Mt. Harrison Anti-Foul Language Campaign

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Mt. Harrison 1r./Sr.

High School

Anti-Foul Language Campaign

The "anti- Ioul language campaign plan goes along the same lines as does our response to
swearing, but includes any put-downs or verbal or non-verbal gestures, language, or acts towards
any other person. This also includes gang activity as strictly prohibited.

The new district policy addressing bullying and harassment will be discussed at the beginning oI
each 6-week session and the teachers will review that policy with their classes and on an ongoing
basis as needed.

Any issues oI bullying or Ioul language will continue to be immediately reIerred to the building
principal. Depending upon the severity oI the issue, the counselor, principal, and/or law
enIorcement will be involved to address the problem behavior. Parents will be contacted and
disciplinary action will be taken on each occurrence.

Students "picking" on other students will not be tolerated nor any Iorms oI bullying or
harassment. Any issues oI this nature will be promptly addressed, as well as, any and all Ioul
language as it occurs.

Mutual respect is expected at all times at Mt. Harrison Jr./Sr. High School.

"Respect" posters are posted throughout the building.

John Kontos, Principal
Shanna Lindsay, Counselor
Candace Hurst, Teacher
Kerri O`Lear, Teacher
Zelma Woodward, Teacher
Vern Sorensen, Teacher
Curtis Richins, Teacher
Sheryl Stevenson, Teacher
Amber Thompson, Teacher
Carlos Roundy, Teacher
Hutch Swan, Teacher
Sarah Pelayo, Teacher
Terry Sparks, Teacher
Virginia Plocher, Secretary
Sandy Lawson, Custodian
Merrilee May, Daycare Supervisor
Diana Wheeler, Head Cook
Shelley Reeves, Cook

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