Section: B1803 Max. Marks: 5 Date of Allotment: 5/2/11 Submission:19/2/11 PART-A Q1. Let us assume that the registers of the 8085 have following contents, A=32H, B=15H, C=83H, D=B3H, H=3DH, L=6CH , Carry flag(CF)=00H Show the contents of all the flags and all the registers after execution of each instruction of the following Program in the format shown MVI A, 35H; ADD B; MOV D, H; MOV A, L; ADD H; ADC C; RAL; RAL; RLC; HLT Q2. a) State how many times the following loop will be executed LXI B, 0010H LOOP: DCX B JNZ LOOP b) In above program if the instruction DCX B is replaced with DCR B then how many times loop will be executed Q3. Give your opinion on the following issues. Also explain why these concepts should not be removed from 8086. a) Minimum and maximum modes. b) Pipelining in 8086 architecture. PART-B Q4. Identify the addressing mode for each of the following instructions: (a) MOV AH , 47H (b) MOV AH , [BP + 2] (c) MOV AH , [BP + SI] (d) MOV AH , [XRAY] ; XRAY defines a memory location (e) MOV AH , TEMP [BX] ; TEMP defines a memory location Q5. How the physical address is generated in 8086? Explain with the help of examples. Calculate the physical address for the instruction: MOV CX,(1234H) and MOV BX,(BP+DI+04H) assuming BP=0200H,DS=3000H, DI=0300H Q6. What are the flags in 8086? What are their uses? Date of