Applies To:: Example of Running Snapshot To A Remote Host

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Applies to:

Sun SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000 Server
Sun SPARC Enterprise M9000-32 Server - Version: Not Applicable and later    [Release:
NA and later]
Sun SPARC Enterprise M9000-64 Server - Version: Not Applicable and later    [Release:
NA and later]
All Platforms
This doc describes the various ways to gather diagnostic data from either the XSCF or the
domain and XSCF combined.
Running snapshot on Sun SPARC Enterprise Mx000 (OPL) XSCF
Snapshot stores the collected data on a remote network  host or on  an  external media device,
based upon the use of the -t or -d option. To store the collected data on a remote network  host 
using  the -t option, you must specify a host name (or IP address), a target directory on the
remote  network host,  and the user name of a user on the remote host.  When storing  data on a
remote network host, snapshot opens a network connection using SSH to act as a data pipe to the
remote file.
Example of running snapshot to a remote host:
   XSCF> snapshot -L F -t <username>@<hostname or IP address>:<location to write to>
   XSCF> snapshot -L F -t [email protected]:/home/joe/logs/x

Example of running snapshot to a USB device:

   XSCF> snapshot -L F -d usb0 -r
   Note: The -r flag will remove all files from the USB device.

Running explorer on Sun SPARC Enterprise Mx000 (OPL) Servers

This example of explorer was done on a domain of a Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000 (DC1) It
gathers both the domain info and the xscf info, via ssh. The explorer host is the system that
explorer package is loaded on and runs the program.  So the domain is the explorer host for this
example.  You must have at least explorer version 5.8 for Mx000 machines.  Explorer may be
downloaded via Click on the Downloads A-Z and look in the 'E'
section for explorer.

Summary of the steps to get explorer running

1.  Find an existing (or create a new) user login on the xscf.

2.  Make sure this xscf user login has platadm privileges.
3.  As root on explorer host, ssh into xscf once to establish known_hosts entry.
4.  Copy/paste /etc/ssh/ contents from the explorer host.
5.  On the xscf as the user login for explorer, setssh -c addpubkey (paste in key).
6.  Setup archiving from the xscf to the explorer host (setarchiving).
7.  On the xscf as the user login for explorer, test connectivity via snapshot -T.
8.  As root on the explorer host ./explorer -w xscfextended,default.
9.  When prompted ; Supply the IP address of the xscf.
10.  When prompted ; Supply the user login on the xscf.

Now that you've seen the basic steps listed, but before we dive into the details, here is a brief
description of snapshot and log archiving.  Snapshot is a command on the xscf that gathers all the
xscf error logs etc. and copies them to a user specified location. This can be a USB drive plugged
into the xscf USB port, or a user specified path.

Log archiving on the xscf allows the xscf to periodically copy all it's logs to a specified location.
Log archiving is setup on the xscf via the setarchiving command.

The detailed steps follow:

1. Add a user for explorer.  On the xscf there needs to be a user that has platadm privileges.  As
explorer runs, it will prompt you for this user (i.e. 'Remote username:').

   XSCF> adduser explorer

   XSCF> setprivileges explorer platadm
   XSCF> password explorer
   New XSCF password:
   Retype new XSCF password:

2.  Verify user was added and the correct permissions were applied.
   XSCF> showuser explorer
   User Name: explorer
   UID: 100
   Status: Enabled
   Minimum: 0
   Maximum: 99999
   Warning: 7
   Inactive: -1
   Last Change: Dec 04, 2008
   Password Expires: Never
   Password Inactive: Never
   Account Expires: Never
   Privileges: platadm

3. As root on the explorer host, you must manually ssh into the xscf one time to establish the
known_hosts entry (on the explorer host) for the xscf. 
   Note: below you must answer yes the first time you ssh into the xscf.
   # ssh -l explorer
   The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
   RSA key fingerprint is 80:c0:74:eb:4d:89:5b:b0:f0:ee:7b:44:72:2f:43:b8.
   Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
   Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
   [email protected]'s password:
   Last login: Thu May  3 15:37:41 2007 from

4. Copy/paste the /etc/ssh/ contents from the explorer host to the XSCF.
    On the xscf, paste in the key as shown below.
   Don't forget to hit a carriage return, followed by a control-d !

   NOTE: You must be logged into the xscf as the same user that will be used by explorer.

XSCF> setssh -c addpubkey

   Please input a public key:
   ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAILP6i1v7rBPc57vTdzfvwQcDJ/qpUcRgZG6i5QvIvBhCQ6U


  5. Next, setup archiving from the xscf to the explorer host (domain 0 in this case).   IP address
of the explorer host is  
   XSCF> setarchiving disable
   XSCF> setarchiving -k download -r -t [email protected]:/usr/rob
   Fingerprint: 27:5e:08:5a:34:7c:3e:7b:45:d8:75:7a:43:21:8a:d2
   Accept this public key (yes/no)  yes
   Enter ssh password for [email protected]:
   XSCF> setarchiving enable
   Testing the archiving configuration...
   Logs will be archived to

6. Test the connectivity via snapshot.

   NOTE: The '-T' Specifies executing snapshot in SSH target mode using the value for
user@host:directory previously set using setarchiving.
   As the xscf user login for explorer use:

   XSCF> snapshot -T
   Setting up ssh connection to [email protected]...
   Collecting data into [email protected]:/usr/rob/
   Data collection complete

7. Run explorer on the explorer host:

   # cd /opt/SUNWexplo/bin
   # ./explorer -w xscfextended,default
   May 03 06:56:02 v4u-m8000a-dom00[25803] explorer: explorer ID: explorer.809210d0.v4u-m8000a-dom00-
   May 03 06:56:02 v4u-m8000a-dom00[25803] patch: RUNNING
   May 03 06:56:02 v4u-m8000a-dom00[25803] pkg: RUNNING
   May 03 06:56:22 v4u-m8000a-dom00[25803] sysconfig: RUNNING

8. You will be prompted for remote system information.

   Type return to end the list.

   Remote hostname or IP address:  (IP address of the xscf)
   Remote username: explorer
   Telnet password or blank to use SSH connection:  (Just hit return)

 9. In a few minutes (The xscfextended portion runs about 4 minutes) it will prompt you for the
next remote hostname or IP address.  If this is the only xscf you want to gather info on, just hit
return and the explorer will quickly finish.  The output is in: /opt/SUNWexplo/output/and the
xscf snapshot portion is in :
   # ls
Additionially /opt/SUNWexplo/doc/README has much of this same info in the xscf section of
the file.

Example in my system:
#Luxadm -e port
/devices/pci@1,700000/SUNW,emlxs@0,1/fp@0,0:devctl CONNECTED ( zone )
/devices/pci@2,600000/SUNW,emlxs@0/fp@0,0:devctl NOT CONNECTED ( un zone )

#fcinfo hba-port
HBA Port WWN: 10000000c986688d
OS Device Name: /dev/cfg/c2
Manufacturer: Emulex
Model: LPe11002-S
Firmware Version: 2.82a4 (Z3F2.82A4)
FCode/BIOS Version: Boot:5.02a1 Fcode:1.50a9
Serial Number: 0999BT0-09090007KT
Driver Name: emlxs
Driver Version: 2.50o (2010.
Type: N-port
State: online
Supported Speeds: 1Gb 2Gb 4Gb
Current Speed: 4Gb
Node WWN: 20000000c986688d
HBA Port WWN: 10000000c9a09c66
OS Device Name: /dev/cfg/c3
Manufacturer: Emulex
Model: LPe12002-S
Firmware Version: 1.11a5 (U3D1.11A5)
FCode/BIOS Version: Boot:5.03a0 Fcode:3.01a1
Serial Number: 0999BT0-10270002RW
Driver Name: emlxs
Driver Version: 2.50o (2010.
Type: N-port
State: online
Supported Speeds: 2Gb 4Gb 8Gb
Current Speed: 2Gb
Node WWN: 20000000c9a09c66

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