Assignment: University of Hargeisa

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Group 5 xasan jama muse saddam xuseen carab abdiasiis aden suudi abdirahman jamal abshir ugbaad axmed maxamuud muna aden Suleiman


Assignment for Organizational Behavior:

1-Emotion: Psychological, behavioral, and physiological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness. 2- Attitude cluster composes: believe, feelings, behavioral intentions. 3-Cognitive Dissonance: A state of anxiety that occurs when an individuals beliefs, feelings and behaviors are inconsistent with one another. 4-Emotional Labor: Effort, planning and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions. 5-Emotional dissonance: Conflict between true and required emotions. potentially stressful with surface acting. Less stress through deep acting. 6-Emotional Intelligence: Ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in oneself and others. The four dimensions: Relationship Management: managing other peoples emotions. Social Awareness: Perceiving and understanding the meaning of others emotions Self-management: Managing our own emotions. Self-awareness: perceiving and understanding the meaning of your own emotions. 7-Job Satisfaction: A person's evaluation of his or her job and work context. 8-organization commitment: Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in an organization, 9-Stress: An adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the persons well-being. 10-three stressors are: Harassment an incivility. Work overload. Low task control. 11-Teams: Groups of two or more people, Exist to fulfill a purpose, mutually accountable for achieving common goals, perceive themselves as a social entity. 12- Social loafing: form smaller teams, specialize tasks, measures individual performance. 13- Team Design {Task characteristics, Team size, and Team composition}

14- Five Cs of Team Member Competencies: cooperating, coordinating, communicating, comforting, conflict resolving 15Stages of Team Development: Performing Norming Storming


Adjournin g

16- Groupthink: Tendency in highly cohesive teams to value consensus at the price of decision quality 17-Communication: The process by which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people. 18Form message Sender Transmit message Encode test Noise message Decode feedback message Receive feedback Transmit feedback Encode feedback Form feedback Receiver encoded message Decode message Receiver

19- Communication Channel: How well the communication channel is approved and supported by the organization, team, and individual. 20-Media Richness: The channels data-carrying capacity needs to be aligned with the communication activity 21-Communication Barriers: Perceptions, Filtering Language (Jargon, Ambiguity), Information Overload. 22-the best way that you can improve your interpersonal communication:

Build personal rapport Listen Speak with encouragement and without finding fault Genuine tone and non-verbal cues matter Care about the person with whom you are speaking

23-list of Active Listening: Sensing Responding Evaluating 24- Grapevine: Early research findings Transmits information rapidly in all directions}, due to internet {Email becoming the main grapevine medium Changes

25-Conflict: The process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. 26-The Conflict Process:

Conflict Perception s Sources of Conflict Conflict Emotions Manifest Conflict Conflict Outcomes

27-Structural Sources of Conflict: Incompatible Goals, Differentiation, Task Interdependence, Scarce Resource, Ambiguous Rules, Communication Problems.. 28-Five Interpersonal Conflict Handling Styles: Forcing, Problem-solving, Compromising, Avoiding, And Yielding

29-Bargaining Zone Model of negotiation: Your positions Initial target Resistance Area of Potential Agreeme nt. Resistance Opponents positions target Initial

30-Types of Third Party conflict resolution styles: Mediation Inquisition Arbitration.

Part II: Critical thinking question:

Team members always join a team with a moderate or high level not a low level of trust in their new co-coworkers they tend to develop some degree of social identity with their new team. In order to improve their moderate or high trust and build the teams trust with increasingly high level formal development and functioning activities should be followed these activities are: Clarify teams performance goals Improve teams problem solving skills Improve role definitions Improve relations

Also the teams trust foundation must be based on identification, knowledge and calculus based on trust. The members should be selected for their qualifications, experience and skills in order to build the teams future cohesiveness. Members are an important condition for sustaining trust. Virtual teams will need several communication channels. Declining trust is particularly challenging in virtual teams. Different technology channels of communication among team should make available in order to offset lack of face to face communication. In addition, team processes including virtual team development always require some face to face interaction, particularly when the team forms. In order to minimize the teams diversity and make it sufficient virtual teams success factors should be increased by improving: member characteristics such as technological knowledge , self leadership skills and emotional intelligence flexible use of communication technologies opportunities to meet face to face Finally, the team should be organized and divided into groups of people performing specific and related functions or tasks. This should groups should encourage brainstorming rules such as speaking freely among members no criticizing of ideas support others ideas instead of criticizing Alla Mahad leh

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