Basics Container Gardening Vegetables
Basics Container Gardening Vegetables
Basics Container Gardening Vegetables
Many entire gardens are successfully grown throughout Florida on raised, constructed beds. They are particularly useful in Dade County where topsoil is preferred over the native rockland that is difficult to cultivate.
1. This document is HS708, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Revised March 1994. Reviewed May 2003. Visit the EDIS Web Site at 2. James M. Stephens, professor, Horticultural Sciences Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611. The use of trade names in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information. It is not a guarantee or warranty of the products named, and does not signify that they are approved to the exclusion of others of suitable composition.
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Larry Arrington, Dean
When you plan the size of the beds, it is a good practice to keep their area in a simple to figure number of square feet. For example, beds 5 x 20 feet long total 100 square feet. This makes it easy to figure how much fertilizer or mulch you will need. In a smaller garden a bed that is 2 x 5 feet (for a total of 10 square feet) makes garden calculations simple.
A first time minigardener probably should start with a commercial mix which is already mixed in the proper proportions of ingredients. But for those who wish to make up their own medium, Table 2 gives some tested mixtures. Several commercial mixes on the market are listed in Table 3 . Some of the many combinations of aggregate materials which have been tried successfully with tomatoes are as follows: sand; 1 part sand to 1 part perlite or vermiculite; 1 part sand to 1 part rice hulls; 1 part sand to 1 part redwood bark;
An advantage to having permanent beds is that structures such as trellises and fences can be permanent as well. This allows you to build them for the long run out of durable materials such as pressure-treated pine, redwood, cypress, or cedar. Many gardeners are concerned that the chemicals in treated lumber might be hazardous to health. So far, there is no evidence to support such concern. To improve drainage and garden neatness, beds can be raised with brick, rot-resistant lumber, landscape timbers, railroad ties, or concrete blocks. Railroad ties lend themselves especially well to stacking for beds as high as 1 to 3 feet. This reduces the distance you have to stoop. And when combined with wide, hard-surfaced paths, such high beds make gardening possible for those confined to a wheelchair. Many gardeners shovel soil from around the raised bed. This extra soil combined with liberal amounts of organic amendments creates the raised bed. Soil depth should be six inches minimum, and twelve inches if possible.
In general, the more porous growth media, such as sand and gravel, most closely approximate hydroponic culture. These tend to dry out fast and do not hold nutrients very long. Therefore, frequent plant feedings are necessary. Normally, the nutrient solution must be added and drained in the containers once or twice a day. During especially hot, dry weather, the aggregate may need more than two drenchings daily, sometimes as many as five. Soil substitute mixes which contain ample organic materials, and which have fertilizer included in the mixing process, also will need additional fertilizer from time to time, but at much less frequent intervals than with porous sand or gravel culture. Once every week or two may be sufficient. Either drench with soluble fertilizer or apply dry common garden fertilizer to the soil surface and water thoroughly into the root zone. Don't apply too much or fertilizer burn will result. Usually, 1 level teaspoon of dry fertilizer per square foot of soil surface is adequate at each feeding. Where ready-mixed soluble fertilizers are purchased, follow label directions for application.
A suggested solution is made with one ounce of 20-20-20 analysis water-soluble fertilizer in 5 to 6 gallons of water. For tomatoes, substitute calcium nitrate for the complete fertilizer every 2 weeks. Mix at the rate of one ounce per 3 gallons of water to insure adequate calcium and to prevent blossom-end rot. It may be used on other crops as well as tomatoes.
`Floradade.' Also, the small-fruiting varieties such as `Summer Cherry' do well in can culture. The latter will also permit growing into the warm summer months. Certain varieties were developed for container culture. The following are examples of Florida varieties for this purpose: `Florida Basket' A dwarf tomato for hanging baskets. Produces 1-inch fruit or 6-inch plant.
`Floragold Basket' Grow 3 plants in a 12-inch hanging basket to produce lots of yellow cherry-size fruits.
Location:A four-foot wide strip of black polyethylene was laid out on the ground. It was long enough to accommodate about 24 cans. The cans were placed on the mulch in full sunlight. Containers may be placed wherever they might be most attractive. Since the containers have their own soil, they can be placed on hard surfaces such as concrete patios or wooden decks.
Soil:Sawdust was used as a soil-substitute. It is important to use well-rotted aged sawdust for best results. Although this gardener did not put anything else in the sawdust at the time it was placed in the cans, it is advisable to mix about a half cup of dolomite in each can to provide sufficient calcium.
Fertilizer and Watering:A fertilizer solution was prepared and applied daily to each can. The fertilizer solution was mixed in a five gallon container. The gardener mixed two tablespoonsful of high analysis soluble fertilizer (Nutri-Sol) into five gallons of water. One gallon of this solution was poured into each tomato can once each day. At the end of each week, the fertilizer was omitted and, instead, each container of sawdust was given a thorough wetting with the garden hose. The purpose was to wash out accumulated salts from the fertilizer, since soluble salt buildup can cause root injury. Alternatives to the methods of fertilizing used might be mixing a slow-release (osmocote) fertilizer into the sawdust before planting; or twice weekly light applications of dry common fertilizer such as 6-8-8 to the sawdust surface followed by watering in.
Varieties:Plants were set directly into the sawdust. The varieties used were `Floradel,' `Walter,' `Big Boy,' and `Stakeless.' Best production was obtained from `Walter' and `Floradel' and least from `Stakeless.' `Big Boy' was only fair. Other varieties suggested for use are `Floramerica,' `Betterboy', and
Staking and Supporting:All varieties should be supported so that they are made to grow in an upright position. Regular methods of supporting such as staking and string-trellising may be used.
Further care:The usual care and attention was provided as the plants grew. Some pruning was done to remove unwanted suckers. Pesticides, as needed, were sprayed onto the plants. Weeds were not a problem, since the black plastic kept the weeds away from the area around the cans, and the sawdust contained no weed seeds.
General cultural information on varieties to plant, spacing, when to plant, etc. is available in the Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide . Also, see "Grow Your Own Vegetables Without Soil(Hydroponics)", and "Organic Vegetable Gardening" and "Growing Strawberries in Barrels."
Individual small-size plants (ex. parsley); clumps of plants (ex. chives); or transplants. Herbs, compact varieties, clumps, or groups of leaf lettuce, green onions, summer radishes, and transplants.
Pot (plastic)
6 inches
5 inches
3 pints
Pot (plastic)
6 inches
6 inches
1 gallon
Same as 6-inch pot. Suitable also for hot peppers and strawberry. Same as 6-inch pot. Also suitable for cherry tomato, romaine, and like vegetables. Same as 8-inch planter. Also suitable for carrots, spinach, broccoli, bibb lettuce, and bell pepper. Ideal for tomato, eggplant, cucumber, pepper, squash, beans, peas, and vegetables already mentioned. Same as basket.
Planter (plastic)
8 inches
8 inches
1 gallons
Planter (plastic)
10 inches
10 inches
3 gallons
Basket ( bu)
13 inches
9 inches
4 gallons
Bucket (plastic)
11 inches
12 inches
5 gallons
Basket (1 bu)
17 inches
11 inches
8 gallons
All vegetables.
24-30 inches
36 inches
30-55 gallons
Boxes, pyramids
all sizes
All vegetables.
Table 2. Table 2. Suggested synthetic soil mixtures. Container Mix A 1 bushel of vermiculite 1 bushel of peat moss Container Mix B 1 bushel of peat moss 1 bushel of peat, cow manure or aged compost 1 cups of dolomite
1 cups of dolomite
Fertilizer ingredients used in Bradenton formula: Dolomite Osmocote (18-6-12) Superphosphate Lime (Hydrated) Micronutrients (Perk) 10 lbs. 12 lbs. 5 lbs. 5 lbs. 5 lbs.
Table 3. Table 3. Some Commercial Mixes - Synthetic Soils Pro-Mix BX Peat moss, perlite, vermic, dolomite, NPK, P, Ca, FTE, wetting agent. Each 5.5 cu. ft. bale = 10 cu. ft. loosened
Same, except no perlite Same, exept no perlite and NPK (has P) Same, ready for bag culture (2 cu. ft.)
Metro-Mix 300
Synthetic Soils Peat moss, vermic, wetting afetn, macros and micros Peat moss, nutrient, vermic, perlite, Peat Mix and wetting agent, several formulations Same, no perlite, although some formulatins have it. Called "First Step," developed by U Cal No trade names (mix your own), although Redi-earth is based on it Hydro-Wet, Aqua-Gro, Terra-Sorb, Surf-Side, Triton B 1956
Wetting Agents
1 cup = 8 oz
1 bu = 8 gal 1 gal = 4 qt 1 qt = 2 pt