Bscit 202

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Roll No. ......................

Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02

J-3586[S-1442] [2037]
B.Sc. (IT) (Semester - 2nd)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A
Q1) (15 x 2 = 30)
a) Write the syntax of multidimensional array of char.
b) Write the application of pointer variable.
c) What are the difficulties arises in processing a union?
d) Compare features of linked list & sequential list?
e) What are the characteristics of a binary tree?
f) Describe the concept of modularization.
g) When a stack is called underflow?
h) Define using example a null pointer?
i) Write advantages of a list over an array.
j) How many trees exist with n nodes and maximum level m?
k) Write the techniques for compressing the left and right pointers of a
node into a single field? And why it is needed?
l) Explain briefly Traversing in Binary search trees.
m) Explain the terms used in trees : ordered tree, oldest tree, descendent,
n) Write about straight selection sort.
o) Compare Linear & Binary searching techniques.

Section - B
(9 x 5 = 45)
Q2) Give different ways of inputting and outputting an array of number in
terms of array and pointer notations.

Q3) Give recursive & non-recursive algorithm of counting the number of nodes
in a linked list.

Q4) What are the conditions under which operations on stack can take place?
What is LIFO? What is its connection with queue?

Q5) Elaborate the concept of a tree with reference to family tree. Describe
different types of binary tree?

Q6) Write a program to create a linked list with a header & without a header
with the following numbers 44 95 36 112 369 7 9 & traverse both the

Q7) Write a C function to traverse a circular-linked list visited every node.

Q8) How would you implement a queue of stacks?

Q9) Write a set of routines for implementing several stacks and queues within
a single array.

Q10) Compare index sequential search and binary search. Which one has a
maximum search efficiency?

Q11) Write about the followings and compare : insertion sort and quick sort.

Q12) Write a program for sorting of n numbers.

Q13) Write a C function that accepts a pointer to a node and return TRUE if that
node is the root of a valid binary tree and FALSE otherwise.


J-3586[S-1442] -2-

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