Userfiles File Downloads TS-XL Series 1.57 Changelog
Userfiles File Downloads TS-XL Series 1.57 Changelog
Userfiles File Downloads TS-XL Series 1.57 Changelog
zip Size 336,564,136 Bytes Date July 19, 2012 Platform Windows PC OS Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows 7 (3 2-bit, 64-bit), Windows Server 2003/Server 2008 Model TS-X2.0TL/R5, TS-X4.0TL/R5, TS-X6.0TL/R5, TS-X8.0TL/R5 TS-W1.0TL/R1, TS-W2.0TL/R1, TS-W1.0TL/1D TS-RX2.0TL/R5, TS-RX4.0TL/R5, TS-RX6.0TL/R5, TS-RX8.0TL/R5 TS-XE2.0TL/R5, TS-XE4.0TL/R5, TS-XE6.0TL/R5, TS-XE8.0TL/R5 TS-XH2.0TL/R6, TS-XH4.0TL/R6, TS-XH6.0TL/R6, TS-XH8.0TL/R6 Copyright Buffalo Inc. Distribution ZIP archive Condition Re-distribution is not allowed. Manuals Quick Setup Guide Reference Guide This product uses GPL/LGPL applicable software and your are welcome to have, mod ify, and redistribute source code. Please ask our technical support about modifi ed GPL and applicable modules. Note: You may be charged for shipping and handli ng. [Software description] This software updates the TeraStation X firmware to version 1.57. If your firmwa re is already version 1.57 or later, you do not need this update. Note: if your TeraStation is in EM mode, this firmware update might recover it. [How to check your firmware version] Select your TeraStation from the NAS Navigator2 windows. The firmware version is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. [Caution] - Please consult your tech support or local representative if the firmware updat e produces unexpected problems. - Do not turn the unit off until the update is finished. The update takes severa l minutes. - External USB drives are not mounted automatically after a firmware update. Un plug and reconnect them after the update is finished. - After Version 1.51, because of adding online update features and error and inf ormation codes, the message "152:Unknown error occurred" may be displayed when the TeraStation detects the online update. Please update to the latest NAS Navig ator2. - Updating from firmware version 1.10 or earlier may erase your time zone settin gs. If so, reset your time zone. (This does not cause a gap of time.) - If the newest NAS Navigator2 is not installed on your PC, you may get the mess age "Unknown error occurred" after the firmware is updated. If this happens, dow nload and install the the newest NAS Navigator2 from Buffalo's website. [Updating] 1. Connect the TeraStation properly and configure the TeraStation and a computer to run the updater on the same network subnet. The subnet masks should be the s ame and the first three numbers of the IP addresses should be the same. The las t number of the IP addresses should be different. For example, if the IP address / subnet mask of the computer is " / "
and the IP address / subnet mask of the TeraStation is " / ", then they will not work properly. To resolve, reconfigure the TeraStation to " / " . 2. Exit all applications. Also, stop or exit any firewall software. 3. Extract the downloaded file and run "TSUpdater.exe". When a TeraStation is de tected, an update window will open. 4. Select the TeraStation to update if multiple TeraStations are connected. 5. Click "Update" and enter the TeraStation's admin password. 6. Click "OK". 7. Transferring and updating the firmware will start. Wait until it completes. The info LED flashes while updating. 8. Updating is completed when the completed message is displayed. [Firmware Release Notes] Version 1.57 [2012.07.18] Bug Fixes [System] - Fixed the problem that TeraStation freezes after unstable system condition when it runs 60 days or more continuously. - Fixed the problem that Mail Notification feature fails when TeraStation use s a specific mail server system. [Replication] - Fixed the problem of replication failure with E26 error occurs when several file operations (such as rename or delete) are initiated during replication. [Network] - Fixed the Samba security problems (CVE-2012-1182). - Fixed the MySQL security problems ( ews-5-0-96.html). - Fixed the PHP security problems (CVE-2011-1464, CVE-2011-1153, CVE-2011-109 2, CVE-2011-0708, CVE-2011-0421). - Fixed the phpMyAdmin security problems (CVE-2011-2505, CVE-2011-2506). [Users/Groups] - Fixed the problem that TeraStation does not reboot properly when it joins t he Active Directory environment with 9000 active directory users and 5000 groups . Version 1.56 [2012.07.03] Bug Fixes [System] - The "HDx Broken E30" error when going into sleep mode has been fixed. Version 1.55 [2011.11.10] Added and modified features [Backup] - Modified to notify I54 (backuptask0X_failure_info) when backup failed.
You need to use the newest version (2.43 or later) to display I54 in NAS Nav igator2. (NAS Navigator2 Ver2.43 will be able to be downloaded November 16 or la ter. ) Download from Buffalo's website. [System] - Supported Mac OS X v10.7 Lion - Fixed the problem that folders with access restrictions could not be conne cted by AFP from Mac OS X v10.7 Lion. - Fixed the Time Machine backup compatability with Mac OS X v10.7 Lion. - Supports Windows Server Backup. The shared folder of the TeraStation can be now selected as a backup destina tion for Windows Server Backup. - Fixed the problem that the TeraStation could not be rebooted even if data we re sent to the correct WakeOnLan port with certain packets. - Modified to be able to disable online update notification (I52). If notification is disabled, notification to NASNavi2, LCD, and webUI login screen is not sent even if a new firmware is released. - Modified to displayed transmitting to standby mode on the LCD. - Modified to detect and format 3 TB external USB drives from the TeraStation. - Fixed the problem degraded arrays if the TeraStation was shut down or reboot ed while copying to the TeraStation using Turbocopy. Bug Fixes [Replication] - Fixed the problem that F/W could not be updated or wrong information was dis played if replication was configured. - Fixed the problem that a file with a consecutive "space" and "#" in its name was not properly copied from the source device to the backup device. - Fixed the problem that files uploaded to the replication source by a specifi c FTP client were not copied to the replication destination. - Fixed the warning and failure to copy when a large amount of files were copi ed from the replication source on Samba during replication setup. [WebAccess] - Fixed the problem that WebAccess features using UPnP could not be configured on some routers. [System] - Modified to deal with Samba's vulnerability CVE-2011-0719. - Fixed the problem that the "recovery of the disk constitution information" m ail was sent when booting the TeraStation if the spare drive was set. - Fixed the problem that the time of the mail notification was not right. - Fixed the problem that E30 (diskX_broken_error) was mistakenly sent when arr ay was degraded and rebuilding. - Fixed the problem that drive structure was still displayed as the array when deleting the array and changing back to the standard drive structure. - Fixed the problem that the TeraStation's share folder was occasionally not a ble to open during backup by third-party software. - Fixed the problem that connecting to the TeraStation by Samba caused an erro r if two-byte characters were used in DFS after a Windows update. - Fixed the problem that a USB drive connected to the TeraStation was not dete cted and you could not connect to it with services such as Samba after rebooting the TeraStation. - Fixed the problem that the IP address was set to if jumbo fra mes were configured after configuring port trunking. - Fixed the problem that unplugging LAN1 or LAN2 causes disconnection when LAN 1 and LAN2 were connected to the same network.
- Created the shared folder "TMNAS" (hidden with access restrictions) if an ar ray or drive was formatted during virus scanning.
Version 1.54 [2011.7.7] Bug Fixes [System] - Fixed the problem that malfunction notification (E30) for the drive that was configured as a spare drive when booting the TeraStation and the spare drive co nfiguration was released on Firmware Ver1.53. (This problem only occurs with firmware version 1.53. This does not happen w ith other versions of the firmware. j Version 1.53 [2011.6.27] Added and modified features [WebAccess] - The newest version of the WebAccess is now 3.4. - Improved the interface when accessing from iPhone / iPad / iPod touch / Andr oid. - Changed and extended the supported devices and OS. Refer to the following URL for details. [Web Configuration] - Now Arabian, Finnish, and Turkish are supported to display in Web Configurat ion screen. - Modified to be able to input the reserved address of the class B when inputt ing the IP address in Web Configuration screen. Bug Fixes [Backup] - Fixed the problem that the backup destination could not be found from the We b Configuration screen when the multiple shared folders whose backup destinations were enabl ed were existed. - Fixed the problem that mail notification was occasionally failed when failin g replication. - Improved so that the replication error (E26) would not occur when rebooting TeraStation/LinkStation which was set to the destination of the replication wh en configuring replication. Improved the system to restart replication after rebooting it. - Fixed the problem that the backup of Ethernet 2 was also disabled when disab ling backup of Ethernet 1 on the network service setting. [WebAccess] - Fixed the problem that the WebAccess features using UPnP could not be config ured on specific routers. - Fixed the problem that WebAccess configuration of the USB drive was set to d efault value when updating F/W in the F/W 1.10 or earlier. [Web Configuration] - Fixed the problem that working condition error (E10) on UPS battery might oc cur when configuration UPS in Web Configuration screen.
[System] - Fixed the problem that a malfunctioning drive could not be identified and th en the device was into EM mode (recovery mode). When this occurs, updating to Version 1.53 will notice the drive malfunction notification (E30) after system is rebooted. - Fixed the problem that the RAID array resyncing (I17) notification would not be gone when formatting drives after building RAID10. Version 1.52 [2011.5.18] Bug Fixes - Fixed the problem that updating firmware Ver1.51 for TS-XL and TS-RXL occasi onally failed. When failing the update, E14(*1) is displayed. To solve the problem, update it to Ver1.52. *1: The message "RAID Array1 E14 Can't Mount" or "RAID Array2 E14 Can't Moun t" is displayed. Version 1.51 [2011.4.21] Added and modified features - added the online update feature. Now be able to check the newest firmware and run the firmware's update on We b Configuration Screen while the TeraStation can be connected to the internet. - Added Eye-Fi feature. Now be able to transfer pictures to the TeraStation via the Internet took on the digital camera in which an Eye-Fi card manufactured was inserted. - French, German and Chinese is now supported on the virus check configuration screen. - Modified to display the error code E30 when a drive malfunctions. Modified only to display E30 when a drive malfunctions from this version whi le multiple error codes (E13, 15 and 23) was displayed traditionally. - Now displayed errors (Exx) and status (lxx) occurring on the TeraStation on the Web Configuration Screen. Bug Fixes [Virus check feature] - Fixed the problem that the activation was failed even though the accurate se rial number was entered from the [Management]-[Product License] on the Virus Check Configur ation Screen on the virus check feature. - Fixed the problem that the message " F File delete or move event detected!" on the system log on every 5 minutes when the virus check feature was enable d. - Modified to output the correct host name because "localhost.localdomain" was displayed as a host name in the log of the virus check feature on the system log when vir us check feature was enabled.
[FTP] - Modified to compete with the vulnerability when FTP feature is enabled. Fixed the problem that after a text file was append-sent with FTP feature, t he files put-sent after that were also appended. [Backup] - Fixed the problem that the replication was aborted on 1st of every month on 2:15 when configuring the replication. [Web Configuration Screen] - Fix the problem that all displayed in English even though the displayed lang uage was set to Italian on the Web Configuration Screen. - Fixed the problem that a user which contains a character "$" in a user name could not be added as a group member. - Fixed the problem that multiple users simultaneously logged in to the Web Co nfiguration Screen and changing a user's own password was failed. [Web Access] - Fixed the problem that files with more than 500 Kbyte could not be downloade d on the Web Access using Windows Internet Explorer. [BitTorrent] - Fixed the problem that the values set on BitTorrent Download manage was set back to default values when the TeraStation was rebooted. [System] - Fixed the problem that when the TeraStation was booted or the array was degr aded or corrupted in the early morning of once a month on the environment that a spare drive is configured on the TS-XEL model. - Fixed the problem that pressing the function button while the TeraStation wa s booted in EM mode and a USB drive is connected deleted the data on next time the TeraStation w as booted. - Fixed the problem that the system was not booted on the time as set on the t imer feature if the time zone setting was other than "(UTC+09:00)". - Fixed the problem that SFTP connection did not possibly work after recoverin g from the Timer ON/OFF feature. - Fixed the problem that the TeraStation was happened to be booted in EM mode when many (approximately 1.5 million) file folders exist in shallow level in o ne shared folder. - Now automatically repaired when the TeraStation was booted if the drive stru cture file in the system was corrupted due to such as the sudden power outage. Traditio nally data was possibly deleted when the drive structure file was corrupted. - Fixed the problem the TeraStation could not be booted when the system was co rrupted. - Modified the expression in the notified mail when the Read error occurred on a drive which was not used in the array (a drive in the normal mode) or a USB drive. - Fixed the problem that drive's Write error mail was sent when removing the d rive.
- Fixed the problem that the message "Could not confirm the firmware of the Te raStation was overwritten." was displayed when updating the firmware. - Fixed the problem that I11 would not be released just when the drive I11 was occurred was replaced. - Fixed the problem that I12 was displayed while the array was not built. - Fixed the problem that I11 was disappeared when rebooting the system on the environment that I11 was displayed. Version 1.50 [2010.11.24] [System] - Fixed the problem that the backup was sometimes failed when the TeraStation was hung up during backup when using Symantec backup Exec System Recovery from Symantec for Ter aStation's system backup. - Fixed the problem that "HDx Error E23 HDx IS Faulty (x expresses the disk nu mber)" was displayed on LCD for a few seconds for the drive which was properly working when drive was malfunctioning (RAID degrade). . - Fixed the problem that quarantined folder was created under an array which d id not exist when performing the drive complete format while using virus check function. - Fixed the problem that "OperationMode I12 DEGRADE MODE" was notified even th ough it was not degrade mode when TeraStation was rebooted after the drive was malfunctione d (RAID degrade) and rebuild was completed on the environment of the spare drive was set. - Fixed the problem that "HDx Error E22HDx Can't Mount (x expresses the drive number)" was noticed even though a drive was mounted after changing the drive set as a sp are drive to the standard drive. [Samba] - Applied the patch which supports Samba's vulnerability. (Samba remote DoS security problem (CVE-2010-3069)) - Fixed the problem that a user name for which capital letters were used could not be automatically registered when using Delegate Authority to External SMB Server feature. - Now supports the problem that the search on the TeraStation did not work for the hidden shared folders. [AFP] - Fixed the problem that AFP file copy was slow depending on the environment. (Improved only when a replication task did not exist. If there is a replication task, delete it to improve it.) [Replication] - Fixed the problem that the TeraStation was failed to reboot in the environme nt that many replication tasks were configured and many tasks (*) was deleted af ter that. (*We have confirmed that this phenomenon happened when 40 replication tasks were configured on the old version of firmware. )
- Fixed the problem that "Replication E26 ReplicateFailure" was caused when ex ecuting the following procedure. 1. Configure a replication task 2. Copy hundreds of files to replication source 3. Immediately delete replication task configured on 1 4. Reconfigure the task on 1 [Virus check feature] - Modified to set Access Restriction to the readable because the quarantined v irus could not be deleted since the quarantined folder's access restriction was set to read on ly for admin group when changing the disk configuration or formatting drives on model number TS-HL/R 6 (VC) or when virus check function was on. - Modified to display the warning when activation did not work properly becaus e the network was not configured correctly on the virus check configuration screen. [BitTorrent] - Modified the behavior so that USB drive which did not exist as a BitTorrent download folder would not set when setting BitTorrent download folder to the USB drive, and removi ng the USB drive when turning off TeraStation and the TeraStation was rebooted again. - Fix the problem that BitTorrent configuration screen would not open when the TeraStation's language setting while BitTorrent was enabled. [Web Configuration Screen] - Fixed the problem that a group name with 13 byte or more could not be regist ered. (A group name with up to 20 byte can be registered) Version 1.41 [2010.09.09] - Fixed the problem that the file system (XFS) error sometimes occurred after new drive was inserted and RAID was rebuilt because drive was degraded (malfunction) when using AI D5. - Solved the problem that TS-X series could not join NT domain when using F/W ver1.40. - Solved the problem that establishing link was slow when static IP address wa s configured and it was connected to Giga hub. - Solved the problem that FTP connection could not be used when FTP settings w ere enabled for the large number of users. Version 1.40 [2010.08.09] [Virus check feature] - Equipped with "Trend Micro NAS Security" by Trend Micro and now virus check feature is now supported. Please purchase the extended and prolong pack for virus check feature sold s eparately (OP-TSVC-5Y, OP-TSVC-3Y, OP-TSVC-1Y) when you want to use virus check featur e. [Web Access] - WebAccess is upgraded to WebAccess 3.1.
Supporting access from iPad, iPhone 4 and iOS 4 devices. Supporting access from HTC Magic, HTC Desire and Xperia X10. Several items selection by clicking Ctrl-key is available with all view. Renaming upload files is available when the file name is duplicated. Improving processing speed when multiple clients access LinkStation. For detail description of function, see . [System] - Fixed the problem that sorting by ascending or descending order does not wor k when searching by TeraSearch. - Fixed the problem that the replication failed when IP address of the replica tion destination is changed. - Fixed the problem that changes to php.ini were not reflected on web server f eature. - Security vulnerability on Samba (CVE-2010-2063) is now taken care of. - Fixed the problem that the TeraStation might not be able to be booted when S FTP function was effectively set - Fixed the problem that backup was failed when Tera/LinkStation on the networ k as a backup source was specified and the remote backup password is set. - Fixed the problem that I'm here feature was not working from NasNavi2. - Fixed the problem that RAID was degraded since a disk was not recognized whe n booting. [Web Configuration Screen] - Added the symbols that can be used for Administrator's password when joining the domain. Available symbols - _ ( ) < > { } [ ] ; ~ / , ' ? | + = | + = Version 1.32 [2010.06.03] [UPS] - Add feature that shutting it down along with UPS that is connected to other TeraStation on the network. - Add the supported UPS models. [SNMP] - SNMP is now supported. TeraStation can be browsed from the network managemen t software which supports SNMP protocol. [web Server, MySQL server] - The web server is now supported. - MySQL server is now supported. [Web Access] - New version of Web Access is now available. [BitTorrent] - New version of BitTorrent is now available. [Backup] - Fix the problem that backup is launched and TeraStation in standby status wa s restarted even though the schedule was not set. - Fix the problem that folder name was not displayed on the list of backup sou rce if folder size is 170 byte or more. [System] - Add the file formats which were searched on TeraStation. - Remaining available space is now displayed properly when connecting HD-AVL m anufactured by Buffalo to TeraStation.
- Change how to judge errors on a hard drive. If the hard drive's self diagnos tic information included in smart information is "FAIL, the target drive is disp layed as an error. - Fix the problem that deleting a folder was failed and shared folders could n ot be temporarily accessed. - Fix the problem that TeraStation repeatedly rebooted before it is completely booted when turn it on. - Modified always not to display from /mnt/.info and following from FTP client . - Modified to boot in Emergency mode (EM mode) if the log became too large at booting. - Fixed the problem that the AUTO power feature stopped working in the environ ment where many TeraStation, LinkStation and Windows and MAC exist. - Fixed the problem that the search could not be performed in the hidden share folders on the TeraStation. [Web Configuration Screen] - Fix the problem that the screen indicating that it was during format was not displayed and Web configuration could be performed when formatting array on the web configuration screen. - Modified the problem that the user/group deleted kept being displayed on the access restrictions of the shared folder. Version 1.30 [February 12, 2010] [Backup] - Now backup together feature is supported. Set another TeraStation as a backu p source, and backup to the TeraStation used to set it. - Solved the problem that the backup would not start when the backup beginning time is 0:00 and the TeraStation is OFF at 0:00 set by Timer On/OFF feature, or it is in a standby mode set by power management with PC feature. [RAID] - Now it is possible to set RAID array check speed in RAID maintenance on Web Configuration screen. - Solved the problem that nothing is displayed on LCD during the resyncing of one array when RAID1 is built with array 1 and array 2 on the disk build. [Replication] - Solved the problem the replication could not be done properly when a replica tion destination or source file or folder name contains a space. [System] - TS-XL, TS-WXL, and TS-RXL supports Wake On LAN feature. (TS-XEL does not sup port it.) - Solved the problem that the USB drive on which the partition and the actual file system are a different format could not be detected by the TeraStation. - Modified that FTP and AFP settings are also initialized by the initialized s witch on the front of the TeraStation as well as other network services. - Solved the problem that the IP address could not be properly changed to the static IP address when configuring Port Truncking. - Solved the problem that the AutoIP address does not decide the IP address wh en LAN1 and LAN2 are connected to one hub. - Solved the problem that a return code in a subject line of the mail notifica tion becomes <LF> when converted to MIME. Now the mail notification feature can be used on the server which prevents from sending email from the application whi ch uses <LF> as a return code. - Solved the problem that USB drive has GPT partition formatted in NTFS was no t recognized. - Solved the problem that USB devices could not be removed by pressing button
after aborting direct copy when connecting USB devices to the TeraStation and ab orting it. [Web Configuration Screen] - Time zone can be set by city name on time setting on Web Configuration Scree n. - Multi byte characters can be used other than Japanese on Web Configuration S creen. - A shared folder name can be set in up to 27 bytes long now. - A shared folder description can be set in up to 75 bytes long now. - Improved to display the waiting status of the previous task and next task in stead of displaying tasks run repeatedly, for the task status display on the bac kup settings on Web Configuration screen. - Modified not to be able to select a USB drive as a saving destination of dir ect copy on Web Configuration Screen. - Solved the problem that a guest user name is not displayed in the user list on Web Screen when specific character is used for the Administrator user name. - Solved the problem that the different time from the current time is set when it failed to synchronize the time with the NTP server when NTP feature is used in the time setting on Web Configuration Screen. - Solved the problem that the user created is set to have "guest" privilege wh en that user name contains "$" or "*" in middle. - Other changes are also made to descriptions and displays. Version 1.20 [Dec. 4, 2009] - Added network service port configuration feature. Each network service can s elect enable/disable for both Ethernet 1 and 2. - Allowed to use numeric characters for the beginning of shared folder name. - Allowed to configure up to 10000 users for Active Directory network. But, recommended the number of user is still 1000. - Solved inconstancy of mail notification sender information. - Fixed a bug that can not use Delegate Authority features when the administra tor user name is changed from factory default setting, "admin". [NFS] - Allowed to configure shared NFS area to VMWare ESX/ESXi hard disk area. NFS operating mode can be set to kernel mode. [Replication] - Mail notification supports replication error event. Version 1.10 [Oct. 1, 2009] [System] - Solved the problem that front panel LCD can not indicate used disk space pro perly when hard disk encryption is used. - Corrected unknown mail title when hard disk condition mail is sent from Tera Station. - Change hard disk status LED off from red solid on when hard disks becomes st andby mode. - Change the schedule of status check for standby disks every first day a mont h. - Allow to change administrator user name from "admin". - Allow to disable to login Web setting screen by guest user, "guest". [UPS]
- Compatible with a UPS signal divider, AP9207 manufactured by APC. [NFS] - Solved the problem that Windows Explorer freezes connecting by Windows Servi ce for UNIX. - Solved file permission problem connecting from Unix/Linux OS. Version 1.06 [Jul. 21, 2009] [System] - Solved the Hot Spare function does not work properly with specific hard driv es. - Solved the Hot Swap function does not work properly with specific hard drive s. - Solved the automatic power off function does not work properly when the comp uter is connected to LAN2 port. - Solved shared folder lock problem when the folder is configured as an output folder of system logging even the configuration is removed. - Solved unable to access encrypted volume after long time access to the volum e. - Solved sending wrong shutdown email message instead of reboot system email m essage. - Solved indicating wrong IP address in the email notification of Port Trunkin g function is configured. - Solved "Exclude trash boxes from backup target" option does not work properl y. - Solved turning off LCD back light problem when an external USB is connected. - Add System to mail notification sending condition. [UPS] - Solved unstable system condition when the UPS that does not support delayed cut off power feature is connected. [Replication] - Changed Replication behavior to synchronize again when Replication setting i s modified. [Quota] - Solved Quota feature of encrypted volume does not work properly. - Solved Quota feature of the user name starts by numeric characters does not work properly. [Web Access] - Solved the problem unable to access restricted shared folder from iPhone/iPo d touch. Version 1.05 [May 29, 2009] [System] - Solved Disk/Array encryption feature problem with Port Trunking settings. - Solved unable to format all disk space when a disk tray is removed. [Print Server] - Remove garbage cue files in the print spool after printing from client PCs. [Replication] - Solved a problem when USB disk is selected for replication destination. - Solved a problem when different network segment TeraStation is selected for replication destination without WINS server settings.
[Web Setting Screen] - Solved a Trash box of shared folder enabling problem when User/Group setting is changed. Please confirm whether Trash box settings is enabled if you use previous vers ion firmware. - Solved disabling Port Trunking feature problem when IP address is changed. Please confirm whether Port Trunking feature is disabled if you use previous version firmware. (Please configure Port Trunking settings again when "NETWORK2 TRUNK" is not di splayed on LCD panel.) - Allow to use capital characters for Group name. - Allow to use a Group name that starts by numeric character. - Add Domain user/Domain group display in User/Group menu. - Add the option to remove two or more replication settings at the same time. - Correct some cosmetic errors. Version 1.04 [Apr. 27, 2009] [System] - Solved problem of time setting change manually is not stored in the system a fter restoring the unit. - Solved unable to login web setting page after shutting down by automatic pow er off feature, UPS or sleep timer. [Web Setting Screen] - Solved problem removing access restriction information except local users du ring shared folder setup. - Solved problem access restriction information except local users is not copi ed when a new folder is created referring to existing folder. Version 1.02 [Apr. 16, 2009] [Web Setting Screen] - Revised notation of the Korean. Version 1.01 [Apr. xx, 2009] [System] - Solve DFS function does not work. - Solved mail notification does not work when used disk space exceeds quota wa rning threshold level. - Solved mail notification does not work when boot up or shutdown. - Solved communication problem between LAN2 port of each TS-XL/R5 series. - Solved status LED does not flash after detecting hard disk by system during replacement of hard disk. - Solved Access Restriction setting does not work under NT4.0 domain environme nt. - Solved Disk Check does not work for encrypted disk. - Change timer ON/OFF setting allows to configure up to 27:45. [Backup] - Solved configuration problem backup destination from LAN port 2. [Replication] - Increased number of available tasks from 2 to 64. - Solved the files and folders written by FTP/FTPS protocol are not transferre d to destination. [UPS] - Solved UPS control function problem connecting to serial port. [Web Setting Screen] - Improved performance of adding many users and groups to access restriction s