Ebilling and Invoice System - SYNOPSIS

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(Affiliated to G.G.S Indraprastha University, Delhi)

This section presents a conceptual overview of the solution, and then provides an introduction to its requirements.

Solution Concept
The eBilling and Invoice System consists of: Customer, Products, Billing Generation: Automate the current manual bill generation system and maintain the searchable customer, products database and product invoice, maintain the data security, user rights. Report Generation: A Report Generation system will be developed for the user and management of eBilling and Invoicing System. This MIS system will have both details and summary type reports for analysis the sales volume, sales trend, available stock

Part of the solution will involve converting data from Microsoft Excel to the Database, system can import existing customer, product data from predefined MS Excel, CSV format. It reduces the data entry work and quick implementation of the system. The following diagram describes the proposed solution architecture at a high level.

High Level Solution Architecture

User Profiles
The following user types are expected for the eBilling and Invoicing System: User Sales Representative Brief Description of Use Actions Downloads and uploads customer and order information, which affects accounting, inventory and product data. View customer and product data as described in metrics, track orders and deliveries. All sales representative use actions, and management reports, quota establishment, reporting and adjustment. View and print stocks, track orders. Update product details like price. Generate reports, view and print inventory reports, view and print stock reports.

Manager Accountant MIS Executive

Usage Summary
eBilling and Invoicing System Version 1.0 will address the following use cases. The complete usage scenarios will be completed during the information-gathering process. Use cases will be created and prioritized. Selected use cases will be expanded into usage scenarios and features that are derived from both use cases and the usage scenarios, as represented in the following diagram:

Usage summary use case

The following sections summarize features and functionality described by use case. Please see bellow eBilling and Invoice System Requirements Manage Customers - Analyze Customers to analyze customer data to sort customers to sort customers by amount of sales to sort customers by amount of sales of particular

Must be able Must be able Must be able Must be able products Must be able to identify sales trends Must be able to identify drops in sales Must be able to identify drops in a customer's sales

Manage Orders Sales representatives must be able to offer discount in an order Must be able to create, track, revise, and cancel orders Must be able to create an order Must be able to track an order Must be able to revise an order Must be able to cancel an order Manage Products (Catalog, Categories) Must be able to browse products Must be able to browse products by category Must be able to add a new product Must be able to edit an existing product Customers must be able to search the database Customers must be able to search the database by product type customers must be able to search the database by product The system must have the capability to provide help Manage Users Must be able to record information about users Must be able to search for employee information Must be able to track information for each employee

Must be able to add/ modify user information User can change his/ her password Must be specify the user rights and privilege Management Information System / MIS Reports All users from all departments must be able to see reports from a central database as per their rights and privileges All reports can be exported in different formats like Text, CSV, Ms Excel System should store historical data. System Should have automated backup procedure for disaster Network Management monitor the network centrally monitor servers centrally monitor application server software centrally monitor databases centrally CEO Requirements To extend our product availability (Looks more like a business goal than a definable requirement.) Providing a no single point failure application (Looks more like a business goal than a definable requirement.) Reduce our costs by lowering customer handle time (Looks more like a business goal than a definable requirement.) Need to improve our sales volume (Looks more like a business goal than a definable requirement.)

Must Must Must Must

be be be be

able able able able

to to to to

Use Cases Summary

Software and Hardware Requirement

General Requirement for Server/Client:
Type Work Station/ Node Software 1. Windows XP 2. VB Run time 3. MS Office 1.Win2000 Advance Server Hardware 1. P-4 2. RAM -256 MB 1.P-4 2.RAM- 2GB 3.Hard Disk-160GB 4.RAID 1.P-4 2.RAM- 1GB 3.Hard Disk-40GB

Database Server

Application Server

1.Win 2000 Advance Server

Data Base Server

Application Server

Workstation 1

Workstation 2

Workstation 3

Workstation N

Development Tools and Technologies

Front End
1. VB 6 Why VB6? VB6 is built on the Windows Server System to take major advantage of the OS and which comes with a host of different servers which allows for building, deploying, managing and maintaining Windows Based solutions. The Windows Server System is designed with performance as priority and it provides scalability, reliability. The advantage of VB.NET includes Rapid Application Development (RAD) Support. Powerful Windows-based Applications Simplified Deployment Powerful, Flexible, Simplified Data Access Improved Coding Direct Access to the OS Platform Object-Oriented Constructs COM Interoperability

Back End
1. MS Access Why MS Access? MS Access is desktop RDMS support small application with all features like relational query, different data types, joins, and query. Includes Easy to use and easy to deployment. Integration with Windows OS Scalability Import and Export of data in all major database system. Centralized Management Reliability

Automating Tasks

eBilling and Invoice System Data Dictionary

Table : product_master
Owner: Destination DB name: Number of columns: Number of indexes: Number of foreign keys: Extended attributes: OnFileGroup Clustered PK Columns Sno ProdType ProdSubType Rate isactive dbo ebill 5 2 0 PRIMARY Yes Allow NULLs Not Not Not Not Not allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed Columns sno Value/ran ge

Data type int nvarchar(60) nvarchar(60) int nvarchar(30)

Indexes PK_ProductMaster_sno

Type clustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY

Table : bill
Owner: Destination DB name: Number of columns: Number of indexes: Number of foreign keys: Extended attributes: OnFileGroup Clustered PK Columns sno invoiceno canme Invoice_date location chalan_no customer_name Customer_address 1 Customer_address Data type int nvarchar(60) nvarchar(60) datetime nvarchar(60) int nvarchar(100) nvarchar(100) nvarchar(100) dbo ebill 15 3 0 PRIMARY Yes Allow NULLs Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed Value/ran ge


2 Total_amt discount Amt_words Paid_type Cheque_no Entry_date

int int nvarchar(100) nvarchar(60) nvarchar(60) datetime

Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Allowed Not allowed

Table : bill_details
Owner: Destination DB name: Number of columns: Number of indexes: Number of foreign keys: Extended attributes: OnFileGroup Clustered PK Columns sno Bill_sno Prod_sno qty rate amt Data type int int nvarchar(60) datetime nvarchar(60) int dbo ebill 6 3 2 PRIMARY Yes Allow NULLs Not Not Not Not Not Not allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed allowed Value/ran ge

Table : Company_master
Owner: Destination DB name: Number of columns: Number of indexes: Number of foreign keys: Extended attributes: OnFileGroup Clustered PK Columns Company_name Address1 Address2 city pin telephone vatno Data type nvarchar(60) nvarchar(100) nvarchar(100) nvarchar(60) int nvarchar(60) nvarchar(60) dbo ebill 7 2 0 PRIMARY Yes Allow NULLs Not allowed Not allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Value/ran ge

Table : user_master
Owner: Destination DB name: Number of columns: Number of indexes: Number of foreign keys: Extended attributes: OnFileGroup Clustered PK Columns user_name User_password User_type Data type nvarchar(60) nvarchar(60) nvarchar(60) dbo ebill 3 2 0 PRIMARY Yes Allow NULLs Not allowed Not allowed Allowed Value/ran ge

eBilling and Invoice System Data Schema ER Diagram

eBilling and Invoice System DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

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