Railway Abbreviations

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Compiled by- RPS YADAV, SSE/RE/Allahabad

Organizations & Corporations

AIRF All-India Railwaymen's Federation (union organization)
COFMOW Central Organization for the Modernization of Workshops
CONCOR Container Corporation of India
COOIS Central Organization for Operations Information Systems
CORE Central Organization for Railway Electrification
COS Central Office of Standards (predecessor of RDSO)
CRIS Centre for Railway Information Systems
CTC Calcutta Tramways Corporation
DCW Diesel Component Works, Patiala
DMRC Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
Indian Railway Conference Association (body that issues inspection
guidelines, allots wagon codes, inspects workshops)
Indian Railways Construction Company, now IRCON International Ltd.,
IRCON which takes on contract work to build railways in other countries (Iraq, Nepal,
IRCOT Indian Railways Central Organization for Telecom
IRCTC Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation
IREB Indian Railways Executive Board (proposed)
IRFC Indian Railways Finance Corporation
IRIATT Indian Railways Institute of Advanced Track Technology
IRICEN Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune
IRIEEN Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering, Nasik
IRIMEE Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jamalpur
Indian Railways Insitute of Signal Engineering and Telecommunications,
IRPS indian Railway Personnel Services (human resources)
IRRA Indian Railways Regulatory Authority (proposed)
IRSE Indian Railway Service of Engineers
IRSEE Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers
IRSME Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers
IRSS Indian Railway Stores Services (inventory control)
IRSSE Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers
IRSTE Indian Railway Signal and Telecom Engineering
IRTS Indian Railway Traffic Services (management, marketing)
ISRS Indian Steam Railway Society
ITB International Tourist Bureau (New Delhi)
KRCL Konkan Railway Corporation, Ltd.
KRDC Konkan Railway Development Corporation
K-RIDE Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Ltd.
KRIST Konkan Railway Institute for Staff Training
LRDSS Long Range Decision Support System
MPT Mumbai Port Trust (see BPT)
MRSP Model Railway Society of Pune
MRTS Mass Rapid Transit System (Chennai)
MRVC Mumbai Rail Vikas Corporation
MTP Metropolitan Transport Project (Railways), Bombay
MUTP Mumbai Urban Transport Project (a World Bank project)
NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (union organization)
RCIL Railtel Corporation of India, Ltd.
RDSO Research, Design and Standards Organization
ROMA Railway Officers' Medical Association
RPF Railway Protection Force (also see below, Miscellaneous)
RSC Railway Staff College, Vadodara
Rail India Technical and Economic Services, which takes on planning,
RITES design, and operational work in other countries (Angola, Mozambique,
Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mexico, Zambia, Nepal, etc.).
RTRC Railway Testing and Research Centre (a predecessor of RDSO)
RWWCO Railway Women's Welfare Central Organization
RVNL Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd.
SGE Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd.
WAP Wheel and Axle Plant, Yelahanka (also a loco classification :-) )
Technical acronyms
ABS Automatic Block Signalling
ACD Anti-Collision Device
ARTS Data Manager (system for managing EPROMs and station
configuration cartridges for ARTS)
AE Automatic Emergency or Auto-Emergency (type of brake system)
AFTC Audio Frequency Track Circuiting
ATC Automated Train Control
ATP Automatic Train Protection
ATS Automatic Train Stop
AVB Automatic Vacuum Brake
ATS Automatic Train Stop
BPC Brake Power Certificate (issued before train departure)
BS Braking in Series configuration
BSL Block Section Limit
BSP Braking in Series-Parallel configuration
CDO Coaching Depot
CLS Colour-light signalling
COCR Confirmatory Oscillograph Car Run
COFC Container on flat car
CTC Centralised Traffic Control
CTR Complete Track Renewal
CWR Continuous Welded Rail (0.5km and longer sections of welded rail)
DAC Digital Axle Counter
Design-Build-Finance-Operate (a scheme for private parties to build and run
railway lines with IR's help)
From the French disjoncteur, the main circuit breaker of an electric loco
(usually pneumatically operated, roof-mounted)
DLBI Double Line Block Instrument
DEMU Diesel-Electric Multiple Unit
DETC Diesel-Electric Tower Car
DHMU Diesel Hydraulic Multiple Unit (hydraulic transmission DMU)
DMH Dead Man's Handle (on EMUs)
DMU Diesel Multiple Unit
DPC Driving Power Car
Disconnecting Switch (to switch off OHE power to loco circuits, usually
DTC Driving Trailer Car (unpowered driving car in EMU rake)
DW Double wire (of semaphore signals)
EA Extra (time) Allowed (make-up time noted in working time-tables)
ELCM Electronic Load Control Module (governor for DEMUs and other diesels).
EMU Electric Multiple Unit
EOG End-On Generator Car
ETCS European Train Control System
EY Empty (notation for empty rake in real-time train information systems)
FM Fouling Mark
Frequency-modulated Voice-frequency Telegraph (used for control
communications by signals / electric traction / traffic control staff)
FOR Forward motion (position of master controller in loco)
FP Fouling Point; also Feed Pipe (at couplings of vehicles)
GTO Gate Turn-Off thyristor
HEP Head-end Power (power from the loco for the coaches)
HFTC High-Frequency Track Circuit
HOBC High-Output Ballast Cleaner
HOG Head-On Generator
HHPDMU High-Horsepower Diesel Electric Multiple Unit
HPDMU High-powered Diesel Multiple Unit
HSCB High-speed Circuit Breaker
HT High Tension
HTCBC High Tensile-strength Centre-Buffer Coupler
HTS High Tensile-strength Steel
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
NTES National Train Enquiry System
NX eNtrance-eXit (interlocking panels)
OFC Optical Fibre Cable
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (monitoring and control system for
remote control of electric traction systems)
SE Superelevation (of curved track)
S/L Shunting Limit
SLBI Single Line Block Instrument
SOD Schedule of Dimensions
SPAD Signal Passed At Danger
SPTM Self-Printing Ticket Machine
SSDAC Solid State Digital Axle Counter
SSI Solid State Interlocking
STR Schedule of Technical Requirements
STRI Stencil type Route Indicator
SW Single wire (of semaphore signals)
SWR Short Welded Rail (2-4 rails welded together in a section)
TAB Train Air Brake
TALQ Two-Aspect Lower Quadrant
TAWD Train Actuated Warning Device
TBTR Through Bridge Timber Renewal
TFR Through Fitting Renewal
TLC Traction Locomotive Controller
TPC Traction Power Controller
USFD Ultrasonic Flaw Detection


ADM Add/drop multiplexer

AIS Alarm indication signal
APS Automatic protection switching (channels K1, K2)
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
AUG Administrative unit group
BBE Background block error (G.826)
BBER Background block error ratio (G.826)
BER Bit error ratio
BIP-2 BIP-2 parity word in VC-1, 2 path (POH)
BIP-N Bit interleaved parity, N bits
BSHR Bi-directional self-healing ring
CAS Channel-associated signaling
CCM Cross-connect multiplexing
CMIP Common management information protocol
CSES Consecutive severely errored seconds
DCC Data communication channel
DCN Data communication network
DWDM Dense wavelength division multiplexing
DXC Digital cross-connect
EBC Errored block count
ECC Embedded communication channel
EDC Error detection code
EFS Error-free second
ES Errored second (G.826)
ESR Errored seconds ratio (G.826)
FAS Frame alignment signal
ISDN Integrated services digital network
ISO International standardization organization
LAN Local area network
LOF Loss of frame
LOM Loss of multiframe
LOP Loss of pointer
LOS Loss of signal
MSOH Multiplexer section overhead
MTIE Maximum time interval error
OAM Operation, administration and management
OOF Out of frame
PDH Plesiochronous digital hierarchy
PLL Phase-locked loop
POH Path overhead
PRBS Pseudo-random binary sequence
PRC Primary reference clock
QoS Quality of service
RDI Remote defect indicator
REI Remote error indicator
ROSE Remote operations service element
RSOH Regenerator section overhead
SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy
SES Severely errored second
SESR Severely errored seconds ratio
SHR Self-healing ring
SMN SDH management network
SMS SDH management sub-network
SOH Section overhead
SPRING Shared protection ring
STM Synchronous transport module
STM-N Synchronous transport module, level N= 1, 4, 16, 64
STS Synchronous transport signal
TMN Telecommunications management network


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