Circuit1 Oscilloscope
Circuit1 Oscilloscope
Circuit1 Oscilloscope
his circuit conditions different sig- put signal such that the negative half cycle The final output voltage (Vo) at pin 7
nals of frequency below 1 kHz and of the input signal is available in the posi- of op-amp A2 is given by the following
displays their waveforms on the PC’s tive side itself, so both the half cycles are relationship:
screen. The hardware is used to condition read as positive when it is given as input Vo=(1+R/2R)(-2Vi/3)= -Vi
the input waveform and convert it to the to the ADC. During positive half cycle, As Vi is negative, the output voltage is
digital format for interfacing to the PC. The diode D3 is on and diode D4 is off, and positive.
software for acquiring the data into the PC op-amps A1 and A2 act as inverters. Thus The zero-crossing detector detects
and displaying the same on its screen is the output is a replica of the input. During whether the cycle is positive or negative.
written in Turbo C. the negative half cycle, diode D3 is off It is the most critical part of the circuit
The input waveform (limited to 5V and diode D4 is on. With and if it operates improperly, the symme-
peak-to-peak) is first applied to a full-wave R2=R3=R4=R5=R6=R=330 ohms, the try of the analogue signal displayed in the
rectifier comprising op-amps A1 and A2 of voltage (V) at inverting pin 2 of op-amp PC monitor gets affected. At the zero-cross-
quad op-amp LM324 (IC4) and a zero- A1 is related to the input voltage (Vi) as ing instant when the input signal transits
crossing detector built around LM3914 dot/ follows: to negative side, the zero-crossing detec-
bar display driver (IC8) simultaneously. Vi/R +V/(2R)+V/R=0 tor informs the PC by taking pin 15 of 25-
The full-wave rectifier rectifies the in- V= -(2/3)Vi pin ‘D’ connector of the parallel port high.
The input at pin 15 of ‘D’ connector goes R1=10 kilo-ohms and C4=150 pF, which tus port address is 0x0379 and the
low when the input signal transits to posi- are the externally connected timing com- control port address is 0x037a. The port
tive side. The zero-crossing detector com- ponents. The conversion time obtained is addresses for parallel ports are summarised
municates with the PC through bit D3 of approximately 100 µs. The functions of below:
the status port 379Hex. other pins are given below: Printer Data port Status port Control port
The zero-crossing detector has been Pin 1 (CS): This is active- LPT1 0x0378 0x0379 0x037a
realised using LM3914 IC. You may adjust low chip-select pin. LPT2 0x0278 0x0279 0x027a
VR1 such that the last LED (LED10) goes Pin 2 (RD): This active-low LPT3 0x03bc 0x03bd 0x03be
off when the input signal transits negative pin enables the digital output
side of the input waveform. The LM3914 buffers. When high, the 8-bit bus will be (EFY Lab note. For details of the par-
itself rectifies the input signal and allows in Hi-Z state. allel port pins, refer ‘PC-based Dial Clock
only positive half of the cycle. Pin 3 (WR): This active-low pin is used with Timer’ project published in June 2002
The output from the full-wave rectifier to start the conversion. issue of EFY.)
is applied to the input of a sample-and-hold Pin 9 (Vref/2): This is optional input The software, written in C program-
circuit comprising op-amps A3 and A4 of pin. It is used only when the input signal ming language, is user-friendly and easy-
the LM324 (IC5), capacitor C3, transistor range is small. When pin 9 is at 2V, the to-understand. It gets data from the devel-
T1 (SL100), and analogue switch IC6 range is 0-4V, i.e. twice the voltage at pin 9. oped hardware circuit and displays it in
(CD4016). This circuit samples the input Pin 6 (V+), Pin 7(V-): The actual in- the graphical screen with some changes.
signal, i.e. it divides the waveform into a put is the difference in voltages applied to The C program includes two user-de-
number of voltages or points and inputs these pins. The analogue input can range fined functions with the main function:
each voltage level (with a delay) to the from 0 to 5V. graphics( ) and settings( ). The settings( )
ADC for conversion into the digital format. In this circuit, pins 1 and 2 are always function is used to adjust the voltage and
Op-amps A3 and A4, along with a switch made low, so the IC and the buses are time scale. The graphics( ) function is used
from IC CD4016 and a 1500pF capacitor always enabled. Pin 9 is made open, as to display the waveform on the screen. The
with sampling time of 20 µs, are used as we use analogue input with 0-5V range. sample control signal is used to close the
voltage followers/buffers. Pin 7 is grounded. switch in the sample-and-hold circuit, so the
When the base of transistor T1 is made Pin 5 (INTR): This active-low pin indi- capacitor charges towards the analogue in-
low via strobe pin 1 (bit Do of I/O port cates the end of conversion. It is connected put voltage. After the sampling is over, the
37A) of 25-pin D connector of the parallel to pin 17 (bit D3 of I/O port 37A) of ‘D’ switch is opened using the same signal.
port, the transistor stops conducting and connector. (Note that this bit is inverted.) Then the start-of-conversion control signal
the voltage at its collector goes high. The The start-of-conversion command via is given to start the conversion. The sam-
high voltage at the collector of transistor pin 16 of ‘D’ connector is applied to pin 3 pling time is approximately 20 µs and the
T1 closes the switch inside CD4016. As a of the ADC0804. Since we cannot read 8- conversion time is approximately 100 µs.
consequence, the analogue input signal is bit digital data output from ADC through After the conversion is over, the 8-bit
applied to the capacitor, which charges to- the 4-bit status port at a time, we divide it binary data for the specific voltage sample
wards the signal voltage. in two 4-bit parts and read. Hence the is available in the data bus of the ADC.
When the switch is subsequently ADC data output is multiplexed through Since the PC accepts only 4-bit data through
opened by applying a logic-high voltage two 4-bit sections of octal buffers of IC1 the status port (379H), the 8-bit data must
from pin 1 of ‘D’ connector to the base of (74244) with the help of output-enable sig- be split into two 4-bit data, which are ac-
transistor T1, the capacitor retains the volt- nals from pins 2 and 9 of ‘D’ connector to cepted one after another. This is done by IC
age with a loss of about 20 mV/sec and pins 1 and 19 (OE1 and OE2, respectively) 74244, which is controlled by D0 and D7
this voltage is given to input pin 6 of the of IC1. The digital data output from IC1 is bits of the data port. Then the two 4-bit
ADC0804 (IC3) via buffer A4 for conver- interfaced to the PC via pins 13 (D4), 12 data are packed to get the final 8-bit data.
sion to the digital format. When the num- (D5), 10 (D6), and 11 (D7) of status input The default BGI directory path is set
ber of sampling points in the input signal port 379H of ‘D’ connector. as ‘c:\tc\bgi’. The sampling time is de-
waveform is increased, the reconstructed The circuit uses 9V and 5V regulated cided by the ‘for’ loop that uses the samp
waveform becomes more accurate. DC supply voltages as shown in the cir- value. The maximum delay produced
The ADC0804 is compatible with mi- cuit diagram. should be greater than 20 µs, which is the
croprocessors. It is a 20-pin IC that works A PC printer port is an inexpensive maximum acquisition time of the capaci-
with 5V supply. It converts the analogue platform for implementing low-frequency tor. When the sample value is increased,
input voltage to 8-bit digital output. The data acquisition projects. Each printer port the number of points on the input signal
data bus is tristate buffered. With eight consists of data, status, and control port decreases and therefore the accuracy de-
bits, the resolution is 5V/255 = 19.6 mV. addresses. These addresses are in sequen- creases. The time scale may be calibrated
The inbuilt clock generator circuit pro- tial order; for example, if the data port with 50Hz sine wave as reference.
duces a frequency of about 640 kHz with address is 0x0378, the corresponding sta- This circuit costs around Rs 400.