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Manual Takometro Megelli
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Pablo Hernan Acuña
The meter is displayed by Icm with led back light before operating, please read the instruction carefully and follow it to install the meter.
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Manual Takometro Megelli
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Pablo Hernan Acuña
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The meter is displayed by Icm with led back light before operating, please read the instruction carefully and follow it to install the meter.
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The meter is displayed by Icm with led back light before operating, please read the instruction carefully and follow it to install the meter.
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25% found this document useful (4 votes)
21 pages
Manual Takometro Megelli
Uploaded by
Pablo Hernan Acuña
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The meter is displayed by Icm with led back light before operating, please read the instruction carefully and follow it to install the meter.
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"mank you for purchasing KOSO RXAN GP siyle meter the meters iisolayed by fom wih led back igh, Borore Goorating, please read ho Insructon caretuly ana folow instal he rotor. “Tho leg metors oop or DC 12V. 2 Forinsolaton. pleat flow he steps descrbed in manual. Any omage coved by wrong insfototon sno be mpured oe ures Dont rei or modi ha wie terminal, To Grate short cru, pleate ont pul ne wire when tating ‘4Donat dlsstemole or change any pars excusing the manuot desertion «5 The rferior examination of maintenance shouldbe executed by our Maex MEANING: EGYL 20 9 a SS OS CST (As Sora Sua roe ar as rs SC cE SGPT ENOL SIGH Soreness oe OaaoepS oa RSE] INCAUTIONE Ssrerecesa nore aero ons Re TSS TSE = ea ez = oa PRESS THE BUTTON ONE TIME A ST Rs RS a SO TOD Ts TST] res a0 rec Gee4032-4 Installation instructions IMOTO/SCOOTER Sipe speed sensor bracket instruction, wT oa y Tk sito ott aH 16 oF M8 crow x2 2.086 ores trina eran Bun x2 s.arackor 4M or 18 gasket x2 [NaH Yo. cour creas ong GEIST Screw Gr Te Rela Wl eile GeDETOT ‘eer te osce fo We sugges’ you To Ure ho adaiona’ assert) IMTS] ADGUT TRS TaTIAG. aa Tae a ‘sroumference Grd Sensor BxFATE Saar PPI So] ET] Taran Naa o roar 4 face fo the sensor when ins TERNATIVE , Cvinaer head femp sonsor Mato samen ESS BOT ES G08CE (or Fost apmbol Tachometer warning Toph fe8say ange: 10 eves ringtone sooo 3000 eM Seautg eat Foon Siegaraia ne so mermometer chee yerrange: 20~ 120°C (68~248") "and aeotay 70 evel ~ Sip ore ee armen °C check Speeding warning ight See ge BF 20-110 un) jung UR rns nor SeeaRae sa Regarcing th so Dloaeo oreo 4, Biegus check 4 ~ Choc, [indicators lights leropocter eh (areen|es eos - (Bite mete wil raccrd te tp 0 pra warang tect hemermte pe0d! fh one omporanre 0 rpertre worn ea, range O~ 120°C Siomaneaty jusing uni 1G Be ete cong >Regoraing bape @DscI97 unt. 0.1°C or 0 (ee. meter ‘99999.9 m ; lear ores oa tr tanga: 0-200 9 km rt Ons « rosel Gaornoncay one OVE OME ED) EE) | 8} 210" bis +n (te SOND ip motor. ay range: 0-990 0 km rose! Qutonsahely attr 95.9 Mh ebisiay unr 69 an trto} rea RxXADOOKPa ed SELECTBUTTON “in main screen, pri re Slee! Bulfon o choaie fe Gipay of Cook 2.n Dower fest screen. press the Select button fo choose the function you ain soting soreen, press the Seleet fo choose the function you want to set SELECT BUTTON X 3 SECONDS Tra ster, ls doe Sec uton ‘ion este ft on a ec ute 3 In sefing screen, press Gown fe Select button for S sotenenotckls no main oon Apsusr BUTTON err er baen reise ars SEES EEE Sethe naunoree rena ADJUST BUTTON X 3 SECONDS. Inman screen, press gown the Adjust butfon Tor FIBA ip 8 er tho MAK rooers splay of odomerer, ber seting. you keep econ To reset The PRESS DOW THE ADJUST BUTTON. In sering sereon, to aa6 the setting vave Txt SELECT+ADJUST X 3 SECONDS Inman screen, press down the Select & Adjust Buftons cine samo ne ford second oentor he sottng sores |ENCAUTIONN FTES aaa WHET TE VONEIS Fo, SNOT ‘Soule adiust he selting or operate he function. ES et KERRY In the seting screen. press down the Select Button for seconds fo back foe main seroon, EE oe ee In main cteen, press down the Select & Adjust Button athe same imme for Ssacones fo enor the setting sereen {5°3 saconels 0 enter he power sors scre ee 'n power test soroen pros down the Select Buttons 3 Second to Bock fo the mets Soren tft san to bok fama se res eeres e8 EPRI ESE ene Inman sereen, press the Select Button to choose the function combination you want fo splay on ‘he soreon, The attemarive combinarion is othe cite we Ist: ‘look lus! gauge > ware femperature us ‘gauge > ol emparature water temperate revel gauge > clock fue! gauge MeN T you cont ral ne ool wna. Fe] fds! gauge wih nar satay, KEGRnGE ecu ne nee ee Inmain screen, press he Adjust button fo choose th function combination you want fo alspiay on| tne screen, The aiternarive combination is a the circle we lt ldometer> ipa > tig ® = MAX record, esa eNEESirroun oe ae ee as iceirt, Ee Ry Gh Aareecaieermerain re, SEReneeeceaae "4 42 8 “4 6 +8 7 46 Wena Tyree re erage To COT ONT TOSS fon nll bar fo tne main seraen aulormatioaly. eA eS 3-7 The power test screen instruction In power tes screen, press the Select button to ‘Choate the fost you want The fet function Sin arder os erger spead timed farger ations times top speed mer In pone fe! seroon.pross ihe Select button fo {teh rom ins target speed timer 0 farger ene ee eee fondthe soting so Po een tn poner ost cron, res he Selec! button (3 tam eget terete EE imino ferosn aul rom the forgot ‘Peed hr sina te tal SSRs finer seen and neering ho 100 (ee rte In power test screen, press the Select button to Softeh rom ine Top sooed ner foe target Be Row ine screen switch trom the torget ‘stance immer screen a he fap speed limer sorsen. and the (00 rm (2182 re) SAG 6FAT en (@sp000 unit Jenin MPH ctternative @spo0domoeterronge __O~360KrmIn (0-223 MPH) [OD IspIoy interna! -<0,5 secona odometer 0-99999.9k m (rile) (OM A108 (0999.9 (milo) speeding waming 80180 rm 20115 setting range eps unit 5 rh (5 PH) (Oop soeed record (= 8604rnyh(0~-228 IPH) “Tire circumference setting 1000-2500 rmim + Aut unt:¢ rim Sensor paint: 1-6 (@rchameter range 0~15000 RPM - Display unt: 100 RPM Display interna <0. second [ver RPM shit ight seting 5000-15000 RPM = Adjust unit: 100 RPM OMAK RPM record 015000 RPM CStoke | pion seting 2 Shroke: 1, 2,3, 4pstons A Stoke: 1,23, 4,5, 6,8, 10, 12 pistons @romperatue unt °C. @digta! woter temperature 0 120°C (32~248"A) « range Display unt 04°C (0.1 (@lomoeranx0fovo! gauge 20~120°C (68~248'F} aliay in 10love! ipioy range Display unit 4 ewsl=40°C (50°F) » (@digiol of temperature 0~420"C (82~248"A - range spi unt 0.4°C (0.19) 04=pIay interna 05 second O0ver temperature 60~1207C (140~248"F)« warning sftinggWat & oll) Acust unt 1°C (°F) Yop temperature record 0 120°C (32-248) esa en @Fvel gauge fuel resistance setting ‘Olhsuffoten uel warning sorting (@1c7901 atone ter (@109 se90d timer Display in 10 levls (one level means 10% fue) 1900. 510.0 10-60% - ‘Aagust unt: 10% 24H '30~360 kmh (20-200 MPH) ‘cust unit; 5 kr (5 MPH) 50~ 1000 m (1/82~-20/32 milo) ‘csust unit: 50 n (1/22 milo) The record incluaing, 1'Spe0d : 0-360 kin (0~223 MPH) 2Dstance : 0-999 m (03280 feet) S'ReM 015000 RPM “imer :0~59.59.99 second. @énective voltage C12 @éifecive temperature range 10-4 60°C (@heterstancora 180203 @ivoter size 4151.6X61.5X52.5mim ‘@iveter weight ‘round212g @rnctootr igre ‘Neuro-green, High bear bie repeaterqreen FO8D-ameer ore, ‘Poecing'Ted RPM shi Ih yoow re. eS e8In soting screen. press the Select button one rime fo enter fhe speed unit sertng ~ Press tno Adjust button to choose the speed unt, Bc Naw ine setting sir (4s News peeslunt a Tamngl [Me] You cous sronre Krak or PHS] tbead unt aoning sroon PASTEL TH In setting screen, press ine Select button 2 times fo enter the srokel piston setting sereen, ucse are re cores UTE before wring. ($i4o%6 sure the Inout s corer. oF tho RPM Output wll be incorroct, Bile Setins te eraine vin he lgniien stern gitae every 360 degree a sre ara he engine wih ignition aterm nts every 750 degree (@Some ke bikes with one single ston ave lgnting EVERY 360 degree: ‘once, 10 he sorng should be the Some arte Bio Win 2 Soke and ‘She pistan engine. Tis adomelor & We motor wil are 4 inthe speed un 3 Te WVOA ey yore Hs ree Gee aa) 7 eS 69 Prete tne Adjust button fo select the stroke, 1 Now ine sroke number & hashing Ay RoW To STOKS OMG NOTBOT ETO WieIEd ou couse Pe sroxe os Oe clan testis Sharon ee Press the Select butfon fo enter the piston seting EX Now the setting s changed from 2 Cycle to-4 Grete. 4Gyelo. 10,12 pions ES BDASTI So GST ©] In setting soresn, press tne Salect button 4 times Pros the Select button 1 continue ne function fer {0 emtorthe fomgorature unt sorting soroon BTR patton number is changed tom tp top ° fapurors ILE yoy Tcro Te eroon, Ta ag Frasiaivrto rate Petrie ta uae] ~ eel bun ouch boc ronan Presse Adlust Button fo choose °C or °F 5x Now ine tomeotature uni 5c. (A Rows emperors uns ToT ~ reise Sele button to come ho tncton faring FE New tre temperoture unis changed tom et NOH Then you loove Tis roan. Ta ro sawe buon accra ooo oe ren sen | eC 2 rec G22PEP MEC In setting screen. press the Select Button 5 times o.entor he speeding warning sering screen The speeding light will _ speed reaches your Bead et , ross the Adlust button fo choose ine sof humbor 6x New the spoeding warning ight Serna s 30 kth A Now tha spooaing warning vghT anaS | tering fs fesning WOTE] A Boag unt ohng ia anor erate ees = Fe Sle bufon carte cten EF Ney me sting changed rom 30 kmh fo 60 kmih 2 a BOL Tyo ore reer anG inked itr itoo8 s Ss ean cnr FESS 823 EBACE G dao (2600 sol cv wa Feit "¢ Freodne 12800 ait ©) <@ €o In setting screen, pross the Select button 6 times Toomer the over Rou warning soring sereon Pros he Adjust button fo choose the seftng EX Now tne over RPM warning settings 9000, eu ‘A Now raat TAT RE TS STIG UH Mma SS] $500 78000 RAV Adj ul 108 eH ress he Select button fo continue the runction foting fromm 9000 RPMA To 42000 RPE [OMA viren x he Troctarearternate rane FERS eyIn sting screen, press the Select Button 7 times Toentor the ove fermperarare warning serting water emperature} screen, ates 2" ct Sng > sno Au bution fo choose roaring BEN ne ovr toperotre wate sting i soe Ne Ta nara Tora 4 ‘setting number are flashing! Waa Teo, fomperanre warning sera] ater ald To9O GETS A Trawating ie) femperature uni set ros: the Select button fo enter the ol Femperaiure woming sefing. Ex'how iho sting l changed from 90.0°C fo 550%. ES 25 Press tne Adjust button fo choove the setting number the over temperature (i setting it Seat" ANG Lape OO TaTIOR (Boag Tae pao ea8 Iga ont SF fa he Select button Yo contnue ho uroton Ex NB me setting is changed trom 90.0? to 550" enon Netia Then yo eave Tis soreon, Te sr FECAL O25the sloring samt ana Ihe. ecsuring tae, “SGD recall Get frou coulc aetna me voNe os ferminal ponte mecxure the lwnge! sreumorenee wih In setting screen. press the Select button 9 times Toentertne Tre Srcumforenee and sensor Bart tefing screen, feove meaiure the tre circumference the ‘ire you mil neal he sensor on} and make [ure he number of magnet sensor poly (You Sau instal pe moana io fre ae sero oaeessehson 1e speed Asployeat én the meter wil be ‘foGtes by the tering, please Moke sure the Sorting number fb cortbet otore you rake thesating. frost ne Adjust button fo choote the sering EX Now tne tre ckoumference senting ‘mimcand the sensor Bom st (AM Now te ctcurterence ong naTea® | oguingy oToumterence sering pamber) Med Tae] 10002600 mim Agust unit Amim._| 1000 o Press the Select button to enter the sensor point ETRE chcurference setting is changed from 5000 min v0 4800 mi. res ho Adjust Butlon fo choose the sin rrunsbor “7 ° (AS Now Ta Tana AIT SoTING UMTBaT ES] hekns? Wella revere pont eta TaTae =e ross tho Select button fo continue the function fohiog. 6 joring ls changed tom 1 0 [ietia Then you eave isscreen, Te seTIPG | FES G8Eero In setting screen, press the Select button 11 mes foe he clock seftng soreon. ~~ ross he Adu button fo choote the sein EX how the time 1 0:00. (As Ronis hour hore ETO] (Weld sc o7encioc ~~ ross the Select button fo onter ihe minute NGM changed trom 00 13. ~ Press ine Adjust button fo choote the setting umber (Ay No OTT TOTES TET ~ ross the Select button fo continue he runction exe 's changed from 0 to 4. [GHA Vinonyayioave ik croen, MOOD] inbied Frerpatear rie rst tra To FESS 829 Ee ea Inseting soreen, press he Select Button 13 fies fe enor he Tue! gauge restores nd Insist fool warning sing screen rest ne Adu button fo choose the sting EXThow tne tue! gouge resistance sotting is 400.0 ‘ond he insuffeish sting 830% (A Roo Te estrone sig MIMBRTT ISH Tre foe! gauge essionce selina range] ne fuel gauge ressfance setiing ran "00m 810% renee iryeu don isi the fuel wring, the fal gauge walt tsp a Ss" esvot no tue! gauge erstonce ® 109 2 en iateateyater Cand Bi tan HONDA ten, Ine nsurtcent fuel warning sting’ When me fue! Tots han your sting, Pl love! gouge wi josh to man yo oes Pros: the Select button fo enter the Insutitent warning setting Exihow ine Bi resttance setting & changed from 4001019 840 eS OHSA TT ES G3) Press the Adjust button fo choose the setting umber A Noa merauT Wella Tre ut Fae «the Select Button fo continue the function isting Ei ihe sottng changed tom 30% 10 20% eta Yon you tooo a scron, ost EEE eee In sting soreen, press he Select button 15 times fo enter he fargo! speed finer sting rest ne Adu button fo choote the sting EX The forget speea 50 ‘and the forge! stance timer sling is 4132 le (50m! es TTT ORT TUTOR Me MPH Press tne Select butfon fo erver te forget stance hmer warning se ExiNow ihe large! sped Hmer is changed trom ONO enim to OHO rh Press the Adjust button fo choose the setting Aa re ww re TOGET OTROS HUET fasning? ara a (000 (4132-20182 mi) aft unit 90 rm (12 re. FED G2Ce ee Press the Select button fo continue tne function fering Ex Ng tho txge! aetance timer seting is changed tom 36 io (S0 1 0 08 Ho Oe Peter 3 ens este rsnccer ES 833 ERIE | PoE ross tne Adjust button fo clear the recera and anor the tatge! S03 tine fos 4eroon. EX Non you Sould see tne record you nave Botore. alspioys the forget sowag timer setting GEO 110 km ne fet eau 19.20 cosa The top speed ie 440K curing ine tes. TPO Tenner aU 36 89 function at acettack to avokd in power fos scv0on, pros: Ina Select Bulfon oro line fo onfer he forge? speed mer feat sareon, INGIia Feats sar re Tost when ro ve sops | A\Tyauhave ihe power fesirecors, Twit] ‘tsoiay ne recara fst. You mos osord biore toring a neu fst I RP is 70000 RPM aug te ft hen the bike moves, the tor wil Suemancaty. ANowhewenTonrg INGIIa A500" he poner Textsoring, pears | cheokea10. rec oHEa TINTED 230 Uses Tunction ot racetrack fo vold Ane Your bie start move fee ri fo ott he nme he me (AS Tiyau have the power fat ‘leoioy he feebra fst. You rust clear the fesord botore staring @ new Tos ross tne Aalst button fo clear the recera and anor the tatge! atone Hnor fox! se'00, EN you Soul see ne record you nave otore.elspiays the forget sovad timer setting (952182 mile (100 rm the fes res 10.27 Seconds he fop sped 63 krminauring the Teste The Ma RBM s 6000 RPM curing the fost ops fhe Bis, (A, Dang THO TOT THE RTT RGD TORT x=: Yinon you roach he forget soood you sot (0-110 mihi. mer wi stop courting (79.20 second SER a cea aes RE {Tu wen fo ox agalh. poss re Adu Button clear ne racers analener Me forget Sood tiner lei soon apa you don reach the target NPN eS ihe the bike moves, she tor wil se0ed or sop ccceeratng Suemancaty. i it bulionvo ston hes A Now homme fowingl fimar then you coulseress "he OOO0N7 C037 mest [GIA A500" Ne poner Textsoring peas cheokea10. ne aéjus bution ts stop |Adjust Button one time fo lear [ihe record and enter the forget soeed ter test screen. ESAS ES ES 4S OGEee errr ea sfo08 me Bis. (2, Dang TS ToT THe RTT RED TORT ¥Yinen you each the fargo! stance you sot [100762199 mi the Sar wil sop Counting [1027 second) Sean coma "you wan! fo test again prow fhe Adjust Button’ clear ihe record ond onter he target ‘Sooed timer fot seroon egal Button to soe tne mar an you could pres he Adjust Bulton one time To clear tha record ane oni‘ forget stance trey fost sereon ESD E37 ~' aU 36 89 function at acettack to avokd in power fos seroon, pros: Iho Select button 3 tif to enter the foo spaced fest tere INGIia Pease for fe fostwhen re DUS TOPE] A\Tyauhave ihe power fesirecors, Twit] ‘tsoiay ne recara fst. You mos osord biore toring a neu fst ross tne Aalst button fo clear the recera.and anfor the top soaad fot seroon 2 Now you could see ns record you nave botoro.alsoiays the fop speed s 480 kh. tho dlslance loveatn te Iop speed is 510m. The MUX RAIA & 10000 RPM Guring tne fx, Ino temo ia need Te reach Ihe Top speeds 10.20 seocnds Dinan the bike moves, he fiver Sutomaneaty, A Now rom TION [MOH "= fon sosed tes orgs Speed. o-aoounn Distance: 0-999 [S280 fea kh D~ 18000 RPA Ter. 059 59.99: Tsing unl wit charge Togarior wih Te Ammon setting (4-4) ge foot ea aeS 039 A DOO oT TET hen you regon he fop speed (160 kmh. tho Grate (1020se00res) iemeae secon ema oe you want fo fest agai, presse Adiua? Dutton fo claar the record ana enter fe forget Speed timer fer screen agan The folowing situation do not inaleate maunction of tne meter. lowing before faking infor repai. ne mater soesnt work wnen}@The power doesnt supe fo the mete. Ihe power en MeiGaro rave sure he varng ‘connected The wing an use ore not Broker, =the itor stron oh an io lf ue enough ower Be AV Fo lepicaze check ne vottage of your rbatfery and make sure ine vortage Is over BET, Spseq does not appear or lePioase rato sue the spoed sons is eear necro rconsctod correct leioase chest he te-sie stn sare fterfo ho manual 4 leate check the RPM sensor wiring it |e connected correciy ° lebicare chock the sparkplug le°R type frnot itnor, pleose replace the spark lug with the" ype sparkplug. lePieare check your etling. w-Proae refer fo fhe manual 4-2 leriecre check your ue! lank wishore ony foo rae? letioare chock na ring wis you Sennect ine hiring corecty ? leZincé oneck Ino voting Fibasa refer foie manual 49. Temp dees not appear or |@Pieose check the sensor [Sppecr incorrect Boos Ine wiring break o fling off? heclockisinconect. | @Ooyou connect he wiing conecty Keane Grok no postive rere ‘connects 6 he boven ond roa Sinton postive wrnatoronn) connects {o'ie ain sue {ET cant save the problems aoooraing fo he sles Gore. EaTe ‘Contact wih Shiono ors intormation. * Tachometer doos not Jeppear or appear incorrect. tae ES OM[7 Guarantee & notice of products We nope our preaucts are perect. Should it happened that our products ware Bas quaies, we would do our bes 1 exchange the same lems 0 you Furthermore, we apoiogize wo could not exchange the ers with breakdowns ar damages by human, (ihe guarantee sfandaras are on the bbosisof the folowing rules) TE ETE “ Broblems are happenes when normal operating accorcing 70 the oles of he manual in the quarnatee time, please Grng fo cshbutors Crus and we wil fepar for reo. 2 breakdowns are hapoened in ihe guarnate time, please bring fo dstouters or us ana present us the quarantee ond the defals eseriing he damages situations 31 couldn be ropatted fa przo, but can contact with us. 4.¥%0 will charge you forreparring under the folowing stutations ‘even in he guarratee time, (1) Noguarantee. (2) No customers name, purchase dato. aistibutor's name, anator ‘change the characters in he guarantee (3) The ciomage is caused by being operated wih mitoses, spared roughly, diossembied and rete (4) The damage is coused by being fell down to the ground or being woreres, (5) The damage isnot caused by the electric power. for exampte: fre, earthquake, wind, rain, hand, or vista otc 5.Ihe guarantee is only avaiape in your count. $ithe guarantee ime san acvaniage of consumers Tor repaling ‘toe. I! your product need fo be repaired but he guarantee time has ‘posted or you don't remember where you Bought. please contact with us. ec a4}
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