Configuraçao Dm4e1 - E2 E3 Optical Mux

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Choose Equipment

*1 - DM4E1 Bridge Packet Sequencing local

*2 - DM4E1 Bridge Packet Sequencing 1021966


Main Menu

1 - Settings Menu
2 - Tests Menu
3 - Status Menu

4 - View System Parameters

5 - Network Parameters
6 - Config Wizard


1 - Settings Menu

1 - General Settings
2 - Port Settings
3 - Aggregate Map Settings

4 - Check user settings

5 - Update changes (user memory to equipment)
6 - Recall equipment configuration (equipment to user memory)
7 - Save equipment configuration to E2PROM
8 - Recall E2PROM settings to user memory
9 - Recall Factory values to user memory

User memory status :[ Full Active Config. ]

Option: [ ]


1 - General Settings

General Settings

Topology :[ Point to Point ]

ALS Protection Retry Time :[ 10 seconds ]
2048kHz E1 AIS Reference :[ Internal ]
Aggregate Backup :[ Automatic ]
Backup Enter Time :[ Instantaneous ]
Backup Return Time :[ 30 seconds ]
External Alarm 1 :[ Disable ]
External Alarm 2 :[ Disable ]
External Alarm 3 :[ Disable ]
Alarm Output Activity Time :[ Forever ]
Alarm Output Frequency :[ Infinity ]


2 - Port Settings

Choose Board

1 - Slot AG1 - E3 SM Short Range Bidirectional 1310nm

2 - Slot AG2 - Empty Slot
3 - E1 tributary Ports (4)
4 - V.35 Interface
5 - Empty Slot
6 - Router (2)


1 - Slot AG1 - E3 SM Short Range Bidirectional 1310nm

Card Settings
Slot AG1 - Port 01 - E3 SM Short Range Bidirectional 1310nm

Operation :[ Enable ]
Alarms :[ Disable ]
Tests :[ Disable ]
Operation Mode :[ Main ]


3 - E1 tributary Ports (4) Port(1..4) [1]

Card Settings
Slot 3 - Port 01 - E1 tributary Ports (4)

Alarms :[ Disable ]
Tests :[ Disable ]
Transmit AIS :[ WhenAggLoss ]


4 - V.35 Interface

Card Settings
Slot 4 - Port 01 - V.35 Interface

Alarms :[ Disable ]
Tests :[ Disable ]
CT105 :[ Forced On ]
CT108 :[ Forced On ]
Clock :[ 2048kHz E1 AIS Ref.Clock ]
CT128 :[ Disable ]
Clock Phase :[ Normal ]
Rate ( Nx64 kbit/s ) :[32]


3 - Aggregate Map Settings

BG,B[1..4]:Bridge to G.703(inverseMux) G,G[1..4]:E1 G.703 Tributary

B:Bridge V:V.35 M:Management R:Router -:Pass Through

|Trib| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |
|Intf[G1 ] - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |

Aggregate Map

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