call center AG 1800-180-1551 Green@123 Rob 804-530-0439 transport RDDNEWPP 000 Lisner lsnrctl stop LSNR_UPQ lsnrctl start LSNR_UPQ
SPOOL_INTERNAL_ERROR SE38 Spool request will be deleted more than 30 days RSPO0041 for Netweaver RSPO1041 For ECC Spool request will be deleted from TST03 SCOT,SOST,SP01, DAA Restart daaadm password 7daaritz stopsap <SMDA97> and startsap <SMDA97> [email protected] P@ssw0rd MRS PRIYA ON 9916651834 lakshmi 00447774778417 00447722 388749 9742 444 666 Listner start lsnrctl start LSNR_UKD S0007739514 password H8JKB0W2. OSS Router /H/ James 8095734723 jr8hmyp 12118 7353575355
3154098606 garish 9342549194 Naveen IBM 7760746307 Divya VVET 8050568252 irfan Total 54 SAP BASIS 17 Production System Total 62 Wintel server 31 Production Wintel Server 18668781103 UNIX Password r file increase V-ALT-NETWORK-DNS FAX pdls -cd -a all p_pmfax0 2,3,6,8,10,12,14,16 pdls -cd -a all p_pmfax10 pdls -cd -a all p_pmfax0 /opt/hpom/var/log For Altria Password Reset 18668781103 Listner start LSNRCTL Start lsnrctl start LSNR_EPP CORE FILE if you/others face this core file issue, first check for core_fromtmp dir in /sa pdata in any system, and then move files in to that dir only. If it not exists in any sys, you create a dir with same name and then...follow.. . /oracle/UKP/sapdata1/core_fromtmp cd /u/vijsaju1/tr to check weather Tablespace is in backupmode select distinct(status) from v$backup; 08044088778 94722844 # Ganesh Sakthi
+91- 80 -44088778 93005250# Sakthi 9845046492 sr12444555 lotus notes Dazel pdls -cd -a all p_pmfax02 call back funtionality Maximo password kushi@0086 Remote System kushal.sap08 kushi0086 tee /tmp/core* to check the core file in the system followed by ctrl-d That will save the filename and date/timestamp but delete all info within. Password issues for TSM backint -f password -p /oracle/UYP/920_64/dbs/initUYP.utl hello2you , pm7tsm for new nodes Chandan 07771385460 P4LZKCG Maximo kushin@86 Chandan 07772385460 07771385460 pr 0427 2345258 Roshni 9019457771 [email protected] vishal007 *11 23655677 *11 55269699 EPD EPQ
EPP pmurtpsapq01 Maximo Password Reset 0001866-878-1103 Sumanth 6016 2422798 uc3adm passwd is diff 7uc3golf a-sajuvg/live4you ROb 804-530-0439 Roderick Thomas 283 9613 NWDI sajuvg pingp0ng Hopserver a-togatij s!r!1982 PMURTPSWDP01 pmuryeswdp01 pmuryeswdp02 pmuryeswdp03 pmuryeswdp04 pmunyryedc1 -ucpadm ucpadm unpadm unpadm Password1 Password1 Password1 Password1 -- PMURYEITSP01 sapehs Password1 - PMUNYRYEDC2 R3trans log /home/sidadm [email protected] vgs02ibm lsvg -l to check the free space in system UMD Issue TSM backint -p /oracle/UMD/102_64/dbs/initUMD.utl -f password rita 9986480930 Anjana RAo 9019697928 Ashi 918088203529 /VIRSA/VFAT R3trans.log
CH86044 UK* Emergency Restart stopsap sapstartsrv stopsap SCS01 stopsap DVEBMGS49 startsap sapstartsrv startsap SCS00 startsap DVEBMGS03 UE* Deborah Roberts Work: (804) 274-5658 Susan Rogers Altria Client Services WMO 3rd Floor Phone: 283-9734 Cell Phone: 218-2835
MAXIMO [email protected] kush1@ibm [email protected] I am nethra and my mobile number is +91-9920563390 begin_of_the_skype_highlighti ng +91-9920563390 end_of_the_skype_highlighting UFP Easy track /usr/sap/UFD/DVEBMGS01/j2ee/cluster/server0/log/archive clear this log in Archi ve New conf num--> Location: Nithi 9741920569 root / w00dland 888-426-6840 or 215-861-6239 PC 6934692
Start and Stop log in the system /home/ujpadm env for ip cd /etc/hosts vi hosts and check the ip and prerequests To find the windows uptime net stats srv 9895822432 fixsize run tools in implementation
cd /home/sidadm to check the log of System ( start and Stop ) DAZEL sapbasis 7sapwork Unix password reset IBM-27101751 Vijay 9848819338 Jim A. Buttjer: cell 630-240-6756 Rob = 804 314 2819 Steve = 919 389 0607 2274259 To Create a Ticket PMC-NEWUSER Disk Storage (SAN) I-ALT-IN-OPSSAN Cust C-ALT-APR-SERVERS TSM Team PMC-I-USOPSTSM , I-ALT-US-TSM SEV 3 26384551 To start and stop JAVA in UFQ stopsap j2ee n startsap j2ee Unix Team I-ALT-US-UNIX I-ALT-US-UNIX Unix Space Issue PMC-I-USSSOURFS IBM-27248646 , IBM-27296196 Basis Call on Wednesday : number 877-421-0038 pc 475513 Abishake call Location: Meeting ID: 93059732 Cisco phone dial in from IBM offices: 8778 External dial for India Bangalore +91- 80 -44088778 to save the file in AIX esc !wq after vi mode closeing the file with out saveing esc q cleanipc ( To clean up the shared memory) When the system is stoped if the transport is not released then Check in SE09 ri3030 /opt/hpom/var/log cd var/log .tar files Transport 9845900370
080 41925193 bgroup for Excel password in Team room MN US : in050983 gsvijay2 UYP,UXP from Friday Night ROB TRAINER ora 7centufq sapdba texmex UHP DDIC /600 uhp7snow UPP sapdba texmex Dazel su - hposadm 7dazgems server_status dsmfax08 ( Servername ) stop_server dsmfax08 ( servername ) start_server dsmfax08
password for Con Call *11 23655677 Sowmya: 91- 9449029819 ABAP dump SPOOL_INTERNAL_ERROR SA38 execute the program rspo1041 and test printin sp01 ,sp02 AT&T iev01 cscpwr31 ibm12345 [email protected] Phone: 91-994-550-4914 Mobile: 91-994-550-4914 E-mail: [email protected]
UNQ Transport command tp addtobuffer UNDK910206 UNQ pf=TP_DOMAIN_UND.PFL tp import UNDK910206 UNQ client=100 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UND.PFL u126 UNP ri3044 ri3064 ri3070 ri3086 tp addtobuffer UNDK910190 UNP pf=TP_DOMAIN_UND.PFL tp import UNDK910190 UNP client=100 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UND.PFL u126 UNQ Transport command UNDK909814 tp addtobuffer UNDK910354 UNQ pf=TP_DOMAIN_UND.PFL tp import UNDK910354 UNQ client=100 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UND.PFL u126 UCP tp addtobuffer UC1K907772 UCP pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL tp import UC1K907772 UCP client=400 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL UE* ./tploop.ksh UOP ./tploop.ksh UCP tp addtobuffer UC1K907093 UCP pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL tp import UC1K907093 UCP client=400 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL UHQ ./tploop.ksh UC2 transport command /usr/sap/trans/bin tp addtobuffer UC1K907473 UC2 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL tp import UC1K907473 UC2 client=400 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL u126 UXQ ./tploop.ksh UED
tp addtobuffer W30K900038 UED pf=TP_DOMAIN_UED.PFL tp import W30K900038 UED client=600 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UED.PFL u126 UCP Its from SAP level STMS UCP [email protected] Portal Administrator WAEP2004s_9 UC2 /usr/sap/trans/bin tp addtobuffer UC1K907051 UC2 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL tp import UC1K907051 UC2 client=400 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL u126 UC3 tp addtobuffer UC1K907201 UC3 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL tp import UC1K907201 UC3 client=400 pf=TP_DOMAIN_UC1.PFL u126
Content Server F5258 mstsc to log into Windows S0001961712 saphelp S0004931566 Qu1ntana 973227
91-80-42578645 Chriss 1-866-423-8350 ,,,,,,PC: 2886430 In order to create a new thread: 1. First go to the forum section that you wish to create a thread in (e.g. What Car?, Introductions etc.). 2. On the top left of your screen, you will see a button titled ad . Click on that. New Thread or +Thre ( 48852014 )
3. On the resulting page, you will see a text-box to enter the title of your thr ead. Below that will be a large text-box where you can enter the actual content. 4. Please do remember to title your thread appropriately.
SE11 : To check the Datbase table SE03 : to check transport what we have created DB16 : to check the index DB02 : Tablespace DB12 : Online Backup DB14 : to check the brtools error and backup AL11 : to check the SAP Directories SMICM : to See weather Java is running or not SM02 : to set the SAP Messsage SE16 : to rebuild Index SCOT : to FAX and mail SOST : to check the email in the system. SM12 : Lock entries SM21 : System logs SM66 : Updates SE01 : To see the logs of the transport Sm37 : Background Jobs SUC3 : to See the logs of Activate the Table logging.
SE06 : Make every thing modifiable and SCC4 to allow all changes, To open clie nt SE11 : to activate the Table logging. solution_manager : we have to TC Solution_manager in SOLUTION MANGER System to d ownload SP which r in Download manager RZ10 : For profile check SE06 : For System Change option SMLG : Maintain Log record SBWP SCOT : To configure the Email from SAP System SM01 : To unlock the transation code SCC8 : to copy the SAP_USER SCC3 : export > All transport export ( in SCC8 select sap_user and then select the target system > Schedule as background job) Then we can check in SCC3 SM02 : To create System Message SPAM : Support pack SPAD : printer Issues SM04 : to see the user and what are the transation code they are useing SCC3 : to see the logs of client copy SCC4 : to set the client SCC4 : To create client then SCCL SCC5 SCC8 RZ20 : To delete the client : To do client export ( to copy from 100 to 200 client ) : CCMS monitoring
ST03G : To monitor Workload Monitor sp12 RZ20 SA38 STAD RSA1 SE38 : Temse check ( consistency check) : CCMS Monitoring : To run the program : To pull the firefighter logs : To see BW administration : run RSPO0041 program from SE38 to clean up old spool
if the RSPO0041 in SA38 if their is any problem in spool and clean the spool XI ALRTCATDEF : To see the mails in XI system SLDCHECK SXMB_IFR SMGW : To see the landscape and the administrator roles : :
Log in to your Integration Server and call transaction SMGW. ?? Check for red entries and entries for Last req that have an old time stamp. ?? Repeat this for Logged on Clients (Navigate to Goto -> Logged on clients) ?? Open the Log File (CTRL + Shift + F10 or Goto -> Trace -> Gateway -> Display File) and check for Errors. ?? Repeat the procedure for every application server you are using.
SAP menu > Tools > SAP Solution Manager OS07 SE13 SE37 : To see the Cpu Usage and memory : Transation theory : Background job analysis
SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN Project Administration SOLMAN_PROJECT Project Overview AI_SPS Project Setup: Quick Start RMMAIN Roadmap SOLAR01 Business Blueprint SOLAR02 Configuration SOLAR_LEARNING_MAP SOLAR_LEARNING_MAP STWB_2 Test Plan Management SOLAR_EVAL Project Analysis SOLUTION_MANAGER Solution Operation SMSY System Landscape Some Other Important T Codes DNOTIFWL Basic Notifications Worklist CRM_DNO_MONITOR Transaction Monitor CRMD_ORDER Transaction Processing SBWP SAP Business Workplace SOLAR01C SAP Solution Manager: Configuration STWB_INFO Test Workbench Information System STWB_WORK Testing SCDT_SETUP Customizing Distribution SCOUT Customizing Scout
LN kushi0086
F4804 SAP_REORG_SPOOL RSPO0041 This will reduce the spool Que 1.Check communication between user and application server much time it reaches to applicaton server 3.check application server status 4.check dilog work process status. 5.and check the load balancing configraion 6.check the SAP Gui settings seeing dilog work process status ..we ned to go for trouble shoot. dpmon pf= [email protected]
nairr p1ngp0ng [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 080 40228300 [email protected] cd /sapmnt/SBW tar -cvf /tmp/kernal_640_171.tar exe // Optional i have took this backup for safe side mv exe exe.640_171_u cp -rp exe.640_171_u exe.640_221_u cd /usr/sap/trans/kernal/ker* // New kernal location SAPCAR -xvf SAPEXEDB_247-10003360.SAR -R /usr/sap/tmp/kernal247/ // This is to unzip the file to new location cp -rp * /sapmnt/SBW/exe.640_221_u cd /sapmnt/SBW/ ln -s exe.640_221_u exe cd exe ./ SBW
ucx/000 basisadm ucx7cent sm37 st22 sm12 sm13 sm51 sm66 sm58 we05 we02 sm39
[email protected] vishal009 vishalrock9 Pass vishalrocks05 backint -f password -p /oracle/UYP/102_64/dbs/initUKP.utl pm7tsm backint -f password -p /oracle/UYP/920_64/dbs/initUYP.utl /oracle/UEP/920_64/dbs /oracle/UXP/920_64/dbs nslookup with IP to find the DNS of a printer UCP EBP EPP UEP UFP UHP UKP UMP UNP UPP UYP IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04 IBMRTPTSMP04
ri3045_UEP_07 ri3045_UEP_08 ri3045_UEP_09 ------------------ri3044_UNP_21 ri3064_UNP_21 ri3070_UNP_21 ri3086_UNP_21 -----------ri3002_UXP_77 ri3002_UXP_78 ri3002_UXP_79 ri3002_UXP_85 ri3002_UXP_88 ri3002_UXP_89 -----------ri3005_UYP_89 ri3005_UYP_76 ri3005_UYP_01 ri3003_UYP_01 ri3004_UYP_01 ri3003_UYP_76 ri3004_UYP_76 ri3003_UYP_89 ri3004_UYP_89 -----------ri3084_UHP_56 --------pm4009_UFP_04 --------ri3083_UKP_05 -------ri3017_EBP_51 ----------ri3032_UOP_29 9880326570 9740987478 Help Desk 080 41928888
Roderick Thomas 283 9613 [email protected] j@dagadadash deepaks deepak1s what do you mean "reset" ? you mean, you want to remove all reports from specific printer ? you can use "lpstat -a" , then execute "cancel" and remove unused reports Profile report: SM51> Go to app serevr, > sa38> Execure rspfpar and pull the report Cust C-ALT-APR-SERVERS Refresh Change CH385519