Car Rental System For Auto Fantasia (CRS)
Car Rental System For Auto Fantasia (CRS)
Car Rental System For Auto Fantasia (CRS)
-Ihe pro-ject that had been develop is going to be concerning about the car rental
manage'ncnt by Auto Fantasia Car Rental Company. The project will be known as the
4i1to I-antasia Car Rental System (CRS). There are six modules in the Car Rental
S? \trln included in the Rental Car lnformation module, Customer Information module,
Hooking module. Renting Car module, Returning Rented Car module and Report
Producins module. This report contains the introduction, methodology, analysis, design,
~m;>lzmentation.testing and the project conclusion of the project that is developed. The
0 . 1 t-t methodology used is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Problems of
I i~rrentsystem of the car rental management had been analyzed and from that,
I L V L...cment analysis had been made. CRS is going to be online using the Wide Area
h'c1.v ork (WAN) and going to be used by three different users. ITPMS is developed
u PHP as the programming language and MySQL as the database. To develop the
reai bystem. designs had been made that covers the system architecture, user interfaces
a n ( +database designs. This system is hoped to he4p the Auto Fantasia management team
in handling the car rental management.
The system that is going to be developed will be known as the Car Rental S! stcm
(CRS) for Auto Fantasia. Currently, there is no any computerize system being used b!
Auto Fantasia in handling the car rental operation. This system is going to be used b ~ .
three groups of users that are the customer, administrator and staff of Auto Fantasia. The
purpose of this system is to overcome problem faced by Auto Fantasia using the manual
way. Therefore, it will make all the processes regarding with car rental operation easier
to manage.
CRS is a web application system that is developed for Auto Fantasia in order to
replace the current manual way used by the organization. Using the manual way, there
arc: a !ot problems arise that can cause difficulty to the car renter and also lo the
,:;-.qagcrnent team of the organization. Hopefully. by developing this system. it mill help
232 a t i r e user to overcome the problem faced by them and make the car rental operation
I. Data Growth
As we know, data increase by day. So, it is very difficult to store and maintain all
the data manually. Therefore, proper and systematic database must be used to
afford these data growth and to allow user to update or maintain data efficiently
11. No Computerized System
This is due to the manual way of recording the data. As we know, in manual
way, data are being stored by recording it on paper. Therefore, it may easily get
damage or misplace that will lead to data loss.
ia. N o database to store information
By using manual system, data are only being stored in files. Therefore. the
potential of data loss is high since the file may easily get damage or lost if' it js
not being taken good care of.
1.3 Objective
?.4 Scope
The system that is going to be developed is known as the Car Rental System
(CRS) for Auto Fantasia Company whereas the system is a web based application
system. The main users of this system are administrator, customer (renter) and staff.
This system also includes car rental report by month.
- '-:re are six modules in the Car Rental System. The modules are:
11. Customer information
In this module, user can add, find. view, update and delete the customer
0 . .
111. Booking
The fiinction of this module is for staff to book car for certain date and time and
for certain customer. Customer can also make an online booking according to
specific term and condition. Besides that, the booking that had been made can
also be changed or cancel also according to the specific term and condition.
vi . Report Producing
This module is responsible in producing the reports associated with the renting
car such as car rental report and statistic from time to time.
The system is a multi user system since it is used by different groups of users. It
is developed to be used on the Windows platform. The database system that is going to
'3 ' Y I I I I Ii)r the system is using MySQL. The methodology that is going to be used in
,?ing the database is the Database Lifecycle (DBLC). DBLC describes the history
I:, :database within the information system. But the methodology used to develop the
.\<,tern is the System Development Live Cycle (SDLC). SDLC provides the "big
picture-' n i t h i n uhich the database design and application development can be mapped
out and ekaluate. Besides that. the system is going to use the Wide Area Networking
(\I'AN) uhere it can connect to people around the world. Therefore, the operation
between users that involved distances can be easily done and managed.
CRS has it own significance to its users. Using this system, it will help the
cusiomer in making booking and renting car easier. Therefore, it will overcome the
pru~;emfaced by the current manual system. Using this system, it can also help the Auto
F ~ asia
T management team to keep track of the entire car and the renting operation
information. Besides that, this system will also help in making the renting car process
e ~ a i c and
r faster. This system will not only help it user in renting car process, it also can
let the customer (renter) know the current status of car whether there are still available
car or not. Therefore, all processes regarding with renting car operation can be handled
easily and this give a lot of benefits to Auto Fantasia Company.
Regarding with the problem analysis, there are several probkins that had been
identified especially problems that are faced by the management team of Auto Fantasia.
Following are the questions that arise from the problem analysis:
I. How the system that is going to be developed going to make customer (renter)
registration easier and how to overcome data loss that often occur when using
manual way?
1!0\\ the s!stern that is going lo be developed going to make rental operation
t.cisicr and efficient for customer (renter)?
! ! ( I \ \ this s! stem can reduce mistake occurred due to data redundancies such as
i\ hen gi\ ing wrong car to customer for renting?
:Ill thew questions must be taken into account in order to assure that the system
[hat is going to be developed w-ill success and can operate without any problems.
As an overall, CRS is developed to make all the operations regarding the car
rental more efficient. The system is developed in order to overcome the problems faced
~is!ligthe manual way. Currently, many car rental companies are using manual system.
I nc,efore. the system is hoping to help the car rental companies in managing the car
I-ertal operation besides providing better services to all users that involved that are the
customer. staff and administrator.
From this chapter, the problem statement, objectives, scopes and project
significance are being identified in order to develop the system that will be used by the
targeted users.
After finishing this chapter, it will bring to the second chapter that is the
literature review and project methodology.
This chapter is the report analyzing the fact finding and the approaches and
techniques that is going to be used in completing the CRS project. Thefact and finding
arc being analyzed by identifiing what are the objectives and the current -situation and
the available resources.
Nowadays, there are many type of business operates in Malaysia. One of the
businesses is the Car Rental System for Auto Fantasia (CKS). This system actually
provides convenient to its user. Most of the car rental services nowadays are manage
using manual way and it cause a lot of problems to its user.
( I!: !<~.!-!1;!! Fantasia (CRS) is actually an
S!\.IL'!X!-)r A U ~ O ICT business. It is
. . .
i t combines thc technology with business and it is called
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c ! I \ \ . ~ ~2s ~ based application and it changes the manual
\L;:\ 5 ) stem.
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2 2 . 1 Case Study I - Using Simulation to chose between rental car lot layouts
This journal about the Using Simulation to chose between rental car lot layouts.
In the rental car industry. the number of cars that are waiting for or currently in the
process of being cleaned directly translates into unrealized potential income. Although
~ h cactual time spent preparing a car for rental (e.g., cleaning, servicing, and heling) can
nol be significantly reduced without affecting quality, the number of cars being prepared
at a time can be modified. Of course there is a cost involved with any improvements to
accomplish this.
From the point of view of a rental car company, there are three essential
processes that occur in a rental lot. The first process details howlhe customer is handled
dur: the time spent checking out a vehicle. The second process is what happens while
a customer checks in the vehicle. The third operation, which is hidden from the
i ; i j:~ :.t Ck. - h ; i ~!heir
!: ~ ~ i . t : ~ \ ~ \
- OII~! operatiens and priorities. During the two
;":;!'.\.'. ::\ ,111 ::-I? ~ ~ r ~ ~ i ~ ~ : i rhi. pri~n;ir! goal is the satisfaction of the customer. During
i i ' r > .
Company needed to take action. The company needed more profitable customers. The
ccplnany wanted to segment its million-plus record customer database. This i n f i a t i o n
would identi@ the most profitable customers, what they are like, and how best to reach
them. To implement this segmentation, the rental company asked Claritas to segment the
database by:
!. !?i!'!i~.!!iri~,x i!! :,,!,c \c>!!! 5!2!!1s \\hc!hc.r tl~cvehicle is being used, being
r~yuircc!01 : I \ ;iil;tblc 1i)r rcn~al.
!!. ('!!'!!>!?!LY !?or Lnc?\\
J!~L\> !!lc tictailcc! inf(>rrnationabout the car that they had
.. .
I . 3li.l!:ilcs ir! g i \ i r y \c~hicle !hc correc! cus!erner due to data redundancies that
occt~rrcJ~ C C ~ U SoCf tlic lnrtntral \\a!.
I\. Kt.c.pi!lg rrack of' \zhic!c.s is a bit difticult to be done since it is using manual
\. . Djf!icu!tics i!? re!;crring lo the previous data that had been recorded since all the
checking are done manuall>.
.C;p ~~tern be:
, . Provide convenient to user to do the car rental process.
11. Customer can make vehicle rental anytime without relying to certain rules such
as office hour.
?.?,g Technique
!r? t!li?- L! 31cn;. trio mc.!hoJologics had been used. The methodologies
are llarahase I.i\ ('J clt ( 1lHI.C') and Sotiuarc. I)e\,elopment Life Cycle (SDLC).
DGLC i s going TO bi. use i ! ~developing the &!abase of the project. The Database
L i i i Cycle (DBLC) describes the histor!. of the database within the information s m .
'i ( i . 2 dBLC is composing of sis phases: the database initial study. the database design,
in;,lernentation and loading. testing and evaluation. operation, and maintenance and
k-I 4
L- 1
and 1.oading
irnplsrnzn~t~it\n I
I Maintenance and Evolution I
In this phase, analysis on the company situation is being made. The main purpose
of the database initial study is to analyze the company situation, define the problems
statement and constraints of the current system. Beside that, it also defines what are the
objectives, scope and boundaries of the system to be. The initial study also yields
proposed problem solutions.
ii. Ilatahase I ) r * i ~ n
In this phase. the I?J<I.?C; thar i s so!!!?r o bc !ISC !:>r t!lc s~s!cLn! is i!?s!alled and rhe
databases used are also bein2 created. 1'ht.n. the J:1t3 li)r the s?stt.m IS going to be load
or converted. Beside that. during the implcn~enrarjc!n and loadin2 phase. the
performance. security. backup and recovery. integrit?. cornpan) standards. and
concurrency control are also being addressed.
Once the data have been loaded into the database. the DB.4 tests and fine-tunes
tlii <atabase for performance; integrity. concurrent access. and security constraints.
v. Operation
In this phase, routine maintenance activities within the database are going to be
Systems nevc!ppficn! i ! ( ' s c.!r, I 51 )I (- 1 \i : ! ! r , r t , t j i i:!c.j :!pi! io!?>ct!i!?>cs
just (SLC) is detined b! the I '.S.
I l ~ ' ~ ; t ! ~ i ! : ~ c ' ir >b ft lit\;:c'cx I I k.!
i .I\ ;i -t>!~\: .trt- Jcyi i-1opn:c.n:
. .
process. al!hnugh !! !s n!sc\ c!ic!ii!:,! r r ~ > t :!!:~~l~rzr-!.lL.:l!
~~~~ I! ! x t .!??\ dn, !\r 4,!hcr
Information Technolog!- ccmsitieratiori... \i
I. ;,Iht, hii:);ir; ,i\ i r : T ; r r ~ l i ; i ~ i o r >\:\l;tcn~'r
11. It is documentation driven. that is. documentation is produced at every stage.
Figure 2.2: \Vaterfall Model
1. Planning
In this phase, it determines the objective and scope of Car Rental System (CRS).
J'Lre are several planning that should be made such as the schedule planning. This
describes the plan that had been made in developing the systems from start until1
finished. Besides that, there is also feasibility planning that is on cost and time planned
c \ T be system.
tr. Analysis
In this part, firstly, analysis about software that is going to be use to develop the
system need to made. Therefore, PHP had been chosen as the programming language
and MySQL as the database system. The main output from the analysis is specification
for software. That means given explanation function of software which going to be used
to develop the system and make sure the objective of the system is achieved.
iii. Detailed System Design
Detailed system design is to show h o n the .;.<t~>n>\ j i o i ~ ! , j h. C I I ~ ? ~ ~ I ~ ' ~ ~ ! ! ~ >I:-
! : jklL
iv. Coding
v. Implementation
Before the completed system could be implemented to the customer. ri number ot'
tests will be conducted in order that the system had meets the user requirements. Thc
lests include unit testing, system testing and user acceptance test.
vi, Maintenance
Maintenance is being conducted aAer the system had been implemented to the
targeted user. This is to ensure that the system operate as it should be according to the
user requirement. However, there are sometimes that the maintenance will lead to some
changes on the system.
CRS is a web based application system. The system is an online system. There
are some hardware and software requirements that are needed in developing the system.
2.4.1 Software Requirement
Microsoft Project
b. Operating system/sewer
Apache sewer
web server notable for playing a key role in the initial gro\\l!? of'?hc I\ or!<! idit.
c. Database system
MySQL an application that managers the database and also make anai!sis
on data. This application is easy to install. use and also pro\.ide a set of'
development and management tools. User can also create various queries
depending on the users needs. Tables and relationships are also very easy to
create as this application has as easy to operate interface. MySQL is an open
source software, which refers to that the software can be freely obtained and
customized to fulfill personal, educational or corporate requirements. MySQL
can also interact with Dreamweaver MX using the PHP with ease.
There are specific schedule and milestone that have to be follo\ved during the
implementation of PSM I and PSM 11. As an ovenriew. there four main stages during
PSM I that are the introduction, literature review and project methodolog\.. anal? sis and
design. Table 1 shows the milestone for PSM I. to make sure that the task is finished on
the given date; a timeline schedule is made and is shown ifi form of Gantt chart.
PSM I presentation
1 25106107
After finishing PSM I, the project development is continued with PSM I1 in the
last semester.
Activities Start Date End Date Product
improvement i
PSM I1 final report writing and I
911 0106 2011 0106 PSM 11 report j
report submission
PSM I1 presentation 2311 0106 23110/06 -
2.6 Conclusion
Throughout this chapter, researches had been made on some of the current
systems. Approaches and methodology are also being chosen throughout the literature
review. Therefore, the methodology that is going to be use in developing the Car Rental
S:.E- ,m (CRS) for Auto Fantasia is the Database Life Cycle (DBLC) and Software
Dt-;,elopment Live Cycle (SDLC). This methodology is to make database and develop
that system.
Project schedule had also being produce according to the milestone given for
I. This is in order to make sure that the task can be finish according to the specified
date. Ne% step to do is the analysis chapter whereby it is to analyze the problems and
requiremaif!+more specifically.
3.1 Introduction
The third chapter of the report is the Analysis. In this chapter, the problems of
current system and the requirements for the to-be system are being analyzed. Problems
.7n 'jrsis is important in order to identify the problems arise due to the current system and
the solution that can be made through the new system to-be so that the problems can be
okercome. When the problems had being analyzed, the requirements for the system to-
bc ?,re then being analyzed. This is to identify the requirements needed for the new
system to-be so that the solutions to overcome the current problems can be made.
In order to develop a system that is going to meets the user needs, the current
system scenario or situation must first be investigated to identify problems. Then, the
problems have to be analyzed so that solutions can be made.
. .. r. Background
+ " + I
. Of The Current System
Mest of the car rental operations are still being done manually. Therefore, it
really causes difficulties to user. Whereas using the manual way. user has to fill in the
prnvided form and give a copy of identification card and license. Problems that had been
identified in the current system are:
1. Difficulties in checking car status whether the car is being used, being repaired
or available for rental.
11. Customer does not know the detailed information about the car that they had
111. Mistakes in giving car to the correct customer due to data redundancies that
occurred because of the manual way.
iv. Mistakes that occurred during the total rental payment c a l d a t i ~ nprocess.
v. Keeping track of cars is a bit difficult to be done since it is using manual way.
Data flow diagramming is a technique that diagrams the business pt.ocesses and
the data that passes among them. The focus is mainly on the processes or activities that
a?-i.;.erformed. Below is the Context Diagram for the current system.
('ontext Diagram of the Car Rental Management
The context diagram in Figure 3.1 shows the entities or actors that are involved
i\ i t 11 t hc ('ar Ilental Management processes and its data flow.
payment information
-- .-~ -- -I .I --
payment information
-_ -..-- .- --
booking information
car status
1 Administrator I
A -~ - 1 T---
! i
1 j
customer information -l-nl-y.* I 0 car information 1I I
- -
... ---.
rental information
.~ I -
car returned information
~ ~
. ~
lI :
1 . T -
1 car
rental information
- car return information