Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium: Deliver Innovative Ideas in Print, Web, and Mobile

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Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 1

Now you can sharpen your competitive edge with the latest evolution of the dream toolkit
for print, web, interactive, and mobile design. A highly efcient working environment,
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium sofware includes all-new versions of indispensable
tools for page layout, image editing, illustration, and PDF workfows. And nowwith newly
integrated components for creating compelling websites, rich interactive experiences, and
engaging mobile contentDesign Premium enables you to explore and master more media,
whether to meet your own creative aspirations or your clients business needs.
Adobe also ofers another suite, Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Standard, for design
professionals focused primarily on print publishing. To learn more, see page 18.
With Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium, you can:
CraftyourbestworkwithessentiaIcreativetooIsGood design depends not only on
fashes of inspiration but also on countless well-executed tasks. From thinking through
concepts to fnessing production details, the intuitive tools in Design Premium are devised to
help you make even your most visionary ideas real, staying true to your creative intent
without having to compromise along the way.
MaintainmomentumwithinteIIigentintegrationWhen your design ideas are fowing,
shouldnt your design work also fow? With the highly integrated components of Design
Premium, you can slip into the zone and stay there, moving fuidly from task to task. Easy
movement of assets among sofware components eliminates awkward workarounds and
redundant work. Just a few examples: copy and paste a Photoshop image directly into
Dreamweaver; import Photoshop and Illustrator artwork directly into Flash; export an
InDesign layout in XHTML format for automatic formatting in Dreamweaver; or paint an
image sequence with the new Movie Paint feature in Photoshop CS3 Extended and then
export it as Flash video. Shared interface elements and settings make working concurrently
with multiple components easier then ever. Design Premium lets you keep moving forward
without going backwards or sideways to get where youre going.
Harness the versatility, productivity, and creative potential
you need to thrive as a design professional today. Work faster
than ever with tightly integrated creative tools designed to
run smoothly on the most current Mac and Windows com-
Adobe Creative Suite 3
Design Premium combines
full new versions of:
Adobe InDesign CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
Adobe Illustrator CS3
Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
Adobe Bridge CS3, which also ofers
direct access to Adobe Version Cue CS3,
Adobe Device Central CS3, Adobe Stock
Photos, and Adobe Acrobat Connect
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 2
MakethemostofagiIeworkfIowsUse Design Premium to enjoy more efcient print
workfows and also explore the latest workfows for web, interactive, and mobile design.
For your print projects, reduce errors and produce higher quality printed results using
industry-standard PDF fles and JDF job defnitions for smoother communication and more
automated handofs between designers and printers. Or venture into new creative territory:
learn how to leverage InDesign layouts to build web pages in Dreamweaver, create anima-
tions intuitively in Adobe Flash CS3 Professional, and preview and test content for mobile
devices using Adobe Device Central CS3. From pages and pixels to timelines and tables,
produce high-quality creative work, cost-efectively, with Design Premium.
Tis document summarizes the top new benefts of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design
Premium, describing new and enhanced features, improvements in integration, and new
high-potential workfows that Design Premium supports. Tis document also covers pricing
and availability. For detailed information about all of the new features in individual Design
Premium components, refer to the documents listed on page 19.
All-new versions of essential creative tools
Now, for the frst time, all of your favorite, trusted creative tools for print, web, interactive,
and mobile design are integrated into a single, unifed design environmentwith a single
purchase and a single installation. Whats more, each component of Adobe Creative Suite 3
Design Premium is a brand new version, packed with features that refect Adobes respon-
siveness to customer feedback and expertise in sofware development.
Te result? You can experience greater efciency and productivity with Adobe InDesign CS3
for professional page layout, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended for advanced image editing,
Adobe Illustrator CS3 for vector graphics creation, Adobe Flash CS3 Professional for
interactive design, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 for web design and development, and Adobe
Acrobat 8 Professional for efcient Adobe PDF workfows. An enhanced user interface and
improved end-to-end integration let designers enjoy an uninterrupted fow of creative energy
from concept to completion across both tried-and-true and cutting-edge workfows.
Top new benefts
All-new versions of essential creative tools
(Page 2)
Streamlined print-publishing workfows
based on Adobe InDesign CS3 (Page 3)
New dimensions in image editing with
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended (Page 4)
Compelling vector graphics creation with
Adobe Illustrator CS3 (Page 6)
Must-have integration with Adobe Flash
CS3 Professional (Page 7)
Jump-start web design in Adobe
Dreamweaver CS3 (Page 9)
Print-ready output and efcient PDF
document exchange and review with
Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional (Page 10)
Efcient media management and
convenient access to vital services with
Adobe Bridge CS3 (Page 12)
Real-time web-based collaboration with
Adobe Acrobat Connect (Page 13)
Streamlined collaboration and
coordination with Adobe Version Cue CS3
(Page 14)
One-stop access to top royalty-free image
collections with Adobe Stock Photos
(Page 14)
Streamlined mobile content creation with
Adobe Device Central CS3 (Page 15)
Adobe Creative Suite 3 ofers all-new
versions of your favorite software
components, along with tight
integration among them. Just two
examples: import a Photoshop image to
Flash, preserving its layers and other
attributes such as editable text; and
master Flash more quickly thanks to the
familiarity of its new Adobe interface,
including an Adobe-standard toolbox
and tools, as well as dockable panels.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 3
Streamlined print-publishing workfows based on Adobe InDesign CS3
Te vital hub of print publishing, Adobe InDesign is gathering momentum among corpo-
rate creative groups, advertising agencies, graphic design frms, magazines, newspapers, and
book publishers worldwide. Why? Because InDesign afords them signifcantly higher
productivity and more compelling results. Tightly integrated with Photoshop, Illustrator,
Acrobat, and Dreamweaver, InDesign CS3 delivers exciting new creative controls, as well as
customer-inspired productivity enhancements that help streamline repetitive tasks,
accelerate demanding workfows, and meet tight deadlines.
As every designer knows, skillful page layout is as much about long hours of fnessing
details as it is about brief moments of inspiration. Now in its ffh full release, InDesign
continues Adobes longstanding eforts to perfect the art of page design, providing ever-
more-refned and fexible ways for designers not only to produce compelling creative work
but also to complete all those mundane-but-critical tasks in fewer steps and less time. Here
is a small sample of what you can do with InDesign CS3. For full details, see Adobe InDesign
CS3 Whats New.
7ransparencyandothercreativeeffectsEver wish you could apply Photoshop efects
right within InDesign? Well, now you can. Place an image in an InDesign frame, and then
apply a gradient feather. Te frame serves as an opacity mask, which means you can adjust
the image within the frame so that gradient and image interact exactly as you want. No
more going back and forth between Photoshop and InDesign to perfect the efect.
You can also experiment freely with complex
creative efects, including bevel and emboss,
inner and outer glow, and drop and inner
shadows. Whats more, you can apply transpar-
ency efects separately to objects, flls, strokes,
and text, and make transparency efects part of
Object Styles. Because efects are live and
nondestructive, you can quickly explore all kinds
of possibilities without permanently altering the
original image.
ProductivityenhancementsFor the nitty-
gritty work of constructing documents, InDesign
ofers dozens of timesaving improvements. Here
are just three.
Imagine youre working on a complex layoutperhaps a catalog with numerous images and
short text blocks. Lets calculate how many steps it would take to place a dozen fles: choose
Place, select a fle, click Open, and then click the loaded graphics or text icon to place the
flefour steps each multiplied by a dozen fles? With the new Multi-File Place command, you
can polish of the same task in roughly one-quarter the number of the steps. Choose Place
once, select multiple text and graphics fles, click Open, and then click the icon to place the
fles one at a time, using arrow keys to toggle through thumbnails to locate a particular fle.
Sizing frames and their content to each other is also much faster. New frame-ftting options
enable you to edit settings on a placeholder frame in order to automatically size incoming
content to the frame, and to double-click a frame
handle to instantly ft the frame to its content.
Keep your fngers on the keyboard while gaining
instant access to ofen-used features with
enhanced Quick Apply: simply type the frst few
letters of the name to quickly apply styles, menu
commands, text variables, and scripts.
Dazzling speed on Intel-based Macs
Take Design Premium for a spin on an
Intel-based Macintosh computer to
experience the speed and responsiveness
youve been dreaming of for your creative
tools. And if youre not ready to leave your
PowerPC-based Macintosh behind, dont
worrywith Universal support, Design
Premium runs better than ever on those
systems too.
Easily apply a gradient
feather and numerous
other efects, specifying
separate settings for
object, fll, and stroke.
The Multi-File Place command enables
you to place multiple fles in a single
step; the icon indicates the number of
fles currently loaded in the Place cursor.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 4
7abIeandceIIstyIesFor designers who wrestle with tables, InDesign CS3 ofers special
benefts: styles for both tables and cells equip you to format tables quickly and consistently
and to make document-wide table-formatting changes with a single click.
New dimensions in image editing with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
Used day in and day out by millions of creative professionals around the world, Adobe
Photoshop has long been the de facto standard for image editing. Adobe Creative Suite 3
Design Premium includes Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended, a new version that combines all
of the new features and enhancements in Photoshop CS3 with additional features and tools
for more specialized needs. Photoshop CS3 Extended focuses on three goals: making
routine image-editing tasks faster and more fexible for everyone, integrating more tightly
with other Creative Suite components, and delivering new tools designed specifcally for
professionals in flm and broadcasting, manufacturing, architecture, engineering, health-
care, and science. Te result is a powerful set of new and enhanced features ranging from
improved selection tools and editable, nondestructive flters to multiple-perspective image
editing and 3D compositing.
Following are just a few of the new features in this brand-new version of Photoshop. For full
details, see Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended Whats New.
PreciseseIectiontooIsfordetaiIedimageeditingPhotoshop has always provided
precise selection tools to isolate specifc image areas for editing and enhancement. Now, the
new Quick Selection tool makes selecting as fast as it is precise. Instead of painstakingly
outlining a region, you can loosely paint an image area using the Quick Selection tool, and
then press modifers keys to enlarge or reduce the selection. Te Quick Selection tool
automatically completes the selection for you. Fine-tune the selection even further with the
new Refne Edge command.
NondestructiveimageeditingSmart Objects, which debuted in Photoshop CS2, enables
you to scale and transform an image without afecting the original. Photoshop CS3 Extended
expands the same efcient workfow to Smart Filters. Like Smart Objects, Smart Filters are
nondestructive and fully editable, so you can experiment freely with flter combinations and
settings without altering original pixel data. And because a Smart Filter has its own layer
mask, you can edit the mask to fne-tune the flters efects on diferent areas of the image.
Smart Filters are applied within a Smart Object layer, so you can now scale, transformand
flterimages in a more comprehensive, nondestructive editing workfow.
AdvancedcompositingProducing an outstanding image ofen means combining the best
features of several versions of that image. New tools in Photoshop CS3 make this common
task faster and easier than ever. Simply place multiple images on separate layers, and use
Auto-Align Layers to align the selected layers automatically based on content. Te Auto-
Align Layers command quickly analyzes details and moves, rotates, or warps layers to align
them perfectly, and the Auto-Blend Layers command blends the color and shading to create a
smooth, editable result.
See thumbnails of your
pages in the enhanced
Pages panel, making it
easier to navigate and
arrange pages in a
document. Also move
pages more easily within
and between documents.
Combine table styles
and cell styles to
signifcantly accelerate
the painstaking work of
producing appealing,
easy-to-read tables.
Explore the powerful creative
potential of combining
multiple Smart Filters, and
easily access individual flters
through the Layers palette.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 5
VanishingPointwith3DsupportEdit in perspective on multiple surfaces (even those
connected at angles other than 90 degrees) with the enhanced Vanishing Point feature,
which also lets you measure in perspective, wrap text around planes, and output 2D planes
as 3D models. Easily paste graphics in perspective to create a mock-up of box packaging or a
DVD booksleeve. Te Vanishing Point feature provides seamless results by healing, cloning,
and adjusting brush strokes.
3DcompositingandtextureeditingWhether youre creating a packaging mock-up,
animation efect, or manufacturing prototype, Photoshop CS3 Extended enables you to
easily open, rotate, paint, edit textures for, and save out 3D models to incorporate back into
3D workfows. You can also composite 3D models directly into 2D images for a number of
creative or practice usesfor example, to visualize a 3D building in a 2D landscape for an
architectural project.
Try It!
Paint, retouch, and edit
pixels on a frame-by-frame
basis or across every frame
in an imported video fle
using the new Timeline
mode in the Animations
Auto-Align Layers makes it easy to
combine elements of diferent images into
one best composite, perfectly lining up the
contents of multiple layers. Auto-Blend
Layers polishes the result by blending
textures and lighting into a seamless
+ =
Open a 3D fle in Photoshop (top left)
and double-click to activate 3D controls
in the Control panel. Then paste 2D
Photoshop art (top right) into the 3D
texture layer (bottom left) and save the
fle to create a 2D composite image
(bottom right).
New 3D controls enable you
to rotate, roll, drag, slide,
and scale, as well as to
specify settings for lighting
and appearance and for
cross-section viewing.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 6
Compelling vector graphics creation with Adobe Illustrator CS3
Adobe Illustrator CS3 is the essential vector graphics tool that lets you create sophisticated
artwork for virtually any medium. Industry-standard drawing tools, fexible color controls,
and professional type controls enable you to capture your ideas and experiment freely. Te
latest version of Illustratorits thirteenth full releasedelivers exciting new and enhanced
features in three key areas: innovation, so you can be even more creative; performance and
ease of use, so you can be even more productive; and integration with other Design
Premium components, so you can be even more focused on the task itself instead of the
mechanics of getting it done.
Here is just a glimpse of how Adobe Illustrator CS3 improves print, web, interactive, and
mobile design workfows. For a full view, take a look at Adobe Illustrator CS3 Whats New.
LiveCoIorAmong the most compelling new features in Illustrator CS3 is Live Color, a
comprehensive set of tools for working with color in a variety of ways, from inspiration and
experimentation to production. Te new Color Guide panel enables you to fnd compelling
colors and save them in color groups to the Swatches panel. Te new Live Color dialog box
provides tools for dynamically applying colors to artwork. Preview changes live as you
adjust individual colors or all colors at once with maximum precision. When you need to
reduce the number of colors in your artwork, Illustrator can intelligently re-map existing
colors to new colors based on parameters you defne. Quickly test alternative color schemes
for a logo or create captivating color shifs for use in Flash animations.
Use the new Color Guide panel to explore new color combinations based
on 23 classic color harmonies, as well as tints/shades, warm/cool, and
vivid/muted variations.
The Live Color dialog box provides
tools for dynamically applying color to
selected objects. Click the eyedropper
icon to pick up colors from selected art,
and then use the color wheel to test
new harmonies or individual colors.
Benefts of Live Color
Interactively apply color to multiple objects at once.
Quickly test color schemes on one or more objects.
Re-color art using specifc color schemes, such as a
PANTONE scheme.
Adjust one color without afecting others.
Save organized color groups in the Swatches palette,
and then share them with other components, such as
InDesign and Photoshop.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 7
DrawingtooIsandcontroIsTe drawing tools in Illustrator have long set the industry
standard for versatility and precision. Illustrator CS3 provides numerous enhancements
that make drawing faster and more fuid than ever before. For example, anchor points
enlarge slightly when you move the Direct Selection tool over them, making them easier to
selecteven when no object is selected. Whats more, you can now access vital path-editing
controlsfor deleting and adding points, cutting and joining paths, and converting anchors
to smooth or cornerdirectly from the Control panel. And a new, interactive Eraser tool
provides a fuid, intuitive way to modify objects or create entirely new, organic shapes.
Quickly remove areas of artwork as easily as you erase pixels in Photoshop by erasing any
shape. New paths and points are automatically created along the edges of your erased stroke.
ImprovedperformanceTo let you work without interruption, the underlying architec-
ture of Illustrator has been improved. Scroll, pan, zoom, move, scale, and transform objects
faster. Enjoy more responsiveness when youre working on complex artwork. Multithreading
advances translate into even better performance if youre using multiple CPUs.
nhancedControIpaneIKeep more tools at your fngertips and free up screen real estate
by accessing anchor-point controls, clipping masks, envelope distortions, and more from
the context-sensitive Control panel.
Must-have integration with Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
All-new Adobe Flash CS3 Professional is the most advanced environment for authoring
rich, interactive content. Whether creating interactive websites, rich media advertisements,
instructional media, engaging presentations, online games, or content for mobile devices,
designers and developers worldwide depend on Flash to ensure that their content reaches
the widest audience. To create assets for Flash projects, nine out of ten Flash designers use
Photoshop and three out of four use Illustrator. Yet, in the past, incorporating Photoshop
and Illustrator fles into Flash was an indirect process that sometimes produced less-than-
desirable results. No wonder that the main focus of this all-new version of Flash is integra-
tionenabling designers and developers to shave hours of production schedules. Ease of
use is also key, to make the potential of Flash accessible to the ever-growing number of print
designers eager to explore new creative territory.
Have you always wanted to align and distribute
spacing between points just as you do with
objects? Now you can: select two or more points
using the Direct Selection tool and use new
anchor-point controls in both the Align and
Control panels.
Use Live Color when you
need to reduce the number
of colors in your artwork.
To prepare multiple-color
artwork for grayscale
reproduction, for example,
Illustrator will reassign
existing color hues to tints
of black.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 8
Enhanced Adobe interface
Adobe has focused for many years on
creating a consistent user experience
that enables designers to get up to speed
quickly and work efciently. In Adobe
Creative Suite 3 Design Premium, weve
married the best interface features from
InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and
Flash into an enhanced, streamlined
interface in all four components. New
space-saving features maximize your
work area while giving you instant access
to the tools you need. Palettes (now
called panels in InDesign, Illustrator,
and Flash) are arranged in convenient
self-adjusting docks that can be widened
to full size, narrowed to icons with or
without labels, or collapsed completely
with the Tab key. When the panel dock is
hidden, moving the cursor to the edge of
the screen automatically reveals the panel dock. The Tools panel
appears in a space-saving, one-column arrangement, expandable to
two columns with a single click. And workspaces that can be named,
saved, and applied in an instant make it easy to quickly organize your
design environment for specifc tasks.
Here is a peek at just a handful of the major new benefts in Adobe Flash
CS3 Professional. To learn about all the rest, see Adobe Flash CS3
Professional Whats New.
CommonAdobeCreativeSuite3interfaceTe same enhanced
interface as that in InDesign CS3, Illustrator CS3, and Photoshop CS3
common tools, familiar icons, and customizable workspacesenables
you to move smoothly between Flash and other Adobe sofware you use.
Even if youre new to Flash, you already know how to use numerous
Flash tools, including most of those in the Flash toolbar, as well as the
Layers, Swatches, Align, Library, and Info panels, and more.
NewAdobe-styIePentooIsIf youre a
seasoned Illustrator user, you already appreciate
its precise drawing tools (also available in
InDesign and Photoshop). Now you can enjoy
that same level of precision using familiar
Adobe-standard Pen tools in Flash CS3. Add,
delete, and convert anchor points using familiar
Illustrator cursors, keyboard shortcuts, and
modifer keys. Whats more, Flash and Illustrator
now share the same underlying drawing
algorithms, so artwork moved back and forth
between them retains its fdelity.
NativeIIIustratorandPhotoshopimportUse Illustrator CS3 to kick
of your Flash projects, confdent that you can import your vector
graphics into Flash with improved control and fdelity. A new Import
dialog box displays a list of all layers, groups, and paths in your
Illustrator artwork and enables you to specify how each will be handled.
To streamline the import process, you can also set new File Importer
preferences. In addition, Illustrator flters, gradients, colors, masks,
symbols, transparency, text, and patterns are all preserved with greater
accuracy in Flash CS3.
Adding Photoshop content is also easy and reliable. As with Illustrator
fles, an Import dialog box lists Photoshop layers so you can specify how
each one will be handled within Flash. For example, you can specify text
which should remain editable within Flash, convert Photoshop layers to
movie clips, and even specify publish settings. Whats more, Layer
Efects applied in Photoshop are preserved with complete fdelity.
SophisticatedvideoencodingTake advantage of Emmy Award-
winning Flash video technology and the ubiquitous Adobe Flash Player
to deliver interactive content. Create, edit, and deploy streaming and
progressive-download Flash video fles with comprehensive video
support, including a standalone video encoder redesigned for Flash CS3.
Incorporate video content into your Flash projects quickly and simply.
ConvertanimationtoActionScript3.0Compelling, compact Flash
animations driven by ActionScript are a vital component of many
sophisticated web and mobile designs. But how to translate a designers
creative intent into efcient, easily portable ActionScript? And how can
non-programming designers leverage the fexibility and precision that
ActionScript afords? In the past, designers worked out animation
sequences visually on the Flash stage and in the Flash timeline, and then
Flash developers coded their sequences from scratchan inefcient,
labor-intensive process that ofen strained designer-developer relations.
Look familiar? The
pen tools in Flash
now closely match
those in Illustrator.
Not only can you import Illustrator and Photoshop fles directly into Flash,
you can exercise precise control over how their elements appear when they
arrive. For example, you can import Illustrator text as editable text or vector
outlines and convert Illustrator layers to Flash layers, keyframes, or a single
Flash layer.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 9
Now, in Flash CS3, designers can work visually and then, by simply choosing Copy Motion
As ActionScript 3.0, output their designs directly as well-structured ActionScript 3.0 code.
Developers can then easily fne-tune and leverage the code. Tis is just one of many current
and future innovations intended to streamline designer-developer workfows across many
scenarios, including website creation, dynamic media production, rich internet application
development, and interactive forms.
create interactive content with new ActionScript 3.0 interface components such as buttons,
checkboxes, progress bars, and lists. Simply drag a pre-built component from the
Component panel and then modify its skin, or appearance, to ft the look and feel of your
projectno coding required. Tese new user-interface components are written as high-
quality ActionScript code for performance, portability, and extensibility.
Jump-start web design in Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, the industry-leading web development tool, ofers designers an
intuitive visual layout interfaceand developers a streamlined coding environmentfor
designing, developing, and maintaining standards-based websites and applications. For
designers originally schooled in print, Dreamweaver opens doors to the creative promise of
web design. For seasoned web designers, Dreamweaver provides a complete set of tools for
designing and implementing aesthetically compelling, error-free websites.
Leveraging Adobes expertise in design processes and Macromedias expertise in web
development, this release of Dreamweaver delivers superior integration with other Adobe
sofware, and streamlines and simplifes designer-developer workfows. Here is just some of
what the newest version of Dreamweaver can do. For details on all the rest, refer to Adobe
Dreamweaver CS3 Whats New.
PhotoshopintegrationWith Dreamweaver CS3, the path for getting Photoshop images
into your website at the right resolution and size is short and directcopy an image in
Photoshop (including multiple layers) and paste it into Dreamweaver. A powerful new
Image Preview dialog box lets you specify fle format, quality, smoothing, color palette,
animation, and more. To edit the image afer its placed in Dreamweaver, simply double-
click it to open the original layered fle in Photoshop. Transforming a Photoshop mock-up
into Dreamweaver assets has never been easier.
CSSIayoutsAlthough many designers and developers are
adopting web standards such as CSS to facilitate fexible,
robust, cross-browser design, they sometimes fnd the
learning curve steep. Website designers spend a lot of time
trying to understand how to build common layouts, such as
popular three-column designs with fxed-width right and lef
columns and a liquid (or elastic) middle column that resizes
automatically as the size of the browser window changes. To
make the benefts of CSS more immediately available,
Dreamweaver includes over two dozen cross-browser-
compatible CSS layouts that cover the gamut of popular web-
page structures from 1-column to 3-column, using a mix of
fxed-width and elastic layouts. Extensive comments in each
template explain the layout, accelerating learning for
beginning and intermediate designers.
CSS layouts include extensive comments, which
teach you about web design as you build your
pages and make it easier for novice web
designers to begin to fnd their away around.
New ActionScript 3.0 interface
components make it easier to create
rich interactive experiences. Drag a
component onto the stage and then
double-click it to customize its skin.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 10
8rowserCompatibiIityCheckIf youve ever seen this comment, or added it to your site
Tis site best viewed in version X of browser Y for platform know the challenges
of ensuring a consistent experience for all site visitors. And you know that testing your
code on multiple platforms and keeping up with the latest browsers is time-consuming and
tedious. Te new Browser Compatibility Check feature in Dreamweaver helps you locate
combinations of HTML and CSS that can trigger browser-rendering bugs. Tis feature also
tests the code in your documents for any CSS properties or values that are unsupported by
your target browsers. Issues are fagged in Code view; for solutions, you can consult the new
Adobe CSS Advisor, an Adobe-sponsored community website, for up-to-date fxes and tips.
SpryframeworkforAjaxAjax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a development
technique for creating interactive web applications. Ajax-based web applications feel more
responsive and usable because, unlike standard HTML pages, they process user input
dynamically without redrawing entire web pages. Now Dreamweaver CS3 makes it faster
and easier to build rich interactive experiences using the new Spry framework for Ajax, a
development library using JavaScript and CSS. Tis library includes Spry widgets, highly
customizable, pre-built components for quickly incorporating XML-driven lists and tables,
accordions, tabbed interfaces, forms with validation, repeatable web-page regions, and other
common interface elements. Te library also includes Spry efects, which add visual interest
and improve usability by making page elements grow, shrink, fade, highlight, and more.
Print-ready output and efcient PDF document exchange and review
with Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
Te path from creative concept to project completion can be circuitous and complex,
involving much collaboration and many fle handofs. Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional is the
essential tool for creative and print professionals who want to improve collaboration,
streamline review and signof, automate output to diferent media, and deliver
press-ready fles. With a new task-based interface and built-in support for
industry standards such as PDF/X and Job Defnition Format (JDF), Acrobat 8
Professional is a mission-critical
component of todays design and
print-production workfows.
Tree especially compelling new and
enhanced features are covered here.
For more, see Adobe Acrobat 8
Professional Reviewers Guide. For
information about Adobe Acrobat
Connect sofware, a personal web-
conferencing service, see Real-time
web-based collaboration with Adobe
Acrobat Connect on page 13.
Small problems, such as an incorrect RGB or spot
color or an unprintable hairline rule, can stop the
presses. Although previous versions of Acrobat
could identify such problems in PDF fles for
manual repair, Acrobat 8 Professional can fx
many common problems automatically and report
the results. Choose from among dozens of
prefight profles for digital printing, prepress
(including Ghent PDF Workgroup specifcations),
PDF analysis and fxups, PDF version compatibil-
ity, and PDF/A and PDF/X standards compliance.
Once you click Execute, Acrobat scans the fle,
makes any necessary repairs, and alerts you to
any problems found and corrections made.
The new task-based interface in Adobe
Acrobat 8 Professional helps you not
only work efciently but also learn
easily about Acrobat 8 features. An
informative Getting Started page acts
as a launching pad for specifc tasks
such as combining multiple fles into a
single PDF fle or starting a review cycle.
Powerful prefight proflesincluding ones that
detect and automatically fx specifc problems
speed and streamline preparing fles for handof
to print service providers.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 11
SharedreviewsAccelerate feedback and approvals with robust
tools for initiating, managing, and tracking document reviews.
Shared reviews, new in Acrobat 8 Professional, allow all reviewers to
see each others comments by publishing comments to and retriev-
ing comments from a server, which can be a network folder, a
Microsof Windows SharePoint workspace, or a folder on a web
server. Because reviewers see each others comments in real time,
they can more promptly respond to questions, reconcile conficting
opinions, and resolve issues. Reviewers can even add comments to a
document when theyre ofinetheir feedback is automatically sent
to the server when they log back on.
nhanced1DIsupportbetweenAcrobatandInDesignWith printing trends moving
more towards all-digital workfows, shorter print runs, greater use of color, and faster
turnaround, automating print workfows using JDF fles enables print service providers to
maintain or grow their margins and better serve their customers. Acrobat 7 Professional
and InDesign CS2 frst introduced JDF-based workfows to help printers retain their
competitive edge. Now Acrobat 8 Professional enhances these workfows by further
automating key interactions, such as automatically launching InDesign, opening specifed
layouts, exporting PDF fles
using the specs from a JDF fle,
validating the exported PDF
fles against the JDF fle, and
then handing of for the next
steps in print production.
Acrobat creates open-standard
JDF fles that can integrate
easily with other industry-
standard, JDF-based automated
printing processes.
Acrobat 8 Professional ofers robust
support for automated JDF-based print
production workfows, including the
new ability to launch InDesign, generate
and validate PDF fles against a JDF fle,
and then hand them of for printing.
Take advantage of the versatile review-and-comment
tools in Acrobat, including sticky notes, highlighting,
and markup tools, within the context of collaborative
shared reviews.
About JDF
JDF (Job Defnition Format) is an
XML-based fle-format standard for
exchanging information in the graphic
arts environment. Acrobat 8 Profes-
sional provides the ability to create
JDF fles, which can include settings for
PDF creation, prefight with automated
correction and conversion rules, and
packaging and delivery of fnal fles.
A JDF fle can also contain compre-
hensive, detailed information, such as
printing instructions; paper, ink, and
binding specifcations; and contact and
billing information. Whats more, a JDF
fle can automatically submit a job to
a print service provider via e-mail or
server. Think of an Acrobat JDF fle as a
self-directing job ticket containing not
only job information and links to fles
but also instructions on how to route a
job automatically through each step of
the workfow.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 12
Efcient media management and convenient access to vital services with
Adobe Bridge CS3
If youre a creative professional with folders full of subfolders full of layouts, images,
animations, video clips, text fles, and who knows what else, youll love Adobe Bridge CS3.
Te media manager for visual people, Bridge enables you to quickly organize, browse,
locate, and view creative assetswithout changing the way you work. Accessible by a single
click from within all Adobe Creative Suite 3 components, Bridge provides light table, fle
navigator, metadata, and flmstrip views, along with panels for displaying previews,
keywords, metadata, folders, and favorites. Staying organized is as simple as viewing your
project fles with Adobe Bridge.
Bridge also serves as a hub for image processing and other tasks in Creative Suite 3 compo-
nents, as well as for timesaving Adobe services, including Adobe Acrobat Connect, Adobe
Version Cue CS3, Adobe Stock Photos, and Adobe Device Central CS3 (all described below).
Also accessible is Bridge Home, a destination in Adobe Bridge CS3 that provides up-to-date
information on all your Adobe Creative Suite 3 sofware in one convenient location. Visit
Bridge Home to watch the latest video tutorials about diferent components of Design
Premium, listen to a podcast interview with a leading designer, or learn about the next
training event in your community. Discover the tips and resources that will help you work
faster and smarter, making the most of your Adobe products. Bridge Home is available in
English, French, German, and Japanese.
seIectionHow much of your
day do you spend huntingfor a
particular fle, a perfect image,
or a previous version? Adobe
Bridge lets you clear the clutter
and focus on whats critical by
providing direct access to vital
information about your project
flesfrom thumbnails to XML
metadata. For example, the new
Filter panel lets you quickly
locate assets and sort them by
attributes such as fle type,
camera settings, and swatches.
nhancedPreviewpaneIforconvenientviewingQuickly display an image in a full-
screen Preview panel and use the new Loupe tool to zoom in and inspect details. Display
multiple images side by side in the Preview panel for easy comparison. You can also preview
SWF and Flash video fles.
IIatviewofnestedfoIdersandtheircontentsDisplay all the contents of a folder
including nested folders and their contentsat the same level, so that you can fnd what
youre looking for without burrowing down and down. And down.
CombinefiIesintostacksSimplify and focus the view of your
assets by combining fles into stacks. Stacks let you compress
multiple images into a single thumbnail with a single click, and
expand them again just as easily. Double-click a stack to launch and
open its component images in InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator,
Flash, and other applications.
With Photoshop
document selected
as a File Type flter in
the new Filter panel,
only Photoshop
images are displayed
in the Content panel.
Group multiple images in
a stack. Click to expand or
compress a stack, and use
the slider bar to review
stack components.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 13
nhancedworkspacecustomizationandnavigationA new, fexible three-column
structure and a new Content panel enable you to arrange your workspace by dragging
panels into confgurations that match your working style. Use keystrokes to quickly hide
and show panels in the lef and right columns.
Real-time web-based collaboration with Adobe Acrobat Connect
Sometimes interacting with people in real time is the fastest way to make a creative decision
or solve a production problem. But because creative teams and their clients are ofen
geographically dispersed, interacting this way has ofen been impractical or impossible.
Now you can access the real-time, web-based collaboration capabilities of Acrobat Connect,
a service available through Adobe Bridge CS3 and
Acrobat 8 Professional, to review creative concepts or
fnal work quickly and accurately. Acrobat Connect
ofers a personal meeting room for screen-sharing,
audio and video conferencing, whiteboarding, instant
messaging, and more. Starting a meeting is as simple
and spontaneous as clicking the Start Meeting button in
Bridge or Acrobat. (Te frst time you click the Start
Meeting button, you can create a free trial account. Each
subsequent time, you go directly to your Acrobat
Connect personal meeting room. Once your trial period
ends, you can continue the service for a monthly
subscription fee.) Acrobat Connect sends an e-mail to
invitees, with instructions on how to join. Joining a
meeting is as easy as opening a browser and typing your
nameno need to download special sofware. Discuss
an InDesign layout or choose images in Bridgereal-
time collaboration is both convenient and productive.
Need a decision now to keep a creative project on
schedule? With Acrobat Connect, you can click the
Start Meeting button in Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
or Adobe Bridge CS3 and be sharing your screen
within minutes. Web- and phone-conferencing and
chat are also built in.
The new three-column layout in Bridge features Filter
and Content panels. The Metadata panel includes a
new camera placard display for easily viewing digital
camera settings.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 14
Streamlined collaboration and coordination with Adobe Version Cue CS3
Which version of this layout is most recent? Who worked on it last? Is someone else working
on it now? If youre part of a creative team, these are probably all-too-familiar questions.
Work more efciently on complex projects using Adobe Version Cue CS3, a server-based
workgroup collaboration system thats included in Creative Suite 3. With Version Cue CS3,
you can check fles in and out within shared projects, add comments and track fle versions,
perform XMP metadata searches, and host shared PDF reviews using fle-management tools
that are easy to access through Adobe Bridge. Version Cue CS3 also helps IT professionals
administer fles for design workgroups by ofering tools for managing users and groups,
preventing the accidental overwriting of fles, and backing up important project fles.
Seamlessly integrated with Creative Suite 3 components, Version Cue helps workgroups
efciently coordinate work and manage fleswithout leaving their design environment.
For more details about Adobe Version Cue CS3, see Adobe Version Cue CS3 Reviewers Guide.
One-stop access to top royalty-free image collections with
Adobe Stock Photos
Finding exactly the right image for a print or web layout can feel like searching for a needle
in a haystack. Tats why youll be grateful for Adobe Stock Photos, a service available
through Adobe Bridge CS3, which provides fast, focused access to over a million royalty-
free images from the industrys leading collections, including Getty, Jupiter, and Corbis. No
matter what Adobe Creative Suite 3 component youre using, you can instantly access Adobe
Stock Photos to search, download comps, select and purchase images, and then edit them
immediately in Photoshop or drag them into your InDesign layout, Illustrator artwork,
Flash animation, or Dreamweaver project. Search by keyword, browse by category, or use
Advanced Search to specify criteria such as portrait or landscape, color or black-and-white,
and more. Retain previous searches for future use and use Bridge features to label, rate, sort,
and otherwise manage your personal image collections. Enjoy the continual, convenient
availability of an ever-growing selection of images. For more information, refer to Adobe
Stock Images Overview.
New Adobe Version Cue CS3 Software
Development Kit (SDK)
New in Version Cue CS3, developers can write server-
side plug-ins to build custom asset-management
solutions within the context of Design Premium,
leveraging and supporting its widely used creative
components. Version Cue is built on standards such
as MySQL and XMP, making it simple to support and
easy to integrate into existing back-end systems,
technologies, and workfows.
Top new and enhanced benefts in
Adobe Version Cue CS3
Enhanced workgroup administrationNew and
enhanced features for initial server confguration,
establishing users and groups, LDAP-based user
account management, and SSL communication
simplify setting up and administering Version Cue.
New terminology and commandsNew terminol-
ogy makes existing Version Cue commands easier
to understand. New commands enable you to add
fles, download the latest assets from the server, and
manage local fles for more control.
Improved integration with BridgeUse the
new Inspector panel in Bridge to display and act
on context-sensitive information about Version
Cue Servers, projects, versions, and assets. Use the
Content panel (right) to explore versions of a fle or
view Project Trash.
Advanced fle administrationManage security
options, back up projects automatically on a recurring
schedule, create projects by importing fles from a
folder, batch-delete old versions, and much more.
Faster upload/download and more efcient server
storageVersion Cue CS3 transfers and stores only
the diferences between local fles and their counter-
parts on the Version Cue Server.
Embedded metadataUse metadata to search for
and locate fles without opening them to learn what
they contain. Metadata categories can include status,
keywords, fle descriptions, author, copyright, and fle
type, as well as content information such as image
types and dimensions.
Access Version Cue from within Adobe Bridge CS3 and other Design Premium
components to enjoy convenient fle-sharing and the ability to include comments
with fle versions. A new context-sensitive Version Cue Toolbar in the Bridge
Content panel gives you quick access to frequently used commands, including
Check-in, Check-out, Versions, and View Project Trash.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 15
Streamlined mobile content creation with Adobe Device Central CS3
Designing for mobile devices presents all kinds of opportunities and challenges. Among the
challenges is assessing how artwork will appear on a huge and constantly changing selection
of very small screens. Adobe Device Central enables you to preview and test mobile content
that youve designed in Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and, of course, Flash.
Conveniently accessible from Bridge, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and Flash,
Adobe Device Central enables you to preview and test the appearance, performance, and
behavior of web and Flash Lite content, video, and images, including screen savers and
wallpapers, in the context of a wide range of mobile- and consumer-device skins, right on
your desktop. Try diferent fle formats for your content and simulate various display
conditions on a mobile phone,
such as timeout of the backlight
or sunlight hitting the screen.
Ten switch back to your
authoring environment, adjust
your content, and test again.
Choose from an extensive
library of devices, each with a
profle that describes the device
and the content it supports.
Search available devices,
compare multiple devices, and
create custom sets of the devices
you use most. Receive regular
device profle updates to stay
current with the latest devices.
For more information, see
Adobe Device Central CS3
Preview and test your mobile
designs, including sophisticated
Flash Lite emulation, using device
profles of dozens of mobile and
consumer devices.
Accessible through Adobe Bridge CS3,
Adobe Stock Photos enables you to search,
browse, and purchase from well over a
million royalty-free images without ever
leaving your design environment.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 16
Designers deeply value the integration among Adobe Creative Suite components because it
enables them to:
Get up to speed faster by applying what they know about one component to another.
Move among components more easily to perform specialized tasks, such as image editing,
illustration, page layout, or web design.
Move assets, such as native Photoshop images or Illustrator graphics, from one component
to another with full fdelity.
Work more efciently to create print, web, interactive, and mobile content.
One key goal for Design Premium is to enhance and deepen this integration by introducing
long-desired features, such as native import of Photoshop and Illustrator fles into Flash.
Although some have been described earlier in this document, this table ofers a summary of
all of the key integration features in Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium.
kY=xistingfeature = New or enhanced in this component = Partial implementation













Adobe-standard user interface Apply what you know about other Adobe tools to Flash, which
now sports the standard Adobe user interfacesimilar tools and
shortcuts, familiar icons, new dockable panels, and customizable

Common Adobe Pen tools Use the industry-standard Adobe Pen and Anchor tools in Flash.
You can work in an object-oriented drawing mode (like Illustrator)
or a shape-based drawing mode (like older versions of Flash), or
even combine them to get the best of both.

New panel/palette
In InDesign, Illustrator, Flash, and Photoshop, view the familiar
Adobe toolbox in one or two columns. Dock custom-grouped
panels/palettes along the edge of your screen, and reveal or
collapse them as needed by moving your mouse over them.
Save custom confgurations as reusable workspaces.

Importing native Photoshop
Import native Photoshop fles into Flash with full fdelity. Choose
which layers to import, maintain editable text, convert layers or
layer groups to movie clips, set the project stage size to match the
Photoshop canvas size, and more.

Copying and pasting native
Photoshop fles
Copy and paste native Photoshop fles into your Flash and
Dreamweaver web projects. In Dreamweaver, specify web
optimization settings as you paste the Photoshop fle. Also, press
Option/Alt as you double-click the image in your web page to
open and edit it in Photoshop, and automatically update the web
page when you save the edits and switch back to Dreamweaver.

Importing native Illustrator
Import native Illustrator fles into Flash with much more fdelity
than in the past, so you save production time; for example, import
Illustrator layers as separate Flash layers, keyframes, or single
Flash layers. Also maintain editable text, live efects, gradient flls,
Bzier path points, symbols, clipping masks, object opacity, and

Copying and pasting native
Illustrator fles
Confdently copy and paste artwork from Illustrator to Flash while
preserving full fdelity.

New support for painting and
editing video in Photoshop
Import video fles into Photoshop, and then edit on a frame-by-
frame basis, or add a layer to an imported video fle to create
content that will appear on every frame.

Exporting Flash video (FLV)

and other video formats
Export Photoshop fles in a variety of movie formats, including
Flash video and QuickTime.

Exporting high-resolution
images to Flash via Zoomify
Export high-resolution images from Photoshop to the Zoomify
format for viewing with Adobe Flash Player. Then view the
entire image or zoom in on fne detail, even over low-speed web

Illustrator symbols that work

like Flash symbols
Save any Illustrator graphic as a symbol that you can import or
paste into Flash while preserving its attributes. Apply symbol
attributes, such as type, name, instance name, registration, and
9-slice scaling, using similar options in both Flash and Illustrator.

Media-specifc crop areas Apply a preset crop area to your Illustrator artwork, choosing
from standard output sizes for use in projects for print, web,
mobile, video, or flm. Or, interactively apply one or more custom
crop areas for specialized projects.

Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 17

kY=xistingfeature = New or enhanced in this component = Partial implementation













New Document Profles for
print, web, mobile, and video
Select a pre-built New Document Profle for your choice of
mediaprint, web, video/flmto speed the setup of new
Illustrator fles. Save custom profles that specify parameters
such as artboard size, swatches, brushes, styles, and color spaces.

Exacting control of Illustrator

text in Flash
Use the powerful type tools in Illustrator to create text that you
can better control in Flash by defning it as Regular Text, Dynamic
Text, or Input Text with relevant attributes.

XHTML export from InDesign Export styled InDesign content, including text and graphics, to
XHTML, and then open and edit the content in Dreamweaver and
style it automatically with cascading style sheets.

Enhanced JDF workfows for
automating print production
Using JDF-enabled workfows in Acrobat, automatically launch
InDesign, export layouts in PDF using the settings in the specifed
JDF fle, validate against that JDF fle, and then hand of to the
next steps in an automated print-production workfow.

Synchronized color settings Synchronize color management automatically across InDesign,
Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat using a single setting in

Shared transparency fattener
Apply the same transparency fattener presets in Acrobat as you
do in InDesign and Illustrator to produce the desired printed

Mobile content preview and
Design compelling mobile content using Photoshop, Illustrator,
Dreamweaver, and Flash, and then preview, test, and optimize
that content for a wide range of mobile devices using Adobe
Device Central (available through Bridge).

Expanded access to enhanced
Adobe Bridge
Use Bridge for consistent, centralized management of assets,
project fles, applications, settings, and more, with access
to Bridge now added in Flash and Dreamweaver. Easily tag,
manage, and search assets using XMP metadata. Organize and
fnd assets faster with a new and more fexible three-column
layout, the ability to stack assets, the new Filter panel, and faster
performance. And access useful services such as Adobe Stock
Photos and Acrobat Connect (additional fees for purchasing
images or subscribing to a Connect meeting room may apply;
not available in all countries, languages, and currencies).

Adobe Bridge Home for
learning resources
Visit Bridge Home (available in Bridge) for regularly updated
tutorials on InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver,
Acrobat, and other suite components. Discover a wide range of
resources for making the most of your software.

Flash video and SWF preview
in Adobe Bridge
Manage and preview Flash video and SWF fles using the
enhanced controls in Bridge.

Easy access to Adobe Stock
Photos from within Adobe
Quickly search for, download unwatermarked comps of, and
purchase royalty-free images from more than 20 leading stock
collections using Adobe Stock Photosall from within your
creative software.

Easy access to web-based
conferencing, via Acrobat
Connect, from Bridge
Click Start Meeting in Bridge or Acrobat to access the real-time,
web-based collaboration capabilities of Acrobat Connect and
review creative concepts or fnal work quickly and accurately with
clients or colleagues. (Monthly subscription fees may apply.)

Integration with Version Cue Set up a managed workfow for you and your creative team
using Version Cue (accessible within Adobe Bridge) and Version
Cue Server: track multiple versions, prevent the overwriting of
fles, fnd the fles you need quickly, conduct browser-based PDF
reviews, and control security and visibility settings on a project-
by-project basis.

Enhanced scripting support Scripting is a critical tool for efciently handling repetitive tasks
in high-volume production workfows, which sometimes involves
processing one fle in three or four applications.
Automate tasks between applications within Creative Suite
3, including Flash and Dreamweaver, using ExtendScript and
BridgeTalk for cross-suite scripting.
Automatically convert animations to ActionScript for handof to
Flash and Flex developers for post-production.
In InDesign, attach AppleScript, Microsoft Visual Basic, and
JavaScript scripts to menu commands to modify their behavior.
Also enable interactive scripts with complex interfaces using
JavaScript and the ExtendScript toolkit.

Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Whats New 18
For design professionals who focus on print publishing and do not need the full-fedged web,
interactive, and mobile design capabilities of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 or Adobe Flash CS3
Professional, Adobe ofers Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Standard sofware. Design
Standard combines full new versions of InDesign CS3, Illustrator CS3, Photoshop CS3, and
Acrobat 8 Professional with Adobe Bridge CS3, Adobe Version Cue CS3, Adobe Acrobat
Connect, and Adobe Device Central CS3. To learn more, see Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design
Standard At A Glance.
In the United States and Canada, Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium for Mac OS X on
Intel-based or PowerPC-based systems and for Windows XP and Windows Vista is expected
to ship in the second quarter of 2007. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium will be
available for an estimated street price of US$1799, directly from Adobe or through Adobe
Authorized Resellers. Customers may order directly from Adobe by visiting the Adobe Store
at or calling 1-888-724-4507. Licensed users of Adobe Creative Suite 2.x or
1.x (Standard or Premium editions) or of Studio 8, Studio MX 2004, or Studio MX can
upgrade to Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium for an estimated street price of US$599.
Licensed users of qualifying Adobe point products, such as specifed versions of InDesign,
Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, and Dreamweaver, can upgrade to Design Premium for an
estimated street price of US$1599. Estimated street prices do not include taxes, shipping,
handling, or other related expenses. A complete list of products that qualify users for
upgrade pricing is available in the Pricing Overview document. Information on pricing and
support policies outside of North America and for Education customers will be available
Adobe revolutionizes how the world engages with ideas and informationanytime,
anywhere and through any medium. For more information, visit
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110-2704
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Acrobat Connect, ActionScript, Creative Suite, Dreamweaver, Flash, Flash Lite, Flex, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop,
Version Cue, and Better by Adobe are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other
countries. Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Intel is a trademark of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. PowerPC is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the
United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, and Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights
reserved. Printed in the USA. 1/18/07
Better by Adobe.
See the following for more details about
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium:
Adobe InDesign CS3 Whats New
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended Whats New
Adobe Illustrator CS3 Whats New
Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Whats New
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Whats New
Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional Whats New
Adobe Stock Photos Overview
Adobe Device Central CS3 Overview
The Microsoft Windows version of Adobe
Creative Suite 3 Design Premium requires
Windows Vista or Windows XP.
The Mac version of Adobe Creative Suite 3
Design Premium requires Mac OS X running on
an Intel or PowerPC processor.
kY=xistingfeature = New or enhanced in this component = Partial implementation













Support for Flash interfaces In Photoshop and Illustrator, use built-in support for Flash
interfaces to build network-aware elements.

Enhanced XMP metadata
XMP metadata is an Adobe-supported standard for embedding
information in creative assets, such as author, copyright, status,
keywords, and other data that helps you categorize, search for, and
automate processes that afect those fles.
Embed XMP metadata in all versions of a fle using Version Cue.
In Acrobat, view and edit metadata for PDF fles and view
metadata in individual objects within PDF fles.
Use more than 20 new metadata properties in Bridge,
including Illustrator swatches and swatch groups, DICOM
medical imaging information, and EXIF camera settings such as
exposure, focal length, aperture value, fash, metering mode,
white balance, and more.

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