CF250T-5 (V5) Maintenance Manual
CF250T-5 (V5) Maintenance Manual
CF250T-5 (V5) Maintenance Manual
This manual contains an introductory description of procedures for inspection maintenance, overhaul disassembly & assembly removal and installation of components and parts, troubleshooting and service data together with illustrations of our motorcycle Model: CF250T-5(V5). Chapter 1 general service information, tools vehicle structure and technical data. Chapter 2 inspection and adjusting key points service guide. Chapter 3 and later disassembly of parts and components installation overhaul and troubleshooting.
Service inform ation Vehicle body m uffler Inspection & Adjustm ent Lubricating system Carburetor Air Cleaner Cooling system Disassem bly of Engine Cylinder head cover cylinder head cylinder body valve CVT system
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The manufacturer reserves the right to make improvements or modifications to the products without prior notice. Overhaul and maintenance should be done according to the actual state and condition of the scooters.
Gearbox Right side cover m agneto water pum p Crankcase body crankshaft piston set Front wheel front brake front suspension steering system Rear wheel rear brake rear suspension system Battery charging system Ignition system Electric starting system
14 15 16 17
overriding clutch Lighting instruments & switch, audio system Circuit diagram wiring diagram Troubleshooting
18 19 20
1kgf/cm =98.0665kPa 1kPa=1000Pa 1mmHg=133.322Pa=0.133322kPs 1kgf m=9.80665N m 1ml=1cm3=1cc 1l=1000cm3 1kgf=9.80665N
200 kPa 2.00kgf/cm2 33kPa (250mmHg) 18N m 1.8kgf m 419ml 12N 1.2kgf
1 Service information
Cautions 1-1 Cautions for Disassembling and Assembling 1-3 VIN Number & Engine Number 1-6 Main Data Table 1-7 Overhaul Data Table 1-9 Tightening Torque 1-14 Lubricant, Sealing Agent 1-18 Cable Routing 1-20
Caution: Battery liquid(dilute sulfuric acid) is highly caustic and may cause burns to skin and eyes. Flush with water if splashed to skin and get immediate medical attention. Flush with water if splashed to clothes to avoid burns. Keep battery and liquid away from reach of children
Warning: Coolant is poisonous. Do not drink or splash to skin, eyes or clothes.Flush with plenty of soap water if splashed to skin. Flush with water and consult the doctor If drinking the coolant, induce vomiting and consult doctor. Keep coolant away from reach of children.
Caution: Wear proper work clothes,cap and boots. If necessary, were dust-glass,gloves and mask.
Warning: Gasoline is highly flammable. No smoking or fire. Also keep against sparks.Vaporized gasoline is also explosive. Operate in a well-ventilated place.
Caution: When charged, Battery may generate hydrogen which is explosive.Charge the battery in a well-ventilated place.
Warning: The asbestos dust on the brake drum is carcinogenic if breathed in. Do not clean off the dust with compressed air. Use cleaning detergent to avoid dust proliferation.
Warning:Be careful not to get clamped by the turning parts like wheels and clutch Warning: When more than two people are operating, keep reminding each other for safety purpose.
1 Service information
Cautions for Disassembling and Assembling
Use genuine CFMOTO parts, lubricants and grease Clean the mud, dust before overhauling
Place and store the disassembled parts separately in order for correct assemble.
Replace the disassembled washers, o-rings,piston pin circlip, cotter pin with new ones.
Elastic circlips might get distorted after disassembled. Do not use the loosed circlips.
Clean and blow off the detergent after disassembling the parts. Apply lubricants on the surface of moving parts.
If not knowing the length of screws,install the screws one by one and tighten with same torque.
Pre-tighten the bolts, nuts and screws, then tighten according to the specified torque,from big to small and from inner side to outer side.
Check if the disassembled rubber parts are aged and replace if necessary. Keep the rubber parts away from grease.
If the disassembling of pressed ball bearing is done by pressing the balls, the disassembled bearing
Turn the ball bearing with hands to make sure the bearing will turn smoothly. Replace if the axial or radial play is too big. If the surface is uneven, clean with oil and replace if the cleaning does not help. When pressing the bearing into the machine or to the shaft, replace the bearing if it could not be pressed tight.
Install the one-side dust-proof bearing in the right direction. When assembling the open type or doubleside dustproof bearing,install with manufacturers mark outward.
Keep the bearing block still when blowing dry the bearing after washing clean. Apply oil or lubricant before assembling.
Install the elastic circlip properly.Turn the circlip after assembling to make sure it has been installed into the slot.
1 Service information
After assembling, check if all the tightened parts are properly tightened and can move smoothly. Brake fluid and coolant may damage coating, plastic and rubber parts. Flush these parts with water if splashed.
Install oil seal with the side of manufacturers mark outward. do not fold or scratch the oil seal lip apply grease to the oil seal lip before assembling When installing pipes, insert the pipe till the end. Fit the pipe clip, if any, into the groove. Replace the pipes or hoses that cannot be tightened.
Do not mix mud or dust into engine or the hydraulic brake system. Clean the gaskets and washers of the engine cases before assembling. Remove the scratches on the contact surfaces by polishing evenly with an oilstone.
Do not twist or bend the cables too much.Distorted or damaged cables may cause poor operation.
Number Engrave Place CF250T-5 Frame Number LCETDJPK Engine Number 172MM-A
1 Service information
Major Specifications
Model Length Width Height Wheel base Engine type Displacement Fuel type Dry weight Number of Passengers Max. Load Tire Front Rear
V5 CF250T-5 2225mm 875mm 1110mm 1490mm 172MM-A 244.3ml Unleaded gasoline 90 Octane or above 166kg 2(including driver) 150kg 100/90 18 150/80 15 150mm 5m Electrical starting 4-stroke, gasoline engine Single, horizontal Hemispherical OHC chain driving 72mm 60mm 10:1 11kw/7000r/min 17.6N m/5500r/min 0 (1mm) BTDC 30 (1mm) ABDC 35 (1mm) BBDC 5 (1mm) ATDC Pressure & Splash Rotor Full flow filter screen Forced water cooling
Ground Clearance Min. turning radius Starting Engine type Arrangement and No. of cylinder Combustion chamber type Valve Driving type Bore x stroke Compression Ratio Max. power Max. torque Engine On Valve intake Off Cam valve On Valve exhaust Off Lubrication type Oil pump type Oil filter type Cooling type
Ite m A ir F ilte r typ e Fuel d e v ic e Typ e C a rb u re to r D ia m e te r o f m ix in g v a lv e Typ e O p e ra tio n m o d e G e a r typ e R e d u c tio n ra tio G e a r typ e R e d u c tio n ra tio Typ e F u n c tio n T ra n sm is s io n ra tio R ig h t L e ft F ro n t R ear F ro n t w h e e l R ear w heel
P a ra m e te r U re th a n e fo a m filte r Va c u u m D ia p h ra g m typ e 26m m D ry, a u to -c e n trifu g a l A u to m a tic B evel gear 2 .9 3 8 B evel G ear 2 .9 3 8 CVT A u to -c e n trifu g a l 2 .2 ~ 0 .9 35 35 H yd ra u lic D is c H yd ra u lic D is c Te le s c o p ic S w in g a rm W e ld e d s te e l tu b e a n d p la te
1 Overhaul Information
Overhaul Datasheet
Lubricating device
Item Engine Oil Capacity
Volume when replacing
0.8L 1.0L
Service limit
Full capacity
Special for 4-stroke motorcycle SAE-10W-40 20W-50 Substitutes must be used in the following range. API type: SE or SF grade SAE type: Choose from the left chart according to the environmental temperature
0.07 0.15mm 0.07 0.17mm 0.05 0.10mm 0.20mm 0.25mm 0.12mm
Gap between inner and outer rotors Gap between outer rotor and body End face gap
Fuel Device
Fuel Tank Capacity
17.0L VE14C
Cooling Device
Item Standard
11 0 0 m l 340ml 50% 1 0 8 kp a (1 .1 kgf/cm2) 72 2 88 3.5 4.5mm
Full Capacity Coolant capacity Reservoir tank capacity Standard density Opening pressure of radiator cap Temperature / valve open Temperature/valve full open Thermostat Overall lift
1 5 .0 kgf/cm -6 0 0 r p m
Service limit
0.10mm 0 .10mm 3 1 .6 0 -3 1 .7 2 mm 3 1 .6 0-3 1 .7 2 mm 12.0 0 0 -1 2 .0 18 m m 11 . 9 7 3 - 11 . 9 8 4 m m 4 .9 7 5 -4 .9 9 0 mm 4 .9 5 5-4 .9 7 0 mm 5 .0 0 0 -5 .0 1 2 mm 5 .0 0 0-5 .0 1 2 mm 0 .0 1 0 -0 .0 3 7 mm 0 .0 3 0-0 .0 5 7 mm 12/12mm 1.2mm 4 0 .0/30.5mm 1.8mm 36.1/27.6mm 0.05mm 31.52mm 31.52mm 12.10mm 11 . 9 1 m m 4.90mm 4.90mm 5.03mm 5.03mm 0.08mm 0.10mm
Rocker arm
Cam Height Inner diameter of rocker Outer diameter of rocker Outer diameter of valve stem Inner diameter of valve guide Clearance between valve stem and guide Thrown height of valve guide Contact width of valve seat Free length (outer/inner)
Valve spring
Auto CVT
Item Transmission Primary Sheave Belt width Clutch facing thickness Inner diameter of clutch housing Free length of clutch spring Outer diameter of secondary fixed sheave Inner diameter of secondary sliding sheave Primary Sliding Sheave Outer diameter of bushing, Primary Sheave Outer diameter of weight roller Standard 27.000-27.033mm 26.959-26.980mm 22.94-23mm 27.2mm 153-153.15mm 135.0mm 39.95-39.975mm 40.0-40.025 Service limit 27.06mm 26.94mm 22.4mm 25.5mm 1.5mm 153.8mm 127.0mm 39.94mm 40.06mm
Secondary Sheave
1 Service information
Item G ear oil For replacing For disassem bling R ecomm ended gearbox oil Standard
0 .2 L 0.25 L
SA E15W-40/SF
Starting motor
Item Starting m otor Brush length Standard 12.0-12.5mm Service Limit 11.0
Standard m m
0 .1 0 -0 .3 5 0 .0 1 3 -0 .0 2 5 m m 0 .0 2 m m
Lim it m m
0 .5 m m 0 .0 5 m m 0 .1 0 m m
IN intake
7 1 .9 m m 1 7 .0 4 m m 1 6 .9 6 m m 1 7 .0 6 m m 0 .1 0 m m 0 .0 2 m m 0 .0 2 m m 0 .0 9 m m 0 .0 9 m m 0 .0 5 m m 0 .0 5 m m
7 1 .9 6 -7 1 .9 8 m m 1 7 .0 0 2 -1 7 .0 0 8 m m 1 6 .9 9 4 -1 7 m m 1 7 .0 0 6 -1 7 .0 2 4 m m 0 .0 2 -0 .0 5 9 m m 0 .0 0 2 -0 .0 1 4 m m 0 .0 0 6 -0 .0 3 0 m m 0 .0 1 5 -0 .0 5 m m 0 .0 1 5 -0 .0 5 m m 0 .1 5 -0 .3 0 m m 0 .1 0 -0 .2 5 m m 0 .4 -0 .5 m m
M ark U pward
7 2 -7 2 .0 1 9 m m --0 .0 0 2 m m 0 .0 0 5 m m 7 2 .1 m m 0 .0 5 m m 0 .0 5 m m 0 .0 5 m m
Front wheel
Item Bending, front wheel axle Play of wheel Vertical rim Horizontal Tire Groove Pressure Standard
0.8mm 0.8mm 250kPa 2.5kgf cm 2
Service Limit
0.2mm 2.0mm 2.0mm 1.6mm
Front wheel
Rear wheel
Item Rear wheel Play of wheel rim Tire Vertical Horizontal Groove Pressure Standard 0.8mm 0.8mm -280kpa(2.8kgf/cm3)
Service Limit
Brake system
Item Front brake Rear brake Brake lever play Brake disc thickness Brake lever play Brake disc thickness Standard 10-20mm 4mm 10-20mm 4mm Service Limit -3mm -3mm
1 Service information
Battery Charging system
A C m agneto M otor Item M odel O utput C harging coil R esistance (20 ) Standard P erm anent m agnet A C type 3- phase A C 0.2-0.3 T hree-phase annular rectification Silicon controlled parallel-connected regulated voltage
12V 10Ah 1 2 .8 V
R ectifier C apacity Term inal voltage C harging current/tim e point Fully charged Insufficient charge Standard Q uick
B attery
< 11.8V
0 .9 A 5 1 0 H 4A 1H
Ignition system
Item Ignition Type Standard Sparking-plug O ptional Spark plug gap M ax. advanced Ignition tim ing angle Ignition coil P eak voltage P ulse generator Standard C D I ignition E lectricity negative type spark plug
D P R 7E A -9(N G K ) D R 8E A D 7RT C
0 .8 -0 .9 m m
28 C A
B ulb
Tightening torque
Item Bolt, nut 5mm Bolt, nut 6mm Bolt, nut 8mm Bolt, nut 10mm Bolt, nut 12mm Torque Nm(kgfm) Item Screw 5mm Screw 6mm Bolt with flange, 6mmSH Bolt with flange, nut6mm Bolt with flange, nut8mm Bolt with flange, nut10mm Torque Nm(kgfm) 4 9 10 12 26 39 0.4 0.9 1.0 1.2 2.7 4.0
For others not listed in the chart, refer to the standard tightening torque Notes: 1.Apply some engine oil on the part of screw thread and contact surface. 2.Locknut must be replaced with a new one after removed. Type No. of Bolt Thread & Nut diameter
Torque Nm(kgfm)
Checking adjusting Check Gearbox oil /drain Bolt Engine oil filter cover Drain bolt Spark plug Lubricating system Oil plump and mounting bolt Screw, oil pump plate Cooling system Coolant drain bolt Coolant temperature Alarm Impeller, water pump Cylinder head/head cover Cylinder head cover bolt Cylinder Stud
2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
M6 12 M3 12 6 R1/8 7
Timing sprocket bolt Tensioner spring seat bolt Tensioner thread pin bolt Belt, CVT system Left side cover bolt Gearbox nut Clutch special nut Clutch nut
AC Magneto motor AC Magneto motor nut Flange bolt for casing Overriding clutch inner hex bolt
2 sh o r t 3 l o ng 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 8 3
6 8 8 5 8 8 6 14 28 12 14 6 6
10 30 30 9 10 13 10 78 69 49
1.0 3.0 3.0 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.0 8.0 7.0 5.0
1 Service information
No. of Bolt & Nut
2 1
Type Engine disassembly Engine suspension mounting bolt Engine suspension shaft nut Front wheel, Front suspension, Steering Handlebar locknut Handlebar mounting nut Front wheel axle nut Upper mounting bolt, absorber Rear wheel ,Rear suspension Rear wheel axle nut Upper mounting bolt, absorber Lower mounting bolt, absorber Rear fork mounting bolt Brake system Front brake disc mounting bolt Rear brake disc mounting screw Front brake caliper mounting bolt Rear brake caliper mounting bolt Muffler Mounting nut (Front elbow) Mounting bolt(Muffler barrel)
Diameter (mm)
10 12
Tighteningtorque Nm(kgfm)
55 5.6 80 8.1 68 55 100 40 140 55 50 30 7.0 5.6 10.1 4.1 14.3 5.6 5.6 3.1
1 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 6 4 2 2
25 10 14 8 16 10 10 8 8 8 8 8
2 3
8 10
26 2.7 55 5.6
Lubricant, Sealant
A p p licatio n A reas In n er su rface, cylin d er sleeve C o n ical su rface, A C m ag n eto ro to r B earin g /flan k , co n n ectin g rod b ig en d In n er side, co n n ectin g ro d sm all en d C ran k shaft m ain b earin g su rface To o th flan k , cran k sh aft tim ing sp ro ck et D rive g ear to o th flan k , o il p um p P isto n p in o u ter su rface P isto n rin g g ro o ve P isto n rin g C am sh aft b earin g ro tatin g surface Tim in g sp ro ck et to o th flan k R o ck arm sh aft su rface S p ro ck et to o th flan k , o il p u m p O il p u m p co m p . T h read /jo in t face, d rive w h eel n u t O u ter surface, o il seal lip s To o th flan k & b earin g , red u ctio n g ear C am su rface In n er su rface, ro ck er arm Valve stem (g u id e sid e) Water tem p eratu re alarm S c rew th read p art, tim in g spro ck et m o u n tin g n ut B all b earin g , clu tch N eed le bearin g , clu tch S eco n d ary slid in g sh eave, clutch S ealin g su rface, all o -rin g s Tig h ten in g b o lt, cylin d er b o dy 5 .0-5 .5 g (d o n o t app ly o n clu tch surface) D o n o t ap p ly o n th e sharp p o in t E x x o n m o b ile g rease X H P 2 2 2 (d eep b lue) S ealan t Tig h ten in g sealan t S p ecial S A E stan dard fo r 4 stro k e m o to rcycle en g in e. 1 5 w -4 0 A P I categ o ry: S E o r S F en g in e o il N o tes G rease typ e
1 Service information
Application areas Bearing race, head pipe Lip ,front Notes Types
wheel dust-proof seal Joint, meter flexible shaftJoint, throttle cable Throttle grip part Pivot, rear pedal(L) Pivot, rear pedal( R ) Pivot, side stand Oil seal lip, rear fork Tooth flank, counter gear/small gear Axle part, main stand Rear wheel axle nut Dust-proof seal lip, lower part of front shock-absorber Inner surface, handle bar Engine oil Engine oil Absorber oil 5 Multi-purpose lubrication oil
1 Service information 1
Figure 1
1 Service information 1
2 Vehicle Body,Muffler
Overhaul Info 2-1 Main Stand,Front Fender 2-2 Seat, Backrest,Rear Left Panel 2-3 Rear Right Panel, Front Vent Panel, Left Black Panel 2-4 Ornament Panel (L&R), Right Black Panel, Front Left Panel 2-5 Front Right Panel, Left Upper Panel, Left Speaker Cover & Grille 2-6 Front Right Panel, Right Speaker Cover & Grille, Seat Lock 2-7 Rear Bracket 2-8 Rear Part, Rear Fender 2-9 Tool Box, License Plate & Bracket, Reflector 2-10 Splash Fender Rear Fender(Center), Rear Fender(L&H Side) 2-11 Right Cover 2-12 Fuel Tank 2-13 Muffler 2-14 Description of Visible Parts 2-15
Overhaul Info
Operation Cautions Warning
Gasoline is highly flammable, therefore smoke and fire are strictly forbidden in the work place. Special attention should also be paid to sparks. Gasoline may also be explosive when it is vaporized, so operation should be done in a wellventilated place. Removal and Installation of muffler should be done after it is fully cooled. This chapter is on the disassembly and installation of outer partsexhaust pipe, muffler and fuel tank. Hoses, cables and wiring should be routed properly . Replace the gasket with a new one after muffler is removed. After muffler is installed, check if there is any exhaust leakage.
Tightening torque
Screw, Taillight/Brake Light 1.8N.m(0.18kgf.m) 1.8N.m(0.18kgf.m) Screw, Rear turning Light Housing Screw, Taillight Housing
Trouble shooting
Loud exhaust noise Broken muffler Exhaust leakage Insufficient power Distorted muffler Exhaust leakage Muffler clogged
Install the left and right bush to the main stand.
Apply grease to the outer surface of bush. Install main stand to the vehicle with mounting bolt.
Reverse the installation procedure for disassembly.
Front Fender
Clip, flexible shaft Screw 1, Screw 2, Screw 3, Screw 4 Front fender
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
2 Vehicle Body,Muffler
Unlock the passenger seat with ignition Push backward and lift passenger seat.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Make sure that the seats are firmly installed.
Removal: Three hex bolts Backrest
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
2 Vehicle Body,Muffler
Left Ornament Panel Removal
Tapping Screw 1 Tapping Screw 2 Left Ornament Panel
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
2 Vehicle Body,Muffler
Front Right Panel, Right Speaker Cover & Grille Removal
Seat Fuel Tank Front vent panel Rear panel (L&R) Black panel (L&R) Protection panel (L&R) Bolt 1, Bolt 2, Bolt 3 Front panel (R)
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reversethe removal procedure for installation.
Screw 3, Screw 4 Seat Lock Plate Remove Seat lock cable from seat lock
Remove seat lock cable from gap and remove seat lock, Separate seat lock plate and seat lock from the vehicle
Allow seat lock cable through rear fender from gap, install seat lock cable on seat lock as illustrated. Reverse the removal procedure for installing seat lock and seat lock plate
Rear Bracket
Removal Seat Bolt 1, Bolt 2
2 Vehicle Body,Muffler
Bolt 3 Rear bracket
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Open the tool box cover, and remove the memory sticker from USB port, pull out the USB port wire. Rear part, rear fender
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Reflector Removal:
Nut 1 and rear reflector Nut 2 and rear left reflector Nut 3 and rear right reflector
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
2 Vehicle Body,Muffler
Fender Removal
Seat Seat lock plate Rear fender Bolt 1, Bolt 2, Bolt 3 Splash fender comp.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Reverse the removal procedure for installation
2 Vehicle Body,Muffler
Fuel Tank Disassembly Warning
Gasoline is highly flammable, therefore smoke and fire are strictly forbidden in the work place. Special attention should also be paid to sparks. Gasoline may also be explosive when it is vaporized, so operation should be done in a well-ventilated place.
Remove the fuel tank in the backward direction, separate front mounting bracket front rubber cushion.
Disconnect 2P connector of fuel sensor. Remove fuel pipe I and clamp Remove vacuum tube and clamp Remove fuel tank Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation
Be careful not to damage main cable, pipes and hoses. Main cable, cables, pipes and hoses should be routed properly according to the routing drawing. Take precaution against fuel leakage when removing fuel pipe I
Caution: Perform disassembly only after the muffler is cooled down. Remove: Seat Bolt 1, Bolt 2, ornament Plate
Reverse the removal procedure for installation Install muffler ornament Plate
Replace sealing gasket when installing the muffler.
2 Vehicle Body,Muffler
Description of Visible Parts
3 Inspection Adjustment
Overhaul info 3-1 Replacement of parts 3-1
Inspection & Maintenance
Ignition 3-9 Lubrication 3-11 Fuel 3-12 Cooling 3-15 Lighting 3-17
Steering Stem 3-5 Brake system 3-6 Wheel 3-7 Suspension system 3-8
Overhaul info
Operation Instruction Warning
DO NOT keep the engine running for long time in a poorly ventilated or enclosed place because of the harmful components like CO, etc, in the exhaust gas. The muffler and engine are still very hot when the engine is just stopped. Careless contact may cause serious burn. Be sure to wear fatigue dress with long sleeves and gloves if the work has to be done when the engine is just stopped. Gasoline is highly flammable, smoking is strictly forbidden in the work place. Keep alert on the electrical sparks. Besides, vaporized gasoline is highly explosive, so work should be done in a well-ventilated place. Be careful that your hands or clothes not get caught by the turning or movable parts of the driving system.
The vehicle should be parked on hard and level ground and supported with the main stand or a service brack
Interval Intervals
Halfayear Every daily year
Handlebar Steering device
O peration agility D am age Steering colum n Bearing, Steering C olum n Play Brake efficiency Looseness and dam age Front and rear brake fluid level Brake disc D am age and wear
Front wheel: lever end 10-30m m Rear wheel: lever end 10-30m m
Front fork
B rake lever
Connecting rod, oil pipe & Hose
Brake device
Brake fluid above LOW ER lim it R eplace when the thickness of front or rear brake disc is less than 3m m .
Front tire: 250kPa(2.50kgf/ Rear tire :300kPa(3.00kgf/
2 2
Tire pressure C hap and dam age G roove depth and abnorm al wear Looseness of wheel N ut and axle Front wheel bearing R ear wheel bearing
Suspension arm
Driving device
W heel Tire
N o wear indication on the surface of tire (the rem ained depth of groove should not be less than 1.6m m )
Shock absorber
Sway of Joint parts and rocker arm dam age O il leakage and dam age oil level
Rem ove filling bolt, add oil till oil level reaches edge of filling hole.
G earbox
3 Inspection Adjustment
Check & Maintenance item daily Intervals Every year
Half a year
Transmission device
Looseness of joint parts Sway of spline Status of spark plug Ignition timing Terminal joint Looseness and damage connecting parts Starting, abnormal noise Timing chain adjustment Low-speed & accelerating Idle speed Exhaust Filter element Oil leakage Stained oil and oil level Fuel leakage Joint condition of carburetor Throttle
Spark plug gap:0.8-0.9mm
Electrical device
1500 150r/min
Lubrication device
Diprod type: oil level should be between the upper and lower limits.
Fuel device
Water level Water leakage Damage of pipe Cleaning of air breather Function of secondary air supply Damage or fixing of Pipes
Anti-diffusi on device for black, foul smoke And other harmful gas
Lighting and turning indictors Alarm and lock Instruments Exhaust pipe and m uffler Frame Others Abnorm al parts which can be determined during driving
Function Function Function Looseness or damage caused by installation Function of m uffler Looseness and/or dam age Lubrication & grease of frame parts Make sure if there is any abnorm al with relative parts.
3 Inspection Adjustment
Steering Column
Park the scooter with main stand, lift front tire, hold the lower part of shock-absorber and shake back and forth to see if there is any sway. In case of any sway, check if it is the problem of the steering column or other parts and then do the maintenance accordingly. In case of sway of the steering column, tighten the locknut or remove the steering column for further check. Lift the front wheel, slowly turn the handlebar left and right to see if it can turn freely. In case there is any hindrance, check if it is from the main cable assembly or other cables. Or disassemble the steering column and check if the bearing race of steering column is damaged.
Operate front and rear brake lever, check brake efficiency and brake lever function.
Play: 10-20mm
Do not mix with dust or water when adding brake fluid. Use only the recommended brake fluid to avoid chemical reaction. Brake fluid may cause damages to the plastic and rubber parts. Keep the fluid away from these parts. Slightly turn the handlebar left and right till the master cylinder is in the horizontal status, then remove the oil cup cap.
The brake pad must be replaced with a whole set.
Check and replacement of the brake disc. Check if there is any wear or damage on the disc, when the brake disk thickness is 3 mm, replace the brake disc. Min. limited thickness of the brake disc: 3mm
3 Inspection Adjustment
Wheel & Tire
Tire Pressure
Check the tire pressure with a pressure gauge.
Check tire pressure when tires are cooled. Driving under improper tire pressure will reduce the comfort of operation and riding, and may cause deflected wear of the tires. Tire pressure parameter:
Specified pressure/tire
Front Pressure Tire specification 250kPa(2.50kgf/cm2) 100/90-18 Rear 250kPa(2.50kgf/cm2) 150/80-15
Tightening torque:
Front wheel axle nut: 80N m(8.2kgf m) Rear wheel axle nut: 140N m(14.3kgf m)
In case of any sway, disassemble the front wheel and check the bearing.( 13-4)
3 Inspection Adjustment
Rear suspension
Press the rear suspension up and down several times. In case of any rocking or abnormal noise, check the rear shock absorbers and the hanging pivot part. Check rear shock absorbers for oil leakage, damage or looseness of the tightening parts.
Check the central and side electrodes of the spark plug for any erosion, burning or damage of the insulate electromagnet. Burning Replace
To avoid damage to the thread of spark plug hole, when installing the spark plug, screw in with hand and then tighten it with a spanner. If the spark plug is a new one, screw in by one-quarter after the sealing gasket contacts the joint face. If the spark plug is a used one, tighten it according to the recommended torque. Torque: 1 5 - 2 0 N m ( 1 . 5 - 2 . 0 k g f m ) Install the spark plug cap. Install: Spark plug cap Left and right ornament panels Seat
3 Inspection Adjustment
Lubrication Inspection of engine oil
Warm up the engine. Stop the engine and remove the oil dip rod and clean it. Park the scooter on level ground.Insert the oil dip rod (DO NOT screw in) and check engine oil level 2~3 minutes after the engine stopped. If oil level is between the upper and lower limit, oil is sufficient. If oil level is near the lower limit, add oil till the upper limit.
Choose engine oil according to the viscosity-temperature chart on the right. Install the oil dip rod, and tighten it.
Install the cleaned drain bolt and new sealing gasket, and tighten it according to the specified torque. Torque: 2 5 N m ( 2 . 5 k g f m ) Add the recommended engine oil. Engine oil capacity: 0.8L(for replacing) 1.0L(for disassembling)
Check the oil level with the dip rod while adding till the oil level reaches upper limit. Install oil dip rod, start the engine, and check if there is any oil leakage. Stop the engine, and check oil level again. Install right cover
3 Inspection Adjustment
Replacing Air Filter Element
Remove: Seat Rear left panel Left black Panel Left Panel Front left Panel Screw 1,2,3,4,5and Air filter cover Remove filter element and replace it. Reverse the removal order for installation.
Idle Speed
Check and adjust the following items before
1.Status of the air filter and secondary air filter 2. Status of spark plug Use an engine tachometer with reading error of 50r/min, and install properly according to operation manual. Any incline of the vehicle body will cause change of the idle speed, so the vehicle should be parked with the main stand on the level ground and kept vertical. Remove: seat
Rear right ornament panels Start the engine and keep it running unloaded at 6000rpm for about 5~6 minutes to warm up. (Outdoor temperature: 25 ) Check idle speed and adjust with a flat screw to the required idle speed.
Throttle Grip
Check agility of throttle grip In case of any stiffness, check the throttle cable for damage or rust. Check free play of throttle grip. Free play: 2-6mm
Remove adjustable throttle cable sleeve Remove locknut, turn adjuster and adjust free play. After adjusting, tighten locknut, install cable sleeve. In case the adjusting failed to get the required free play, replace throttle cabel.
3 Inspection Adjustment
Check of coolant level should be done on the reservoir tank instead of the radiator. If the radiator cap is opened while the engine is hot (over 100 ), the pressure of the cooling system will drop down and the coolant will get boiled rapidly. DO NOT open the radiator cap until the coolant temperature drops down. Coolant is poisonous, DO NOT drink or splash it to skin, eyes, and clothes. In case the coolant gets to the skin and clothes, wash with soap immediately. In case the coolant gets into eyes, rinse with plenty of water and go to consult the doctor In case of swallowing the coolant, induce vomit and consult the doctor. Keep the coolant in a safe place and away from reach of children.
Coolant level
Coolant might reduce due to natural evaporation, check the coolant level regularly.
Coolant can prevent rust and resist freeze. Ordinary water may cause engine rust or cracks in winter due to freezing. Park the vehicle properly for checking of the coolant. Inclined vehicle body will cause incorrect judging of the coolant level. Check the coolant after the engine is warmed up.
Start and warm up engine. Stop the engine, park the vehicle with main stand on the even ground.
Remove left ornament panel Check if the coolant level is between the upper and lower limit.
When the coolant level is below the lower limit, remove reservoir tank cap and fill coolant till upper limit. (coolant or diluted original liquid). Recommended coolant: CFMOTO coolant Standard density:30%( Freezing temperature of coolant varies according to the different mixture ratio. Adjust the mixture ratio according to the lowest temperature in the place where the vehicle is used.) If the coolant reduces very fast, check if there is any leakage. The cooling system may be mixed with air when there is no coolant in the reservoir tank and the air should be discharged before filling coolant.
Coolant Leakage
Check radiator hose, water pump, water pipes and joint for leakage. In case of any leakage, disassemble and do further check. (Refer to Chapter 6) Check the radiator hose for aging, damages or cracks; Aging, damage, cracks Replace Check the clamps of the coolant pipes. Tighten properly in case of any looseness. Refer to ( 6-8) for disassembly of radiator,. Check radiator fins for mud and dust clog or damage. Correct the bent fins; clean the mud with water and compressed air. When the damaged area of the radiator fin is over 20%, replace with a new radiator. ( 6-8)
3 Inspection Adjustment
Lighting Adjusting headlight beam
Turn screw with a cross driver to adjust the headlight beam.
4 Lubrication system
Overhaul info 4-1 Oil pump 4-2 Troubleshooting 4-1
Overhaul info Caution The maintenance of the oil pump should be done after disassembling the right side cover. ( 11) When the measured values exceed the service limit, replace the oil pump. Do not mix impurities into the engine when disassembling the oil pump. Check if there is any leakage after installing the oil pump. Standard
Item C learance betw een inner and outer rotors Body clearance End face clearance Standard
0 .0 7 0 .1 5 m m 0 .0 7 0 .1 7 m m 0 .0 5 0 .1 0 m m
Service lim it
0 .2 0 m m 0 .2 5 m m 0 .1 2 m m
O il pum p rotor
Tightening torque
Bolt, oil pump body Screw, oil pump cover plate Partition Plate B Partition Plate A 10N m(1.0kgf m) 2N m(0.2kgf m) 10N m(1.0kgf m) 10N m(1.0kgf m)
Lower Oil Level
.Natural Oil consuming .Oil leakage .Wearing or improper installation of piston ring .Wearing of valve guide or stem .Damaged oil seal of valve stem .Wearing of cylinder, piston or piston ring
Smudged Oil
.Oil is not replaced in time . Wearing of piston ring .Mixture of oil with coolant . Poor sealing of water seal comp. .Poor sealing of cylinder gasket
Oil pump
Remove bolt and partition plate
Remove screw and disassembly oil pump.
4 Lubrication system
Check clearance between pump body and outer rotor. Service Limit: 0.25mm Replace
Check clearance between teeth top of inner rotor and teeth end of outer rotor.
Check clearance between pump body and end face of inner and outer rotors.
Assemble inner rotor, outer rotor and shaft to pump body.
Install dowel pin. Align hole of cover plate with dowel pin and install cover plate.
Tighten shaft with screw Make sure shaft can rotate freely.
Install oil pump and Partition Plate A to right crankcase. Tighten with 2 bolts. Make sure shaft can rotate freely.
Polymerize hole of partition plate B with claw of partition plate A. Install partition plate B, tighten bolt.
Install flywheel ( 11-8) Install stator, pick up coil, right side cover. ( 11-9)
Overhaul info Caution: Keep caution against fire when using gasoline. Check the installation position of o-rings, replace if necessary for installation. Remove the drainage screw of the float chamber before disassembly and discharge the gasoline from the carburetor. Do not remove enriching device. For early functioning of enriching device after the engine is warm up, there is a heater on the carburetor body to heat up the enriching device by coolant. Maintenance Norm Diameter of Carburetor Joint Equivalent to 27mm Type VE14C Std. Back cycle of adjusting screw 1 3/4 cycles Idle speed 1500 150rpm
Starting Failure
u u u u u No fuel in fuel tank; Fuel supply failure Too much fuel in cylinder Clogged air filter Faulty fuel pump
u Dirty fuel
Unsteady Engine Idle Speed u Improper adjustment of idle speed; u Over concentrated mixture u Thinner mixture u Clogged air filter u Leakage at carburetor joint u Dirty Fuel u Improper function of chock valve u Damaged vacuum tube joint u Damaged carburetor heat insulator
Thinner Gas Mixture Clogged fuel jet Clogged fuel tank cap hole Clogged fuel filter Broken, damaged or clogged fuel pipe Improper function of float valve Lower fuel level
Do not drop the screw.
Loosen throttle cable adjusting nut and lock nut, remove throttle cable from carburetor.
Disconnect heating pipe from carburetor heating device. Remove heating pipe.
Disconnect vacuum tube from choke valve. Release carburetor clamp and remove carburetor from carburetor joint.
Cover the inlet hole with clean cotton yarn after carburetor is removed to avoid entrance of impurities.
Remove 2 screws from enriching device adjusting plate. Remove enriching device.
Disconnect top box cover after removing rear right panel. Be careful not to damage the valve after removing enriching device.
Connect the Ethylene pipe to the enriching device hole. Connect enriching device yellow wire to Terminal + and green wire to Terminal - of battery for 5 minutes. Blow the pipe with mouth. If the pipe cannot be blown through, the enriching device is OK. Disconnect wires from battery and wait 30 minutes. Blow pipe again. If the pipe can be blown through, it is OK.
Damage, wearing, fault with valve and/or needle of enriching device Replace.
Remove the two screws and open vacuum chamber cover.
Remove spring and vacuum piston. Remove: Fixing plug for needle valve of float level Spring Needle valve
Be careful not to damage diaphragm of vacuum piston.
Reverse the disassembly order for assembly. Hold bottom of vacuum piston, keep vacuum piston full open, make sure the diaphragm flange is embedded into the groove of carburetor body. Set the spring as illustrated. Overlap diaphragm hole with groove of cover, install vacuum chamber cover.
Do not damage diaphragm Always hold the vacuum piston before tightening the small screws.
Float Chamber
Remove 4 screws and take out float chamber. Remove float pin, float and float valve.
Do not damage nozzle & screw; Before removing MAS, note down the tightening position. Over-tightening may cause damage to seat surface.
Install adjust nozzle, nozzle seat, main jet, slow speed jet, MAS.
Install needle valve, float, float pin, carburetor heating device and screws.
Disconnect vacuum pipe and breather hose from throttle valve. Connect vacuum pump to the vacuum pipe connector. Connect pressure pump to the breather hose connector. Operate vacuum pump to add vacuum pressure on the valve. Vacuum pressure: 380mmHg Throttle valve is normal when: No air flow in the breather hose, with vacuum pressure. Air flows in the breather hose, without vacuum pressure.
Remove carburetor. ( 5-3) Breather hose from throttle valve 2 screws and throttle valve O-ring from valve. Install a new O-ring to the valve as illustrated. Install valve to the carburetor and tighten small screws.
Press enriching device to the bottom and fix outer groove with fixing plate. Keep the edge side with fillet of fixing plate downward.
Tighten fuel drainage screw of carburetor. Overlap groove of carburetor heat insulator with flange. Install carburetor. Install carburetor clamp. Connect vacuum pipe with throttle valve.
Connect water heating pipe. Connect fuel pipe and make sure it is securely clamped.
Fasten clamp for carburetor joint and air filter. Adjust the following items: throttle cable ( 3-14) idle speed ( 3-13)
Adjust MAS
Adjustment should be done after the engine is warmed up. Remove seat and left speaker cover ( 2-3, 2-9) Install tachometer. Turn MAS according to standard return cycle. STD. Return Cycle: 1-3/4 cycle Start the engine. Turn the throttle fixing screw and adjust the specified idle speed. Idle Speed: 1500 150rpm
Slightly increase throttle from idle speed and check if engine speed varies steadily. Also check if engine speed drops steadily after releasing throttle.
In case of further adjustment, follow the steps below: 1. slowly turn MAS and find the max. idle speed from the standard return cycle range; 2. 3. 4. turn throttle fixing screw to adjust idle speed; repeat above two steps; slightly increase throttle and check the engine speed variation and idle speed fluctuation. Repeat above 4 steps in case of any fluctuation.
Remove 2 fixing screws, remove filter element press grid, filter element and anti-backfire grid.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Air Filter
6 Cooling System
Overhauling info 6-1 Trouble shooting 6-2 Performance overhauling 6-3 Reservoir tank 6-5 Thermostat 6-7 Radiator 6-8 Water pump 6-9 Cooling system drawing 6-10
Inspection standard
Item Full capacity Coolant Reservoir tank capacity capacity Standard density Opening pressure of radiator cap Valve open temperature Thermostat Full open Temperature Full open lift Standard 1100ml 340ml 30% 108kpa(1.1kgf/cm2) 72 2 88 3.5-4.5mm
Tightening torque
Drainage bolt, water pump Thermoswitch Water pump impeller 8N m(0.8kgf m) 10N m(1.0kgf m) 10-14N m(1.0kgf m) left thread
Coolant leakage
l l l l l Faulty water pump seal O-rings are aged, damaged or improperly sealed. Washers are aged, damaged or improperly sealed. Improper installation of pipes, Pipes are aged, damaged or improperly sealed.
6 Cooling System
Performance Overhaul
Open the radiator cap after coolant is fully cooled. Remove: Left panel Radiator cap(counter clockwise)
Check with a densimeter if the coolant density fits the local temperature. Check coolant for stains
Apply coolant on the sealing surface of radiator cap when attaching the tester to the radiator cap. Apply the specified pressure for 6 seconds and make sure there is no pressure drop. Opening pressure of radiator cap: 108kpa(1.1kgf/cm2)
Do not apply pressure over the specified pressure [108kpa (1.1kgf/cm2)], or the cooling system may be damaged. In case there is any pressure leakage, check the pipe, joint parts, joints of water pump and drainage ( 6-8).
The coolant is poisonous, DO NOT drink or splash it to -If coolant splashes in your eyes, thoroughly wash your eyes with water and consult a doctor. -If coolant splashes on your clothes, quickly wash it away with water and then with soap and water. -If coolant is swallowed, induce vomit immediately and see a physician. -Store the coolant properly and keep it away from reach of children.
Mix the coolant(undiluted) with soft water according to the temperature 5 lower than the actual lowest local temperature. Coolant should be made from undiluted coolant with soft water. Standard density of coolant: 30% Recommended coolant: CFMOTO coolant (Direct application without having to be diluted)
Drainage of coolant
Remove radiator cap cover
Open the radiator cap after the coolant is fully cooled. Remove left panel Radiator cap.(clockwise)
6 Cooling System
Remove drain bolt
Remove right side cover.( 1.1-2) Remove drain bolt, seal gasket from water pump, drain coolant. After drainage, assemble new seal gasket, drain bolt and tighten.
Reservoir Tank
Remove: Right speaker cover( 2-7) Bolt 1 & 2 Reservoir tank water hose Remove reservoir tank; discharge coolant. Flush reservoir tank. Install reservoir tank. Install water hose.
Refilling Coolant
Open radiator cap and refill coolant from filling port.
Start the engine and discharge air from cooling system. Check from filling port that air is fully discharged from cooling system and install the radiator cap. Open reservoir tank cap and refill coolant till the upper limit.
Check coolant level when the scooter is parked with main stand on an even ground.
Air Discharge
Discharge the air from cooling system according to the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Start the engine and run it several minutes at idle speed; Quickly increase throttle 3~4 times to discharge air from cooling system; Refill coolant till filling port; Check coolant level in reservoir tank and refill till upper limit. Install reservoir tank cap.
6 Cooling System
Disassembly and Installation
Remove the thermostat after coolant is fully cooled. Remove seat (6-4) Bolt 1 and thermostat(5-3) Remove bolt, upper and lower cases of thermostat.Take out thermostat. Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Fill coolant, and discharge air. ( 6-4)
Overhaul Note:
1 2 The thermostat must be replaced even if it is a bit open at normal temperature. There is time lag due to the small temperature sensing area of the thermostat. So check the lift of the opening valve after the full open temperature is kept for about 5 minutes. 3 Keep the thermostat and thermometer from contacting the bottom of the vessel Put thermostat into water, keep water temperature rising slowly, and check the opening temperature of thermostat valve. Opening temperature of thermostatic valve: 72 2 Thermometer full open /lift Temperature: 3.5-4.5mm/88 Install thermostat.
Radiator Caution:
Do not damage the Radiator fins. Remove: Front Vent panel Rear Left & right panel Left & right black panel left & right panel left & right upper panel Bolt 1 Release clamp, remove water inlet hose of filling port; Release clamp, remove water outlet hose of radiator. Release clamp, remove water inlet hose of radiator, water hose for circulation through bypass. Disconnect thermoswitch; Remove radiator and fan motor from front
Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Refill coolant and discharge air. ( 6-4)
Check radiator fins for mud block and/or damage. Correct the bent fins. Clean off the mud with water and compressed air. Replace with a new one if the damaged fin area reached 20%.
6 Cooling System
Water Pump( 11-4) Overhaul
Check the drainage part at the bottom of water pump for any coolant leakage. Any coolant leakage indicates the damage of water seal comp. Replace the water seal .
Tightening torque:
Engine suspension bracket bolt: Engine suspension shaft nut: Rear shock absorber mounting bolt(up): Rear shock absorber mounting bolt (down): 55N m(5.6kgf m) 55N m(5.6kgf m) 55N m(5.6kgf m) 30N m(3.1kgf m)
Release clamp, and remove fuel hose. Remove sleeve, 3P connector of magneto, enriching device lead, 2P connector of pickup, water temperature transducer connector.
Remove protection sleeve of starter relay. Remove Nut. Disconnect positive pole wire of starter relay.
Release clamp, remove water outlet hose (engine) Release clamp, remove water inlet hose (engine) Release clamp, remove water hose (Circulation thru bypass)
nut for rear left absorber; rear left absorber from frame; engine, engine hanger and rear left absorber. lower nut of rear absorber; rear absorber from engine.
Removal of rear left absorber is the final step of engine removal. Make sure engine is properly supported.
Install engine to frame in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Install rear absorber to engine according to specified torque; Install suspension to engine and put on nut; Install suspension bolt & bush, put engine onto frame; Install rear absorber; Tighten according to the following specified torque:
Hanger bolt: 55N m(5.6kgf m) Rear shock absorber bolt(upper): 55N m(5.6kgf m) Rear shock absorber (Lower): 30N m(3.1kgf m) Hanger shaft nut: 55N m(5.6kgf m) Install water outlet and inlet hoses for engine and water hose (engine warm-up) with proper clamps.
Hoses with crack or damages Replace; Water hoses should be installed properly without any leakage at joints.
Install air filter tube with clamp. Connect throttle cable, adjustable throttle cable, adjust free play of throttle grip.( 3-15) Tighten lock nut after adjustment.
Rear brake hose should be routed properly and should not interfere with rear wheel, rear brake disc or other parts.
Install vacuum tube with relevant clamp. Install spark plug cap
Connect connector, put connector into sleeve and fix with tie band.
Rear wheel ( Chapter 13) Muffler ( 2-20) Rear left and right panel ( 2-4) Rear Bracket ( 2-5) Rear part of rear fender ( 2-7) Rear fender (center) ( 2-11) Fill coolant and discharge air. Seat ( 2-3)
8 Cylinder Cover, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Body, Valve Train Chapter 8 Cylinder Cover, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Body, Valve Train
Overhaul info .8-1 Inspection, correction of valve seat . 8-8 Trouble shooting 8-2 Cylinder removal .. .8-11 Cylinder cover removal 8-3 Cylinder installation 8-12 Cylinder cover disassembly .8-3 Cylinder head assembly 8-13 Camshaft removal . 8-3 Cylinder head installation .. 8-14 Cylinder head removal .8-4 Chain Tensioner installation/valve timing . 8-14 Cylinder head disassembly .8-6 Cylinder cover assembly 8-15 Replacement of valve guide 8-8 Cylinder cover installation 8-17 Overhaul info Operating cautions Use a new gasket when installing cylinder head and check correct installation of dowel pin. Use a new gasket when installing cylinder and check correct installation of dowel pin. Item Cylinder Compression Pressure Valve Clearance Cylinder head planeness IN Camshaft Cam top height EX IN EX Standard 15.0kgf/cm2-600rpm 0.10mm 0.10mm 31.60-31.72mm 31.60-31.72mm 12.000-10.018mm 11.973-11.984mm 4.975-4.990mm 4.955-4.970mm 5.000-5.012mm 5.000-5.012mm 0.010-0.037mm Service limit 0.05mm 31.52mm 31.52mm 12.1mm 11.91mm 4.90mm 4.90mm 5.03mm 5.03mm 0.08mm 0.10mm 1.8mm 36.1/27.6mm
Inner diameter of rocker IN/EX arm Outer diameter of rocker IN/EX arm shaft Outer diameter of Valve IN stem EX Inner diameter of Valve guide IN EX IN EX IN/EX
Valve guide
0.030-0.057mm Driving height of valve 12/12mm guide Contact width of IN/EX 1.2mm valve-seat Free length (External IN/EX Valve spring 40.0/30.5mm spring /internal spring) Tightening torque Refer to ( 8-17) Tools: Special tool: Valve Seat Cutterhead Valve guide reamer Cutterhead holder (5mm) Valve guide driver (5.0mm) Valve seat cutterhead (29.00mm) 45 EX Valve seat Cutterhead (33.0mm) 45 IN General Purpose Tools Plane Cutterhead (30.0mm) 32 EX Valve Spring Compressor Plane Cutterhead (33.0mm) 32 IN Valve Guide Driver Inner Cutterhead (30.0mm) 60 IN, EX
Cylinder head
Improper adjustment of valve clearance Valve sinter, damaged valve spring or weak spring Damaged or worn rocker arm and rocker arm shaft
8 Cylinder Cover, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Body, Valve Train Removal of Cylinder Head Cover Remove:
seat ( 2-3) Oil pipe bolt and copper washer. 5 bolts for cylinder head cover Carburetor fixing plate and cylinder head cover Dowel pin from cylinder head cover
Rocker Arm Inner diameter 12.10mm damage or wearing Replace when more than service limit of
In case there is any damage or wearing with rocker arm, check cam surface for damage or wearing. Rocker arm shaft damage or wearing Outer diameter Replace when less than service limit of 11.91mm O-ring Replace with a new one if necessary
2 bolts Camshaft bearing cover; Chain from sprocket; Camshaft
To prevent the timing chain from dropping into cylinder, hook the chain with a wire.
Inspection of Camshaft
Check cam surface for damage and height to cam. Replace when less than service limit of 31.52mm Check camshaft bearing for looseness or damage. Replace, if any.
Remove 2 bolts for exhaust pipe; Remove exhaust pipe Remove carburetor joint.
Do not damage gasket surface; Do not drop gasket materials into engine or water jacket.
Do not over tighten compressor; After disassembly, keep the parts with IN & EX separately. Special tool: Valve spring compressor
Remove carbon deposit from combustion chamber;Clean off gasket materials from cylinder head.
Take care not to damage the surface of cylinder; Carbon deposit can be easily removed if dipped in gasoline.
Cylinder Head Check spark plug hole and valve port for any cracks. Check distortion of cylinder head with a square and a plug gauge. Correct or replace cylinder head if its more than service limit of 0.5mm.
8 Cylinder Cover, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Body, Valve Train Valve Spring
Check free length of valve inner and outer springs. Replace when free length less than the following service limit: Service limit: Inner Spring 27.6mm Outer Spring 36.1mm
Before measuring valve guide, remove carbon deposit with a reamer. Special tool: Valve guide reamer
Always turn the reamer right. Do not insert or pull out the reamer while it is not turning. Measure inner diameter of valve guide. Out of Service limit: 5.03mm Replace Calculate the gap between valve stem and guide.The difference between inner diameter of valve guide and outer diameter of valve stem is the gap. Out of Service limit: IN. 0.08mm Replace EX. 0.10mm Replace If the gap is out of service limit and valve guide is replaced with a new one, then calculate the again if the gap is within the service limit. If the valve guide is replaced, correct the valve seat if necessary. ( 8-8)
Take care not to damage cylinder head. Special tool: Valve Guide Driver (5.00MM) Adjust valve guide driver and keep the driving height at 12mm. Drive in the valve guide.
After driving in the valve guide, make sure there is no damage with drive guide. When driving in the valve guide, make sure not to damage cylinder head surface. General purpose tool: Valve Guide Driver Correct valve guide with a reamer.
When reaming valve guide, use cutting oil. Only turn the reamer right. Do not insert or pull out reamer while it is not turning. Wash clean cylinder head and clean off scraps. Special tool: Valve Guide Reamer
If contact width is not even, over wide or over narrow, correct with valve seat cutterhead.
Apply engine oil to cutterhead to keep scraps off while cutting.
Do not over cut.
Use a 45 cutterhead for valve face cutting.Till the standard contact width value
If valve-seat contact is too high, Use a 32 cutterhead for plane cutting. If valve-seat contact is too low, Use a 60 cutterhead for surface cutting. Use 45 cutterhead,adjust to standard contact width. Apply polishing cream to valve face and adjust valve seating with valve hammer or valve seating tool. After valve seating, wash clean cylinder head and valve.
Do not press valve seat too hard while grinding to avoid possible damage. Take care not to drop polishing cream between valve stem and guide while grinding After all the correction, make sure with read lead the 45 valve-seat face is evenly on contact with center of valveseat contact.
8 Cylinder Cover, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Body, Valve Train Cylinder Removal Remove:
Cylinder head ( 8-4) Water hose connection from cylinder Chain guide Cylinder base nut and cylinder
Do not drop any foreign materials into crankcase.
Cylinder Installation
Install tensioning device to cylinder, with a new gasket.
Apply clean engine oil to inner cylinder, piston and piston rings. Install piston into cylinder while compressing piston rings. Install cylinder onto crankcase.
Take care not to damage piston or piston rings; The piston-ring openings should not be in the direction of piston pin and should be arranged in the equal angle of 120 . Temporarily install cylinder base bolt and gasket. Install water hose to cylinder. Install timing chain guide.
Make sure the lower end of chain guide is inserted into the groove of right crankcase.
8 Cylinder Cover, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Body, Valve Train Cylinder Head Assembly
Install valve spring retainer, valve stem seal.
Replace with a new stem seal. Apply some engine oil to valve stem, insert stem into valve guide. Install valve lock with valve spring compressor.
Do not over tighten valve spring compressor; Install valve spring with the side of smaller pitch of screw in line with cylinder head side. Special tool: Valve Spring Compressor Strike slightly valve stem end 2~3 times with a rubber hammer to make valve and valve lock match well. Take care not to damage valve. Install exhaust pipe to cylinder head and tighten nuts. Install carburetor joint to cylinder head with 2 bolts. Installation of Camshaft/Valve Timing.
Remove timing plug from right side cover Remove CVT cover ( 9-3) Turn pulley counter clockwise, overlap T mark on Fly wheel with mark on right side cover. Install camshaft to cylinder head with IN, Install dowel pin and new gasket to cylinder head. Install cylinder head. Install and tighten the 4 copper washers and 4 nuts. Tightening torque: 2.2-2.6kgf-m
Tighten nuts in crisscross direction in 2~3 progressive steps.
Install new O-ring to thermostat housing. Install thermostat housing to cylinder head and tighten bolts.
Install camshaft to cylinder head with IN, EX downwards. Check if the mark line on cam sprocket is aligned with cylinder head terminal face. Install chain to sprocket. Install camshaft bearing cover and tighten the bolts. Tightening Torque: 0.8-1.2kgf m
Gasket, tensioner and tighten bolts. Tightening Torque: 0.8-1.2kgf m CVT cover and timing inspection hole cover. Muffler ( 2-20)
Fix the carburetor fixing plate to the cylinder cover with bolts. Tighten bolts on the cross in 2 progressive steps. Install oil pipe to cylinder cover with oil pipe bolt and copper washer. Tightening Torque: 0.8-1.2kgf m
Valve Adjustment
Valve adjustment should be done when the engine is cooled. (under 35 )
Seat ( 2-3) CVT cover( 9-3) Inspection cover from cylinder cover. Turn primary sheave counterclockwise slowly, align top dead-center indicator of camshaft with the mark on cylinder cover. Maintain piston at the upper dead-center position. Release fixing bolts of valve adjuster. Open IN, EX adjustors fully outwards, then return by one mark. Tighten fixing bolts. Install the removed parts. Install Seat. ( 2-3)
8 Cylinder Cover, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Body, Valve Train Cylinder Cover, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Body, Valve Train
Maintenance Standard:
Service Limit (mm) 27.06 26.94 22.5 1.5 153.8 127.0 39.94 40.06 22.4 0.4
Item Inner diameter of collar, primary sliding sheave Outer diameter of collar, primary fixed sheave Belt width Thickness, clutch shoe Inner diameter, clutch housing Free length, clutch spring Outer diameter, secondary fixed sheave Inner diameter, secondary sliding sheave Outer diameter, weights Wearing of secondary fixed sheave/ secondary sliding sheave
Standard (mm) 27.000~27.033 26.959~26.980 24.2 ---------153~153.15 135.0 39.95~39.975 40.000~40.025 22.94~23 -----------
Tightening torque:
Refer to ( 9-17)
Special Tool:
Nut spanner 39x41mm Rotor Holder Clutch Spring Compressor Driving Tool Handle
Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Tightening torque: 0.8~1.2kgf m
Belt Disassembly
Remove CVT cover; Hold primary fixed sheave with belt holder, Release Nut; Special Tool: Belt Holder Remove washer, primary fixed sheave; Remove belt;
Check belt for cracks, teeth drop and abnormal wearing; Measure the belt width; Service Limit: 22.5mm
Replace with genuine parts.
Turn the secondary sliding sheave clockwise while compress it. Put belt on the secondary sheave. Put belt on the collar of primary sheave and install primary sheave. Install washer, nut and tighten. Tightening torque: 8.0~10.0kgf m
The belt should not be seized; The direction mark on the belt should be same as its moving direction. Install CVT cover.
Remove collar
Remove weights.
Measure the inner diameter of primary sliding sheave collar. Service limit: >27.06mm Replace
Check primary fixed sheave collar for wearing or damage. Measure outer diameter of primary fixed sheave collar. Service limit: <26.94mm Replace
Check primary fixed sheave for wearing or damage. Measure wearing depth of primary fixed sheave. Service limit: > 0.4mm Replace
Check primary sliding sheave for wearing or damage. Measure wearing depth of primary sliding sheave. Service limit: > 0.4mm Replace
Install primary sliding sheave to crankshaft. Install belt. (9-4). Install primary fixed sheave to crankshaft. Install washer. Hold primary fixed sheave and tighten nut. Tightening Torque: 8.0~10.0kgf m Special Tool: Rotor Holder
Do not stain greasy material such as engine oil to belt or sheave. Make sure the belt is not seized.
Check clutch housing for wearing or damage.
Measure inner diameter of clutch housing. Service limit: > 153.8mm Replace
Check clutch carrier for wearing or damage.
Measure thickness of clutch shoe. Service limit: <1.5mm Replace
Attach clutch spring compressor to secondary sheave/ clutch. Compress clutch spring.
Do not over compress clutch spring to avoid damage of secondary sheave. Special Tool: Clutch Spring Compressor Hold the compressor steady with a bench vice, remove nut. Special tool: Locknut Wrench 39 41mm General purpose tool: Press handle
Do not stain clutch shoe with grease.
Take out guide pin, remove guide roller,remove secondary sliding sheave. Remove O-seal from secondary sliding sheave.
Check spring for weakness or damage. Replace if necessary. Check Secondary sheave for wearing or damage. Measure outer diameter of secondary fixed sheave. Service Limit: <39.94mm Replace Check bearing of secondary fixed sheave for looseness. In case of any looseness or noise, replace with a new one. ( 9-12)
Measure wearing depth of secondary fixed sheave. Service Limit: > 0.4mm Replace
Measure wearing depth of secondary sliding sheave. Service Limit: > 0.4mm Replace
Check secondary sliding sheave for wearing or damage. Measure inner diameter. Service Limit: > 40.06mm Replace Check if there is any stepped wearing in the guide groove.
Replace the bearing on the secondary sheave. Drive out the needle bearing with oil seal. The needle bearing must be replaced with a new one.
Remove split washer. Drive out the roller bearing from the driven face. Replace roller bearing with a new one.
Apply evenly 11~13g of lube. Recommended Lube: XOM XHP222 Press in the needle bearing. General purpose tool: Driving tool handle A Bearing Remover 32 35mm
Driving Tool Guide 22mm Apply lube to the groove part of secondary sheave oil seal. Install it on the needle bearing.
Assembly of Clutch
Install clutch carrier to driving plate and clutch return spring onto clutch carrier. Install pressure plate and fix with split washer. Keep the opening of split washer inward.
Clean sheave face
Install oil seal to secondary sliding sheave. Apply lube to O seal and install it to secondary sliding sheave. Apply lube to inner side of secondary sheave and guide pin.
Apply evenly 4~g of lube. Recommended Lube: XOM XHP222
Install secondary sliding sheave to secondary sheave assy. Apply lube to guide roller, guide pin and install into hole of secondary sheave.
In case there is any lube or grease on the secondary sheave. Make sure to clean it.
Install clutch spring and clutch to secondary sheave and adjust with clutch spring compressor.
Compress clutch spring with clutch spring compressor. Install nut. Hold compressor steady with a bench vice and tighten nut. Tightening Torque: 7.0~9.0kgf m Special Tool: Clutch Spring Compressor Locknut Wrench General Purpose Tool: Press Handle
Install clutch and secondary sheave to driving shaft.
Clean the grease from driving shaft, if any. Install clutch housing. Hold clutch housing with clutch holder and tighten nut. Tightening torque: 5.0~6.0kgf m
Belt( 9-4) CVT cover ( 9-3) Left speaker cover ( 2-9)
10 Gearbox
Chapter 10 Gearbox
Overhaul Information .10-1 Trouble Shooting .10-1 Disassembly .10-2 Inspection ..10-2 Assembly 10-4
Overhaul Information
Overhaul Standard
Recommended Oil: SAE15W-40 or SAE20W-50 for 4-stroke motorcycle. SE or SF engine oil as per API category (refer to table 3-11, Oil viscosity should adapt to the outdoor temperature of the area where the motorcycle is operated.) Oil Capacity: 0.25L (when disassembling) 0.20L (when replacing)
Tightening Torque
Gearbox Bolt 6mm 0.8~1.2kgf m 8mm 2.0~2.4kgf m 10mm 1.0~1.4kgf m
Special Tools
Bearing Remover Set 12mm -Bearing remover 12mm -Remover weight Bearing Remover Set 20mm -Bearing remover 20mm -Bearing remover handle -Remover weight Drive Shaft Installation Tool Drive Shaft Installer Tool Sleeve (2 pcs)
When engine is running, scooter does not run.
Gearbox damaged Gearbox ablated
Oil leakage
Excessive oil Worn or damaged oil seal
CVT cover ( 9-3) Primary sheave, clutch, secondary sheave ( 9-1,9-8) Oil drainage bolt and drain gearbox oil Rear wheel ( 14-2) Bolt and gearbox Gearbox washer, dowel pin
Remove adjust washer. Remove countershaft gear, countershaft. Remove final shaft gear, final shaft.
Check drive shaft, gear, bearing for damage or wearing. In case of replacement of drive gear or bearing, strike out drive shaft together with gear. Use bearing remover and shaft protection device (available from market) to remove gear from shaft. Remove drive shaft oil seal from left crankcase.
After removal of drive shaft bearing from left crankcase, replace with a new one. Check countershaft and gear for wearing or damage.
10 Gearbox
Check final shaft gear and final shaft for ablation, wearing or damage. Check gearbox bearing and oil seal for wearing or damage. Use bearing remover for replacement of gearbox countershaft bearing and drive shaft bearing.
Special Tool:
Bearing Remover Set 12mm -Bearing remover 12mm -Bearing remover handle -Remover weight
Check left crankcase bearing, oil seal for wearing or damage. Use bearing remover for replacement of countershaft gear.
Special Tool:
Bearing Remover Set 15mm -Bearing remover 15mm -Remover weight
Special Tool:
Bearing Remover Set 20mm -Bearing remover 20mm -Remover weight
Drive the new drive shaft bearing into left crankcase. General Purpose Tool: Driving Tool Guide 22mm Driving Tool Handle A
10 Gearbox
Insert drive shaft into gearbox drive shaft bearing.
Special Tool:
Drive Shaft Installation Tool Drive Shaft Installation Tool Sleeve (2 pcs)
Install countershaft, countershaft gear, final shaft, final shaft gear, final shaft oil seal and thrust washer. Install dowel pin and new gearbox washer. Install drive shaft oil seal. Install gearbox. Torque: 6mm: 0.8-1.2kgf.m 8mm: 2.0-2.4kgf.m 10mm: 1.0-1.4kgf.m
Install secondary sheave/clutch. ( 9-15) Install primary sheave, V belt and CVT cover. ( 9-8, 9-4 9-3) Install rear wheel ( 14-3) Remove oil filler bolt, fill with 200ml of gearbox oil. Tighten oil filler bolt.
Inspection of right side cover and magneto can be done without removing engine from vehicle. Refer to Chapter 15 for inspection of magneto.
Tightening Torque
Refer to ( 11-12, 11-13)
Trouble Shooting
Trouble shooting of magneto. ( Chapter 15)
Remove crankcase breather hose from right side cover. Remove 7 bolts for right side cover. Remove right side cover. Remove sealing gasket and dowel pin for right side cover.
Flywheel Removal
Remove oil channel joint from crankshaft. Hold flywheel with flywheel holder, Remove flywheel nut and washer. Remove straight pin for oil channel joint from crankshaft.
Keep caution not to drop straight pin into crankcase. General Purpose Tool:Flywheel Holder Remove flywheel with flywheel remover. Remove woodruff key from crankshaft.
Water Pump
Inspection of Water Seal When there is coolant leakage from inspection hole of lower part of right side cover, replace water seal by removing right side cover.
Removal of Water Pump Impeller Drain coolant ( 6-4) Drain engine oil ( 3-11)
Oil pipe ( 11-2) Water hose from water pump 3 bolts Water pump cover Remove water pump gasket and 2 dowel pins. Remove water pump impeller.
Impeller rotates in the left direction.
Water seal and gasket should be replaced by set.
Right side cover ( 11-2) Elastic retainer from right side cover Water pump shaft
Replacing Water Seal
Remove water seal from right side cover with bearing remover. Remove oil seal.
Special Tool
Bearing remover set 15mm -Bearing remover 15mm -Remover shaft 15mm -Remover head 15mm -Remover weight
Drive the new oil seal into right side cover with its mark outward.
Special Tool: Bearing Puller 28 30mm General Purpose Tool: Removing &Installation Handle A
Apply sealant to the contact part of water seal and right side cover before driving in the water seal.
Special tool: Water Seal Removing & Installation Tool General Purpose tool: Removing & Installation Handle A
Water seal and gasket should be replaced by set.
Install water pump cover with 3 bolts. Connect oil pipe. ( 11-11) Connect water hose. Fill engine oil. ( 3-11) Fill coolant. ( 6-6)
Tightening Torque:
Oil pipe bolt 8mm 0.8~1.2kgf m 12mm 1.8~2.2kgf m
Flywheel Installation
Install driven gear to crankshaft. Install fixing plate and tighten bolt.
Make sure driven gear can turn smoothly.
Make sure there is no oil stain on the conical part of crankshaft.
-Stator lead should go through the underside of pickup coil lead. -Make sure the plate is firmly fixed on the right side cover.
Keep water pump shaft groove in line with oil pump shaft.
Install and tighten right side cover bolts. Connect crankcase breather hose to right side cover.
Connect water hose with water pump and right side cover.
Install oil pipe with 2 pcs of 8mm bolts, 1 pcs of 12mm bolt and 2 pcs of copper washers. Note:
-Use black bolt on the cylinder head cover side. Use silver bolt on the right side cover. Install oil pipe tightening bolts on the right side cover and water pump.
Inspection of crankshaft and crankcase must be done after the crankcase is disassembled. Inspection of these parts can only be done after removal of engine from vehicle.( Chapter 7) Following steps are required when disassembling the crankcase. Follow the relevant chapters for disassembly: Engine removal( Chapter 7) Cylinder cover cylinder head cylinder ( Chapter 8) CVT cover CVT system( Chapter 9) Right side cover( Chapter 11) Electric starting system( Chapter 17) Lubricating system( Chapter 4) For inspection of piston and piston ring, just remove cylinder cover cylinder head and cylinder ( Chapter 8) Do not damage the crankcase joint face during inspection. Do not damage the inner surface of cylinder, piston excircle.
Overhaul standard
Item Installation direction Outer diameter of piston Inner diameter of piston pin-bore Outer diameter of piston pin Inner diameter of connecting rod small end hole
Clearance between cylinder and piston
Clearance between piston and piston pin
Standard IN mark towards intake valve 71.96-71.98mm 17.002-17.008mm 16.99-17mm 17.006-17.024mm 0.02-0.059mm 0.002-0.014mm 0.006-0.030mm 0.015-0.05mm 0.15-0.30mm 0.15-0.30mm 0.10-0.25mm 0.40-0.50mm Mark upside 72-72.019mm 0.002mm 0.005mm 0.10-0.35mm 0.013-0.025mm 0.02mm Service limit 71.9mm 17.04mm 16.96mm 17.06mm 0.10mm 0.02mm 0.02mm 0.09mm 0.50mm 0.50mm 0.50mm 72.1mm 0.05mm 0.05mm 0.05mm 0.5mm 0.05mm 0.10mm
connecting rod.
Piston ring (1) Piston ring (2) Oil ring Installation direction of piston ring Cylinder bore Upper distortion Roundness Cylindricity Axial gap, connecting rod big end Radial gap, connecting rod big end Vibration
Clearance between piston ring and piston groove Piston ring gap
Tightening torque
Crankcase bolt Cylinder Stud 0.8-1.2kgf m 0.7-1.1kgf m
Worn cylinder or piston Improper assembly of piston ring Damages to outside of piston or inner surface of cylinder Worn or damaged crankshaft bearing
Do not pry surface of crankcase gasket.
Remove oil seal from left crankcase. The removed oil seal should be replaced with a new one when assembling.
Measure axial gap of connecting rod big end. Service limit: > 0.5mm Replace
Measure the gap in the X, Y directions at the end face of connecting rod big end. Service limit: > 0.05mm Replace
Turn crankshaft and check for abnormal noise and gap. In case of abnormal noise, replace crankshaft in a whole set.
Disassembly of Piston
Remove piston pin retainer.
Take care not to drop piston pin retainer into crankcase. Take out piston pin and remove piston.
Measure outer diameter of piston pin Service Limit: < 16.96mm Replace Measure gap between piston and piston pin Service Limit: > 0.02mm Replace
Measure inner diameter of connecting rod small end. Service Limit: > 17.06mm Replace Remove piston ring. Take care not scrap or damage the piston.
Install each piston ring separately to the cylinder bottom. Press piston ring into cylinder from piston top. Measure the working clearance of piston ring.
Measure piston outer diameter, at 14mm from piston skirt, in the direction 90 opposite to the piston pin. Service Limit: <71.90mm Replace
Inspection of Cylinder
Check cylinder inner side for wearing or scraps. Measure Cylinder bore from 3 points of upper, middle and lower,in the right angle direction of piston pin (X-Y direction). Take the maximum value as the cylinder bore. Service Limit: Above 72.10mm Rebore or Replace Calculate the clearance between cylinder and piston. Take the maximum as the clearance value. Service Limit: >0.10 Rebore or Replace Calculate the roundness from the measured values (difference between X direction and Y direction), cylindricity (bore difference among upper, middle and lower in X or Y direction) Service Limit: Roundness: > 0.05mm Rebore or Replace Cylindricity:> 0.05mm Rebore or Replace In case of reboring, measure the maximum value of the piston outer diameter first to ensure that the clearance between cylinder and piston meets the standard value. Max. values of outer diameter: 0.25, 0.50, 0.75mm Standard Clearance: 0.010-0.040mm Cylinder Warpage Service Limit:>0.05mm Rebore or Replace
Take care not to scrap piston or damage piston rings. Keep the manufacturers marks or numbers on the upper side of the rings. Make sure piston rings can turn freely.
Installation of Piston
Installation of piston should be done after crankcase is completed. Install piston, piston pin and piston pin retainer.
-The IN mark on the piston must face the intake valve -Cover the crankcase opening with a clean rag to prevent piston pin or piston pin retainer from falling into crankcase.
Assembly of Crankcase
Clean the joint face of crankcase. Take care not to damage crankcase joint face. Install new oil seal on left crankcase. Wash clean oil pipe and install new O-rings on the two ends.
Take care not to damage oil seal.
Assemble crankcase. Tighten crankcase with 9 bolts. Tightening Torque: 0.8~1.2kgf m
Install timing chain. Install timing chain tensioner with bolt. Tightening Torque: 0.8~1.2kgf m
Crankcase, Crankshaft
Securely support the scooter when overhauling the front wheel and suspension system. Refer to chapter 18 for overhaul and inspection of lighting, instruments and switches. Do not overexert on the wheel. Avoid any damage to the wheel. When removing tire, use the special tire lever and rim protector.
Overhaul standard
S erv ice L im it
0 .2 m m 2 .0 m m 2 .0 m m 1 .6 m m
Item F ro n t w h eel ax le b en d R im L o n gitu d in al Vib ratio n L ateral R em ain ed tire th read Tire Tire P ressu re F ree p lay (b rak e lev er)
Stan d ard
0 .8 m m 0 .8 m m 2 5 0 k P a 2 .5 k g f c m 2 10 20mm
F ro n t w h eel
F ro n t b rak e
Tightening torque
Mounting nut, Handlebar Nut, front wheel axle Fixing bolt/nut, Front shock absorber 55 N m 5.6kgf m 80 N m 8.1kgf m 40 N m 4.1kgf m
Special tools
Rod, bearing remover Head 10mm, bearing remover, Handle A , Driving Tool Sleeve, Driving Tool 28 30 Guide tool 10mm Locknut spanner Bearing adjusting spanner, steering column Bearing remover set, Rotor puller Remover shaft Remover hammer Bearing race mounting tool A 27 47mm, steering column Bearing race mounting tool B 30 47mm, steering column Assembling tool shaft
Heavy steering
Upper thread is over tightened. Steering bearing is damaged or worn. Inner & outer bearing races are damaged,worn or stepped. Steering column is distorted Tire pressure is too low. Worn tire
Loosened Handlebar
Steering bearing is damaged, or not well tightened. Right and left shock absorbers are not matched. Front wheel axle is distorted, Frame warpage Worn tire Rocking of wheel bearing Engine fixing part is rocking. (Refer to Chapter 7)
Front suspension is too hard. Front shock absorber is bended. Tire pressure too high. Abnormal noise with Front absorber
Faulty front shock absorber Loosening of tightening parts of front shock absorber
Poor brake
Improper brake adjustment Stained or damaged brake disc. Worn brake shoe.
Remove: Front wheel axle Brake disk from brake calipers Front wheel.
Remove counter.
Wheel axle
Set axle on a V block, measure axle vibration with centesimal gauge.
Check the rim for damage, warpage or scrapes. Replace with a new one, if any. Slowly turn the wheel, measure the rim vibration with a centesimal meter.
Replace the bearings as a set (L&R).
Remove oil seal. Install remover head on the rim Install the bearing remover shaft on the remover head from the reserve side, strike in and remove the bearing Remove spacer. Special tool: Shaft, Bearing remover Head, Bearing remover 12mm
Replace the bearings in a set. Do not use the disassembled bearings.
Remove five bolts from brake disc, and remove brake disc.
Brake disc thickness:<3mm Replace
Brake clipper. Check brake calipers for cracks. Check oil leakage from the tightening parts. Replace, if any.
Assemble spacer
Apply lubrication grease to the running part of new bearing, Strike in the left side bearing first. Install spacer. Strike in right side bearing
Special tools:
Handle A , press tool A Driving tool outer sleeve 28x30 Guide tool 12mm
Strike in the bearings in parallel.
Apply grease to the protruding part of odometer gear guard ring. Apply grease to the gearing and sliding parts of odometer gear Install with the groove part of odometer gear in line with the protruding part of guard ring.
Install front wheel with the brake disk between brake calipers.
Make sure counter cam is in line with front absorber stopper. Install front wheel axle and tighten nut. Tightening Torque: 50-60Nm (5.0-6.0kgfm)
Install speedometer cable to the counter and tighten the small screw. Tightening Torque: 3.0-5.0Nm (0.35-0.5kgfm)
Loosen the bolts of front turning indicators. Remove 4 fixing bolts of joint plate (2 for each of L&R), sealing cover and seal ring
Remove 4 fixing bolts of joint plate (2 for each of L&R), sealing cover and seal ring.
There should be no damage with the seal ring.
Remove shock absorbers
Do not put the shock absorber upside down to prevent oil leakage from inner tube.
Oil leakage, aged or damaged oil seal Replace
Installation of shock absorbers Install the seal cover and seal ring of shock absorbers. Tighten according to the specified torque Tightening Torque: 50Nm (5.1kgfm)
Install the 4 fixing bolts of absorbers, and tighten according specified torque. Tightening Torque: 40Nm (4.1kgfm)
Install right handlebar switch ( 13-14)
Install left handlebar switch ( 13-14)
Loosen nut clock-wise, remove right rear view mirror by turning it clockwise.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Master Cylinders
Removal: Rear View Mirror (L&R) Bolt 1 & Bolt 2 Remove left master cylinder from handlebar. Do not remove master cylinder from vehicle if its not being replaced. Refer to above for removal of right master cylinder.
1.Do not hang the master cylinders with brake hoses.
2. Maintain the master cylinders in the installation position and fix them onto the handlebar.Placing the master cylinders upside down may cause entrance of air into the hydraulic system.
Installation of Handlebar
Installation of handlebar tube Install 4 inner hex screws. Adjust the height of the handlebar properly to best fit your driving habit.
Main cable, throttle cable, brake hose, etc should be routed properly;
Install throttle cable to the front of right handlebar switch. Apply lubrication grease to installation part and end of cable. Install throttle cable to throttle grip.
Leave the left grip several hours for drying of cementing agent after installation.
Main cable, throttle cable, brake hose, etc should be routed properly;
Set special tool on head pipe and remove bottom ball race.
Special Tool:
Bearing remover set Rotor puller Rod, remover Hammer remover
Set special tool on head pipe and remove upper ball race.
Special Tool:
Bearing remover set Rotor puller Rod, remover Hammer remover
Special tools:
Ball race installation tool A Installation Rod Ball race installation tool B Installation Rod
Hold installation rod, tighten locknut while press bottom ball race into head pipe.
Install new upper ball race with following special tools to steering stem.
Special Tools:
Ball race installation tool A Installation Rod Ball race installation tool B Installation Rod Hold installation rod, tighten locknut while press bottom ball race into head pipe.
Special Tool:
Apply lubrication grease to new upper steel balls and install to head pipe. Install bottom bearing seat to front fork. Apply lubrication grease to new bottom steel balls and install to front fork.
Turn front fork left and right to the stoppers several times to ensure full grinding-in of bearing seat and ball race.
Install upper joint plate Install and tighten washer and locknut of upper joint plate. Tightening torque: 68 N M (7kg f m) Install seal cap and gasket of shock absorbers. Tightening torque: 50 N M (5 .1 kg f m) Fix upper joint plate to frame with fixing screw. Tightening torque: 40 N M (4 .1 kg f m) Turn front fork left and right to the stoppers several times and make sure it can turn freely without vertical swinging.
Install following parts: Front wheel Plastic parts Handlebar Front fender
Overhaul standard
Item Vibration of Wheel rim Rear Wheel Longitudal Horizontal Remained tire thread Tire Tire Pressure Free play (brake lever) Standard 2 8 0 k P a 3 . 0 k g f c m 2 10 20mm Limit 2.0mm 2.0mm 1.6mm
Rear Brake
Tightening torque
Rear wheel axle nut Shock absorber upper mounting bolt Shock absorber lower mounting bolt Rear fork mounting bolt 140Nm (14.3kgfm) 55Nm (5.6kgfm) 55Nm (5.6kgfm) 55Nm (5.6kgfm)
Muffler 2-16 Rear right shock absorber 14-5 Rear brake caliper 14-6 Rear fork 14-4
Inspection Rim
Check rim for damage, warpage or scrapes. Refer to page 13 4 turn rim slowly and measure the rim vibration with centesimal meter Replace rim in case of any damage, warpage or scrapes. Service Limit Axial 2.0mm Radial 2.0mm
Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Apply thread glue on the thread and joint face of rear wheel axle nut. Tighten according to specified torque. Tightening Torque: 140Nm (14.3kgfm)
Rear Fork
Securely support the scooter with main stand. Remove: Muffler ( 2-16) Bolt 1, Bolt 2 and rear wheel axle nut Rear right shock absorber 14-5 Rear fork
Check bearing for smooth turning and balls for damage. Replace with a new one if any.
Press in the bearing with special tool; Install lock ring, Oil seal. Reverse the removal procedure for installation of rear fork. Tighten the bolts and nuts according to the specified torque.
Securely support scooter with main stand. Remove: Passenger seat 2 - 3 Rear Bracket 2-4 Rear handrail 2-5 Rear ornament panels (L&R) 2-3 Rear fender 2- 7 Nut 1 for rear left absorber Nut 2 for rear left absorber Remove rear left absorber.
Remove Bolt 3 and Bolt 4 of rear right absorber. Remove rear right absorber.
Check shock absorbers for oil leakage and rubber spacer for aging. Replace with new ones if any.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Tighten the nuts according to the specified torque. Torque: 55Nm (5.6kgfm)
Rear Brake
Rear brake caliper Removal: Remove: Bolt1 Bolt2 Nut Rear brake caliper
Check rear brake caliper for cracks, oil leakage at tightening parts. Replace, if any. Check brake pad for wearing and damage 3-6
Replacement Remove:
Muffler ( 2-15) Rear Right Absorber ( 14-5) Rear Fork ( 14-4) Remove fixing screws of rear brake disc. Remove rear brake disc. Install the new rear brake disc.
15 Battert,Charging System
Charging System 15-1 Overhaul Information 15-2 Troubleshooting 15-3 Battery 15-4 Charging System Inspection 15-5 Rectifier 15-6 AC Magneto Inspection 15-8
Spark arc may be generated when removing or joining the electrical parts with switch on and will damage the rectifier. Operation should be done with ignition switch OFF. Remove battery from vehicle for charging and do not open the electrolyte cover.
Replace if the battery service life expired. Keep the ignition switch OFF when disassembling electrical parts. Disconnect negative connection of battery when battery is stored on the vehicle. Fast charging is not recommended as it may reduce the life of battery. If battery is repeatedly charged and discharged deeply (fully-charge and fully-discharge), it may cause damage to the battery or shorten the service life or lower the capacity of battery. In addition, the capacity of battery will also lower in 2~3 years even under normal use. So the battery should also be replaced. If the terminal voltage is less than 12.4V, charge the battery normally. The inspection of charging system should be done in the procedure of troubleshooting table. ( 15-3) Refer to illustration on page 15-9 for arrangement of charging system parts. Refer to chapter 11 for disassembly of AC magneto. The inspection of battery should be done following the owners manual.
15 Battert,Charging System
Overhaul standard
Item AC magneto Rectifier Capacity Current Leakage Fully-charged Voltage between terminals Insufficient charge Standard Charging current/time Fast charge Model Output Resistance of charging coil (20 ) Standard
Less than1mA
Battery is abnormal.
Disconnect rectifier, and measure current leakage again. Current: less than 1mA
Abnormal Normal
Inspect the charging coil of AC magneto. Resistance: 0.2-0.3
Short circuit with main cable Faulty ignition switch
Abnormal Normal
Inspect monomer voltage of battery and record it. 15-4 Start engine, turn on headlight with high beam. Inspect batterys voltage between terminals at the engine speed of 5000rpm. 15-5 Standard: monomer voltage<charge voltage<15V
Inspect rectifier system 15-6
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Apply clean lubricant grease on the terminal post after installation. Install cover firmly on the positive terminal post after installation.
Measure voltage between battery terminals, and check test status. Complete test: 12.8V Insufficient test: less than 11.8V Recharge when charge is not sufficient.
When recharging after charge, measure the voltage between terminals after 30 minutes. Measuring imme diately after charging will not gain the correct test due to the sharp voltage changes between the terminals.
Battery Note
Usually no hydrogen will be generated during charging. But overcharging may generate hydrogen. No smoking during charging. Charge according to the current and time specified on the label of battery. Remove battery from vehicle. (Refer to above content)
15 Battert,Charging System
Connect chargers positive wire to batterys positive terminal post. Connect chargers negative wire to batterys negative terminal post. Charging current/time: Standard: 0.9A/5-10hours Fast charge: 4.0A/60mins
Keep the batterys liquid temperature under 45 . Reduce current to adjust the temperature if it is too high. Fast charge will reduce batterys life or cause damage to battery. Do not use fast charge unless in emergency case.
Avoid short circuit when measuring. Keep ignition switch at the OFF position. Use a fully charged battery for inspection. Start engine and turn on high beam. Increase engine speed slowly. Check voltage of batterys terminals which is usually between 13.5-15V, when the engine speed reaches specified speed (5000r/min).
Batterys monomer voltage<charging voltage<15V (5000rpm)
Connect AMP meter between negative terminal and negative wire. Measure current leakage with ignition switch at the OFF position.
If the measured current is higher than the limit, the multimeter will be burnt. Therefore, measure the current by shifting from the big to the small range. Do not turn on the ignition switch when measuring the current.
15 Battert,Charging System
Check the connection terminals for loosening, bending, rust or come-off. Check the following items of the main cable terminals of the two rectifier connectors:
Result There should be voltage between red terminal(+) and frame body earthing wire Green terminal must be connected with frame body earthing wire Resistance between yellow terminals is: 0.2-0.3 (at 20 ) Black lead wire must be connected with black terminal.
Earthing wire (green) Charging coil (yellow, yellow, yellow) Ignition switch lead wire (black)
Disassembly Remove:
Seat( 2-3) Fuel Tank ( 2-13) Bolt 1 and Bolt 2
Disconnect the two rectifier connectors. Remove rectifier. Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Wires, hoses and cables should be routed properly. 1-20
Inspection of AC magneto
Remove rear right ornament panel 2-5
Disconnect connectors of AC magneto (yellow, yellow, yellow), and pickup coil (black/white,green).
Measure the resistance between the yellow terminals of the AC magneto 3P connector. Resistance: 0.2-0.3 ( at 20 )
Make sure the yellow terminal of AC magneto 3P connector is not connected with frame body earth wire.
Replace with a new AC magneto in case of any faults found in above check. 11-3
15 Battert,Charging System
16 Ignition System
Overhaul information 16-1 Troubleshooting 16-3 Inspection of ignition system 16-4 Pickup coil 16-6 Ignition coil 16-6 Ignition system arrangement 16-7
Overhaul standard
Item Ignition Standard CDI battery DC digital ignition NGK DPR7EA-9 DR8EA D7RTC 0.8 0.9mm 28 CA 150V 0.8V
Spark plug
Ignition timing Peak voltage
Standard Optional Spark plug gap Maximum advance angle Ignition coil Impulse generator
Special tool
Peak voltage oscillograph 07HGJ-0020100
(Use together with digital muitimeter available in the market with input resistance over 10M /DCV)
16 Ignition System
Engine cannot be started. Check fuel and air channels for any faults; If the fuel and air channels are normal, check the ignition system. Inspect ignition system for the following items: 1. Spark inspection: Check in the following steps: Remove spark plug Remove spark plug cap Set high tension flexible cable end to earthing Check spark arc It is normal if spark arc is more than 8mm while it is weak if it is less than 5 mm. If the spark is normal, check the spark plug. A faulty spark plug may be caused by the following reasons: (1) Spark plug is too wet and drowned. This is because the gas mixture is too thick. Cut the fuel and start the engine several times.. (2) Carbon deposit on spark plug Mixture too thick or oil combustion in the combustion chamber. Clean and burnish the spark plug. (3) Cracks with spark plug insulator. (4) Spark plug electrodes have short circuit or it is obstructed between negative pole and thread or positive pole and input end. 2. Faulty spark includes: no spark and weak spark. Inspect the following aspects if there is no spark. (1). Inspect ignition coil with multimeter or measurement in the following steps. 1) 2) 3) Measure primary bobbin resistance, usually it is about 1 . Measure secondary bobbin resistance, usually it is about 4.2K. Measure damp resistance, usually it is about 5K.
(2). Check CDI if it is out of service. (3). Check ignition circuit. Usually the voltage between blue/black wire and earthing wire (green) should be 12V. If there is no voltage, check from the battery positive terminal to the end of blue/black wire. (4). Check the cable: check if there are any faults from the input of trigger signal (output of magneto trigger) to output (CDI terminal) and ignition output wire (black/yellow). (5). Check stop switch. When switch is at the ignition position, black/white wire should be cut with green wire. In case of weak spark, check the following: (1). Check CDI . (2). Check ignition coil and secondary coil whether there is short circuit, or fault with the damp resistance.
Special tools
Peak voltage oscillograph 519-922-150000 (Use together with digital multimeter available from the market with input impedance over 10M /DCV)
16 Ignition System
Pickup coil Notes
Measurement should be done after all the wires are correctly connected. Inspect with compression pressure in the cylinder, spark plug and spark plug cap are properly installed. If the spark plug is removed and then do the measurement, the peak voltage will rise. Remove right ornament panel ( 2-5) Disconnect CDI unit connector. Connect peak voltage oscillograph terminal with the following terminal of main cable.
Special tools
Peak voltage oscillograph 07HGJ-0020100 (Use together with digital multimeter available from the market with input impedance over 10M /DCV) Connecting terminal: blue/yellow (+) green (-) Keep ignition switch in the ON position, and start engine. Peak voltage: over 0.8V
When measuring the voltage, do not touch the terminal with finger to avoid electric shock. If peak voltage obtained from CDI unit connector is improper, measure again the peak voltage on the AC magneto 2P connector.
Stator is installed on the right side cover and is attached by the magnet of rotor. Be careful not to hurt the fingers when removing. Loosen bolt, remove AC magneto stator and pickup.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Notes Routing of wires, pipes and cables should pass properly ( Chapter 1-20).
16 Ignition System
Ignition System Diagram
Overhaul Standard
Item Brush length Brush Spring Force Driven Gear, Starting Inner Diameter motor Outer Diameter Inner diameter of separating device, overriding clutch Standard 12.0-12.5mm 680-920g 22.026-22.045 mm 42.175-42.2 mm 58.899-58.925 mm Service Limit 11.0mm 670g 22.10 mm 42.15 mm 58.96 mm
Starting motor does not run Insufficient charging of battery Faulty contact of main switch Faulty contact of starting switch Faulty the range switch of starting motor Faulty starter relay Faulty contact of wire harness, couplers and terminal posts, and short circuit or open circuit. Faulty starting motor Melted fuse Starting motor is too weak. Insufficient Battery. Faulty contact of wire harness, couplers and terminal posts; Foreign matters in the motor or starting gear. Starting motor runs but engine does not run Faulty overriding clutch Faulty dual gear of starter motor Improper installation of flywheel
Starter relay
Remove right speaker cover. ( 2-9) Hold brake lever and turn main switch to ON. Press start button. If the clatter sound can be heard, starter relay coil is normal. Disconnect + wire with battery. Disconnect + wire from starter relay with battery. Disconnect starter relay connector and remove starter relay. Connect + pole of a 12V battery with the Yellow/Red Terminator of starter relay. Connect - pole of battery with green terminator of starter relay.
Avoid short circuit. Check if the terminators of starter relay are conducted when connected with battery. In case the terminators are always conducted or if they are not conducted, replace with a new one.
Remove 2 screws. Remove front and rear cover. Remove thrust washer and spacer.
Check position and numbers of thrust washer. Remove armature and brush holder.
Check commutator color. If color changes with more than two commutators,short circuit will be caused. Replace the armature.
Install armature to motor housing. Press brush into the brush holder, while install brush holder on the commutator. Align notch of motor housing to the claw of brush holder. Install brush holder to motor housing. Install the same number of thrust washer, spacer to armature shaft in the same position as when disassembly.
Align the match marks of front and rear covers. Tighten screw. Install O-ring to front cover
Installation Notes:
Connect the wire and confirm the rotating.direction before installing the starter motor on the engine. Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Remove dual gear shaft. Remove bolt and fixing plate. Remove driven gear.
Check driven gear for wearing or damage. Measure inner and outer diameters of driven gear. Service Limit: Inner diameter: > 22.10mm Replace Outer Diameter:< 42.15mm Replace
Remove three inner hex bolts. Remove overriding clutch and separator.
Check overriding clutch and separator for wearing or damage. Measure separator inner diameter. Service Limit: > 58.96mm Replace
Install overriding clutch to separator. Install overriding clutch unit to flywheel and tighten inner hex bolts. Tightening Torque: 2.8~3.2kgf m
18 Lighting,Instruments,Switches,Sound System
Overhaul information 18-1 Troubleshooting 18-2 Replacing bulbs 18-3 Head light 18-5 Ignition switch lock 18-6 Handlebar switch 18-7 Brake light switch 18-8 Electrical horn 18-8 Dashboard 18-9 Fuel sensor 18-10 Water temperature transducer 18-12 Starting enriching device 18-13 Audio System 18-14
Overhaul standard
Item Fuse Main Sub-fuse Headlight (Hi/Lo) Taillight/brake light Turning light Dashboard indicator Indicators Standard 20A 5A 2 10A 2 12V-35/35W 12V-5/21W 12V-10W 4 12V-1.7W 12V-3.4W
Light, bulb
Troubleshooting Head light cannot turn on Fuse break Open circuit with main cable Bulb burnt Night switch is damaged
18 Lighting,Instruments,Switches,Sound System
Replacing bulb Head light bulb Warning
Headlight bulb has larger power and the temperature is very high when it is turned on. Do not touch it after it is just turned off. Operation should be done when the bulb is cooled down. Remove headligh.( 18-5
Disconnect headlight
Remove dust-proof cap, head light clamp, pull out socket and replace with a new bulb.
Wear clean gloves when replacing bulb. Oil stains on the glass surface may cause break of bulb. Clean the stained surface with alcohol or amyl acetate . Make sure that the three positioning pins of the bulb should be in line with the three positioning holes in the socket when replacing the bulb. Bulb specification: 12V-35/35W Reverse the removal procedure for installation. After replacing the bulb, adjust head light beam. 3 17
Inspection of headlight
Turn the ignition switch to ON position, turn light switch to the illuminating position and check if the headlight is on. ON: Normal Off: Breaking or short circuit of main cable.
18 Lighting,Instruments,Switches,Sound System
Dashboard, Fuel Gauge , Water Thermometer Illuminating Bulb
Remove fixing bolt 1, fuel gauge and fixing screw 1, fuel gauge fairing Remove fixing bolt 2, dashboard and fixing screw 2, dashboard fairing Repeat above steps of fuel gauge for replacing water thermometer Illuminating bulbs.
Remove bulb socket and replace with new bulbs. Bulb specification:12V-1.7W
Main cable and wires should be routed properly
Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Remove dashboard indicator socket. Remove indicating light bulb and replace with new one. Bulb specification: 12V-3.4W Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Remove fixing bolts, head light front fairing
Disconnect headlight connector with front indicator light connector. Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Be careful not to damage main cable when assembling. After replacing, adjust the headlight beam. 3-17
main cables and wires should be routed properly 1-20
18 Lighting,Instruments,Switches,Sound System
Check according to the following table if the connector terminals are connected. - means proper connection
Remove fuel tank 2-13 Remove protection panel (RH) ( 2-5) Disconnect ignition switch lock 4P connector.
Remove bolt and ignition switch lock. Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Handlebar Switch
Remove fuel tank ( 2-13) Disconnect left and right handlebar switches. Check according to the following table if the coupler terminals are connected.
Illuminating Switch
Starter Switch Kill Switch
Dim Switch
Horn Switch
In case of any abnormal found in above check, replace handlebar switch 13-14
Inspection Remove vent panel ( 2-4) Disconnect horn. Connect with a fully charged 12V battery and check if the horn sounds. In case no hooter, replace with a new horn.
18 Lighting,Instruments,Switches,Sound System
Removal and Installation
Remove vent panel 2-4 Disconnect horn. Remove fixing bolt and horn. Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
Dashboard Note
Before inspection, make sure if the speedometer cable comes off or breaks.
Turn the front wheel fast and check if the speedometer pointer turns. In case of any abormal found in above check, replace speedometer.
Main cables and wires should be routed properly.
Fuel Sensor
Remove: Fuel tank ( 2-13) 4 fixing nuts and sensor from fuel tank
Remove fuel sensor (refer to above steps) Connect 2P connector Turn ignition switch to ON Shake fuel sensor float with hand, locate the float position and check if it conforms to the fuel level gauge reading. In case of non-conformity, check main cable for break or short circuit, then check fuel sensor and fuel level gauge.
18 Lighting,Instruments,Switches,Sound System
Remove fuel sensor 2P connector Connect multimeter between 2P connector terminals. Shake float with hand and measure the resistance of float at different positions.
Connection terminal:
Float position: Upper: Yellow/White-Green: 10 2 (20 ) Lower: Yellow/White-Green: 100 4 (20 ) Replace the fuel sensor in case of any problems found.
Put fuel sensor into installation hole of fuel tank. Fuel sensor should be fitted properly. No fuel leakage is allowed.
Coolant must reach the switch thread, and the depth from vessel bottom to sensor top should be over 40 mm. Keep liquid temperature for three minutes before measuring, and do not raise temperature sharply. The thermometer should not contact the vessel bottom.
Remove rear right ornament panel 2-5 Disconnect from connector and remove transducer. Put the transducer into a vessel with coolant, slowly heat up the liquid and measure the transducer resistance.
Connect with water temperature transducer connector. Fill coolant and discharge air. Reverse the removal procedure for installation of plastic parts and seat.
18 Lighting,Instruments,Switches,Sound System
Starting Enriching Device System inspection Warning
Exhaust gas contains toxic contents. Do not run the engine for a long time in a closed or poorly ventilated place.
Inspection should be done after the engine is cooled down.
Remove carburetor 5-3 Connect ethylene pipe to fuel increment loop Check that when the carburetor is cold, there is air current in the carburetor when blowing. The fuel increment loop is fully open. Connect the fully charged battery between connector terminals for 5 minutes. There isnt air current in the carburetor when blowing The fuel increment loop is fully closed. If any fault found in the above inspection, replace the starting enriching device or check the carburetor for clog. 5-4
Disconnect 2P connector.
Repeat above procedure for removal of left speaker. Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
18 Lighting,Instruments,Switches,Sound System
Disassembly of MP3 Player Note
Main cable, wiring should be routed properly.
Remove 4 fixing screws and handlebar Remove 2 mp3 fixing screw and slip mp3 player from upper joint plate basipetally. Disconnect mp3 player harness connector and antenna connector.
19 Electrical Diagram,wiring
19 Electrical Diagram,wiring
20 Troubleshooting
Chapter 20 Troubleshooting
Operation notice 20-1 Starting failure/Hard starting 20-1 Unstable engine running or engine stops 20-2 Poor engine performance in high -speed range 20-3 Unstable idle speed performance 20-4 Poor engine performance at middle or high speed 20-5
Operating notice
This chapter is a general explanation of major troubleshooting of the whole engine. Refer to the relevant chapters for troubleshoo ting not listed in this chapter.
Remove spark plug and mount it to spark plug cap, get it earthed and check spark strong spark
Low or no Compression
Broken high tension coil or short circuit Broken Ignition coil or short circuit Faulty ignition switch Faulty CDI unit Faulty pickup coil pressure Faulty cylinder head (Chapter 8) Worn or damaged Cylinder and piston r ing Faulty cylinder gasket
Try starting
No starting sign
Deteriorated fuel Improper idle speed adjustment Secondary air intake into air intake pipe Improper ignition timing Clogged air filter Carburetor overflow Excessive opening of throttle Clogged air filter
Remove carburetor after 30 minutes, connect ethylene pipes with fuel increment loop and blow
No Air current
Stained, damaged or color changed Stained or damaged spark plug Improper spark plug heat value
Remove spark plug and mount it to spark plug cap, get it earthed and check spark Strong spark
Faulty spark plug or stained spark plug Faulty Ignition coil High tension coil break or short circuit Faulty ignition switch Faulty pickup coil Faulty CDI unit
check caburetor mixture screw Proper adjustment Check if there is secondary air into joint of air intake pipe No air intake
Air intake
Improper tightening of carburetor and intake pipe No elasticity of carburetor intake joint pipe
Not conducted
20 Troubleshooting
Connect starting enriching cable with battery for 5 minutes. Connect ethylene pipe with fuel increment loop and blow. No air current Clogged carburetor With Air current Faulty starting enriching device
Proper Measure compression pressure with pressure meter Low or no Compression Pressure Worn or damaged Cylinder and piston ring Faulty cylinder gasket
Stained, color changed Stained or damaged spark plug Improper spark plug heat value
No stain, damage or color change Check engine for overheating overheated Overheated Thinner mixture Deteriorated fuel Carbon deposit in combustion chamber Over advanced ignition time
cylinder knock
Clutch skid
Check caburetor mixture screw Properly adjusted Check if secondary air intake into air intake valve
Faulty tightening of carburetor and inlet pipe Faulty reed valve seal washer No elasticity of inlet pipe joint
No intake
Remove spark plug and mount it to spark plug cap, get it earthed and check spark Strong spark
Stained or damaged spark plug Faulty Ignition coil High tension wire break or short circuit Faulty ignition switch Faulty CDI unit
Not conducted
Conducted Connect starting enriching cable with battery for 5 Minutes. Connect ethylene pipe with fuel increment loop and blow
20 Troubleshooting
Poor engine performance at middle or high speed
Check ignition timing Improper Faulty pulse generator Faulty CDI unit
Clogged Clean
Not clogged
Not conducted
Conducted Connect starting enriching cable with battery for 5 minutes. Connect ethylene pipe with fuel increment loop and blow
No Air Current