ounce bottle of laundry detergent, you should pay less per ounce than if you bought two 32 ounce bottles. In practice, however, you often pay a size premium by buying the larger quantity. In other words, in this case, knowing this fact will sensitize you to the need to check the unit cost labels to determine if you are really getting a bargain.
Key facts
Lakme was the first major beauty brand in India and takes pride in being the expert on Indian Beauty for over 50 years. It is complete beauty brand spanning colour cosmetics, skin care & hair styling products and extending to beauty services through the network of Lakme Beauty Salons. Its bond with beauty and fashion is manifested through the Lakme Fashion Week, which is now the largest fashion event of its kind in the country. Lakme has a foot print of over 1200 assisted sales outlets, which is the largest span of outlets with Beauty Advisors in the country. LAKMES POSITIONING IN TERMS OF PERSONALITY AND SELF CONCEPT:
Lakme is a product range that caters to the beautification needs of not only women in their adult age but in today's context teenagers also. It has a brand personality of someone who takes care of you and your beauty needs. It tries to position itself amongst its consumers as a product range that will help them look beautiful as is evident from its catchphrases:
Lakme has a range of beauty products to offer to its consumers. Some of the ways in which it tries to position itself:
1. Lakme Hair Color: magic of colors (collage). 2. Lakme (versatile eye shadow collection): rich, long lasting and healthy make up. 3. Lakme fair perfect: For flawlessly fair skin! 4. Lakme face magic: daily wear souffl. 5. Lakme (skin vitalizer): radiant skin, now and forever. 6. Lakme (moisturizer): radiant skin, now and forever. 7. Lakme nail polish and lipstick: electric brilliance/sensual brilliance 8. Lakme sun expert (sunscreen): sun safe hamesha! (Face the sun with a smile) 9. Lakme pure defense: anti-pollution system. 10. Lakme Tropical Island (cosmetics): defining the future of fashion. 11. Lakme hair care (international): natural hair care 12. Lakme hair next: exclusive range of hairstyle products that give you that salon look instantly
Research Methodology
Our project topic is to investigate & understand about the Consumer Behavior towards LAKME Brand. Through our research we would like to focus on the following points: Research Questions: What the consumer thinks of the companys products and those of its Competitors? How can the product be improved in their opinion? How important role thus the brand plays in customer purchase? What is the customers attitude towards the product and its advertising? What are Consumers preferences and perceived Values?
All of us are consumers. Products consumed vary according to our needs, preferences and buying power.
These can be: Consumable goods Durable goods Specialty goods Industrial goods
And the following questions: ? What we buy ? How we buy ? Where we buy ? When we buy ? How much we buy Depends On Our perception Self-concept Social background Cultural background Our age Family cycle Our attitudes Beliefs values Motivation Personality Social class Many other factors those are both internal and external to us
The marketers; therefore tries to understand the needs of different consumers, which require an in-depth study of their Internal and external environment which then leads them to formulation of marketing strategies for their products.
Research Methodology
1. First step would be collecting the information through questionnaires, personalinterviews/discussions, magazines, internet, etc
3. Third step would be presenting the findings of the research study in the form of a research report.
Data collection is a key activity of research. Data collection method is the backbone of research design. There are two types of data:
Define the information needed Design the exploratory, descriptive, and/or causal phases of the research Specify the measurement and scaling procedures Construct and pretest a questionnaire (interviewing form) or an appropriate form for data collection Specify the sampling process and sample size Develop a plan of data analysis
Use of Descriptive Research: o To describe the characteristics of relevant groups, such as consumers, salespeople, organizations, or market areas o To estimate the percentage of units in a specified population exhibiting a certain behavior o To determine the perceptions of product characteristics o To make specific predictions o For exam: An investigation of the trends in consumption of LAKME (Product) with respect to socio-economic characteristics such as age, occupation, family income, educational level etc. are covered under descriptive study. Here we will be doing Non Random Convenient sampling with sample size of 25 persons. Research Methods for conclusive study: Surveys Secondary data
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 1. Brand Loreal Lakme Garnier Lotus Total Percentage 23 47 12 18 100
18 12 23 Loreal Lakme Garnier 47 Lotus
AnalysisFrom the survey it was seen that 47% of the total consumers preferred lakme, 23% preferred LOreal, 18% used lotus and remaining 12% used garnier. This number is taken form total sample taken for the survey. InterpretationFrom the analysis it could be drawn that among the group of selected sample lakme was the most preferred and most used brands. The reason for such a response was that lakme is one of the oldest and trusted cosmetics brands in India on the contrary to other brands which are new in this field. However, consumers have also developed likeability for others brands also as this could be drawn from the consumer percentage of other brands. 12
2. Seen the Ad Yes No Cant Say Total Percentage 97.3 1.7 1 100
100 50 Percentage 0 Yes Percentage No Cant Say
Analysis: From the survey it could be concluded that, 97.3% have seen advertisements by lakme while 1.7% have still not seen the brands ads other 1% comprise of those who are indifferent between the two. Interpretation: Advertisements launched by any company are its way of promoting its brand of products. Lakme in this regard has covered almost every media viz. print, television, internet, point of purchase displays etc. Hence, the huge number of response coming in favour of people who have seen the brands advertisement is mainly because the company has endeavoured to cover almost every possible media for promotion. For people who havent seen the ads would be the ones who feebly get in touch with such media esp. comprising of rural population. 1% of the consumers who are indifferent between the two options would be the ones who preferred using other brands of cosmetics and were least interested in paying attention to lakmes ads.
3. Motivator Through Advertisements. Word of mouth influence Internet Point of purchase displays Total Percentage 44 36 8 12 100
12 8 44 Through Advertisements. Word of mouth influence Internet 36 Point of purchase displays
Analysis: Conclusion drawn from the survey showed that 44% of the consumers came to know about the brand through advertisements, 36% through positive word of mouth, 12% from point of purchase displays ads and 8% through internet. Interpretation: The question related to the consumer awareness, the brand aimed at creating an image for itself in the minds of its targeted customers. The initial challenge was to introduce the brand and notice the consumer behavior in this
regard.Advertisements acquired the maximum share to get the brand acquainted with the consumers. Taking this view in notice the marketers should concentrate and abreast the advertisements both print and television. However, internet composed of the least percentage in terms of companys presence. In other to make it more feasible and known company should start up innovative internet campaigns to attract customers.
40 30 20 10 0 Excellent Good Moderate Bad Percentage
Analysis:The data was taken in order to measure consumer awareness about the company in detail. The result showed that 29% comes under excellent, 36% under good, 18% under moderate while 17% under bad. Interpretation: The level of information for any brand is measured in terms of consumer awareness, motivation, perception, attitude and personality. The sole purpose of marketers is not restricted to selling of the products only but is extended to how well a consumer relates the product to his/her personality. The results shows that the company should for itself as a peoples brand and an upliftment in terms of connecting with the customers is required. This could be attained by reviving the techniques of motivation and consumer awareness.
5. Most often used product Hair care product Skin Care Product Body Care Make-up Total Percentage 29 36 18 17 100
17 18
Analysis: Results show that 36% of the consumers used skin care products the most, 29% used hair care products, 18% body care and 17% makeup. Interpretation: Skin care products is the most consumed range of products while makeup was the least. Hence, the company could take up this area to explore more by introducing wide range of products that are reasonable while in order to procure a large segment of customer the company should keep a close eye on the skin care products.
6. Time period of usage Less than 1 year. 2years 3 years 4 years More than 5 years Total Percentage 9 16 28 36 10 100
40 30 20 10 0 Less than 1 year. 2years 3 years 4 years More than 5 years Percentage
Analysis: Results show that 36% of the consumers have been using lakme products for about 4 years, 28% for 3 years, 16% for 2 years, 10% for more than 5 years and 9% for less than 1 year. Interpretation: Lakme is one of the oldest brands in India which is known for its quality products and diversified range. The company has gained considerable amount of loyal customers who have stick to the brand for a long period. Hence, in order to retain its strong customer base the company should start up with certain customer motivation plans which may include discount schemes, loyalty cards etc. On the contrary, in order to sustain its new customer intensive motivational practices should be initiated by the company along with creating brand awareness to increase approachability to its customers.
7. Reason of Motivation Economical Trendsetter Measurable results Easily available Total Percentage 15 31 18 36 100
15 36 31 18 Economical Trendsetter Measurable results Easily available
Analysis: Results shown were 36% of the customers chose easy availability of the product as a reason to use it, 31% chose trendsetter, 18% measurable results and 15% economical. Interpretation: This question was of utmost importance in order to seek customer motivation. Maximum voted easy availability as a reason to use a companys brand which clearly suggests that a company should have an extensive as well as intensive distribution system. While to keep up with the pace of consumer demands a company should implement innovative practices in terms of product development from time to time. Above all the company quality of products will substantially attract customers.
8. Reasons to Choose the Brand Lakme Price Product Quality Promotion Product variety Total 6 54 7 33 100 Percentage
6 33 Price Product Quality 7 54 Promotion Product variety
Analysis: From the survey it was seen that 54% of the customers chose lakmes product quality as a reason to choose lakme brand, 33% voted for product variety, 7%for promotion and 6% for price. Interpretation: Analysis reveals that the company is doing well in terms of product quality and variety. However, there should be a balance between all the Ps of marketing so in this regard company should also concentrate on promotional and pricing strategies too.
Analysis: Results show that 34% rated 1 (most important) in terms of companys prestige, 21% rated 2, 18% rated 3, 14% rated 4, 7% rated 5, 5% rated 6 and 3% rated 7. Interpretation: Analysis showed that lakme acquires a positive market prestige as maximum percentage of consumer voted in favour of it however, certain % also went on the negative side. The reason could be that there is still room for development for the company to maintain its goodwill; a driving factor in this regard could be implementing effective motivational practices along with building strong and positive consumer attitude towards the brand.
Analysis: Survey showed that 31% voted 1(most) of the consumers were self fulfilled after using lakmes products, 22% voted 2, 18% voted 3, 12% voted 4, 8% voted 5, 6% voted 6 and 3% voted 7. Interpretation: Analysis showed that most of the consumers were satisfied using lakmes product which is a positive sign for the company and should keep itself abreast with their existing practices. However, it should move with the growing trend to attract new customers.
11. Expenditure on Cosmetics Below Rs. 500 500-1000 1000-2000 20000- Above Total Percentage 14 20 32 34 100
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Below Rs. 500 500-1000 1000-2000 20000Above Percentage
Analysis: Survey revealed that expenditure by customer were 34% for 2000 and above, 32% for 100-2000, 20% for 500-1000 and 14% for below 500. Interpretation: It could be interpreted that most of the customers paid considerably well on cosmetics. Hence, there is bright opportunities for marketers to explore the market to the good extend. This pattern arrived due to increase in disposable income of the consumers and increase in awareness about healthcare.
12. Often Expenditure over Lakme Products Once in a month Twice in a month More than twice Total Percentage 58 23 19 100
19 Once in a month 23 58 Twice in a month More than twice
Analysis: It has been analysed that 58% people buy lakme products for once in a month, 23% for twice and 19% for more than twice. Interpretation: Buying behavior of the customers suggest that most of the customers buy lakme product for once in a month the reason behind this relates to the pricing of its products which are somewhat from the perspective of middle class gentry. Another reason is that Indians still prefer cosmetics for preferred occasions and they dont use it on a regular. Hence, the consumption is somewhat lesser.
13. I spend too much on Lakme Products Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly Disagree 7 Total Percentage 13 20 14 28 15 6 4 10
Analysis: It has been analysed that as far as consumer spending too much on cosmetic products is considered 13% voted 1( strongly agree), 20% voted 2, 14% voted 3, 28% voted 4, 15% voted 5, 6% voted 6 and 4% voted 7 ( strongly disagree). Interpretation: Conclusion drawn is most of them agree to spending too much on cosmetic products which show consumers increased awareness for healthcare.
14. Purpose of Buying Lakme Products Skin Protection Long and Strong Hair Glow and Acne free Skin Make up Total Percentage 44 0 22 34 100
Skin Protection Long and Strong Hair Glow and Acne free Skin
22 0
Make up
Analysis: Survey showed that 44% bought lakme products for skin protection, 34% for makeup, 22% for glow and acne free skin while 0% for long and strong hair. Interpretation: It has been inferred that maximum consumers bought lakme products for skin protection products the reason being lakme offers diverse range of products in this section. However, there was no one to buy lakme for long and strong hair; the reason is that lakme offers no product in this section. Hence, from marketers perspective this is an unexplored area an products pertaining to consumers preference could be made in this regard.
4 20 Yes No 76 Cant Say
Analysis: It has been analysed that consumers satisfied with lakme products comprised of 76% who responded yes, 20% responded no and 4% responded cant say. Interpretation: Inference could be drawn that most of the consumers are satisfied by the companys offering in terms of services and products. However, there is still room for improvement and the company could stress more on motivation to consumers to feel satisfied by their products.
16. Product Rating Excellent Good Moderate Not Satisfactory Total Percentage 43 29 17 11 100
11 17 43 Excellent Good Moderate 29 Not Satisfactory
Analysis: It has been analysed that 43% consumer rated lakmes product as excellent, 29% as good, 12% as moderate and 11% as not satisfactory. Interpretation: It is seen that most of the consumers were satisfied with the companys products. This was because of the company being one of the trusted brands in India, also because the company has transformed its stragies form time to time to suit customers demands. While, 11% of the customers were still not satisfied with the products this may be because of the unsatisfactory products or promotion. Hence, the company could formulate proper feedback channels to get updates from time to time.
17. Usefullness of the site Yes No Cant Say Total Percentage 87 8 5 100
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Cant Say
Analysis: Out the consumers surveyed 87% found the companys site useful while 8% didnt and 5% were indifferent between the two. Interpretation: Lakme has constructed a well update website for its customers. Maximum of the customers were satisfied with the site when they logged into it. However, those who werent satisfied was because they sought for very detailed information. 5% of the respondents comprised of those who have never visited the companys site.
18. Continue to buy after price rise Yes No Cant Say Total Percentage 66 20 14 100
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Cant Say Percentage
Analysis: It has been analysed that 66% of the respondents intend to buy the companys product even after their prices are raised by 15%, 20% said no and 14% responded cant say. Interpretation: Maximum numbers of the respondents intend to buy the companys products despite price hike, this show they are highly satisfied with the products and are intentional to buy it. However, 20% responded no because of the reason of unaffordability and less value for money.
19. Chances of buying within 3 months Very Likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Total Percentage 41 20 28 11 100
11 Very Likely 41 28 Likely Unlikely Very unlikely 20
Analysis: It has been analysed that 41% of the respondents were very likely to buy lakme products for the next 3 months, 20% were likely to buy it, 28% were unlikely and 11% were very unlikely. Interpretation: Maximum number of respondent showed positive signs to buying lakme products for next 3 months. However, company should also focus on those who werent likely to buy their products. For these consumers more motivational activities are required so that the consumers could develop a positive perception about the brand.
20. Offer Value for money Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 Strongly Disagree 5 Total Percentage 33 23 40 3 1 100
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 Strongly Disagree 5 Percentage
Analysis: It reveals that 33% voted 1(strongly agree) for value for money, 23% voted 2, 40% voted 3, 3% voted 4 and 1% voted 5. Interpretation: It could be drawn that maximum percentage of respondents was in favour of lakme offering value for money. However, certain % also comprised of those who were not in this favour. The company could work on this by taking help of cues and response of the customers while positive reinforcement could also be implemented.
21.a.) Product Quality(Lakme) Very Low Low Average High Very High Total Percentage 4 12 46 27 11 100
Product Quality
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very Low Low Average High Very High
Analysis: It can be analysed that 4% found the product quality very low, 12% low, 46% found it average, 27% found it High and 11% found the product quality as very high. Interpretation: Thus, from the above it can thus be concluded that majority respondents found the product quality of Lakme as average and the second majority of the respondents found the quality as high. It may be due to the reason that customer think that a high priced product relates to high quality.
21.b.) Size(according to Price) Very Low Low Average High Very High Total Percentage 6 12 78 4 0 100
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very Low Low Average High Very High Percentage
Analysis: It can be analysed that 6% found the product size according to price very low, 12% low, 78% found it average, 4% found it High and none of them found it very high. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents found that the Lakme offers average size according to price. They are not very much satisfied with the size they are getting for the price they are paying.
21.c.) Functionality Very Low Low Average High Very High Total Percentage 1 3 56 32 9 100
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very Low Low Average High Very High Percentage
Analysis: It can be analysed that 1% found the product functionality very low, 3% low, 56% found it average, 32% found it High and 9% of them found it very high. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents found that the Lakme offers average value according to price. Respondents are not very much happy with the Lakme products.
22. Any change expectation in Lakme Products Yes No Cant Say Total Percentage 66 20 14 100
Analysis: It can be analysed that 66% said Yes, 20% said no and 14% of them couldnt say anything about it. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents wanted Lakme to get some changes in their offers and products.
23. Will not buy any other brand except Lakme Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly Disagree 7 Total Percentage 13 20 14 28 15 6 4 100
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Analysis: It can be analysed that 13% strongly agreed to the statement that they will not buy any other brand than Lakme. While 4% strongly disagreed to the statement. 28% of the respondents were neutral to the statement. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents found that the Lakme is the brand which they are looking for and are not willing to spend or try any other brand. But there are also some respondents who are not much sticking to Lakme they wish to try other brand also. This shows that respondents are not much loyal to Lakme as a brand.
24. Purchase according to favourite brand Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly Disagree 7 Total Percentage 16 19 14 28 12 9 2 100
2 9 12 19 28 16 Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 14 5 6 Strongly Disagree 7
Analysis: It can be analysed that 16% strongly agreed to the statement that they purchase according to favourite brand regardless of price. While only 2% strongly disagreed to the statement. 28% of the respondents were neutral to the statement. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents are loyal towards their brand. They are not much choosy. They trust their brand would give them right value for their money.
25. a.)
Consider Lakme as: Cheerful Very Low Low Average High Very High Total Percentage 2 10 33 40 15 100
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very Low Low Average High Very High Percentage
Analysis: It can be analysed that 2% who found the product as Cheerful were very low, 10% low, 33% found it average, 40% found it High and 15% of them found it very high. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents who found the personality of Lakme as Cheerful were average. But maximum lot of respondents believed that the personality of Lakme product is cheerful. This shows that Lakmes impression on the respondents is very positive.
b.) Up-To-Date Very Low Low Average High Very High Total Percentage 1 2 21 23 53 100
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very Low Low Average High Very High Percentage
Analysis: It can be analysed that only 1% who found the product as Up-to-date were very low, 2% low, 21% found it average, 23% found it High and 53% of them found it very high. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents who found the personality of Lakme as Up-to-date were very high. Maximum lot of respondents comes under Average to very high segment. This shows that Lakmes impression on the respondents is very positive. According to them, Lakme is always up-to-date with its formulations and products. Its impression on respondents is very positive.
c.) Successful Very Low Low Average High Very High Total Percentage 8 18 39 21 14 100
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very Low Low Average High Very High Percentage
Analysis: It can be analysed that only 8% who found the product as Successful were very low, 18% low, 39% found it average, 21% found it High and 14% of them found it very high. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents who found the personality of Lakme as Up-to-date were very high. Maximum lot of respondents comes under Average to very high segment. This shows that Lakmes impression on the respondents is very positive. According to them, Lakme is always up-to-date with its formulations and products.
d.) Charming Very Low Low Average High Very High Total Percentage 10 12 23 28 27 100
10 27 12 Very Low Low Average 23 28 High Very High
Analysis: It can be analysed that only 10% who found the product as Charming were very low, 12% low, 23% found it average, 28% found it High and 27% of them found it very high. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents who found the personality of Lakme as Charming were very high. Maximum lot of respondents comes under Average to very high segment. This shows that Lakmes impression on the respondents is very positive. According to them, Lakmes personality is very charming with its formulations and products.
e.) Upperclass Very Low Low Average High Very High Total Percentage 1 8 20 47 21 100
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very Low Low Average High Very High
Analysis: It can be analysed that only 1% who found the product as Upper-class were very low, 8% low, 20% found it average, 47% found it high and 27% of them found it very high. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents who found the personality of Lakme as Upper-class were very high. Maximum lot of respondents comes under Average to very high segment. This shows that Lakmes impression on the respondents is very positive. According to them, Lakmes personality is for upperclass segment with its formulations, products and price
14 8
Glamorous 1 2
23 21
3 4 Attractive 5
Analysis: It can be analyzed that maximum of 32% found the Lakme as Glamorous and 14% of them found it attractive. 23% remained neutral. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents found the Lakme as Glamorous. Maximum lot of respondents comes under Neutral to Glamorous segment. Thus, it can be concluded that Lakme is found to be more glamorous. According to them, Lakme is glamorous because they get to see many events related fashion week or celebrity supporting Lakme in the advertisements.
Extended Self(Lakme)
8 15 18 Leading 1 2 22 37 3 4 Influential 5
Analysis: It can be analyzed that maximum of 37% found the Lakme as Leading was average and minimum of 8% found it influential. 23% remained neutral. Interpretation: Thus, it can be concluded that maximum respondents found the Lakme as neutral i.e. neither leading nor influential. Maximum lot of respondents comes under Neutral to Leading segment. Thus, it can be concluded that Lakme is found to be more a leading brand.
Lakme should introduce herbal and ayurvedic products. New product line or incorporate herbal or ayurvedic ingredients in its exisiting product portfolio. Packaging should be more lucrative.
QUESTIONNAIRE AWARENESS: 1. Which companys cosmetics are you using? a) Loreal a.) Yes b) Lakme b.) No c) Garnier c.) Dont remember d) Lotus
3. How did you come to know about Lakme brand (Motivator)? a.) Through Advertisements. b.) Word of mouth influence c.) Internet d.) Point of purchase displays 4. What is your level of information on Lakme as a brand? a) Excellent USAGE: 5. Which products are you using more often in a month? a) Hair Care products b) Skin Care Products c) Body care Products d) Make up 6. If Lakme, how long have you been using Lakme Products? a.) Less than 1 year. b.) 2 years c.) 3 years d.) Less than 5 years e.) More than 5 years. MOTIVATION: 7. What is the reason that motivates you to use the products of a particular company? a) Economical b) Trendsetter c) Measurable results d) Easily available b) Good c) Moderate d) Bad
8. What do you think is the reason for you to use Lakme brand. 46
a.) Price b.) Product Quality c.) Promotion d.) Product variety ESTEEM: 9. The prestige of Lakme in the market. Most important 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Least Important SELF ACTUALIZATION. 10. The feeling of self fulfillment a person gets after using Lakme products. Most 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Least BUYING BEHAVIOUR: 11. How much do you spend in the buying of cosmetics? a) Below Rs. 500 b) 500-1000 c) 1000-2000 d) 20000- Above
12. How often do you purchase Lakme Products? a.) Once in a month b.) Twice in a month c.) More than that 13. I spend too much money on Lakme products. Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Disagree PURPOSE: 14. What is the purpose for which you buy Lakme Products? a) Skin Protection b) Long and Strong Hair c) Glow and Acne free Skin d) Make up
SATISFACTION: 15. Are you satisfied by the products offered by the company? a.) Yes b) No c) Cant Say
a) Excellent a) Yes
b) Good b) No
d) Not Satisfactory
17. If you have visited the site, did you find it useful?
PURCHASE INTENTION: 18. Would you continue to buy Lakme products even if its price rises by say 15%? a) Yes b) No c) Cant Say
19. How likely are you to buy Lakme products during the next 3 months. ___________ Very likely ___________ Likely ___________ Unlikely ___________ Very Unlikely LEARNING 20. Does Lakme products offer value for money? Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Disagree
21. After using Lakme products , I foundVery Low Product quality Size Functionalty Low Average High Very High
EXPECTATION FROM THE PRODUCT 22. Do you want any changes in any of the products offered by the Lakme? a) Yes BRAND LOYALTY 23. I will not buy other brand in cosmetics if Lakme is not available Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Disagree 24. I make my purchase selection of cosmetics according to my favourite brand name, regardless of price. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Disagree BRAND PERSONALITY 25. You find Lakme products as: Qualities Very low Cheerful Up-to Date Successful Charming Upperclass low Average High Vey High b) No c) Cant Say
PERSONALLY ORIENTED PERCEPTION 26. Hedonism with respect to Lakme products Attractive 1 2 3 4 5 Glamorous 27. Extended Self with respect to Lakme products Leading 1 2 3 4 5 Influential
Consumer Behaviour by S Ramesh Kumar, Leon Schiffman and Lezlie Kanuk Internet Sources www.