Hospital Management System - SRS and UML Diagrams

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The document lists the following features as the high-level requirements that the Hospital Patient Management System will satisfy:
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Work Scheduling assigning nurses to doctors and doctors to patients Admissions - Admitting patients, assigning the patients to appropriate wards Patient Care - Monitoring patients while they are in the hospital Surgery Management - Planning and organizing the work that surgeons and nurses perform in the operating rooms Ward Management - Planning and coordinating the management of wards and rooms Waiting list: Monitoring to see if there are any patients waiting for available beds, assigning them to doctors and beds once these become available. Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe all the requirements for the Hospital Patient Management System (HPMS). The intended audience includes all stakeholders in the potential system. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: administrative staff, doctors, nurses, surgeons and developers. Scope The proposed software product is the Hospital Patient Management System (HPMS). The system will be used to allocate beds to patients on a priority basis, and to assign doctors to patients in designated wards as need arises. Doctors will also use the system to keep track of the patients assigned to them. Nurses who are in direct contact with the patients will use the system to keep track of available beds, the patients in the different wards, and the types of medication required for each patient. The current system in use is a paper-based system. It is too slow and cannot provide updated lists of patients within a reasonable timeframe. Doctors must make rounds to pick up patients treatment cards in order to know whether they have cases to treat or not. The intentions of the system are to reduce over-time pay and increase the number of patients that can be treated accurately. Requirements statements in this document are both functional and non-functional.

Software Requirement Specification Hospital Management

Functional Requirements: R1 Registration R1.1 R1.2 Add patients The HPMS shall allow front-desk staff to add new patients to the system. Assign ID The HPMS shall allow front-desk staff to give each patient a ID and add it to the patients record. This ID shall be used by the patient throughout his/her stay in hospital. INPUT: Enter Patients Name, Phone no, and Address. OUTPUT: Unique ID assigned. Prehistory: The HPMS shall check the computer if the patient has been registered before with the help of name or ID. If record exists then system checks for any pre-history. INPUT: Enter the name and ID in the system. OUTPUT: If patient has come before then his prehistory will be existing in the system and is entered into the report which will be created. OUTPUT: If there is no existing pre-history the assigned doctor does check-up for hereditary diseases and other required tests. R2 Consultation R2.1 General check-up The assigned doctor does the general check-up. Accordingly asks the patient to have respective tests( blood tests, x-ray etc) if required. INPUT: Patient is treated OUTPUT: Patient is assigned ward if treatment is required. OUTPUT: If patient is not serious then he is given medicine and is been asked to come for regular check-ups if required R2.2 Advance payment If patient is suppose to be admitted they have to pay certain amout of money in advance then only they will be admitted. INPUT: Patient pays the advance payment OUTPUT: the patient is admitted. R2.3 Assign Ward The consulting nurse shall use HPMS to assign the patient to an appropriate ward.


INPUT: Patients ID and other information is entered into the respective wards system. OUTPUT: The ward is assigned. R2.4 Assign to Waiting List The consulting nurse shall use HPMS to assign Patient to a waiting list if no bed is available. OUTPUT: If none of the wards are empty then patient is added to waiting list if not too serious or shifted to another hospital. R3 Medical matter management R3.1 Assign Doctor The administrative staff in the ward shall use HPMS to assign a doctor to a given patient. Assign Nurse The administration staff in the ward shall use HPMS to assign a nurse to a given patient. Inform Doctors The HPMS shall inform doctors of new patients. Inform Nurses The HPMS shall inform nurses of new patients. Emergency Case In an emergency case, the administrative staff shall use HPMS to assign an emergency room, doctors and nurses to the patient immediately. Surgery case In a surgery case, the administrative staff shall use HPMS to assign a surgery room, surgeon and nurses to the patient. Generate Report (normal) The HPMS shall generate the patients situation record every two hours for normal patients. Generate Report (Severe) The HPMS shall generate patients situation record every half hour for severe patients. Record procedure The whole treatment procedure for the patient shall be recorded by the system. Inform patient The HPMS shall automatically inform the patients who are on the bed waiting list of available beds whenever they become available. INPUT: During this medical procedure the doctor and nurses are assigned according to the patients condition and disease. Output: The reports are created of patients.


R3.3 R3.4 R3.5




R3.9 R3.10

R4 Check Out R4.1 Delete Patient ID The administrative staff in the ward shall be allowed to delete the ID of the patient from the system when the patient checks out.



Add to beds-available list The administrative staff in the ward shall be allowed to put the beds just evacuated in beds-available list. Payment The bill is made according to medical insurance etc. OUTPUT: The patient is discharged. The discharge reports are made of respective patients. The system is updated and the empty bed is added to it.

R5 Report Generation R5.1 Patient information Every six hours the HPMS shall generate reports on patients. INPUT: The following information: patients PHN, patients name, ward name, bed number and the doctors name. R5.2 Bed Availability Every six hours the HPMS shall generate reports on bed availability. INPUT: The following information: ward name, bed number, occupied/unoccupied. R5.3 Staff Schedule Every six hours the HPMS shall generate reports on staff schedule. INPUT: The following information: staff ID, staff name, staff type, duty shift. OUTPUT: The corresponding system reports will be generated. The system will be updated accordingly.

Data Flow Diagram Hospital Management Level 0

Level 2.5

Patient -id : int -name : char -age : int -sex : char -appdate : Date


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