Ing - Type

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phenolphthalein as indicator.

Samples of higher content of acetic acid

were analyzed for vinyl acetate by adding a measured escess of bromine
water followed by potassium iodide, and titrating the liberated iodine with
standard thiosulfate solution.
From the known composition of the initial misture, the composition of
the aqueous layer as determined by analysis, and tkw curve showing the
solubility relationships, the composition of the vinyl acetate layer is found.
The straight line between the initial gross composition and the composition
of the aqueous layer is extrapolated to the solulditg curve; the intersection
is the composition of the vinyl acetate layer.

Hildebrand J. H., J. Phys. Chem. 1941, 44: 1303-1305

Department o j Chemzstry, Unaverszty of Calzfornza, Berkeley, Calzjornza
Recezved June 7, 1941
Although the factors influencing emulsion type have long been the sub-
jects of discussion, it can hardly be said even now that the apparent con-
flicts have been settled. The situation indicates, I believe, that no single
theory of emulsion type will suffice, in view of the various factors operating
and the wide differences in the emulsifying agents used. Three of these
theories assume that the type is determined hy a natural direction of
curvature of the interfacial film of emulsifying. One, the “oriented-wedge
theory” (1, 3, 4), applies to monomolecular films, another applies to solid
skins, and a third to solid particles (5). In each of these cases there is
reason to believe that curvature in one direction yields a lower energy
than curvature in the other; hence this direction is undoubtedly one factor
in determining which liquid shall be the enclosed phase.
There are two reasons, however, for seeking additional factors. One is
that the force tending to produce curvature is extremely small in view of
the thinness of the film. A second and far stronger objection is that there
is no mechanism whereby droplets of oils as insoluble in water as those
ordinarily used can assume the theoretical equilibrium size. A droplet
that is too big cannot spontaneously shrink; it can only become bigger by
coalescence, an irreversible process. I wiqh to suggest, therefore, that
attention be focused on the processes of emulsification and coalescence,
rather than upon equilibrium considerations involved in curvature of
minimum energy. The more or less violent agitation used to form an
emulsion must give a t the outset globules of both kinds, so that between
them we have both kinds of film, some of water, some of oil.

Let us consider, first, films stabilized by monomolecular layers of soap

such as we have in emulsions of oil in water. The soap is highly adsorbed
at the interfaces, greatly lowering the interfacial tension. Suppose, now,
that the film is suddenly stretched and threatens to break a t some point.
The fresh solution thereby exposed, or a t least the region of less oriented
soap molecules, has a higher interfacial tension; hence the film auto-
matically strengthens itself wherever a break is threatened. The oriented
soap layer is then replenished by further adsorption from the solution.
Thus far there is nothing new about the explanation. A further question
naturally arises, however. Why does the film resist rupture better when
the soap in the interfaces comes from the film solution, here the water, than
when it comes from the larger reserve in the droplet? The answer I suggest
is that the resistance to sudden rupture is much stronger if the emulsifying
agent is present in the film liquid, which is the external phase, than if it is
in the larger mass of emulsified drop, the internal phase. The reason for
this is that there is very little soap available in a thin film to migrate to the
new surface and weaken it, while there is an ample supply if it is soluble
in the liquid outside of the film. This can be verified by a simple calcula-
tion based on the figures of Griffin (2). A permanent emulsion of oil in
water can be prepared with 0.0125 molal sodium oleate. Such a solution
would contain 7.5 X lo1* molecules per cubic centimeter. The area
occupied by a molecule in the interface was found to fall between 20 and
40 A.z Let u q select the mean, 30 A . 2 Two faces of such a soap film, each
of 1 cm.l, would then contain 7 X 101$molecules. The ratio of this number
to the number per cubic centimeter is approximately that is, to fill
with soap 1 em.? of new double film surface would exhaust all the dissolved
soap in a layer 10-4 cm. thick. We may infer from the thickness of soap
films in air that films as thin as this may easily occur between the oil drops
of a concentrated emulsion. In order for two drops to coalesce, the sepa-
rating film of the outer phase would have to become even thinner a t the
point of threatened coalescence, and this would be resisted more strongly
when the emulsifier is dissolved in the film than when it is dissolved in the
We are thus led to an explanation for a rule that has long been held on a
purely empirical basis, so far as I am aware, Le., that an emulsifying agent
tends to render the phase in which it is soluble the outside phase. This is
not inconsistent with the oriented-wedge theory, since the larger end of the
molecular wedge tends to determine the solubility. Indeed, the rule can
be stretched to cover the behavior of solid powder emulsifiers, since the
solid is in a sense more soluble in the better wetting liquid. A thin layer
of the outer liquid is much better protected against rupture if the solid
particles project chiefly into the interior of the film, i.e., if the particles are
mainly on the outside of the emulsified droplets. Colloidal emulsifiers

may be regarded as intermediate between dissolved but superficially

adsorbed emulsifiers on the one hand and solid powder emulsifiers on the
We may fairly conclude that the different theories are not essentially
antagonistic but rather are different factors in a rather complex mechanism.
This analysis is intended not as a denial of any of these factors but to
emphasize and account for the survival of films of one liquid over films of
the other during the process of emulsification, and to point out that this
survival may be a principal factor in-determining which liquid shall become
the outer phase.

The various factors which contribute to the stability of one type of emul-
sion rather than the inverse type are supplemental rather than rival. The
direction of film curvature for minimum energy has probably been over-
emphasized a t the expense of the more mechanical forces operating during
the emulsification process. The rupture of a film separating two droplets
can be resisted by a larger rise in interfacial tension a t the threatened point
if the reserve emulsifying agent is dissolved in the liquid forming the film,
i.e., the external phase, owing to the lower rate of adsorption in that case.
AND HILDEBR.4ND: J. Am. Chem. SOC. 46,2780 (19%).
(2) GRIFFIN:J. Am. Chem. SOC.46, 1648 (1923).
DAVIS, 39, 354,541 (1917).
(4) LANGMUIR: Chem. Met. Eng. 16,468 (1916);J Am. Chem. SOC.39, 1848 (1917).
(5) SCARLETT, MORGAN, AND HILDEBRAND: J. Phys. Chem. 31, 1566 (1927).


School of Chemistry, Institute of Technology, 0.niversity of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Received April 18, 1941
I t is the object of this paper to. present a set of formulas which enable
one to calculate quickly the activity of any member of the three naturally
occurring radioactive series a t any time after any arbitrary initial condi-
tions. The method of calculation has proved to be of convenience to the
author, and the required formulas are given for the benefit of others who
may find them of use.

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