Assessment Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

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 After 30mins of  Evaluate  Client responses  After 30mins of

nursing respiratory rate are variable. Rate nurswing
intrervention the and depth. Note and effort may be intervention the
client will; for respiratory increased by pain, patients
--maintain effort; for example accumulations f respiration is
adequate presence of secretions and partially returns to
ventilation with dyspnea, use of abdominal normal as well as
respiratory rate accessory muscles distention its breathing
and rhythm and nasal flaring. pattern and the
normal for the  Administer  Increases available patient is free of
client, and free of supplemental tissue and organ dyspnea and SOB
dyspnea or oxygen O2, if function. and breath sounds
shortness of indicated. were all clear.
breath and breath
sounds are clear. *GOAL is partially

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