EE-446 Embedded Systems Design Design Project Guide: Document Organization

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EE-446 Embedded Systems Design Design Project Guide

Document Organization
Design Project Schedule Design Project Overview Deliverables Grading Design Project Proposal Guidelines Design Project Report Guidelines

Design Project Schedule

Draft Proposals: Thursday, April 05 Proposals: Tuesday, April 17 (final Proposal due & proposal discussion) Phase 1: by Tuesday May 01 (in lab progress check, Phase 1 marks assigned) Phase 2: by Tuesday May 15 (in lab check off, Phase 2 marks assigned) Phase 3 (Final Demo): by Tuesday May 29 (in lab Final Demo, marks assigned) Report: by Thursday, Jun 2 (by 5pm) submit reports electronically on LMS in addition to a hardcopy.

Design Project Overview

Design projects will be completed in teams during the final weeks of class. To organize the activities of the design team, a Design Project Proposal is required which must include a brief description of the project, a block diagram, the subparts/ modules of the project, some design challenges and finally the work distribution among the group members. Groups consist of 4 students as in the labs and the difficulty of the project should reflect work by 4 students. To assist groups in preparing effective and useful proposals, you must prepare a draft proposal and discuss it with a TA for feedback on your project organization plan. Your Project should be based on a microcontroller, and you are free to choose between a PIC and an AVR (You have already experimented with 8051, so they will not be tested in this course). If desirable

at an appropriate stage, you can also choose a PSoC for your project (You must keep in mind that the labs of PSoCs will be introduced to you during the last weeks of the semester, so you might start researching on them if you are choosing a PSoC for your project). Phase 1: By the end of Phase 1, design teams should have completed roughly 20% of their overall design goals (the main simulations) and verify this through the standard check-off procedure. Phase 2: Although you are free to organize your efforts as you wish, by Phase 2, roughly 50% of your tasks should be completed including, the coding of the microcontroller/PSOC and some functioning hardware etc. Phase 3: By Phase 3 you must show the complete hardware. Phase 1-3 check offs must be performed with a TA by the dates listed above. Ideally all team members will be present, but fewer can do the check offs if necessary. Reports will be written according to the guidelines covered below and must include specific information defined in the Project Description. Project reports must be submitted electronically on LMS in addition to the printed copies. Project reports can be submitted any time after the Final Demo but must be turned in within one week of Final Demo.

Design Project Proposal Each group must write a Design Project Proposal which briefly but thoroughly outlines the teams plan to complete the project. Details are provided below. You must first submit a draft proposal and then meet with the TA sometime that week to discuss your draft proposal, receiving feedback you will use to complete the final proposal. You will need both a Phase 1 Grading Sheet and a Proposal Grading Sheet when you meet with the TA. Final Demonstrations Demonstrations to the instructor will take place in a lab and should be attended by all team members. The team should prepare for the demonstration BEFORE the scheduled time. The team will be given ~10 minutes to present. Following this, each member of the team will individually be given 1-2 minutes to describe his/her contributions to the design project. Project Report The final project report should be as brief as possible while still providing the required information in a well-organized and informative manner. Specific guidelines for the team-generated report are

given below. The quality and completeness of your design project will be based in large part on Phases 1-3. Please submit reports electronically to Dr. Awais by the deadline above in addition to the printed reports. Grading 20% Quality of Proposal 45% Final Demo Evaluation 25% Report Quality 10% Individual Effort

Design Project Proposal Guidelines

Each team must prepare a Design Project Proposal which is a brief (~3 pages) description of your groups project and a plan of how your efforts will be organized. The proposal must also provide a time schedule for finishing tasks that should be followed in order complete your project on time. The proposal should include the following: Cover Sheet Pick a creative and descriptive title for your project and display it on a cover page along with the following information: EE 446 Design Project Proposal, NUST School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the proposal due date, and a list of team members. Project Description: This must include a brief paragraph of 3-4 lines describing your project as a whole. Project Overview Describe the circuits to be constructed. This should also include a main block diagram and demonstrate some planning by your team. Summarize project goals and design specifications. (1 page max) Summary of Design Challenges Outline the unique and challenging aspects of your project and define what makes this project worth completing. Highlight any features/performance you plan to implement that is beyond the requirements. (Half page max) Work Plan

Outline the tasks that you plan to complete highlighting the tools and methods that will be used to accomplish your goals. This section will be the bulk of your proposal and should demonstrate your team has thoroughly considered the project and knows what needs to be accomplished to complete the project. (Half page Max) Work Plan Schedule Provide a full list of everything that will be completed for your project. For planning purposes, this list should be as detailed as possible. Indicate which team members will be primarily responsible for each task. Specify which tasks will be completed during each phase of the project (Phases 1-3). The table below shows how you could organize this information, but you are not required to follow this exact format. You should plan to complete everything by Phase 3.

Design Project Report Guidelines

The final project report should be a complete but concise summary of your design effort and results. The report should include the following sections (some of which you can begin writing before the project is complete) Cover Sheet Your creative project title should be included on a cover page along with the following information: EE 424 Design Project Report, NUST School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the current semester and project due date, and a list of team members. Project Overview (2-3 pages)

Briefly describe the circuit that was constructed and include diagrams with captions as appropriate. Summarize project goals and design logic in your own words. You may use what you have prepared for your proposal, modified if necessary.

Design Methodology and Results (3-4 pages) Describe your approach to meeting the design logic. Outline the unique and challenging aspects of your project and how you worked to meet those challenges. Discuss your design preparation / planning. Typically this section should be presented in the order you completed your design and project, starting with the initial simulation and coding and building up to the hardware. Conclusions (1/2 -1 pages) Briefly summarize your design effort and measurement results. Comment on ways to improve your design if you know of any. Do not introduce new information in this section.

Note: The code can be embedded into the document or put into an appendix but all figures should have appropriate captions and be referred to within the text. A figure that is not discussed in the body of your report and is without a caption will be ignored.

Report Formatting The type-written final reports should adhere to the following format guidelines: Section headings and subheadings should help the reader to follow the organization of your report and should be formatted consistently throughout your report. Font size should be 10pt or larger Line spacing can be single spaced or 1.5 line spaced Margins should be 1 on all sides Include page numbers at the bottom of each page after the first (title) page; manually numbering appendix page numbers is acceptable

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