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The passage discusses anatomy topics such as liver structures, blood supply of the small intestine, inguinal ring contents, boundaries of structures in the abdomen, and spaces in the pelvis.

The ilioinguinal nerve passes through the superficial inguinal ring.

When removing the spleen, a surgeon must be careful not to cut one of its branches, the left renal artery.


The "porta hepatis" of the liver transmits all of the following EXCEPT the:
A. hepatic arteries
B. hepatic ducts
C. autonomic nerves from the celiac plexus
D. portal vein
E. hepatic veins

2. Most of the small intestine receives its blood supply from branches of a single artery. The artery
that supplies most of the small bowel is the:
A. middle colic
B. celiac
C. gastroduodenal
D. inferior mesenteric
E. superior mesenteric

3. Which of the following nerves passes through the superficial inguinal ring?
A. iliohypogastric nerve
B. obturator nerve
C. lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
D. ilioinguinal nerve
E. pudendal nerve

4. The posterior boundary of the epiploic foramen (of Monro) is the:

A. caudate lobe of the liver
B. first part of the duodenum
C. portal vein
D. common bile duct
E. inferior vena cava

5. The epiploic foramen is bounded anteriorly by the:

A. hepatoduodenal ligament
B. peritoneum over the inferior vena cava
C. peritoneum on the caudate lobe of the liver
D. free border of the greater omentum
E. peritoneum at the beginning of the duodenum

6. Each of the following forms a boundary of the lesser peritoneal sac EXCEPT the:
A. gastrosplenic ligament
B. left triangular ligament of the liver
C. greater omentum
D. lesser omentum
E. splenorenal ligament

7. When removing the spleen, a surgeon must be careful not to cut one of its branches, the:
A. superior mesenteric
B. left gastric
C. left gastroepiploic
D. superior pancreaticoduodenal
E. left renal

8. When performing surgery in the ischiorectal fossa, the internal pudendal vessels and pudendal
nerve should be avoided by staying away from the:
A. base of the fossa
B. medial wall of the fossa
C. lateral wall of the fossa
D. anterior wall of the fossa
E. posterior wall of the fossa

9. Infected glands of the anus (near the pectinate line) may erode the wall of the anal canal and
rupture laterally into the:
A. ischiorectal fossa
B. deep perineal pouch (or space)
C. rectovesical fossa
D. superficial perineal pouch (or space)
E. retropubic space

10. Which nerve is identified by its position on the anterior surface of the psoas major muscle?
A. femoral
B. ilioinguinal
C. genitofemoral
D. obturator
E. lateral femoral cutaneous

11. The external spermatic fascia is derived from the:

A. tunica vaginalis
B. transversus abdominis aponeurosis
C. external oblique aponeurosis
D. extraperitoneal fascia
E. internal oblique aponeurosis

12. The perineum is bounded by all of the following EXCEPT the:

A. ischiopubic ramus
B. pubic symphysis
C. apex of the coccyx
D. urogenital diaphragm
E. sacrotuberous ligament

13. The scrotum has as its counterpart in the female the:

A. bulb of the vestibule
B. crura of the clitoris
C. labia majora
D. labia minora
E. clitoris

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