Second Master Plan For Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026

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Better Chennai is our motto

Citizen Area Plans Master Enforcement Construction Notice /
About CMDA Development TNUDP III RTI
Charter Unit Plan Unit Cell Wing Notification

Second Master Plan

Contents - Volume I


I Review of the First Master Plan

II Demography

III Economy

IV Traffic and Transportation

V Shelter

Map TNHB Project Map

VI Infrastructure

VII Social Facilities

VIII Solid Waste Management

IX Macro Drainage System in CMA

Map CMA – Water bodies

X Disaster Management

XI Environment

Map Ecologically Sensitive Area

XII Spatial Strategy and Land use Planning

Map CMA - Urbanisation 1973 - 2006

XIII Development Regulations

XIV Monitoring and Implementation of Master Plan

Map CMA – Existing Land use 2006

Map Chennai City – Proposed Land use 2026

Map CMA – Proposed Land use 2026

Map Chennai City – Transport Network

Map CMA – Transport Network

Study Team

Better Chennai is our motto
Citizen Area Plans Master Enforcement Construction Notice /
About CMDA Development TNUDP III RTI
Charter Unit Plan Unit Cell Wing Notification

Second Master Plan

Contents - Volume II

Development Regulations

Map Chennai City – Street Alignment

Map CMA – Street Alignment

Map Chennai City – Continuous Building Area

Map CMA – Coastal Regulation Zone

Map CMA – Aquifer Recharge Area

Map CMA – Redhills Catchment Area

Map CMA – Area around IAF Station

Map CMA – Pallikkaranai Swamp Area

Map CMA – I.T. Corridor

Map CMA – M.R.T.S. Influence Areas

Map CMA – Airport Runway

Better Chennai is our motto
Citizen Area Plans Master Enforcement Construction Notice /
About CMDA Development TNUDP III RTI
Charter Unit Plan Unit Cell Wing Notification

Second Master Plan

Contents - Volume III


I Structure of Chennai

Chapter1 Maps

II Development Planning in Chennai Metropolitan Area

Chapter2 Maps

III Demography

Chapter3 Maps

IV Economy

V Traffic and Transportation

Chapter5 Maps

VI Shelter

Chapter6 Maps

VII Infrastructure

Chapter7 Maps

VIII Social facilities

IX Solid Waste Management

X Macro Drainage System in CMA

Chapter10 Maps

XI Disaster Management

Chapter11 Maps

XII Environment

XIII Infrastructure Investments for CMA

XIV Land use and Planning Strategy

Study Team

Better Chennai is our motto
Citizen Area Plans Master Enforcement Construction Notice /
About CMDA Development TNUDP III RTI
Charter Unit Plan Unit Cell Wing Notification

Second Master Plan

Contents - Volume I


I Review of the First Master Plan

II Demography

III Economy

IV Traffic and Transportation

V Shelter

Map TNHB Project Map

VI Infrastructure

VII Social Facilities

VIII Solid Waste Management

IX Macro Drainage System in CMA

Map CMA – Water bodies

X Disaster Management

XI Environment

Map Ecologically Sensitive Area

XII Spatial Strategy and Land use Planning

Map CMA - Urbanisation 1973 - 2006

XIII Development Regulations

XIV Monitoring and Implementation of Master Plan

Map CMA – Existing Land use 2006

Map Chennai City – Proposed Land use 2026

Map CMA – Proposed Land use 2026

Map Chennai City – Transport Network

Map CMA – Transport Network

Study Team

Second Master Plan
Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026

Volume I
Vision, Strategies and Action Plans

September 2008
(Approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu in G.O.Ms. No. 190 H&UD dated
2.9.2008. Notification was made in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazettee
Extraordinary No.266, Part II-Section 2 dated September 2, 2008 )

Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority

Thalamuthu - Natarajan Building,
No.1 Gandhi - Irwin Road, Egmore,
Chennai - 600 008, India.

Preparation of Master Plan calls for efforts and energy of titanic proportion. And
the fact that it requires enormous data from multifarious sources makes the exercise all
the more tedious and difficult. Further the fact that master plan is one of the few
documents which impact positively and negatively the entire metropolis, the pool of
stakeholders become wide and large thereby making the public consultation process
huge and painstaking but at the same time very useful. Nonetheless the sustained
collective efforts of the master plan preparation exercise culminated in the
documentation of the Second Master Plan.

The preparation of the modified / fresh Second Master Plan started in 2005. The
guidance and leadership provided by the past Chairpersons and the present
Chairperson, CMDA & Hon’ble Minister for Information Thiru. Parithi Ilamvazhuthi has
been immense. It is in the fitness of things to acknowledge the same as well as the
support and consultation rendered by the past and present Members of the Authority.

Given the stupendous nature of the master planning task and the intricacy of
details involved, providing the right leadership and direction is not an easy one. But
the same came in good measure from the past Vice-Chairperson Thiru. R. Santhanam,
IAS (from Nov, 2006 to Nov, 2007) and some of his predecessors. Notable among the
past Vice-Chairpersons are Thiru. S.A.Subramani, IAS and Tmt. Jayanthi, IAS. The
contributions made by the immediate past Vice-Chairperson Thiru T.R.Srinivasan, IAS.
and the present Vice Chairperson Tmt. Susan Mathew, IAS are also acknowledged. The
day-to-day guidance and support provided and the inputs given by the past Member-
Secretary Thiru. Md.Nasimuddin, IAS was of immense help. The contributions made by
the present Member-Secretary Thiru.Vikram Kapur, IAS and the past Member-
Secretaries, Thiru K.Alaudin IAS, Thiru.M.F.Farooqui IAS, Dr. Niranjan Mardi IAS,
Thiru. Vibhu Nayar IAS, Thiru. Rajeev Ranjan IAS, Thiru. V.K. Jeyakodi IAS, Thiru.
P.R.Sampath IAS, Thiru. G. Santhanam IAS, Thiru. Malik Feroze Khan, IAS, Thiru.
R.N.Choubey IAS and M.R.Mohan IAS are also acknowledged.

It would be unfair if the contributions made by the past Chief Planners of

CMDA, Tvl. T.L.Prakasam, A.Damodaran, A.R.Doss, A.R.Ranganathan and
N.Dharmalingam, are not duly acknowledged as they had significantly contributed in
the preparation of draft Second Master Plan 2011 which in one way or other paved the
way of the present document.

As the planning exercise encompassed various sectors, it required the support

and positive interaction with many public and private agencies / departments. It would
be unfair if their collective contribution and cooperation are not acknowledged. Their
support has also been acknowledged at appropriate places in the document.
Uploading the draft Master Plan-II document in the CMDA website and sale of
more than 3000 copies of the printed document coupled with the public consultation
organised along the length and breadth of the metropolis for over 4 months did provide
ample scope for the broadest public participation and brought forth more than 900
letters containing suggestions / objections thereby deepening the scope and content of
the Plan document. The media, particularly the print media, have extended their mite
by enhancing the quality and coverage of the public participation by debating the
contents of the document. Notwithstanding the fact that it required painstaking efforts
to skim through all the suggestions and objections and sift doable and tangible
suggestions from the maze of ideas furnished individually and as groups, it was indeed
a satisfying experience, at the end of the day, to note that the feedback from virtually
every segment of stakeholders could be gathered in making the master plan as complete
and comprehensive as possible. The contribution by the various committees constituted
to examine in detail the suggestions and objections received from the public was not
only significant but also laudable given the constraints in which these committees
worked. As a mark of acknowledgement of their contribution members of these
committees are enlisted elsewhere in the document. The High Court-appointed
Monitoring Committee also contributed by way of certain suggestions.

The two-day workshop organised by CMDA which solicited the views and
suggestions from the top level officials of various Government agencies, experts,
engineers, architects, NGOs etc. has also greatly assisted in enhancing the quality of
the document preparation. As for fine-tuning the policy options and future directions of
growth for the metropolis, the deliberations at the meetings of the Secretaries of various
departments chaired by the Chief Secretary to Government also found very useful.

Guidance provided by Thiru.L.K.Tripathy IAS, Chief Secretary to Government

from time to time and the support extended by Thiru.R.Sellamuthu IAS, Secretary to
Government, Housing and Urban Development Department are also thankfully

Last but not the least, the untiring efforts made by the study team comprising
the entire Master Plan Unit and other support members headed by Thiru C. Palanivelu,
Chief Planner despite all odds ensured that the document is prepared meticulously
without any compromise on quality or content and submitted to the Government in

About Chennai i - ii

Introduction i – vii

I Review of the First Master Plan 1

II Demography 6

III Economy 13

IV Traffic and Transportation 26

V Shelter 61

VI Infrastructure 68

VII Social Facilities 81

VIII Solid Waste Management 90

IX Macro Drainage System in CMA 94

X Disaster Management 99

XI Environment 103

XII Spatial Strategy and Land use Planning 110

XIII Development Regulations 119

XIV Monitoring and Implementation of Master Plan 121


A/R Auto Rickshaw

ADB Asian Development Bank
ATC Area Traffic Control
BOO Build, Own & Operate
BOOT Build, Own, Operate & Transfer
BPL Below Poverty Line
BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
CAA Constitutional Amendment Act
CBD Central Business District
CBDRM Community Based Disaster Risk Management
CBED Community Based Environmental Development Programme
CBO Community Based Organisation
CMA Chennai Metropolitan Area
CMWSSB Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CO Carbon Monoxide
CoC Corporation of Chennai
CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
CPT Chennai Port Trust
Crore 100 lakhs = 1 00 00 000
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone
CTH Road Chennai Tiruvallur High Road
CTP Chennai Traffic Police
CTS Comprehensive Transportation Study
CTTS Comprehensive Traffic & Transportation Study
CUA Chennai Urban Agglomeration
DCR Development Control Rules
DDP Detailed Development Plan
DES Department of Economics and Statistics
DMRC Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
DMRH Director of Medical and Rural Health Services
DoH Department of Highways
DPHPM Dept. of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
DR Development Regulations
ECR East Coast Road
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ELCOT Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu
EMP Enviromental Management Plan
ETB Electric Trolley Bus
EWS Economically Weaker Section
FMP First Master Plan
FoB Foot Over Bridge
FSI Floor Space Index
GIS Geographical Information System
GNT Road Grand Northern Trunk Road
GoI Government of India
GoTN Government of Tamil Nadu
GST Road Grand Southern Trunk Road i
GWT Road Grand Western Trunk Road
H&UD Dept. Housing & Urban Development Department
ha hectare
HHI Household Interview
HIG High Income Group
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
HT Line High Tension Line
HTL High Tide Line
ICC Inner Circular Corriodor
IL&FS Infrastructre Leasing & Financial Services
IPT Intermediate Public Transport
IRR Inner Ring Road
IT Information Technology
ITES Information Technology Enabling Services
JNNURM Jawaharlar Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
km kilometre
KWMC Koyambedu Wholesale Market Complex
LB Road Lattice Bridge Road
LC Level Crossing
LIG Low Income Group
lpcd litres per capita per day
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
LRT Light Rail Transit
LT Line Low Tension Line
m million
MBI Road Marmalong- Bridge- Irumbuliyur Road
MEPZ Madras Export Processing Zone
Mft3 Million cubic foot
MG Road Mahatma Gandhi Road
mg. milligram
MICE Tourism Meetings, Incentives, Convention and Exhibitions Tourism
µg/m3 microgram per cubic metre
MIG Middle Income Group
Million 10 lakhs =100 000
MINARS Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic Resources
MLD Million Litres per Day
MMDA Madras Metropolitan Development Authority
MPC Metropolitan Planning Committee
MR Mixed Residential
MRTS Mass Rapid Transit System
MTC Metropolitan Transport Corporation
MUDP Madras Urban Development Project
MVA Mega Volt Ampere
MW Mega Watt
NCTPS North Chennai Thermal Power Station
NGO Non-Government Organisation
NH National Highway
NHAI National Highways Authority of India
NMT Non-Motorised Transport
Nos./nos. numbers ii
OMR Old Mahabalipuram Road
ORR Outer Ring Road
OSR Open Space Reservation
PCE Passenger Car Equivalent
PCO Public Call Office
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PDA Pallikaranai Drainage Area
PR Primary Residential
PTCS Pallavan Transport Consultancy Services
PWD Public Works Department
RITES Rail India Technical & Economic Services
rly. railway
ROB Road Over Bridge
RSPM Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter
RTS Rapid Transit System
RUB Road Under Bridge
SCAT Sydney Co-ordinated Adaptive Traffic System
SCOOT Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SIDCO Small Industries Development Corporation
SIPCOT State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu
SMP Second Master Plan
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter square kilometre
sq.m square metre
T/W Two Wheeler
TDM Travel Demand Management
TDR Transfer of Development Rights
TEU Twenty Equivalent Unit
TIDCO Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation
TN Tamil Nadu
TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board
TNHB Tamil Nadu Housing Board
TNHSP Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project
TNPCB Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board
TNSCB Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board
TNUDF Tamil Nadu Urban Development Fund
TNUDP Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project
TNUIFSL Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd.
TP Town Panchayat
TPP Road Tiruvottiyur- Ponneri- Panchetty Road
TSPM Total Suspended Particulate Matter
TWAD Tamil Nadu Water supply And Drainage Board
UGD Under Ground Drainage
ULB Urban Local Bodies
UMTA Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
V/C Volume-Capacity Ratio
VP Village Panchayat
WB World Bank iii
List of Tables

No. Title Page no.

2.1 Growth of Population in CMA 6

2.2 Migration to Chennai City, 1961-01 7
2.3 Migration to Chennai Urban Agglomeration (CUA)* - 2001 8
2.4 Composition of Growth - Chennai City 8
2.5 Sex Ratio in Chennai City & CMA 9
2.6 Literacy Levels in CMA 9
2.7 Age Structure in CMA 10
2.8 Projected Population for CMA and Chennai City 11
3.1 Participation Rate 1991 and 2001 13
3.2 Trend of percentage of occupational structure for the city 14
3.3 Trend of occupational structure for the CMA 14
3.4 Occupational structure CMA _ 1991 and 2001 15
3.5 Employment of organized sector in Chennai, Kancheepuram 16
(including Thiruvallur District)
3.6 BPL Population 20
3.7 Employment Projection CMA_2026 21
4.1 Projected Daily Trips by Public Transport 32
5.1 Slum Population in selected Municipalities 62
5.2 Projection of Housing demand in CMA 63
5.3 Estimated New Housing in CMA 66
6.1 Water Supply and Sewer Current scenario in selected 68
Municipalities in CMA
6.2 Quality of Water Supplied by CMWSSB in Chennai city 69
6.3 Sources and Availability of water 69
6.4 Salient features of the Sewerage Macro Systems Treatment 69
6.5 Estimation of Water requirements for various uses - CMA 71
6.6 Safe yield from different sources 71
6.7 Water Allocation 2026 _CMA 73
6.8 New Sub Stations proposed 75
7.1 Literacy & Educational Infrastructure in the districts covered 81
in CMA
7.2 Number of Schools Required 2026 82

7.3 Arrival of Tourists in Chennai 86
8.1 Solid Waste generated daily in CMA 90
12.1 Existing Land use 2006 114
12.2 Proposed Land use 2026 114

List of Figures

2.1 Growth of Population in CMA 1971 - 2001 6

2.2 Migration to Chennai City 1961 - 2001 7
3.1 Participation rate - Chennai City and CMA 13
3.2 Trend of Occupational Structure - Chennai City 14
3.3 Trend of Occupational Structure - CMA 14
3.4 Total export and import - Chennai Port 19
3.5 Import and export receipts at Chennai Airport 20
4.1 Vehicle population in Chennai City (as on 1.1.2007) 28
4.2 Distribution of vehicles by Type - 1984 28
4.3 Distribution of vehicles by Type - 1992 28
4.4 Distribution of vehicles by Type - 2007 28
4.5 Distribution of person trips by mode - 1970 29
4.6 Distribution of person trips by mode - 1992 29
4.7 Distribution of person trips by mode - 2005 29
4.8 Trend of road accidents in the City 31

About Chennai

Chennai situated on the shores of the Bay of Bengal is the capital of Tamilnadu
state. It is the fourth largest metropolis in India. It’s older name 'Madras' was officially
changed to 'Chennai' in 1996.

2. Chennai Metropolis [with latitude between 12°50'49" and 13°17'24", and

longitude between 79°59'53" and 80°20'12"] is located on the coramandal coast in
southern India and the land is a flat coastal plain. Three rivers viz. Kosasthalaiyar,
Cooum and Adyar pass through Chennai Metropolitan Area. These rivers are placid and
meander on their way to the sea. Buckingham Canal, a man made canal, is another large
waterway which runs north south through this Metropolis. Sholavaram lake, Red Hills
lake and Chembarambakkam lake are the three large lakes in the Area.

3. Chennai lies close to the equator and most of the year it is hot and humid.
Highest temperature attained in May-June is usually about 400C (104 0F) for a few days.
The coldest time of the year is early January when the temperature is about 200C (680F).
Predominant wind direction is from South East to North West.

4. Chennai Metropolitan Area comprises the area covered by Chennai City

Corporation (Chennai District), 16 Municipalities, 20 Town Panchayats and 214 villages
forming part of 10 Panchayat Unions in Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram Districts. It
extends over 1189 Sq.Kms, and has a population of 7.04 million as per 2001 census.

5. While majority of people in Chennai are Tamil speaking, a sizeable population is

Telugu speaking. Since Madras (presently Chennai) was the capital of the erstwhile
Madras Presidency covering most of the areas now under the states of Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka and Kerala it has inherited a mix of languages [viz. Telugu, Kannada,
Malayalam]. Chennai has become progressively more cosmopolitan after Independence
with people from north mainly Rajasthan, Gujarat and Punjab settling in this Metropolis
for business. Theosophical Society and Kalakshetra School of Music and Dance located in
southern Chennai attracted foreigners to settle in Chennai. Recently the growth of IT
industries in this Metropolis has been attracting a mix of people from other states as well
as from abroad.

6. Chennai is famous for its classical dance called Bharathanatyam and the
'carnatic music season' event held every year during December and January is one of the
world’s longest cultural events attracting people not only from various places in India but
also from foreign countries.

7. Chennai has a very heterogeneous mix of architectural style ranging from

ancient temples to British colonial era buildings to the latest modern buildings. Most of the
buildings constructed during colonial era are of Indo-Saracenic style.

8. Chennai is a major transportation hub for road, rail, air and sea transport
connecting major cities inland and abroad.

9. Chennai is one of the major educational centres in India with a number of

colleges and research institutions. Recently it has also been emerging as an important
health centre with a large number of super specialty hospitals.

10. Chennai is thus emerging as an important metropolis in the South Asian



The process of modern city planning seeks to steer market forces in the city
building towards citizen welfare and public good. Zoning and building byelaws are still
among the primary tools of such planning. In addition, master plans seek to lay out a
physical pattern of land use and transportation routes for the city or metropolitan area
as a whole. Thus master plans serve as a guide for public agencies to tailor their
sectoral programming to the plan while facilitating private investments in the same

2. Chennai the fourth largest metropolis in India is the focus of economic, social
and cultural development and is the capital of the Tamilnadu state. It is growing at a
rapid pace, and there is a demand for integration of the past developments with the
future requirements. A co-ordinated and integrated approach among the various
agencies involved in urban development is the need of the hour. Participatory process in
planning is equally important and review and implementation of the plan at the local
body level is a must to achieve the objectives of making this metropolis more livable and
of international standard.

3. Though Madras Town Planning Act was enacted in 1920 itself and a few
Detailed Town Planning schemes were sanctioned for small areas within the Chennai
City, no comprehensive plan for city or metropolitan region was prepared. The Madras
Town Planning Act was superseded in 1971 by the Tamilnadu Town and Country
Planning Act.

4. The functions of the CMDA as per section 9-C of the Tamil Nadu Town &
Country Planning Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act No. XXXV of 1972) are (i) to carry out a
survey of the Chennai Metropolitan Planning Area and prepare reports on the surveys
so carried out; (ii) to prepare a master plan or a detailed development plan or a new
town development plan as the case may be, for the Chennai Metropolitan Planning Area;
(iii) to prepare an existing land use map and such other maps as may be necessary for
the purpose of preparing any development plan; (iv) to cause to be carried out such
works as are contemplated in any development plan; (v) to designate the whole of the
Chennai Metropolitan Planning Area or any part thereof within its jurisdiction as a new
town and to perform the following functions, namely (a) to prepare a new town
development plan for the area concerned; and (b) to secure the laying out and
development of the new town in accordance with the new town development plan; (vi) to
perform such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Government.

5. Master Plans are broad based plans and they are not meant to serve as `daily
blue-prints’. Taking cue from this Master Plan, detailed sectoral plans have to be
prepared and programmes for projects & their execution have to be worked out and
implemented by the Departments / Agencies concerned .According to section 17, sub-
section (2) of the Act, the Master Plan may propose or provide for all or any of the
following matters, namely (a) the manner in which the land in the planning area shall
be used; (b) the allotment or reservation of land for residential, commercial, industrial
and agricultural purposes and for parks, playfields and open spaces; (c) the allotment
or reservation of land for public buildings, institutions and for civic amenities; (d) the
making of provision for the national highways, arterial roads, ring roads, major streets,
lines of communication including railways, airports and canals; (e) the traffic and
transportation pattern and traffic circulation pattern; (f) the major road and street
improvements; (g) the areas reserved for future development, expansion and for new
housing; (h) the provision for the improvement of areas of bad layouts or obsolete
development and slum areas and for relocation of population; (i) the amenities, services
and utilities; (j) the provision for detailed development of specific areas for housing,
shopping, industries and civic amenities and educational and cultural facilities; (k) the
control of architectural features, elevation and frontage of buildings and structures; (l)
the provision for regulating the zone, the location, height, number of storeys and size of
buildings and other structures, the size of the yards and other open spaces and the use
of buildings, structures and land; (m) the stages by which the master plan shall be
carried out; and (n) such other matters as may be prescribed.

6. The 74th Constitutional Amendment Act (CAA) mandates the setting up of

Metropolitan Planning Committee (MPC) in every Metropolitan area. It redefined the
powers, authority and responsibilities of Municipalities etc. As per the Act amendment,
subject to provisions of the Constitution, the Legislature of a State may by law, endow –
(a) the Municipalities with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable
them to function as institutions of self government and such law may contain provisions
for devolution of powers and responsibilities upon Municipalities, subject to such
conditions as may be specified therein, with respect to – (i) the preparation of plans for
economic development and social justice; (ii) the performance of functions and
implementation of schemes as may be entrusted to them including those in relation to
the matters listed in the Twelfth schedule, (b) the committees with such powers and
authority as may be necessary to enable them to carry out the responsibilities conferred
upon them including those in relation to the matters listed in the Twelfth schedule.

7. The CAA also provided that the MPC shall, in preparing the draft development
plan, have regard to (i) the plans prepared by the Municipalities and the Panchayats in

the Metropolitan area; (ii) matters of common interest between the Municipalities and
the Panchayats, including co-ordinated spatial planning of the area, sharing of water
and other physical and natural resources, the integrated development of infrastructure
and environmental conservation; (iii) the overall objectives and priorities set by the
Government of India and the Government of the State; (iv) the extent and nature of
investments likely to be made in the metropolitan area by agencies of the Government of
India and of the Government of the State and other available resources whether
financial or otherwise.

8. The constitution of a Metropolitan Planning Committee by amending the

Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act is under active consideration of the
Government of Tamil Nadu. As provided in the respective local bodies’ Act, Village
Panchayats are expected to prepare Annual Plans for economic development and social
justice within their area, and the Corporation and Municipalities are expected to
prepare Annual Plans and 5 year Plans for investments; the MPC would prepare
perspective plans with 20-25 year perspective with 5 year programmes and annual
budgets and forward it to the State Government. In the new situation envisaged under
the 74th CAA, CMDA will also act as the Secretariat of the Metropolitan Planning
Committee to assist in the formulation and review of the draft Metro-Perspective plan.
This draft Metropolitan plan contemplated to be prepared by the MPC is different from
the Master Plan prepared under Section 17 of the Tamilnadu Town and Country
Planning Act. It is pertinent to note that the Delhi Development Authority has notified
the Master Plan for Delhi-2021 recently in Feb 2007. Mumbai Metropolitan Regional
Development Authority is in the process of revising their Master Plan for the Mumbai
Area prepared in 1995. Bangaluru Development Authority has notified the Master Plan-
2015 for Bangaluru Metropolitan Area on 25th,June 2007.

9. The process of preparation of Master Plan for the Metropolis started in 1973,
by constitution of an adhoc body viz CMDA in 1973; it became a statutory body by Act
amendment in 1974 (Tamilnadu Act 22 of 1974) and notification of the CMA was made
in 1975. The draft master plan for CMA consented by Government was notified in
Gazette on 5.08.75 and from that date developments are regulated with reference to
Master Plan / Development Control Rules. The first Master Plan was finally approved
by the Government in G.O.Ms.No. 2395, R.D. & L.A., dated 4.12.76. A review of the
implementation of the First Master Plan is given in chapter I.

10. The major agencies involved in the infrastructure planning and development
in Chennai Metropolitan Area are listed below.

The Details of Agencies and their Responsibilities
Agency Responsibility Jurisdiction
Local Government
1 Chennai Provision of roads, construction of ROBs,
Corporation- RUBs, pedestrian subways etc.,
streetlights, solid waste collection and
management, micro-drainage, parks and
play grounds in their area of jurisdiction Within the local
2 Municipalities Provision of roads, construction of body area
3 Town pedestrian subways etc., streetlights,
Panchayats solid waste collection and management,
4 Village micro-drainage, parks and play grounds
Panchayats in their area of jurisdiction
Parastatals Agency
i TNHB Neighbourhood development including Tamil Nadu State
provision of plots and ready built houses, but focus is more
Sites and Services schemes. on CMA
ii MTC Bus Transport CMA
iii Traffic Police Traffic Management Schemes
(Greater Greater Chennai
iv TNEB Electricity generation and supply Tamil Nadu State
v CMWSSB Water Supply & Sewerage facilities for
vi TNSCB Provision of housing, infrastructure and Tamil Nadu State
livelihood programs in slum areas but focus is more
on CMA
vii Highways Major roads within Chennai City, all bus
Department route roads and major district roads,
Tamil Nadu State
construction of ROBs, RUBs, pedestrian
subways etc.
viii PWD Implementation & Maintenance of macro
Tamil Nadu State
drainage system
ix CMDA Metropolitan Planning, Coordination of
project implementation
* Though CMWSSB has jurisdiction over the CMA as per its Act, its area of operation is limited
presently to Chennai City Corporation area and a few adjoining areas such as Mogappair,
I.T.Corridor etc. However it has proposal to expand its area of operation covering the entire CMA.

11. The Authority (Board) has representation from the elected representatives of
the Urban & Rural Local Self Governments within the CMA. In the preparation of
development plans such as Master Plan and Detailed Development Plans, the Local
Governments are duly consulted soliciting their views, recommendations and also
involving them in the preparation of the plans. CMDA has delegated its powers to
various local self-governments within CMA to issue planning permits depending on their
status, and availability of technical manpower. Planning permissions for all types of
developments are issued through the concerned local bodies only; local bodies also
issue building licenses under the Local body Act along with Planning Permissions.

12. Draft Second Master Plan 2011 for CMA was prepared and submitted to
Government and the Government gave its consent for the draft in G.O.Ms.No.59 H&UD
30.06.1995. After public consultation it was submitted to Government in December
1995 for approval. In the meanwhile, a Writ Petition was filed in the Hon’ble High Court
of Madras against finalisation of the Plan and the Hon’ble High Court had ordered
interim injunction confining issue of final notification and the interim order was made
absolute on 1.07.1997. The High Court in its order-dated 10.07.2001 in Writ Petition
No. 14819 / 95 dismissed the Writ Petition. Government in G.O.Ms. 408 H&UD dated
5.10.2001 had returned the draft Master Plan 2011 to CMDA directing to modify the
Master Plan taking into account the recent urban developments, amendments to the
DCR made till then, future needs of CMA etc and resubmit the same.

13. While revising the Master Plan, the existing land use plan was prepared
based on the high-resolution imageries viz. IKONOS for the years 2001, 2003 and 2004
(1 metre resolution) and also the CARTOSAT for the year 2005 ( 2.5metre resolution).
Latest Census 2001 data were made use of and the demography analysis made. Latest
trends in developments including I.T. & ITES developments, automobile and its ancillary
unit’s developments and electronic industries developments around the CMA were also
taken into account. CMDA’s Infrastructure Investment Plan implemented since 2003
and the City Development Plan for this Metropolis prepared for JN-NURM were also
taken into consideration. Metro rail is another major investment on the anvil to relieve
congestion. Latest policies and programmes of the Government in various sectors were
considered. Keeping the horizon year for the Master Plan as 2026, future demands were
worked out and the Second Master Plan prepared. Developable lands were identified
and extents worked out using remote sensing techniques. Taking into account the
physical constraints and regulatory constraints also, population distribution and land
use distributions spatially over various local bodies within CMA were made. All the
maps in the revised Master Plan were prepared in the digital format using computers

14. The revised draft Second Master Plan was submitted to government by
CMDA in December 2005 for approval with a request to give an opportunity to the
public and local authorities for giving their suggestions before final approval. The
Government in G.O. Ms. No. 331 H&UD department dated 5.12.2006 have returned the
draft Master Plan to CMDA with the direction to prepare Master Plan afresh
incorporating further developments in the field and submit a proposal for consent under
section 24(2) of Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971. This was done in
February 2007 and the Government gave its consent on 30.03.2007.

15. Though the Act requires 60 days’ time to be given to the public inviting
objections and suggestions, CMDA gave more than 140 days. Copies of the draft Master
Plan in English and Tamil and the short version of the Plan in English and Tamil were
made available to the public. These were also hosted on the official website so that it can be accessed by the public and downloaded free of
cost. CMDA conducted public consultations at 14 centres spread over the CMA between
April and July 2007 in which the officials and elected representatives of local bodies
within CMA have also participated. Meetings with important stakeholders like the
Builders Association and the Architects Association were also held. A separate
consultation with the Mayor and the Councilors of Chennai Corporation was held and
their suggestions obtained. The proceedings of these public consultations were put up
on the CMDA website. A two-day Workshop was organized in the last week of August
2007 in which the concerned Government Departments/agencies, experts in the field,
academicians, etc. participated and gave their valuable suggestions. The views /
suggestions of different departments of Government were also obtained in a meeting
chaired by the Chief Secretary to government on 31.08.2007.

16. More than 900 letters containing objections and suggestions were received
from various associations and the general public. To examine the objections and
suggestions seven subject-wise Committees (Land Use, DCR, Transport, Environment,
Water Supply and Drainage, Solid Waste Management and Housing) were constituted
comprising representatives from Government Departments / Agencies, CMDA, experts
in the field and representatives from NGOs/CBOs. The Committees’ recommendations
were placed before the Authority at its meeting held on 28-10-2007 for consideration
and the decisions of the Authority have been incorporated in the Second Master Plan.

17. The Vision of CMDA is to make Chennai a prime metropolis which will become
more livable, economically vibrant, environmentally sustainable and with better assets for
the future generations.

18. The Chennai Metropolis is expected to become one of the Mega Cities in the
world with more than 10 million population, in the next 10 years. The Chennai City
Corporation with 176 area will accommodate about 59 lakh population while the
rest of the Metropolitan Area with an extent of 1013 will accommodate about 66
lakh population by 2026. For a balanced, planned development, a multipronged
approach is recommended for adoption which includes regulation of developments
through land use and development regulations, decongestion measures like shifting of
certain traffic intensive wholesale activities from congested localities to planned areas,

development of new town / satellite towns and formulation and implementation of
integrated urban infrastructure development projects by the agencies concerned.

19. Chennai is a hub for the region surrounding it. There is no declared region
in the area for the purpose of planning and in 1975 the Metropolitan Area itself was
declared as a region with boundaries limiting the planning process. But the Government
have been considering to declare the areas adjoining the CMA as a Region comprising
parts of Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram Districts for preparing Regional Plan,
considering the developments coming up in the Kelambakkam-Tiruporur, Orgadam-
Sriperumbudur and Gummidipoondi-Ponneri areas. When such a large Regional Plan is
prepared it should take into account the Master Plan for CMA, for balanced
development in the region.

Chapter I
Review of the First Master Plan

A. Introduction:
1.1 In the process of preparation of Second Master Plan (SMP), it is pertinent to
review the working of the First Master Plan (FMP) and draw appropriate lessons. The FMP
was notified in the Government Gazette on 5th August 1975 calling for objections and
suggestions and it was approved in 1976. The FMP had estimated that by 2001 the
Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA) would have a total population of 7.1 million including 4
million in Chennai City.

B. Strategies
1.2 The following strategies were proposed in the FMP for dispersal of the projected
population and for the overall development of the Chennai Metropolitan Area.
i) To relieve congestion in the City through development of radial corridors linked to
three satellite towns and six urban nodes; to decentralize the economic and
industrial activities into urban nodes and satellite towns.
ii) To orient development projects towards raising the levels of income both at the
State level and Metropolitan level.
iii) To take up large-scale industrialization, strengthening of service and light
industries with medium range employment and increasing tertiary sector
employment and to locate large-scale industries in the hinterland of CMA to
satisfy the employment needs of the resident population.
iv) To optimize the use of existing infrastructure facilities and plan their expansion to
meet the future needs by regulating land uses and building activities.
v) To take up the following projects for immediate implementation.
a) Construction of the missing links of the IRR and construction of
intermediate ring road and Outer Ring Roads (ORR).
b) Construction of three terminals for long distance buses and truck
terminals on the radial corridors at their junction with the ORR.
c) Construction of new western express way connecting Anna Nagar with
a) Construction of the MRTS along the North-South Eastern corridor.
b) Introduction of electrified sub-urban train system on Madras-Thiruvallur
and Madras-Minjur lines.
c) Construction of a combined railway terminal.
d) Construction of a circular railway.

vi) To decentralize the Central Business District (CBD) by shifting wholesale
markets and transport terminals.
vii) To take up a massive housing programme by acquiring about 12,000 hectare (120 at urban nodes and satellite towns; most of the new housing by public
agencies to be provided in the urban nodes;
viii) To take up detailed studies and programmes by meeting the future demand of
water at 227 lpcd.
ix) To provide educational and health facilities at convenient locations to serve the
different sections of the population.
x) To allocate lands for various uses in proper locations so as to promote orderliness
and smooth functioning.

C. Review:
1.3 The extent to which the objectives and strategies of the First Master Plan were
realized is discussed below:

1.4 Population projected for 2001 for the City and CMA almost tallied with the actual
as per Census 2001.Out of the three satellite towns and six urban nodes proposed, CMDA
was involved fully in the development of Maraimalai Nagar New town and Manali urban
node. Though population proposed for the 3 satellite towns (planning area) was one lakh
each, the actual population that settled in these towns was 1.16 lakh at Thiruvallur, 0.55
lakh at Gummidipoondi and 0.5 lakh at Maraimalai Nagar. In respect of the urban node at
Manali, 500 acres of land were acquired and developed as a residential township to
accommodate a population of 70,000.

1.5 A number of medium and small-scale industrial developments have come up in
the areas zoned for industrial development at Madhavaram, Vyasarpadi, Kodungaiyur,
Ambattur, Noombal, Pammal and Perungudi. Industrial estates at Villivakkam,
Thirumazhisai and an exclusive one for women entrepreneurs near Avadi have been
developed. Income studies have shown that the contribution of the tertiary sector has
steadily increased.

Traffic and Transportation:

1.6 As regards traffic and transportation projects, MRTS has been completed from
Chennai beach upto Velachery and the stretch between Thiruvanmiyur and Velachery will
be put into operation shortly. The FMP estimated that the MRTS would considerably ease

the congestion in the City. But the patronage has been far below expectations. Poor
accessibility, inadequate inter-modal transfer facilities, lack of coordination among
different agencies and delay in providing the link to St. Thomas Mount are some of the
issues that have to be addressed immediately. The Velachery- St Thomas Mount link has
now been taken up. Electrification and optimization of suburban transport system in the
western and northern corridors has been completed.

1.7 The level crossings at Tambaram, Sanatorium, Chromepet, Pallavaram, St.

Thomas Mount, Saidapet, Nelson Manickam Road, Harrington Road, Gengu Reddy Road,
and Ennore etc have been replaced by underpasses or overpasses with CMDA playing a
coordinating role.

1.8 A number of major roads such as Anna Salai, Periyar EVR Salai, Waltax Road,
etc. were widened as proposed. Inner Ring Road was completed. Intermediate Ring Road
was formed (except between NH-4 and NH-5); Outer Ring Road was delayed because of
land acquisition since 1995.

1.9 As part of decongestion measures the wholesale markets for perishables viz.
flowers, fruits and vegetables have been shifted to Koyambedu, at the periphery of the City.
Though the Iron and Steel market has been developed at Sathangadu, the activity could be
shifted only partially because of unwillingness of the traders and other related issues. The
Chennai Mofussil Bus Terminus has been developed along IRR at Koyambedu and the bus
terminals from the Central Business District shifted. While the truck terminal at
Madhavaram was completed, the terminals along GST Road and GWT Road could not be
taken up for want of adequate land and problems associated with airport vicinity.

1.10 TNHB has developed housing for about 52000 families while other public
agencies have contributed about 25000 units; the TNSCB has constructed nearly 65000
tenements in Chennai. The private sector has played a major role in respect of HIG and
MIG housing. 2001 Census has shown that there is no significant gap between number of
households and housing units.

1.11 Government efforts since 1971 to improve slums and provide them with better
housing has reduced drastically the number of slums in the City; several projects such as
MUDP-I, MUDP-II, TNUDP etc. have been executed during the period to alleviate the
problems of slum dwellers.

Water Supply and Sewerage:
1.12 After creation of CMWSSB a number of comprehensive studies to improve water
supply and sewage system have been taken up and their recommendations implemented
including augmentation of sources and improving efficiency in supply in Chennai City.
However supply of 227 lpcd still remains a distant dream.

1.13 FMP anticipated the capacity of sewerage treatment units as1177.5 MLD by
2001.However the actual available capacity by that period was only 481 MLD. During the
SMP the capacity of sewage treatment has to be augmented to meet the future demand.

Education and Health:

1.14 Remarkable achievements have been made in this sector because of
Government’s sustained action and considerable private initiative within the Metropolitan

Recreation spaces:
1.15 The existing parks belonging to Chennai Corporation within the City have
been improved; new spaces for parks have been created (though small in extent) when
planning permissions for multi-storeyed buildings and special buildings from large extent
of lands were issued. But in the case of layout developments, including TNHB
developments, large spaces have been created and local bodies have taken them over under
DCR. A number of stadia were renovated or newly constructed and the Sports
Development Authority of Tamil Nadu is taking care of the need for specialised and higher
order sports requirements.

Land use zoning:

1.16 Developments have generally occurred as per the Master Plan except for a few
variations by way of commercial and institutional activities in residential / agricultural
areas and the coming up of unapproved layouts in agricultural areas.

1.17 CMDA has been periodically reviewing the land use zoning part of the plan.
When a large number of requests are received in a particular area, comprehensive
reclassifications have been made not only for residential activities, but also for industrial
activities, such as zoning of about 300 m on either side of Poonamallee By-pass Road, Rajiv
Gandhi Salai, etc.

Development Regulations:
1.18 These regulations have served as a tool for regulating the developments in CMA.
However in the last twenty years or so, there have been a number of unauthorized/
deviated developments taking advantage of the loopholes in the Tamilnadu Town and
Country Planning Act, 1971 and the Local Bodies’ Acts and poor enforcement. The
Regularisation Schemes announced between 1999 and 2002 have not yielded the desired

1.19 As far as Chennai City area is concerned, Detailed Development Plan for 56
planning units have been prepared covering about 60% of the area, and the remaining area
could not be covered for various reasons including the non-availability of micro level /
subdivision level land data, ongoing resurveys by Revenue Department etc.

D. Conclusion:
1.20 The success of any plan depends on several factors: clear enunciation of
objectives, setting of realistic physical targets, allocation of adequate financial and other
resources, commitment of implementing departments and agencies, investment climate,
private initiative and involvement, participation of stakeholders at every stage of planning
and implementation, political will and public cooperation. Despite several constraints many
of the objectives of FMP have been realized.

Chapter II

A. Growth of Population in CMA

Chennai has a long history since 1639. The Chennai City Corporation was
constituted in 1798. The City extending over an area of 68 in 1901 had a population
of 5.40 lakhs. Since 1941, it had grown rapidly and the growth of population in Chennai
City and other local bodies within CMA is given in the Table below: -
Table No. 2.1: Growth of Population in CMA

Ha. in 2001
Annual Rate of

Density per
Population (in lakhs)

Area Sq.
Sl. No.

growth (%)

1971 1981 1991 2001 71-81 81-91 91-01

1. Chennai City 26.42 32.85 38.43 43.43 2.20 1.58 1.23 176 247

2. Municipalities 4.84 8.14 11.84 15.81 5.24 3.80 2.91 240 66

3. Town Panchayats 1.11 1.64 2.71 3.86 4.43 4.94 3.62 156 25

4. Village Panchayats 2.67 3.38 5.20 7.31 2.40 4.38 3.58 617 12

5. CMA Total 35.04 46.01 58.18 70.41 2.76 2.37 1.93 1189 59
Source: Census of India, and CMDA

2.2 The Municipalities and Town Panchayats have experienced higher growth rate
than that of the City. The density pattern indicates that the City has the highest gross
density of 247 persons/ha, whereas the average gross density in CMA is only 59
persons/ha. The gross density in most of the municipal areas and Town Panchayats is very
low, indicating that these areas offer high potential for growth and would be the receiving
residential nodes in future.

Fig.No. 2.1 Growth of Population in CMA 1971-2001

Population (in lakhs)




25 Chennai City


10 Town

1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

B. Birth & Death Rates
2.3. The registered birth rates in Chennai City in 1981 were 31.20 and varied from
38.6 to 24.06 during 1981-91 and have reduced to 22.62 in the year 2003. Similarly the
death rate also reduced to a considerable extent from 9.20 in 1981 to 8.01 in 2003. The
rate of natural increase declined from 22.00 in 1981 to 14.61 in 2003.

C. Migration
2.4. The cosmopolitan nature of Chennai is a result of its attractiveness to migrant
groups from all over India. Migrants came not only predominantly from the surrounding
Tamil and Telugu speaking areas, but also from southern and northern India. These
migrant groups from other states have made their distinctive mark on the patterns of
residential and social organisations within this Chennai Metropolis.

2.5. Chennai is a city of migrants like any other metropolitan city in India.
According to 2001 Census, migrants to Chennai City from other parts of Tamil Nadu State
constitute 74.5 %, and the table below shows a downward trend in the migration to the
City from 37.24% in 1961 to 21.57% in 2001. Migrants from other parts of India
constitute 23.8% and the remaining 1.71 % of the migrants is from other countries.

Table 2.2: Migration to Chennai City, 1961-2001 (in Lakhs)

Total migrants to the City from

% of Total Migrants to
Total Population

total population
Other parts Other parts of
Total migrants

India Other
Un- classified

of Tamil
(Excluding Countries

in lakhs

Nadu Tamilnadu)
No. No.
No. in
in % % in %
lakhs lakhs

1961 17.29 4.47 69.45 1.71 26.60 0.25 3.90 -- 6.44 37.24

1971 24.69 5.51 70.61 2.00 25.63 0.29 3.76 -- 7.80 31.59

1981 32.84 7.19 71.28 2.55 25.31 0.34 3.41 -- 10.08 30.70

1991 38.43 6.44 70.51 2.42 26.47 0.28 3.01 0.04 9.18 23.90

2001 43.44 6.98 74.49 2.23 23.80 0.16 1.71 9.37 21.57

Source: Census of India, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 & 2001 Social and Cultural Table

Fig.No. 2.2 MIGRATION TO CHENNAI CITY 1961- 2001









1961 1971 1981 1991 2001


Table 2.3: Migration to Chennai Urban Agglomeration (CUA)* - 2001

Sl. No. Place Males Female Total % to Total
1. Total Migrants 8,55,103 7,53,196 16,08,299

2. Elsewhere in the district 1,38,235 1,24,844 2,63,079 16.35

of enumeration
3. Other Districts of the 5,49,214 4,71,981 10,21,195 63.50
4. Outside the State 1,55,431 1,45,307 3,00,738 18.70
5. Outside India 25,360 22,360 23,287 1.45
Source: Census India, Tamilnadu Migration Tables-2001.
* CUA comprises Chennai City, 14 Municipalities, 20 Town Panchayats and 21 Village
Panchayats around Chennai City as defined in the Census of India, 2001. Its extent is 633

2.6. The composition of growth in Chennai City is given in the table below.
Table 2.4: Composition of Growth - Chennai City
1 Population in the reference
32,84,622 ( in 1981) 38,43,195 (in 1991)
2 Natural increase 6,40,370 (1981-91) 5,82,745 (1991-01)
3 In-migration 9,18,298 (1981-91) 9,37,111 (1991-01)
4 Jurisdiction change - (1981-91) - (1991-01)
5 Sum of (1) to (4) above 48,43,290 53,63,051
6 Population in the next 38,43,195 (in 1991) 43,43,645 (in 2001)
reference year
7 Net increase in population 5,58,573 (1981-91) 5,00,450 (1991-01)
8 Out-Migration (arrived) 10,00,085 (1981-91) 10,19,406 (1991-01)

2.7. An interesting and important fact found is the out-migration from Chennai
City to its suburbs and other areas. The population of the Chennai City in 1991 was 38.43
lakhs which include 9.18 lakh migrant population and natural increase of 6.40 lakh (for
1981-91) population; the net population increase works out to only 5.59 lakhs which
shows that there was a net out-migration of 10 lakhs (30.4% of 1981 population) from City
(during 1981-1991). Similarly, an out-migration of 10.19 lakhs (26.5% of the 1991
population) is noted during 1991-2001. Though there were large-scale building
construction activities noted during the above periods, the out-migration of resident
population from Chennai City proves that considerable conversion of residential premises
into non-residential mostly for office, shopping, hotels and other commercial purposes took
place; this trend will continue in this metropolis.

D. Sex Ratio
2.8. Sex ratio is denoted by number of females per 1000 males. The sex ratio in
CMA increased from 936 in 1991 to 956 in 2001. The sex ratio in Chennai City and CMA
are presented in Table below.

Table 2.5: Sex Ratio in Chennai City & CMA

Year Chennai City CMA Urban TN

1961 901 909 992

1971 904 907 978

1981 934 927 977

1991 930 936 972

2001 957 956 987

Source: Census of India

E. Literacy
2.9. Census figures indicate that the literacy rates in Chennai City and the CMA are
more or less equal and these figures compare favourably with the overall literacy rate in
urban Tamil Nadu. The table below gives the comparative picture.

Table 2.6: Literacy Levels in CMA in percentage

1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

City 59.47 62.01 68.68 72.54 76.81
CMA 54.82 58.64 66.56 70.32 76.09
Urban TN 21.06 30.92 40.43 51.33 73.51
Source: Census of India

F. Age Structure
2.10. Age structure of a population in a city / metropolis plays a major role in
urban planning. It gives an idea about dependent population, working population, jobs to
be created, the present and future requirements of educational, health and other facilities
and amenities. It depends on birth rate, death rate and also migration. Age structure of
population in CMA as per Census 1971 to 2001 is given in the table below:

Table 2.7: Age Structure in CMA in %

Age Group 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

0-4 13.2 12.51 11.03 8.68 7.31
5-9 12.39 11.74 10.35 9.56 7.97
10-14 10.64 10.97 11.37 10.51 8.95
15-19 8.66 9.97 10.61 10.22 9.55
20-24 10.73 11.05 10.68 11.14 10.47
25-29 10.21 9.29 9.61 10.20 10.33
30-34 7.98 7.15 7.46 8.06 8.46
35-39 6.69 6.99 6.66 7.48 8.04
40-44 5.49 5.14 5.36 5.68 6.19
45-49 4.15 4.33 4.70 4.98 5.50
50-54 3.65 3.51 3.70 3.92 4.37
55-59 2.10 2.46 2.73 2.90 3.10
60-64 2.06 2.30 2.40 2.64 2.83
65-69 1.10 1.15 1.37 1.51 1.96
>70 1.20 1.65 1.97 2.33 3.02
not stated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 1.93
Total 100.00 100.21 100.00 100.00 100.00

2.11. From the above, it may be seen that the proportion of primary school going
children percentage has reduced from 12.39% in 1961 to 7.97% in 2001, and the
proportion of secondary school going age group has also reduced from 10.64 in 1961 to
8.95 in 2001. But the proportion of old age group has increased from 4.36 to 7.81% in the
said period.

G. Population Projection
2.12. Population projections have been carried out for CMA based on the past
trends. The following assumptions have been made;
(i) The declining trend in the growth rate will continue in the future years also.

(ii) Past growth rates, existing density, potential for development, area available for
development, accessibility to public transport system ( especially the rail system ),
proximity to the employment generating centres etc. could be the basis for working out
future projections and assignments.

2.13 It is estimated that CMA would house a population of 126 lakhs by 2026, of
which Chennai City alone would account for 58 lakhs. The population projection of CMA is
presented in Table below.

Table 2.8: Projected Population for CMA and Chennai City (In Lakhs)
Sl. Actual Projection
Description Persons
No. / hectare
2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2026
1 Chennai City 43.44 46.28 49.50 52.39 55.40 58.56 333
2 Municipalities 15.81 18.52 21.75 25.60 30.20 35.69 149
3 Town Panchayats 3.86 4.73 5.89 7.41 9.45 12.22 78
4 7.31 8.70 10.59 12.96 15.99 19.88 32
5 CMA [total] 70.41 78.96 88.71 99.66 111.97 125.82 105

H. Strategies
2.14. In order to realize the vision of the Master Plan in making Chennai more
livable and economically vibrant the following strategies are proposed in respect of this
i) to increase overall density of the Chennai Metropolitan Area from the present 59
persons per hectare to 105 persons per hect.; while doing so the density of
Chennai will increase from 247 persons per hect. in 2001 to 333 persons per hect.
in 2026, while in the rest of CMA the average density will go up from the present
27 persons per hect. to 67 persons per hectare.
ii) to encourage high rise development along wider roads and larger plots; to allow
multi-storeyed buildings in the rest of CMA also in order to have planned
development with large open spaces on ground.
iii) to allow higher FSI along the MRTS influence areas for residential developments
with smaller dwelling sizes.
iv) to consider extension of the Transfer of Development Rights concept for lands
taken over for development to solve problems of land acquisition for housing and
v) to earmark adequate areas in the plan for employment generating activities.

vi) to provide better infrastructure facilities like roads, water supply, sewerage, etc.
and provide better connectivity through rail and road transport network to the
areas identified for development.
vii) to encourage development of Thiruvallur and Gummidipoondi as satellite towns
as envisaged in the FMP by provision of adequate infrastructure like housing and
other developments and providing better housing facilities at affordable cost; to
develop new towns/ neighbourhoods near Tiruporur in the southern corridor
along Rajiv Gandhi Salai and near Sriperumbudur, in the western corridor along
GWT Road.
viii) to take up housing development near Mahindra Park SEZ either by provision of
plots or by regulating layout development by private entrepreneurs.
ix) to encourage green building concept
x) to provide special facilities to take care of the needs of the elderly persons whose
population is likely to go up, e.g. more old age homes, low-floor buses, special
seats in buses, special seats in toilets and ramps in public buildings.
xi) to provide for preservation and conservation of ecologically sensitive areas in CMA
and to create more parks and playgrounds for recreation purposes.
xii) to encourage social housing provision by private developers of large group
developments / multi-storeyed developments through Development Regulations.
xiii) to encourage LIG housing by allowing additional FSI of 0.25 to private developers
for such developments.

I The Plan
2.15 Action plans to achieve the strategies mentioned above have been indicated in
the sectoral chapters especially economy, transportation, shelter, infrastructure, and
environment in Volume I. Development Regulations detailed in Volume II provides for some
of the strategies like Transfer of Development Rights, additional FSI for specific purposes
and encouragement of green building concept.

Chapter - III
A. Introduction
The economic base of Chennai City had shifted from trade and commerce to
administration and services by the early part of the 20th Century. In the post-
Independence period, manufacturing became an important sector and CMA continues
to be the most important industrial area in the State. Recent trend shows that the
economic structure of the City is tertiarised with growing contribution by Information
Technology/Information Technology Enabling Service/Business Process Outsourcing

B. Current Scenario
3.2 Occupational Structure: The comprehensive profile of employment in CMA
has been made on the basis of secondary sources including Census data. The
participation rate i.e. proportion of main workers to the population of CMA was
30.74percent in 1991 and 30.96percent in 2001. The corresponding figures for
Chennai City were 30.50 percent in 1991 and 31.79percent in 2001. The number of
marginal workers both in Chennai City and in CMA is negligible.

Table No. 3.1: Participation Rate 1991 and 2001

Year City CMA

1991 30.50 30.74
2001 31.79 30.96
Source: Census of India

Fig No. 3.1: Participation Rate - Chennai City and CMA



31 1991


City CMA

3.3 The workers in primary activity constitute 6.52 percent in CMA and 1.05
percent in City 1991. In 2001, it was 2.91 percent and 1.52 percent respectively in
CMA and Chennai City indicating that the primary activities are on the decline in the

peripheral areas due to the emergence of manufacturing and new economy industry.
The workers in primary activity are dwindling and it is negligible compared to total,
both in Chennai City and in CMA with more than 90 percent of the people engaged in
the tertiary sector. The percentage of non- workers was 65.73 percent in City and
69.14 percent in CMA during 2001.

Table No. 3.2: Trend of percentage of occupational structure for the City

Sl. Occupational
1971 1981 1991 2001
No. structure

1 Primary 1.55 1.34 1.00 1.50

2 Secondary 27.37 30.00 24.30

3 Tertiary 71.08 68.66 74.70

Source: Census of India

Fig. No. 3.2: Trend of the Occupational Structure- Chennai


80 Primary
60 Secondary
40 Tertiary

1971 1981 1991 2001

Table No.3.3: Trend of occupational structure for the CMA

Occupational structure 1971 1981 1991 2001

1 Primary 4.01 3.0 6.5 2.9

2 Secondary 34.21 32.0 26.7

3 Tertiary 61.78 65.0 66.8

Source: Census of India

Fig. No. 3.3: Trend of Occupational Structure CMA



60 Tertiary


1971 1981 1991 2001

3.4 Tables above clearly reveal that a shift in the economic structure of the City
as well as the CMA has taken place from manufacturing to services with IT and other
services on fast tract.

Table No. 3.4: Occupational structure CMA _ 1991 and 2001

1991 2001
Component City CMA Component City CMA
Total Workers 1173062 1675512 Total Workers 1488364 2519278
Main Workers 1171739 1669213 Main Workers 1380757 2284457
Main Cultivators 883 19778 Main Cultivators 15149 33170
Main Agriculture 199 70085 Main Agriculture 5849 33390
Fishing & Forest 9982 15422 Main House Hold 25836 43394
Mining 1245 3484 Main Others 1333923 2174503
Manufacturing 7683 20271 Marginal workers 107607 234821
House hold
Manufacturing & 275916 423253 Marginal Cultivators 2026 5728
Main Construction 74856 104913 Marginal Agricultural 1233 22681

Main Trade 300928 372672 Marginal House Hold 5156 10511

Main Transport 125853 166648 Marginal Others 99192 195901

Main Others 374194 472687 Non Workers 2855281 4859201
Marginal Workers 1323 6299
Non Workers 2668334 3753958
Source: Census of India

Income estimates
3.5 Chennai City alone accounts for 10.94 percent of the State income. The
income in the areas of Kancheepuram and Thiruvallur District, which fall within CMA,
based on proportion of population, roughly, has been estimated at 2.8 percent and 2.5
percent respectively. These show that CMA accounts for 16.21 percent of the State
income from all sectors.

3.6 The following is the distribution of employment in public and private
organised sector in Chennai District and Kancheepuram districts.
Table No. 3.5: Employment of organized sector in Chennai,
Kancheepuram (including Thiruvallur District)
Year Chennai Dist. Kancheepuram & Thiruvallur
Public Private Total Public Private Total
2000-01 281287 102358 383645 100491 124626 225117
2001-02 316553 94674 411227 108013 136234 244247
2002-03 314743 64914 379657 109678 132298 241976
2003-04 322961 69280 392241 100163 112341 212504
2004-05 323221 68785 392006 81032 118461 199493
Source: Commissionerate of Employment & Training, Chennai

3.7 In Chennai District, over these years from 2000, employment in the
organized public sector was increasing whereas in private sector it was decreasing
with little variance in the total employment figures in this organized sector.

3.8 Chennai and adjoining Kancheepuram (including Thiruvallur) Districts

together contribute about 26 percent of employment in organized sector to the State
total in 2002-03. Of the total public sector employment, the employment opportunity
in Chennai and Kancheepuram District are 20 percent and 7 percent respectively in
2002-03. The percentage of the same in private sector in Chennai and Kancheepuram
District is 7.8 and 15.9

Informal Sector
3.9 Informal sector generally denotes the activities and services, which are
readily associated with low wages and low level of skills. The informal sector
comprises broadly the following groups:
- Self-employed traders, hawkers and family based workers

- Employees and workers in predominantly low wage paying sectors like
rickshaw pulling, repair of bicycles, personal services, etc.
- Employees and workers in comparatively better wage paying occupation
such as construction, manufacturing and repair activities.

3.10 From the Census data of 2001, it is estimated that the employees in
informal sector would be about 10 lakhs in Chennai City.

3.11 There are 146 fishing villages with one fishing harbour and 64 fish
landing centres located in the 3 districts comprising CMA. The total fisher folk
population of these districts (1,38,669) forms about 18% of the marine fisher folk
population of the State. There are about 18,500 male and 5,500 female fisher folk
employed in fishery and other allied activities. As many as 5,111 mechanising fishing
crafts and 1931 non mechanized fishing crafts are plying around the Chennai coast
for fishing activity. The average annual marine fish production of these districts is
about 30,000 tonnes. The quantity of fish and fishery products exported from
Chennai port during 2005-06 was 45,246 tonnes worth about Rs.1382.55 crores.

3.12 Chennai and its surrounding areas have a number of places to attract
domestic and foreign tourists. While the number of domestic tourists visiting Chennai
increased from 5.5 million in 2004 to 7.31 million in 2006, the number of foreign
tourists increased from 0.43 million to 0.56 million during the same period. This
trend is likely to continue since there is greater eagerness among people to see places
of interest and travel has become affordable.

Distribution of Industries
3.13 Industries have been developed along important transport corridors in all
directions, north, west and south.

In the north, large industrial units are located at Ennore, Thiruvottiyur and
Manali. Industrial estates are located at Madhavaram, Kodungaiyur and

Important industrial locations in the west include Ambattur, Padi and
Sembiam. Integral coach factory at Perambur and heavy vehicles factory at Avadi are

important industries under public sector. Many small and medium scale industries
are located at Ambattur, Villivakkam, Thirumazhisai, Poonamallee and Noombal.
Thermal power plant is located at Basin bridge. Hyundai car factory at
Sriperumbudur, Hindustan Earth Movers at Thiruvallur and automobile industries at
Irugattukottai are other important industries.

In the south most of the industries are located along the G.S.T Road (NH45).
Simpson, Addison and TVS industries are located in the heart of the City along Anna
Salai. Madras Export Processing Zone (MEPZ) spread over an area of 105 hectares is
located at Tambaram. Leather tanneries and leather-based industries are located near
Tambaram. Industrial estate for leather goods is being developed at

3.14 Large-scale automobile engineering, glass and ceramic industries are

located at Maraimalai Nagar. Mahindra Industrial Park developed over an area of 520
hectares is located near Chengalpattu along the GST Road.

Eminence of Chennai
3.15 Chennai has emerged as a major export hub for cars. Government of India
has decided to establish a new testing and homologation center near Chennai.
Chennai and its neighbouring districts account for about 20 percent of small-scale
industries in Tamil Nadu. Small scale industries in metals, rubber and plastic
products, metal products, electrical machinery, transport equipments, leather and fur
products and non-metallic mineral products are predominant in the CMA.

Share of Sales Tax

3.16 Share of sales tax is an important index to reflect the economic stability.
CMA accounts for three-fourth of the total sales tax collection in the State. The
percent share of the CMA has increased from 69 percent in 1994 – 95 to 76 percent in

3.17 Banking operations form a vital pointer to indicate the economic process
of a city. The statistical handbook 2005 indicates that Chennai and the other two
districts accounted for only about 11% of the total number of banks in the State for
the financial year 2004-05. However, they accounted for about 50% of the total
deposits in the State. This is considered a great accomplishment of the metropolitan

Exports and Imports
3.18 Principal items of imports through Chennai harbour are petroleum, oil,
lubricants, fertilizers, food, grains and fibers. Main items of export are ore (primarily
iron ores), granite stones, quartz, Barites, hides and skins, chemical and cotton goods.
Export of principal commodities registered an average growth rate of 10.0 per cent
since 1999 – 2000. However, the growth rate of the import has experienced a declining
trend. The declination of the import itself is an index of the economic buoyancy of the
region. The following figure shows the trend of export and import through the Chennai
port. The port handled about 60 per cent of the total cargo handled by the State.
Number of containers handled increased by about 67 percent during the last five

Fig.No.3.4 Total Export and Import-Chennai Port



in thousand tonnes


25000 Total Import

Total Export




1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004

3.19 Currently Ennore Port is operating with 2 coal berths catering to thermal
coal requirements of North Chennai Thermal Power Station (NCTPS), Mettur and
Ennore Thermal Plants of TNEB. The present traffic at Ennore port is over 10 million
tones per annum. The Port is expanding in a major way by developing liquid cargo,
LNG, additional coal, iron ore, car and container terminals with additional ten berths.
By 2011, the Ennore Port will have a capacity to handle 70 million tonnes of cargo
including 1.5 million TEU containers besides 2 lakhs cars.

3.20 The Chennai Airport handled about 21 lakh international and 25 lakh
domestic passengers and 1.19 lakh tonnes of international and 0.35-lakh tonnes
domestic cargo during the year 2003-04. International passenger traffic had increased
about four-fold between 1991 and 2004. During the same period domestic passenger
traffic had increased twofold. Major exports are textiles and leather. Electronic goods

have constituted major import item. The proposed expansion and modernisation of the
airport will have a greater positive impact on the economy of the CMA.

Fig.No. 3.5 Import and Export Receipts at Chennai

Weight in Tonnes

40000 Receipt
1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

Information Technology
3.21 Chennai has been a preferred destination for IT / ITES industries.
Chennai is one of the few metropolitan cities, where FSI is used as a tool to provide
incentive. This coupled with excellent infrastructure facilities such as world-class
highways; uninterrupted power supply and good telecommunication have helped the
situation. The Tidel Park I and the IT Park at Siruseri have already been developed. IT
space to an extent of 0.25 million sq.m. through public and private sector has been
initiated to meet the increasing demand of national and international clients. The
ELCOT Infrastructure Ltd., a special purpose vehicle for the Knowledge Industrial
Township at Sholinganallur along the IT corridor has initiated the process. Further, to
meet the increasing demand, steps have been taken to establish Tidel Park II with a
floor space of 0.15 million sq.m. In addition, TIDCO, IL & FS and Mahindra are
developing another IT park in an area of 680 hectares near Chengalpattu under public
private partnership.

Below Poverty Line (BPL) population

3.22 The Department of Economics and Statistics (DES) has estimated the
Below Poverty Line (BPL) population. Table 3.21 presents the BPL from the period
1993-94 to 1999-2000. The BPL in Chennai City, Kancheepuram and Thriuvallur
districts and Tamil Nadu were 9.58%, 13.2% and 19.18% respectively. It is
encouraging to note that the BPL in the City has declined from 31.58 percent in 1993-
94 to 9.58 percent in 1999-2000.

Table No. 3.6: Below Poverty Level Population

1993-94 1999-2000
BPL Population % of BPL BPL Population % of
(in lakhs) (in lakhs) BPL
Chennai District 9.55 31.58 3.93 9.58
District and 12.09 27.00 7.43 13.21
Thiruvallur District
Tamil Nadu 170.52 31.66 113.34 19.18

C. Employment Projection:
3.23 The percentage of workers as per 2001 Census works out to 54.6 % out of
the male population and 18.26 % out of the female population. It is assumed that in
future years by 2011, 87.5 % of male and 30% of the female eligible working
population will be willing to work and for them jobs would have to be created.
Similarly this % for male and female is assumed as 90% and 33% for 2016, 92.5% and
36% for 2021 and 95% and 40% for the year 2026, considering the improvements in
the education level, aptitude, willingness to work etc in future years. Based on the
above criteria, projection of demand for jobs upto 2026 has been made and tabulated
in the Table below.

Table No: 3.7: Employment Projection CMA_2026 (in lakhs)

2011 2016 2021 2026

Population 88.71 99.66 111.98 125.82
Eligible Workers 15-60 (69.15%) 61.34 68.92 77.43 87.01
Eligible Male Workers (52%) 31.90 35.84 40.26 45.24
Eligible Female Workers (48%) 29.44 33.08 37.17 41.76
Male Willing to Work 27.91 32.25 37.25 42.98
Female Willing to Work 8.37 10.64 13.41 17.19
Total 36.28 42.89 50.65 60.17
Additional jobs to be created 10.09 16.70 24.47 33.99
Male Willing to Work %(assumed) 87.5 % 90.0 % 92.5 % 95.0 %
Female Willing to Work % (assumed) 30.0 % 33.0 % 36.0 % 40.0 %

D. Policies and Strategies

3.24 A comprehensive study of CMA economy and employment profile should
be taken up to identify the activities and initiatives, both in the formal and informal
sectors, that can accelerate employment and income generation for the poor and low
income groups.

Employment in primary sector:
3.25 A minimum primary component is needed within the CMA. Therefore, the
strategy is to discourage conversion of fertile agricultural land into urban uses.
Departments of agriculture and horticulture can prepare action plans for
diversification and modernisation of agriculture in line with this strategy.

Industrial development:
3.26 Promotion of industries is an indispensable requirement for strong
economic base of the CMA. Therefore, the following efforts may be initiated to
stimulate industrial development.
(a) A study can be undertaken to assess the scope for expansion of existing
industries and developing new industries.
(b) Essential infrastructure as per standards can be provided for prospective
potential industries by concerned government agencies in designated locations
to stimulate industrial growth.
(c) Process of obtaining clearance for industrial units can be simplified by making
the single window system more effective.
(d) Numbers of unskilled and semi-skilled workers are bound to rapidly increase
due to distress migration from rural areas and saturation of agriculture sector.
Therefore, vocational educational institutions in the CMA have to be
strengthened and reoriented to meet the market demand.
(e) Small-scale industrial sector is a powerful tool to generate more industrial
employment. Therefore, infrastructure facilities may be upgraded for industrial
estates and relief measures can be initiated to rehabilitate viable sick units.
The system of common application form and the single window clearance can
be extended to small-scale industries.
(f) Three corridors - Sriperumbudur, Mamallapuram and Gummidipoondi have
been identified for major industrial development. These areas have good
accessibility and infrastructure for industrial development. Parts of these area
lie outside the CMA. Therefore, it calls for joint planning and inter-institutional
(g) Industrial estates at Sholinganallur and Perungudi for computer hardware and
software can be started early.
(h) Concerned government agencies have to expedite Ennore SEZ and identify
other suitable places for SEZ locations.
(i) Existing Trade Centre at Nandambakkam has to be upgraded and expanded to
meet the increasing demand.
(j) Cluster concept for industries to be promoted.

(k) Steps to upgrade infrastructure facilities in the existing industrial clusters and
estates have to be taken in order to improve competitiveness of industry.
(l) To make available adequate supply of developed land for manufacturing and
quality space for high technology industries and startups, land banks have to
be developed for industrial parks in and around CMA with quality
infrastructure including social infrastructure like housing, business centres,
skill development centres etc.
(m) Development of Chennai - Manali - Ennore Corridor and Chengalpattu -
Sriperambudur - Ranipet Corridor into industrial corridors of excellence to be
(n) Inclusive industrial development should be promoted by giving due opportunity
in skill development and employment covering differently-abled persons also.

Promotion of informal sector

3.27 The National Policy for Urban Street Vendors confers legal status on
vendors and insists on creation of hawking zones and establishment of participatory
mechanism for orderly conduct of urban vending activities. Local bodies within the
CMA may institute action accordingly, within the framework of the SMP.

Promotion of Service Sector

3.28 Attention should be given to the service sector such as health, education
and recreational facilities and municipal/local body services, which would not only
increase employment opportunities but also improve standard of living in this

Central Business District

3.29 Thriving CBD is an asset to the city and it will not be desirable to reduce
its importance. At the same time, it should be seen that it functions to its capacity
and contributes to the city economy. The decongestion measures taken to shift some
of the wholesale activities to planned locations with all infrastructures as envisaged in
the First Master Plan have to continue and the other remaining CBD activities,
especially service related activities, should be encouraged to continue therein.

Development of Fisheries
3.30 Ornamental fish breeding may be permitted as a cottage industry in the
Primary Residential Zone. It may also be included in the list of cottage industries as it
has been earning foreign exchange for the State.
3.31 Chennai is the transient centre for fish trade between neighboring states
and other places in T.N. through which nearly 200 tonnes of fishes are traded every

day. So there is a necessity for wholesale market and retail trade market with cold
chain facilities for hygienic handling and maintaining the quality till the fish reaches
the consumer.

3.32 The lakes and ponds in CMA may be protected from encroachment and
provided for fish culture activities so that fish production will increase.

Private investment
3.33 Though adequate lands are zoned for industrial and commercial activities
in this Master Plan, where land use reclassifications are sought for employment
generating activities, (taking into account the normal process of examining with
reference to environmental impact, compatibility with the uses around etc.) its
processing should be speeded up and such developments should be encouraged.
Government agencies should also periodically review the demand for serviced plots for
industrial developments, identify lands, develop industrial estates and make available
the serviced plots to private individuals and groups.

Encouragement to film industry:

3.34 Chennai is the base for the South Indian Film Industry and in the western
part of Chennai City a number of studios are located. The film industry makes about
300 movies a year including movies in other Southern Indian languages apart from
Tamil movies, giving employment to a large number of people. This industry also
needs government attention for provision of adequate infrastructure for its growth.

Promotion of tourism:
3.35 Tourists can contribute substantially to the economy of the State.
Construction of a state-of- the- art convention centre, organizing a sun-et-lumiere at
Rajaji Hall, opening an exhibition ship near Anna Memorial, establishment of a
butterfly park and night safari at Vandalur. Establishing an arts gallery in fine arts
college etc., are some of the projects that Tourism Dept. have in mind. As part of the
tourism infrastructure development at National level with the assistance of ADB
through GOI, tourism infrastructure in Chennai circuit is proposed to be developed.
This may be implemented on a time-bound basis.

E. The Plan
3.36 The plan has set apart lands in different parts of CMA recognising the
existing industrial activities and proposing lands for new industrial developments
through land use zoning.

3.37 About 9% of the CMA has been zoned for industrial use zone. In addition

about 14% of the lands in CMA are zoned as commercial and mixed residential
wherein industries upto 50 HP are permissible in commercial and up to 30 HP are
permissible in mixed residential use zone. Other employment generating activities
such as shopping centres, offices and other commercial activities can be located in
MR, commercial and other higher order use zones. Adequate lands have been zoned
taking into account the future requirements / demand up to the year 2026 following
the principles of zoning.

3.38 Parameters for regulation of industrial and commercial developments and

related matters that will support sustainable industrial developments are incorporated
in Development Regulation in Volume II.

F. Monitoring and Review

3.39 A committee to be known as “ Economy, Employment and Investment

Planning Committee” with representation of Government and non-government
stakeholders and experts will be constituted to monitor the implementation of policies
and strategies in this sector and to initiate such studies and assemble such
information as needed for the purpose. This committee will meet atleast once in three
months or as many times as needed. It will draw up detailed terms of reference for its
work in consultation with the concerned stakeholders.

3.40 This committee may work through special working groups created for the
purpose for the different sub-sectors under it.

Chapter - IV
Traffic and Transportation
A. Introduction
4.1 The need to take an integrated long term view of transport needs of CMA and to
plan road development, public transport services and suburban rail transport as a part of
the urban planning process have been well recognized as essential for the efficient
functioning of the urban system.

4.2 The traffic and transportation schemes are presently implemented by several
departments and agencies. While long-term planning and coordination is carried out by
CMDA, individual schemes are executed by Southern Railway, National Highways
Authority of India (NHAI), Department of Highways (DoH), Corporation of Chennai (CoC),
and Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC). Traffic enforcement is done by Chennai
Traffic Police (CTP).

4.3 While the urban rail network development is carried out by the Southern
Railway, the major arterial & sub-arterial road corridors and other roads are developed and
maintained by NHAI, DoH and the local bodies concerned respectively. The roads within
the local body areas are improved and maintained by the Directorate of Municipal
Administration, Directorate of Town Panchayats and Directorate of Rural Development
through the local bodies concerned. As regards traffic management and enforcement, the
same is looked after by the CTP in respect of Greater Chennai Area and District Police for
the remaining CMA. The public bus transport is with MTC.

B. Existing situation
Road Network
4.4 The total length of road network in Chennai City is 2780 km. Chennai has
radial and ring pattern of road network. Prime radial network comprises
(i) Anna Salai (NH45)
(ii) Periyar EVR Salai (NH4)
(iii) Chennai-Kolkotta Salai (NH5) and
(iv) Chennai-Thiruvallur Salai (NH205).

4.5 Other radial roads include Kamarajar salai, East Coast Road, Rajiv Gandhi
Salai (OMR), NSK Salai (Arcot Road) and Thiruvottiyur High Road. Orbital road network
implemented as per the First Master Plan comprises Jawaharlal Nehru Road (IRR) and
Chennai By-pass Road. The orbital road network has improved the accessibility and
reduced the congestion on the radial network particularly Anna Salai and Periyar EVR

Salai. Radial roads in and around Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA) for a length of 250 km
have also been improved.

Rail Network
4.6 Commuter rail system in CMA operated by Southern Railway essentially
consists of the following 3 lines:
i. Chennai Beach - Tambaram, running south-west
ii. Chennai Central – Thiruvallur, running west and
iii. Chennai Central – Gummidipoondi, running north.
4.7 The first 2 lines have dedicated tracks for commuter trips. The 3rd line, however,
caters to both suburban and inter-city passenger movement.
4.8 In addition phase I and phase II of MRTS are currently in operation traversing a
length of more than 15 km covering the residential and IT corridor in the south-eastern
part of the City.

Road Characteristics
4.9 Following problems mark the road network:
ƒ Poor quality of riding surface
ƒ Inadequate, shrunken and encroached footpaths
ƒ Lack of properly designed intersections
ƒ Poor lighting conditions
ƒ Missing links in the road network
ƒ Mismatch between the growth rate of vehicles and road supply. Increase in road
space accounts only 3 to 4% of the total area while 425 vehicles are added to the
City every day and
ƒ Poor drainage system compounded by frequent cutting open of carriageways and
footpaths for attending to utility / service lines repair thereby substantially
reducing the effective availability of road space / footpath.

Rail Characteristics
4.10 (i) The capacity of Chennai Beach – Tambaram rail line is especially restricted by the
presence of a number of road / rail level crossings. Both the Chennai Beach –
Tambaram and the Chennai Central – Gummidipoondi rail corridors witness
overcrowding of trains during peak hours.
(ii) Despite development of the new rail corridor viz. MRTS, the patronage of the
corridor has been below par. The same can be attributed to many factors which
include lack of adequate access and circulation, under-development of inter-modal
interchanges at the stations, higher rail fares and non-exploitation of the inter-
operability of services among the four rail sectors.

Trend of growth of vehicle population and its composition
4.11 Motor vehicle population has increased at a phenomenal rate during the last
few decades. Fig.4.1 presents the trend of growth of motor vehicle population in Chennai
City. Composition of vehicle population for the period 1984, 1992 and 2007 is shown in
Fig. 4.2, 4.3 & 4.4 respectively. Figures reveal that the number of buses remained almost
stagnant while two wheelers experienced a remarkable increase from 87,000 (1984) to 15,
19,357 (2007).

Fig. 4.1 Vehicle Population in Chennai City (as on 1.1.2007)

Vehicles ( in nos.)

1000000 T/W

1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007

Distribution of Vehicle type

Fig. 4.2 Distribution of Vehicles by Fig 4.3 Distribution of Vehicles by

Type - 1984 Type - 1992
Bus Bus
Bus Truck
Car Other Bus Truck A/R Truck Other
Car 1% 0% 4% A/R
24% 0% 1% 10% 4% A/R 21% A/R
Car Car
TW Other TW Other
61% 71%

Fig 4.4 Distribution of Vehicles by

Type - 2007
Other Bus Truck Bus
1% 0% 2%
Car A/R Truck
2% A/R

Travel Characteristics
4.12 Per Capital trip rate is 1.30 per day and trip rate per household is 5.88 per
day, as per the CTTS (Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Study of 1992-95). Total
person trips performed in Chennai were about 7.45 m and 9.59 m trips during 1992 and
2005 respectively. Fig. 4.5, 4.6 & 4.7 present distribution of person trips by mode during

1970, 1992 and 2005. It could be observed that the share of public transport, cycle and
IPT have declined over years. This dismal trend can be attributed to the increasing
vehicular ownership, the stagnant growth of bus fleet and the unsafe rights-of-way for the

Fig 4.5 Distribution of Person Trips by Mode - Fig 4.6 Distribution of Person Trips by
1970 Mode - 1992
Bus Bus
Train Train
Walk A/R OthersIPT
0% Car Car
21% 1% 5%
Bus Walk Bus TW
TW 39%
41% 29% Cycle
Cycle Walk
21% Car Train Walk Cycle Others
TW TW Car 4%
3% 12% A/R 14% 7% 1% IPT

Fig 4.7 Distribution of Person Trips by

Mode - 2005
Others IPT Car
0% 3% TW
Walk 26% Train
32% 3% Cycle
Car Walk
Cycle TW 4% Others
13% 19%

Traffic characteristics
4.13 Arterial roads leading to the CBD carry heavy traffic and are congested. Level
of congestion on arterials and other major roads has increased seven-fold for the period
1984 to 2004. The average volume carried by Anna Salai during 2006 was about 1.58lakh
PCU as against its capacity of 60,000 PCU per day.

4.14 The volume capacity (V/C) ratio on many links during peak hours was more
than one. In CBD, the V/C ratio was more than 1.5 for most of the road links. Phenomenal
growth of vehicles coupled with minimal increase in road space, has led to a low speed of
15 kmph in CBD and 20 kmph in other major roads. Provision of orbital roads such as
IRR and Chennai By-pass (southern segment) has generally increased the speed on the
radial roads.

Bus Transport
4.15 MTC with a fleet size of 2815 buses is operating along 551 routes. Almost
invariably buses run with crush-load. The overcrowding is as high as 150%. The demand
far outstrips supply leading to inhuman conditions of travel. This could be attributed to
the inadequate fleet strength and poor frequency. MTC has extended its coverage up to 50

km beyond the CMA. During 2007, MTC has purchased about 500 new buses. It has also
introduced a new service known as deluxe bus at a premium with an objective to
encourage those who use personal modes to shift to bus transport.

Goods Transport
4.16 The number of goods vehicles in Chennai has increased from 6,671 in 1980 to
32,629 in 2005. According to a study by CMDA (1985) the main items of movement are
manufactured goods (15.5%), building materials (9.9%), industrial raw materials (9.2%),
perishables (9.1%) and parcels (8.5%).

4.17 The most important places of arrival and dispatch are George Town, Salt
Cotaurs, Chennai Harbour, industrial estates at Guindy and Ambattur and the timber
yards near Chromepet and Tambaram on NH-45 and the petroleum installations at
Korukkupet and Manali.

4.18 At present the movement of goods vehicles is considered as a nuisance and

hazard to other users and several restrictions are placed on their movement which
evidently place an economic cost on the City.

4.19 CMDA had taken steps to shift some of the wholesale markets and create
truck terminals on the periphery of the City. Of these Sathangadu steel market,
Koyambedu perishables market and Madhavaram truck terminal have been made

Traffic Management and Enforcement

4.20 The City faces severe problem of congestion due to runaway growth of
personalised vehicles. The traffic management in the City is marked by introduction of a
series of one-way traffic system. The one-way traffic system has, however, implications on
pedestrian safety and fuel consumption. One-way traffic is generally desirable when there
are complementary roads and the additional traveling distance is not more than 300m as
per IRC. Hence whenever such systems are introduced, the interests of public transport
modes and pedestrians are duly addressed.

4.21 Traffic control devices, traffic signs and road markings are not adequately
maintained to retain their legibility and visibility. Inadequate enforcement of traffic rules,
lack of road sense and restraint by road-users and insufficient regulatory measures
characterise the present situation.

4.22 Demand for parking in the CBD is 2 times the supply. Acute shortage of
parking supply is witnessed in commercial areas of Anna Salai, T. Nagar, Purasawalkam
and Mylapore. Unauthorised and indiscriminate parking impedes free flow of traffic and
causes accidents. Peak parking demand, as per a study in 2003, was 13,000 PCE as
against the supply of 5,100 PCE. For example the supply in T. Nagar is 794 PCE against a
demand of 2151 PCE and the supply in Parrys is 704 PCE against a demand of 4426 PCE.
The haphazard parking has led to loss in the road capacity that ranges between15% to

Pollution due to Vehicular Emission

4.23 Pollution due to vehicular emission has done a lot of harm to the environment.
Periodical monitoring conducted by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB)
revealed the following level of pollution:
Pollutant Load Permissible level
Carbon Monoxide (Co) 1908 to 4198 µg/m3 2000 µg/m3
Suspend particulate Matter (SPM) 264 TO 451 µg/m3 200 µg/m3

4.24 Another study carried out by TNPCB has also shown that the emission from nearly
half the vehicles in the City exceeded the permissible limit.

Road Accidents
4.25 Accident data reveals that on an average about 620 persons die on City roads
annually. Fig. 4.8 shows the trend of road accidents over the years. Fatality rate works
out to 35/10,000 vehicles. Other sources of data indicate that 42% of road accidents
involve pedestrians and 10% cyclists. Chennai Traffic Police (CTP) is responsible for
reporting and investigation of road accidents.

F ig 4 .8 T re n d o f R o a d A c c id e n ts in
th e C ity

7 0 0 0
No.of Accidents (Fatal,

6 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
F a ta l

4 0 0 0
In ju r e d
3 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 T o ta l
1 0 0 0






Y ear

Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA)
4.26 The National Transportation Policy Committee (1980) recommended
establishment of single transport authorities for Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai. In
pursuance of this the Government of Tamil Nadu (GoTN) in June 1994 accepted
in principle to form a Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA) for Chennai.
Based on the recommendations of a consultancy commissioned in 1995, GoTN have taken
up with Govt. of India (GoI) for the setting up of the UMTA for Chennai.
4.27 The National Urban Transportation Policy approved by the GOI in April 2006
has also recommended creation of UMTA. Following various initiatives taken subsequently,
the GoTN have decided in July 2007 to create the UMTA Orders since issued on 24-10-07.
C. Projected Travel Demand
4.28 The travel demands have been projected on the basis of increase in per capita
trips. The per capita trip that was 1.44 in 2005 (HHI Survey carried out as part of the DPR
for the Chennai Metro Rail Project, DMRC, 2005) has been projected to 1.6 by 2016 and 1.65
by 2026.
4.29 Three scenarios based on different modal splits between the road and rail
system have been contemplated. These have been worked out gradually increasing the
modal share of the public transport and also increasing the share of the rail transport
within the public transport modes. The scenario selected for master planning has the
following assumptions.
i) The modal split between public and private transport will change from 28:72 (2005) to
55:45 (2011) and 60:40 (2016), 65:35 (2021) and 70:30 (2026) in line with the trend in
share of public transport increasing with city size.
ii) The sub modal split between bus and rail will have to change from 91:9 (2005) to
75:25 (2011) and 70.30 (2016), 65:35 (2021) and 60:40 (2026).

Table 4.1: Projected Daily Trips by Public Transport

2004 2011 2016 2021 2026
1. Population in lakh 75.61 88.71 99.62 111.98 125.82
2. Daily per capita Trips 1.32 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.65
3. Total Daily Person
99.81 133.07 159.39 179.17 207.60
Trips in lakh
Private 64.57 45 40 35 30
Scenario 2 Modal Split %
Public 35.43 55 60 65 70
35.36 73.19 95.64 116.46 145.32
Total Daily Person Trips
by Public Transport in By Rail % 14.54 25 30 35 40
By Road % 85.46 75 70 65 60
By Rail 5.14 18.30 28.69 40.76 58.13
Daily Trips in lakh
By Road 30.22 54.89 68.95 75.70 87.19
Source: Short term study to update CTTS (1992-95)(CMDA, RITES & PTCS, 2004)

4.30 The total person trips in the CMA which was 9.59 m / day have been projected
to 20.76 m / day in 2026. The number of trips carried by bus transport in 2005 would
become nearly 3.5 times in the year 2026. Similarly the volume of passengers to be carried
by rail transport will be nearly 24 times the present volume.

D. Policies and Strategies

4.31 To cope with the scale of the travel demand projected for the horizon year
2026, the policies and strategies proposed are as follows:
i) Moving people rather than vehicles
Redefining the role of both the rail and bus transits so that they move the bulk of
the travel demand in the metropolis. The strategy includes within itself
ƒ Augmenting the coverage and capacity of the rail and bus transits resulting in higher
accessibility and mobility to the commuters
ƒ Removing bottlenecks in the rail transit and bus transit networks i.e. replacing road /
rail level crossings by underpasses / overpasses, providing flyovers at critical road
ƒ Priority for bus transit by reservation of lanes along major arterial roads and priority at
traffic signals
ƒ Making the transit system affordable to all segments of the commuting population by
differential pricing commensurate with the level of service, at the same time reducing
the gap between the cost of operation and the revenue and
ƒ Running mini-buses between the railway y. stations and nearby bus transit corridors
and between railway. stations and residential areas.

ii) Integrating land use and urban transportation

Recognising the strong interrelationship between land use and transportation, land
uses can be planned matching transportation supply and vice versa. The strategy includes
within itself
ƒ Carrying forward the process of planning and developing a road and transport
network based on comprehensive traffic and transportation studies, as done in the
implementation of the First Master Plan
ƒ Recognising the energy, economic and environmental advantages of densifying
developments around transit nodes, restructuring the land use distribution and
disposition accordingly
ƒ Ascertaining the adequacy or otherwise of the road and transport supply vis-à-vis, the
land use planning for the plan period by undertaking a comprehensive transportation
study and
ƒ Recognising the fact that there is a wide gap in the supply of 2nd and 3rd order roads
in the Outer-CMA and that in the absence of which the primary road network gets

unduly congested, developing a road network plan with a grid of 2km x 2km so that
development of these road grids is implemented by the respective local bodies.

iii) Priorities to non-motorised transport (NMT)

Appreciating the fact that the modal share of trips made by cyclists and pedestrians
is more than 45%, allocating higher proportion of road space for them, if not an equitable
one. The strategy includes within itself
ƒ Footpaths are not less than 1.5m in residential streets and 3.0m on major roads with
commercial activities
ƒ Redeeming the existing footpaths from such encroachments as flag-posts, hoardings,
hawkers, shops, places of worship, eat-outs, construction materials, parking of
vehicles, PCOs, telephone boxes, electrical transformers / junction boxes, traffic
umbrellas, waste bins, milk booths etc.
ƒ As in the case of evicting the encroachments on water-bodies with stringent penal
actions as provided for in the recent Ordinance, similar legal framework is proposed
for evicting the encroachments on footpaths / roads
ƒ Demarcating stretches of roads or areas exclusively for movement by pedestrians and
cyclists and
ƒ Providing safe passage of pedestrian / cyclists by sub-ways.

iv) Optimising the existing road and transport infrastructure

Keeping pace with the increasing mobility requirements, increasing the supply of
road and transport infrastructure. The core of the strategy, apart from creating new
additional infrastructure, includes within itself -
ƒ Optimising the capacity of existing road network by widening critical road links and
ƒ Optimising the capacity of signalised road intersections by periodically recalibrating the
signal cycle times to cope with the traffic volumes including deployment of Area Traffic
Control (ATC) system
ƒ Programming to widen all the roads to their prescribed street alignment width in a
phased manner with a finite timeframe
ƒ Articulating the road network by developing missing links
ƒ Improving the throughput of a corridor as a whole by appropriate intersection
treatment in a phased manner vis-à-vis improving intersections sporadically across the
road network
ƒ Introducing high occupancy vehicles (HOV) lanes along critical road corridors
ƒ Commensurate with the development densities along the corridor(s) upgrading the
same as multi-modal transit corridors
ƒ Introducing additional sub-urban rail stations along existing rail corridors

ƒ Quadrupling the existing sub-urban rail system
ƒ Augmenting the rail network for commuting by shifting the inter-regional terminal from
city core to the city fringe (e.g. shifting the long distance terminal from Egmore to
Tambaram) and
ƒ Increasing the length of trains (3 coaches to 6 coaches to 9 coaches).

v) Putting a parking policy in place

Recognising parking control as a powerful tool in combating traffic congestion, the
strategy is to
ƒ Give effect to the off-street parking norms arrived at for various landuses through a
comprehensive parking study; these are binding on all including the enforcing
authority namely Chennai Traffic Police
ƒ Develop multi-level parking at major traffic generating locations with (or without)
private participation
ƒ Develop park-and-ride facility at all critical sub-urban / RTS / metro rail stations
ƒ Develop park-and-ride facility at all critical bus terminals
ƒ Enforce effectively accommodating visitors’ parking within flats
ƒ Launch a special drive by CPT to remove unauthorised on-street parking and in the
case of certain critical commercial streets, ban on-street parking permanently after
giving adequate notice to the commercial establishments to arrange to provide off-
street parking on their own to their customers, recognising the fact that the roads are
meant only for movement and not for parking
ƒ Introduce the concept of community parking
ƒ Use the underneath space of flyovers for parking
ƒ Ban operation of tourist cars / vans / taxis / trucks / lorries / buses if the operators
do not have parking of their own
ƒ So price the parking as to improve the parking turnover and reduce the use of private
ƒ Make land owning agencies viz. Corporation of Chennai etc. to readily part with their
land for the construction of multilevel parking complexes and
ƒ Review the adequacy of parking standards periodically say, once in 5 years to cope
with the increasing vehicular growth.

vi) Redefining the role of para-transit

Recognising the gap in travel demand unserved by either the transit modes or private
modes, redefining the role of para-transit as a viable modal choice. The strategy is to
ƒ Encourage wider coverage and capacity by the para-transit comprising autos, share
autos, taxis, call taxis, call autos, maxi-cabs and cycle rickshaws
ƒ Provide parking for para-transit at critical rail stations / bus terminals / bus stops

ƒ Encourage cycle-rickshaws to operate between residential areas and transit routes
ƒ Regulate the operation of para-transit by enforcing minimum safety norms.

vii) Segregating freight traffic from passenger traffic

The seaport activities of the City necessitate the freight traffic to flow to and from
the CBD. With the expanding cargo movement and the general traffic flowing virtually all
through the day without the distinction between peak and non-peak hours, the necessity
to plan and develop exclusive and semi-exclusive freight corridors not only from economic
considerations but also to minimise the conflicts between passenger and freight traffic.
The strategy is to
ƒ Plan and develop exclusive elevated corridors for freight traffic within the City core
ƒ Plan and develop orbital roads in the form of urban bypasses to segregate inter-city
traffic from intra-city traffic which essentially facilitate semi-exclusive freight movement
ƒ Enhance the connectivity of seaports with National Highways and
ƒ Plan and develop outstation truck terminals and parking.

viii) Deploying various travel demand management (TDM) measures

Recognising the fact that all the travel demand can not be satisfied by matching
road and transport supply, the potentials of attacking the problem on the demand side
itself rather than on the supply side merit consideration. The strategy is to
ƒ Stagger the school opening times zone- wise
ƒ Stagger the office opening times
ƒ Stagger the holidays to markets sub-CBD- wise
ƒ Encourage car-pooling and van-pooling
ƒ Encourage the coverage and fleet size of share autos and maxi-cabs
ƒ Allocate HOV lanes along major arterial roads
ƒ Encourage new industrial complexes to provide quarters for their employees within
their premises
ƒ Decentralise major activities to reduce traffic
ƒ Encourage tele-shopping and shopping through internet
ƒ Deploy congestion pricing, hefty parking fees, permit system to own private vehicles,

ix) Putting in place an environmental development management mechanism

To mitigate the negative impact of vehicular traffic on environment particularly air
quality, it is necessary that various suitable measures are taken. The strategy is to
ƒ Enlarge the segments of vehicular population converted to pollution free fuels viz. LPG
/ CNG / battery

ƒ Strictly enforce the road users obtain EUC
ƒ Establish an air quality monitoring system which maps the quality of air across the
road network periodically
ƒ Subject every major transport development measure to comply with environmental
safeguards and
ƒ Subject every major transport development measure to safety audit.

x) Setting up a unified institutional framework encompassing all modes

Recognising the positive synergies in setting up a single organisation to take care of
all vehicular modes and to remove or minimise the redundancies in the number of
departments / agencies presently looking after the various functions to plan, operate and
regulate the different modes, creating a set up namely Unified Metropolitan Transport
Authority (UMTA) for Chennai. The strategy is to
ƒ Set up UMTA within a specified timeframe with coordinating, planning and advisory
role initially but eventually graduating into a full-fledged regulatory and tariff fixing
authority for all urban transport modes in CMA
ƒ Take continued efforts to integrate bus and rail transport pending the formation of
ƒ Mobilise additional resources for road development including collection of
betterment levy provided for in the Tamil Nadu Highways Act
ƒ Make private sector to participate not only in the development of urban transport
infrastructure but also in the operation (e.g. bus transport, LRT, multilevel parking,
toll plaza etc.) by employing such financing models as BOO, BOOT etc.
ƒ Implement those options of development of urban transport infrastructure borne
out of broad based public participatory approach and
ƒ Establish a traffic database by capturing information on the traffic along road
corridors by installing automatic traffic recorders.

xi) Enforcement as a potential tool for development

Unless the enforcement is incisive, the entire urban development planning exercise
will not produce the desired results. The traffic could have been kept well under control if
only the encroachments on road / footpaths and the unauthorised on-street parking have
been ruthlessly removed by effective enforcement. The strategy is to
ƒ Effectively keep all the roads, footpaths and designated off-street parking clear of
encroachments both by the asset owning agencies and by the CTP by constant
ƒ Organise campaigns and special drives to educate the road users to adhere to traffic
ƒ Delink driver training and licensing from the vehicle registration and licensing and

ƒ Ensure training institutes catering to heavy vehicle drivers have driving simulators
and audio visual presentation and evaluate drivers by written, oral and field tests.

xii) Promoting other transit options

Given the configuration of certain segments of the road network which can not lend
themselves for development of metro rail or RTS, it is necessary to identify alternative
transit solutions matching the profile of these segments of road network. The strategy is to
ƒ Plan and develop mono-rail / LRT /ETB
ƒ Plan and develop SKYBUS and
ƒ Plan and develop hovercraft transport along seacoast.

xiii) Promoting innovative technologies / practices

The utility and capacity of urban transport infrastructure can be maximized by
reinventing some of the (abandoned but) best practices or by deploying methods and
techniques exploiting the advances in new technologies. The strategy is to
ƒ Introduce the potential of information technology in the traffic management system
viz. SCOOT / SCAT in area traffic control system, advanced passenger traveler
information system etc.
ƒ Make available the road metal recycling machinery (associated milling machine) to
the contractors or include in the contract document use of the machinery mandatory
to ensure that new road surface is laid without increasing the height of the
pavement, considering the avoidable nuisances, caused by the constant raising of
the road levels, to the properties on either side
ƒ Construct half-elevated and half-below-road pedestrian sub-way which allows ease of
crossing the road with the objective of improving the utility of pedestrian subways
ƒ Adopt German type mobile flyover technology on pilot basis and extending the same
based on its success
ƒ Dewater vehicular sub-ways promptly during monsoon and use the same for rain
water harvesting, Construct foot-over bridges / pedestrian sub-way connecting
shopping complexes on either side in commercial centres
ƒ Develop any road from the edges so that the reserve land is naturally protected as
ƒ Develop new roads with ducts for services / utilities
ƒ Cement-concrete the existing road pavement particularly the road intersections and
ƒ Take advance action to acquire land or tracts of land around major transit nodes /
intersections so that these could be utilised not only for major junction improvement
in future but also plan and develop organised urban (growth) centres exploiting the
vantage location of these lands.

E. The Plan
4.32 The shelf of urban transport infrastructure projects, based on various
studies, incorporated in the draft Master Plan II, has been publicly disclosed. The shelf of
projects has subsequently undergone enlargement and fine-tuning not only in the light of
the objections and suggestions received during the public consultative process and
subsequently moderated by the Committee on Transport constituted specifically for the
purpose but also in the light of the schemes proposed for implementation in the medium
and long term by a high level committee comprising all the agencies concerned with the
urban transportation. The broad shelf of urban transport infrastructure projects with
rough cost estimates wherever readily available is indicated in the Annexure I & II.

4.33 A quick review of the shelf of projects, indicate that the targeted modal share
of 70% by public transport is fairly realizable provided the metro rail network is
implemented in full and the road network expanded by development of elevated highways.
The total person trips by motorised vehicles constituted 54.5% of all person trips made in
the CMA in 2005. The target of 70% of these trips by the public transport (i.e 38.15% of all
person trips by motorised vehicles) by 2026 works out to 7.9m trips / day. With the
implementation of 46km of Metro rail which would carry not less than 0.4m trips / day,
the MRTS together with the sub-urban network 0.8m trips / day and the MTC with the
expanded fleet size of not less than 6000 and a network of BRT carrying about 7.0m trips /
day, the target is fairly achievable (even though the rail transit is expected to carry as much
as 6 m trips / day). As for the remaining person trips by motorised vehicles (i.e 30% of all
person trips by motorised vehicles) works out to 3.4m trips per day by 2026.
Implementation of the network of elevated highways, the network of BRT and the series of
debottlenecking measures viz. underpasses / overpasses, flyovers, etc proposed in the shelf
would assist in coping with these many trips by private vehicles.

4.34 While every scheme in the shelf might merit consideration in its own right, it
is necessary that the shelf is validated as a whole with a view to eliminate any redundancy.
Further some schemes that prima facie qualify on a conceptual basis require detailed
studies to establish their feasibility. The recently commissioned 18-month Comprehensive
Transportation Study (CTS) would assist in validating the shelf of schemes. Implementation
of every major scheme would, however, be preceded by a public interface and a detailed
feasibility study to comply with the economic, environmental and social considerations.

F. Monitoring and Review

4.35 A committee to be known as “ Traffic, Transportation, Road and Rail, Para

Transport and Communication Committee” with representation of Government and non-
government stakeholders and experts will be constituted to monitor the implementation of

policies and strategies in this sector and to initiate such studies and assemble such
information as needed for the purpose. This committee will meet at least once in three
months or as many times as needed. It will draw up detailed terms of reference for its work
in consultation with the concerned stakeholders.

4.36 This committee may work through special working groups created for the
purpose for the different sub-sectors under it.

Annexure I
List Of Medium – Term Transportation Schemes

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
A. Urban Rail Transit System
A1 Augmentation of rail network
i) MRTS extension from Velachery (about 5km) 600.00
ii) 3rd rail line from Beach to Korukkupet (4.1km) 55.23
iii) 3rd rail line from Korukkupet to Athipattu (18km) 70.56
iv) Central- Egmore rail link (2.6km) 80.00
Sub –total (A1) 805.79
A2 Road/Rail crossings - RoB/RuB
i) At Vyasarpadi on GNT Road 74.53
ii) Villivakkam - Ambattur (11/31A - 12/1) 15.00
iii) Tambaram - Vandalur (32/11-12) 15.00
iv) Villivakkam - Ambattur (13/4 – 6) 15.00
v) Ambattur - Avadi (17/34 - 18/2) 15.00
vi) Pattabiram Military siding (1042 – 1043) 15.00
vii) Avadi - Pattabiram East (23/12-14) 15.00
viii) Tondiarpet - Tiruvottiyur (7/22-24) 15.00
ix) Tambaram - Perungalathur (32/8-9) 15.00
x) Vandalur - Oorapakkam (36/6-7) 15.00
xi) On MKT Road @ Minjur Station (LC16) 15.00
xii) Karunikar street 8.00
xiii) Meenambakkam 10.00
xiv) Vaishnav College @ Chrompet 2.70
Sub -total (A2) 245.23
A3 Pedestrian facility @ Railway Stations
Escalators in sub-urban stations (30) 75.00
Sub –total (A3) 75.00
Total (A) 1126.02
B. Urban Bus Transit System
B1. Fleet augmentation
Replacement of 500 to 600 buses / year & augmentation of 500 to 733.00
600 buses / year

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
Sub –total (B1) 733.00
B2. Depots and terminals
i) Construction of 26 new bus depots 212.00
(Kovalam,, Kelambakkam, Thaiyur, Semmancheri, Medavakkam,
Agaramthen, Vandalur, Guduvancherry, Mudichur, Somangalam,
Kundrathur, Mangadu, Noombal, Kamarajnagar, Kil
Ayanambakkam, Chembarabakkam, Pudusathram, Thirunindravur,
Pudur, Ayappakkam, Teachers’ Colony (Kolathur), Alamathi,
Padiyanallur, Karanodai, Madhavaram Milk Colony and Manali
New Town)
ii) Construction of 11 new bus terminals 33.00
(Broadway, Anna Square, Sholinganallur, Tambaram East,
Vandalur, Mangadu, Saligramam, Chembarabakkam,
Thirunindravu, Ayapakkam and Kallikuppam)
iii) Renewal of existing depots and bus terminals (34) 100.00
iv) Machinery & equipments for the new depots 50.00
Sub – total (B2) 395.00
B3. Other operational infrastructure such as computerisation & 175.00
networking, electronic route boards, electronic ticketing system, on-
line GPS for vehicle tracking, PIS and IVRS system
Sub – total (B3) 175.00
B4. Bus Rapid Transit ways (Limited)
i) Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR) (20km) 100.00
ii) Taramani Link Road (5km) 25.00
iii) MBI Road (15km) 75.00
iv) Pallavaram Thorapakkam Road (15km) 75.00
v) Sardar Patel Road (10km) 50.00
vi) NSK Salai (Arcot Road) – KS Road (20km) 100.00
vii) Mt. Poonamallee Road (15km) 75.00
Sub -total (B4) 500.00
B5. Bus lay-byes & Shelters
i) Construction of bus lay-byes and bus shelters (200 Nos.) 50.00
ii) Bus stand improvement (Municipalities) 2.70
iii) Bus stand improvement (TP) 0.75
iv) Bus stand improvement (VP) 4.90
Sub -total (B5) 58.35
Total (B) 1861.35

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
C Development Of Road Network
C1 Elevated highways
i) From Light House to Besant Nagar across Adyar Estuary (10 km 500.00
length) and on to ECR (along existing road links)
ii) Along City Waterways (52.6km along existing links and 46.7km 2500.00
new construction)
iii) Along Jawaharlal Nehru Salai (IRR) from SIDCO Junction (km0/6) 600.00
to Koyambedu Kaliamman Koil Street Junction (km8/1)
iv) Along Arcot Road from Vadapalani up to Porur 300.00
v) Along Thiruvottiyur High Road from Tollgate to Ernavur Bridge 250.00
vi) Along Rajaji Salai from Parrys Corner to Tollgate @ Thiruvottiyur 350.00
vii) Along Nungambakkam High Road, Valluvar Kottam High Road, 300.00
Mc. Nichols Road, College Road and Haddows Road
viii) Along G.S.T Road from Chennai Port to Tambaram 1,400.00
Sub -total (C1) 6,200.00

C2 Development of Freight Corridors

i) Elevated Highway along the banks of River Cooum from Chennai 800.00
Port to Maduravoyal
ii) Truck terminal on GST Road @ Maraimalai Nagar 75.00
iii) Truck terminal @ the intersection of ORR & 200’ wide arterial road 500.00
at Karunakkarancheri
Truck parking at Manali 75.00
Sub-total (C2) 1450.00

C3.1 Major Flyovers

i) @ Madhya Kailash junction 150.00
ii) @ Thiruvanmiyur West Avenue x LB Road junction 30.00
iii) On Anna Salai combining i) Blackers Road junction, ii) Dams 75.00
Road x Thiru-Vi-Ka Road (General Patters Road) junction and iii)
Binny’s Road x Pattulos Road junction;
iv) On Anna Salai combining i) Eldams Road x Theagaraya Road 82.00
intersection, ii) Cenatoph Road junction, iii) Venkata Narayana
Road x Chamiers Road intersection and iv) CIT I Main Road
v) @ the junction of Anna Salai and Sardar Patel Road 22.00
vi) On Periyar EVR Salai combining i) Nelson Manickam Road 60.00
junction and ii) Anna Nagar III Avenue junction

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
vii) @ the intersection of IRR x Anna Nagar II Avenue Road @ 30.00
viii) @ the intersection of IRR x Arcot Road @ Vadapalani 30.00
ix) @ the intersection of GNT Road x Madhavaram High Road @ 42.72
x) @ the intersection of Mount-Poonamallee Road x KS Road x 28.40
Kundrathur Road @ Porur
xi) @ the junction of Taramani Link x M.B.I.Road @Vijayanagaram 60.00
xii) @ the junction of M.P.road x Poonamallee Kundrathur Road @ 60.00
Poonamallee Town.
xiii) @ the junction of Mount Madipakkam Road x Pallavaram 30.00
Thorapakkam Road
xiv) @ the junction of Anderson Road Medavakkam Tank Road x 30.00
Konnur High Rd
xv) @ Anna Nagar Roundtana 30.00

xvi) @ the junction of New Avadi Road x Kilpauk Garden Road 15.00

Sub-total (C3.1) 775.12

C3.2 Mini Flyovers
i) At the intersection of Old Jail Road and Basin Bridge Road @ Mint 20.00
ii) On Dr. Ambedkar College Road @ Ganesapuram 15.00
Sterling Rd. and College Road junction 20.00
Dr. Gurusamy bridge Road and Periyar EVR Salai 20.00
Sub-total (C3.2) 75.00
Sub-total (C3) 850.12

C4 Widening of Bridges And Culverts

Widening of major bridges across rivers

i) Additional two lanes to Thiru-Vi-Ka Bridge across Adyar river 9.00

ii) Construction of new bridge across Cooum river at Mogappair 5.00

iii) Construction of new bridge across Ennore creek 20.00
iv) Additional two lanes to the bridge on Sardar Patel Road across 1.00
v) Construction of new bridge across Cooum river at Nolambur 5.00
vi) Construction of new bridge across Cooum river along 5.00
Karumariamman koil Road
Sub -total (C4) 45.00

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
C5 New Link Roads
i) Tambaram Eastern Bypass (from MBI Road to GST Road) (9 km) 45.00
ii) Puzhal to IRR (4 km) 20.00
iii) Link Road between Thiru-Vi -Ka Bridge and Kotturpuram Bridge 50.00
along southern bank of Adyar river and extending up to Marai
Adigal bridge (4.4 km)
iv) Link road between Madhaya Kailash and Muthuramlinga Thevar 40.00
Salai along West Canal Bank Road (1.8 km) (elevated)
v) Link from Kotturpuram – Gandhi Mandapam Road and West 25.00
Canal Bank Road (utilising the approach road to Birla Planetarium
and existing road behind CLRI) (1.16 km)
vi) Link road along Ponni Amman Koil Street connecting Gandhi 30.00
Mandapam Road and West Canal Bank Road (1 km)
vii) Link road between Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR) and East Coast Road 30.00
(Pallavan Kudiruppu to Prarthana Theatre) (3 km)
viii) Link road between Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR) and East Coast Road 30.00
at Palavakkam
ix) Outer Ring Road from NH45 to TPP Road : 0/00 – 62/0 (62 km) 900.00
x) Outer Ring Road from ECR to NH45 157.00
xi) Outer Ring Road from Seemapuram to Ennore Port 93.40
xii) Missing link of Outer Ring Road from MBI Road to Rajiv Gandhi 60.00
Salai (OMR) through Jaladampettai (4km)
xiii) Ambattur Estate to ORR (via Paruthipattu) (15 km) 150.00
xiv) Bypass roads to Tirumazhisai & Tiruvallur towns (12 km) 180.00

xv) Link road between New Avadi Road and Medavakkam Tank Road 5.00
xvi) Mudichur Road to Darkas Road (2km) 4.00
xvii) Velachery – Rajiv Gandhi Salai link Road (3.2km) (4 lane) 32.00
xviii) Velachery - Kelambakkam Link Road –(8.6) (4 lane) 86.00
xix) Darkas Road to Mudichur Road via TNHB Colony (1.2km) 1.44
xx) Tambaram Sanatorium to ORR (5.5km) (4 lane) 55.00
Sub-total (C5) 1993.84

C6. Widening Strengthening and resurfacing of arterial, sub-arterial

and collector roads to at least 4 lane width

i) in City (100 km) 100.00

ii) in CMA (400 km) 1,600.00
iii) Nesapakkam Road 14.00
iv) Improving Bus Route Roads (300 km) 300.00

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
v) Vadaperumbakkam Chettimedu Nayaru Road, km 0/0-24/0 (four 150.00
vi) The link road connecting Kaliamman koil street and NH4 through 47.00
Nerkundram road to act as a parallel road to Jawaharlal Nehru
Salai (IRR) behind the KWMC (km 0/0-2/4) (four lane)
vii) Alandur Road (4 lane) 7.20
viii) Velachery tank south bund Road (2km) (4 lane) 12.00
ix) From Anna Salai (Alandur) to Station (3km) 18.00
x) Medavakkam Main Road (0.9km) 5.40
xi) Velachery Road (3km) 3.00
xii) Mudichur Road from G.S.T. Road to ORR (5.8km) 34.80
xiii) Choolaimedu High Road (four lane) 5.00
xiv) Redhills road from Srinivasa Nagar to CTH Road 15.00
xv) Thirunneermalai Road (1.5km) 10.50
xvi) Kishkinta Road (2.7km) 1.69
xvii) Agaram Road 15.00
Sub-total (C6) 2,338.59

C7 Concreting of City Roads

C7a Concreting of City Roads (20km) I phase 95.00
(Cochrane Basin Road, Tondiarpet High road, Konnur High Road,
Anna Nagar III & IV Avenue, MGR Salai, Ashok Nagar IV Avenue,
Ashok Pillar Road, Anna Main road and Velachery Main Road)
C7b Concreting of City roads II Phase 118.00
(i) Kamarajar Salai & Santhome High Road : km 2/7-7/5 (4.8km)
@ Rs.20.00cr; ii) Nungambakkam High Road (1.4 km) @ Rs.5.00cr;
iii) Dr.Radhakrishna Road & Cathedral Road (3.3 km) @ Rs.17.00cr;
iv) College Road & Haddows Road (1.5 km) @ Rs.5.00cr; v) Rajaji
Salai (2.5 km) @ Rs.10.00cr; vi) Lattice Bridge Road (3.5 km) @
Rs.14.00cr; vii) Venkatnarayana Road & North Usman Road (3 km)
@ 12.00cr; viii) Muthuramalinga Thevar Salai (Chamiers Road &
Greenways Road) (3 km) @ Rs.13.00cr; ix) Purasawakkam High
Road (1.5 km) @ Rs.13.00cr and x) Millers Road, Gangadeeswar
Koil st. & Alagappa Road (1.5 km) @ Rs.10.00cr)
C7c Concreting of Major roads 20.00
(i) G.S.T road to 0/0 – 28/0 (28 km) @ Rs.150.00cr and ii)
G.N.T.Road (Walltax Road) 0/8-3/2 (2.5 km) @ Rs.10.00cr)
Sub-total (C7) 233.00

C8 Iimprovements with white-topping and landscaping @ 25 junctions 75.00

@ Rs.3.00cr each
(Jawaharlal Nehru Salai (IRR) @ its jn. near SIDCO, its jn. with
Pillayar Koil st. near Kasi Theatre, its jn. with Udhayam theatre, its

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
jn. @ Ashok Pillar, its jn. with Ambedkar road, its jn. with P.T.
Rajan Salai,its jn. with Anna Nedum Pathai, its jn. with Periyar
Pathai, its jn. @ Vinayagapuram,its jn. with Kaliamman Koil St.,its
jn. with Anna Nagar II Avenue,its jn. @ Thirumangalam and its jn.
with School Road;Adyar jn.;Thiruvnmiyur jn.;TTK Road & Dr.
Radhakrishnan Salai jn.;Turnbulls Road jn.;Canal Bank Road &
Mandhaveli jn.;Parrys Corner & Rajaji Salai jn.;Kellys
jn;.Purasavakkam High Road & Millers Road jn.;Kilpauk Garden
Road & Anna Nagar I Avenue @ Chinthamani; Anna Nagar
Roundtana;Konnur High road & Medavakkam Tank road jn.; and
Perambur High Road & Lucas Road jn.)
Sub-total (C8) 75.00

C9 Utility Duct and Storm Water Drains along Major Roads

i) City Roads (500 km) 700.00
ii) NH (urban) & Jawaharlal Nehru Salai (IRR) (70 km) 90.00
Sub-total (C9) 790.00

C10 Road works including bridges/culverts / concreting / black-topping

in Municipalities, Town Panchayats and Village Panchayats in
outer -CMA
i) Road works including bridges/culverts in 16 Municipalities in 675.15
outer CMA
(Ambattur : 933 works : 270.7 km @ Rs.151.17cr;Avadi : 506
works : 475.68 km @ Rs.79.24cr; Kathivakkam : 142 works :
37.77 km @ Rs.5.12cr; Madhavaram : 1288 works : 328.40 km @
Rs.66.05cr; Thiruvottiyur : 689 works : 482 km @ Rs.105.20cr;
Alandur : 848 works : 187.19 km @ Rs.39.71cr; Pallavapuram :
1396 works : 374 km @ Rs.83.74cr; Tambaram : 187 works :
178.25 km @ Rs.43.87cr; Anakaputhur - 153 works - 56.57 km @
Rs.8.26cr; Pammal : 626 works : 121.6 km @ Rs.15.80cr;
Puzhuthivakkam : 398 works : 120.94 km @ Rs.22.92cr;
Madhuravoyal - 321 works - 102.72 km @ Rs.15.95cr;
Poonamallee : 256 works : 105.01 km @ Rs.10.39cr;
Thiruverkadu : 150 works : 91 km @ Rs.11.93cr;
Valasaravakkam : 115 works : 82.22 km @ Rs.12.54cr; and
Manali : 90 works : 26.50 km @ Rs.3.26cr)
ii) Concreting of roads in the above 16 Municipalities in outer CMA 22.69
(939 works : 170.52 km)

iii) Black-topping of roads in the above 16 Municipalities in outer 38.61

CMA (1637 works : 438.45 km)
iv) Road works(including bridges/culverts / concreting / black- 61.30
topping) in Town Panchayats in outer CMA
v) Road works(including bridges/culverts / concreting / black- 145.10
topping) in Village Panchayats in outer CMA
Sub -total (C10) 942.85

Total (C) 14918.40

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
D Pedestrian Facilities
D1 Subways
i) Along Anna Salai @ the following 6 locations @ Rs.3cr each: 18.00
a) GP Road junction
b) Nandanam Chamiers Road junction
c) Thodhunter Nagar
d) Saidapet Bazaar Road junction
e) Little Mount A.G. Church
f) TNPL Office
ii) Along GST Road @ the following 2 locations @ Rs.3cr each: 6.00
a) M.K.N. Road junction
b) Chrompet
iii) Along Periyar EVR Salai @ the following 6 locations @ Rs.3cr 18.00
a) Dasaprakash
b) Pachaiappas College
c) Aminjikarai Market
d) Anna Arch
e) N.S.K. Nagar junction
f) Vaishanava College
iv) Along Jawaharlal Nehru Salai (IRR) @ the following 7 locations @ 21.00
Rs.3cr each:
b)14th Avenue junction
c) Ashok Pillar
d) Arcot Road junction
e) C.M.B.T.
f) Kaliamman Koil junction
g) Thirumangalam
v) Along other major roads@the following 13 locations @Rs.3cr each: 48.00
a) Nungambakkam High Road @ IOC junction
b) Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai @ Q.M.C.
c) Sardar Patel Road @ Anna University
d) Sardar Patel Road @ C.L.R.I.
e) Kamarajar Salai @ PWD Complex
f) Kamaraj Salai near Light House
g) College Road @ Meteorological Office
h) Thiruvanmiyur ECR - Marundeeswarar koil point
i) N.S.K. Salai - Vadapalani Depot
j) N.S.K. Salai - Meenakshi College
k) Porur - M.P. Road junction
l) Greenways Road @ Sathya Studio
m) Thiruvanmiyur - LB Road junction
n) Valasaravakkam - Arcot Road junction
o) Old Jail Road opp. Stanley Hospital
p) GNT Road opp. Puzhal Central Prisons
Sub-total (D1) 111.00

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
D2 Escalators
Providing escalators at 20 FoB / Sub-way locations 50.00
Sub-total (D2) 50.00
D3 Footpaths
i) Along Arcot Salai 10.00
ii) Along Mt.Poonamallee Road 28.00
iii) Along Kundrathur Road 10.00
Sub-total (D3) 48.00
Total (D) 209.00

E. Multi -Level Car Parking

i) At Panagal Park, T.Nagar (8 floors catering to 361 cars & 290 TW) 15.89
ii) Broadway Bus Stand (7 floors catering to 69 buses, 369 cars & 310 14.80
iii) MUC ground (5 floors catering to 576 cars & 178 TW) 28.88
iv) Govt. Estate Anna Salai (6 floors catering to 426 cars ) 11.17
v) Adyar (Gandhi Nagar) bus terminal (1 floor catering to 100 cars & 5.62
105 TW)
vi) T.Nagar bus terminal (5 floors catering to 36 buses & 472 cars ) 16.62
Total (E) 92.98

F Expansion Of Port Activities

i) Additional facilities at Chennai port under National Maritime 418.00
Development Project (including reception facilities for ICD
containers, multi-level car-parking facility, 2nd container terminal,
desalination project of 3000MT/day, ship repair facility and port
connectivity-bridging gap)
ii) Expansion of the Ennore Port through EPL 6500.00
(including tankage terminals, 1000 MW power plant, Ennore
Special Economic Zone, 2000 MW power plant, container terminal,
LNG terminal, LNG Regassification facilities and power plant,
POSCO Steel - steel plant)
TOTAL (F) 26918.00

G Expansion Of Airport Activities

Expansion of existing airport 2000.00
Development of Greenfield airport
TOTAL(G) 2000.00

Broad Cost
Sl. No. Project
(Rs. in crores)
H Creating Traffic Data Base For City

Installation of automatic traffic recorders at 15 locations 10.00

TOTAL (H) 10.00
I Air Quality Monitoring System
Establishment of air quality monitoring system for the City 1.00
Total (I) 1.00

Grand Total 47811.90

• Costs are not readily available

Annexure II
The List of Long – Term Urban Transportation Schemes

Sl. Project Broad Cost

No. (Rs. in crores)
A. Urban Rail Transit System
A1 Augmentation of rail network
i) Metro rail ( 46.5 km including14km UG) 9032.00
ii) 4th rail line from Beach to Athipattu (22.1km) 50.23
iii) Extension of MRTS from Thiruvanmiyur to Mammallapuram 4000.00
iv) Avadi -Sriperumbudur -Kancheepuram new link 355.00
v) Saidapet -Sriperumbudur - Kancheepuram new link (partly 2500.00
vi) Athipattu -Puthur & Link line from Periyapalayam to Tiruvallur 635.00
vii) 2nd line from Chengalpattu to Arakkonam (60 km) 150.00
viii) 3rd & 4th line from Tambaram to Chengalpattu (30 km) 150.00
ix) 5th & 6th line from Chennai to Avadi 300.00
x) 4th line from Tiruvallur to Arakkonam (30 km) 80.00
xi) 3rd & 4th line from Athipattu to Gummidipoondi (25 km) 120.00
xii) Dedicating 4 lines for commuter service between Egmore and *
Tambaram consequent to development of Tambaram Railway
Station as coaching terminal
xiii) Additional metro rail from Foreshore Estate-Mylapore- *
xiv) Rail line from Sriperumbudur and Chengalpattu via Oragadam *
xv) Rail line from Kelambakkam to Vandalur *
xvi) Rail line from St. Thomas Mt. to Porur *
xvii) Circular rail line from Chennai Beach to Chennai Beach via *
Tambaram, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram and Arakkonam
Sub-total (A1) 17372.23
A2 Road/Rail crossings - RoB/RuB
A new RoB between Wimco Nagar and Ennore railway stations 25.00
Sub-total (A2) 25.00
A3 Inter-City Rail Terminals *
i) Augmentation of passenger terminal facilities at Chennai 300.00
Central and Tambaram stations
ii) Developing rail terminals at MM Nagar, Thiruvallur and *
iii) New coaching terminal at Thirumazhisai *
iv) Royapuram Railway Station as coaching terminal *
v) Tambaram Railway Station as coaching terminal *

Sl. Project Broad Cost
No. (Rs. in crores)
vi) Villivakkam Railway Station as Coaching Terminal *
Sub-total (A3) 300.00
A4 Pedestrian facility @ Railway Stations
i) Pedestrian subway at Nungambakkam 2.0
ii) Pedestrian subway at Kodambakkam 2.0
iii) Escalators in sub-urban stations (30) 75.00
Sub-total (A4) 79.00
A5 Commercial exploitation of vantage rail stations
i) RTS Stations (9)( Mandaveli, Greenways Road, Kottur, 50.00
Kasthurba Nagar, Indira Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, Taramani ,
Perungudi &Velachery )
ii) Sub-urban stations (15) 75.00
Sub-total (A5) 125.00
Total (A) 17901.23
B. Urban Bus Transit System
B1 Bus Rapid Transit-ways (Full-fledged)
i) Anna Salai (30km) 300.00
ii) Periyar EVR Salai (25km) 250.00
iii) Jawaharlal Nehru Salai (IRR) (45km) 450.00
iv) GNT Road (20km) 200.00
v) CTH Road (15km) 150.00
vi) Chennai Bypass (20km) 200.00
vii) Outer Ring Road (ORR) (62km) 620.00
viii) CMBT to Sriperumbudhur (25km) 300.00
Sub-total (B1) 2470.00
B2 Inter-City Outstation Bus Terminals
Terminals at the 4 intersections of ORR with NHs 800.00
Sub-total (B2) 800.00
Total (B) 3270.00
C Mono-Rail / LRt
i) Dams Road jn.-Royapettah-Mylapore-Adyar-Guindy (Halda jn.) 480.00
ii) Kalangaraivilakkam RTS Staion- Anna flyover-Kilpauk- 1000.00
Total (C) 1480.00
D Development Of Freight Corridors
i) Road connecting Ennore Port (northern gate) and NH5 @ 100.68
ii) Road connecting Ennore Port (northern gate) and TPP Road @ 142.98

Sl. Project Broad Cost
No. (Rs. in crores)
iii) Developing an exclusive road along Beach connecting Ennore 1500.00
Port and Chennai Port for container traffic
iv) Truck terminal @ the intersection of ORR & GST Road 750.00
v) Truck terminal @ the intersection of ORR & GWT Road 750.00
vi) Truck terminal @ the intersection of ORR & GNT Road 750.00
Total (D) 3993.66
E Development Of Road Network
E1 Elevated highways
i) Along Anna Salai 750.00
ii) Along EVR Salai 600.00
iii) Along Kamarajar Salai 480.00
iv) Along Rajiv Gandhi Salai 900.00
v) Along Arcot Road 360.00
vi) Aminjikarai to Sterling Road 225.00
vii) Along Kathivakkam High Road 600.00
viii) Along Thiruvottiyur High Road from Monroe statue to Manali 600.00
ix) Along NH45 from Kathipara to Tambaram 1350.00
Sub-total (E1) 5865.00
E2 Grade - Separators
i) @ Sothupakkam Road x Chennai bypass 30.00
ii) @ NH4 x Thirumazhisai Road 30.00
iii) @ Vadakarai – Madhavaram Road x Naravarikuppan Town 30.00
Panchayat limits.
Sub-total (E2) 90.00
E3 Widening Strengthening and resurfacing of arterial, sub-arterial
and collector roads
i) CTH Road from Avadi to Thiruvallur as a 6-lane expressway 200.00
ii) Approach road from Rajiv Gandhi Salai to Nookampalayam 90.00
Road from 10m to 30.5m
iii) Navalur-Thalambur-Siruseri Medavakkam Road 200.00
iv) Existing 50’ approach road connecting the Global Hospitals to 7.00
the Medavakkam-Sholinganallur Road (Perumbakkam)
v) Strengthening and improving the network of radial roads of 200.00
250km length (improved during 1998-2000)
Sub-total (E3) 697.00
E4 New Link Roads
i) Network of secondary roads to supplement the ORR *
ii) Link from Tambaram to NH -4 (Sunguvarchattram) (24km) 250.00
iii) Walajabadh Road – Sriperambudur Link Road (10.2km) (4lane) 102.00

Sl. Project Broad Cost
No. (Rs. in crores)
iv) Providing an east-west link connecting the RoB near Ambattur 150.00
Rly.and IRR near Villivakkam station, north of the Central-
Arakkonam Rail line
v) Link connecting Sadayankuppam Road to Ennore Expressway 75.00
vi) An approach road on Alamathi Road to Red Hills-Tiruvallur 25.00
main road
vii) Link connecting Vanagaram-Ambattur Road and Porur 25.00
through Chettiaragaram
viii) Link connecting Ambattur-Red Hills Road and IRR by widening 25.00
and strengthening the Water Canal Road from
ix) Integrating inter-and intra-regional road network just outside *
Sub-total (E4) 652.00
Total (E) 7304.00
F Pedestrian Facilities
F1 Escalators
@ 20 FoB / Sub-way locations 50.00
Sub-total (F1) 50.00
F2 Elevated walkway
Along the median of roads and pathways on the bank of River *
Cooum and linking them to provide access to railway stations,
bus stops and parking areas
Total (F) 50.00
G Development Of Waterway Transport
i) Developing the waterways in CMA as inland transport *
ii) Exploring the operation of hovercraft along the seacoast *
Total (G) *
Grand Total 33998.89
* Costs are not readily available

List Of Roads Requiring Advance Action to Acquire Land to Maintain the Street
Alignment Prescribed in the Second Master Plan

(Within 10 years, the land frozen as street alignment shall be made available for the
road widening purpose either by compulsory acquisition or by operating Transfer of
Development Rights (TDR) tool.)
Stretch Right of
Sl.No Name of the Road
From To way (m)
1 M.S.Koil Street,* Ebrahim Sahib City Limits 30.5
Suriyanarayana Street
Road *

Stretch Right of
Sl.No Name of the Road
From To way (m)
2 Thambu St East Kalmanda- Sheik Mastry St. 10.0
(Royapuram) pam Road
3 Kathivakkam High Cochrane Basin City Limits 30.5
Road * Road
4 Moolakkadai- G.N.T. Road B’canal 27.0
Thondiarpet Road
5 Kodungaiyur – Moolakkadai- City Limits 18.0
Chinna sekkadu Thondiarpet Road
Road (New Link)
6 Erukkancherry Basin Bridge City Limits 27.0
High Road (GNT Road
7 Madhavaram High Melpatti GNT Road 24.0
Road Ponnappa Street
8 Paper Mills Road Siruvallur Road City Limits 18.0
Junction at
Perambur High
9 Konnur High Road Medavakkam Its junction with New 30.5
Tank Road Avadi Road
10 C.T.H. Road New Avadi Road Jawaharlal Nehru 30.5
Salai (IRR) (City
11 New Avadi Road Kilpauk Water Its junction with 30.5
works Konnur High Road
12 New Link Road * New Avadi Road Medavakkam Tank 24.0
13 New Avadi Road Periyar EVR Kilpauk Water works 18.0
14 Kilpauk Garden Taylors Road Anna Nagar 1st Main 18.0
Road Road
15 Thiru Narayana Perambur Sydenhams Road 24.0
Guru Road Barracks Road (Rajamuthiah Road)
(Hunters Road &
Choolai High Road)
16 Periyar EVR Salai Mc.Nichols Road City Limits 30.5
17 Nelson Manickam Periyar EVR Tank Bund Road 18.0
Road Salai
18 Tank Bund Road Nelson Manickam Valluvar Kottam 18.0
Road (junction of
Sterling Road)
19 Village Road Kodambakkam Nungambakkam 27.0
(Valluvar Kottam High Road High Road
20 Uthamar Gandhi Anna Salai Sterling Road 27.0
High Road)
21 Greams Road * Anna Salai Pantheon Road 18.0

Stretch Right of
Sl.No Name of the Road
From To way (m)
22 Ethiraj Salai Pantheon Road Cooum River 18.0
Chief Road)
23 Dr.Radhakrishnan Anna Salai Music Academy 30.5
Salai (Cathedral
Road) *
24 Eldams Road * Anna Salai TTK Road 18.0
25 TTK Road Chamiers Road Alwarpet Junction 18.0
26 Pasumpon Muthu Durgabai MRTS alignment 30.5
Ramalinga Thevar Deshmuk Road
Road (Greenways
27 Sardar Patel Road Anna Salai Madya Kailash (I.T. 30.5
28 Dr.Muthulakshmi M.G. Road City Limits 30.5
Salai (L.B.Road)
29 West Avenue Road L.B. Road East Coast Road 24.0
(MTC terminus)
30 East Coast Road West Avenue City Limits 30.5
Road (MTC
31 Taramani Road Vijayanagar L.B. Road Junction 45.0
32 Perungudi Station Taramani Road Perungudi Station 18.0
Road (New link)
33 Velachery Road Vijayanagar City Limits 45.0
34 Velachery Byepass Velachery Road Vijayanagar Junction 45.0
Road Junction
35 Velachery Road * Sardar Patel Byepass Junction 45.0
36 Nandambakkam – Anna Road Adayar River (City 18.0
Nesapakkam Road Junction near Limits)
(Lake View Road CMWSSB Plant
and its extension
Kanu Nagar Main
37 Ramapuram – Nandambakkam City Limits 18.0
Neasppakkam Road – Nesapakkam
(Kamarajar Salai) Road
38 Vanniar Street Rajamannar Arcot Road 18.0
39 Arcot Road Railway line City limit 30.5
40 Nesapakkam Road Arcot Road Reddy Street 24.0
41 Nesapakkam Road Reddy Street CMWSSB Sewage 24.0
Farm (southern end)

42 Nesapakkam Road CMWSSB Sewage Jawaharlal Nehru 27.0

Farm (southern Salai (IRR)

Stretch Right of
Sl.No Name of the Road
From To way (m)
1 Ennore Expressway City Limits Kathivakkam High 45.0
Road junction near
Ennore creek
2 Thiruvottiyur High City Limits Manali Expressway 27.0
3 Manali Expressway TPP Road Ennore Expressway 61.0
4 Vallur- Edayanchavadi – TPP Road 18.0
Edayanchavadi Athipattu Road
5 TPP Road Kamaraj Salai CMA Limits 30.5
junction (near
6 Kattur Road TPP Road CMA Limits 30.5
7 Kathivakkam High City Limits Kamaraj Salai 30.5
Road – Basin Road junction (near
- Manali Road Organic Chemicals)
8 Kodungaiyur – City Limits Kamaraj Salai 18.0
Road (New Link)
9 Vichoor – Nayaru – Vichoor Vadaperumbakkam - 18.0
Vilangadupakkam Road Perungavur Road
10 Kadapakkam - TPP Road Nayaru Junction 18.0
Vichoor – Nayaru
11 Karanodai –Nayaru GNT Road Nayaru Junction 18.0
12 Vadaperumbakkam Madhavaram - Nayaru Junction 18.0
– Perungavur – Red Hills Road
Nayaru Road
13 Sholavaram – GNT Road Nayaru – Vichoor 18.0
Budur -Thirunilai Road
14 Redhills - Budur GNT Road Sholavaram - 18.0
Road Thirunilai Road
15 Karanodai Palaya GNT Road Palaya Erumai 18.0
Erumeivettipalaya vettipalayam
m Road
16 GNT Road (through City Limits CMA Limits 45.0
Bypass Road)
17 Madhavaram-Red GNT Road at Red Hills Bypass 18.0
Hills Road Moolakadai Road
18 Madhavaram High City Limits GNT Road at 18.0
Road Moolakadai
19 Sembium – Red City Limits GNT Road 18.0
Hills Road
(Extension of Paper
Mills Road)
20 NH Bypass Road GWT Road GNT Road 61.0

Stretch Right of
Sl.No Name of the Road
From To way (m)
21 Ambattur Red Hills CTH Road GNT Road 24.0
22 CTH Road City Limits CMA Limits 45.0
Nehru Salai) (IRR)
23 Avadi-Morai Road CTH Road CMA Limits 18.0
24 Vellanur- Avadi-Morai Road ORR 18.0
25 Pandeswaram - Avadi _ Morai Thiruninravur – 18.0
Keelakondaiyur Road Periyapalayam Road
26 Morai -Kadavur Morai junction Kadavur junction 18.0
27 Thandarai – CTH Road Thiruninravur- 18.0
Palavedu Road Periyapalayam Road
28 Thiruninravur CTH Road CMA Limits 18.0
29 Korattur - Poonamallee - CTH Road 18.0
Thiruninravur Thirumazhisai -
Road Thiruvallur Road

30 Poonamallee - GWT Road CMA Limits 18.0

Thirumazhisai -
Thiruvallur Road
31 Kuthambakkam - GWT Road Poonamallee - 18.0
Nemam Road Thirumazhisai -
Thiruvallur Road
32 Poonamallee – Poonamallee CTH Road 18.0
Pattabiram Road Bypass Road
33 Poonamallee – Poonamallee CTH Road 18.0
Avadi Road Bypass Road
34 Proposed East-west Chennai Bypass ORR 61.0
arterial Road Road at
Ambattur Estate
35 Vanagaram – GWT Road Arterial Road at 18.0
Ambattur Road Athipattu
36 GWT Road (through City Limits CMA Limits 45.0
Bypass Road)
37 Poonamallee High Mangadu Road Poonamallee Bypass 30.5
Road junction road junction
38 Mount Poonamallee Kathipara western boundary of 18.0
Road St.Thomas
western Porur jn. 27.0
boundary of
Porur jn. Poonamallee High 30.5

Stretch Right of
Sl.No Name of the Road
From To way (m)
39 Mangadu Road Mount Porur - Kunrathur 18.0
Poonamallee Road

40 Mangadu- Mangadu Road Porur - Kunrathur 18.0

Moulivakkam Road Road
41 Porur – Kunrathur Porur Junction CMA Limits 30.5
42 Arcot Road City limits Porur Junction 30.5
43 Maduravoyal - GWT Road Arcot Road 18.0
Porur Road
44 Ramapuram – Mount- Arcot Road @ 18.0
Valasarawakkam Poonamallee Valasarawakkam
Road Road at
45 Anna Salai, City Limits Arcot Road (near ARS 18.0
Kuppusamy St, Garden)
Naidu St, Bharathi
Salai, Kamaraj
46 Nandambakkam Mount City Limits 18.0
Nesapakkam Road Poonamallee
47 GST Road City Limits CMA Limits 45.0
48 Pallavaram – GST Road Porur - Kunrathur 18.0
Kundrathur Road Road
49 Pammal – Pallavaram – Polichalur 18.0
Polichalur Road Anakaputhur
50 Pallavaram – GST Road ORR 18.0
Thiruneermalai –
51 Thirumudivakkam Pallavaram – Porur - Kunrathur 18.0
– Kunrathur Road Thirumudivakka Road
m Road
52 Tambaram – Tambaram - Thiruneermalai Road 18.0
Thiruneermalai Naduveerapattu
Road Road
53 Tambaram – GST Road Poonthandalam Road 18.0
54 Poonthandalam Kundrathur Naduveerapattu 18.0
Road Sriperumbudur
55 Mudichur Road GST Road Vandalur – Padappai 18.0
Road at
56 Mudichur – Mudichur Road CMA Limits 18.0

Stretch Right of
Sl.No Name of the Road
From To way (m)
57 Vandalur – GST Road CMA Limits 18.0
Padappai Road
58 Kelambakkam GST Road CMA Limits 30.5
59 Tambaram Bypass GST Road MBI Road 45.0
Road (New Link)
60 MBI Road GST Road Tambaram Bypass 30.5
61 MBI Road Tambaram City Limits 45.0
Bypass Junction
62 Mount- GST Road MBI Road at 18.0
Madipakkam Road Medavakkam
63 ORR South Eastern MBI Road Rajiv Gandhi Salai 61.0
Segment (New Link) (OMR)
64 Extension of MMRD Rajiv Gandhi ECR 30.5
Scheme Road (New Salai (OMR)
65 ECR City Limits CMA Limits 30.5
66 Sholinganallur – Rajiv Gandhi ECR 18.0
Kudimiyandi Salai (OMR)
Thoppu Road
67 Medavakkam – MBI Road Rajiv Gandhi Salai 18.0
Sholinganallur (OMR)
68 Sithalapakkam – Maduraipakkam CMA Limits 18.0
Ottiyambakkam Road
69 Medavakkam- MBI Road CMA Limits 18.0
70 Vengaivasal – MBI Road Madambakkam Road 18.0
71 Madambakkam MBI Road at Maduraipakkam 18.0
Road Rajakilpakkam Road at
72 Agaramthen Road Madambakkam Maduraipakkam 18
Road Road at Kovilancheri
73 Rajiv Gandhi Salai Madya Kailash CMA Limits As notified
(OMR) Junction for
by DoH
shown in
village map
74. Nookampalayam Rajiv Gandhi Semmancheri village 18.0
Road Salai (OMR) limits in the west

* Excluding the stretches covered in approved Detailed Development Plans

Chapter - V

A. Introduction
5.1 Shelter is a basic need. When the need for shelter is not satisfied, it becomes almost
impossible for an individual to think of satisfying his/her family aspirations and intellectual
needs. Primary responsibility of any city is to provide its members with a decent and habitable
shelter. A standard housing does not mean merely land and building, but includes basic
services like water supply, sanitation and access roads.

B. Current scenario
5.2 The gap between households and housing units in 2001 was of the order of 36,000
units in the Chennai Metropolitan Area while in the City it was much less. The problem in
Chennai city is that 15% of the dwelling units are semi-pucca and 10% of the units are Kutcha.
Nearly 41% of the dwelling units are either one room units or units without an exclusive room.

5.3 Even though the proportion of the housing units with ‘Kutcha’ roofing materials
accounts for only about 10%, in absolute numbers it is large i.e., 93,701 and these are
vulnerable to fire accidents, particularly in summer months some times resulting in casualties.

Houseless Population and Pavement Dwellers

5.4 According to Survey of Pavement Dwellers in Chennai City conducted by the
consultant SPARC for CMDA in 1989-90, the number of households who were living in
pavements was 9491 at 405 clusters at an average of about 23 households at a place; their
population was 40763 (20811 Male and 19950 Female) with 40.2% children population.
Although the problem is not as severe as in other metro cities, due to large scale construction
activities and increasing informal sector employment the problem is bound to become acute
and it is important both from the point of view of these houseless pavement dwellers as well as
keeping the pavements for their legitimate use, to find acceptable solutions to this problem.

Slum Scenario
5.5 Chennai City has a slum population of 819,872, which constitutes about 19% of the
City Population. The Scheduled Castes Population in slums is of the order of 269,301 persons
apart from 1830 constituting the Scheduled Tribe population. The slum population in the
municipalities outside City as per a recent survey is indicated below:

Table No. 5.1: Slum Population in Selected Municipalities
% of Slum
Municipal Town Population (2001) Slum Population
Ambattur 310967 12690 4.1
Alandur 146287 4740 3.2
Avadi 229403 5895 2.6
Pallavaram 144623 14365 9.9
Tambaram 137933 3675 2.7
Tiruvottiyur 212281 20400 9.6
Madhavaram 76093 5150 6.8
Kathivakkam 32590 4395 13.5
Source: Pre-feasibility study for identification of Environmental Infrastructure requirements in
slums in CMA, 2006 (Conducted for TNSCB &TNUIFSL).

Fishermen Housing
5.6 Chennai is a coastal metropolis and there are 84 fishermen villages along the coast
of which 43 are in Chennai City, 30 are in the northern part of City upto Minjur and 11 in the
south upto Uthandi. There are 12 landing sites in Chennai (14 and 38 in the northern and
southern parts). Housing for fishermen becomes important particularly because the housing
has to be close to their working area namely the sea and the restrictions placed by CRZ for
several types of development. According to a recent count there are 36,162 fishermen
households with an average household size of 3.81. They live in 31,688 pucca as well as
kutcha structures of which 16,482 are in Chennai, 8439 in northern part of CMA and 6767 in
the southern part of CMA. The growth of population among fishermen has increased by 5%
between 2000 and 2005 and thus this trend is likely to continue. At present fishermen housing
is dealt by Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB) and Fisheries Department.

Housing for Upper Income Groups

5.7 Till 1995 Tamil Nadu Housing Board (TNHB) was engaged in land development for
housing and housing construction for the Middle and High Income Groups. However most of
the upper income housing were constructed by individuals. This has changed since the entry of
a large number of small and medium private builders into the real estate and construction
market. This trend is also changing with the entry of large private sector real estate building
construction companies into the housing field and today the upper income housing is market-
driven. Hence shelter policies will have to be restructured in a way that adequate lands at
affordable cost become available through public sector for EWS housing and slum
rehabilitation and generally for all housing coming under the low income groups.

C. Principal Stakeholders
5.8 The principal stakeholders in providing housing in Chennai area are TNHB and
TNSCB in the public sector. In the private sector builders including corporate builders and
individuals are the chief contributors. Only the public sector has been involved in the housing
of EWS and Low Income Groups, which constitute nearly 65% of the households. The TNHB
has vast experience in developing neighbourhoods and composite developments providing for
EWS housing through its neighbourhoods and sites-and-services programmes under the
Madras Urban Development Projects. The TNSCB has experience in insitu development of
slums with grant of tenure and also in large slum rehabilitation schemes. The role of
cooperative sector in housing is limited to provision of loans to individuals. Till now the private
sector has not been involved in housing for the low income groups and EWS. Their contribution
has been mainly in providing houses for the high affordable groups.

D. Projection of Housing Demand

5.9 The housing need for CMA has been projected taking into consideration the growth
of households, vacancy rate, demolition rate of buildings and replacement rate, The housing
demand is estimated based on the growth of households, vacancy rate, replacement rate and
affordability. The following table gives the details of projected demand for 2026.

Table No. 5.2 : Projection of Housing Demand in CMA

2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026
Population 7040616 7896230 8871228 9966636 11197763 12582137
Households 1619000 1754718 1971384 2214808 2488392 2796030

Total Housing 62520 193638 413012 659479 927151 1237482

EWS (30%) 10796 58091 123904 197844 278145 371245
LIG (35%) 21882 67773 144554 230818 324503 433119
MIG (20%) 12504 38728 82602 131896 185430 247496
HIG (15%) 9378 29046 61952 98922 139073 185622

Special Requirement for Fishermen

5.10 The Fisheries Department has estimated the additional requirement of housing for
fishermen at 42,543 units by 2025.

E. Policies and Strategies for Housing and Inclusive Development
5.11 Projected annual demand for housing varies from 38,000 units in the first 5 years
(ending 2006), 44,000 units in the second 5 years, 49,000 units in the third 5 years, 54,000
units in the fourth 5-year and 62,000 units in the fifth five years (ending 2026). The present
supply is about 60,000 units per annum.

5.12 The principal policies and strategies for CMA have been evolved based on the
National Urban Housing and Habitat Policy 2005 and the National Slum Policy. Currently
Government is evolving a detailed housing policy. The specific strategies proposed for
inclusive housing are:

a) Review of space standards considering land cost, availability of developable lands,

land requirements, affordability and space standards for housing developments.
b) New housing for EWS and LIG as well as rehabilitation of slum households will be in
composite and special neighbourhoods whether developed by the public, private,
cooperative or joint sector. These may be in the form of built dwelling units or
affordable serviced sites.
c) When housing neighbourhoods and apartment blocks are developed by the private
sector on lands exceeding one hectare, 10% of the land shall be reserved and
developed for housing for LIG/EWS with dwelling units not exceeding 45
either within the site proposed for development or in a location within a radius of 2
km from the site under reference.
d) The concept of Transfer of Development Rights will be made applicable to all types of
social housing.
e) All shelter programmes will be integrated with provision of infrastructure, security
of tenure, health and education, livelihood opportunities and skill training and
micro finance.
f) Public-Private Partnerships will be facilitated to enhance capacity of construction
industry to deliver housing for EWS and LIG through prefab and other innovative
technology routes.
g) Housing will be developed in proximity to employment centers both existing and
h) In the event of housing being developed away from existing employment centers,
new employment locations nearby will be created/encouraged.
i) Pavement dwellers will be provided with affordable opportunities for housing in
selected sites preferably close to their present pavement residence.

5.13 Other Strategies proposed are:
a) Taking note of the demands for various target groups for housing, working women’s
hostels, student hostels, employees housing by employers, single person dwellings
and night shelters will form part of housing action plans.
b) Standard housing includes basic services like water supply, sanitation and proper
access roads. Before the Government declared that the layout of house sites
unauthorisedly is opposed to public policy and prohibited registration of plots
therein, a number of unauthorized layouts had come up in the last 30 years, which
lack basic services. These unapproved layout areas should be properly merged with
the urban fabric by framing suitable regulation and permitting constructions in
these plots.
c) Land assembly using innovative measures such as land readjustment, land pooling,
guided development and neighbourhood developments by TNHB and TNSCB
severally or jointly will be encouraged to minimize undesirable speculation and
increase in land cost to ensure planned development to provide for the needs of the
lower income groups.
d) Problems of shelter for the urban poor and their shelter improvement should be
addressed through improvement of physical surroundings so that it has adequate
basic services such as water supply, drainage, sanitation, street lighting, and other
physical conditions leading to better hygienic environment; secondly, through the
improvement of the actual structures that the slum dwellers live in , preferably by
themselves (extending assistance in terms of financial and physical resources) and
by encouraging in-situ development ; thirdly, through the improvement of the whole
economic and social environment beyond the mere physical condition they live in.
f) TNSCB would take steps to segregate the slums in unsuitable sites which require
resettlement in the nearby sites or elsewhere; high dense slums which cannot be
improved ‘as – is – where – is’ require to be housed in storeyed tenements; for slums
which can be improved ‘as-is-where-is’ plans may be prepared with phasing and the
same implemented in order to achieve the goal of total eradication of slums in near
future, say at the latest by 2021. This policy would incorporate land readjustment
and redevelopment using the BOT route.
g) Identification of suitable land for urban renewal such as redevelopment and
rehabilitation taking into consideration of age and structural stability of buildings,
land use and level of infrastructure will be made by TNHB and TNSCB.
h) Encouragement and incentives are proposed for development of self-contained new
towns and settlements around and inside the CMA with all infrastructure facilities

including those required for the IT developments with all attendant infrastructure
facilities and housing needed.
i) To discourage speculation and encourage optimum utilization of land, levy of a
suitable nature in proportion to permissible FSI can be thought of.
j) All Government lands have to be properly identified, documented and safeguarded to
prevent encroachment.
k) Retrofitting of old and vulnerable houses to make them disaster-resistant encouraged
by involving financial institutions.

5.14 Area Development Strategies are

a) CMDA will facilitate formulation of local level housing action plans by urban local
bodies in association with public-private sector institutions.
b) The housing locations in action plans of urban local bodies will be close and easily
accessible from major road arterials and railway, existing and planned
c) CMDA will facilitate local housing plans by rural local bodies by convergence of
rural development schemes of government.
d) Housing and neighbourhood developments will not be encouraged on high value
agricultural land and prohibited on environmentally unsuitable land.
e) Fisheries Department in coordination with CMDA and TNSCB will facilitate
fishermen housing and settlement development close to their work sites.

F. The Plan
5.15 The plan has set apart lands for new housing in different parts of CMA. The
following Table indicates the estimated new housing to be provided in different sectors of CMA.

Table No. 5.3: Estimated New Housing in CMA

Estimated Extent Suggested LIG/EWS
CMA Sector New Housing Earmarked Density housing in
in lakhs in hect. (Net) lakhs
City 3.34 2.17
Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
North 3.76 9474 300 2.44
South 2.49 6728 300 1.62
Village Panchayats
North 1.32 11784 100 0.86
South 1.46 7827 125 0.95

5.16 Specific locations for housing neighbourhoods and composite housing
developments, camping sites and night shelters for pavement dwellers and houseless people
will be included in the Detailed Development Plans made in accordance with the provision of
the Tamilnadu Town and Country Planning Act.

5.17 Acquisition has been initiated by TNHB for about 1700 acres of land in 8 villages
in CMA for housing development. A map showing the location of these sites is annexed. It has
also proposed to acquire further lands around the city in consultation with CMDA.

5.18 Areas will be identified for urban renewal areas where assembled lands of 10,000
sq.m. and above will be given priority in housing development.

5.19 TNHB will mainly act as a facilitator for land and site development and providing
opportunities for the construction of housing units to private agencies by private-public sector

5.20 The parameters for regulating layouts and subdivision of land, apartment
constructions, raising of trees and greenery, provision of utilities and related matters to
support sustainable housing development are incorporated in the Development Regulations
Volume II.

G. Monitoring and Review

5.21 A committee of CMDA to be known as “Shelter and Infrastructure Committee” with
representation of Government and non-government stakeholders and experts will be
constituted to monitor the implementation of policies and strategies in this sector and to
initiate such studies and assemble such information as needed for the purpose. This
committee will meet at least once in three months or as many times as needed. It will draw up
detailed terms of reference for its work in consultation with the concerned stakeholders.

5.22 This committee may work through special working groups created for the purpose
for the different sub-sectors under it.

Location of TNHB Proposed Projects in CMA


40 Minjur
30 31 34
Sekkanjeri Nerkundram Nayar 39
41 43
25 29 Seemapuram Athipattu
26 Surapattu
Athur Karanodai 35
27 Mahfushanpettai
Sothuperambedu 32 38 43
Girudalapuram 37 Chinnamullavoyal Ennore

28 36 Periamullavoyal
24 Orakkadu 33 Pudupakkam Vallur
22 Pudur 18
Erumaivettipalayam Sholavaram Kandigai 16
17 15
TALUK19 Arumandai Thirunilai 14
23 5 Ankadu Marambedu Vellivoyal
Palayaerumaivettipalayam Sembilivaram 20
6 Kummanur
Sholavaram Tank 4 Siruniyam 11
Nallur Perungayur 1
7 9 13 Kathivakkam
Pannivakkam Sothupakkam 12
3 Vichoor Edayanchavadi
Vijayanallur 10
10 Melsinglimedu 8
8 Palavoyal Sirugavoor
2 Padiyanallur
11 7
Attanthangal 9 Sendrambakkam
1 Thiruthakiriyampattu 4
47 Vilangadupakkam Kadapakkam 2
Alamadi 14 Ernavur
48 13/2 Athivakkam 6 5 3
Arakkambakkam Thiyambakkam Ariyalur
Pandeswaram Layon 18 25 Sadayankuppam
43 12 17/2
23 24 Elanthancheri 27/2
Morai 19
15 17/1 Payasambakkam 22 Amulavoyal Vaikkadu
50 20 Kosapur
Karlapakkam 46 39 Vadakarai
Layongrant 13/1 Chettimedu
Melpakkam Pammadukulam 16
49 40
Tundakalani 21
MOR Road
51 Kadavur Redhills Vadapurambakkam
Keelakandaiyur 45 35 26
Mathur 27/1
Tenambakkam Manali
53 42 Thiruvottiyur
Velacheri 44 Vellanur
Pulikutti 38
52 Puzhal
Alathur 41
Pottur Redhills Lake 28
37 Sathangadu
Vilakkupatti 29

54 Mittanamalli ChinnaSekkadu

27 Palavedu 34
Pakkam 62/1 63 Madhavaram

62/2 Surappattu Kathirvedu
TIRUVALLUR Mukthapudupattu

57 64
Kovilpadagai 58 Puttagaram

21 Thirumullaivoyal
Nadukuttagai Oragadam
19 5
Thandarai Vilinjiambakkam 61
20 Menambedu
Thiruninravur 89 Pattravakkam
6/1 Paruthipattu Ambattur
23 Karunakaracheri Sekkadu Kakapallam
24 Annambedu 6/4 4 72
Agraharam Palaripattu 90
17 Anaikattucheri6/2 Ayapakkam
Amudurmedu Sorancheri 87
Ayalcheri 7
16 15 Athipattu 81
Kannapalayam 2 Mogappair
26 Thirumanam Vayalanallur 8
Korattur 25 SundaraSholavaram 91
Sittukadu Koladi
27 39 14 Ayanambakkam
Chokkanallur 9 Nolambur
Nochimedu Thirukovilpattu 41
38 37 Veeraragavapuram 1 82 er
Melmanambedu Mothirambedu Kavalcheri 42 11
Panaveduthottam Riv
Ariyappancheri Thiruverkadu
84 um
30 40 13 83
12 10 Perumalagaram Adayalampattu 100
Nemam Kilmanambedu Kolappancheri
36 43 Pidarithangal Parivakkam Nerkundram
Vellavedu 49 59
Thirumazhisai 45 Thukkanampattu 93
Udayarkoil Senneerkuppam Sivabudam
31/2 31/1 50 92 99
35 44 Ariyamarundanallur Numbal 96 Maduravoyal
Thirumalarajapuram 48
Narasingapuram Neduncheri Varadharajapuram Vanagaram
51 94
34 46 Poonamallee 60 Chettiyaragaram 101
Parvathirajapuram Goparasanallur
Madavilagam 95 Valasaravakkam
47 Tandalam
32 61
52 58 97
Kuttambakkam 76 Agraharam Katturpakkam Ayyappanthangal Karambakkam
Chembarambakkam 74
Melagaram 73
53 57
Malayambakkam Mangadu Srinivasapuram 62 98 102
Thelliyaragaram Porur Ramapuram
75 56
112 72 Kulathuvancheri
Meppur Kulamanivakkam 122/2
Chettipattu 33 55 64
54 Paraniputhur Moulivakkam MadanandapuramMugalivakkam
Palanjur Chinnapanicheri
109 65/1
Chikkarayapuram 69
65/2 122/1
Chembarambakkam Tank 71 Peripanicheri
66 Nandambakkam
Manapakkam Riv
85/2 79
Gerugambakkam 67 er
Kollaicheri r 120
81 82 Kulapakkam 123
Thandalam Alandur

78 Munnankattalai St.Thomas Mount
84 122/3
80 Rentankattalai 83 125
86 77 Tharapakkam Minambakkam
Venkatapuram Manancheri
Kavanur 126 124
87 127 Cowl Bazaar
108 Polichalur Palavanthangal
Daravur Sirukulathur
85/1 131 134Nanganallur
Anakaputhur Minambakkam
88 cum 135
Nandambakkam Pallavaram 133 Ullagaram
132 Thalakkanancheri 141
Tirusulam Kottivakkam
91 129 143
156 Perungudi
89 Thirumudivakkam Pammal 130 157 Perundavakkam154
Issa Pallavaram 158 142
Poonthandalam Pallavaram(Zamin) Muvarasampattu Madipakkam Palavakkam
Palanthandalam 163 155
R.F. 144
Thiruneermalai Keelakattalai Sivaram
92 152
Erumaiyur 159 Neelangarai
164 Nemilicheri Kovilambakkam

Pulikoradu 165 160 153 149

ham Ca

Kadapperi Hasthinapuram 151 Kulathur Pallikaranai 148

Naduveerapattu Nanmangalam
Okkiam Thuraipakkam
166 Chitlapakkam

Tambaram Sembakkam
Varadharajapuram Medavakkam Injambakkam
173 Gowrivakkam 188 147
167 Selaiyur 174 Karapakkam
Rajakilpakkam Jaladampettai
Perungalathur 170
169 Irumbuliyur 176
Peerkankaranai Vengavasal
172 177
Meppedu Thiruvanjeri Perumbakkam 189
Vandalur 10
Puthur 182
CHENGLEPUT Nedunkundram
11 Agaramten
Kulapakkam 179 Madurapakkam 190
Kelambakkam 185 191
Vengambakkam Semmancheri
Ottiyambakkam Uthandi
alur R





Chapter - VI
Water Supply and Sanitation

A. Introduction
Provision of water supply for potable purposes as well as commercial and industrial
uses, evacuation of used water and ensuring good sanitation are basic to economic
development and safeguarding the health of the people of Chennai Metropolitan Area. This
calls for integrated programmes and management efforts over the entire urban area
covering the City, the Municipal Towns, the developing Urban Local Bodies and the new
areas that will become urbanized.

B. Current Scenario
6.2 The present situation is that while the city corporation area is better served with
water and sanitation infrastructure and facilities, the rest of the area suffers in comparison.
The following table brings out the wide differences both in terms of public supply of
drinking water to resident population and sewerage and sanitation systems.
Table No. 6.1 Water Supply and Sewer Current Scenario in Selected Municipalities
in CMA
Max. Water Per capita Extent of
Effluent Treated
Availability Supply Sewered
Area Area million litres per
million litres per Best of
day 2007 day 2007
Times (lpcd) %
Chennai City 645 107 99 486
Selected Municipal Towns
Thiruvottiyur 30 11 No UGD No Treatment plant
(for a part)
Madhavaram 5 54 No UGD No Treatment plant
Pallavaram 5 46 No UGD No Treatment plant
Ambattur 4 27 No UGD No Treatment plant
Source: Commissioner of Municipal Administration

6.3 While the supply side situation overall is as above the availability of services for
the poorer sections is minimal. Even in the better-serviced City area most of the slum
settlements – more than 90% of slum households – receive water from metro tankers
(according to a recent study). In spite of near 100% underground sewerage available in the
City, the toilets (including community/public latrines) connected to the sewer system cover
only 77.5% of slum households. According to a recent survey, less then 30% of slum
households have individual latrine facilities.

Quality of Water
6.4 The following Table shows the quality of water supplied by Metro water to the

Table No. 6.2 Quality of Water Supplied by CMWSSB in Chennai city
Quality As Realised at
Principal Parameters of Quality WHO Standard
Consumer End
1. Turbidity (NTU) 10 Max 5
2. Colour (unit on platinum cobalt scale) 25 Max Colourless
3. Total Dissolved Solids (mg per litre 2000 Max 370
Source: CMWSSB

6.5 The Metro water gets the water supply from a diverse number of sources from
lakes and tanks fed by monsoon, underground aquifers as well as distant sources such as
from Krishna River and Veeranam Lake. In addition water is sourced from open and
shallow wells, bore-wells not only from the CMA but also from places outside by individuals,
institutions and water tanker operators. The following Table shows these different Metro
water sources.
Table No. 6.3 Sources and Availability of water
Source Quantity in Mld
Public 200
Poondi, Sholavaram, Red Hills Lake System (including
diversion of flood flow from Araniyar to Korataliyar
Ground Water from Northern Well Fields 100
Southern Coastal Aquifer 5
Sub Total (A) 305
Krishna Water I Stage 400
Krishna Water II Stage 530
New Veeranam (CWSAP-I) 180
CWSAP-II (Proposed) 20
Sea Water Desalination (Proposed) 200
Sub Total (B) 1330
Grand Total (A) + (B) 1635
Mark II hand pumps (public) 6970 Nos.

6.6 The salient features of the Sewerage Macro System Units are given below: All the
locations except Nesapakkam are at the edge of the City. The total treatment capacity is 481
MLD per day as against an estimated sewage generation of at least 700 MLD.
Table No. 6.4 Salient Features of the Sewerage Macro Systems Treatment Units
Zone Location Type Capacity (mld)
I Kodungaiyur Activated Sludge Plant
II Kodungaiyur Activated Sludge Plant
III Koyambedu Activated Sludge Plant 94
IV Nesapakkam Activated Sludge Plant 63
V Perungudi Activated Sludge Plant 54
Total 481
Source: CMWSSB
6.7 Localised sewerage systems are in existence in Alandur, Valasaravakkam, and
Ambattur. Several of them are partial and a few of them have just been completed. In
respect of the local bodies of Pallavaram, Tambaram, Madhavaram, Kathivakkam, Porur,

Ullagaram, Puzhithivakkam, Avadi, Maduravoyal and Thiruvottiyur proposals have been
formulated for instituting underground sewerage systems.

6.8 Metro water has taken up the development of water supply and sewerage system
along the IT Corridor being established south of Chennai for a projected future demand of
50 MLD. Concurrently an underground sewerage system is also proposed. This corridor will
include a number of Town and Village Panchayats on both sides of the Rajiv Gandhi Salai

Equity Considerations
6.9 In the present system there is a wide disparity in the quantity, quality and
timing and methods of water supply as between the general category of consumers and
consumers with low affordability. It should be the effort to design a system based on use for
drinking purposes and personal hygiene as common to all groups and requirements for
sanitation depending upon the quantities for toilet flushing. Even in the European context
many of the cities are proposing a supply of between 100 and120 lpcd for residential supply
with nearly 50% sourced from recycled water for toilet flushing.

C. Principal Stakeholders
6.10 According to the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Act Metro
water is responsible for supply of protected water and provision of sewerage facilities over
the whole of CMA extending to 1189 However presently its activities are confined to
the City Corporation limits within 176 and a further 8 in the immediate
environment of the City. Metrowater should strive to extend its operations gradually to
cover the entire CMA. The principal stakeholders in the public sector in the rest of the CMA
are the local bodies, municipalities and town and village Panchayats. These local bodies are
mainly responsible only for maintenance of the system and distribution installed by Tamil
Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board (TWAD) a parastatal organization. Recently
however Government has directed the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage
Board (CMWSSB) to be the nodal agency for execution and maintenance of underground
sewerage schemes in the adjacent and distant urban areas within the CMA. Under this
directive CMWSSB is required to develop proposals for execution of a comprehensive
sewerage system for the entire metropolitan area in addition to existing sewerage system in

6.11 In the private sector apart from individuals and institutions tanker contractors
and bottled water suppliers are the main stakeholders. Organised stakeholders for
evacuation of sewage is practically non-existent. The owners of properties are responsible
for cleaning up of septic tanks. Septic tank water overflows are common in the extended

D. Projection of Needs
6.12 Future demand for water in the CMA has been estimated separately for the
City, the Municipalities, Town Panchayats and Village Panchayats assuming different
supply standards from 150-120-100 lpcd for the City, 125-100-75 lpcd for Municipalities,
100-80-60 for Town Panchayats and 80-70-60 for the Village Panchayats. The annexed
table (Annexure I) shows the water demand projections for 2026 for residential, commercial
and industrial uses for the three scenarios mentioned above.

6.13 The demand for various uses is summarized in the following table as high,
medium and low projected needs (Scenarios 1,2 and 3 respectively).
Table No:6.5 Estimation of Water Requirements for Various Uses - CMA (in MLD)
Use High - Scenario 1 Medium – Scenario 2 Low – Scenario – 3
Residential 1606 1296 1046
Commercial 482 324 210
Industrial 161 130 105
Total 2248 1750 1360

6.14 An assessment (September 2007) of abstractable reliable quantity of water from

various sources is given in the following table:
Table No:6.6 Safe Yield from Different Sources
Safe Yield
Sl. No. Name of source Remarks
in MLD
1. Poondi – Sholavaram – Red 227 Based on the assessment during
Hills Lake System 1997 revision of Master Plan for
2. Groundwater aquifer from 68 water supply.
Northern Well Field
3. Other sources like Southern 5
Coastal Aquifer, Rettai Eri,
Porur, etc.
4. Receipt of Krishna Water 837 10% loss from entry point to
from Telugu Ganga Project Poondi Lake has been
(when full agreed quantity of considered.
930 MLD (12 TMC) supplied)
5. Veeranam lake (CWSAP-I) 180
6. Desalination Plant 200 a) 100 MLD in 2008
b) 100 MLD in 2009
7. Local sources including Palar 32 Based on the assessment during
River in the CMA area other 1997 revision of Master Plan for
than City limits. water supply.
8. Abstractable quantity of local 240
groundwater in the city for
uses other than drinking and
9. Waste water reuse
a) Already in use 45 From 2009
b) Expected in future 120
(SIPCOT use)
Total 1954
Source: CMWSSB

6.15 Taking into account the pressure on available sources of supply particularly
from groundwater for future planning scenario – I projections may be taken as a realistic
supply to be achieved. This scenario requires only 2088 MLD of potable water for residential
and commercial uses which is nearly equal to the safe yield from public supply taking into
account all existing sources including the sea water desalination plant for 100 mld under
construction at Kattupalli. If recycling of grey water for latrine flushing purposes is taken
into account it would reduce the requirement of potable water further.

6.16 The water for industrial needs are assessed between 161 to 105 mld. The
present sewage treatment capacity of the Chennai system is 481 MLD and on recycling
could yield at least 300-400 MLD. which can very well meet not only the 2026 industrial
demand but also meet any further demand by industries as far as the quantity is

6.17 Raising water supply standards beyond scenario – III will not only increase the
cost of supply and distribution but also impinge on the treatment of used water which if not
undertaken would lay a heavier toll on environmental safety.

E. Policies and Strategies

6.18 In the light of the above the following policies and strategies would lead to
sustainable use of water resources without affecting future urban development of CMA in

a) Since all major sources have been tapped, Metro water’s emphasis should now shift
to holistic management of water and optimizing local resources.
b) It should immediately embark on identifying management measures including
augmentation of local sources within the Chennai basin. The measures include
i) maximizing rainwater harvesting from public areas and un built areas,
ii) increasing storage capacity of surface tanks,
iii) recharge of known and new aquifers,
iv) recycling of black and grey water,
v) reduction of loss through evaporation,
vi) cutting down transmission losses and other avoidable losses at the
consumers’ end.
vi) metering of all apartments and
vii) restructuring of tariff.
c) Metro water should ensure that the quality of water supply conforms to those
prescribed by the Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organisation (CPHEEO).

d) Metro water should be made responsible only for the allocation of water resources to
constituent local bodies based on their population and standard of supply arrived
e) Expensive underground sewerage system should be limited to dense areas outside
the City where metro-water would be responsible for construction, operation and
maintenance of the systems.
f) Provision of integrated sewerage systems for the urban local bodies that are
contiguous to each other should be planned so that the sewage generated from more
than one local body can be treated in a single sewerage treatment plant.
g) The Alandur model of public-private participation could be replicated in other areas.
h) The existing and proposed sewage treatment plants should be able to deliver treated
water that can be used for industrial use, for other non-potable uses and for
recharging surface reservoirs and underground aquifers.
i) Metro Water can use a GIS based information system for long-term assets
management and strengthening.

Area Policies
a) Local bodies to develop action plans for distribution of water allocated to them and
other identified local sources of water in collaboration with metro water.
b) Local bodies to develop action plans for low-cost and alternative sanitation facilities
in non-sewered areas.
c) Use of recycled grey water for toilet flushing purposes and gardening and other uses
will be made mandatory for all new developments above the prescribed level of

F. The Plan
6.19 The plan recommends allocation of water to areas within the City and outside
as follows in order to encourage equitable distribution, providing opportunities for balanced
development and improving living quality in the outlying areas of the City.
Table No. 6.7 Water Allocation 2026 _CMA
Estimated Total Water Industrial
Area Population 2026 Allocated 2026 Use
In lakhs MLD MLD
Chennai City 58.56 949 879 70
Total CMA (Outside
67.26 802 743 59
North CMA
38.47 474 438 35
(Thiruvallur District)
South CMA
(Kancheepuram 28.79 328 305 24
Total 125.82 1750 1621 129
Note: Industrial use may have to be met mainly from recycled sewage.

6.20 The total water allocation is made up of 1635 MLD of water available from all
present sources including desalination and 185 MLD of recycled sewage water. If additional
recycled water is available the pressure on potable water will be reduced to that extent. The
institution of conservation and management measures including local recycling of grey
water for toilet flushing purposes would bring down the demand for further potable water
and thus the need for exploring new sources such as additional desalination of water. It will
also increase the long-term sustainability of the water sector and at the same time reduce
adverse environmental impact from used water.

6.21 CMDA would facilitate in collaboration with Metro water formulation of local
action plans by municipal bodies and viable groups of local bodies for instituting water
distribution infrastructure and common sewage treatment plants.

6.22 The plan recommends a comprehensive hydro geological study for west CMA
area including the Sriperumbudur area where presently the data is inadequate for
identifying new underground aquifer recharge areas.

6.23 The plan recommends preparation of a water map indicating all potential
surface and groundwater sources. The Integrated Water Management Plan may include
desilting of existing lakes for augmentation of storage of rain/flood water and capturing
monsoon run-off. The concept of zero run-off drainage with retention ponds, sediment
traps and balancing lakes should be adopted.

6.24 The plan recommends the renovation and refurbishing about 320 surface tanks
for augmenting local resources of potable water. The tanks that can be taken up on a
priority basis are given in the Annexure II.

6.25 Parameters for conservation and better management of water and parameters
for installation of sanitation and recycling in new developments are incorporated in the
Development Regulations.

G. Electricity
6.26 Power is a basic infrastructure influencing the growth of industrial, agricultural
and service sectors and ultimately the economic development. One of the determinants for
quality of life is the level of availability and acceptability of affordable and quality power. It
is one of the sectors, to which Government is giving priority in fixing the plan outlays at
national as well as state levels.

6.27 Total number of HT and LT consumers in Chennai city is 21.14 lakhs with a
connected load of 6289 MW as on 31.03.07. The maximum peak reached in 2006-07 in

Chennai was 1723 MW and the average daily consumption is between 30 to 35 MU. The
generating stations of 1396 MW capacity in and around the City are as detailed below:
NCTPS 630 mw (Coal based thermal station - TNEB)
ETPS 450 MW (coal based thermal station - TNEB)
BBGTS 120 MW (Gas based station - TNEB)
GMR VASAVI 196 mw (Diesel based station - IPP)
Total 1396 MW

6.28 The projected demand of Chennai area has been arrived based on the projected
population for the period upto 2026 and by taking percapita consumption of 1 kw/person.
The additional requirement of power at the end of each Plan period is as follows:
At the end of 2006 - 11 1100 MVA
2011 - 16 1200 MVA
2016 - 21 1400 MVA
2021 - 26 1500 MVA
To cater to the additional requirements of power, the details of the new substations
proposed by TNEB in the Chennai area upto 2026 are given below.

Table No. 6.8 New Sub Stations proposed

2011 2016 2021 2026
No.of Capacity No.of Capacity No.of Capacity No.of Capacity
765 KVSS - - - - 1 3000 1 3000
400 KVSS 2 1260 2 1260 3 1890 3 1890
230 KVSS 6 1200 6 1200 9 1800 9 1800
110 KVSS 22 1100 24 1200 36 1800 36 1800
33 KVSS 44 704 48 768 72 1152 72 1152
Total 74 80 121 121

It is planned to establish a thermal station at northern Chennai with the capacity of 1000
MW during the 11th Plan period under joint venture with National Thermal Power

6.29 To meet the load growth due to increased industrial activity and population,
TNEB is preparing and implementing a master plan for infrastructure development for every
5 years to meet out the load growth / demand with a perspective view to supply reliable and
quality power to the consumers.

H. Postal Services

6.30 For growth and modernization, an efficient postal system is crucial and postal
system is fast emerging as an important component of modern communication and I.T.
sector. Our Indian postal system is the largest in the world. It also plays a crucial role in
resource mobilization, apart from providing a variety of postal services. Major initiatives
envisaged in the Tenth Plan include
- Up-gradation constituting the bulk of outlay proposed, identifying
computerization and connectivity as the core activity in the tenth Plan, coupled
with modernization and mechanisation programme and
- Expansion of postal network business development and
- financial services.

6.31 In CMA, a wide network of postal system exists and serves the population
effectively. There are 134 major post offices in CMA. The postal department may have to
dovetail their plan taking into account the population projection, distribution etc. envisaged
in this Master plan.

I. Telecommunication
6.32 Telecommunication is an important tool for socio-economic development.
Department of Telecommunication has been formulating development policies for
accelerating the growth of telecom services in our country. There have been far-reaching
developments in the recent past in the telecom, IT, consumer electronics and media
industries worldwide. Considering the above and also to facilitate India's vision of becoming
an IT superpower and develop a world-class telecom infrastructure in India, a New Telecom
Policy was announced in 1999.

6.33 The New Policy Framework will focus on creating an environment, which
enables continued attraction of investment in the sector and allow creation of
communication infrastructure by leveraging technological development.

6.34 The area of operation of Chennai Telephones is co-terminus with the CMA
boundary notified by CMDA. There is an exponential growth in Chennai in the last
decades. It has grown from 26 exchanges with 2, 14,400 lines in 1992 to 209 modernized
exchanges with equipment and total capacity of 17, 86,079 lines in 2005. Number of
exchanges has grown to 331 in 2006. According to BSNL, in Chennai telephone district the
number of their landlines were 10.09 lakhs and their cell phone connections were 5.78
lakhs. BSNL telephone density in Chennai alone works out to 20.08 and when the
connections given by the private players also are taken into account the telephone density
in Chennai may be in the order of about 30.

J. Monitoring and Review
6.35 A committee to be known as “Shelter and Infrastructure Committee” with
representation of Government and non-government stakeholders and experts will be
constituted to monitor the implementation of policies and strategies in this sector including
water supply and sanitation and to initiate such studies and assemble such information as
needed for the purpose. This committee will meet at least once in three months or as many
times as needed. It will draw up detailed terms of reference for its work in consultation with
the concerned stakeholders.
6.36 This committee may work through special working groups created for the
purpose for the different sub-sectors under it.

Annexure - I

Estimates of water requirements

I. Chennai City
2011 2016 2021 2026
1. Population in lakhs 49.95 52.39 55.4 58.56
2. Water requirement in MLD for the resident
(a) @ 150 lpcd 749 786 831 878
(b) @ 120 lpcd 599 629 665 703
(c) @ 100 lpcd 500 524 554 586
3. Water requirement in MLD for the other
than residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and other
places of employment, education, etc.
(a) @ 30% of 2(a) above 225 236 249 264
(b) @ 25% of 2 (b) above 150 157 166 176
(c) @ 20% of 2(c) above 100 105 111 117
4. Industrial use
(a) @ 10% of the 2(a) above 75 79 83 88
(b) @ 10% of the 2(b) above 60 63 66 70
(c) @ 10% of the 2(c) above 50 52 55 59
5. Total requirement
@150 lpcd 1049 1100 1163 1230
@120 lpcd 809 849 897 949
@100 lpcd 649 681 720 761
II. Municipalities in CMA
1. Population in lakhs 21.75 25.60 30.20 35.69
2. Water requirement in MLD for the resident
(a) @ 125 lpcd 272 320 378 446
(b) @ 100 lpcd 218 256 302 357
(c) @ 75 lpcd 163 192 227 268
3. Water requirement in MLD for the other
than residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and other
places of employment, education, etc.
(a) @ 30% of 2(a) above 82 96 113 134
(b) @ 25% of 2 (b) above 54 64 76 89
(c) @ 20% of 2(c) above 33 38 45 54
4. Industrial use
(a) @ 10% of the 2(a) above 27 32 38 45
(b) @ 10% of the 2(b) above 22 26 30 36
(c) @ 10% of the 2(c) above 16 19 23 27
5. Total requirement
@125 lpcd 381 448 529 625
@100 lpcd 294 346 408 482
@75 lpcd 212 250 294 348
III. Town Panchayats
1. Population in lakhs 5.89 7.41 9.45 12.21
2. Water requirement in MLD for the resident
(a) @ 100 lpcd 59 74 95 122
(b) @ 80 lpcd 47 59 76 98
(c) @ 60 lpcd 35 44 57 73

3. Water requirement in MLD for the other
than residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and other
places of employment, education, etc.
(a) @ 30% of 2(a) above 18 22 28 37
(b) @ 25% of 2 (b) above 12 15 19 24
(c) @ 20% of 2(c) above 7 9 11 15
4. Industrial use
(a) @ 10% of the 2(a) above 6 7 9 12
(b) @ 10% of the 2(b) above 5 6 8 10
(c) @ 10% of the 2(c) above 4 4 6 7
5. Total requirement
@100 lpcd 82 104 132 171
@80lpcd 64 80 102 132
@60 lpcd 46 58 74 95
IV. Village Panchayats
1. Population in lakhs 10.59 12.96 15.99 19.88
2. Water requirement in MLD for the resident
(a) @ 80 lpcd 85 104 128 159
(b) @ 70 lpcd 74 91 112 139
(c) @ 60 lpcd 64 78 96 119
3. Water requirement in MLD for the other
than residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and other
places of employment, education, etc.
(a) @ 30% of 2(a) above 25 31 38 48
(b) @ 25% of 2(b) above 19 23 28 35
(c) @ 20% of 2(c) above 13 16 19 24
4. Industrial use
(a) @ 10% of the 2(a) above 8 10 13 16
(b) @ 10% of the 2(b) above 7 9 11 14
(c) @ 10% of the 2(c) above 6 8 10 12
5. Total requirement
@80 lpcd 119 145 179 223
@70lpcd 100 122 151 188
@60 lpcd 83 101 125 155

Total Estimate of Water Requirement (CMA)

Chennai Metropolitan Area
2011 2016 2021 2026
1. Population in lakhs 88 100 112 126
2. Water Requirement in MLD for the
resident population
a) Scenario I 1165 1284 1431 1606
b) Scenario II 938 1035 1154 1296
c) Scenario III 762 838 933 1046
3. Water requirement in MLD for the others
from residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and
other places of employment, education
Scenario I 349 385 429 482
Scenario II 235 259 289 324
Scenario III 152 168 187 295

4. Industrial Use
Scenario I 116 128 143 161
Scenario II 94 103 115 130
Scenario III 76 84 93 105
5. Total Requirement
Scenario I 1631 1797 2003 2248
Scenario II 1267 1397 1558 1750
Scenario III 990 1090 1213 1360

Annexure - II

List of Tanks to be renovated on priority basis

1. Porur Eri
2. Perugudi Eri
3. Kovilambakkam Eri
4. Tambaram pudhu Thangal
5. Tambaram pudhu Eri
6. Kadaperi
7. Pallikaranai Narayanapuram Eri
8. Pallikaranai Anai Eri
9. Pallavaram Eri
10. Velacehry Eri
11. Ayanampakkam Eri
12. Ambattur Eri
13. Korattur Eri
14. Nadukuthagai Eri

Chapter - VII
Social Facilities

I. School Education

A. Current Scenario
Chennai, being the State capital, the educational facilities available are very good
as well as specialized when comparing with the rest of the State. Some of the relevant
statistics relating to literacy and educational infrastructure are given in the Table

Table No. 7.1: Literacy & Educational Infrastructure in the Districts Covered in
Kancheepuram Thiruvallur
Sl.No Description Chennai City
District District
1 Life expectancy at birth (yrs) M-77.14% N.A N.A
(2005) F-77.56%
2. Literacy rate (2001) 76.81 67.84 67.73
Male 81.10 74.73 74.98
Female 72.35 60.78 60.26
3 Sex ratio (2001) 95.10 96.10 97.10
4 Gross enrolment rate (2005)
(a) Primary 93.97 93.88 96.17
(b) Upper Primary 94.58 97.91 93.81
Total 93.85 95.29 95.25
5 Gross Dropout rate (2005)
(a)Primary 6.75 3.61 7.43
(b) Upper Primary 6.02 7.04 8.02
6 Pupil-teacher ratio (2005)
(a) Primary 47 42 42
(b) Upper Primary 39 56 55
7 Enrolment of girls in
primary schools as % of
enrolment of boys (2005)
(a) Primary 97.14 96.49 97.00
(b) Upper Primary 98.60 92.66 94.51
Source : General Education Statistics of Tamil Nadu, Directorate of School Education

B. Principal Stakeholders

7.2 The Directorate of School Education, Directorate of Elementary Education,

Directorate of Matriculation Education, Directorate of Non-formal and Adult Education
and the Directorate of Teacher Education, Research and Training are the principal

stakeholders from Government. There are a number of private organizations, trusts
and charitable institutions in the field.

C. Projection

7.3 Because of family planning and population control measures taken in the
country, and especially in Tamilnadu, from 1971 there is large variation in age
structure including the school going children age group. It is estimated that in the
future years the school going age group will stabilize at 7.5 % for primary school going
age group, 5.19% for middle school going age group and3.71% for high school going age
group and 3.96% for the higher secondary going age group. Based on these estimates,
the future demand for schools has been worked out and tabulated in table below.

Table No 7.2: Number of Schools Required 2026

Average No Average
2001 No. of
of Students Strength 2011 2016 2021 2026
2001 assumed

Primary 1427 370 500 1329 1493 1677 1885

Upper Primary 775 471 500 920 1034 1161 1305

High School 998 261 400 822 923 1037 1165

HSC School 662 210 400 438 492 553 621

D. Strategy

a) Five year and annual plans should take into account the projection made
in the Master Plan; decision should be taken on the share of government
sector and public sector in the opening of new schools.

b) Spatial distribution of schools as per standards should be ensured.

c) Further reduction in the drop-out rate and increase in enrolment,

especially of girls should be pursued.

d) Recruitment of trained teachers should be done on a regular basis.

e) In-service training at periodic intervals especially in science subjects and

in English should be given priority.

II. Higher education:

E. Current Scenario

7.5 As regards collegiate, technical and other professional higher educational

institutions in CMA, they serve not only the CMA region, but also the State apart from
catering to the demand at the national level for certain specialized fields. However
periodical reviews of change in demand for this category of educational institutions
should be made at least once in 10 years and necessary infrastructures have to be
provided. Attention should be paid to improving the quality of teaching in all subjects.
Human resource development for the present and future demands and also research
and development for economic development depend on investment and improvement on
this higher education sector.

F. Principal Stakeholders

7.6 The Directorate of Collegiate Education, Directorate of Medical Education,

Directorate of Technical Education, Directorate of Legal Education, Universities, etc.
are the principal stakeholders from the Government sector. There are a number of
private players running self-financing colleges and autonomous institutions of higher

G. Strategy

7.7 (a) Considering the emerging scientific and technological developments,

specialized institutions, which can be supported by the metropolis should
be assessed by a competent authority and proposed in and around CMA.

(b) Location of a business school in Chennai like the IIM should be planned.

(c) Considering the growth in the vehicle manufacturing units in and around
Chennai a separate college for automobile engineering may be planned.

2. Health
H. Current Scenario
7.8 Planning for health becomes an integral part of metropolitan planning and
health status of population is an important indicator of human resource development.
Investments in health sector have direct relationship with longevity and improvements
in physical and mental development of people. Tamil Nadu’s health indicators place it
near the top among the States of India. Policy of the Government is to provide a healthy
and disease-free life to the people of Tamil Nadu.

7.9 Indian systems of medicine (Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy and
Yoga and Naturopathy) has regained its importance and the Government have attached
special importance to the growth and development of Siddha system, which is part of
Tamil culture.

7.10 The Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project (TNHSP), a 5-year project is being
implemented since Jan. 2005, with a total outlay of Rs.597 crores. It aims to improve
the effectiveness of the health care system, both public and private in the State through
increased access to and utilization of health services (particularly by poor and
disadvantaged) development of effective interventions to address key health challenges
including non-communicable diseases, improved oversight and management of the
health care system (both public & private), and increase effectiveness of public sector
hospital services.

7.11 Chennai has established itself as the health capital of the country and is
fast becoming the health destination of choice for people all over the world with its
excellent facility, competent specialists and good nursing care.

I. Principal Stakeholders:
7.12 The Director of Medical & Rural Health Services (DMRH) is in charge of
planning and implementation of programmes of medical services This Directorate
provides the health services in the districts except in Chennai City. The Dept. of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine (DPHPM) is providing primary health care services.
Directorate of Medical Education deals with medical colleges and the Directorate of
Family Welfare is in charge of planning and implementation of family welfare
programmes. Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy deals with teaching as
well as providing health care system of Indian Medicine. The National Institute of
Siddha established at Tambaram developed at a cost of Rs.47 Crores is a joint venture
of GOI and GTN and it has been established with the objective of imparting post
graduate education in Siddha system and to provide medical care through Sidha system
of medicine.

7.13 A large number of private hospitals deliver health care in CMA; Apollo
Hospitals, Sri Ramachandra Medical College Hospital, Malar Hospital, Vijaya Hospital,
Devaki hospital, CSI Rainy Hospital, CSI Kalyani Hospital etc. are the major hospitals.
According to the approved Government list, as many as 130 private hospitals function
in the City area itself.

7.14 From the Census figures, it appears that the total number of beds given
relates only to Government hospitals and not private. Bed availability in private
hospitals may be about 100% more than in Government ones.

J. Projection
7.15 Considering the longevity in life, improved health conditions predicated, it
is assumed that the number of beds required in future may be at the rate of one in 500
population. The number of beds required for the projected population, for the year
2006, 2011, 2016, 2021, and 2026 are 15,800, 17,700, 19,900, 22,400 and 25,100

7.16 The existing facilities particularly the specialized & higher order ones, serve
not only the CMA population, but also the rest of Tamil Nadu and the adjoining states
population; as regards private sector, it attracts patients from all over India and also
some of the foreign countries. It would be difficult to assess the adequacy of these
facilities. Because of accessibility of good infrastructure including specialist manpower,
technology, private sector investments in health sector is high in recent times, and the
trend is expected to continue.

K. Strategy
7.17a) A detailed study on the health infrastructure in CMA, delivery to poor,
accessibility spatially, future requirements, contribution by private
sector, modernisation requirements in govt. sector etc. has to be made
which may be a basis for formulation of Master Plan for health
infrastructure in CMA. The position may be reviewed every 10
years and suitable measures taken on health infrastructure
b) Considering that in the plan period, majority of population will be in
the rest of CMA, Govt. / Govt. agencies should concentrate on
provision of more higher order / specialty hospitals in the rest of CMA.
For human resource development in this field, complementing colleges
should be located in the rest of CMA.

3. Tourism

L. Current Scenario

7.18 Chennai Metropolitan Area is bestowed with a number of tourist spots

ranging from renowned temples to beach resorts, heritage buildings and amusement
parks. Chennai is also the cultural capital of the south where music and dance find a
special place in the hearts of the people. The dance and music festival season in
December attracts a number of non-resident Indians as well as foreigners. The tourist
arrivals in Chennai has shown a steady increase in the last three years as seen in the
table below:

Table No: 7.3 Arrival of Tourists in Chennai

Year Domestic Foreign Total
2004 5531103 429988 5961091
2005 6028582 499071 6527653
2006 7312540 564780 7877320

M. Strategies

7.19 The Department of Tourism has the following proposals on hand to attract

i) Construction of a Convention Centre: With the advances in the industrial

front, Chennai offers plenty of scope for MICE (Meetings, Incentives,
Convention and Exhibitions) Tourism in a big way. Construction of a
Convention centre within the CMA with suitable parking lots, infrastructure
facilities, attractive layouts, etc. will attract business tourists in a big way.

ii) Pleasure boating at Buckingham Canal: Cruise tourism can be enthralling

and exhilarating for both foreign and domestic tourists. Buckingham Canal
from Sholinganallur to Muttukadu can be an excellent route for pleasure
boating facilities. Desiltation of the Canal, strengthening the bunds and
beautification with avenue trees, ornamental shrubs and flowering herbs will
render it a delight for the tourists.

iii) Exhibition Ship: Exhibiting a ship for the tourists in a prominent place like
Marina will be informative, educative and entertaining. This will be a value
addition in fostering tourism in the City.

iv) Sun-et-Lumiere: Chennai has got an interesting history after the advent of the
British. It has played a significant role in the freedom struggle. Organising a
sound and light show highlighting freedom struggle at Rajaji Hall with certain
additional constructions may inculcate patriotic fervour in the young minds
apart from alluring the tourists to visit this historic building.

v) Lighting of Memorials: Illumination of memorials of great leaders can attract

tourists in large numbers. Flood-lighting heritage buildings with more than
150 years of existence and monuments like the War Memorial would also
attract tourists in large numbers.

vi) Art Gallery in Fine Arts College: Showcasing the artistic wealth of Tamil Nadu
by displaying the works of outstanding personalities in an art gallery would be
a fitting tribute to the genius of several artists who have enriched the culture
and tradition of Tamil Nadu. Different types of paintings that have evolved
over a period of time, specimens of mural paintings, etc. can be part of the

vii) Butterfly Park and Night Safari: Establishment of a Butterfly Park and
introduction of Night Safari in Vandalor Zoological Park will attract a large no..
of tourists to visit the Zoo in the night time.

7.20 The Department of Tourism may prepare a comprehensive tourism

development plan to attract domestic as well as foreign tourists and to develop tourism
infrastructure providing for hotel accommodation, bed and breakfast facilities, paying
guest accommodation and transport facilities and implement within a timeframe.

4. Recreation

N. Current Scenario

7.21 Recreation is a broad function which may be organised or unorganised,

indoors or outdoors, daily or intermittent, local or distant. Sometime even sidewalks
could be an important recreational facility in a residential area. Television viewing has
become a major daily recreational facility within houses apart from music, hobbies &
crafts. Indoor recreation activity pursued by people include the ones provided by
cinemas, drama halls, music sabhas (halls), clubs, indoor stadium, exhibition and fairs;
outdoor recreation facilities includes parks, playgrounds, beaches, zoos etc.

7.22 In order to provide for the preservation and regulation of parks, playfields
and open spaces in the State of Tamil Nadu, the 'Tamil Nadu Parks, Playfields and
Open Spaces (Preservation and Regulation) Act, 1960' was enacted. Parks, playfields &
open spaces are periodically notified under the Act by the local bodies concerned.

7.23 Chennai is endowed with the second longest straight sandy beach in the
world, called Marina. Elliots Beach, another major beach in Chennai attracts large
number of people. Thiruvanmiyur Beach, Kottivakkam Beach, Neelankarai Beach and
small beaches at Thiruvottiyur are also being used by people in these areas. These
beaches are used by the people throughout the year and the Marina & Elliots Beaches
attract thousands of people every day.

7.24 In Chennai City, there are about 195 parks with extent varying from 150
sq.m. to 3.5 hectares and totalling to more than 60 hectares. Playgrounds maintained
by the Chennai Municipal Corporation number more than 200 with a total extent
exceeding 50 hectares. In the rest of CMA, unlike the City, the parks & playfields are a
very few. A world class cricket stadium is proposed to be located near Mamallapuram
by a private agency.

7.25 CMA also boasts of a number of theme parks developed commercially in

and around CMA, which attract not only the local population but also tourists.

7.26 CMA is dotted with a number of lakes (with minimum water spread in non-
monsoon seasons), which may be developed as recreational spaces in a planned way
taking into account its environmental aspects also. It will not only help in conserving
these water bodies but also preventing encroachments and pollution.

O. Strategy

7.27 Maintenance of existing parks / playgrounds and provision of new parks

and playgrounds in the rest of CMA require attention. A database on the existing parks
& playgrounds within CMA can be created which is required for planning and its

7.28 CMDA can create OSR fund out of the OSR charges collected apportioning
proportionately with reference to the amounts collected in the jurisdiction of the local
bodies concerned, reserving a certain percentage for overall recreational facility
development at CMA level.

7.29 The local bodies concerned should identify lands for development as open
spaces and initiate and complete action for acquisition/alienation and provide these
facilities. For acquisition of lands for parks / playgrounds and development of new
facilities project proposals can be prepared by the local bodies concerned and financial
assistance availed from the said OSR Fund to be created.

P. Monitoring and Review

7.30 A committee to be known as “Shelter and Infrastructure Committee” with
representation of Government and non-government stakeholders and experts will be
constituted to monitor the implementation of policies and strategies in this sector
including social facilities and to initiate such studies and assemble such information as
needed for the purpose. This committee will meet at least once in three months or as
many times as needed. It will draw up detailed terms of reference for its work in
consultation with the concerned stakeholders.

7.31 This committee may work through special working groups created for the
purpose for the different sub-sectors under it.

Chapter - VIII
Solid Waste Management
A. Current Scenario
Solid waste includes domestic and commercial waste, industrial waste, hospital
waste, e-waste and construction debris.

8.2 The Corporation of Chennai is the largest generator of solid waste estimated at
3000 tonnes per day. It has a network of transfer stations and two land fill sites at
Kodungaiyur and Perungudi. The present system of collection, transfer and dumping does
not make any distinction between types of waste other than domestic and commercial waste
and to some extent construction debris. The disposal of hospital waste and industrial waste
is the responsibility of the generator but much of this waste also gets into the Corporation
system. Separate system has not been established for e-waste so far.

8.3 The following table provides an estimate of current daily generation of various
types of waste.
Table No. 8.1 Solid Waste Generated Daily in CMA (in tonnes)
Area Residential & Hospital Total e-waste Construction
Commercial Debris
Chennai City 2620 80 2700 5 500
Municipalities 1073 11 1084 2 50
Town 207 1 208 1 NA
Panchayat 255 1 256 2 -
Total 4155 93 4248 10 550
NA – Not Available

8.4 The current solid waste management system in the Corporation needs to be
improved and the management in the rest of CMA requires immediate attention. The City
Corporation has privatized (contracted) solid waste collection in a few zones. This has
improved the quantity collected but no progress has been made in respect of total solid
waste management. The Consultants M/s. Environmental Resource Management, UK
(ERM) in 1996, made a study on Solid Waste Management in CMA but the
recommendations of the study are yet to be implemented.

8.5 The Corporation maintains two solid waste dumping yards one at Kodungaiyur
in the north and the other at Perungudi in the south. Both are over loaded and cause
serious health problems to nearby residents. Besides the sites and surroundings are
environmentally highly degraded. The municipalities of Alandur, Ambattur, Avadi and
Thiruvottiyur have small sites of about 5 to 6 ha. being used as dumping grounds. Out of
16 municipal bodes in the CMA, 8 do not have any designated disposal facilities.

Principal Stakeholders
8.6 Solid waste management is an obligatory function of Municipal Corporations,
Municipalities, Town Panchayats and Village local bodies.

8.7 The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board is responsible for enforcing the
following rules in the Chennai Metropolitan Area
i) Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules 2000
ii) Hospital Waste (Management & Handling) Rules.

8.8 EXNORA through its several civic associations and several other resident
associations have been active in door-to-door collection of solid waste in their
neighbourhoods. This has been a significant feature for several years and Chennai City has
a good standard of awareness and action for solid waste management at local levels.

Estimates of Generation of Solid Waste

8.9 Based on the per capita generation of solid waste it is estimated that by 2026
about 6590 tonnes of solid waste will be generated in the local body areas of CMA including
Chennai City.

Local Body Tonnes

Chennai Corporation 3400
Municipalities 2050
Town Panchayats 550
Panchayat Unions 540
All Local Bodies 6590

8.10 The ERM study of 1996 had recommended solid waste management coverage
in the City to be increased from 90% (1996-2000) to 100% (2001-2005). In respect of
municipalities from 50% (1996-2000) to 70% (2001-2006) and 100% (2005-2011). In
respect of Town Panchayat it was to be 10%, 30% and 70% respectively. More information
on this study may be seen in Volume III.

8.11 No separate estimates are available for other types of wastes. There is urgent
need to institute a study to assess the quantities of the following categories of wastes to
plan for their management.

i) Domestic and commercial waste – Compostable, recyclable

ii) Industrial waste – non-hazardous and hazardous
iii) Hospital/biomedical waste – non-hazardous and hazardous
iv) E-waste – recyclable and non-recyclable
v) Construction debris – reusable as building material

B. Policies and Strategies
8.12 a) The provisions of the Central Act relating to solid waste management and
the MSW (Handling and Management) Rules, 2000 should be strictly
enforced by the concerned agencies within CMA.
b) Environmental assessment has to be made for existing landfill sites and
suitable measures have to be taken for their improvements.
c) Solid waste management is one area where citizens and private sector
participation is crucial to ensure health and safety in cities. Awareness
should be generated about the need for source segregation and
differential disposal. Residents associations and NGOs have attempted to
reduce the burden on the local bodies through local segregation of solid
waste, composting and recycling but these have not made any sustained
impact due to several reasons including little encouragement from local
d) Under the “Polluters Pay” principle, local bodies can collect a levy from
bulk garbage generators such as hotels, marriage halls, markets and
commercial complexes.
e) Mechanical handling of wastes using auto-tippers, tricycle and push
carts can be encouraged to minimize human contact.
f) Since solid waste management is becoming complex, the technical and
managerial skills including project formulation, financing and monitoring
and supervision of personnel in the local bodies should be strengthened.
g) A separate solid waste management action plan will be required to be
made with the principal stakeholders and including the citizens and
private sector following the comprehensive ERM study.

C.The Plan
8.13 A comprehensive solid waste management Action Plan as a sequel to the ERM
Master Plan has to prepared taking into account
i) The mechanisms to be introduced for segregation of wastes at the source
ii) Reducing extent of waste to be handled at landfill through local and
neighbourhood level composting and recycling facilities.
iii) Establishing a number of decentralized sanitary landfill facilities to be shared
with local bodies in the area.
iv) Establishing safe recycling facilities for e-waste and construction debris.
v) Instituting an education and awareness programme for children, youth and
citizens on scientific solid waste management.

vi) Providing incentives to private sector to participate in the reduction,
segregation, transport, recycling and final disposal of all types of solid
vii) The specific responsibility to be assigned to stakeholders in the
implementation of the plan

8.14 The Plan identifies the existing landfill sites and the new sites proposed by
municipal bodies and restrictions on development of residential, commercial activities in
their neighbourhood.

8.15 The Plan recommends strict enforcement by TNPCB of the statutory rules
relating to solid waste management, bio-medical waste and other wastes both hazardous
and non-hazardous.

8.16 The Plan identifies the parameters to be adhered to with respect to aspects of
solid waste management to be complied by new developments, houses, apartments,
commercial complexes, and industries. These have been incorporated in the Development
Regulations in Volume II.

8.17 The Plan recommends institution of decentralized waste to energy plants on the
lines of the Bio-Methanation plant set up by CMDA in Koyambedu Market and other
successful and well proven technologies available.

E. Monitoring and Review

8.18 A committee to be known as “Shelter and Infrastructure Committee” with
representation of Government and non-government stakeholders and experts will be
constituted to monitor the implementation of policies and strategies in this sector including
solid waste management and to initiate such studies and assemble such information as
needed for the purpose. This committee will meet at least once in three months or as many
times as needed. It will draw up detailed terms of reference for its work in consultation with
the concerned stakeholders.

8.19 This committee may work through special working groups created for the
purpose for the different sub-sectors under it.

Chapter IX
Macro Drainage System in CMA

A. Current Situation

9.1 Chennai City and environs are very flat with contours ranging from 2m to 10 m
above MSL with a few isolated hillocks in the southwest at St. Thomas Mount, Pallavaram and
Tambaram. It is traversed by three major rivers namely Kosasthalaiyar River, Cooum River and
Adyar River. The climate of the region is dominated by the monsoons, which are caused by
thermal contrast between land and sea. Monsoon climates are characterized by clearly marked
seasons with specific types of wind and weather. The South West monsoon dominates weather
patterns in Tamil Nadu from July-September and is characterized by periods of sultry wet
weather. Rain shadow effects limit rainfall in the East Coast in Tamil Nadu and it is light or
intermittent during this season. This period is followed by North-East Monsoon, which brings
cool cloudy weather, relatively free of rain over most of the monsoon-dominated land (India).
The exception is South-East-India including Tamil Nadu where about 50% of the annual
rainfall occurs at this time. The start of the heavy rains usually falls in October lasting up to
December. Most of the rainfall is associated with clear synoptic systems of depressions and
cyclones with night time rainfall most common. In CMA most of the rainfall occurs between
October and December.

9.2 River Nagari which has a large catchment area in the Chittoor District (Andhra
Pradesh) region and the Nandi River, which has catchment area in the Vellore District, join and
enter Poondi Reservoir. Kosasthalaiyar River, which has its origin near Kaveripakkam, has a
branch near Kesavaram Anicut and flows to the City as Cooum River and the main
Kosasthalaiyar river flows to Poondi reservoir. From Poondi reservoir, Kosasthalaiyar River
flows through the Tiruvallur District, enters CMA, and joins the Sea at Ennore.

9.3 Cooum River from the Kesavaram Anicut flows through the Kancheepuram District
enters CMA and finally reaches Sea near Fort St. George. Adyar River having its catchment
area in the Kancheepuram District and originating from the Pillaipakkam Tank Group and
Kavanur Tank Group flows through the CMA enters the City and reaches Sea near Adyar.
Sholavaram Tank, Red Hills Tank and Chembarambakkam Tank are the major water bodies in
the CMA. Sholavaram Tank is the secondary storage tank receiving water from the Poondi
Reservoir via Poondi Feeder Canal to supply Red Hills Tank. Red Hills Tank is the main source
of water supply to the Chennai City and during storm events water is released to Red Hills

Surplus Channel, which enters the Kosasthalaiyar River and discharges into the Sea. Its
maximum storage capacity is 3285 Mft3 (9.3 Mm3). Chembarambakkam Tank has recently
been developed as one of the sources for water supply to Chennai City and has maximum
storage capacity of 103 Million m3.

9.4 In spite of the fact that the region has such large lengths of drainage (158 km) and
extensive water storage systems of tanks and reservoirs the region especially the City suffers
from regular annual flooding of developed and settled areas.

9.5 The last century records have shown that there were several catastrophic flooding in
Chennai in 1943, 1978, 1985, 2002 and 2005 caused by heavy rain associated with cyclonic
activity. These events of catastrophic flooding were found to be attributable to failure of the
major rivers and other drainage systems. Flooding of less catastrophic nature occurs regularly
in low-lying areas of the City and its suburbs because of inadequacy or inoperativeness of the
local drainage infrastructure.

9.6 The floods in 1943 were historic and damaged Cooum river very badly. Based on the
Er. A. R. Venkatachary’s Report the Government had improved the Cooum river and provided a
sand pump at the river mouth for removal of sand bar.

9.7 In 1976, there was catastrophic flooding in Chennai and this time it was the turn
of the Adyar river. Er. P. Sivalingam Committee had given its recommendations for prevention
for further damages from floods and recommended schemes to be implemented in the short
and long terms.

9.8 The floods that occurred in 2005 were the worst in living memory. Although several
ameliorating measures have been implemented they have failed to provide total relief to
Chennai citizens.

9.9 The reasons for this state of affairs are three-fold. Most of the existing waterways
are silted and their flow channels and banks are obstructed with encroachments and
structures. Similar is the case with the reservoirs and tanks. Secondly several of the areas
under tanks and their anicuts have been developed as residential neighbourhoods over the
years. T. Nagar, Nungambakkam, Vyasarpadi are instances in this respect. The Taramani area
has been developed as an institutional area. Thirdly the geological structure particularly in the
south-west is not conducive to water infiltration.

9.10 The annual flooding of low-lying areas has besides causing loss of property, is
disrupting the life of many slum dwellers through displacement and heavy expenditure on their
relief, loss of manpower in industry and business and damage to infrastructure. More
importantly it impinges on the health of the citizens through epidemics like dysentery, typhoid
and cholera. Malarial as well as other types of mosquitoes have returned to Chennai in full

9.11 Several studies have been made to analyse the situation and find solutions to
mitigate the problems of flooding and cleaning up of the environmentally degraded waterways
particularly the Cooum, Buckingham Canal and Adyar. A map showing water bodies and flood
plains is annexed. The more important studies made so far are listed below:
i) Er. P. Sivalingam Committee report, 1976
ii) PWD Nucleus Cell Report, 1980
iii) Madras Metro Flood Relief / Storm Water Drainage Master Plan Study, 1993
iv) Storm Water Drainage Master Plan for Madras City and Pre-feasibility Study
for CMA,1994
v) EIA of the Drainage and Redevelopment Proposal For the Pallikkaranai Area,
vi) Review of EIA by NEERI, 1998

Drainage study for Pallikkaranai

9.12 The Drainage study for Pallikkaranai was included as part of the MMFR/SWD
master plan study. The aim of the study is to identify ways of providing protection to an area
about 30 lying in and around Pallikkaranai. The area was earmarked for development
and the development was to be promoted by a number of government and private bodies then.
For the purpose of the study the area was referred as Pallikkaranai Drainage Area (PDA). The
aim of the project was to protect an area of approximately 30 from flooding. It could be
achieved by a diversion of substantial portion of run-off from upstream catchments along a
cut-off drain linking the existing surplus channel close to a village called Karanai with the
Kovalam Backwaters. Northern boundaries of Pallikkaranai Drainage Area cuts off the centre
of the existing swamp area at Pallikkaranai. The area to the north will continue to be subject
to inundation as run-off enters the area from north and west. Protection to the area is to be
provided by three interceptor drains, which carry overland flows from local catchment around
the boundary of the PDA. An arterial drain has to be constructed along the centre of the PDA,
which will pick up drainage flows within the area.

B.Principal Stakeholders

9.13 The principal stakeholders for managing the macro drainage system is the PWD
with some transferred responsibility to Chennai Corporation and Metrowater. Revenue
department is also an important stakeholder as it is in charge of the lands covered by
waterways and reservoirs. The micro drainage – storm water drainage system is the
responsibility of the Municipal Corporation, Municipalities and other Local Bodies.

C. Policies and Strategies

9.14 i) The most important policy would be to convert the present constraints in
disposal of flood waters as an opportunity to manage and use the excess water
for augmenting urban water supply through creation of additional storage
ii) Developing a network of open spaces to provide green environment would enable
them to be used as flood moderators during critical months of the year.
iii) The PWD needs to be made the nodal agency for holistic planning and
maintenance of existing water bodies by preventing encroachments and
implementation of macro drainage systems.
iv) Micro drainage would be the responsibility of the local bodies and they would
need to be fully and effectively integrated with the macro system.

D. The Plan

9.15 i) The CMDA’s land use plan identifies all the important macro drainage features
and prescribes the extent to which the conservation area extends. The lakes and
water bodies need to be protected from encroachments and existing
encroachments should be removed bringing the water bodies to their original
ii) The land use plan identifies the critical areas subject to annual flooding for
taking up remediation measures by local bodies in collaboration with the PWD.
iii) The land use plan also identifies areas where developments other than those
appropriate to use them as open spaces have to be prohibited or severely
restricted. These include the Pallikkaranai swamp and the Redhills catchment

iv) The parameters for safeguarding waterways and water bodies from undesirable
developments are incorporated in the Development Regulations.
v) The Plan recommends implementation of measures recommended in the
MMFR/SWD Master Plan Study Report.
vi) For each local body, a micro drainage plan can be prepared by the local body
concerned in consultation with PWD and implemented within a time frame.

E. Monitoring and Review

9.16 A committee to be known as “Shelter and Infrastructure Committee” with
representation of Government and non-government stakeholders and experts will be
constituted to monitor the implementation of policies and strategies in this sector including
macro drainage system and to initiate such studies and assemble such information as needed
for the purpose. This committee will meet atleast once in three months or as many times as
needed. It will draw up detailed Terms of Reference for its work in consultation with the
concerned stakeholders.

9.17 This committee may work through special working groups created for the purpose
for the different sub-sectors under it.

Chapter X

Disaster Management
A. Introduction

Natural disasters can neither be predicted nor prevented. The problem before
us is how to cope with them, minimizing their impact. Tamil Nadu has witnessed
havoc caused by cyclones and storm surge in the coastal regions, earthquakes,
monsoon floods, landslides, and recently the Tsunami. Increase in urban population
coupled with the construction of man-made structures often poorly built and
maintained subject cities to greater levels of risk to life and property in the event of
earthquakes and other natural hazards. One of the main objectives is to reduce the
risk of loss of human life and property and to reduce costs to the society. We have to
recognize that in such cases of natural disasters, we deal with phenomena of
enormous magnitude that cannot be controlled by any direct means of human
intervention. But what we try to do is to reduce the impact on human beings and

B. Current Scenario

10.2 Details of hazard-prone areas in Chennai Metropolitan Area are given


(i) Earth Quake-Prone Areas:

Chennai Metropolitan Area falls under Seismic Zone – III. The whole of
Chennai Metropolitan Area falls in this zone.
(ii) Cyclone-Prone Areas:
In Chennai Metropolitan Area, it extends to a distance of 20 km. from the
coast. In these areas, the risk is due to (a) cyclonic wind velocities
combined with heavy storm, (b) flooding by seawater due to high waves and
(c) flooding due to heavy storm.
(iii) Flood-Prone areas:
From the flood hazard map of India (mapped by meteorological department,
New Delhi), it is seen that no area in Tamil Nadu falls in the risk zone. But
within a local body area, particularly with reference to an area’s proximity
to a major drainage system like rivers, canals, and also water bodies like
lakes, and further with reference to contour levels/low-lying areas, flood
prone area mapping has to be done.
In Chennai Metropolitan Area, there are a few areas along the rivers and
canals and low-lying areas, which are susceptible to flooding/inundation
during heavy storms. Map showing the floodable areas [macro level]

identified in the Madras Metro Flood Relief / Storm Water Drainage Master
plan is annexed. Existence of macro and micro drainage networks in
Chennai Metropolitan Area facilitates draining of these areas within a
reasonable time. Developments in such low lying areas are allowed only
when a proposed development conforms to standards and after getting
clearance from PWD on the measures to be taken to make it free from
(iv) Tsunami-Prone areas:

Mapping has to be done of the areas where the tsunami of December 2004
had directly hit and flooded the coastal areas in Chennai Metropolitan Area
has to be done. These areas may have to be zoned as Tsunami prone
areas. However this area within Chennai Metropolitan Area will fall within
the CRZ area 500 metres from HTL along the coast.

10.3 Disaster Management Policy: Tamil Nadu has been having a Disaster
Management policy since 2004-05. The thrust of this policy is more on pre-disaster
activities of preparedness, prevention and mitigation than on post-disaster measures
of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The key components of this policy are the

(i) Convergence of disaster management and development planning

(ii) Formulation of disaster management plans at all levels taking into account
the local conditions

(iii) Focusing on the reduction of vulnerability of communities instead of mere

disaster relief

(iv) Fostering a culture of prevention among the community and various organs
of Government through training and awareness campaigns

(v) Involving the community at all stages in disaster management activities and

(vi) Creating a trained and committed volunteer force on the line of home
guards for disaster management.

C. Strategies

10.4 Development Control Rules for CMA provide for regulating the
constructions with reference to zone, location, height, number of floors, size of
buildings, setback spaces to be left around, and the use of the building and land.
Building rules under the Local Bodies Acts provide for regulation of location of
buildings, foundations, plinths, superstructures-walls, floors, and rooms, licensing of
surveyors and inspection of municipal engineers at various stages of constructions,
regulations on dead and superimposed loads, wind load/pressure, reinforced cement

concrete and framed structures, construction materials, etc. Structural safety and
soundness are regulated under the building rules under the Local Body Acts. Hence
early action should be taken to include Special Rules for Hazard Prone Areas in the
Building Rules of the Local Bodies and effectively enforce the same.

10.5 Most of the components of the GOI-UNDP Urban Earthquake

Vulnerability Reduction Programme are also applicable to other natural disasters viz.
cyclones, landslides, floods and Tsunami. Hence the awareness generation,
development of techno-legal regime, earthquake preparedness and response plans,
training and capacity building should be done covering these natural hazards also and
the State Nodal Agency may take appropriate action on these.

10.6 Even after the GOI-UNDP DRM programme period, the State Nodal
Agency should continue these measures. Pre-disaster preparedness and pre-disaster
management plans should be periodically reviewed and up dated.

D. Action Plans
10.7 (i) Early action to amend the building bye-laws of local bodies should be
taken to include special provisions for hazard prone areas and enforce the same since
the whole of Chennai Metropolitan Area falls in Seismic Zone-III now and it also
includes cyclone-prone areas to a major extent.

(ii) The elected representatives of local bodies and Government functionaries

should be trained to promote community based disaster risk management (CBDRM)
and to integrate vulnerability and risk reduction components into all development

(iii) A volunteer force for every ward / village should be raised and they should
be given all encouragement to take up disaster preparedness and mitigation activities.

(iv) Disaster management teams at wards/panchayats level from out of the

volunteer force may be created and they may be trained in specific areas like early
warning, immediate rescue, first-aid, food management, shelter management, water
supply and sanitation, damage assessment, etc.

(v) The CBDRM planning should be participatory and the public should have a
say in the formulation of programmes.

(vi) The needs of vulnerable sections of society must be addressed such as
persons with disabilities, people with HIV AIDS and other socially marginalized

(vii) Conducting regular skill up-gradation, strengthening of local coping

mechanism and conducting mock drills should be important components of
preparedness strategy.

E. Monitoring and review

10.8. Committee may be constituted under the Chairmanship of the Mayor of
Chennai Corporation with representatives from other local bodies, representatives of
community based organization and Non Governmental organizations, officials, etc. to
monitor implementation of plans relating to disaster preparedness and mitigation.

Chapter XI

A. Introduction
Sustainable cities are fundamental to social and economic development. As
stated in the tenth plan document of the National Planning Commission,
sustainability is not an option but imperative. For a better world to live in, we need
good air, pure water, nutritious food, healthy environment and greenery around us.
Without sustainability, environmental deterioration and economic decline will be
feeding on each other leading to poverty, pollution, poor health, political upheaval and
unrest. The environment is not to be seen as a stand-alone concern. It cuts across all
sectors of development. We have to improve our economic growth rate, provide basic
minimum life support services to large section of our population and deal with the
problems of poverty and unemployment. At the same time, we have to pay attention to
conserving our natural resources and also improving the status of our environment.

11.2 Environmental deterioration is not a necessary or inescapable result of

urbanization; what needs to be done is striking a right balance – in making
development in such a way that they are more effectively attuned to environmental
opportunities and constraints.

11.3 The metropolitan environment comprises mainly two components viz. (i)
environment per se, and (ii) the habitat. The environment per se relates to natural
features and resources including the air, noise, water and land (open spaces, forests
etc.). The habitat is related to built environment and infrastructures such as water
supply, sewerage, and solid waste disposal. The conservation of natural resources
includes management of air, noise, water and land.

B. Current Scenario
11.4 One of the principal targets of Millennium Development Goal 7 is ‘to
ensure environmental sustainability”. In the past few years under pressure of
development environmental sustainability in CMA has received a heavy beating.

Pollution of Waterways
11.5 The most visible manifestation is the severe pollution of the six major
waterways and drains, viz. Cooum, Adyar, Buckingham Canal, Captain Cotton Canal,
Otteri Nallah and Mambalam drain. The sewage carried by them is of the order of 532
MLD, which is more than the quantity of sewage collected from the City for treatment
by the Metro water treatment plants. The waterways of Chennai are not perennial in

nature and receive flood discharge only during monsoon season; in the rest of the year
they act as carriers of wastewater from sewage treatment plants and sewage from
defective storm water outlets.

11.6 TNPCB under the Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic

Resources(MINARS) programme periodically monitors the water quality of the City
waterways. Water samples are collected and analyses by TNPCB every month at
Buckingham Canal (at north, central and south stretches), Otteri Nallah, Adyar River
and Cooum River. According to TNPCB, all these water bodies in the City are polluted
and not suitable for any designated uses (viz. drinking, bathing, propagation of wild
life like animal husbandry and fisheries, industrial, cooking and washing and
agriculture); level of contamination is relatively high in Buckingham Canal followed by
Otteri Nallah and Cooum River.

11.7 The sludge disposal consultancy study conducted in 1994 by the

consultant M/s. Mott MacDonald Inc. has revealed that contamination of waterways
and anaerobic digestion of wastewater flowing in the waterways has led to the
accumulation of sludge causing hindrance to the hydraulic functioning of the
waterways and also causing contamination of waterways in the eco system.

Air Pollution
11.8 The invisible part yet the more dangerous one is the air pollution load.
The major contribution is by the vehicular sector (71.28%) followed by industrial
sector (19.70%). According to TNPCB at major traffic intersections the TSPM and
RSPM values are exceeding the standard values. Pollution by industries is widely
prevalent in the Manali industrial complex and surrounding areas. The annual
average pollution load for industrial areas—sulphur-di-oxide, oxides of nitrogen, RSPM
& TSPM are way above the acceptable levels.

Pollution by Urban Solid Waste

11.9 The disposal of wastes – solid waste, bio-medical waste, hazardous
industrial wastes is a major problem and the municipal dumping yards at
Kodungaiyur and Perungudi which are generators of green house gases and smoke
due to burning have degraded the environment around them severely.

11.10 In the recent past, one of the major pollution problems identified is the
one due to the non-degradable plastic wastes. The preventive, promotional and
mitigative aspects considered to tackle this problem by the authorities concerned
include source segregation of municipal wastes, raising consumer and public

awareness, specifying plastics suitable for recycling, penalties for littering and
specifying minimum thickness of plastic carry bags.

Noise Pollution
11.11 The noise level survey conducted by the TNPCB reveals that noise level
exceeded the limits mostly in commercial areas, mainly due to vehicular movement.
During festive seasons in Chennai, the noise levels were noted high and particularly
during Deepavali it exceeded 120 dB.

Environmental Hotspots
11.12 Chennai is blessed with diverse types of environmental areas natural as
well as manmade, which is rare for urban areas. The long coastline, with wide sandy
beaches, Marina being the foremost, wetlands and estuaries, hillocks with forest cover
are the few. The Guindy National Park and the Vandalur zoo area are unique to urban
areas. Manmade reservoirs designed for urban water supply and irrigation, patches of
productive agricultural land, good aquifer recharge areas add to the value of CMA. The
environs of CMA are equally well bestowed in this respect with the Pulicat Lake in the
north, the Nagari hill range in the northwest and Muttukadu in the south. Many of
these features are home to local and migrating birds, turtles and other wild life.

Green Cover:
11.13 Chennai City has only about 2% of the area as declared parks. In
Chennai Metropolitan Area, the declared forest cover is about 24 sq. kms, which is
about 2 percent of the CMA area. However, satellite imageries show that green cover
over the City due to trees along roadside and within the sites is of considerable extent.
There is ample scope for further development of this green cover within the City and
also in the rest of CMA, particularly along roads, drains, riverbanks etc.

Climate Change
11.14 It is recognized now that climate change due to global warming is going
to be an important threat to safety of millions of people not only living near the
coastline but also in the interior because of its impact on changing rainfall patterns
and cyclones.

11.15 Chennai is a flat coastal city subject to regular cyclonic storms and
extensive inundation during the northeast monsoon period. Hence it is necessary to
take into account ways and means of tackling the effects of climate change in a
planned manner. Knowledge on this subject is only gaining ground in recent times. We
need to absorb latest information and technology in this discipline not only to cut

down green house gas emissions from urban activities but also anticipate the effects of
climate change on the economy and life of people to take timely remedial measures.

Cremation grounds
11.16 Chennai Corporation is maintaining 29 conventional burial and
cremation grounds and 4 electrical crematoriums. The conventional burial and
cremation grounds require more space and firewood to burn the bodies and
conventional burning has the element of air pollution in the vicinity apart from adding
to the depletion of tree cover.

CMDA’s Programme

11.17 Following the implementation of Sustainable Chennai Project, CMDA has

been promoting a Community Based Environmental Programme (CBED), which aims
to achieve sustainable urban development with the active involvement of stakeholders
particularly in identifying the local environmental problems, formulating workable
proposals and providing monetary contributions. While CMDA gives 80% of the
project cost as grant, the local body and the community have to contribute 10% each.
Every local body can avail a maximum of Rs15 lakhs per year as grant under this

C. Principal Stakeholders

11.18 Environment has strong intersectoral linkages and hence safeguarding

the environment becomes the responsibility of almost all development agencies both
Government and non-government besides the citizens residents and entrepreneurs
irrespective of their occupation. The principal stakeholders are TNPCB, which is the
standard setting and monitoring agency for pollution control and abatement, the local
bodies, PWD, Department of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu and CMDA

D. Policies and Strategies

11.19 The emerging environmental problems related to land, air, noise and
water have to be dealt with and the natural assets safeguarded through sound polices
and effective action.

a) In view of the intersectoral linkages and existence of a large number of

stakeholders TNPCB should be designated as the nodal agency responsible
for all environment matters in the region.

b) A sustainable environmental policy for Chennai in line with the National
Environment Policy incorporating resource efficiency, efficient, cost
minimisation and ‘polluter pays’ principles should be formulated.
c) Environmental planning and development units in every department
concerned in the development of CMA should be established.
d) A campaign to reduce emission from vehicles should be launched. This
should be combined with stricter enforcement, increasing the share of
public transport vis-à-vis private transport and encouraging fuels like CNG,
LPG etc.,
e) Corporation of Chennai and other local bodies should construct adequate
number of toilets in public places. Once this is completed, the obnoxious
practice of defecating in the open should be strongly discouraged through
effective action.
f) CRZ regulations should be strictly enforced.
g) All the development agencies within CMA and the local bodies should be
required to prepare for their area of jurisdiction and sector a long term plan
for environmental conservation and enhancement and implement it
through annual plans and programmes.
h) Pollution levels should be reduced to acceptable standards in the
waterways of Chennai in the next five years and establish a system to
improve the quality of waterways to desirable standards progressively.
i) Grey water recycling / harvesting should be encouraged.
j) Government may examine the levy of congestion tax. At the same time,
incentives for contribution to environmental improvement by way of tax
concession may be examined.
k) To reduce noise pollution, measures such as traffic calming in residential
areas and declaration of certain busy streets as pedestrian precincts in
consultation with the business and local community can be considered.
l) TNPCB can conduct a detailed study and prepare an Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) for Chennai Metropolitan Area identifying the
problem areas, hotspots, and proposing solutions for improving
environment by the concerned agencies.
m) To increase green cover local bodies concerned particularly in the rest of
CMA have to plan and implement tree planting programmes not only along
the public roads maintained by them but also within the public premises
with local people's participation.

n) Maintenance of existing parks / playgrounds and provision of new parks
and playgrounds in the rest of CMA requires attention. A database on the
existing parks & playgrounds within CMA can be created which is required
for planning and its development.
o) Water bodies should be developed as picnic spots, which would not only
help in preservation but also generate revenue for better maintenance.

p) Conservation of heritage buildings and precincts should be promoted

through incentives and the mechanism of Development Regulations.

E. The Plan

11.20 a) The plan identifies TNPCB as the nodal agency for the environment sector.
b) The plan identifies the environmentally sensitive areas for protection,
conservation and environmental enhancement. A few of these sites such as
Nanmangalam RF can be developed as nature appreciation parks for the
environmental sensitization of people of all age groups.
c) The Plan has recommended specific actions in the sectors of economy,
land-use, shelter, infrastructure particularly water supply, sanitation and
drainage, traffic & transportation and waste management in the respective
d) The Plan incorporates regulations for land and building use development to
achieve green building parameters and increasing greenery in all
e) The Greening concept which includes development of greenery and tree
planting in public and private spaces, protection of trees and enhancing
biodiversity will be implemented through specific action plans.
f) The Plan provides for strengthening the community based environment
improvement projects in the local body area.
g) The Plan provides for the conservation of natural assets like the coastal
areas including beaches and the Pallikkaranai swamp.

A map showing eco sensitive and other conservation areas is annexed.

F. Monitoring and Review

11.21 A committee to be known, as “Land use and Environment Committee” with

representation of Government and non-government stakeholders and experts will be
constituted to monitor the implementation of policies and strategies in this sector and
to initiate such studies and assemble such information as needed for the purpose.

This committee will meet atleast once in three months or as many times as needed. It
will draw up detailed terms of reference for its work in consultation with the
concerned stakeholders.

11.22 This committee may work through special working groups created for
the purpose for the different sub-sectors under it.

Chapter XII
Spatial Strategy and Land Use Planning

A. Introduction
Location of various major urban activities and introduction of transport links since the
establishment of Chennai in the 17th Century has had significant impact on the current urban
form of the City. The urban form of Chennai Metropolitan Area has been dictated by
developments along the major roads and rail links radiating from the center of Chennai. A
detailed account of how the city developed over the last few centuries is given in volume III.

B. Current Situation
12.2 The main road corridors from north to south are the Kolkotta National Highway
(NH 5), the Chennai Thiruvallur High Road (NH 205), the Poonamallee High Road (NH 4), the
Arcot Road, the Mount-Poonamallee Road, the Grand Southern Trunk Road (NH 45), Rajiv
Gandhi Salai (Old Mammallapuram Road) and the East Coast Road.

12.3 The rail corridors are the railway line to Gummidipoondi and beyond on the North,
the railway line to Arakkonam on the west, the rail line to Chengalpattu on the south-west and
the MRTS link along the Buckingham Canal to Velachery.

12.4 The stages of urban expansion between 1971 and 2006 are indicated in the map
annexed. It can be seen from these maps that till now a urban form has developed in the shape
of a half star with interspersed green wedges. These green wedges are getting filled up due to
improved accessibility created through construction of ring roads during the last decade.

Activities Influencing Urban Form

12.5 The significant developments /decisions of the recent past, which would have far
reaching influence on the future urban form and structure are

• New road infrastructure projects – Rajiv Gandhi Salai, extension of NH Bye-pass

from Maduravoyal to Redhills and formation of outer ring road and other ring
• Developments along IT corridor in the southern part of CMA along the Rajiv Gandhi
Salai (Old Mammallapuram Road).
• Redevelopment for commercial and IT Parks and in residential and non-residential
areas with multi-storeyed buildings.

• Conversion of manufacturing units especially in industrial estates at Guindy and
Ambattur into IT industries.
• Strengthening of the suburban railway infrastructure to Gummidipoondi,
Arakkonam and Chengalpattu and extension of MRTS.
• Proposed construction of Metro Rail from Beach to Airport and Washermanpet to St.
Thomas Mount.
• Location of large scale manufacturing industries in the Orgadam-Sriperumbudur
Corridor as well as on the GST Corridor.
• Location of the new Chennai Airport on the west.

12.6 These development actions are expected to modify the form from the half star
mentioned earlier to concentric half circles engulfing the green wedges that had been left
undeveloped earlier. The urban structure beyond the City limits is also expected to shift from a
predominantly low-density low-rise development to medium density developments interspersed
with high-rise buildings.

C. Principal Stakeholders
12.7 The evolution of the emerging structure is the result of intensified activities of
infrastructure development departments of central as well as state governments. Real estate
developers and private entrepreneurs are taking advantage of such infrastructure
developments to spread urban development all over CMA. The principal stakeholders in each
sector have already been indicated in the earlier part of the report. CMDA will be the main
agency for ensuring orderly spatial developments.

D. Vision for Chennai

12.8 As explained earlier the Vision 2026 is to make Chennai a prime metropolis which
will become more livable, economically vibrant, environmentally sustainable and with better
assets for the future generations.

E. Objectives of the Spatial Plan

12.9 The objectives of the Spatial Plan for Chennai are to provide:
i) Optimum utilization of land by channalising the developments in the right
directions and locations.

ii) The future land needs of the metropolitan area by recognizing the existing growth
trends and strengthening the infrastructure links needed.
iii) Efficient transportation network integrating work, living, shopping and recreation
areas to arrive at balanced developments.
iv) Wider scope for decentralized employment locations and economic development.
v) Preservation and conservation of ecologically sensitive areas and natural and built

F. Strategies
12.10 This metropolitan growth scenario based on the vision is proposed to be effected
through the following strategies:
a) Encouraging growth outside the CMA on the main corridors.
b) Strengthening the potential for growth in the three satellite towns of
Gummidipoondi, Thiruvallur and Maraimalai Nagar and creation of new ones near
Tiruporur in the south and near Sriperumbudur in the west.
c) Creating urban foci in the amorphous developments in the City as well as in the
outlying municipal towns incorporating commercial and environmental hubs,
heritage precincts and buildings to develop interesting city images.
d) Providing opportunities for development of composite neighbourhoods on the outer
ring road.
e) Demarcating areas of significant ecological and water resource values for
preservation and conservation.
f) Instituting specific Area Development Projects for upgrading quality of life in City
sectors and neighbourhoods.
g) Restructuring the zoning strategy to promote development.
h) The main problem of the CMA is excessive concentration of population and
economic activities. The trend of migration for gainful employment is by and large
towards the CMA, resulting in diseconomies of scale. This situation calls for
channalisation of economic activities to the other major cities in Tamilnadu.

Land Use Zoning

12.11 The purpose of land use zoning is to segregate certain uses particularly
hazardous and environmentally unsuitable uses from other urban uses of work, housing and
recreation to reduce the effect of negative externalities, which the former have on the latter. By
providing spatial segregation of highly conflicting uses it benefits some uses to find advantage
in being grouped together with other similar uses. Thus separation of hazardous industries
would enable provision of special infrastructure to safeguard environmental quality at the same

time providing reduction of costs in providing certain common public services. Because of
zoning’s vital role in planning, modern strategies encompass expanded objectives for supplying
essential public amenities such as open spaces for recreation, conservation of prime
agricultural land and protection of ecologically sensitive areas from unsustainable uses.

Mixed Land use Zone

12.12 The concept of mixed land use zone has been prevalent in Chennai since 1975
and is part of the First Master Plan itself. In the Indian context mixed land use zoning is
gaining importance particularly because of the existence of a large informal sector. Based on
the experience of the First Master Plan this Plan in addition to providing a range of uses that
can possibly be permitted in the various zones has designated a new zone namely the
urbanisable zone. This is in addition to the nine other designated zones namely Primary
Residential, Mixed Residential, Commercial, Institutional, Industrial, Special & Hazardous
Industrial, Open Space & Recreational, Non-urban and Agricultural use zones.

12.13 The purpose of creating an urbanisable zone is to eliminate the unnecessary

freezing of land uses, which would normally happen if a particular use which may not find
favour in locating in that area is specified in advance. This urbanisable zone facilitates most
environmentally safe urban uses paving the way for demand driven developments to take place
without affecting the quality of life in the neighbourhood.

12.14 As a part of the non-urban use zone natural environment to be protected from
urbanization such as forests, streams and other water bodies including the numerous tanks
and eries and swamps and other lands unsuitable for urban development are to be prevented
for urban development such as water recharging and recovery areas have been zoned
specifically for these purposes.

12.15 Employment generating activities have been zoned along the major transport
corridors and are permissible in a limited way in the mixed residential and commercial zones.

12.16 The coastal areas being an important feature in terms of economy and
environment of CMA the zoning along the coast has been carried out in accordance with CRZ
regulations, II and III and incorporated appropriately in the land use plan.

12.17 Existing Land Use in 2006 and Proposed Land Use 2026 are given in the tables

Table No.12.1 Existing Land use 2006
Chennai City Rest of CMA
Extent in Extent in
% %
Hectares Hectares
Residential 9523 54.25 22877 21.87
Commercial 1245 7.09 390 0.37
Industrial 908 5.17 6563 6.28
Institutional 3243 18.48 3144 3.01
Open Space &
366 2.09 200 0.19
Agricultural 99 0.57 12470 11.92
Non Urban 82 0.47 2433 2.33
Others (Vacant, Forest,
Hills, Low lying, Water 2087 11.89 56507 54.03
bodies etc.,)

Table No.12.2 Proposed Land use 2026

Chennai City Rest of CMA
Extent in Extent in
% %
Hectares Hectares
Primary Residential use zone 5916.35 33.58% 32090.68 31.68%
Mixed Residential use zone 2426.90 13.78% 13503.10 13.34%

Commercial use zone 714.24 4.05% 880.35 0.86%

Institutional use zone 2868.97 16.28% 3888.85 3.83%
Industrial use zone 691.83 3.93% 7274.33 7.18%

Special and Hazardous

130.67 0.74% 3416.08 3.38%
Industrial use zone
Open Space & Recreational
1000.65 5.68% 392.86 0.38%
use zone
Agriculture use zone ------ ------- 7295.81 7.20%
Non Urban 113.31 0.64% 2332.92 2.30%
Urbanisable 2075.89 2.05%

Others (Roads, water bodies,

hills, Redhills catchments 3754.79 21.31% 28147.55 27.79%
area, forests etc.,)
Total 17617.70 100.00% 101298.42 100.00%

12.18 It may be observed that while there is no great increase in extent of lands zoned
for urban activities the intensity of development is likely to increase in sparsely developed and
less developed areas to optimum levels thus increasing the efficiency of urban form.
Restricting reclassification and open layout developments would prevent urban sprawl beyond
the area zoned for urban development.

12.19 The land use plans are given in the map numbers MP-II/CMDA 1/2008 to Map
No. MP-II/CMDA.15/2008, read with MP-II/City 1/2008 to MP-II City 42/2008 and
MP-II/CMA 1/2008 to MP-II/CMA 250/2008( except no.7 and 173 for Thiruverkadu
Municipality and Senneerkuppam village of Poonamallee Panchayat Union which are covered
by approved DDP).

Density and FSI

12.20 Chennai within the City Corporation limits is one of the denser cities in India. As
per 2001 census its density varies from 180 persons per ha. in Saidapet and Mylapore zones to
368 persons per ha. in Kodambakkam zone. The gross density for Chennai City is of the order
of 247 persons per ha. As per the projected population demand the density of the City is
anticipated to go up to 330 persons per ha. by 2026. During the same period the average
densities in the outlying areas are expected to go up as noted below:
ƒ Municipal Towns 149 persons per ha.
ƒ Town Panchayats 78 persons per ha.
ƒ Rest of Panchayat Union Areas 32 persons per ha.

12.21 Floor Space Index (FSI) would be one of the principal tools to regulate density of
development with reference to infrastructure availability and provision. Density not only needs
to be linked to carrying capacity of land and infrastructure but also to several sociological
parameters particularly for low income communities. After examining the issues in detail
appropriate FSI parameters have been incorporated in the Development Regulations.

Setting a Clear Hierarchy of Roads

12.22 Till now, the emergence of a desirable urban form for optimal use of urban lands
has been constrained by the absence of a hierarchy of roads to provide adequate access for
movement of people and goods. The growing travel demand in the metropolis has also made it
imperative to increase the extent of road space. While the First Master Plan ensured
enhancement of road space by provision of missing links, widening of roads, construction of
underpasses and over-bridges and flyovers the actions in the Second Master Plan would
besides consolidating the earlier efforts seek to establish a clear hierarchy of roads and expand

the road availability optimally. For this purpose it will ensure that a person can have access to
an arterial road or sub-arterial road within a distance of 2.5 kms. or ten minutes of travel time
by a private travel mode. This would ensure equity in mobility and good accessibility across the
entire CMA.

Development Regulations
12.23 In the light of the foregoing strategies and actions the Development Control Rules
have now been reviewed and recasted to conform to the zoning and urban structure proposed
for CMA. The major revisions are:
i) Permitting multi-storeyed buildings in the rest of CMA also (excluding the Island
Grounds, approved layout areas, Aquifer recharge area and Redhills catchment
ii) Redefining special buildings as the ones exceeding 6 dwelling units
iii) Permitting IT buildings and bio-informatics centers in Mixed Residential,
Commercial, Institutional use zones
iv) Proposing higher FSI of 2.00 for special buildings and group developments with
dwelling units not exceeding 75 sq.m. in floor area each in the MRTS influence
area between Luz and Velachery
v) Defining IT corridor along the Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mamallapuram Road)
vi) Accommodating working women’s hostels and old age homes in Primary
Residential areas
vii) Proposing transfer of development rights in cases of road widening, conservation
of heritage buildings, slum redevelopments etc.
viii) Providing for restricted developments in Aquifer Recharge area
ix) Providing for conservation of heritage buildings
x) Rationalising the planning parameters for special buildings with reference to plot
extent, number of dwellings, and number of floors
xi) Revising the parking standards totally based on the recommendations made in
recent consultancy study on parking requirements
xii) Reducing plot extent or side setback requirements
xiii) Enlarging the areas of incidental structures that are exempted from FSI
xiv) Including provisions for persons with disabilities
xv) Allowing Multi-storey Building (MSBs) along 12 m and 15 m wide roads with
limitations on FSI and height
xvi) Reservation of 10% of land for EWS/LIG with dwelling sizes not exceeding 45
sq.m. in the case of special buildings, group developments, multi-storeyed

buildings on lands of extent exceeding 1 hectare either within the site proposed for
the development or in a location within a radius of 2 kms from the site under
xvii) Allowing additional FSI 0.25 in cases of special buildings and group developments
with dwelling units each not exceeding 45 in floor area.

12.24 Listing of Heritage buildings and its notification after consultation with the
owners, conditions to be imposed, contents of the agreement to be executed with the heritage
building owners who get TDR, and detailed guidelines for allowing premium FSI etc will be
decided separately.

G. Area Development Plans

12.25 While this Master Plan lays down policies and strategies and programmes at the
CMA level many of the actions for improving the quality of life would have to be translated at
the area level namely neighbourhoods and city or town sectors under each local body including
the City Corporation. While the Town Planning Act provides for the making of Detailed
Development Plans (DDPs) for this purpose, elaborating the land use linkages in each area, the
substantial investments that are now available for infrastructure such as roads, water and
sewerage, drainage and civic amenities under the JNNURM and TNUDF programmes provide
opportunities to attempt comprehensive Area Development Plans in a systematic way. While
the initiative for developing appropriate Area Development Plans would be that of the local
bodies the CMDA would facilitate establishing these DDPs with the participation of the
parastatal agencies and departments of government. While preparing DDPs the requirements
at local area level will be considered and reservation of space as may be required for facilities
such as schools, playgrounds and formation of missing road links etc. will be made. These
DDPs would form the basic units or building blocks for improving quality of life to the citizens
of Chennai and at the same time promote sustainable development.

12.26 One of the important components of the Area Development Plans particularly in
the outlying areas would be the integration of unapproved subdivisions and layouts that have
come up by supplying the missing parts of development so as to make these areas fit for urban
habitation. Evidently this will have to be carried out with the full cooperation and consent of
the owners of land as well as the local bodies concerned with appropriate fees levied to finance
the missing infrastructure.

12.27 As a follow up of the Master Plan CMDA will initiate actions to institute Area
Development Plans in various critical areas of the City as well as the outlying areas as a time
bound programme.

H. Monitoring and Review

12.28 A committee to be known, as “Land use and Environment Committee” with
representation of Government and non-government stakeholders and experts will be
constituted to monitor the implementation of policies and strategies in this sector and to
initiate such studies and assemble such information as needed for the purpose. This
committee will meet at least once in three months or as many times as needed. It will draw up
detailed terms of reference for its work in consultation with the concerned stakeholders.

12.29 This committee may work through special working groups created for the
purpose for the different sub-sectors under it.

Chapter - XIII
Development Regulations

In order to regulate developments, the areas within CMA have been

designated as one of the 10 use zones listed in the Development Regulations (except
for areas of specific use such as Water Body, Forests, Roads, Railways etc.). The
developments in these use zones will be regulated in accordance with Development
Regulations, which form part of the Second Master Plan. In each use zone certain
uses will be permitted normally and certain other uses will be permitted with the
special sanction of CMDA. The main purpose of the Development Regulation is to
promote development in accordance with the land use zoning contained in this
Master Plan.

13.2 The following are the land use zones designated in the Master Plan.

1 Primary Residential use zone

2 Mixed Residential use zone

3 Commercial use zone

4 Institutional use zone

5 Industrial use zone

6 Special and hazardous Industrial use zone

7 Open space & Recreational use zone

8 Agriculture use zone

9 Non Urban use zone

10 Urbanisable use zone

13.3 Further in CMA areas for buildings of special character such as multi
storeyed building areas, continuous building areas, and economically weaker section
areas are also designated in the plan. Ecologically sensitive areas zoned include CRZ
areas, Aquifer recharge areas, and Red Hills catchment areas. MRTS influence areas;
IT Corridor and areas around Airports are shown as areas of special character.
Development prohibited area namely Pallikkaranai swamp area, area around Indian
Air Force station are clearly demarcated and shown in the Plan.

13.4 Land Use plans are numbered as Map No. MP-II/CMDA.1/2008 to Map
No. MP-II/CMDA.15/2008 read with MP-II/City 1/2008 to MP-II/City 42 /2008 and
MP-II/ CMA 1 /2008 to MP-II/ CMA 250 /2008

13.5 The grant of Planning Permissions within CMA shall be regulated in
accordance with the Development Regulations. Development Regulations forming
part of this Second Master Plan for CMA are given in Volume-II.

Chapter XIV
Monitoring and Implementation of Master Plan

A. Achieving Outcomes
The Chennai Master Plan has a clear vision to achieve through its interventions in the
Second Master Plan. The objective is to make Chennai more livable, sustainable, and
economically vibrant and to equip it with better assets to make it a prime metropolis in which
all sections of people will prosper. In this effort CMDA has to work with a wide range and large
number of stakeholders in the government, private and non-governmental sectors and with
different sections of citizens and groups. The Master Plan has therefore laid down policies and
strategies and Action Plans for implementation by the various stakeholders. A very important
role of CMDA is to evaluate on a regular basis the progress made towards achieving the vision,
the objectives and the programme so as to effect appropriate and timely corrections during the
period of the Master Plan. For this purpose it needs to identify measurable indicators in the
several sectors to monitor the progress made by the stakeholders individually as well as

B. Livability Parameters
14.2 The levels of improvement in urban quality as reflected through amelioration of
poverty and unemployment, reduction of slums and provision of affordable housing and
prevention and remediation of environmental pollution and damage, strengthening of resources
and infrastructure would be the visible signs which portray how the City is moving towards its

C. Use of Urban Indicators

14.3 The use of urban indicators worldwide has become widespread based on the
successful outcome of the recommendations from Agenda 21 of Rio Conference. Many cities
have already established a system of indicators for assessing the quality of life as also levels of
sustainability achieved in their City and comparing it with other cities.

D. Development of Indicators for Chennai

14.4 The Plan proposes to evolve its own set of indicators and facilitate the stakeholders
to assemble the required information on a regular basis and make it available to all
(a) to raise public awareness in City improvements and
(b) to measure the progress made.

14.5 The indicators are proposed to be established in thirteen sectors as worked out by
Asian Development Bank (Urban Indicators for Managing the Cities, Edited by Matthew S.
Westfall and Victoria A. de Villa, August 2001) for managing the cities. These indicators, which
have been worked out with wide consultations among various cities, would provide a basic
framework for measuring the progress in Chennai also.

14.6 The indicators would be clustered under the following major heads:
• Population, migration and urbanization
• Income disparities, unemployment and poverty
• Health and education
• Urban productivity and competitiveness
• Technology and connectivity
• Urban land
• Housing
• Municipal services
• Urban environment
• Urban transport
• Culture
• Local Government finance and investments
• Urban governance

E. Mechanism for Identification of Indicators

14.7 The specific indictors under each sector would be identified by the Monitoring
Committees proposed under the Master Plan in consultation with the parastatal organizations
and departments of Government particularly the Metro water, The Housing and Slum
Clearance Boards and Industrial and Labour Department, local bodies, private sector actors
including industrialists and real estate promoters and builders and other civil society and
citizen stakeholders.

F. Studies
14.8 The studies made earlier and the proceedings of the consultations and
deliberations of the committees set up to examine the objections and suggestions
made by the public have broadened the perceptions of problems and approaches
needed to tackle them. CMDA through the monitoring and review committees

proposed will initiate fine tuning of the policies and strategies included in this Master
Plan for effective implementation of the Master Plan.

14.9 The Monitoring Committees will also identify areas of further studies in the various
sectors, which would need to strengthen benchmarking as well as providing the necessary data
for assessing the progress made.

14.10 Some of the studies that will be initiated and/or facilitated by CMDA are already
indicated in the relevant chapters. A few more studies in areas where information is lacking or
inadequate may be necessary to strengthen policy formulation. In this effort the combined
energies of departments of Government as well as academics and reputed research institutions
in Chennai are proposed to be fully mobilized.

14.11 The suggested list of studies is given in the Annexure. II

G. Future investments in CMA

14.12 CMDA had earlier prepared CMDP for infrastructure improvements within CMA
at an estimated cost of Rs. 18000 crores. It is being implemented as Annual Plans (prepared
every year in consultation with the agencies / departments concerned) making Annual
budgetary allocations under the concerned departments / agencies head of accounts. In the
last 4 years (since 2003) an amount of Rs.3745 crores has been invested in infrastructure
improvements in the sectors of transport, housing, municipal services, water supply, sewerage,
drainage etc. In the development plan for CMA prepared for financial assistance under
JNNURM infrastructure improvements to the tune of 44,780 crores has been proposed for
implementation over a period of 7 years (2005-2012). The projects are implemented by
accessing funds under JNNURM and other source by the departments / agencies concerned.

Based on the policies and strategies proposed in this Second Master Plan, detailed
investments in each sector during this plan period upto 2026 have to be worked out. Project
planning and implementation programmes have to be worked out by the concerned agencies
and implemented. Long term investments / programmes by the local bodies and other agencies
may be prepared in collaboration with the Metropolitan Planning Committee (MPC) when it is
setup. It may be monitored and reviewed by a committee as may be decided by the government
for effective implementation to achieve the goal.

Annexure -I

Suggested list of Monitoring and Review committees

Name of Committee Main Topics included

1. Economy and employment committee State Urban development policy,

demography, economy, employment and skill

2. Land use and environment committee Land use zoning, Development Regulations,
Urban design, Urban renewal, Heritage
building conservations, Recreation,
Environment, Greening, Disaster mitigation
and management.

3. Traffic and Transportation committee Traffic, Transportation including road and

rail transport, Para transit

4. Shelter and infrastructure committee Housing for all categories, water Supply,
Sanitation, Drainage, Solid and liquid waste,
Health, Electricity, Communication,
Education and other social infrastructure.

5. Investment Planning and governance Investment planning, Governance and GIS


Annexure -II

Suggested List of Studies

1. (a) Income and employment in formal and informal jobs – income distribution
(b) Land needs for informal and small-scale enterprise
2. Rate of urban growth and level of investments in infrastructure
3. Primary health care and incidence of diseases – Malaria and other water and air
borne diseases
4. School enrolment and vocational training needs
5. Land availability for affordable housing
6. (a) Slum growth, homelessness and housing stock generated
(b) Slum resettlement assessment
7. (a) Quantity and quality of protected water supply to low income households
(b) Practical ways of augmenting water resources locally
8. Levels and impact of households sewage disposal methods
9. (a) Generation of solid waste and quantity treated
(b) Study on hazardous and e-waste management
10. (a) Water quality in rivers – Cooum, Adyar, Buckingham Canal etc. and temple
(b) Air quality monitoring study
11. (a) Modal split and travel time study
(b) Maximizing walk and cycle facility
12. Citizen participation opportunities and levels in urban bodies
13. Public investments in infrastructure and outcomes
14. Extent of Urban sprawl and non-compliance with zoning
15. Parks and playgrounds – inventory of green areas and maintenance
16. Unauthorised construction and buildings not in compliance with planning norms
17. Study to develop prototype Area Development Plans for
(a) A City zone
(b) A Municipal ward
(c) A Peri-urban Locality
18. Mapping study of urban land values
19. Housing outlays by government
20. Finance from banks and institutions for micro enterprises and low-income

Study Team
Master Plan Unit
Chief Planner
Thiru. C. Palanivelu
Senior Planner
Tmt. S. Chithra
Assistant Planners
Tmt. C.R. Vimala and Tmt. R. Anusuya

Planning Assistants
Tvl. T.K. Vasantha Kumar, N. Vijayanarayanan, K. Chandran,
S. Venkatesan, M. Murali, S. Irudhayaraj, V. Govindhasami, B.I. Raghu,
G.V. Saleem, and MansoorAhmed, Tmt. K. Selvakumari, S. Shakila, M.
Anjugam, B. Jayanthi, and B. Suganthi,
Steno typists
Tmt. R.S. Geetha, L. Kamalambal, and S. Dellibai
Assistant/ Jr. Assistant
Tvl. S. Baskaran, and R. Lesely Irudhayaraj
Field man/woman
Tmt. N. Bhuvaneshwari, and Thiru. B. Inban
Tvl. B. Krishnamoorthy and A.S. Chandrasekar
GIS Section
Planning Assistants
Tvl. G.S. Panneerselvam, D. Ravichandran, and M.S. Santhosh Kumar,
Tmt. A. Jeyanatha sornamani, K. Gowri, N.B. Vani, G. Alamelu,
D. Sughirtha, D. Thirupurasundari, and G. Poonguzhali
Software used: Arc Info, ENVI, Auto Cad, Auto Cad Map 3D.
Aerial Data used: Ikonos 2001,2003 &2004 (1 metre resolution)
Cartosat 2005 (2.5 metre resolution)
Supported by
Traffic and Transportation
Senior Planner , Thiru. K. Kumar,
Assistant Planner, Tmt. R. Meena
Housing and Environment
Deputy Planner, Thiru. M. Sivashanmugam
Assistant Planner, Thiru. V. Kumar
Support for certain data collection and Tamil translation was provided
by various officials and staff working in different Divisions in CMDA.
Committees which examined objections / suggestions and made

1. Committee on Land Use

1. Thiru. N.V. Rakhunath - Chief Planner, CMDA
2. Thiru. P. Thyagarajan - Addl. Director, DTCP
3. Thiru. K. Rajamanickam - Dy. Director, Commssionerate of Municipal
4. Thiru. Durganand Balsovar - Architect
5. Thiru. S. Ramaraj - President, Institute of Architects (TN Chapter)
6. Tmt. S. Chithra - Senior Planner, CMDA

2. Committee on Transport
1. Thiru. N. Dharmalingam - Retd. Chief Planner,CMDA
2. Thiru. T.K. Shanmugasundaram - Chief Engineer (Genl.), Highways Dept.
3. Dr. A.M. Thirumurthy - Professor Anna University
4. Thiru. R. Balasubramanian - Managing Director, MTC
5. Thiru. P.T. Krishnan - Architect rep. Citizen Consumer and
Civic Action Group, Chennai
6. Thiru. K. Kumar - Senior Planner, CMDA

3. Committee on Development Regulations

1. Thiru. Md. Nasimuddin I.A.S. - Member Secretary, CMDA
2. Tmt. Tara Murali - Architect
3. Prof. Suresh Kuppusamy - School of Architecture & Planning, Anna
4. Thiru. P.T.G. Sundaram - Representing Institution of Engineers (TN
5. Thiru. M.K. Sundaram - Vice Present, Builder’s Association of India (TN
6. Thiru. C. Palanivelu - Chief Planner, CMDA

4. Committee on Water supply and Drainage

1. Thiru. M. Dheenadhayalan - Adviser to Govt.(Schemes), PWD
2. Thiru. D. Madavamoorthy - Engineering Director, CMWSSB
3. Thiru. K. Balasundaram - Chief Engineer, Corporation of Chennai
4 Thiru. R. Arul - Secretary, Pasumai Thayagam.
5. Thiru. S. Santhanam - Chief Planner, CMDA

5. Committee on Solid Waste Management

1. Dr. K.Thanasekaran - Director, Centre for Environment studies Anna
2. Thiru. A. Swaminathan - Retd.CE, Chennai Corporation
3. Thiru. T. Chandrasekaran - SE, (SW) Chennai Corporation
4. Thiru. R. Raghunathan – SE, Commssionerate of Municipal
5. Thiru. M. Madhivanan - JD, Directorate of Town Panchayats
6. Thiru. M.B. Nirmal - EXNORA
7. Thiru. S.Balaji - Jt. Chief Engineer, TNPCB
8. Thiru. J. Ramakrishnan - Senior Planner, CMDA

6. Committee on Housing
1. Prof. A.N.Sachidanandam - Dean, MEASI Academy of Architecture, Chennai
2. Thiru. R. Jayaraman - CE, TNSCB
3. Thiru. D Ganesan - CE, TNHB
4. Thiru. Dr. A. Srivatsan - Architect / Journalist
5. Tmt. K. Radhai - All India Democratic Women’s Association,
6. Thiru. M.Sivashanmugam - Deputy Planner, CMDA

7. Committee on Environment
1. Dr. K.S. Neelakandan IFS - Director of Environment
2. Thiru. M.G.Devasagayam IAS(Retd) - SUSTAIN
3. Dr. S. Mohan - Head, Dept. of Civil Engg. IIT-Madras
4. Dr. T. Sekar, IFS - Member-Secretary, TNPCB
5. Thiru. Rajesh Rangarajan - rep. Citizen Consumer and
Civic Action Group, Chennai.
6. Thiru. A. Subash - Better Environment for Long Life Foundation,
7. S.R. Rajendhiran - Senior Planner, CMDA

8. Editorial Advisory Committee

1. Thiru. R. Santhanam I.A.S. - Vice-Chairman, CMDA
2. Thiru. G. Dattatri - Chief Planner (Retd.), CMDA
3. Dr. K.P. Subramaniam - Retd. Prof. Anna University
4. Thiru. C. Palanivelu - Chief Planner, CMDA
Better Chennai is our motto
Citizen Area Plans Master Enforcement Construction Notice /
About CMDA Development TNUDP III RTI
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Second Master Plan

Contents - Volume II

Development Regulations

Map Chennai City – Street Alignment

Map CMA – Street Alignment

Map Chennai City – Continuous Building Area

Map CMA – Coastal Regulation Zone

Map CMA – Aquifer Recharge Area

Map CMA – Redhills Catchment Area

Map CMA – Area around IAF Station

Map CMA – Pallikkaranai Swamp Area

Map CMA – I.T. Corridor

Map CMA – M.R.T.S. Influence Areas

Map CMA – Airport Runway


Volume II
Development Regulations
(Originally approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu in G.O.Ms. No. 190
H&UD Dept., dated 2.9.2008, and notified in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazettee Extraordinary No.266, Part II-Section 2 dated September 2, 2008 )

Amendments incorporated upto December, 2010

Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority

Thalamuthu - Natarajan Building,
No.1 Gandhi - Irwin Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008.

DR No. Title Page No.

1 Short title 1

2 Definition 1

3 Written Permission for development 4

4 Manner of obtaining permission 5

4(4) Scrutiny fees 6

4(5) Completion Certificate 6

5 Development to be in conformity with these regulations 7

6 Designation of use in Master Plan or Detailed 8

Development Plan

7 Requirement for site approval 9

8 Proposed width of roads 10

9 Transferable Development Rights 10

9A Special Transferable Development Rights 11

10 Proximity to quarries and crushers 11

11 Structures in set back spaces 11

12 Boundaries of land use zones 12

13 Repeal and Savings 13

14 Primary Residential use zone 13

15 Mixed Residential use zone 14

16 Commercial use zone 15

17 Industrial use zone 16

18 Special and Hazardous Industrial use zone 16

19 Institutional use zone 17

20 Open Space and Recreational use zone 18

21 Urbanisable use zone 18

22 Non-Urban use zone 18

DR No. Title Page No.

23 Agricultural use zone 19

24 (2) Ecologically sensitive areas 20

24 (2)(a) CRZ area 20

24 (2)(b) Aquifer recharge area 20

24 (2)(c) Catchment area 20

24 (3) Development prohibited areas 20

24 (3)(a) Area around Indian Air Force station 20

24 (3)(b) Pallikkaranai Swamp area 20

24 (4) Areas of special character 20

24 (4)(a) MRTS influence area 20

24 (4)(b) I.T Corridor 21

24 (4)(c) Area around Airport/Aerodrome 21

24 (5) Natural hazard prone areas 21

24 (6) Green Belt along Poonamallee Bye pass and Redhills 21

Bye pass roads

25 Planning Parameters 22

25-Table (1) Ordinary Residential Buildings and other small 22


25-Table (2) Ordinary Commercial Buildings and other small 23


25-Table (3) Cottage industries, Green industries and Orange 25

industries upto 30 H.P

25-Table (4) Green industries, and Orange industries upto 200 HP 26

[permissible in industrial use zone]

25-Table (5) Industries exceeding 200 H.P 27

25-Table (6) Special and Hazardous Industries 28

25-Table (7) Institutional buildings 29

25-Table (8) Religious buildings with floor area less than 300 sq.m. 30
and height not exceeding G+1 floors

25-Table (9) Transport Terminals such as Bus Terminals, Bus 31

stands, Railway stations, Truck terminals, container
DR No. Title Page No.

26 Regulation for Special Buildings 32

27 Regulation for Group developments 39

28 Special rules for multi-storeyed Buildings 43

29 Layout and sub-division regulations 49

30 Architectural Control 52

31 Conservation of buildings of historical or architectural 52


32 Tree preservation 52

33 These Regulations to prevail 52

34 Identification of boundaries 52

35 Discretionary Powers 53

36 Premium FSI 53

37 Delegation of Powers 53

38 Penalties 53

39 Transitary provisions 54


1 Annexure I FORM-A: Application for Planning Permission 55

for laying out the land for building purposes

2 Annexure II FORM-B: Application for Planning Permission 58

for development of land and buildings other
than those covered under FORM A

3 Annexure III FORM C: Form of Undertaking to be executed 61

individually by the Land Owner or Power of
Attorney Holder or Builder or promoter.

4 Annexure IV Proposed Rights of Way and set back lines for 63

major network of roads

5 Annexure V List of cottage industries 70

6 Annexure VI Industries classified as “Green” 73

7 Annexure VII Industries classified as “Orange” 75

8 Annexure VIII List of industries permissible in Special and 77

Hazardous Industrial Zone
9 Annexure IX Areas set apart for Multi- Storeyed buildings 80

10 Annexure X Notification on Coastal Regulation Zone 81

11 Annexure XI Regulation for developments in the Aquifer 94

Recharge Area

12 Annexure XII Regulations for Redhills Catchment area 98

13 Annexure XIII Rules for Information Technology Park 100

14 Annexure XIV MRTS Influence area 102

15 Annexure XV Civil Aviation requirements for construction in 103

the vicinity of an aerodrome

16 Annexure XVI Parking requirements 107

17 Annexure XVII Corridor width 115

18 Annexure XVIII Spaces excluded from FSI and Coverage 116


19 Annexure XIX Rain Water Conservation 117

20 Annexure XX Reservation of land for recreational purposes 123

in cases of special buildings/ group
developments/ multistoreyed building

21 Annexure XXI Regulation for the grant of TDR 125

22 Annexure XXII Provisions for persons with disabilities 128

23 Annexure XXIII Solar Energy Capture 129

24 Annexure XXIV Electrical Rooms 130

25 Annexure XXV Special Rules for conservation of Heritage 132


26 Annexure XXVI List of Chennai Corporation Divisions and 136

Villages in Chennai Metropolitan Area

27 Annexure XXVII Regulation for the grant of Special TDR for 152
slum dwellers

28 Maps Chennai City – Street Alignment 155

CMA – Street Alignment 156

Chennai City – Continuous Building Areas 157

CMA – Coastal Regulation Zone Area 158

CMA – Aquifer Recharge Area 159

CMA – Redhills Catchment Area 160

CMA – Prohibited Area around IAF Station 161

CMA – Pallikaranai Swamp Area 162

CMA – I.T. Corridor 163

Chennai City – MRTS Influence Areas 163

CMA – Transitional Areas & Trough around 165


29 Others Guidelines for the Premium FSI 167

Guidelines for Transfer of Development Rights 168

Guidelines for Transfer of Development Rights 175

Development Regulations for Chennai Metropolitan Area
1. Short title:

(1) These regulations may be called Development Regulations for Chennai Metropolitan
(2) It extends to the whole of Chennai Metropolitan Area.
2. Definition

(1) Access means way to a plot or a building.

(2) Accessory Use means any use of the premises subordinate to the principal use and
customarily incidental to the principal use.
(3) Act means the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act
35 of 1972) as amended from time to time.
(4) Alteration means a change from one occupancy to another, or a structural change,
such as an addition to the area or height, or the removal of part of a building, or any
change to the structure, such as the construction of, cutting into or removal of any
wall, partition, column, beam, joist, floor or other support, or a change to or closing
of any required means of ingress or egress or a change to the fixtures or equipment.
(5) Assembly Building means any building or part of a building, where 50 persons or
more congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, social, religious, patriotic,
civil, travel and similar purposes. These shall include theatres, motion picture
houses, assembly halls, auditoria, exhibition halls, museums, skating rinks, large
gymnasiums, places of worship, dance halls, club rooms, passenger stations and
terminals of air, surface and marine, public transportation services, stadia, etc.,
(6) Authority means the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority constituted
under the Act.
(7) Balcony – A cantilever projection, with a handrail or balustrade or a parapet, to
serve as sitting out place.
(8) Basement or Cellar – The lower storey or storeys of a building below or partly below
ground level with majority of its headroom below ground level.
(9) Building includes
- a house, out-house, stable, latrine, godown, shed, hut, wall (other than a
boundary wall) and any other structure whether of masonry, bricks, mud, wood,
metal or any other material whatsoever;
- a structure on wheels or simply resting on the ground without foundation;
- a ship, vessel, boat, tent, van and any other structure used for human
habitation or used for keeping or storing any article or goods; and
- the garden, grounds, carriages and stables, if any, appurtenant to any building.
(10) Building Line means a line behind the street-alignment and to which the main wall
of a building abutting on a street may lawfully extend
(11) Security cabin means a non-residential enclosure constructed of non-load bearing
(12) Canopy/ portico/porch-means cantilever projection at lintel level or ground floor
roof level over an entrance of a building.
(13) Chimney - An upright shaft containing one or more flues provided for the
conveyance to the outer air of any product of combustion resulting from the

operation of heat production appliance or equipment employing solid, liquid or
gaseous fuel.
(14) Competent Authority means the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority or a
local authority concerned to whom the Chennai Metropolitan Development
Authority has delegated the powers for issue of Planning Permission.
(15) Corridor means a common passage or circulation space within a building.

(16) Continuous building means buildings constructed without any side set back. Row
type housing also falls in to this category.
(17) Covered Area – Ground area covered by the building above the plinth level and
includes parts of the building projecting out in other storey (including basement
floor levels).
(18) Development means the carrying out of all or any of the works contemplated in a
regional plan, master plan, detailed development plan or a new town development
prepared under Town and Country Planning Act 1971, [as defined in clause 13 of
section 2 of the Tamilnadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971 including
subdivision, layout, reconstitution or amalgamation of land] and shall include the
carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, or over or under
land, or the making of any material change in the use of any building or land:

Provided that for the purpose of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971, the
following operations or uses of land shall not be deemed to involve development of
the land that is to say,
i. the carrying out of any temporary works for the maintenance, improvement or
other alteration of any building, being works which do not materially affect the
external appearance of the building;
ii. the carrying out by a local authority of any temporary works required for the
maintenance or improvement of a road, or works carried out on land within the
boundaries of the road;
iii. the carrying out by a local authority or statutory undertaker of any temporary
works for the purpose of inspecting, repairing or renewing any sewers, mains,
pipes, cables or other apparatus, including the breaking open of any street or
other land for that purpose;
iv. the use of any building or other land within the cartilage of a dwelling house for
any purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house as such; and
v. the use of any land for the purpose of agriculture, gardening or forestry
(including afforestation) and the use for any purpose specified in this clause of
this provision of any building occupied together with the land so used.
(19) Drain – A conduit or channel for the carriage of storm water, sewage, wastewater or
other water borne wastes.
[20] Dwelling Unit – An independent housing unit with separates facilities for living,
cooking and sanitary requirements, and may be a part of a building.
(21) Floor Space Index (FSI) means the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered
area (plinth) on all floors excepting the areas specifically exempted under these
regulations (given in Annexure XVIII) by the plot area which includes part of the site
used as exclusive passage.
FSI = Total covered area on all floors
Plot area
(22) Farm House - means a building constructed as an incidental use to an agriculture
or horticulture farm. Any building constructed not associated with farm activities
shall not be construed as a “farm house” for the purposes of these Regulations.

(23) Group Development means accommodation for residential or Commercial or
combination of such activities housed in two or more blocks of buildings in a
particular site irrespective of whether these structures are interconnected or not.
Any inter link between the structures in terms of connecting corridors shall not be
construed as making any two structures into one block. However, if these blocks
are connected solidly atleast for one-third the width of any one block on the
connecting side, then such blocks shall be construed as a single block.
(24) Height of the Building means the height measured generally from the formed
ground level abutting the road / passage [excluding ramp if any within the plot]
provided that stair-case head rooms, lift rooms, elevated tanks and also WC (with
floor area not exceeding 10sq.m.) above topmost floor, and also architectural
features, and parapet walls of height up to 1 meter shall not be included in
calculating the height of building. In cases where earth filling is made/proposed
within the site above the average level of the abutting street/road, then the height of
building shall be reckoned from the filled up ground level around the building
provided such filling does not exceed 1 meter above the average level of the abutting
street/road. If the height measured from the top of such filling is 15.25 metres,
such building shall not be construed as a Multi-storeyed building.
(25) Layout means division of land into plots exceeding eight in number.
(26) Local Authority or Local Body means a Municipal Corporation of Chennai,
Municipality, Town Panchayat, Panchayat Union or Village Panchayat within the
Chennai Metropolitan Area.
(27) Mezzanine floor is an intermediate floor between two floors above ground level
subject to the following:-
a) the area of mezzanine is restricted to 1/3rd area of that floor;
b) the height of the mezzanine floor shall be minimum 2.2 metres for non-habitable
purposes and 2.5 metres for habitable purposes; and
c) the head room height of the remaining part of the said floor shall be the total of
the height of the mezzanine floor and the space below the mezzanine floor.’
(28) Multi-storeyed Buildings means buildings exceeding 4 floors and or 15.25 meters
in height. [However in cases of hospitals, buildings not exceeding 4 floors and or
17metres in height will be construed as non multi-storeyed buildings.]
(29) Ordinary building means a residential or commercial building, which does not fall
within the definition of special building, group development or multi-storeyed

(30) Parking space means an area covered or open, sufficient in size to park vehicles
together with a driveway connecting the parking lot with road or street and
permitting ingress or egress of the vehicles.

(31) Passage means circulation space on land leading from a street/road to the plot/site.

(32) Plinth Area - The built up covered area measured at the floor level of the basement
or of any storey
(33) Plot/site Area - means the area of contiguous parcel of land enclosed by definite
boundaries over which the applicant has legal right for development. If the extent of
plot differs as per site conditions, PLR extract/patta and registered ownership
document, then for application of FSI and plot coverage regulations, lowest of the
same (excluding any encroachment) will be counted. For application of setback
regulation the inner boundary arrived excluding any encroachment or the part of
the land for which the applicant/developer do not have the right over it will be the
(34) Plot coverage- means the extent to which the plot is covered with a building or
structure (12-noon shadow) and this is expressed as percentage of the ratio of the

built up area to the plot area (including part of the site used as exclusive passage).
Floor area exempted from the computation of plot coverage is given in Annexure
(35) Road/Street width- means whole extent of space within the boundaries of the
road/street measured at right angles to the course of direction of such road/street.

(36) Row Housing / Row type Building (Continuous Building) – means a row of houses
/ buildings with only front, rear and interior open spaces where applicable.
(37) Set back- means open space across front or sides or rear of a plot between the
building and street alignment or boundary of the plot as the case may be.
(38) Site / plot- means contiguous parcel of land enclosed by definite boundaries.

(39) Section means a section of the Act.

(40) Special Building means
a) a residential or commercial buildings with more than 2 floors; or
b) a residential building with more than six dwelling units; or
c) a commercial building exceeding a floor area of 300 square metres:
Provided that any construction in the second floor as an addition to an individual
existing ground and first floor building which is three years old shall not be
construed as a “Special Building”
(41) Stilt floor means a part or whole of floor at ground level or the height above the
ground level described in these regulations where the building is on stilts.
If the stilt-parking floor is to the standards exemptable for FSI it will not be counted
as a floor for the purpose of defining special building or multistoreyed building
(42) Street Alignment means a line dividing the lands comprised in and will be forming
part of the street from the adjoining land.

(43) Sub-division means division of land into plots not exceeding eight in number
(44) Verandah - A covered area with at least one side open to the outside with the
exception of 1 m high parapet to be provided on the open side.
(45) Other terms used in these rules unless the context otherwise requires shall have
the meaning as defined in section 2 of the Act.

3. Written Permission for development

(1) No person shall carry out any development as defined in Clause (13) of Section-2 of
the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act – 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act – 35 of
1972) including subdivision / layout or reconstitution or amalgamation of land
without the written permission of the Authority or such other Executive Authority of
Local Body or Agency or Person to whom this power has been delegated by the

(2) Any site approval or Planning Permission for any development under these
regulations shall not absolve the applicant of his responsibilities to get clearance or
permission under other Acts and Rules.

(3) For the uses specified in Items (a) to (e) of Clause (13) of Section-2 of the Act, the
Planning Permission does not arise, as they do not constitute “Development” as
defined in the Act.

4. Manner of obtaining permission
(1) For the purpose of obtaining Permission, the applicant who should be the owner of
the land or leaseholder or power of attorney holder who has right over the land to
develop shall submit an application in the prescribed form to the Member-Secretary
of the Authority or to such other authority or person as designated by the Authority,

(a) Form-A
An application in Form-‘A’ accompanied by evidence of ownership, plans,
specifications, etc., mentioned therein in case of subdivision / layout or
reconstitution or amalgamation of land for building purposes.

(b) Form -B
An application in Form-‘B’ accompanied by evidence of ownership, detailed
plans, specifications, site plan, and topo plan showing existing developments to
a radius of 100 metres drawn to a scale of 1:500 and such other details as may
be prescribed from time to time, in the case of development of land and
buildings, change of land and building use and in the case of site approval.

To know whether the particular type of development contemplated is permissible

or not, it would be sufficient for him to provide the minimum required
information as indicated in the form and resubmit the application to the
Authority directly. A fee as may be prescribed by the Authority shall be remitted
to the Authority along with such application. The information furnished in reply
to such enquiry will not constitute a Planning Permit.
(c) Form-C
An undertaking in Form ‘C’ in the case of developments such as Special
Buildings, Group Developments, Multi-storeyed Buildings and other
developments as may be decided by the Authority, obtained from the Owner,
Builder, Promoter and Power of Attorney holder that they are jointly and
severally responsible to carry out Developments in accordance with permission
granted and for payment of Development charges, Security deposit amount and
all other charges as applicable and levied by Chennai Metropolitan Development
Authority and also liable for penal actions for developments made in
contravention of these regulations and the conditions prescribed in the Planning

(d) The designs and plans of building shall be prepared and signed by
Architect/Engineer/Licensed Surveyor and other professionals as prescribed by
the local body concerned in their Act/Building Rules.

(2) If the Plan and information furnished by the applicant under sub-regulation-1 above
do not provide all the particulars necessary to process the application satisfactorily,
the Authority or the person to whom the power has been delegated by the Authority
may within 30 days from the date of receipt of Plans/Applications require the
production of such further particulars and details as it deems necessary.

If the plan and the information furnished by the Applicant are found to satisfy the
requirements of these regulations, and the matters stated in Section 49(2) of the

(a) The written permission shall be issued by the Authority or person designated for
the purpose by the Authority.
(b) While granting permission the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority or
other authority or person to whom the Authority had delegated the powers may
impose such restrictions and conditions, which may be necessary under these

(3) When the permission is refused, the reasons for refusal shall be recorded and
furnished to the applicant as provided in Section 49(3) of the Act.

(4) Scrutiny fees

(a) Scrutiny Fee means a fee for scrutinizing the applications, collected from the
applicant along with the plan or revised plan or modified plan submitted by the
(b) While accepting Planning Permission applications for developments exceeding
300sq.m in floor area and also requests for Reclassifications, the Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority or other authority or person to whom the
Authority had delegated its power shall collect a Scrutiny Fee at the rates given

(i) (a) Plans submitted along with PP applications per sq.m. of Rs.1.50
floor area of the building

(b) Ist revised plan per sq.m. of floor area of the building Rs.0.75

(c) 2nd revised plan per sq.m. of floor area of the building Rs.0.40

(d) 3rd revised plan per sq.m. of floor area of the building Rs.0.20

(e) Subsequent revised plans Nil

(ii) Layouts/subdivisions, reconstitutions per sq.m. of land area Rs. 0.075

(iii) Re-classifications (lump sum) Rs.1500

However, Charitable Institutions/Organisations serving the poor, orphanages,

Institutions for mentally retarded children which are run for the welfare of the
Society, while submitting the revised plan are exempted from the levy of
Scrutiny Fee, wherever constructions proposed by them are for charitable
activities and not for commercial exploitations (Scrutiny Fees are leviable for the
Plans submitted by these institutions for the first time along with PP

(c) Other amount payable by the applicant in cases of PP applications for sub-
divisions/layouts and request for reclassifications are,

(i) Sub-divisions/layouts preparation charges per sq.m. Rs.0.25

(ii) Cost of publication of reclassification in Newspapers Rs.7500

and Govt. gazette. (if the actual cost exceeds the said
amount, the excess amount is also payable by the

(5) Completion Certificate

(a) The Applicant/Owner/Builder/Promoter/Power of Attorney Holder and any
other Person who is acquiring interest shall not put the building to use without
obtaining Completion Certificate from CMDA for ‘Special buildings’, ‘Group
Developments’, ‘Multi-storeyed Buildings’ and Institutional buildings (exceeding
300M2 in floor area) and such other developments as may be notified by the
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority from time to time.
(b) The Applicant/Owner/Builder/Promoter/Power of Attorney holder and any
other person who is acquiring interest shall submit application in complete

shape for issue of Completion Certificate before probable date of completion, and
CMDA/Local Body concerned, which had issued PP, shall dispose off such

5. Development to be in conformity with these regulations

(1) No developments shall be in contravention of these Regulations.

(2) No land, premises or building shall be developed, constructed, altered,

reconstructed, subdivided, amalgamated, reconstituted, laid-out, changed or put to
use which is not in conformity with the provisions of these regulations.
(3) In the case of an area comprised in a Detailed Development Plan approved under
the Act, the Developments therein shall be in conformity with that Detailed
Development Plan.
Provided that where for a road, street alignment is not prescribed in Detailed
Development Plan, but it is prescribed in the Master Plan, then street alignment in
Master Plan shall apply.
Provided further that in cases where an area is declared as Continuous Building
Area either in Master Plan or in Detailed Development Plan, the area shall be taken
as Continuous Building Area and developments therein shall be regulated
accordingly; however, Continuous Building Area parameters shall not apply to plots
in approved layout areas unless specifically earmarked for continuous building

(4) All detailed Town Planning Schemes sanctioned under the Town Planning Act 1920
(Tamil Nadu Act-7 of 1920) shall stand superceded by the Master Plan/Detailed
Development Plan approved for that area. All developments therein shall be
regulated with reference to the Land Use classification indicated in the Master
Plan/Detailed Development Plan for that area and development regulations.

(5) Developments in respect of Detailed Development Plans approved/consented to by

the Government shall be regulated with reference to the equivalent land use
classification indicated below and development regulations.

Use Classification in Detailed Use classification in these

Development Plan Regulations

1 Primary Residential Primary Residential

2 Mixed Residential Mixed Residential

3 Commercial Commercial

4 Light Industrial Industrial

5 General industrial Industrial

6 Special and Hazardous Industrial Special and Hazardous Industrial

7 Institutional Institutional

8 Open Space & Recreational Open Space & Recreational

9 Non-Urban Non-Urban

10 Agricultural Agricultural

11 -Nil- Urbanisable

6. Designation of use in Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan

(1) Where use of a site or premises is specifically designated (not broad land use zoning)
in the Detailed Development Plan/Master Plan, it shall be used only for the specific
purpose so designated, unless the land use of the site is varied as provided in the
(2) Where the use of the site or premises is not specifically designated in the Detailed
Development Plan/Master Plan, it shall be used for the uses/activities permissible
in the land use zone in which the site or premises falls as per the Detailed
Development Plan / Master Plan.
Provided that and subject to the provisions of the Madras city Municipal
Corporation Act 1919, (Tamil Nadu Act IV of 1919), Tamil Nadu District
Municipalities Act 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920), and Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act
1994, any lawful use of the premises existing prior to 05.08.1975 (i.e. date of
coming into force of first Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area) may continue.
Provided further that a non-conforming use (i.e. an use which under these
regulations becomes not permissible at the site) shall not be extended or enlarged.

Improvements to building or machinery intended to make the operations more
economical, cleaner, less noisier and to provide amenities to workers which do not
add to the manufacturing capacity as may be specially approved by the Authority
shall not be deemed to be extension or enlargement.

Provided also that it will be open to the Authority to order at any time the
discontinuance or continuance subject to such restrictions and conditions as may
be imposed by on an existing use, which is non-conforming.

(3) Where for an area both Master Plan and Detailed Development Plan were / are
sanctioned, the designated use shall be as shown in the latest development Plan.
(4) Where for an area, a Detailed Development Plan has been prepared and the consent
of the Government has been given under Section-26 of the Act, the provisions of
that Detailed Development Plan shall apply.
(5) Where for an area, a detailed lay-out plan for land development has been prepared
and approved by the Authority or such other Executive Authority of Local Body or
Agency or person to whom/which the power has been delegated by the Authority,
the land use shown on such Lay-out Plan shall be applicable and the developments
in the area shall be regulated according to these regulations.
Provided that if the layout plan was approved prior 5.8.1975 the higher order land
use zoning of Master Plan/Detailed Development Plan shall be applicable for the
Provided further that if land use is varied under section 32 sub-section (4 )of the
Act, subsequent to layout approval then the reclassified land use is applicable for
the plot in the approved layout.
In all other cases of development, the provisions of these regulations shall apply.
(6) Areas classified as 'Settlements' (village Nathams) by Revenue Department are
deemed to have been zoned as Mixed Residential use zone.
Provided any land in that natham area has been zoned for a higher order zone in the
Master Plan/DDP, then the zoning shown in the Master Plan/DDP shall be
The ascending order of Zoning is Primary Residential, Mixed Residential,
Commercial and Industrial for the purpose of this regulation.

(7) In areas designated for Primary Residential Use in Master Plan/Detailed
Development Plan, (to be read with the sub regulation (5) above), sites abutting and
gaining access from roads of width 12 m. and above, but less than 18 m. are
deemed to have been zoned for mixed residential use zone.
(8) In areas designated for Primary Residential and / or Mixed Residential Use zone in
the Master Plan/Detailed Development Plan. (to be read with the sub regulation 5
above), sites abutting and gaining access from roads of width 18 m. and above are
deemed to have been zoned for Commercial use zone.
(9) All areas set apart for Housing of Economically Weaker Section in the sanctioned
Schemes by Tamil Nadu Housing Board and areas declared as Slums by Tamil Nadu
Slum Clearance Board, slums improved by Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board
under Slum Improvement Scheme projects and also the EWS plots in the approved
layouts are deemed to have been declared as ‘EWS’ areas.
(10) When a site falls in different land use zones, then developments in that site shall be
made with reference to its conformity in each of the land use zones the site
(11) Where more than one activity is existing or proposed in a building / a site, the space
regulations that govern the development shall be based on the dominant activity in
that building / site decided on the basis of the percentage of floor area used;
Provided that for buildings of public assembly the set back shall not be less than
6.0m in that part of the building.
(12) Where more than one type of development (such as Multi Storeyed Building, Group
Development etc.) is existing or proposed in a site,
(a) the set back shall be regulated with reference to the individual type of
(b) the site extent, height of building, abutting road width shall be regulated with
reference to the highest order of development existing or proposed, and
(c) the Floor Space Index, coverage etc. shall be regulated with reference to the
dominant type of development (on the basis of floor area) within the site.

7. Requirement for site approval

(1) No development shall be made in a site unless the Authority approves the site for
the development.
(2) No piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of a building for any
development if the Authority considers that:
(a) If the site is near a water body or a water course and the proposed development
is likely to contaminate the said water body or water course (or)
(b) If the site is likely to be inundated and satisfactory arrangement for proper
drainage is not possible
(c) If the site is a filled up tank or low lying or of made up of soil by depositing
rubbish or offensive matters and the proposal is likely to be affected by
dampness owing to the sub-soil water, unless ameliorative measures to the
satisfaction of the Authority are provided (or)
(d) If the site does not abut any existing public or private street forming part of a
Lay-out sanctioned under the provisions of the relevant Local Body Act,
conforming to the minimum width prescribed for various uses in these
(e) No site in Municipal and Panchayat areas which is within a distance of 30
metres from a place declared and used as a burning or burial place/ground
shall be used for layout or sub division for human habitation (residential) shall

be built including addition / alteration / reconstructions with in 30 metres of
such declared burning or burial place/ground unless such burial/burning
place/ground was closed and remained closed for a period not less than 5 years
certified by the local body concerned.
(3) Minimum extent plot frontage and site dimensions under these regulations shall not
apply to the sites put to use and existed as such prior to 5.8.1975 evidenced by
Registered Documents provided that the then existing activity continue in cases of
other than residential activities. Further the said parameters shall not apply to the
vacant plot/site for residential use subdivided and registered prior to the said cut off

(4) Reconstitution Deed:

If a development is proposed in more than one plot / site proposing amalgamation

or reconstitution of the individual sites to one site, then

(a) Reconstitution Deed in the format and manner prescribed by the Authority
shall be furnished by the applicant, and
(b) The proposed building shall fall on the dividing line of the plot / site, such that
the individual plot / site is not recognizable as a separate entity after execution
of the proposed development there on.
Provided that the sub-regulation (b) above shall not apply to amalgamation of a
plot / site to serve as access / passage;
Provided further that the above sub-regulations (a) and (b) shall not apply to
sub-division and layout applications where building proposals are not involved.
8. Proposed width of roads

Proposed right of way for all major roads together with set-back lines for them shall
be in accordance with details specified in Annexure IV (refer Map No.
MP-II/CMDA.6/2008 and Map No. MP-II/CMDA.7/2008).
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Master Plan / Detailed Development
Plan or in these Regulations, with the prior approval of the Authority, the Executive
Authorities of the local bodies (viz. the Corporation or Municipalities concerned) may
under their Act provisions, prescribe street alignments with proposed road width
higher than those given in the Master Plan / Detailed Development Plan or in these
9. Transferable Development Rights:
[1] In certain circumstances, the development potential of the whole or a part of the
plot/site may be separated from the land itself and may be made available to the
land owner in the form of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) excepting in the
case of existing or retention users, or any compulsory reservation of space for public
purpose or recreational use or EWS/social housing etc. in the cases of
subdivisions/ layouts/ special buildings/ group developments/ multi-storeyed
buildings or such other developments prescribed in these Development Regulations.
[2] Transferable Development Rights (TDR) shall apply to cases, where a private land is
required for-
(i) any road widening/new road formation as proposed in the Master Plan or DDP,
(ii) any traffic and transport infrastructure development such as bus stops/stands,
metro rail, MRTS etc.
(iii) any urban infrastructure development such as water supply, sewerage,
drainage, electricity, education, health, notified by the State Government
Department or Government Agency or local body.

[3] These rights may be made available and be subject to the regulations given in
Annexure XXI.
∗ [4] The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority may formulate necessary
guidelines and decide on the principles including parameters to be followed for the
purpose of implementing the transfer of Development Rights (TDR) subject to the
regulations given in Annexure XXI.
Provided that in cases of slum (including pavement dwellers) rehabilitation schemes
on private lands executed by a private developer/society/NGO, the award of TDR for
FSI may be considered subject to such guidelines and conditions as may be decided
by the Government.
‡ 9-A. Special Transferable Development Rights :-
I. In cases of slums on waterways, road margins or any other land belonging to the
Government departments or agencies, as the slum dwellers do not own these lands,
the regulation for Transferable Development Rights is not applicable. Considering
the safety and enhancement, the slum dwellers who live in such areas need to be
resettled and rehabilitated. Further, in certain cases, some of the slum dwellers in
other non-objectionable areas also need to be resettled and rehabilitated, as the
lands are required for carrying out infrastructure projects or for any other public
purpose. In these cases, Special Transfer of Development Rights (Special TDR) for 30
square metres of floor area per slum dwelling resettled can be awarded to those
private developers who provide alternate accommodations to them, subject to the
Regulations given in the Annexure-XXVII.

II. The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority may formulate necessary

guidelines, prescribe necessary forms and decide on the principles including
parameters to be followed for the purpose of implementing the said Special Transfer
of Development Rights subject to the Regulations given in the Annexure XXVII. ‡

10. Proximity to quarries and crushers

(a) No subdivision or layout shall be laid out or building for Residential,
Commercial, Industrial or Institutional or any structure for occupation shall be
constructed within 500m from an existing live quarry. (If a quarry is claimed as
abandoned, then a certificate from the local body or the licensing authority
concerned to that effect shall be produced when necessary).
(b) No subdivision or layout shall be laid out or residential or commercial or
institutional building shall be constructed within the radius of 500m from an
existing crusher.
(c) No crusher is permissible within a distance of 500m. from an existing residential
11. Structures in set backspaces
(1) Unless or otherwise specifically provided for elsewhere in these regulations, no
structure shall be constructed within the minimum prescribed set back spaces
except the following:
(a) In cases of non-multistoreyed buildings (including ordinary buildings)-
A. Unsupported sunshade, wardrobes, balconies, and other projections from
the main walls, stated below so long as such structures do not fall within
minimum prescribed set-back spaces more than what is prescribed below:
(i) Sun-shades 0.60m
(ii) Non continuous wardrobes or built- in cub boards above 0.60m
ground floor

Approved in G.O. Ms. No.141, H&UD dept, dated 06.08.2009 and published in TNGG on 26.08.2009

Approved in G.O. Ms. No.161, H&UD dept, dated 15.07.2010 and published in TNGG on 18.08.2010

(iii) open non-continuous balconies (above ground floor) 1.20m
(iv) open service verandah to kitchen (above ground floor) 1.20m
(v) Architectural projections above ground floor 1.00m
(vi) Staircase open landing projections (not affecting 1.00m
(vii) Cantilevered portico so long as it does not fall within 1.5m from the
street alignment or boundary of the site which ever is closer.
The items (iii) to (vi) above shall be permitted in the setback spaces provided a
minimum clearance of 0.5m for an ordinary building and 1.50m for a special
building / group development and for any other non- MSB from the property
boundary or street alignment whichever closer is made available;
Provided further that if non- continuous projecting structures stated above in
the set backs exceed 50% of the side/length of the building, then they shall be
taken as forming part of the main building, and shall not be allowed in the
minimum prescribed setback spaces.
B. Motor room of area not exceeding 2 sq.m. each and height not exceeding
1.8m, without affecting parking and driveway requirements.

(b) In case of ordinary buildings,

Open single flight or spiral staircase or open double flight staircase so long as
such structure do not fall within 0.50 m from the side boundary or 1 m. from
the rear or front boundary of the site or street alignment.
In case of Residential buildings in the Rear set back, structures like lavatory,
lumber room, garbage etc. not intended for human habitation and servant
quarters are permissible provided it doesn't occupy more than one third of the
plot width, 6m from rear boundary and 4 metres in height from ground level.

(c) A compound wall of height not exceeding 2.0m

(d) Watchman booth not exceeding 2.5m.x2.5m. in size at each gate and height not
exceeding 3 m.

(e) Gate pillars without or with arches with a min. headroom clearance of 5.50m
atleast to a width of 3.5m.

(f) Meter Rooms for meter boxes / electrical panels along the boundary wall or
external walls of the building with the projections not exceeding 0.60 meter from
the abutting walls and the open Transformer without affecting parking and drive
way, subject to the safety measures stipulated by TNEB.

(1) Any wardrobe or staircase projection stated above is countable for coverage and FSI
(2) In order to minimise traffic conflicts on to the abutting roads, the number of
vehicular entry /exits to site shall be kept minimum and it shall not exceed 2
numbers (i.e. one entry / one exit); Provided that an additional gate for every 50
metres frontage may be allowed in large sites if the frontage exceeds 50 metres.

12. Boundaries of land use zones:

(1) The different land use zones are located and bounded as shown in the land use

(2) Variations: For updated information on variations of Land Use made under section
32(4) of the Act and published subsequent to approval of the Master Plan/Detailed
Development Plan, the Counseling Counter in the Office of CMDA may be contacted.
13. Repeal and Savings
Anything done or any action taken including action against unauthorized/deviated
constructions, with reference to the D.C.R. under First Master Plan shall be deemed
to have been done or taken with reference to the corresponding provisions of these
Development Regulations under this Second Master Plan and continue in force
accordingly, unless and until superseded by any thing done or any action taken
with reference to this Second Master Plan Development Regulations.

Provided further that the action against unauthorized/deviated developments with

reference to first Master Plan D.C.R, taken by the Authority or person to whom the
Authority had delegated powers, immediately before commencement of these
regulations under Second Master Plan, may be continued irrespective of whether the
unauthorized/deviated development is in conformity with the Second Master Plan
DR. or not, as if this Second Master Plan Development Regulations have not come
into force, till the unapproved/deviated development is demolished or got
regularised on its merits with reference to these Development Regulations.

14. Primary Residential use zone

(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following purposes
and accessory uses. Permissible non-residential activity shall be limited to one in a

A. Normally Permissible Category.

i) Any residence including dwelling, detached, semi-detached, tenements or flats
and service apartments.
ii) Professional consulting offices and incidental uses thereto occupying a floor area
not exceeding 40 sq.m.
iii) Schools of Commerce including Tutorial Institutions not exceeding 100 sq.m. in
floor area.
iv) Petty shops dealing with daily essentials like retail sale of provisions, soft drinks,
cigarettes, news papers, etc., tea stalls, bakery, confectionary, retail shops,
mutton stalls, milk kiosk, cycle repair shops, tailoring shops, internet/computer
centers and ATMs etc. occupying a floor area not exceeding 40 sq.m.
v) Nursery schools, Primary Schools, Libraries and reading rooms.
vi) Parks, play grounds, farms, gardens, nurseries, including incidental buildings
vii) Cottage industries listed in G.O.Ps.Nos.565 and 566 dated 12.3.1962 as
amended and indicated in Annexure V, with number of workers not exceeding 8
and electric machineries not exceeding 5 H.P.
viii) Garment industries, craft centers and assembly of electronic parts for
manufacture of radios, transistors, television sets, computer chips and such
other electronic industries with installations not exceeding 5 HP and the number
of employees not exceeding 25 numbers.
ix) Installation of Motor for pumping water, Air conditioning, Lifts, Solar Heaters,
Dish Antennas, etc.
x) Storage of domestic cooking gas cylinders subject to the conditions prescribed in
G.O.M.sNo.329 dated 24.2.1977 viz. the applicant should obtain necessary
clearance from the Director of Fire and Rescue Services and from the Dept. of
Explosives of the Govt. of India.

B. Permissible with the special sanction of the CMDA:

i) Hostels, and dormitories not exceeding 300 sq.m. in floor area.

ii) Working women hostels, old age homes
iii) Religious buildings, Welfare Institutions and Assembly Halls occupying floor
area not exceeding 300 sq.m.
iv) Govt./Semi Govt. Offices, Banks, Pay Offices, Post Office, Offices of Electricity
Board, Chennai City Corporation, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers
Federation Limited, etc. occupying a floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m.
v) Public Utility Buildings like sewage pumping stations, water works, Fire
stations, Telephone exchanges.
vi) Swimming Pool attached to residential activity in a plot.
vii) Daily or weekly markets serving local needs.
viii) Transport depots, Bus Terminus and Railway Stations.
ix) Burning, Burial grounds, crematoria and cemeteries.
x) High schools and Higher Secondary Schools
xi) Restaurants not exceeding 300 sq.m. in floor area provided the width of the
abutting road is minimum 10 metres
xii) Clinics, Nursing Homes, Dispensaries and other Health facilities not exceeding
300 sq.m. in floor area provided the width of the abutting road is minimum 10
xiii) Departmental stores with a floor area not exceeding 100 Sq.m provided the
width of the abutting road is minimum 10 metres
xiv) Fuel filling stations and service stations with installations not exceeding 5 HP
provided the width of the abutting road is minimum 10 metres
xv) Air-conditioned Cinema Theatres abutting min. 12 m wide road.
(2) All uses/activities not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) above shall
be prohibited in this zone.

15. Mixed Residential use zone

(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following
purposes and accessory uses:

A. Normally permissible uses:

i) All activities permissible in Primary Residential use zone.

ii) Banks and Safe Deposit Vaults, Business Office and other Commercial or
Financial Institutions occupying floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m
iii) Hotels, Restaurants occupying a floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m.
iv) Hostels, Dormitories, Boarding and Lodging houses and Welfare Institutions
occupying a floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m.
v) Clinics, Hospitals, Dispensaries, Nursing Homes and other Health facilities
occupying a floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m.

vi) Establishments and shops retailing in vegetables, fruits, flowers, fish, meat and
such other daily necessities of the residents, including departmental stores
occupying floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m. or organized markets.
vii) Bakeries, Confectionaries, Laundries, tailoring, Goldsmith shops, hairdressing
saloons occupying floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m.
viii) Fuel filling stations, and automobile service stations with installation not
exceeding 30 HP.
ix) Industries listed by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board as ‘Green’
Industries listed in Annexure-VI and subject to maximum installation of 30 HP.
x) Taxi stands and car parking including multilevel parking
xi) Automobile workshop with floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m and electrical
installations not exceeding 15 H.P.
B Permissible with special sanction of the CMDA:

i) All uses permissible under sub rule A (i) to (vii) above without restriction of floor
ii) Religious buildings and welfare institutions occupying a floor area not exceeding
500 sq.m.
iii) Preview theatres and dubbing theatres.
iv) Colleges, higher educational, technical and research institutions.
v) Foreign Missions, Embassies and Consulates.
vi) Assembly Halls, Kalyana Mandapams and Cinema theatres, Multiplex complexes
along roads of width min. 12m.
(2) All uses/activities not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) shall be

16. Commercial use zone

(1) In this zone, buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following
purposes and accessory uses:

A Normally permissible uses:

i) All activities that is permissible in Primary Residential and Mixed Residential

Zones without restriction of floor area (except industries)
ii) All commercial and business uses including all shops, stores, markets, shopping
centers and uses connected with the display and retail sale of merchandise but
excluding explosives, obnoxious products and other materials likely to cause
health hazards and danger to lives.
iii) Fuel filling stations, automobile service stations and workshops with installation
not exceeding 50 HP.
iv) Industries listed out by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board as “Green”
Industries listed in Annexure VI and as “Orange Industries” listed in Annexure
VII subject to a maximum installation of 50 HP.
v) Research, Experimental and Testing laboratories not involving danger of fire,
explosives or health hazards.
vi) Warehouses and other uses connected with storage of wholesale trade in
commodities not notified under the Specified Commodity Act, but excluding
storage of explosives or products which are either obnoxious or likely to cause
health hazards.

vii) Buildings for development of software and its associated computer technology
applications, IT Parks.
viii) Bio-informatics centres

B Permissible with special sanction of the CMDA:

i) Broadcasting, telecasting and telecommunication stations.

ii) Private helipads subject to clearance by Civil Aviation department, Directorate of
Fire and Rescue Services and police department.
iii) Manufacture of computer hardware
(2) All uses/activities not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) shall be

17. Industrial use zone

(1) In this zone, buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following
purposes and accessory uses:
A Normally permissible uses:

i) In approved layouts residential, commercial, institutional and other activities as

designated therein.
ii) All industries with machinery using electrical power not exceeding 200 H.P or
with employees not exceeding 100 in number but excluding industries of
obnoxious and hazardous nature by reasons of odour, effluent, dust, smoke,
gas, vibration or other wise likely to cause danger or nuisance to public health
or amenity.
iii) Residential buildings for security and other essential staff required to be
maintained in the premises.
B Permissible with the special sanction of the CMDA:

i) All use permissible in Residential, Mixed residential, commercial use zones

ii) Storage of petroleum timber and explosives and inflammable and dangerous
iii) All industries (without restrictions of H.P or floor area or number of workers) not
producing noxious and dangerous effluents or where sufficient precautions to
the satisfaction of the Pollution Control Board have been taken to eliminate
noxious or dangerous effluents.
iv) Container terminals (at sites abutting or gaining access from minimum 18 metre
wide public road)

(2) All uses not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) shall be prohibited in
this zone.

18. Special and Hazardous Industrial use zone

(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following uses and
accessory uses:

A Normally permissible uses:

i) All Industrial activities permissible in Industrial zone
ii) All special and hazardous industries (classified as 'Red' by the Tamil Nadu
Pollution Control Board) without restriction of Horse Power that are likely to be
dangerous to human life or health or amenity, but sufficient precaution to the

satisfaction of the TNPC Board have been taken to eliminate noxious or
dangerous effluents and to alleviate danger to human life or health or amenity
iii) Uses involving storage, handling and other uses, incidental to such industries.
iv) Residential, commercial, Institutional and recreational uses incidental to the
uses listed above.

B Permissible with special sanction of the CMDA:

Uses permissible in Industrial use zone as may be decided by the Authority.

(2) All uses not specifically mentioned under sub-regulations (1) above shall be

19. Institutional use zone

(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted only for the following purposes
and accessory uses:

A. Normally permissible uses:

i) Educational institutions including colleges and institutions of higher education,
research, technical and training in nature.
ii) Govt. and quasi Govt. offices and institutions
iii) Professional and business offices
iv) Art galleries, Archives, Museums, Public Libraries, Social and Cultural
Institutions and Religious buildings.
v) Hospitals, Sanatoria, and other medical and public health institutions.
vi) Parks, Play fields, Swimming pools and other public and Semi public open
vii) Broadcasting, telecasting, installations and Weather stations.
viii) Public utilities, municipal and community facilities.
ix) Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools.
x) Social and Cultural Institutions including Sabhas.
xi) Residential and commercial spaces incidental to the activities permissible in this
use zone.

B. Permissible with special sanction of the CMDA:

i) Transport terminals, bus and railway stations, Airport, Harbour, and parking
lots including multilevel parking lots
ii) Cinema theatres and others entertainment centres and Kalyana mandapams.
iii) Clubs, community halls, Assembly halls, Auditoriums and Theatres
iv) Sports stadium, Recreation Complexes, Exhibition, Fares.
v) Burial Ground, Burning Ground, Cemeteries, crematoria
vi) Buildings for development of software and its associated computer technology
applications I.T.Parks
vii) Manufacture of computer hardware
viii) Bio- informatics centres.
ix) Container terminals at sites abutting and gaining access from public roads of
width minimum 18 metres
x) Foreign mission, Embassies, Consulates
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned under sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.

20. Open Space and Recreational use zone

(1) In this zone buildings or premises shall be permitted for the following purposes and
accessory uses:

A Normally Permissible uses:

i) All public and semi public recreational uses and open spaces, parks and play
grounds, zoological and botanical gardens, nurseries, waterfront developments,
museums and memorials.
ii) Installations that may be necessary for the uses mentioned above.

B Permissible with special sanction of the CMDA:

i) Theme parks and amusement parks
ii) Open Air Theatre, Exhibitions, Circuses, Fairs and Festival grounds, public
iii) Burial and burning grounds or crematoria.
iv) Incidental residential uses for essential staff required to be maintained in the
v) Incidental commercial uses
vi) Hotels and restaurants not exceeding 300 sq.m.
vii) Beach cottages each not exceeding 100 sq.m. in floor area and 7.5 m in height.
viii) Sports stadia and recreational complexes.
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned in sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.

21. Urbanisable use zone

(1) In this use zone, buildings or premises shall be permitted for the following purposes
and accessory uses.
A Normally permissible uses:
All uses permissible in primary and mixed residential use zones
B Permissible with the special sanction of the CMDA:
(i) All uses permissible in commercial and institutional use zones
(ii) All industries with installations not exceeding 200 H.P and permissible in
industrial use zone
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned in sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.

22. Non-Urban use zone

(1) In the Non-Urban use zone, buildings or premises shall be permitted for the
following purposes and accessory uses:

A Normally permissible uses:

i) All Agriculture uses
ii) Burning, Burial grounds, crematoria and cemeteries
iii) Salt pans and salt manufacturing.
iv) Brick, earthen tile or pottery manufacturing.
v) Stone crushing and quarrying.
vi) Sand, clay and gravel quarrying.
vii) Installation of electrical motors not exceeding 50 HP that may be required for the
uses mentioned above.

B Permissible with special sanction of the CMDA:
i) Incidental residential uses
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned in sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.

23. Agricultural use zone:

(1) In the Agricultural use zone buildings or premises shall be normally permitted for
the following purpose and accessory uses:
A Normally permissible uses:
i) All Agricultural uses.
ii) Farm houses and buildings for agricultural activities.
iii) All the uses permissible in the residential use zone within the natham
boundaries (settlements)
iv) Dairy and cattle farms
v) Piggeries and poultry farms
vi) Forestry
vii) Storing and drying of fertilizers
viii) Installation of electric machinery of not exceeding 15 horse power may be
allowed for the uses mentioned above.
B Permissible with special sanction of the CMDA:
i) All uses normally permissible in the Primary Residential use zone with the
exception of residences.
ii) Sewage farms and garbage dumping sites.
iii) Mills for grinding, hulling, etc. of cereals, pulses, food grains and oil seeds
provided the site has proper access and installations do not exceed 50 H.P.
iv) Burning and Burial grounds, Crematoria and Cemeteries.
v) Brick kilns and clay tile manufacturing.
(2) All uses not specifically mentioned in sub regulations (1) shall be prohibited.

24. (1) Areas for buildings of special character:

(a) Multi- storeyed building (MSB) area:

i) Multi-storeyed buildings defined in this regulation no.2 are permissible only in
the areas specifically declared as MSB areas. Details of the areas declared as
Multi-storeyed building areas are given as Annexure IX
ii) In all other areas maximum height of the building shall not exceed 15.25 metres
provided water tanks, chimneys, Architectural features such as flag masts,
gopurams, minarets, steeples and other ornamental structures which are not
intended for human habitation may be permitted subject to a ceiling of 30.5
metres from ground level with special sanction of the Authority.
(b) Continuous building areas (CBA):
Buildings without side set back are permissible in a plot / site in continuous
building areas set apart in the Master Plan / DDP. However in an approved layout
area only in the plots classified for Continuous type of buildings it is permissible.

(c) Economically weaker section areas: (EWS)

Areas declared as slum by TNSCB are categorised as EWS areas for the purpose of
these regulations. In addition it includes the areas developed as EWS plot in the
TNHB neighbourhood schemes, S&S schemes, slum improvement schemes and
approved layouts.

(2) Ecologically sensitive areas:

(a) CRZ area:
The coastal stretches of seas, bays which are influenced by tidal action in the land
ward side up to 500 metres from the high tide line (HTL) and estuaries, creeks,
rivers and back waters which are influenced by tidal action in the land ward side up
to 100 metres from the high tide line (HTL) and the land between the low tide line
(LTL) and the high tide line (HTL) have been declared as coastal regulation zone
(CRZ). The catagorisation of CRZ within the Chennai Metropolitan Area (on the date
of preparation of this Master Plan) is given in Map No. MP-II/CMDA.9/2008.
Developments in this area shall be regulated with reference to the CRZ
classifications and regulations notified by the Government of India from time to time
under section 3 of the Environment (protection) Act, 1986. Details of the
Regulations (on the date of preparation of Master Plan) are given in Annexure X.

(b) Aquifer recharge area:

The areas, which have good aquifers and recharge potential have been declared as
aquifer recharge area. Description of the aquifer recharge area and the regulation
for developments therein are given in Annexure XI (refer Map No. MP-

(c) Catchment area:

Redhills and Puzhal lakes are the main sources of water supply to the Chennai city.
In order to protect this water source from the negative impacts of the urban
developments contiguous areas in the catchments of these lakes has been declared
as 'Redhills catchments area'. The description of the catchments area and
regulations for development therein is given in the Annexure XII (refer Map No. MP-

(3) Development prohibited area:

(a) Area around Indian Air Force station:
Lands to a depth of 100m around the boundary of the Indian Air Force station near
Tambaram has been zoned as areas prohibited for development as per the
Government of India Notification. Description of the said area is given in Map No.
(b) Pallikaranai Swamp area:
Considering its importance and drainage system in the area, the contiguous swamp
area in Pallikaranai has been declared for conservation as swamp area, prohibiting
development therein. Description of the Pallikaranai Swamp area prohibiting the
development is given in Map No. MP-II/CMDA.13/2008.

(4) Areas of special character:

(a) MRTS influence area:
In order to encourage Transit sensitive activities and to allow densifications in areas
around MRTS from Thirumayilai to Velachery have been declared as MRTS

influence area. Description of the area is given in Annexure XIV (refer Map No.MP-
II/CMDA.15/2008). FSI allowable in this area is maximum 2.00 for non-
multistoreyed residential developments with dwelling units each not exceeding 75
sq.metres in floor area.
(b) I.T Corridor:
Area to a depth of about 500 m on either side of the Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old
Mamallapuram road) has been declared as I.T Corridor (described below) from
Kottivakkam and Perungudi village to CMA limits. Wherein irrespective of its zoning
in the Master Plan / Detailed Development Plan, I.T developments subject to the
regulations as specified in Annexure XIII are permissible (refer Map No. MP-
I.T Corridor Zone - lands along the Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mammallapuram Road)
-bounded by
North - Chennai City limit (Kottivakkam)
South - CMA limit (Semmancheri village)
East - Buckingham Canal
West - About 500 meters from Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old
Mammallapuram Road) - as shown in the map.

(c) Area around Airport/Aerodrome:

The buildings/structures in the vicinity of aerodromes shall conform to the

regulations of the Civil Aviation Authority extracted and given in the Annexure XV.
However, latest rules, including amendments if any notified by the Directorate
General of the Civil Aviation shall be followed in all such cases of building
constructions in the vicinity of aerodromes. If the site is located within 20 kms.
from the aerodromes reference point, for constructions, which rise to 30 metres or
more in height, no objection certificate shall be obtained from the Directorate
General Civil Aviation. Areas within Chennai Metropolitan Area which fall in the
approach funnel, the transitional area and trough around runways are given in the
map annexed.

(5) Natural hazard prone areas:

Areas likely to have (i) moderate to very high damage risk zone of earth quakes, or
(ii) moderate to very high damage by cyclones, or (iii) significant flood flow or
inundation, or (iv) land slides proneness or potential, or (v) tsunami proneness, or
(vi) one or more of this hazards, have been declared as natural hazard prone areas.

Whole of Chennai Metropolitan Area falls in this natural hazard prone areas
classification. Structural design and aspects of the building constructions in the
Chennai City, Municipalities, and Panchayats shall also take into account of the
special provisions contained in the Building Rules under the Chennai City
Municipal Corporation Act, Building Rules under the T.N. District Municipalities Act
and Building Rules under T.N. Panchayats Act respectively relating the regulations
for natural hazard prone areas.

(6) Green Belt along Poonamallee Bye pass and Redhills Bye pass roads.
As per National Highways standards, green belts on either side to a depth of 15
metres along Poonamallee Bye pass Road and Red hills Bye pass road have been
reserved. In this green belt area forming part of plots/sites, no development except
gate pillars and watchman booth is permissible.

25. Planning Parameters:

The extent of the site, plot coverage, FSI, set back etc. for the developments shall be
regulated according to the tables below:
Table (1) Ordinary Residential Buildings and other small developments

• Ordinary residential / predominantly residential buildings, Clinics, dispensaries,

nursing homes with floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m. and G+1 floor in height.
• Working women hostels / old age homes with floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m.
and G+1 floor in height.
• Corporate / Institution Guesthouses with floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m. and
G+1 floor in height.
• Cottage industries (with number of workers not exceeding 8 and electric
machineries not exceeding 5 H.P.) with floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m. and G+1
floor in height.
• Nursery schools, primary schools with floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m.
• Reading rooms, libraries, Post office, EB Office, telegraphic office, Local body
maintenance offices with floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m.

Continuous Residential in
Building Economically Weaker
Sl.No Area Rest of CMA except CBA Section areas
anywhere Chennai in other
within CMA City areas
1 2 3 4 5a 5b
Minimum 50
A 80 sq.m 20 sq.m. 40sq.m.
Plot extent sq.m.
B Plot width/ 4.5m 6m 4m 4m
C - 6m - -
Road width
Maximum G+1 or Stilt
Height +2 floors G+1 or Stilt +2 floors subject to a G+1 subject to a
subject to a max. of 9m max. of 7 m
max. of 9m
E 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
F 75% 70% 75% 75%
Plot coverage
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these
G regulations, it shall be from that street alignment/ new road line.
In the case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road
Set back
Up to 10m 1.5m
Front Above 10m, up to
(i) 1.5m 3.0m 1m 1m
Set back 15.25m
Above 15.25m,
up to 30.5m
Above 30.5m 6.0m

Plot Width Side set back
Up to 6m 1m on one side
Side Set Above 6m, up to 1.5m on one
(ii) Nil Nil Nil
back 9m side
Above 9m 1.5m on either
1.5m 1m 1m
In Rear set back, structures like lavatory, lumber room,
Rear Set garage etc. not intended for human habitation and servant
(iii) Nil
back quarters are permissible provided it doesn't occupy more
than one third of the plot width, 6m from rear boundary
and 4 metres in height from ground level.
H Other structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side set
back, and Rear set back are as given in the regulation No 11.
I Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations
given in the Annexure XVI.
J The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in the Annexure XVII.
K Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be

Note: (i) In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
Ground floor, directly accessible to road.

(ii) In cases of Residential or predominantly residential developments, -
(a) where dwelling units for Economically Weaker Sections do not exceed 30
sq.m in floor area each, 50% of normally permissible FSI is additionally
allowable over and above the normally permissible FSI; and
(b) where dwelling units for Low Income Group do not exceed 50 sq.m in floor
area each, 30% of normally permissible FSI is additionally allowable over and
above the normally permissible FSI;
Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for
other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be

permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.

Table (2) Ordinary Commercial Buildings and other small developments

Ordinary commercial / predominantly commercial buildings including shops,

private offices, banks, restaurants, fuel filling stations with or without service stations not
exceeding 5 H.P, Departmental stores, clinical labs, Schools of Commerce, with floor area
less than 300 sq.m. and up to Ground +one floor.

Chennai city, Municipal &

Continuous Building
Town Panchayat area
Sl.No Description Area anywhere within Rest of CMA
excluding the areas
mentioned in col. 3
1 2 3 4 5
Minimum Plot
A 50 sq.m 80 sq.m 80 sq.m

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010

Minimum Plot
B 4m 6m 6m
frontage/ width
Minimum road
C 4.8m 7.2m 7.2m
D Maximum Height G+1 floors or stilt + 2 floors or 9.0m in height above Ground level
E Maximum FSI 1.5 1.5 1.5

Maximum Plot
F 75% 70% 65%

Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these

G regulations, it shall be from that street alignment/ new road line.
In the case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting road width Front Setback

Up to 10m 1.5m

Above 10m up to
(i) Front Setback 1.5m 15.25m
Above 15.25m up
to 30.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
Plot Width Side Setback

Up to 4.5m Nil

Above 4.5m, up to
1m on one side
(ii) Side Setback Nil 6m
Above 6m up to 9m 1.5m on one side

1.5m on either
Above 9m
(iii) Rear Setback Nil 1.5m 1.5m

Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front Setback, Side setback,

and Rear Setback are in the regulation No. 11
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations
given in the Annexure XVI.
J The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in the Annexure XVII.

Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be


Note: (i) In cases of fuel filling stations, the buildings proposed within the premises shall
not exceed single storeyed and clearance of the Explosives department shall be
furnished for the development.
(ii) In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
Ground floor, directly accessible to road.

Table (3) Cottage industries, Green industries and Orange industries upto 30 H.P

Continuous Chennai city, Municipal

Building Area & Town Panchayat area Rest of
Sl.No. Description
any where excluding the areas CMA
within CMA mentioned in col. 3
1 2 3 4 5

Minimum Plot
A 150 sq.m 220 sq.m 330 sq.m
Minimum Plot
B 6m 9m 12m
frontage/ width
Minimum road
C 7.2 m

One and half times the width of the abutting road

Maximum provided that the height may be exceeded to the extent of
Height 1 metre for every 30 centimeters by which the building is
set back from the street or 15.25 metres.
E Maximum FSI 1.00 1.25 1.5

Maximum Plot
F 75% 75% 75%

Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these

Minimum regulations, it shall be from that street alignment/new
Setbacks road line. In the case of others, it shall be from the
property boundary.
Abutting road width

Up to 10m 1.5m
(i) Front Setback 1.5m
Above 10m up to 15.25m 3.0m
Above 15.25m up to 30.5m 4.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
(ii) Side Setback Nil 1.5m on either side

(iii) Rear Setback Nil 1.5m

a) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side

setback and Rear set back are given in the regulations No. 11
H b) In addition, incidental structures such as Gate pillars, servant room,
watch man booth, cycle stand and toilets with height not exceeding 4m are
permissible in these minimum prescribed setback spaces.
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the
regulations given in the Annexure XVI.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be
Note: In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in Ground
floor, directly accessible to road.

Table (4) Green industries, and Orange industries (other than Special and Hazardous
industries) up to 200 HP permissible in industrial use zone

Chennai city,
Municipal & Town Rest of CMA
Building Area
Sl.No. Description Panchayat area
excluding the areas
within CMA
mentioned in col. 3
1 2 3 4 5

Minimum Plot
A 220sq.m 330sq.m. 440sq.m
Minimum Plot
B frontage/ 9m 12m. 12m.
C 7.2m.
road width

One and half times the width of the abutting road provided that
Maximum the height may be exceeded to the extent of 1 metre for every 30
Height centimeters by which the building is set back from the street or
1.0 1.25 1.25*
(if the road width is
E Maximum FSI more than 9.0m, FSI
. upto 1.50 can be
F 75% 75% 75%
Plot coverage
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these
G regulations, it shall be from that street alignment/new road line.
In the case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
(i) Front Setback 6m

(ii) Side Setback Nil 2m on either side

(iii) Rear Setback Nil Nil

a) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side

setback and Rear set back are given in the regulations No. 11.
H b) In additions, incidental structures such as Gate pillars, servant room, watch
man booth, cycle stand and toilets with height not exceeding 4m are
permissible in these minimum prescribed setback spaces.
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations
given in the Annexure XVI.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be

Note: In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
Ground floor, directly accessible to road .

Table (5) Industries exceeding 200 H.P. (other than the industries listed under
Special and Hazardous Industries)

Continuous Chennai city, Municipal

Building Area & Town Pancahyat area Rest of
Sl.No. Description
anywhere excluding the areas CMA
within CMA mentioned in col. 3

1 2 3 4 5

Minimum Plot
A Not applicable 2000 sq.m. 1500 sq.m.
Minimum Plot
B frontage/ 30m 25m
width Not applicable

C Not applicable 9m
road width
One and half times the width of the
abutting road provided that the height
Maximum may be exceeded to the extent of 1 metre
D Not applicable
Height for every 30 centimeters by which the
building is set back from the street or
15.25 metres.
E Maximum FSI Not applicable 1.25 1.25

F Not applicable 75% 75%
Plot coverage
Where Street Alignment/new road is
prescribed in these regulations, it shall be
G from that street alignment/new road line.
In the case of others, it shall be from the
Not applicable property boundary.
(i) Front Setback 8m

(ii) Side Setback 3.5m on either side

(iii) Rear Setback 3.5m

a) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side

setback and Rear set back are given in the regulations No. 11
b) In additions, incidental structures such as Gate pillars, servant room,
watch man booth, cycle and two wheeler stands and toilets with height not
exceeding 4m are permissible in these minimum prescribed setback
Provided total length of such incidental structures in the setback spaces
shall not exceed 50% in length of the longer side.
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations
given in the Annexure XVI.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be

Table (6) Special and Hazardous Industries (Red Industries)

Municipal & Town

Continuous Building Panchayat area
Sl.No. Description Area anywhere within excluding the Rest of CMA
CMA & Chennai city areas mentioned in
col. 3
1 2 3 4 5

Minimum Plot
A Not applicable 1500 sq.m 1000sq.m
Minimum Plot
B frontage/ Not applicable 25m 20m
C Not applicable 9m
road width

One and half times the width of the abutting

road provided that the height may be
D Not applicable exceeded to the extent of 1 metre for every 30
centimeters by which the building is set back
from the street or 15.25 metres.
E Maximum FSI -do- 1.0 1.25

F -do- 75% 75%
Plot coverage
Where Street Alignment/new road is
prescribed in these regulations, it shall be
G -do- from that street alignment/narrow line. In
the case of others, it shall be from the
property boundary.
(i) Front Setback -do- 8m
(ii) Side Setback -do- 6m
(iii) Rear Setback -do- 6m

a) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side

setback and Rear set back are given in the regulations No. 11.
H b) In additions, incidental structures such as Gate pillars, servant room, watch
man booth, cycle stand and toilets with height not exceeding 4m are
permissible in these minimum prescribed setback spaces.
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations
given in the Annexure XVI.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be

Table (7) Institutional buildings
Including nursery schools, Primary schools and religious buildings with floor area
exceeding 300 sq.m. Secondary schools, Colleges, Higher Educational, Technical &
Research Institutions, Students hostels & Dormitories, Research Institutions,
Broadcasting, Telecasting & Telecommunication centers, Government & Quasi Government
offices, and Institutions, Government archives, Museums, Art galleries and Public libraries,
foreign missions, Consulates and embassies.

Chennai city,
Municipal & Town
Building Area
Sl.No. Description Pancahyat area Rest of CMA
anywhere within
excluding the areas
mentioned in col. 3
1 2 3 4 5
Minimum Plot
A 500 sq.m 1000 sq.m 1000sq.m
Minimum Plot
B 20m 30m 30m
frontage/ width
Upto 2 hectares in plot extent - 12m
Exceeding 2 hectares in plot extent - 18m
Minimum road
C 7.20m provided that it shall be min. 7.2m for
schools upto higher secondary level and
industrial training institutes.
One and half times the width of the abutting road provided
Maximum that the height may be exceeded to the extent of 1 metre for
Height every 30 centimeters by which the building is set back from
the street or 15.25 metres.
D Maximum FSI 1.5 1.5 1.5
Maximum Plot
E 50% 40% 33%
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these
Minimum regulations, it shall be from that street
Setbacks alignment/narrow line. In the case of others, it shall be
from the property boundary.
(i) Front Setback 6m 6m 6m
(ii) Side Setback 6m 6m
For schools - 2m
(iii) Rear Setback 6m 6m
For schools - 2m
a) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side
setback and Rear set back are given in the regulations No. 11.
G b) In addition, Gate pillars, gopurams, and incidental structures (with
height not exceeding 4m) such as servant room, cloak room, and
watch man booth, cycle stand, Kitchen and toilets are permissible in
these minimum prescribed setback spaces.
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the
regulations given in the Annexure XVI.
I The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in the Annexure XVII.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall
be provided.
Special regulations for physically disabled stated in the Annexure XXII
shall be adhered to.
Solar energy capture provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XXIII shall
be provided where applicable.

The applicant shall deposit a sum at the rate of Rs. 50 per square metre of
floor area as a refundable non-interest earning security and earnest deposit.
M The deposit shall be refunded on completion of development as per the
approved plan as certified by Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority; if
not, it would be forfeited.
Note: (i) In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
Ground floor, directly accessible to road.
(ii) In cases of Government and Quasi-Government hospital buildings an additional
FSI of 0.25 is allowable over and above the normally permissible FSI.

Table (8) Religious buildings with floor area less than 300 sq.m. and height not
exceeding G+1 floors
Continuous Chennai city, Municipal &
Building Area Town Panchayat area Rest of
Sl.No. Description
anywhere within excluding the areas mentioned CMA
CMA in col. 3
1 2 3 4 5
Minimum Plot
A 60 sq.m. 90 sq.m. 90 sq.m.
Minimum Plot
B 4.5m 6m 6m
width/ frontage
Minimum road
C 7.2 m
One and half times the width of the abutting road
Maximum provided that the height may be exceeded to the extent of
Height 1 metre for every 30 centimeters by which the building is
set back from the street or 15.25 metres.
E Maximum FSI 0.75 0.75 0.75
Maximum Plot
F 75% 75% 75%
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these
Minimum regulations, it shall be from that street alignment/ new road
Setbacks line. In the case of others, it shall be from the property
Abutting Road width Setback
Up to 10m 1.5m
Above 10m, up to
(i) Front Set back 1.5m 15.25m
Above 15.25m, up
to 30.5m
Above 30.5m 6.0m
(ii) Side Set back Nil 2m
Rear Set In addition, incidental structures such as
back gopuram, gate pillars, servant room,
(iii) Nil watch man booth, cycle stand, kitchen
and toilets with height not exceeding 4m
are permissible in these minimum
prescribed setback spaces.
Other structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side
H set back, and Rear set back are as given in the regulation No. 11.
Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations
given in the Annexure XVI.
J The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in the Annexure XVII.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be
Note: In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
Ground floor, directly accessible to road

Table (9) Transport Terminals such as Bus Terminals, Bus stands, Railway
stations, Truck terminals, container terminals:

Chennai city,
Municipal & Town
Building Area
Sl.No. Description Panchayat area Rest of CMA
anywhere within
excluding the areas
mentioned in col. 3
1 2 3 4 5
Minimum Plot
A 500 sq.m 1000 sq.m 1000sq.m
Minimum Plot
B 12m 20m 20m
frontage/ width
Minimum road 10m except for
width Container terminals where it shall be 18m
One and half times the width of the abutting road provided
that the height may be exceeded to the extent of 1 metre
Maximum Height
for every 30 centimeters by which the building is set back
from the street or 15.25metres.
D Maximum FSI 1.00 1.00 1.00
Maximum Plot
E 75% 75% 75%
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these
Minimum regulations, it shall be from that street alignment/narrow
Setbacks line. In the case of others, it shall be from the property
(i) Front Setback 6m 6m 6m
2m on either 6m on
(ii) Side Setback 6m on either side
side either side
(iii) Rear Setback 2m 6m 6m
a) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side
setback and Rear set back are given in the regulations No. 11.
G b) In additions, incidental structures such as gate pillars, servant room,
watch man booth, cycle stand, kitchen and toilets with height not
exceeding 4m are permissible in these minimum prescribed setback
Parking: 10% of the extent of the site shall be reserved for parking in the
part of site carved out in a regular shape with frontage abutting the road.
Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be
Special regulations for physically disabled stated in the Annexure XXII shall
be adhered to.

Note: In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
Ground floor, directly accessible to road.

26. Regulation for Special Buildings:

(1) “ Special Buildings” means

a) a residential or commercial buildings with more than 2 floors; or
b) a residential building with more than six dwelling units; or
c) a commercial building exceeding a floor area of 300 square metres:
Provided that any construction in the second floor with prior permission as an
addition to an existing ground and first storeyed authorised ordinary residential
building which is three years old shall not be construed as a “Special Building”

(2) (a) The minimum width of the public road on which the site abuts or gains access
shall be 10 mtrs.

Provided that if the extent of the site is more than 1100 sq.m. a special building for
residential use may be permitted on a site abutting or gaining access from 9m. wide
public road.

Provided further that special building for residential use may be permitted with
limitation on maximum number of dwellings and / maximum height of the building
on a site abutting or gaining access from 9 m wide public road subject to
compliance of the planning parameters stated in the Tables under sub rule (3)

The minimum width stated above shall be the existing width of the road and not the
street alignment prescribed.


(i) Road width means the road space as defined in DR no. 2 (35). The qualifying road
width for permitting special building shall be available atleast for a stretch of 250m
along the length of the road abutting the site and the stretch from a junction can be
straight or a curve or zigzag or combination of the above.
To cite examples:

a) If the road over its general length is of 10 metres width, but because of some
kinks in front of the site one end is 9.8 metres and the other end is 10.2 metres
is acceptable.
b) If the general road is of width less than 10 metres width, but only widens
opposite to or nearer to the site is more than 10 metres, is not acceptable.
c) If the road is generally of 10 metres width upto a considerable length on one
side, but discontinues and narrows into a road of smaller width on the other
side of the site in question and the plot owner is willing to leave enough space
for continuity of 10 metres road in front of his site, this will have to be checked
and decided on case-by-case.
d) If the general road width is less than 10 metres and the site owner merely agrees
to leave enough space to have 10 metres in front of his site only, this is not
(ii) Road width measurements for the above purpose shall be of the road as designed
and laid and the existence of unauthorized encroachments, for which no patta has
been given, will not normally affect adversely provided the shortage in width in the
min. stretch stated above does not exceed 10% of the min. prescribed width.
However permissibility or otherwise (in exceptional cases) in such specific situations
will be decided case-by-case.

(b) If the site does not directly abut a public road but gains access through a private
exclusive passage or through a part of the plot which can be treated as a
passage from a public road of minimum width as prescribed above, the
minimum width of such passage shall be as follows:

Sl.No. Description Minimum width

When it is intended to serve six dwellings or up to 600 square
(1) metres of commercial building and the length of the passage 3.6 metres
does not exceed 80 metres.
When it is intended to serve upto 8 dwellings or upto 2,400
(2) square metres of commercial building and the length of the 4.8 metres
passage does not exceed 100 metres.
When it is intended to serve not more than 10 dwellings or 7.2 metres
(3) upto 3000 square metres of commercial building and the
length of passage does not exceed 120 metres.
When it is intended to serve not more than 20 dwellings or
(4) up to 6000 square metres of commercial building and the 9.0 metres
length of passage does not exceed 240 metres.
When it is intended to serve more than 20 dwellings or more
(5) 10.0metres
than 6000 square metres of commercial building.

(3) The extent of site, FSI, Set back etc. for Residential / Predominantly residential Special
buildings shall be regulated according to the tables below:

Table A
Description Continuous Building Area anywhere within CMA
Max. no. of
8 12 -
dwelling units
Min. Road
9m 9m 10m
Min. Plot
50 sq.m. 80 sq.m. 80 sq.m.
Min. Plot
G+1 or Stilt+2 subject G+2 or Stilt+3 subject G+3 or Stilt+4 subject
Max. Height
to a max. of 9m to a max. of 12m to a max. of 15.25m
Max. FSI 1.5
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these regulations, it
Minimum shall be from that street alignment/ new road line.
In case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road width Set back
15.25m and below 3.5m
Min. FSB
Above 15.25m & up to 30.5m 4.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
Min. SSB on
either side
Min. RSB Nil

Note: (i) For EWS housing development, the minimum plot extent shall be 20 sq.m within
city and 40 sq.m. in the rest of CMA, frontage shall be minimum 4 m.
(ii) In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
Ground floor, directly accessible to road

(iii) In cases of Residential or predominantly residential developments, -
(a) where dwelling units for Economically Weaker Sections do not exceed 30
sq.m in floor area each, 50% of normally permissible FSI is additionally
allowable over and above the normally permissible FSI; and
(b) where dwelling units for Low Income Group do not exceed 50 sq.m in floor
area each, 30% of normally permissible FSI is additionally allowable over and
above the normally permissible FSI;
Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for
other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be

permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.

Table B

Description Other areas in Chennai City, and the rest of CMA

Max. no. of
6 8 12
dwelling units
Min. Road width 9m 9m 9m
300 450
Min. Plot Extent 200 sq.m. 450 sq.m. 660 sq.m.
sq.m. sq.m.
Min. Plot
9m 9m 12m 15m 12m 15m 18m
G+2 or G+1 or G+2 or G+3 or G+1 or G+2 or G+3 or
Stilt+3 Stilt+2 Stilt+3 Stilt+4 Stilt+2 Stilt+3 Stilt+4
subject to subject subject subject subject subject subject
Max. Height
a max. of to a to a to a max. to a to a to a
12m max. of max. of of max. of max. of max. of
9m 12m 15.25m 9m 12m 15.25m
Max. FSI 1.5 1.5 1.5
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these regulations, it shall
Minimum be from that street alignment/ new road line.
In case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road width Set back
15.25m and below 3.5m
Min. FSB
Above 15.25m & up to 30.5m 4.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
Min. SSB on
2.5m 1.5m 2.5m 4.0m * 1.5m 2.5m 4.0m *
either side
Min. RSB 2.5m 1.5m 2.5m 4.0m ** 1.5m 2.5m 4.0m **

Note: * (i) In cases where the min. required SSB is more than 3.5m option can be had to
leave the min. 3.5m on one side and the remainder of the total of both the min.
required SSBs on the other side.

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010

** (ii) Similarly when minimum required RSB is more than 3.5m option can also be
had to leave the min required 3.5m on the rear and the remainder of the min. in
the front.

(iii) In cases of Residential or predominantly residential developments, -
(a) where dwelling units for Economically Weaker Sections do not exceed 30
sq.m in floor area each, 50% of normally permissible FSI is additionally
allowable over and above the normally permissible FSI; and
(b) where dwelling units for Low Income Group do not exceed 50 sq.m in floor
area each, 30% of normally permissible FSI is additionally allowable over and
above the normally permissible FSI;
Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for
other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be

permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.

Table C

Description Other areas in Chennai City, and the rest of CMA

Max. no. of -
dwelling units
Min. Road
9m 10m
Min. Plot Extent 1100 sq.m. 300 sq.m. 450 sq.m.
Min. Plot
15m 9m 12m 15m
G+1 or G+2 or G+3 or G+1 or G+2 or G+3 or
Stilt+2 Stilt+3 Stilt+4 Stilt+2 Stilt+3 Stilt+4
Max. Height subject to subject to subject to a subject to a subject to a subject to a
a max. of a max. of max. of max. of max. of max. of
9m 12m 15.25m 9m 12m 15.25m
Max. FSI 1.5
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these regulations, it shall be
Minimum from that street alignment/ new road line.
In case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road width Set back
15.25m and below 3.5m
Min. FSB
Above 15.25m & up to 30.5m 4.5m
Above 30.5m 6m
Min. SSB on
1.5m 3.5m 4.0m * 1.5m 3.5m 4.0m *
either side
Min. RSB 1.5m 3.5m 4.0m ** 1.5m 3.5m 4.0m **

Note: * (i) In cases where the min. required SSB is more than 3.5m option can be had to
leave the min. 3.5m on one side and the remainder of the total of both the min.
required SSBs on the other side.
** (ii) Similarly when minimum required RSB is more than 3.5m option can also be
had to leave the min required 3.5m on the rear and the remainder of the min. in
the front.

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010


(iii) In cases of Residential or predominantly residential developments, -
(a) where dwelling units for Economically Weaker Sections do not exceed 30
sq.m in floor area each, 50% of normally permissible FSI is additionally
allowable over and above the normally permissible FSI; and
(b) where dwelling units for Low Income Group do not exceed 50 sq.m in
floor area each, 30% of normally permissible FSI is additionally allowable
over and above the normally permissible FSI;
Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for
other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be

permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.

(4) Commercial or predominantly commercial special building

Building Area
Sl.No. Description Other areas in CMA
within CMA
1 2 3 4
A Minimum
80 sq.m. 200 sq.m
Plot extent
B Minimum Plot
4m 8m
width/ frontage
C Maximum
G+3 floors or stilt + 4 floors subject to a maximum of 15.25 m
D Maximum FSI 1.5
Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these
E Minimum regulations, it shall be from that street alignment/ new road
Setbacks line.
In the case of others, it shall be from the property boundary.
Abutting Road width Set back
15.25m and below 3.5m
(i) Front Set back
Above 15.25m & up to 30.5m 4.5m

Above 30.5m 6m

Up to G+2 or stilt +3 G+3 or stilt +4 floors

floors subject to subject to max. of
(ii) Side Set back Nil max. of 12m 15.25 m
3.5m on either side 4m on either side

(iii) Rear Set back Nil 3.5m

Note: (i) For public buildings such as theatres, kalyana mandapams, assembly halls,
exhibition halls, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, lodging houses, etc. setback
all around shall not be less than 6 metres.
(ii) In CBA, there shall be atleast 1m wide internal passage from rear to front in
Ground floor, directly accessible to road.
(iii) In cases of hospital buildings an additional FSI of 0.25 is allowable over and
above the normally permissible FSI.

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010

(5) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front setback, Side setback and
Rear set back are given in the regulations No. 11.
(6) The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in the Annexure XVII.
(7) Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations given
in the Annexure XVI.
(8) Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be
(9) Special regulations for physically disabled stated in the Annexure XXII shall be
adhered to.
(10) Solar energy capture provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XXIII shall be
provided where applicable.
(11) The reservation of land for community recreational purposes such as park or play
ground required in these regulations shall be as given in the Annexure XX.
(12) If the building is constructed on stilts and the stilt floor is to be used for parking,
the minimum clear height of the floor (between the lower floor and the bottom of the
beam) shall not exceed 3m and it shall not be enclosed for use as garages; if it is
enclosed it shall be counted for FSI and number of floors for the purpose of defining
special building / MSB.
(13) Every special building development exceeding 900 sq.m in floor area shall be
provided with electrical room in ground floor or open space at ground level within
the premises to accommodate electrical transformer conforming to the Regulations
detailed in Annexure XXIV.
(14) If a special building contains more than one use and the allowability of the built
space with reference to the abutting road width and exclusive passage width shall
be decided based on the number of dwellings for the residential use and equivalent
floor area allowable for commercial and other uses.
(15) Vehicular ramp in set backspaces around a special building may be permitted
subject to the condition that the clearance of the proposed ramp from the property
boundary / street alignment shall be minimum 1.5 metres and a clear motorable
driveway of min. 3.5 m. in width is available around the building.
(16) The structures incidental to the main activities such as water closet / pump room,
transformer room, transformer yard, electric room shall not be construed as
individual block for the purpose of these rules. However, these structures may be
permitted in the prescribed set back space provided that they do not fall in the drive
way and its height does not exceed 4 mts., provided further that transformer and
electrical rooms floor area does not exceed 15 sq.m. and W.C and Pump room per
block does not exceed 6 sq.m.
(17) In cases of special building residential developments exceeding 100 dwelling units in
primary residential use zone, commercial and institutional uses not exceeding 10
per cent of the floor area of the building at lower habitable floor levels, may be
allowed (not for any industrial use) as incidental uses required for the occupants of
the remaining residential developments within the premises.
(18) In areas where sewage system provided by the Metro water / Local body concerned
is not available and
(a) where number of dwelling units exceeds 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of commercial
area (for this purpose 50 sq.m. is equated to one dwelling unit) sewage
treatment plant shall be provided and maintained for the disposal of the sewage
within the site itself with prior clearance from the Metro water/Pollution Control
Board as the case may be on location and design;

(b) where number of dwelling units is less than 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of
commercial area, septic tank with up-flow filters shall be provided and
maintained for the disposal of the sewage within the site itself.
(19) Any construction with roof over it in the terrace floor for A.C. Plant/structures shall
be counted, as a floor and categorization of type of building shall be done
(20) In cases where the extent of the site where residential or predominantly residential
developments proposed exceeds 10000 sq.m. (1 hectare), the developer shall reserve
minimum ten per cent of the site area (excluding roads if any handed over to local
body) and provide housing thereon for lower income groups with dwelling units not
exceeding 45 sq.metres in floor area each, either within the site proposed for special
building development or in a location within a radius of 2 k.m. from the site under
reference. The developer or promoter or owner shall sell these small dwellings only
for this purpose. No conversion or amalgamation shall be permissible in these cases
of lower income group dwellings.
(21) In residential / predominantly residential developments with dwelling units
exceeding 100 in number, the design should include waste management
infrastructure and atleast a closed non polluting storage provision for solid waste
storage within the premises preferably with direct access from the abutting road
shall be provided so that the local body can collect this stored waste from it.
(22) The space set apart for formation of a new road as per Master Plan or Detailed
Development Plan or road widening / street alignment shall be transferred to the
Authority or the Agency or the Local Body designated by the Authority through a
registered Gift Deed before actual issuance of planning permission. The exact mode
of conveyance of the land shall be consistent with the relevant enactment and
regulations. In such cases 'Transfer of Development Rights' (TDR) certificate may be
obtained to the extent eligible as per regulations given in the Annexure XXI
(23) Basement Floor: -
(a) The height of basement floor shall not exceed 1.2 metres above ground level and
the headroom shall be minimum 2.4 metres.
(b) No part of the basement shall be constructed in the minimum required set
backspaces, required for the movement of fire fighting vehicles/equipments.
(c) In cases where second basement is proposed for parking and incidental uses,
sufficient provision for lighting and ventilation and also for protection from fire
to the satisfaction of Directorate of Fire and Rescue Services shall be made.
(d) During the construction of the basement floor, it shall be sole responsibility of
the planning permission holder to ensure that the building / structure in the
adjoining sites are not weakened / damaged.
(24) Security Deposit: -
The applicant shall deposit a sum at the rate of Rs. 50 per square metre of floor area
as a refundable non-interest earning security and earnest deposit. The deposit shall
be refunded on completion of development as per the approved plan as certified by
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority; if not, it would be forfeited.
(25) Display Board: -
(a) The details of the development for which planning permission issued, date of
expiry of permit etc. shall be displayed in the format prescribed by the Authority
on a board of size at least 60 cm x 120 cm.
(b) The applicant shall pay a sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) as
earnest money non interest bearing refundable deposit and same should be
utilized for the purpose of installing the prescribed size board on the site by
CMDA, in the event of the applicant not fulfilling the conditions stated in (a)

(c) If the applicant fulfills the conditions (a) above, the deposit shall be refunded
after production of the completion certificate.

27. Regulation for Group developments

(1) Group Development – means accommodation for residential or commercial or

combination of such activities housed in two or more blocks of buildings in a
particular site irrespective of whether these structures are interconnected or not.
Any inter link between the structures in terms of connecting corridors shall not be
construed as making any two structures into one block. However, if these blocks
are connected solidly at least for one-third the width of any one block on the
connecting side, then such blocks shall be construed as a single block.

(2) (a).The minimum width of the public road on which the site abuts or gains access
shall be 10 m.

The minimum width stated above shall be the existing width of the road and not the
street alignment prescribed.

Explanation: -
(i) Road width means the road space as defined in DR no. 2 (35). The qualifying road
width for permitting Group development shall be available atleast for a stretch of
250m along the length of the road abutting the site and the stretch from a junction
can be straight or a curve or zigzag or combination of the above.

To cite examples -
a) If the road over its general length is of 10 metres width, but because of some
kinks in front of the site one end is 9.8 metres and the other end is 10.2 metres
is acceptable.
b) If the general road is of width less than 10 metres width, but only widens
opposite to or nearer to the site is more than 10 metres, is not acceptable.
c) If the road is generally of 10 metres width upto a considerable length on one
side, but discontinues and narrows into a road of smaller width on the other
side of the site in question and the plot owner is willing to leave enough space
for continuity of 10 metres road in front of his site, this will have to be checked
and decided on case-by-case.
d) If the general road width is less than 10 metres and the site owner merely agrees
to leave enough space to have 10 metres in front of his site only, this is not
(ii) Road width measurements for the above purpose shall be of the road as designed
and laid and the existence of unauthorized encroachments, for which no patta has
been given, will not normally affect adversely provided the shortage in width in the
min. stretch stated above does not exceed 10% of the min. prescribed width.
However permissibility or otherwise (in exceptional cases) in such specific situations
will be decided case-by-case.
(b) If the site does not directly abut a public road but gains access through a private
exclusive passage or through a part of the plot which can be treated as a passage
from a public road of minimum width as prescribed above, the minimum width of
such passage shall be as follows:

Sl.No. Description Minimum width

When it is intended to serve six dwelling or up to 600 square

(1) metres of commercial building and the length of the passage 3.6 metres)
does not exceed 80 metres.

When it is intended to serve up to 8 dwellings or upto 2,400
(2) square metres of commercial building and the length of the 4.8 metres
passage does not exceed 100 metres.

When it is intended to serve not more than 10 dwellings or

(3) upto 3000 square metres of commercial building and the 7.2 metres
length of passage does not exceed 120 metres.

When it is intended to serve not more than 20 dwellings or up

(4) to 6000 square metres of commercial building and the length 9.0 metres
of passage does not exceed 240 metres.

When it is intended to serve more than 20 dwellings or more

(5) 10.0metres
than 6000 square metres of commercial building.

(3) The extent of site, FSI, Set back etc. for Group Development shall be regulated
according to the table below:

Continuous Residential in Economically

Sl. Building Area Weaker Section areas
Description Other areas in CMA
No. anywhere Chennai in other
within CMA City areas
1 2 3 4 5a 5b

Minimum Plot
A 300 sq.m. 660sq.m 300 sq.m. 300sq.m.
Minimum Plot
B 6m 12m 10m 10m
width/ frontage
C G+3 or stilt +4 floors subject to a max. of 15.25m.
D Maximum FSI 1.5

Where Street Alignment/new road is prescribed in these regulations,

E it shall be from that street alignment/ new road line. In case of
others, it shall be from the property boundary.
(i) Front Setback 4.5 m
G+2 or Stilt G+3 or Stilt+4
+3 floors floors subject
1.5m on subject to a to a max. of
(ii) Side Setback max. of 12m 15.25m 3 m on either side
one side
3.5m on 4.5m on
either side either side

(iii) Rear Setback 1.5 m 3.5m 4.5m 3m

Spacing between
(iv) 6m 6m 3m

Note: (i) For public buildings such as theatres, kalyana mandapams, assembly halls,
exhibition halls, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, lodging houses, etc. setback all
around shall not be less than 6 metres.


(ii) In cases of Residential or predominantly residential developments, -
(a) where dwelling units for Economically Weaker Sections do not exceed 30
sq.m in floor area each, 50% of normally permissible FSI is additionally
allowable over and above the normally permissible FSI; and
(b) where dwelling units for Low Income Group do not exceed 50 sq.m in floor
area each, 30% of normally permissible FSI is additionally allowable over and
above the normally permissible FSI;
Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for
other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be
permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings. ♣
(iii) In cases of hospital buildings an additional FSI of 0.25 is allowable over and
above the normally permissible FSI.
(4) Structures permissible in the minimum prescribed Front set back, Side setback and
Rear set back are given in the regulation No. 11
(5) The minimum width of corridor shall be as given in the Annexure XVII.
(6) Parking spaces shall be provided within the site conforming to the regulations given
in the Annexure XVI.
(7) Rainwater harvesting provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XIX shall be
(8) Special regulations for physically disabled stated in the Annexure XXII shall be
adhered to.
(9) Solar energy capture provisions as prescribed in the Annexure XXIII shall be
provided where applicable.
(10) The reservation of land for community recreational purposes such as park or play
ground required in these regulations shall be as given in the Annexure XX.
(11) Internal vehicular access way including passage if any within the site shall a clear
width of 7.2 m and such vehicular access shall be available for every building block
in the site within a distance of 50 metres. Further, it shall be a clear open to sky
and no projection of structure over it is permissible.
(12) If the building is constructed on stilts and the stilt floor is to be used for parking,
the minimum clear height of the floor (between the lower floor and the bottom of the
beam) shall not exceed 3mts and it shall not be enclosed for use as garages; if it is
enclosed it shall be counted for FSI and number of floors for the purpose of defining
Group Development / MSB.
(13) If a Group Development contains more than one use and the allowability of the built
space with reference to the abutting road width and exclusive passage width shall
be decided based on the number of dwellings for the residential use and the
equivalent floor area allowable for commercial and other uses.
(14) Every Group Development exceeding 900 sq.m in floor area shall be provided with
electrical room in ground floor or open space at ground level within the premises to
accommodate electrical transformer conforming to the Regulations detailed in
Annexure XXIV.
(15) Vehicular ramp in set back spaces around building blocks may be permitted subject
to the condition that the clearance of the proposed ramp from the property
boundary / street alignment shall be minimum 1.5 metres and a clear motorable
driveway of min. 3.5 m. in width is available around the building block.
(16) The structures incidental to the main activities such as water closet / pump room,
transformer room, transformer yard, electric room shall not be construed as
individual block for the purpose of these rules. However, these structures may be
permitted in the prescribed set back space provided that they do not fall in the drive
way and its height does not exceed 4 mts., provided further that transformer and
electrical rooms floor area does not exceed 15 sq.m. and W.C and Pump room per
block does not exceed 6 sq.m.

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010

(17) In cases of residential developments exceeding 100 dwelling units in primary
residential use zone, commercial and institutional uses not exceeding 10 per cent of
the floor area of the building at lower habitable floor levels, may be allowed (not for
any industrial use) as incidental uses required for the occupants of the remaining
residential developments within the premises.
(18) In areas where sewage system provided by the Metro water / Local body concerned
is not available and
(a) where number of dwelling units exceeds 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of commercial
area (for this purpose 50 sq.m. is equated to one dwelling unit) sewage
treatment plant shall be provided and maintained for the disposal of the sewage
within the site itself with prior clearance from the Metro water / Pollution
Control Board as the case may be on location and design;
(b) where number of dwelling units is less than 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of commercial
area, septic tank with up-flow filters shall be provided and maintained for the
disposal of the sewage within the site itself.
(19) Any construction with roof over it in the terrace floor for A.C. Plant/ structures shall
be counted, as a floor and categorization of type of building shall be done
(20) In cases where the extent of the site where residential or predominantly residential
developments proposed exceeds 10000 sq.m. (1 hectare), the developer shall reserve
minimum ten per cent of the site area (excluding roads if any handed over to local
body) and provide housing thereon for lower income groups with dwelling units not
exceeding 45 sq.metres in floor area each, either within the site proposed for group
development or in a location within a radius of 2 k.m. from the site under reference.
The developer or promoter or owner shall sell these small dwellings only for this
purpose. No conversion or amalgamation shall be permissible in these cases of
lower income group dwellings.
(21) In residential / predominantly residential developments with dwelling units
exceeding 100 in number, the design should include waste management
infrastructure and atleast a closed non polluting storage provision for solid waste
storage within the premises preferably with direct access from the abutting road
shall be provided so that the local body can collect this stored waste from it.
(22) In the interest of the public for better circulation in the area and also to ensure that
the proposed development does not block access to the properties around, in cases
of large developments where link roads have to be provided for connectivity to the
adjoining lands/areas, through the site applied for development, the Authority
reserves the right to insist the applicant to set apart such road spaces within the
site and the applicant shall hand over the same free of cost through a registered gift
deed to the authority or Local body designated by it for declaring it as public road.
In such cases set back from these roads to the buildings proposed shall be provided
as prescribed in these regulations.
(23) The space set apart for formation of a new road proposal in Master Plan /Detailed
Development Plan or road widening / street alignment shall be transferred to the
Authority or the Agency or the Local Body designated by the Authority through a
registered Gift Deed before actual issuance of planning permission. The exact mode
of conveyance of the land shall be consistent with the relevant enactment and
regulations In such cases 'Transfer of Development Rights' (TDR) certificate may be
obtained to the extent eligible as per regulations given in the Annexure XXI
(24) Basement Floor: -
(a) The height of basement floor shall not exceed 1.2 metres above ground level and
the headroom shall be minimum 2.4 metres.
(b) No part of the basement shall be constructed in the minimum required set
backspaces, required for the movement of fire fighting vehicles/equipments.

(c) In cases where second basement is proposed for parking and incidental uses,
sufficient provision for lighting and ventilation and also for protection from fire
to the satisfaction of Directorate of Fire and Rescue Services shall be made.
(d) During the construction of the basement floor, it shall be sole responsibility of
the planning permission holder to ensure that the building / structure in the
adjoining sites are not weakened / damaged
(25) Security Deposit:
The applicant shall deposit a sum at the rate of Rs. 50 per square metre of floor area
as a refundable non-interest earning security and earnest deposit. The deposit shall
be refunded on completion of development as per the approved plan as certified by
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority; if not, it would be forfeited.
(26) Display Board
(a) The details of the development for which planning permission issued, date of
expiry of permit etc. shall be displayed in the format prescribed by the Authority
on a board of size at least 60 cm x 120 cm.
(b) The applicant shall pay a sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) as
earnest money non interest bearing refundable deposit and same should be
utilized for the purpose of installing the prescribed size board on the site by
CMDA, in the event of the applicant not fulfilling the conditions stated in (a)
(c) If the applicant fulfills the conditions (a) above, the deposit shall be refunded
after production of the completion certificate.
(27) Group development exceeding 50 dwelling units or where the extent of the site on
which it is proposed exceeds 1 hectare it shall be designed and the plans signed by
a qualified Architect
(28) Notwithstanding anything stated above, Group developments for EWS housing, and
special projects undertaken by CMDA may be approved subject to the conditions as
may be stipulated by the Authority.

28. Special rules for multi-storeyed Buildings

(1) (a) Site Extent:- The minimum extent of site for construction of multi-storeyed
buildings shall not be less than 1500 square metres.
(b) Road width:- The site shall either abut on a road not less than 18 metres in
width or gain access from public road not less that 18 metres in width through a
part of the site which can be treated as an exclusive passage of not less than 18
metres in width.
Provided further that multi-storeyed building may be permitted with limitations on
maximum FSI and maximum height of the building on a site abutting or gaining
access from a public road of min. 12 m/15 m in width, or gain access from public
road not less that 12 m/15 metres in width through a part of the site which can be
treated as an exclusive passage of not less than 12 m/15 metres in width, subject
to compliance of the planning parameters stated in the Table under sub rule (2)
(i) Road width means the road space as defined in DR no. 2 (35). The qualifying road
width for permitting multi-storeyed building shall be available atleast for a stretch of
500m along the length of the road abutting the site and the stretch from a junction
can be straight or a curve or zigzag or combination of the above.

To cite examples -
a) If the road over its general length is of 18 metres width, but because of some
kinks in front of the site one end is 17.8 metres and the other end is 18.2 metres
is acceptable.
b) If the general road is of width less than 18 metres width, but only widens
opposite to or nearer to the site is more than 18 metres, is not acceptable.
c) If the road is generally of 18 metres width up to a considerable length on one
side, but discontinues and narrows into a road of smaller width on the other
side of the site in question and the plot owner is willing to leave enough space
for continuity of 18 metres road in front of his site, this will have to be checked
and decided on case-by-case.
d) If the general road width is less than 18 metres and the site owner merely agrees
to leave enough space to have 18 metres in front of his site only, this is not
(ii) Road width measurements for the above purpose shall be of the road as designed
and laid and the existence of unauthorized encroachments, for which no patta has
been given, will not normally affect adversely provided the shortage in width in the
min. stretch stated above does not exceed 10% of the min. prescribed width.
However permissibility (in exceptional cases) or otherwise in such specific situations
will be decided case-by-case.

(2) The extent of the site, FSI, Set back etc. for Multi- storeyed Building shall be
regulated according to the table below:

Sl.No Description Category I(a) Category I(b) Category II Category III

Minimum Plot
A 1200 sq.m 1200 sq.m 1500 sq.m 2500 sq.m
Minimum Plot
B 25m 25m 25m 40m
C 12m 15m 18m
Road width

D Maximum FSI 1.5 1.75 2.50 2.25 2.00

♣ Maximum
E Coverage
(a) Normally Above 30% up Above 40%
30% 30% 30%
allowable to 40% up to 50%
(b) allowable for
Weaker Above 50%
Above 40% up
Sections/ Low 40% 40% 40% ♣
to 50% up to 60%
Income Group

G+6 or Stilt G+8 Stilt +9 60 metres where the width of the abutting
Maximum + 7 floors floors road is minimum 18 metres, and exceeding
F height above subject to a subject to a 60 metres where the width of abutting road
G.L max. 24m max. 30m is minimum 30.5 metres, subject to such
conditions as may be necessary.

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010

Height of the building Minimum required setback space from
above ground level the property boundary
Minimum set Above 15.25m upto 30m 7m
G back all
around For every increase in height of 6m or part
thereof above 30.5m, minimum extent of
Above 30m
setback space to be left additionally shall be
one metre.
Height of the building Minimum required spacing between
Spacing above ground level blocks
Above 15.25m upto 30m 7m
H blocks in case
of group For every increase in height of 6m or part
developments Above 30m thereof above 30.5m, space to be left
additionally shall be one metre.

Explanation: -
(1) For the purpose of these rules, group development is one which has two or more
blocks of buildings in a particular site irrespective of whether these structures are
inter connected or not. Any inter link between the structures in terms of connecting
corridors shall not be construed as making any two structures into one block.
However if these blocks are connected solidly atleast for 1/3rd the width of any one
block on the connecting side then such blocks shall be construed as a single block.
Note (i) The space specified above shall be kept open to sky and free from any
erection/projection (such as sunshade/balcony) of any building other than a
fence or compound wall provided that these open yards may be used for the
provision of access ways to the building’s parking facilities.
(ii) A watchman or caretaker booth or Kiosk not exceeding 2.5m.x2.5m. in size at
each gate and not exceeding 3 m. in height, or power /transformer room not
exceeding 4 m. in height shall be permitted in the set back space at ground level
after leaving 7 metres clear set back from the main structure. Provided that the
height restriction shall not apply for an open transformer.
(iii) Gate pillars without or with arches with a min. headroom clearance of 5.50m
atleast to a width of 3.5m. may be permitted in the set back space after leaving 7
metres clear set back from the main structure.
(iv) In the cases where street alignment has been prescribed, the front open space
shall be left from the street alignment.
(v) In cases of hospital buildings an additional FSI of 0.25 is allowable over and
above the normally permissible FSI.

(vi) In cases of Residential or predominantly residential developments, -
(a) where dwelling units for Economically Weaker Sections do not exceed 30
sq.m in floor area each, 50% of normally permissible FSI is additionally
allowable over and above the normally permissible FSI; and
(b) where dwelling units for Low Income Group do not exceed 50 sq.m in floor
area each, 30% of normally permissible FSI is additionally allowable over and
above the normally permissible FSI;
Provided that the developer or promoter or owner shall not sell these dwellings for
other than the said purposes and no conversion or amalgamation shall be
permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings.

Approved in G.O. Ms No.103, H&UD Dept., dt. 29.04.2010 and published in TNGG on 26.05.2010

(vii) In cases of Low Income Group and Economically Weaker Sections housing
developments, where the height ogf the building above the ground level is above
15.25m and upto 30m the minimum required setback space from the property

boundary shall be 6m.
(3) Development charges shall be double for the part of the building, which falls in the
height exceeding 1.5 times the width of the road.
(4) Parking and Parking facilities:
For the use of the occupants and of persons visiting the premises for the purposes
of profession, trade, business, recreation or any other activity parking spaces and
parking facilities shall be provided within the site to the satisfaction of the Authority
and conforming to the standards specified in Annexure XVI.
(5) Vehicular access within the site:
Internal Vehicular Access way including passage if any within the site shall have a
clear width of 7.2 m. and such vehicular access shall be available for every building
block in the site. Further, it shall be a clear width of open to sky and no projection
in structure over it is permissible.
(6) Corridor width: -
The corridor serving as access for units in the development in whichever floor they
may be situated shall not be less than the standards prescribed in Annexure XVII.
(7) Basement Floor: -
(a) The height of basement floor shall not exceed 1.2 metres above ground level and
the headroom shall be minimum 2.4 metres.
(b) No part of the basement shall be constructed in the minimum required set
backspaces required for the movement of snorkel.
(c) In cases where second basement is proposed for parking and incidental uses,
sufficient provision for lighting and ventilation and also for protection from fire
to the satisfaction of Directorate of Fire and Rescue Services shall be made.
(d) During the construction of the basement floor, it shall be sole responsibility of
the planning permission holder to ensure that the building / structure in the
adjoining sites are not weakened / damaged.

(8) The reservation of land for community recreational purposes such as park or play
ground required in these regulations shall be as given in the Annexure XX.
(9) Conformance to National Building Code of India: -
(a) In so far as the determination of sufficiency of all aspects of structural designs,
building services, plumbing, fire protections, construction practice and safety
are concerned the specifications, standards and code of practices recommended
in the National Building Code of India shall be fully confirmed to and any breach
thereof shall be deemed to be a breach of the requirements under these
(b) Every multi-storeyed development erected shall be provided with
i. lifts as prescribed in National Building Code
ii. a stand-by electric generator of adequate capacity for running lift and water
pump, and a room to accommodate the generator;
iii. an electrical room of not less than 6 metres by 4.0 metres in area with a
minimum head room of 2.75 metres to accommodate electric transformer in
the ground floor; and the space for installation of transformers shall conform
to the Regulation given in Annexure XXIV; and

iv. at least one metre room of size 2.4 metres by 2.4 metres for every 10
consumers or 3 floor whichever is less. The metre room shall be provided in
the ground floor.
(10) Fire safety, detection and extinguishing systems:
(a) All building in their design and construction shall be such as to contribute to
and ensure individually and collectively and the safety of life from fire, smoke,
fumes and also panic arising from these or similar other causes.
(b) In building of such size, arrangement or occupancy that a fire may not itself
provide adequate warning to occupants, automatic fire detecting and alarming
facilities shall be provided where necessary to warn occupants or the existence
of fires, so that they may escape, or to facilitate the orderly conduct of fire exit
(c) Fire protecting and extinguishing system shall conform to accepted standards
and shall be installed in accordance with good practice as recommended in the
National Building Code of India, (amended from time to time) and to the
satisfaction of the Director of Fire and Rescue Services by obtaining a no
objection certificate from him.
(11) In cases of residential developments exceeding 100 dwelling units in primary
residential use zone, commercial and institutional uses not exceeding 10 per cent of
the floor area of the building at lower habitable floor levels, may be allowed (not for
any industrial use) as incidental uses required for the occupants of the remaining
residential developments within the premises
(12) The design and plans of the building shall be made and signed by a qualified Civil or
Structural Engineer and an Architect who should possess the qualification referred
to in the Architect Act, 1972 (Central Act 20, 1972), so as to become a member of
the profession of Architects under the provisions of the said Act. The qualified
Engineer or Structural Engineer should also be Class I licensed Surveyor registered
with Corporation of Chennai /Local body concerned.
(13) Improvement charges: – The cost of laying / improvements to the systems in respect
of road / water supply, sewerage / drainage / electric power supply that may be
required as assessed by the competent authority, viz., corporation of Chennai /
Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board / Tamil nadu Electricity
Board shall be borne by the applicant.
(14) Security deposits: – The applicant shall deposit a sum at the rate of Rs. 100 per
square metres of floor area as a refundable non-interest earning security and
earnest deposit. The deposit shall be refunded on completion of development as per
the approved plan as certified by Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority; if
not, it would be forfeited.
(15) Display Board: -
(a) The details of the development for which planning permission issued, date of
expiry of permit etc. shall be displayed in the format prescribed by the Authority
on a board of size at least 60 cm x 120 cm.
(b) The applicant shall pay a sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) as
earnest money non interest bearing refundable deposit and same should be
utilized for the purpose of installing the prescribed size board on the site by
CMDA, in the event of the applicant not fulfilling the conditions stated in (a)
If the applicant fulfills the conditions (a) above, the deposit shall be refunded
after production of the completion certificate.
(16) In areas where sewage system provided by the Metro water / Local body concerned
is not available and

(a) where number of dwelling units exceeds 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of commercial
area (for this purpose 50 sq.m. is equated to one dwelling unit) sewage
treatment plant shall be provided and maintained for the disposal of the sewage
within the site itself with prior clearance from the Pollution Control Board on
location and design;
(b) where number of dwelling units is less than 50 nos. or 2500 sq.m. of
commercial area, septic tank with up-flow filters shall be provided and
maintained for the disposal of the sewage within the site itself .
(17) In cases where the extent of the site where residential or predominantly residential
developments proposed exceeds 10000 sq.m. ( 1 hectare),the developer shall reserve
minimum ten per cent of the site area (excluding roads if any handed over to local
body) and provide housing thereon for lower income groups with dwelling units not
exceeding 45 sq.metres in floor area each, either within the site proposed for MSB
development or in a location within a radius of 2 k.m. from the site under reference.
The developer or promoter or owner shall sell these small dwellings only for this
purpose. No conversion or amalgamation shall be permissible in these cases of
lower income group dwellings.
(18) In residential / predominantly residential developments with dwelling units
exceeding 100 in number, the design should include waste management
infrastructure and atleast a closed non polluting storage provision for solid waste
storage within the premises preferably with direct access from the abutting road
shall be provided so that the local body can collect this stored waste from it.
(19) In the interest of the public for better circulation in the area and also to ensure that
the proposed development does not block access to the properties around, in cases
of large developments where link roads have to be provided for connectivity to the
adjoining lands areas, through the site applied for development, the Authority
reserves the right to insist the applicant to set apart such road spaces within the
site and the applicant shall hand over the same free of cost through a registered gift
deed to the authority or Local body designated by it for declaring it as public road.
In such cases set back from these roads to the buildings proposed shall be provided
as prescribed in these regulations.
(20) The space set apart for formation of a new road as per Master Plan or Detailed
Development Plan or road widening / street alignment shall be transferred to the
Authority or the Agency or the Local Body designated by the Authority through a
registered Gift Deed before actual issuance of planning permission. The exact mode
of conveyance of the land shall be consistent with the relevant enactment and
regulations In such cases 'Transfer of Development Rights' (TDR) certificate may be
obtained to the extent eligible as per regulations given in the Annexure XXI.
(21) Rain water harvesting provisions as prescribed in the regulations given in Annexure
XIX shall be provided.
(22) Solar energy capture provisions as prescribed in the regulations given in Annexure
XXIII shall be provided where applicable.
(23) Civil Aviation height and activity restrictions stated in the regulation no. 24(4)(c)
shall be adhered to. In cases where helipads are proposed at terrace of commercial /
industrial multistoreyed buildings, clearance of civil aviation department shall be
(24) Special regulations for physically disabled stated in the regulations given in
Annexure XXII shall be adhered to.
(25) Areas set apart for multi-storeyed building developments are given in the Annexure
(26) Scrutiny of the plan – The plan shall be scrutinized and forwarded to Government,
with recommendation of a panel comprising of the following members for approval.
(i) Member-Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority – Chairman

(ii) Director of Fire and Rescue Service – Member
(iii) Engineering Director, Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board –
(iv) Chief Engineer, Corporation of Chennai – Member
(v) Chief Engineer, Tamil nadu Electricity Board, Chennai – Member
(vi) Chief Planner, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority – Member
(vii) Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic, Chennai) – Member
(viii) Concerned engineer from the local body (other than Corporation of Chennai) -
special invitee
(ix) Senior Planner, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority – Member
Any suggestions of alterations recommended by the panel and approved by the
Government shall be incorporated in the plans.

29. Layout and sub-division regulations:

This regulation seeks to ensure access to plots by way of roads and private
passages, creating hierarchy of roads depending on the road length and intensity of
developments in the area and also to provide adequate linkages to the existing roads
and proposed roads in the Master Plan and Detailed Development Plan and further
to provide proper circulation pattern in the area, providing required recreational
spaces such as parks / playgrounds, and providing spaces for common amenities
such as schools, post and telegraph offices, fire stations, police stations etc.

(1) The minimum extent of plots and frontage shall be as prescribed for various uses
and types of developments given in the DR Nos. 25,26,27 and 28.
(2) (a) The minimum width of the public streets/road on which the site abuts or gains
access shall be 7.2m. for residential layout developments and 9m. for industrial
layout developments. For subdivisions the minimum width of the passage /
public streets/road on which the site abuts or gains access shall be as required
for different uses and types of developments.
(b) The minimum width stated above shall be the existing width of the road and not
the street alignment prescribed.
(3) The width of the streets/roads and passages in the layouts /subdivisions /
amalgamations shall conform to the minimum requirements given below:
(a) for Residential developments
Description Minimum Remarks
(1) (2) (3)
A. Passage
(i) In areas of Economically Weaker
Section and for continuous
building area:
a) For single plot 1.0 metre The passage will remain
b) For two to four plots 1.5 metre private
(ii) When it is intended to serve upto
The passage will remain
two plots and length of the passage 3.0 metres
does not exceed 40 metres)
(iii) When it is intended to serve up to
four plots and length of the 3.6 metres -Do-
passage does not exceed 80 metres)

(iv) When it is intended to serve up to
ten plots and length of the passage 4.8 metres -Do-
does not exceed 100 metres)
B. Streets and Roads
(i) Streets intended to serve not more
than 16 plots and / or subject to a 7.2 metres All streets shall become public
maximum length of 120 metres
(ii) Streets intended to serve not more
than 20 plots and / or subject to a 9.0 metres All streets shall become public
maximum length of 240 metres
(iii) Roads of length more than 240
12.0 metres All streets shall become public
metres but below 400 metres
(iv) Roads of length between 400
18.0 metres All streets shall become public
metres to 1,000 metres
(v) Roads of length more than 1000
24.0 metres All streets shall become public

(b) for Industrial Development

Description Minimum width Remarks

of passage
(1) (2) (3)
(1) When it is intended to serve only
The passage will
one plot and length of the passage 5.0 metres
remain private
does not exceed 100 metres
(2) When it is intended to serve two to
five plots and the length of the
7.2 metres -Do-
passage does not exceed 120
(3) When it is intended to serve more The street shall
12.0 metres
than 5 plots become public.

Note: Not withstanding anything contained above Authority reserves the right to revise
layouts proposed by the applicant and applied for sanction in order to provide for
better adequate linkages proper circulation pattern requirements considering local
conditions etc.

(4) Cul-de-sacs: -
Can be provided when their length do not exceed 60 metres. They shall be provided
with a turn around area of 9 metres x 9 metres at the closed end.

(5) Splay: -
A splay at the intersection of two or more streets / roads shall be provided subject
to the minimum dimensions given below:

Sl.No When the narrower road is of width Min. splay

1 Upto 7.2m. 1.5m x 1.5m.
2 More than 7.2m. Upto 12m 3m. x 3m.
3 More than 12m. Upto 30.5m 4.5m x 4.5m
4 More than 30.5m. 6m. x 6m.

(6) Reservation of land for recreational purposes in a layout or sub-division for
residential, commercial, industrial or combination of such uses shall be as follows.

Extent of layout Reservation

(1) (2)
For the first 3000
square metres
10 per cent of the area excluding roads or in the alternative he shall
Between 3000 pay the market value of equivalent land and excluding the first
square metres 3000 square metres as per the valuation of the registration
and 10,000 department. "No such area reserved shall measures less than 100
square metres square metres with a minimum dimension of 10 metres."

10 per cent of the area excluding roads. It is obligatory to make the

Above 10,000
reservation and no equivalent land cost in lieu of the same is
square metres

(a) The land for community recreational purposes shall be restricted to ground level,
in a shape and location to be specified by the Chennai Metropolitan
Development Authority. The land so reserved shall be free from any
construction by the layout owner, developer or promoter

(b) The building and use of land shall conform to the conditions that may be
imposed while sanctioning the layout. The space set apart for commercial,
institutional, industrial or other uses shall be deemed to be zoned for
commercial, institutional, industrial or corresponding uses under the Master
(7) (a) The space set apart for roads (except those which may remain private) and the
10% area reserved for recreational purposes shall be transferred to the Authority
or Agency or the Local Body designated by the Authority free of cost through a
registered gift deed before the actual approval of the layout under the provisions
of the T & CP Act. The exact mode of conveyance should be consistent with the
relevant enactment and regulations.
(b) In cases of industrial estates developed by Government agencies the Authority
reserves the right to allow them to retain the spaces set apart for roads and the
recreational spaces as parks/play grounds and maintain them for the purposes
to the satisfaction of the Authority.
(c) The Authority reserves the right to reserve space for recessed bus stops as part of
the road space in the layouts exceeding 2 hectares, where found necessary on
public interest and this part of the road space also be transferred free of cost as
stated in the sub rule 7(a) above.
(8) Ten per cent of layout area (excluding roads), additionally, shall be reserved for
"Public Purpose" in those layouts, which are more than 10000 sq.m. in extent.
Interested departments shall be given intimation of layout approval by the CMDA
and requested to purchase the land from the owner of developer of promoter, on
paying the cost of plots so reserved. The owner or developer or promoter has every
right to sell the lands for residential purpose if no demand from any public
departments is received within one year.
(9) In cases where the extent of the residential layout exceeds 10000 sq.m. ( 1 hectare)
ten per cent of layout area (excluding roads) shall be developed as EWS plots and
the owner or developer or promoter shall sell these plot only for this purpose. No
conversion or amalgamation shall be permissible in these cases of EWS plots.
(10) When the area of land proposed for subdivisions is 20 hectares or more the
Authority may reserve not more than 12 percent of the total area for industrial and

commercial purposes and the area so reserved shall be deemed to be zoned for that
purpose under the Master Plan.
(11) The cost of laying improvements to the systems in respect of road, water supply,
sewerage, drainage or electric power supply that may be required as assessed by the
competent authority, namely, the Corporation of Chennai, Chennai Metropolitan
Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Tamilnadu Electricity Board, shall be borne by
the applicant.
(12) Not withstanding any thing stated above layouts for EWS housing, site and services
schemes, and Slum improvement may be approved subject to certain conditions as
may be stipulated by the Authority.

30. Architectural Control

The Architectural façade or elevation of any building or the architectural features of
any premises shall be in conformity with such conditions as the Authority may
impose at the time of grant of permission.

31. Conservation of buildings of historical or architectural interest: -

In the opinion of the Authority, if a building or premises not covered under the
Archeological Monuments Act is of historical or architectural interest and needs to
be conserved, such heritage buildings/premises shall be listed and notified and any
development at such heritage building premises shall conform to the regulations
given in Annexure XXV.

32. Tree preservation

(a) The Authority may, in the interest of amenity make a Tree Preservation Order for
any tree or group of trees or belt of forestland.
(b) The tree preservation order may prohibit the felling, topping, lopping or willful
destruction of the trees concerned, except when those operations are carried-out
with the permission of the Authority and under such conditions, as the Authority
may deem fit. In granting planning permission for any development, the Authority
may wherever it is appropriate, make adequate provision for the preservation or
planting of trees, as may be specified.

33. These Regulations to prevail

(a) In the application of these regulations if there is conflict between the requirements
under these regulations and the requirements under any other Act or rules these
regulations and the provisions of Madras City Municipal Corporation Act, or Tamil
Nadu District Municipalities or Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act of any other law relating
to the local authority for the time being in force or any rule, bye-law or regulation
made under the said Act or laws such provisions which are contrary to these
regulations shall stand suspended.
(b) The notifications made under the Municipal and Panchayat Acts and the Tamil
Nadu Public Health Act, 1939 (Tamil Nadu Act-III of 1939) as regards setting of the
Industrial and Residential area in the Chennai Metropolitan area will cease to
operate from 5.8.1975 i.e. the date of coming into force of the First Master Plan for

34. Identification of boundaries

(a) In conformity with the intent and spirit of these rules where uncertainty exists as to
the boundaries in the land use maps, the following regulations shall apply.
(i) Boundaries indicated, as approximately following the centre line of the streets,
Highway lands, shall be construed to follow such centre lines.

(ii) Boundaries indicated, as approximately following established boundaries of
Survey Field Nos. shall be constructed as following such Survey Field
(iii) Boundaries indicated, as approximately following the city limits shall be
construed as following city limits.
(iv) Boundaries indicated as following the shoreline be construed to follow such
shoreline and in the event of change in the shoreline shall be construed as
moving with the actual shoreline. Boundaries, indicated, as approximately
following the centre lines of streams, rivers, canals, lakes or other bodies of
water shall be construed to follow such centre line.
(b) Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extension of feature indicated in (I) to (iv)
above shall be so construed. The scale of map shall determine distances not
specifically indicated on the map.
35. Discretionary Powers
(1) In specific cases where a clearly demonstrable hardship is caused the Authority or
Government may relax any of the parameters prescribed by these regulations but
not the land use.
(2) In the case of organized market and shopping centers, the Authority or Government
may, at its discretion, permit use of machinery not exceeding 15 horse power in
respect of each shop, if it is considers that such permission shall not be injurious to
health or amenity for the area.
(3) The normally permissible FSI for Information Technology industries, Information
Technology enabling services and Bio-informatics units certified by the appropriate
authority in Designated Information Technology Parks, except in Primary
Residential use zone within the Chennai City Corporation area, may be relaxed by
the Authority or Government upto the extent of 100 percent.
36. Premium FSI
# The Authority may allow premium FSI over and above the normally allowable FSI
subject to a maximum of 1 (one) relating the same to the road width parameters as
Premium FSI (% of
S.No. Road Width
normally allowable FSI)
(i) 18 metres and above 40%
(ii) 12 metres – below 18 metres 30%
(iii) 9 metres – below 12 metres 20%

The Premium FSI shall be allowed in specific areas as may be notified, subject to
Guidelines and on collection of charge at the rates as may be prescribed by the
Authority with the approval of the Government. The amount collected towards the
award of Premium FSI shall be remitted into Government account to be allotted
separately for this purpose for utilising it for infrastructure development in that area
as may be decided by the Government. #
37. Delegation of Powers
Any of the powers, duties or functions conferred or imposed or vested in the
Authority / Government by any of foregoing regulations may be delegated to any
Officer under its control or to any Officer of Government or to a local authority.
38. Penalties
Every person who shall commit any breach or any of the foregoing regulations shall
be punishable with fine which may extend, to Rs.1000/- and in the case of a
continuing breach, with fine which may extend to Rs.50/- for every day during
which such breach continues after conviction for the first such breach.

Approved in G.O. Ms No.163, H&UD, dt. 09.09.2009 and published in TNGG on 23.09.2009

39. Transitary provisions: ∗
All applications for development including multistoried building, pending prior to
2nd September 2008 shall be disposed of in accordance with the Development
Control Rules for the Chennai Metropolitan Area under the first master plan for the
Chennai Metropolitan Area.

Amended in G.O. Ms No.245, H&UD, dt. 28.11.2008 and published in TNGG on 10.12.2008

[DR No. 4(1)(b)]


Application for Planning Permission

For Laying out the Land for Building Purposes

Under Section 49 of the Town & Country Planning Act, 1971

(Act 35 of 1972)


For Office use only


Date received:

The Member-Secretary,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
Thalamuthu Natarajan Maligai,
1, Gandhi Irwin Road,
CHENNAI – 600 008.



I hereby apply for Planning Permission for laying out of my land in S.No. ……… for
building purposes/desire to find out whether under noted development is permissible.

I forward herewith the following particulars in quadruplicate duly signed by the

Licensed Surveyor and me.

a) A topo plan of the site showing adjoining areas to a radius of 150 metres all
round from the proposed layout under reference, marking clearly therein the
boundaries of the proposed layout in red colour, existing roads, structures,
streams, burial grounds and H.T. or L.T. Power Lines to passing through layout
and levels of the site.

b) A detailed site plan to a scale of not less than 1:800 showing the proposed
layout indicating size of plots, width of the proposed roads, open spaces and
amenities provided and type of buildings be built, if any, and

c) The particulars in the Annexure.

I/We the owner/legal representative of the land to which the accompanying

application relates request that the layout may be approved and Planning Permission may
be accorded.

Date: Signature of the Owner of the land/

Power of attorney holder/Lease Holder


1. Applicant (in block capital)

Name …. …
Address …. …

Particulars of proposal for which permission or approval is sought

2(a) Full address or location of the land to which this application relates and site area
T.S.No. /S.F.No. …. …
Division No./Ward No. …. …
Name of Town or Village …. …
Site area …. …

(b) State whether the applicant owns or controls any adjoining land. If so give its
location and extent.

3. Particulars of present and previous use of land

(i) Present use of land
(ii) If vacant, the last previous use

4. Information regarding the proposed use.

(i) State number and type of dwelling units
(whether bungalows, houses, flats, etc.) factories
shops, institutions, parks & play fields etc.

(ii) Extent of land use proposed: (extent in hectares)

a) Land allotted for residential purpose
b) Land allotted for commercial purpose
c) Land allotted for industrial purpose
d) Land allotted for institutional purpose
e) Land allotted for park and play fields
f) Land allotted for roads and pathways
g) Land allotted for other uses (to be specified)

5. Does the proposed development involve felling of any trees?

If yes, indicate the position on plan.

6. Does the proposed development involve erection of any advertisement board?

If yes, indicate its position on plan and type of the
Advertisement board to be erected.

7. Whether the land in question is property belonging to a Wakf or a Hindu Religious

Institution and if so whether proper prior approval or authority clearance has
been obtained for the proposed development.

Signature of Licensed Surveyor/Architect Signature of the Owner of the

Land/Power of attorney holder/Lease holder


(i) I agree not to proceed with laying out of land for building purposes until the
planning permission is granted by the Authority under section 48/49 of the Tamil
Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Act 35 of 1972) as amended in Act
22 of 1974.

(ii) I agree not to do any development otherwise than in accordance with the layout
plan, specifications which have been approved or in contravention of any provision
of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 (Act 35 of 1972) as amended in Act
22 of 1974 or any sale, by-law, order or other declaration made there under or of
any direction or requisition lawfully given or made under the said Act rules or by

(iii) Under Section 54 of the Tamil Nadu Town and country Planning Act, 1971 (Act 35
of 1972) as amended in act 22 of 1974, I agree to make any modifications which
may be required by any notice issued by any order confirmed by the Authority.

(iv) I agree to keep one copy of the approved layout plans at the site at all reasonable
times when development is in progress and also agree to see that the plan is
available and the site is open at all reasonable times for the inspection of the
Member-Secretary or any officer authorised by him in that behalf.

(v) I agree to furnish a set of completion plans within fifteen days from the date of
completion of the development.

(vi) I agree to hand over all the proposed roads after duly forming them to the
satisfaction of the local authority concerned and sites reserved for parks, play
grounds, open spaces for public purpose free of cost to the CMDA/local authority
concerned in which the site falls when so directed by the authority.

Signature of the Owner of the

Land / power of attorney
Holder / Lease Holder.

[ DR No. 4(1)(c) ]


Application for Planning Permission for development of land and Buildings
Other than those covered under FORM A
(Under Section 49 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1971)
(Act 35 of 1972)
For Office Use only


Date received:

The Member-Secretary,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority,
Thalamuthu Natarajan Maligai,
1, Gandhi Irwin Road,
Egmore, Chennai-600 008.


I hereby apply for Planning Permission to carry out the following

development/desire to find out whether the under noted development is permissible.

I intended to put the building and land in S.No. of Block No………….of Revenue
Division No…………..for………….purposes.

The site is in the………………layout-approved by/not in any approved layout in

I, forward herewith the following particulars in quadruplicate, duly signed by me,
and the licensed Surveyor.

a) A key-map of the area showing the site in relation to existing streets and
street intersections, discharging clearly therein the boundaries of the site
under reference and the adjoining lands owned or controlled by me.
b) A detailed site plan of the land for development to a scale of not less than
c) A plan or plans of the building showing the ground plan, plan of each floor
and the sectional and front elevation of the building.
d) The particulars in the Annexure.

I, the owner/legal representative of every part of the land which accompanying

application relates request that Planning Permission for the Development may be accorded.

Signature of the Owner of the

Land/power of attorney
Holder/Lease holder
Note: Strike out the portions, which are not applicable.




1. Applicant (in Block Capital) …. ….

Name …. ….
Address …. ….
Tel. No. …. ….

2. Particulars of proposal for which permission or approval is sought

(a) Full address or location of the land to which
this application relates and site area
Door/Plot No.
Town Survey No./S.F.No.
Division or Ward No.
Road or Street name
Name of Local Authority
Site area

(b) Particulars of proposed developments including

the purposes for which the land and/or buildings
are to be used.

(c) State whether applicant owns or controls any

adjoining land and if so give its location and extent.
State whether the proposal involves:
(i) New Building(s)
(ii) Alteration, extension or addition
(iii) Change of use.

3. Particulars of present and previous use of

Buildings or land Extent in Sq. mts.
State (1) (2)
Building Land
i) Present use of building/land
ii) If vacant, the last previous use

4. Information regarding the proposed uses Extent in Sq.mts.

a) Total floor area of all buildings to which
the application relates
b) Residential floor space
c) Floor space for retail/wholesale trading
d) Office floor space
e) Industrial floor space
f) Floor space for other use (to be specified)

5. What provisions have been made for parking?

Loading and unloading of vehicles with the
cartilage of the site? (Please show the location
of such provisions on the plans)

6. Does the proposed development involve the felling of any tree?
If yes, indicate the position of Plan

7. Does the proposed Development involve the erection of any advertisement board?
If yes, indicate its position on plan and type of the advertisement board to be

8. Whether the land in question is property belonging to a Wakf or a Hindu Religious

Institution and if so whether proper prior approval or authority clearance has been
obtained for the proposed development.

Signature of the Owner of the

Land / power of attorney
holder / Lease Holder
Signature of the
Licensed Surveyor/Architect

Those applying only to find out whether the type of development is permissible or not may
furnish information against 1,2 and 3 only.

i) I agree not to proceed with the development until the Authority under Section 48
/49 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (35 of 1972) grants
planning permission as amended in Act 22 of 1974.
ii) I agree not to do any development otherwise than in accordance with the site and
building plans which have been approved or in contravention of any provisions of
the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Act 35 of 1972) as amended
in Act 22 of 1974 or any rule, ‘by-laws’ order or other declaration made there under,
or if any direction or requisition lawfully given or made under the said Act, rules or
iii) Under Section 54 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 (Act 35
of 1972) as amended in Act, 22 of 1974, I agree to make any modifications which
may be required by any notice issued by any order confirmed by the Authority.
iv) I agree to keep one of the approved site plan and one set of copies of the sanctioned
plans of the building at the site of the building at all times when the Development is
in progress and also agree to see that such plans are available and the building is
open at the reasonable times for the inspection of the Member-Secretary or any
officer authorised by him in that behalf.
v) I agree to furnish a set of completion plans within fifteen days from the date of
completion of the Development.
(vi) I agree to hand over all the proposed roads after duly forming them to the
satisfaction of the local authority concerned and sites reserved for parks, play
grounds, open spaces for public purpose free of cost to the CMDA/local authority
concerned in which the site falls when so directed by the authority.

Signature of the Owner of the

Land/Power of attorney
Holder/Lease Holder

[DR No. 4(1)(d)]


This deed of undertaking executed at Chennai on the…………………day

of……………………………20.. by Thiru/Tmt/Selvi ……………………………………… …………
Son/Daughter of ………………………………….aged…………………………..Residing at
in favour of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority having office at Thalamuthu
Natarajan Building, No.1,Gandhi Irwin Road,Egmore,Madras-600 008 witnesseth as

1. I have applied for the Planning Permission for construction

at………..premises No.………………………………………………………………… by submitting an
application to the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority in accordance with the
planning norms prescribed in the prevailing Development Regulations. I am associated
with the project as Land Owner/Power of Attorney Holder/Builder/Promoter. I assure that
I will put up the construction only in accordance with the approved plan without any
deviation and if any construction is later on found not in accordance with the approved
plan and any unauthorised addition is made, I agree for the forfeiture of the Security
Deposit which will be collected while issuing Planning Permission, and also agree to
demolish the such a deviation marked by the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
within thirty days after such notice, failing which, apart from forfeiture of Security Deposit,
the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority may demolish or cause to demolish such
unauthorised or deviated constructions at the site under reference and recover the cost of
demolition from me.

2. I also assure that the open space around the building to be left or the usage
of the building, including the car parking in ground floor, will be kept as specified in the
approved plan and it will not be converted into any other use except the purpose for which
it is approved. If any structural modification or usage differs from the approved plan, the
CMDA is at liberty at any time to remove any structural modification or usage and the
expenses incurred by the CMDA is recoverable from me for non-compliance of their request
or order.

3. I further assure that I will not convert any place of the construction in
contravention to the approved plan, especially in respect of car parking as specified in the
sanctioned plan. At any time in future, I will not convert the car parking on stilts by
covering them fully, and use the car parking space for any other purposes. If any
construction work in car parking place, converting them either as a flat or for any other
purpose, is done either by me or by my successor or by any other person to whom the said
construction is transferred in future, without getting appropriate order for doing so from
the Competent Authority, the Authority is at liberty at any time to take any action to
remove any structural modification or usage and the expenses incurred by the Authority is
recoverable from me/my successor or from any other person to whom the said construction
is transferred in future.

4. I hereby undertake that, I am, jointly and severally responsible with the Land
Owner/Power of Attorney Holder/Builder/Promoter to carry out the developments in
accordance with the permission granted and also for payment of Development Charges,
Security Deposit, Scrutiny Fee and for all other charges levied from time to time by the
Authority and also liable for penal provisions for developments made in contravention of
the Development Rugulations and these presents.

5. This deed of undertaking is executed by me on the…………………….day

of…………………………………….20………….with the full knowledge of the contents of this





Duly attested by the

SEAL Notary Public

[ DR No. 8]
Proposed Rights of Way and Set Back Lines
for Major Network of Roads

I. Chennai City
Stretch Right of Building
Sl.No Name of the Road
From To way Line
1 M.S.Koil Street *, Ebrahim Sahib City Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
Suriyanarayana Road * Street
2 Thambu St (Royapuram) East Sheik Mastry St. 10.0 m 3.0 m
3 Kathivakkam High Road * Cochrane Basin City Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
4 Moolakkadai-Thondiarpet G.N.T. Road B’canal 27.0 m 4.5 m
5 Kodungaiyur – Chinna Moolakkadai- City Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
sekkadu Road (New Link) Thondiarpet
6 Erukkancherry High Road Basin Bridge City Limits 27.0 m 4.5 m
(GNT Road) Road
7 Madhavaram High Road Melpatti GNT Road 24.0 m 4.5 m
Ponnappa Street
8 Paper Mills Road Siruvallur Road City Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
Junction at
Perambur High
9 Konnur High Road Medavakkam Its junction with 30.5 m 4.5 m
Tank Road New Avadi Road
10 C.T.H. Road New Avadi Road IRR (City Limits) 30.5 m 4.5m
11 New Avadi Road Kilpauk Water Its junction with 30.5 m 4.5 m
works Konnur High Road
12 New Link Road * New Avadi Road Medavakkam Tank 24.0 m 4.5 m
13 New Avadi Road EVR Periyar Kilpauk Water 18.0 m 3.0 m
Salai works
14 Kilpauk Garden Road Taylors Road Anna Nagar 1st 18.0 m 3.0 m
Main Road
15 Thiru Narayana Guru Perambur Sydenhams Road 24.0 m 4.5 m
Road (Hunters Road & Barracks Road (Rajamuthiah
Choolai High Road) Road)
16 EVR Periyar Salai Mc.Nichols Road City Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
17 Nelson Manickam Road EVR Periyar Tank Bund Road 18.0 m 3.0 m

Excluding the stretches covered in Approved Detailed Development Plan.

18 Tank Bund Road Nelson Valluvar Kottam 18.0 m 3.0 m
Manickam Road
(junction of
Sterling Road)
19 Village Road (Valluvar Kodambakkam Nungambakkam 27.0 m 4.5 m
Kottam Road) High Road High Road
20 Uthamar Gandhi Salai Anna Salai Sterling Road 27.0 m 4.5 m
(Nungambakkam High
21 Greams Road * Anna Salai Pantheon Road 18.0 m 3.0 m
22 Ethiraj Salai Pantheon Road Cooum River 18.0 m 3.0 m
23 Cathedral Road * Anna Salai Music Academy 30.5 m 4.5 m
24 Eldams Road * Anna Salai TTK Road 18.0 m 3.0 m
25 TTK Road Chamiers Road Alwarpet Junction 18.0 m 3.0 m
26 Pasumpon Muthu Durgabai MRTS alignment 30.5 m 4.5 m
Ramalinga Thevar Road Deshmuk Road
(Greenways Road)
27 Sardar Patel Road Anna Salai Madya Kailash (I.T. 30.5 m 4.5 m
28 Dr.Muthulakshmi Salai M.G. Road City Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
29 West Avenue Road L.B. Road East Coast Road 24.0 m 4.5 m
(MTC terminus)
30 East Coast Road West Avenue City Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
Road (MTC
31 Taramani Road Vijayanagar L.B. Road Junction 45.0 m 6.0 m
32 Perungudi Station Road Taramani Road Perungudi Station 18.0 m 3.0 m
(New link)
33 Velachery Road Vijayanagar City Limits 45.0 m 6.0 m
34 Velachery Byepass Road Velachery Road Vijayanagar 45.0 m 6.0 m
Junction Junction
35 Velachery Road * Sardar Patel Byepass Junction 45.0 m 6.0 m
36 Nandambakkam – Anna Road Adayar River (City 18.0 m 3.0 m
Nesapakkam Road (Lake Junction near Limits)
View Road and its CMWSSB Plant
extension Kanu Nagar
Main Road)
37 Ramapuram – Nandambakkam – City Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
Neasppakkam Road Nesapakkam
(Kamarajar Salai) Road
38 Vanniar Street Rajamannar Arcot Road 18.0 m 3.0 m

Excluding the stretches covered in Approved Detailed Development Plan.

39 Arcot Road Railway line City limit 30.5 m 4.5 m
40 Nesapakkam Road Arcot Road CMWSSB Sewage 24.0 m 4.5 m
Farm (southern
41 Nesapakkam Road CMWSSB Sewage IRR 27.0 m 4.5 m
Farm (southern
II. Rest of CMA
1 Ennore Expressway City Limits Kathivakkam High 45.0 m 6.0 m
Road junction near
Ennore creek
2 Thiruvottiyur High Road City Limits Manali Expressway 27.0 m 4.5 m
3 Manali Expressway TPP Road Ennore Expressway 61 m 6.0 m
4 Vallur-Edayan Chavadi Edayanchavadi – TPP Road 18 m 3.0 m
Road Athipattu Road
5 TPP Road Kamaraj Salai CMA Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
junction (near
6 Kattur Road TPP Road CMA Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
7 Kathivakkam High Road – City Limits Kamaraj Salai 30.5 m 4.5 m
Basin Road - Manali Road junction (near
Organic Chemicals)
8 Kodungaiyur – City Limits Kamaraj Salai 18.0 m 3.0 m
Chinnasekkadu Road
(New Link)
9 Vichoor – Nayar – Vichoor Vadaperumbakkam - 18.0 m 3.0 m
Vilangadupakkam Road Road Perungavur Road

10 Kadapakkam - Vichoor – TPP Road Nayar Junction 18.0 m 3.0 m

Nayar Road
11 Karanodai –Nayar Road GNT Road ORR 18.0 m 3.0 m
and its extention upto ORR
12 Vadaperumbakkam – Madhavaram - Nayar Junction 18.0 m 3.0 m
Perungavur – Nayar Road Red Hills Road
13 Sholavaram –Budur - GNT Road Nayar – Vichoor 18.0 m 3.0 m
Thirunilai Road Road
14 Redhills - Budur Road GNT Road Sholavaram - 18.0 m 3.0 m
Thirunilai Road
15 Karanodai Palaya GNT Road Palaya Erumai 18.0 m 3.0 m
Erumeivettipalayam Road vettipalayam
16 GNT Road (through City Limits CMA Limits 45.0 m 6.0 m
Bypass Road)
17 Madhavaram-Red Hills GNT Road at Red Hills Byepass 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road Moolakadai Road
18 Madhavaram High Road City Limits GNT Road at 18.0 m 3.0 m
19 Sembium – Red Hills City Limits GNT Road 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road (Extension of Paper
Mills Road)
20 NH Byepass Road GWT Road GNT Road 61.0 m 6.0 m

21 Ambattur Red Hills Road CTH Road GNT Road 24.0 m 4.5 m
22 CTH Road City Limits (IRR) CMA Limits 45.0 m 6.0 m
23 Avadi-Morai Road CTH Road CMA Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
24 Vellanur-Pammadukulam Avadi-Morai ORR 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road Road
25 Pandeswaram - Avadi _ Morai Thiruninravur – 18.0 m 3.0 m
Keelakondaiyur Road Road Periyapalayam
26 Morai -Kadavur Road Morai junction Kadavur junction 18.0 m 3.0 m
27 Thandarai – Palavedu CTH Road Thiruninravur 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road Periyapalayam
28 Thiruninravur CTH Road CMA Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
Periyapalayam Road
29 Korattur - Thiruninravur Poonamallee - CTH Road 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road Thirumazhisai -
30 Poonamallee - GWT Road CMA Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
Thirumazhisai -
Thiruvallore Road
31 Kuthambakkam - Nemam GWT Road Poonamallee - 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road Thirumazhisai -
Thiruvallore Road
32 Poonamallee – Pattabiram Poonamallee CTH Road 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road Byepass Road
33 Poonamallee – Avadi Road Poonamallee CTH Road 18.0 m 3.0 m
Byepass Road
34 Proposed East-west Chennai Byepass ORR 61.0 m 6.0 m
arterial Road Road at
Ambattur Estate
35 Vanagaram – Ambattur GWT Road Arterial Road at 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road Athipattu
36 GWT Road (through City Limits CMA Limits 45.0 m 6.0 m
Bypass Road)
37 Poonamallee High Road Mangadu Road Poonamallee 30.5 m 4.5 m
junction Bypass road
38 Mount Poonamallee Road Nandambakkam Porur junction 24.0 m 4.5 m
39 Mount Poonamallee Road Porur junction P.H. Road - 30.5m 4.5 m
Mangadu Road
40 Mangadu Road Mount Porur - Kundrathur 18.0 m 3.0 m
Poonamallee Road

41 Mangadu Moulivakkam Mangadu Road Porur - Kundrathur 18.0 m 3.0 m

Road Road
42 Porur – Kundrathur Road Porur Junction CMA Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m

43 Arcot Road City limits Porur Junction 30.5 m 4.5 m
44 Maduravoyal _- Porur GWT Road Arcot Road 18.0 m 3.0 m
45 Ramapuram – Mount- Arcot Road at 18.0 m 3.0 m
Valasarawakkam Road Poonamallee Valasarawakkam
Road at
46 Anna Salai, Kuppusamy City Limits Arcot Road (near 18.0 m 3.0 m
St, Naidu St, Bharathi ARS Garden)
Salai, Kamaraj Salai
47 Nandambakkam Mount City Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
Nesapakkam Road Poonamallee
48 GST Road City Limits CMA Limits 45.0 m 6.0 m
49 Pallavaram – Kundrathur GST Road Porur - Kundrathur 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road Road
50 Pammal – Polichalur Road Pallavaram – Polichalur 18.0 m 3.0 m
51 Pallavaram – GST Road ORR 18.0 m 3.0 m
Thiruneermalai –
Thirumudivakkam Road
52 Thirumudivakkam – Pallavaram – Porur - Kundrathur 18.0 m 3.0 m
Kundrathur Road Thirumudivakkam Road
53 Tambaram – Tambaram - Thiruneermalai 18.0 m 3.0 m
Thiruneermalai Road Naduveerapattu Road
54 Tambaram – GST Road Poonthandalam 18.0 m 3.0 m
Naduveerapattu Road Road
55 Poonthandalam Road Kundrathur Naduveerapattu 18.0 m 3.0 m
56 Mudichur Road GST Road Vandalur – Padappai 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road at
57 Mudichur – Mudichur Road CMA Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
Manimangalam Road
58 Vandalur – Padappai GST Road CMA Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
59 Kelambakkam Road GST Road CMA Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
60 Tambaram Byepass Road GST Road MBI Road 45.0 m 6.0 m
(New Link)
61 MBI Road GST Road Tambaram Byepass 30.5 m 4.5 m
62 MBI Road Tambaram Bye City Limits 45.0 m 6.0 m
pass Junction
63 Mount-Madipakkam Road GST Road MBI Road at 18.0 m 3.0 m
64 ORR South Eastern MBI Road Rajiv Gandhi Salai 61.0 m 6.0 m
Segment (New Link) (OMR)

65 Extension of MMRD Rajiv Gandhi ECR 30.5 m 4.5 m
Scheme Road (New Link) Salai (OMR)
66 ECR City Limits CMA Limits 30.5 m 4.5 m
67 Sholinganallur – Rajiv Gandhi ECR 18.0 m 3.0 m
Kudimiyandi Thoppu Salai (OMR)
68 Medavakkam – MBI Road Rajiv Gandhi Salai 18.0 m 3.0 m
Sholinganallur Road (OMR)
69 Sithalapakkam – Maduraipakkam CMA Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
Ottiyambakkam Road Road
70 Medavakkam- MBI Road CMA Limits 18.0 m 3.0 m
Madurapakkam Road
71 Vengaivasal – MBI Road Madambakkam 18.0 m 3.0 m
Madambakkam Road Road
72 Madambakkam Road MBI Road at Maduraipakkam 18.0 m 3.0 m
Rajakilpakkam Road at
73 Agaramthen Road Madambakkam Maduraipakkam 18 m 3.0 m
Road Road at
74 Rajiv Gandhi Road Madyakailash CMA Limits As notified for
[Old Mamallapuram Road] Junction acquisition by
Highways Dept.
shown in the
individual Village
75 Nookampalayam Road Rajiv Gandhi Semmancheri 18.0 m 3.0 m
Road[Old village limit in the
Mamallapuram west
Road] Junction
III. Proposed Road- Rail Composite Corridor

1 IRR – ICC Velachery Road Adambakkam Lake Composit alignment

Alignment (northern end) with elevated RTS.
2 - do - Adambakkam Lake GST Road Separate alignment
(northern end) for IRR and RTS (as
shown in MP)
3 - do - GST Road City Limits - do -
4 - do - City Limits Anna Main Road Composit alignment
(near Ashok Pillar) with elevated RTS.
5 - do - Anna Main Road (near IRR / 4th Avenue Separate alignment
Ashok Pillar) Junction for IRR and RTS (as
shown in MP)
6 - do - IRR / 4th Avenue Junction TPP Road Junction Composit alignment
with elevated RTS.
7 - do - TPP Road Junction Ennore Railway Separate alignment
line for IRR and RTS (as
shown in MP)

1) Above street alignments are in addition to the ones prescribed in approved Detailed
Development Plans (DDP).

2) The street alignment shall be half width of right of way measured on either side of the
central line of the road as existing in cases where specific street alignment has not
been indicated in the plan. The centre-line of the streets shall be arrived based on the
width preceding widening, (if any done,) of that part of the road / street. In cases
where Railway line abuts on one side, the proposed widening shall be totally on the
other side.

3) In cases where street alignment are shown on one side or unequally on both sides of
an existing road, then it should be left as shown in the plan.

4) In cases of roads falling in the boundaries of the approved DDPs, the street alignments
shall be followed in the adjoining non-DDP area (i.e. area covered by this Master Plan)

[DR.NO. 14(1) A (vii)]

List of cottage industries

1. Areca nut cutting

2. Appalam Manufacturing

3. Bee-Keeping (Agriculture) Honey and Bee’s wax

4. Bakery - Biscuits, Cakes

5. Blanco Cakes

6. Confectionary – Sweets

7. Coffee roasting and grinding

8. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and dried vegetables

9. Fruit canning

10. Jaggery manufacture, Gur-making from sugarcane, date palm of palmyra and
coconut tree, hand made sugar, sugar candy

11. Jam, jellies and preserves

12. Syrups, aerated water, ice making

13. Vermicelli manufacture

14. Apparel and ready-made clothing (including sarees, dhoties)

15. Artificial flowers

16. Alce fibre extraction - palmyrah, coconut fibres

17. Banian manufacture

18. Blanket weaving

19. Block engraving for cloth printing

20. Brush manufacture

21. Button making out of mother of pearl, horns, brass and tin

22. Calico printing

23. Canvas shoes manufacture

24. Embroidery, knitting, crochets and needle work

25. Hosiery (with hand and power)

26. Laundry and cleaning clothes

27. Leather goods making, boots, shoes, chappals, slippers, bed straps.

28. Ornaments and jewellery (including bangles, combs).

29. Ornamental Leather craft, money-purses, handbags.

30. Weaving cotton, wool, tusser, jute, matka, silk

31. Spinning cotton wool in charkas

32. Tailoring

33. Woollen fabrics and woollen goods

34. Wool clipping and grading

35. Fly shuttles, looms making

36. Ribbon manufacture

37. Cane furniture (also cane and basket ware, matting)

38. Cement ware works.

39. Coir, coir making, rope

40. Candle sticks manufacture

41. Agarbathi making

42. Manufacture of Cardboard and cardboard boxes

43. Clay modelling, papier mache works

44. Crayons

45. Engraving on metals

46. Enamellings

47. Handmade paper and pulp paper cutting and paper fans

48. Inks, inkpads (for rubber stamps)

49. Lapidaries work

50. Musical instruments – stringed or reed

51. Painting on blanks and glass

52. Perfumery – essential oils and scents

53. Pith works – pith hat, garlands, flower

54. Printing and allied trade – book binding, block making

55. Soap making

56. Koraimats, plates, baskets, handbags, window screen

57. Palmyrah leaf – fancy and utility articles midribs

58. Palmyrah fibre – brush making

59. Palmyrah rafters and stems – furniture, cots, weaving of cots and seating from stem

61. Wood turners industry, other wood works

61. Fibre and fibre products

62. Icons

63. Match sticks manufacture (– manufacture of splints with wood only)

64. Fountain pen manufacture

65. Minor Radio parts manufacture

66. Braided cord manufacture

67. Storing of articles in frigidaries

68. Toys

69. Slips

70 Decorticating dhall by hand grinding

71. Twisting and throwing of silks and cotton yarns

72. Twisting and winding of silk thread, cotton thread, artificial yarns

73. Wax coating on paper and cloth.


[DR.No.15 (1) A (ix) &16 (1) A (iv)]
Industries classified as “Green”

1 Washing of used sand by hydraulic discharge

2 Atta – chakkies
3 Rice Mills
4 Ice Boxes
5 Dhall mills
6 Groundnut decorticating (dry)
7 Chilling
8 Tailoring and garment making
9 Cotton and woollen hosiery
10 Apparel making
11 Handloom weaving
12 Shoe lace manufacturing
13 Gold and silver thread and saree work
14 Gold and silver smithy
15 Leather foot wear and leather products excluding tanning and hide processing
16 Musical instruments manufacturing
17 Sports goods
18 Bamboo and cane products only dry operations
19 Cardboard box and paper products (paper and pulp manufacture excluded)
20 Insulation and other coated papers (paper and pulp manufacture excluded)
21 Scientific and mathematical instruments
22 Furniture (wooden and steel)
23 Assembly of domestic electrical appliances
24 Radio assembling
25 Fountain pens
26 Polythene, plastic and PVC goods through extraction/moulding
27 Rope (Cotton and Plastic)
28 Carpet weaving
29 Assembly of Air coolers, conditioners
30 Assembly of by-cycles, baby carriages and other small non-motorised vehicles.
31 Electronic equipment (assembly)
32 Toys
33 Candles
34 Carpentry excluding saw-mill

35 Cold storages (small scale)
36 Oil ginning/expelling (No hydrogenation and no refining)
37 Jobbing and machining
38 Manufacture of steel, trunks and suitcases
39 Paper pins and ‘U’ clips
40 Block making and card printing
41 Optical frames
42 Tyres retreading
43 Power looms and handlooms (without dyeing and bleaching)
44 Printing press
45 Garment stitching, tailoring
46 Thermometer making
47 Foot wear (rubber)
48 Plastic processed goods
49 Medical and surgical instruments
50 Electronic and Electrical goods
51 Rubber Goods industries
52 Factory product, Biscuits and confectionaries
53 Instant tea/Coffee processing
54 Malted food


[DR.No. 16 (1) A (iv)]

Industries classified as “Orange”

1 Manufacture of mirror from sheet glass and photo framing
2 Surgical gauzes and bandages
3 Wires, Pipes, Extruded shapes from metals
4 Automobiles servicing and repair stations
5 Ice cream
6 Mineralised water and soft drinks bottling plants
7 Steel furniture, fasteners, etc.
8 Fragrance, flavours and food additives
9 Aerated water/soft drinks
10 Light Engineering industry excluding fabrication & forging
11 Plastic industries like injection moulding
12 Readymade garment industries
13 Flour Mills upto 20 horse powers
14 Desizing of fabrics
15 Washing of fabrics
16 Trimming, Cutting, Using and blanching of fruits and vegetables
17 Washing of equipments and regular food washing using cooling water
18 Separated milk and whey
19 Steeping and processing of grain
20 Bleaching
21 Degreasing
22 Phosphating
23 Dyeing and Printing
24 Cooking of fibres, digesting
25 Juicing of sugarcane, extraction of sugar
26 Filtration, Centrifugation, Distillation of edible oils
27 Pulping and fermenting of coffee beans
28 Electroplating, Galvanising
29 Cotton spinning and weaving
30 Polishing
31 Surface quoting
32 Granite Industry except quarrying
33 Formulations of pharmaceuticals
34 Dyeing and printing (small units)

35 Laboratory ware
36 Wire drawing (cold process) and bailing straps
37 Potassium permanganates
38 Textile industry
39 Dyes and Dyestuff
40 DM plant exceeding 20 kilo litres per day capacity


[DR.No.18 (1) A (ii)]

List of Industries Permissible in Special and Hazardous Industries Zone

(1). All Industries classified as “RED” by TNPCB

1. Lime Manufacture

2. Ceramics

3. Sanitary wares

4. Tyres and Tubes

5. Refuse incineration

6. Large flour mills

7. Vegetable oils including solvent extracted oils

8. Soap with/without steam boiling process and synthetic detergent formulations

9. Steam generating plants

10. Manufacture of machineries and machine tools and equipments

11. Manufacture of office and household equipments and appliances involving use of
fossils fuel combustion

12. Industrial gases (only nitrogen, oxygen and O2)

13. Miscellaneous glass wears without involving use of fossil fuel combustion

14. Optical glass

15. Petroleum, storage and transfer facility

16. Surgical and medical products including prophylactic and latex products

17. Manufacture of power driven pumps, compressors, and Refrigeration units, fire
fighting equipments, etc.

18. Acetylene (synthetic)

19. Glue and gelatin

20. Metallic sodium

21. Photographic films, papers and photographic chemicals

22. Plant nutrients (manure)

23. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals extraction, refining, casting/forging, alloy making
processing, etc.

24. Dry coal processing / mineral processing, industries like sintering, beneficiation,
pelletisation, etc.

25. Phosphate rock processing plants.

26. Cement plants with horizontal rotary kilns

27. Glass and Glass products involving use of coal

28. Petroleum refinery

29. Petro-chemical industries

30. Manufacture of lubricating oils and greases

31. Synthetic rubber manufacture

32. Coal, oil, nuclear and wood based thermal power plants

33. Vanaspathi hydrogenated, vegetable oils/industrial purposes

34. Sugar Mills (white and khandasari)

35. Craft paper mills

36. Coke oven by-products and coal tar – distillation products

37. Alkalis

38. Caustic soda

39. Potash

40. Electro thermal product (artificial abrasives, calcium carbide, etc.)

41. Phosphorus and its compounds

42. Acids and their salts (organic and inorganic)

43. Nitrogen compound (cyanides, cynamides and other nitrogen compounds)

44. Explosives (including Industrial explosives, detonators and fuses)

45. Phthalic an hydrides

46. Process involving chlorinated hydro carbon

47. Chlorine, fluorine, aromine, iodine and their compounds

48. Fertilizer industries

49. Paper board and straw board

50. Synthetic fibres

51. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and pesticides (basic manufacture and


52. Basic drugs

53. Alcohol (industrial or potable)

54. Leather industry including tanning and processing

55. Coke making, coal liquefaction and fuel gas making industries

56. Fibre glass production and processing

57. Refractory

58. Manufacture of pulp - wood pulp, mechanical or chemical (including dissolving

pulp) and/paper making.

59. Pigment dyes and their intermediates.

60. Industrial carbons (including graphite, electrodes, anodes, midget electrons,

graphite, blocks, crucibles, gas carbons activated, carbon synthetic diamonds,
carbon black, black, lamp etc.)

61. Electro chemicals (other than those covered under alkali group)

62. Paints, enamels and varnishes

63. Poly propylene

64. Poly vinyl chloride

65. Chlorates, per chlorates and peroxides

66. Polishes

67. Synthetic resin and plastic products

[DR.No.24 (1) a (i) &28 (25)]

Areas set apart for Multi Storeyed Buildings

Multistoreyed Buildings are permissible in the Chennai Metropolitan Area excluding

the following areas: -

(a) Area bounded by two arms of Cooum river starting near Park Station to the
mouth of Cooum river (Napier Bridge) generally known as Island Grounds.

(b) Approved residential layouts excepting such plots / sites which have been
reserved for construction of Multistoreyed Buildings

(c) Aquifer Recharge Area bounded in

the North by City limits

the East by Bay of Bengal

the West by Buckingham Canal

the South by Chennai Metropolitan Area boundary

(d) Redhills Catchments Area stated in the regulation no. 24 (2) (c)

[DR No. 24(2)(a)]

Notification on Coastal Regulation Zone

(Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi, the 19th February, 1991

(as amended up to July 2003) 1 S.O.114 (E). - Whereas a Notification under Section 3(1)
and Section 3(2)(v) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, inviting objections against
the declaration of Coastal Stretches as Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) and imposing
restrictions on industries, operations and processes in the CRZ was published vide S.O.
No.944 (E) dated 15th December 1990.

And whereas all objections received have been duly considered by the Central

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (d) of sub-rule (3) of Rule
5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, and all other powers vesting in its behalf,
the Central Government hereby declares the coastal stretches of seas, bays, estuaries,
creeks, rivers and backwaters which are influenced by tidal action (in the landward side)
upto 500 metres from the High Tide Line (HTL) and the land between the Low Tide Line
(LTL) and the HTL as Coastal Regulation Zone; and imposes with effect from the date of this
Notification, the following restrictions on the setting up and expansion of industries,
operations or processes, etc. in the said Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ).

(i) For the purposes of this notification, the High Tide Line means the
line on the land upto which the highest water line reaches during the
spring tide. The High Tide Line shall be demarcated uniformly in all
parts of the country by the demarcating authority or authorities so
authorised by the Central Government, in accordance with the
general guidelines issued in this regard.
(ii) The distance from the High Tide Line shall apply to both sides in the
case of rivers, creeks and backwaters and may be modified on a case
to case basis for reasons to be recorded in writing while preparing the
Coastal Zone Management Plans provided that this distance shall not
be less than 100 meters or the width of the creek, river or
backwaters, which ever is less. The distance up to which
development along rivers, creeks and backwaters is to be regulated
shall be governed by the distance up to which the tidal effects are
experienced which shall be determined based on salinity
concentration of 5 parts per thousand(ppt). For the purpose of this
notification ,the salinity measurements shall be made during the
driest period of the year and the distance upto which tidal effects are
experienced shall be clearly identified and demarcated accordingly in
the Coastal Zone Management Plans.

1 Note: The following amendments were not included in this notification: 1(b)(A)(i)
in S.O.838 (E) dated 24th July 2000 (relating to Andaman & Nicobar Island), S.O.
725 (E) dated 24th June 2003 (copy not available)

ii)For amendments, Notifications of the MEF,GOI to be referred

2. Prohibited Activities:

The following activities are declared as prohibited within the Coastal Regulation
Zone, namely:

(i) setting up of new industries and expansion of existing industries,

except (a)10 those directly related to water front or directly needing
foreshore facilities (b) Projects of Department of Atomic Energy; and
(c) non-polluting industries in the field of information technology and
other service industries in the Coastal Regulation Zone of Special
Economic Zones (SEZ)

provided that (a) facilities for generating power by non conventional

energy sources and setting up of desalination plants may be
permitted within the said zone in areas not classified as CRZ-I(i); and
(b) construction of airstrips in the said zone in areas not classified as
CRZ-I(i) may also be permitted in the Islands of Lakshadweep and
Andaman & Nicobar by Government of India in the Ministry of
Environment & Forests.

(ii) manufacture or handling or storage or disposal of hazardous

substances as specified in the Notifications of the Government of
India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests No. S.O. 594(E)
dated 28th July 1989, S.O. 966(E) dated 27th November, 1989 and
GSR 1037(E) dated 5th December, 1989; except transfer of hazardous
substances from ships to ports, terminals and refineries and vice
versa in the port areas:

Provided that, facilities for receipt and storage of petroleum products

and Liquefied Natural Gas as specified in Annexure-III appended to
this notification and facilities for regasification of Liquefied Natural
Gas, may be permitted within the said Zone in areas not classified as
CRZ-I (i), subject to implementation of safety regulations including
guidelines issued by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate in the
Government of India, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and
guidelines issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests and
subject to such further terms and conditions for implementation of
ameliorative and restorative measures in relation to the environment
as may be stipulated by the Government of India in the Ministry of
Environment and Forests

(iii) Setting up and expansion of fish processing units including

warehousing (excluding hatchery and natural fish drying in permitted

Provided that existing fish processing units for modernisation

purposes may utilise twenty five per cent additional plinth area
required for additional equipment and pollution control measures
only subject to existing Floor Space index/ Floor Area Ratio norms
and subject to the condition that the additional plinth area shall not
be towards seaward side of existing unit and also subject to the
approval of State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control

(iv) setting up and expansion of units/mechanism for disposal of waste
and effluents, except facilities required for discharging treated
effluents into the water course with approval under the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; and except for storm
water drains;

(v) discharge of untreated wastes and effluents from industries, cities or

towns and other human settlements. Schemes shall be implemented
by the concerned authorities for phasing out the existing practices, if
any, within a reasonable time period not exceeding three years from
the date of this notification;

(vi) dumping of city or town waste for the purposes of landfilling or

otherwise; the existing practice, if any, shall be phased out within a
reasonable time not exceeding three years from the date of this

(vii) dumping of ash or any wastes from thermal power stations;

(viii) Land reclamation, bunding or disturbing the natural course of sea

water except those required for construction or modernisation or
expansion of ports, harbours, jetties, wharves, quays, slipways,
bridges and sea-links and for other facilities that are essential for
activities permissible under the notification or for control of coastal
erosion and maintenance or clearing of water ways, channels and
ports or for prevention of sandbars or for tidal regulators, storm
water drains or for structures for prevention of salinity ingress and
sweet water recharge:

provided that reclamation for commercial purposes such as shopping

and housing complexes, hotels and entertainment activities shall not
be permissible;

(ix) Mining of sands, rocks and other substrata materials, except (a)
those rare minerals not available outside the CRZ areas and (b)
exploration and extraction of Oil and Natural Gas

Provided that in the Union territory of the Andaman and Nicobar

Islands, mining of sand may be permitted by a committee constituted
by the Lieutenant Governor of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
consisting of – (1) the Chief Secretary Andaman & Nicobar
Administration; (2) Secretary, Department of Environment; (3)
Secretary, Department of Water Resources; and (4) Secretary,
Andaman Public Works Department:

Provided further that the Committee may permit mining of sand upto
44,102 cu.m. for construction purposes on a case to case basis, for
the period on and from the 1st day of April, 2003 to the 31st day of
March, 2004 from sites selected, inter-alia, based on rate of
replenishment or deposition of sand:

Provided also that the permission as may be granted under this sub-
paragraph for mining of sand shall be based on mining plans and
shall stipulate sufficient safeguards to prevent damage to the
sensitive coastal eco-system including corals, turtles, crocodiles,
birds nesting sites and protected areas.

(x) harvesting or drawal of ground water and construction of

mechanisms therefore within 200 m of HTL; in the 200m to 500m
zone it shall be permitted only when done manually through ordinary
wells for drinking, horticulture, agriculture and fisheries;

Provided that drawal of ground water is permitted, where no other

source of water is available and when done manually through
ordinary wells or hand pumps, for drinking and domestic purposes,
in the zone between 50 to 200 m from High Tide Line in case of seas,
bays and estuaries and within 200 m or the CRZ, whichever is less,
from High Tide Line in case of rivers, creeks and backwaters subject
to such restrictions as may be deemed necessary, in areas affected by
sea water intrusion, that may be imposed by an authority designated
by State Government/Union Territory Administration.

(xi) construction activities in CRZ -I except as specified in Annexure -I of

this notification;

(xii) any construction activity between the Low Tide Line and High Tide
Line except facilities for carrying treated effluents and waste water
discharges into the sea, facilities for carrying sea water for cooling
purposes, oil, gas and similar pipelines and facilities essential for
activities permitted under this Notification; and

(xiii) dressing or altering of sand dunes, hills, natural features including

landscape changes for beautification, recreational and other such
purpose, except as permissible under this Notification.

3. Regulation of Permissible Activities:

All other activities, except those prohibited in para 2 above, will be regulated as

(1) Clearance shall be given for any activity within the Coastal Regulation Zone only if it
requires water front and foreshore facilities. The assessment shall be completed
within a period of ninety days from receipt of the requisite documents and data from
the project authorities, and the decision shall be conveyed within thirty days

(2) The following activities will require environmental clearance from the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India, namely:

(i) Construction activities related to projects of Department of Atomic Energy or

Defence requirements for which foreshore facilities are essential such as.
slipways, jetties, wharves, quays; except for classified operational component
of defence projects for which a separate procedure shall be followed.
(Residential buildings, office buildings, hospital complexes, workshops shall

not come within the definition of operational requirements except in very
special cases and hence shall not normally be permitted in the CRZ

(ia) the clearance granted shall be valid for a period of five years for the
commencement of the construction or operation;

(ii) operational constructions for ports, harbours and light houses and
construction activities of jetties, wharves, quays, slip ways, pipelines and
conveying system including transmission lines, provided that, environmental
clearance in case of constructions or modernization or expansion of jetties
and wharves in the Union territory of Lakshadweep for providing embarkation
and disembarkation facilities shall be on the basis of a report of scientific
study conducted by the Central Government or any agency authorized or
recognized by it suggesting environmental safeguard measures required to be
taken for minimizing damage to corals and associated biodiversity ;

(ii)a Exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas and all associated activities
and facilities thereto;

(iii) Thermal Power Plants (only foreshore facilities for transport of raw materials
facilities for intake of cooling water and outfall for discharge of treated waste
water/cooling water); and

(iiia) Housing schemes in CRZ area as specified in sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 6

(iii b) Mining of rare minerals;

(iii c) Specified activities/facilities in SEZ subject to one time approval by the

Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests to such
activities based on the Master Plan of SEZ, spatial distribution of projects to
be located in CRZ and such other information as may be required for the

(iii d) facilities for generating power by non conventional energy sources,

desalination plants and weather radars;

(iii e) airstrips and associated facilities in Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar

(iv) Demolition or reconstruction of -

(i) buildings of archaeological or historical importance

(ii) heritage buildings; and

(iii) buildings under public use.

Explanation : - For the purpose of this clause iv, 'public use' shall include use
for purposes of worship, education, medical care and cultural activities.

(iv) All other activities with investment of five crore rupees or more:

Provided that activities involving investment of less than five crore rupees shall
be regulated by the concerned authorities at the State or Union territory level

in accordance with the provision of sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 6 of
Annexure-I of this notification.

(3) (i) The Coastal States and Union Territory Administrations shall prepare, within a
period of one year from the date of this Notification, Coastal Zone Management
Plans identifying and classifying the CRZ areas within their respective
territories in accordance with the guidelines given in Annexures I and II of the
Notification and obtain approval (with or without modifications) of the Central
Government in the Ministry of Environment & Forests;

(ii) Within the framework of such approved plans, all development and activities
within the CRZ other than those covered in para 2 and para 3(2) above shall
be regulated by the State Government, Union Territory Administration or the
local authority as the case may be in accordance with the guidelines given in
Annexure-I and II of the Notification; and

(iii) In the interim period till the Coastal Zone management Plans mentioned in
para 3(3) (i) above are prepared and approved, all developments and activities
within the CRZ shall not violate the provisions of this Notification. State
Governments and Union Territory Administrations shall ensure adherence to
these regulations and violations, if any, shall be subject to the provisions of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

4. Procedure for monitoring and enforcement:

The Ministry of Environment & Forests and the Government of State or Union
Territory and such other authorities at the State or Union Territory levels, as may be
designated for this purpose, shall be responsible for monitoring and enforcement of
the provisions of this notification within their respective jurisdictions.

Annexure - I


Classification of Coastal Regulation Zone:

6(1) For regulating development activities, the coastal stretches within 500 metres of High
Tide Line on the landward side are classified into four categories, namely:

Category I (CRZ-I):
(i) Areas that are ecologically sensitive and important, such as national parks/marine
parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats, mangroves, corals/coral reefs, areas
close to breeding and spawning grounds of fish and other marine life, areas of outstanding
natural beauty/historically/heritage areas, areas rich in genetic diversity, areas likely to be
inundated due to rise in sea level consequent upon global warming and such other areas as
may be declared by the Central Government or the concerned authorities at the
State/Union Territory level from time to time.
(ii) Area between Low Tide Line and the high Tide Line.

Category-II (CRZ-II):
The areas that have already been developed upto or close to the shoreline. For this purpose,
"developed area" is referred to as that area within the municipal limits or in other legally
designated urban areas which is already substantially built up and which has been
provided with drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such as
water supply and sewerage mains.

Category-III (CRZ-III):
Areas that are relatively undisturbed and those which do not belong to either Category-I or
II. These will include coastal zone in the rural areas (developed and undeveloped) and also
areas within Municipal limits or in other legally designated urban areas which are not
substantially built up.

Category-IV (CRZ-IV):
Coastal stretches in the Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep and small islands, except those
designated as CRZ-I, CRZ-II or CRZ-III.

Norms for Regulation of Activities.

6(2) The development or construction activities in different categories of CRZ area shall
be regulated by the concerned authorities at the State/Union Territory level, in accordance
with the following norms:

No new construction shall be permitted in CRZ- I except
(a) Projects relating to Department of Atomic Energy and
(b) Pipelines, conveying systems including transmission lines
(c) facilities that are essential for activities permissible under CRZ-I.
(d) operational construction of jetties, wharves or construction, development or
modernization of jetties and wharves in the Union territory of Lakshadweep for
providing embarkation or disembarkation facilities on the basis of a scientific study
report conducted by the Central Government or any agency authorized or
recognized by it suggesting environmental safeguard measures required to be
taken for minimizing damage to corals and associated bio-diversity; and
(e) installation of weather radar for monitoring of cyclone movement and prediction by
Indian Meteorological Department.; Between the LTL and the HTL, activities as
specified under paragraph 2 (xii) may be permitted.
In addition, between LTL and HTL in areas which are not ecologically sensitive and
important, the following may be permitted:
(a) Exploration and extraction of Oil and Natural Gas,
(b) activities as specified under proviso of sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph 2,
(c) Construction of dispensaries, schools, public rain shelters, community toilets,
bridges, roads, jetties, water supply, drainage, sewerage which are required for
traditional inhabitants of the Sunderbans Bio-sphere reserve area, West Bengal, on
a case to case basis, by the West Bengal State Coastal Zone Management Authority

(d) salt harvesting by solar evaporation of sea water.
(e) desalination plants, and
(f) storage of non hazardous cargo such as edible oil, fertilizers and food grain within
notified ports.

(i) Buildings shall be permitted only on the landward side of the existing road (or
roads approved in the Coastal Zone Management Plan of the area) or on the
landward side of existing authorised structures. Buildings permitted on the
landward side of the existing and proposed roads/existing authorised structures
shall be subject to the existing local Town and Country Planning Regulations
including the existing norms of Floor Space Index/Floor Area Ratio:
Provided that no permission for construction of buildings shall be given on
landward side of any new roads (except roads approved in the Coastal Zone
Management Plan) which are constructed on the seaward side of an existing
Provided further that the above restrictions on construction, based on existing
roads/authorised structures, roads proposed in the approved Coastal Zone
Management Plans, new roads shall not apply to the housing schemes of State
Urban Development Authorities implemented in phases for which construction
activity was commenced prior to 19th February, 1991 in atleast one phase and
all relevant approvals from State/Local Authorities were obtained prior to 19th
February, 1991; in all such cases specific approval of the Ministry of
Environment and Forests would be necessary on a case to case basis.
(ia) facilities for receipt and storage of petroleum products and liquefied natural gas
as specified in Annexure-III appended to this notification and facilities for
regasification of liquefied natural gas subject to the conditions as mentioned in
para 2(ii)
(ib) desalination plants
(ic) storage of non hazardous cargo such as edible oil, fertilizers and food grain in
notified ports.
(id) facilities for generating power by non conventional energy sources.
(ie) construction of airstrips and associated facilities in the Islands of Lakshadweep
and Andaman and Nicobar.
(ii) Reconstruction of the authorised buildings to be permitted subject to the
existing FSI/FAR norms and without change in the existing use.
(iii) The design and construction of buildings shall be consistent with the
surrounding landscape and local architectural style.

(i) The area upto 200 metres from the High Tide Line is to be earmarked as ‘No
Development Zone’ provided that such area does not fall within any notified
port limits or any notified Special Economic Zone. No construction shall be
permitted within this zone except for repairs of existing authorised structures
not exceeding existing FSI, existing plinth area and existing density, and for
permissible activities under the notification including facilities essential for
such activities. However, the following uses /activities may be permissible in

this zone – agriculture, horticulture, gardens, pastures, parks, play fields,
forestry, ,mining of rare minerals projects relating to the Department of
Atomic Energy and salt manufacture from sea water, facilities for receipt and
storage of petroleum products and liquefied natural gas as specified in
Annexure-III appended to this notification and facilities for regasification of
liquefied natural gas subject to the conditions as mentioned in para 2(ii),
facilities for generating power by non conventional energy sources,
desalination plants, weather radars and construction of airstrips and
associated facilities in the Islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar.

(ia) Construction of dispensaries, schools, public rain shelters, community toilets,

bridges, roads and provision of facilities for water supply, drainage, sewerage
which are required for the local inhabitants may be permitted, on a case to
case basis, by the Central Government or Coastal Zone Management Authority
constituted for the State/Union Territory.

Provided that construction of units or ancillary thereto for domestic sewage

treatment and disposal shall be permissible notwithstanding anything
contained in sub-paragraph (iv) of paragraph 2 of this notification
(ib) the No Development Zone may be reduced to a minimum of 50 mts in the
identified stretches of the Islands in the Union Territory of Andaman and
Nicobar Islands selected and declared by the Central Government for
promotion of tourism, based on an integrated coastal zone management study
conducted or commissioned by the Ministry of Environment & Forests;
(ii) Development of vacant plots between 200 and 500 metres of High Tide Line in
designated areas of CRZ-III with prior approval of Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MEF) permitted for construction of hotels/beach resorts for temporary
occupation of tourists/visitors subject to the conditions as stipulated in the
guidelines at Annexure-II.
(iia) facilities for receipt and storage of petroleum products and liquefied natural
gas as specified in Annexure-III appended to this notification and facilities for
regasification of liquefied natural gas subject to the conditions as mentioned
in para 2(ii).
(iib) storage of non hazardous cargo such as edible oil, fertilizers and food grain in
notified ports.
(iic) desalination plants
(iid) facilities for generating power by non conventional energy sources.
(iie) construction of airstrips and associated facilities in the Islands of
Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar.
(iif) construction and operation of jetties in the Union territory of Lakshadweep.
(iii) Construction/reconstruction of dwelling units between 200 and 500 metres
of the High TideLine permitted so long it is within the ambit of traditional
rights and customary uses such as existing fishing villages and gaothans.
Building permission for such construction/reconstruction will be subject to
the conditions that the total number of dwelling units shall not be more than
twice the number of existing units; total covered area on all floors shall not
exceed 33 percent of the plot size; the overall height of construction shall not
exceed 9 metres and construction shall not be more than 2 floors ground floor
plus one floor. Construction is allowed for permissible activities under the

notification including facilities essential for such activities. An authority
designated by State Government/Union Territory Administration may permit
construction of public rain shelters, community toilets, water supply,
drainage, sewerage, roads and bridges. The said authority may also permit
construction of schools and dispensaries, for local inhabitants of the area, for
those panchayats the major part of which falls within CRZ if no other area is
available for construction of such facilities.
(iv) Reconstruction/alterations of an existing authorised building permitted
subject to (i) to (iii) above.
(v) In notified SEZ, construction of non–polluting industries in the field of
information technology and other service industries, desalination plants
,beach resorts and related recreational facilities essential for promotion of SEZ
as approved in its Master Plan by SEZ Authority may be permitted.
Andaman & Nicobar Islands:
(i) No new construction of buildings shall be permitted within 200 metres of the
HTL; except facilities for generating power by non conventional energy sources,
desalination plants and construction of airstrips and associated facilities.
(ii) The buildings between 50 and 500 metres from the High Tide Line shall not
have more than 2 floors (ground floor and first floor),the total covered area on
all floors shall not be more than 50 per cent of the plot size and the total
height of construction shall not exceed 9 metres;
(iii) The design and construction of buildings shall be consistent with the
surrounding landscape and local architectural style.
(iv) (a) Corals from the beaches and coastal waters shall not be used for
construction and other purposes.
(b) sand may be used from the beaches and coastal waters, only for
construction purpose upto the 31st day of March, 2004 and thereafter it
shall not be used for construction and other purposes.
(v) Dredging and underwater blasting in and around coral formations shall not
be permitted; and

(2) However, in some of the islands, coastal stretches may also be classified into
categories CRZ-I or II or III with the prior approval of Ministry of Environment and
Forests and in such designated stretches, the appropriate regulations given for
respective Categories shall apply.

Lakshadweep and small Islands:

(i) For permitting construction of buildings, the distance from the High Tide Line
shall be decided depending on the size of the islands. This shall be laid down
for each island, on the basis of integrated coastal zone management study and
with approval of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, keeping in view the
land use requirements for specific purposes vis-à-vis local conditions including
hydrological aspects erosion and ecological sensitivity;
(ia) facilities for generating power by non conventional energy sources;
(ib) desalination plants;

(ic) construction of airstrips and associated facilities;
(id) operational construction of jetties and wharves or construction, development
or modernization of jetties and wharves on the basis of a scientific study
conducted by the Central Government or any agency authorized or recognized
by it on a case to case basis suggesting environmental safeguard measures
required to be taken for minimizing damage to corals and associated
[ii] The buildings within 500 metres from the HTL shall not have more than 2
floors (ground floor and 1st floor), the total covered area on all floors shall not
be more than 50 per cent of the plot size and the total height of construction
shall not exceed 9 metres;
(iii) The design and construction of buildings shall be consistent with the
surrounding landscape and local architectural style;
(iv) Corals and sand from the beaches and coastal waters shall not be used for
construction and other purposes;
(v) Dredging and underwater blasting in and around coral formations shall not be
permitted; and
(vi) However, in some of the islands, coastal stretches may also be classified into
categories CRZ-I or II or III, with the prior approval of Ministry of Environment
& Forests and in such designated stretches, the appropriate regulations given
for respective Categories shall apply.

Annexure – II



7(1) Construction of beach resorts/hotels with prior approval of MEF in the designated
areas of CRZ-III for temporary occupation of tourists/visitors shall be subject to the
following conditions:
(i) The project proponents shall not undertake any construction (including
temporary constructions and fencing or such other barriers) within 200 metres
(in the landward wide) from the High Tide Line and within the area between
the Low Tide and High Tide Line;
(ia) live fencing and barbed wire fencing with vegetative cover may be allowed
around private properties subject to the condition that such fencing shall in no
way hamper public access to the beach;
(ib) no flattening of sand dunes shall be carried out;
(ic) no permanent structures for sports facilities shall be permitted except
construction of goal posts, net posts and lamp posts.
(id) construction of basements may be allowed subject to the condition that no
objection certificate is obtained from the State Ground Water Authority to the
effect that such construction will not adversely affect free flow of ground water
in that area. The State Ground Water Authority shall take into consideration

the guidelines issued by the Central Government before granting such no
objection certificate.
Though no construction is allowed in the no development zone for the purposes of
calculation of FSI, the area of entire plot including 50% of the portion which falls
within the no development zone shall be taken into account.
Provided further that construction for the purpose of tourism development may be
permitted beyond 50 mts on the landward side of the High Tide Line in the Union
Territories of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands based on
integrated coastal zone management study conducted by the Ministry of
Environment & Forests by itself or through any agency authorized by it in this
(ii) The total plot size shall not be less than 0.4 hectares and the total covered
area on all floors shall not exceed 33 per cent of the plot size i.e. the FSI shall
not exceed 0.33. Further, the total covered area of all the floors shall not be
more than 50% of the plot size both in the Union Territory of Andaman and
Nicobar Islands and the Union Territory of Lakshadweep Islands The open
area shall be suitably landscaped with appropriate vegetal cover;
(iii) The construction shall be consistent with the surrounding landscape and local
architectural style;
(iv) The overall height of construction upto highest ridge of the roof, shall not
exceed 9 metres and the construction shall not be more than 2 floors (ground
floor plus one upper floor);
(v) Ground water shall not be tapped within 200m of the HTL; within the 200
metre – 500 metre zone, it can be tapped only with the concurrence of the
Central/State Ground Water Board;
(vi) Extraction of sand, levelling or digging of sandy stretches except for structural
foundation of building, swimming pool shall not be permitted within 500
metres of the High Tide Line;
(vii) The quality of treated effluents, solid wastes, emissions and noise levels, etc.
from the project area must conform to the standards laid down by the
competent authorities including the Central/State Pollution Control Board and
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986;
[viii] Necessary arrangements for the treatment of the effluents and solid wastes
must be made. It must be ensured that the untreated effluents and solid
wastes are not discharged into the water or on the beach; and no
effluent/solid waste shall be discharged on the beach
[ix] To allow public access to the beach, at least a gap of 20 metres width shall be
provided between any two hotels/beach resorts; and in no case shall gaps be
less than 500 metres apart; and
[x] If the project involves diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes,
clearance as required under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 shall be
obtained. The requirements of other Central and State laws as applicable to
the project shall be met with.
[xi] Approval of the State/Union Territory Tourism Department shall be obtained.

7(2) In ecologically sensitive areas (such as marine parks, mangroves, coral reefs,
breeding and spawning grounds of fish, wildlife habitats and such other areas as
may notified by the Central/State Government/Union Territories) construction of
beach resorts/hotels shall not be permitted.

Annexure - III
[See paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (ii)]

List of Petroleum Products Permitted for Storage in Coastal Regulation Zone

except CRZ I; Crude Oil;

i. Liquefied Petroleum Gas

ii. Motor Spirit;
iii. Kerosene;
iv. Aviation Fuel;
v. High Speed Diesel;
vi. Lubricating Oil;
vii. Butane;
viii. Propane;
ix. Compressed Natural Gas;
x. Naphtha;
xi. Furnace Oil;
xii. Low Sulphur Heavy Stock.
xiii. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

Environmental clearances accorded by the Ministry of Surface Transport from 9th July 1997
till the publication of this notification are valid. All proposals for environment clearance
pending with the Ministry of Surface Transport stand transferred to Ministry of
Environment and forests from the date of publication of this notification.

[The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India vide number S.O. 114(E),
dated, the 19th February, 1991 (Corrigendum number S.O 190(E) dated 18th March 1991)
and subsequently amended]


[DR No. 24(2)(b)]

Regulation for developments in the Aquifer Recharge Area

(1) In the interest of maintaining the aquifers in the area and to realise the full benefits of
recharge into this aquifer during precipitation, this aquifer recharge area that serve as one
of the major sources for city water supply has been declared as aquifer recharge area
restricted for development. Details of villages covered in the aquifer recharge area are given
in Map no MP-II/CMDA.10/2008 and it is bounded by city limits in the north, CMA limits
in the south, B'canal in the west and coastal line in the east falling in the following villages:

(i) Kottivakkam
(ii) Palavakkam
(iii) Neelankarai
(iv) Okkiamthuraipakkam
(v) Injambakkam
(vi) Karapakkam
(vii) Sholinganallur
(viii) Uthandi

(2) Parts of the Restricted Development Zone area to a depth of 500 m from the High Tide
Line of the sea and 100 m from the Buckingham canal lie in the Coastal Regulation Zone
as per the Coastal Zone Management Plan. Developments there in shall also be subject to
the Coastal Zone Regulation notified by Government of India under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 and the amendments made from time to time.

(3) In the Restricted Development Zone, Ordinary residential and commercial buildings,
institutional and other non-Multi Storeyed Buildings shall be permitted only for the
following purposes and accessory uses.

A. Normally Permissible Category.

(i) Any ordinary residential building including dwelling, detached, semi-detached,
tenements or flats and service apartments.
(ii) Professional consulting offices and incidental uses thereto occupying a floor
area not exceeding 40 sq.m. and G+1 floors in height
(iii) Schools of Commerce including Tutorial Institutions not exceeding 100 sq.m.
in floor area and G+1 floors in height
(iv) Petty shops dealing with daily essentials like retail sale of provisions, soft
drinks, etc., tea stalls, bakery, confectionary, retail shops, mutton stalls, milk
kiosk, cycle repair shops, tailoring shops etc. occupying a floor area not
exceeding 40 sq.m. and G+1 floors in height
(v) Nursery schools, Primary Schools, High Schools, Higher Secondary Schools,
Libraries and reading rooms.
(vi) Parks, play grounds, farms, gardens, nurseries, including incidental buildings
(vii) Cottage industries listed in G.O.Ms.Nos.565 and 566 dated 12.3.1962 as
amended and indicated in Annexure V (with number of workers not exceeding
8 and electric machineries not exceeding 5 H.P.) with G+1 floors in height

(viii) Storage of domestic cooking gas cylinders not exceeding 300 M2 in floor area
subject to the conditions prescribed in G.O.M.sNo.329 dated 24.2.1977 viz.
necessary the Applicant should obtain clearance from the Director of Fire &
Rescue Services and from the Dept. of Explosives of the Govt. of India.

B Permissible with the special sanction of the CMDA:

i) Hostels and dormitories not exceeding 500 sq.m. in floor area and G+1 floors
in height
ii) Working women's hostel / old age homes with G+1 floors in height
iii) Assembly halls, welfare institutions not exceeding 300m2 in floor area and
15.25m in height (upto crown level in case of leaned roofs).
iv) Govt./Semi Govt. Offices, Banks, Pay Offices, Post Office, Offices of Electricity
Board, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Limited, etc.
occupying a floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m. and G+1 floors in height
v) Daily or weekly markets serving local needs not exceeding G+1 floors.
vi) Transport depots. bus terminals and railway stations.
vii) Service industries serving the local needs such as flourmills, repair shops,
service workshops with installations not exceeding 15 HP, 300m2 in floor area
and G+1 floor in height.
viii) Public Utility Buildings like sewage-pumping stations, water works, Fire
stations, Telephone exchanges not exceeding 15.25m in height.
ix) Restaurants not exceeding 300 sq.m. in floor area with G+1 floors in height
provided the width of the abutting road is minimum 10 metres
x) Clinics, Nursing Homes, Dispensaries and other Health facilities not exceeding
300 sq.m. in floor area with G+1 floors in height provided the width of the
abutting road is minimum 10 metres
xi) Departmental stores with a floor area not exceeding 100 Sq.m and with G+1
floors in height provided the width of the abutting road is minimum 10 metres
xii) Fuel filling stations and service stations with installations not exceeding 5 HP
and with G+1 floors in height provided the width of the abutting road is
minimum 10 metres
xiii) Swimming Pools attached to residential activity in a plot.
xiv) Air-conditioned Cinema Theatres and open-air theatres not exceeding 15.25m
in height abutting min. 12 m wide road.
xv) Burning burial grounds, crematoria and cemeteries.
xvi) Religious buildings not exceeding 300 sq.m. in floor area
xvii) On plots/sites not less than 1 Hect. in extent:
(a) Beach cottages, hotels and tourism-based developments as may be decided
by the Authority not exceeding 15.25m in height.
(b) Recreational activities not exceeding 15.25m. in height
(c) Educational, technical and research institutions not exceeding 15.25m in
(4) (a) In the Natham sites, and the sites shown as EWS Area in the Master Plan Map
the activities listed as A(i) to (viii) and B(i) to (xii) are only permissible.
(b) In other areas, all the activities listed in (3)A and (3)B are permissible.

(c) Permissible non-residential activity shall be limited to one in a subdivision / plot
in cases where it is a residential plot in an approved layout.
(5) The extent of the site, plot coverage, FSI, Set back, etc. for the developments shall
be regulated as given below:

(i) Ordinary Residential / Commercial Buildings and Other Small developments:

ƒ Ordinary residential / predominantly residential, clinics, Dispensaries, Nursing

homes stated above
ƒ Working women hostels stated above
ƒ Service apartments stated above
ƒ Cottage industries (with number of workers not exceeding 8 and electric machineries
not exceeding 5 H.P.) stated above
ƒ Nursery schools, primary schools not exceeding 300 sq.m.
ƒ Reading rooms, libraries, post office, EB office, telegraphic office, Local body
maintenance offices not exceeding 300 sq.m.
ƒ Govt., semi Govt. office stated above
ƒ Religious building stated above

Natham/declared EWS
areas / EWS plots Other Areas
Minimum plot
80 sq.m. 440 sq.m.
4.5m 15m
Max. FSI 1.00 0.80
Max. Plot
50% 40%
8.5m 8.5m
Max. height
(G+1 or stilt +2 floors) (G+1 or stilt +2 floors)
Min. set back: In accordance with the Rule 8 Where street alignment and building
lines have not been specified, it shall be as given below.
Abutting road Min.
Width FSB
Upto 10m 1.5 m
Min. Front Set Above 10m but less than 3.0 m
Back 15.25m
Above 15.25 m but less than 4.5 m
Above 30.5 m 6.0 m
SSB Nil 2m on either side
RSB Nil 2m

(a) Other parameters such as Parking, width of corridor etc shall be regulated as
provided elsewhere in this DR.
(b) For New Sub-divisions and layouts, plot extent and frontage shall be minimum
as prescribed above.

(c) In cases of earlier approved layout plots / approved sites, it shall be as per the
approved layout plan / approved site plan and no further sub division shall be
allowed / recognised after the date of coming into force of these amended DR
provisions (date/month/year) unless it satisfies the regulations applicable for
development in Restricted Development Zone. Further even in such approved
layout plots / approved sites construction for which permissions sought shall
comply with these amended DR provisions applicable for developments in RDZ.
(d) In the rear set back of residential premises structures like lavatory, lumber room,
garage, etc. not intended for human habitation and servant quarters may be
permitted provided that such structures do not occupy more than one-third of the
rear width of the site and 6 m from the rear boundary; provided further that the
height of such structures do not exceed 4 m measured from the ground level of
the site.

(ii) Other large institutional developments such as Religious Buildings, Higher

Educational, Technical and Research Institutions shall be regulated with reference to
the planning parameters given in the Tables 7 & 8 under DR 25 subject to a maximum
FSI of 0.80 and maximum plot coverage of 40%. Assembly halls and other assembly
buildings /places of public assembly shall have minimum set back of 6m all around.

(iii) Service industries stated in (3) B (vii) above shall be regulated with reference to the
planning parameters given in the Table 3 under DR 25 subject to maximum FSI of 0.80
and maximum plot coverage of 40 %.

(iv) Beach cottages, hotels, tourism based developments and recreational activities
stated in sub rule (3) B (xvii) (a) and (b) and also daily or weekly markets and other
commercial activities stated above shall be regulated with reference to the DR.25 [Tables
7,8, & 9]/ DR 26/ DR 27 as the case may be, subject to a maximum FSI of 0.80 and
maximum plot coverage of 40%.

(6) The laying out and sub division / amalgamation/reconstitution of land for building
purposes shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions specified in DR 29
subject to minimum plot extent and frontage as specified above. No new subdivision or
layout shall obstruct the access to beach by general public and the developers shall
provide access of adequate width to beach when such developments are made

(7] Rain water harvesting – (a) Within the site major part of the area which is not covered
by the buildings / structures shall not be paved and it shall be maintained as green
space with proper rain water harvesting provisions allowing the storm water collected
during precipitation percolates below and recharge the aquifer.

(b) Any direction / instruction given by the approving authority in the matter of
preservation of the aquifer recharge shall be carried out by the applicant, land
owners, buyers, developers. If any direction / instruction is not carried out, action
may be taken by the approving authorities to carry out the work and the
expenditure incurred for that work shall be collected from those who failed to carry
out the direction / instruction as if it is an arrear of land revenue by the authority
concerned or by the Taluk Tahsildar.

(c) Any failure to carry out the direction / instruction or fulfill the condition shall be the
sufficient ground for ordering for discontinuance of the activity in the premises.

[8] The sewage disposal system within the premises shall be so designed not to pollute the

[DR No. 24(2)(c)]
Regulations for Redhills catchment area

(1). In the interest of maintaining the Redhills and Puzhal lakes catchments area free
from possible contamination and to realise the full benefits of surface run off during
precipitation the areas in the catchment of these lakes which serve as the major
source for city water supply has been declared as Redhills catchment area restricted
for development.

(2). Details of the villages covered under the catchment area are given in the Map No.
MP-II/CMDA.11/2008 and the villages list is given below:
(1) Attanthangal
(2) Pammadukulam
(3) Pothur
(4) Vellanur
(5) Morai
(6) Pulikutti
(7) Tenambakkam
(8) Arakkambakkam
(9) Pandeswaram
(10) Melpakkam
(11) Kadavur
(12) Karlambakkam
(13) Kilkondaiyur
(14) Alathur
(15) Vellacheri
(16) Pakkam
(17) Palavedu
(18) Mittanamallee
(19) Muktha pudupattu
(20) Kovil padagai
(21) Vijayanallur
(22) Palaya Erumaivetti palayam
(23) Alamadi
(24) Thirumullaivoyal (Part) - (All S.Nos. north of M.T.H. Road)
(25) Nallur (Part) - (All S.Nos. west of G.N.T. Road)
(26) Oragadam (Part) - (All S.Nos. north of Ambattur Redhills Road)
(27) Padianallur (Part) - (All S.Nos. west of G.N.T. Road)

(3) In the areas zoned as Primary Residential use zone and Mixed Residential use
zone, Industrial use zone (covering the existing industries of National
importance) and the areas covered in approved layouts, and areas reserved for
commercial exploitation within 122 m. (400 ft.) wide ORR, developments are
allowable subject to satisfying zoning regulations and planning parameters
prescribed in these rules.

(4) Other use zone classifications such as commercial use zone and Institutional
use zone etc have not been made in these villages specifically for prohibition of
such activities in this catchment area. Existing authorised activities may
continue without expansion or enlargement.

(5) Contiguous Government lands in these areas are deemed to have been zoned for
Open space and Recreational use zone for developing social forestry.

(6) No lands shall be reclassified into any urban use zone.


Rules for Information Technology Park

1(a) The development of land and building for the purpose of development of
Information Technology Park, Software and its associated, computer technology,
Bio-Informatics units shall be certified by the appropriate authority designated
by the Government for the purpose, to avail the concessions stated below and
shall be in the following use zones as indicated below:

i) Primary Residential use zone

ii) Commercial use zone
iii) Industrial use zone
iv) Mixed Residential use zone
v) Institutional use zone
vi) Urbanisable use zone
vii) I.T.Corridor zone - lands along the Old Mamallapuram Road
(irrespective of its land use zoning in the Master Plan / Detailed
Development Plan) bounded by:
North - City limit (Kottivakkam)
South - CMA limit (Semmancheri village)
East - Buckingham Canal
West - about 500 metres from Old Mamallapuram Road,
defined in Map No. MP-II/CMDA.14/2008)

(b) Areas: The proposed Information Technology development is permissible in the

Chennai Metropolitan Area, subject to the provision of adequate water supply
and sewage disposal arrangements to the satisfaction of the Authority in
consultation with the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board,
Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Local body as the case may be.
2. Activities: Manufacture of hardware, development of software and its associated
computer - communication technology applications, bio-informatics units
including offices, conference halls and projection theatres connected there with,
only shall be permitted. No showrooms, other offices, residential uses and
activities of similar nature shall be permitted. Provided that incidental activities
such as staff canteen, staff recreational area, guest accommodation, watchmen
quarters, and the like not exceeding 10% of the total floor area shall be
permitted. Provided further that within above ceiling of 10%, each of the above
incidental activities should not exceed 5% of the total floor area.
3. Road width: The proposed development shall either abut on a public road of not
less than 18 metres in width or gain access from a passage of not less than 18
metres width which connects to a public road of not less than 18 metres width.
4. Site extent: The site extent shall not be less than 1500 Sq.m.
5. Height: (a) For non-multi-storeyed buildings, it shall be in conformity with the
requirements prescribed in the respective Development Regulations.
(b) For Multi-Storeyed Buildings, maximum permissible height shall be 60
metres where the width of the abutting road is minimum 18 metres, and

exceeding 60 metres where the width of abutting road is minimum 30.5 metres,
subject to such conditions as may be necessary.
Development charge shall be at double the normally leviable rate for the part of
the building, which falls in the height exceeding 1.5 times the width of the
abutting road.

6. Floor Space Index: The Floor Space Index for such development shall be allowed
as normally permissible in Development Regulations, if such proposals falls
within the categories listed in the sub rule 1(a) above.

Provided that in case of developments where the site extent is not less than 2000
sq.metres and conforms to other regulations stated above, the Floor Space Index
shall be allowed at 1.5 times of the Floor Space Index ordinarily permissible
except in Primary Residential use zone within the Chennai City Corporation

7. Caution Deposit:

a. Caution Deposit to be made by the applicant before issue of Planning

Permission shall be 10% of the guideline value of the land or 20% of the
Guideline Value of the land area equal to which the additional floor area is
availed, whichever is higher. The caution deposit is acceptable in the form of
an irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued in the format prescribed by CMDA, in
favour of Member-Secretary, CMDA from any scheduled bank in Chennai

b. The Bank Guarantee shall be kept alive till a final decision is taken by

c. The Bank Guarantee towards caution deposit is returnable after a period of

five years, from complete occupation and commencement of commercial
operation subject to confirmation by a certificate from the Competent
Authority (ELCOT) certifying that the building is put into continuous use for
IT parks/Bio Informatics units for the said five years.

d. If the building is utilised for any other purpose during this period and the
occupancy confirmation certificate from the Competent Authority (ELCOT) is
not furnished, the Bank Guarantee shall be invoked and the caution deposit
shall be forfeited by transferring the same to CMDA's account.

e. The caution deposit referred to above shall be different from and over and
above the security deposit to be paid in the normal course of issue of
Planning Permission.

f. The decision of CMDA is final in the invocation/release of Bank Guarantee.

8. Car Parking Standards: The covered Car Parking space will be allowed up to
Ground+3 floors above ground level and the same shall not be included in the
floor space index/plot coverage.

9. Other Parameters: Except for the above said rules, the developments shall
conform to the Development Regulations in respect of all other parameters.


DR No. 24(4)(a)

MRTS Influence area

1. MRTS Influence area, for allowing the maximum FSI of 2.00 non- Multistoreyed
residential developments with dwelling units each not exceeding 75 sq.metres in
floor area is described below [shown in the Map no. MP-II/CMDA.15/2008].

Areas falling in the City Corporation Division no.138, 142, 143, 147, 148, 149,
151, 153, and 154.


[DR.No.24 (4)(c)]


(Extracted from the National Building Code of India)


A-0.I For the purpose of this Appendix, the following definitions shall apply.

A-0.I.I AERODROME REFERENCE POINT (ARP) - This is a designated point, which is

established in the horizontal plane at or near the geometric centre of the landing area. .


A-O.1.3 ELEVATION OR REDUCED LEVEL - This is the vertical distance of a point or a

level, on or affixed to the surface of the earth, measured from the mean sea level.

A-0.1.4 TRANSITIONAL AREA -It is an area which is below a specified surface sloping
upwards and outwards from the edge of the approach funnel and from a line originating
at the end of the inner edge of each approach area, drawn parallel to the runway centre
line in the direction of landing (see Fig. I).

A-0.1.5 RUNWAY STRIP - See Fig. I.


A-1.1 No building or structure shall be constructed or erected or no tree shall be

planted, on any land within the limits specified in A-I.2 andA-i.3 in respect of the
aerodromes listed in A-3 and in respect of the aerodrome at Trivandrum.

A-1.2 For the Aerodromes Listed in A3 - These requirements shall be applicable for the
land enclosed in approach funnels of the runway with a maximum distance of 360 m
measured from each runway and along the extended centre line of the runway. For the
purpose of this clause, the requirements of approach funnel and an instrument runway
shall be as given in A-I.2.1 to A-I.2.3.

A-I.2.1 Approach funnel in the case of an instrument runway means the area in the
shape of an isosceles trapezium having the longer parallel side 4800 m long (2400 m on
either side of the extended centre line of the runway) and smaller parallel side 300 m
long (150m on either side of the extended centre line of the runway) where the smaller
and longer parallel sides are placed at a distance of 60 m and 15060 m, respectively,
from the end of the runway and at. right angles to the extended centre line.

A-I.2.2 In the case of a non-instrument runway, the approach funnel means the area in
the shape of an isosceles trapezium having the longer parallel side 1800 m long (900 m
on either side of the extended centre line of the runway) and smaller parallel side 180 m
long (90 m on either side of the extended centre line of the runway), where the smaller
and longer parallel sides are placed at a distance of 60 m and 6540 m, respectively,
from the end of the runway and at right angles to the extended centre line. Thereafter,
the trapezium is fol. lowed by a contiguous rectangular area of that width for the
remainder of the length up to a distance of 15 060 m from the end of the runway.

A-I.2.3 An instrument runway is a runway served by visual and non-visual aid or aids
providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight in approach and intended
for the operation of aircraft using instrument approach procedures.


A-2.I For the Aerodromes Listed in A-3- No building or structure higher than the height
specified in Tables 5 and 6 shall be constructed or erected, or no tree which is likely to
grow or ordinarily grows higher than the height specified in the Tables 5 and 6, shall be
planted, on any land within a radius of 20 km from ARP of the aerodromes listed in A-J,
excluding the land covered by A-I.2.


Maximum Permissible
Height above the Elevation
Sl.No. Area
of the nearest Runway end.
(1) (2) (3)
i) More than 360 m but not exceeding 510 m 6
ii) More than 510 m but not exceeding 660 m 9
iii) More than 660 m but not exceeding 810 m 12
iv) More than 810 m but not exceeding 960 m 15
v) More than 960 m but not exceeding 1110 m 18

vi) More than 1110 m but not exceeding 1260 m 21

vii) More than 1260 m but not exceeding 1410 m 24
viii) More than l410m but not exceeding 1560 m 27
ix) More than 1560 m 30


Maximum Permissible
Distance from the inner Boundary of the
Sl.No. Height above the Elevation
Transitional Area specified above.
of the ARP (m)
(1) (2) (3)
i) Up to a distance of 21m -
ii) More than 21m but not exceeding 42m 3
iii) More than 42m but not exceeding 63m 6
iv) More than 63m but not exceeding 84m 9
v) More than 84m but not exceeding 105m 12
vi) More than 105m but not exceeding 126m 15
vii) More than 126m but not exceeding 147m 18
viii) More than 147m but not exceeding 168m 21
ix) More than 168m but not exceeding 189m 24
x) More than l89m but not exceeding 210m 27
xi) More than 210m 30

A-2.1.1 Table 5 gives the height restriction with respect to approach funnels and shall
be applicable for the land enclosed in the approach funnels of all runways where distan-
ces are measured from each end of the runway, along extended centre line of the

A-2.1.2 Table 6 gives height restriction with respect to transitional area and shall be
applicable for the land enclosed in the transitional area of all runways at an aerodrome
listed in A-3 where distances are measured from the associated runway strip and the
edge of the associated approach funnels, forming the inner boundary of the transitional
area and along a line at right angles to the centre line of the runway.


A-3.1 Chennai aerodromes runway directions, runway and elevations and ARP
elevations are given below:

ARP Elevation (in Runway End

Sl.No. Aerodrome Runway No.
metre) Elevation

07 12

Madras 25 15.5
1 10.5
(Chennai) 12 9

30 13

Parking Requirements
Parking and Parking facilities:
(a) For the use of the occupants and of persons visiting the premises for the
purposes of profession, trade, business, recreation or any other activity parking
spaces and parking facilities shall be provided within the site to the satisfaction
of the Authority and conforming to the standards specified below.
(b) The portion of the site affected by street alignment shall not be reserved for

(1) Residential

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor
Dwelling Unit No. of Parking Dwelling Unit
No. of Parking Spaces
with Spaces with
Floor area upto Floor area upto
Nil Nil
25 sqm 50 sqm
Floor area above Floor area above
25 sqm and upto 1 Two Wheeler space 50 sqm and upto 1 Two Wheeler space
50 sqm 75 sqm
Floor area 1 car space for every 2 Floor area 1 car space for every 2
above 50 sqm dwelling units and 1 above 75 sqm dwelling units and 1 Two
and upto 75 Two Wheeler space for and upto 100 Wheeler space for every
sqm every dwelling unit sqm dwelling unit
Floor area 1 car space for every Floor area 1 car space for every 100
above 75 sqm 75 sqm above 100 sqm sqm
Visitors Parking:
In addition to the parking spaces specified above, parking spaces for visitors shall be
provided to the extent of 10% of the number stipulated above rounded to the nearest
whole number where number of dwelling units exceeds six.
Note: 1. In cases where the number of car parking spaces required in an ordinary
residential building does not exceed 3 in number, separate driveway/aisle is
not necessary.
2. In cases of flatted residential development where the number of car spaces
required for a dwelling unit does not exceed 2 in number separate aisle is not
necessary for the second car space required for that dwelling unit.

(2) Shops/Shopping Centres/Departmental Stores/Super Markets

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor
Floor Area No. of Parking Spaces Floor Area No. of Parking Spaces
Upto 50 sqm Nil Upto 75 sqm Nil
1 car space and 1 Two 1 car space and 1 Two
Above 50 wheeler space for every 50 Above 75 wheeler space for every 75
sqm sqm or part thereof sqm sqm or part thereof excluding
excluding the first 50 sqm the first 75 sqm

(3) Automobile Showrooms in CMA

1 car space for every 100 sqm of gross area including the office area, service area, wash area, etc. This
space is exclusive of the space provided for the display of new vehicles but inclusive of the space required
for parking of service vehicles.

(4) Government Offices in CMA

Floor Area No. of Parking Spaces

1 car space for every 150 sqm or part thereof

Upto 500 sqm and 1 Two Wheeler space for every 25 sqm
or part thereof.

1 car space for every 100 sqm or part thereof

Above 500 sqm and 1 Two Wheeler space for every 25 sqm
or part thereof

Visitors Parking:
In addition to the parking spaces specified above, parking spaces for visitors
shall be provided to the extent of 10% of the number stipulated above subject to a
minimum of 1 car space and 1 Two Wheeler space.

(5) Other Offices including regional offices of banks, etc.

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor

1 car space for every 100sqm of floor 1 car space for every 100sqm of floor area or
area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
space for every 25sqm of floor area or every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof
part thereof

Visitors Parking:
In addition to the parking spaces specified above, parking spaces for visitors shall be
provided to the extent of 10% of the number stipulated above subject to a minimum of
1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space.

(6) Banks – service branches

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor

1 car space for every 75sqm of floor 1 car space for every 125sqm of floor area or
area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for
space for every 25sqm of floor area or every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof
part thereof.

(7) ATM Centres in CMA

1 car space for every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof

(8) Post Offices, Telegraph Offices, Telephone Offices and Similar establishments

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities, IT

(B) Panchayat Areas

1 car space for every 150sqm of floor area 1 car space for every 250sqm of floor
or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space for area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler
every 50sqm of floor area or part thereof. space for every 100sqm of floor area or
part thereof

(9) IT Offices, IT Enabled Services, Bio Informatics Centres in CMA

1 car space for every 50sqm of floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space for
every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof.

(10) Restaurants and Hotels

(a) Restaurants, Fast Food outlets

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities, IT

(B) Panchayat Areas

1 car space for every 50sqm of floor area or 1 car space for every 100sqm of floor
part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler
every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof space for every 50sqm of floor area or
part thereof

(b) Starred Hotels, Major Hotels and Lodges with more than 50 rooms in CMA

1 car space for every 4-guest rooms and for the non-room area, 1 car space for every
100sqm of floor area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for every 50sqm of floor
area or part thereof. For restaurants in these hotels – same as that specified for
restaurants specified above.

(c) UnStarred Hotels, other Hotels & Lodges in CMA

1 car space for every 10-guest rooms and for the non-room area, 1 car space for every
100sqm of floor area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for every 50sqm of floor
area or part thereof. For restaurants in these hotels – same as that specified for
restaurants specified above.

(11) Hostels

1 Two Wheeler for every 10 rooms

(12) Auditorium, Kalyana Mandapams, Cinema Halls

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor

1 car space and 1 two wheeler space for 1 car space and 1 two wheeler space for
the every 20sqm of Auditorium/Kalyana the every 50sqm of Auditorium/Kalyana
Mandapam area or part thereof Mandapam area or part thereof

(13) Educational Institutions

(a) Government Schools/Local Body schools

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor

1 car space for every 500sqm of class 1 two-wheeler space for every 50sqm of
room area or part thereof and 1 two class room area or part thereof and one
wheeler space for every 50sqm of class cycle space for every 5sqm of class room
room or part thereof and one cycle space area or part thereof.
for every 10sqm of class room area or
part thereof.

(b) Private Schools

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor

1 car space for every 100sqm of class 1 car space for every 300sqm of class room
room area or part thereof and 1 two area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler
wheeler space for every 50sqm of class space for every 50sqm of class room area
room or part thereof and one cycle space or part thereof and one cycle space for
for every 10sqm of class room area or every 5sqm of class room area or part
part thereof. thereof.

50% of the car spaces specified above shall be provided in the front area
abutting the road so as to act as a recessed parking area for the vehicles coming for
drop/pick up for students.

(c) Colleges in CMA

1 car space for every 100sqm of class room area or part thereof and 1 two-
wheeler space for every 50sqm of class room area or part thereof.

(d) Tutorial/Parallel colleges

1 car space for every 200sqm of class room area or part thereof and 1 two-
wheeler space for every 50sqm of class room area or part thereof.

(e) Software/Hardware and other training institutes

1 car space for every 100sqm of floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler
space for every 30sqm of floor area or part thereof.

(14) Hospitals and Nursing Homes

(A) Corporation Limit,

(B) Panchayat Areas
Municipalities, IT Corridor

Floor Area No. of Spaces No. of Spaces

Upto 1 car space and 1 Two 1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space for
3000sqm wheeler space for every every 100sqm or part thereof
50sqm or part thereof

Above 1 car space and 1 Two 1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space for
3000sqm wheeler space for every every 150sqm or part thereof
75sqm or part thereof

(15) Health Clubs and Recreational Centres.

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor

1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space for 1 car space and 1 Two wheeler space for
every 50sqm of floor area or part thereof every 75sqm of floor area or part thereof

(16) Recreational Clubs

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities,

(B) Panchayat Areas
IT Corridor

1 car space for every 75sqm of floor area 1 car space for every 100sqm of floor area
or part thereof or part thereof

(17) Industries in CMA

(a) Manufacturing industries, service industries, biotechnology industries

1 car space for every 100sqm of office floor area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space
and 1 cycle space for every 50sqm of workshop floor area or part thereof and 1 lorry
space for every 500sqm or workshop floor area or part thereof

(b) Cottage Industries

1 car space for every 100sqm of office floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler
space and 1 cycle space for every 50sqm of workshop floor area or part thereof.

(c) Garments / Packaging Industries

1 car space for every 200sqm of office floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler
space and 1 cycle space for every 50sqm of workshop floor area or part thereof.

(d) Electrical and Electronic Industries including Computer hardware industries

1 car space for every 100sqm of office floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler
space and 1 cycle space for every 50sqm of workshop floor area or part thereof.

(e) IT Industries, Software, Bio Informatics Industries

1 car space for every 50sqm of floor area or part thereof and 1 two-wheeler space for
every 25sqm of floor area or part thereof.

(18) Godowns, Ware Houses & Wholesale Stores, etc.

(a) Godown, Warehouses, Freight Stations, Containerisation Units in CMA

If the area is open, 1 lorry space for every 300sqm of plot area or part thereof
If the area is covered, 1 lorry space for every 300sqm of covered area or part thereof.

(b) Cold Storage

1 lorry space for every 500sqm of floor area or part thereof.

(19) Religious Buildings

(A) Corporation Limit, Municipalities, IT

(B) Panchayat Areas

1 car space for every 100sqm of floor area 1 car space for every 250sqm of floor
or part thereof and 1 two wheeler space for area or part thereof and 1 two wheeler
every 50sqm of floor area or part thereof space for every 100sqm of floor area or
part thereof

General Note
Where the prescriptions are based on the total plinth area, the no. of car/two
wheeler parking spaces required shall be calculated for 75% of the total plinth area in
the buildings.
In cases of residential developments, the no. of car/two wheeler parking spaces
required for a dwelling shall be based on the size of the dwelling unit, excluding the
common areas like common corridors, staircases, etc.

Off Street Parking Standards

(A) Stall Size:

The dimension of the parking stall for different kind of vehicles shall be:

Vehicle Type Breadth (m) Length (m)

Car 2.5 5.0

Two Wheelers 1.0 1.8
LCV 3.5 7.0
Lorry/Bus 3.5 10.0
Articulated Vehicles
3.5 16.0
[Container Vehicles]

In cases of parallel parking of cars, the dimension of parking stall shall be 6.0m
X 2.50 m. The stall dimensions mentioned above shall be clear of any structural
members. Where a stall is adjacent to a large element such as a wall, minimum stall
width shall be 2.7m for parallel parking and where cars cannot be parked by reversing,
minimum stall length shall be 7.2m.

(B) Parking for Special (physically challenged) persons

For Buildings having more than 2 floors 10% of the required car/two wheelers
parking spaces subject to minimum of 2 car spaces and 2 two-wheeler spaces shall be
reserved for the physically handicapped persons near the entrance. This is to provide
an exclusive reservation of car parking for physically handicapped and also to provide
them easy access to the lift and staircase.

(C) Driveway and Aisle Widths

The driveway width shall be 3.0m for one-way movement and 7.0m for two-way
Aisle Widths:
Aisle is a access lane leading to/abutting the individual parking lot within a
parking facility. The aisle widths for different types of parking shall be:

All angles up to Angles above 600 &

Vehicle Type Parallel Parking
600 Perpendicular parking

Two Wheeler 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m

Car 3.0m 3.0m 6.0m
LCV/Truck/Bus 7.0m 7.0m 10.0m

The width of the driveway and the aisle shall be free from kerb and other

(D) Width Entry and Exit Gates

The width of entry or exit gates shall be a minimum of 3.0m

(E) Turning Radius
The minimum inner turning radius in driveway areas and ramps shall be 4.0m

(F) Gradient
Slope of parking spaces shall be not more than 4% in any direction.

(G) Ramps
The minimum clear width of the ramps shall be 3.5m for one-way movement and
7.0m for two-way movement. Gradient shall not be steeper than 1 in 8.

(H) Headroom
The clear headroom (between floor and beam bottom) shall be minimum
2.2metres those parts of a building intended to be used for parking of wheeled vehicles
and also for all approaching parts like ramp, covered access, etc.


Standards for Multi Level Parking Lots

(A) Location of Multi Level Parking Lots

Structures exclusively for multi level parking shall abut on a road of minimum
7.2m in width where the height is upto 15.25m and road of minimum 18.0m in width
where its height exceeds 15.25m. As proposed there will not be any FSI/coverage
restriction for such multi level parking lots.
For automated/mechanically operated parking the authority notwithstanding
anything containing in the rules subject to such conditions as may be decided by the
authority may permit parking lots/structures.

(B) Setbacks
The setbacks all round and spacing between blocks within the site for multi level
parking structures upto 15.25m high shall be a minimum if 4.0m, irrespective of the
area of location of the multi level parking structure. Where the height of the building
exceeds 15.25m, the building shall conform to the norms laid in the special DR for MSB
except in respect of the plot coverage and FSI requirements.

(C) Width of Entry and Exit

The width of entry or exit gates shall be a minimum of 4.5m. The entry or exit
gate shall be located away from junctions. In cases of large sites with frontage along
road exceeds 50 m; additional entry exit may be permitted.

(D) Other Requirements:

(i) Parapet/Protection Frame - All floors above ground floor shall have a RCC
parapet/protection frame of height not less than 1.0m
(ii) Ventilation - In case of parking on ground floor, all sides shall be left open for ventilation and
lighting. In case of all floors above ground floor, adequate natural ventilation and lighting
should be provided. In case of basement or sub basement parking, adequate mechanical
ventilation and adequate lighting should be provided.
(iii) Where car/two wheeler lifts are proposed/provided there shall be atleast one ramp to standards
from the parking floors to the ground level.


Corridor Width
The minimum width of corridor within buildings shall be as given below:

Sl.No. Building use or type Minimum width of


(i) Residential buildings 1.0 m

(ii) Assembly buildings such as Auditoriums,

Kalyanamandapams, cinema theatres,
Religious buildings, temples, mosques or 2.0 m
churches and other buildings of public
assembly or conference.

(iii) Institutional buildings such as:

a) Government offices 2.0 m

b) Hospitals 2.4 m

c) Educational Buildings such a schools, colleges, 2.0 m

Research Institutions

d) Commercial buildings such as private offices,

Nursing Homes, Lodges, etc. 2.0 m

e) All other buildings 1.5m

[DR No. 2(21)& 2(34)]
Spaces excluded from FSI and Coverage Computation

1 The following shall not be counted towards FSI and plot coverage computation:
(1) Areas covered by stair-case rooms and lift rooms and passages thereto above the
top most storey, architectural features, chimneys, elevated tanks (provided its
height below the tank from the floor does not exceed 1.5 metre.) and WC (area
not exceeding 10 sq.m)
(2) Staircase and lift rooms and passage thereto in the stilt parking floor
(3) Lift wells in all the floors
(4) Area of fire escape staircases and cantilever fire escape passages.
(5) Area of the basement floor / floors used for parking
(6) Area of the stilt parking floor provided its clear height (between lower floor and
the bottom of the roof beam) does not exceed 3.0m and it is open on sides, and
used for parking
(7) Area of structures exclusively for, accommodating machineries for water
treatment plant and effluent treatment plant proposed with clearance from Tamil
Nadu Pollution control Board,
(8) Areas covered by service ducts, and garbage shaft.
(9) Area of Balcony / Service verandah to an extent of 5 percent of each dwelling
unit area in case of residential buildings and 5 percent of room area in the case
of hotels and lodges.
(10) Porches /Canopies / porticos
(11) Service floor with height not exceeding 1.5 metres
(12) The following services and incidental structures necessary to the principal use
subject to a maximum of 10 percent of the total floor area.
(a) Area of one office room not exceeding 15 sq.m for co-operative housing
society or apartment/ building owners association in each block
(b) Servant's/drivers bath room and water closet (not exceeding 20 sq.m.) for
each block in cases of special building, Group development, and Multi-
storeyed Building at ground floor /stilt parking floor
(c) Gymnasium of 150sq.m in floor area
(d) Area covered by
(i) Metre room in Ground floor or stilt parking floor
(ii) Air-conditioning plant room in basement or ground floor
(iii) Electrical room (conforming to Annexure XXIV) in Ground floor or
Stilt parking floor
(iv) Watchmen or caretaker booth/room in Ground floor / Stilt parking
(v) Pump room in Ground floor or stilt parking floor.
(vi) Generator room in basement floor or ground floor or stilt floor.
(vii) Lumber room in basement floor or ground floor.
(viii) AHU in all the floors.
(ix) Electrical /switch gear rooms in all the floors.
(e) Area of one room in ground floor of residential and commercial Multi-
storeyed building, Special buildings, Group developments for separate

Rain Water Conservation

Water Conservation:
(1) Effective measures shall be taken within each premises for conservation of
rainwater, and rainwater-harvesting structures at least to the following
standards shall be provided; the same shall be shown in the plan applied for
planning permission.

(a) Buildings of height up to Ground + 1 Floors: -

Percolation pits of 30centimeter diameter and 3 metres depth may be made
and filled with broken bricks (or pebbles) for 2.85 metres and the top covered
with perforated Reinforced Concrete Cement (R.C.C.) slab. These percolation
pits may be made at intervals of 3 metres center to center along the plinth
boundary. The rain water collected in the open terrace may be collected
through a 150 millimetre PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride Pipe laid on the ground
and may be allowed to fall in the percolation pits or into a open well through
a seepage filter of 60cm x 60 cm (filter media broken bricks) provided before
the open well which will improve the ground water level. A dwarf wall of 7.5
centimeter height is built across the entry and exit gates to retain water and
allow it to percolate within.

(b) Special Buildings, Group Developments, Multi-storeyed Buildings, Industries

and Institutional Buildings: -
There shall be a pebble bed of 1 metre width and 1.5 metre depth all round
the building and filled with rounded pebbles of 5 centimetres to 7.5
centimetres size. The concrete paving around the building has to be sloped
at about 1 in 20 towards the pebble bed, so that rain water from the terrace
and side open spaces flow over this pavement and spread into the pebble bed
around. Dwarf walls in masonry of 7.5 centimetres, height shall be
constructed at the entrance and exit gates to retard rainwater collected into
the compound from draining out to the road.
(c) Any one of the methods shown in the sketches annexed may also be adopted
depending on to the conditions and type of development.

(2) Additional regulations for all buildings:

(a) In the ground floor, floor level of water closets shall be at least 0.9 metre
above the road level to ensure free flow.

(b) All centrally air conditioned buildings shall have their own wastewater
reclamation plant and use reclaimed wastewater for cooling purposes.

(c) A separate sump shall be constructed for storing potable water supplied by
the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, the volume of
sump not exceeding 1,000 litres per dwelling. This sump shall be
independent of other tanks, which may be constructed for storing water
obtained from other sources.









Reservation of land for community recreational purposes in cases of

special buildings/ Group Developments/ multistoreyed building

(1) The reservation of land for community recreational purposes such as park / play
ground shall be as given below at ground level in a shape and location abutting a
public road to be specified by Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority:

Extent of site Reservation

(a) For the first 3,000 Nil

square metres

(b) Between 3,000 square 10% of the area excluding roads or in the alternative
metres and 10,000 he shall pay the market value of the equivalent land
square metres excluding the first 3000 sq.m. as per the valuation of
the Registration Department, only where it is not
possible to provide open space due to physical
constraints. No such area reserved shall measure less
than 100 square metres with a minimum dimension of
10 metres.
The space so reserved shall be transferred to the
Authority or to the Local body designated by it, free of
cost, through a registered gift deed. In cases of
residential developments, the Authority or the local
body concerned may permit the Residents Association
or Flat Owner’s Association for maintaining such
reserved space as park / playground and in such
cases where the Authority decides to permit the
Resident's Association or Flat Owner’s Association for
maintaining it, direct access from a public road for the
reserved area may not be required, and right of access
to the Authority or the local body concerned through
set back space shall be transferred through a
registered gift deed along with the reserved space.

(c) Above 10,000 square Ten per cent of the area excluding road shall be
metres reserved and this space shall be transferred to the
Authority or to the local body designated by it, free of
cost, through a gift deed. It is obligatory to reserve the
10 per cent of the site area and no charge can be
accepted in lieu in case of the new developments or

(2) The site so reserved shall be exclusive of the set back spaces and spacing
between blocks prescribed in these rules, and shall be free from any
construction / structure.

(3) For the purpose of this regulation, existing development is defined as one where
the extent of ground area covered by structures already existing (prior to
application for planning permission) is 25 per cent and above of the total site

(4) In case of additions to existing developments, where it is difficult to leave the 10

per cent area as open space for community recreational purposes, the Authority
reserves the right to collect the market value of equivalent land in lieu of the
land to be reserved. However, if on a future date, the applicant wants to
demolish the existing structure and raise new structures on the site in question,
the community recreational space as per the rule shall be reserved.

(5) The Authority reserves the right to enforce the maintenance of such reserved
lands by the owner to the satisfaction of the Authority or order the owner to
transfer the land to the Authority or any local body designated by it free of cost,
through a registered gift deed. The Authority or the local body designated by it,
as the case may be, reserves the right to decide on entrusting the maintenance
work to any institution / individual on the merits of the case.

[DR No. 9 ]
Regulation for the grant of TDR

1. The owner or lessee of a land who has right to transfer the land (a part or whole),
which is, required for-
(i) any road widening/new road formation as proposed in the Master Plan or DDP,

(ii) any traffic and transport infrastructure development such as bus stops/stands,
metro rail, MRTS etc., and

(iii) any urban infrastructure development such as water supply, sewerage, drainage,
electricity, education, health, notified by the State Government Department or
Government Agency or local body, is eligible for the award of Transfer of
Development Rights [TDR] in the form of FSI [in lieu of monetary compensation]
to the extent and on the conditions set out below.

2. The award will entitle the owner of the land to FSI in the form of Development Rights
Certificate (DRC), which he may use himself or transfer to any other person.

3. Development Right Certificate will be granted to the owner or lessee only if the land is
not affected by proceedings under Tamil Nadu Land Ceiling Act, 1978 (Under the Repeal
and saving provision) and on production of certificates from the ULC Competent
Authority to that effect.

4. Development rights are available for transfer only in cases where the public
projects/schemes stated in para -1- above have not been implemented i.e. it will be
available only for prospective developments. It shall not apply in the case of existing or
retention users, or any compulsory reservation of space for public purpose or
recreational use or EWS/social housing etc. in the cases of
subdivisions/layouts/special buildings/group developments/multistoreyed buildings or
such other developments prescribed in these Development Regulations.

5. DRC shall be issued by Member Secretary, CMDA himself/herself. In the certificate

FSI credit to which the DRC holder is entitled in terms of the area of land surrendered
and its location, and restrictions/conditions if any shall be stated.

6. The FSI credit in the form of DRC shall be equal to the surrendered land area
multiplied by an FSI of 1.5 multiplied further by factor arrived at by dividing the guide

line value of the land surrendered with the guide line value of the land at which the
development right transferred is proposed to be received/utilized. Further as an
incentive, TDR shall be based on one-and-a-half-times the Guide Line Value. Wherever
lands surrendered qualify for FSI of 2.00 or more, the extent of additional FSI allowed in

Transfer of Development Rights shall be 0.25.

7. The land required for the project/scheme shall be surrendered before getting the
DRC, through a registered gift deed in favour of Member Secretary, CMDA, after removal
of structures if any in the land gifted, and, shall be free from any encumbrance.

8. In case of road widening, after leaving the road widening space surrendered, the
compound wall and gates shall be reconstructured at the cost of the owner or lessee
before getting the DRC.

9. If the holder of DRC intends to transfer it to any other person, it shall be done with
the clearance of the Member Secretary, CMDA, by obtaining due endorsement on the
DRC after submitting a formal application in the prescribed format. If this procedure is
not followed then the transfer will not be valid, and the certificate will be available for
use only by the original/earlier holder.

10. The holder of DRC who desires to utilize the FSI credit while making development in
a site shall attach in his PPA a copy of the valid DRC.

11. Any DRC obtained by misrepresentation of facts shall be liable for cancellation and
CMDA shall take further action as per Law against the act.

12. Site in the following areas is not liable for utilization of DRC FSI credit transferred
from other areas:
i. CRZ areas;
ii. Aquifer recharge area;
iii. Redhills Catchment area;
iv. G.T. area and CBA;
v. Any other area as may be decided by the State Government and notified
in the Government Gazette.

13. DRC may be used in one or more sites whether vacant or developed or by making
additional constructions, in consistence with the Development Regulations. Further the
FSI of plots shall not exceed 0.5 over and above the normally permissible FSI for that
use in those receiving sites.

14. Before granting Planning Permission for development in the receiving plot, the
endorsement on the valid original DRC shall be made by Member Secretary, CMDA
regarding the extent of utilization of FSI credit, the balance credit of unutilized credit of
FSI, if any.

Approved in G.O. Ms. No.140, H&UD dept, dated 06.08.2009 and published in TNGG on 26.08.2009

15. DRC shall be issued on Rs.100/- stamp paper in an appropriate form prescribed
and duly signed by Member Secretary, CMDA. Such a certificate will be a transferable
negotiable instrument only after due endorsement by Member Secretary, CMDA as
provided in regulation (9) above.

16. The Member Secretary, CMDA shall maintain a register in an appropriate form with
regard to all transactions regarding grant and utilization of Development Rights.

17. The lands so surrendered for obtaining DRC shall become the public property for
the purpose and CMDA may transfer these lands to the Departments/Government
agency concerned on 'as- is- where- is' condition for taking further action on the
execution of the project/scheme and maintenance.

18. The loss of DRC by the holder will not entitle for availing the FSI credit. It shall be
the responsibility of the DRC holder to keep it safe and secure. No duplicate DRC will be

19. In all cases of sites wherein road widening, or link road/new road alignment is
proposed in the Master Plan or Detailed Development Plan, Planning Permission for
developments within the site shall be considered only if the land affected by the road
widening/link road/is transferred to Member Secretary, CMDA through a registered Gift
Deed. If the FSI eligible for above said land transferred is availed/received in the
remaining part of the available site itself, then the issue of DRC separately does not

20. Further these provisions of grant of DRC will not arise in cases of sub divisions/
Layout developments where as part of the road network within the site, road widening
or link road or new roads have to be provided.


Provisions for persons with disabilities

1. In order to provide barrier free environment in the buildings and premises used by
public the following shall be provided for persons with disabilities. (It does not
apply to residential developments)

a. Site planning:
Every building should have at least one access to main entrance /exit to
the disabled which shall be indicated by proper signage. This entrance shall
be approached through a ramp together with stepped entry. The ramp should
have a landing in front of the doorway.

b. Parking:

i) Surface parking for at least two Car Spaces shall be provided near
entrance for the physically handicapped persons with maximum travel
distance of 30 metres from building entrance.
ii) The width of parking bay shall be minimum 3.6metre.
iii) The information stating that the space is reserved for wheel chair users
shall be conspicuously displayed.
c. Building requirements:

i) For approach to the plinth level, and in other levels where ramps with
gradients are necessary or desired they shall conform to the following

Ramps slope shall not be steeper than 1 in 12

Its length shall not exceed 9m between landings and its width shall be
minimum 1.5m with handrails on either side.
Its surface shall be non slippery.
Minimum size of landing shall be 1m. x 2m.

ii) Among the lifts provided within the premises at least one lift shall have the
facility to accommodate the wheel chair size 80cm x 150cm.

iii) The doors and doorways shall be provided with adequate width for free
movement of the disabled persons and it shall not be less than 90 cm.

iv) Stairs shall have the handrail facilities as prescribed in the National
Building Code.

v) Minimum one special WC in a set of toilet shall be provided for the use of
handicapped as specified in National Building Code with essential
provision of washbasin near the entrance for the handicapped


Solar Energy Capture

New Buildings in the following categories shall be provided with the ancillary
solar assisted solar heating system and it shall be shown in the plans for developments
applied for Planning Permission:

a) Nursing Homes / Hospitals exceeding 500 square metre in the floor area;

b) Hotels and Lodges exceeding 500 square metre in floor area;

c) Hostels exceeding 50 rooms; and

d) Kalyanamandapams exceeding 500 square metre in floor area.


Electrical Rooms

(1) Electrical rooms in Special building, Group development, and Multi-storeyed

Building developments shall conform to the following:

(a) Tamilnadu Electricity Board Standards.

i) Indoor space required within the premises for installing floor mounted
Distribution Transformer and associated switchgear.

a. An electrical room for accommodating the transformers and associated

switchgears shall be provided at the ground floor, either within the built
up space of the multi-storeyed buildings or outside the building and
within the premises of the multi-storeyed buildings nearer the main
entrance of the building. The associated switchgear shall be separated
from the transformer bays by a fire-resisting wall with a fire resistance of
not less than 4 (four) hours.

b. The width of the approach road to the above said electrical room shall not
be less than 3.0 metres.

c. The electrical room with RCC roof shall have clear floor area 6m. X 4m.
with a vertical clearance of 2.75m.

d. Three sides of this room shall be covered with brick walls. The fourth
side, towards the approach road shall be covered with M.S. Rolling Grill
Shutter of width not less than 3 metres with locking facility.

e. The electrical room shall be fitted with 2 Nos. exhaust fans in the wall
facing the approach road, one on either side of the shutter.

f. The electrical room shall have raised cement flooring with cable duct of
450-mm. width and 750-mm. depth, all around inside the room and close
to the exterior walls shutters. The flooring shall slope towards the cable
duct. The cabled duct shall be covered with RCC slabs of thickness not
less than 75 mm. (3 inches). The covered slabs shall flush with the
cement flooring. The radius of curvature of the cable ducts at the
turnings inside the electrical room shall not be less than one metre.

(ii) The open space within the premises for installation.

A clear space of 10 m. x 4 m. or 5 m. x 5m. open to the sky and having an
approach road of width not less than 3 metres, upto the public road shall be
provided within the consumer premises, preferably at the main entrance.

(b) Directorate of Fire and Rescue Services Standards:

(i) No transformer shall be located below the first basement or above the
ground floor

(ii) A sub station or switch station with apparatus having more than 2000
litres oil shall not be allowed in the case of indoor transformer.

(iii) The indoor transformer should preferably be housed in a fireproof room

with walls and doors sufficient fire rating.

(iv) The room in the ground floor of the basement housing the transformer
shall have a free access to the outside.

(v) There shall be a curb or a dwarf wall around the transformer so that oil
spills if any, is contained within the curb. There shall also be a
suitable drain with a ' flame-arrester'

(vi) If in the basement, the transformers shall be adequately protected

against fire by a high velocity water spray or a CO2 flooder of suitable
capacity, depending upon the size of the transformer.

(vii) The switchgears, if any shall be housed in a separate room with

suitable fire resistance walls.

(viii) The transformers shall be located only in the periphery of the basement
or ground floor, observing suitable clearances.

(ix) DCP or CO2 portable fire extinguishers of a minimum capacity of 10 kg.

shall be kept near the doorway housing the transformer.

(x) All indoor transformers shall be subjected to periodic inspection and

shall be replaced in good time so that there is no fire risk.

(xi) The room shall be well ventilated so that the transformer remains cool.

(xii) The room shall have emergency and automatic lighting with
independent power supply.

[DR No. 31]
Special Rules for conservation of Heritage Buildings

1. This regulation will apply to those buildings, artifacts, structures, and/or

precincts of historical and/or aesthetical and/or architectural and/or cultural value
(hereinafter referred to as Listed Buildings/Heritage Buildings and Listed
precincts/Heritage precincts) which will be listed in notification(s) to be issued by the
Government and will not apply to those which have been covered in the notification of
Central or State Archeological Department under their Act/Rules

2. Restriction on Development/Redevelopment/Repairs, etc.

(ii) No development or redevelopment or engineering operation or additions,

alterations, repairs, renovation including the painting of buildings,
replacement of special features or demolition of the whole or any part thereof
or plastering of said listed/heritage buildings or listed/heritage precincts
shall be carried out except with the prior written permission of the Member
Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority. The Member
Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority shall act in
consultation with the Heritage Conservation Committee to be appointed by
Government (hereinafter called “the said Heritage Conservation Committee”).

Provided that in exceptional cases for reasons to be recorded in writing the

Member Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority may over
rule the recommendation of the Heritage Conservation Committee.

Provided that the powers to over rule the recommendation of the Heritage
Conservation Committee shall not be delegated by the Member Secretary,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority to any other Officer.

(ii) In relation to religious buildings in the said list, the changes, repairs,
additions, alterations and renovations required on religious grounds
mentioned in sacred texts, or as a part of holy practices laid down in
religious codes shall be treated as permissible, subject to their being in
accordance and consonance with the original structure and architecture,
designs, aesthetics and other special feature thereof.

Provided that before arriving at his decision, the Member Secretary, Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority shall take into consideration the
recommendations of the Heritage Conservation Committee.

3. Preparation of list of Heritage Buildings and Heritage Precincts:- The list of

buildings, artifacts, structures and precincts of historic, and/or aesthetical /or cultural
value etc. to which these regulations apply shall be notified by the Government after its
approval on its merits with or without modifications.

The draft list of buildings artifacts etc. to which these regulation shall apply shall
be prepared by the authority in consultation with the Heritage Conservation Committee
and also addressing the owners of the said listed building/precincts giving an
opportunity to represent regarding the proposed notifications and further notifying in
newspapers inviting objections/suggestions from the general public, and it shall be
forwarded to Government. The Government may accord approval for the said list with
or without modifications as may be decided on its merits and notify the same in Tamil
Nadu Government Gazette, and also in local newspapers.

This list may be supplemented, altered, deleted, or modified from time to time by
the Government on receipt of the proposals from the Authority or suo motto by the
government after following the procedures of giving opportunity to the owners/ lessees
and also the general public stated above after notification in the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette.

4. Power to Alter, Modify or Relax Regulations: - With the approval of Government

and after consultation with the said Heritage Conservation Committee, the Member
Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority shall have the power to alter,
modify or relax the provisions of other Regulations of the Development Regulations of
Chennai Metropolitan Area (hereinafter referred to as “the said Regulations”) if it is
needed for the conservation, preservation or retention of historical, aesthetical, cultural
or architectural quality of any listed Buildings/Heritage Buildings or listed
Precincts/Heritage Precinct.

5. Hearing etc. to persons likely to be affected: - Provided that in case any

alterations, modifications or relaxations of any of the provisions of the Development
Regulations, will cause undue loss to the owners or persons who have development
right over the Heritage Buildings/Heritage Precincts, the Member Secretary, Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority shall give an opportunity of hearing to the said
owner or persons who have development right over the Heritage Buildings and to the
public, before taking final decision in the matter.

6. Grant of Transferable Development Rights in cases of loss of Development

Rights: - If any application for development on a private land is refused under this
Regulation or conditions are imposed while permitting such development therein which
deprive the private owner/lessee who is not a Government or a quasi Government
department or agency or a religious institutions or a trust a society, or a charitable
institutions etc., of any unconsumed FSI otherwise the private owner/lessee could have
availed considering the land use, road width, setback etc., as per Development
Regulations the said owner/lessee shall be compensated by grant of Development
Rights Certificate as may be prescribed by Government from time to time, on transfer of
the right to CMDA through a registered gift deed. The extent of TDR for which
Certificate to be granted may be determined by the Member Secretary, Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority, if required in consultation with the Heritage
Conservation Committee, and will not be awarded unless sanctioned by the

7. Maintaining Sky Line: - Buildings included in Listed Heritage Precincts shall

maintain the sky line in the precincts (without any Multistoryed development) as may be
existing in the surrounding area, so as not to diminish or destroy the value and beauty
of the said listed Heritage Buildings/Heritage precincts. The development within the
precincts shall be accordance with the guidelines framed by Member Secretary, Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority in consultation with Heritage Conservation

8. Restrictive Covenants: - Restrictions existing as on date of this notification

imposed under covenants, terms and conditions on the leasehold plots whether by State
Government or by Chennai Municipal Corporation or any other Government or quasi
Government agency including Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Board, Wakf
Board shall continue to be imposed in addition to Development Regulations. However,
in case of any conflict with the heritage preservation interest, the said Regulations shall

9. Repair Fund: - Buildings included in the said list shall be repaired by the
owners/lessees of the said buildings themselves With a view to give monetary help for
such repairs to a limited extent in deserving cases where the owner/lessee could not
repair it a separate fund may be created, which would be kept at the disposal of Member

Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority, who will make disbursement
from the funds in consultation with Heritage Conservation Committee.

10. Grading of the Listed Buildings/Listed Precincts: - In the last column of the said
list of Heritage buildings, Heritage precincts, “Grades” such as, I, II or III have been
indicated. The meaning of these Grades and basic guidelines for development
permissions are as follows:

Listing does not prevent change of ownership or usage. However such usage
should be in harmony with the said listed precinct/buildings. Care will be taken to
ensure that the development permission relating to these buildings is given without

Grade-I Grade-II Grade-III

A. Definition

Heritage Grade-I comprise Heritage Grade-II (A and B) Heritage Grade-III

of buildings, and precincts comprises of buildings, or comprises importance for
of national or historical regional or local town space; they evoke
importance, embodying importance, possessing architectural aesthetic or
excellence in architectural special architectural or sociological interest though
style, design, technology aesthetical merit, cultural not as much as in Heritage
and material usage. They or historical value, though Grade-II. These contribute
may be associated with a of a lower scale than in to determine the character
great historical event, Heritage Grade. They are of the locality, and can be
personality, movement or local landmarks, representative of lifestyle of
institution. They have contributing to the image a particular community or
been and are, the prime and identity of the City. region and may, also be
landmarks of the City. They may not be the work distinguished by setting on
of master, craftsman or a street line, or special
may be models or character of the façade and
proportion and uniformity of height width
ornamentation, or designed and scale.
to suit particular climate.

B. Objective –

Heritage Grade-I richly Heritage Grade-II deserves Heritage Grade-III deserves

deserves careful intelligent Conservation. protection of unique
preservation. features and attributes.

C. Scope for changes.

No interventions would be Grade-II (A) External and internal

permitted either on the changes, and adaptive reuse
Internal changes
exterior or interior unless would generally be allowed.
and adaptive reuse will be
it is necessary in the Changes can include
generally allowed, but
interest of strengthening, extensions, additional
external changes will be
and prolonging, the life of buildings in the same plot
subject to scrutiny. Care
the buildings or precincts or compound provided that
would be taken to ensure
or any part or features extension/additional
the conservation of all
thereof. For this purpose, buildings is in harmony
special aspects for which it
absolutely essential and with and does not attract
is included in Heritage
minimal changes would be from the existing heritage
allowed and they must be buildings/
in accordance with the
Precinct especially in terms

original. Grade-II (B) of height and/or façade.
Reconstruction may be
In addition to above
allowed when the building
extension or additional
is structurally weak or
buildings in the same plot
unsafe or when it has been
or compound could in
affected by accidental fire or
certain circumstances, be
any other calamity or if
allowed provided that the
reconstruction is required
to consume the permissible
buildings is in harmony
FSI and no option other
with (and does not detract
than reconstruction is
from) existing heritage
building(s) or precincts
especially in terms of height
and facade.
However unless absolutely
essential, nothing should
spoil or destroy any special
features or attributes for
which it is placed in the
Heritage List.

D. Procedure

Development permission Development permission for Development permission

for the changes would be the changes would be given would be given for changes
given by the Planning by the Planning Authority by the Planning Authority
Authority on the advice of in consultation with a sub itself but in consonance
the Heritage Conservation committee of the Heritage with guidelines, which are
Committee to be appointed Conservation Committee. to be laid down by
by State Government. Government in consultation
with the Heritage
Conversation Committee.

E. Vistas/Surrounding

All development in areas

surrounding Heritage
Grade-I shall be regulated
and controlled, ensuring
that it does not mar the
grandeur of or views from,
Heritage Grade-I.

List of Chennai Corporation Division and Villages in Chennai Metropolitan Area

LocalBody Corporation Zone

Sl.No. Division/Village Name District
/VillageNo No. Name
I Chennai Corporation
1 1 Kodungaiyur (West) I Tondiarpet Chennai
2 2 Kodungaiyur (East) I Tondiarpet Chennai
3 3 Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar (North) I Tondiarpet Chennai
4 4 Cherian Nagar (North) I Tondiarpet Chennai
5 5 Jeeva Nagar (North) I Tondiarpet Chennai
6 6 Cherian Nagar (South) I Tondiarpet Chennai
7 7 Jeeva Nagar (South) I Tondiarpet Chennai
8 8 Korukkupet I Tondiarpet Chennai
9 9 Mottai Thottam I Tondiarpet Chennai
10 10 Kumarasamy Nagar (South) I Tondiarpet Chennai
11 11 Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar (South) I Tondiarpet Chennai
12 12 Kumarasamy Nagar (North) I Tondiarpet Chennai
13 13 Dr. Vijayarahavalu Nagar I Tondiarpet Chennai
14 14 Tondiarpet II Basin bridge Chennai
15 15 Sanjeeviroyanpet II Basin bridge Chennai
16 16 Grace Garden II Basin bridge Chennai
17 17 Ma.Po.Si. Nagar II Basin bridge Chennai
18 18 Royapuram II Basin bridge Chennai
19 19 Singara Garden II Basin bridge Chennai
20 20 Narayanappanaicken Garden II Basin bridge Chennai
21 21 Old Washermanpet II Basin bridge Chennai
22 22 Meenakshiammanpet II Basin bridge Chennai
23 23 Kondithope II Basin bridge Chennai
24 24 Seven Wells (North) II Basin bridge Chennai
25 25 Amman Koil II Basin bridge Chennai
26 26 Muthialpet II Basin bridge Chennai
27 27 Vallal Seethakathi Nagar II Basin bridge Chennai
28 28 Katchaleeswarar Nagar II Basin bridge Chennai
29 29 Seven Wells (south) II Basin bridge Chennai
30 30 Sowcarpet II Basin bridge Chennai

LocalBody Corporation Zone
Sl.No. Division/Village Name District
/VillageNo No. Name
31 31 Basin Bridge II Basin bridge Chennai
32 32 Vyasarpadi (South) III Pulianthope Chennai
33 33 Vyasarpadi (North) III Pulianthope Chennai
34 34 Perambur (North) III Pulianthope Chennai
35 35 Perambur (East) III Pulianthope Chennai
36 36 Elango Nagar III Pulianthope Chennai
37 37 Perambur (South) III Pulianthope Chennai
38 38 Thiru Vi. Ka. Nagar III Pulianthope Chennai
39 39 Wadia Nagar III Pulianthope Chennai
40 40 Dr. Sathyavanimuthu Nagar III Pulianthope Chennai
41 41 Pulianthope III Pulianthope Chennai
42 42 Dr.Besant Nagar III Pulianthope Chennai
43 43 Peddu Naickenpet III Pulianthope Chennai
44 44 Perumal Koil Garden III Pulianthope Chennai
45 45 Thattankulam III Pulianthope Chennai
46 46 Choolai III Pulianthope Chennai
47 47 Park Town III Pulianthope Chennai
48 48 Elephant Gate III Pulianthope Chennai
49 49 Edapalayam III Pulianthope Chennai
50 50 Agaram (North) IV Ayanavaram Chennai
51 51 Sembiam IV Ayanavaram Chennai
52 52 Siruvallur IV Ayanavaram Chennai
Nagamma Ammaiyar Nagar
53 53 IV Ayanavaram Chennai
54 54 Agaram (South) IV Ayanavaram Chennai
55 55 Vidhuthalai Guru Samy Nagar IV Ayanavaram Chennai
56 56 Ayanavaram IV Ayanavaram Chennai
Nagamma Ammaiyar Nagar
57 57 IV Ayanavaram Chennai
58 58 Panneerselvam Nagar IV Ayanavaram Chennai
59 59 Maraimalai Adigal Nagar (North) IV Ayanavaram Chennai
60 60 Maraimalai Adigal Nagar (South) IV Ayanavaram Chennai
61 61 Purasawalkam IV Ayanavaram Chennai
62 62 Kulathur IV Ayanavaram Chennai
63 63 Villivakkam (North) IV Ayanavaram Chennai

LocalBody Corporation Zone
Sl.No. Division/Village Name District
/VillageNo No. Name
64 64 Villivakkam (south) V Kilpauk Chennai
65 65 Virugambakkam (North) V Kilpauk Chennai
66 66 Anna Nagar (West) V Kilpauk Chennai
67 67 Anna Nagar (Central) V Kilpauk Chennai
68 68 Anna Nagar (East) V Kilpauk Chennai
69 69 Shenoy Nagar V Kilpauk Chennai
70 70 Kilpauk (North) V Kilpauk Chennai
71 71 Gangadaraeswarar Koil V Kilpauk Chennai
72 72 Kilpauk (South) V Kilpauk Chennai
73 73 Aminjikarai (East) V Kilpauk Chennai
74 74 Aminjikarai (Central) V Kilpauk Chennai
75 75 Aminjikarai (West) V Kilpauk Chennai
76 76 Periyar Nagar (North) V Kilpauk Chennai
77 77 Periyar Nagar (South) V Kilpauk Chennai
78 78 Nungambakkam V Kilpauk Chennai
79 79 Adikesavapuram VI Ice House Chennai
80 80 Nehru Nagar VI Ice House Chennai
81 81 Chintadripet VI Ice House Chennai
82 82 Komaleeswaranpet VI Ice House Chennai
83 83 Balasubramaniam Nagar VI Ice House Chennai
84 84 Thruvateeswaranpet VI Ice House Chennai
85 85 Dr.Natesan Nagar VI Ice House Chennai
86 86 Chepauk VI Ice House Chennai
87 87 Zambazaar VI Ice House Chennai
88 88 Umaru Pulavar Nagar VI Ice House Chennai
89 89 Thiruvallikeni VI Ice House Chennai
90 90 Marina VI Ice House Chennai
91 91 Krishnampet VI Ice House Chennai
92 92 Bharathi Nagar VI Ice House Chennai
93 93 Azad Nagar (North) VI Ice House Chennai
94 94 Bharathidasan Nagar VI Ice House Chennai
95 95 Azad Nagar (South) VI Ice House Chennai
96 96 Vivekanandapuram VI Ice House Chennai
97 97 Anjugam Ammaiyar Nagar VII Nungamabakkam Chennai

LocalBody Corporation Zone
Sl.No. Division/Village Name District
/VillageNo No. Name
98 98 Kosapet VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
99 99 Pattalam VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
100 100 Arivazhagan Nagar VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
101 101 Perumalpet VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
102 102 Kannappar Nagar VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
103 103 Dr.Ambedkar Nagar VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
104 104 Chetpet VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
105 105 Egmore VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
106 106 Pudupet VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
107 107 Ko.Su. Mani Nagar VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
108 108 Nakkeerar Nagar VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
109 109 Thousand Lights VII Nungamabakkam Chennai

110 110 Azagiri Nagar VII Nungamabakkam Chennai

111 111 Ameer Mahal VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
112 112 Royapettah VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
113 113 Teynampet VII Nungamabakkam Chennai
114 114 Sathyamurthi Nagar VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
115 115 Alwarpet (North) VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
116 116 Alwarpet (South) VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai

117 117 Vadapalani (West) VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai

118 118 Vadapalani (East) VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
119 119 Kalaivanar Nagar VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
Navalar Nedunchezhian
120 120 VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
Navalar Nedunchezhian
121 121 VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
122 122 Ashok Nagar VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
123 123 M.G.R. Nagar VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
124 124 Kamaraj Nagar (North) VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
125 125 Kamaraj Nagar (South) VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
126 126 Theagaraya Nagar VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
127 127 Rajaji Nagar VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
128 128 Virugambakkam (South) VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai
129 129 Saligramam VIII Kodamabakkam Chennai

LocalBody Corporation Zone
Sl.No. Division/Village Name District
/VillageNo No. Name
130 130 Kodambakkam (North) IX Saidapet Chennai
131 131 Kodambakkam (south) IX Saidapet Chennai
132 132 Saidapet (West) IX Saidapet Chennai
133 133 Kumaran Nagar (North) IX Saidapet Chennai
134 134 Kumaran Nagar (south) IX Saidapet Chennai
135 135 Saidapet (East) IX Saidapet Chennai
136 136 Kalaignar Karunanithi Nagar IX Saidapet Chennai
137 137 V. O. C. Nagar IX Saidapet Chennai
138 138 G.D. Naidu Nagar (East) IX Saidapet Chennai
139 139 G.D. Naidu Nagar (West) IX Saidapet Chennai
140 140 Guindy (west) IX Saidapet Chennai
141 141 Guindy (East) IX Saidapet Chennai
142 142 Bheemannapet X Mylapore Chennai
143 143 Thiruvalluvar Nagar X Mylapore Chennai
144 144 Madha Perumal Puram X Mylapore Chennai
145 145 Karaneeswarapuram X Mylapore Chennai
146 146 Santhome X Mylapore Chennai
147 147 Mylapore X Mylapore Chennai
148 148 Avvai Nagar (North) X Mylapore Chennai
149 149 Raja Annamalaipuram X Mylapore Chennai
150 150 Avvai Nagar (South) X Mylapore Chennai
151 151 Adayar (West) X Mylapore Chennai
152 152 Adayar (East) X Mylapore Chennai
153 153 Velachery X Mylapore Chennai
154 154 Thiruvanmiyur (west) X Mylapore Chennai
155 155 Thiruvanmiyur ( East) X Mylapore Chennai

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
II Kattivakkam Municipality
1 1 Kathivakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
III Thiruvottiyur Municipality
2 2 Eranavur Thiruvallore Ambattur
3 27 Thiruvottiyur Thiruvallore Ambattur
4 28 Sathangadu Thiruvallore Ambattur
IV Manali Municipality
5 26 Manali Thiruvallore Ambattur
6 23 Amulavoyal Thiruvallore Ambattur
7 24 Vaikkadu Thiruvallore Ambattur
V Madavaram Municipality
8 34 Madhavaram Thiruvallore Ambattur
VI Ambattur Municipality
9 59 Oragadam Thiruvallore Ambattur
10 60 Menambedu Thiruvallore Ambattur
11 61 Korattur Thiruvallore Ambattur
12 72 Kakkapallam Thiruvallore Ambattur
13 80 Padi Thiruvallore Ambattur
14 81 Mogappair Thiruvallore Ambattur
15 86 Athipattu Thiruvallore Ambattur
16 87 Mannur Thiruvallore Ambattur
17 88 Pattravakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
18 89 Ambattur Thiruvallore Ambattur
VII Avadi Municipality
19 3 Paruthipatthu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
20 4 Palaripattu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
21 5 Vilinjiambakkam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
22 6/1 Sekkadu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
23 19 Thandarai Thiruvallore Poonamallee
24 55 Mukthapudupattu Thiruvallore Ambattur
25 56 Mittanamallee Thiruvallore Ambattur
26 57 Kovilpadagai Thiruvallore Ambattur
27 58 Thirumullaivoyal Thiruvallore Ambattur

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
VIII Thiruverkadu Municipality
28 1 Thiruverkadu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
29 2 Sundaracholavaram Thiruvallore Poonamallee
30 9 Veeraraghavapuram Thiruvallore Poonamallee
31 84 Perumalagaram Thiruvallore Ambattur
32 85 Ayanambakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
33 91 Koladi Thiruvallore Ambattur
34 92 Noombal Thiruvallore Ambattur
IX Poonamallee Municipality
35 49 Thukkanampattu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
36 50 Ariyamarnthanallur Thiruvallore Poonamallee
37 51 Poonamallee Thiruvallore Poonamallee
38 52 Agraharam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
X Maduravoyal Municipality
39 99 Maduravoyal Thiruvallore Ambattur
XI Valasaravakkam Municipality
40 101 Valasaravakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
XII Alandur Municipality
41 120 Alandur Kanchipuram Tambaram
42 124 Palavanthangal Kanchipuram Tambaram
43 133 Thalakanancheri Kanchipuram Tambaram
44 134 Nanganallur Kanchipuram Tambaram
45 136 Adambakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
XIII Ullagaram Municipality
46 135 Ullagaram Kanchipuram Tambaram
Puzhuthivakkam (Madipakkam
47 154pt Kanchipuram Tambaram
S.No.1 to 96, 221 to 244)
XIV Pallavaram Municipality
48 130 Issa Pallavaram Kanchipuram Tambaram
49 155 Keelakattalai Kanchipuram Tambaram
50 158 Zamin Pallavaram Kanchipuram Tambaram
51 159 Nemilicheri Kanchipuram Tambaram
52 160 Hasthinapuram Kanchipuram Tambaram
XV Pammal Municipality
53 129 Pammal Kanchipuram Tambaram
XVI Anakaputhur Municipality
54 128 Anakaputhur Kanchipuram Tambaram

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
XVII Tambaram Municipality
55 164 Pulikoradu Kanchipuram Tambaram
56 165 Kadaperi Kanchipuram Tambaram
57 166 Tambaram Kanchipuram Tambaram
58 170 Irumbuliyur Kanchipuram Tambaram
59 173 Selaiyur Kanchipuram Tambaram


60 47 Kollatti Thiruvallore Ponneri
61 49 Ariyanvoyal Thiruvallore Ponneri
62 50 Minjur Thiruvallore Ponneri
XIX Chinnasekkadu TP
63 29 Chinnasekkadu Thiruvallore Ambattur
XX Puzhal TP
64 38 Puzhal Thiruvallore Ambattur
XXI Naravarikuppam TP
65 12 Naravarikuppam Thiruvallore Ambattur
66 40 Redhills Thiruvallore Ambattur
XXII Thiruninravur TP
67 22 Thiruninravur Thiruvallore Poonamallee
XXIII Thirumazhishai TP
68 43 Thirumazhishai Thiruvallore Poonamallee
69 44 Neduncheri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
70 45 Udayavarkoil Thiruvallore Poonamallee
71 46 Madavilagam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
XXIV Mangadu TP
72 53 Mangadu Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
XXV Porur TP
73 98 Porur Thiruvallore Ambattur
XXVI Nandambakkam TP
74 122 Nandambakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXVII Minambakkam TP
75 125 Minambakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
XXVIII Kundrathur TP
76 77 Venkatapuram Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
77 78 Thirunageswaram Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
78 80 Manancheri Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
79 81 Moonankattalai Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
80 85 Kundrathur Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
XXIX Thiruneermalai TP
81 163 Thiruneermalai Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXX Perungalathur TP
82 167 Perungalathur Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXXI Peerkankaranai TP
83 169 Peerkankaranai Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXXII Chitlapakkam TP
84 162 Chitlapakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXXIII Sembakkam TP
85 161 Sembakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
86 174 Rajakilpakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
87 175 Gowrivakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXXIV Madambakkam TP
88 177 Madambakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXXV Perungudi TP
89 143 Perungudi Kanchipuram Tambaram
90 144 Seevaram Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXXVI Pallikkaranai TP
91 149 Pallikkaranai Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXXVII Sholinganallur TP
92 189 Sholinganallur Kanchipuram Tambaram

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
93 42 Vallur Thiruvallore Ponneri
94 43 Athipattu Thiruvallore Ponneri
95 44 Ennore Thiruvallore Ponneri
96 46 Nandiambakkam Thiruvallore Ponneri
97 12 Edayanchavadi Thiruvallore Ponneri
XXXIX Sholavaram PU
98 1 Alamathi Thiruvallore Ponneri
99 2 Attanthangal Thiruvallore Ponneri
100 3 Vijayanallur Thiruvallore Ponneri
101 4 Nallur Thiruvallore Ponneri
102 5 Sembilivaram Thiruvallore Ponneri
103 6 Siruniam Thiruvallore Ponneri
104 7 Pannivakkam Thiruvallore Ponneri
105 8 Padianallur Thiruvallore Ponneri
106 9 Sothupakkam Thiruvallore Ponneri
107 10 Melsingilimedu Thiruvallore Ponneri
108 11 Perungavoor Thiruvallore Ponneri
109 13 Vichoor Thiruvallore Ponneri
110 14 Vellivoyal Thiruvallore Ponneri
111 15 Thirunilai Thiruvallore Ponneri
112 16 Kodipallam Thiruvallore Ponneri
113 17 Arumandai Thiruvallore Ponneri
114 18 Kandigai Thiruvallore Ponneri
115 19 Marambedu Thiruvallore Ponneri
116 20 Kummanur Thiruvallore Ponneri
117 21 Angadu Thiruvallore Ponneri
118 22 Sholavaram Thiruvallore Ponneri
119 23 Old Erumaivettipalayam Thiruvallore Ponneri
120 24 Erumaivettipalayam Thiruvallore Ponneri
121 25 Athur Thiruvallore Ponneri
122 26 Karanodai Thiruvallore Ponneri

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
123 27 Sothuperumbedu Thiruvallore Ponneri
124 28 Orakkadu Thiruvallore Ponneri
125 29 Soorapattu Thiruvallore Ponneri
126 30 Sekkanjeri Thiruvallore Ponneri
127 31 Nerkundram Thiruvallore Ponneri
128 32 Girudalapuram Thiruvallore Ponneri
129 33 Pudur Thiruvallore Ponneri
130 34 Nayar Thiruvallore Ponneri
131 35 Mafuskhanpet Thiruvallore Ponneri
132 36 Pudupakkam Thiruvallore Ponneri
133 37 Periyamullaivoyal Thiruvallore Ponneri
134 38 Chinnamullaivoyal Thiruvallore Ponneri
135 39 Valuthigaimedu Thiruvallore Ponneri
136 40 Madiyur Thiruvallore Ponneri
137 41 Seemapuram Thiruvallore Ponneri
XXXX Puzhal PU
138 3 Sadayankuppam Thiruvallore Ambattur
139 4 Kadapakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
140 5 Ariyalur Thiruvallore Ambattur
141 6 Thiyambakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
142 7 Sendrambakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
143 8 Sirugavur Thiruvallore Ambattur
144 9 Vilangadupakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
145 10 Palavoyal Thiruvallore Ambattur
146 11 Theerthakiriyampattu Thiruvallore Ambattur
147 13 Lyon Thiruvallore Ambattur
148 14 Athivakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
149 15 Vadagarai Thiruvallore Ambattur
150 16 Thandalkalani Thiruvallore Ambattur
151 17 Grant Lyon Thiruvallore Ambattur
152 18 Alinjivakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
153 19 Payasambakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
154 20 Chettimedu Thiruvallore Ambattur
155 21 Vadaperumbakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
156 22 Kosappur Thiruvallore Ambattur

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
157 25 Elanthancheri Thiruvallore Ambattur
158 35 Mathur Thiruvallore Ambattur
159 36 Manjambakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
160 37 Vilakkupattu Thiruvallore Ambattur
161 62 Soorapattu Thiruvallore Ambattur
162 63 Kathirvedu Thiruvallore Ambattur
163 64 Puthagaram Thiruvallore Ambattur
XXXXI Villivakkam PU
164 39 Pammadukulam Thiruvallore Ambattur
165 41 Pothur Thiruvallore Ambattur
166 42 Vellanur Thiruvallore Ambattur
167 43 Morai Thiruvallore Ambattur
168 44 Pulikutti Thiruvallore Ambattur
169 45 Tenambakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
170 46 Melpakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
171 47 Arakkambakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
172 48 Pandeswaram Thiruvallore Ambattur
173 49 Kadavur Thiruvallore Ambattur
174 50 Karlapakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
175 51 Kilakondaiyur Thiruvallore Ambattur
176 52 Alathur Thiruvallore Ambattur
177 53 Vellacheri Thiruvallore Ambattur
178 54 Palavedu Thiruvallore Ambattur
179 82 Nolambur Thiruvallore Ambattur
180 83 Adayalampattu Thiruvallore Ambattur
181 90 Ayappakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
182 93 Sivabudham Thiruvallore Ambattur
183 94 Chettiyaragaram Thiruvallore Ambattur
184 95 Thandalam Thiruvallore Ambattur
185 96 Vanagaram Thiruvallore Ambattur
186 97 Karambakkam Thiruvallore Ambattur
187 100 Nerkunram Thiruvallore Ambattur
188 102 Ramapuram Thiruvallore Ambattur
XXXXII Thiruvallore PU
189 27 Pakkam Thiruvallore Thiruvallore

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
XXXXIII Poonamallee PU
190 6/2 Soranjeri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
191 6/3 Ayalcheri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
192 6/4 Anaikattucheri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
193 7 Kannapalaiyam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
194 8 Melpakkam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
195 10 Parivakkam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
196 11 Panaveduthottam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
197 12 Pidarithangal Thiruvallore Poonamallee
198 13 Kolappancheri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
199 14 Chokkanallur Thiruvallore Poonamallee
200 15 Voyalanallur Thiruvallore Poonamallee
201 16 Thirumanam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
202 17 Amudurmedu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
203 18 Karunakaracheri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
204 20 Nemilicheri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
205 21 Nadukkuthagai Thiruvallore Poonamallee
206 23 Annambedu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
207 24 Agraharam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
208 25 Sithukadu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
209 26 Korattur Thiruvallore Poonamallee
210 27 Nochimedu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
211 30 Neman Thiruvallore Poonamallee
212 31 Thirumalarajapuram Thiruvallore Poonamallee
213 32 Kuthambakkam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
214 33 Palanjur Thiruvallore Poonamallee
215 34 Parvatharajapuram Thiruvallore Poonamallee
216 35 Narasingapuram Thiruvallore Poonamallee
217 36 Vellavedu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
218 37 Melmanambedu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
219 38 Mothirambedu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
220 39 Thirukovilpattu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
221 40 Kilmanambedu Thiruvallore Poonamallee
222 41 Kavalacheri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
223 42 Ariyapancheri Thiruvallore Poonamallee
224 47 Nazarethpettai Thiruvallore Poonamallee

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
225 48 Varadharajapuram Thiruvallore Poonamallee
226 58 Kattupakkam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
227 59 Senneerkuppam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
228 60 Goparasanallur Thiruvallore Poonamallee
229 74 Agaramel Thiruvallore Poonamallee
230 75 Meppur Thiruvallore Poonamallee
231 76 Chembarambakkam Thiruvallore Poonamallee
XXXXIV Sriperumbudur PU
Chembarambakkam (pt) Tank
232 73pt Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
233 108 Daravur Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
234 109 Kattirambakkam Tank portion Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
235 112 Chettipattu Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
XXXXV Kundrathur PU
236 54 Chinnapanicheri Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
237 55 Paraniputhur Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
238 56 Kolathuvancheri Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
239 57 Srinivasapuram Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
240 61 Ayyappanthangal Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
241 62 Thelliaragaram Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
242 63 Mowlivakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
243 64 Madanandapuram Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
244 65 Mugalivakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
245 66 Manapakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
246 67 Kolapakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
247 68 Gerugambakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
248 69 Periyapanicheri Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
249 70 Kovur Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
250 71 Chikkarayapuram Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
251 72 Kozhumanivakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
252 73 Malayambakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
253 79 Kollaicheri Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
254 82 Thandalam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
255 83 Tharapakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
256 84 Rendamkattalai Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
257 86 Kavanur Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
258 87 Sirukalathur Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
259 88 Nandambakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
260 89 Poonthandalam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
261 90 Palanthandalam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
262 91 Thirumudivakkam Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
263 92 Erumaiyur Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
264 93 Varadharajapuram Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
265 94 Naduveerapattu Kanchipuram Sriperumbudur
XXXXVI St.Thomas Mount PU
266 126 Cowl Bazaar Kanchipuram Tambaram
267 127 Polichalur Kanchipuram Tambaram
268 132 Tirusulam Kanchipuram Tambaram
269 141 Kottivakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
270 142 Palavakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
271 145 Neelankarai Kanchipuram Tambaram
272 146 Injambakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
273 147 Karapakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
274 148 Oggiamthuraipakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
275 150 Medavakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
276 151 Nanmangalam Kanchipuram Tambaram
277 152 Koilambakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
278 153 Kulathur Kanchipuram Tambaram
Madippakkam (excluding
279 154 Kanchipuram Tambaram
S.No.1 to 96 & 221 to 244)
280 156 Perundavakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
281 157 Moovarasampettai Kanchipuram Tambaram
282 168 Mudichur Kanchipuram Tambaram
283 171 Meppedu Kanchipuram Tambaram
284 172 Thiruvancheri Kanchipuram Tambaram
285 176 Vengaivasal Kanchipuram Tambaram
286 178 Kasbapuram Kanchipuram Tambaram
287 179 Vengapakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
288 180 Agaramthen Kanchipuram Tambaram
289 181 Kovilancheri Kanchipuram Tambaram
290 182 Sithalapakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
291 183 Maduraipakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
292 184 Mulacheri Kanchipuram Tambaram

Local Body/
Sl.No Division/Village Name District Taluk
Village No.
293 185 Ottiyambakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
294 186 Arasankalani Kanchipuram Tambaram
295 187 Perumbakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram
296 188 Jalladianpet Kanchipuram Tambaram
297 190 Semmanjeri Kanchipuram Tambaram
298 191 Uthandi Kanchipuram Tambaram
XXXXVII Kattankolathur PU
299 1 Mannivakkam Kanchipuram Chengalpattu
300 2 Vandalur Kanchipuram Chengalpattu
301 3 Kilambakkam Kanchipuram Chengalpattu
302 9 Nedungundram Kanchipuram Chengalpattu
303 10 Puthur Kanchipuram Chengalpattu
304 11 Kolapakkam Kanchipuram Chengalpattu
Cantonment Area, in the midst of Chennai Metropolitan Area is not covered by
the Tamil Nadu Town Country Planning Act 1971 provisions and also in this
Master Plan.
1 123 St.Thomas Mount Kanchipuram Tambaram
2 131 Minambakkam Kanchipuram Tambaram

†Annexure XXVII
Regulations for grant of Special Transfer of Development Rights
(Spl.TDR) for slum resettlers

1. The slum dwellers residing at lands owned by Government departments or

agencies, who are to be resettled to bring the encroached land to its original
status or to make the land available for any public use are eligible for award of
Special Transfer of Development Rights in the form of FSI to the extent and on
the conditions set out below.
2. The slum dwellers eligible for the award of Special Transfer of Development
Rights shall be the ones identified by the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board
(TNSCB) as eligible for alternate accommodation when evicted, based on the
standard criteria adopted by the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board from time
to time.
3. Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board shall play the role of a co-coordinator–cum-
facilitator, between the slum households to be evicted, the private developers
of alternate accommodation and the Chennai Metropolitan Development
Authority (CMDA) that has to issue the Special Transfer of Development Rights
4. Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board shall identify the private developers to
provide alternate accommodation to the slum dwellers proposed to be evicted,
through bidding process, and enter into agreement with the private developers
for the provision of alternate accommodations to the slum beneficiaries
identified by the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board for eviction. The
agreement may be tripartite between Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board,
private developers and the Representatives or Associations of slum
beneficiaries identified, or it may be bi-party between Tamil Nadu Slum
Clearance Board and the private developers.
5. Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board shall ensure before the bidding process and
entering into agreement with the private developers that majority of the slum
dwellers eligible for alternate accommodation are willing to avail themselves of
the scheme and to shift to the location or locations identified wherein the
alternate accommodation will be provided through private developers.
6. The Member Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority will
assure Special Transfer of Development Rights to an extent of 30 square
metres of floor area per slum household in favour of the beneficiaries of
alternate accommodation, identified and informed by the Tamil Nadu Slum
Clearance Board, and the assurance will be communicated to Tamil Nadu
Slum Clearance Board.
7. FSI credit in the form of Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate
(Special TDRC) per slum beneficiary household shall be equal to 30 square
metres of floor area multiplied by the factor 1.5 multiplied further by a factor
arrived at by dividing the Guide Line Value (GLV) of the land at the emanating
site with the GLV of the land at the special TDR receiving site.

FSI credit per GLV for emanating site sq.m. of

= 30 x x 1.5
slum dwelling GLV for receiving site floor area

8. For arriving at the FSI credit, GLV of the land at the emanating site and the
GLV of the land at the importing site shall be with reference to the same in the
year of Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate utilization applied

Approved in G.O. Ms. No.161, H&UD dept, dated 15.07.2010 and published in TNGG on 18.08.2010

9. In cases where GLV is not available for the emanating slum infested site, the
GLV available for the adjoining site and if it is not available for the adjoining
site also, then the same for the nearby site shall be taken into account of while
arriving at the FSI credit.
10. The Special Transfer of Development Rights will be finally awarded by way of
Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate as recommended by Tamil
Nadu Slum Clearance Board, to the private developers who have provided
alternate accommodation of constructed dwelling units of floor area and
standards as prescribed by Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board and at the
location as agreed upon through agreement in regulation 4 above. It shall be
awarded after ensuring that physical possession of alternate accommodation
duly constructed to the standards prescribed by Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance
Board are handed over to Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board. Final
conveyance of absolute right over the tenements/flat constructed by the
private developers to Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board shall be through a
registered sale deed.
11. The Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board shall evict the slum dwellers identified
and accommodate them in the alternate locations and handover the evicted
site to the land owning department or agency.
12. Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board may collect lease rent, maintenance
charges, or any other charges / amounts due to it before final transfer of the
flat / tenement, after a specified period as normally done by Tamil Nadu Slum
Clearance Board in the cases of flats / tenements they construct, and allot it
to such slum dwellers, and it may be subject to such further conditions as
may be prescribed by the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board.
13. The developer who has obtained the Special Transfer of Development Rights
Certificate may utilise it himself or transfer it to any person and it shall be
done only with the clearance of Member Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan
Development Authority by obtaining due endorsement on the Special Transfer
of Development Rights Certificate after submitting a formal application in the
prescribed format. If this procedure is not followed then the transfer will not be
valid, and the certificate will be available for use only by the original/earlier
14. The holder of Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate who desires to
utilize the FSI credit while making development in a site shall attach in his
Planning Permission Application a copy of the valid Special Transfer of
Development Rights Certificate.
15. Any Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate obtained by
misrepresentation of facts shall be liable for cancellation and Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority shall take further action as per law
against the act.
16. Site in the following areas is not liable for utilization of Special Transfer of
Development Rights Certificate FSI credit transferred from other areas:
a. Coastal Regulation Zone areas;
b. Aquifer recharge area;
c. Red hills Catchment area;
d. George Town area and Continuous Building Area;
e. Any other area as may be decided by the State Government and notified
in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette.
17. Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate may be used in one or more
sites whether vacant or developed or by making additional constructions, in
consistence with the Development Regulations. Further the FSI of plots shall

not exceed 0.5 over and above the normally permissible FSI for that use in
those receiving sites.
18. Before granting Planning Permission for development in the receiving plot, the
endorsement on the valid original special Transfer of Development Rights
Certificate shall be made by Member Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan
Development Authority regarding the extent of utilization of FSI credit and the
balance credit of unutilized credit of FSI, if any.
19. Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate shall be issued on Rs.100/-
stamp paper in an appropriate form prescribed and duly signed by Member
Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority. Such a certificate will
be a transferable negotiable instrument only after due endorsement by
Member Secretary, CMDA as provided in regulation (13) above.
20. The Member Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority shall
maintain a register in an appropriate form with regard to all transactions
regarding grant and utilization of Development Rights.
21. The loss of Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate by the holder
will not entitle for availing the FSI credit. It shall be the responsibility of the
Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate holder to keep it safe and
secure. No duplicate Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate will be
22. Special Transfer of Development Rights Certificate shall be valid initially for a
period of five years. It may be renewed for further five years subject to
payment of revalidation fee which may be prescribed and notified by Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority from time to time.
23. For the alternate accommodation provided directly by the Tamil Nadu Slum
Clearance Board also the Special Transfer of Development Rights is awardable
to Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board to the extent and on the conditions
stated above in these regulations, and the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board
may utilise the FSI credit in their development sites or transfer it to others for
their revenue generation.
24. The Special Transfer of Development Rights issued under these development
regulations under the Second Master Plan shall be utilised within the Chennai
Metropolitan Area. †


Guidelines for the Premium FSI∗
(under D.R.No.36)

(i) The Premium FSI shall be allowed in the Chennai Metropolitan Area excluding
Redhills catchments area restricted for development and area of water bodies
maintained by the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board for
drinking water purpose. The Premium FSI shall be allowed relating the same to
the road width parameters as follows:-

Premium FSI
Road Width (% of normally
allowable FSI)
(i) 18 metres and above 40%
(ii) 12 metres – below 18 metres 30%
(iii) 9 metres – below 12 metres 20%

(ii) Additional benefit by way of Premium FSI accrued to the developer is related to
the proportionate land extent.

For example, -

(a) In case where normally permissible FSI is 1.50, for every 1 sq.m of
additional floor area constructed availing Premium FSI, proportionate
land required will be 2/3 or 0.66 sq.m.,

(b) In case where normally permissible FSI is 2.0 to 2.5, for every 1 sq.m of
additional floor area constructed availing Premium FSI, proportionate
land required will be 1/2 or 0.50 sq.m., 2/5 or 0.40 sq.m., respectively.

(iii) The amount to be paid by the applicant towards the Premium FSI (hereinafter
referred to as Premium FSI Charge) shall be equivalent to the cost of the
proportionate land stated above, as per Guide Line Value of the Registration

(iv) The applicant shall remit the Premium FSI Charge in one lump sum to Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority before getting planning permission.

(v) All the amounts collected towards the award of Premium FSI shall be remitted
into Government account, to be allotted separately for this purpose. The amount
shall be utilised for infrastructure development of the area as may be directed by
the Government.

(vi) The applicant shall have absolute right over the property to make the
development in the plot. Retention of undivided share of land will not be
recognised for award of Premium FSI.

(vii) The applicant shall, at the time of filing of his/her planning permission
application, state his/her willingness to avail the premium FSI and give an
undertaking to remit the Premium FSI charge at the above said rates before
getting the planning permission.

Approved in G.O. Ms No.163, H&UD, dt. 9.9.2009 and the G.O published in TNGG on 23.9.2009


Guidelines for Transfer of Development Rights
(under D.R.No.9)

[i] In case of lands where it is partly affected by the Master Plan / Detailed
Development Plan proposals or by any other development listed in the Regulation no.1
in the Annexure XXI of the DR, Planning Permission for development / construction in
the remaining part of the site shall be considered by the Member Secretary, CMDA (or
the competent authority to whom powers have been delegated for issue of planning
permission) only after the part of the land required for the project / scheme has been
surrendered through a registered gift deed satisfying the regulations for the grant of
TDR stated in the DR.

[ii] (a) In other cases where a planning permission applications has not been
received for any proposed development in a site as stated in (i) above, the Member
Secretary, CMDA (or the local body concerned to whom power in this regard has been
delegated) may publish a programme for road widening or a new road formation or
implementation of any traffic and transportation infrastructure development or any
urban infrastructure development granting TDR.

[b] After the above said publication, the owner can make and request to the
Member Secretary, CMDA (or the executive authority of local body concerned as the
case may be) for grant of Development Rights Certificate.

[iii] In cases where the site is already a developed one, irrespective of whether it
is an authorized or unauthorised development, the part of the land required for the
public purpose is eligible for the award of DRC.

[iv] In cases where there are existing buildings / structures in a site, and
because of the surrender of the land for obtaining DRC there may be violations of
planning parameters for the existing buildings retained in the remaining plot, they
shall be construed as in conformity with these regulations as long as no addition or
alteration or change of use is made, provided these existing buildings / structures
should have been approved or in existence as such prior to 5.8.75. (Public purpose over
weighs any individual interest / requirement and hence violations if any in the remaining
plot require such consideration of deemed provisions)

[v] Existence of any unauthorised building in a plot does not prohibit a land
owner from getting the DRC for the land required for the public purpose. But the
existing building in the remaining part of the plot shall continue to be unauthorised
until it gets regularised following due process of laws/rules, or demolished.

[vi] For arriving at the FSI credit the Guide Line Value [GLV] of the land
surrendered and the GLV of the DRC utilized shall be with reference to the GLVs at the
export and import sites in the year of DRC utilisation applied for.

[vii] ( a) When utilised in the remaining part of the export site itself:

If the applicant of a planning permission application proposes to utilise the

Development Rights of the part of the land he is surrendering / has surrendered, in the

Approved by the Authority in its Resolution No.93/2009, dt 22.9.09 and published in TNGG on 18.11.09

remaining part of the site retained by him, then also, the applicant is eligible for the FSI
as prescribed in these regulations [i.e after allowing the guideline value incentives, the
eligible FSI would be as given below:

When the Site (from which the land TDR FSI allowable for the
surrendered) qualifies for FSI of land surrendered
1 Non MSB < up to 1.50 2.25
2 MSB 1.75 2.25
3 MSB 2.00 / 2.25 2.50
4 MSB 2.50 2.75

In that case the question of issue of a separate DRC doesn’t arise].

(b) When utilised in a different import site:

If the DRC is utilised in a different site (i.e. not in the remaining part of the
export site itself), then the FSI eligible towards TDR will be as follows:
When the Site (from which the land TDR FSI allowable for the
surrendered) qualifies for FSI of land surrendered
1 Non MSB < up to 1.50 2.25 x V
2 MSB 1.75 2.25 x V
3 MSB 2.00 / 2.25 2.50 x V
4 MSB 2.50 2.75 x V
Where V is the multiplication factor arrived at by dividing the guideline value of the land
surrendered with the guidelines value of the land at which the DRC is proposed to be received /

(c) In the cases where it is claimed that an export site qualifies for
normally permissible FSI of 2.00 or more, the onus of proving the eligibility of that
higher FSI permissible only for Multi Storeyed Buildings as per the DR, lies with the
applicant, by submission of detailed plans of the existing developments in the export

[viii] DRC shall be valid initially for a period of 5 years, and may be renewed for
a further period of 5 years subject to payment of revalidation fee fixed by the Authority,
from time to time.

[ix] [a] Application for DRC shall be with necessary documents and
particulars as prescribed in the Appendix – A.

[b] Format of the Development Rights Certificate to be issued by the

Member Secretary, CMDA or executive authority of local body concerned to
whom power has been delegated shall be as prescribed in Appendix – B.

[c] Register on the award of DRC, the transfer of DRC if any, and the
utilisation of DRC shall be maintained as prescribed in Appendix – C.

[d] DRC holders shall submit utilisation form as prescribed in Appendix–D.

[x] DRC issued can be cancelled by the Member Secretary, CMDA or the
executive authority of the local body to whom power has been delegated, in the following

a. where DRC has been obtained by fraudulent means.

b. where the property is encumbered in any way restricting the ownership or

development rights or where there is a dispute on the title of the land.

[xi] Where a land for any development listed in the Regulation no.1 in the
Annexure XXI of the DR, could not be taken possession under these TDR regulations,
Land Acquisition Laws can be invoked and the land required can be taken possession
for the development by the public authorities so that the project or scheme can be
implemented without any hindrance/delay.

[xii] The planning authority may consider relaxing set back requirements along
the dividing line between the land surrendered and the land retained, for a proposed
construction in the remaining plot, on individual merits of the case, except in the cases
of multi storeyed buildings.

Application for Development Rights Certificate
Name of the owner& his address

The Member Secretary,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority,
Thalamuthu-Natarajan Building,
No.1, Gandhi Irwin Road,
Egmore, Chennai-600 008.


I / We intend to surrender the part / whole of the land of extent about ………
sq.m in T.S.No………………, Block No…………, S.No …………….. of ……………………
Village in ……………………………… Taluk of ……………………….. District which is
reserved as………………….., a public purpose as per the Second Master Plan for CMA /
………………..…….. DDP / as notified by the ………………………. Government
Department or agency or …………………………. Local Body for the grant of DRC in lieu of
monitory compensation.

I / We enclose herewith the following:

(i) Site plan showing the extent of the site owned by the applicant along with
the details of the existing structures

(ii) FMB sketch / PLR extract for the site under reference duly attested by a
revenue official not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar

(iii) Title deed to prove that the applicant has absolute right over the land for
which DRC is applied for

(iv) Area statement of the land for which DRC applied for, duly certified by an
Architect or an Engineer who shall also be a class-I Licensed Surveyor

(v) Encumbrance certificate for 20 years

I / We hereby state that no monetary compensation or DRC has been obtained

earlier for the part of the land applied for the DRC now.

I agree for all the regulations and conditions stated in the Annexure XXI of the
DR for CMA and the Guidelines notified there under including the conditions that the
DRC issued can be cancelled if it has been obtained by any fraudulent manner and if it
has come to the notice of the CMDA later that the site under reference is encumbered or
the title is under litigation.

Signature of the owner of the land


Development Rights Certificate
Office of the Member Secretary,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority,
Egmore, Chennai-600 008.

I …………………………. Member Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan Development

Authority having its office at Thalamuthu- Natarajan Building, No.1, Gandhi Irwin
Road, Egmore, Chennai-600 008, certify that the persons named hereunder in this
certificate is / are the Registered Holders of the DRC issued subject to the provisions of
the Development Regulations No.9 [read with the regulations for TDR given in Annexure
- XXI and the guidelines approved by the Authority] which formed part of the Second
Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area approved under the provisions of the Tamil
Nadu Town & Country Planning Act, 1971.

i. Location and details of the land surrendered

ii Reservation as per the Master Plan / DDP or

2. The DRC can be utilised only in the areas notified for the purpose and subject
to the conditions contained in the DR.

i) Certificate No. ………………………

ii) Names of the DRC Holders


iii) Extent of the land eligible for the FSI credit…………………

Given under the common seal ………………day of ………….. Year …………..

Senior Planner / Chief Planner, Member Secretary

Area Plans Unit, CMDA

Register of DRC Information
(i) S.Nos.
(ii) Folio No.
(iii) CMDA File No.
(iv) Date of receipt of the DRC request in CMDA
(v) Date of award of the DRC & the Sanctioning Authority
(vi) DRC No.
(vii) DRC originally issued in favour of
(viii) Details of the land surrendered
a) S.No.
b) T.S.No.
c) Block No.
d) Village Name
e) Block No.
f) District
g) Abutting street name
h) Extent of land in each S.No.
(ix) Date of submission of utilisation requests
(x) Name of the transferor
(xi) Details of the land at which DRC utilised
a) S.No.
b) T.S.No.
c) Block No.
d) Village Name
e) Block
f) District
g) Abutting street name
h) Extent of land in each S.No.
(xii) Balance extent of DRC if any
(xiii) Date of submission of utilisation request for the balance DRC
(xiv) Balance DRC utilisation details
a) S.No.
b) T.S.No.
c) Block No.
d) Village Name
e) Block
f) District
g) Abutting street name
h) Extent of land in each S.No.
(xv) Remarks

Utilisation Application

The Member Secretary,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
Thalamuthu Natarajan Building,
No.1, Gandhi Irwin Road,
Egmore, Chennai-600 008.

I / We, the undersign, do hereby request to allow to utilise the DRC detailed
below for the construction proposed to be put up at the site bearing S.No/T.S.No……
Block No………of ………………..… Village……….……....... Taluk …………………District for
which the Planning Permission is applied for by ……………….……… (name)
………………………………………………………………………..… (address) and is being dealt
in CMDA file No………………………

Particulars of DRC
DRC No. :
Issued in favour of :
Name in full Signatures
…………………………. ………………………
………………………….. ………………………
………………………….. …….…………………

I / We, the applicants of the PPA for the construction at

….……………………………………… is / are willing to utilise the DRC issued in favour of
the above persons, and request CMDA to permit the eligible floor area to be put up at
my premises.

Name in full Signatures

…………………………. ………………………
………………………….. ………………………
………………………….. …….…………………

Attestation by Notary Public

I hereby attest the signatures of
the DRC holders and
the PPA applicants mentioned above.

Address & Seal




Guidelines for Special TDR

The following guidelines shall be followed in the award of special TDR under DR.
No. 9-A read with the detailed regulations contained in Annexure XXVII:
i. TNSCB shall identify the slum and workout a scheme for eviction and rehabilitation
of the slum availing the special TDR provided for in the Development Regulations
(DR). The scheme proposed by TNSCB shall be informed in advance to CMDA with
the following details:
a) Revenue address of the site of the slum which is proposed to be evicted (i.e the
details of T.S. No. / S.No., Block No., Village Name, Taluk and District)
along with the map showing physical boundary of the slum under reference.
b) No. of dwellings to be resettled along with the list of the slum beneficiaries
who are eligible for award of special TDR under the DR provisions, who have
been enumerated and identified by TNSCB based on the approved standard
ii. TNSCB shall workout the scheme in such a way that no part of the slum shall be left
out from eviction for whatsoever reason. The slum clearance of the encroachments at
the slum site by rehabilitating them elsewhere shall be planned in toto ensuing that no
part is left as residuary part of the slum and it doesn’t expand later and grow as a full
slum in the same site. Compliance of this condition has become essential as otherwise
the purpose of award of TDR will not be served. In cases of large slums, TNSCB may
propose in consultation with CMDA on the extent to be considered for eviction and
resettlement at a time, as it may not be possible for rehabilitating all of them at a time
in such large slums.
iii. On receipt of the details stated in (i) above from TNSCB, CMDA shall examine the
TNSCB’s proposal and convey its assurance to TNSCB for award of special TDR to
the private developers based on the list of slum beneficiaries certified as eligible by
the TNSCB.
iv. TNSCB shall enter into final agreement with the developers only after receipt of
CMDA’s specific assurance for award of special TDR.
v. The buildings proposed/constructed by the developers under the scheme in agreement
with the TNSCB shall conform to DR and the local body regulations and shall be

Approved by the Authority in its Resolution No. 117/2010, dt.17.9.10 and published in TNGG on 8.12.10

constructed only after getting due planning permission and building permission from
the competent authorities as prescribed in the DR.
vi. The size of the dwelling unit to be provided by the developer shall not be less than 25
sq.mts. in plinth area (excluding common areas) and shall have atleast two habitable
rooms with a place for cooking.
vii. TNSCB shall ensure that the developer gets planning permission and building
permission, and that the constructions for rehabilitation are carried out to the
specifications prescribed by TNSCB, with quality checks during constructions etc.
viii. The assurance of CMDA for award of special TDR is always subject to the
compliance of supply of the dwellings and handing over to the TNSCB on time as
agreed upon and execution of registered transfer deed.
ix. TNSCB shall take over the premises only after the developer obtains completion
certificate issued by the competent authority for having completed the construction as
per the approved plan and the TNSCB shall ensure that the buildings are ready for
occupation with all service connections.
x. After receiving the certificate of the TNSCB for having taken over of the premises
with buildings constructed to the specification of the TNSCB and title transfer to
TNSCB through a registered deed, Member Secretary, CMDA shall award special
TDR as provided in the DR to the developers recommended by the TNSCB.
xi. The cleared site shall be handed over to the Government department / agency by
TNSCB immediately after the eviction and certificate by the landowning department
shall be obtained for handing over and for its protection against encroachments
xii. Any failure on the part of the land owning department to protect its slum cleared land
from any encroachment or formation of slum shall not make the slum dweller on such
re encroached land entitle for any special TDR under these provisions.
xiii. After clearance of the slum site covered in the scheme for rehabilitation and handing
over of the cleared site to the concerned land owning government departments /
agencies, the TNSCB shall send the scheme completion report to CMDA for record.
xiv. TNSCB shall ensure that a slum dweller avails himself / herself of the alternative
accommodation only once.
xv. Development Rights Certificate (DRC) issued can be cancelled by the Member
Secretary, CMDA in the following circumstances:
a) Where special DRC has been obtained by fraudulent means.

b) Where the property is encumbered in any way restricting the ownership or
development rights or where there is a dispute on the title of the rehabilitation
xvi. In cases where TNSCB constructs directly the rehabilitation tenements and provides
alternate accommodations, and proposes to avail the Special TDR as provided in the
sub-D.R. No. 23 under the Annexure XXVII, the normal procedures stated above for
private developers shall not apply. CMDA may award the Special TDR as may be
eligible under the Development Regulations on receipt of details on the rehabilitation
scheme and Board’s resolution of TNSCB claiming the Special TDR, and keep the
Government informed.
xvii. Format of the special Development Rights Certificate to be issued by the Member
Secretary, CMDA shall be as prescribed in Appendix – I
xviii. Register on the award of DRC, the transfer of DRC if any, and the utilization of DRC
shall be maintained as prescribed in Appendix – II
xix. Special DRC holders shall submit utilization form as prescribed in Appendix – III.
xx. Disclaimer: CMDA shall be absolved of any dispute or litigation arisen during
implementation of the slum clearance scheme and any dispute or litigation shall be
defended by the TNSCB, the scheme implementation agency.

Special Development Rights Certificate
Office of the Member Secretary,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority,
Egmore, Chennai-600 008.

I …………………………. Member Secretary, Chennai Metropolitan

Development Authority having its office at Thalamuthu- Natarajan Building, No.1,
Gandhi Irwin Road, Egmore, Chennai-600 008, certify that the persons named hereunder
in this certificate is / are the Registered Holders of the special DRC issued subject to the
provisions of the Development Regulations No.9-A [read with the regulations for special
TDR given in Annexure - XXVII and the guidelines approved by the Authority] which
formed part of the Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area approved under the
provisions of the Tamil Nadu Town & Country Planning Act, 1971.
i. Location and details of the land from where the slum allottees have been
evicted ……………………………………………………….
ii. No. dwelling units allotted to eligible beneficiaries from above location, in the
buildings constructed by the developer (name given in 2(iii) below)
2. The special DRC can be utilised only in the areas notified for the purpose and
subject to the conditions contained in the DR.
i) Certificate No. ………………………
ii) Names of the special DRC Holders
iii) No. of slum dwellings eligible for the FSI credit in favour of the developer

Given under the common seal …………………… day of…………….. Year


Senior Planner / Chief Planner, Member Secretary

Area Plans Unit, CMDA

Register of Special DRC for rehabilitation of slum families
(xv) S.Nos.
(xvi) Folio No.
(xvii) CMDA File No.
(xviii) Date of receipt of scheme proposal from TNSCB
(xix) Date of assurance to TNSCB for award of Special TDR
(xx) Date of receipt of TNSCB’s certificate on taking over of constructed
building for alternate accommodation
(xxi) Date of award of the special DRC & the Sanctioning Authority
(xxii) Special DRC No.
(xxiii) Special DRC originally issued in favour of
(xxiv) No. of slum dwellings eligible for FSI credit.
(xxv) Details of the land from where the slum allottees have been evicted
a) S.No.
b) T.S.No.
c) Block No.
d) Village Name
e) Taluk
f) District
g) Abutting street name
h) Extent of land in each S.No.
(xxvi) Date of submission of utilisation request
(xxvii) Name of the transferor
(xxviii)Details of the land at which special DRC utilised
a) S.No.
b) T.S.No.
c) Block No.
d) Village Name
e) Taluk
f) District
g) Abutting street name
h) Extent of land in each S.No.
(xxix) Balance extent of special DRC if any
(xxx) Date of submission of utilisation request for the balance special DRC
(xxxi) Balance special DRC utilisation details
a) S.No.
b) T.S.No.
c) Block No.
d) Village Name
e) Taluk
f) District
g) Abutting street name
h) Extent of land in each S.No.
(xv) Remarks

Utilisation Application

The Member Secretary,
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
Thalamuthu Natarajan Building,
No.1, Gandhi Irwin Road,
Egmore, Chennai-600 008.

I / We, the undersign, do hereby request to allow to utilise the special DRC
detailed below for the construction proposed to be put up at the site bearing S.No /
T.S.No…… Block No……of ……………………………..Village………................ Taluk
……………………….…District for which the Planning Permission is applied for by
………………………… (name)……………………………..(address) and is being dealt
in CMDA file No………………………

Particulars of special DRC

DRC No. :
Issued in favour of :
Name in full Signatures
…………………………. ………………………
………………………….. ………………………
………………………….. …….…………………
I / We, the applicants of the PPA for the construction at ….………………………
is / are willing to utilise the DRC issued in favour of the above persons, and request
CMDA to permit the eligible floor area to be put up at my premises.
Name in full Signatures
…………………………. ………………………
………………………….. ………………………
………………………….. …….…………………
Attestation by Notary Public
I hereby attest the signatures of the special DRC holders
and the PPA applicants mentioned above.

Address & Seal

Better Chennai is our motto
Citizen Area Plans Master Enforcement Construction Notice /
About CMDA Development TNUDP III RTI
Charter Unit Plan Unit Cell Wing Notification

Second Master Plan

Contents - Volume III


I Structure of Chennai

Chapter1 Maps

II Development Planning in Chennai Metropolitan Area

Chapter2 Maps

III Demography

Chapter3 Maps

IV Economy

V Traffic and Transportation

Chapter5 Maps

VI Shelter

Chapter6 Maps

VII Infrastructure

Chapter7 Maps

VIII Social facilities

IX Solid Waste Management

X Macro Drainage System in CMA

Chapter10 Maps

XI Disaster Management

Chapter11 Maps

XII Environment

XIII Infrastructure Investments for CMA

XIV Land use and Planning Strategy

Study Team

Second Master Plan
Chennai Metropolitan Area, 2026

Volume III
Sectoral Background

(Approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu in G.O.Ms. No. 190 H&UD dated
2.9.2008. Notification was made in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazettee
Extraordinary No.266, Part II-Section 2 dated September 2, 2008 )

September 2008

Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority

Thalamuthu - Natarajan Building,
No.1 Gandhi - Irwin Road, Egmore,
Chennai - 600 008, India.

I Structure of Chennai 1

II Development Planning in Chennai Metropolitan Area 21

III Demography 45

IV Economy 85

V Traffic and Transportation 107

VI Shelter 133

VII Infrastructure 157

VIII Social facilities 183

IX Solid Waste Management 198

X Macro Drainage System in CMA 214

XI Disaster Management 245

XII Environment 267

XIII Infrastructure Investments for CMA 275

XIV Land use and Planning Strategy 286


A/R Auto Rickshaw

ADB Asian Development Bank
ATC Area Traffic Control
BOO Build, Own & Operate
BOOT Build, Own, Operate & Transfer
BPL Below Poverty Line
BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
CAA Constitutional Amendment Act
CBD Central Business District
CBDRM Community Based Disaster Risk Management
CBED Community Based Environmental Development Programme
CBO Community Based Organisation
CMA Chennai Metropolitan Area
CMWSSB Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CO Carbon Monoxide
CoC Corporation of Chennai
CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
CPT Chennai Port Trust
Crore 100 lakhs = 1 00 00 000
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone
CTH Road Chennai Tiruvallur High Road
CTP Chennai Traffic Police
CTS Comprehensive Transportation Study
CTTS Comprehensive Traffic & Transportation Study
CUA Chennai Urban Agglomeration
DCR Development Control Rules
DDP Detailed Development Plan
DES Department of Economics and Statistics
DMRC Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
DMRH Director of Medical and Rural Health Services
DoH Department of Highways
DPHPM Dept. of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
DR Development Regulations
ECR East Coast Road
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ELCOT Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu
EMP Enviromental Management Plan
ETB Electric Trolley Bus
EWS Economically Weaker Section
FMP First Master Plan
FoB Foot Over Bridge
FSI Floor Space Index
GIS Geographical Information System
GNT Road Grand Northern Trunk Road
GoI Government of India
GoTN Government of Tamil Nadu
GST Road Grand Southern Trunk Road i
GWT Road Grand Western Trunk Road
H&UD Dept. Housing & Urban Development Department
ha hectare
HHI Household Interview
HIG High Income Group
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
HT Line High Tension Line
HTL High Tide Line
ICC Inner Circular Corriodor
IL&FS Infrastructre Leasing & Financial Services
IPT Intermediate Public Transport
IRR Inner Ring Road
IT Information Technology
ITES Information Technology Enabling Services
JNNURM Jawaharlar Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
km kilometre
KWMC Koyambedu Wholesale Market Complex
LB Road Lattice Bridge Road
LC Level Crossing
LIG Low Income Group
lpcd litres per capita per day
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
LRT Light Rail Transit
LT Line Low Tension Line
m million
MBI Road Marmalong- Bridge- Irumbuliyur Road
MEPZ Madras Export Processing Zone
Mft3 Million cubic foot
MG Road Mahatma Gandhi Road
mg. milligram
MICE Tourism Meetings, Incentives, Convention and Exhibitions Tourism
µg/m3 microgram per cubic metre
MIG Middle Income Group
Million 10 lakhs =100 000
MINARS Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic Resources
MLD Million Litres per Day
MMDA Madras Metropolitan Development Authority
MPC Metropolitan Planning Committee
MR Mixed Residential
MRTS Mass Rapid Transit System
MTC Metropolitan Transport Corporation
MUDP Madras Urban Development Project
MVA Mega Volt Ampere
MW Mega Watt
NCTPS North Chennai Thermal Power Station
NGO Non-Government Organisation
NH National Highway
NHAI National Highways Authority of India
NMT Non-Motorised Transport
Nos./nos. numbers ii
OMR Old Mahabalipuram Road
ORR Outer Ring Road
OSR Open Space Reservation
PCE Passenger Car Equivalent
PCO Public Call Office
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PDA Pallikaranai Drainage Area
PR Primary Residential
PTCS Pallavan Transport Consultancy Services
PWD Public Works Department
RITES Rail India Technical & Economic Services
rly. railway
ROB Road Over Bridge
RSPM Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter
RTS Rapid Transit System
RUB Road Under Bridge
SCAT Sydney Co-ordinated Adaptive Traffic System
SCOOT Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SIDCO Small Industries Development Corporation
SIPCOT State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu
SMP Second Master Plan
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter square kilometre
sq.m square metre
T/W Two Wheeler
TDM Travel Demand Management
TDR Transfer of Development Rights
TEU Twenty Equivalent Unit
TIDCO Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation
TN Tamil Nadu
TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board
TNHB Tamil Nadu Housing Board
TNHSP Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project
TNPCB Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board
TNSCB Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board
TNUDF Tamil Nadu Urban Development Fund
TNUDP Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project
TNUIFSL Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd.
TP Town Panchayat
TPP Road Tiruvottiyur- Ponneri- Panchetty Road
TSPM Total Suspended Particulate Matter
TWAD Tamil Nadu Water supply And Drainage Board
UGD Under Ground Drainage
ULB Urban Local Bodies
UMTA Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
V/C Volume-Capacity Ratio
VP Village Panchayat
WB World Bank iii

Study of development trends helps to ascertain where development had occurred

in the past and also particularly in recent years and the reasons for the same. It would
help us in identifying the potential areas for future development and also plan for the
future directions of growth taking into account of all the relevant planning aspects.
1.02 The site on which Madras is situated has a long history. Settlements existed in
the area of which Mylapore, Triplicane and Santhome were well known. The geographer
Ptolemy had recorded it in the second century AD that the port of Mylapore was known
to the Greeks and the Romans. The Port had a flourishing trade with the Roman
Empire and received considerable quantities of gold in exchange for products like
pepper and fine cloth. Mention has been made of the early settlement of Santhome by
Arab travelers and merchants of the 9th and 10th centuries. Marcopolo visited this
place in the late 13th Centurary and the Portuguese settled around Santhome in the
early 16th Century. According to a traditional account it was at Mylapore that
Thiruvalluvar, author of the famous Tirukkural-the universal Code of human conduct-
lived. Both Mylapore and Triplicane were important Hindu religious centres and
inscriptions dating back to the eighth century have been found in the Triplicane Temple.

1.03 The foundation for the development of the present metropolis was however laid
in 1639 when the British East India Company acquired the site on which Fort St.George
stands. The site was located by Sir Francis Day who obtained a 'firman' from one
Damela Venkatadri Naik, the local chieftain of the area for setting up a factory (trading
post). Francis Day and Andrew Cogan together with a few writers, 25 European soldiers
and a few other Hindu artificers were the first to settle in the site granted by Venkatadri
Naik in 1640.

1.04 The name of Madras is said to be derived from Madraspatnam, a village that
existed here prior to the settlement of the English.
Madras in 1600
1.05 Madras in 1600 was formed of scattered settlements separated by long
distances. Each settlement grew around a nucleus of a temple and has its own history.
The most important area at that time was Mylapore. In Santhome, the Portuguese,
having originally arrived in 1522, constructed a fort and settlement. Mylapore was an

Ref. Master Plan for CMA 1975
Ref. Structure Plan for CMA, 1980.

adjacent settlement with a newly constructed temple. Triplicane on the north was a
separate village.

1.06 There were small settlements in Purasawalkam, Thiruvatteeswaranpetta,

Egmore, Nungambakkam, and Saidapet. Among the suburbs, Tiruvottiyur, Velachery,
Tiruneermalai, Mangadu, Padi, Poonamallee, Kunnathur, Ayanavarum, Vyasarpadi,
Villivakkam, Ambattur, Koyambedu etc. already existed. Each of these villages was self-
contained and had its own agricultural production and household industries. The
changing rulers in the region never interfered with them; with the result that life in the
villages continued to exist without much change. Madras being on the coast, had many
sand ridges, but during the 16th century the level of the sea rose and inundated lands
within the settlements.

1.07 When the sea withdrew, lagoons and ridges were left behind. The lagoons took
some time to become filled in and the sandy ridges were places of safety where new
temples and settlements were established. There were two ridges - one between
Broadway and the Beach of about 12 feet high roughly along Thambuchetty Street and
another one along Mint Street. From First Line Beach the land slowly rose to the ridge
and then fell to a valley along the present Broadway, where a drainage channel ran.
Again it rose to the second ridge in Mint Street and descended gradually to a valley
along the present Buckingham Canal. The Mint Street ridge continued along
Tiruvottiyur High Road.

1.08 On the southern side, one such sand ridge ran from the mouth of the Cooum to
the present site of the Presidency College. On the rear side was a huge depression in
which the college grounds have now developed. The ridge is the present Marina.
Further south, a ridge in a "U" shape ran along Besant and Lloyds Road enclosing the
Ice House. Parthasarathy Temple at Triplicane is just by the northern area of this ridge.
There is a wide depression between the southern ridge and Mylapore.

1.09 Another ridge was along the Luz Church Road linking Santhome Cathedral and
Luz Church. The developments of Santhome and Adyar have been principally around
this ridge. Mount Road ran along a tank bund and was at a high level; to the east of it,
the land gradually falling to Triplicane High Road and the Luz. On the western side, the
present Vyasarpadi and Perambur areas were low lying lands periodically inundated by
floods. They were previously sparsely populated regions. People's Park was in a low-
lying area and Purasawalkam High Road was along a ridge. West of the road was a
drainage channel called the Otteri channel.

1.10 Important lines of communication linked these settlements. Egmore,
Purasawalkam and Aminjikarai lie along Poonamallee High Road. Triplicane and
Mylapore lie along a road leading to Tiruvanmiyur. These roads were just earthen cart

1.11 Within a few years of the founding of the British settlement and the construction
of a Fort at the site, the New Town, which had grown up around it, came to be known as
Chennapatnam in honour of the father of the local chieftain. This name was later
applied to the whole city. The population, which was 19,000 in 1646, expanded to
40,000 in 1669.

Madras in 1700
1.12 The Cooum River and the Elambore River or North River which flows into the
Cooum at its mouth were running very close to each other (near the Central Jail area)
and during floods they inundated the whole area. The two rivers were linked by a cut,
at this point, to equalise the floods in the rivers. A bridge was constructed in 1710
across the cut between the two rivers. The Principal road to Egmore from that time up
to 1931 had been the road in front of the present Central Jail. In this era there was a
lot of building activity (a redoubt at Egmore, a bridge and churches at the Fort and
many private buildings in and around the Fort).

1.13 Due to congestion inside the Fort, the British constructed some garden houses
in what is known as Peddanaickenpet. In 1733 there was a lot of congestion in George
Town and the weaving Community started settling in Chintadripet area and Collepetta
near Tiruvottiyur since abundant open space was available for weaving. The washer
men who were in the Mint area then moved towards the west. The Potters from this
area moved outside the Fort on the north side and formed a new colony (Kosapet).
Because of the construction of a bridge in 1710 to connect Egmore, people moved
towards the present Moore Market area and settled.

1.14 During this time, the British found that Triplicane was a good area for
settlement and a large number of people moved there. The presence of the Nawab of
Arcot increased the economic prosperity of the area and more and more Muslims settled
in Triplicane. So from that time onwards, it grew in importance, second only, to George
Town. St. Thomas Mount gained religious importance and Mount Road became
prominent with the construction of Marmalong Bridge in 1724.

Ref. Structure Plan for CMA, 1980.

1.15 Because the British started living along Cooum River, roads were laid to give
access to them and thus Marshalls Road, Halls Road, Montieth Road and Casa Major
Road all became thoroughfares even in 1798. Mowbrays Road and Royapettah High
Road were formed to give access to these people. The land west of George Town was a
low-lying swampy area and remained vacant without development. The surroundings of
the Fort area covering nearly 69 kms. and containing within it 16 hamlets were
constituted as the City of Madras in 1798.

Madras in 18002
1.16 After the founding of the Corporation, conservancy and improvement of the City
were begun. The City was divided into 8 Divisions and the Government selected 4
Commissioners from residents. The broad-gauge line from Royapuram to Arcot was laid
in 1864. Central station was formed in 1872 and linked to the main line. By 1861 the
British authorities realised the necessity of a harbour. A pier was constructed in 1862
and further development took place from 1868 onwards.

1.17 The formation of Royapuram station in 1862 induced people to move northwards
and settle in Royapuram. This gave rise to the establishment of some timber saw mills
and depots in Royapuram after a few years. Further the railway line passed through the
present Perambur area, which had so far been lying as swampy waste because of its low
level. The introduction of the railway line gave development potential to the hitherto
uninhabited place. From 1850 onwards, the necessity of providing recreational facilities
was perceived. Many parks such as the Peoples Park, Napier Park and Richardson Park
were created in this period. A Museum and a Zoo were also established.

1.18 Before 1800, the roads were in a radial pattern, but after 1810 ring roads were
developed inside the City. Mount Road was important and access to it was given from
Triplicane High Road, Chamiers Road, Edwards Elliot's Road and Royapettah High
Road. To the North of Mount Road, Pantheon Road, Halls Road, Marshalls Road, Spur
tank Road and Nungambakkam High Road were formed to serve the new residential
areas. Later Brick kiln Road and Perambur Barracks Road connected Poonamallee High
Road with Konnur Road, which was extended towards the Railway.

1.19 To facilitate trade the harbour was completed in 1896 just to the east of George
Town. The principal roads leading out of the area in three principal directions
connected the northern, western and southern parts of the presidency and they still
remain as the main transportation framework for the City. Railways were also built
radiating from the centre in these three principal directions.

1.20 The building of the harbour was responsible for sand accretion to the south of it
and the sea which was washing the ramparts of the Fort at one time was then 2.5 km.
away with a wide beach between the land and the sea. A number of public buildings
were constructed fronting this beach early in the 19th century, which still add dignity to
the City.

1.21 The city extended over an area of about 70 sq.kms. and had a population of
5.40 lakhs in 1901. The demographic growth rates during the previous two decades
were 5 per cent and 6 per cent. Important buildings and structures which are the land
marks of the city such as the Fort, the Marina-the road parallel to the sea-and the
fronting public buildings, the High Court, the Moore Market, the Connemara Public
Library and other public buildings around it already existed. George Town was the
main business centre but substantial parts of it were used for residential purposes also.
The main residential areas however were Chintadripet, Triplicane, Egmore, Mylapore,
Purasawalkam, Vepery and Royapuram. Most of the areas outside these settlements
were covered by gardens and agricultural lands interspersed with bungalows of the elite.
Nungambakkam, Chetpet and Kilpauk were some of the areas, which developed in this
manner; Saidapet in the southwest was a separate small settlement. Both sides of
Mount Road to a distance of 5 to 6 kms. from Fort St.George were occupied by large
business houses, clubs and hotels; industries were few and were located in George
Town or Perambur area. The West of Nungambakkam was covered by the
Nungambakkam Tank and this long tank extending in the form of a crescent for nearly
6 kms covered the west of Nungambakkam. The three railway lines served the city from
the north, west and southwest. The city was mainly a commercial, military and
administrative centre for the entire South India.

The City in 19412

1.22 The population of the City increased to 8.6 lakhs by 1941. The city occupied an
area of about 80 and its boundaries having been extended in 1923. The
important developments during the period 1901 and 1941 were the commissioning of
the electrified suburban metre-gauge railway between Beach and Tambaram in 1931
which gave a fillip for the development of the outlying suburban areas as far as
Tambaram, and the development of the area occupied by the long tank at
Nungambakkam as a planned residential neighbourhood by the Corporation. There were
also considerable in filling within the developed areas. The city had a good water supply
system and most of the areas were sewered. It had quick and cheap modes of transport
by trams and electric trains. The main roads were wide enough for the road traffic and
passed through shady avenues. By 1941 Madras had developed into a provincial

Ref. Structure Plan for CMA, 1980.

metropolis enjoying the best of both worlds -urban amenity and rural atmosphere. It
was still primarily an administrative and commercial centre.
The City in 1971
1.23 The thirty years between 1941 and 1971 saw tremendous growth in population
and economic activity in and around the City. The population first passed the million
marks around 1943 and then doubled itself in a short span of about twenty years to
cross, the two million mark. This happened in spite of two adverse events, viz., the
threat of Japanese invasion to Madras in 1944 and the reconstitution of Madras
Presidency on a linguistic basis in the fifties, when Andhra, Mysore and Kerala states
were formed. In 1950 the boundary of the City was extended to cover 129 sq.kms. by
the inclusion of Saidapet and Sembium. This period also saw the growth of new
residential as well as industrial suburbs particularly on the west and south.

1.24 The main reasons for this fast growth can be attributed to the forces of economic
activity released after the country obtained independence. The five-year plans and the
impetus given by the industrial activity in the public sector brought about the
transformation of the City from that of a purely administrative and commercial centre
into a metropolis of national importance. The major developments in the industrial field
during the post independence era have been, the location of a number of public sector
undertakings. This was followed by many private sector undertakings. Concurrently
this period saw the deterioration in water supply and drainage services and
mushrooming of many slum areas all over the city. The setting up of the Tamil Nadu
State Housing Board however, helped in the creation of large residential areas like Anna
Nagar on the west and Sastri Nagar on the south. The City's boundary no longer
remained well defined. The developments extended into the adjoining areas,
particularly, on the north up to Ennore, west up to Avadi and south up to Vandalur.

This growth did not take place in a regulated manner nor did it correspond to
the available infrastructure facilities. This fact coupled with the rapid growth of
population on the one hand and the increase in number of motor vehicles on the other
has given rise to the many problems faced by the Metropolis today. The growth of the
City since 1633 is depicted in the Sheet No.1.01 and 1.02.

Structure of the Metropolis in 1971

1.25 The City is at the core of the metropolitan area and is the centre for all
commercial and social activities as well as a living area for majority of the total
population. Its structure approximated to a semi-circle with extensions in five main
directions, the North, Northwest, West, Southwest and South. This is due to the fact
that early in the development of the city, George Town and Harbour became the

commercial centre of the City. Naturally all communication lines led to this centre and
these in turn were linked with each other producing a radial and ring pattern of
development. When the City grew, lands on the main arteries were much nearer in
terms of time needed to reach the centre than areas, which were away from them, and
further expansion took place on these arteries. The economics of transportation has led
to formation of development corridors the most important of which are on the west and
southwest where, physical conditions were more favourable for development.

1.26 The fringe areas in the north, west and Southwest had been the location of large
industrial establishments. The Madras Refinery, the Madras Fertilisers, Ennore Thermal
Plant, the Ashok Leyland Truck Factory and many accessory industries are located in
the north at Manali and Ennore. The T.V.S. Group of companies, Dunlop Rubber
Company, T.I. cycles and the larger industrial estates are located on the west at
Ambattur with the Heavy Vehicles Factory located further west at Avadi. Almost all
cinema studios and a number of medium industries including the first industrial estate
of the State - the Guindy Industrial Estate - are located in the southwest between Arcot
Road and Annasalai. A large industrial estate at Ambattur was located in the West along
MTH Road and the Standard Motor Factory (now closed) was located in the south at
Vandalur along GST Road. The main residential areas outside the City are along the
Southwest closely following the electrified suburban line and Alandur, Tambaram,
Pallavaram are such residential areas. Most of these areas however lack in commercial
and public facilities for which they depend on the main City.

1.27 Triplicane, Mylapore, Purasawalkam and also the northern part of George Town
and Royapuram are the old residential areas characterised by street housing (i.e.
houses constructed in a row without side open spaces) with shopping along main
streets. New residential areas of Mylapore and Theagarayanagar had developed with
bungalow type houses but densities here were higher than the exclusive older
residential areas of Egmore, Nungambakkam and Chetpet, which lie between these
areas and the central business district. This intervening area was developed for multi-
storeyed apartments, offices and hotels in view of their relative proximity to the central
business district.
The rural areas fringing the city were generally fertile then, particularly on the
north and west where paddy was raised as an irrigated crop. Casuarina wood for fuel
was raised all along the sandy coast in the southern part of the metropolitan area.

1.28 George Town and its extension southwards into Anna Salai together constitute
the central business district of the City where most of the wholesale trade, specialised
retail trade and banking and financial institutions were located and where commercial

activity was intense. More than 2 lakh work places (jobs) constituting 48 per cent of the
total work places in the Madras Metropolitan Area in 1971 were located here. Shopping
facilities of local significance had developed along almost all major roads.

1.29 The industrial areas within the City were mainly in the northern and western
parts, where they were closely mixed up with residential developments but new
industrial establishments as mentioned were located outside the City limits and many
important industries were on the outskirts. The main industrial areas are in Ennore
and Manali on the north, Ambattur and Avadi on the west, along Anna Salai and its
extension on the southwest. Nearly 40 percent of the industrial work places were
located on the north and northwestern part of the Chennai Metropolitan Area and over
10 per cent along Anna Salai and its extensions.

1.30 Public and semi public uses were dispersed but those, which were established
earlier, were concentrated in the older parts of the City such as Egmore and on the
Marina. New public offices were located in Nungambakkam and on Anna Salai. Public
uses, except for higher educational institutions were few in the suburbs.

1.31 The radial type of development has created green wedges, the edges of which in
some cases penetrate into the City boundary itself. The main communication routes
were lined with industrial establishments and shopping but the development is diffused
and could not be termed "urban" except in uses. The real rural area was not far from
these corridors and urbanisation had scarcely touched those areas either in the
physical or social sense. Many of the small settlements in fact did not exhibit any sign of
being near a large metropolis. Urban development in CMA in 1973 is shown in the map
Structure of the Metropolis in 2006
1.32 The Master Plan for CMA approved in 1976 proposed the structure of the
Metropolis taking into account various factors. The structure proposed was of radial
pattern with City as hub. The main elements of the strategy were2:
(a) Restriction of density and population growth in the city;
(b) Restriction of industrial and commercial developments within CMA;
(c) Encouragement of growth along the major transport corridors and development
of urban nodes at Manali, Minjur, Ambattur, Avadi, Alandur and Tambaram;
(d) Dispersal of certain activities from CBD; and
(e) Development of satellite towns, beyond CMA at Maraimalai Nagar, Gumidipoondi
and Thiruvallur.

Ref. Structure Plan for CMA, 1980.

1.33 The Master Plan included spatial plans for CMA with land use zoning and set the
urban form during the Plan period. TNHB has played a major role in development of
large scale neighbourhood schemes; Anna Nagar (about 5, Ashok Nagar and
K.K. Nagar (about 7, South Madras Neighbourhood scheme comprising Indra
Nagar, Sastri Nagar and Besant Nagar (about 4, etc. had come up with
plots/flats meeting the requirements of all sections of the society from HIG to EWS.
Under MUDP-I (1977-92), MUDP-II (1983-87) and TNUDP (1988-95) Neighbourhoods at
Arumbakkam, Mogappair, Villivakkam, Velachery, Kodungaiyur, Ambattur, Avadi, and
Madhavaram etc. were developed within the City and its suburbs. These large-scale
neighbourhood developments of TNHB with full infrastructure acted as catalyst for
private developments for residential use around.

1.34 A number of medium and small-scale industrial developments came up in the

areas zoned for industrial developments at Madhavaram, Vyasarpadi, Kodungaiyur,
Ambattur, Noombal and adjoining areas Pammal and Perungudi. Industrial estates at
Villivakkam, Thirumazhisai and Industrial estate for women enterpreneurs were
developed at Morai near Avadi. Considering the demand, infrastructure availability,
potential for industrial developments, the lands along the Poonamallee bye-pass road
near Poonamallee Town in the west and Old Mamallapuram Road (from City limit to
Sholinganallur) in the south were comprehensively reclassified for industrial use where
a number of medium scale and small scale industries had come up.

1.35 Though Vallalar Nagar (George Town) and Anna Salai area have continued as
CBD, Mylapore, Thyagaraya Nagar, Nungambakkam, and Purasawalkam have
developed as Regional Commercial Centres and Adyar, Anna Nagar and Perambur have
developed as Regional Commercial Sub-Centres. Relocation of wholesale activities in
Vegetable, Fruit and Flower from CBD to Koyambedu and City bus stand from CBD to
Koyambedu have been carried out; Iron and Steel Market at Sathangadu was developed.
Truck terminal at Madhavaram was made operational.

1.36 Major higher educational institutions are located in the central part and
southern part of the City and they continued to expand within its premises. After 1980,
a number of private engineering and medical institutions have come up dotting the

1.37 In the last three decades, the agricultural activity within this Metropolis had
become abysmally minimal for various reasons including non-availability of water for
irrigation purposes, labour cost, and cost of agricultural inputs. In the northern wedge
between GNT Road and T.P.P. Road, because ayacut rights of Puzhal and Redhills lakes

had been cancelled and local water sources are not adequate, the agricultural activity in
these areas is very minimal. Similar is the position in the northwestern wedge between
CTH Road and GNT Road, which lie in the catchment area of these lakes, which are the
main sources of water supply to the City. The Chembarambakkam lake, another large
lake in CMA, is being converted as another source for city water supply and very
minimal agriculture activity is being carried out in its ayacut area which lie in the
south-western wedge. In the southern wedge between Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old
Mamallapuram Road) and GST Road only in few pockets to a limited extent the
agriculture activity in the south of Tambaram - Madipakkam Road continue.

1.38 Chennai has become one of the preferred destinations for IT / ITES companies.
Tamilnadu is the second largest software exporter in the country, and 90% of the export
is from Chennai alone. A large number of IT / ITES developments are located along the
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), the area popularly known as IT Corridor. TIDEL PARK, a self
contained IT Park developed with a total floor area of 2.5 million sq.ft. at Taramani
houses all the major players in IT Sector. In this corridor, from Taramani to
Semmancheri a number of I.T developments are coming up because of locational
advantages for the industry such as uninterrupted quality power supply, better
transport facilities, accessibility to airport, availability of potable water supply, pollution
free environment etc. These developments are spilling over in the areas in the west along
the 200ft. wide Pallavaram - Thoraipakkam Road, and also along Velachery – Tambaram
Road. In the large I.T Park (layout with all required infrastructures, developed by
government agency over an area of 868 acres) at Siruseri, a number of I.T.Parks are
being located and will be fully functional by 2007. Bio-tech Park at Taramani was
developed by TICEL, and a major bio-tech park came up at Sirucheri. These
employment-generating developments resulted in fast development of the areas in the
west of the corridor such as Medavakkam, Jalidampet, Perumbakkam, Vengai vasal,
Gowrivakkam, Rajakilpakkam etc. as residential areas.

1.39 Chennai is emerging as a major export hub in the South East Asia. International
car manufacturers such as Ford, Hyundai, and General Motor etc. have established
around Chennai their manufacturing bases to cater to domestic and international
markets. New testing and homologation centre for automobile sector with an investment
over Rs. 1000 cr. is being established in this region. Saint Gobin glass factory, Nokia
cell phone manufacturing industry at Sriperumbudur, and Mahindra Industrial Park
developed over 1700 acres, near Maraimalai Nagar new town are some of the major
developments around Chennai. All these developments made considerable impact on the
structure of this Metropolis. Urban development in CMA in 2006 is shown in the map

Sheet No. 1.01

1633 1733

1798 1875

Growth of Madras since 1633 11

Sheet No. 1.02

1923 1943

1963 1971

Growth of Madras since 1923 12

Plate No. 1.01

Chennai – Old Images

Plate No. 1.02

Chennai – Old Images

Plate No. 1.03

Chennai – Old Images 17

Plate No. 1.04

Chennai – Old Images
Plate No. 1.05

Chennai – Old Images 19

Plate No. 1.06

Chennai – Old Images

Chapter - II


Any new plan for the CMA should build on the information of the past. The
following are the major plans that had been prepared for Chennai.

(i) General Town Planning Scheme (1957) prepared by Madras Corporation

(ii) The Madras Interim Plan [1967] prepared by D.T.P., Govt. of Tamilnadu

(iii) Madras Metropolitan Plan 1971-91 (1971) prepared by multi- agency group
and published by RD&LA Dept., Govt. of Tamilnadu

(iv) Madras Urban Development Project (1974) prepared by MMDA (now CMDA)

(v) Master Plan for MMA (1975) prepared by MMDA (now CMDA)

(vi) Structure Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area (1980) prepared by CMDA with
Alan Turner & Associates as consultants

General Town Planning Scheme (1957)

2.02 The General Town Planning Scheme was prepared by the Madras Corporation
and submitted to the then Madras State Government in 1957. The aim of the General
Town Planning scheme was to provide for the organised growth of the then Madras City
(129 The Scheme was then remitted to the Directorate of Town Planning,
Madras for technical scrutiny. The DTP after careful scrutiny of the scheme had
recommended that more detailed and extensive studies in depth would have to be
carried out before the scheme could be finalised. Then it was decided to prepare a
comprehensive development plan for Madras Metropolitan Area and as a first step to
prepare Madras Interim Plan (1967).

Madras Interim Plan (1967)

2.03 The Directorate of Town Planning had prepared the Madras Interim Plan in
1967. In the Plan, the problems of the City were viewed and appraised in the urban
context of the urban area being the first of its kind; the Plan devoted itself purely to
physical aspects of development and recommended that the fiscal plan should be
separately worked out. It was also envisaged that the Master Plan would be in two
stages viz. the preparation of an Interim General Plan in the first instance and
Comprehensive Development Plan in the second.

Madras Metropolitan Plan 1971-91 (1971)

2.04 To explore avenues for securing financial assistance for the city development
from the national and international institutions, it was found then that the plan
prepared earlier were inadequate in regard to long range prospective and also the scale
of financial effort needed to direct the future development in orderly manner. Then the
Government decided to prepare a report which would not only indicate the dimensions
of the problems ahead, but also the necessary efforts - physical and financial - needed
to make Madras a living city.

2.05 The proposals made in the Madras Metropolitan Plan 1971-1991 mainly
contained the following:

(1) Strategy for physical growth of urban areas

(2) Programmes for land acquisition for urban expansion, provision of
infrastructure for transport, water supply, sewerage and drainage, slum
clearance, provision of facilities for education, health, recreation and refuse

(3) Action to bring revenue base in the area in line with the levels of
expenditure and

(4) Recommendation on institutional set up required to implement the Plan.

2.06 The Madras Metropolitan Plan achieved its aim of looking to the longer term
future and costing of various programmes of developments. It also clearly illustrated
the magnitude of the tasks faced in managing the development of the Metropolitan Area.

Madras Urban Development Project (1974)

2.07 MMDA (now CMDA) was set up as an adhoc body in 1973 and became statutory
in 1975 (under the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 which
superceded the then existed Madras State Town Planning Act, 1920).

2.08 The Madras Urban Development Project report was prepared by MMDA updating
the earlier data and presenting a more viable case for exploring additional resources for
investments from various financial institutions including World Bank. The report
identifyied the overall problems and the needs of the metropolitan area

2.09 It highlighted the then present deficiencies and future requirements in some of
the critical sectors and suggested an investment programme for 1974-79. It also
stressed the need for land use control.

2.10 The Madras Urban Development Project report represented a further shift towards
concentrating on the positive aspects of managing the development of the MMA and it
was concerned primarily with presenting a package of realistic projects that could be
implemented within a period of 5 years. The Madras Urban Development Project
became the basis for appraisal of projects under the World Bank assisted Madras Urban
Development Project-I (1977-82) executed at a cost of Rs.56 Crores, MUDP-II (1983-88)
executed at a cost of Rs.73.9 Crores and TNUDP-I Chennai Metropolitan Area
component executed at a cost of about Rs.450 Crores.

Master Plan For MMA (1975)

2.11 As per the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 one of the
statutory functions of CMDA is to prepare Master Plan for the Metropolitan Area.
Drawing heavily on the Madras Urban Development Project report, the Master Plan was
prepared also updating the land use surveys conducted in 1964. Land use and
Development Control Regulations had become part of the Master Plan. On the resource
aspects, it echoed the recommendations of the Madras Metropolitan Plan, 1971.

2.12 The first Master Plan for CMA laid down policies and programmes for overall
development of CMA taking a long-term view of the requirements. As stated in its
preamble, in particular, dealt with the following aspects:

(1) The present trends of the population growth and the future population in
the Metropolitan Area and approximate distribution of population in various
parts of this Area

(2) The economic level and activities in the Metropolitan Area and policies for
future economic growth as well as future location of economic activities

(3) The (then) present physical structure of the Area and policies for its
future physical development

(4) The (then) present traffic and transportation and circulation pattern and
policies and programmes for efficient functioning of these sectors

(5) The manner in which land and buildings in the area should be used and
allocation or reservation of land for residential, commercial, industrial,
institutional, recreational, agricultural and other uses taking into consideration
the future needs of the population that will live in the Area

(6) The requirements in respect of urban infrastructure viz. water supply

and drainage, housing, education, medical facilities and recreation and the
policies for their future development

(7) Policies and programmes for sectoral development as well as detailed
development of areas for housing, shopping, industries, civic amenities,
educational and cultural and other related facilities

(8) Regulation of the use-zones, the location, height, size of buildings, size of
yards, and other open spaces to be left in and around the buildings, and also
regulation of land sub-division, architectural and advertisement control and
preservation of trees, historical and scenic areas and

(9) The areas proposed for acquisition for purposes of urban development.

2.13 Salient features/main recommendations made in the first Master Plan are:

(1) The proposed population for 1991 and 2001 for Chennai City (128 Sq.m.
then) was 3.60 million and 4.0 million respectively and for CMA was 5.80 million
and 7.10 million respectively.
(2) Considering the economic characteristics of the metropolitan area (then),
the Plan listed the following points relating to economic policy:

(a) The State income and income of the Metropolitan Area are low. It
is apparent that the incomes cannot sustain, without outside
assistance; massive expenditure on infrastructure in urban areas
which in themselves are necessary to promote development.
Development projects would need to be oriented towards raising levels
of income both at the State level and the Metropolitan level.
(b) The State ranks third (then) in the country in the level of
industrialisation but it is far behind Maharashtra and West Bengal.
Only large-scale industrialisation can raise income levels since much
effort has already been made to increase agricultural incomes and
further efforts in this sector are not likely to yield higher results due to
constraints like non-availability of cultivable waste lands and
inadequate water for irrigation.
(c) Madras is predominantly an administrative and commercial
centre. Its industries are of the service and light type with medium
range employment and this character needs to be strengthened. The
industrial policy for the area should therefore be oriented towards small
scale and service oriented industries to satisfy, employment needs of
the resident population rather than location of large-scale industries
which breed a host of ancillary industries. Such large-scale industrial
activity could be more usefully located in the hinter land of Madras

Metropolitan Area. Further utilisation of the capacities of existing
industrial units should also be ensured without correspondingly
increasing employment in order to raise industrial incomes.
(d) In view of the availability of a modern and major port, export
oriented industries with a "high value added" character will need to be

(e) Tertiary sector employment would need to be raised but all

employment increase should be within the framework of the State
employment policy in order to regulate migration.

(3) The only way to regulate economic activity, optimise the use of existing
(then) infrastructure facilities and plan their expansion to meet future needs in
an area is to regulate land use and building activity therein.

(4) The strategy of developments of radial corridors linked to satellite towns

was found most suitable (then). The form suggested for future development of
MMA envisaged creation of six major urban nodes at Manali, Minjur, Ambattur,
Avadi, Alandur and Tambaram along 3 corridors apart from limited development
along GNT Road, Poonamallee Road and Lattice Bridge Road.

(5) Each major node was designed for a population of 200 to 300 thousands
and would be predominantly and self-contained unit providing for a substantial
percentage of land for work places, schooling, shopping and other day to day

(6) The nodes would be connected with rapid rail system and expressways to
the city on the one hand and to the satellite towns on the other (Satellite towns
proposed (then) were at Gummidipoondi, Thiruvallur and Maraimalai Nagar).

(7) The nodes amongst themselves would be connected by both rail and road
systems to facilitate intra-urban movement.

(8) The population within City in 1971 was 2.47 million and the city is
bound to grow in population at (then) present rates for at least next 5 years
(4.28% for the City and 6.3% for the Madras Urban Agglomeration). The main
reason for such assumptions are:

(a) The urban nodes will take time to develop and absorb the future
urban population;

(b) The areas, currently being developed as residential
neighbourhoods within the City would themselves contribute to
increase the City's population substantially, and

(c) There are still some vacant and undeveloped lands within the
City, particularly on the fringes where development potentialities exist

(d) The rate of development within City will however taper off once the
development of urban nodes gains momentum and the level of
population within the City would then get stabilised.

(9) Based on the Traffic and Transportation Plan for MMA, 1974 (prepared
by Madras Area Traffic Study Unit of D T & C P.), a modal split of 80:20 was
estimated for the year 1991 between the public mass transit modes and private
personal transport (against 51:49 existed then bulk of private mode being by
cycles and walk). The important projects identified in the Master Plan (then) for
implementation were:
(a) Construction of a mass rapid transit system along the north-south
eastern corridor between Manali and Thiruvanmiyur;
(b) Introduction of electrified suburban train system on Madras-
Thiruvallur and Madras-Minjur lines;
(c) Construction of a combined railway terminal; and
(d) Construction of a circular railway.

(e) Widening of the arterial roads to carry six lanes of traffic with separate
cycle tracks and footpaths:

(i) Anna Salai

(ii) Poonamallee Road including a fly-over opposite Central Station
(iii) Walltax Road and G.N.T. Road
(iv) Arcot Road
(v) Edward Elliots Road and its extension up to Poonamallee High
(vi) Flowers Road and its extension up to G.N.T. Road
(vii) Adams Road and its extension upto Poonamallee High Road and
Sydenhams Road up to its junction with G.N.T. Road
(viii) North Beach Road and its extension to Ennore

(f) Replacement of the 26 level crossings over railways with grade separators

(g) Construction of a new western expressway connecting Anna Nagar with

(h) Construction of the missing links of the inner ring road within the City
and construction of intermediate and outer ring roads
(i) Construction of three terminals for long distance buses and truck
terminals on the radial corridors at their junction with the outer ring road.

(10) The standard of water supply adopted for the estimates of Corporation of
Madras and Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board for the requirements
of water for MMA was 227 lpcd. Recognising the severe limitation of the (then)
present sources of water supply, it was suggested that number of studies
covering all the aspects of water supply system would have to be carried out
before a comprehensive programme for water supply system was put through.
Similarly before investing on sewerage a full scale investigation was necessary.
The success of development of urban nodes for dispersal of population in the
MMA so as to restrict the population within (then) present limits to manageable
proportions depends upon the speed with which water supply and drainage
scheme had to be implemented in those areas.

(11) About 33.5% of City population [7.37 lakhs] lived in 1202 slums in the
Chennai city in 1971. Considering (then) current and future requirements, a
massive housing programme would have to be initiated and put through; in 10
years 12,000 hectares of land to be acquired (2500 Hectares each in Manali,
Avadi, Ambattur and Tambaram, 1500 Hectares in M.M. Nagar, 750 Hectares
each in Gummidipoondi and Thiruvallur and developed for housing. Most of the
new housing by the public agencies except that intended to rehabilitate slum
dwellers on the same site would have to be necessarily provided in the urban
nodes as sufficient developable land within City is not available.

(12) Primary education was the responsibility of local bodies, but privately
run schools provide school facilities for a large segment of the population then.
Recognising the need for improving school facilities it is observed that policy for
the provision of future education facilities should aim at organising school
buildings and playgrounds in proper locations. Advance action was called for to
reserve adequate lands and locations convenient and safe for children.
Depending on the need for the community, it was felt necessary to plan future
locations for college and higher education institutions.

(13) Observing the over-crowding in wards and other spaces in the hospitals,
and ever-increasing demand for hospital facilities (adopting a standard of 500
beds for each hospital on the basis of 4 beds per 1000 population) it was
recommended that on an average one hospital will have to be commissioned
every year.

(14) Emphasising the need for providing adequate recreational facilities in the
shape of parks, play ground and open spaces to serve all levels of population in
urban areas, it was recommended as follows:

a) 80 hectares for one lakh population for metropolitan parks, and 400
hectares of land along each of the 3 major corridors, and 800 hectares
along the coast in the north and south are required for provision for
regional level recreational facilities.

b) Local level recreational facilities have to be provided at the rate of 0.8

hectares per 1000 population for parks and play spaces. The spatial
distribution of these facilities would largely depend on the availability of
suitable land, particularly in built-up areas and hence had to be taken up
at the level of Detailed Development Plans. The total requirement of open
space in MMA in 1991 was 9600 hectares (96

(15) Development in the Metropolitan area was taking place at the rapid rate
especially on the National Highways leading to the City and to a lesser extent on
the other roads. One of the major principles underlying the Plan was securing of
balanced development by decentralising the places of employment and
residential areas. The Plan had allocated land for industries, commerce,
housing, play fields and other types of major urban land uses in appropriate
locations and interrelated to each other so as to promote orderliness and smooth

(16) Each land use zone had its special regulations designed to protect
residential and recreational areas from harmful invasions of commercial and
industrial uses and at the same time promoting business and industry by
diverting them to most suitable places. By regulating the spacing of buildings,
floor area ratio, set-backs, parking etc. the Plan aimed to ensure adequate light,
air, fire protection etc. and to prevent over-crowding in buildings and land and
thus facilitating the provision and continued adequacy of water, sewerage,
transportation and other facilities.

(17) The proposed land use plan contains 10 land use zones. In each use zone,
certain uses would be permitted normally, other uses may be permitted on
appeal to the CMDA and all other uses not specified therein would be specifically
prohibited. Planning parameters had been prescribed differentially for 3
categories of areas viz. (i) Continuous Building Areas and George Town, (ii)
Madras City excluding GT and CBA, and (iii) rest of CMA.

(18) It was observed that the land use plan was in essence a translation into
physical form of planning policies and principles. The policies had taken into
account the realities of the (then) present situation and were designed more to
channelise future development on orderly lines rather than effect wholesale
change in (then) existed development.

(19) The proposed land use break-up for various uses as per the Master Plan
(1975) is given in table 2.01

Table No.2.01 Proposed Land use under First Master Plan for CMA

Chennai City Rest of CMA

Sl.No Land Use Extent in % to total Extent in % to total
hect. extent hect. extent
1 Residential 8,081.98 48.57 32,255.78 30.98
2 Commercial 973.28 5.85 895.42 0.86
3 Industrial 1,107.51 6.66 6,361.62 6.11
4 Institutional 2,746.43 16.51 4,935.20 4.74

Open space & 3,254.11 19.55 7,767.21 7.46

6 Agriculture - - 50,924.14 48.91
7 Non-Urban 476.11 2.86 978.71 0.94
Total 16,639.42 100.00 1,04,118.08 100.00
Source: Draft Second Master Plan 2011 (prepared in 1995)

Structure Plan for CMA (1980)

2.14 The structure plan was prepared in CMDA in association with M/s Alan Turner
and Associates in 1980 with the assistance of Overseas Development Agency of U.K.
Earlier planning in Chennai Metropolitan Area were reviewed and the following main
recommendations were made in the plan:

Suggested Strategy

1) The Master Plan strategy which aimed to restrict the size of the City is in
need of considerable amendment owing to much higher population growth than
previously predicted and the distribution of population and new development, it
is recommended that an alternative strategy should be adopted which combines
limited intervention with an acceptance of the pressures for growth.

2) Policies for growth should embrace a realistic, acceptance of growth

trends and should not attempt to intervene in an impracticable manner.
Programmes, which are capable of implementation in the short term, should be
devised within the framework of longer-term strategy.

3) In developing the programmes of the various sectors in pursuit of a

chosen strategy, it is essential to adopt realistically achievable targets. In this
respect, financially self-supporting projects involving maximum cost-recovery
should be developed wherever possible. Cross subsidies will help to create viable
projects for the lowest income groups.

4) Particular attention should be given to monitoring migration into and out

of Madras - not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of understanding
the reasons for migration and the difficulties encountered in being absorbed into
city life.

5) Further study should be made of the structure of the population -

particularly of changes in the structure - with a view to determining future
demand for services and facilities with greater accuracy.

6) Policies aimed at reducing population growth in the MMA over the long
term should be pursued rigorously. They should take two forms:

a) Family Planning Programmes

b) Programmes of regional development aimed at reducing the perceived
relative attractiveness of metropolitan city life as opposed to rural or
small town life.

7) Priority areas should be designated for which Action Plans should be

prepared. These should contain social, economic and physical components
prepared in greater depth than the current Detailed Development Plans, which
are restricted largely to land use planning. Special action planning terms should
be set up within MMDA to prepare Action Plans and co-ordinate them with the
programmes of other agencies.

8) The efficient use of scarce resources, particularly of water supplies
should be considered to be paramount in determining the pattern of future
urban growth.

9) The location of new squatter settlements will need very careful

monitoring owing to their influence on the pattern of urbanization, particularly
with regard to the provision of new infrastructure.

10) In view of progress at Marai Malai Nagar and Manali, MMDA should carry
out a review of their present role in the emergent growth strategy for MMA.

11) In addition to the urban nodes, which form a part of the current Master
Plan, other local centres should be encouraged to develop in order to spread
employment and service facilities throughout the urban area. A policy of
multiple centres should help to provide more balance in transport facilities.

12) Industries with water borne polluting effluent should not be allowed to
develop south of Madras, where owing to the predominantly south/north drift
they could pose a threat to the Marina Beach.


13) Development should be prohibited in some areas where there are natural
constraints (such as flood plains of the foreshore area) and restricted in others.
Development policies should seek to discourage development in these areas and
to encourage development in defined areas, which will tend to be on the
periphery of the City. Detailed geologic maps are needed to determine more
accurately the location of constraints.

Areas under considerable pressure for urban development (the 'urban fringe')
should receive an adequate share of resources, since it is here that many
subsequent urban problems are likely to have their origin.

14) A policy of "green wedges" should be adopted to protect agricultural areas

between development corridors. These areas would also provide space for

15) In certain priority areas, MMDA should adopt the role of principal
developer in the assembly and disposal of land to meet the various development

16) An open space policy should be formulated which would define areas for
both productive uses and recreation and would set standards and guidelines for
their use and maintenance.

17) Urban residents should be encouraged to grow their own fruit and
vegetables, wherever they have sufficient space. This will help to achieve the
best use of private open space.

18) In order to monitor the physical growth of the City, aerial photographs
should be taken every five years; the results should be compared with data on
population distribution from the Census. In this way the forecast trends in
growth can be confirmed or modified.

Rural Development

19) Detailed Studies should be carried out of the rural/urban interface in

order to formulate integrated policies. These would help to define in greater
detail, which areas should remain rural and which should be developed for
urban purposes. Integration will help to minimize waste of scarce land and
water resources.

20) A concerted programme of afforestation should be formulated for MMA,

in conjunction with the provision of open space and reclamation of derelict land;
generally this would be on poor land unsuitable for agriculture.

Financial Resources

21) MMDA should establish a Programme Budgeting Division in order to

develop a five-year rolling programme of capital investments, relevant to the
selected strategy and to monitor and evaluate results through a series of
performance indicators.

22) MMDA should initiate a detailed sectoral analysis with the ultimate aim
of linking all the agencies investment programmes in pursuit of a common
development strategy consistent with their own objectives

23) MMDA and other public agencies should aim to capture the increment in
land value caused by public land development for the benefit of the community
as a whole. This will ease the burden of providing relief for the poorest sections
of society.

24) Every opportunity should be found to enable the private sector to play a
full part in the development process.


25) Within the framework of national policy a regional strategy should be

formulated, which would help MMA through direct investment, in setting up
large public enterprises and the extension of financial incentives. The strategy
would seek to promote agriculture, fishing and industries catering for the export

26) Complementary income generation programmes should be developed in

parallel with all sites and services and slum upgrading projects. These should
include, the promotion of small business, and informal activities and the
provision of short vocational training courses.

27) A series of action programmes for the stimulation of the small business
sector should be developed in collaboration with the relevant agencies.

28) A large number of agencies and public corporations are engaged in

economic development. In several cases functions overlap and it is recommended
that management studies be carried out with a view towards rationalization and

29) Additional investment in electricity generation and distribution should be

given priority in the immediate future. Electric power is in short supply and the
numerous power cuts are impeding industrial production and growth.

30) Major industrial development should be directed towards the existing

industrial areas and zones, largely in the peripheral areas, with good
communications and a nearby resident labour force.

31) Retail, service and small office activities should be encouraged to succeed
the wholesale merchants relocated from George Town. A policy of upgrading
infrastructure and buildings should be followed.


32) TNHB should put much more emphasis on low cost housing especially
sites and services programmes rather than the current schemes, which favour
middle and higher income groups.

33) To encourage greater private sector participation a number of measures

must be taken including a review of the Urban Land Ceiling Act, the use of
licenses to construct housing on government land, better access to credit
facilities and the provision of more housing for workers by major employers.


34) The various significant transport proposals should be kept under review
to determine their viability, timing and role in shaping the overall development
strategy. Such proposals include - the inner circular railways, and the
intermediate and outer ring roads.

35) Land use planning should attempt to ensure a balance between resident
population and facilities over any 3 km, radius, particularly in terms of housing
and jobs for the lower income groups.

36) The First Phase of the MRTS (Madras beach to Luz) has reached a point
in its processing where it must be regarded as a committed project, it is essential
to maximize the advantages to be gained from the investment by planning
appropriate developments at the stations along the line. MMDA should carry out
a special study in collaboration with MTP(R).

37) A network of arterial roads, which can be developed as the main channels
for vehicular movement, needs to be identified. The districts bounded by the
arterials each need to be examined to ensure that internal roads will not become

38) A long-term strategy for roads should aim for better use of existing roads
and improvements of conditions for all highway users. The various highway
users should be better segregated than at present - particularly local and longer
distance travel. The environment for activities along the roads should be

39) Special routes in some areas should be designated for trucks and other
streets should be closed to trucks over a certain weight.

40) A parking policy should be developed with restrictions enforced in the

more congested areas. Off-street facilities should be provided for certain new
developments provided that rigorous enforcement of street parking exists in the

41) Apart from the trunk routes along those corridors not served by rail, bus
routes should be designed to give a more local service, providing a feeder service
to the corridor trains or buses. In addition cross-town routes will be necessary.
The attitude of experimentation with new routes, together with continuing
market research into route requirements, should be encouraged.

42) A detailed study should be made of the potential for constructing
effective bus/rail interchange stations in the first instance on the Tambaram line
at Saidapet, Nungambakkam and Chetput.

43) Cyclists deserve special consideration in the Structure Plan. Further

detailed study of cycling habits appears to be justified as does construction, if at
first on an experimental basis, of some lengths of exclusive cycle-way. It has
been suggested that the banks of the Cooum River or the Buckingham Canal
might be a suitable location for such an experiment.

44) The improvement of sidewalk facilities for pedestrians is probably the

single most important improvement needed to make the best use of road space.
Maintenance and improvement programmes should aim to provide continuous
smoothly paved sidewalks on all roads. Where possible, routes independent of
vehicle routes should be developed.

45) MMDA should formulate integrated policies of street management

(including traffic management and highway maintenance) and co-ordinate the
activities of the local bodies, the police, the highway authorities, and public
transport authorities and works departments. This is essential, in order to make
more efficient use of the existing street network.

Education and Health

46) Educational policies should be directed more towards the needs of the
lowest income groups, with emphasis on primary education and vocational

47) MMDA should co-ordinate the programmes of operating agencies so as to

increase the number of hospital bed-spaces; upgrade existing family and child
welfare centres; construct new maternity and child welfare Homes; extend the
programmes for medicare centres and pre-school care.

Water Management, Water Supply, Drainage and Sewerage

48) It is imperative to identify new sources of water in the short-term, if lack

of water is not to pose a serious impediment to growth and development. This is
important both in urbanizing areas and in areas identified for long-term
agricultural use.

49) An integrated scheme should be prepared for the reuse of wastewater,

together with a comprehensive scheme for utilizing existing water resources.

this would reduce the need for imported water from distant sources. Reuse
would be related to higher value market garden crops and would enable
nutrients to be returned to the soil.

50) The aquifer below the coastal sands south of Madras should be protected
from reduction of recharge by urban development.

51) A study should be made to investigate alternative methods of sewage

treatment, particularly simple, cheap solutions for use in sites and services or
slum upgrading projects.

Detailed Development Plans:

2.15 Detailed development plans are the plan prepared under section 27 of the TN
T&CP Act and are more detailed than the Master Plan. It is prepared generally for
smaller areas out of about 3 The list of approved Detailed Development plans is
given in the Table no. 2.02

Table No: 2.02 List of Approved Detailed Development Plans

Sl.No Name of the D.D.P Sl.No Name of the D.D.P

1 Vivekanandapuram Area 29 Todhunder Nagar Area

2 Gangadeswarar Koil Area 30 Nammalwarpet Area
3 Chetpet 31 Thiru-Vi-Ka Nagar Area
4 Chepauk Area 32 Binny Mill Area
5 Guindy Area 33 Ashok Nagar Area
6 Gandhi Nagar Area 34 Perambur North Area
7 Kottur Area 35 Arunachaleswarar Koil Area
8 Periamet Area 36 Theyagaraya College Area
9 Jeeva Nagar Area 37 Rangarajapuram Area
10 Azad Nagar Area 38 Pulianthope Area
11 Krishnampet Area 39 Egmore Station
12 Zam Bazaar Area 40 Perumalpet Area
13 Radhakrishnan Nagar Area 41 Nappier Park Area
14 Kamaraj Nagar Area 42 Govt. Estate Area
15 Avvai Nagar Area 43 Thiruvottiyur TP Scheme No. 8
16 Thiruvottiyur T.P Scheme No.2 Area 44 Thiruvottiyur T.P Scheme No.1
17 Nandanam Area 45 Thiruverkadu Area
18 Urur Area 46 Nakkeerar Nagar Area
19 Killiyur Area 47 Kalaivanar Nagar Area
20 Nungambakkam Area 48 Kanadasan Nagar Area
21 Guindy Park Area 49 Rajaji Nagar Area

22 Mylapore-Santhome Area 50 Anna Salai Area
23 Karaneeswarapuram Area 51 Vallalar Nagar Area West
24 Thiruvatteeswaranpet Area 52 Vallalar Nagar Area South
25 C.I.T.Colony Area 53 Vallalar Nagar Area Central
26 Amir Mahal Area 54 Vallalar Nagar Area East
27 Marina Area 55 Poonamallee High Road TP
Scheme Area
28 Azhagiri Nagar Area 56 Saidapet Part II Area

2.16 It is proposed to cover the whole City area for Detailed Development Plans in the
next 5 years and also review the earlier Detailed Development Plans.

Sheet No. 2.01

Sheet No. 2.02

Sheet No. 2.03

Sheet No. 2.04

Plate No. 1


National Highway Bypass 43

Plate No. 2



Chapter III
History of the world during the last century has shown that the process of
urbanisation and economic growth progress are mutually reinforcing. Cities are the loci
and motors of economic and social change. According to United Nations Projections,
the World's urban population will grow from 2.86 billion in 2000 to 4.98 billion by 2030
and the World's annual urban growth rate is projected as 1.8 per cent in contrast to the
rural growth rate of 0.1 per cent. About 60 per cent of the World's population will live in
cities1 by 2030.

Table No.3.01: World Population Size and Growth, Urban and Rural
Mid-year population size Population growth rate
(million) (percent)
1950 1975 2000 2030 1950-75 1975-00 2000-30
World Total 751 1543 2862 4981 2.9 2.4 1.8
High-income countries 359 562 697 825 1.8 0.9 0.6

Middle and low income countries 392 981 2165 4156 3.7 3.2 2.2

World Total 1769 2523 3195 3289 1.4 0.9 0.1
High-income countries 219 187 184 139 -0.6 -0.07 -0.9

Middle and low income countries 1550 2336 3011 3151 1.6 1 0.2

Note: High-income countries have gross national income per capita of US$9266 or more based on
World Bank estimates.

Source: National Research Council, 2003, P.85.

World Population Size & Growth

Population (in Million)

4000 RURAL

2000 TOTAL
1950 1975 2000 2030

The state of the World’s cities 2004-05 Globalisation and Urban Culture, published

by Earth scan in 2004

Urbanisation in India
3.02 India, the second largest populous country in the World has one of the longest
urban traditions. By the year 2000 BC itself India had an extensive network of towns.
Even before the British traders made contact with India (by AD 1600), there was broad
regional distribution of towns. These towns were not just of administration, but also of
trade and marketing, cultural activities and religious pilgrimage, defence and
fortification. New cities - Madras, Calcutta and Bombay were founded by 17th Century.
The early British settlements became the means of transforming urban system in India.
During the 19th century, the Cities were to be for industrial activities and also became
hub of the transport network.

3.03 In a formerly rural economy country like India, because of the need to decrease
the number of persons dependent on agriculture and to improve productivity in rural
areas, urbanisation is viewed as a prerequisite of growth. The urban population in India
has grown from 25.7 million in 1901 to 286.1 million in 2001. After Independence in
1947, the rate of growth of urban population increased from 2.64 percent in 1951 to
3.88 percent in 1981 and thereafter declined to 2.77 in 2001; but the share of urban
population to the total population of the country constantly increased from 10.9 percent
in 1901 to 15.92 percent in 1951, and thereafter to 27.81 per cent in 2001.

Table No.3.02: Urbanisation in India 1951-2001

1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

Population (in million) 57.50 78.90 109.10 159.70 217.60 286.10
Annual, Rate of Growth
2.64 3.21 3.29 3.88 3.14 2.77
% of urban total
15.92 17.96 19.90 23.30 25.71 27.81
Population (in million) 303.60 360.30 439.10 525.50 628.70 742.60
Annual, Rate of Growth 1.02 1.73 2.00 1.81 1.81 1.68
% of rural to total
84.08 82.04 80.01 76.70 74.29 72.19
Population (in million) 361.10 439.20 548.20 685.20 846.30 1028.70
Annual, Rate of Growth 1.26 1.98 2.24 2.26 2.13 1.97
Source: Census of India

Urbanisation in India 1951-2001

Population (in Million) 1200


800 Urban
600 Rural


1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

Urbanisation in Tamilnadu
3.04 Tamilnadu has emerged as the third largest economy in India. Cities exist and
grow because of economies of urban agglomeration associated with industrial and trade
activities. In the recent past, liberalisation, rapidly growing IT sector, an educated,
hardworking and disciplined work force etc, accelerating economic development also
contributed to the growth of urban areas in Tamilnadu. The extent of the State is
130,058 of which the urban area accounts for 12,525 Tamilnadu is the
most urbanised state in India. It is one of the few states in India with hierarchy of
urban areas dispersed fairly uniformly through-out the State. Its urban population has
grown from 12.46 million in 1971 to 27.48 million in 2001. Its percentage share of
urban population to total population stood always much above the national average.

Table No.3.03: Urbanisation in Tamilnadu (1971-2001)

1971 1981 1991 2001
Population (in million) 12.46 15.95 19.08 27.48
Annual, Rate of Growth (percent) 3.32 2.50 1.91 3.72
% to total 30.26 32.95 34.15 44.04
Population (in million) 28.73 32.46 36.78 34.92
Annual, Rate of Growth (percent) 1.53 1.23 1.26 -0.52
% to total 69.74 67.05 65.85 55.94
Population (in million) 41.19 48.41 55.86 62.40
Annual, Rate of Growth (percent) 2.03 1.63 1.44 1.11
Area in Sq.Km. 130,069 130,050 130,050 130,050
Source: Census of India

Urbanisation in Tamil Nadu

Population ( In 60
Million) 50
40 Urban
30 Rural
20 Total
1971 1981 1991 2001

Growth of population in Chennai city and CMA

3.05 Chennai (earlier called as Madras) was established in 1639, as one of the East
India Company's earliest trading Ports and later became the centre of the company's
control over Southern India. By 1700, Madras had become a thriving city with about 3
lakhs inhabitants; most of them lived in the Black Town in the north of the British Fort
St. George. By the end of the eighteenth century, according to Dupuis (1968), the
north of the city had become profoundly different from the south. The north was
densely populated, with Black Town, the heart of the city. To the south were the open
spaces and scattered settlements of the Europeans. By the time of the first census in
1871, the city had reached over 4 lakh. The first railway line between Madras and Arcot
was opened in 1856 and the Madras Port was improved in 1890, which had attracted
industrial developments to the north of the black zones renamed as George Town in
1905². The growth of Chennai City continued in the twentieth century and it has grown
to the fourth largest Metro City in India.

3.06 An area about 67 containing 16 hamlets was constituted as the City of
Madras in 1798 and subsequently enlarged from time to time. Its enlargement and
growth of population since 1901 is given in table No. 3.04.

Urbanisation in India by Robert W. Bradnock, 1984.

Table No.3.04: Growth of Population in Chennai City, 1901-2001

1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

City population
5.41 5.56 5.78 7.13 8.65 14.27 17.49 24.69 32.85 38.43 43.44
in lakhs

Area in 68.17 68.17 68.17 68.17 77.21 128.83 128.83 128.83 176 176 176

Annual Rate of
growth of
-- 0.27 0.39 2.12 0.69 -0.11 2.06 3.51 -0.27 1.58 1.23
population * (in

density per 80 82 85 105 112 111 136 192 187 218 247

*Note: Arrived for a unit area for the purpose of comparison since the city extent varied over time.
The figures given are for the decade ended with that year.
Source: Census of India
3.07 The city Corporation area recorded a higher growth of more than 2% per annum
during the decades 1951-61 and 1961-71. The reasons for this rapid growth rate can
be attributed to industrial developments and increase in economic activities and
employment opportunities in the City and its suburbs attracting large migrant
population. The negative growth arrived for a unit area during 1971-81 is due to the
annexation of lesser dense (then) Panchayat areas around, to the City viz. Velacheri,
Taramani, Kanagam, Thiruvanmiyur, Kodambakkam, Saligramam, Koyambedu,
Senjery, Thirumangalam, Virugambakkam, Nesapakkam, Kolathur, Villivakkam,
Konnur, Erukkanchery, Jambuli, Kodungaiyur, and Selaivoyal in 1978, comprising
about 47

Growth of Population in Chennai City



Population (in


















3.08 Chennai City Corporation area consists of 155 divisions within 10 zones (Zone
No. I to X) presently. The number of these divisions and its extent varied over time.
Hence, for the purpose of comparison, the demographic details have been arrived for the
years 1971, 1981 and 1991 keeping the 155 Corporation division boundaries in 2001 as
the basis. Spatial distribution of population growth in the City is given in the table

Table No. 3.05: Chennai City - Population Growth in Corporation Zones, 1971-
Annual rate of Density
Area Population in Lakhs
Zone Corporation growth in percent per
Nos. Zone Hectare
1971 1981 1991 2001 71-81 81-91 91-01 in 2001

I. Tondiarpet 17.30 2.01 2.69 3.72 4.10 2.95 3.28 1.00 243

II Basin Bridge 11.52 3.59 3.52 3.27 3.76 -0.21 -0.74 1.40 335

III Pulianthope 13.51 3.34 4.13 4.31 4.60 2.13 0.44 0.64 349

IV Ayanavaram 19.76 2.22 3.58 4.12 4.97 4.89 1.42 1.89 258

V Kilpauk 26.38 2.18 3.45 4.94 5.42 4.68 3.66 0.93 211

VI Ice-House 10.15 3.27 3.49 3.20 3.42 0.63 -0.84 0.65 346

VII Nungambakkam 12.90 2.91 3.09 3.20 3.48 0.61 0.35 0.83 277

VIII Kodambakkam 13.00 2.48 3.33 4.39 4.66 2.96 2.81 0.61 368

IX Saidapet 23.56 1.89 2.61 3.33 4.15 3.25 2.48 2.23 180

X Mylapore 27.92 2.50 2.97 3.95 4.88 1.70 2.89 2.13 180

City Total 176.00 26.42 32.85 38.43 43.44 2.20 1.58 1.23 247
Source Census of India
3.09 Population growth in different zones within City Corporation area is found to be
not uniform and its rate varied from 0.61% to 2.23%; Saidapet and Mylapore zones have
recorded growth rate exceeding 2% during 1991 - 2001.

Area in Sq.Km.





3.10 Chennai Metropolitan Area comprising City of Chennai and contiguous area
around was notified in 1974. It extends over 1189 and includes Chennai City
Corporation area, 16 Municipalities, 20 Town Panchayats and 214 villages comprised in
10 Panchayat Unions.

Table No. 3.06: CMA - Population Growth in Municipalities - 1971-2001

Area in
Annual Rate of

Density per
Population in thousands
Sl. No.

growth in percent

1971 1981 1991 2001 71-81 81-91 91-01 Avg.

1 Kathivakkam 4.75 16.14 22.10 27.17 32.59 3.19 2.09 1.84 2.37 69

2 Thiruvottiyur 21.35 82.85 134.01 168.64 212.28 4.93 2.32 2.33 3.19 99

3 Madhavaram 17.41 21.05 29.46 49.26 76.09 3.41 5.28 4.45 4.38 44

4 Ambattur 37.77 45.59 115.90 215.42 310.97 9.78 6.39 3.74 6.64 82

5 Avadi 61.57 77.41 124.70 183.22 229.40 4.88 3.92 2.27 3.69 38

6 Poonamallee 6.55 18.72 23.67 28.83 42.60 2.37 1.99 3.98 2.78 65

7 Thiruverkadu 18.63 13.08 17.23 27.84 32.20 2.79 4.92 1.47 3.06 17

8 Maduravoyal 4.78 6.46 7.45 14.88 43.61 1.44 7.17 11.35 6.65 91

9 Valasarawakkam 2.97 2.41 7.58 21.95 30.98 12.12 11.22 3.50 8.95 104

10 Alandur 8.08 65.04 97.45 125.24 146.29 4.13 2.54 1.57 2.74 181

11 3.64 2.38 8.58 16.13 30.42 13.69 6.52 6.55 8.92 84

12 Anakaputhur 2.98 10.88 15.30 24.35 31.92 3.46 4.76 2.75 3.66 107

13 Pammal 5.19 9.05 27.82 36.51 50.00 11.89 2.75 3.20 5.95 96

14 Pallavaram 16.10 51.37 83.90 111.87 144.62 5.03 2.92 2.60 3.52 90

15 Tambaram 20.72 58.81 86.92 113.29 137.93 3.99 2.69 1.99 2.89 66

16 Manali 7.49 3.34 11.96 19.09 28.60 13.61 4.79 4.12 7.51 38

Total 239.99 484.58 814.02 1183.68 1580.5 5.32 3.82 2.93 4.02 66
Source; Arrived based on Census figures

3.11 The high growth rate of more than 5% was found in Ambattur, Maduravoyal,
Valasaravakkam, Ullagaram-Puzhithivakkam, Manali and Pammal
Municipalities. Kathivakkam, Poonamallee, Alandur and Tambaram
Municipalities recorded low growth rates and the rest fall under moderate growth
rate category. Maduravoyal Municipality recorded the highest growth rate of
11.35% in the last decade 1991-2001.

Table No.3.07: CMA - Population Growth in Town Panchayats - 1971-2001

Population (in

Density per
Annual Rate of growth
Sl. Area in thousands)
Town Panchayat
No. Sq.Km.
1971 1981 1991 2001 71-81 81-91 91-01 Avge.

1 Minjur 8.63 7.24 13.62 19.49 23.74 6.52 3.64 2.00 4.05 28

2 Chinnasekkadu 1.67 2.21 2.68 8.42 9.74 1.95 12.13 1.46 5.18 58

3 Puzhal 6.74 6.94 9.26 15.87 20.64 2.93 5.53 2.66 3.71 31

4 Naravarikuppam 20.76 9.96 14.67 17.41 18.33 3.95 1.72 0.52 2.06 9

5 Thirunindravur 14.56 6.94 9.13 16.31 29.33 2.78 7.78 4.27 4.94 20

6 Porur 3.72 3.54 8.63 19.51 28.92 9.33 8.49 4.02 7.28 78

7 Thirumazhisai 7.25 9.56 11.01 14.54 16.29 1.42 2.82 1.14 1.79 22

8 Mangadu 5.63 10.98 11.23 16.06 19.42 0.22 3.64 1.92 1.93 35

9 Nandambakkam 2.61 4.72 7.68 10.56 9.34 4.98 3.24 -1.22 2.33 36

10 Meenambakkam 3.03 2.51 3.09 3.80 3.61 2.13 2.09 -0.52 1.23 12

11 Kundrathur 12.16 14.45 16.42 22.79 25.07 1.29 3.33 0.93 1.85 21

12 Thiruneermalai 5.87 6.31 9.95 17.94 19.23 4.66 6.07 0.70 3.81 33

13 Perungalathur 7.04 3.71 6.29 11.24 19.59 5.40 5.98 5.72 5.70 28

14 Peerkankaranai 1.76 3.58 5.28 10.74 17.51 3.96 7.37 5.01 5.45 99

15 Chitlapakkam 2.90 5.32 11.72 15.90 25.31 8.22 3.10 4.76 5.36 88

16 Sembakkam 6.35 2.60 6.10 13.50 21.50 8.86 8.32 4.75 7.31 34

17 Madambakkam 7.92 2.32 3.49 8.21 17.00 4.14 8.94 7.55 6.88 22

18 Perungudi 4.64 1.74 4.28 9.71 23.58 9.40 8.54 9.28 9.08 51

19 Pallikkaranai 17.43 2.32 3.93 7.82 22.07 5.40 7.13 10.93 7.82 13

20 Sholinganallur 15.35 4.23 5.75 8.53 15.56 3.12 4.02 6.20 4.45 10

Total 156.02 111.18 164.19 271.35 385.72 4.40 5.13 3.62 4.38 25
Source; Arrived based on Census figures

3.12 From the above, it may be seen that Chinnasekkadu, Porur, Perungalathur,
Peerkkankaranai, Chithalapakkam, Sembakkam, Madambakkam, Perungudi and
Pallikkaranai Town Panchayats had high growth rates exceeding 5% and Minjur,
Puzhal, Thirunindravur, Thiruneermalai and Sholinganallur had recorded moderate
growth rates in population; the rest have low growth rates of below 3%.

Table No. 3.08: CMA - Population Growth in Panchayat Unions - 1971-2001
Population Annual Rate of growth in % Density
Panchayat Area in
S.No. per
Union Sq.Km 1971 1981 1991 2001 71-81 81-91 91-01 Ave. Hect.2001

1 40.02 11015 13900 17032 23368 2.35 2.05 3.21 2.54 6
(4 Villages)

2 131.58 44069 59286 82773 97068 3.01 3.39 1.61 2.67 7
(41 Villages)

3 46.87 23739 30493 41661 51081 2.54 3.17 2.06 2.59 11
(28 Villages)

Villivakkam (25
4 84.53 37712 46787 91488 143070 2.18 6.94 4.57 4.56 17

5 11.39 4409 5505 7789 8719 2.24 3.53 1.13 2.30 8
(1 village)

6 75.44 56439 60435 66742 71767 0.69 1.00 0.74 0.81 10
(42 villages)

7 80.36 44050 50552 68435 105610 1.39 3.08 4.46 2.97 13
(30 villages)

8 20.16 1647 757 0 80 -7.48 -100 -- -- 4
(4 villages)

9 Mount 98.39 34773 56118 122435 199235 4.90 8.11 4.99 6.00 20
(33 Villages)

10 28.26 9490 14905 21891 30695 4.62 3.92 3.44 3.99 11
(6 Villages)

Total 617.00 267303 338738 520246 730792 2.67 5.18 4.37 12

Source: Arrived based on Census figures

Population Growth in Villages in Panchayat Unions

3.13 Attanthangal, Nallur, Sembilivakkam, Vijayavallur in Sholavaram Panchayat
Union, Surapattu and Puttagaram in Puzhal Panchayat Union, Keelakondaiyur,
Nolambur, Vanagaram, Ayapakkam, Nerkundram and Ramapuram in Villivakkam
Panchayat Union, Nemilicheri Nochimedu in Poonamallee Panchayat Union,
Chinnapanicheri, Kulathavancheri, Srinivasapuram, Ayyappanthangal, Thelliar Agaram,
Mugalivakkam, Manapakkam, Gerugambakkam, Tharapakkam, Kavanur and
Nandambakkam in Kundrathur Panchayat Union, Neelankarai, Injambakkam, Okkiam
Thuraipakkam, Kovilambakkam, Mudichur, Vengaivasal, Maduraipakkam, Mullaicheri,
Arsankalani and Uthandi in St.Thomas Mount Panchayat Union and Mannivakkam in
Kattankulathur Panchayat Union have recorded high growth rate during in 1991-2001
exceeding 5%. The villages in St. Thomas Mount Panchayat Union recorded the highest
annual growth rate of 6% during 1991 - 2001.

3.14 The overall growth of population in CMA from 1971 to 2001 is given in the table

Table No. 3.09: Growth of Population in CMA, 1971 - 2001

Annual Rate of

Density per

in 2001
Population (in lakhs) growth

Area in

(in percent)
71- 81- 91-
1971 1981 1991 2001
81 91 01
1. Chennai City 26.42 32.85 38.43 43.44 2.20 1.58 1.23 176 247

2. Municipalities 4.84 8.14 11.84 15.81 5.24 3.80 2.91 240 66

3. Town
1.11 1.64 2.71 3.86 4.43 4.94 3.62 156 25
4. Panchayat
2.67 3.38 5.20 7.31 2.40 4.38 3.58 617 12
5. CMA Total 35.04 46.01 58.18 70.41 2.76 2.37 1.93 1189 59
Source; Arrived based on Census figures

Growth of Population in CMA 1971-2001

Population (in lakhs)

35 Chennai
30 City

25 Municipalit
15 Panchayats
5 Unions

01965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005


3.15. The rate of growth in the local bodies within CMA is given in the Sheet No 2.5 &
2.6 from which it may be seen that the proximity to the main city and major urban
centres, rail transport availability, ground water availability and residentially developed
land availability are the major reasons for faster growth of certain areas within the


3.16 The cosmopolitan nature of Chennai was a reflection of its attractions to migrant
groups from all over India. Migrants came not only predominantly from the
surrounding Tamil and Telugu speaking areas but also from southern and northern
India. These migrant groups from other states have made their distinctive mark on the
patterns of residential and social organisations within this Chennai Metropolis.

3.17 Chennai is a city of migrants like any other metropolitan city in India. According
to 2001 Census, migrants to Chennai City from other parts of Tamil Nadu State
constitute 74.5 % and the table no. 3.10 shows a downward trend in the migration to
the City from 37.24% in 1961 to 21.57% in 2001. Migrants from other parts of India
constitute 23.8% and the remaining 1.71 % of the migrants is from other countries.

Table No. 3.10: Migration to Chennai City, 1961-01 (in Lakhs)

Total migrants to the city from
Other parts of

Other parts % of Total
India Other


of Tamil Migrants to


(Excluding Countries the total
Tamilnadu) population
No. % No. % No. %
1961 17.29 4.47 69.45 1.71 26.6 0.25 3.90 -- 6.44 37.24

1971 24.69 5.51 70.61 2.00 25.63 0.29 3.76 -- 7.80 31.59

1981 32.84 7.19 71.28 2.55 25.31 0.34 3.41 -- 10.08 30.70

1991 38.43 6.44 70.51 2.42 26.47 0.28 3.01 0.04 9.18 23.90

2001 43.44 6.98 74.49 2.23 23.80 0.16 1.71 9.37 21.57

Source: Census of India, 1961, 1971 & 1981, 1991 Social and Cultural Table










1961 1971 1981 1991 2001


3.18 According to 1991 Census migrants from the nearby districts of Chengalpattu
District (now bifurcated as Kancheepuram and Thiruvallur Districts), North Arcot
District (now renamed as Vellore District) and South Arcot District (now bifurcated as
Villupuram and Thiruvannamalai Districts) alone constitute 33% and Thirunelveli and
Thanjavur Districts constitute another 21% of total migrant population to Chennai City.
From the table no. 3.11 it may also be seen that the proportion of migration from other
districts have almost tripled.

Table No. 3.11: Migration to Chennai city from the Districts of Tamilnadu,

No. Of Migrants to Chennai city Percentage to Total Migrants

1961-71 1971-81 1981 - 91 1961-71 1971-81 1981 - 91
Chengalpattu 151000 150000 81830 27.5 20.9 12.8
North Arcot 84000 108000 65550 15.3 15.0 10.3
South Arcot 55000 71000 63670 10.0 9.9 10.04
Thirunelveli 54000 79000 55530 9.8 11.0 8.75
Tanjavur 50000 85000 76760 9.1 11.8 12.1
Ramanathapuram 40000 61000 24390 7.3 8.5 3.84
Thiruchirapalli 31000 38000 39170 5.6 5.3 6.2
Madurai 31000 51000 47292 5.6 7.1 7.5
Other Districts 54000 80000 180230 9.8 10.5 28.4
Total 550000 719000 634422 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: Structure Plan for MMA, and Census of India 1981and 1991 Tamilnadu Migration

Number of Migrants to Chennai City

1961-71 1971-81 1981 - 91

Chengalpatu North Arcot South Arcot

Thirunelveli Tanjore Ramanathapuram
Thiruchirapalli Madurai Other Districts

3.19 Increase in immigration to the City and also to the CMA is evident from the table
Nos. 3.11 and 3.12.

3.20 Study conducted by the Time Research Foundation in 1991 (sponsored by

CMDA) showed that:
i) Migrants from other urban areas constitute 63.4% and only 36.3% are from
rural areas.
ii) Among migrants from urban areas, female migrants outnumber male migrants.
iii) Among rural migrants, male migrants out-number female migrants.
iv) Among total migrants there is near parity as between male and female migrants.
v) In respect of migrants from southern region of the state, the urban proportion
(75%) is higher and the rural proportion being only 25%
vi) Among migrants from other southern states of India, there are more female
migrants than male migrants (with migrants from Kerala being an exception) and
vii) The reason on 'family moved' shows the household movement and it constitutes
30%; for marriage reasons another 25% migrated.

Table No. 3.12: Migration into CMA 2001

Sl. Percentage
Place Males Female Total
No. to Total
1. Total Migrants 855103 753196 1608299

2. Elsewhere in the district of

138235 124844 263079 16.35

3. Other Districts of the State 549214 471981 1021195 63.50

4. Outside the state 155431 145307 300738 18.70

5. Outside India 25360 22360 23287 1.45

Source: Census of India, Tamil nadu Migration Tables-2001

Migration into CMA 2001

Else where in the

1% District of
19% 16% Enumeration
Other Districts of
the State

Outside the State

Outside India


Table No. 3.13: Reasons for Migration into CMA - 2001

Reason % to total
Males Females Total
Work & 300939 44761 345700 21.50
Business 20719 4553 25272 1.57
Education 20314 9157 29471 1.83
Marriage 10737 189828 200565 12.47
Moved after birth 38250 30617 68867 4.28
Moved with the 144611 175205 319816 19.89
others 319533 299075 618608 38.46
Total 855103 753196 1608299 100
Source: Census of India 2001 Tamil nadu Migration Table

Reasons for Migration into CMA

Work and Employment

22% Business

38% Marriage

12% Moved after Birth

4% 2%
Moved with the Hoouse

3.21 The origin of the migrant population to the CMA and the reasons for the
migration are given in the table Nos. 3.12 and 3.13.

3.22 An interesting and important fact found is the out migration from Chennai City
to its suburbs and other areas. The population of the Chennai City in 1991 was 38.43
lakhs which includes 9.18 lakhs migrant population and natural increase of 6.40 lakhs
(for 1981-91) population; the net population increase works out to only 5.59 lakhs
which shows that there was a net out migration of 10 lakhs (30.4% of 1981 population)
from City mostly to the rest of CMA (during 1981-1991). Similarly, an out migration of
10.19 lakhs (26.5% of the 1991 population) is noted during 1991-2001. Though there
were large scale building construction activities noted during the above periods, the out
migration of resident population from Chennai City proves that considerable conversion
of residential premises into non-residential mostly for office, shopping, hotels and other

commercial purposes took place; this trend will continue in this metropolis.

Birth rate, death rate and rate of Natural Increase

3.23 Birth rates, death rates and rates of natural increase for the Chennai City are
tabulated below:
(Per 1000 population)
Table No. 3.14: Chennai City - Birth, Death and Natural increase rates 1971-
Year Crude Birth Rate Crude Death Rate Natural increase
1971 38.6 12.3 26.3
1972 37.8 12.7 25.1
1973 36.4 12.4 24.0
1974 34.4 11.5 22.9
1975 34.3 13.1 21.2
1976 32.1 12.0 20.1
Source: Structure Plan for CMA, 1980

(Per 1000 population)

Table No. 3.15: Chennai City - Birth, Death and Natural increase rates 1991-
Year Crude Birth Rate Crude Death Rate Natural increase rate
1991 25.89 9.67 16.22
1992 24.01 9.50 14.51
1993 23.82 9.14 14.68
1994 23.39 9.07 14.32
1995 23.75 8.49 15.26
1996 22.68 8.54 14.14
1997 22.50 8.20 14.30
1998 23.81 9.00 14.81
1999 25.68 8.87 16.81
2000 25.53 8.92 16.61
2001 24.50 8.42 16.08
2002 23.72 8.27 15.45
2003 22.62 8.01 14.61
Source: Corporation of Chennai

3.24 From the above two tables, it may be seen that the registered birth rate in
Chennai City in 1971 was 38.6 and it was varying from 38.6 to 32.1 during 1971-76. It
has now reduced to 22.62 in the year 2003. Similarly the death rate also reduced to a
considerable extent from 13.1 in 1975 to 8.01 in 2003. The rate of natural increase
declined from 26.3 in 1971 to 14.61 in 2003 as detailed in the tables above.

3.25 The factors which affect birth rate includes age structure of population, the
average age of marriage, and the incidence of family planning, among others. Increase

in longevity of life due to improved health facilities may also be a reason for reduction in
the death rates in Chennai.

3.26 Birth and death rates in 2001 in some of the local bodies within CMA and also
the average rates in the Kancheepuram and Thiruvallur districts wherein the rest of
CMA falls are given in the Table below which show that these rates vary from local body
to local body and that too a large extent.
(Per 1000 population)

Table No. 3.16: CMA - Birth, Death and Natural increase rates 2001

Natural increase
Local Body Birth Rate Death Rate
Kathivakkam Municipality 24.5 8.42 16.08

Ambattur Municipality 6.52 2.90 3.62

Avadi Municipality 13.05 3.21 9.84

Thiruverkadu Municipality 1.77 6.02 4.25

Maduravoyal Municipality 2.32 2.91 0.59

Valasarawakkam Municipality 16.21 3.91 12.30

Alandur Municipality 18.06 5.59 12.46

Ullagaram-Puzhudhivakkam 4.96 3.15 1.81


Anakaputhur Municipality 3.04 3.92 0.88

Pammal Municipality 5.86 4.70 1.16

Pallavaram Municipality 26.50 4.80 21.70

Tambaram Municipality 21.88 6.13 15.75


Thiruvallur 11.26 4.73 6.53

Kancheepuram 15.58 5.74 9.84

Source: Concerned Local Bodies and Statistical year Book 2001

Age Structure

3.27 Age structure of a population in a city / metropolis plays a major role in urban
planning. It gives an idea about dependent population, working population, jobs to be
created, the present and future requirements of educational, health and other facilities
and amenities etc. It depends on natality (birth rate), mortality (death rate) and also
migration. Age structure of population in CMA as per Census 1971 to 2001 is given in
the table below:

Table No 3.17: Age Structure in CMA in %
Age Group 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001
0-4 13.20 12.51 11.03 8.68 7.31
5-9 12.39 11.74 10.35 9.56 7.97
10-14 10.64 10.97 11.37 10.51 8.95
15-19 8.66 9.97 10.61 10.22 9.55
20-24 10.73 11.05 10.68 11.14 10.47
25-29 10.21 9.29 9.61 10.20 10.33
30-34 7.98 7.15 7.46 8.06 8.46
35-39 6.69 6.99 6.66 7.48 8.04
40-44 5.49 5.14 5.36 5.68 6.19
45-49 4.15 4.33 4.70 4.98 5.50
50-54 3.65 3.51 3.70 3.92 4.37
55-59 2.10 2.46 2.73 2.90 3.10
60-64 2.06 2.30 2.40 2.64 2.83
65-69 1.10 1.15 1.37 1.51 1.96
>70 1.20 1.65 1.97 2.33 3.02
not stated 0.00 0 0.18 1.93
Total 100.00 100.21 100 100.00 100.00
M- Male, F- Female, T- Total
Source: CMDA /TRF Study data Hand book 1991
Census of India, Social and Cultural Tables 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991&2001

3.28 From the above, it may be seen that the proportion of primary school going
children percentage has reduced from 12.39% in 1961 to 7.97% in 2001 and the
proportion of Secondary school going age group has also reduced from 10.64 in 1961 to
8.95 in 2001. But the proportion of old age group has increased from 4.36 to 7.81% in
the said period.

Sex Composition
3.29 Sex ratio is denoted by number of females per 1000 males. In Chennai the ratio
has improved over the decades, though it is lower than the Tamil Nadu average.
However, it is much above the Indian National average of 900 in urban areas.

Table No. 3.18: Sex ratio in Chennai City, CMA, Tamil Nadu and India

Year Chennai CMA Tamil nadu India

Urban Total Urban Total
1961 901 909 963 992 N.A. N.A.
1971 904 907 951 978 N.A. N.A.
1981 934 927 956 977 878 933
1991 930 936 951 972 893 929
2001 957 956 981 987 900 932
Source: Census of India, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 Social and cultural Tables and 2001
census of Tamil nadu


3.30 Literacy is defined as the ability to read and write in any single language. The
literacy levels in Chennai City and CMA were higher than the state average.

Table No. 3.19: Trends in Literacy levels in Chennai Metropolitan Area - 1961-

Literacy rate (in percentage)

1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

City 59.47 62.01 68.68 72.54 76.81

CMA 54.82 58.64 66.56 70.32 76.09

T.N. 36.39 45.40 54.40 62.70 73.50

Source: Census of India, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 Social and Cultural Tables and 2001
Census of Tamil Nadu)

Literacy Level in CMA



1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

Population Projection
3.31 Population projection for Chennai City and CMA had been made earlier on
various occasions; the details of the same are given in the Table below summarising the
earlier forecasts.

Table No.3.20: Summary of Population Estimates 1991-2011 Population in lakhs)

Sl. 1991 2001 2011 Method

No. CMA City CMA City CMA City Adopted
1. Master Plan [1971]
-Projections 58 43 71 53 -- --
-Assigned as per the 58 36 71 40
2. Madras Urban Development 59 43 71 53 -- -- Exponential
Project (MUDP I) (World Bank, 57 43 69 51 Component
3. MMA Structure Plan 73 54 -- -- -- --
(MMDA, 1980)
4. NCU: 1988 74
- Registrar General
Census of India
- United Nations 82
5. MMA, Demography, 1981 60 43 81 59 - -- High
(MMDA undated) 60 43 77 55 Medium
6. Department of Statistics 61 43 78 54 98 --
(Government of Tamil Nadu)
7. MMDA Projections: 1989 60 41 79 51 104 58 Geometric
59 40 75 49 95 60
Actual as per Census 58.1 38.4 70.3 43.4 -- --
Source: Report on Madras 2011, Policy Imperatives-An Agenda for Action by TRF &
CMDA1991 (Volume III)

3.32 As part of the Second Master Plan preparation exercise the following population
estimate had been made in the 1995 draft Second Master Plan.

Table No. 3.21: Draft Second Master Plan Population Estimate for CMA 1992011
(Population in lakhs)
Year Chennai Metropolitan Area Chennai City
Low Medium High Low Medium High
1991 54.41 59.17 64.15 37.24 40.34 43.56
1996 58.94 66.76 75.26 39.69 44.69 50.08
2001 63.79 75.22 88.09 42.31 49.47 57.48
2006 69.00 84.64 102.84 45.07 54.72 65.84
2011 74.57 95.09 119.84 48.00 60.46 75.27

3.33. It was stated in the report that the population with medium growth rate could be
the more accurate population for the period up to 2011 and concluded that the (then)
estimated population were as follows:

(Population in Lakhs)
Year CMA Chennai City
1996 66.76 44.69
2001 75.22 49.47
2006 84.64 54.71
2011 95.09 60.46

3.34 As the Tables above illustrate, the population projections are not to be
considered exact; rather they reflect the natural growth, migration trends and
assumption made at the time of the estimates, including vision then for development in
the city/CMA. Review of the population forecast made earlier shows that actually there
were reductions in natural increase and migration, when comparing the assumptions
made for the projections. However, it is seen that the population projected based on
land use assignment and first Master Plan strategy is very close to the actual and it
showed that the population increase was as anticipated / planned in the first Master

3.35 Now, for projecting the population up to 2026, the following methods have been
(i) Linear method
(ii) Geometric growth method
(iii) Exponential Curve method
(iv) Urban-Urban Growth Difference (UUGD) method
(v) Urban-Urban and Rural Growth Difference (UURGD) method

3.36 Methodology adopted, assumption made, estimate arrived are given in the
Annexure to this Chapter. For projection of the population, UUGD method is found
suitable for the City and UURGD method is found more appropriate for the CMA as a
whole, with the assumption of growth rate based on history and judgment and also the
future urbanisation and population policies. For forecast of population of individual
municipalities and other local bodies within CMA, the exponential curve method is
found suitable (when considering also the trends in growth over the past decades).

3.37 The population projection made for the CMA as a whole, Chennai City, 16
Municipalities, 20 Town Panchayats and for the villages in 10 Panchayat Unions in CMA
are given in the Tables below:

Table No. 3.22: Population Projections (Various methods) - Chennai City
Year Actual Projected Population
Linear Geometric Exponential UUGD UURGD
1971 2642403
1981 3284622
1991 3843195
2001 4343645
2006 4706630 4718968 4722228 4627915 4724150
2011 5069614 5126721 5133807 4950145 5144832
2016 5432599 5569707 5581259 5238817 5565962
2021 5795584 6050970 6067710 5540456 6024451
2026 6158569 6573818 6596559 5855804 6524126

ChennaiI City Population Projection





Population in 000


4000 Actual Population

3500 Exponential


1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026


Table No. 3.23: Population Projections (Various methods) - CMA

Year Actual Projected Population
Linear Geometric Exponential UUGD UURGD
1971 3505502
1981 4601566
1991 5818479
2001 7040582
2006 7860735 7927646 7875703 7815056 7896230
2011 8687731 8953451 8702252 8711726 8871228
2016 9514727 10162041 9528802 9710880 9966636
2021 10341723 11600796 10355352 10824396 11197753
2026 11168719 13334095 11181902 12065697 12582137

CMA-Population Projection




Population in 000




6500 Actual Population

5500 Exponential


1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026


Table No. 3.24: Projected Population for CMA and Chennai City(In Lakhs)

Sl. Actual Projection

No. 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026
1 CMA 70.41 78.96 88.71 99.66 111.97 125.82
2 Chennai City 43.44 46.28 49.50 52.39 55.40 58.56

Table No. 3.25: Population Projection for Municipalities within CMA (In Lakhs)
Annual rate

Sl. Projection

of growth Density
No. assumed in 2026
% 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026
1 Kathivakkam 0.33 2.0 0.36 0.40 0.43 0.49 0.54 113
2 Thiruvottiyur 2.12 2.5 2.41 2.73 3.09 3.50 3.97 186
3 Madhavaram 0.76 4.0 0.93 1.14 1.39 1.69 2.07 119
4 Ambattur 3.11 4.5 3.89 4.88 6.11 7.65 9.58 254
5 Avadi 2.30 3.0 2.67 3.10 3.60 4.18 4.86 79
6 Poonamallee 0.42 4.0 0.52 0.64 0.78 0.95 1.16 177
7 Thiruverkadu 0.32 3.0 0.37 0.43 0.51 0.59 0.68 37
8 Maduravoyal 0.43 3.5 0.52 0.62 0.74 0.88 1.05 219
9 Valasarawakkam 0.31 3.5 0.37 0.44 0.52 0.62 0.74 250
10 Alandur 1.46 1.5 1.57 1.70 1.83 1.97 2.13 263
11 Puzhudhivakkam 0.30 4.0 0.37 0.46 0.55 0.68 0.83 227

12 Anakaputhur 0.32 2.7 0.36 0.42 0.48 0.55 0.63 210

13 Pammal 0.50 3.0 0.58 0.67 0.78 0.91 1.05 204
14 Pallavaram 1.45 3.0 1.68 1.95 2.27 2.64 3.06 190
15 Tambaram 1.38 2.5 1.56 1.77 2.01 2.27 2.58 124
16 Manali 0.29 4.0 0.35 0.43 0.52 0.64 0.78 104
Total 15.81 3.98 18.52 21.75 25.60 30.20 35.69 149

Table No. 3.26: Population Projection to Town Panchayats in CMA (In Lakhs)

Annual Projection
Sl. Actual rate of
Description growth
No. 2001 2026
assumed 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026
in %

1 Minjur 0.23 2.5 0.27 0.30 0.35 0.39 0.44 51

2 Chinnasekkadu 0.10 2.5 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.18 109

3 Puzhal 0.21 3.0 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.38 0.44 65

4 Naravarikuppam 0.18 2.0 0.20 0.22 0.25 0.27 0.30 15

5 Thirunindravur 0.29 5.0 0.38 0.48 0.62 0.80 1.02 70

6 Porur 0.29 4.0 0.35 0.43 0.53 0.64 .79 211

7 Thirumazhisai 0.16 2.0 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.27 37

8 Mangadu 0.19 3.0 0.23 0.26 0.30 0.35 0.41 73

9 Nandambakkam 0.09 2.0 0.10 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.15 59

10 Meenambakkam 0.04 2.0 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 20

11 Kundrathur 0.25 2.0 0.28 0.31 0.34 0.37 0.41 34

12 Thiruneermalai 0.19 2.0 0.21 0.23 0.26 0.29 0.32 54

13 Perungalathur. 0.20 6.0 0.26 0.36 0.48 0.65 0.88 125

14 Peerkankaranai 0.18 2.0 0.19 0.21 0.24 0.26 0.29 164

15 Chitlapakkam 0.25 2.5 0.29 0.33 0.37 0.42 0.47 163

16 Sembakkam 0.21 7.00 0.30 0.43 0.61 0.87 1.24 195

17 Madambakkam 0.17 8.0 0.25 0.38 0.56 0.84 1.26 159

18 Perungudi. 0.24 5.0 0.30 0.39 0.50 0.64 0.82 177

19 Pallikkaranai 0.22 6.0 0.30 0.40 0.54 0.73 0.99 73

20 Sholinganallur. 0.16 9.0 0.24 0.38 0.60 0.94 1.48 96

Total 3.86 4.73 5.89 7.41 9.45 12.22 78

Table No.3.27: Population Projection for Panchayat Unions within CMA (in Lakhs)

Actual rate of Density
Description growth 2026
No. 2001 assumed
2006 2011 2016 2021 2026
in %
1 0.23 1.8 0.28 0.33 0.38 0.45 0.54 13
(4 Villages)

Sholavaram (41
2 0.97 1.6 1.12 1.30 1.51 1.76 2.06 16

3 0.51 1.4 0.60 0.75 0.95 1.23 1.60 34
(28 Villages)

Villivakkam (25
4 1.43 2.2 1.73 2.12 2.64 3.32 4.27 51

Thiruvallur (1
5 0.09 3.5 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 18

Poonamallee (42
6 0.72 1.3 0.73 0.82 0.93 1.06 1.21 16

Kundrathur (30
7 1.06 1.9 1.25 1.49 1.79 2.15 2.59 32

Sriperumbudur (4
8 -- -- 0 0 0 0 0 0

St.Thomas Mount
9 1.99 2.6 2.50 3.15 3.98 5.03 6.38 65
(33 Villages)

Kattankulathur (6
10 0.31 2.7 0.39 0.49 0.63 0.81 1.04 37

Total 7.31 3.45 8.70 10.59 12.96 15.99 19.88 32

Floating Population:
3.38 Arrival of passengers by the 92 inter city trains is estimated to be 1.125 lakhs per
day. Similarly arrival of passengers in inter city buses (2028 arrivals) is estimated to be
about 83,000 per day. These main arrivals of passengers to CMA accounts to 1.955
lakhs. In addition, there are people who commute every day for work, education,
business and others from the adjoining and nearby districts and return home in the
evening. These daily commuters estimated to be 20,000. Hence the people arriving in
CMA through trains, buses and air is estimated to be about 2.25 lakhs and an equal
number of persons may be departing from the metropolitan area. This floating
population should also be taken into account in planning for infrastructure
development in CMA appropriately.


1. The following methods were adopted for projection of population.

(1) Linear Method:

P(t+n) = Pt {l+(n x a)}

where Pt - is population at time 't';

P(t+n) - is population at time 't+n';

n - is no. of time periods;

a - is average change in the past time periods.

(2) Geometric Growth Method:

P(t+n) = Pt (l+r)n

where Pt - is population at time 't';

P(t+n) - is population at time 't+n';

n - is number of time period;

r - is average percentage of change in population over past time


Note: Often the rate 'r' is not calculated, but estimated based on historical patterns, and judgment for the

(3) Exponential Curve Method:

P(t+n) = Pt x e rt

where Pt - is population at time 't';

P(t+n) - is population at time 't+n';

n - is number of time period;

r - is average percentage of change in population over past

time period.

Note: Often the rate 'r' is not calculated, but estimated based on historical patterns, and judgment for the

(4) Urban - Urban Growth Difference (UUGD) Method

U1 = T1 + dR x U

where U - Urban population at time 't';

U1 - Urban population at time 't+1';

T - Total population at time 't';

T1 - Total population at time 't+1';

d - u-r, where u - urban growth rate;

r - rural growth rate;

R - Rural population at time 't';

C1 = U1 + dU1 x C

Where C - City population (Chennai/CMA) at time 't';

C 1- City population (Chennai/CMA) at time (t+1);

U1 - Urban population (CMA/Tamil Nadu) at time (t+1);

U1 - Rest of urban population (i.e. U-C);

U - Urban population (CMA/Tamil Nadu) at time 't';

d - rc - ru where

rc - the rate of growth of city population;

ru - the rate of growth of urban population.

(5) Urban - Urban - Rural Growth Difference (UURGD) Method:

C1 = w1 (U1 + d1U1) + w2 (T1 + d2R) C


Where U - Urban population at time 't';

U1 - Urban population at time 't+1';

U1 - Rest of urban population (i.e. U-C);

T - Total population at time 't';

T1 - Total population at time 't+1';

R - Rural population at time 't';

d1 - rc - ru;

d2 - rc - rr;

w1, w2 - Weights of these population components;

C - City population at time‘t’;

C1 - City population at time‘t + 1’;

rc - rate of growth of city population;

ru - rate of growth of urban population;

rR - rate of growth of rural population.

Note: w1 + w2 = 1.0. The quantum of weight is determined based on urbanisation level.

At low levels of urbanisation contribution from rural areas will be more, and
vice versa. The weights adopted based on the U.N. method is as follows:

Level of Urbanisation w1 w2
in percent

25 0.2 0.8

30 0.3 0.7

50 0.4 0.6

60 0.6 0.4

75 0.8 0.2

Assumptions made

Tamil Nadu Population

2. The historical pattern of annual growth rate of Tamil Nadu population was as
detailed in Table A in Annexure III B. It varied from 0.85% to 3.72% in respect of
urban, -0.52% to 1.53% in respect of rural, and 0.34% to 2.03% in respect of total

3. The annual rate of growth assumed for Tamil Nadu for population projection
as low, medium and high category of growth rate, is 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0% for urban,
and 1.0%, 1.1% and 1.2% for the total population; the rural population growth rate has
been arrived out of the total and urban population growth rates assumed.

CMA/City Population:

4. The annual growth rates of population in 1971-81, 1981-91, and 1991-2001

were 2.76%, 2.37% and 1.93% respectively for CMA and 2.2%, 1.58% and 1.23%
respectively for the Chennai City. The average rate of annual growth arrived for these
three periods was 2.35% for CMA and 1.67% for City and the same was adopted for
linear, geometric and exponential growth methods of projection.

5. Projection of population for individual Corporation Division was made based
on average annual growth rates. In respect of villages, Town Panchayats and
Municipalities, future growth rates were assumed based on the past and judging the
future trends. For UUGD and UURGD method, the assumption made based on the
historical pattern is given below:

Growth Rates assumed in %

Year Growth TN Urban Rest of TN Chennai
rate Nadu population Urban City CMA
category population

Low 1.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 2.00

2006 Medium 1.10 2.50 3.00 1.50 2.50

High 1.20 3.00 4.00 2.00 2.75

Low 1.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 2.00

2011 Medium 1.10 2.50 3.00 1.50 2.50

High 1.20 3.00 4.00 2.00 2.75

Low 1.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 2.00

2016 Medium 1.10 2.50 3.00 1.25 2.50

High 1.20 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.75

Low 1.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 2.00

2021 Medium 1.10 2.50 3.00 1.25 2.50

High 1.20 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.75

Low 1.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 2.00

2026 Medium 1.10 2.50 3.00 1.25 2.50

High 1.20 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.75




Table No. A Population and Growth Rate - Tamil Nadu

Population Growth rate

Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total
1901 2724781 16527849 19252630
1911 3149137 17753479 20902616 1.46% 0.72% 0.83%
1921 3428079 18200439 21628518 0.85% 0.25% 0.34%
1931 4230382 19241717 23472099 2.13% 0.56% 0.82%
1941 5173682 21093825 26267507 2.03% 0.92% 1.13%
1951 7333525 22785522 30119047 3.55% 0.77% 1.38%
1961 8990528 24696425 33686953 2.06% 0.81% 1.13%
1971 12464834 28734334 41199168 3.32% 1.53% 2.03%
1981 15951875 32456202 48408077 2.50% 1.23% 1.63%
1991 19077592 36781354 55858946 1.81% 1.26% 1.44%
2001 27483998 34921681 62405679 3.72% -0.52% 1.11%

Table No. B Population Projection - Tamil Nadu 2006 – 2026 Exponential Method

Projected Population Annual Growth Rate assumed

Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total
Low 30374515 35230771 65605287 2.00% 0.18% 1.00%
2006 Medium 31143450 34790685 65934134 2.50% -0.08% 1.10%
High 31931850 34332781 66264631 3.00% -0.34% 1.20%
Low 33569031 35399911 68968942 2.00% 0.10% 1.00%
2011 Medium 35290152 34371939 69662091 2.50% -0.24% 1.10%
High 37099517 33262690 70362207 3.00% -0.63% 1.20%
Low 37099517 35405538 72505055 2.00% 0.00% 1.00%
2016 Medium 39988981 33611847 73600828 2.50% -0.45% 1.10%
High 43103489 31609673 74713162 3.00% -1.01% 1.20%
Low 41001307 35221161 76222468 2.00% -0.10% 1.00%
2021 Medium 45313452 32448812 77762264 2.50% -0.70% 1.10%
High 50079109 29254057 79333166 3.00% -1.54% 1.20%
Low 45313452 34817026 80130478 2.00% -0.23% 1.00%
2026 Medium 51346868 30812123 82158991 2.50% -1.03% 1.10%
High 58183624 26055231 84238855 3.00% -2.29% 1.20%

Table No. C Urban Population Projection - Tamil Nadu 2006 – 2026 Urban -Urban
Growth Difference (UUGD) Method

Growth Rate
(GR) Assumed Growth Rate Difference in % Projected
in % Tamil Nadu
TN Urban GR D-TN Urban GR (-) Urban
TN TN Population
(-) TN Rural GR for
Urban Rural
TN Rural GR 5 years
Low 2.00 0.18 0.0182 0.0912 30295467
2006 Medium 2.50 -0.08 0.0258 0.1288 31018215
High 3.00 -0.34 0.0334 0.1670 31751609
Low 2.00 0.10 0.0190 0.0952 33484836
2011 Medium 2.50 -0.24 0.0274 0.1371 35157207
High 3.00 -0.63 0.0363 0.1816 36910278
Low 2.00 0.00 0.0200 0.0998 37010422
2016 Medium 2.50 -0.45 0.0295 0.1473 39850548
High 3.00 -1.01 0.0401 0.2007 42913798
Low 2.00 -0.10 0.0210 0.1052 40907826
2021 Medium 2.50 -0.70 0.0320 0.1601 45173577
High 3.00 -1.54 0.0454 0.2268 49905719
Low 2.00 -0.23 0.0223 0.1115 45216488
2026 Medium 2.50 -1.03 0.0353 0.1765 51212639
High 3.00 -2.29 0.0529 0.2645 58059683

Table No.D Population Projection – Chennai Metropolitan Area 2006 – 2026

Urban Urban Growth Difference (UUGD) Method
Growth Rate in
Projected Population
(-) Rest of
Year Rest of Urban TN Rest of TN
CMA Urban GR} X 5 TN Urban CMA

2001 Actual 27483998 20450259 7040582

Low 2.00 2.50 -0.025 30295467 22673055 7622412
2006 Medium 2.50 3.00 -0.025 31018215 23210836 7807379
High 2.75 4.00 -0.063 31751609 23952801 7798808
Low 2.00 2.50 -0.025 33484836 25202586 8282250
2011 Medium 2.50 3.00 -0.025 35157207 26454087 8703120
High 2.75 4.00 -0.063 36910278 28212106 8698172
Low 2.00 2.50 -0.025 37010422 28011984 8998438
2016 Medium 2.50 3.00 -0.025 39850548 30149315 9701233
High 2.75 4.00 -0.063 42913798 33216377 9697421
Low 2.00 2.50 -0.025 40907826 31132068 9775758
2021 Medium 2.50 3.00 -0.025 45173577 34359993 10813584
High 2.75 4.00 -0.063 49905719 39097431 10808288
Low 2.00 2.50 -0.025 45216488 34597079 10619410
2026 Medium 2.50 3.00 -0.025 51212639 39159059 12053580
High 2.75 4.00 -0.063 58059683 46014676 12045007

Table No.E Population Projection – Chennai City 2006 – 2026 Urban -Urban
Growth Difference (UUGD) Method
Growth Rate in D
Projected Population
% {Chennai
city GR
Year Rest of
Chennai Rest of Rest of TN
Urban TN Urban City
City Urban Urban
2001 Actual 27483998 23140353 4343645
Low 1.00 2.50 -0.075 30295467 25781777 4513690
2006 Medium 1.50 3.00 -0.075 31018215 26390300 4627915
High 2.00 4.00 -0.100 31751609 27099216 4652393
Low 1.00 2.50 -0.075 33484836 28784055 4700781
2011 Medium 1.50 3.00 -0.075 35157207 30207062 4950145
High 2.00 4.00 -0.100 36910278 31899083 5011195
Low 1.00 2.50 -0.075 37010422 32117765 4892657
2016 Medium 1.25 3.00 -0.088 39850548 34611731 5238817
High 1.50 4.00 -0.125 42913798 37628878 5284920
Low 1.00 2.50 -0.075 40907826 35818385 5089441
2021 Medium 1.25 3.00 -0.088 45173577 39633121 5540456
High 1.50 4.00 -0.125 49905719 44338989 5566730
Low 1.00 2.50 -0.075 45216488 39925215 5291273
2026 Medium 1.25 3.00 -0.088 51212639 45356835 5855804
High 1.50 4.00 -0.125 58059683 52501644 5858039

Table No: F Population Projection UURGD Method Weights Assigned

Urbanisation Urbanisation
W1 W2 W1 W2
Level Level
35 0.325 0.675 52 0.410 0.590
36 0.330 0.670 53 0.415 0.585
37 0.335 0.665 54 0.420 0.580
38 0.340 0.660 55 0.425 0.575
39 0.345 0.655 56 0.430 0.570
40 0.350 0.650 57 0.435 0.565
41 0.355 0.645 58 0.440 0.560
42 0.360 0.640 59 0.445 0.555
43 0.365 0.635 60 0.450 0.550
44 0.370 0.630 61 0.455 0.545
45 0.375 0.625 62 0.460 0.540
46 0.380 0.620 63 0.465 0.535
47 0.385 0.615 64 0.470 0.530
48 0.390 0.610 65 0.475 0.525
49 0.395 0.605 66 0.480 0.520
50 0.400 0.600 67 0.485 0.515
51 0.405 0.595 68 0.490 0.510
69 0.495 0.505

Table No G Population Projection Chennai Metropolitan Area, Urban- Urban Rural Growth
Difference Method - 2006-2026
D1 D2
Growth Rate in
CMA CMA Projected Population
Year (-) (-)
Rest of TN TN Rest of
CMA TN TN Total TN Urban TN Rural CMA
Urban Rural Urban
Actual 62405679 27483998 20450259 34921681 7040582
Low 2.00 0.18 -0.025 0.0912 65605287 30295467 22591279 35309820 7704188
Medium 2.50 -0.08 -0.025 0.1288 65934134 31018215 23129715 34915920 7888500
High 2.75 -0.34 -0.063 0.1545 66264631 31751609 23781891 34513022 7969718
Low 2.00 0.10 -0.025 0.0952 68968942 33484836 25038579 35484106 8446257
Medium 2.50 -0.24 -0.025 0.1371 69662091 35157207 26294682 34504884 8862525
High 2.75 -0.63 -0.063 0.1691 70362207 36910278 27855103 33451929 9055175
Low 2.00 0.00 -0.025 0.0998 72505055 37010422 27752133 35494633 9258289
Medium 2.50 -0.45 -0.025 0.1473 73600828 39850548 29893713 33750280 9956835
High 2.75 -1.01 -0.063 0.1882 74713162 42913798 32623068 31799365 10290730
Low 2.00 -0.10 -0.025 0.1052 76222468 40907826 30761041 35314643 10146785
Medium 2.50 -0.70 -0.025 0.1601 77762264 45173577 33986861 32588688 11186716
High 2.75 -1.54 -0.063 0.2143 79333166 49905719 38206418 29427447 11699301
Low 2.00 -0.23 -0.025 0.1115 80130478 45216488 34097620 34913990 11118868
Medium 2.50 -1.03 -0.025 0.1765 82158991 51212639 38642934 30946352 12569705
High 2.75 -2.29 -0.063 0.2520 84238855 58059683 44750479 26179172 13309204

Table No H Population Projection Chennai City Urban - Urban Rural Growth Difference Method
Growth Rate in Chenn
Chennai Projected Population
% ai City
City GR
Year (-)
Chen Rural TN
Rest of TN Rest of Chennai
nai TN Rural TN Total TN Urban TN Rural
Urban Urban City
City GR

Actual 62405679 27483998 23140353 34921681 4343645

Low 1.00 -0.18 -0.08 0.041 65605287 30295467 25685542 35309820 4609925
Medium 1.50 -0.08 -0.08 0.079 65934134 31018215 26294065 34915929 4724150
High 2.00 -0.34 -0.10 0.117 66264631 31751609 26945380 34513022 4806229
Low 1.00 0.10 -0.08 0.045 68968942 33484836 28587362 35484106 4897474
Medium 1.50 -0.24 -0.08 0.087 69662091 35157207 30012375 34504884 5144832
High 2.00 -0.63 -0.10 0.132 70362207 36910278 31581463 33451929 5328815
Low 1.00 0.00 -0.08 0.050 72505055 37010422 31806986 35494633 5203436
Medium 1.25 -0.45 -0.09 0.085 73600828 39850548 34284586 33750280 5565962
High 1.50 -1.01 -0.13 0.126 74713162 42913798 37089749 31799365 5824049
Low 1.00 -0.10 -0.08 0.055 76222468 40907826 35377821 35314642 5530005
Medium 1.25 -0.70 -0.09 0.098 77762264 45173577 39149126 32588687 6024451
High 1.50 -1.54 -0.13 0.152 79333166 49905719 43536872 29427447 6368847
Low 1.00 -0.23 -0.08 0.062 80130478 45216488 39338796 34913990 5877692
Medium 1.25 -1.03 -0.09 0.104 82158991 51212639 44688513 30946352 6524126
High 1.50 -2.29 -0.13 0.189 84238855 58059683 51092126 26179172 6967558

Age Structure in CMA in %




0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 >70

Sheet No. 3.02


2 I 5


33 10 8
62 35
50 51 34 17
11 16
32 9
36 12 20
IV 54 37
21 19

55A 53
III 40
II 22

23 24
38 41
55 57 43 25 26
59 98 44
56 99 45
46 28
64 101 100 48 30
61 102
47 49
67 68
66 27
71 103
Park R.S

V 72 104
Chintadripet R.S
75 106

74 76
78 109
VII 82

84 86
83 Chepauk R.S
118 107 111
110 Thiruvallikeni R.S
117 89 90
129 108

120 112 93
119 92 91
121 VIII 95 94

Kalangaraivilakkam R.S
123 124 113
128 114
130 Mundakanniamman
144 145 R.S
127 115 143
137 142
134 136 Mandaveli148R.S
Greenways Road R.S

140 139 138

Kottur Puram R.S 150A

Nagar R.S
152 .

Indra Nagar R.S .

Thiruvanmiyur R.S


Taramani R.S

Perungudi R.S

Velachery R.S

0.8 0 0.8 1.6 2.4

1.25 0 1.25 2.5 3.75



Sheet No. 3.03

2 6

7 14

33 10 8
62 52 35
50 15
51 34 17
32 9 20
36 11 12
63 37 21 19

55 53 40 31 22
39 23 24
57 38 43 25 26
59 98 99 44
64 56 97 45
60 100 46 48 30
58 101
102 27
66 67 47 49
68 103 28

105 80
72 104 81
65 82
75 106
76 78
84 86
109 83
87 85

118 107 108 111
117 88 89 90

120 119 112 93
92 91
124 114 113 95
128 96

123 145
130 144
122 125
127 143

131 133 116 147 146

137 142

134 136 148


135 149
140 150

151 152

Per Hect.

0 - 250
251 - 500
501 - 750
751 - 1000
1001 - 1250
No Data

Chennai City- Gross Density of Population 2001

Sheet No. 3.04







Poonamallee Maduravoyal Chennai Corporation


Tambaram LEGEND
Per Hect.

0 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 150
151 - 200
201 - 250
No Data

CMA- Gross Density of Population 1971-01

Sheet No. 3.05

1 3
2 6

7 14

33 10 8
62 52 35
50 15
51 34 17
32 12 9
36 11 13 20
63 37 21 19

55 53 40 31 22
39 23 24
57 38 43 25 26
59 98 99 44
64 56 97 45
60 100 46 48 30
58 101
102 27
66 67 47 49
68 103 28
70 71

105 80
72 104 81
65 82
75 74 106
76 78
84 86
109 83
87 85

118 107 111
117 108
88 89 90

120 119 112 93
92 91
124 114 113 95
128 96

130 123 144 145
122 125
127 143

131 133 116 147 146

137 142

134 136 148


135 149
140 150

151 152


154 < 0 %%
0-2 %
153 2-4 %
4-6 %
6-8 %
8 - 10 %
>10 %

Chennai City- Average Annual Rate of Change of Population 1971-01

Sheet No. 3.06







Poonamallee Maduravoyal Chennai Corporation


Tambaram Legend %
<0 %
8 - 10

CMA- Average Annual Rate of Change of Population 1971-01

Chapter IV


The economic history of the World during the 20th century has dramatically
demonstrated that the process of urbanization and economic progress are mutually
reinforcing. Urbanization is closely associated with increasing levels of income and
improvements in social indicators
such as life expectancy, literacy, infant mortality and access to infrastructure
and social services. Data and many supporting studies conclude that cities, especially
bigger cites, mean higher productivity and higher per capita incomes. During 21
century, regardless of ideology, cities are loci and motors of economic and social change.
Studies have shown that urban-based economic activity account for more than 50
percent of GDP in all countries. Cities and towns are not only the loci of production,
but they are also loci of the most important impacts of globalization and hence the
places of change and expectation of the future. Undervalueing urban areas can
unwittingly place the economic and social future of countries at risk. Improved
understanding of the multiple interactors between globalization and city can therefore
contribute to identifying new strategies for protecting and maintaining urban

4.02 The transformation of the global economy during the last two decades is perhaps
the most important dimension of globalization because it has supported the diffusion of
global culture and provoked deep and broad adjustments within countries and cities
what began as trade in goods and services is now accompanied by the flow of capital
and exchange of currencies in world financial markets. Information technology has
allowed the birth of global interest rates and the increasing movement of capital to new
opportunities for immediate and short-term financial benefits. Concern about ‘footloose
industries’ have given way to cyber markets for finance and investment. At city level,
the rapid entry of new, mostly foreign investors, and new capital led to changes in the
composition of economic activity, particularly favouring financial services and those
industries able to benefit from connectivity. *

4.03 The need for integrated economic and physical planning has been highlighted by
many economists as well as urban planners. As Nigel Harris observes:
"The city is a framework for the concentration and organisation of power and
economic activity for the aggregation and disaggregation of resources. The city's
prime advantage is precisely its concentration of activities and skills. Concentration
today supports the technical advance which ensures mastery of the economy of the

The State of the World’s Cities 2004

future. To sustain the city's advantages requires much more rapid change within
than outside the city. Activities cluster and disperse, are merged and subdivided;
some are eliminated, all within a changing modern economy. The future of the
urban area likewise is shifted with speed. Buildings rise and are demolished, new
streets and railways are forced through.

City planning however often seems to freeze the city's form, to trap it in a physical
mode that makes change more difficult. To the planner, the city is too often not an
instrument of economic change and growth but an architectural form or a public
good for a particular class of consumer or a status symbol of the national
government. Where resources are very scarce, the opportunity cost of planning in
isolation from the central priorities of economic development is high. (Nigel Harris,

4.04 Modern metropolitan planning involves integration of economic, social,

environmental, infrastructure and management aspects. Employment and income
generation policies must play a key role in urban planning since the main cause of
urban poverty is severe limitations of income to the urban poor.

Tamil Nadu over view

4.05 Tamil Nadu emerged as the third largest economy in India with State Domestic
Product of Rs.1530 billion in 2002-2003.

4.06 The table No 4.01 shows the growth of the Tamil Nadu State income in various
sectors from 1993 to 2003.

Table No. 4.01: Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) in TN by industry of origin

Sl. Per capita

Year Primary Secondary Tertiary Total Income (Rs.
No. in lakhs)
1 1993-94 1355029 1660933 2148360 5164322 8955
2 1994-95 1512212 2019035 2596334 6127561 10503
3 1995-96 1472400 2367212 3132304 6971916 11818
4 1996-97 1668087 2507392 3736627 7912106 13270
5 1997-98 2001844 2680994 4586147 9268985 15388
6 1998-99 2256692 2972778 5349845 10579315 17394
7 1999-2000 2065946 3317462 5890654 11274062 18367
8 2000-2001 2231340 3670174 6708443 12609957 20367
9 2001-2002 2212614 3744409 7299696 13256719 21239
10 2002-2003 1980870 3870118 7827099 13678087 21738
Source: Statistical Hand Book of Tamil Nadu, 2003

Net State Domestic Product by Industry of Orgin





8000 Tertiary



1993- 1994- 1995- 1996- 1997- 1998- 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002-
94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 2001 2002 2003

4.07 The Table No. 4.02 depicts the percentage change in the growth of Gross
Domestic Product in Tamil Nadu.

Table No: 4.02. Growth in Gross State Domestic Product (1993-94)

Prices - A Trend Analysis
Year Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector GSDP
1994-95 11.25 15.66 10.82 12.56
1995-96 (-) 12.56 8.83 8.50 3.45
1996-97 (-) 0.84 1.99 10.29 4.96
1997-98 8.51 2.26 11.90 7.82
1998-99 9.04 1.61 6.19 5.21
1999-2000 (-) 4.77 10.00 7.51 5.81
2000-01(RE) 4.56 5.88 9.45 7.35
2001-02(QE) (-) 2.04 (-) 0.19 6.36 2.68
2002-03(AE) (-) 12.28 0.16 5.13 0.55
AAGR 0.10 5.13 8.46 5.60
Note: R.E – Revised Estimates, Q.E. – Quick estimates, A.E. – Advanced Estimates:
Source: Department of Economics and Statistics, Chennai-6

4.08 At the National level, the Gross Domestic Product grew by 6 percent via-a-vis 5.6
percent in Tamil Nadu. In per capita terms, it increased by 3.97 percent at the National
level whereas it was at 4.29 percent in Tamil Nadu.

Table No.4.03: Per capita Income of State and India at current prices
Tamil Nadu India
Sl.No. Year
Rs. Rs.
1 1993-1994 8955 7690
2 1994-1995 10503 8088
3 1995-1996 11818 8499
4 1996-1997 13270 9036
5 1997-1998 15388 9288
6 1998-1999 17394 9733
7 1999-2000 18367 10306
8 2000-2001 20367 10754
9 2001-2002 21239 10774
10 2002-2003 21738 10964
Source: Statistical Hand Book of Tamil Nadu 2003

4.09 The percapita income of Tamil Nadu State has risen from Rs.8, 955 in 1993-94
to Rs.21, 738 in 2002-2003.

Per captia Income of Tamil Nadu and India at current Prices


Tamil Nadu
Percaptia Income in Rs.




1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03


Structural Transformation:
4.10 The economic structure of Tamil Nadu has metamorphosised from Primary sector
in 1960s to tertiarised activities in 2000s. The percentage share of primary sector has
declined from 43.5 percent in 1961 to 16 percent in 2002.

4.11 As regards the secondary sector, though it has increased from 20 percent in
1960 to 35 percent in 1996, it has declined subsequently. The percentage share of
secondary sector in 2002-03 is only 29, which is mainly because there is a receding
trend in the manufacturing sector.

Table No: 4.04: State Economy - Structural changes (in percentage)

Year Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector Total

1960-61 43.51 20.27 36.22 100

1970-71 34.79 26.88 38.33 100

1980-81 25.92 33.49 40.59 100

1990-91 23.42 33.10 43.48 100

1995-96 21.90 34.84 43.27 100

2000-01 19.04 30.49 50.47 100

2002-03 15.97 29.71 54.32 100

4.12 There is considerable increase in the growth of tertiary sector whose share is 54
percent in 2002 and the main reasons attributed to such a rapid growth is the
contribution by the Information Technology, Information Technology Enabling Services
and Business Process Outsourcing.

4.13 The industrial base of Tamil Nadu is diversified in the manufacturing sectors of
automobile, textiles, leather and chemicals. Tamil Nadu is one of the leading States,
which attracts more investment in IT. In terms of Foreign Direct Investment (1991-
2003) Tamil Nadu stood third in the Nation. The new Industrial Policy of Tamil Nadu
2003 emphasize on optimal use of resources, upgradation of managerial skills and
administration, technical improvements and modernization in the filed of
manufacturing sector and infrastructure.

4.14 The industrial production in Tamil Nadu, which was passing through a tough
phase in the past, has shown a moderate increase in 2002-2003, which is 2.4 percent
as against 1.4 percent in 2001-2002. Textile products other than mills’ registered a
growth of 31.9 percent followed by ‘other manufacturing’ (26.7percent), ‘non-metallic
mineral products’ (18.0percent) and ‘paper and paper products’ (12.4percent). The
other groups which registered positive growth are ‘machinery and equipments’
(8.9percent), ‘wool, silk and synthetic fibre textiles’ (7.7percent) ‘metal products and
parts’ (4.3percent) and ‘transport equipment and parts’ (4.3percent). In terms of use-
based classification except the Basic Goods industries, the other industries i.e. capital
goods, intermediate goods and consumer goods have shown moderate growth. The
consumer durable goods have recorded the highest growth rate of 16.5percent.

Information Technology Industries:
4.15 The Information Technology (IT) Industry in India is among the fast growing
segments of the Indian Industry, compounded with an annual growth rate exceeding 50
percent. Tamil Nadu’s contribution to IT industry is significant. The key elements which
have made Tamil Nadu an important place in this area are availability of skilled and
educated man power, comparatively higher standard of Educational Institutions, sound
infrastructure and lower costs of operation.

4.16 As per the Economic Appraisal Report 2002-2003, the Tamil Nadu State is the
second largest software exporter in the country next to Karnataka. The number of
software companies which was 10 in 1993-94 and exported software to the tune of only
Rs.2.4 crores expanded to 934 software units and exported software to the tune of
Rs.6315.51 crores in 2002-03 accounting for 17 percent share in all India. It is noted
that the global recession did not hinder the software export from Tamil Nadu.

Table No: 4.05: Growth of Software/Hardware Industry in Tamil Nadu

Software Industry Hardware Industry

Year No. of Value of exports No. of Value of exports
units (Rs. in Crores) units (Rs. in Crores)
1993-94 10 2.400 - -
1999-00 601 1914.00 8 399.82
2000-01 766 3116.00 12 575.65
2001-02 865 5223.00 10 482.43
2002-03 934 6315.51 11 698.25
Source: Software Technology Parks of India, Chennai and SPC Note

Information Technology Enabled Services

4.17 Focusing the immense employment opportunities in Information Technology
Enabling Service, Government of Tamil Nadu has taken several steps to leverage the
strength of the State to make Tamil Nadu as the prime destination for Information
Technology Enabled Services.

Agencies that promote industries in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Industries Development corporation (TIDCO):
4.18 Tamil Nadu Industries Development Corporation (TIDCO) established in 1985
played a vital role in infrastructure development for industrial growth in Tamil Nadu,
including CMA. TIDCO has promoted 75 projects in Tamil Nadu with the employment
potential of 1.38 lakh persons. Recently the Government of India has given in principle
approval for setting up of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Ennore; it is proposed to be
implemented by the Ennore SEZ Company formed for this purpose.

Small Industries Development Corporation (SIDCO)
4.19 Small Industries Development Corporation (SIDCO) established in 1970 has
developed 74 industrial estates in Tamil Nadu. In CMA, it has developed industrial
estates at Ambattur, Guindy, Thirumudivakkam, Thirumazhisai, Thirumullaivoyal, etc.
It has constructed 4244 sheds in Tamil Nadu with an employment potential of 41,450.

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu (SIPCOT) Limited:

4.20 State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu (SIPCOT) limited, a fully
owned premier institution, established in the year 1972, has been a catalyst in
development of small, medium and large scale industries in Tamil Nadu. The main
function of SIPCOT is to establish, develop, maintain and manage industrial complexes,
parks and growth centers in Tamil Nadu.

4.21 SIPCOT has created industrial complexes and parks in various strategically
located places in Tamil Nadu. SIPCOT has developed the Information Technology Park
at Siruseri (3 km south of CMA) extending over an area of 868 acres with all attendant

Electronic Corporation of Tamil Nadu (ELCOT):

4.22 The Electronic Corporation of Tamil Nadu (ELCOT) is a pioneer in implementing
IT related projects in the State. It is the nodal agency for the Government of Tamil Nadu
in implementing IT policy and programmes. As on 2002-03, it had promoted 39 projects
at the cost of Rs.426 crores in the joint, associate and escort sectors covering a wide
range of electronic products.

Distribution of Enterprises and Establishment in CMA:

4.23 Considering the fact that the economy is moving towards liberalization, the need
to highlight and monitor its impact has become essential, the Department of Economics
and Statistics, Govt. of Tamil Nadu has conducted the Economic Census, in 1998 fourth
in the series and published the report in 2000 (when it was conducted, the
Kancheepuram District was not bifurcated and hence the Thiruvallur District did not
come into existence). The data contained therein are with reference to the following

(a) Enterprise - is an undertaking engaged in production and or distribution of

goods and or services not for the sole purpose of own consumption.
(b) Own Account Enterprises - are enterprises owned and operated with the
help of household reasons only.
(c) Establishments – are enterprises operating with at least one hired worker
on a regular basis.

Table No.4.06: Distribution of Enterprises, Establishments and Employment in Chennai and Kancheepuram Districts
Chennai District Kancheepuram District Tamil Nadu
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
1 Distribution of Enterprises
OAE 0 38682 38682 31270 26622 57892 918631 506292 1424923
Establishment 0 109321 109321 20101 25722 45823 489475 599726 1089201
Total 0 148003 148003 51371 52344 41742 1408106 1106018 2514124
2 No. of Persons working
OAE 0 49090 49090 42577 39428 82005 1470096 764967 2235063
Establishment 0 566747 566747 115941 118769 234710 2113270 2842692 4955962
Total 0 615837 615837 158518 158197 316715 3583366 3607659 7191025
3 Employment per enterprise
OAE - 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.6
Establishment - 5.2 5.2 5.8 4.6 5.1 4.3 4.7 4.6
Total - 4.2 4.2 3.1 3.0 3.1 2.7 3.3 2.9
4 No. of Agriculture
OAE 0 476 476 9788 2101 11889 224374 26814 251188
Establishment 0 603 603 2099 533 2632 40345 11377 51722
Total 0 1079 1079 11887 2634 14521 264719 38191 302910
5 Employment in Agriculture
OAE 0 608 608 14348 2662 17010 339897 39996 379893
Establishment 0 2175 2175 8379 2141 10520 135275 41824 177099
Total 0 2783 2783 22727 4803 27537 475172 81820 556992
6 Non-Agriculture
OAE 0 38206 38206 21482 24521 46003 694257 479478 1173735
Establishment 0 108718 108718 18002 25185 43191 44913 588349 1037479
Total 0 146824 145824 39484 49710 89194 739170 1067827 2211214
7 No. of hired workers in non-agriculture
Establishment 0 459753 459753 96466 92731 189197 1654318 2203040 3857358
OAE - Own Account Enterprises

4.24 Agriculture enterprise and establishments in Chennai and Kancheepuram
Districts account for minimum and contribute about 5.15 percent to Tamil Nadu. The
non-Agriculture enterprise for these two districts works out to 10.58percent of the
State. The employment per enterprise is also high when comparing the State average.
Number of hired workers in the CMA districts works out to 16.8percent of the State.

4.25 Indian economy is going through structural changes. The share of value added
by the primary sector is consistently declining whereas the share of non-primary sector
has been increasing Tamil Nadu and CMA are not exceptions to the trend.

Table No.4.07: Non-Agriculture Establishments by size, class of employment

Sl. Employment Chennai District District Tamil Nadu
No. Size
No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent
1. 1–5 86284 79.37 37132 85.97 871654 84.02
2. 1–9 12684 11.67 2949 6.83 92149 8.88
3. 10 – 14 4560 4.19 1238 2.87 37029 3.57
4. 15 – 19 1767 1.63 598 1.38 13346 1.29
5. 20 – 24 1069 0.98 285 0.66 7662 0.74
6. 25 – 49 1652 1.52 552 1.28 10078 0.97
7. 50 – 99 588 0.54 276 0.64 3763 0.36
8. 100 – 199 72 0.07 79 0.18 1025 0.10
9. 200 – 499 25 0.02 62 0.14 539 0.05
10. 500 and above 12 0.01 20 0.05 234 0.02
Total 108713 100.00 43191 100.00 1037479 100.00
Source: Economics Census of Tamil Nadu, 1998

4.26 From the above, it is seen that the non-agriculture establishments in1998 with
50 and above workers was only 0.64 percent in Chennai and 1.01percent in
Kancheepuram Districts against 0.53 percent for the State. The number of non-
agriculture establishments in Chennai and Kancheepuram Districts work out to 10.67
percent of the State figures.

Industries in CMA.
4.27 Major industries in CMA are automobile and transport equipment manufacture
and their ancillary industries, railway coach building, petro chemicals and fertilizers,
automotive tyres, bicycles, electrical and other machinery, and leather products. Some
of the large units are located at Ennore, Thiruvottiyur, Manali, Sembiam, Padi,
Ambattur, and Porur and along GST Road apart from the Integral Coach Factory at
Perambur, and Heavy Vehicles Factory at Avadi. Many small and medium scale

industries are located at Vyasarpadi, Ambattur, Villivakkam, Guindy and Thirumazhisai
and industrial estates at Madhavaram, Kodungaiyur, Poonamallee, Noombal,
Perungudi, Seevaram and Sholinganallur. Simpson, Addison and TVS industries are
located in the heart of the City along Anna Salai. MEPZ spreading over an area of 261
acres is functioning at Tambaram. Leather tanneries and leather based industries are
located at Pammal and Madhavaram. Thermal Power Plants are located at Basin Bridge
and Ennore. Many of the smaller units are scattered in various parts of the Chennai
City and the rest of CMA. Industrial estate for leather goods is being developed at

4.28 Large-Scale automobile engineering, glass and ceramic industries are located
within 50 Km. from CMA at Marai Malai Nagar, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudhur,
Thiruvallur and Gummudipoondi; to mention a few are Mahindra Ford factory -
manufacturing cars at Marai Malai Nagar, Hyundai Car factory and Saint Gobin Glass
factory at Sriperumbudur, Spartek Ceramic tile manufacturing industry and Hindustan
Earth Movers and HM Mitsubishi at Thiruvallur. Mahindra Industrial Park developed
over an area of 1300 acres located along GST Road (near Chengalpattu) is about 42 Km.
from CMA.

4.29 Tamil Nadu accounts for about 21percent passenger cars, 33percent commercial
vehicles and 35percent automobile components produced in India. Chennai, the
‘Detroit of India’ is emerging as a major export hub for cars in South East Asia. In July
2005, the Government of India has decided to establish a new testing and homologation
centre near Chennai. It is expected to bring about large savings in the foreign exchange
spent on testing exportable vehicles at overseas facilities and also attract foreign
exchange inflows by providing a competitive platform for manufacturer abroad to test
their vehicles here.

4.30 Tamil Nadu accounts for 70percent of leather tanning companies in India and
38percent of leather footwear and components; most of the footwear industries are
located within CMA. A cluster of chemical industries is located at and around Manali in
CMA. The following table No.4.08 lists the type of factories in CMA.

Table No.4.08: Number of factories in Chennai, Thiruvallur and
Kancheepuram Districts 2002-2003

Percentage to
Tamil Nadu
Sl. No.



Description of Industries

1 Food Products and Beverages 85 130 113 328 4166 7.87
2 Tobacco Products 19 3 5 27 237 11.39
3 Textiles 42 44 73 159 6565 2.42
4 Wearing apparel; Dressing and Dyeing 1067 383 258 1708 2105 81.14
5 Tanning & Dressing of Leather
products 181 100 279 560 1486 37.69
6 Wood and Products of wood and cork,
except furniture; Straw and Plating 11 14 16 41 331 12.39
7 Paper and Paper Products 53 92 56 201 707 28.43
8 Publishing, Printing and Reproduction
273 31 14 318 927 34.30
of Recorded Media
9 Coke, Refined petroleum products
9 18 10 37 67 55.22
and Nuclear Fuel
10 Chemicals and chemical products 133 182 162 477 2441 19.54
11 Rubber and Plastic Products 121 164 115 400 976 40.98
12 Non-Metallic mineral products 22 132 185 339 1119 30.29
13 Basic Metals 79 238 79 396 921 43.00
14 Fabricated metal products, except 233 278 156 667 1263 52.81
Machinery and equipments
15 Machinery and Equipments 170 284 150 604 1536 39.32
16 Office, accounting and computing
6 6 11 23 29 79.31
17 Electrical Machinery and apparatus 96 95 74 265 497 53.32
18 Radio, Television & Communication
63 18 69 150 215 69.77
Equipment and apparatus
19 Medical Precision & Optical
27 22 27 76 108 70.37
instruments watches and Clocks
20 Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-
96 199 134 429 585 73.33
21 Other Transport Equipments 61 67 41 169 293 57.68
22 Furniture 35 16 45 96 279 34.41
23 Sale, Maintenance & Repair of Motor
vehicles and Motor cycles, retail sale 168 36 40 244 881 27.70
of automotive fuel
24 Retail trade except of motor vehicles
and motor cycles; repair of personal 25 7 3 35 61 57.38
and household goods
25 Supporting & Auxiliary transport
6 0 2 8 16 50.00
activities; Activities of travel agencies
26 Computer and Relates activities 1 0 0 1 2 50.00
27 Recreational cultural and sporting
7 0 2 9 9 100.00
28 Other service activities 10 5 0 15 15 100.00
Source: Annual survey of Industries Frame 2002-2003. Director of Economics and Statistics

4.31 The above table indicates that 70percent of the industries in the sectors of
dressing and dyeing, office, accounting and computing machinery, medical precision
and optical instruments, watches and clocks, motor vehicles, trailers and semi trailer
Industries in the State is located in Chennai, Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram Districts.

Small Scale Industries

4.32 Special emphasis is always given to the development of Small Industrial Sector
considering the strength of inherent merits it has on low capital investment, short
gestation period, high employment generating potential, capability to induce industrial
base etc.

4.33 In the Small-scale industrial sector, there were 56,913 units in Chennai Districts
and 37,531 in Kancheepuram and 17,843 in Thiruvallur District as on 31-03-2007,
which works out to about 21.16 percent of the units in the State (5,30,552 Units); it was
23percent of the units in the State (1,10,783 units) in 1989. Small-scale industrial
sector is high in metals, rubber and plastic products, metal products, electrical
machinery, transport equipments, leather and fur products and non-metallic mineral
products in Chennai, Kancheepuram and Thiruvallur Districts.

Information Technology:

4.34 Chennai is perhaps the only city in India to have all the top 10 IT Indian multi
national companies and the 3 IT majors viz. Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd and
Wipro which have acquired lands in and around Chennai to meet their expansion plans.
The Tidal Park I and the IT Park at Siruseri have already been developed in Chennai and
its environs. The Tidel Park I is fully functional. The private IT developers have been
enthused to build enough IT space and the Government is certain of creating 2.5 million
sq.ft of IT space in private as well as in public sectors in the coming years to meet the
growing requirements of national and international clients. The first phase of
Knowledge Industrial Township is being planned by a Special Purpose Vehicle viz.
ELCOT Infrastructure Ltd. in Sholinganallur along the IT Corridor.

4.35 Further, to meet the increasing demand for such parks in the State, steps are
being initiated to establish TIDEL Park II with a floor space of 1.5 million sq.ft. in
Chennai city. It may be noted that a joint sector IT Park in an area of 1700 acres is
being developed with participation of TIDCO, IL&FS and Mahindra near Chengalpattu.

Sales Tax
4.36 Sales tax is the most important head of the tax revenue to the Government.
From the table it could be seen that Chennai Metropolitan Area accounts for three-

fourth of the total sales tax collection in the State. The share has increased from
69percent in 1994-95 to 76 percent in 2003-04.

Table No. 4.09: Sales Tax collection in Chennai Metropolitan Area and Tamil
Nadu (1990 - 2004 year-wise)
Sales Tax collected (Rs. in Crores)
Share of CMA as
Year Chennai Metropolitan
Tamil Nadu percentage of State
Area (CMA)
1994-1995 2886.56 4164.84 69.31
1995-1996 3458.41 5023.37 68.35
1996-1997 4125.50 5751.19 71.73
1997-1998 4462.62 6062.68 73.61
1998-1999 4881.30 6582.60 74.15
1999-2000 5509.94 7380.66 74.65
2000-2001 6575.54 8647.97 76.04
2001-2002 6776.86 8895.75 76.18
2002-2003 7758.86 10191.60 76.13
2003-2004 8897.10 11734.30 75.82
Source: Commissioner for Commercial Taxes

Trade and Commerce:

4.37 The working of economy and the generators of economic momentum are
reflected by the volume and value of trade and commerce transacted in the area.
Chennai city is the commercial centre of great importance in the southern part of India,
having a major seaport and international airport. The direct relevance to economy is the
movement of trade and commerce between Chennai and the rest of the world. Increase
in port traffic and airport cargo handling and also increase in the sales tax collections
and banking transactions indicate the increase in total volume of trade in CMA.

Chennai Port:

4.38 Chennai Port is the largest among all the ports of Tamil Nadu, and is one of the
most important ports of India. It is well equipped in terms of shipping facilities (23
berths including 4 exclusive berths for containers), marine services and other associated
facilities like warehouses and storages. There are 12 warehouses and the total area of
the warehouses is 71,653 sq.m. owned by Chennai Port. Further, 61,222 sq.m. area for
warehouse/storage was allotted to private parties. The Port has full-fledged container
terminals with road and rail connections which offer all the advantages that
containerization could provide such as packaging, landing, pilferage prevention and
speedy transportation of cargo. The Port measures a water-spread area of 170 hectares
and a land extent of 238 hectares. Table Nos. 3.11 & 3.12 indicate the export and
import details of principal commodities at Chennai Port respectively. The principal items
of imports are petroleum, oil, lubricants, fertilizers, food grains and fibres. The main

items of export are ores (mainly iron ores) granite stones, quartz, Barytes, hides and
skins, chemical and cotton goods. The growth of the Chennai Port in terms of cargo
handled value of imports and exports are respectively given in Table no. 4.10. Chennai
Port handles 60percent of the total cargo handled by the State. The total number of
containers handled during 2003 - 2004 was 5, 39,265 showing an increase of 67percent
in the last 5 years. The passenger traffic shows an increase of 22percent in the last five

Table No.4.10: Export of Principal Commodities - Chennai Port (Tonnes)

Petroleum Containerised
Food Cargo Other
& oil Iron Ore Other Ores Total
Year Grains Cargo

2000 1.342.508 6,258,614 299.268 1,958,537 1,146,363 11005290
2001 957,245 7,048,678 535,769 2,880,038 1,063,959 12485689
2002 914,555 7,481,950 613,840 2,757,349 1,258,712 13026406
2003 952,608 7,944,621 443,017 3,536,476 1,204,723 14081445
2004 1,310,489 7,519,527 619,246 19,499 4,106,304 2,832,750 16407815
TOTAL 5,477,405 36,253,390 2,511,140 19,499 15,238,704 7,506,507 67006645
Note: Other Cargo includes chemicals, Granite stones etc. excludes transshipment

Source: Port Trust, Chennai, 600 001

Export Of Principal Commodities_Chennai Port



in thousands Tonnes

4,000 2001-2002
3,000 2002-2003

2,000 2003-2004


Petrolium Oil Iron Ore Other Ore Containerised Other Cargo
Lubricants Cargo

Table No. 4.11: Import of Principal Commodities - Chennai Port (Tonnes)

Petroleum, Contain
Fertilizers Fertilizers Food Coal & Other
Year Oil, erized Total
(Finished) (Raw) Grains Coke Cargo
Lubricants Cargo
8,829,356 729,094 479,435 135,878 12,522,036 2,017,669 1,724,263 26437731

7,938,115 459,578 466,210 0 14,990,972 3,109,181 1,770,370 28734426

7,559,293 459,246 351,657 0 9,655,623 3,099,695 1,963,546 23089060

7,993,042 420,178 287,647 0 5,818,291 3,682,829 1,403,674 19605661

7,890,436 411,972 326,061 0 5,630,922 4,521,936 1,520,908 20302235

Source: Port Trust, Chennai

Import of Principal Commodities - Chennai Port (tonnes)

Petroleum, Oil,
30,000,000 Fertilizers
25,000,000 Fertilizers (Raw)

Food Grains
Coal & Coke
10,000,000 Other Cargo


1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004

Table No. 4.12: Value of Foreign Imports and Exports - Chennai Port Trust
( Crores)

1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004

Imports 19277.72 22969.75 22791.28 23903.74 31145.51

Exports 12945.26 15001.17 15194.39 18747.71 24110.03

Source: Port Trust, Chennai-600 001

Total Export and Import-Chennai Port



in thousand tonnes

Total Import
Total Export




1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004

Ennore Port

4.39 The Port of Ennore was conceived as a result of Government of India (GOI) policy
of locating thermal plants at the coast in order to avail the least cost option of
transportation of coal through coastal shipping. The Port was inaugurated on 1st
Feb.2001 and the commercial operations commenced on 22nd June 2001. Currently
Ennore Port is operating with two coal berths catering to thermal coal requirements of
North Chennai Thermal Power Station (NCTPS), Mettur and Ennore Thermal Plants of
TNEB. The Port is expanding in a major way by developing Liquid Cargo, LNG,
additional coal, iron ore, car and container terminals with additional 10 berths. By
2011, Ennore Port will have capacity to handle 70 million tonnes of cargo including 1.5
million containers and 2 lakhs cars. Development of a port specific SEZ near the port is
being planned by TIDCO for enhancing the economic opportunities of the port as well as
the region.

Chennai Airport

4.40 The Chennai Airport is one of the major National and International Airports in
India. It handled about 20.54 lakh international passengers and 25.01 Lakhs domestic
passengers and cargo of about 1.19 lakh tonnes (international) and 0.35 lakh tonnes
(domestic) in 2003-2004, and has a significant share in total passengers as well as
cargo handled in the four major airports. The international passengers handled by
Chennai Air-port have increased 4-fold from 1991 to 2004 whereas the domestic
passengers have increased 2-fold in the same years.

Table No.4.13: Import and Export receipt at Chennai Airport

Year 1997- 98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

Import Receipts 17766 19780 28721 31739 38305 43570 51120

Export Receipts 44138 38928 46702 50577 55866 63264 68443

Source: Airports Authority of India

Import and Export Receipts at Chennai Airport



60000 Import
Expo rt
40000 Receipt



1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

4.41 Textile constituting major part of the export receipt i.e. 38.3percent, followed by
leather constituting 25.84percent. Electronic goods constitutes major part of the import
receipt i.e. 23.05percent followed by personal effects constituting 21.44percent.

4.42 Sixteen international carriers operate from Chennai. Chennai can expect to attract
more international carriers after the expansion programme. Government of India has
given its consent to expand and modernize the Chennai Airport to handle future air
traffic and make it a world-class major airport. Government of Tamil Nadu will make
available 1457 acres of land to Air-port Authority of India adjoining the existing airport
in the north. The expansion and modernization of Airport will have major impact of
the economy of the CMA/the State.

4.43 The dominant position of Chennai in the State economy is reflected by the
trends in banking sector. The banking infrastructure in Tamil Nadu was extensive and
the banking network in Chennai, Kancheepuram District and Thiruvallur District is
found to be quite strong. The performance in banking could be examined by the

indicators like number of branch offices, size of deposits and advances and credit
deposit ratio. Bank credit deposit ratio denotes the level of investments in the City being
an indicator frequently used by economists. Bank deposit per capita indicates the
finance level and disposable income of the population. Table No.4.15 indicates the
position of banking in Chennai, Kancheepuram and Thiruvallur Districts. Around
16.5 Percent of the total number of bank branches in Tamil Nadu is found to be
concentrated in Chennai City. Deposits and advances account for 42 and 48 percent
respectively of the State figures. The capacity of Chennai City in credit absorption
appears to be very good and it keeps on rising. Further foreign banks also entered in the
fray and their operation also gradually expanding. Apart from Banks, large Non-
Banking Finance companies also provide financial services in CMA.

4.44 The Table No. 4.14 indicates that there are 780 banks in Chennai City alone
(apart from the private financial institutions).

Table No.4.14: Banking Sector in Chennai, Kancheepuram & Thiruvallur


Bank Deposits Advances Credit Deposit Ratio

(nos.) (Rs. in lakhs) ( Lakhs) (in percentage)

Chennai 780 35654.02 43010.75 120.63

(16.43) (41.29) (57.66)
Kancheepuram 158 2896.09 956.88 33.04
(3.33) (3.35) (1.26)
Thiruvallur 140 2192.53 849.155 38.73
(2.95) (2.54) (1.14)
Tamil Nadu 4746 86343.39 74587.43 86.38

Note: The figures in parenthesis are percentages to State level

Source: Reserve Bank of India


4.45 As per Census 2001, the total no. of workers in Tamil Nadu is 278 lakhs and the
rate of increase in the employment in the last decade is 1.4percent against the
population growth of 1.1percent per annum.

4.46 The comprehensive profile of employment in CMA has been made on the basis of
secondary sources including Census data. The participation rate i.e. proportion of main
workers to the population of CMA was 30.74percent in 1991 and 30.96percent in 2001.
The corresponding figures for Chennai City was 30.50percent in 1991 and 31.79percent
in 2001. The number of marginal workers both in the Chennai City and in CMA is
negligible. The table No. 4.15 gives the main workers classified by industrial category for
Chennai City and CMA.

Table No: 4.15: Occupational structure CMA _ 1991 and 2001

1991 2001

Chennai CMA Chennai CMA

City City

Total Workers 1173062 1675512 Total Workers 1488364 2519278

Main Workers 1171739 1669213 Main Workers 1380757 2284457

Main Cultivators 883 19778 Main Cultivators 15149 33170

Main Agriculture 199 70085 Main Agriculture 5849 33390


Fishing & Forest 9982 15422 Main House Hold 25836 43394

Mining 1245 3484 Main Others 1333923 2174503

Manufacturing 7683 20271 Marginal workers 107607 234821

House Hold

Manufacturing & 275916 423253 Marginal 2026 5728

others Cultivators

Main Construction 74856 104913 Marginal 1233 22681


Main Trade 300928 372672 Marginal House 5156 10511


Main Transport 125853 166648 Marginal Others 99192 195901

Main Others 374194 472687 Non Workers 2855281 4859201

Marginal Workers 1323 6299

Non Workers 2668334 3753958

Source: Census of India

4.47 The workers in primary activity constitute 6.52 percent in CMA and 1.05 percent
in City 1991. In 2001, it was 2.91 percent and 1.52 percent respectively in CMA and
Chennai City. The percentage of workers in household industry of manufacturing
sector more or less remains same in Chennai City and CMA. The percentage of workers
in other services has shown a higher increase both in the City and CMA.

4.48 The workers in primary activity are dwindling and it is negligible compared to total,
both in Chennai City and in CMA. The occupational structure of Chennai City and CMA
reveals that major share of the work force is engaged in tertiary sector.

4.49 The percentage of non- workers was 65.73 percent in City and 69.14 percent in
CMA during 2001. Among males, 45.88 percent are non-workers and the corresponding
figure for females was 86.48 percent in Chennai City. However, in CMA, 48.83percent
and 90.63percent are non-workers, among males and females respectively. The
percentage of female non-workers is high in both City and CMA.

Employment in organised sector.

4.50 The following are the distribution of employment in public and private organised
sector in Chennai city and Kancheepuram districts.

Table No. 4.16: Employment of organized sector in Chennai,

Kancheepuram (including Thiruvallur District)

Kancheepuram & Thiruvallur

Year Chennai Dist.
Public Private Total Public Private Total
2000-01 281287 102358 383645 100491 124626 225117

2001-02 316553 94674 411227 108013 136234 244247

2002-03 314743 64914 379657 109678 132298 241976

2003-04 322961 69280 392241 100163 112341 212504

2004-05 323221 68785 392006 81032 118461 199493

Source: Commissionerate of Employment & Training, Chennai - 600 032

4.51 In Chennai District, over these years from 2000, employment in the organized
public sector was increasing whereas in private sector it was decreasing with little
variance in the total employment figures in this organized sector.

4.52 Chennai and Kancheepuram together contribute about 26percent of employment

in organized sector to the State total in 2002-03. Of the total public sector employment,
the employment opportunity in Chennai and Kancheepuram Districts are 20percent and
7percent respectively in 2002-03. The percentage of the same in private sector in
Chennai and Kancheepuram Districts are 7.8 and 15.9

4.53 Informal sector generally denotes the activities and services, which are readily
associated with low wages and low level of skills.
The informal sector comprises broadly in the following groups:

- Self-employed traders, hawkers and family based workers

- Employees and workers in predominantly low wage paying sectors like
rickshaw-pulling, repair of bicycles, personal services, etc.

- Employees and workers in comparatively better wage paying occupation such
as construction, manufacturing and repair activities.

4.54 When comparing the Census data of 2001 total employees and available figures
in Table No. 4.16 on organized sector employment, the employees in informal sector
would be in the order of 10.8 lakhs in Chennai City.

Employment Projection:

4.55 Table No.3.17 (chapter III) gives the information about the age structure in CMA
from 1961 to 2001.

Table No: 4.17: CMA-Age Structure -2001 & 2011

Age Group 2001 2011

Male Female
0-4 7.92 7.91 6.37
5-9 8.33 8.43 7.21
10-14 9.23 9.17 8.66
15-19 9.72 9.64 9.89
20-24 10.32 10.83 10.52
25-29 10.00 10.95 10.47
30-34 8.69 8.30 8.67
35-39 8.12 8.20 8.51
40-44 6.54 5.89 6.45
45-49 5.79 5.34 5.96
50-54 4.58 4.11 4.61
55-59 3.12 3.06 3.45
60-64 2.73 2.80 3.10
65-69 1.77 1.95 2.29
>70 1.29 1.40 3.84
Not stated 1.87 2.00 0.00

4.56 It is assumed that age structure proportion will stabilise in the ratio projected for
2011.The age group between 15-60 is taken as the eligible age group for employment. It
is found that this age group has increased from 59.66 percent in 1961 to 66.02 percent
in 2001 and it is assumed that this age group will stabilize at 69.15 percent as projected
for 2011 upto 2026.The ratio as found in the last 3 decades is taken as 48% and 52%
for male and female for CMA population.

4.57 The percentage of workers as per 2001 Census works out to 54.6 % out of the
male population and 18.26 % out of the female population. It is assumed that in future
years by 2011, 87.5 % of male and 30% of the female eligible working population will be

willing to work and for them jobs would have to be created. Similarly this % for male
and female is assumed as 90% and 33% for 2016, 92.5%and 36% for 2021 and 95%
and 40% for the year 2026, considering the improvements in the education level,
aptitude and willingness to work etc in future years. Based on the above criteria,
projection for demand for jobs upto 2026 has been made and tabulated in
table No. 4.18.

Table No: 4.18: Employment Projection CMA_2026 (in lakhs)

2011 2016 2021 2026

Population 88.71 99.66 111.98 125.82

Eligible Workers 15-60 61.34 68.92 77.43 87.01


Eligible Male Workers (52%) 31.90 35.84 40.26 45.24

Eligible Female Workers (48%) 29.44 33.08 37.17 41.76

Male Willing to Work 27.91 32.25 37.25 42.98

Female Willing to Work 8.37 10.64 13.41 17.19

Total 36.28 42.89 50.65 60.17

Additional Jobs to be created 10.09 16.70 24.47 33.99

Male Willing to Work 87.5 % 90 % 92.5 % 95 %


Female Willing to Work 30 % 33 % 36 % 40 %


Chapter V


The rapid growth of population in the Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA) has been
causing a strain on the existing urban services and infrastructure, for want of expansion
and better management. The transport sector is vital and needs carefully planned
expansion to meet the demands of the increasing population.

5.02. The need to take an integrated long term view of transport needs of CMA and to plan
road development, public transport services and suburban rail transport, as a part of the
urban planning process, have been well recognised.

5.03. A résumé of the changing travel characteristics of the metropolis and the growth of
sea and air traffic which have a bearing on the quality of the road and transport
infrastructure are indicated in the Annexure I.

5.04. Many studies have been done in the past for development of transportation in CMA.
These include Madras Area Transport Study (MATS - 1968), Integrated Transport Plan
(1977), Madras Route Rationalisation Study (1986), Traffic and Transportation Study for
MMA (Kirloskar 1986), Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Study (CTTS 1992-95)
and other studies done through consultants for specific transportation projects. Based on
the recommendations of these studies several major projects such as formation of
Jawaharlal Nehru Salai (IRR) , addition of buses, improvements to Metropolitan Transport
Corporation (MTC) infrastructure, Mass Rapid Transit system (MRTS) etc have been
implemented. But these efforts have not kept pace with the increase in travel demand. A
list of major efforts taken is indicated in the Annexure II.

5.05 Major recommendations of some of the recent studies which qualify for
implementation on their merits are summarised below. These studies also assisted in the
development of a matrix comparing the system characteristics of various alternative transit
technologies which is embodied in Annexure III.

CTTS for CMA, RITES Ltd., PTCS & KCL September 1995 & Updating the CTTS
(1992-95), RITES Ltd., April 2004

5.06. The comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Study (CTTS) for CMA undertaken
through a consortium of consultants, M/s. RITES and M/s. KCL, commenced in May 91
was completed in 1995. The expatriate consultant, W.S. Atkins Planning and Management
Consultants Limited, U.K. provided technical assistance for the study. The cost of the

study, which was Rs.9.75 m, was shared partly by the GoI and partly under Technical
Assistance component of TNUDP I. The schemes from the study report have been included
in the Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan (CMDP).

5.07. The Study provided the core inputs for predicting the future travel demand for the
CMA. The travel demands in 2004, 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021 & 2026 have been projected on
the basis of increase in per capita trips (from 1.32 in 2004 to 1.6 by 2016 and 1.65 by
2026). Table no. 5.01 gives 3 scenarios based on different modal splits between the road
and rail system. The 3 scenarios have been worked out gradually increasing the share of
the public transport between the public and private transport modes and also increasing
the share of the rail transport between the bus and rail modes. Scenario 2 has been
selected based on the following assumptions.

i) The modal split between public and private transport will change from 43:57 to
35:65 (2004), 55:45 (2011) and 60:40 (2016), 65:35 (2021) and 70:30 (2026) in
line with the trend in share of public transport increasing with City size.

ii) The sub-modal split between bus and rail will have to change from 91:9 to 85:15
(2004), 75:25 (2011), 70.30 (2016), 65:35 (2021) and 60:40 (2026) if the road
transport system is not to break down in the context of increased commuter

Table No. 5.01: Projected daily trips by public transport

1991 2004 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026
1. Population in
58.07 75.61 78.96 88.71 99.62 111.98 125.82
2. Daily per
1.29 1.32 1.34 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.65
capita Trips
3. Total Daily
Person Trips in 74.91 99.81 105.81 133.07 159.39 179.17 207.60

Scenario 1 Modal
Private 57 64.57 60.00 50 45 40 35
Split %
Public 43 35.43 40.00 50 55 60 65

Total Daily
Person Trips by
32.21 35.36 42.32 66.53 87.67 107.50 134.94
Public Transport
in lakh
By Rail % 9.25 14.54 16.00 20 25 30 25
By Road % 90.75 85.46 84.00 80 75 70 75
Daily Trips in
By Rail 2.98 5.14 6.77 13.31 21.92 32.25 33.74
By Road 29.23 30.22 35.55 53.23 65.75 75.25 101.21

Scenario 2 Modal
Private 57 64.57 55.00 45 40 35 30
Split %
Public 43 35.43 45.00 55 60 65 70

Total Daily
Person Trips by
32.21 35.36 47.61 73.19 95.64 116.46 145.32
Public Transport
in lakh
By Rail % 9.25 14.54 16.00 25 30 35 40
By Road % 90.75 85.46 84.00 75 70 65 60
Daily Trips in
By Rail 2.98 5.14 7.62 18.30 28.69 40.76 58.13
By Road 29.23 30.22 39.99 54.89 66.94 75.70 87.19

Scenario 3 Modal Private

57 64.57 50.00 40 35 30 25
Split %
Public 43 35.43 50.00 60 65 70 75

Total Daily
person Trips by
32.21 35.36 52.90 79.84 103.60 125.42 155.70
Public Transport
in lakh
By Rail % 9.25 14.54 20.00 30 35 40 45
By Road % 90.75 85.46 80.00 70 65 60 55
Daily Trips in
By Rail 2.98 5.14 10.58 23.95 36.26 50.17 70.07
By Road 29.23 30.22 42.32 55.89 67.34 75.25 85.64
Source : CTTS(MMDA, RITES, KCL & PTCS, 1992-95) & Short term study to updateCTTS (1992-
95)(CMDA, RITES & PTCS, 2004)

Fig.No. 5.01 Growth of Travel Demand in CMA

20 17.92
Trips ( in million)

15 13.31
9.98 10.58 Trips in million
10 7.49
5 2.65
1970 1984 1991 2004 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026

5.08. It will be seen from the Table no.5.01 that the number of trips carried by bus
transport in 2004 would become nearly 2.8 times in the year 2026. Similarly the volume of
passengers to be carried by rail transport will be nearly 11 times the present volume.

(in lakhs)
Table No. 5.02: Mass Transport Trips 2004 & 2026
Mass Transport Trips (in lakhs) 2004 2026
Total Mass Transport Trips 35.36 145.09
Increase in 22 years - 109.73
Total road (bus trips) 30.22 87.05
Increase in 22 years - 56.83
Total rail trips 5.14 58.04
Increase in 22 years - 52.90
Source: Short term study to update CTTS (1992-95)(CMDA, RITES & PTCS, 2004)

Mass Transport Trips 2004 & 2026

Trips (00,000)

80 58.04
2004 2026

Detailed Project Report, DMRC & RITES, October 2007

5.09. Following a detailed feasibility study at a cost of Rs.5.4 m undertaken through Delhi
Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) GoTN have retained DMRC for preparing detailed project
report at a cost of Rs.33 m for development of metro rail for Chennai for implementation
during 2007- 2012. The gist of the DPR is as below:

Corridor-1: NH-45 (Airport) – Guindy – Sardar Patel Road – Kotturpuram High Road –
Cenotah Road – Anna Salai – Gemini – Spencers – Tarapore Towers – Along Cooum River
upto Rippon building – Central Station – Broadway (Prakasam Road) – Old Jail Road –
Tiruvottiyur High Road (upto Tiruvottiyur).

Corridor – 2: Along Poonamallee High Road (Corporation limits) – EVR Periyar Salai – Rajaji
Road (North Beach Road) covering Koyambedu – Anna Nagar Arch – Aminjikarai – Kilpauk
Medical College – Egmore – Central-Fort-Beach.

Description Underground Elevated Total
Length No. of Length No. of Length No. of
(km) Stations (km) Stations (km) Stations
Corridor 1 14.250 11 8.805 7 23.055 18
Corridor 2 - - 23.449 19 23.449 19
Corridor 1 & 2 14.250 11 32.254 26 46.504 37

Cost including taxes

Options Corridors @ 2007 price
Rs. in m
Corridor 1 (Underground from Washermanpet 56890
Option I to Saidapet and remaining length up to
(Recommended) Chennai Airport elevated)
Corridor 2 (elevated) 33430
Corridor 1 (underground) 74080
Option II
Corridor 2 (elevated) 79780

Detailed Project Report on Hybrid Mono Rail System for Chennai, Metrail India
Private Ltd., November 2004

5.10. A detailed project report undertaken by a consortium of Metrail India (p) Ltd. has
established the feasibility for development of hybrid monorail system for Chennai for a
length of 25 km comprising parts of Periyar EVR salai and Anna salai at a cost Rs.9470 m.
It recommended implementation of the project over a period of 27 months. Since the same
corridors are being considered subsequently for development of metro rail, the project has
not so far been implemented.

Infrastructure Development Plan for Ennore Area, CMDA, May 1999

5.11. At the instance of GTN, CMDA prepared an infrastructure development plan for
Ennore area. The inputs for the Plan were collected from the agencies concerned and
industries through a Core Group chaired by the Chief Planner. The cost of implementing
the Plan was estimated at Rs.51620 m. The draft plan was presented before the High Level
Official Committee for Major Infrastructure Projects in Tamil Nadu chaired by Chief
Secretary to GoTN in Mar.1999. The schemes under the Plan have since been included in
the Infrastructure Investment Plan for the CMA (now termed as CMDP) and the on-going

MRTS Ph.III (Velachery to St.Thomas Mount), RITES Ltd., May ,2000

5.12. CMDA retained the services of M/s. RITES in February '97 for carrying out a short-
term study for establishing the feasibility of the alignment proposed for MRTS from
Velachery to Villivakkam for a distance of about 25 km. The cost of the Study was Rs.0.75
m. The consultancy report was approved by the Authority in Mar.2001. As a follow-up, the
first stage of the MRTS Phase III (now termed as extension of MRTS phase II) envisaging the
elevated MRTS on single pillars along the median of the IRR, projectised at a cost of
Rs.4160 m, has since been approved by GoI in Feb.2007 for joint implementation with
GoTN. The project has since been commissioned by MTP®.

Densification of MRTS Corridor Development, L&T-Ramboll, October 2001

5.13. The feasibility study on densification of MRTS corridor development undertaken in

2001-03 indicated that the daily transit ridership on the MRTS corridor could be increased
to 3.86 lakh trips in 2006, 6.62 lakh trips in 2011 and 11.86 lakh trips in 2021 by allowing
a modest density of 400 persons / ha and other minimal intervention. Based on the
recommendations necessary changes in the development regulations and land use planning
have since been incorporated.

Infrastructure Investment Plan for CMA, CMDA, February 2003

5.14. The investment plan termed Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan (CMDP) to be
implemented in the short term (one year), medium term (3years) and long term (5-10 years)
comprised urban transportation schemes to be implemented in the short- term at a cost of
Rs.6726.3 m, the medium-term at a cost of Rs.34600.2 m and in the long-term at a cost of
Rs.61135.6 m. Works on CMDP commenced in 2003- 2004 with budgetary support by
GoTN. In tandem with investments by GoTN, a shelf of short and medium-term traffic and
transportation subprojects culled out from CMDP (and validated through a quick study to
update CTTS (1992-95))has since been included in the on-going TNUDP III at a cost of USD
150 m.

Study on Parking Requirements for CMA, Wilbur Smith Associates Pvt. Ltd., Nov.

5.15. CMDA has undertaken a two-stage parking study for the CMA. The first stage study
has principally focused on the problems of parking across the CMA and drawn up a
comprehensive parking policy for the CMA as a whole. The upshot of the study is outlined
as follows:

(a) Based on field surveys covering 360 critical stretches, the total peak
parking demand in the city is in the order of 13,000 PCE against a
supply of 5100 PCE. For example the supply in T. Nagar is 794 PCE
against a demand of 2151 PCE and the supply in Parrys is 704 PCE
against a demand of 4426 PCE. The haphazard parking has led to loss
in the road capacity that ranges between15% to 60%.

(b) While the field studies on on-street parking covered 27 critical areas, it
covered 15 areas outside City. The field studies also covered parking
provided at major industrial areas, various educational institutions,
religious places, recreational centres, hospitals, bus terminals and rail

(c) After taking stock of the entire parking problems and issues in the
CMA, the study recommended a parking policy for Chennai on the
basis of best practices followed both inside and outside the country.
The thrust of the recommended parking policy is as follows:

(i) Short-stay parking is preferably located in proximity to

trip destinations and protected from long-stay parkers;

(ii) Institutions (e.g. education institutions), industrial

establishments, commercial complexes, cinema theatres,
kalyana mandapams, entertainment halls, hotels and
restaurants should provide adequate off-street parking
facilities for employees, visitors etc;

(iii) Commuter parking should be provided at the railway

stations and at the MTC bus terminals by the respective
authorities to facilitate the commuters to adopt the park
and ride concept;

(iv) Multi level parking (ramp type and mechanical parking)

facilities should be planned and developed at suitable

(v) Considering the existing road network and the growth

trend in the private vehicle population, it is necessary to
bring down the demand on parking spaces, both on-
street and off-street;

(vi) Since transportation is a function of land-use, allocation

of spaces for various land-uses within the CMA could be
done with a view on reducing the use of private
motorised vehicles such as high dense developments,
exclusive commercial neighbourhoods;

(vii) Parking pricing should be judiciously devised to manage

parking problem on the demand side. Till the proposed
Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA), is
formed the agencies / departments which are currently
looking after parking related issues should be facilitated
to perform their expected roles effectively and in a co-
ordinated manner;

An effective institutional structure is necessary to implement the various
provisions of the parking policy discussed above.

(d) A critical element of the parking policy is to evolve off-street parking

standards for various activities, which would become ultimately part
of the Development Regulation of the Master Plan for the CMA. With
an objective of promoting transit ridership, a special set of parking
standards for the influence area of rail corridors have been suggested
where lesser parking standards has been mooted. Separate set of
standards has thus been evolved for (i) the areas falling within
Corporation limits, Municipalities and IT corridor, (ii) panchayat
areas and (iii) transit corridors.

(e) These have since been incorporated in the Development

Regulation.The study has also drawn up short-term strategies and
solutions for managing the parking problems in the CMA.
Recognising the urgency to increase the supply of parking space
particularly at critical traffic generating locations, a 6- month long
consultancy study has been commissioned in June 2005 through
M/s. MEKON to prepare detailed project reports for development of
multi-level parking complexes on public-private partnership at 6
locations at a total cost of Rs. 2.1 m. Based on the DPRs, schemes at
a cost of Rs.929.8 m have since been included in the the Master Plan

Feasibility Study for Development of the Outer Ring Road in CMA, TNRDC / SOWIL,
May 2007

5.16. The consultancy study undertaken by CMDA (through TNRDC and SOWiL) at a cost
of Rs.6.71 m established the feasibility of implementing the 62.3 km long ORR project as
a multi-modal corridor with area development on the western side to a depth of 50 m. The
approximate cost of constructing the road with 2-lane divided carriageway with service
road and footpath on either side in the first phase is estimated at Rs.9000 m. Based on
the Study, action is being pursued for implementing the project with external assistance
from JBIC through a SPV.

5.17. For the purposes of reestablishing or validating the need for most or all the major
capital-intensive schemes enlisted for implementation in the medium or long term (which
have been contained in the volume I of the Master Plan II), it is desirable that appropriate
studies are taken up in course of implementation of the Master Plan II. The list of such
studies, though not exhaustive shall include the following:

Comprehensive Transportation Study for Chennai (CTS): The 18-month long study
at a cost of Rs.16.2 m has just commenced with World Bank assistance. The broad
terms of the study are indicated in the Annexure IV.
Detailed Engineering Survey for construction of ORR: Once a SPV is floated by the
TNRIDC, it would undertake the study through the consultants.

Detailed feasibility study for the 3rd corridor for the proposed metro rail.
Preparing a comprehensive road plan for the Outer-CMA as a whole with a grid of
say 2 km x 2 km.
Detailed feasibility study for the proposed elevated highways along City waterways.
Detailed feasibility study for the elevated highways proposed along other corridors.
Detailed feasibility study for the freight corridors proposed along selected corridors.
Detailed feasibility study for the new out-station truck terminals proposed at the
intersections of ORR with NHs and SHs.
Detailed feasibility study for new rail lines in and around CMA.
Detailed feasibility study for the primary and secondary road network immediately
outside CMA but within the region.
Study establishing the feasibility of the waterways in CMA as inland transport
Study establishing the feasibility of the operation of hovercraft along the seacoast.
Detailed feasibility study establishing the suitability of alternative transit systems
customized to the specific corridors.
Rationalization of bus routes in the context of the corridor(s) of the proposed metro
Detailed project report for all the corridors identified for full-fledged / partial BRT.
Detailed project report for the next package of multi-level parking (with or without
Government owned land).
Planning a network of pedestrian-ways / malls / parkways.
Planning a network of cycle-ways.
Detailed study to review the adequacy of parking standards.

Annexure I
Travel characteristics of CMA

1. The modal preferences of the commuters in the CMA are best characterised
in that in a group of 100, 26 travel by bus, 2 by train, 33 by walk, 13 by cycle, 19 by
two wheeler, 4 by car and 3 by other modes (vide Table -1).

Table 1: Daily average person trip distribution by mode in CMA

(Trips in million)
No. & percent of total trips by mode
Sl. Mode 1970 1984 1992 2004 2005
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 Bus 1.10 41.5 3.074 45.5 2.84 37.9 2.89 29.0 2.47 25.8
2 Train 0.30 11.5 0.610 9.0 0.31 4.1 0.50 5.0 0.24 2.5
3 Car/Taxi 0.08 3.2 0.103 1.5 0.11 1.5 0.40 4.0 0.36 3.8
4 Fast TW 0.04 1.7 0.219 3.2 0.52 7.0 1.80 18.0 1.83 19.1
5 Auto - - 0.024 0.4 0.16 2.2 0.20 2.0 0.29 3.0
6 Bicycle 0.57 21.3 0.720 10.7 1.06 14.2 1.30 13.0 1.23 12.8
7 Cycle 0.00 0.1 0.105 1.6 0.24 3.5 0.10 1.0 0.03 0.3
& others
8 Walk 0.55 20.7 1.895 28.1 2.21 29.5 2.79 28.0 3.14 32.7
TOTAL 2.65 100.0 6.750 100.0 7.45 100.0 9.98 100.0 9.59 100.0
Source: MATS (1968-69), Short-term Traffic Improvement Programme Report (MMDA
& KCL, 1984) & CTTS (MMDA, RITES, KCL & PTCS, 1992-95), & Short term study to
updateCTTS (1992-95)(CMDA, RITES & PTCS, 2004), HHI Survey of the DPR for the
Chennai Metro Rail Project, DMRC, 2005

2. The growth of sea and air traffic is briefly described as below:

Seaport terminals

3. The Chennai Port Trust (CPT) located in the CBD handled 33.69 million
tonnes in 2002-2003. While the imports increased from 1.8 million to 19.61 million
tonnes for the period 1951-52 to 2002-2003 registering a growth of 989%, the exports
increased from 0.3 million to 14.1 million for the same period registering a growth of
4600%. Of the total import and export the foreign traffic handled accounts for 93% and
the coastal traffic 7% for the year 2002-2003. While mineral oils and other POL
account for 41% of the imports, iron-ore accounts for 56% of the exports (2002-2003).
The imports are predominantly from south-east Asian countries accounting for 41%
and the exports are made predominantly to Japan accounting for 14% (vide Table - 2).

Table 2: Growth of Cargo Traffic in Chennai Port
Year Import Export Transshipment Total (tonnes)
1951-52 1,775,134 279,157 -- 2,054,291
1956-57 1,895,703 607,851 -- 2,503,554
1961-62 2,268,853 1,198,290 -- 3,467,143
1969-70 3,535,771 2,904,372 192,277 6,632,420
1974-75 4,760,511 3,155,479 -- 7,915,990
1980-81 6,412,177 3,962,562 72,736 10,44,475
1985-86 9,303,071 7,040,719 1,802,902 18,146,692
1990-91 14,124,933 8,642,713 1,749,944 24,517,590
1991-92 14,182,056 9,100,779 1,763,348 25,046,183

1992-93 15,680,715 8,439,962 1,209,354 25,330,031

1997-98 23,352,921 10,825,638 1,352,450 35,531,009
2002-03 19,605,661 14,081,445 -- 33,687,106
Source: Annual Report, Chennai Port Trust, 2004

Volume of Goods Handled by Chennai Port

Volume in tonnes

20000000 Export
10000000 Transhipment
1985-86 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1997-98 2002-03


4. CPT handled container traffic to the tune of 424,665 TEUs in 2002-2003,

which is 23.3% more than that handled in the previous year. Some of the salient
performance of the CPT includes exporting 8,432 cars in 2002-2003, which is 103%
more than that handled in the previous year. The Railways handled 12.3 tonnes of
cargo traffic through 5,24,320 wagons from the Port. A total of 1692 merchant vessels
and 387 Government vessels entered the Port during the year (vide Table -3).

Table 3 : No. of vessels entered during 2002 - 2003
S.No. Classification No. of ships
1 Foreign 1,111
2 Coastal 581
3 Government 387
Total 2,079
Source: Annual Report, Chennai Port Trust, 2004

5. The Ennore Port Limited (EPL), developed as a satellite port to CPT, is the
12th major port in India and the first corporate port in India. Designed to develop 22
berths to handle a variety of bulk,liquid and container cargo,EPL has 3.775km channel
(250m wide and 16m deep) to capable of handling 65,000-77,000 DWT vessels. The EPL
commenced commercial operations on 22.6.2001. It presently handles around 10m
tonnes of thermal coal per annum.

Airport terminals

6. Chennai has a national air terminal viz. Kamarajar Domestic Terminal and
an international terminal viz. Anna International Terminal located at Meenambakkam.
Totally 20 international flights per day are operated from Chennai. While the growth of
international traffic is 5%, that of the national air traffic is 7%. The AAI imports 44,000
to 51,000 tonnes of cargo per year and exports 63,000 to 68,000 tonnes per year.
While the growth of international passenger movement is 17.8% for the period 1997-98
to 2003-2004, the growth of passenger traffic within the country is 42.5%. Similarly the
growth of international cargo movement is 93% for the same period and that within
the country is 167% (vide Table -4).

Table 4: Growth of air traffic in Chennai

Year International Domestic Total
Aircraft movements (Nos.) 1997-98 10862 20231 31093
1998-99 11169 19813 30982
1999-00 11080 23531 34611
2000-01 12063 25293 37356
2001-02 12398 25673 38071
2002-03 14490 29863 44353
2003-04 14515 36749 51264
2004-05 18111 43122 61233
2005-06 21155 47900 69055
2006-07 23567 76162 99729
Passenger movements (Nos.) 1997-98 1744037 1755854 3499891
1998-99 1736021 1788005 3524026
1999-00 1702534 1945587 3648121
2000-01 1837954 2235011 4072965
2001-02 1741458 2042784 3784242

2002-03 1947937 2213409 4161346
2003-04 2054043 2501778 4555821
2004-05 2400670 3233256 5633926
2005-06 2606638 4173345 6779983
2006-07 2895930 6078196 8974126
Cargo movements (Tonnes) 1997-98 61902 12925 74827
1998-99 57646 14304 71950
1999-00 75423 24185 98608
2000-01 82316 23930 106246
2001-02 94171 24941 119112
2002-03 106834 29825 136659
2003-04 119563 34560 154123
Source: Airport Authority of India, 2004 & Sep. 2007

Volume of Passengers Handled by Chennai Airport


Passengers (in nos.)


4000000 International
3000000 Domestic



1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07


Volume of Cargo Handled by Chennai Airport

Volume of cargo( in tonnes)



1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

Annexure II

List of major efforts taken

1. Various measures taken to improve and strengthen the transport supply in CMA in
the past include:

a) Procurement of about 305 buses under Madras Urban Development Project

MUDP-I, 915 buses under MUDP-II and 1600 buses under Tamil Nadu Urban
Development Project (TNUDP) through PTC and DATC (now merged into MTC)
was made at a cost of about Rs.63 m, Rs.221 m and Rs.927.50 m respectively.

b) In addition, 3 bus depots and 8 terminals were constructed during MUDP-I and
10 bus depots/terminals under TNUDP.

c) The following rail projects were implemented by Southern Railway.

i) Quadrupling Chennai-Arakkonam B.G. Line (upto Pattabiram);

ii) Gauge conversion of Chennai Beach - Tambaram - Chengelpattu
lines including optimisation of the line (by replacing road/rail level
crossings by overpasses or underpasses) (under implementation);
iii) Development of Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) from Chennai
Beach up to Thirumylai for a length of 8.5 km in the I Phase at a
cost of Rs.2690 m commissioned in 1997; and
iv) Commissioning of II phase of MRTS from Thirumylai to Velachery
(11.165 km) at cost of Rs.7690m on 19, Nov. 2007

2. Critical bottlenecks in the road network have been improved under MUDP I (Rs.15.20
cr), MUDP II (Rs.63 m) and TNUDP (Rs.839 m) through Department of Highways (DoH)
and Chennai Corporation (CoC). These included forming an inner ring road for a length
of 17.5 km initially and dualling its carriageway subsequently. The balance of it
comprising the northern segment for a length of 12.5 km has been formed and the
southern segment for a length of 6 km. is being formed. The First phase of Chennai
Bypass connecting NH 45 and NH 4 for a length of 19 Km at a cost of Rs.900 m has
already been completed and commissioned in November 2002. Development of Chennai
Mofussil Bus Terminal (CMBT) at Koyambedu has been completed at a cost of Rs.1030
m and commissioned in Nov. 2002. Chennai City Contract Carriage Bus Terminal
(CCCBT) has also been constructed and commissioned. Improvements to radial roads
in and around CMA have been carried out for a total length of 250 km at a cost of 2120

3. The major road and rail investments proposed for the future comprise the following:

a) Extension of MRTS Phase II from Velachery to St.Thomas Mount

for a length of 5 Km at a cost of Rs.4160 m;
b) Development of II phase of Chennai Bypass from NH4 to NH5 for a
distance of 13 km. at a cost of Rs.4450 m;
c) Construction of 4 No. grade-separators, 3 on IRR and 1 on NH-45
opp. airport at a cost of Rs. 2100 m;
d) Gauge Conversion of Chennai Beach-Tambaram rail line at a cost
of Rs.2350 m;
e) Development of an Outer Ring Road for a distance of 62 Km at a
cost of Rs.9000 m;

f) Developing the 2nd BG coaching terminal at Egmore;
g) Development of 3rd rail line from Beach to Athipattu;
h) Development of 4th rail line from Beach to Athipattu;
i) Quadrupling the rail line between Pattabiram and Thiruvallur;
j) Development of 3rd rail line from Thiruvallur to Arakkonam;

4. Drawing a cue from the document viz. Action plan for IT corridor, 2003 prepared by
CMDA, GoTN have commenced implementation of a high quality 6-lane arterial road
from Chennai to Mammallapuram for a length of 47 km at a cost of Rs.1217.4 m
through IT Expressway Ltd., a special purpose vehicle floated through TNRDC to serve
the IT and ITES industries located primarily in the southern outer-CMA.

5. Recognising the fact that the capacity of the urban road network can be appreciably
increased by removing the major bottlenecks in the network particularly along such
strategic roads such as IRR, it has been proposed to construct well-designed grade
separators at all the critical intersections of radial roads with IRR. In the first phase
NHAI on its own is developing 3 grade separators at Kathipara, Padi and Koyembedu
intersections and one opposite airport on GST Road at a total cost of Rs.2100 crores.
These are expected to be completed with a period of 18 to 24 months. The GoTN are
proposing to develop the grade-separators at Thirumangalam and Vadapalani
intersections of IRR in the second phase.

Non-transport developments

6. The Government in the Transport Department have already taken various initiatives
for introducing innovative technologies for motorised vehicles. The Govt. have recently
directed for induction of 5000 LPG operated autos in the City. There are also 14 no.
ALDS (automatic LPG Dispensing System) in the City. Already electric operated cars
manufactured by a company (Reva) are on the roads of Chennai. The strategy to
improve the air quality in the metropolis will be principally governed by such conscious
measures as to tilt the modal share in favour of public transport modes and the
initiatives being taken both by GoI and GoTN to phase out lead in petrol and sulphur
dioxide in diesel, making it mandatory on the part of vehicle manufacturers to conform
to Bharat II, to introduce pollution-free fuels such as CNG/LPG for vehicle operation.
7. Several non-transport measures were also implemented over the last decade to
reduce traffic congestion. These include decentralisation of the CBD, viz., shifting of
the whole-sale market to koyambedu, the Iron and Steel Market to Sathangadu,
construction of truck terminal at Madhavaram which have relieved the arterials and
other City roads considerably from the lorry and bus traffic.

Institutional arrangement

8. The traffic and transportation schemes are presently implemented by several

departments and agencies. While long-term planning and coordination is carried out by
CMDA, individual schemes are executed by Railways, DoH, CoC, MTC; The traffic
enforcement is carried out by Chennai Traffic Police (CTP). There are a number of
committees to coordinate the implementation of transport schemes in the CMA. They

i) High Level Coordination Committee for MRTS (Chaired by Vice-

Chairman, CMDA) for coordinating implementation of MRTS
ii) Chennai Road Safety Council (Chaired by Commissioner of
Police) for traffic enforcement

iii) Coordination Committee (Chaired by Superintending Engineer,
Chennai Corporation)
iv) Indian Transport Road Development Association (Chaired by
Rane Power Steering Ltd.).
v) Besides these agencies, there are agencies, which are
concerned with licencing of vehicles and policy making such as
Regional Transport Office etc.

In the absence of financial and administrative powers vested with these committees, the
coordination effected by these committees is limited.

9. Under the UNDP-UNCHS supported Sustainable Chennai Project, through the

deliberations of the action committee and working groups certain actions for sub-
strategies such as
(i) optimising the utility of existing transport infrastructure;
(ii) enhancing the modal share of rail and bus and
(iii) improving the air quality
were discussed and implemented.

Annexure III

Comparison of various urban transit options

Hybrid Elevated
Sl.No. Characteristics Sky Bus Metro MRTS
Monorail Bus Way

1 Gauge Standard Standard Standard Broad Standard

(m) (1.435) (1.435) (1.435) (1.676) (1.435)
(for LRT
2 Speed (KMPH) 37 36 – 150 40 36 30
3 Headway (Seconds) 120 30 180 180 15 -32
4 Passenger / unit or 320 (3 car 300 (2 car 2200 (6 2844 (9 100 (SB)
coach unit) unit) car unit) car unit) 180 (VB)
5 Capacity (PPHPD) 4500 – 18,000 – 45,000 – 60,000 –
32000 72,000 50,000 90,000
6 Radius of curvature
20 50 300 250 150
7 Gradient 1 in 6 1 in 25 1 in 50 1 in 70 1 in 25
8 Distance between
0.80 – 1.00 0.70 – 1.35 1.00 1.20 1.10
stations (Km)
9 Station size in m 135 x 30 /
(length x width) 50 x 17 18.5 x 3.0 300 x 30 60 x 6.5
180 x 30
10 Single column - size 0.80 m x
1.0 m or
1.0 m dia 1.45 m dia 1.2 m dia 1.5 m dia
1.55 m x
2.0 m
11 Power Battery Electric Electric Electric Diesel
12 Construction cost/ 36.78
Km (Rs. in crore) 37 – 39 34 70 23.7 (1995
(excluding land cost) price)
13 O & M Cost 0.02
Rs. in crore / Km 0.30 6.97 1.20 - (maintena
nce only)

14 Fare Rs. / Passenger

0.95 0.50 1.00 0.53 0.45
/ Km.
PPHPD – Passengers per hour per direction ; KMPH – Kilometer per Hour ;
SB – Standard Bus ; VB – Vestibule Bus; LRT – Light Rail Transit ; dia –diameter
Source : As given by the corresponding system promoters

Annexure IV

The broad terms of reference of the Comprehensive Transportation Study


The consultant work is to divide roughly into six areas of activity, which are as
i) Collection / updating of household, land use, and travel demand data
ii) Development and operation of an urban transport model
iii) Formulation of transport strategy;
iv) Identification of a phased program of transport investments and
management proposals;
v) Organising a communication campaign with a view to move the
stakeholders, public and govt. agencies to accept and implement the
preferred programme of transport investment and management; and
vi) Training for and knowledge transfer to CMA and other agencies

Activity 1. Collect and Update Household, Land use and Transport Data

The data to be updated and collected are those required for the purpose of
metropolitan transport strategic planning. These would include both historical and
spatial data. Spatial data are needed for the calibration of the UTP model. A traffic
zonal system shall be determined in collaboration with CMDA for the purpose of spatial
data collection, traffic forecasts and sub area analysis. Considering the vast area under
CMDA, the population and its distribution over the area, the sample size for the survey
should be determined based on the size and spread of the geographical sections. A
sample size of 2% for household survey for the entire region shall be adopted.

As no recent data on employment exists in Chennai, the consultant should

present a methodology to address this lack of the data for the model, in the inception

The following tasks shall be conducted under this activity.

• Baseline Data Collection

• Design, Supervision and Implementation of Household Travel Origin-Destination
• Survey including a stated preference survey
• Screenline Traffic Counts
• Suburban Commuter Rail Passenger Survey
• Bus Passenger Survey
• Roadside Motor Vehicle O-D Survey (including Goods Vehicles)
• Survey of large traffic generators (e.g. bus stations)
• Estimating Speed Flow Functions
• Taxi and autorickshaw surveys (IPT Surveys)
• Speed and delay surveys
• Workplace surveys
• Goods focal point survey
• Parking survey (Limited data collection to update the comprehensive parking
study carried out in 2002-03)
• NMT survey
• Survey Data Processing and Analysis

Activity 2. Development and Operation of an urban Transport Planning Model

The consultant shall recommend a model package that would be suitable for
CMA planning needs. The purpose of the travel demand model is to provide good
policy-related and future travel forecasts, and therefore, should be simple. The
conventional approach of developing the 4-stage model at aggregate level (except the
modal choice at disaggregate level) should be followed.

The model should integrate household activities, land use patterns, traffic flow,
and regional demographics. The core of the proposed model system is a household
activity simulator that determines the locations and travel patterns of household
members daily activities by trip purpose. The model should estimate travel behavior
with regard to longer term choices of residential and employment location, and land use
and adaptive behavior in response to transportation system changes, including fare and
pricing policy.

It should be noted that given the high volume of passengers that travel in the
suburban train network, the model should pay particular attention to mode split
between bus and rail as well as private car and rail and conducting sensitivity analysis
of demand with regard to rail fare. Attention should be paid to the issue of how travel
time (walk and wait time), comfort, and mobility or access to transport is treated in the
model and how improving these parameters could affect mode split in favour of the
urban rail network. Similarly attention should be paid to these issues for travel on the
bus network, as well as the impact of traffic congestion on bus speeds.

The consultant should recommend appropriate software package(s) suitable for

the development of the requisite model in the Inception Report. The consultant shall
undertake an overview of various models such as TransCAD, SATURN, CUBE, etc. with
their merits and demerits and recommend a model package that would be suitable for
CMA planning needs. The final decision on the selection of software package (s) will be
made by CMDA within 10 days of presentation of options along with merits and
demerits. The software package (s) should in particular be capable of:

• Modeling mode split, including walk, public transport modes

(autorickshaws, taxi, bus and rail) and private transport (motorcycle and
car), good's vehicles
• Assigning trips to urban rail and bus networks taking into account the
condition in trains, variations in bus speeds and frequency due to
changes in overall traffic volume, and fares
• Reflecting the impact of new land use developments and / or control
policies, including truck terminals, truck parking lots, interstate bus
terminal etc.
• Responding to traffic demand management measures such as parking
fees, road user charges and congestion pricing as well as the staggering
of working hours, flexi hours and multiple shift work.

Task 2.1 Transport Network Coding

Consultants shall compile a transport network inventory with sufficient details

with a view to ensuring traffic assignments to network at link level. The consultants
shall compile attribute data for the network (link and node characteristics). The
consultant shall prepare input files including network coding based on the inventory
collected as a part of Task 1.1 to code the network. In addition, the consultant shall
also develop traffic origin and destination matrix by mode and time (day / peak / off

peak). The consultant shall review current speed volume function and assess the
adequacy of this function for the purpose of planning and update speed / volume if
necessary specially the speed / volume for the new road facilities (flyovers, bypass etc.).

The consultants in consultation with the client shall identify the committed
schemes, proposed schemes and accordingly prepare do-nothing, do-minimum, do-
something networks to assess the impact.

Task 2.2 Model Calibration

The model should reflect the travel behavior of different income and social
groups in a disaggregate fashion and should be sufficiently sensitive to test policy
measures and physical improvements to the transportation network and services. The
model should be calibrated for travel costs, speed and other factors.

Traffic assignment should be done on both peak and off-peak hour. The model
result should be sufficiently detailed for the identification of project benefits among
different income groups and users by different modes. The consultants, upon
calibration, must demonstrate to the client how reliable the model is in replicating the
current modal splits and traffic flows at screen lines and cordons. As the model is to be
used for evaluating micro-investments including inter alia major landuse changes
(commercial development exceeding 10000 sq.m. of built up area), grade separators at
junctions, widening of carriageways on a corridor basis, providing bus lanes,
introduction of ATC system etc. cost of more than Rs.100 million (US$ 2 million), the
consultants should show how reliable the calibrated model is for more detailed flows
than at screens / cordons.

The consultant should produce a working paper presenting the main data and
assumptions used by the model.

The consultant should present the process that would be put in place to ensure
good quality control of the data that are entered in the model and satisfactory
performance of the model. Calibration and validation of the model is a well identified
step in the process of the study. The consultant should therefore produce a specific
report on the same that should be formally accepted by CMDA before the consultant
progresses further in the step.

Task 2.3 Establish Economic Evaluation Procedures

Consultants should establish the framework for economic evaluation that would
be used in the formulation of a long-term transport strategy and the identification of a
phased investment program. The framework should allow the economic feasibility to be
expressed in terms of expected Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return
(IRR). Special attention should be given to the following major areas:

• Identify major items of economic benefits;

• Establish appropriate vehicle operating costs (VOC) and value of travel time
(VTT); and
• Develop appropriate economic evaluation procedures to make full use of
UTP model outputs including link traffic volumes and speeds by vehicle
type for existing and planned networks

Activity 3. Update the Long-Term Transport Strategy for CMA

Task 3.1 Review of 1992-95 CTTS

The consultant should review the 1992-95 CTTS strategy, assess its relevance
to the current and future transport needs of CMA, identify major changes in
socioeconomic conditions, land use, and transport since 1995 and suggest strategic
areas that need to be considered, improved and strengthened.

Task 3.2 Review of Institutional Arrangement of Transport

The purpose of this task is to clarify current arrangements for formulating,

monitoring and implementing transport policy and for identifying, appraising,
authorising, sanctioning, financing and implementing transport schemes and
operational policies. The study is required to identify the role and responsibilities of the
various bodies both within and outside CMA, concerned with transport policy,
financing, investment and regulation of operations. This task is intended essentially as
a review of earlier work. The main issues to be addressed by the consultant shall
include the following:

• the current lack of a clear institutional structure with regard to

urban transport planning, management and investment coordination;
• institutional and policy barriers to positive change in the delivery of
transport services to the people and businesses;
• the number of staff qualified in transport planning and management;
• the relative roles of public and private passenger transport operations,
and the means of regulating them;
• the relative roles of central, state and municipal governments
in transport planning, investment and management

The study should advise on the needs and possible scope of (i) institutional and policy
reform; and (ii) post-study professional development and training in transport planning
and management.

Task 3.3 Review of Transport Financing

The study should pay careful regard to the financial resources available for
transport investments, maintenance and operations, both in total and by agency, on the
basis of an assessment of the level of funding available annually during the past 5
years, current changes in the fiscal framework and economic trends. The outcomes of
this work should be estimates, on the basis of a number of assumptions and scenarios,
of resources likely to be available for transport investments, maintenance and
operations during the coming years, with distinction between tied resources (such as
commuter rail surcharges) and untied resources. Potential sources of private sector
finance identified in earlier studies should also be reviewed and updated. Likely
candidates for private sector financing / PPP based on feasibility of levying tolls or user
fees should be identified.

Task 3.4 Traffic Demand Analysis and Forecast

The consultant shall review the CMA master plan for 2006-2026 and may
consider alternate land use scenarios (maximum 3) for future development in

consultation with CMDA. CMDA will provide forecasts of population for the years 2019
and 2026. The consultants shall forecast travel demand by mode using the calibrated
UTP model for the years 2009, 2014 and 2019 on the existing transport network plus
all committed transport investments, under the assumed alternative income,
population, and land use growth scenarios. These exercises will give indications on the
likely traffic problems in the future years, thus providing a basis for strategy

Task 3.5 Definite Alternative Long-Term Transport Strategies

The long-term transport development and management strategy should be a

combination of policies (e.g. demand management, user charges etc.) and physical
improvements. In collaboration with CMDA, the consultant should define the specific
objectives, principles, and criteria required to guide the formulation of the long-term

Having regard to various policy options and transport strategies and systems,
alternative feasible scenarios for horizon years should be developed in consultation with
CMDA. It is likely that the scope to manage transport demand by control of land use
development will be limited but that the implications of transport developments on land
use developments will be great. It is likely, for example, that restricted space in the
CBD, combined with demand management measures and improvement of rail and road
links in the CMA, will lead to faster development of less developed areas in peri-urban
areas. The study should seek to identify the scale of such development pressures.

The UTP model linking land use pattern, travel demand and modal split, should
be used to test the impact of major modifications of strategy and will be used mainly for
the 20-25 year horizon. All options for improving transportation in CMA should be
considered and compared. Alternative transport strategies and their evaluation should
focus on agreed land use strategy and show whether any significant easing of future
transport problems could follow from revision of the land use strategy. The consultant
shall recommend an integrated land use transport model. CMDA would confirm the
form of land use strategy to be assumed by the consultants for the development of a
long-term transport strategy when it is presented to the Steering Committee.

Task 3.6 Evaluation of Alternative Strategies and Selection of Preferred


A comprehensive evaluation system should be developed in consultation with

CMDA, taking into account all relevant factors such as capital and operational costs
and environmental, social and political factors, services to the poor and vulnerable. The
evaluation should be comprehensive, on the basis of four major criteria: (i) economically
viable; (ii) socially acceptable; (iii) environmentally sustainable; and (iv) financially
feasible. At the strategic planning level, a preliminary assessment of economic and
financial feasibility and social and environmental impacts should be made for each
proposed alternative strategy. In defining the alternative strategies, the consultant
should pay special attention to the services to poor and the vulnerable.

The comprehensive evaluation should result in the recommendation of a

preferred long term transport strategy. The consultant in collaboration with CMDA and
other transport agencies should explain the basis for its recommendations.

Task 3.7 Prepare a Draft Transport Strategy Document

The outline strategy should amount to a directional plan indicating the main
imperatives of transport policy during the foreseeable future, having regard to need,
desirability (with regard to factors such as land use development and environmental
and social impacts), affordability and uncertainty. This strategy should take account of
economic growth, current initiatives of CMDA, the need to conserve and enhance the
urban environment, land use plans and likely land use development patterns.

The strategy document should cover the following patterns:

i) Current Situation. Clarification in broad but objective

terms of the current situation and trends: the quantity of
personal movement by commuter rail, bus, car,
autorickshaws, NMT, two-wheelers, taxis, water transport
and on foot; the amount of goods vehicle movement;
Intercity traffic, long distance Bus / Railway passenger
movement; origin-destination patterns; current problems.
ii) Traffic Growth. Clarification of current growth rates,
potential growth rates (with reference to experience
elsewhere), potential problems.
iii) Current Constraints. Clarification of current constraints
with regard to government policies on vehicle licensing,
vehicle and fuel prices and trends, land use policies and
the resources available for transport investment and the
scope of cost recovery through direct user charges such as
iv) Long Term Trends and Prospects. Review of
implications for transport (supply and demand) of
economic growth and land use developments; and of the
implications for transport planning of uncertainty.
v) Transport Investment Options. Review of the main
means of providing additional transport capacity with
regard to their effectiveness, magnitude of orders of cost
(including both capital and recurrent costs), economic and
financial viability, etc. including;
vi) Demand Management. The need for and means of
achieving the management of the potentially high growth
in the use of motor vehicles (including motorcycles).
vii) Environmental Measures. Review the need for measures
to ameliorate adverse environmental impacts, either
existing or resulting from proposed projects or increased
viii) Land Use Strategy. Review of the scope and limitations
of reducing / controlling traffic demands through land use
policy and of the scope for using transport policy to
influence land use development.
ix) Institutional Arrangement. A diagnostic assessment of
the current institutional arrangements for administering
and planning transport activities in CMA, including policy
formulation, regulation of transport operations, financing,
and investments, and recommendations for improving the
x) Conclusions and Recommendations on Transport

Broad conclusions and priorities for development of
commuter rail, bus transit, highway construction, goods
transport and interregional bus / rail transport, water
transport, ferry services, traffic management and demand
management in short, medium, and long terms;
observations on land use strategy.

Activity 4. Identify a Medium-Term Investment Program

The product required for this Activity is a rolling program of investments and
management proposals sufficient and appropriate for the period to 2019. The emphasis
of the work will depend upon the conclusions reached on the transport strategy. The
Medium-Term Investment Program shall comprise the following parts:

i) Commuter Rail Development Programme. Identification of a staged

programme of commuter rail development including consideration of the
Metro-rail Study and its cost implications, etc.
ii) Highway Network Development Programme. Identification of staged
programme of highway investments, having regard to traffic demands,
economic benefits, system effects, etc.
iii) Bus System Development Programme. Identification of proposals for
investment in buses and civil works (depots, workshops, terminals,
segregated bus lanes, exclusive busways, etc.) and operational
management, taking account of bus transport policy recommendations
outlined in the transport strategy.
iv) Traffic Management. On the basis of the initial batch of traffic
management effort funded under the TNUDP III, identification of low-cost
physical and regulatory measures to improve the efficiency and safety of
traffic circulation. Particular attention should be given to the
management of NMT, pedestrians, bus priority measures, etc.

Task 4.1 Identification and Costing of Investment Options

The identification of a phased programme of transport investments proposals

shall first involve a sifting of options and pre-feasibility studies. The consultant shall
take into consideration of the candidate projects already proposed by the transport
agencies in CMA. For each investment project, the consultant shall define a base
option and two or more alternative options. For each option, the consultant shall
propose preliminary alignment, conceptual design option, technology choice, and timing
of construction and start of operations. The consultant should also provide preliminary
(or pre-feasibility study level) estimates of the associated capital and operating costs,
traffic, revenues if applicable, and operating characteristics.

Task 4.2 Evaluation of Options

The consultant shall evaluate these options using the comprehensive criteria
specified in para 3.6 but at a more detailed level. The evaluation should consist of two
parts. The first, which may be partially quantitative and largely qualitative, shall
consist of categories such as operational feasibility, integration with existing systems
and physical environment, ease of response to changing conditions, land use effects,
travel generation potential, environmental quality, requirement for involuntary
resettlement, and other. The second part shall consist of simplified economic and

financial evaluation, based on capital and operating costs and revenues, passenger
costs and financial costs of each option.

Evaluation of investment options shall be based upon the network assignment of

traffic demand matrices derived from the results of the transport surveys.

Task 4.3 Prioritise the Investment Projects and Formulate an Investment Programme
for Year 2019

On the basis of comprehensive evaluation of the above options, the consultant

shall prioritise the identified investment projects and formulate a Medium-Term
Investment Program. The program should focus on identification of capital investments
to be made in the 10-year period 2009-2019. The schemes thus identified would be
prepared and largely implemented during TNUDP III phase II or as a separate package.
The medium-term programme shall include background assumptions, rail, road, road
based PT, mass transit system proposals and water transport investment proposals.
When proposing the program, the consultants should assess the impact / implication of
various scenarios / strategies / fiscal policies on transport network.

The background assumptions shall include a summary of the transport strategy

emerging from the outline long-term study, the form of land use distribution assumed
to apply in the medium term, assumptions about institutional changes or developments
and assumptions about investment levels. Unless good reason emerges to the contrary,
one land use disposition should be defined for the medium term.

Activity 5 Communication Campaign

The objective of the communication campaign is to
a) to collect suggestions from the stakeholders (public and govt.
b) to disseminate the results of the study; and
c) to help in determining priorities among the various options that
can be envisaged.

Activity 6 Skill and Knowledge Transfer

The study should advise on the needs and possible scope of professional
development and training in transport planning and management.

The new CTS model should be installed in CMDA and CMDA, CC, MTC, DHRW
& S.Rly. personnel should be provided necessary training in its use. A two week
workshop shall be conducted for senior officers on the usage of model.

The consultant shall train core staff ( 7) on model update and calibration so that
they could use the model proficiently as a planning tool with only minimal assistance
from the consultant on the need basis after the study is completed.
With the objective of making the training more productive, two persons from
CMDA would work along the consultants’ team. One would work full time on the
model. The other would be involved in more strategic aspects. The consultant should
define their functions and the results expected from both these trainees in the Inception
The consultant should work with the Transportation Engineering Division, IIT,
Chennai. The objective is that the institution would be able to provide support and
advisory services to CMDA after the study is completed. While the consultant shares
the data with the institution, the institution would provide advice to the consultant in
the building of the model and interpretation of the outputs of the model. As the

services/support of the institution is made available free of cost, it would be the
responsibility of the consultant to ensure that the support of the institution is fully
utilised. The above institution would review and validate the data collected by the
consultant within 2 weeks of submission.

All data, in the form of both raw data and structured database, should be fully
transferred to CMDA. The data collected at various stages of the study should be
organised and integrated in a database and provided to both CMDA and the institution
mentioned above. The consultant should also provide the final set of data used by the
model that are consistent with the results in the final report to CMDA. Partial payment
of the consultancy fee would be subject to compliance with this requirement.

Chapter - VI


Shelter is a basic need. When the need for shelter is not satisfied, it becomes
almost impossible for an individual to think of satisfying his/her family aspirations and
intellectual needs. Primary responsibility of any city is to provide its residents with a
decent and habitable shelter. A standard housing does not mean merely land and
building, but includes basic service like water supply, sanitation and access roads.

6.02 Demand for housing is a universal phenomenon, which exists in all

societies, but it varies from “no shelter” to “better shelter”; consequently it is related to
economic level of households. An assessment of housing need, demand and supply
becomes necessary to work out a meaningful shelter strategy.

6.03 “Housing Need” is an expression of housing requirements, and it is

computed based on (i) available housing stock in the base year, (ii) no. of households at
the base year, (iii) rate of demolition of dilapidated/deteriorating structures for
reconstruction, and (iv) rate of clearance/conversion of ‘Katcha’/slum structures for
better housing.

6.04 ‘Housing demand’ is related to market with reference to purchasing power,

affordability, willingness to raise funds and it may be assessed based on the following
major factors viz. (i) the economy of doing a house (temporal choices), (ii) affordability,
(iii) willingness to pay (including for construction, maintenance, resource mobilization),
(iv) availability and accessibility of housing finance, and (v) availability of residential
plot/flats at affordable prices.

6.05 Normally, ‘housing demand’ is less than ‘housing need’ in a developing

economy like ours, and these converge when society’s economic level is rich, distributed
with less disparity and stable. Hence a housing policy at metropolitan level has to take
into account the factors concerned with the housing needs and demand.

Housing Scenario in CMA

6.06 The decadal growth of households and housing units is given in the Table
No. 6.01. (It shows that the housing requirement gap is not significant for the period
1971-91 and there is significant gap in the year 2001).

Table No. 6.01: No. of Households and Housing Units in City and CMA

(in Lakhs) Growth rate in %

1971 1981 1991 2001 1971 1981 1991 2001

4.44 6.29 7.96 9.62 -- 41.7 26.55 20.85
in the City
6.89 9.04 11.82 16.19 31.2 30.95 36.97
in the CMA
Housing Units
4.80 6.37 7.98 9.57 -- 32.7 25.22 20.55
in the City
Housing Units
6.63 9.15 12.34 15.83 -- 38.00 34.90 29.50
in the CMA
Source: Census of India
6.07 The Table No.6.02 shows that the average rate of growth in housing units
is declining when comparing the rate of growth of households.

Table No. 6.02: Rate of Change in Population, Households and Housing Units,
1971-2001- CMA

Annual rate of Annual rate of growth Annual rate of growth

growth in population in Households in Housing units
1971-1981 2.76 3.12 3.27
1981-1991 2.36 3.07 3.03
1991-2001 1.93 3.69 2.63

6.08 The structural characteristics of housing stock in 2001 in Chennai City in

respect of predominant materials used for wall is given in Table No.6.03 which shows
that 92 percent of the houses are with ‘pucca’ walls constructed with bricks, stones,
concrete and other materials.

Table No. 6.03: Chennai City Distribution of Houses by Predominant Material

of Wall, 2001
Sl.No. Type of Wall Number of Houses % to Total
1. Grass, Thatch, Bamboo wood, Mud 333959 3.55

2. Plastic, Polythene 1671 0.18

3. Mud, Unburnt brick 29438 3.02

4. Wood 1208 0.17

5. GI Metal, Asbestos sheets 9061 0.95

6. Brick 622304 65.03

7. Stone 49363 5.16

8. Concrete 208516 21.78

9. Others 1556 0.16

Source: Census of India

6.09 In Chennai City 75% of the houses are with roof made up of brick, stone,
concrete and other materials of pucca nature, about 15% are with semi-pucca roofing
materials such as tiles, slate, G.I. metal sheets and asbestos cement sheets, and about
10% are with ‘Katcha’ materials such as thatched, bamboo etc.

Table No. 6.04: Distribution of Houses by Predominant Nature of Roof –

Chennai City

Sl.No. Type Number of Houses % total

1. Grass Thatch, Bamboo, Wood, Mud, etc. 90,735 9.48
2. Plastic and Polythene 2,966 0.31

3. Tiles 71,403 7.46

4. Slate 1,662 0.17

5 GI metal, Asbestos sheets 65392 6.83

6 Brick 18908 1.98

7 Stone 5246 0.55

8 Concrete 696997 72.83

9 Any Other Material 3767 0.39

Source: Census of India

6.10 Even though the proportion of the housing units with ‘Katcha’ roofing
materials accounts for only about 10%, in absolute numbers it is large i.e., 93,701 and
these are vulnerable to fire accidents, particularly in summer months and every such
occurrences of fire accidents burn down the whole area of such thatched roofed slums
which is common in Chennai city, some times resulting in casualties. The proportion of
dilapidated / deteriorating housing units accounts for only about 0.5% of the total

Table No. 6.05: Distribution of Houses by Predominant Nature of Floor –

Chennai City

Sl.No. Type Number of Houses % total

1. Mud 32729 3.42

2. Wood Bamboo 1003 0.10

3. Brick 4782 0.50

4. Stone 5712 0.60

5. Cement 611892 63.93

6. Mosaic & Floor tiles 296953 31.03

7. Any other material 4005 0.42

Souce: Census of India

6.11 According to Census, 2001, about 71% of households live in less than three
roomed housing units; proportion of households which live in one roomed, two roomed,
three roomed houses etc. is given in the Table No.6.06

Table No.6.06: Distribution of Households by Number of Dwelling Rooms –

Chennai City, 2001
Number of Rooms Households % Total
No. of Exclusive Rooms 205020 02.47

One Room 318325 38.45

Two Rooms 251659 30.40

Three Rooms 144149 17.41

Four Rooms 57555 06.95

Five Rooms 17938 02.16

Six Rooms and above 17665 02.13

Source: Census of India

6.12 The study on “Shelter Strategy” conducted by the School of Architecture and
Planning (Anna University) for PMG, Govt. of Tamil nadu (1995) revealed the following:
(i) The total households in CMA during 1991 were 12.17 lakh consisting of 9
lakh in the non-slum category and 3.17 in the slum category.
(ii) The total number of houses in CMA during 1991 was 12.72 lakh consisting
of 9 lakh units in the non-slum and 2.72 lakh units in the slum categories
(iii) Among the non-slum households 18% belong to EWS, 30% belong to LIG,
22% belong to MIG and 30% belong to HIG.
(iv) Among the slum households 86% belong to EWS, 13% belong to LIG and 1%
belongs to MIG and HIG.
(v) 44% of the houses are with one bedroom, 35% with multipurpose room, 17%
with two-bed room, and 4% with 3 and more bedrooms.
(vi) 3.47 lakh housing units were delivered in CMA during the decade 1981-91,
out of which a little more than half i.e. 1.81 lakh units (52%) were plots, 1.07
lakh units (31%) were houses and only 0.59 lakh units (17%) were flats.
(vii) Out of the total housing units delivered by TNHB, 51% are meant for EWS,
24% are for LIG, 12% are for MIG and 13% are for HIG.
(viii) TNSCB has taken up more than fourteen different schemes out of which ten
schemes are meant for physical improvement of slums and four schemes are
meant for financial assistance to the slum households for improving their
shelter units.
(ix) TNSCB has delivered as much as about 12,000 tenements, about 700
houses and about 5000 serviced plots. Nearly 1.88 lakh households were
benefited under different environmental improvement schemes.

(x) The annual delivery rate of all the housing units put together was 16,000
during 1981 which increased to 41000 units during 1991, an increase 1.5
times. The annual delivery rate of plots alone was 10,000 units during 1981,
which increased to 18,000 units during 1991, an increase of 80%. The
annual delivery of houses has registered a 150% increase from about 7000
units during 1981 to about 18,000 units during 1991. The annual delivery
rate of flats increased from 1,000 units during 1983 to about 6,000 units
during 1991, a fivefold increase.
(xi) Most of the plots delivered under MUDP I, II and TNUDP were meant for EWS
and LIG.
(xii) In the case of MUDP I, II & TNUDP, the above facilities were provided with
better quality as the cost per family sanctioned was more. Further under
these World Bank aided schemes, patta for the site under enjoyment was
also issued to the beneficiary in addition to making available the loan for
improvement/construction house.

6.13 Study on “Effective Demand for Housing in Tamil Nadu” was conducted in
1995 by the Consultants M/s. STEM for PMG, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. Covering a sample
size of 2,255 households in respect of Chennai Urban Agglomeration. The following
were the outcome of the study.

(i) Social Profile of Households

Madras Urban Agglomeration is spread over Madras and part of the Chengalpattu-
MGR District. Total estimated households are 1.14 million covering 5.4 million
population. Nearly 92 % of SC & ST households are from lower income groups i.e., EWS
and LIG. The percentage of male population is more than (52 %) female population
(48% per cent) in MUA. More than 8% are above 59 years of age group. Two out of
every three households have been staying at the same place for more than 20 years.
Nearly 45% of the households have migrated to MUA. While more than 75% of migrant
households moved in from other towns, thus urban-urban migration is a major flow.
About 10% of migrant households are from other states and 51% from the same district.
Majority of migrants from other states fall in the higher income groups. About 30% of
households migrated only for employment purpose, followed by movement of household
or spouse.
(ii) Economic Profile of Households

About 38% of the households have an income less than Rs.1101 per month,
while 9% draw less than Rs.501 per month. 3% of the households have an income of
less than Rs.250 per month. EWS and LIG groups account for 72% of the households.
The city, thus, has more of poor people houses, on the ground than of rich people

houses, as a skyline. In the case of EWS, the expenditure is more than their monthly
income. Major source of income is wages, salary and pension for 90% of households,
other investments account only 7%. Of the earning head of households 14% are above
59 years of age and 6% are females as head of households. Only 29% of the members
are earners. And only 28% of the households have assets. About 76% of a household's
expenditure go for the major and main item of food and essential.

(iii) Physical Profile of Buildings

Nearly 77% of the buildings are accessible through tar roads, and only 14% are
approachable through mud roads. 36% of EWS buildings and 31% of LIG buildings
roofs and walls are of temporary materials namely thatch/grass. 35% of EWS buildings
are dilapidated. 18% of the buildings comprise flats and 41% are independent
buildings. 8% of the buildings are put to residential and commercial uses. 53% of the
buildings are within 20 years of age. 14% are between 20 to 40 years of age. Nearly 7%
of buildings are of more than 3 floors. On an average 2.81 households occupy each
building. Average house cost is thrice the annual income of a household.

(iv) Amenities
On an average only 12% of the households have no power supply, however in the
case of EWS category nearly one in four households have no electric connection.
Municipal water supply, own well or bore well, public tap or hand pump together cover
around 89% of the households. 71% of the households have private bathing facilities.
70% of the households have private toilet facility. 65% of households have facilities to
dispose sewage into municipal connections and 33% have septic tank or soak pit and
remaining percent have open drain and dry latrines. Availability of amenities increases
with the rise in income and EWS has far less amenities than others.

(v) Tenure Status and Mode of Property Acquisition

About 46% of the buildings are rented houses and 54% are own houses. Nearly
95% of tenant households do not have any property. Of the owned households, 23% are
ancestral property and 22% are purchased from private party. 32% of the households
have made full payment for purchased property and only 7% have paid partial payment.
Percentage of houses owned increases with rise in income.

(vi) Perceptions on Major Problems in Housing

Arranging own funds and obtaining a loan were found to be time consuming and
difficult, more than 25% of households found it very difficult. Preparation of plans and
getting them approved were difficult for more than 30% and very difficult for 18% of the

households. Getting water, sewerage and electricity connections were not a problem for
nearly 40% of the households. Getting skilled workmen was not a problem in urban
areas like Madras.

(vii) Housing Needs and Demand

Housing needs were computed for 3 scenarios. Housing needs vary from 10% to
23% of total housing stock. In the EWS category, it varies from 19% to 40% units. The
housing demand is computed for 5 scenarios. It varies from 1.61% to 22%. The
effective housing demand should be based on mixed socio-economic variables. EWS
households who desire a house, but cannot afford it, do not come under housing
demand and need to be addressed separately.

6.14 The Government of India Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) Act of
1954 defines a slum as "any predominantly residential area where the dwellings by
reason of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement, lack of ventilation, light or
sanitary facilities or any combination of these factors are detrimental to safety, health or
morals. In 1971, the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board, drafting officials from Survey,
Statistical, Revenue and Town Planning Departments then, conducted Socio-Economic
survey of Madras Slums. For the purpose of the survey, a slum was taken to mean
“hutting areas with huts erected in a haphazard manner without proper access, without
protected water supply and drainage arrangements and so congested as to allow a little
free flow of air to get in”. Some of the observations found made in the report are
extracted below:
“Slums generally present the most unhygienic, ugliest, nauseating scene.
During rainy season, the whole area gets flooded, the pathways become swampy and
the entire colony become as fertile breeding place for mosquitoes, exposing the slum
dwellers living in the area to all sorts of diseases. During summer, the thatched huts
are prone to fire accidents. Thus, the slum dwellers’ life is the most miserable one,
devoid of all basic amenities.

6.15 To ease the difficulties of the slum dwellers, attempts were made earlier to
clear the slums in Madras City. In North Madras, the Corporation of Madras and in
South Madras the City Improvement Trust and subsequently, the Tamil Nadu Housing
Board were looking after the slum clearance work. They, apart from constructing flats
for the low and middle income groups, allotted open developed plots, measuring 20’ x
40’ in certain areas to slum families. However, further allotments required vast areas of
land, and the scheme was given up owing to scarcity of land within the City.

6.16 The Government of Tamil Nadu hold the view that slums are not acts of
God, but of human folly and that they can be banished by wise planning and resolute

6.17 The Tamil Nadu Government realized that the feeble, halting, incomplete
and disconcerted measures of the past have to give place to a comprehensive, integrated
and concerted policy to be put through on an emergency footing. It also realized that
unless programmes of slum clearance and settlements of slum dwellers are drawn on a
more realistic basis, relating them to economic opportunities and provision of social
services and social welfare services, the results may well turn out to be frustrating. It
also recognized the fact that the slum dwellers are an essential element in city life, and
that they are as necessary as any other section of the population for the life of the city.”

6.18 The TNSCB was formed in 1970 and the Tamil Nadu Slum (Improvement
and Clearance) Act, was enacted in 1971. The following are the objectives of the Board:
(1) To clear all the slums in Madras city within a targeted period,
(2) To prevent further growth of slums in Madras city,
(3) To give protection to the slum dwellers from eviction and to re-house them in
modern tenements and
(4) To provide basic amenities such as drinking water supply, electricity, storm
water drainage etc. to certain slum areas until they are finally cleared.

6.19 The Socio-economic Survey 1971 has brought out the characteristics of
slums. Main findings are
(1) Causes of slums in Chennai:
(i) Poverty - Frequent failure of monsoons led to mass influx of agricultural
labourers from the adjoining districts to the City. After coming to the City
they pick up any manual job (unmindful of the hardships) such as head load
carriers, rickshaw-pullers, cart-pullers, domestic servants, petty vendors,
carpenters, masons and other manual works. The income they derive from
their jobs was very low which was hardly sufficient for a balanced diet, so
they were unable to pay for rents for securing decent dwellings and hence
squatted on open spaces available near their work spots.
(ii) Physical conditions - The low-lying areas and waterfronts served as fertile
grounds for the growth of slums.
(2) Out of the City extent (then) of 128.83 slums covered about 6 percent of
the total area. They were situated in government lands, City Corporation lands,
and Housing Board lands, lands of religious institutions and private land as
detailed in Table No.6.07.

Table No.6.07: Ownership of Lands Occupied by Slums, 1971

Percentage of slum families

Sl.No. Ownership of land
to the total slum families
1. Private 31.96
2. Corporation 08.11
3. Government (State) 35.69
4. Housing Board / Slum Clearance Board 13.09
5. Port Trust 0.03
6. Hindu Religious Endowment / Wakf Board /
other missions
7. Others 02.12

6.20 In order to provide a comprehensive data base on the number, location and
type of slums and their population for overall planning and implementation of specific
programmes, CMDA had drawn the services of the consultants M/s. Economist Group,
Chennai to conduct the survey of slums in the CMA; it was conducted between April
and December, 1986. In this survey, the number of shelter within slums were collected
in respect of the slums which were not covered (then) under MUDP I & MUDP II and
slum clearance schemes of TNSCB.

Table No.6.08: Survey of Slums in MMA - Slum Population in the Study Region –
Covered under MUDP/Clearance, 1986

Corporation MUDP I MUDP II Clearance All

Divisions S F S F S F S F
I Extended
8 3 5276 39 7319 6 2925 48 15520
III South
69 19 3192 70 14060 72 24169 161 41421
IV North
73 51 14102 121 25978 40 17576 212 57656
150 73 22570 230 47357 118 44670 421 114597
II Towns in
10 Towns 3 1709 10 3408 - - 13 5117
MUA - 76 24279* 240 50765 118 44670 434 119714
Source: Survey of slums in MMA, 1986
S – Slums F – Families Socio-economic part of it was concerned estimation were
made based on sample survey.
For the purpose of that study, CMA had been divided into four as follows:
Zone-I - Extended areas of the City covering 10 towns in 8 Corporation Divisions
Zone-II - Peripheral areas comprising 10 towns in the MUA
Zone-III - Madras City : South having 69 Corporation Divisions
Zone-IV - Madras City : North with 73 Corporation Divisions

6.21 Statistics on the growth of slum households and slum population is given
in Table below.

Table No.6.09: Growth of Slums in Chennai City

Sl.No. Year No. of slums No. of the households Slum Population

1. 1956 306 57,436 2,87,180
2. 1961 548 97,851 4,12,168
3. 1971 1202 1,63,802 7,37,531
4. 1986 996* 1,27,181 6,50,859
5. 2001 1431(CMA) 1,78,000 8,20,000

Pavement Dwellers:
6.22 According to Survey of Pavement-dweller in Chennai City conducted by the
consultant SPARC for CMDA in 1989-90, the number of households who were living on
pavements was 9491 at 405 clusters at an average of about 23 households at a place;
their population was 40,763 (20,811 Male and 19,950 Female) with 40.2% children
population. Unlike other old cities in India namely Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkotta the number
of pavement dwellers in Chennai is relatively few.

Delivery of Housing
6.23 The delivery agencies in CMA can be broadly classified as public, co-
operative and private sector. Under the public sector, the agencies operating mainly are
TNHB and TNSCB; the agencies which provided housing to its employees are TNPHC,
Railways, P&T and CPWD, Port Trust, etc.

Tamil Nadu Housing Board

6.24 Tamil Nadu Housing Board was established as a statutory body in 1961
under the Tamil Nadu State Housing Board Act, 1961.

6.25 TNHB has been delivering the housing under their different programmes
viz. regular programme, MUDP & TNUDP. TNHB was delivering serviced plots and
constructed houses and flats under these programmes. TNHB had developed large
neighbourhoods with all amenities and facilities within CMA at Arignar Anna Nagar,
K.K. Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bharathi Nagar, South Madras Neighbourhood Scheme
(comprising Indira Nagar, Besant Nagar and Sashtri Nagar), Thiruvanmiyur, Tambaram
etc. TNHB has also developed Sites and Services Schemes under MUDP-I, MUDP-II and
TNUDP at Arumbakkam, Villivakkam, Kodungaiyur, Mogappair (East), Mogappair
(West), Maduravoyal, Manali, Madhavaram, Ambattur, Avadi and Velachery. The details
of the housing delivered under MUDP & TNUDP is given in the Table No.6.10.

Table No. 6.10: Details of Sites and Services Projects under MUDP & TNUDP

Project Scheme Year of Extent (hect.) No. of Units

MUDP I Arumbakkam 1977 34.20 2,334

Villivakkam 1979 71.55 3,751

Kodungaiyur 1979 84.87 6,094

190.62 12,179

MUDP II Mogappair East 1981 74.13 5,062

Mogappair West 1983 73.00 5,555

Maduravoyal 1983 26.70 2,048

Manali I 1986 40.00 2,947

Manali II 1987 38.00 2,625

251.83 18,264

TNDUP Ambattur 1988 141.60 10,806

Avadi 1988 50.90 4,012

Velachery 1988 20.90 1,789

Madhavaram 1988 63.90 4,884

Madhavaram 1988 60.00 5,000

337.30 21.441


6.26 Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation was established in 1981 to

effectively implement schemes for providing adequate housing facilities for the police
personnel. It has delivered 4,702 housing units from 1992 to 2002; there are 1,509
housing units under construction by it at various parts of CMA and their proposals in
the anvil include construction of 1,378 housing units.

6.27 The Shelter Strategy Study conducted by School of Planning and

Architecture, in 1991 revealed that the public agencies had delivered total housing units
of 10,555 Nos. from 1981 to 1991 [CPWD (1,854 Nos.), P&T (1,572 Nos.), Railways
(2,400 Nos.) Port Trust (500 Nos.), TNPHC (104 Nos.), THADCO (1,125 Nos., and others
(3,000 Nos.)].

Co-operative Housing Societies

6.28 In Tamil Nadu, 1,253 Co-operative Societies comprising 196 Taluk Co-
operative Housing Societies and 1,057 urban Co-operative Housing Societies, and a
State Level Apex institution viz. “The Tamil Nadu Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd”

are functioning to cater to the housing needs of its members. The schemes
implemented through co-operative housing societies are:
1. Rural Housing Scheme for Economically Weaker Sections
2. Special Housing Scheme for Economically Weaker Sections in Urban areas
3. LIG, MIG Schemes in Rural areas
4. Urban Housing Schemes
5. Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY) Scheme
6. Repairs and Renewal of existing houses
Though the number of households benefited in the State from these societies
upto the end of 2004 was 11.36 lakhs, their role in delivery of housing in CMA is
minimal. According to the School of Planning and Architecture’s Shelter Strategy
Study, the number of plots delivered by the Co-operative Societies from 1981 to 1991
was only 2,489 in CMA.

Private Sector
6.29 It can be broadly divided into two. The first one being the private
individuals or owner private who construct the house by himself/herself initially with a
smaller floor area and adding incrementally when necessity arises and his fund position
improves. The second one being the organized private agencies or real estate
developers/promoters who acquire land, develop plots, construct houses/flats and sell.
The School of Planning and Architecture’s Shelter Strategy Study (1995), the total
number of housing units delivered by the private sector during the year 1981-91 was
2.73 lakhs; out of which 53% was plots, 37% was houses and only 10% was flats
(Details are given in Table No.6.11).

Table No.6.11: Annual Delivery of Plots, Houses and Flats by Private Sector in CMA During
1981-82 to 1990-91
Approved Unapproved Total
Plots Houses Flats Total Plots Houses Total Plots Houses Flats Total
1981- 82 1528 4181 -- 5709 8257 2355 10612 9785 6536 -- 16321
1982-83 2019 4676 -- 6695 8987 2300 11287 11006 6976 -- 17982
1983-84 2602 4523 918 8043 8948 2483 11431 11550 7006 918 19474
1984-85 4667 5076 1067 10810 9721 3003 12724 14388 8079 1067 23534
1985-86 3799 5270 2333 11402 10562 2941 13503 14361 8211 2333 24905
1986-87 2755 4883 2681 10319 11008 3120 14128 13763 8003 2681 24447
1987-88 7652 6673 2726 17051 9112 3411 12523 16764 10084 2726 29574
1988-89 6838 7963 6368 21169 8860 3204 12064 15698 11167 6368 33233
1989-90 10447 12806 6874 30127 8487 3653 12140 18934 16459 6874 42267
1990-91 8817 13728 5896 28441 8905 3916 12822 17725 17642 5896 41263
Total 51124 69779 28863 149766 92850 30384 123234 1438974 100163 28863 273000

6.30 The flatted housing units delivered by the real estate developers /
promoters serve only the needs of the MIG and HIG households. LIG housing needs are
met by the owner private developments.

6.31 Details on the number of Planning Permissions issued by the

Municipalities, Town Panchayats and Panchayat Unions for residential buildings are
given in Table No.6.12.

Table No.6.12: Planning Permission for Residential Buildings Issued by

Municipality, Town Panchayats & Panchayat Unions
No. of Planning Permission issued for Residential
Sl. buildings
2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
1. Municipalities 5544 6541 8000 8557 8579

2. Town Panchayat 2749 3689 4544 5719 5421

3. Panchayat Unions 2629 2921 3160 4154 6319

Total 10922 13151 15704 18430 20325

6.32 Planning Permissions (Nos.) issued by Chennai Corporation and CMDA for
residential buildings are given in the Table No.6.13.

Table No.6.13: Planning Permission issued for Residential Buildings by Chennai

Corporation and Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
No. of Planning Permissions issued for Residential
Sl. buildings
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
1. Chennai Corporation 4882 4624 4735 6215 5700

2. CMDA 678 762 688 1032 1323

6.33 Planning Permissions of ordinary residential buildings up to 4 dwelling

units and up to G+1 floors are issued by the local bodies concerned and only for the
flatted residential developments, group developments and multistoreyed (high rise)
developments, Planning Permissions are ordered in CMDA. Assuming the average
number of dwellings covered in the Planning Permissions issued by Chennai
Corporation as 2, Municipalities as 1.75, Town Panchayats as 1.5 and by Panchayat
Union areas as 1.25, and average number of residential Planning Permission issued per
annum as 5,500, 8,000, 5,500 and 5,000 respectively, it is estimated that the annual
supply of approved housing units will be about 40,000 units permitted by the local
bodies. In addition, CMDA issues Planning Permission for annually for about 8,000
housing units. Assuming that the delivery of unauthorisedly constructed small housing
units as about 25% of the total supply, then the total delivery of housing units by

private will be about 60,000 units per annum if the present trend continues; it excludes
the housing plots delivered by public.

6.34 Details on the number of layouts approved by CMDA, residential plots

generated etc. are given in the Table No. 6.14. Private delivers annually about 6,000
residential plots in approved plots. In addition, in the past, the private delivered an
equal number of plots in unapproved layouts. Hence the supply of housing plots in the
CMA is estimated to be about 12,000 plots per annum by the private.

Table No. 6.14: Layout Approvals in CMDA 1991-2004

No. of Approved No. of Residential Shop Public School

Layouts plots sites Purpose sites sites
1991 200 14601 132 429 2
1992 176 9640 120 397 --
1993 160 8063 78 516 9
1994 144 6799 93 360 2
1995 103 4823 110 237 16
1996 63 2648 47 91 --
1997 66 1601 33 39 12
1998 59 1840 49 65 13
1999 79 4894 30 98 --
2000 102 4205 36 157 --
2001 82 4575 63 229 3
2002 84 3769 29 80 --
2003 142 7801 90 121 4
2004 143 6200 84 401 20

6.35 Since 1989 CMDA, ensures that at least 10% of plots excluding roads are
provided as EWS plots when according approval in cases of layouts exceeding one hect.
By this way at least 10 % of the plotted out area in the layout is generated as EWS plots
which can accommodate about one third of the population, which can be
accommodated in the layout area.

Projection of Housing Demand

6.36 The housing need for CMA was projected taking into consideration the
growth of households, vacancy rate, and demolition rate of old buildings and
replacement rate. The housing demand is estimated based on the growth of house-
holds, vacancy rate, replacement rate and affordability. The following Table gives the
details of projected housing need and demand for 2026.

Table No: 6.15 Projection of Housing Need and Demand
Housing Need
2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026
Population 7040582 7896230 8871228 9966636 11197763 12582137
House holds 1619000 1754718 1971384 2214808 2488392 2796030
Number of Houses 1583014
Shortage w.r to 2001 35986 171704 388370 631794 905378 1213016
Vacancy Rate @.5% 7915 8774 9857 11074 12442 13980
>60 Years old building 2.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75
Demolition Rate 37237 26321 29571 33222 18663 20970
Replacement Rate 18619 13160 14785 16611 9331 10485
Total Housing Need 81138 206798 427798 676090 936483 1247967
EWS (30%) 24341 62039 128339 202827 280945 374390
LIG (35%) 28398 72379 149729 236632 327769 436788
MIG (20%) 162287 41360 85560 135218 187297 249593
HIG (15%) 12171 31020 64170 101414 140472 187195
Housing Demand
Shortage 35986 171704 388370 631794 905378 1213016
Vacancy 7915 8774 9857 11074 12442 13980
Replacement of Old Buildings 18619 13160 14785 16611 9331 10485
Total Housing Demand 62520 193638 413012 659479 927151 1237482
EWS (30%) 10796 58091 123904 197844 278145 371245
LIG (35%) 21882 67773 144554 230818 324503 433119
MIG (20%) 12504 38728 82602 131896 185430 247496
HIG (15%) 9378 29046 61952 98922 139073 185622

6.37 TNSCB estimates indicate that the slum families in undeveloped slums
work out to 1.10 lakhs; out of which 75,498 families are living in objectionable slums.
TNSCB has also estimated that there are about 34,752 families in unobjectionable areas
and further there are 6,150 families who live in slum conditions in the encroached parts
of the tenement areas which have been reserved as parks, public purpose sites etc.

Slums on unsuitable Locations

6.38 The slums situated on river margins, road margins, seashore and places
required for public purposes are categorized as objectionable slums. The areas
occupied by them are to be retrieved and handed over to the land owning department to
implement programmes like road widening, desilting, strengthening of bunds etc..
Hence the benefits of the various onsite programmes implemented by TNSCB could not
be extended to the slums located in objectionable areas. The location of slums is given
in Table No. 6.16.

Table No.6.16: Location of Slums in Chennai City, 2000
Sl. No. Description No. of slum families
1 River Margin 30,922
2 Feeder Canals 5,288

3 Road Margin 22,769

4 Seashore 16,519
Total 75,498
Source: TNSCB

Slum areas on River Margin

6.39 There are three major watercourses in the Chennai City and the banks of
which are encroached. The slum families are living there without any basic amenities
and subjected to annual flooding, besides polluting the watercourses. The details of the
slums located on river margins are as follows:

Sl.No. Name of the River No. of Slum families

1 Cooum River 8,432

2 Buckingham Canal 15,733

3 Adyar River 6,757

Total 30,922

Slums along Feeder Canals

6.40 The feeder Channels like Mambalam - Nandanam Canal, Otteri Nullah,
Captain Cotton Canal etc. are encroached on either side preventing the free flow of
water and causes stagnation of water during rainy season in the nearby residential
areas. It is identified that 5,288 families are living on the margins of these channels.

Slums on Road Margins

6.41 Besides, the slum families are also squatting on road margins affecting free
flow of traffic. It is identified that 22,769 slum families are squatting on the road
margins and places required for public purposes.


6.42 The Chennai District Collector has identified that 16,519 slum families living
on seashore have been affected by Tsunami disaster. Of these 2,200 families have
already been rehabilitated at Semmancheri. The remaining families are to be resettled in

Slums on Unobjectionable Locations

6.43 Besides, TNSCB has identified that 34,752 families are living in slum situated on
unobjectionable locations as per its survey. These families are living in deplorable conditions
and require to be developed through provision of housing and infrastructure. These slums are
dense often subjected to fire accidents, flood etc. Based on previous experience, the TNSCB
is planning new strategies for solving the problems of slums.

6.44 TNSCB has been unable to clear all slums and provide houses to the
EWS. So far the TNSCB has only been able to construct 72,000 houses or tenements
(over a period of 35 years), which works out to around 2,000 houses per annum. At this
rate it will be difficult to cover all the remaining 1.1 lakh households in Chennai who
continue to live in raw slums.

6.45 Given the enormity of the problem it is increasingly becoming difficult for
TNSCB to use these traditional modes/strategies (strategy A) of development,
reconstruction and resettlement. These traditional strategies of house being built by the
government and its agencies may have to be abandoned due to several reasons,
including the following:
• Lack of availability of funds and high cost
• Poor recoveries given the economic strata for which the houses are built
• Lack of availability of lands
• Escalation in the cost of lands
• Lack of in-house implementing capacity, specially in respect of newer,
faster building technologies
• Lack of manpower and organizational wherewithal to take up huge works
• Delayed execution due to Governmental procedures having to be
necessarily followed and
• Indifferent quality of construction

6.46 Keeping this in view there is a need to go in for other strategies (Strategy B)
which can supplement the existing efforts even if they do not replace them. Some of
these strategies are based on leveraging the high costs of lands that are often
government owned.

6.47 The strategies followed for different categories of slums ( raw slums,
developed slums, dilapidated tenements are as outlined .

(i)Strategy A:
6.48 The traditional strategies can be used here like reconstruction,
redevelopment using funds and lands provided by the Government. This can be used in
the case of raw slums/developed slums/tenements. In the recent past several new
schemes have come up which offer a glimmer of hope since they have the mandate of a
slum-free Chennai by 2013 and which offer low cost or zero cost funds. Under these
schemes it is proposed to construct house in the next two to five years all of which are
for the EWS:
• ETRP and Rajiv Gandhi package (tsunami housing): 13,000 dwelling
units (these are both reconstruction/redevelopment and resettlement
schemes and are coming up in several places in Chennai including
Marina,Thiruvottiyur,Tonidarpet, Okkiyumthorapakkam and
• JNNURM:10,000 dwelling units (these are resettlement schemes for slum
• XII Finance Commission: 5,000 houses (basically in the resettlement
mode at several places including Perumbakkam and Semmencheri)

(ii) Strategy B
6.49 TNSCB land (both tenement land and unobjectionable poromboke land)
as well as raw slum land can be redeveloped through the BOT route by allowing private
developers to reconstruct the existing dilapidated tenements /slum houses on a part of
the land and using the rest of the space for commercial exploitation.

Night Shelter

6.50 TNSCB has estimated that annually the people who enter Chennai
without provisioning for stay would be around 20,000. A part of them would be finding
rental accommodation in LIG areas while some would encroach on public lands. To
address their immediate housing needs night shelters need to be constructed.

It is also important that unauthorised encroachments on public lands to be

prevented by ensuring that the Government departments protect their lands.

Fishermen Housing
6.51 Chennai is a coastal metropolis and there are 84 fishermen villages along
the coast of which 43 are in Chennai City, 30 are in the northern part of City up to
Minjur and 11 in the south up to Uthandi. There are 12 landing sites in Chennai (14
and 38 in the northern and southern parts). Housing for fishermen becomes important

particularly because the housing has to be close to their working area namely the sea
and the restrictions placed by CRZ for several types of development. According to a
recent count there are 36,162 fishermen households with an average household size of
3.81. They live in 31,688 pucca as well as kutcha structures of which 16,482 are in
Chennai, 8,439 in northern part of CMA and 6,767 in the southern part of CMA. The
growth of population among fishermen has increased by 5%between 2000 and 2005 and
thus this trend is likely to continue. At present fishermen housing is dealt by TNSCB
and Fisheries Department. Any housing or redevelopment projects for fishermen in the
coastal areas should take into account the traditional rights and way of life.

Sheet No. 6.01

S h e e t N o . 6 .0 2

S he et N o . 6 .0 3

S he et N o . 6 .0 4

Sheet No. 6.05

Location of TNHB Proposed Projects in CMA


40 Minjur
30 31 34
Sekkanjeri Nerkundram Nayar 39
41 43
25 29 Seemapuram Athipattu
26 Surapattu
Athur Karanodai 35
27 Mahfushanpettai
Sothuperambedu 32 38 43
Girudalapuram 37 Chinnamullavoyal Ennore

28 36 Periamullavoyal
24 Orakkadu 33 Pudupakkam Vallur
22 Pudur 18
Erumaivettipalayam Sholavaram Kandigai 16
17 15
TALUK19 Arumandai Thirunilai 14
23 5 Ankadu Marambedu Vellivoyal
Palayaerumaivettipalayam Sembilivaram 20
6 Kummanur
Sholavaram Tank 4 Siruniyam 11
Nallur Perungayur 1
7 9 13 Kathivakkam
Pannivakkam Sothupakkam 12
3 Vichoor Edayanchavadi
Vijayanallur 10
10 Melsinglimedu 8
8 Palavoyal Sirugavoor
2 Padiyanallur
11 7
Attanthangal 9 Sendrambakkam
1 Thiruthakiriyampattu 4
47 Vilangadupakkam Kadapakkam 2
Alamadi 14 Ernavur
48 13/2 Athivakkam 6 5 3
Arakkambakkam Thiyambakkam Ariyalur
Pandeswaram Layon 18 25 Sadayankuppam
43 12 17/2
23 24 Elanthancheri 27/2
Morai 19
15 17/1 Payasambakkam 22 Amulavoyal Vaikkadu
50 20 Kosapur
Karlapakkam 46 39 Vadakarai
Layongrant 13/1 Chettimedu
Melpakkam Pammadukulam 16
49 40
Tundakalani 21
MOR Road
51 Kadavur Redhills Vadapurambakkam
Keelakandaiyur 45 35 26
Mathur 27/1
Tenambakkam Manali
53 42 Thiruvottiyur
Velacheri 44 Vellanur
Pulikutti 38
52 Puzhal
Alathur 41
Pottur Redhills Lake 28
37 Sathangadu
Vilakkupatti 29

54 Mittanamalli ChinnaSekkadu

27 Palavedu 34
Pakkam 62/1 63 Madhavaram

62/2 Surappattu Kathirvedu
TIRUVALLUR Mukthapudupattu

57 64
Kovilpadagai 58 Puttagaram

21 Thirumullaivoyal
Nadukuttagai Oragadam
19 5
Thandarai Vilinjiambakkam 61
20 Menambedu
Thiruninravur 89 Pattravakkam
6/1 Paruthipattu Ambattur
23 Karunakaracheri Sekkadu Kakapallam
24 Annambedu 6/4 4 72
Agraharam Palaripattu 90
17 Anaikattucheri6/2 Ayapakkam
Amudurmedu Sorancheri 87
Ayalcheri 7
16 15 Athipattu 81
Kannapalayam 2 Mogappair
26 Thirumanam Vayalanallur 8
Korattur 25 SundaraSholavaram 91
Sittukadu Koladi
27 39 14 Ayanambakkam
Chokkanallur 9 Nolambur
Nochimedu Thirukovilpattu 41
38 37 Veeraragavapuram 1 82 er
Melmanambedu Mothirambedu Kavalcheri 42 11
Panaveduthottam Riv
Ariyappancheri Thiruverkadu
84 um
30 40 13 83
12 10 Perumalagaram Adayalampattu 100
Nemam Kilmanambedu Kolappancheri
36 43 Pidarithangal Parivakkam Nerkundram
Vellavedu 49 59
Thirumazhisai 45 Thukkanampattu 93
Udayarkoil Senneerkuppam Sivabudam
31/2 31/1 50 92 99
35 44 Ariyamarundanallur Numbal 96 Maduravoyal
Thirumalarajapuram 48
Narasingapuram Neduncheri Varadharajapuram Vanagaram
51 94
34 46 Poonamallee 60 Chettiyaragaram 101
Parvathirajapuram Goparasanallur
Madavilagam 95 Valasaravakkam
47 Tandalam
32 61
52 58 97
Kuttambakkam 76 Agraharam Katturpakkam Ayyappanthangal Karambakkam
Chembarambakkam 74
Melagaram 73
53 57
Malayambakkam Mangadu Srinivasapuram 62 98 102
Thelliyaragaram Porur Ramapuram
75 56
112 72 Kulathuvancheri
Meppur Kulamanivakkam 122/2
Chettipattu 33 55 64
54 Paraniputhur Moulivakkam MadanandapuramMugalivakkam
Palanjur Chinnapanicheri
109 65/1
Chikkarayapuram 69
65/2 122/1
Chembarambakkam Tank 71 Peripanicheri
66 Nandambakkam
Manapakkam Riv
85/2 79
Gerugambakkam 67 er
Kollaicheri r 120
81 82 Kulapakkam 123
Thandalam Alandur

78 Munnankattalai St.Thomas Mount
84 122/3
80 Rentankattalai 83 125
86 77 Tharapakkam Minambakkam
Venkatapuram Manancheri
Kavanur 126 124
87 127 Cowl Bazaar
108 Polichalur Palavanthangal
Daravur Sirukulathur
85/1 131 134Nanganallur
Anakaputhur Minambakkam
88 cum 135
Nandambakkam Pallavaram 133 Ullagaram
132 Thalakkanancheri 141
Tirusulam Kottivakkam
91 129 143
156 Perungudi
89 Thirumudivakkam Pammal 130 157 Perundavakkam154
Issa Pallavaram 158 142
Poonthandalam Pallavaram(Zamin) Muvarasampattu Madipakkam Palavakkam
Palanthandalam 163 155
R.F. 144
Thiruneermalai Keelakattalai Sivaram
92 152
Erumaiyur 159 Neelangarai
164 Nemilicheri Kovilambakkam

Pulikoradu 165 160 153 149

ham Ca

Kadapperi Hasthinapuram 151 Kulathur Pallikaranai 148

Naduveerapattu Nanmangalam
Okkiam Thuraipakkam
166 Chitlapakkam

Tambaram Sembakkam
Varadharajapuram Medavakkam Injambakkam
173 Gowrivakkam 188 147
167 Selaiyur 174 Karapakkam
Rajakilpakkam Jaladampettai
Perungalathur 170
169 Irumbuliyur 176
Peerkankaranai Vengavasal
172 177
Meppedu Thiruvanjeri Perumbakkam 189
Vandalur 10
Puthur 182
CHENGLEPUT Nedunkundram
11 Agaramten
Kulapakkam 179 Madurapakkam 190
Kelambakkam 185 191
Vengambakkam Semmancheri
Ottiyambakkam Uthandi
alur R






Chapter - VII


Water Supply

One of the major problems faced in CMA is the inability of the administration to
keep pace with the increasing need for utility services particularly water supply and
sewerage. This problem is not unique to Chennai alone and almost all the rapidly
growing cities in India share the same.

7.02 In Chennai City, Chennai Municipal Corporation was responsible for

construction, operation and maintenance of water supply system till August 1978. It
was transferred to the (then newly formed) CMWSSB with all assets and liabilities. The
major supply sources viz. Poondi reservoir, Cholavaram lake and Redhills lake are
under the control of the State PWD (Irrigation); further the PWD (Ground Water Cell) is
responsible for the investigation of ground water resources within CMA to augment

7.03 In the cases of large-scale neighbourhood developments made by TNHB such as

Anna Nagar, K.K. Nagar, J.J. Nagar, Ashok Nagar, South Madras Neighbourhood
schemes etc., water supply facilities within the area had been provided by TNHB
(usually with ground water sources or extending the city water supply) and after
installation, maintenance had been transferred to CMWSSB. The same is the case in
cases of large-scale TNSCB developments also.

7.04 In the rest of the CMA, construction and water supply schemes were
undertaken mostly by TWAD Board at the cost of the local body concerned and after
completion, transferred to the local body for future operation and maintenance.
CMWSSB is now planning to cover these areas with water supply and sewerage services.

City System
7.05 Chennai City water supply is drawn from the Red hills lake located about six
km. from City in the northwest along the GNT Road. This lake mainly receives its
supply from the Kosasthalaiyar River across which a dam was constructed to create
reservoir at Poondi. The anicut constructed in its downstream at Tamaraipakkam
diverts the flow through the upper supply channel to Cholavaram Lake; from there it
flows to Redhills Lake. A separate lined channel from Poondi reservoir connects the
upper supply channel which prevents any possible loss of transmission through dry
beds of the river. The flow into these sources is seasonal.

7.06 A number of small lakes are also connected in the northwest of CMA to the
Redhills Lake and the run-off in the catchment areas of these lakes are fed to the
Redhills Lake.

7.07 Water tapped from the Redhills Lake is filtered enroute, conveyed through
closed conduits to Kilpauk Water Works, treated therein and distributed to various
parts of the City.

7.08 Nucleus of the protected surface water supply system now in existence in
Chennai City was formed in 1872 while major inputs including filtration and pumping
commenced in 1914. The scheme as it exists today consists of the surface storages at
Poondi, Cholavaram and Redhills lakes with a total capacity of 183 million cubic metres
fed by the Kosatalaiyar river. The maximum water levels of Redhills and Cholavaram
lakes were raised in 1972 and the irrigation rights under the lakes had also been
acquired by the Government. The lakes are mostly fed by North East monsoon, which is
active only for a few months in a year between October and December.

7.09 A statistical analysis of the combined storage of the lakes for a period of thirty
years has indicated that the safe potential from the lakes at 95% probability is only
142 mld. As the lakes are shallow, evaporation losses are as high as 43% at present.

Ground Water System

7.10 The ground water sources are ground water from well fields, coastal aquifer;
brackish water based Reverse Osmosis Plants, Neyveli Aquifer etc.

7.11 During 1960s & 70s three aquifers at Minjur, Panjetty and Tamaraipakkam
located in the north and northwest of the City and the aquifers along the coastal belt
from Thiruvanmiyur to Kovalam were identified and tapped. The area North East of the
City was taken up for extensive hydro- geological study as part of a UNDP aided project
to assess the potential for development of a ground water source. Studies have
identified a 'buried channel', which should have been the course of Palar river
thousands of years back. In this course, a well field was identified extending to a
stretch of about 50 km. length and 5 km. average width hydro geologically suitable for
extraction of ground water. The following well fields have been developed.

Table No.7.01 Details of Well Fields
Average yield
Year of Yield MLD
Well Fields No. of wells from Dept. wells
Commission during design
in 2005
Tamaraipakkam 1969 2 out of 30 50 1.60
Panjetty 1969 1 out of 13 41 0.08
Minjur 1969 5 out of 9 34 3.10
Poondi 1987 4 out of 12 27 1.20
Flood Plains 1987 0 out of 5 14 0
Kannigaiper 1987 0 out of 5 14 0.01
Total 12 out of 74 180 5.99
Source: CMWSSB
7.12 Above table clearly brings out the depletion of ground water source during the last
30 years in that area due to increase in demand resulting in overdrawal of ground
water. In addition, due to severe scarcity, CMWSSB has hired private agricultural wells
from 2000 to augment water supplies. The average yield from such sources during 2005
is to the tune of 77 MLD.
Details of hiring of Private Agricultural Wells
Sl.No. Year Average Yield in MLD
1 2001 37
2 2002 45
3 2003 55
4 2004 70
5 2005 77
7.13 In the recent past the agriculture activity in the ayacut areas of
Chembarambakkam tank has been reduced drastically because of conversion of lands
for urban uses and for reasons of uneconomical production costs. Now the
Chembarambakkam tank (located about 12 km. from the City in the west) is also used
as one of the main sources of water supply to the City. Veeranam tank (located about
230 km. from the City in the south) has been identified as an additional source of water
supply to Chennai.

Table No.7.02 Characteristics of Existing Surface Reservoirs

Maximum Maximum Full Area
Drawl of Mean Catchment
Water usable surface
Reservoir elevation Depth Area
Elevation volume (million
(Metre) (Metre) (
(Metre) (million) sq.ft.)
Poondi 42.67 34.14 91.44 376.74 8.53 1983
Cholavaram 19.66 14.22 24.93 55.76 5.44 28.49
Redhills 15.30 8.59 87.02 195.15 6.71 60.00
Chembarambakkam 26.03 18.72 103.15 711.18 7.31 357.00
Veeranam 14.48 12.34 37.61 2.14 422.40
Total 306.54 2850.89

Ground Water Regulation
7.14 To regulate and control the extraction, use or transport of ground water and to
conserve ground water, the Chennai Metropolitan Area Ground Water (Regulation) Act,
1987 was enacted. The preamble of the Act is extracted below:

"There is often acute scarcity of water due to consecutive failure of monsoon

rains; the available water in the Poondi, Cholavaram and Red Hills reservoirs,
which are the main sources of supply of water to the Chennai City, is inadequate
to meet the requirements for drinking and other domestic purposes of the people
in the Chennai City;

The United Nations Mission, which investigated the possibility of supplementing

water supply to Chennai, has recognized that a better economic answer might lie
in the development of groundwater potential and had identified the Minjur,
Duranallur-Korteliyar basin, the Poondi, Korteliyar Flood Plains and
Kannigaipper aquifers and also Poonamallee-Porur aquifer in Cooum-Adayar
basin as having groundwater for extraction;

The United Nations Development Programme which conducted pre-investment

studies on improving water supply and sewerage systems of chennai concurred
with the estimation of the Geological Survey of India that groundwater can be
extracted from the twenty kilometre stretch of the coastal zone between South
Madras and Kovalam;

The Madras Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board has reported that
all other possibilities of augmenting water supply to the Chennai City have been
exhausted and that it is necessary to regulate and control the extraction and use
of ground water in any form and to conserve the same in the City of Chennai and
the district of Chengalpattu and to regulate and control the transport of

Based on the United Nations Development Programme studies, a scheme for

artificial re-charge of the Arni-Korteliyar basin with excess flood water flowing
into the sea is to be taken up by interlinking Arni and Korteliyar at two or more
feasible points and also by constructing sufficient number of check dams at the
appropriate places in the Korteliyar river course;
Such re-charge will enable optimum utilisation of ground water and formation of
a hydraulic barrier against seawater intrusion;

The Government have, after careful examination of all aspects, decided that it is
necessary in the public interest to regulate and control the extraction and use of

groundwater in any form and to conserve the groundwater in the City of Chennai
and certain revenue villages in the district of Chengalpattu and to regulate and
control the transport of groundwater." The Government of Tamil Nadu has
enacted the Act viz. Madras Metropolitan Area Ground Water (Regulation) Act

7.15 The Act is being enforced by the CMWSSB in the Chennai City and the District
Collector in the rest of CMA, and it provides for grant of permit to sink wells in the
scheduled areas, registration of existing wells and use of ground water in the area,
license for extraction, use or transport of ground water etc.

7.16 The entire area within the Chennai City has potential for restricted drawal
through shallow open wells, and tube wells, and these types of wells are predominant in
the premises within the City. Though unprotected, it helps to supplement the limited
quantity of protected water available from the public system. Assuming a conservative
figure of drawal of 50 lpcd of ground water, for the population of Chennai about 45
million in 2005, estimated drawal will be in the order of 225 MLD. Details on TDS level
in ground water in Chennai are given in the Annexure VI-A. The level of TDS of sample
wells varied from 500 ppm to 2500 ppm.

7.17 Estimated safe yield and average yield at various sources for water supply to
Chennai in the year 2004 is given below:

Table No.7.03 Safe Yield from different sources 2004

Sl.No. Source Average yield in MLD Safe yield in MLD

1. Surface Water including 17.89 500

I stage Krishna
2. New Veeranam Project
a) Veeranam Lake 148.42 180
b) Neyveli Aquifer 50.56 65
3. Well fields 85.23 100
4. Distance Source 63.16 100
5. Porur Wells 2.96 3
6. Southern Coastal Aquifer 2.12 4
Total 370.34 952
Source: CMWSSB

7.18 The sources of water supply to Chennai in the year 2004 is given in the Table
below. The areas served by it are the Chennai City, adjoining urban areas (10
and industries at Manali.

Table No.7.04 Sources of Supply of Water to Chennai, 2004
Source (in ML) for the whole year 2004
Veeranam Lake 14,842
Redhills Lake 4,155
Rain water 1,691
Chembarambakkam 133
Erattai Eri 207
Well fields 31,195
Southern Coastal Aquifer 776
R.O. Plants 182
TWAD Source 275
Porur Wells 210
Neyveli Aquifer 5,966
Distance Source 21,357
Total 80,988
Source: CMWSSB

7.19 When there was acute scarcity of water in 2004 to the City due to monsoon
failure and it could not be supplied through pipe, CMWSSB had ably managed the crisis
by supplying through tanker lorries and the water supply through tankers were 9,930
nos./day (average) from January, 2004 to June, 2004 and 9,003 nos./day (average)
from July to December, 2004.

Supply Levels

7.20 The average water supply in Chennai city is 90 lpcd. In slums within the City the
level of water supply is 25 lpcd. The current water supply from all the sources is of the
order of 550 MLD. However, during the summer season, in times of reduced storage, the
supply levels would be as low as 300 MLD. In addition, CMWSSB also provides bulk
water to the surrounding municipalities to supplement the other sources.

Treatment Capacities

7.21 The availability of treatment capacities

at 750 MLD is much more than the current
supply levels. The treatment capacity
appears to be high as the current supply is
lower than the anticipated levels and would
suffice the current requirement if a full
supply is envisaged. The location and
capacities of treatment plants is presented
in Table No.7.05.
View of Redhills Reservoir

Table No. 7.05: Treatment Capacities
Sl. No Location Capacity-MLD
1. Kilpauk 270
2 Red hills 300
3 Veeranam 180
Total 750
Source: CMWSSB

7.22 In addition, a 530 MLD capacity treatment plant at Chembarakkam is currently

under construction taking the total capacity to 1280 MLD. This is constructed in
anticipation of full realization of Krishna Water to the City, which would augment the
existing supply levels.

Distribution System and Storage Capacity

7.23 The distribution network in Chennai City covers a length of 2,582 Km and is
divided into 159 Divisions. About 98% of the population of the City is covered through
piped supply and the balance is through water tankers. The water is distributed
through 27 main and subsidiary water distribution stations comprising Over Head
Tanks and Under Ground Tanks. The combined storage capacities are of the order of
322 ML. The per capita supply in Chennai Corporation area, as of July 2006, is 105
lpcd. The Chennai City water supply distribution network has been divided into 16
Zones with independent water supply distribution stations and distribution network
with feeder mains. In 12 Water Distribution Stations and 11 distribution network
zones, improvement works have been completed and the supply level is almost
equitable. For balance 4 Water Distribution Stations and 5 zonal distribution networks,
improvement works have been proposed under JNNURM funding, since the earlier
attempt to include in the World Bank assisted projects had not been finalised. On
completion of the improvement works in the balance 4 Water Distribution Stations and
5 distribution network systems, the supply level will be almost equitable.

7.24 The ULBs manage their own storage capacity, the present supply levels are low
and would need augmentation in the future.

Master Plan for Water Supply- Distribution System

7.25 A master plan for the management of the water supply and sewerage for the City,
which was prepared in the year 1978, was revised in the year 1991 in order to receive
and utilize the water for City supply under Telugu Ganga Project from Andhra Pradesh
and later updated in 1997. The master plan contemplated the construction of additional
water treatment plant, water distribution stations, laying of additional transmission
mains and strengthening of the existing distribution system. The master plan envisages

re-organizing the existing distribution system network to the 16 zones and adequate
infrastructure to ensure equitable distribution of water supply. The implementation of
the master plan has been taken up in stages for water supply management in Chennai
city to utilise the Krishna water received from Andhra Pradesh.

7.26 The size of the pipes constituting the distribution system ranges from 100 mm to
1500 mm in diameter with a total length of about 2,582 km. The existing system largely
consists of C.I. pipes. In some specific areas PVC mains exist. Of the total length, 85%
is estimated to be of diameter 200 mm and less. Also, about 50% of the smaller sized
distribution pipelines are estimated to be of age 50 years or more. Ageing of pipeline,
incrustation due to intermittent supply and other factors have contributed to the
reduction in the capacity of the distribution system resulting in low pressure in the
distribution system. More than 50% of the total system is estimated to have zero
residual head. Chennai City has been expanding at a fast rate and because of this, it is
found difficult to meet the demand, especially at the tail end areas. The 300 MLD
capacity Water Treatment Plant was constructed at Red hills with World Bank
assistance under the first Chennai Water Supply Project and 3 Nos. of transmission
mains were also laid to facilitate the treated water to different water distribution
stations located in the City.
Coverage in Slums

7.27 About 3.5 lakhs population of Chennai in slums comprising of 58,631 households
are covered through piped supply, tankers and public fountains. CMWSSB supplies
water through 8,916 public fountains and 3,542 mini tanks to augment the piped water
supply. About 2/3rd of these facilities cater to low income and slum population. Ground
water for supplementation purposes is also drawn through 7,726 India Mark II pumps.

Second Chennai Project

7.28 The Second Chennai Water Supply Project was taken up by CMWSSB during
February 1996 with the World Bank Assistance at a cost of Rs.778.79 crores and most
of the works contemplated under this project has been completed. Some of the major
works such as construction of Water Distribution stations (7 nos.), Laying of Clear
Water Transmission mains (36 km.), and Strengthening of Water Distribution system in
11 zones (660 km.) out of 16 zones were taken up, including leak detection rectification
works covering about 70% of Chennai City Area. Benefits attained due to the
implementation of the above project are:

(a) Piped water supply availability has been increased resulting in reduction in
defective streets with improved service level and pressure in the mains.

(b) Reduction in the radius of the water distribution station resulted in increased
piped water supply availability with reduced quantity of supply.
(c) The level of unaccounted for water has been reduced resulting in additional water
availability to the Chennai citizens.

7.29 Due to the construction of additional water treatment plant of 300 MLD
capacity at Red Hills in 1996, the work of refurbishment of the existing Kilpauk Water
Treatment Plan of capacity 270 MLD was taken up at a cost of Rs.24.57 crores and all
the works were completed.

Chennai City Water Supply Augmentation Project-I

7.30 Chennai Water Supply Augmentation Project-I (to add 180 MLD water to
Chennai City water requirement) was taken up by CMWSSB in 2004 at a cost of Rs.720
crores. It is to draw 190 MLD of raw water from Veeranam Lake near Sethiathope,
situated in Cuddalore District at about 230 km. from Chennai City, pump the raw water
to about 20 km. through the pipeline to Vadakuthu for treatment, pump the treated
water from Vadakuthu for a distance of about 8 km. to the Break Pressure Tank at
Kadampuliyur ridge point and then convey the water from this ridge point by gravity for
about 200 km. to the Water Distribution Station at Porur in Chennai and distribute to
the public through the distribution network system.

Chennai City Water Supply Augmentation Project-II

7.31 The Government on 27.2.2004 has accorded the revised administrative approval
for the Chennai Water Supply Augmentation Project-II (CWSAP-II) at an estimated cost
of Rs.124.00 crore. The objective of this project is to augment water supply to the City
by intercepting the rainwater runoff into the sea by the construction / rehabilitation of
check-dams across Cooum, Adyar and Palar rivers. The water thus collected from the
Vayalur check-dam and the available water in Kolavoy lake will be treated in the
proposed Water Treatment Plant at Mangalam and will be transmitted to the City. The
aim of the project is to tap 20 MLD of water from different sources.

7.32 The following are the components of work to be implemented under


(1) Construction of check-dam at Vayalur across Palar river.

(2) Infrastructure for drawal of 20 MLD from Checkdam at Palar (drawal and
(3) Treatment Plant at Vayalur and laying pumping main upto Pallipattu with an
intermediate pumping at Tiruporur.
(4) Construction of check-dams across Manapakkam, Nandampakkam,
Anakaputhur and Cowl Bazaar.

(5) Improvements to two Check-dams across Cooum at Paruthipattu and
This project is scheduled to be completed by end of 2007.

Telugu Ganga Project

7.33 Under this project 12 TMC of water from Krishna River will be received and
stored in Poondi, Redhills, Cholavaram and Chembarambakkam lakes.

Construction of 530 MLD capacities Water Treatment Plant at Chembarambakkam

7.34 In order to treat additional water to be drawn under the Telugu Ganga Project
additional treatment plant with capacity of 530 MLD is constructed at
Chembarambakkam with an estimated cost of Rs134.90 crores with assistance from the
French Government and a transmission main at a cost of Rs.90.00 Crores.

Desalination Plant
7.35 Keeping in view, the chronic problem of water scarcity in Chennai and adjoining
areas due to frequent failure of the monsoons, Government decided to set up a
desalination plant for supply of potable water to the residents of Chennai and adjoining
areas. Accordingly CMWSS Board has proposed to construct a 100/200 MLD Sea
Water Desalination Plant at Minjur on Design-Build-Own, Operate and Transfer
(DBOOT) basis. The required land of 120 acres has also been identified near Minjur.
The project is scheduled to be completed in 18 months time and is expected to be
commissioned by 2007.

Third Chennai Project

7.36 CMWSSB has proposed to take up further systematic improvement projects in

water supply, both for Chennai City and adjacent Urbanised Local Bodies as "Third
Chennai Project" with World Bank assistance at a cost of Rs.750 crores. In order to
improve the sources, works are proposed for deepening and desilting of Ambattur tank,
Korattur tank and Madhavaram tank and for rehabilitation of Porur tank besides
formation of check-dams. It is also proposed to install water meters to all the
consumers to achieve sustainable revenue. The following are some of the major works
envisaged under the proposed Third Chennai Project.

(a) Strengthening of water Distribution system in the left out 5 zones:

Under Second Chennai Project, out of 16 zones, works on strengthening of water

distribution system was taken up and completed in only 11 zones. Due to the benefits
achieved under Second Chennai Project, it is now proposed to take up the strengthening
of the distribution system in the remaining 5 zones also viz. Anna Poonga, Kilpauk,

Triplicane, Southern Head works and KK Nagar. The total length of pipelines to be laid
is about 305 km. at a total cost of Rs.150 Crores.

(b) Infrastructure facility to draw additional ground water from A.K. Basin:

Under the Second Chennai Project, the consultancy study to reassess the
ground water potential in Araniar Kortalayar Basins is under way and will be carried
over into the Third Chennai Project after ascertaining the sustainable yield.

Rest of CMA

7.37 Potable water supply system exists almost in all the municipalities with CMA.
Alandur, Pallavaram, Tambaram, Anakaputhur and Pammal Municipalities have water
from Palar River as source, and other municipalities have CMWSSB bulk supply or the
ground water as source. Water supply in Panchayat areas are concerned, it is by local
wells and public taps.

Water Demand

7.38 The rate of consumption of water in some Indian cities is given below:

Table No.7.06 Water Consumption in Indian Cities

Town Consumption litres per capita
per day
Bangalore 140
Mumbai 260
Delhi 270
Chennai City 107*
Pune 220
Source: CMWSSB
* 2006-2007

7.39 It was estimated in the Madras Water Supply and Sanitation Project report
(1987) that the requirement of water will be 165 lpcd based on need based assessment.
Future requirements of water at the rate of 150 lpcd for the City and 100 lpcd for the
rest of CMA have been estimated and the estimates are given in the table below:

Table No.7.07 Estimates of water requirements
I. Chennai City
2011 2016 2021 2026
1. Population in lakhs 49.95 52.39 55.4 58.56

2. Water requirement in MLD for the resident

(a) @ 150 lpcd 749 786 831 878
(b) @ 120 lpcd 599 629 665 703
(c) @ 100 lpcd 500 524 554 586
3. Water requirement in MLD for the other
than residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and other
places of employment, education, etc.
(a) @ 30% of 2(a) above 225 236 249 264
(b) @ 25% of 2 (b) above 150 157 166 176
(c) @ 20% of 2(c) above 100 105 111 117
4. Industrial use
(a) @ 10% of the 2(a) above 75 79 83 88
(b) @ 10% of the 2(b) above 60 63 66 70
(c) @ 10% of the 2(c) above 50 52 55 59
5. Total requirement
@150 lpcd 1049 1100 1163 1230
@120 lpcd 809 849 897 949

@100 lpcd 649 681 720 761

II. Municipalities in CMA

1. Population in lakhs 21.75 25.60 30.20 35.69

2. Water requirement in MLD for the resident

(a) @ 125 lpcd 272 320 378 446
(b) @ 100 lpcd 218 256 302 357
(c) @ 75 lpcd 163 192 227 268
3. Water requirement in MLD for the other
than residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and other
places of employment, education, etc.
(a) @ 30% of 2(a) above 82 96 113 134
(b) @ 25% of 2 (b) above 54 64 76 89
(c) @ 20% of 2(c) above 33 38 45 54
4. Industrial use
(a) @ 10% of the 2(a) above 27 32 38 45
(b) @ 10% of the 2(b) above 22 26 30 36
(c) @ 10% of the 2(c) above 16 19 23 27
5. Total requirement
@125 lpcd 381 448 529 625
@100 lpcd 294 346 408 482
@75 lpcd 212 250 294 348

III. Town Panchayats

1. Population in lakhs 5.89 7.41 9.45 12.21

2. Water requirement in MLD for the resident

(a) @ 100 lpcd 59 74 95 122
(b) @ 80 lpcd 47 59 76 98
(c) @ 60 lpcd 35 44 57 73
3. Water requirement in MLD for the other
than residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and other
places of employment, education, etc.
(a) @ 30% of 2(a) above 18 22 28 37
(b) @ 25% of 2 (b) above 12 15 19 24
(c) @ 20% of 2(c) above 7 9 11 15
4. Industrial use
(a) @ 10% of the 2(a) above 6 7 9 12
(b) @ 10% of the 2(b) above 5 6 8 10
(c) @ 10% of the 2(c) above 4 4 6 7
5. Total requirement

@100 lpcd 82 104 132 171

@80lpcd 64 80 102 132
@60 lpcd 46 58 74 95
IV. Village Panchayats
1. Population in lakhs 10.59 12.96 15.99 19.88

2. Water requirement in MLD for the resident

(a) @ 80 lpcd 85 104 128 159
(b) @ 70 lpcd 74 91 112 139
(c) @ 60 lpcd 64 78 96 119
3. Water requirement in MLD for the other
than residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and other
places of employment, education, etc.
(a) @ 30% of 2(a) above 25 31 38 48
(b) @ 25% of 2(b) above 19 23 28 35
(c) @ 20% of 2(c) above 13 16 19 24
4. Industrial use
(a) @ 10% of the 2(a) above 8 10 13 16
(b) @ 10% of the 2(b) above 7 9 11 14
(c) @ 10% of the 2(c) above 6 8 10 12
5. Total requirement
@80 lpcd 119 145 179 223
@70lpcd 100 122 151 188
@60 lpcd 83 101 125 155

Table No.7.08 Estimate of Water Requirement (CMA)
Chennai Metropolitan Area Year
2011 2016 2021 2026
1. Population in lakhs 88 100 112 126
2. Water Requirement in MLD for the
resident population
a) Scenario I 1165 1284 1431 1606
b) Scenario II 938 1035 1154 1296
c) Scenario III 762 838 933 1046
Water Requirement in MLD for the others
from residential use such as office,
commercial, industrial premises and
other places of employment, education
Scenario I 349 385 429 482
Scenario II 235 259 289 324
Scenario III 152 168 187 295
4. Industrial Use
Scenario I 116 128 143 161
Scenario II 94 103 115 130
Scenario III 76 84 93 105
5. Total Requirement
Scenario I 1631 1797 2003 2248
Scenario II 1267 1397 1558 1750
Scenario III 990 1090 1213 1360

7.40 The sources presently available and also to be tapped in immediate future by
CMWSSB are given in table No. 7.09.
Table No. 7.09 Assessment Of Abstractable Reliable Quantity of Water from
Various Sources
Sl. Name of Source Safe Yield Remarks
No. in MLD
1 Poondi - Cholavaram - Red Hills 227 Based on the assessment
Lake System during 1997 revision of
2 Groundwater aquifer from Northern 68 Master Plan for water
Well Field supply.

3 Other sources like Southern Coastal 5

Aquifer, Rettai Eri, Porur, etc.
4 Receipt of Krishna Water from 837 10% loss from entry point to
Telugu Ganga Project (when full Poondi Lake has been
agreed quantity of 930 MLD (12 considered.
TMC) supplied)
5 Veeranam Lake (CWSAP-I) 180
6 Desalination Plant 200 a) 100 MLD in 2008
b) 100 MLD in 2009
7 Local sources including Palar River 32 Based on the assessment
in the CMA area other than City during 1997 revision of
limits. Master Plan for water
8 Abstractable quantity of local 240
groundwater in the city for the use

of other than drinking and cooking
9 Waste water reuse
a) Already in use 45
b) Expected in future (SIPCOT 120 From 2009
Total 1954

7.41 The source as indicated above will meet the demand up to the year 2011. There
is a gap of nearly 300 MLD to meet the CMA demand for the year 2026. This gap will be
met by water conservation measures, promoting recycling and by identifying additional
sources. The Redhills source has to be protected from possible contamination due to
development in the catchment area by not allowing reclassification of land uses or
expansion / addition in other zones.

Rain Water Harvesting

7.42 The importance for conservation of water and rainwater harvesting was
understood and due consideration and thrust were given from early 90's itself in
Chennai. While issuing Planning Permission for construction of major developments
such as flats, residential developments, office, shopping and other commercial
complexes, the condition to provide rain water-harvesting structures within the
premises was imposed and ensured to be provided before issue of Completion
Certificates. Provision of rainwater structures in all types of developments, irrespective
of size or use was made mandatory by amending DCR and Building Byelaws in the year
2001, not only for the buildings proposed to be constructed but also for all the existing
buildings. After implementation of this scheme widely in CMA, a significant increase in
the ground water levels and also quality of ground water was noted.

7.43 In 2001, it was also made mandatory that all centrally air-conditioned buildings
shall have their own wastewater reclamation plant and shall use reclaimed wastewater
for cooling purposes.


7.44 Chennai City Sewerage System was designed in 1910 for an estimated 1961
population of 6.6 lakhs at the rate of 114 lpcd, as a separate system. The system then
allowed for admission of storm water from house courtyards and roofs through gullies.
The city was divided as north, west and south (independent) drainage areas and sewage
from each area was collected by relay pumping and conveyed to the pumping stations at
Napier Park, Purasawalkam and Royapuram, and finally discharged into the sea at
Kasimedu out-fall. Kodungaiyur sewage farm was developed in 1956 and a portion (27

mld) of the sewage collected at Purasawalkam pumping station was discharged through
force mains to Kodungaiyur farm.

7.45 A comprehensive improvements to the city sewerage system was designed in

1958 for an estimated 1976 population of 25.5 lakhs and 1991 population of 27.2 lakhs
at a sewage flow rate of 110 lpcd in 1976 and 180 lpcd in 1991; the City was also
divided into five zones with proposals for five independent disposal works. It was
planned to isolate the system of collection, transmission and disposal of sewage in each
zone in order to obviate the difficulties of the relay system.
In the present Chennai City Corporation area of 176, the sewerage
system now covers 99% of the city area. There are 5,15,560 sewer connections as on
date to serve the population of Chennai City through a network of 2,663 kms of sewer
and 180 sewage pumping stations.

Capacity of the Sewage Treatment Plan

7.46 The sewage generated from Chennai City is treated in 9 Sewage Treatment
Plants as detailed below:-

Sl.No. Location of the Plants No. of Units
Capacity in MLD

1. Kodungaiyur 3 Nos. 270

2. Koyembedu 2 Nos. 94
3. Nesapakkam 2 Nos. 63
4. Perungudi 1 No. 54
5. Villivakkam 1 No. 5
Total 9 Nos. 486

7.47 Apart from those zonal systems, other small systems developed by the TNHB in
their neighbourhood scheme areas are also functioning and these are connected to the
nearest mains of the zone in which they lie.

7.48 As the capacity of sewers was limited, during rainy days they became surcharged
due to ingress of storm water. Any surplus of sewage in excess of pumping stations
capacity was drained into the nearby natural water courses of the city viz. Cooum river,
Adyar river, Buckingham canal and Otteri Nalla.

Chennai City River Conservation Project

7.49 Based on their master plan, CMWSSB had conceived a comprehensive project
for sewerage system improvements under the umbrella Chennai City River Conservation
Project (CCRCP). In order to cope up with the increased sewage flow resulting from
water supply augmentation schemes under implementation, and to prevent the overflow
of sewage into the City waterways, the Chennai City River Conservation Project has
been taken up at a cost of Rs.720.15 Crores with Government of India grant of
Rs.491.52 Crores and the remaining Rs.228.63 Crores borne by CMWSSB. The Project
includes investments for providing additional sewage interceptor pipe lines, replacing
sewer mains which are worn out, and enlarging the capacities of pumping stations and
force mains to cope with the flow in the year 2021. The entire Project contemplated
under NRCD share consists of 16 Packages. Packages 1 to 12 consist of interceptor and
diversion of works, improvements to pumping station and pumping mains. Package 13
to 16 consists of construction of Sewage Treatment Plants. The works of interceptors,
pumping mains, gravity mains, pumping stations and construction of 4 Sewage
Treatment Plant units at Perungudi (54 mld capacity), Koyambedu (60 mld capacity),
Nesapakkam (40 mld capacity) and Kodungaiyur (110 mld) capacity have been

JBIC Project
7.50 CMWSS Board took up implementation of Chennai Sewage Renovation and
Functional Improvement Project under JBIC funds. The following 2 components were
taken up for implementation:
(a) Effluent Conveyance System - envisages pumping of secondary treated sewage
from Koyambedu and conveying it to Kodungaiyur through a 900mm dia DI pipe
line to be laid over distance of 16.4 km. to Kodungaiyur where TT/RP Plant was
proposed for sewage renovation and supply the permeate to industries at Manali.
(b) Permeate Conveyance System - The Permeate from the Sewage Renovation
Plant (Tertiary Treatment/Reverse Osmosis) would be conveyed to the 12
industries at Manali for their use for various purposes such as cooling, process,
boiler teed and others. Subsequently, due to non-availability of demand for
recycled water the project was closed in the year 2003.

Rest of CMA

7.51 For the purpose of planning Sewage System, the Metro Water has divided the
CMA into four categories as Chennai City, adjoining urbanised areas classified as
Adjacent Urban Areas (AUA), Distant Urbanised Areas (DUA) and Rural Areas. The AUA
contiguous to Chennai City covers an area of 165 s with the 6 Municipalities (viz.
(i) Alandur, (ii) Ambattur (iii) Avadi, (iv) Thiruvottiyur and (v) Madhavaram and (vi)

Manali two Municipal Townships (viz. (i) Kathivakkam and (ii) Thiruverkadu) 11 Town
Panchayats (viz. (i) Chinnasekkadu, (ii) Maduravoyal, (iii) Nandambakkam, (iv)
Pallikkaranai, (v) Perungudi, (vi) Porur, (vii) Puzhuthivakkam, (viii) Valasaravakkam, (ix)
Kottivakkam, (x) Nerkundram and (xi) Ramapuram) and the Cantonment area.

7.52 The Distant Urbanised Areas (DUA) comprises 6 Municipalities (viz. (i)
Pallavaram, (ii) Tambaram, (iii) Anakaputhur, (iv) Pammal, (v) Thiruverkadu, and (vi)
Poonamallee) and five Town Panchayats (viz. (i) Minjur, (ii) Naravarikuppam, (iii)
Chitlapakkam, (iv) Kundrathur, and (v) Mangadu).

7.53 Some local bodies like Alandur, Valasaravakkam and Thiruvottiyur have
implemented the sewerage system in their municipal areas; others are in the process of
providing a full-fledged sewerage system and by engaging consultants they have
prepared detailed project reports. While formulating the sewerage proposals for the
AUAs/DUAs by the consultants, the approval of the CMWSSB is sought for disposal of
the sewage to the nearest STPs of Metro sewerage system since the local bodies could
not locate the site for construction of STPs in their area to treat the sewage. Due to
various reasons including scarcity of source of water, the STPs of Metro system could
not realize the projected quantum of sewage immediately. It was found advantageous to
dispose the sewage from the AUAs to the nearest STPs of Metrowater, where further
capacity augmentation can be taken up in subsequent years.

7.54 The local bodies like Alandur, and Valasaravakkam have implemented the
sewerage system in their areas with the contributions by the consumers and loan from
the financial institutions.

7.55 Government in March 2005 has directed that Chennai Metropolitan water
Supply and Sewerage Board shall be the Nodal Agency for execution, and maintenance
of underground sewerage schemes in AUAs and DUAs in the Chennai Metropolitan
Area. The Government have directed as follows:
(a) CMWSSB is required to develop proposals for execution of a comprehensive
sewerage system for the entire Metropolitan Area in addition to existing sewerage
system to Chennai by CMWSSB.
(b) CMWSSB may to the extent possible use the existing and the planned capacity
in its sewerage treatment plants to treat the additional sewage load from AUAs
and DUAs; and wherever necessary, additional treatment capacity has to be
(c) Funds for the project will be mobilised by the concerned local bodies, which will
provide the same to CMWSSB.

(d) CMWSSB will execute the entire scheme including the internal sewering within
local bodies and house service connection within these areas. The sewer system
will also be maintained by CMWSSB for which the local bodies will be required to
pay the fees, which shall be negotiated from local bodies with clear agreement.
(e) An important aspect of the proposed scheme will be the issue of public
contribution and tariffs, since it will be difficult to have the different amounts
prescribed by AUAs and DUAs with a common sewage management network and
it will be desirable to have common tariff structure. The local bodies will collect
sewerage charges and taxes internally. CMWSSB should include this aspect in
the study proposed to be conducted.
(f) If and when the AUAs and DUAs are brought under the umbrella of a greater
Chennai Corporation, the CMWSSB would collect charges directly from the
(g) Although CMWSSB should aim for the utilisation of existing and enhanced
capacity in the 4 STPs, restricting the treatment facility to the existing STPs
alone may involve considerable additional expenses on construction and
maintenance since some local bodies like Avadi, Poonamallee and Tambaram are
located at a distance of more than 15-24 km. Hence, it may be desirable to have
one or two additional treatment plants of a similar capacity for these DUAs. This
aspect can also be taken up in the preparation of Master Plan.
(h) Keeping in view the high costs, CMWSSB should consider a proper phasing for
execution of the scheme.
(i) CMWSSB should quickly organise detailed study of coverage indicated above,
principles of revenue generation and management of the facilities proposed.

7.56 The comprehensive sewerage system is in existence in (i) Alandur, (ii)

Valasaravakkam, (iii) Thiruvottiyur (50% covered) and (iv) Ambattur (partially covered
adjoining City limits). The local bodies have formulated proposals and got detailed
project reports prepared by the consultants for provision of sewerage system, are (i)
Pallavaram, (ii) Tambaram, (iii) Madhavaram, (iv) Kathivakkam, (v) Porur, (vi) Ullagaram
Puzhudhivakkam, (vii) Avadi, (viii) Maduravoyal and (ix) Thiruvotriyur (Rehabilitation
and Extension). For Pallavaram the work has been entrusted to CMWSSB and the works
are expected to be completed by August 2007.

7.57 The local bodies which are not covered presently with the provision of sewerage
system in their area, are (i) Ayanambakkam, (ii) Chinnasekkadu, (iii) Manali, (iv)
Nandambakkam, (v) Pallikaranai, (vi) Perungudi, (vii) Kottivakkam, (viii) Nerkundram,
(ix) Ramapuram, and (x) St. Thomas Mount Cantonment in the AUA, and (xi) Minjur,
(xii) Naravarikuppam, (xiii) Chitlapakkam, (xiv) Anakaputhur, (xv) Pammal, (xvi)
Thiruverkadu, (xvii) Kunrathur, (xviii) Poonamallee and (xix) Mangadu in the DUA.

7.58 CMWSSB has taken action to conduct studies with the following main objectives:
(i) to prepare Plans and programmes to link the existing/ongoing sewerage system of the
local bodies,
(ii) integrating the system with CMWSSB sewerage system, and
(ii) to provide feasibility studies for providing sewerage system to unsewered local

7.59 The study will cover provision of sewerage system with treatment and disposal
arrangements, including examination of reuse options with reference to the demand for
such water, nearness to Sewage Treatment Plants etc. for the Adjacent Urbanised Areas
and Distant Urbanised Areas in Chennai Metropolitan Area. Four local bodies are
presently served by underground sewerage system and nine local bodies are in the
process of providing underground services for which consultants were engaged for
preparation of DPRs. The study will cover all these existing and proposed UG system
to be integrated. The Phase-I study will cover the evaluation of the DPRs of sewerage
system prepared by the consultants for the local bodies like: (i) Pallavaram, (ii)
Tambaram, (iii) Madhavaram, (iv) Kathivakkam, (v) Porur, (vi) Ullagaram
Phuzhudhivakkam, (vii) Avadi, (viii) Maduravoyal, (ix) Thiruvottiyur. The evaluation will
cover the population projection in compliance with the CMDA projections, design
criteria, treatment option of sewage, whether in a locally identified site or integrating
with the available surplus capacity of the STPs of CMWSSB. The cost of conveyance of
sewage to the STP of CMWSSB will be compared with the cost of treatment in a locally
identified site. The possibility of reuse of treated wastewater to meet the demand by
commercial establishments/factories and feasibility of recovering the costs of such
treatment will be examined.

7.60 The Phase-II study will cover preparation of feasibility proposals for providing
sewerage system to the remaining AUAs and DUAs viz. 19 local bodies and examining
the quantum of sewage generation, updating the population estimates, finalising the
design criteria in compliance with the system already provided in the other local bodies,
preparation of outline scheme, preliminary cost estimates with alternative proposals,
economic feasibility based on the alternate cost proposals for phasing of the investment
and financial and administrative arrangement for implementation, operation and
maintenance of the system. The study will also address the options on the issue of
treating the sewage generation in a locally identified site or to integrate with the STP of
CMWSSB and recommend the best available option.

7.61 The observation made in the Tenth Five Year Plan report is extracted below:

"It is infeasible to provide underground sewerage or septic tank latrines in the

cities and for all residents. In the first place, highly urbanised, industrialised and
densely populated urban centres may be provided with sewerage, with priority being
given to installing sewage treatment plants to prevent pollution of water sources. For
the majority of the urban centres, low cost sanitation is the appropriate technology.

Low cost sanitation is not a programme solely for the urban poor or slum
population. It has to be propagated as the appropriate solution wherever the costly
option of underground drainage is not feasible. In this sense, there is a need to offer
more options to households that desires sanitation facilities which, while being based
on the "twin-pit-pour-flush" model, is in keeping their needs and capacity to invest.
Low cost sanitation is best propagated as a part and parcel of the maintenance of
environmental health."

"Technologies for treatment of sewage are another area of concern. The

conventional technologies require electricity, which has to be paid for. On the other
hand, low cost technologies like ponds require large area of land that is not readily
available in big towns and cities. There is a need to adopt intermediate technologies, of
which there is a choice. Further research and development need to be done in this

7.62 As regards rest of CMA, while issuing Planning Permission for constructions of
buildings, for sewage disposal from households septic tanks are insisted. In cases of
larger developments such as special buildings (flats) and group housing upto 75
dwellings in a site septic tank with upflow filters are insisted with a condition that the
upflow water shall be used for gardening purposes within the development site. For
very large developments exceeding 75 dwelling units and multi-storeyed buildings, in-
situ sewage treatment plants (STP) are required to be provided and the treated water
shall be used within the developed site for gardening purposes. This method of
sanitation is followed for maintenance of environmental health in the rest of CMA areas
where sewerage is not available.

Proposal along I.T. Corridor

7.63 Tamil Nadu Government have declared the area along the Rajiv Gandhi Salai
(OMR) as I.T. Corridor. CWSSB has made a study for provision of water supply and
sewerage system in the I.T. Corridor and assessed the initial demand for water supply
as 15 MLD and the projected future demand as 50 MLD.

7.64 The water supply for the I.T., I.T.E.S. industries and other urban developments
in the IT Corridor is proposed to be made in two phases. The First Phase includes
tapping 20 MLD of water from Palar river at Vayalur by constructing a collector well at
Vayalur and treating the same in a water treatment plant to be constructed nearby with
a capacity of 20 MLD. An under-ground tank for storing the treated water with a
capacity of 5 million litres, and to pump the water up to Pallipattu with an intermediate
pumping at Thiruporur making supplies along the IT Corridor. Water will be supplied
to the bulk consumers along the IT corridor and balance water will be conveyed to
Pallipattu head works for City water supply. Tentative cost of the project is Rs.46.00

7.65 In Phase-II, when additional demands come up, it is proposed to construct a

desalination plant of 50 MLD capacity at Kelambakkam where 58.75 hectares of land
belonging to Salt Corporation has been identified.

Providing Underground Sewerage System

7.66 The sewerage system is proposed to be provided at an estimated cost of Rs.26

crores along IT Corridor. CMWSSB has estimated that sewage generated for the present
is 27.12 MLD. The urbanised areas in Okkiam Thoraipakkam, Ekattur, Kazhipathur,
Padur, Kelambakkam, Thiruporur, Navalur, Semmenchery, Sholinganallur and
Karapakkam are proposed to be provided with a separate collection, conveyance, and
treatment and disposal system. From Kottivakkam and Perungudi pumping stations
the sewage is to be conveyed to the existing Perungudi STP. It is proposed to provide
this sewerage system to the present water supply level and expand the treatment plant
capacity in modular form when the supply level increases. The collection and
conveyance system will also be expanded as and when supply level increases.

7.67 It is proposed to construct 22 nos. of sewerage pumping stations and 5 nos. of

STPs for localised treatment and conveyance of treated effluent. The IT, ITES and
educational institutions in the corridor will be encouraged to recycle and reuse waste
water generated in their complexes for toilets washing and gardening etc.

Annexure VII A
Water Level & Water Quality in TDS in Chennai City and Chennai Metropolitan
Sl.No. Name of Village Water level Range (m) TDS Range (in ppm)
1 Tondiarpet 4.00-6.00 750-1050

2 Royapuram 4.50-6.50 800-2100

3 Perambur 5.00-12.00 700-1100

4 Villivakkam 4.50-10.50 600-830

5 Anna Nagar 7.00-10.00 500-750

6 T. Nagar 6.60-10.50 800-1200

7 Guindy 4.00-8.50 500-700

8 Velachery 3.00-9.00 900-2500

9 Saidapet 5.00-13.00 600-800

10 Adyar 4.00-9.00 800-1700

11 Kolathur 1.00-7.50 600-1200

12 Kotturpuram 1.50-8.00 1000-2800

13 Kodambakkam 5.00-11.50 500-1700

14 Triplicane 4.00-10.00 800-1600

15 Thiruvanmiyur 4.50-10.00 800-2800

16 Kilpauk 2.50-8.00 600-1200

17 Sembium 4.60-8.50 500-1500

18 Egmore 2.50-6.00 450-600

19 Taramani 1.50-10.00 1200-2800

Ponneri Taluk
20 Manali 2.00-5.00 400-2000

21 Vichur 3.00-5.50 500-1800

22 Athipattu 3.00-6.50 600-1700

23 Athur 3.50-10.00 500-900

24 Nayar 4.25-9.50 450-1100

25 Seekanjeri 2.50-4.50 300-600

26 Nandhiyambakkam 2.00-4.00 400-1000

27 Minjur 2.50-6.50 700-1500

28 Sholavaram 1.50-7.00 400-1400

29 Ennore 3.00-6.00 500-1700

30 Alamadi 3.50-6.00 400-900

Ambattur Taluk
31 Pondeswaram 3.00-10.00 400-850

32 Naravarikuppam 2.00-9.00 500-950

33 Athipattu 3.00-8.00 800-1900

34 Padi 2.50-7.50 500-1050

35 Korattur 3.00-9.00 700-1800

36 Mogappair 4.30-8.00 300-695

37 Madavaram 2.00-7.00 200-900

38 Puzhal 1.00-6.50 350-1300

39 Thiruvottiyur 4.25-6.25 600-1100

40 Maduravoyal 4.00-12.00 600-1200

Mathur 2.00-7.00 200-900

Thiruvallur Taluk
42 Pakkam 3.50-9.00 400-110

Poonamallee Taluk
43 Avadi 2.00-11.00 400-800

44 Thirunindravur 1.50-11.50 300-700

45 Thiruverkadu 1.50-10.50 350-800

46 Pattabiram 2.50-9.00 400-1100

47 Ramavaram 1.50-10.00 300-800

48 Chembarambakkam 0.50-10.00 200-500

Sriperumbudur Taluk
49 Chettipedu 2.00-9.00 300-750

50 Nandambakkam 2.00-10.00 450-1050

51 Meppur 2.50-9.50 400-900

52 Mangadu 3.00-10.00 400-900

53 Kundrathur 2.50-7.50 300-900

Tambaram Taluk
54 Nanganallur 3.00-8.00 800-1400

55 Thiruneermalai 3.00-8.00 450-1050

56 Pallikaranai 1.50-7.00 700-1600

57 Tambaram 1.50-8.00 300-800

58 Sholinganallur 2.00-7.50 250-650

59 Shithalapakkam 3.00-6.50 400-900

60 Pallavaram 3.50-7.75 450-650

61 Chrompet 3.00-7.00 500-900

62 Meenambakkam 3.00-8.00 800-1400

63 Perungudi 2.50-9.50 1100-2500

64 Nanmangalam 2.00-8.00 300-900

65 Kovilambakkam 1.50-7.00 250-800

66 Chitlapakkam 2.50-8.00 400-900

67 Pammal 2.00-7.50 350-800

68 Nandambakkam 2.50-7.00 300-750

69 Madambakkam 2.00-6.50 250-650

Chengalpattu Taluk
70 Vandalur 2.50-7.50 400-900

71 Mannivakkam 2.00-8.00 350-800



Tamil Nadu’s human development achievement has been largely a result of its
strong educational heritage. Even in the early years, when the State was Madras
Presidency, education was actively pursued and promoted. 1Government enquiry into
the state of education in Madras Presidency, initiated by Sir Thomas Monro in 1822,
showed that there was one school per thousand population and that the number of boys
taught was one fourth of the total school age population. It also showed that the
instructions impart in these indigenous institutions was of little practical value and
hence a board was appointed to organize a system of public instruction. In 1826, 14
Collectorate and 81 taluk schools with a central school at Madras were opened. In
1836, this scheme was pronounced a failure and the schools were abolished as
inefficient. In 1840, a University Board was constituted by Lord Ellenborough’s
Government to organize to establish a Central School and a few provincial schools. In
1841, the central school was converted into a high school: in 1853, a college department
was added to it and later it developed into the presidency college. In 1854, the court of
Directors issued its memorable dispatch regarding education. Thereupon the
Department of Education, with Directorate of Public Instruction and its inspecting staff
was organized; the so-called Madras University was remodeled and designated the
Presidency College; Zillah or district schools were opened; and the grant-in-aid scheme
was introduced. While in 1853 there were 460 educational institutions with 14,900
pupils, by 1904 this number had risen to 26,771 with 7, 84,000 pupils1.

8.02 The report of the Elementary Education survey of the Madras Presidency, 1925,
points out that there were three agencies managing elementary schools in the province
viz. (i) private bodies, (ii) local boards and municipal councils, and (iii) government.
Though early initiatives made some headway in education, major breakthrough came
with the Madras Elementary Education Act, 1920. Under this Act, local bodies were
given the responsibility for elementary education and were also given powers to levy
special cess to raise funds for education.

Source: Madras Gazetteer (M.Francis)

8.03 Tamil Nadu has been a pioneer in the introduction of various schemes to enhance
enrolment of children in elementary education. The most important of these schemes is
the massive programme viz. Noon Meal Scheme, introduced by the Government in 1982
with the main objective of not only to ensure nutritional support, but also to act as an
incentive to achieve universal enrolment and retention in primary schools; about 6.4
million children in the age group of 5 to 14 are covered under this scheme. Provision of
free text books and free uniforms by the Government for children in the Government
and Government aided schools are aimed at reduction of economic cost of sending a
child to school by the parents; these measures have improved attendance and reduced
drop out rates.

8.04 In the literacy rate, the Tamil Nadu has attained third position behind Kerala and
Maharashtra both in terms of overall and female literacy, as per 2001 Census. Literacy
in Tamil Nadu has gone up from 62.7% in 1991 to 73.47% in 2001 (against all India
average of 65.38%). Tamil Nadu state Government is committed to the task of providing
universal primary (elementary) education for all children upto 14 years.

8.05 Every habitation with a population of 300 and above should have a primary
school within a distance of 1 km. is the policy of Tamil Nadu Government and it has
been achieved. The levels of basic infrastructure, educational infrastructure and pupil-
teacher ratio in primary schools in Tamil Nadu are ranked within first three among the
major states in our country. A major legislative effort for universalisation of education
has been to introduction of Tamil Nadu Compulsory Education Act, 1994. 85% percent
of the habitations in Tamil Nadu have been provided with secondary school facilities
within a distance of 5 km and in secondary education also the State is ranked high
among the States in our country.

8.06 In the tertiary education during the last decade, Tamil Nadu witnessed a rapid
growth in the number of institutions in higher education ranging from industrial
training institute (ITI) and polytechnics to arts and science colleges and engineering

8.07 The Government of Tamil Nadu have ensured 100% schooling access not only at
primary level, but also at the middle school level. This has been achieved by opening
1,112 new primary schools during 2001-2004 and by upgrading 2106 primary schools
as middle schools during 2001-2005. By these actions of bringing these facilities nearer
to the residence of school going children it has helped in bringing down the school trip
and ratio in primary schools from 16% in 2001-02 to 8% in 2003-04. In 2005-06,
Government have upgraded 90 middle schools into high schools and 60 high schools

into higher secondary schools. Government have proposed to improve infrastructure in
549 high schools & higher secondary schools in the State at a cost of Rs.232 crores. A
special Literacy programme for women is also implemented to bring down the literacy
gap between males & females to achieve a key millennium development goal. The
Government are also implementing the technical education quality improvement
programme with assistance from the World Bank in 8 engineering colleges and 3
polytechnics with an initial outlay of Rs.63 crores.

I.T. initiative in Education

8.08 Tamil Nadu has been at the foremost in IT and is one of the States to announce a
far-reaching, industrial friendly IT Policy. Recognising that the computer education at
the school level is essential to enable children coming out of school to be computer
literates, and that acquiring basic knowledge in computers would be useful to them
either in gaining employment or in pursuing higher studies, it was introduced in school
level itself.

8.09 Recognising that the industrial development of the State depends on skilled
manpower, the Government set up a vast network of ITIs in the State. There are 53
Government Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), and 590 private ITIs in the State. There
are 422 arts and science colleges (67 Government, 161 Govt. aided and 194 Self
financing) in the State and the number has almost doubled when comparing the 1991
figure of 224.There are 202 polytechnics and 236 engineering colleges in the State.

8.10 The State spends almost 20% of its revenue expenditure for education. In the
Tamil Nadu Human Development Report, it is found stated that though Tamil Nadu’s
expenditure is not very high, it has managed to sustain its performance due to existing
levels of infrastructure as well as strong presence of the private sector, especially in
higher education.

Chennai Metropolitan Area

8.11 In Chennai, being the State capital, the educational facilities available are of high
and specialized when comparing the rest of the State. CMA comprises of Chennai City
( and parts of urban rural areas in Kancheepuram District (to an extent of
376. and Thiruvallur District ( Some of the relevant statistics
relating to literacy, educational infrastructure are given in the Table No 8.01.

Table No.8.01: Literacy & Educational Infrastructure in the Districts Covered in
Chennai Kancheepur Thiruvallur
Sl.No. Description
City am District District
1 Life expectancy at birth (yrs) M-77.14% N.A N.A
(2005) F-77.56%
2 Literacy rate (2001) 76.81 67.84 67.73
Male 81.10 74.73 74.98
Female 72.35 60.78 60.26
3 Sex ratio (2001) 95.10 96.10 97.10
4 Gross enrolment rate (2005)
(a) Primary 93.97 93.88 96.17
(b) Upper Primary 94.58 97.91 93.81
Total 93.85 95.29 95.25
5 Gross Dropout rate (2005)
(a)Primary 6.75 3.61 7.43
(b) Upper Primary 6.02 7.04 8.02
6 Pupil-teacher ratio (2005)
(a) Primary 47 42 42
(b) Upper Primary 39 56 55
7 Enrolment of girls in primary
schools as % of enrolment of
boys (2005)
(a) Primary 97.14 96.49 97.00
(b) Upper Primary 98.60 92.66 94.51
Source : General Education Statistics of Tamil Nadu, Directorate of School Education

8.12 Planning for educational facilities in a Metropolis like Chennai should take into
account regional bearings as it cater, not only the requirements within it but also the
surrounding districts, and surrounding States in respect of specialized / higher

8.13 In CMA, most of the middle schools include primary classes, high schools include
middle and primary classes and the higher secondary schools include primary, middle
and high school classes. It is provided both by private and public (State and Central
Governments, local bodies). A primary school for about 5000 population (370 school
going children of that group), a high school for 7000 population (732 school going
children of that age group) and a higher secondary school for10,000 population (210
school going children of that age group) is available as per 2001 Census.

8.14 The existing educational institutions, category-wise, in Chennai City and rest of
CMA is given in the table No. 8.02:

Table No.8.02 Educational Institutions in CMA
Sl.No. Chennai City Rest of CMA




Category of institutions





1 Schools
(a) Primary 164 315 479 233 144 377 856
(b) Middle 125 127 252 65 56 121 373
(c) High School 55 171 226 37 139 176 402
(d) Higher Secondary 60 366 426 32 204 236 662
2 Colleges
(a) Arts and Science 22 11 33 7 9 16 49
(b) Training Colleges 5 1 6 - - - -
(c) Physical Education 1 1 - - -
(d) Others including 25 13 38 - - - -
Research Institutions
3 Technical Education
(a) I.T.I’s 3 87 90 2 26 28 118
(b) Polytechnics 11 2 13 2 18 20 33
(c) Engineering colleges 4 2 6 1 37 38 44
4 Medical Education
(a) Medical Education 3 - 3 0 1 1 4
(b) Dental Colleges 1 0 1 0 6 6 7
(c) Siddha 1 0 1 0 1 1 2
(d) Homeo - - - - 2 2 2
(e) Unani 1 - 1 - - - 1
(f) Ayurveda - 1 1 - 1 1 2
(g) Pharmacy 1 2 3 - 4 4 7
(h) Nursing 1 - 1 0 5 5 6
5 Veterinary College 1 - 1 - - - 1
6 Law College 1 - 1 - - - 1
Source: Census of India

8.15 The table No 3.17 [in chapter-III] shows the age group details over the years 1971
to 2001. Because of the family planning and population control measures taken in our
country, from 1971 there is large variation in age structure including the school going
children age group. It is estimated that in the future years the school going age group
would stabilize at 7.5 % for primary school going age group, 5.19% for middle school
going age group, 3.71% for high school going age group and 3.96% for the higher
secondary going age group. Based on these estimates, the future demand for schools
has been worked out and tabulated in table no 8.03:

Table No: 8.03 CMA_ Age Structure for School Going Population-2026

Age Group % Assumed @2011 2001 2011 2016 2021 2026

0-5 7.82 549811 692665 778078 874051 981952
6-10 7.50 527593 664675 746636 838732 942273
11-13 5.19 365266 460172 516915 580675 652359
14-15 3.71 260857 328634 369158 414693 465886
16-17 3.96 278203 350488 393706 442269 496866

8.16 For the future population of 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, the number of primary, high
and higher secondary schools to be opened or existing schools to be strengthened to
accommodate the growth of school going children is given in the table no 8.04:

Table No: 8.04 Number of Schools Required_2026

2001 No. of Average No of
Strength 2011 2016 2021 2026
Schools Students_2001
Primary 1427 370 500 1329 1493 1677 1885
Upper Primary 775 471 500 920 1034 1161 1305
High School 998 261 400 822 923 1037 1165
HSC School 662 210 400 438 492 553 621

8.17 Collegiate, technical and other professional higher educational institutions in CMA
are concerned, it serves not only the CMA region, but also the state level apart from the
national level for certain specialized fields. However periodical reviews of change in
demand for this category of educational institutions should be made at least once in 10
years and necessary infrastructures have to be provided. Human resource development
for the present and future demands and also Research and Development for economic
development depend on investment and improvement on this higher education sector.

8.18 Planning for health becomes an integral part of metropolitan planning and
health status of population is an important indicator of human resource development.
Investments in health sector have direct relationship with longevity and improvements
in physical and mental development of people. Tamil Nadu’s health indicators place it
near the top among the States of India. Policy of the Government is to provide a healthy
and disease free life to the people of Tamil Nadu. Director of Medical & Rural Health
Services (DMRH) is in charge of planning and implementation of programmes of Medical
Services through a network of 29 district headquarters hospitals, 155 taluk

headquarters hospitals, 80 non-taluk hospitals, 12 dispensaries, 11 mobile health care
units, 7 women & children hospitals, 2 T.B. hospitals, 2 T.B. clinics and 7 leprosy
hospitals. This Directorate provides the health services in the districts except in
Chennai City.

8.19 The Dept. of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (DPHPM) is providing
primary health care services. Through a network of 1,415 primary health centers (PHC)
and 8,682 Health Sub-Centres (HSCs) spread over the State. These PHC’s and HSCs
provide preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative healthcare services and are
equipped with basic facilities. Maternal and child healthcare services are most
important of the services provided by this Department. School Health Programme
provides for comprehensive health care services to the students in Government &
Government-aided schools up to higher secondary level; all Thursdays are observed as
`school health days’ and all Saturdays are observed as `referral days’. Control of
communicable diseases, hygiene and health, Malaria control, Fileria control, Japanese
& Encephalitis control, National Leprosy Eradication Programme, Dental Health,
Integrated Diseases surveillance, Congenital disorders & birth defect registry, Rural
Diabetics survey and Mobile Health Service Programme are implemented by this
Department. The State has set the norms of 1 PHC for 30,000 population, 1
Community health Centre for 1 lakh population and 1 HSC for 5,000 population.

8.20 Indian Systems of Medicine (Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy and

Yogaand Naturopathy) regained its importance and the Government has attached
special importance to the growth and development of Siddha system, which is a part of
Tamil culture. Government has proposed to provide one ISM practitioner in each PHC
in a phased manner, recognizing that ISM is modern system of medicine can play
complementary roles. Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy deals with
teaching as well as providing health care system of Indian Medicine. The National
Institute of Siddha established at Tambaram developed at a cost of Rs.47 Crores is a
joint venture of GOI and GTN and it has been established and with the objective of
imparting post graduate education in Siddha system and to provide medical care
through Sidha system of Medicine.

8.21 The Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project (TNHSP), a 5-year project implemented
since Jan. 2005, with total outlay of Rs.597 crores. It aims to improve the effectiveness
of the health care system, both public and private in the State through increased access
to and utilization of health services (particularly by poor and disadvantaged)
development of effective interventions to address key health challenges including non-

communicable diseases, improved oversight and management of the health care system
(both public & private), and increase effectiveness of public sector hospital services.

8.22 In this State there are 11 medical colleges in Government sector, and 2 medical
colleges and 9 dental colleges in private sector. There are 42 teaching hospitals in the
State under the control of Director of Medical Education.

8.23 Chennai has established itself as the health Capital of the country and is fast
becoming the health destination of choice for people all over the world with its excellent
facility, competent specialist and good nursing care.

8.24 In Chennai there are 3 major Government Hospitals. The details of no. of bed in
the major hospitals are given in Table No.8.05

Table No: 8.05 Number of Beds in Government Hospitals in Chennai

Sl.No. Name of the Institution No. of beds
1 Government General Hospital 2029
2 Government Stanley Hospital 1231
3 Kilpauk Medical Care Hospital 512
4 Government Royapettah Hospital 212
5 I.O.C. & H.I. for Women & Children 752
6 I.C.H. & H.I. for Children Hospital 537
7 R.I.O. & Government Opthal hospital 478
8 Institute of Mental health 1800
9 Govt. Kasturiba Gandhi Hospital 695
10 Govt. RSRM Hospital 510
11 G.H.T.M. Tambaram 776
12 Government T.B. Hospital (Otteri) 222
13 Institute of Thoracic Medicine 100
14 Government Peripheral Hospital (AA Nagar) 100
15 Government Peripheral Hospital (KK Nagar) 100
16 Government Peripheral Hospital (Periyar Nagar) 100
17 Government Peripheral Hospital (Tondiarpet) 100
18 Artificial Limb center 60
19 Government Hospital, Saidapet 33
20 Communicable Diseases Hospital 550
21 ESI Hospital (Ayanavarum) 616
22 ESI Hospital (KK Nagar) 400
23 ESI Hospital (Kilpauk) n.a
24 Government TB Sanatorium n.a
25 Arignar Anna Government Hospital for Indian Medicine 229
26 Varma Hospital 29
27 Railway hospital 151
28 Port Trust hospital 200
Total 12522
Source: Corporation of Chennai
8.25 The following table gives the list of major private hospitals with bed strength
exceeding 50 numbers in Chennai City.

Table No: 8.06 Number of Beds in Private Hospitals in Chennai City

S.No Name of the Hospital No. of Beds

1 A.G. Hospital 55
2 Apollo First Med Hospital 80
3 Apollo Hospital 201
4 Apollo Hospital (Greams Road) 600
5 Apollo Hospital (Tondiarpet) 60
6 Apollo Specialty Hospital 200
7 Aysha Hospitals 60
8 Balaji Hospital 75
9 Billroth Hospital 600
10 C.S.I. Rainy Multi Specialty Hospital 250
11 Cancer Institute 156
12 Chennai Kalliappa Hospital 65
13 Childs Trust Hospital 200
14 City Tower Hospital 70
15 Deepam Hospital (P) Ltd. 100
16 Devaki Hospital 100
17 Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital 112
18 Durgabai Deshmuk Hospital 175
19 Esware Prasad Tottathrya Orthopedic Clinic 111
20 Frontier Lifeline Pvt.Ltd. 120
21 Hande Hospital 50
22 Hindu Mission Hospital 160
23 Kalyani General Hospital 200
24 Kumaran Hospital 100
25 M.V.Diabetics Research Centre 50
26 Madras Medical Mission 218
27 Malar Hospital 160
28 Medical Research Foundation 101
29 MIOT Hospital 296
30 Philips Hospital 75
31 Santhosh Hospital 60
32 Saveetha University 100
33 Sooriya Hospital 110
34 Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre 1650
35 St. Isabel Hospital 250
36 St. Joseph Hospital 50
37 Sundaram Medical Foundation 100
38 Sundaram Medical Foundation 161

39 The Guest Hospital 50
40 Vijaya Hospital 610
41 Vijaya Medical Educational Trust 250
42 Voluntary Health Services 220
Total 8411

8.26 Government agencies involved in provision of health infrastructure are

Directorate of Medical Education, Directorate of Public health and Preventive Medicine,
Directorate of Medical and Rural Health Services, Directorate of Family Welfare,
Directorate of Drugs Control, Commissionarate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy,
Tamil Nadu State Health Transport Dept.

8.27 A large number of private hospitals deliver health care in CMA, Apollo Hospitals,
Sri Ramachandra Medical College Hospital, Malar Hospital, Vijaya Hospital, Devaki
hospital, CSI Rainy Hospital, CSI Kalyani Hospital etc. are the major hospitals.
According to the approved Government list, there are 130 private hospitals function in
the City area itself. Table no 8.07 shows the number of Government & private hospitals
zone-wise & bed number wise.

Table No: 8.07 Number of Beds in Hospitals in Chennai City _Corporation

Zone Wise

No. of Govt. Hospitals No. of approved private hospitals

Zone 0-50 51 – 101- 201- > 0-50 51- 101- 201- > 500
beds 100 200 500 500 beds 100 200 500 beds
beds beds beds beds beds beds beds
I 5 1 - - - 35 - - - -
II 1 - - 1 - 23 1 1 - 1
III 6 - - - - 26 - - - -
IV 4 1 - - 2 12 13 - - -
V 2 2 - 1 2 41 12 4 - -
VI 2 1 - - - 15 - - 1 -
VII 7 1 - - 2 31 - 1 2 -
VIII 2 - - - - 25 1 3 1 1
IX 1 - - - 10 - - 1 -
X - - 1 - - 29 2 - - 1
Source; Corporation of Chennai

8.28 In Chennai City area, the Corporation of Chennai runs health posts. Zone-wise
distribution of health posts is given in the Table No. 8.08:

Table No: 8.08 Number of Hospitals and Dispensaries Run by Chennai's
Corporation in Chennai City

Sl.No. Corporation zones Number of Hospitals Number of Dispensary

1 Zone-I 10 6
2 Zone-II 9 10
3 Zone-III 13 12
4 Zone-IV 11 6
5 Zone-V 9 4
6 Zone-VI 8 13
7 Zone-VII 8 8
8 Zone-VIII 11 6
9 Zone-IX 8 4
10 Zone-X 6 7
Source: Corporation of Chennai

In the rest of CMA, there are 10 primary health centers functioning at Minjur,
Naravarikuppam, Avadi, Medavakkam, Porur, Poonamallee, Manali New Town,
Madhavaram, Pozhichalur and Pudur.

8.29 The statement recommended in the Urban Development Plans Formulation and
Implementation (UDPFI) Health care facilities is given in the Table No 8.09:

Table No: 8.09 Urban Development Plans Formulation and Implementation

Standards on Health Facilities

Sl.No. Name of the Institution No. of


1 G.H. with 500 beds 500 1 per 2.5 lakh population

2 Intermediate hospitals (category A) 200 1 per 1 lakh population
3 Intermediate hospitals (Category B) 80 1 per 1 lakh population
4 Polyclinics with some 1 per 1 lakh population
observation beds
5 Nursing Home, Child Welfare & 25 1 per 0.45 to 1 lakh population
Maternity Centre
6 Dispensary 1 per 0.15 lakh population
Source: Urban Development Plan Formulation and Implementation Guidelines

8.30 The no. of beds available in Chennai City and Kancheepuram & Thiruvallur
District which pending lie in CMA are given in Table No 8.10:

Table No: 8.10 Total Number of Beds in Chennai, Kancheepuram and
Thiruvallur Districts

Population per
Sl.No. District Population Total beds
bed available

1 Chennai 4343645 10999 383

2 Kancheepuram 2869920 2735 1049
3 Thiruvallur 2738866 594 4611
Source: Statistical Hand Book of Tamil Nadu - 2003

8.31 From the Census figures, it appears that the total number of beds given relates
only to Government hospitals and not private. Specialty and the bed availability in
private hospitals may be about 100% more than the Government ones.

8.32 Considering the longevity in life, improved health conditions predicated, it is

assumed that the number of beds required in future may be at the rate of one in 500
population. The number of beds required for the projected population, for the year
2006, 2011, 2016, 2021, and 2026 are 15,800, 17,700, 19,900, 22,400 and 25,100

8.33 The existing facilities particularly the specialized & higher order ones are
concerned, it serves not only the CMA population, but also the rest of Tamil Nadu and
the adjoining states population; as regards private sector, it attracts patients from all
over India and also some of the foreign countries. It would be difficult to assess the
adequacy of these facilities. Because of accessibility of good infrastructure including
specialist manpower, technology, private sector investments in health sector high in
recent times, the trend is expected to continue. On the government part, with
assistance from World Bank, health infrastructure is being improved. A detailed study
on the health infrastructure in CMA, delivery to poor, accessibility spatially, future
requirements, contribution by private sector, future requirements, modernization
requirements in govt. sector etc. have to be made which may be a basis for formulation
of Master Plan for Health infrastructure in CMA. The position may be reviewed every 10
years and suitable measures taken on health infrastructure investments.

8.34 Recreation becomes an essential part of life in any civilized society. It is an
activity people pursue for relaxation, personal enjoyment usually during their leisure
time to break from their routine busy work. In an urban environment, such recreation
facilities have to provide a variety of opportunities accessible, affordable and attractive
to all groups of population.

8.35 Recreation is a broad function being organised and unorganized, indoors and
outdoors, daily and intermittent, local and distant. Sometime even sidewalks could be a
more important recreational facility than others in a residential area. Television viewing
has become a major daily recreational facility within houses apart from music, hobbies
& crafts. Indoor recreation activity pursued by people include the ones provided by
cinemas, drama halls, music sabhas (halls), clubs, indoor stadium, exhibition and fairs;
outdoor recreation facilities includes parks, playgrounds, beaches, zoos etc.

8.36 In order to provide for the preservation and regulation of parks, playfields and
open spaces in the State of Tamil Nadu, the 'Tamil Nadu Parks, Playfields and Open
Spaces (Preservation and Regulation) Act, 1960' was enacted. Parks, playfields & open
spaces are periodically notified under the Act by the local bodies concerned. These
spaces shall be maintained for the purposes notified in a clean and proper condition.

8.37 Chennai is endowed with the second longest straight sandy breach in the world,
called Marina. Elliots Beach, another major beach in Chennai attracts large number of
people. Thiruvanmiyur Beach, Kottivakkam Beach, Neelankarai Beach and small
beaches at Thiruvottiyur are also being used by people in those areas. These beaches
are used by the people throughout the year and the Marina & Elliots Beaches attract
thousands of people every day.

8.38 In Chennai City, there are about 195 parks with extent varying from 150 sq.m. to
3.5 hectares and totaling to more than 60 hectares. Playgrounds maintained by the
Chennai Municipal Corporation is concerned, it is more than 200 nos., with a total
extent exceeding 50 hectares. In the rest of CMA, unlike the City, the parks & playfields
are a very few.

8.39 In new layout developments, a proportion of the site (10% of site extent excluding
roads in layouts exceeding 3000 m2) is earmarked and handed over to the local body
concerned for maintenance as parks / playgrounds. By this, in the rest of CMA, over
these years from 1975, about 300 hectares of parks / playgrounds have been reserved
by the developers and taken over by the local bodies. Apart from the layout
developments, in cases of residential / commercial developments and multistoreyed
developments, where the extent of the site exceeds 3000 sq.m. reservation of parks /
playgrounds are made & handed over to local bodies for maintenance. These provisions
in D.C.R. generate considerable extent of land required for open spaces and
recreational activities for public use.

8.40 CMA also boasts a number of Theme Parks developed commercially in and around
CMA, which attracts not only the local population but also tourists.

8.41 Planning for public open spaces has become an important part of metropolitan
planning, as a result of the intense demand for outdoor recreation and also the growing
need for conservation. Parks are sometimes heavily used, at times breaking down the
plant cover, making to disappear its natural character that made them attractive.

8.42 In provision of recreational spaces, one may have to be concerned with the quality
of human experience in that space, the release from the intense stimuli of close urban
living, the free choice of activity, the chance to become actively engaged to exhibit
mastery, opportunity to learn about the non-human world, the ability to meet new
people etc. These mostly psychological gains are not achieved by mere conservation of
pre-existing state of nature. Ecological balance of the site so that it can renew by itself
in spite of the new pressures, which will be put on it.

8.43 Open spaces should be developed not only to provide psychological openness but
also for ecological self-renewal. In managing these spaces, carrying capacity to renew
itself naturally (for the ground cover to hold, the trees to succeed themselves. or the
water to purify itself) should also be taken into account of.

8.44 CMA is dotted with a number of lakes (with minimum water spread in non-
monsoon seasons), which may be developed as recreational spaces in a planned way
taking into account its environmental aspects also. It will not only help in conserving
these water bodies but also preventing encroachments and pollution.

8.45 Sports are an essential requirement for the development of an individual's

personality and it teaches one of the values of teamwork and gives the individual the
determination to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield. Recognising the importance of
sports, the Government of Tamil Nadu have created the Department of Youth Welfare
and Sports development in the year 2000. Earlier, Sports was with the Department of
School Education and no department was catering to the matters pertaining to the non-
student youth community. The main aims of the Department of Youth Welfare &
Student Development are

(i) to establish infrastructure facilities in district headquarters, schools and

colleges for development of sports & games

(ii) to establish sports-cum-recreation centers in all village panchayat and urban
areas to provide facilities for indoor games, small area games and physical
exercise to the public
(iii) to identify talented sports persons, to train them and to render suitable
financial assistance to enable them to participate successfully in national
and international competitions
(iv) to promote among the student as well as non-student youth community a
spirit of adventure and love of physical activity
(v) to implement the various schemes of GOI & GoTN aimed at the promotion of
sports & youth welfare
(vi) to conduct various sports youth festivals and exhibitions
(vii) A Sports Development Fund was created by GoTN and the fund is used for
achieving aims of the department.

8.46 In Chennai City the following facilities are available:

(i) Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Periamet, with Football field (grass), Athletic
Track (400 m eight lane synthetic track), 3 Volleyball Courts, floodlighting
and electronic scoreboards, etc.
(ii) Multipurpose Indoor Stadium, Periamet, with facilities for Volleyball,
Basketball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Boxing, Wrestling, Weightlifting, etc.
(iii) Hockey Stadium, Egmore with Astroturf Hockey filed.
(iv) Aquatic Complex with one Racing Pool (50 m x 25 m), one Diving Pool
(18 m x 25 m) and one Warm up Pool (20 m x 25 m).
(v) Tennis Stadium at Nungambakkam with 7 courts.
(vi) Nehru Park Sports Complex with Football field, 400 m Athletic Track, 2
Basketball courts, 2 Kabaddi Courts, 2 Tennis Courts, 2 Volleyball Courts
and one Squash Court.
(vii) Shenoy Nagar Swimming Pool with 33 m x 21 m swimming pool, 1
Volleyball Court and 1 Shuttle Court.
(viii) Anna Swimming Pool at Marina

8.47 Special coaching camp for sports developments is conducted by other department
with GoTN assistance. Sports Development Authority of India has established sports
training centers at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium (for hockey and foot balls for boys) and
Nehru Park Sports (for hockey and volley ball for girls). The Department is preparing
a perspective plan for development of sports upto the year 2020. A number of national
and international sports competition are conducted in Chennai. The Government of
Tamil Nadu strive to improve / provide all necessary infrastructure to make it a prefered
destination for international sports events.

Chapter IX

Solid Waste Management is an obligatory function of municipal corporations,

municipalities and other local bodies in India. Due to increase in population,
urbanization, change in life style and consumption pattern the problem of solid waste
management in urban areas is increasing. Chennai is not an exception to it.

9.02 Chennai Corporation is the responsible agency for solid waste management in
the City Corporation area. Chennai Corporation area is divided into 10 zones and each
zone is further sub-divided into about 15 Divisions totaling to 155 Divisions.
Conservancy responsibility has been delegated to Zonal officials in City Corporation.
According to Census 2001, the population of the City was 43.43 lakhs and the average
per capita solid waste generated within the City is estimated to be about 585 grams. It
has been estimated that 3000 tonnes of solid waste is generated in these 10 zones in
the City area daily and in addition Chennai Corporation also handles about 500 tonnes
of debris.

9.03 Recognising the importance of solid waste management and its increasing
problems in this Metropolis, CMDA had in consultation with the agencies concerned in
this matter conducted a study called " Municipal Solid Waste Management Study for
Madras Metropolitan Area" with the World Bank assistance during the year 1996
through the consultants M/s Environmental Resources Management, U.K. It was a
detailed study covering all aspects of solid waste management (existing situation and
also the future requirements). The Study has shown that the solid wastes generated
from households, commercial establishments, etc. are at the ratio given in the
Table No 9.01.

Table No.9.01 Solid Waste Generated in Chennai City

S.No Waste generation % to
1 Residence 68
2 Commercial 14
3 Restaurants / Hotels/ Kalyanamandapams / Schools and others 11
5 Markets 4
6 Hospitals and Clinics (collected separately) 3
Total 100
Source: M/S ERM, UK 1996

From the above, it may be seen that the largest generator of solid waste is the
9.04. As part of the Study, sample of waste was analysed for composition and
characteristics and its results are given in Table No 9.02.

Table No. 9.02: Composition of Waste

Sl. Composition % to total by weight
1 Paper 8.38%
2 Rags 3.11%
3 Organic Matter 51.34%
4 Plastics 7.48%
5 Metals 0.19%
6 Rubber & leather 0.19%
7 Inert 26.01%
8 Glass 0.29%
9 Coconut 2.48%
10 Wood 0.50%
11 Bones 0.01%
Source: NEERI, 2006

9.05 Chemical analysis of Chennai City solid waste samples have shown that it
contain as given in Table No. 9.03.

Table No.9.03: Chemical Analysis of Solid Waste

Sl. Items % Value
1 Moisture content 47.00%
2 Ph Value 6.20% to 8.10%
3 Volatile matter at 5500C 42.62%
4 Carbon 24.72%
5 Nitrogen content 0.88%
6 Phosphorous as P2O3 0.44%
7 Potassium as K2O 0.89%
8 C / N Ratio 29.25
9 Calorific Value in Kj/kg 2594
Source: NEERI, 2006

9.06 From the above it is seen that Chennai municipal solid waste contains higher
moisture content, small percentage of recyclable materials and more of compostable
(organic matter) and inert materials. These characteristics show the low potential for
applying refuse derived fuel and waste to energy (i.e. incineration) processing option
due to the low combustibles, high moisture and high inert contents of the wastes.
However, they indicate high potential for composting of solid wastes.

9.07 NGO's in cooperation with Municipal Corporation are assisting communities to
collect solid waste through community based arrangement in some areas of the City.
Collection by NGO's from individual houses / establishments using tricycles are
deposited in dustbins which are cleared by Chennai Corporation. Municipal
Corporation provides street sweepings and scientific collections throughout the City.
Municipal Corporation has handed over the solid waste collection and transfer to
disposal sites in respect of the zones VI, VIII & X to a private organisation and it
handles about 1000 tonnes per day.

9.08 Solid waste from the Chennai Corporation area is taken to the transfer stations
and from there it is finally disposed off at two designated disposal sites viz.
Kodungaiyur located at northern part of City and Perungudi an adjoining village in the
south. Both the sites are located in low lying areas and are adjacent to the Metro Water
Sewage Treatment Works. The extent of the Kodungaiyur landfill site is 182 hectares
and the Perungudi land site is 142 hectares. About 45% of the total solid waste
generated is disposed at Kodungaiyur site and the remaining at Perungudi site. Within
the Chennai Corporation there is a well established repair and maintenance system for
solid waste management for mechanical vehicles.

9.09 Central Pollution Control Board has estimated that the per capita solid waste
generated in small, medium and large cities, towns in India to be 0.1 Kg to 0.2 to 0.4
Kg and 0.5 Kg per capita per day respectively. In the ERM Study conducted in 1996 it
was estimated that the per capita waste requiring disposal in respect of Chennai City
was 0.585 Kg per capita per day. It has also arrived at the figures of waste generation
rate in respect of municipalities as 0.585 Kg, town pancahayts as 0.439 Kg and
panchayat Unions as 0.293 Kg per capita per day within the CMA. Applying these
arrived norms, the estimation of solid waste (excluding debris) generated in Chennai
City, Municipality and other local bodies within CMA in 2026 would be as follows:

Chennai City 3400 Tonnes

Municipalities 2050 Tonnes

Town Panchayats 550 Tonnes
Panchayat Unions 540 Tonnes
Total for CMA 6590 Tonnes

9.10 In Chennai Metropolitan area small, medium and large enterprises (Secondary
raw material) are involved in the recycling industry. They get the supplies from dealers
who specialize in waste papers, glass, plastic, metals and other reusable material and
are in turn supported by vast network of dealers and small traders. Rag pickers,

including those at the landfill site, transfer stations and street level, together with
itinerant buyers who collect, separate materials from door to door, provide dealers with
regular supply of waste. It has been estimated that they recover about 400 tonnes per
day of these material.

Rest of Chennai Metropolitan Area

9.11 All solid waste management functions are the responsibility of the executive
authorities of the local bodies namely municipalities, town panchayats, and village

9.12 In respect of municipalities, most of them do not have any transfer stations and
they directly dispose off the waste collected in the land filled sites available within the
local bodies. In most of the village panchayat areas the system of solid waste collection
and disposal is very limited.

9.13The consultants after conducting a detailed study in 1996 had given the
recommendations after considering what sort of waste management system would be
appropriate in CMA in another 15 to 20 years, and the various steps that need to be
taken to get out from the existing situation to the more ideal situation proposed, based
on experience elsewhere and modifying the same as necessary taking into consideration
the climatic, locational, cultural differences and situation appropriate to Chennai.
Action programme for implementation given by the consultants is given in the
Annexure VIII A.

9.14 The consultants observed that the greatest and the most cost-effective
improvements in providing a waste management service to the people are likely to come
from improvements in the current framework for providing these services rather than
from the introduction of new or different technologies. Improvements to existing
arrangements, more clearly defined responsibilities, better management and improved
training are therefore seen as paramount to the success of the plan recommended by

9.15 The study had recommended a new CMA-wide disposal organization should be
set up to develop and manage sanitary land fill and transfer/haulage facilities
throughout the area and that organization referred to under the working term “Metro
Waste” which need to be developed from the existing solid waste management expertise
available with Chennai Municipal Corporation whose capabilities in waste disposal
should be strengthened. ‘Metro Waste’ should be structured in a manner, which

distinguishes the ‘client’ function (raising finances and controlling operational
performance) from the ‘contractor’ function (carrying out the services on a day-to-day
basis). The benefit of structuring Metro Waste in such a manner will allow greater
control over the environmental, operational and financial performance of services. It
also recommended the phased introduction of private sector in provision of solid waste
management services. Whilst public sector must always remain ‘responsible’ to the
public for the performance of solid waste management services, the private sector can
be used to efficiently carry out a large proportion of the day-to-day duties. The
involvement of community organisations (CO’s) in primary collection services is
considered to be essential to the sustained success of the strategy.

9.16 Chennai Corporation has taken action to modernize 7 transfer stations and
machinery and also to improve basic infrastructure facilities at the landfill sites. It has
also taken action to execute the project of making manure from solid waste on Design-
Build-Operate- and-Transfer basis. It has employed the consultants M/s National
Productivity for preparation of detailed report on modernisation of the Perungudi and
Kodungaiyur Solid Waste Disposal sites and they have submitted their report, which is
under consideration of the Corporation of Chennai. As a small scale measure at ward
level in 115 places, facilities have been created for making manure from community
wastes and the Corporation uses the manure for the parks.

9.17 In respect of the municipalities within CMA availability of land for management
presently and requirement of land as per the estimates of the local bodies by 2005 are
given in the Table No. 9.04.

Table No.9.04: Land Requirement For Land Fill / Compost Sites

Requirement Existing
Name of the Expenditure
Sl. No. of land (in land (in
Municipality (Rs. in crores)
acres) acres)

1 Alandur 20.46 15.00 37.47

2 Pallavapuram 20.16 - 37.47

3 Tambaram 19.27 4.25 117.46

4 Pammal 6.86 1.00 15.00

5 Anakaputhur 4.44 - 10.00

6 4.26 - 8.00

7 Ambattur 42.35 7.60 20.00

8 Avadi 22.00 7.20 12.50

9 Kathivakkam 4.56 - -

10 Madhavaram 15.00 3.66 -

11 Thiruvottiyur 29.65 12.00 -

12 Thiruverkadu 4.30 - -

13 Poonamalle 5.95 - -

14 Maduravoil 6.18 - -

15 Valasaravakkam 5.77 - -

16 Manali 5.30 5.00 -

9.18 All the municipal areas have identified disposal sites for scientific disposal of solid
waste. A common land of extent 50 Acres has been purchased for Alandur, Pallavaram
and Tambaram Municipalities at a cost of Rs.113.28 crore at Venkatamangalam village
for developing the same as a modernized compost yard bringing the segregated wastes
for the purpose. In addition, Tambaram Municipality has identified an extent of about
55 Acres at Nallur village in Sriperumbudur Taluk and 25 Acres in Punchai-
Pothivakkam village, Chengalpattu Taluk. In respect of Ambattur Municipality 30 acres
of land at Vengal village has been identified. For Kathivakkam Municipality, a site of an
extent 5.5 Acre has been identified at Manali Village. Thiruvottiyur and Kathivakkam
Municipalities are presently using the common disposal site of an extent 12 Acres at
Sathangadu and Thiruvottiyur Municipality has taken action to alienate about 10 Acres
from the sewage treatment plant site. Madhavaram Municipality has identified a site of
an extent 4.70 Acres at Vadaperumbakkam and 4.93 Acres at Manali and taken action
to acquire the same. Pammal Municipality has obtained 2.00 Acres of land for this
purpose. Thiruverkadu Municipality has taken action to get 10.20 Acres of poromboke
land at Koladi Village for this purpose. Valasarawakkam Municipality has also taken
action to acquire lands.

9.19 In respect of the panchayat areas are concerned, only in thickly built-up areas,
collection is carried out and disposal made in compost yards that are located in close
proximity. In these less dense areas the solid waste collection and disposal is very
limited, meeting its present requirements.

Hazardous Waste:

9.20 Hazardous waste residue of production process may cause significant damage to
environment and human health and / or environment unless handled, stored,

transported, treated and disposed of scientifically using environmentally sound
technologies. The improper and careless handling of hazardous waste has all too often
created problems for human health and environment. Effective management and
handling of hazardous waste is of paramount importance for protection of human
health and environment.

9.21 Prior to notification of the rules in 1989, most of the industries had stored the
wastes in their premises or had disposed the same on land within the premises. These
wastes were disposed especially by small-scale units in low-lying areas and on
roadsides along with the municipal solid wastes as no infrastructure were available.
However, after notification of the Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules
1989, the TNPCB took efforts to identify the generators and made them store wastes
within their own premises in designated areas. Efforts were taken to provide individual
secured landfill facilities within the industrial premises or the Chromium bearing
sludge and Arsenic bearing sludge.

9.22 Sites for establishing the common treatment storage and disposal facility (TSDF)
for the hazardous waste have been identified, detailed EIA have been carried out and
the Government has notified the sites. However, there is public opposition for
establishment of common hazardous waste TSDF facility due to the apprehension that
the nearby land and groundwater will be polluted. Therefore, the Board could not
establish TSDFs during the X plan period for scientifically disposing the hazardous
wastes despite the best efforts. A TSDF has been notified in the Gummidipoondi
Industrial Estate construction of which is in progress.

Bio-Medical Waste:

9.23 Bio-medical wastes are hazardous because of its potential for infection and also
for its ingredients including antibiotics, cytotoxic drugs, corrosive chemicals and
radioactive substances. The TNPCB has estimated that in-patient hospital services in
Chennai generate about 1 to 2 kg of solid wastes per person per day, and Chennai city
has 528 hospitals with a bed strength of about 22,180 and the bio-medical waste
generate per day is about 12,000 k.g. TNPCB has authorized two sites for location of
common treatment and disposal of bio-medical wastes, which are functioning at
Thenmelpakkam village, Chengalpattu Taluk, Kancheepuram District and
Chennakuppam, Sriperumbudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District to serve Chennai,
Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram Districts and adjoining Villupuram and Cuddalore


9.24 The rapid proliferation of computers and consumer electronics such as mobile
phones, refrigerators, washing machines, radios, tape recorders, microwave oven,
calculators, display devices, telecommunication devices and toys have resulted in a
global mountain of hi-tech trash (E-Waste) due to its obsolescence in nature. E-waste
consists of lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, PVC, Brominated Flame Retardants
(NFRS) and dozens of other toxic and potentially hazardous compounds. The fruits of
our hi-tech revolution are pure poison if not properly managed at the end of their
productive life. A personal computer system weighing about 25 kg is estimated to
contain about 1.5 kg of lead. The primary source of computer waste in Tamilnadu is
from software companies, Government and public companies, PC retailers and
manufacturers, secondary market of old PCs dumped from developed countries and
domestic uses. There are about 89 large-scale software companies located in Chennai,
Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram Districts. Approximately 38,000 computers and laptops
are generated as E-waste every year. Other computer peripherals and printers, fax
machines, air conditioner, UPS, network accessories to the quantum of 3000 are also
generated every year.

9.25 Seven E-waste recycling industries have been authorized by TNPCB within the
CMA. They conduct restricted operations of dismantling of computer hardware, manual
segregation of scrap after breaking the scrap by using mechanical equipments like jaw
crushers and cutters. The scraps are segregated into plastic components, glass, ferrous
material and non-ferrous material. The printed circuit boards available in computer are
segregated and exported to reprocessing facilities at Belgium, Singapore, Hong Kong,
China & Taiwan for metal recovery. Metals recovered are usually copper and gold.
Informal recyclers are located at Labbai Street, Periamet at Chennai. Scrap workers are
working in the residential buildings. They are segregating the E-waste manually in a
crude method by using small tools or with blower arrangement. IC wastes, Printed
Wiring Board (PWB) are burnt in outskirts of Chennai to get Aluminium from the burn-

Construction Debris :
9.26 In Chennai City about 500 tonnes of construction debris are generated per day.
Chennai Corporation has identified few sites within the City wherein the private
developers dump this debris. The developers, who require these debris for landfill are
collecting them and utilizing the same. Presently, this kind of solid waste does not pose
much problem except unauthorized dumping along certain roads. A system of collection
and recycling/ disposal of this construction debris should be worked out by the local
bodies concerned and implemented.

Bio- Methanation Plant :

9.27 In Koyembedu Wholesale Market

Complex (KWMC) perishable wastes of
about 100 tonnes per day are generated.
With the assistance of Government of
India, Ministry of Non Conventional
Energy Sources (67%) and from CMDA’s
share (33%) the project to generate
electricity from vegetable waste (30 tonne]
has been planned and implemented at
KWMC at a total cost of Rs.5.07 Crores.
Electricity generated in this project will be
about 230 kW per day. The compost
generated will be 10 tonnes per day.

Annexure IX A

Municipal Solid Waste Management Master Plan for Chennai - Technical Action Programme

Description Local Body 1996-2000 2001-2005 2005-20011


Coverage MC Area 90% 100% 100%

Municipalities 50% 70% 100%

Town Panchayats 10% 30% 70%

Waste Storage & Municipal Public scheme for owner Complete introduction of new
Primary collection Corporation Area container-based collection system collection system
operated by MC & NGO’s in Zone

Implement preferred collection Maintain communal

system in all zones at the rate of 2 containers in some areas as
zones per year appropriate

Communal container for low Maintain public awareness

income, apartment blocks, campaign as new collection
commercial and institutional system is introduced

Implement bulk collection points Evaluate the potential for

where appropriate using “wheelie bins” in
appropriate areas

Develop and implement an

appropriate local public awareness
campaign for the pilot scheme
proposed for Zone VI

Expand the public awareness
campaign to cover each zone
where the proposed new collection
system is being implemented
Municipalities Pilot scheme for new collection Extend coverage of new
system following and on similar collection system
basis to that in MC
Town Panchayats Initiate new collection system Extend coverage of
collection system
Street Sweeping MC Area Carry out pilot project trials of new Complete introduction of Evaluate potential for
street sweeping system trolley system into all Zones street sweeping using
mechanical equipment
Introduce trolley system with 60t Continue re-evaluation of
containers (x2) into 2 Zones per street sweeping tasks and
year performance norms
Introduce simple task force in each
Zone to clear debris and
Introduce central heavy duty task
force under direction of
Commissioner to work on
programmed clearance and
emergency response
Re-evaluate street sweeping tasks
and performance norms waste
collection scheme is introduced
into each Zone
Municipalities Introduce trolley system for
manual street cleaning into 2
municipalities per year

Town Panchayats Evaluate and if
appropriate introduce
trolley system into Town
Secondary Collection MC Area Phase out bullock carts Complete phasing in of Evaluation and pilot
standardised collection scheme to test the
vehicles potential of "wheelie bin"
type storage and enclosed
compactor vehicles
Phase out 9.5 tonne tippers for Complete phasing out of non-
collection, use for transporting standard vehicles
waste from Transfer Stations

Phase in standardised collection

*3 tonne tippers (general)
*1.5 tonne tippers (narrow streets)
*0.75 tonne 3 wheeler (narrow
Municipalities Phase out bullock carts by year 5 Complete phasing in of
standard collection vehicles

Phase in standardised collection Evaluate the potential for

vehicles as per MC contracting out the collection
and transport of wastes from
collection points to the
treatment or disposal points
Phase out 9.5 tonne tippers for
collection, use for transporting
waste from Transfer Stations

Town Panchayats Phase out bullock carts by Complete phasing in of
year 10 standard collection

Phase in standardised range Evaluate the potential for

of collection vehicles contracting out the
collection and transport of
wastes from collection
points to the treatment or
disposal points

Transfer System
Transfer stations MC Area Rehabilitate / develop transfer Evaluate the potential for
stations one per Zone apart from rationalising the number
Zone I, at a rate of 2 per year, all of transfer stations and
to be completed by year 5 developing some of them
to enable waste to be
containerised and
conveyed by higher
payload vehicle
If specialised enclosed
compactor collection
vehicles are considered for
introduction, some
transfer stations should be
closed and collection
vehicles diverted either to
other transfer stations or
directly to disposal

Municipalities Develop Transfer Stations in the
Alandur, Thiruvottiyur, Ambattur,
Avadi, Pallavaram and Tambaram
Develop transfer points for the
transport of waste for disposal in
Madhavaram and Kathivakkam
Town Panchayat Develop transfer points in
Town Panchayats to be
completed by year 10
Bulk Transport System MC Area Continue to use existing 9.5 tonne Evaluate potential for
tippers for transport from transfer container type vehicles in
stations to treatment or landfill, parallel with evaluation of
replace as necessary enclosed compaction
vehicles and rationalising
transfer stations
Municipalities 9.5 tonne tippers for haulage of
waste from transfer stations
purchased by new waste body

Purchase Roll-on-off vehicles for

the transport of containers from
the new transfer points

Town Panchayats Purchase Roll-on-off vehicles

in line with development of
transfer points

Treatment and Disposal
Existing landfills Upgrade existing land fills at Continue with phased Continue with phased
Perungudi and Kodungaiyur to development and restoration development and
controlled landfill status and to of existing sites restoration of existing
accept the co-disposal of sites, upgrading of
Municipal Solid Waste with Engineered Landfill status
appropriate industrial and hospital
wastes, to include, improved
operational practices, improved
site drainage and leachate control,
improved access roads, relocation
of weigh bridge at Kodungaiyur,
development of screening bunds
around sites, restoration and
landscaping of completed areas
Purchase new landfill dozer for Develop site extensions on
each site basis of engineered landfill

Set up small site laboratories for

testing and monitoring

Carry out detailed environmental

assessment of site extension
New landfill Purchase land necessary for Carry out competitive Continue with phased
access to the proposed landfill tendering exercise for development and
selection of Design, Build and restoration of new site
Operate Contractor

Carry out detailed investigation Develop new landfill site Monitor BOO contractor
and environment assessment at…… to start operating in performance
year 7

Develop Design, Build and Operate Monitor BOO operator
contract specifications performance

Composting Evaluate the potential of Based on the results of the

composting selected high organics pilot composting scheme,
waste, including involvement of develop full scale composting
the private sector facility/ies
Develop pilot scheme for
Vehicle Maintenance
Front line maintenance MC Area Retained by Zonal operational Evaluate potential for
depots under direction of new contracting out front line
zonal Assistant Engineers (Mech) maintenance to the private

Municipalities Retain private sector contracting Contracted out Contracted out

Town Panchayats Retain limited private sector Contracted out Contracted out
contracting out
Workshops MC Area (B&D) Extend workshops into disused Sustain maintenance Evaluate equipment
cattle shed areas equipment levels to meet requirements for new
requirements of the vehicle collection vehicle types if
fleet these are adopted
Rehabilitate and re-equip
workshops to undertake major
Municipalities/Town Contracted out Contracted out Contracted out

Chapter X



CMA lies along the east coast of Southern India and is traversed by three major
rivers namely Kosasthalaiyar River, Cooum River and Adyar River. The climate of the
region is dominated by the monsoons, which are caused by thermal contrast between
land and sea. Monsoon climates are characterised by clearly marked seasons with
specific types of wind and weather. The South West monsoon dominates weather
patterns in Tamilnadu from July –September and is characterised by periods of sultry
wet weather. Rain shadow effects limit rainfall in the east coast in Tamilnadu and it is
light or intermittent during this season. This period is followed by North-East Monsoon,
which brings cool cloudy weather, relatively free of rain over most of the monsoon-
dominated land (India). The exception is South-East-India including Tamilnadu where
about 78% of the annual rainfall occurs at this time. The start of the heavy rains
usually falls in October lasting up to December. Most of the rainfall is associated with
clear synoptic systems of depressions and cyclones with night time rainfall most
common. In CMA between October and December most of the rainfall occurs and it is
rare between January and April.

10.02 River Nagari which has a large catchment area in the Chittoor District (Andhra
Pradesh) region and the Nandi River, which has catchment area in the Vellore District,
join near Kanakamma Chattiram and enter Poondi Reservoir. Kosasthalaiyar River,
which has its origin near Kaveripakkam and has catchment area in North Arcot District,
has a branch near Kesavaram Anicut and flows to the city as Cooum River and the main
Kosasthalaiyar river flows to Poondi reservoir. Poondi Regulator was constructed in
1943. From Poondi reservoir, Kosasthalaiyar River flows through the Thiruvallur
District, enters CMA, and joins the Sea at Ennore.

10.03 Cooum River from the Kesavaram Anicut flows through the Kancheepuram
District enters CMA and finally reaches Sea near Fort St.George.

10.04 Adyar River having its catchment area in the Kancheepuram District and
originating from the Pillapakkam Tank Group and Kavanur Tank Group flows through
the CMA enters the city and reaches Sea near Adyar area of the city.

10.05 Sholavaram Tank, Red Hills Tank and Chembarambakkam Tank are the major
tanks in the CMA. Sholavaram Tank is the secondary storage tank receiving water from
the Poondi Reservoir via Poondi Feeder Canal to supply Red Hills Tank. Red Hills Tank

is the main source of water supply to the Chennai City and during storm events water is
released to Red Hills Surplus Channel, which enters the Kosasthalaiyar River and
discharges into the sea. Its maximum storage capacity is 3285 Mft3 (93 Mm3).

10.06 Chembarambakkam Tank has recently been developed as one of the sources for
water supply to Chennai City and has maximum storage capacity of 103Mft3.

10.07 Kesavaram Anicut and regulator which is located in the uppermost catchment
of the Poondi reservoir controls the discharge from upper catchment entering Poondi
reservoir and during storm events the regulator gates can be opened to discharge into
Cooum when Poondi reservoir is full.

10.08 Korattur Anicut and regulator control the discharge in the Cooum and direct
the flow to the Chembarambakkam reservoir. When there is flow in the Cooum river and
the Chembarambakkam Lake is not at full capacity, then the regulator gates are opened
to supply water to the reservoir through the link channel.

10.09 Tamarapakkam Anicut located across Kosasthalaiyar River in the downstream

of Poondi reservoir controls excess discharge in the Kosasthalaiyar. If Sholavaram is
not at its full capacity, then the gates are opened to divert the excess water along the
supply channel to Sholavaram. Vallur Anicut is a small check dam constructed near
Minjur across the Kosasthalaiyar River to control water levels and feed irrigation
channels in the area.

10.10 Like any region in southern India with agricultural lands, CMA also has a
network of lakes, canals and channels within its boundary. There are about 320 tanks
/lakes that are earlier used as water source for irrigation and now serve as flood
accommodators. Apart from these lakes there are a large number of ponds in CMA.

10.11 Buckingham Canal is a man-made canal, which was constructed during the
year 1806. It originates at the place called Bedhakanjam in Andhra Pradesh and runs
along the area very close to the east coast, enters CMA at Athipattu village, passes
through the Chennai City and leaves CMA at Semmencheri village, and it finally
connects to Ongur River at Yedayanthittu Kaliveli near Cheyyar. Its total length is 418
km and in CMA its length is 40km. It runs in the north south direction and connects all
the major three rivers in CMA. It was dug for the purpose of navigation and transport of
goods and also to accommodate flood. But within CMA for various reasons it now
serves as flood accommodator only.

10.12 Otteri Nullah is a channel to accommodate flood, which originates from a place
called Otteri near Padi, flows through the city at Anna Nagar, Kilpauk, Purasawalkam,
and Perambur and joins Buckingham Canal near Basin Bridge.

10.13 Virugambakkam-Arumbakkam Drain originates near Oragadam passes through
Virugambakkam-Arumbakkam area of the city and joins into Cooum River.

10.14 Mambalam Drain is also a flood accommodator, which originates from Mambalam
area passes through T.Nagar, Nandanam and joins Adyar River.

10.15 Captain Cotton Canal originates from the Vyasarpadi area of the city and joins
Buckingham Canal near Tondiarpet.

10.16 Velachery Drain is a flood accommodator originates from Velachery tank and
joins Pallikkaranai Swamp.

10.17 The agencies responsible for management of storm water drainage in CMA are
presented in Table No.10.01.
Table No. 10.01: Agencies responsible for Management of Storm Water
Agency Responsibility
Chennai Metropolitan Development Project packaging and management,
Authority (CMDA) monitoring and co-ordination
Public Works Department (PWD) Plan, design and implementation of macro
drainage works
Chennai Municipal Corporation (CMC) Plan, design and implementation of micro
drainage works
Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board Formulation and implementation of
TNSCB rehabilitation and resettlement package
Source: Government Records

Waterways in CMA

10.18 The length of the major waterways passing through the City and their total length
in CMA is given in Table No. 10.02 and are presented in sheet No.10.05.

Table No.10.02: Length of Major Waterways in CMA (Length in Km)

Waterway City CMA
River Cooum 18.0 40.0
River Adyar 15.0 24.0
North Buckingham Canal 7.1 17.1
Central Buckingham Canal 7.2 7.2
South Buckingham Canal 4.2 16.1
Otteri Nullah 10.2 10.2
Captain Cotton Canal 2.9 4.0
Kosasthalaiyar - 16.0
Mambalam Drain 9.4 9.4
Kodungaiyur Drain 6.9 6.9
Virugambakkam-Arumbakkam Drain 6.9 6.9
Total Length 23.2 157.8
Source: CMDA

In this background this chapter furnishes a gist of various studies made and
completed and on going programs to alleviate flooding in the CMA.

Floodings in the past:

10.19 Chennai City and its environs are very flat with contours ranging from 2m to
10m above MSL, with very few isolated hillocks in the south west near St.Thomas
Mount, Pallavaram and Tambaram. Cooum and Adyar Rivers play a major role during
floods. River Cooum collects surplus from about 75 tanks in its catchment within CMA
and Adyar River collects surplus from about 450 tanks in its catchment, apart from
overflows from the large Chembarambakkam Tank. The flood discharge of Adyar River
is almost 3 times that of the Cooum River.
Mean Annual Rainfall in CMA is about 120 cm. The mean rainy days are about
52 days.

10.20 The siting of the Madras in the 17th Century near the confluence of the river
Cooum with the sea had influenced its expansion in the bed and the ayacut lands of
tanks in its upstream.

10.21 Mylapore tank bed and nearby tanks viz. Nungambakkam, Kodambakkam,
Taramani, Vyasarpadi, etc were converted into settlement areas to meet the housing
and other requirements of the expanding city. To make the problem more complicated
Govt. in order to provide work to people during the famine in 19th century had
constructed the ‘B’ Canal along the coast. This was mainly to provide waterway for
navigation and it had brought about major interference with the drainage courses of the
City as all the drainage courses which were otherwise falling directly into the sea, got
intercepted by this canal and rendered segments of the drainage courses beyond the
Buckingham canal obsolete and obliterated by the urban development. The impact of
the problem was not felt very much earlier, as the habitations were thin and the
development pace was slow.

10.22 The last century records have shown that there were several catastrophic
flooding in Chennai in 1943, 1976, 1985, 2002 and 2005 caused by heavy rain
associated with cyclonic activity. These events of catastrophic flooding were found to be
attributable to failure of the major rivers and other drainage systems. Flooding of less
catastrophic nature occurs regularly in low-lying areas of the city and its suburbs
because of inadequacy or inoperativeness of the local drainage infrastructure.

10.23 The floods in 1943 were historic and damaged Cooum river very badly. Based on
the Er.A.R.Venkatachary’s report the Govt. had improved the Cooum river and provided
a sand pump at the river mouth for removal of sand bar.

Er. Sivalingam Committee

10.24 In 1976, there was catastrophic flooding in Chennai and this time it was the
turn of the Adyar river. Er.P.Sivalingam Committee had given it’s recommendations for
prevention of further damages from floods and recommended schemes worth about
Rs.12 Crores to be implemented then under priority and schemes worth Rs.10 Crores in
the long run (at the 1970’s rates).

10.25 CMDA invited Mr.J.H.Kop, a drainage expert from World Bank who had studied
the flood problems and given recommendations in his report. He was endorsing the
remedies suggested in the above said previous reports and recommended to CMDA to
establish a Task Force (Nucleus Cell) to study the schemes of the various departments
and to draw up a programme giving the value of the component works and giving
priorities between them so that benefits could be realised within a short time.

Nucleus Cell in the CMDA :

10.26 The Govt. of Tamilnadu had ordered for constitution of Nucleus Cell in CMDA in
1979. The Nucleus Cell had submitted its report in 1980. Following are the main
recommendations of the cell:

(i) Considering the urban development already occurred, the surplus course of
the Vyasarpadi area known as Captain Cotton Canal could be improved to
carry only 2,660 cusecs with difficulty due to lack of space and drain into
North Buckingham Canal.

(ii) Some of the surplus from the higher tanks in the area should be diverted
into Cooum (i.e. Ambattur tank surplus into Cooum River via Mogappair
tank; Korattur tank diverted into Madhavaram tank; Madhavaram tank
diverted northwards into Redhills surplus course).

(iii) After the above diversions, Captain Cotton Canal designed for 2,660 cusecs
would be sufficient to take care of the flood quantity of 2,360 cusecs in all
seasons and proved to be permanent advantage for the Vyasarpadi area.

(iv) To remove the difficulty of discharge of floods a second arm across the
Manali-Tondiarpet Road through a causeway has to be constructed for the
Captain Cotton Canal to discharge 1,500 cusecs into the ‘B'canal. Even then,
the ‘B’ Canal could not be in a position to accommodate the flood and
discharge into the sea and hence to realize the benefits of the improvements
to Captain Cotton Canal a short cut canal to the sea in Thiruvottiyur area
has to be constructed.

(v) To prevent flooding of the Manali area and in Kosasthalaiyar river the
Kosasasthalaiyar riverbanks have to be strengthened by borrowing the
shoals inside the river as far as possible.

(vi) Otteri nullah has its southern watershed starting from Cooum river itself and
have all spills from the river enters into the nullah. The main cause for the
floods in the nullah was the absence of banks for Cooum river. If this is
taken care of, the discharge from nullah could be confined and disposed off
after effecting improvements to the nullah.

(vii) In respect of the Cooum river flow, strengthening of the banks at certain
stretches had to be made apart from repairing and strengthening of the
Bangaru Channel. Thirumangalam causeway, Naduvakkarai causeway and
Chetpet causeway, which were all obstructing the flow, should be removed.
The old arch bridges, which were causing afflexes of more than 0.37m, had
to be replaced in the first phase by a single span bridge (Aminjikarai bridge,
Andrews bridge, Law’s bridge and Wellington bridge) in the first phase and
College road bridge, C-in-C Road bridge in the second phase.

(viii) It was essential to think measures to divert a portion of Cooum flood

discharges into neighbouring Kosasthalaiyar basin (Poondi reservoir) as
already formulated by Er.A.R.Venkatachary's in 1943. Flood waters from
Eagattur area to be taken in the Northwesterly direction reaching
Thirupachur Odai and then to the Poondi reservoir by constructing a
diversion channel.

(ix) Cooum River collects surplus from 75 tanks under Cooum Tank Group. All
these tanks drain ultimately to Cooum tank from which the surplus reaches
Cooum River just above Satharai Causeway. Tanks can be made to absorb
and mitigate flood by judicious regulation. Flood outflow from large tanks
could also be brought and drain in such a manner they not only absorb the
flood but also anticipate them and deplete the tank in advance such that the
outflow is kept at moderate level over a long period. Flood absorption
capacity of the tanks may be improved by lowering the full tank level or by
converting the surplus weir into a ‘calingulah’.

(x) North Buckingham Canal had been improved and linked between Ennore
South lock and Cooum in fall for a distance of 10 miles in 1973-74. In
Thiruvottiyur region, it collects the drainages from Sathangadu tanks and
Kodungaiyur tank. In Tondiarpet region, it collects drainages from

Vyasarpadi group of tanks. In Vyasarpadi area it is a flood bank of Otteri
nullah. The entire city gets inflow through the ‘B’ Canal and it is a main
drain of the city during monsoon. The floodwater in the canal flows
southward into a Cooum river and northwards in Kosasthalaiyar river as
much as the gradient permits. The stretch of the canal needs to be desilted
and the floodgates of the Ennore South lock and Adyar north lock had to be
got repaired.

(xi) The vent-ways were very small at Central Station Bridge and all bridges
north of Tondiarpet and hence it took nearly 5 to 6 days for the accumulated
flood in this region for the canal to drain. From the lagoon area a additional
canal on the west of North Buckingham Canal had to be dug and also a short
cut canal taking off from the 5/0 mileage from the eastern bank of the North
Buckingham Canal and joining the sea near Thiruvottiyur had to be dug.

(xii) Earlier the Virugambakkam drain was flowing over a distance of 6.5 kms.
and falling into Nungambakkam tank from which with a surplus entered into
Cooum and Adyar rivers. Now, the entire course completely lost because of
the urban development that had occurred in the 2 km stretch and the
balance 4.5 kms. stretch was available. The course of the Koyambedu drain
was also obliterated. The entire surplus was flowing towards north enter into
narrow Arumbakkam drain and reaches Cooum river. In 1976, the
submersion went up to the rooftop of some of the buildings and breached the
causeway across Nelson Manikkam Road. Koyambedu surplus can be
diverted northward into the Cooum directly for not only reducing the
discharge into the Virugambakkam drain but also improving the chances of
damage of the Koyambedu area, which requires the assured means of quick
drainage. The Virugambakkam-Arumbakkam drain has to be improved.

(xiii) Surplus from Valasarawakkam to be intercepted by a drain proposed to be

excavated from Arcot Road such that the surplus reach Ramapuram tank,
from there it drains to Adyar river. Missing links in the drainage system to
drain floodwaters from KK Nagar, Ashok Nagar and Jaffarkhanpet area have
to be formed by acquiring lands to discharge floodwater to Adyar River.

(xiv) Two new tanks just above the Chembarambakkam tank had to be
constructed to capture 1570 Mft3 of flood.

(xv) Adyar river has two arms. The northern arm comes from Chembarambakkam
basin, joins with the southern arm coming from Guduvancheri, and joins at
Tiruneermalai. In 1976, floods in the Adyar river were the worst ever

experience. For containing the flood and reducing the submersion to the
minimum extent, flood banks have to be put up all along the banks of the
river. Two causeways at Kathipara and Jaffarkhanpet had to be replaced by
all weather bridge as a long-term measure.

(xvi) Masonry weir built long ago at a distance of 300m below the Maraimalai
Adigal Bridge obstructing the normal flow and causing a pond for dhobis to
wash clothes had to be removed.

(xvii) Mambalam drain is flowing at the heel of the erstwhile Mylapore tank.
Kodambakkam High Road and the Mount road between Gemini and
Nandanam were the tank bunds of the Mylapore tank. The drain starts from
Prakasa Road flows in the T.Nagar and CIT Colony area crosses the Mount
road and reaches Adyar near Teacher’s college. Improvements to these drains
had to be carried out.

(xviii) Pumps must be permanently installed in the Kotturpuram area to drain

floodwater since Adyar HFL is higher than the area.

(xix) Veeranam pipe crossing, which had been laid above the riverbed and below
the MFL, was a potential source of scour in the Adyar river and it had to be
dismantled and re-laid below the riverbed.

(xx) Kapalithottam, a slum, situated on the north of Greenways Road was a low-
lying area originally connected the Adyar Backwaters. This area needs to be
drained only by means of underground drainage system.

(xxi) It was possible to transfer 10,000-15,000 Cusecs from Adyar River into
Covelong Valley by digging diversion channel either from a pond near
Perungalathur or from a reach above Tambaram.

(xxii) Though South Buckingham Canal by itself experience high flood levels
during monsoon, rain from local precipitation, it is not a flood carrier. The
areas south of Adyar basin inside Madras City drain into the South
Buckingham Canal and hence the problems in these areas were grouped
under this basin. The flood from the developed area of Nangnallur,
Velachery and Tiruvanmiyur normally travel southwards and get into the
Pallikkaranai Lagoon, which gets drained by the river Covelong.

(xxiii) FTL of the Velachery Tank to be lowered by 1.2m and a new surplus course
had to be provided.

(xxiv) Adambakkam drainage scheme had to be implemented reforming the old
drains leading to the Adambakkam Tanks and cutting new drains to form the
missing links to avoid flooding in the residential area of Nangnallur,
Adambakkam, etc.

(xxv) In the Madras city, there were only major drains (Macro level) and hence the
city had necessarily got to have internal drains connecting various parts of
the City with the macro drains. Regarding the internal drains the city can be
divided into the following reaches:
a) Coastal belt draining into sea directly
b) North Madras belt draining mainly into North Buckingham Canal for
drainage relief
c) Hinterland between Cooum and Adyar river draining into Cooum and
Adyar rivers
d) Southern area draining mainly into South Buckingham Canal

(xxvi) The Macro Drains and internal drains are mutually complementary and both
are important. The master plan evolved by the Madras Corporation for
internal drainage system has to be implemented fully.

MMFR / SWD Master Plan Study

10.27 Subsequently CMDA had engaged the services of the consultant M/s Mott
MacDonald International, UK, to conduct the study titled 'Madras Metro Flood
Relief/Storm Water Drainage Master Plan Study ' in 1992-93. The main objective of the
study was to bring together the previous studies carried to assess the problem of
flooding in Chennai and to identify using modern hydrological and hydraulic modeling
techniques/measures to alleviate flooding in the North of the City.

10.28 The study area comprised two parts, (1) 90 strip north of the river Cooum
and (2) 30 area south of the City named as Pallikkaranai. Both the Macro
Drainage Systems (Rivers, Tanks, and Surplus Channels) and the micro Drainage
System (Urban Storm Water Drains) had been examined.

10.29 An extensive data collection exercise had been undertaken by the Consultant
involving acquiring and processing of data relating to meteorological, hydrological, tidal
conditions, weather, topography, land use, existing macro and micro drainage systems,
river basin control structures, floods etc. Hydrological catchment models to simulate
runoff from rainfall and computational hydraulic river models (HYDRO) to simulate the
built-up of flow and its routing to the Macro Drainage System to Sea were developed
and calibrated. With regard to urban storm water system, complete drain inventory

have been prepared and stored in a database. A review of the capacity of the whole
micro drainage system within the study area had been made using MIDUSS
(Microcomputer Interactive Design of Urban Storm water Systems) urban storm water
drainage analysis program.

10.30 The range of options examined included upstream storage (to be implemented
under Krishna Water supply scheme), diversion of flood flows into tanks, canals,
channel resection, structural improvements (including outfalls), provision of short cut
canal between the Buckingham canal and the sea, formalisation of flood path and
provision of flood defences (walls, banks, etc.). For the Macro System 17 principle
options had been identified with the number of variants in each of this considering
about 40 possible interventions by using a qualitative screening process. Some of these
options were eliminated and 20 options examined in depth using the models. The
following are the results of the analysis:

(i) The storage and diversion schemes in the upper catchments were generally
found to have little impact on flood levels in the downstream coastal reaches
of the system where flooding occurs. In the Kosasthalaiyar system, this was
because of the major over bank spillage to the north in the middle reaches at
Minjur: the effect of storage and diversion was found to lower the amount of
spillage at this point, but to have only a small effect on water levels further
down the system. In the Cooum system, flows from the upper catchment do
not peak at the same time as flows from the middle and lower catchments.
Thus, while the diversion of flows in the upper catchment reduces the
volume of water, it does not affect the maximum water levels. The exception
to this was an option to divert water from the middle reaches of the Cooum
to the Red Hills Tank. This was found to have a positive impact on over bank
spillage in the city, but is very expensive and will be difficult to implement
because of the intense land use along parts of the route. It would also
require an upgrading of the Red Hills Surplus Channel.

(ii) With regard to outfalls, a short cut canal from the Buckingham canal to the
sea of 100 m3/sec. capacity was tested using the models but found to have
limited impact on water levels: a larger capacity would be required to have a
significant effect. This would be very difficult to implement, given the
intensity of land use between the Buckingham Canal and the sea. It was
thus concluded that it would be better to improve the Buckingham Canal
and rely on the existing outfalls. While these outfalls are choked for much of
the year due to littoral drift, analysis showed that the bar would wash out
quickly during a major flood event and not form a significant obstacle. This

has been confirmed by observation. The sand bars are thus principally a
problem for public health, rather than flood relief. It is possible that, during
minor flooding, the bar may be an obstacle to flow from the urban drains,
but this is unlikely to be catastrophic.

(iii) The conclusion reached was that flood defence and re-sectioning options
would provide the cheapest and most assured way of dealing with the macro-
flooding problem. Schemes have been outlined for the Cooum, the
Kosasthalaiyar, the Red Hills Surplus Channel, the Buckingham Canal, the
Otteri Nullah and the Captain Cotton Canal, and tested in the model.
Several of these schemes are interdependent. On the Kosasthalaiyar, it is
not possible to contain the floodwaters with embankments at reasonable
cost. Protection has thus been provided on the south bank only, and a
controlled floodway is proposed for the north bank upstream of Minjur. This
will need to be designated as a flood zone and development restricted in that
area. Existing villages will require to be protected, probably using ring
banks. The Kosasthalaiyar will also spill near its confluence into the existing
wetland areas.

(iv) For the urban storm water (micro) system, existing coverage of drainage
provision within the study area boundary was found to be 50%. The design
standard currently adopted was found to be equivalent to about a 1 in 1.25
year 60 minute storms. The economic analysis indicated that a design
standard of 1 in 2 or 1 in 3 year return period was the most cost-effective for
new areas of drainage, but also showed that upgrading the existing system to
this standard was not economically worthwhile. However the drainage
system was generally found to be in a poor state, with many blockages due to
solid waste and services (water pipes, cables etc.) and repairs needed. The
principal interventions envisaged are thus repairs/rehabilitation of existing
systems and improved maintenance which is seriously under-funded. For
Manali, outline schemes and costs were prepared for pumped storm water
disposal and for flood protection.

Drainage Master Plan

(v) The Master Plan recommended by the consultant comprised a number of

• Structural works for major flood alleviation and for rehabilitation of the
urban storm water system;
• Non-structural measures required to support these investments;

• Capacity building, with particular emphasis on system maintenance
and master plan implementation;
• Further studies required to progress the plan; and
• Monitoring and evaluation requirements.

(vi) As far as the Master Plan is concerned, the proposed scheme at Pallikkaranai
has been treated as committed expenditure, as government has already
decided it should be the priority for implementation to aid economic
development in the area.

(vii) A phased programme for implementation of the Plan has been developed,
with consideration being given to financial and economic constraints,
implementation capacity, operation and maintenance requirements, lead
times for project preparation and interdependence of projects.

(viii) The structural measures identified were given below:

Table No: 10.03: Structural Measures

Structural Works (Rs. in
1 Pallikkaranai Scheme 160
2 Flood defences and channel improvement on the Cooum 348
3 Flood defences and channel improvement on the Buckingham Canal 96
4 Flood defences and channel improvement on the Otteri Nullah 125
5 Flood defences and channel improvement on the Captain Cotton 20
6 Flood defences and channel improvement on the Madhavaram 10
Surplus Channel
7 Flood defences and channel improvement on the Red Hills Surplus 215
8 Flood defences on the south side of the Kosasthalaiyar 50
9 Manali Township drainage and flood protection 40
10 Urban storm water rehabilitation and repairs 35
Note: All cost estimates are preliminary (year 1993)

(ix) Non-structural measures recommended were:

a) Designated floodways on the north side of the Kosasthalaiyar with associated

planning controls and flood warning/evacuation procedures
b) Design guidelines for drainage systems
c) Planning and regulatory controls to prevent development in old tank beds
unless adequate flood defence measures are in place
d) Planning and regulatory controls to prevent encroachment of squatter
settlements in old tank beds and watercourses

e) Provision of good facilities (vehicles, communications) for flood emergency
f) Public education (e.g. to prevent solid waste dumping in urban drains)
g) Flood risk mapping

(x) A unitary authority should be responsible for the drainage system within the
City area and it should be Chennai Municipal Corporation. The lead
agencies PWD, and Chennai Corporation are responsible for the general day-
to-day management of the system. The authority responsible for the
drainage and flood control should be required to meet a number of
management objectives, principally.

(xi) In respect of operation and maintenance regular inspection has to be carried

out and routine and periodic maintenance involving desilting, embankment
regarding, weed/bush clearing, vermin control, clearance of rubbish/debris,
etc., had to be carried out according to a regular programme. The study also
identified in outline a number of studies including environmental impact
assessment, flood risk mapping, etc.,

(xii) The drainage study for Pallikkaranai was included as part of the MMFR/SWD
master plan study. The aim of the study is to identify ways of providing
protection to an area about 30 lying in and around Pallikkaranai.
The area was earmarked for development and the development was to be
promoted by number of government and private bodies then. For the
purpose of the study the area was referred as Pallikkaranai Drainage Area
(PDA). The aim of the project was to protect an area of approximately 30 from flooding. It could be achieved by a diversion of substantial
portion of run off from upstream catchments along a cut off drain linking the
existing surplus channel close to a village called Karanai with the Kovalam
Backwaters. Northern boundaries of Pallikkaranai Drainage Area cuts off
the centre of the existing swamp area at Pallikkaranai. The area to the north
will continue to be subject to inundation as run-off enters the area from
north and west. East west flood protection bund protects this side of PDA. In
order to provide internal drainage to the PDA two pumping stations have to
be located in the East-west flood protection bund to lift the water over the
bund. A balancing pond is also to be located near the pumping station.
However, protection to the area is to be provided by three interceptor drains,
which carry overland flows from local catchment around the boundary of the
PDA. An arterial drain has to be constructed along the centre of the PDA,

which will pick up drainage flows within the area. Details of the proposal are
given in the sheets annexed.

(xiii) The consultant M/s Mott MacDonald International had submitted the Storm
Water Drainage Master Plan for the Madras city and Pre feasibility Study for
the Madras Metropolitan Area in October 1994. With regard to the urban
storm water system the detailed technical and economical analysis were
carried out in a sample area in Pulianthope representing about 10% of the
urban area within the MMFR study boundary. It was used to examine
possible interventions to improve the functioning of the micro drainage
system in Chennai City. Based on this work, guidelines for the design of
future drainage provisions were prepared.

(xiv) A study was also made for the flooding and internal drainage problem at
Manali New Town. A detailed inventory of the storm water drainage was
prepared and stored in a database. The conclusion reached, was the flood
defence and resection options would provide the cheapest and most assured
way of dealing with the macro-flooding problem.

(xv) For the Central Buckingham Canal isolation from the Adyar during flood flows
offers significant advantages. The Canal will then serve as a collector of local
urban run-off, rather than a flood path within the macro system. For the
urban storm water (micro system) existing system of drainage coverage
within the study area is found to be 50% with additional areas draining
overland into the urban drainage network. The drainage system was
generally found to be in a poor state, with many blockages due to solid waste
and municipal waste and services (water pipes, cables, etc.) and repairs
needed. The principal intervention thus requires repairs /resection of the
existing system and improved maintenance which is seriously under funded.
Capital works include new works including area of drainage in particular at
Arumbakkam-Virugambakkam along with some investment in new drain or
drain enlargement within the existing system and investment of new outfall

(xvi) Outside the City, there are currently few drainage facilities beyond the
drainage provided by the primary and secondary network of rivers and
surplus channels. Improvements to this drainage network will be essential if
development is to proceed within the CMA at the pace envisaged. A number
of strategic initiatives had been identified for the development of CMA
including flood banks on the south side of the Kosasthalaiyar, improvements

to the Ambattur/Korattur/Madhavaram surplus channel system, drainage
works to allow the Pallikkaranai area to be drained.

(xvii) In addition to this specific proposal there is a need to develop a strategic

planning policy within CMA, which would focus on some of the important
requirements for the continued functioning of the drainage system as
development advances. These might include retention of tanks as open
space, provision of river corridor, prevention of encroachment in tanks, the
definition of secondary drainage system and development of tertiary and
quaternary system and links between these and secondary/primary system.

(xviii) Planning the system includes preparation of contour mapping for the CMA
and identification of low-lying areas for discouraging developments.

(xix) Clear policies must be developed for the CMA to ensure the objectives of the
flood studies are met. Such policies should embrace the interlinked issues of
water supply, wastewater disposal, solid and hazardous waste disposal and
flood alleviation.

Environment Impact Assessment of the Drainage Plan:

10.31 In March 1995, CMDA engaged M/s KBN Engineering and Applied Sciences Inc.
supported by M/s Mukesh & Associates to conduct an environment impact evaluation
of the preferred drainage scheme and redevelopment in this area. The study component
comprised of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the drainage plan for the
study area and a land use compatibility analysis for the proposed Pallikkaranai
Drainage Area.

10.32 This EIA was conducted in co-ordination with CMDA and other agencies
concerned viz. PWD, TNPCB, CMWSSB, Central Ground Water Board, State
Government Board, Geological Survey of India, Anna University, TNSCB, Tamil Nadu
Guidance Bureau, Archeological Survey of India (Madras Circle), Central Institute of
Brackish Water Aquaculture, Chennai. The major findings of the study are given in the
Annexure IX A.

Review of Pallikaranai Development Plan :

10.33 Subsequently in 1997, government had directed CMDA to arrange for a review of
the above consultants report in respect of the Pallikkaranai Development Area (PDA)
engaging M/s NEERI. Accordingly, NEERI was engaged in June 1998, which had
studied these recommendations of the consultants and suggested two alternatives for
development of the PDA. On the preferred alternatives, PWD had stated that formation
of reservoir in Pallikkaranai in swamp as suggested by M/s NEERI (Alternative-B) either

for drinking water supply or for recreational purpose is not desirable due to following
i. The catchment areas of the swamp are fully habited. Hence, the runoff from
the catchment that flows into Pallikkaranai swamp is highly contaminated.
The effluent from the Perungudi STP and leachate from the solid waste dump
also flow into the swamp. So, treating the raw water with this contamination
into drinking water to the BIS standard is difficult and highly expensive.

ii. Maintaining the water quality for recreational purpose is also difficult in a
location surrounded by habitation.

10.34 In consultation with departments concerned viz. Environment & Forests, PWD,
TNPCB, Housing and Urban Development Department it was finally recommended to
Government as follows: -

i. Environment and Forest Department was processing the proposal for

protecting the swamp lying between the 200 ft. MMRD Scheme Road in the
north and Sholinganallur – Perumbakkam Road in the south. The swamp
area in the north of MMRD scheme road was mostly occupied by Chennai
Corporation, Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board &
MTP (Railways).

ii. It was reported that the study revealed that in the Pallikkaranai swamp, the
contiguous low lying areas received run-off from a catchment area of 235 During monsoon large pools of water in the valley confluence in the
central portion of the study area. Run-off enters the valley from Velachery in
the north and also from Arsankalani and other villages in the south. Due to
the presence of network of lakes and surplus channels there is significant
degree of regulation that reduces peak flows into the valley (except in the
north-western built up areas in Velachery, Madipakkam, etc. which gets
flooded during monsoon). The storm water eventually passes thro' the
Okkiyam maduvu to reach the south 'B' Canal which flows south and enters
the Kovalam estuary. The 'B' Canal is not capable to drain storm water
effectively, mainly because of its inadequate size and slope. The peak flow
reaching the study area was estimated to be about 350 m3/sec. (according to
PWD, the discharge from the catchment area into the valley is 11542 cubic
feet). The members present agreed that the water holding capacity of the
valley should be retained to avoid flooding in the catchment areas
particularly in the northwest built up areas.

iii. The Government lands lying in between MMRD Scheme Road in the north
and Sholinganallur-Perumbakkam Road in the south lying in revenue
villages of Pallikkaranai, Sholinganallur, Perumbakkam, Karapakkam and
Jalladampettai may be declared as protected marshy land prohibited for any
urban development, on the lines of the Adyar Estuary if necessary.

iv. The area on the south of the Sholinganallur-Perumbakkam Road may be put
to urban development/use by reclaiming these low-lying areas as
recommended in the NEERI Report with proper central drainage
arrangements and access roads. By this, about 15 sq.Km of land would be
available for development according to NEERI Report (Government lands in
Sholinganallur and Perumbakkam account to 800 acres in this area).

v. In order to ensure that this reclaimed area does not pollute swamp and other
water-bodies, it may be developed for I.T, ITES and electronic industries.
Considering its location, accessibility and proximity to airport, road
infrastructure to be provided by the IT Corridor, it would be suitable for such
urban development.

vi. Regarding the area north of the MMRD, it could be preserved as it is

considering its necessity for flood accommodation, its eco-sensitivity.

Outline Project Report on Flood Alleviation:

10.35 CMDA in consultation with the Line agencies viz. PWD, Chennai Municipal
Corporation and TNSCB had prepared an outline project report on flood alleviation and
improvement of storm water drainage system in Chennai Metropolitan Area with a total
project outlay of Rs.300 Crores to be implemented over a span of 5 years and submitted
to government. The project cost abstract and the responsibilities of the agencies
involved in the implementation are given in the Annexure IX B.

10.36 The Government in G.O.Ms.No.321, H&UD Department dated 12/08/1998 had

given their administrative sanction for the project. The project has been taken up in
phases for execution and up to mid 2005 it has been executed including an expenditure
of about Rs.106 Cores. Under R&R Component implemented by TNSCB 3000
tenements had been constructed at Okkiam Thoraipakkam to resettle the slums in the
flood alleviation project along 'B' Canal and Adyar river. Desilting of South Buckingham
Canal, construction of retaining wall, formation of jeep track along the banks and
construction of 10 vents in North Buckingham Canal, repairs to its linings had been
completed. Construction of flood defences and resection of the rivers Kosasthalaiyar

had been completed. In respect of Adyar river, construction of flood defences and
resection works are nearing completion except for the desilting work east of the Thiru
Vi Ka Bridge. Works in Ambattur Tank Surplus Course, Madhavaram Tank Right Flank
Surplus Course and Pallikkaranai Drainage Works were taken up. About 70% of the
works in respect of the Red Hills Surplus Course works were completed; remaining
works in this Course and the works in Madhavaram Tank, Chembarambakkam Tank,
Korattur Tank Surplus Courses are to be completed after required lands are acquired.
Improvements to Otteri Nallah, Virugambakkam – Arumbakkam drain had been
completed. Drainage relief works to Velachery area is nearing completion except for the
court stayed short stretches. Improvement to the Cooum river from sea mouth to
Periyar bridge has been completed and from Periyar Bridge to Koyambedu will be taken
up after completion of R&R works.
Integration of Macro and Micro Drainage :
10.37 The Micro Drainage works to the tune of Rs.43 Crores have been implemented
by the Chennai Corporation for improvement of the drainage system in Chennai
Corporation area integrating with the Macro Drainage System.

Study on Waste Water Outfall into Waterways :

10.38 The study conducted by the consultant M/s Wardrop Engineering Inc.
in 1995 revealed that the waterways in Chennai convey treated and untreated sewage
and receive debris and solid waste also though they were originally natural flood
discharge channels. The addition of untreated liquid waste had led to a very high level
of pollutants and the disposal of the solid and the encroachment of slums had severely
reduced flows particularly during monsoon periods. A summary of wastewater outlets
existed in 1995 is given below:

Table No. 10.04: Waste water Outfall Details for Inner Chennai Waterways
Nature of Outfall
Sewage Storm water Industrial Others Total
River Cooum 109 6 1 - 116
Adyar River 58 23 - - 81
Otteri Nullah 42 4 1 - 47
South 'B' Canal 26 1 - - 27
Central 'B' Canal 30 - - 1 31
North 'B' Canal 58 5 3 1 67
Redhills Surplus Channel - - 4 - 4
Mambalam Drain 14 8 - 1 23
Captain Cotton Canal 13 - - - 13
Kodungaiyur New Drain 2 - - - 2
Ambattur Surplus Tank 5 - 5 2 12
TOTAL 357 47 14 5 423
Source: M/s Wardrop Engineering Inc, 1995

Environmental Improvement of Watercourses

10.39 The consultant M/s Severn Trent International conducted the study on
environmental improvement of watercourses in Greater Madras in 1991. They have
recommended for extension of sewerage system to unsewered areas and use of low cost
sanitation wherever appropriate, purchase of jetting equipment and replacement of
smaller pumps with submersible pumps, extension of storm water drainage system,
resolution of interconnections between sewers and storm water drains, short term
improvements at sewage works, extension and long-term improvements at sewage
works, equipment to clean storm water drains, equipment for street cleaning, sanitary
waste disposal, dredging and grading of river Cooum, completion of river Adyar flood
protection scheme, desludging of Buckingham Canal, North Ennore Lock to the river
Cooum, filling up of central portion of the Buckingham Canal between the rivers Cooum
and Adyar, desludging of Buckingham Canal between the River Adyar and the City limit,
pumping of Otteri Nullah for treatment, dredging and regrading of Otteri Nullah and
construction of groyne to improve the Cooum outfall to the sea, if needed.

Chennai Waterway Conservation Programme

10.40 The sludge disposal consultancy study conducted in 1994 by the consultant M/s
MMI has revealed that contamination of water-ways and anaerobic digestion of waste
water flowing in the water-ways had led to the accumulation of sludge causing
hindrance to the hydraulic functioning of the water-ways and also causing
contamination of water-ways in the eco system. The following are the estimates of the
sludge accumulation in Chennai waterways:

Table No. 10.05 Estimates of Sludge Accumulated in Inner Chennai Waterways

Typical width in
Characteristics Sludge volume in 'ooo m
Length dry season (m)
in Km Hydraulic Envtl.*
Water Total Durability Access Both
nuisance Nuisance
Cooum 18.00 23-40 45-120 D O 1210 350-750 1280
Adyar 15.00 15-200 90-500 E,P O,O* 1880 340-200 1960
7.10 15 20 D/E,P O/N 150 40-100 200
B' Canal
Central 'B'
7.20 5 20 E O 200 30-50 200
South 'B'
4.40 9 15 D,P C 10 20-50 20
10.20 4-5 7-20 E/D O/C 100 30-60 110
Cotton 2.90 5-40 25-45 E,P C 20 40-60 50
Total 64.80 3570 840-250 3820

Source: M/s MMI, Sludge Disposal Consultancy, 1994

Note: Abbreviations for Durability

D-Dewatering possible difficult and expensive
I-Dewatering impracticable, floatation of pontoons, barges and small dredges
possible after dredging
E-Easy to dewater with bunds and bypasses, with some pumping
Abbreviations for Accessibility
O-No continuous access
O*-occasional access, but from private roads
N-No access
C-Continuous access

10.41 Earlier the consultants had estimated that the number of slum families to be
resettled and rehabilitated from the objectionable areas of waterways to do the
improvement is 22,800. But the PWD had estimated that at least 10,000 slum families
have to be resettled and rehabilitated to do the minimum required improvements to the

10.42 The length of the major waterways passing through the City and its total length
in CMA is given below:

Table No: 10.06 Length of Major Waterways in CMA

Waterway City CMA
River Cooum 18.0 40.0
River Adyar 15.0 24.0
North Buckingham Canal 7.1 17.1
Central Buckingham Canal 7.2 7.2
South Buckingham Canal 4.2 16.1
Otteri Nullah 10.2 10.2
Captain Cotton Canal 2.9 4.0
Kosasthalaiyar - 16.0
Mambalam Drain 9.4 9.4
Kodungaiyur Drain 6.9 6.9
Virugambakkam-Arumbakkam Drain 6.9 6.9
Source : PWD

10.43 The details of the catchment areas of the waterways within Chennai City are given
in the sheet annexed. Also the areas, which were affected by the flood events during
1976 and 1985 are given in the sheets annexed.

Suggestion by the National Institute of Ocean Technology :

10.44 To open the mouth of Cooum River, National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT)
had suggested that groynes at stages may be constructed and the suggestion is under
active consideration for implementation by PWD.

Chennai City River Conservation Project

10.45 As part of the Chennai City River Conservation Project (CCRCP) CMWSSB had
proposed project for prevention of sewage flow into waterways, treatment of sewage,
construction of interceptor sewers and enhancement of pumping station capacity with a
total project cost of Rs.720 Crores. But the National River Conservation Directorate
(NRCD), Government of India, had finally accepted to fund the project to the tune of
Rs491.82 Crores in the year 2000. Out of the project costing Rs.382 Crores approved
by the NRCD, CMWSSB had executed works to the tune of Rs.325 Crores.

Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan

10.46 Under Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan (CMDP), projects for macro and
micro drainage system to the tune of Rs.39 Crores has been executed during 2003-
2004, Rs.41 Crores during 2004-2005, Rs. 103 crores during 2005-06 by PWD, Chennai
Corporation, Municipalities and Other Local Bodies within CMA and also by the
Highways Department. An outlay of Rs.98.99 Crores has been proposed for the year
2006-07 under this component.


10.47 Flooding in the CMA has become a recurring feature. During dry season, the City
experiences acute water scarcity. Abundance of data are available on the macro
drainage system. Thanks to numerous studies conducted, Chennai City River
Conservation Project has added new dimension to the system. With the co-ordinated
efforts of Government agencies, involvement of stakeholders and with the application of
modern technology for map making and networking, it is earnestly hoped that flooding
in the CMA will become a thing of the past.

Annexure X A

Major findings in the Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of

the drainage and redevelopment proposal for Pallikaranai Area
(consultants: KBN Engineering and Applied Sciences, Inc., Florida and
Mukesh & Associates, Salem):

1. No significant adverse impacts will be caused by the preferred drainage scheme.

2. The preferred drainage scheme will allow for limited development in the study
area. Severe flooding including flooding from the 50 and 100-year storm events,
which now precludes development, will be reduced to acceptable levels to allow
for development. Further reduction in the effects of flooding can be achieved by
raising plinth levels of buildings onsite to approximately 2.0 m. above Survey of
India datum (m-ASoI) and the incorporation of onsite stromwater retention and
detention ponds.
3. The proposed PDA will have a significant positive benefit to the people and
economy of the region. Given proper site planning, no significant adverse effects
will occur from development of the PDA.
4. Development of the PDA in the study area is most desirable because of:
a) Protection from flooding,
b) Compatibility with existing land uses,
c) Proximity to existing transportation infrastructure,
d) Available labour force and
e) Negligible environment impacts.
5. The most compatible land uses for the PDA are a combination of medium, light
and service industries. The development of heavy industry in the PDA is not
recommended given the generally good environmental quality in the area; the
requirements for stringent pollution control, monitoring and enforcement, and
its incompatibility with existing land use.
6. The three most important future impacts to the preferred drainage scheme and
PDA development once the preferred drainage scheme is implemented are:
a) Uncontrolled flow of offsite contaminated water to the site.
b) Effects of offsite development affecting onsite water elevations and
c) Uncontrolled induced development in the PDA which may result in relocation
issues for future development.
7. Relocation to the proposed reservoir is recommended for several reasons

a) Potential water quality impacts from existing and proposed offsite
b) Conflicts with proposed TNHB residential development
c) The existence of better alternative locations, i.e. use of tanks adjacent to the
study area.
8. Relocation of the proposed MMRD road to the PDA is recommended because
of the potential water quality impacts it will cause north of the East-West
Flood Protection Bund. It can be located in the PDA where it can better serve
the traffic needs of future development within the PDA as well as meet the
Area’s traffic needs.
9. A relocation of the proposed TNHB development in the northern part of the
study area needs to be considered since it is planned to occur in areas
identified for portions of the drainage infrastructure. This proposed
development could be incorporated in the PDA.
10. There are major offsite developments including the Perungudi landfill and the
Pallikkaranai sewage treatment plant which significantly affect onsite water
quality including water flowing to the Oggiam Maduvu. Future expansion of
these and other development needs to be evaluated in light of impacts to the
preferred drainage scheme and the PDA.
11. A basin-wide storm water management plan is necessary to assure the
proposed drainage scheme will operate effectively as future development
occurs adjacent to the study area and PDA.
12. Restoration and enhancement of the Velacheri Marsh should be undertaken
to assure protection of surface water quality entering the study area.

Annexure - X B
Flood Alleviation Measures and Improvements to Storm Water Drainage Systems
in Chennai Metropolitan Area

Project Cost - Abstract

Packages Cost Million *

Macro Drainage Network

Cooum Improvements 557.20
North Buckingham Canal Area 467.70
Adyar Improvements 460.60
North Chennai 334.60
Pallikkaranai Works 252.00
Additional works in Chennai Metropolitan Area 448.00
Micro Drainage Network
Cooum (includes Arumbakkam) 75.60
North Buckingham Canal 39.20
South Buckingham Canal 16.80
Central Buckingham Canal 23.80
Adyar 50.40
Captain Cotton Canal 46.20
Otteri Nullah 134.40
Mambalam/Nandanam System 44.80
Rs. 3000 m (roundly)

(*Cost does not include technical assistance, management and contingencies)


Agency Responsibility
Chennai Metropolitan Development Project Packaging and Management,
Authority (CMDA) Monitoring and co-ordination
Public Works Department (PWD) Plan, Design and Implementation of
Macro Drainage Works
Chennai Municipal Corporation (CMC) Plan, Design and Implementation of
Micro Drainage Works
Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board Formulation and Implementation of
(TNSCB) Rehabilitation and Resettlement Package

Sheet No.10.01
Pallikkaranai Development Area proposed by NEERI
for immediate Development
(Alternative A)

Sheet No.10.02
(Alternative B)

Source: Review of E.I.A. of PDA by M/s. NEERI

Sheet No.10.03
Chennai Waterways

Sheet No. 10.04

Sheet No. 10.05

Sheet No. 10.06

Chapter XI

Natural disasters will occur. It can neither be predicted nor prevented. The
problem before us is how to cope with them, minimizing their impact. Tamil Nadu has
witnessed havoc caused by cyclones and storm surge in the coastal regions,
earthquakes, monsoon floods, landslides, and recently the Tsunami hit. Increase in
urban population coupled with the construction of man-made structures often poorly
built and maintained subject cities to greater levels of risk to life and property in event
earthquakes and other natural hazards. One of the main objectives is to reduce the risk
of loss of human life and property and to reduce costs to the society. We have to
recognize that in such cases of natural disasters, we deal with phenomena of enormous
magnitude that cannot be controlled by any direct means of human intervention. But
what we try to do is to reduce the impact on the human beings and property.

11.02 People have continued to live/settle in the disaster-prone areas, inspite of

knowing about the risk and occurrence in the past may be due to certain cultural and
historical reasons coupled with advantages of living in these areas. The risk gets
amplified when the population increases, the area gets densified and activities increase
thereby aggrevating the situation and putting a large number of lives at risk. To cope
with the disasters, preparedness and planning are the only ways. There is an urgent
need and ample justification for bringing in the required regulations for construction of
buildings in the disaster/hazard-prone areas. Apart from improving building safety
through better design and construction, it is very important to improve the quality of
urban planning including provision of well-designed road networks and open spaces to
facilitate disaster management. Finance for disaster management/mitigation should be
treated as an investment and not expenditure. Local governments should see disaster
management as a key issue and should be well-prepared to handle disasters when they
occur and they should strengthen their technical and financial capacity for adequate
pre-disaster planning and mitigation. By virtue of being closest to the events the local
bodies are most likely to be given the responsibilities for coping with disasters.

11.03 Natural hazard means the probability of occurrence, within a specific period of
time in a given area, of a potentially damaging natural phenomenon. Natural hazard
prone areas mean the areas likely to have (i) moderate to very high damage risk zone of
earth quakes, OR (ii) moderate to very high damage risk of cyclones OR (iii) significant
flood flow or inundation, OR (iv) Tsunami proneness (v) landslide proneness or
potential, OR (vi) one or more of these hazards. Natural disaster means a serious
disruption of the functioning of a society, causing widespread human, material or

environmental losses caused due to earthquake, cyclone, flood, Tsunami or landslide
which exceeds the ability of the affected society to cope using only its own resources.

11.04 Earthquake-prone areas mean the areas under seismic zones III, IV & V (as
specified in IS: 1893), which are likely to have moderate to high damage, risk due to
earthquake. “Cyclone-prone areas” mean the areas close to the coast where the cyclonic
wind velocities exceed 39 m/sec. (specified in the wind velocity map given in I.S. 875)
and prone to cyclonic storms. In this State of Tamil Nadu, it normally extends to a
distance of 20 km. from the coast in all the costal districts. “Flood-prone areas,” mean
areas likely to have significant flood flow/ inundation. “Tsunami-prone areas” means
the areas affected in the past and the areas likely to be affected by Tsunami, as
identified and notified by City Corporation of Chennai as Tsunami-prone areas.

11.05 Hazard-prone Areas in Chennai Metropolitan Area may be classified as follows:

(i) Earth quake-prone Areas:

Chennai Metropolitan Area falls under Seismic Zone – III. The whole of
Chennai Metropolitan Area falls in this zone.

(ii) Cyclone-prone Areas:

In this Chennai Metropolitan Area, it extends to a distance of 20 km. from
the coast in all the coastal districts. In these areas, the risk is due to (a)
cyclonic wind velocities combined with heavy storm, (b) flooding by seawater
due to high waves and (c) flooding due to heavy storm. The map showing the
cyclone-prone areas in Chennai Metropolitan Area is annexed.

(iii) Landslide-prone Areas

Unstable geological conditions, indiscriminate construction activity, heavy
rainfall and flash floods coupled with poor drainage due to urbanisation are
the main factors causing landslides in hilly regions; earthquakes also trigger
landslides. No area in Chennai Metropolitan Area qualifies for zoning as
landslide-prone area.

(iv) Flood-prone Areas:

From the flood hazard map of India (mapped by meteorological department,
New Delhi), it is seen that no area in Tamil Nadu falls in the risk zone. But
within a local body area, particularly with reference to an area’s proximity to
a major drainage system like rivers, canals and also water bodies like lakes,
and further with reference to contour levels/low-lying areas, flood-prone area
mapping has to be done.

In Chennai Metropolitan Area, there are a few areas along the rivers and
canals and low-lying areas which are susceptible to flooding/inundation
during heavy storms. Map showing the floodable areas [macro level]
identified in the Madras Metro Flood Relief / Storm Water Drainage Master
plan is annexed. Existence of macro and micro drainage networks in
Chennai Metropolitan Area facilitate draining of these areas within a
reasonable time. Developments in such low-lying areas are allowed only
when a proposed development conforms to standards and after getting
clearance from PWD on the measures to be taken to make it free from

(vi) Tsunami-affected Areas:

Mapping has to be done on the areas wherein Tsunami had directly hit and
flooded the coastal areas in Chennai Metropolitan Area. These areas may
have to be zoned as Tsunami-affected areas. However this area within
Chennai Metropolitan Area is concerned will fall within the CRZ area 500 m
from HTL along the coast.

11.06 Development Control Rules for CMA provide for regulating the constructions with
reference to zone, location, height, number of floors, size of buildings, set back spaces
to be left around and the use of the building and land. Building Rules under the Local
Bodies Acts are concerned they provide for regulation of location of buildings,
foundations, plinths, superstructures-walls, floors and rooms, licensing of surveyors
and inspection of municipal engineers at various stages of constructions, regulations on
dead and superimposed loads, wind load/pressure, reinforced cement concrete and
framed structures, construction materials, etc. Structural safety and soundness are
regulated under the Building Rules under the Local Body Acts. Hence early action
should be taken to include Special Rules for Hazard Prone Areas in the Building Rules
of the Local Bodies.

11.07 Mitigation means the measures taken in advance of a disaster aimed at
decreasing or eliminating its impact on society and on environment including
preparedness and prevention. The Government of India-UNDP Disaster Risk
Management Programme (2002-2007) is a national initiative to reduce vulnerability of
communities in some of the most hazard-prone area in our country; 38 cities urban
earthquakes vulnerability reduction programme is a sub-programme. The main
objectives of the programme are:
(i). Awareness Generation - at national level by conducting meetings of
municipal authorities and placement of National UN Volunteers, at state

level consideration and approval of nodal department's plans. Its agenda
includes arranging for regular consultations of city-specific strategies,
awareness generation campaign, use of mass media in awareness and
sensitization, adoption and dissemination of information, education and
communication materials and manuals, dissemination of appropriate
construction technologies including retrofitting and seismic strengthening
(ii). Development of techno-legal regime - including identification of apex body,
nodal agency in the state for co-coordinating development of techno-legal
regime, need for sensitization of policy makers, orientation of officials in
urban local bodies, review of existing bye-laws, other technological aspects
and recommendations, orientation of engineers, architects, planners and
city managers on the salient features of bye-laws and codal provisions,
compulsory certification of engineers and architects, developing a city-
specific safety audit of building practices and institution of a state
ombudsman for safe building practices, developing of partnerships with
financial institutions and insurance agencies for ensuing seismic safety in
new/old constructions through loans and legislation for certification of
seismic safety of existing buildings within a time frame.
(iii). Earthquake preparedness and response plans - including sensitisation
meetings with communities, residential welfare associations, identification
and training of volunteer trainers, hazard mapping and vulnerability
mapping, preparation of ward/zone preparedness and response plan,
formation of Disaster Management Committees (DMC) and task force
training (Disaster Management Teams), training DMCs and DMTs,
compilation of ward plans to city plans, review of city preparedness and
response plans, conversion of city fire services to emergency rescue and fire
services, and training of the trainers.
(iv). Training capacity building - including the development and implementation
of the training calendar and models with training/response institution,
training of practicing engineers and architects from government
departments having programme modules of retrofitting and capacity
building of government functionaries and technical institutions in the
formulation and review of earthquake preparedness and response plans.

11.08 In the state of Tamil Nadu, the Revenue Administration, Disaster Management
and Mitigation Department is the nodal agency for the UNDP-Government of India
sponsored Disaster Risk Management programme and it is effectively implemented in

Tamil Nadu including Chennai Metropolitan Area. A note on the programme is given in

11.09 A subcomponent of the DRM Programme is the Urban Earth Quake Vulnerability
Reduction Programme (Annexure-II). Most of the components of the GoI-UNDP Urban
Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction Programme are also applicable to other natural
disasters viz. cyclones, landslides, floods and Tsunami. Hence the awareness
generation, development of techno-legal regime, earthquake preparedness and response
plans, training and capacity building should be done covering these natural hazards
also and the State Nodal Agency may take appropriate action on these.

11.10 Even after the GoI-UNDP DRM programme period, the State Nodal Agency should
continue these measures. Pre-disaster preparedness and disaster management plans
should be periodically reviewed and up-dated.

11.11 Early action to amend the Building Bye-Laws of local bodies to include special
provisions for hazard-prone areas and enforce the same since the whole of Chennai
Metropolitan Area falls in Seismic Zone-III now and it also includes cyclone-prone areas
to majority of its extent.


11.12 Disaster management mechanisms exist at district level in the State. The
structure includes District Disaster Management Committee, Disaster Management
Teams, Crisis Management Groups, Emergency Operation Centre, Site Operation
Centres, Modalities of involvement of army and other defence forces, NGOs and other
institutions. District Response Plans focus on operational direction and coordination,
emergency warning and dissemination, rapid damage assessment and reporting, search
and rescue, medical response, logistic arrangements, communication, temporary shelter
management (including free food/kitchen management), law and order, missing persons
search/media management, animal care, involvement of NGOs and voluntary
organisations. Depending on the disaster and damage caused Relief Management Plan
need to be prepared identifying the relief needs, mobilization points, transportation and
co-ordination with relief teams.

11.13 To restore normalcy to lives and livelihoods of the affected population, recovery
and reconstruction plan has to be prepared, both for short term and long term, taking
into account restoration of basic infrastructure, reconstruction / repair of life-line
buildings / social infrastructure / damaged buildings, medical rehabilitation (both

physiological and psycho-social interventions) and restoration of livelihoods through
assistance /aid / grants.

11.14 Every year a pre-monsoon preparedness review meeting under the Chairmanship
of Chief Secretary to Government is conducted to make assessment of the probabilities
of monsoon floods and cyclone well in advance and to co-ordinate and prepare detailed
plans to tackle real life situations. The Disaster Management Plan is also prepared. The
collectors are instructed to prepare a hand-book containing information about the
warning system given by the Indian Meteorological Department in flood and cyclone to
the line departments/agencies, dissemination of information to line
departments/agencies and general public, the level of preparedness and planning in the
district administration, identification of vulnerable areas prone to flood and cyclone,
contact telephone numbers of departments concerned / voluntary organisations/
NGOs/ CBOs, SHGs etc. Copies of handbook are distributed to all the line departments,
educational institutions, and offices of the elected representatives.

11.15 District Co-ordination Committee conducts meetings with various organisations,

local bodies etc. to review the preparedness and to take effective action.

11.16 Mock drills by the Police, Fire Department, NCC, and Home guards are conducted
to create awareness for search and rescue purposes in the event of any emergency.

11.18 A control room has been established in the districts to monitor the activities
during the monsoon period. Two-way communication system of VHF / HF system has
been installed in all the 13 coastal districts and in the office of the State Relief
Commissioner. Toll-free public utility service telephone is put into service at the district
head quarters. A permanent control room is functioning round the clock at the
Ezhiligam in the Office of the State Relief Commission.

11.18 In order to avoid flooding on account of torrential rains, the following steps are
taken before the monsoon begins:
a. The PWD is directed to keep a constant watch over all the dams and major
anaicuts and take necessary measure to plug the breaches and to ensure
advance intimation to public before release of excess water. Cyclone shelters and
buildings identified for accommodating the displaced persons are inspected for
keeping them in all readiness.
b. The Highways Department is directed to keep all machineries like bulldozers,
power-saws etc. in adequate quantity and in good condition for the purpose of
clearing obstructions / road blocks caused by uprooted trees, electric posts etc.
during the time of cyclone flood etc.

c. The collectors are directed to check the stock position of essential commodities
like rice, kerosene in the godown and make available adequate number of lorries
in good running condition to move the commodities like rice, kerosene to the
affected people.
d. The Public Health Department ensures the availability of disinfectants and
essential measures.
e. In times of emergencies, the assistance of navy and coast guard authorities,
Army and Air force is taken to tackle the problem of evacuation, dropping of food
to the affected people etc.
f. All oil corporation are required to keep adequate stock of fuel at the vulnerable
points in the State and to provide refueling centres for helicopters that are
pressed into service.
g. The medium of TV and Radio are utilised to caution the public to take
precautionary measures and to move to safer places and
h. All the line departments including EB are instructed to have an effective
coordination at the district level under the leadership of collectors. Hill Districts
are instructed to be alert to deal with landslides.

11.19 Chennai City and its environs are very flat, and traversed by three river viz.
Adyar, Cooum and Kosasthalaiyar. Mean annual rainfall is about 120 cm, and mean
rainy days are 52 days. Records have shown that there were several catastrophic floods
in Chennai in the last century in 1943, 1976, 1985, 2002 and 2005 caused by heavy
rain associated with cyclonic activity. Flooding of less catastrophic nature occurs
regularly in low-lying areas of the City and its suburbs because of inadequacy or in
operativeness of local drainage infrastructure. In the year 2005 total rainfall was 240.8
cm and in the month of October it was 107.7 cm causing flooding of many parts of the
City and to suburbs.

11.20 A disaster management cell functions in the City Corporation of Chennai to

tackle flooding problem. Before the monsoon in October-December every year as a
precautionary measure, drains are desilted and obstructions if any, are removed. Nodal
officer and zonal officers are identified and vested with adequate powers to tackle such
emergencies. Relief centres are identified and notified and responsibilities fixed for
ensuring shifting of affected people to the relief centres, supply of food and other relief
measures. Equipments to take out flood water from low-lying / submerged areas are
kept ready. Arrangements are made for flood relief and details about whom should be
contacted in such emergencies notified, published in news papers and announced over
radio and television. All the agencies required to be involved such as Police, Fire and
Rescue services, Metropolitan Transport Corporation, District administration, Health,

Army and Navy are alerted / kept informed to be ready. Readiness to tackle the flooding
situation is reviewed at the Government level and ensured before monsoon every year.

Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project

11.21 The Ministry of Home Affairs in consultation with the States prone to cyclone
risks has drawn up a National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project to be implemented with
the assistance of World Bank. Under this project Cyclone Risk Mitigation investments
will be undertaken in the States and Union Territories and it involves construction of
cyclone shelters, shelter belt plantations, mangrove regeneration and construction of
embankments to stop sea water inundation, construction of missing road links and
commissioning of technical assistance / studies to sustain these initiatives in the

11.22 The World Bank has offered to support this project covering all 13 cyclone prone
States and the State of Tamil Nadu is one among them. The State of Tamil Nadu which
was placed in the Category II (Low Vulnerability) with the Project outlay of Rs. 26 crores
has subsequently been placed under Category I (Higher Vulnerability) with a project
outlay of Rs. 176 crores. The project cost has to be shared by the Centre and State
Government as grant to State and 25% matching resources will have to be provided by
the State in the Budget.

Annexure – I

Disaster Risk Management Programme (2002-2007)

Government of India (GoI) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

have signed an agreement in August 2002, for implementation of Disaster Risk
Management programme to reduce the vulnerability of the communities to natural
disasters in identified multi-hazard prone areas.

Tamil Nadu State is one of the States selected for this project and a
Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the UNDP and the
Government of Tamil Nadu on 30.10.2003 in the presence of the Hon’ble Chief Minister
of Tamil Nadu. This project will be implemented in the districts of Tiruvallur,
Kancheepuram, Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, Kanniyakumari, and The Nilgiris and in the
cities of Chennai and Coimbatore.
“Sustainable Reduction in Natural Disaster Risk” in some of the most hazard
prone districts in selected states of India.

1. National capacity building support to the Ministry of Home Affairs.
2. Environment building, education, awareness programmes and strengthening
the capacity at all levels in natural disaster risk management and
sustainable recovery.
3. Multi-hazard preparedness, response and mitigation plans for the
programmes at state, district, block, village panchayat and ward level in
select programme states and districts.
4. Networking knowledge on effective approaches, methods and tools for natural
disaster risk management, developing and promoting policy frameworks.

Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Risk:

Reduction Programme:
It is proposed to take up urban earthquake vulnerability risk reduction
measures in 166 districts under this programme. In the first phase 38 earthquake
prone cities all over the country having a population of more than 5 lakhs including
Chennai and Coimbatore Cities in Tamil Nadu falling in zones with moderate to very
high risk to earthquake have been identified. The goal of the programme is sustainable
reduction in earthquake risk in the most earthquake-prone urban areas across the

country. Chennai and Coimbatore cities have been identified as earthquake-prone cities
in Tamil Nadu.

Institutional Arrangements

Village Village Disaster Management Committee

Panchayat V P Disaster Management Committee
Block Block Disaster Management Committee
District District Disaster Management Committee
State State Steering Committee (State Nodal Agency)
National Project Management Board (MHA-DM Division)
Implementation Process:
The disaster risk management plan would start at the village level and would be
consolidated through similar planning at the Panchayat, Block, District and Urban
Local Body levels in the selected districts. At village level volunteers will prepare the
plan and at other levels concerned Disaster Management Committees (DMCs) will
prepare it. The plans would focus on disaster risk prevention and early recovery
through community based preparedness and response plans, skill development for
construction of hazard resistant housing and enhanced access to information as per the
need of the community. Disaster Management Teams (DMTs) would be formed at
various levels to implement the plans.

Awareness Campaign Strategy:

An effective disaster, risk management campaign strategy will be developed by the
State Nodal Agency and will include:
• Rallies
• Mass meeting
• Wall paintings
• Posters
Competitions like essay, debate and painting competitions among school and college
Training / Capacity Building:
• Training of Trainers at the State, district and block levels to enhance the
capacity of the DMC
• Specialised training to DMTs
• Exposure visit of Government officials, PRIs and DMTs
• Studies, research and workshops to be conducted at the national and state level
• Training manuals, standard operating procedures and documentation on best

Development of Disaster Risk Management Plan:
Multi-hazard risk management plans to be prepared by trained volunteers at the
Village Panchayat, Block, District, State and National levels. Mock Drills to be carried
out before the disaster seasons, by the key players, to find out the feasibility of the plan
and to ensure greater role clarity.

Other activities to be taken up under the programme to reduce vulnerability:

• Construction of disaster resistant and cost effective demonstration units and
retrofitting of non-engineered buildings
• Training of masons and engineers for wider dissemination and adoption of
• Advocacy for standard building codes and bye-laws
• Emergency rescue kits to be provided to the vulnerable districts
• Strengthening of the State and District Disaster Management Information
• Resource Inventory database
• Urban earthquake vulnerability preparedness programme
• Strengthening training institutes
• Vulnerability and risk indexing

Sustainability of the programme:

• All disaster preparedness and mitigation plans to be approved by Village
Panchayat, Block and Urban Local Bodies
• Disaster preparedness and mitigation plans to be an integral part of all
developmental planning process
• DMCs and DMTs to conduct mock drill regularly to enhance preparedness
• Well-equipped and functional disaster management information system
• Adequate human resources capacity building
• Manuals and guidelines will be available for all emergency operations
• Availability of local trained masons in appropriate disaster-resistant housing

• Administrative and institutional framework at State level
• Enhanced capacity of all stakeholders
• Aware and informed community
• Comprehensive disaster risk management and mitigation plans in the
programme states based on vulnerability and risk assessment of women and
children towards natural disasters

• Enhanced capacity of DMTs in first aid, shelter management, water and
sanitation and rescue evacuation
• Capacity building in earthquake risk management at national, state and city
(Ward / Community) level, including strengthening of key resources institutions
and establishing of linkages
• Earthquake preparedness and response plan for all the 38 cities across the
• Well-equipped disaster risk management information centers at State and
District Headquarters
• Manuals, training modules and awareness strategies
• Emergency kits at all selected districts
• Enhanced capacity of the training institutions
• Trained, skilled masons engineers for hazard-resistant housing
• Technology demonstration units for dissemination
• Knowledge network for enhanced involvement of stakeholders
• National and State database on natural disaster risk management
• Vulnerability and risk reduction reports.

Annexure – II

A step towards Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction

National Disaster Risk Management Programme

The GOI – UNDP National Disaster Risk Management Programme (NDRM) is a
national initiative aimed to reduce vulnerabilities of communities in some of the most
hazard-prone districts (169 districts in 17 states) of India. The programme (2002-2007)
aims to contribute to the social and economic development goals of the National & State
Governments, enable them to minimize losses of development gains by reducing their
vulnerability to natural disasters.
Six districts namely Cuddalore, Tiruvallur, Nagapattinam, Kanniyakumari,
Kancheepuram, The Nilgiris, and two cities of Chennai and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu
have been taken under this NDRM initiative. Revenue Administration, Disaster
Management & Mitigation Department will implement the Programme in Tamil Nadu.

UEVR Project – Background

The Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction Project is a sub-component of
the NDRM. Earthquake is a natural event which may cause tremendous loss of life and
property damage. One of the major challenges facing our country is to reduce the
vulnerability to this uncontrollable and unpredictable hazard by having a greater
understanding about its causes and effects and also by adopting suitable preparedness
and mitigation measures.
Seismic Map of Tamil Nadu (Zone II & III)
As per the latest seismic zoning map of India brought out by the Bureau of
Indian Standards, 59% of land area of the country is prone to seismic intensity of MSK
VII or more during earthquakes. Some of the most intense earthquakes of the world
have occurred in India, but fortunately, none of these have occurred in the vicinity of
the major cities. India has highly populous cities including the national capital of New
Delhi, located in zones of high seismic risk. Majority of the constructions in these cities
are not earthquake-resistant. Thus any earthquake striking of one of these cities would
turn into a major disaster.
It is most important in the medium and long term to formulate strategies to
reduce the vulnerability to and losses arising from a possible earthquake striking any of
these cities. Six significant earthquakes have struck different parts of India over a span
of the last 15 years. Five of them occurred in rural or semi-urban areas and hence the
damage in terms of human lives and property were relatively small. On the other hand,
the 2001 Bhuj earthquake struck both rural and urban areas and reiterated the scale of

vulnerability. If any of these earthquakes strike the populous urban centres, the
damages would be colossal.

The Programme
The programme envisages strengthening capacities of communities, urban local
bodies & the administration in mitigation, preparedness and response across 38 cities
in the country having population above half a million and falling under seismic zone III,
IV and V. Chennai & Coimbatore Cities (Seismic Zone III) are among the 38 cities taken
under the UEVRP initiative. City Disaster Management Committee has been formed in
these two cities with Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai & The District Collector,
Coimbatore as the Chairman of the CDMC. The programme would demonstrate a
suitable model for mainstreaming of earthquake risk management initiatives at all levels
and help reduce seismic risk in the most earthquake-prone urban areas in India.

Past Seismic Events in Tamil Nadu

Date Intensity Location

28.01.1679 IV Felt at Chennai

16.09.1816 IV Felt at Chennai
29.01.1822 V-VII Felt at Chennai, Vellore area
03.01.1859 VI Felt at North Arcot Coimbatore District
03.07.1867 V Felt at Villupuram
08.02.1900 VI-VII Coimbatore, felt all over South India
07.01.1916 VI Felt at Nilgris area
26.06.1941 VIII Felt almost Coromandal Coast
29.02.1944 VI Felt at Madurai, Coonoor area
07.02.1962 VI-VII Coonoor area
29.07.1972 VI Coimbatore area
07.07.1988 VII Kambam, Madurai area

26.09.2001 VI Chennai area

Sustainable reduction in earthquake risk in the most earthquake-prone urban
areas across the country
• Create awareness among government functionaries, technical institutions,
NGOs, CBO’s and communities about earthquake vulnerability and possible
preventive actions.

• Development and institutionalizing of earthquake-preparedness and response
plans and practicing these through mock drills.
• Development of regulatory framework (techno-legal regime) to promote safe
construction and systems to ensure compliance.
• Capacity building for practicing engineers, architect, builders, contractors &
other professionals dealing with emergency response.
• Networking knowledge on best practices and tools for effective earthquake risk
management, including creation of information systems containing inventory of
resources for emergency operations.

• Capacity building in earthquake risk management at national, state and city
(ward / community) level, including strengthening of key resource institutions
and establishing of linkages.
• Disaster management team formed at the city level along with sectoral
preparedness plan for all nodal agencies in the Urban Local Body.
• An aware and informed community.
• Integration of seismic risk management into development programmes.
• Enhanced capacity of the practicing engineers / architects & the training /
academic / resource institutions.
• Review of enforcement mechanisms for the byelaws etc.
• Replication of the programme to other urban centres across the state.

Earthquakes don’t kill people. Unsafe buildings do.

Three points to remember
• If you are building a house you can build for safety
• If you are living in a house / flat you can improve its safety
• If you are looking for a place to stay you can look for safety

• Insist upon earthquake resistant features while constructing / buying a house /
flat. Ensure construction complies with building byelaws and BIS Codes.
• Consult an engineer / architect for retrofitting your house to make it earthquake
• A common meeting point inside the city and a contact outside the city should be
identified and known to all members of the family.
• Keep a list of important telephone numbers, torch, transistor, first-aid kit, water
and non-perishable food at a designated place as a family emergency kit always

• Train yourself in basic first aid. Form teams for First-aid, Search & Rescue etc.
in your area and conduct preparedness drills for what to do in case of an

• Keep calm and help others to keep calm. Do not panic.
• If you are at home or inside a building:
- don’t try to run out of the building, protect yourself by ducking under a
sturdy table or a bed and stay there until the shaking stops.
- Turn off electricity and gas.
If you are on the road in a built up area:
- immediately move away from buildings, slopes, streetlights, power lines,
hoardings, fly-over etc. towards open spaces.
- Do not run or wander haphazardly.
- Keep the roads free for movement.
• If you are driving:
- stop the vehicle away from the slopes, buildings and electric cables; come
out of the vehicle, hold it and stay by its side.

• Keep calm and expect aftershocks. Check if you or anyone else is
• Use first aid and wait for medical help.
• Do not move seriously injured people.
• Do not turn-on electrical appliances and gas.
• Do not spread rumors and don’t panic.
• Do not waste water and do not block telephone lines.
• Keep the streets clear for emergency services.
• Volunteer to help.

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has the following seismic codes:

IS 456, 2000, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
(4th Revision)
IS 800, 1984, Indian Standard Code of Practice for General Construction in Street
(2nd Revision)
IS 875, Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than earthquake) for Buildings and

IS 1893 (Part I), 2002, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of
Structures (5th Revision)
IS 4326, 1993, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and
Construction of Buildings ( 2nd Revision)
IS 13827, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake Resistance of
Earthen Buildings.
IS 13828, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake Resistance of
Low Strength Masonry Buildings.
IS 13920, 1993, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced
Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces.
IS 13935, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of

Sheet No. 11.01

Sheet No. 11.02


Sheet No. 11.03


Sheet No. 11.04














0.8 0 0.8 1.6 2.4

1.25 0 1.25 2.5 3.75



Sheet No. 11.05

0.8 0 0.8 1.6 2.4

1.25 0 1.25 2.5 3.75



Chapter XII
Sustainable cities are fundamental to social and economic development. As
stated in the tenth plan document of the National Planning Commission, sustainability
is not an option but imperative. For a better world to live in, we need good air, pure
water, nutritious food, healthy environment and greenery around us. Without
sustainability, environmental deterioration and economic decline will be feeding on each
other leading to poverty, pollution, poor health, political upheaval and unrest. The
environment is not to be seen as a stand-alone concern. It cuts across all sectors of
development. We have to improve our economic growth rate, provide basic minimum
life support services to large section of our population and deal with the problems of
poverty and unemployment. At the same time, we have to pay attention to conserving
our natural resources and also improving the status of our environment.

12.02 Environmental deterioration is not a necessary or inescapable result of

urbanization; what needs to be done is striking a right balance - in making development
in such a way that they are more effectively attuned to environmental opportunities and

12.03 The metropolitan environment can be looked comprising of mainly two

components viz. (i) environment per se, and (ii) the habitat. The environment per se
relates to natural features and resources including the air, noise, water and land (open
spaces, forests etc.). The habitat is related to built environment and infrastructures
such as water supply, sewerage and solid waste disposal.

12.04 The conservation of natural resources includes management of air, noise, water
& land.

12.05 Air pollution is a matter of concern in metropolitan cities. Increasing urban
activities mainly the industrial and transportation have resulted in increased emission
into the air and the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) has identified the
major source of air pollution in Chennai is the emissions from vehicles.

12.06 Under the Air (Preservation & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and in the
Environment (Protection) Act 1986, the National Standards for ambient air quality have
been notified.

Table No: 12.01 National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Time-Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air
Pollutant (micrograms per m3)
Average Industrial Residential Sensitive
Annual Average 80 60 15
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
24 Hours 120 80 30
Annual Average 80 60 15
Oxides of Nitrogen as NO2
24 Hours 120 80 30
Suspended Particulate Matter Annual Average 360 140 70
(SPM) 24 Hours 500 200 100
Respirable particulate matter Annual Average 120 60 50
(Size less than 10 micron) 24 Hours 150 100 75
Annual Average 1 0.75 0.5
24 Hours 1.5 1 0.75
8 Hours 5 2 1
Carbon Monoxide (in mg/m3)
1 Hour 10 4 2
Source: TNPCB
12.07 The monitoring of air quality in Chennai is undertaken by TNPCB in their own
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme (CAAQM) and also under the National
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme.

12.08 TNPCB in its Environment Management plan for Chennai city, 2003 has
identified that the major pollutant generated in the City are the particulate matter,
sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, and ammonia
gas. The major sources of air pollution are domestic (fuels for cooking), commercial (fuel
consumed by commercial establishments, trade, industry, hotels etc.), industrial (due to
wood, coke, furnace oil LPG, kerosene etc.) vehicular (petrol & diesel fuels), generator
sets (diesel and kerosene fuels), natural sources (odour pollution due to gases emanated
from polluted stretches, waterways – ‘B' Canal, Adyar, Cooum). The TNPCB estimation
of the pollution load in different sectors in Chennai City is given in Table No.12.02.

Table No: 12.02 Calculated Pollution Load in Different Sectors in Chennai City
Pollutant (T/day)
SPM SO2 NO2 HC CO Total Percentage
Domestic 0.032 0.170 1.049 0.101 0.243 1.865 2.65%
Commercial 0.875 1.466 0.731 0.120 0.087 3.279 4.66%
Gen Sets 0.296 0.509 0.268 0.039 0.026 1.138 1.61%
Industrial 2.510 4.565 6.085 0.3119 0.4320 13.9039 19.78%
Vehicular 9.300 0.200 10.250 10.240 20.100 50.090 71.28%
Total (T/d) 13.280 6.910 18.380 10.810 20.880 70.260 100

12.09 The major contribution to Chennai air pollution load is vehicular sector
(71.28%) followed by industrial sector (19.70%). TNPCB has mapped the air pollution
impact areas and listed the impact areas as follows:

Impact Areas Areas

Impact Area I (high) T. Nagar, Part of Saidapet, Choolaimedu, Vadapalani,

Royapettah, Egmore, Part of Adyar, Tenampet, some part
of Tondiarpet, Koyambedu, Purasawalkam, Mandaveli,
Mylapore, George Town
Impact Area II (medium) Korattur, Anna Nagar, Velachery
Impact Area III (low) Other than above areas

The following are the observations of TNPCB:

(i) Out of the 8 monitoring points, 4 points recorded low, 2 points medium and 2
points high rating.
(ii) The vehicular sector is the major source of air pollution in Chennai City
(followed by the industrial sector).
(iii) In addition to the pollution caused by the vehicles, the untidy roads and
gathering of sand on the sides of the roads causes rise of dust.

Water pollution:
12.10 Chennai is traversed by three rivers (viz. Kosasthalaiyar, Cooum and Adyar), B'
canal and other natural and man-made canals & drains. The waterways of Chennai are
not perennial in nature and receive flood discharge only during monsoon season; in the
rest of the year it acts as a carrier of wastewater from sewage treatment plants and

12.11 The TNPCB monitors the discharge of sewage and trade effluents generated by
local bodies and industries into the water bodies / waterways. The basin-wise sewage
generation during the year 2000 is given in the table 12.03.

Table No: 12.03 Waterways Basin-wise Sewage Generation (Year 2000)

Drainage Area Sewerage Generation
Sl.No. Waterways Basin
( (MLD)
1 Adyar River 12 87
2 Cooum River 20 92
3 Buckingham Canal
North Buckingham Canal 10 83
Central Buckingham Canal 5 46
South Buckingham Canal 2 29
4 Captain Cotton Canal 10 47
5 Otteri Nullah 24 129
6 Mambalam Drain 6 19
Total 89 532
Source: TNPCB

12.12 The outfalls identified by the TNPCB in waterways are given in table no.12.04.
Table No: 12.04 Source-wise Details of Wastewater Outfalls in Chennai City
Water ways During year 1994 and 1999
No. of Outfalls in Waterways

Outfalls Buckingham
Sl.No. River Adyar River Coovum Otteri Nullah
source Canal
1994 1999 1994 1999 1994 1999 1994 1999
1 Industries 20 11 18 1 14 13 13 4
2 Commercial
38 38 18 11 21 21 3 3
3 Sewage
Treatment 1 1 1 1 1 2 - 1
4 Sewage
Pumping 4 1 2 - 9 4 2 1
5 Sewer/Storm
Water Drain 148 147 281 276 63 64 43 43
6 Discharges
from Slum 17 17 24 24 20 19 5 5
Source: TNPCB
12.13 However, the recent data collected by TNPCB during 2003 has shown that
certain industries have plugged their outfalls and provided effluent treatment plants
(ETP) and were using the treated trade effluent inside their premises itself. Pollution
Control Board observed that the institutions such as slaughter houses (2 nos.), Central
Railway station, water treatment plant (at Kilpauk) and S.T.P's contribute a major
quantity of pollution level to the waterways.

12.14 TNPCB under the MINARS programme periodically monitors the water quality of
the city waterways. Water samples are collected and analysed by TNPCB every month
at ‘B'canal (at north, central and south stretches), Otteri Nallah, Adyar River and Cooum
River. According to TNPCB, all these water bodies in the City are polluted and not
suitable for any designated uses (viz. drinking, bathing, propagation of wild life like
animal husbandry & fisheries, industrial, cooking and washing and agriculture); level of
contamination is relatively high in ‘B' canal followed by Otteri Nullah and Cooum River.

Flood Alleviation Project, 1998

12.15 Government of Tamilnadu have sanctioned a project with an outlay of Rs.300
Crores for Macro and Micro drainage improvements to alleviate flood problems in
Chennai Metropolitan Area which was implemented by PWD, Chennai Corporation and
Tamilnadu Slum Clearance Board.

Chennai City River Conservation Project (CCRCP), 2000
12.16 In order to improve the conditions of waterways in Chennai a comprehensive
package of projects with an estimated outlay of Rs.1700 Crores was prepared. The
projects proposed included sludge removal and disposal from waterways, relocation of
slums and encroachments, structural works and strengthening of waterway banks,
improvement of macro drainage network in the catchments, improvements of micro
drainage network in the City, improving the water quality of rivers and waterway,
strengthening urban drainage network in the City, construction of sewage flow
interceptors and treatment facilities. It was posed to Government of India for funding
under National River Conservation Programme (NRCP). Out of the proposed package of
projects the Government of India had approved in 2000 the schemes for interception,
diversion and treatment in Chennai City at a cost about Rs.491.52 Crores under NRCP
and it was taken up for implementation by CMWSSB. In addition, the remaining works
to the cost of Rs.228.63 Crores was also taken up by CMWSSB to improve environment.

Ground Water:
12.17 Chennai is underlain by various geological formations from ancient Archaeans
to recent Alluviums. It can be grouped into three viz. (i) Archaean Crystalline
Metamorphic rocks (ii) Upper Gondwanas comprised of sandstones, siltstones and
shoals, tertiary (Eocene to Pliocene) sandstones and (iii) coastal and river Alluvium.

12.18 Central Ground Water Board has taken up the task of long term monitoring of
ground water levels and quality. The State PWD and CMWSSB are also monitoring the
ground water level fluctuations.

12.19 The agencies have observed that the chemical quality of ground water in Chennai
City is generally brackish and not suitable for drinking purposes. In general it is
alkaline with pH value from 7.8 to 9.0 and many pockets have high chloride and
sulphate; very few selected pockets have potable quality at Besant Nagar, Greenways
Road, Nungambakkam, Kilpauk etc. and also good fresh water aquifer is found in the
stretch between Thiruvanmiyur and Uthandi along the coast. In areas like K.K. Nagar,
Ashok Nagar, Sastri Nagar, Mylapore, Anna Nagar etc. excess iron has been found
resulting in reddish colour of water, chocking pipes with yellowish - brown precipitate
and also disagreeable taste.

12.20 The quality changes due to seawater intrusion in the past are evident in
Triplicane, Mandaveli and other areas along the coast. Mandatory provision of

rainwater structures within the City has improved the recharging potential for the
ground water and also the water quality and ground water table in the recent past.

Noise Pollution:
12.21Under the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, noise is a pollutant.
Noise is described as an unwanted sound that produces deleterious effect on health and
affects the physical and psychological well-being of the people. In the recent times,
public concern about noise pollution also increased.

12.22 Ambient air quality standards in respect of noise for different use zones notified
by TNPCB under the Environment Act is given in the Table No 12.05.

Table No.12.05 Ambient Noise Standards

Limits in decibels
Sl.No. Zone
Day Night
1 Industrial area 75 70
2 Commercial area 65 55
3 Residential area 55 45
4 Silence zone 50 40
Source: TNPCB

12.23 The noise level survey conducted by the TNPCB reveals that noise level exceeded
the limits mostly in commercial areas, mainly due to vehicular movement.

12.24 During festive seasons in Chennai, the noise levels were noted high and
particularly during Diwali it exceeded 120 dB (A).

Natural features:
12.25 Sea coast and beaches are a gift of nature to mankind. The coastal line of Bay
of Bengal in the east throughout its length bound Chennai Metropolis. We are bound to
maintain the aesthetic qualities and recreational utility of the same. Conservation of
this gifted coastline may require application of precautionary principles and also the
principles of sustainable development and inter-generational equity. The precautionary
principle requires the government agencies to plan and prevent the environmental
degradations particularly by non-conforming developments in this area. Prudent use of
the natural resources sustaining economic growth and preserving the cultural and
national heritage inherited from the previous generation for the next generation is also
required to be done.

12.26 Earlier, the developments in the coastal stretches were regulated under the
building rules of the local bodies concerned and the development control rules of
planning authorities. The first Central Government initiative came when the then
Prime Minister Tmt. Indira Gandhi wrote to the state Chief Ministers as follows:

" I have received a number of reports about the degradation and mis-
utilisation of beaches in our coastal states by building and other
activity. This is worrying as the beaches have aesthetic and
environmental value as well as other uses. They have to be kept clear
of all activities at least upto 500 metres from the water at the
maximum high tide. If the area is vulnerable to erosion, suitable trees
and plants have to be planted on the beach sands without marring
their beauty.
Beaches must be kept free from all kinds of artificial development.
Pollution from industrial and town wastes must be also avoided
Please give thought to this matter and insure that our lively coastline
and its beaches remain unsullied.”

12.27 The Government of India in their notification dt.19.11.1991 under the

Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 declared the costal stretches of seas, bays,
estuaries, creeks, rivers and back-waters which are influenced by tidal action (in the
landward side) upto 500 m. from the High Tide Line (HTL) and the land between the Low
Tide Line (LTL) and HTL, as Coastal Regulation Zone; and imposed restrictions (stated
therein) on setting up and expansion of industries, operations or process etc. in the said
CRZ. It was also stated that the distance from the HTL shall apply both side in the case
of rivers, creeks and backwaters and may be notified on a case by case basis for reasons
to be recorded while preparing the CRZ management plans and however, this distance
shall not be less than 100 m. or the width of the creek, river or backwater whichever is

12.28 In CMA, developments in the coastal stretches are regulated as per the CRZ
management plan approved by the Government of India on 27.9.1996 and the CRZ
regulations notified by the Government of India under the Environment (Protection))

12.29 Rivers which traverse through the CMA, are Adyar, Cooum and Kosasthalaiyar
and these rivers are monsoon-fed; as stated (in earlier parts of this chapter), in the

remaining period it accommodates only the wastewater flows from the STPs and urban
areas. Pollution levels in these waterbodies needs to be monitored and needs to be
reduced to the level that it could be used for recreational purposes, in the longer term.
Measures need to be taken include, eviction & rehabilitation of encroachments,
strengthening of banks and other structured measures for flood alleviation, desilting,
introducing green cover on its banks, etc.

12.30 Chennai Metropolitan Area is also dotted with a large number of lakes; some of
them encroached. They mainly act as flood accommodators during monsoon. These
also require desilting, improvements and conservation.

12.31 A detailed study on conservation and exploring the feasibility of developing the
waterbodies (including rivers, estuaries, creeks, swamps, lakes & large ponds) as
recreational areas may be done, planned and implemented.

Green Areas:
12.32 Chennai City has only about 2% of the area as declared parks. In Chennai
Metropolitan Area, the declared forest cover is about 24, which is about 2
percent of the CMA area. However, satellite imageries show that green cover over the
City due to trees along roadside and within the sites is of considerable extent. There is
ample scope for further development of this green cover within the City and also in the
rest of CMA, particularly along roads drains, riverbanks etc. Increase in green cover in
urban habitats becomes necessity not only to alleviate the problems of pollution, but
also to ensure ecological stability.



A. Chennai Metropolitan Development Plan (CMDP)

Cities play a vital role in social and economic development. Efficient and
productive cities are essential for national economic growth and equally, strong urban
economies are essential for generating the resources needed for public and private
investments in infrastructure, social facilities, improved living conditions and poverty

13.02 Environmental degradation holds back economic development. The urban

challenge put forth before us is to improve the environmental quality and make the city
livable. The level of services have to be improved by better planning, management and
maintenance of the services, which could be achieved by channalising the investments
in the right directions.

13.03 Every citizen has his/her own perception about city where one lives. The
benefits to the citizens of CMA because of the proposed Infrastructure Investment Plan
named as CMDP are:

- Improvement in the quality of life

- Higher standard of living
- Improvements in service level
- Eco-friendly environment
- Reduced pollution levels
- Less congested roads and better parking facilities
- Hassle free travel by public and private transport and
- Better employment opportunities by attracting more industries/ commercial

Benefits to The Investors

13.04 In the recent past Chennai has attracted many industries including the
Information Technology Industries. Chennai has many natural advantages including
availability of a Sea Port and other infrastructure attracting the large-scale industries.
The strength of Chennai City is mainly the availability of good infrastructure facilities,
skilled labour and availability of land for developments.

13.05 CMDA considering the need for making investments for infrastructure
developments in a planned and co-ordinated manner, has proposed infrastructure
investment plan called as “CMDP” in consultation with the department agencies and
local bodies concerned.

13.06 The major objectives of the Plan are:

i. to identify the infrastructure needs in each sector and work out the projects
ii. to identify the quantum of finance for execution of these projects;
iii. to identify the source of finance;
iv. to prioritize the projects by working out the annual programme, medium
term programmes and long term programmes;

13.07 In Chennai Metropolitan Area the development and maintenance of urban

services are vested with the specialised agencies. CMWSSB, TWAD and concerned local

bodies provide water supply electricity by TNEB, solid waste management by the

concerned local bodies, roads by Highways and local bodies, storm water drains by local

bodies and PWD. These agencies depend on Central Government, State Government

and financial institutions for funding their projects. The cost of the projects to be

executed in various sectors estimated to be of several crores and these projects cannot

be implemented with the State Govt. budgetary support alone; additional resources have

to be mobilized.

13.08 The infrastructure requirements for the Chennai City, 16 Municipal areas, 20 TP,

Panchayats and 214 village Panchayats and 10 Panchayat unions which lie within

Chennai Metropolitan Area have been collected from the concerned agencies and the

Investment Plan for them has been prepared.

13.09 The Investment Program has been categorized into 3 categories viz. annual,

medium and long-term projects. The projects that need immediate investment have

been included in the annual program. The projects which have to be executed to fulfill

the infrastructure requirements in the medium term have been included in the medium

term programmes. Projects which require heavy investments with long gestation periods

have been included in the long term programmes.

Table No.13.01 Investment Plan Rs. in Crores

Annual Plan Long Term
Programme/Agency Term Plan
(2003-2004) Plan
Traffic and Transportation
Urban Rail Projects 165.00 519.24 3528.00
Road/River Bridge 3.00 7.00 -
Traffic Management 11.94 3.00 -
Resurfacing of Major Roads 43.11 - -
Strengthening of peri urban Roads 4.54 13.62 4.56
ORR - 250.00 250.00

Widening & Strengthening of city roads 57.80 - -

New Road formation 21.50 - 350.00
Relaying of City Roads 99.00 297.00 -
Study for Augmenting the capacity of 0.25 3.55 -
Major Arterial Roads
Widening & Strengthening - 1595.58 -
Cement Conc. - Anna Salai - 101.32 -
Road Over/Under Bridge - 832.71 -
Bus Terminal - 6.00 -
Multilevel Parking - 48.00 -
Urban Road Projects - - 1126.00

Urban Transit System - - 855.00

Truck Terminal - 80.00 -
Sub Total 406.14 3757.02 6113.56
TNHB 5.00 570.00 -
TNSCB 27.70 330.41 325.00
Sub Total 32.70 900.41 325.00
Water Supply
CMWSSB 730.00 946.00 649.18
CMWSSB 295.00 607.00 897.78
CMA (Thiruvottiyur Mpty) 28.00 - -
Sub Total 323.00 607.00 897.78

Storm Water Drain
Chennai Corporation 40.00 47.00 -
PWD 44.65 3.65 -
Highways 3.68 - -

SIDCO 0.68 - -
CMA 13.77 - -
DTP 8.94 10.59 -
Sub Total 111.72 61.24 -
Solid Waste Management
Chennai Corporation 16.00 35.00 -
CMA 11.19 16.25 -

Sub Total 27.19 51.25 -

TNEB 150.00 1910.81 -
Total 1780.75 8233.73 7985.52
Grand Total 18000.00

13.10 The main sources of finance identified are loans from financial institutions,
budgetary support/grant from government. Public-private participation is also proposed
for the housing, water supply and sewerage projects.

13.11 Based on this overall plan, annual plans are formulated in consultation with the
sectoral agencies / departments, Government budgetary allocations made and
implemented as Annual Plans since 2003-04. CMDA monitors the progress of
implementation and report to the Government. The investment made since 2003 sector-
wise under CMDP is given below.
Annual Programme 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06 & 2006-07 (Rs. in Crores)
Investment Investment Investment Investment
in 2003-04 in 2004-05 in 2005-06 in 2006-07
Traffic & Transportation 412.16 237.28 179.48 199.28
Housing 40.77 65.17 65.27 68.91
Water Supply 581.60 309.03 99.61 92.67
Sewerage 83.16 122.88 66.23 49.58
Storm Water Drain 38.97 40.39 103.10 17.71
Solid Waste Management - 3.695 6.06 9.94
Electricity 164.88 179.21 211.32 188.52
Others - - 3.36 0.44
Total 1321.54 957.66 795.58 670.23

B. Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JN-NURM)
13.12 The Government of India in 2005 has introduced the scheme called Jawaharlal
Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JN-NURM) to encourage reforms driven, fast tract
planned development of identified cities with a focus on efficiency in urban
infrastructure / service delivery mechanisms, community participation and
accountability of urban local bodies towards citizens.

13.13 The Mission objectives are to ensure the following in the urban sector including
the basic services to urban poor:

a. Integrated development of infrastructure services in cities covered under the

b. Establish linkages between asset creations and asset management for long term
project sustainability.
c. Ensure adequate funds to fulfill deficiencies in the urban infrastructural services
d. Planned development of identified cities including peri urban areas, out growths
and urban corridors leading to dispersed urbanisation.
e. Scale up delivery of civic amenities and provision of utilities with emphasis on
universal access to urban poor.
f. Special focus on urban renewal program for the old city areas to reduce
g. Provision of basic services to urban poor including security of tenure at
affordable prices, improved housing, water supply and sanitation and ensuring
delivery of other already existing universal services of the Government for
education, health and social security.

13.14 The Mission strategy includes preparing perspective plan called as City
Development Plan (CDP), preparing projects, leveraging of funds and incorporating
private sector efficiencies. The duration of the Mission is 7 years beginning from the
year 2005-06. The nodal agency for the State of Tamilnadu is TUFIDCO and the
concerned department at Government of Tamilnadu is Municipal Administration and
Water Supply. Chennai is one of the identified cities for Government of India assistance
under JN-NURM. To comply with the prerequisite of preparation of CDP, the City
development plan for Chennai as called as ‘Development Plan for Chennai Metropolitan
Area’ was prepared and Government of India’s approval obtained.

13.15 Strengths-weakness-opportunities and threats in respect of Chennai are given

Strengths Opportunities
Strong Commercial and Industrial Base High telecom penetration
Skilled and educated man power Growth oriented reforms
High standard educational and health Public Private Participation
Good urban land market and availability of
developable lands.
Uninterrupted and quality power supply
Weaknesses Threats
Traffic congestion Automobile pollution
Inadequate infrastructure Overcrowding in certain pockets
Water shortage Decrease in manufacturing industry

Institutional Arrangements in Development Planning

13.16 The rapid urban population growth and consequent pressure on the
developments in major urban centres have led the Government of Tamil Nadu to set up
specialised agencies to tackle the urban development issues in various sectors such as
housing, water supply and sewerage etc. The principal ones are CMWSSB, TNSCB, and
TNHB. The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority was set up in 1973 with the
main objective of being in charge of long term planning and co-coordinating the various
urban development activities in the Metropolis.

13.17 The agencies involved in the infrastructure planning and development in CMA are
presented below. The details of agencies and its responsibilities are presented in the
table no.13.02 below.

Table No.13.02 The Details of Agencies and its Responsibilities

Sl.No. Agency Responsibility Jurisdiction

Local Government
1 Chennai Provision of roads, construction of ROBs,
Corporation- RUBs, pedestrian subways etc.,
streetlights, solid waste collection and
management, micro-drainage, parks and
play grounds in their area of jurisdiction Within the
2 Municipalities- Provision of roads, construction of local body
pedestrian subways etc., streetlights, solid area
3 Town
Panchayats waste collection and management, micro-
drainage, parks and play grounds in their
4 Village
area of jurisdiction

Parastatal Agency

5 TNHB Neighbourhood development including Tamil Nadu

provision of plots and ready built houses, State but focus
Sites and Services schemes. is more on
6 MTC Bus transport CMA
7 Traffic Police Traffic management schemes Greater
(Greater Chennai
8 TNEB Electricity generation and supply Tamil Nadu
9 PWD Implementation & maintenance of macro Tamil Nadu
drainage system State
10 CMDA Urban planning, co -ordination of project CMA
11 CMWSSB Water supply & sewerage facilities for CMA CMA*
12 TNSCB Provision of housing, infrastructure and Tamil nadu
livelihood programs in slum areas State but
focus is more
on CMA
13 Highways Major roads within Chennai City, all bus Tamil nadu
Department route roads and major district roads, State
construction of ROBs, RUBs, pedestrian
subways etc.

* Though CMWSSB has jurisdiction over the CMA as per their Act, their area of operation
are limited presently to Chennai City Corporation area and a few adjoining areas such as
Mogappair, I.T.Corridor etc. However they have proposed to expand their area of operation
covering the entire CMA.

13.18 Though the geographical areas of jurisdiction of these agencies overlap, their
operational jurisdictions and functions are well defined. For example in the Chennai
City Municipal Corporation Area, CMWSSB is solely in charge of water supply and
sewerage; in respect of National Highways and roads except for the major roads handed
over to State Highways for maintenance, others are maintained by the Chennai
Municipal Corporation. In respect macro drains such as rivers and canals the PWD is
responsible of maintenance; the micro drains are provided and maintained by the City
Corporation of Chennai and other local bodies within CMA.

13.19 Capital investment plan for the various sector proposed under JN-NURM are
given below.

Water Supply

13.20 The proposed investments for water supply projects for CMA is of the order of Rs.
6,321.00 Crores and the break up is presented in Table 13.03.

Table No. 13.03 Proposed Water Supply Investments in CMA Crores
Component Activity Institution Total
Comprehensive Water Sector Development
Master Plan
Leak Detection Studies 9.00
Energy Audit Studies 10.00
Water Quality Studies and Monitoring 4.50
Design and Implementation of
Planning, Communication Strategy
Reforms and Baseline Survey 2.00
Institutional Human Resources Development 7.00
Establishment of Regulatory Authority 1.00
GIS Mapping of Water and Sewerage Utility
Modernizing Financial Management and
Community Initiatives Support CMWSSB 3.50
Sub-total 64.00
Source Augmentation 3,600.00
Distribution Network Extension 800.00
Rehabilitation and Modernisation of
Existing Network
Service Energy Conservation Measures 70.00
Metering 210.00
Piloting 24x7 zone by zone 350.00
GIS Mapping & Refurbishment 70.00
Sub-total 6,250.00
Citizens Citizen feedback mechanisms established 7.00
Sub-total 7.00
Grand Total 6,321.00


13.21 The proposed investments for sewerage projects for entire CMA is of the order of
Rs. 2,299.00 Crores and the break up is presented in Table 13.04.

Table No. 13.04 Proposed Sewerage Investments in CMA Rs in Crores

Component Activity Institution Total
Design & Comprehensive Sewerage Master Plan 4.00
Implementation Energy Audit 7.00
Communication Sewerage Quality Studies and 7.00
Strategy Monitoring CMWSSB
Design & Communication Strategy 7.00
Human Resources Development 7.00
Community initiative Support 7.00
Sub-Total 39.00

Service Delivery Network coverage 950.00
(Sewerage) Remodeling of old sewers 550.00
Construction of STPs CMWSSB 550.00
Recycling Plant & Reuse 175.00
Energy Conservation Measures 35.00
Sub-Total 2,260.00
Grand Total 2,299.00

Storm Water Drainage

13.22 The proposed investments for storm water drainage, macro drainage for CMA and
renovation of lakes is estimated Rs. 1,423.85 Crores and the break up is presented in
Table 13.05.

Table No. 13.05 Proposed Storm Water Drainage Investments in CMA

Item Rs. In Crores
Macro Drainage 865.00
Micro Drainage
Chennai Municipal Corporation 252.00
Surrounding Municipalities 72.34
Town Panchayats 38.05
Village Panchayats 146.80
Renovation of Lakes
Chennai Municipal Corporation -
Surrounding Municipalities 9.91
Town Panchayats 3.36
Village Panchayats 1.57
Culvers 34.82
Total 1,423.85

Solid Waste Management

13.23 The proposed investments towards solid waste management sector for CMA is of
the order of Rs. 847.81 Crores. The break up is presented in Table 13.06.

Table No. 13.06 Proposed Solid Waste Management Investments in CMA

Sl. No. Solid Waste Management Rs. in Crores
1 Chennai Municipal Corporation 808.70
2 Surrounding Municipalities 10.20
3 Town Panchayats 3.18
4 Village Panchayats 5.66
5 Slaughter Houses 20.07
Total 847.81

Traffic and Transportation
13.24 The proposed investments for traffic and transportation for CMA is of the order of
Rs. 24,854.08 Crores. The break up is presented in Table 13.07.

Table No.13.07 Proposed Transportation Investments in CMA

Sl. No. Traffic & Transportation Rs. in Crore
1 Urban Transport Components
2 Widening Strengthening and resurfacing of arterial, sub 1,700.00
arterial and collector roads to at least 4 lane width
3 Elevated highways and Flyovers 4,655.00
4 Road/Rail crossings - ROB/RUB 150.00
5 River bridges 45.00
6 Link Roads 1,650.00
7 Concreting of Major roads 278.00
8 Junction improvements with white topping and 75.00
9 Pedestrian sub-ways 102.00
10 Bus lay-byes & shelters 58.35
11 Utility duct and storm water drains along major roads 200.00
12 Peripheral road improvements 197.00
13 Construction of mini flyovers 48.00
14 Concreting of City-roads 95.00
15 Multi level car parking 145.00
16 Road/Rail Crossings - ROB/RUB 396.00
17 Nesapakkam Road widening 14.00
18 Road works including bridges/culverts 675.15
19 Road works 480.32
20 Metropolitan public transport (Bus) 1,300.00
21 Traffic management basic infrastructure needs 4,982.04
22 Street Lighting 8.22
23 Rapid Transit System 600.00
24 Metro rail (about 45 km) 7,000.00
Total 24,854.08

Heritage and Recreation

13.25 The proposed investment towards Heritage and recreation projects is estimated
Rs. 103.08 Crores and the break up is presented in Table 13.08.

Table No.13.08 Proposed Heritage and Recreation Investments in CMA

Sl. No. Heritage Rs. Crores
1 Renovation/Development of Ripon buildings 18.00
2 Renovation/Development of V.P. Hall Building 5.00
3 Recreation Developments in City area 60.00
4 Recreation Developments in Municipalities 8.46
5 Recreation Developments in TP 3.24
6 Recreation Developments in Village Panchayats 8.37
Total 103.08

Urban Basic Services for Poor
13.26 The proposed investments for urban poor population for entire CMA are estimated
Rs. 3,887.23 crore for the next seven years and break up is illustrated in Table 13.09.
Table No.13.09 Proposed Investment for Urban Poor in CMA

Sl. No. Basic Services for Poor Rs. in Crore

1 Chennai Municipal Corporation 1,319.96
2 CMA (Except Chennai City) 536.27
3 Housing for LIG/EWS groups 2031.00
Total 3,887.23

Parking Lots and Spaces

13.27 The proposed investment for civic amenities in CMA is estimated Rs. 43.85 Crores
and the break up is presented in Table 13.10.
Table No.13.10 Proposed Civic Amenities Investments in CMA
Sl. No. Parking lots / Spaces Rs. In Crores
Parking Lots / Spaces
1 Parking Lots / Spaces for TP 15.38
2 Parking Lots / Spaces for VP 28.47
Total 43.85
Satellite Towns / Cities around CMA
13.28 The proposed investments for development of satellite towns/ cities around CMA
as a decongestion measure during the next six years estimated is Rs.5000 crores.

13.29 The total estimated cost of the projects for proposed is Rs. 44,779.92 Crores. The
summary of investments is given in the table below.

Table No. 13.11: Proposed Summary of investments in CMA Rs. Crores

Sl. Total JNNURM
No. Cost GoI GoTN IR/IF
1 Water Supply 6,321.00 2,212.35 948.15 3,160.50
2 Sewerage 2,299.00 804.65 344.85 1,149.50
3 Solid Waste Management 847.80 296.73 127.17 423.90
4 Storm Water Drainage 1,423.88 498.36 213.58 711.94
5 Transportation 17,254.08 6,038.93 2,588.11 8,627.04
6 Mass Rapid Transit System 600.00 210.00 90.00 300.00
7 Metro Rail (45 km.) 7000.00 2450.00 1050.00 3500.00
8 Parking Lots and Spaces 43.85 15.35 6.58 21.92
9 Heritage and Recreation 103.08 36.08 15.46 51.54
10 Satellite Town development 5000.00 1750.00 750.00 2500.00
Total 40892.69 14312.45 6133.9 20446.34
11 Urban Basic Services for Poor 3,887.23 1943.61 1943.62
Grand Total 44779.92 16256.06 28523.86

Chapter XIV

With the increase and concentration of population in urban areas, urban

problems have increased. It requires and continues to require restriction in respect of
the use and occupation of land in urban areas. In order to regulate the growth of the
metropolitan area in an orderly manner and also to ensure its economic viability, social
stability and sound management for the present and the foreseeable future, the Master
Plan with zoning and development regulation is necessary.

14.02 The idea of zoning is that the segregation of certain uses from others reduces the
effect of negative externalities, which some uses have on others. Zoning provides spatial
segregation of conflicting uses. It also has the benefit of increasing positive externalities
because many uses find an advantage in being grouped with other similar uses. These
external effects include air and water pollution, excessive noise levels, traffic congestion,
and aesthetic disamenities. Because of its predominant role, modern zoning
encompasses expanded objectives for supplying certain public goods such as
preservation of open space, prime agriculture land and ecologically sensitive areas also.
Zoning is also desired on reduction of costs of providing certain public services.

Land use regulation in CMA prior to 1975:

14.03 Land use control in CMA prior to 1975 was not significant. Only about 20% of
the Chennai City area, and less than 1% of the remaining CMA area (outside the city)
were covered by the Detailed Town Planning Schemes prepared under the (now
repealed) Madras State Town Planning Act, 1920. Under Section 89, of the Tamil Nadu
Public Health Act, 1939 City Corporation of Madras and some of the Municipalities in
CMA had declared residential areas (covering very small part of the local bodies
concerned) and in such areas industries other than cottage industries were not
permitted; shopping (except offensive trades) were not prohibited provided they did not
use power. Industrial areas were declared under the Municipal Acts where industries
existed then, and on individual application further industrial areas notified/expanded.
These minimal land use regulations existed then orienting more towards preserving the
then existed areas rather than channelsing the developments optimising the land and
other resources in a planned way.

14.04 Land sub-division regulations prior to 1975 in CMA were limited to the control
of making public and private streets under the local body Acts and they were not framed
either to discourage such developments in such areas where it is not suitable or divert
them to the areas where suitable; further they did not provide for necessary standards
statutorily for roads, open spaces and other essential infrastructure.

Land use regulation under Master Plan for CMA, 1975:

14.05 The Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area come into force from 5.8.75 from
the date of notification of the Government consent for the plan (in G.O. Ms. No.1313,
RD&LA Dept. dated 1.8.75); it was finally approved by the Government in G.O. Ms.
No.2325, RD&LA Department, dated 4.12.1976. The Master Plan laid down policies and
programmes for the overall development of the CMA. The land use plan designated the
use to which every parcel of land in CMA could be put to. The land use plan was
enforced through a set of regulations under Development Control Rules, which formed
part of the master plan. Any person intending to make any development is required to
apply under Section 49 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, and
obtain Planning Permission.

14.06 The break up of the then existed Land Use in 1973 is given in the Table below:

CMA - Existed Land Use - 1973

Chennai City Rest of CMA Total

Land use Extent in Extent Extent in
% % %
Hect. in Hect. Hect.
Residential 7788 44.46 9144 8.67 16932 13.77
Commercial 820 4.68 68 0.06 888 0.72
Industrial 893 5.10 2976 2.82 3869 3.15
Institutional 3045 17.38 2260 2.14 5305 4.31
Open space and
920 5.25 4822 4.57 5742 4.67
Agriculture 73689 69.88 73689 59.92
Non Urban 1633 1.55 1633 1.33
Others 4052 23.13 10865 10.3 14917 12.17
Total 17518 100 105456 100.00 122974 100.00

14.07 The land use zoning classifications as per the First Master Plan for CMA are (i)
Primary Residential Use zone, (ii) Mixed Residential Use zone, (iii) Commercial use Zone,
(iv) Light Industrial use zone, (v) General Industrial use zone, (vi) Special and Hazardous

Industrial use zone, (vii) Institutional use zone, (viii) Open Space and Recreational Use
zone, (ix) Agriculture use zone and (x) Non-urban use zone. Further considering the
character of (then) existed developments, the CMA was divided into three areas viz. (i)
George Town and Continuous Building Area, (ii) Chennai City, Municipal and Township
areas (excluding the areas mentioned in (i)) and (iii) rest of Metropolitan area.

14.08 The break up of the land use proposed in the First Master Plan (1975) is given in
the table below:

Land use proposed as per First Master Plan

Chennai City Rest of CMA Total

Land use Extent in Extent in Extent in
% % %
Hectares Hectares Hectares
Primary Residential 10888.05 61.80 22554.94 22.27 33442.98 28.12
Mixed Residential 127.95 0.73 8095.69 7.99 8223.64 6.92
Commercial 521.95 2.96 970.81 0.96 1492.76 1.26
Institutional 3080.67 17.49 3395.39 3.35 6476.07 5.45
Light Industrial 263.11 1.49 285.73 0.28 548.84 0.46
General Industrial 934.26 5.30 3970.34 3.92 4904.60 4.12
Special & Hazardous
39.97 0.23 1440.39 1.42 1480.36 1.24
Open space &
1448.99 8.22 6848.67 6.76 8297.66 6.98
Agricultural 94.47 0.54 37084.34 36.61 37178.82 31.26
Non Urban 113.01 0.64 979.48 0.97 1092.49 0.92
Others (Forest,
water bodies, 105.26 0.60 15672.65 15.47 15777.91 13.27
Roads etc.,)
Total 17617.70 100.00 101298.42 100.00 118916.12 100.00

14.09 A few problems were faced in implementing the first Master Plan zoning and DCR;
the major ones are given below:

(1) In certain areas where a site has been zoned for two or more uses (with
reference to the abutting road and adjoining uses) an optimal development of
single character could not be made taking into account the total extent of the

(2) In certain cases, though the existing activities and their performances are not
hazardous or objectionable, they could not be allowed to expand even
marginally because the zoning made in the Plan is not conforming to
accommodate such activities;

(3) Sites zoned for public purposes such as open space and recreational use
zone, institutional use zone, stand designated throughout the Plan period
and the activities permissible in these zones are public/communal facilities
mostly for which the Government/or Government agencies have to acquire
and provide. Neither the planning authorities nor the Government or its
agencies have acquired these lands and provided these facilities. (The
reasons may be paucity of funds. Such zoning could have been restricted to
mainly on Government lands, and to the private lands where this activity
exist, or essentially required to be acquired for providing the same);

(4) Grouping of permissible activities made in zones such as institutions, open

space and recreation are such that these appear so exclusionary, not even
permitting residential activity, which is a lower use which a land
owner/developer may like to put to at least. Such zoning could have been
minimised in the midst of contiguous developed areas;

(5) According to the existing procedure, rezoning (land use variation) consumes a
lot of time, with the result discouraged people to apply and get the site

(6) Same way, Urban Land Ceiling Act (now repealed) had contributed to
unauthorised sub divisions/layouts;

(7) The present zoning and DCR is criticised by a section of developers, for being
negative rather than positive; it is more oriented towards the provision of
safety, convenience and tranquility in the area rather than encouragement of
housing activity, industries and employment;

(8) The standards set for plot extent; frontage etc., for residential developments
was high when comparing the affordability of people even for middle-income
group of the society.


14.10 Reclassification of land uses on request from the land owners are received,
examined and decided on individual merits of the cases under Section 32(4) of the Tamil
Nadu Town and Country Planning Act. From 1976 to 1981, there were about 100 land
use reclassifications within CMA, mostly in the areas of sanctioned Town Planning
Schemes approved prior to 1975. The number of reclassifications made year wise
within City and rest of CMA are tabulated below:

Table No. 14.01: Reclassifications within City and Rest of CMA, 1977-2004

Town Panchayat
Sl.No Year City Municipality Total
Panchayat Union
1. 1977 2 4 -- -- 6
2. 1978 1 1 -- -- 2
3. 1979 -- -- 1 -- 1
4. 1980 -- 6 4 3 13
5. 1981 -- -- -- -- --
6. 1982 17 13 11 20 61
7. 1983 11 9 5 10 35
8. 1984 23 8 55 36 122
9. 1985 44 5 12 29 90
10. 1986 18 5 16 19 58
11. 1987 17 4 8 14 43
12. 1988 14 5 14 64 97
13. 1989 2 1 2 13 18
14. 1990 27 3 19 56 105
15. 1991 30 11 11 59 111
16. 1992 17 11 9 42 79
17. 1993 22 7 8 38 75
18. 1994 22 6 9 22 59
19. 1995 18 14 20 26 78
20. 1996 22 4 5 11 42
21. 1997 17 1 7 25 50
22. 1998 34 9 13 45 101
23. 1999 18 2 4 29 53
24. 2000 19 1 7 10 37
25. 2001 4 -- 6 11 21
26. 2002 12 3 8 19 42
27. 2003 10 5 17 25 57
28. 2004 14 2 16 55 87
Total 435 140 287 681 1543

14.11 The extent of sites reclassified ranged from single plot of about 150 sq.m. to more
than 25 hectares. From the above table, it may be seen that in spite of sincere attempt
of planners to assess the demand and estimate the directions of growth at the areas for
development, the reclassification had to be resorted to, because of changing demands of
public; of course within the objectives of zoning.

14.12 From the reclassification details given in Table No14.02 it may be seen that 47%
of the cases reclassified from Agricultural use zone which indicates the expansion for
urban developments and 30% reclassified from Primary Residential use zone which
indicates the conversion into higher order use zones for commercial, industrial and
institutional activities. Of the total number of reclassifications made, reclassification for
residential accounts to 41%, for commercial activities 25%, industrial activities 19% and
institutional 8%. As regards Chennai City, out of 435 reclassifications made 65%, 17%,
12% and 5% of the numbers were for commercial, residential, Institutional and
industrial activities respectively. In the case of Village Panchayat areas, 53%, 29%, 7%
and 6% of the reclassification were made for residential, industrial, institutional and
commercial activities respectively.

Table No.14.02: Reclassifications in CMA from January 1977 to February 2005

Light Industrial

Open Space &

use to






Special &


Land use

PR (EWS) 3 203 89 46 27 12 65 3 14 -- 462

MR 7 -- 11 18 7 2 3 -- 6 -- 54
COMM 4 -- -- 1 8 -- 1 -- 2 1 17
LI 4 -- 1 -- 4 1 1 -- 1 -- 12
GI 17 2 1 -- -- -- 4 1 5 -- 30
S&H 5 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6
INS 74 21 10 1 8 -- -- 4 2 -- 120
O&R 49 11 4 11 17 -- 4 -- 6 -- 102
AGRI 471 30 10 95 47 11 36 8 -- 17 725
NU 6 -- 3 2 -- -- 3 -- -- -- 14
Total 640 268 129 174 118 26 117 16 36 18 1543

14.13 The Government in G.O. Ms. No.419, H&UD dated 1.06.1984 has delegated the
power for reclassification of land uses in individual cases to the Authority in order to
reduce delay.

Unauthorised Sub-divisions/Layout:

14.14 The Tamil Nadu Urban Land Ceiling Act came into force from 3rd August 1976.
Fearing acquisition under the Act, people had resorted to large-scale unauthorised sub-
divisions/layouts in 1975 and 1976. Unapproved layouts/subdivisions were taking
place in the Chennai Urban agglomeration, even after the Act came into force, and the
unauthorised layout developers were selling these plots as agricultural land evading the
provisions of the Act. Lack of knowledge among the villagers in the rest of CMA about

the regulations, profiteering motive of layout developers and also the delays in approval
of layouts for various reasons also added to the growth of unauthorised layouts/sub-

14.15 Those unapproved sub-divisions/layouts are perennial problems faced by the

public authorities. These unauthorised layouts contain substandard roads, which have
not been properly laid out, and have no pavements, drains, culverts or streetlights
provisions, and some of them made even on low-lying areas which are not suitable for
residential developments. Further they are at scattered locations, to which the local
bodies could not provide amenities economically. In many of these unauthorised
layouts, purchase of plots mostly for speculation purposes had resulted in no or a few
constructions adding security problems to those few households, who have occupied the
scattered constructed houses. The policy of CMDA and the procedures adopted in CMA
for regularisation of plots in such old unauthorised layouts, which have to be merged
with the urban fabric at some point of time considering the public demand, are given in
detail in Annexure XIV - A

14.16 The Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act was repealed in June
1999. It didn't have any marked effect on the proliferation of unauthroised layouts.
Tamil Nadu Government reviewed the situation. As per Section 22A of the Registration
Act, 1908, the State Government may by notification in Tamil Nadu Gazette declare
registration of any document or class of documents as opposed to public policy. It also
envisages that the registering Officer shall refuse to register any document, which is
opposed to public policy. The Government have notified in G.O. Ms. No.150/CT Dept.
dated 22.9.2000 certain categories of documents, registration of which is opposed to
public policy; one among them is registration of documents relating to house sites in
unapproved layouts. Unless a 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the authorities
concerned viz. Corporation or Municipality or Town Panchayat or Panchayat Union or
village Panchayat or CMDA, is produced before the registering officer, the document will
not be registered. It was held by the High Court of Madras that the G.O. will have
prospective effect and applicable only for the transfer of house sites by the landowner or
promoter of the unapproved layout for the first time.

14.17 The above action of the Government curbed the new unauthorised layout
developments after the year 2000, relieving the people and the public authorities from
the problems of such new unauthorised layouts.

Development Control Rules:

14.18 The main purpose of the development control rules or the development
regulation was to ensure that buildings are built.

(1) Achieving optimum utilisation of land within the infrastructure levels in an

area (either within existing or proposed/ planned infrastructure levels) within
the plan period;
(2) With adequate natural lighting and ventilation for healthy living;
(3) Within the desired/planned density of population (preventing negative
social, economic and environmental impacts of high densities);
(4) With open spaces on ground to improve urban environment;
(5) With adequate space for parking within the plot itself;
(6) With aesthetics and taking into the requirements of urban design aspects
such as solids and voids, views and vistas, and also breaking monotony;
(7) With aspects of safety, convenience and economy (within reasonable limits);
(8) With no or minimal negative externalities on the adjoining buildings/uses.

14.19 The development regulations also used as a tool to encourage amalgamation of

smaller sites into larger ones for achieving higher FSI with provision of adequate space
around the buildings and space for recreational purposes within the site, and also to
discourage over-utilisation of road and other infrastructure, resulting in congestion,
traffic delay, and choking and also breaking down of water supply or sewerage or
electricity infrastructures.

14.20 Development standards prescribed for building constructions vary from country
to country, region to region and city to city mainly for the reasons of local climatic
conditions, public infrastructure availability/ planned, terrain, culture and way of life of
the people, affordability of the people, and also the land availability for development.

14.21 In CMA, prior to 1975 (i.e. the Master Plan for CMA came into force), under
Chennai City Corporation Building Rules, Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Building
Rules, and Tamil Nadu Panchayat Building Rules, the building constructions were
regulated. In respect of planning parameters, it contained a very few provisions viz.
requirements of a site for construction, minimum extent for a residential plot, front set
back requirement and height requirement. It dealt mainly about requirements of plinth
level, foundation and other structural aspects of buildings, sizes of windows and
openings for natural lighting and ventilation, corridor and passage width, head room
height requirements, drains and sanitary convenience, and chimneys and flues. In
1974, the Multistoried and Public Buildings Rules under the Chennai City Corporation

Act and Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act were notified which contained the
provisions regarding the areas where multistoried buildings (i.e. buildings exceeding 4
storey or 15 mtr. in height) are permissible, setback requirements with reference to
height of buildings, minimum plot extent, minimum frontage, minimum road width
requirements. FAR, plot coverage and parking requirements.

14.22 In cases of Detailed Town Planning Schemes sanctioned under the Madras State
Town Planning Act, 1920, the regulations for building constructions stated in the
schedule of such sanctioned schemes were in force prior to 1975, and it contained
regulations on minimum plot extent, street alignment and building line, side setback,
rear setback, minimum road width and betterment levy requirements. It varied from
scheme to scheme and covered only a dismal percent of the metropolitan area.

14.23 Development Control Rules for CMA formed part of the Master Plan came into
force on 5.8.75. It contained detailed regulation on zoning related activity control, site
requirements, plot extent, frontage, height, front, side and rear setbacks, minimum road
width, plot coverage, FSI, parking, open space for recreational purpose reservation,
public purpose sites reservation. These planning parameter requirements were
prescribed differentially for various activities such as residential, commercial,
institutional, cottage industrial, light industrial, general industrial, special and
hazardous industrial activities, and also differed for the Chennai City area, rest of the
CMA and the George Town and Continuous Building Areas; it further differed for
Multistoried developments.

14.24 Planning and development control is a dynamic process. In 1975, for the first
time such a comprehensive development control rule was brought in. It was reviewed
within few years of starting implementation of the same and when found necessary it
was amended. In 1979, amendments to DCR were made in respect of extent of open
space recreation to be made for layouts, declaration of MSB areas, permissibility of
projection in setback spaces, permissibility of cooling gas storage, public utility
buildings, Government and semi-Government offices serving local needs, banks, cottage
industries with 5 HP, craft centres, temporary touring cinemas in Primary Residential
use zone, permissibility of certain activities in Mixed Residential use zone, height of
commercial buildings, permissibility of certain categories of industries in Light
Industrial and General Industrial use zones, horse power restriction in Light Industrial
use zone, permissibility of religious buildings in Institutional use zones, in Non-urban
and Agricultural use zones, certain specific provisions for sites and services and slum
Improvement projects, economically weaker section housing exemption of certain floor

areas from calculation of floor area ratio and plot coverage, additional conditions in
Form-A and Form-B, parking standards in respect of hotels, etc.

14.25 In 1980, the Development Control Rules provisions were comprehensively

reviewed and amendments made wherever necessary particularly in respect of plot
extent for residential and commercial developments, plot frontages etc. In 1982, need
for separate regulation for flatted residential and commercial developments felt and the
DCR was amended including provisions for special buildings and group developments,
including reservation of OSR space for such large developments; two wheeler-parking
requirements were included in the DCR. In 1983, road width standards for industrial
subdivisions were brought in and modifications in planning parameters for certain non-
residential activities permissible in Primary Residential use zone made. In 1982 to
1983, the Government had clamped temporary ban for construction of multi-storeyed
buildings in Chennai, which was lifted in December 1983; the special rules for multi-
storeyed buildings were reviewed, a total revision made after consulting various
departments/agencies concerned and the amended rule was given effect to from
September 1984. In that year, the multi-storeyed building permissible area was also
extended to cover the entire City (from the limited inner part bounded by Cathedral
Road, Nungambakkam High Road, Brick Kiln Road and Railway line to Thiruvallur). In
1985, assemble of electrical and electronic parts for manufacture of radios, computers
etc. was made permissible in Primary Residential use zone and setback requirements
for special building were modified. In 1986, certain further modification and special
building and group development rules were made in respect of OSR, and provisions
made not to insist SSB in CBA.

14.26 After reviewing the DCR in 1989/90, comprehensive amendments to DCR

proposing reduction of minimum plot extent, frontage, passage width, redefining special
building, prescribing an undertaking for builders/promoters, prescribing uniform FSI
for all the areas within CMA, etc. were sent to Government in 1990 which was approved
and notified in 1993. The security deposit rate was enhanced in 1995 for amending
DCR. In 1997, further amendments to DCR defining road width, prescribing minimum
extent for OSR space, etc. were made. In 1998, a separate set of rules for regulation of
I.T. parks, and associated hardware/software technology buildings were notified giving
certain concessions to I.T. developments. Minimum road width prescriptions for
layouts, industrial and institutional developments were brought in, permissible height
for multi-storeyed buildings increased, parking standards modified by amending DCR in
1999. Rainwater harvesting provision was made mandatory in 2001 and provision for
solar water heating in certain type buildings was made mandatory in 2002. Provision of
certain further facilities for physically handicapped in public buildings was made

mandatory in 2003, and also the multi-storeyed buildings permissible area was
modified in that year. MSB Panel was reconstituted by amending DCR in 2004.

Density and FSI:

14.27 Chennai is one of the high-density cities in India. Its density varies from 180
persons per hec. in Saidapet and Mylapore Corporation zones and 368 persons per hec.
in Kodambakkam zone within the Corporation limits and the gross density for Chennai
City is 247 persons per hec. FSI is the main tool used in urban planning to regulate the
densities of population with reference to infrastructure provision. Density of population
needs to be regulated for various reasons including carrying capacity of
infrastructure (existing as well as proposed), sociological reasons such as crime rate etc
and other physical factors.

14.28 The existing developments in Chennai can be categorized as high dense medium
raised developments mostly of buildings up to 15 m. heights. FSI allowed for such
development up to 15 m. height presently is maximum 1.5. Multi stroeyed developments
(high rise development) within CMA are very few; in order to encourage amalgamation of
smaller plots into larger size and construction of buildings with large open space
around, a higher FSI of 2.5/2.75 is allowed in multistoreyed developments.

14.29 The prevalence of high density in Chennai is attributed to the following:

(a) Smaller lot sizes
(b) Smaller dwelling unit sizes
(c) Large family size (on an average 4.5) against about 2.51 in USA and
other western countries.

14.30 Comparative statement of densities in various cities in India and select cities in
the World is given in Annexure - B. Mumbai has reversed the trend by fixing 1.33 as
maximum FSI anywhere in the Metropolis in the early 80's itself. Delhi followed suite.
Other cities have clamped it down to around 1.5.

14.31 The practice of increasing FSI under the disguise of high land cost needs to be
discouraged. At the same time allowing higher FSI in the suburbs and lower FSI in
central areas of the City also needs very careful consideration considering the carrying
capacity of infrastructure, impact on environment including ground water and traffic

14.32 Considering availability of land for development and infrastructure (now and
also in the Plan period), land use, travel and traffic aspects, optimum density of
population, onslaught of private real estate developers on the small house

owners/tenants in the central parts of the City, affordability etc., any experimentation
in changing already fixed FSI without proper detailed study on this may have to be
discouraged. In the present condition, any negative impact triggered due to increase in
intensity of population/FSI cannot be reversed.

14.33 In many of the major cities in USA and Europe, even though it look high dense
because of it's physical mass of construction, they are low in density when comparing
the Indian conditions.

14.34 For the above reasons, after examing the issue in detail, it is proposed to retain
FSI almost as existing and follow it.

Existing Land use 2006 Extent in Hectares.

Chennai City Rest of CMA
Land use
Extent % Extent %
Residential 9523 54.25 22877 21.87
Commercial 1245 7.09 390 0.37
Industrial 908 5.17 6563 6.28
Institutional 3243 18.48 3144 3.01
Open space & Recreation 366 2.09 200 0.19
Agricultural 99 0.57 12470 11.92
Non Urban 82 0.47 2433 2.33
Others (Vacant, Forest, Hills, 2087 11.89 56507 54.03
Low lying, Water bodies etc.,)

Proposed Land use 2026 Extent in Hectares.

Chennai City Rest of CMA
Land use
Extent % Extent %
Primary Residential use zone 5916.35 33.58% 31090.68 31.68%
Mixed Residential use zone 2426.90 13.78% 13503.10 13.34%
Commercial use zone 714.24 4.05% 880.35 0.86%
Institutional use zone 2868.97 16.28% 3888.85 3.83%
Industrial use zone 691.83 3.93% 7274.33 7.18%
Special and hazardous 130.67 0.74% 3416.08 3.38%
Industrial use zone
Open space & Recreational 1000.65 5.68% 392.86 0.38%
use zone
Agriculture use zone ------ ------- 7295.81 7.20%
Non Urban 113.31 0.64% 2332.92 2.3%
Urbanisable 2075.89 2.05%
Others (Roads, water bodies, 3754.79 21.31% 28147.55 27.79%
hills, Redhills catchments
area, forests etc.,)
Total 17617.70 100.00% 101298.42 100.00%

Annexure - A
Regularisation Of Unapproved Layouts In Chennai Metropolitan Area

1. In Chennai Metropolitan Area, a layout is defined as sub division of land into

plots exceeding 8 in numbers. Sub-division of lands into plots up to 8 in nos. is called
as sub- division.

2. Any layout laid out without approval of the competent authority viz.
Directorate of Town &Country Planning before 5.8.75 the date of coming into force of
Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area or Chennai Metropolitan Development
Authority after 5.08.1975 is called as unauthorized or unapproved layout.

3. The Development Control Rules for CMA, forming part of the Master Plan
came into force from 5.8.75. Any unauthorized layout laid out on private land [ not
encroachments on public land ] prior to 5.8.75 is recognized as it is. No equivalent land
cost in lieu of Open Space Reservation is collectable for these pre- 5.08.75 unauthorised

4. It was found that before coming into force of the Tamil Nadu Urban Land
Ceiling Act on 3.8.76 a number of unauthorized layouts had come up. For considering
regularization of individual plots in those pre- 3.8.'76 layouts, the following guidelines
were issued by CMDA in A.P.Ms.No. 110, dated 7.10.1976.

1. Site comprised in an The site will be considered for approval,

unauthorized/unapproved, unsanctioned subject to the plot owner agreeing to pay
layout or sub divisions, but abutting on proportionate cost of the open space
roads taken over by local body reservation needed for the area as per
Development Control Rules 19(a)(iv)
2. i) Site comprised in an unauthorized The site may be considered approval,
unapproved/unsanctioned layout subject to the following: -
where developments have been carried i) The road in question can be taken over
out but the roads have not been by the local body ultimately.
handed over to the local body. Note: For the purpose of the above a road
ii) Site comprised in an unauthorized will be deemed to be a road that can be
unapproved/unsanctioned layout taken over if.
where the developments have not a) the width of the road is not less
been carried out. than 16 feet and
b) the road is connected at least at
one end to a public street.
ii) The plot owner agreeing to pay the
proportionate cost of development as
estimated by the local body for the
full work/ for any unfinished works.
iii) The plot owner agreeing to pay
proportionate cost of the open space
reservation needed for the area as per
Development Control Rules 19(a)

5. The powers to regularize such pre 3.8.76 layouts were delegated to the
executive authorities of the local body concerned within CMA.

6. In the Authority proceeding No. Rc.S5/43464/01/CPP/13/82, dated 7.12.82

the following guidelines were issued for regularization of individual plots in unapproved
layouts made prior to 3.8.76: -

Planning Permission applications relating to construction in unauthorized

layouts made prior to 3.8.76 shall be forwarded to CMDA for consideration with
evidence of registration by the Registration Department to prove that sale of one or more
plots in the said unauthorized layout had occurred prior to 3.8.76, and proposed sub
division also formed part of the registered document, by a sketch or by narration apart
from those particulars.

7. Many unauthorized layouts had come up after 3.08.1976. In 1985, a subject

was placed before the Authority on the basis of a representation from one of the
members of the Authority for extension of the cut- off date for regularization of plots in
unapproved layouts. After detailed examination it was decided as follows in respect of
the unapproved layouts made after 3.8.1976[ a circular in Lr.M1/9838/90, dated
(1) Executive officers of the local bodies in Madras Metropolitan Area are
forwarding planning permission applications for construction of buildings in
unapproved layouts/unauthorized sub divisions made after 3.8.1976, which are in
violating of ULC guidelines. Government after consultation with MMDA and
Commissioner of Land Reforms have directed that such unauthorized sub divisions
made after 3.8.1976 should be regularized subject to the condition that the road in front
of the applicant’s site is public/under the maintenance of the local body concerned.

(2). The status of the road furnished by the local bodies in most of the cases
is not clear. Roads of the local bodies are to be taken over by passing a resolution to
that effect by the council. Roads should be taken over for maintenance only after
obtaining approval of the council for incurring expenditure in providing amenities to the
road in the area.

(3). The Executive Officers of the local bodies are therefore requested to
forward planning permission applications for constructions in unauthorized
layouts/sub divisions made after 3.8.1976 violating ULC guidelines with the following

i) the road for entire length from the applicant’s plot to its
connection to nearest public road is vested with the local body.
(This should be supported by adequate proof in the form of an
extract from the street inventory register with council’s resolution
with date).
ii) the road for entire length from the applicant’s plot to its
connection with nearest public road is under the maintenance of
the local body (supported with council resolution with date for
having authorized incurring the expenditure)
iii) In the event, such a certificate is issued by the President of the
local body, it should be countersigned by the Executive Authority
of the respective local body i.e. Block Development Officer of
Panchayat Union.

(4). The certificate wording in (i) and (ii) shall be as given and any altered or
ambiguous wordings shall not be accepted.

(5). It was also decided to regularize only those unauthorized sub-divisions

made prior to 31.12.1989. The actual date of registration would be taken into
consideration for deciding whether the unauthorized sub divisions have taken place
before or after 31.12.1989. The Executive Officers are therefore requested not to
forward planning permission applications for regularization of unauthorized sub-
division made after 31.12.1989.

8. In 1992, the powers to regularize pre- 31.12.’89 unauthorised subdivision

were delegated to the officials of local bodies within Chennai Metropolitan Area subject
to satisfying Development Control Rules and the following guidelines: -

(i) a) The abutting road should be a public road (Public road means a road
taken over or declared public by the local body / Department of
Highways and Rural works).

b) If the abutting road is not declared a public road, then it should be a

road where the local body had incurred expenditure for providing
infrastructures like streetlights, pavements, storm water drainage etc.

(ii) The unauthorized layout wherein the plot lies should have been made
prior to 31.12.1989 (i.e.) the plot for planning permission applied for or
any one of the plots in the unauthorized layout should have been
registered prior to 31.12.1989 evidenced by the layout plan registered
with the sale deed.
(Apart from Development charge under Town Country Planning Act, OSR
Charges, local body's road improvement charges etc., additionally

regularisation charge at the rate of Rs. 5 to Rs. 15 per sq.m. plot area were
collectable when the plot was considered for regularisation)

9. Regularisation scheme for unauthorized development was introduced for

Chennai Metropolitan Area in 1999 and extended in 2000, 2001 and 2002, the cut-off
dates were also extended and as per the latest schemes which was closed on 8.07.2002,
the following are the rule provisions in respect of unauthorised layouts/ subdivisions.

(i) the unauthorized plot should have been registered on or before

(ii) Irrespective of whether any plot or land is vacant, partially or fully built,
if there is violation in terms of unauthorized sub-division or layout, or
plot extent or frontage, the plot or land alone shall first be considered for
regularization as one category and regularization fee shall be assessed as
specified subject to the following conditions: -
a) In the case of a plot in an unauthorized layout, the plot shall abut a
road of width not less than 4.8 metres and the unauthorized layout
roads shall be connected to a public road or street maintained by
the local body by their resolution.
b) In case of a plot in an unauthorized sub-division, the plot shall abut
on a public road or street or gain access through an exclusive or a
common passage of width not less than one metre and connected to a
public road or street maintained by the local body evidenced by their
c) No part or whole of any unauthorized layout as such is regularisable.
Only individual plot shall be considered for regularization, provided it
has been divided and registered on or before 31st March 2002.

(iii) It shall be in conformity with the following: -

a) The Coastal Zone Regularisation of the Ministry of Environment and

Forest under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Central Act 17
of 1986);
b) The Civil Aviation Regulations of the Ministry of Tourism and Civil
Aviation under the Aircraft Act, 1934 (Central Act XXII of 1934);
c) The Ministry of Defence Regulations for developments in the vicinity
of the Air force Stations within 900 metres around;
d) Regulations of the Chennai Regional Advisory Committee constituted
by the Ministry of Communications;

e) Any development for regularisation shall abut on a public road or
gain access from a road or passage over which the applicant has right
of access;
f) In case of multi-storied developments, No Objection Certificate from
the Directorate of Fire Services with regard to the fire protection
measures shall be furnished by the applicant;
g) No development shall be regularized in the lands affected by the
alignments of proposed Inner Circular (Rail) Corridor, Inner Ring
Road, National Highways By-pass Road, Outer Ring Road and Mass
Rapid Transit System (Rail) Projects;
h) No special and hazardous industry or and industry categorized as
“RED” by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board shall be regularized in
a non-conforming zone, it shall be regularized only with the clearance
form the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board;
i) No industry categorized as “ORANGE” by the Tamil Nadu Pollution
Control Board shall be regularized in any use zone without the
clearance from the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board; and
j) Any development for regularisation shall conform to the rule 79 and
80 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 in respect of clearance form high
tension and extra high voltage lines.

(iv) Regularisation fee collected for the plot area at the following rates
Serial Location of the plot Rate of Levy
Number (Rupees per sq.m.)
1. Chennai City Corporation and
Banned area
2. Municipalities and Municipal
3. Rest of Chennai Metropolitan
Area not included in Sl.No.1 &2
Note: These rates shall apply irrespective of whether the plot is vacant or
constructed partly or fully.

(This Regularization fee is in addition to the normally payable changes such as

Development Charges, Open Space Reservation Charges, Local body's Road
Improvement Charge and License fee etc.)

10. As a large number of applications were received seeking planning

permission for constructions in the post- 31.12.1989 unapproved layouts, and the cut-
off date prescribed dates back to more than 15 years, CMDA has proposed to
Government separately, for extension of the cut-off date for regularizing individual plots
in these unauthorised layouts made after 31.12.1989.

Annexure - B
Details of Population in select cities in the World
Population- Density per
Sl.No. City Area (
2001 hect.
1 Mumbai
a) Mumbai City 157 3326877 212
b) Mumbai suburban 445 8587561 193
c) Thane 9032 8128833 9
d) Wardha 6153 1230640 2
e) Raigarh 7353 2205972 3
2 Delhi
a) Central Delhi 25 644005 258
b) East Delhi 64 1448770 226
c) New Delhi 35 171806 49
d) North Delhi 60 779778 130
e) North East Delhi 60 1763712 294
f) North West Delhi 438 2847395 65
g) South Delhi 251 2258367 90
h) South West Delhi 417 1749492 42
I) West Delhi 129 2119641 164
3 Kolkata
a) City 185 4580544 248
b) Hoogli 3150 5040047 16
c) Howhra 1474 4274010 29
d) North 24 parganas 4059 8930235 22
e) South 24 parganas 9870 6909015 7
4 Chennai
a) City 176 4343645 247
b) Rest of Metropolitan area 1013 2690094 27
5 Hydrabad City 217 3686460 170
6 Bangalore UA 2174 6523110 30
Rest of the World
7 Washington
City 159 606900 38
8 NewYork City 800 7322564 92
9 Los Angeles 1216 3485298 29
10 London 1572 53
City 95
Outer London 36
11 Singapore 640 43,00,000 67
12 Hong Kong
a) Island 80 1335469 166
b) Kowlon 47 2023979 432
c) New Territories 974 3343046 34

Study Team
Master Plan Unit
Chief Planner
Thiru. C. Palanivelu
Senior Planner
Tmt. S. Chithra
Assistant Planners
Tmt. C.R. Vimala and Tmt. R. Anusuya

Planning Assistants
Tvl. T.K. Vasantha Kumar, N. Vijayanarayanan, K. Chandran,
S. Venkatesan, M. Murali, S. Irudhayaraj, V. Govindhasami, B.I. Raghu,
G.V. Saleem, and MansoorAhmed, Tmt. K. Selvakumari, S. Shakila, M.
Anjugam, B. Jayanthi, and B. Suganthi,
Steno typists
Tmt. R.S. Geetha, L. Kamalambal, and S. Dellibai
Assistant/ Jr. Assistant
Tvl. S. Baskaran, and R. Lesely Irudhayaraj
Field man/woman
Tmt. N. Bhuvaneshwari, and Thiru. B. Inban
Tvl. B. Krishnamoorthy and A.S. Chandrasekar
GIS Section
Planning Assistants
Tvl. G.S. Panneerselvam, D. Ravichandran, and M.S. Santhosh Kumar,
Tmt. A. Jeyanatha sornamani, K. Gowri, N.B. Vani, G. Alamelu,
D. Sughirtha, D. Thirupurasundari, and G. Poonguzhali
Software used: Arc Info, ENVI, Auto Cad, Auto Cad Map 3D.
Aerial Data used: Ikonos 2001,2003 &2004 (1 metre resolution)
Cartosat 2005 (2.5 metre resolution)
Supported by
Traffic and Transportation
Senior Planner , Thiru. K. Kumar,
Assistant Planner, Tmt. R. Meena
Housing and Environment
Deputy Planner, Thiru. M. Sivashanmugam
Assistant Planner, Thiru. V. Kumar
Support for certain data collection and Tamil translation was provided
by various officials and staff working in different Divisions in CMDA.
Committees which examined objections / suggestions and made

1. Committee on Land Use

1. Thiru. N.V. Rakhunath - Chief Planner, CMDA
2. Thiru. P. Thyagarajan - Addl. Director, DTCP
3. Thiru. K. Rajamanickam - Dy. Director, Commssionerate of Municipal
4. Thiru. Durganand Balsovar - Architect
5. Thiru. S. Ramaraj - President, Institute of Architects (TN Chapter)
6. Tmt. S. Chithra - Senior Planner, CMDA

2. Committee on Transport
1. Thiru. N. Dharmalingam - Retd. Chief Planner,CMDA
2. Thiru. T.K. Shanmugasundaram - Chief Engineer (Genl.), Highways Dept.
3. Dr. A.M. Thirumurthy - Professor Anna University
4. Thiru. R. Balasubramanian - Managing Director, MTC
5. Thiru. P.T. Krishnan - Architect rep. Citizen Consumer and
Civic Action Group, Chennai
6. Thiru. K. Kumar - Senior Planner, CMDA

3. Committee on Development Regulations

1. Thiru. Md. Nasimuddin I.A.S. - Member Secretary, CMDA
2. Tmt. Tara Murali - Architect
3. Prof. Suresh Kuppusamy - School of Architecture & Planning, Anna
4. Thiru. P.T.G. Sundaram - Representing Institution of Engineers (TN
5. Thiru. M.K. Sundaram - Vice Present, Builder’s Association of India (TN
6. Thiru. C. Palanivelu - Chief Planner, CMDA

4. Committee on Water supply and Drainage

1. Thiru. M. Dheenadhayalan - Adviser to Govt.(Schemes), PWD
2. Thiru. D. Madavamoorthy - Engineering Director, CMWSSB
3. Thiru. K. Balasundaram - Chief Engineer, Corporation of Chennai
4 Thiru. R. Arul - Secretary, Pasumai Thayagam.
5. Thiru. S. Santhanam - Chief Planner, CMDA

5. Committee on Solid Waste Management

1. Dr. K.Thanasekaran - Director, Centre for Environment studies Anna
2. Thiru. A. Swaminathan - Retd.CE, Chennai Corporation
3. Thiru. T. Chandrasekaran - SE, (SW) Chennai Corporation
4. Thiru. R. Raghunathan – SE, Commssionerate of Municipal
5. Thiru. M. Madhivanan - JD, Directorate of Town Panchayats
6. Thiru. M.B. Nirmal - EXNORA
7. Thiru. S.Balaji - Jt. Chief Engineer, TNPCB
8. Thiru. J. Ramakrishnan - Senior Planner, CMDA

6. Committee on Housing
1. Prof. A.N.Sachidanandam - Dean, MEASI Academy of Architecture, Chennai
2. Thiru. R. Jayaraman - CE, TNSCB
3. Thiru. D Ganesan - CE, TNHB
4. Thiru. Dr. A. Srivatsan - Architect / Journalist
5. Tmt. K. Radhai - All India Democratic Women’s Association,
6. Thiru. M.Sivashanmugam - Deputy Planner, CMDA

7. Committee on Environment
1. Dr. K.S. Neelakandan IFS - Director of Environment
2. Thiru. M.G.Devasagayam IAS(Retd) - SUSTAIN
3. Dr. S. Mohan - Head, Dept. of Civil Engg. IIT-Madras
4. Dr. T. Sekar, IFS - Member-Secretary, TNPCB
5. Thiru. Rajesh Rangarajan - rep. Citizen Consumer and
Civic Action Group, Chennai.
6. Thiru. A. Subash - Better Environment for Long Life Foundation,
7. S.R. Rajendhiran - Senior Planner, CMDA

8. Editorial Advisory Committee

1. Thiru. R. Santhanam I.A.S. - Vice-Chairman, CMDA
2. Thiru. G. Dattatri - Chief Planner (Retd.), CMDA
3. Dr. K.P. Subramaniam - Retd. Prof. Anna University
4. Thiru. C. Palanivelu - Chief Planner, CMDA

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