6 Adc0804

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Compatible with 8080 Microprocessors Easy interface to all microprocessors, or operates 'stand alone' Differential analog voltage inputs Logic inputs and outputs meet both MOS and TTL voltage level specifications Works with 2.5V (LM336) Voltage Reference On-chip clock generator 0V to 5V analog input voltage range with single 5V supply No zero adjust required Operates ratio metrically or with 5 Vdc, 2.5Vdc, or analog span adjusted voltage reference Analog to digital converters find huge application as an intermediate device to convert the signals from analog to digital form. These digital signals are used for further processing by the digital processors. Various sensors like temperature, pressure, force etc. convert the physical characteristics into electrical signals that are analog in nature. ADC0804 is a very commonly used 8-bit analog to digital convertor. It is a single channel IC, i.e., it can take only one analog signal as input. The digital outputs vary from 0 to a maximum of 255. The step size can be adjusted by setting the reference voltage at pin9. When this pin is not connected, the default reference voltage is the operating voltage, i.e., Vcc. The step size at 5V is 19.53mV (5V/255), i.e., for every 19.53mV rise in the analog input, the output varies by 1 unit. To set a particular voltage level as the reference value, this pin is connected to half the voltage. For

example, to set a reference of 4V (Vref), pin9 is connected to 2V (Vref/2), thereby reducing the step size to 15.62mV (4V/255). ADC0804 needs a clock to operate. The time taken to convert the analog value to digital value is dependent on this clock source. An external clock can be given at the Clock IN pin. ADC 0804 also has an inbuilt clock which can be used in absence of external clock. A suitable RC circuit is connected between the Clock IN and Clock R pins to use the internal clock.


Fig: ADC0804


Chip select is an active low input used to activate the ADC 0804 chip. To accesses the ADC 0804, this pin must be low.

This is an input signal and is active low. The ADC converts the analog input to its binary equivalent and holds it in an internal register. RD is used to get the converted data out of the ADC 0804 chip. When CS=0, if a high to low pulse is applied to RD pin, the 8 bit digital output shows up at the D0-D7 data pins. The RD pin is also referred to as output enable.

This is an active low input used to inform the ADC 0804 to start the conversion process. If CS=0 when WR makes a low to high transition, the ADC 0804 starts converting the analog input value of Van to an 8 bit digital number the amount of time it takes to convert it varies depending on the CLK IN and CLK R values. When the data conversion is complete, the ADC 0804 forces the INTR pin low.


CLK IN is an input pin connected to an external clock source when an external clock is used for timing. However the 0804 have an internal clock generator. To use the internal clock generator of the ADC 0804, the CLK IN and CLK R pins are connected to a capacitor and resistor; in that case the clock frequency is determined by the equation F= 1/1.1 R


This is an output pin and is active low. It is a normally high pin and when the conversion is finished, it goes low to signal the CPU that the converted data is ready t be picked up. After INTR goes low, we make CS=0 and send a high to low pulse to the RD pin t get the data out of the ADC 0804 chip.

Vin (+) and Vin (-):

This are the differential analog inputs where Vin= Vin (+)- Vin(-). Often the Vin () connected to ground and the Vin (+) pin used as the analog input to the converted to digital.

This is the +5V power supply. It is also used as a reference voltage when the Vref/2 Vcc: input is open (not connected).

D0-D7 (whereD7is the MSB, D0 the LSB) is the digital data output pins. These are tri state buffered and the converted data is accessed only CS=0 and RD is forced low. To calculate the output voltage, use the following formula.

Dout =Vin/step size

The above timing diagrams are from ADC0804 datasheet. The first diagram (FIGURE 10A) shows how to start a conversion. Also you can see which signals are to be asserted and at what time to start a conversion. So looking into the timing diagram FIGURE 10A. We note down the steps or say the order in which signals are to be asserted to start a conversion of ADC. As we have decided to make Chip select pin as low so we need not to bother about the CS signal in the timing diagram. Below steps are for starting an ADC conversion. I am also including CS signal to give you a clear picture. While programming we will not use this signal. 1. Make chip select (CS) signal low. 2. Make write (WR) signal low. 3. Make chip select (CS) high. 4. Wait for INTR pin to go low (means conversion ends). Once the conversion in ADC is done, the data is available in the output latch of the ADC. Looking at the FIGURE 10B which shows the timing diagram of how to read the converted value from the output latch of the ADC. Data of the new conversion is only avalable for reading after ADC0804 made INTR pin low or say when the conversion is over. Below are the stepts to read output from the ADC0804. 1. Make chip select (CS) pin low. 2. Make read (RD) signal low. 3. Read the data from port where ADC is connected. 4. Make read (RD) signal high. 5. Make chip select (CS) high.

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