Netbackup Tips Glossary: CLI Command Line Interface GUI Graphical User Interface Media Server Master Server

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Netbackup Tips


Term Definition
CLI Command Line Interface
GUI Graphical User Interface
Media Server
Master Server

Starting and Stopping Netbackup

Stopping Netbackup

 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/K77netbackup    --> graceful shutdown

 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a   --> check for any remaining processes
 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all   --->  kills all remaining
netbackup processes, not necessarily graceful
 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a   --> check for any remaining processes
 kill -9 <pid>  for any remaining.   NOTE:  unkillable processes may require a

Starting Netbackup

 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/S77netbackup  --> after bp.kill_all, to restart

Common Tasks

Starting the Administration GUI

 java from the windows client

  x-windows from the server - /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/xnb &

Checking Backup Status

 Activity Monitor or
 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -report

Cleaning a tape manually

 Identify the drive name to be cleaned

o tpclean -L
 Manually clean the drive:
o tpclean -C <drive name>

Determining what tapes were used for a backup

o Backup and Restore --> Find the file system --> Preview Media Button
o Find the correct backup images
 bpimagelist -U -client <CLIENT> -d <STARTDATE> -e
o Find the media used for those images
 bpimagelist -U -client <CLIENT> -d <STARTDATE> -e
<ENDDATE> -media

Listing the files in a backup

Find the tape(s) used (above procedure using bpimagelist)

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/done
Run the following script and redirect it's output to a text file:
        for file in `grep MOUNTING *|grep <MEDIA_ID>|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/:MOUNTING//'`
        echo $file
         grep PATH_WRITTEN $file|awk '{print $3}'
        echo " "
        echo "==========================================End of
        echo " "
This process works for NBU V3.4:

 cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/<CLIENT>
 ls -ltr  -->  this will identify the directory with the proper date
 verify directory with "bpdbm -ctime <Unixtime>
 cd <Unixtime>
 ls -ltr --> lists all of the backups for this client on this date
 cat <POLICY>_<Unixtime>_<BU Type>.f | awk '{print $10}'  --> this prints
out the files in the backup

For NBU > V3.4

 bpflist  --help   --> undocumented netbackup command to list files from a

binary .f file

Inventory the Robot

 Inventory Robot  -->  /opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmcheckxxx -rt robot_type -rn

robot_number -list  (where robot_type is tld, acs, . . .)
 Inventory Robot and Update Configuration --> 
/opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmupdate -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -list  (where
robot_type is tld, acs, . . .)

Listing Properties of the Volume Pools

 vmpool -listall

Scratch Tapes

 Count scratch tapes:  /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -pn Scratch | grep -c

"robot slot"
 Moving tapes to the scratch pool
o If Needed - Expire the tape
 bpexpdate -ev <TAPE ID> -d 0 -force -host <Media Manager>
o Move the tape
 vmchange -p 2 -m <TAPE ID>

Checking Drive Usage

 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd

Taking a drive down or up

 /usr/openv/volmgr/vmoprcmd -down <drive index>

 /usr/openv/volmgr/vmoprcmd -up <drive index>

Performing a Restore

 From the GUI

o user backup & restore --> configuration --> client
o user backup & restore --> configuration --> client to restore
o directory to search
o directory depth
o date range
o file --> browse backups for restore

Adding New Tapes to the Library

 Using the GUI

o Media Management --> Actions --> New --> Single Volume . .  -->
o Media Type (ie DLT)
o Robot Type (ie TLD)
o Media ID (from Inventory)
o Slot Number (from Inventory)
o Robot Number (ie 0)
o Volume Group
o Volume Pool (ie Scratch)
 Using the CLI
o vmadd -m <media id> -mt <tape type> -verbose -rt <robot type> -b
<barcode> -rn <robot number> -rc1 <slot> -p <pool number> -mm
<max mounts>
 vmpool -listall  --> lists all pools, both name and number
o For example:  vmadd -m 000151 -mt dlt -verbose -rt tld -b 000151 -rn
0 -rc1 8 -p 2 -mm 0

Re-using Tapes from other systems or older Netbackups

 Expire the media

o bpexpdate -ev MEDIA_ID -d 0 -force -host HOST
 Deassign the media
o  vmquery -deassignbyid MEDIA_ID 4 0
 Move to the scratch pool
o  vmchange -m MEDIA_ID -p POOL#
 Relabel the media
o bplabel -ev CIM572 -d dlt -p Scratch

Changing the attributes of media

 Changing the barcode

o vmchange -barcode CYM100D -m CYM100
 Changing the Volume Pool
o vmchange -m MEDIA_ID -p POOL#

To expire media

 bpexpdate -ev <medai id> -d 0 -force -host <media server>

To unfreeze media

 List the frozen media

o /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/available_media | grep -i FROZEN
 Unfreeze the media
o bpmedia -unfreeze -ev <media id> -h <media server>
To relabel a tape

 bplabel -ev <media id> -d <tape density> -p <pool name>

 bplabel -ev 000687 -d dlt -p TriVrgt_OFFSITE

To remove media from the Netbackup database

 Verify that there are no images on the tape

o bpimmedia -mediaid 000687 -L 
 Expire the tape
o bpexpdate -ev 000687 -d 0 -host scorpius -force
 Get the status and pool number of the tape
o vmquery -m 000687
 Deassign the tape
o vmquery -deassignbyid <media id> <pool number> <status code from
vmquery -m>
o vmquery -deassignbyid 000687 4 0x0
 Delete the tape
o vmdelete -m 000687

Installing the Netbackup Client

 /update_clients -ForceInstall -ClientList /tmp/clients.lst

o requires that TMPDIR and TEMPDIR be set correctly

Excludng files from backup on a client

 Create /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list
 Put the file specifications of the files/directories to be excluded
o /mnt/directory/*

Displaying Information about a Tape

 vmquery -m <media id>   --> Displays attributes about a particular tape

 bpmedialist -U -mcontents -ev 000687   --> Displays media contents
 bpmedialist -U -mlist  --> List of all media
  bpmedialist -U -mlist -ev CYM966  --> Listing of a particular media id
  bpimmedia -mediaid 000687 -L   --> Listing of images on a tape

Robtest Commands

 Starting robtest
o robtest
o 1  --> to select TLD 0
 Getting help
o ?
 Looking at contents of the tape drives
o sd
 Looking at the contents of the library
o ss
 Moving a tape from a drive to a library slot
o s d  --> to identify drive number that has tape (Contains Cartridge = yes,
o s s  --> to identify an empty slot in the tape library (Netbackup will need
to be re-inventoried)
o m d# s#  --> from from drive # to slot #
o s d  --> verify the tape drive is empty
o s s --> verify the library slot has the tape

Configuration Files


 configuration file, sets backup server and backup clients

 force statement must be correct
 client to browse from
 client to restore to


To utilize logfiles, create the corresponding directory in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs

Server Logfile directories:

 admin - adminstrative commands

 bpbrm - backup and restore manager
 bpcd - client daemon
 bpdbjobs - database manager program process
 bpdm - disk manager process
 bpjava-msvc - Java application server authentication service
 bpjava-usvc - process that services Java requests
 bprd - request daemon process
 bpsched - scheduler process that runs on master servers
 bptm - tape/optical media management process
 user-ops - required directory for use by Java programs
 xbpadm - X based administration utility
 xbpmon - X based job monitor process

Client Logfile directories:

 bp - client user interface process

 bparchive - archive program
 bpbackup - backup program
 bpbkar - program that generates golden images
 bpcd - client daemon
 bpjava-msvc - Java application server authentication service
 bpjava-usvc - process that services Java requests
 bplist - program that lists backed up and archived files
 bpmount - program that determines local mountpoints  and wildcard expansion
for multiple streams
 bphdb - Oracle database backup program start process
 db_log - database specific extension log
 tar - tar process log during restores
 user_ops 
Media Manager logging automatically goes to the system log using syslogd logging facility

.Logging will only occur if these directories are created.  These directories will generate a lot of
data and should be deleted when no longer necessary.

To increase the amount of logging information set VERBOSE=2 in /usr/open/netbackup/bp.conf 

(default is VERBOSE=1)



Useful Commands

bpcllist - list classes

bpclinfo <class> -L   --> displays info about a class
vmpool - volume pools
vmpool -listall
vmpool -listscratch
bplabel -ev <media id> -d hcart
bpbackup db  --> backs up the catalog
bpclclients <policy>  --> lists the clients for a particular policy (class)


bperror -statuscode   <-- displays information about the  netbackup error.

No Backups are running:

 Check system log file for error messages

 Stop and restart all the netbackup processes
 Look for a downed drive
o /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd
o /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd -up 0   --> this will bring up drive 0 if
it's control shows as down
 Look for pending requests
o /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd or gui --> device management
o If there is a pending request either re-assign it to a drive, or deny the

Downed drive does not come back up or does not stay up

 Check for a hardware problem by looking for messages on the tape library
 Make sure there is not a tape stuck in the drive
o Use robtest (described above) to look at the drives
 If there is a tape stuck in the drive, try to remove it using robtest
 If robtest fails, then you must manually remove it.

Verify the Client is communicating properly:

 bpclncmd -ip  <ip address>  --> from both client and server
 bpclntcmd -hn <hostname>  --> from both client and server
 bpclntcmd -pn    -->  from client only

Device Actions

Device Management --> info about tape drives

 dlt
 hcart (ultrium)

Media Actions

Media id must agree with # of the tape

Create a media id

 actions -->new-->single volume-->dlt cart (not dlt2)

 put it into the "netbackup" volume pool

Netbackup Client

To check things out do this:

It could be a couple things.  Mostly DNS, bp.conf, or something stupid.  On

the client run this command

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -pn

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -server "server name"

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd ip "ip_address"

One of these usually fails and your able to fix it right off  

1074  ./bpclntcmd -hn corpbu1

 1075  ./bpclntcmd -ip
 1076  ping
 1077  ./bpclntcmd -hn corpldv1
 1078  ./bpclntcmd -hn
 1079  ping corpldv1
 1080  ./bpclntcmd -ip

Must be able to resolve correctly from the master server and the client or it will not work!!!

Examples :


FYI & Ref. – how to check backup client/server connection.


From: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant)

Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 10:22 PM
To: Gurumoorthy, Balaji (TCS)
Subject: RE: Seiadmwbs03

Backup is successfull 14th, 15th Jan 2011 – this weekend.

pathaks@saiadsbkp01$ sudo bpimagelist -hoursago 48 -client seiadmwbs03-b -U

Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   Policy
----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------
01/15/2011 07:48  01/27/2011    53470  4873709  Y  Full Backup 
01/15/2011 03:00  01/27/2011    74145 38171730  Y  Full Backup 
01/14/2011 23:55  01/26/2011       15   537944  Y  Full Backup 

From: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant)

Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 10:18 PM
To: Gurumoorthy, Balaji (TCS)
Subject: RE: Seiadmwbs03

NetBackup can connect this hosts by both ways Namd and IP.

pathaks@saiadsbkp01$ bpclntcmd -hn seiadmwbs03-b

host seiadmwbs03-b: seiadmwbs03-b at (0xa0ab685)

pathaks@saiadsbkp01$ bpclntcmd -ip

checkhaddr: host   : seiadmwbs03-b: seiadmwbs03-b at
checkhaddr: aliases:

Policy is also active.

pathaks@saiadsbkp01$ sudo bppllist seiadmwbs03 -L|grep Act

Active:            yes

Please check with network folks, if they need to enable anything on backup network?

Let me know still need any info.


From: Gurumoorthy, Balaji (TCS)

Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 10:11 PM
To: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant)
Subject: Seiadmwbs03

Backup ip

Check if backup connectivity is there to this server from backup server?



FYI and Ref. Below command is the way to confirm that specific mountpoint/filesystem is backed up or
not on NetBackup. It is NOT simple as NetWorker or CommVault.

Ram – Please let us know if you have figure out any other way from GUI. I checked that also. When we
browse the filesystem for restore job, it displays backup information and we need to select it and click
on ‘Preview’. So it will display volume information.


From: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant)

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 6:52 PM
To: Krishnasamy, Rajeshwaran (TCS); Pandith, Nandan (TCS); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-Unix
Cc: TCS-Ashburn-Backup-Storage
Subject: (COMPLETED - INC 54144) RE: Daily status

Rajesh/Shambu and team,

Please inform to user that FULL backup is completed and confirm us, so I can resolve the ticket.

Backup Log for ref:-

root@saiadslhp03 # bpimagelist -d 01/28/2011 -e 01/29/2011 -client
saiadsdbq20-b -U -policy saiadsdbq20 -L|grep -i "backup id:"|awk '{print $3}'|
while read bid; do bpflist -l -d 01/28/2011 -e 01/29/2011 -st FULL -policy
saiadsdbq20 -backupid $bid -client saiadsdbq20-b|egrep -i "SSQA|ORAUTL";done

no entity was found

1 0 6 50 1 1 0 0 30933130 /SSQA/ 16877 root root 0 1296269043 1295901244
1 0 16 56 1 1 0 0 30933394 /SSQA_audit_log/ 16832 oracle oinstall 0 1296309711
1296309686 1296309686
no entity was found
no entity was found
no entity was found
no entity was found
145129 0 8 50 55581066 1 0 0 22282240 /ORAUTL/ 16877 root root 0 1296176517
1248994730 1248994730
154557 0 6 50 56972204 1 0 0 30933130 /SSQA/ 16877 root root 0 1296269043
1295901244 1295901244
164512 0 16 56 57185880 1 0 0 30933394 /SSQA_audit_log/ 16832 oracle oinstall
0 1296279586 1296279587 1296279587
root@saiadslhp03 # bpimagelist -d 01/28/2011 -e 01/29/2011 -client
saiadsdbq21-b -U -policy saiadsdbq21 -L|grep -i "backup id:"|awk '{print $3}'|
while read bid; do bpflist -l -d 01/28/2011 -e 01/29/2011 -st FULL -policy
saiadsdbq21 -backupid $bid -client saiadsdbq21-b|egrep -i "SSQA|ORAUTL";done

1 0 16 56 1 1 0 0 30933394 /SSQA_audit_log/ 16832 oracle oinstall 0 1296285191

1296285158 1296285158
no entity was found
1 0 6 51 1 1 0 0 30933282 /SSQA/ 16877 oracrs dba 0 1296177304 1244226864
no entity was found
no entity was found
145775 0 8 50 40235423 1 0 0 22282240 /ORAUTL/ 16877 root root 0 1296177284
1249011283 1249011283
155168 0 6 51 41607770 1 0 0 30933282 /SSQA/ 16877 oracrs dba 0 1296177304
1244226864 1244226864
165813 0 16 56 41826907 1 0 0 30933394 /SSQA_audit_log/ 16832 oracle oinstall
0 1296278599 1296278511 1296278511


From: Krishnasamy, Rajeshwaran (TCS)

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 12:43 PM
To: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant); Pandith, Nandan (TCS); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-
Cc: TCS-Ashburn-Backup-Storage
Subject: RE: (UPDATE and Need info - INC 54144) RE: Daily status


No, both are not same. /SSQA is mounted locally from Storage disk and /backup/SSQA is NAS share, not
local File system.

/dev/dsk/c1t5006016139A02500d3s2                         15G   8.3G   6.4G    57%    /SSQA

nas03:/ssqa                                                                           48G    27G    21G    56%    /backup/SSQA

Best Regards,
Ashburn UNIX/LINUX Support
Work: (858)-942-5629
Mobile: (201)-783-9772

From: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant)

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 9:26 AM
To: Pandith, Nandan (TCS); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-Unix
Cc: TCS-Ashburn-Backup-Storage
Subject: (UPDATE and Need info - INC 54144) RE: Daily status
Importance: High
Hi Nandan/Shambu,

FULL backups are completed for SAIADSDBQ20 and SAIADSDBQ21 this week on 29th Jan, 2011

REQUESTED FILE SYSTEMS for FULL Backup  Can anyone confirm /SSQA = /backup/SSQA? As I see
/ORAUTL and /backup/SSQA are locally mounted filesystems, not /SSQA.



Include:           ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES = this includes all locally mounted filesystems
Include:           /backup/SSQA
Include:           /backup/ENQA

Include:           ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES = this includes all locally mounted filesystems

Backup report for ref:-

01/29/2011 09:23  02/10/2011    73457  6661381  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 09:06  02/10/2011    47481  7519067  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 09:01  02/10/2011    43826  6520928  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 09:01  02/10/2011     2883     7871  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 08:57  02/10/2011    20156  8186378  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 08:47  02/10/2011        1       32  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 08:38  02/10/2011     1962      996  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 03:07  02/10/2011     1272     3116  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 00:53  02/10/2011     5175 24311896  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 00:46  02/10/2011    58762  3946392  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/29/2011 00:11  02/10/2011     3859 44162590  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20
01/28/2011 23:31  02/09/2011   164512 28705089  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq20

01/29/2011 09:23  02/10/2011    19767  6364252  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/29/2011 02:13  02/10/2011     2655     5686  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/29/2011 01:46  02/10/2011    26285  3913110  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/29/2011 01:46  02/10/2011    36254  7264955  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/29/2011 01:27  02/10/2011    59391  6470491  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/29/2011 01:00  02/10/2011     2058     4465  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/29/2011 00:46  02/10/2011     1962      996  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/29/2011 00:40  02/10/2011        1       32  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/29/2011 00:18  02/10/2011    59178  6857764  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21
01/28/2011 23:31  02/09/2011   165813 20995486  Y  Full Backup  saiadsdbq21


From: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant)

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:24 PM
To: Pandith, Nandan (TCS); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-Unix; TCS-Ashburn-Backup-Storage
Subject: RE: Daily status


We have FULL backups available on 22nd Jan, 2011 for both the hosts last week. It will run FULL backup
again this Week.

Let us know on which date, these hosts needs to backed up FULL.

01/22/2011 15:38  02/03/2011     3853   878857  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 15:33  02/03/2011     5174   991071  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 15:32  02/03/2011    58742  3946038  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 15:32  02/03/2011     1638     3759  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 15:32  02/03/2011    20151  8292232  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 15:31  02/03/2011        1       32  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 15:30  02/03/2011     1930      996  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 13:48  02/03/2011    72319  6425098  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 13:48  02/03/2011     4112     9059  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 13:28  02/03/2011    46977  7288471  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 13:21  02/03/2011    43331  6291360  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 13:18  02/03/2011   165017 28255075  Y  Full Backup 

01/22/2011 14:15  02/03/2011    26265  3912788  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 14:13  02/03/2011    35718  7034165  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 14:13  02/03/2011        1       32  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 09:15  02/03/2011    19767  6440518  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 09:01  02/03/2011     1930      996  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 08:25  02/03/2011     2781     5911  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 08:25  02/03/2011    58698  6628806  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 08:04  02/03/2011    58287  6235301  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 07:51  02/03/2011     2992     6232  Y  Full Backup 
01/22/2011 05:45  02/03/2011   165271 20547656  Y  Full Backup 


From: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant)

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:17 PM
To: Pandith, Nandan (TCS); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-Unix; TCS-Ashburn-Backup-Storage
Subject: RE: Daily status

Sorry typo..i will  check..

From: Pandith, Nandan (TCS)

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:16 PM
To: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-Unix; TCS-Ashburn-Backup-
Subject: RE: Daily status


The server name is saiadsdbq20 and saiadsdbq21. I guess you have not got the hostname correct. Please
check and let us know. Thanks!!

From: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant)

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:10 PM
To: Pandith, Nandan (TCS); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-Unix; TCS-Ashburn-Backup-Storage
Subject: RE: Daily status

Hi Shambu/Nandan,

Following two hosts are not configured in backup policy. Please create a Netasthra SR and assign to
backup team to add into backups.
Also provide us backup network IP associated with those hosts.

root@saiadslhp03 # bppllist saidbsdbq20 -U

the specified policy does not exist in the configuration database (230)
root@saiadslhp03 # bppllist saidbsdbq21 -U
the specified policy does not exist in the configuration database (230)


From: Pandith, Nandan (TCS)

Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 12:35 PM
To: Pandith, Nandan (TCS); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-Unix; TCS-Ashburn-Backup-Storage
Subject: RE: Daily status

Ticket has been already assigned to Santosh.

Backup team- please have a look into this below Service Request. If any questions please revert back to
the submitter.

From: Pandith, Nandan (TCS)

Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 9:31 AM
To: Prasad, Shambu (TCS); TCS-Ashburn-Unix
Subject: RE: Daily status

This ticket should go to back team correct?

From: Prasad, Shambu (TCS)

Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 9:29 AM
To: TCS-Ashburn-Unix
Subject: FW: Daily status


Can you please look in to INC000000054144.


From: Pallanti,Madhukar (TCS)

Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 10:22 AM
To: Prasad, Shambu (TCS)
Cc: TCS-Ashburn-DBA; Srinivasan, Suresh (TCS); VenkatRaju, Rajesh (TCS Consultant)
Subject: RE: Daily status

Hi Team,

We completed scheduling in dbp21/22/23 for application monitoring.

Changed archive log backup scheduling time from 0-21 to 5-21 in the below servers .

Regarding PATCH:

since there is no space on the server saiadsdbq20 and 21,we raised an SR to backup team for taking
backup of ORACLE mount points.
Refer INC000000054144

Kindly confirm the retention period for the above SR.

Madhukar & Yusuf
SCA-DBA Support

We have FULL backups of both clients on last week as below. Please plan out your activity as per that.

seiadmwbp02 - 8th Jan, 2011 (Saturday 12:42 ET)  Full backup completes by 4:39 ET on Saturday
(early morning)
seiadmwbs03 – 8th Jan, 2011 (Saturday 14:57 ET)  Full backup completes after noon (around
3:00pm ET)

If want to kick-off keep on hold backups or kick-off later. Please open TV ticket as it handles by backup

pathaks@saiadsbkp01$ sudo bpimagelist -hoursago 168 -client

seiadmwbp02-b -U
Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   Policy
----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------
01/13/2011 20:15  01/27/2011       18     4159  Y  Differential
01/13/2011 20:14  01/27/2011      335   390231  Y  Differential
01/13/2011 20:12  01/27/2011       15   528398  Y  Differential
01/12/2011 20:22  01/26/2011       25    29447  Y  Differential
01/12/2011 20:22  01/26/2011      333   379625  Y  Differential
01/12/2011 20:22  01/26/2011       15   528398  Y  Differential
01/11/2011 20:23  01/25/2011       20     4105  Y  Differential
01/11/2011 20:23  01/25/2011      331   378079  Y  Differential
01/11/2011 20:22  01/25/2011       15   528381  Y  Differential
01/10/2011 20:13  01/24/2011       25    29283  Y  Differential
01/10/2011 20:13  01/24/2011      401   514357  Y  Differential
01/10/2011 20:12  01/24/2011       15   528385  Y  Differential
01/08/2011 12:42  01/20/2011     5912   781965  Y  Full Backup 
01/08/2011 12:39  01/20/2011    55192  5174826  Y  Full Backup 
01/08/2011 04:39  01/20/2011       15   528390  Y  Full Backup 

pathaks@saiadsbkp01$ sudo bpimagelist -hoursago 168 -client

seiadmwbs03-b -U
Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   Policy
----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------
01/13/2011 20:15  01/27/2011     1331    16864  Y  Differential
01/13/2011 20:15  01/27/2011      994   409186  Y  Differential
01/13/2011 20:12  01/27/2011       15   537959  Y  Differential
01/12/2011 20:23  01/26/2011       30    30583  Y  Differential
01/12/2011 20:23  01/26/2011      326   388900  Y  Differential
01/12/2011 20:22  01/26/2011       15   537980  Y  Differential
01/11/2011 20:23  01/25/2011       41     6637  Y  Differential
01/11/2011 20:23  01/25/2011      323   388058  Y  Differential
01/11/2011 20:22  01/25/2011       15   537998  Y  Differential
01/10/2011 20:24  01/24/2011       35    30584  Y  Differential
01/10/2011 20:24  01/24/2011      356   521751  Y  Differential
01/10/2011 20:24  01/24/2011       15   538023  Y  Differential
01/08/2011 14:57  01/20/2011    74100 38134671  Y  Full Backup 
01/08/2011 14:55  01/20/2011    53414  4855695  Y  Full Backup 
01/08/2011 14:52  01/20/2011       15   538074  Y  Full Backup 

From: Gurumoorthy, Balaji (TCS)

Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 5:38 PM
To: TCS-Ashburn-Backup-Storage
Cc: TCS-Ashburn-Windows; Duchene, Denis (TCS); Veeraraghavan Govindaraj (TCS)
Subject: Reg backup for Seiadmwbs03 and Seiadmwbp02

Santosh/Backup team,

We are going to replace HP system board on below two windows servers tonight.

The schedule is between 11pm to 3am PST tonight (1/14/11). We want to know if the weekly full
backups will be completed tonight before 11pm tonight? If not can a full backup be triggered and get it
completed before 11pm tonight both the above servers?


Hi All,

Please go through attached Oracle instances information and RMAN Backup Schedules on Ashburn
Backup server.

Daily RMAN backups  CDL  14 Days retention (Onsite)

Daily job running through cron to do duplication of RMAN backup images from CDL to LTO4 tapes  8
Week Retention (offsite)
Monthend job runs through cron to do duplication of RMAN backup images from CDL to LTO4 tapes  1
Year Retention (offsite)

Let me know any questions.


From: Veeraraghavan Govindaraj (TCS)

Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 3:20 PM
To: 'Alcaraz, Mark L'
Cc: Pathak, Santosh (TCS Consultant); Prasad, Shambu (TCS); Muthusamy, Senthilmurugan(TCS)
Subject: RE: Retention policy of Oracle backup

Thanks Mark!.
Find attached the excel with the changes as you mentioned. Review and let know if the retention
policies are fine now.

Also on your comments, find below my understanding

 Firstly Every day,  the Oracle RMAN backup job(bk_rman_10g.ksh) would run from user
ORACLE’s CRON job and the RMAN backup set would be generated on to the disk (cdl)    ->  This
RMAN backup at CDL will be retained for 14 days
 Then Every day, the Veritas Net backup would run a job that would duplicate(make a copy) of
the RMAN backupset stored in the CDL – and its backed up into the tape  -> every day RMAN
tape backup will be retained for 8 weeks
 Every month , the Veritas Net backup would run a job that would duplicate(make a copy) of the
RMAN backupset stored in the CDL – and its backed up into the tape  -> every month RMAN
tape backup will be retained for 1 year

Please let know if my understanding from your below comment is correct.


Netbackup Cheat Sheet

Master Daemons | Media Daemons | Catalog | Log Files | Server | Volume | Media | Tape/Robot |
Archive | Client

Master Server Daemons/Processes

Request daemon bprd

Scheduler bpsched (started with bprd)

Netbackup database manager bpdbm (started with bpsched)

Job Monitor bpjobd (started with bpdbm)

Media Server Daemons/Processes

Communications daemon bpcd

Backup and restore manager bpbrm (started with bpcd)

Tape Manager bptm (started with bpbrm)

Disk Manager bpdm (started with bpbrm)

Media Manager ltid

Bar code reader avrd (started with ltid)

Remote device management/ controls

vmd (started with ltid)
volume database

Roboticdaemon (one on each media

tldd (started with ltid)
server) talks to tldcd

Robotic control daemon talks to the

tldcd (started with ltid)
robot directl via scsi


Master Server

Information about backed-up files image - /opt/openv/netbackup/db

Storage Unit, Global Configuration,

config - /opt/openv/netbackup/db
Catalog backup configuration.

Backup Policy information class - /opt/openv/netbackup/db

Job status information jobs - /opt/openv/netbackup/db

Netbackup logs with error and status

error - /opt/openv/netbackup/db

Information on volumes, volume pools,

volume - /opt/openv/volmgr/database
scratch pool and volume groups

Media Server

Tracks assigned volumes (media that has

media - /opt/openv/netbackup/db
data them)

Information about devices managed by

device - /opt/openv/volmgr/database
the media server

Log and Information Files

Netbackup and Patch versions /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/version

Media Version /opt/openv/volmgr/version

Patch Level history /opt/openv/netbackup/patch/patch.history

Buffer size /

Number of buffers opt/openv/netbackup/db/config/NUMBER_

Network Buffer Size
(default = 32)

Java GUI authorisation /opt/openv/java/auth.conf

Catalog type (binary or ASCII) opt/openv/netbackup/db/config/cat_forma

Netbackup and media manager parameter files

Corrupt Database image files (5.0 and above) /opt/openv/netbackup/db.corrupt

Server Commands

Check license details /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/get_license_key

netbackup start

Start Netbackup
/opt/openv/netbackup/bin/initbprd (master)
/opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmd (media)

netbackup stop
Stop Netbackup (does not disconnect GUI
sessions) /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate (master)
/opt/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm -terminate (master)

Stop Netbackup and kill all GUI sessions /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all

Start the GUI /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbSA

sgscan (solaris)
Scan for tape devices
ioscan (HPUX)

Display all Netbackup processes bpps -a

bperror -U -problems -hoursago <number of hours>

lists servers errors
bperror -U -backstat -by_statcode -hoursago <number of hours>

display information on a error code bperror -statuscode <statuscode> [-recommendation]

Reread bp.conf file without stopping
bprdreq -rereadconfig

bpdbm -consistency 1
bpdbm -consistency 2
Check database consistency Check for the below lines:
Bad image header
Does not exist

Netbackup Recovery

bprecover -l -m <media ID> -d dlt (listing)

Device catalog is intact
bprecover -r -m <media ID> -d dlt (recovering)

bprecover -l -tpath <tape_path> (listing)

Device catalog is gone or corrupted
bprecover -r -tpath <tape_path> (recovering)

bprecover -l -dpath <disk_path> (listing)

Disk backups
bprecover -r -dpath <disk_path> (recovering)

Volume Commands

Tape Drive and Inventory Commands

List drive status, detail drive info and

pending requests

List the tape drive status vmoprcmd -d ds

List the pending requests vmoprcmd -d pr

Control a tape device vmoprcmd [-reset][-up][-down] <drive number>

List all changes in the robot(but do not vmupdate -recommend -rt tld -rn 0
update) vmcheckxxx -rt tld -rn 0 -recommend

Empty the robot and re-inventory (using vmupdate -rt tld -rn <robot number> -rh <silo slave> -vh <host>
barcodes) -nostderr -use_barcode_rules -use_seed -empty_ie

Tape Media Commands

List all pools vmpool -listall -bx

List tapes in pool vmquery -pn <pool name> -bx

List all tapes in the robot vmquery -rn 0 -bx |grep 'TLD' | sort +4

List cleaning tapes vmquery -mt dlt_clean -bx

List tape volume details vmquery -m <media ID>

Delete a volume from the catalog vmdelete -m <media ID>

Change a tapes expiry date vmchange -exp 12/31/06 23:59:58 -m <media ID>

Change a tape's media pool vmchange -p <pool number> -m <media ID>

Media commands

List the storage units bpstulist -U

Freeze or unfreeze media bpmedia [-freeze][-unfreeze] -ev <media ID>

List media details bpmedialist -ev <media ID>

List media contents bpmedialist -U mcontents -m <media ID>

List backup Image Information bpimagelist -backupid <image ID>

Expire client images bpimage -cleanup -allclients

Expire a tape bpexpdate -d 0 -ev <media ID> -force

List all netbackups jobs bpdbjobs -report [-hoursago]

Move media from one media server to

bpmedia -movedb -newserver <media server> -oldserver <media server>

Tape/Robot commands

List tape drives tpconfig -d

List cleaning times on drives tpclean -L

clean a drive tpclean -C <drive number>

change a drives cleaning frequency tpclean -F <drive> <frequency>

set a drives cleaning time to zero tpclean -M <drive>

Move tapes within robot using robtest robtest

commands that can be used are as follows:

s s (show slots)
s d (show drives)
s i (show load port)
m s250 d5 (move tape from slot 250 into drive 5)
uload d5 (unload tape from drive 5)
m d5 s250 (move tape from drive 5 to slot 250)
m s250 i1 (mov tape from slot 250 to load port 1)

List load port tapes echo "s i q" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0

List all slot contents echo "s s q" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0

List tape drive contents echo "s d q" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0

Move a tape in s100 to drive 1 echo "m s100 d1" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0

Move a tape to load port 1 echo "m s100 i1" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c0t4l0

Archiving Commands

bpcatlist -client all -before Jul 01 2006

list archive info
bpcatlist -client all -before Aug 01 2006

archive and remove images bpcatlist -before Jul 01 2006 | bpcatarc | bpcatrm

restore archive files bpcatlist -before Jul 01 2006 | bpcatres

Client commands

bpclntcmd [-ip <ip addres>]

bpclntcmd [-hn <hostname>]
test client connectivity
bpclntcmd [-pn]
bpclntcmd [-sv]

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