Systemic Functional Grammar-Interpersonal Metafunction
Systemic Functional Grammar-Interpersonal Metafunction
Systemic Functional Grammar-Interpersonal Metafunction
1 Subject (S)
- Traditionally, S also a noun. E.g. (1)Mary had a little lamb.
- But, out of context, noun is not a S.
e.g. Mary alone not a S; lamb alone is not a S
- Being a S is not an intrinsic feature of the word Mary but only a function which it
sometimes realizes.
- Mary is always a noun and in this example it is a S. However, it is not always a
S, for instance: (2)He knows Mary. Mary is a noun but not a S.
- It is only in some specific instance of a clause that an item can be labelled S.
- In SFG, Mary in (2) is said to be the Complement, and the pronoun He is the S.
- Not all personal pronouns can function alone as S.
- I, she, he, we, they nearly always realize the function of S. One exception is
intensive structures like It is I.
e.g. third person singular & plural. For singular S, the verbs require an –s.
e.g. The computer chip uses this battery of information. For plural S, there
is no –s inflection on the verb. E.g Computer chips use this battery of info.
Most past tense main verbs & modal operators (can, may, should) do not
vary according to S.
- other probe: The S is the item in the clause which is picked up in the pronoun in
a mood tag (aka question tag). From the mood tag, we can determine the S as well
as the gender of the person the S refers to.
(4) The computer chip uses this battery of information, doesn’t it?
It is the pronoun refers to the computer chip.
(5) Computer chips use this battery of info, don’t they?
They refers to computer chips.
(6) The doctor prescribed these pills, didn’t she?
She reflects the gender of the doctor.
- ‘dummy subjects’
‘empty’ S. e.g.
(10) … it was a mystery why some nerves stimulate an organ and others
depress it.
The pronoun it refers to the same concept as the nominal group in the previous
examples. The S it here is simply a sort of stand-in, holding the S position until
the meat of the S comes along, which is the 2nd it which is a fully referring noun,
and is co-referential with an organ.
2 Finite (F)
- part of the verbal group which encodes primary tense or the speaker’s opinion.
It has 2 main interpersonal roles in the verbal group:1) can be a sign of TIME in
relation to the speaker, 2) a MODAL sign of the speaker’s opinion. E.g.
a) sign of time
He is eating the puff. – is present
He ate the puff. – ate past
He will eat the puff. – will event will take place sometime after the talk
b) sign of opinion
He could eat all the puffs. – could opinion about ability
3 Predicator (P)
- The rest of the verbal group, including any other auxiliaries, is simply described
as the Predicator, because, it is the basis for the prediction, or validation, of the
rest of the clause.
For unfused F and P, each of these falls into two part. E.g.(8) – was obsessed
The first part, was – the finite operator, being finite
The second part, obsessed – the lexical verb, i.e Predicator
So, in might have been writing, only might realizes the F function
Whereas, have been writing realizes the P
In has been writing,
Has is F, been writing is P
4 Complements (C)
- Other nominal groups may be regarded as C because they complete the
argument set up in the clause.
- A C is the part of a sentence which answers the question “Who or what?” after
the verb. (Berry, M. 1975, p.64)
4.1 C subcategorization
- a) direct object Complements (C)
Normally follow transitive verbs
e.g. (13) … some nerves stimulate an organ and others depress it.
So, an organ is the C
- b) intensive Complement (C)
A C which follows a copular (linking) verb (such as be, seem, appear, become)
e.g. (13) Kuala Lumpur is the capital city.
(14) She seems a brilliant woman.
5 Adjuncts (A)
- Adverbial groups, nominal groups and prepositional phrases which acted as
Circumstances for the experiential meaning (concerned with content/ideas) of a
clause are now simply known as Adjuncts because they are added on to the
interpersonal meanings(communicative acts).
- Something ‘joined to’; slightly peripheral (at the edge/not significant) in the clause
- For the most part grammatically optional in a way others (S, F, P, C) are not.
- a) circumstantial A (A)
Deal with the circumstances of the events or states described in the text.
Convey information such as place, time, manner, the associated participants
(with whom? with what?).
Thus, part of the ideational (experiential) meaning of the clause.
- b) conjunctive A (A)
Helps to show the link between a clause and what precedes it.
e.g.(17) For instance, the vagus nerves slow down the rate of heartbeat , while
the accelerator nerves increase it. The expression For instance signals the
nature of that relationship.
- c) modal A
The function of A is to indicate some aspect of the speaker/writer’s attitude to
the message or her comment on its relevance, reliability, interest, and so on.
Modal Adjunct comprises of Mood Adjunct and Comment Adjunct (see Halliday
for the list).
In SFG, conjunctions are just connectors and do not have any significant