Training Needs Analysis Template-Questionnaire For Employees

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The document discusses conducting a training needs analysis questionnaire to identify training needs of employees at the dti (Department of Trade and Industry) in South Africa.

The training needs analysis questionnaire is used to identify the priority areas for training in each division/section so that the dti can provide employees with necessary training to perform their jobs competently.

Employees are asked to indicate tasks/performance areas they need training in, the required learning areas, competencies to be developed, and examples of tasks and competencies.



Name of division: …OCIO (GSSSD)…………………..

Name of unit: …OCIO…………………………………
Date: ……31/01/2008……………………………………

Dear Employee,

The management of the dti is committed to the training and development of the
employees. We want to render quality services and products to our external
customers/ clients and in order to do so we need competent employees. This
means that we need you as the employees of the dti to have the necessary
knowledge and skills to perform your jobs competently.

The Learning Centre wants to identify your training needs so that we can provide
you with the necessary training. We therefore need your input. We developed
this template-questionnaire to enable you to indicate the areas in which you
need training. The information you provide will be used to identify the priority
areas for training in your section/ division.

Please keep in mind that if approved, the training should take place in the next
financial year. However, the training may not be approved due to financial or
other constraints, or your manager may decide to postpone the training for later.

Thank you for your participation in this process. We will use the information to
compile a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP), which serves as the overall training plan
for the dti. The WSP will be submitted to the Public Sector Education and
Training Authority (PSETA) as required for all public sector entities.

We will also hold discussions with your manager/ supervisor to get the input on
the training needs of your section/ division. The divisional Skills Development
Representative will collate the information from your questionnaires into a
consolidated list for your division.


(on behalf of the Director: Learning Centre)

Guidelines for completing the questionnaire:

• Please write your name, job title/ designation, etc. in the spaces provided.
• Please use a black pen.
• Ask your supervisor or manager to assist you to complete sections where you
are unsure of the information that is required.
Name and Mathapelo Simelane

Job title/ First Line Section ICTSS (OCIO)

designation Support

Persal number 22065954 Date completed 31/01/2008

Template-questionnaire: Training needs analysis for the dti employees

By Lillian Moraloge: November 2007 1
Please complete the template and return it to your divisional Skills
Development Representative (SDR) NOT LATER THAN 29 FEBRUARY 2008

Employee Signature: ……………………………………… Date: ……31/01/2008


Employee Manager: ……………………………………… Date:


Template-questionnaire: Training needs analysis for the dti employees

By Lillian Moraloge: November 2007 2
TASK OR PERFORMANCE COMPETENCE that should be developed
AREA in which you need
LEARNING AREA in which (i.e. what you need to know, understand and be able to do at the
training (only indicate the areas
training is required end of a programme to be able to perform competently, and what
of your work in which you need
training) attitudes/ attributes need to be developed)
EXPLANATION: This information EXPLANATION: The learning area
will help to ensure that the training refers to the broad field of learning,
is directly related to your job. You and generally relates to the title of PERSONAL
could consult your job description or the learning programme (course) KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
competency profile to identify areas that you need.
in which you need training.
EXAMPLES: Develop a budget, EXAMPLES: Budgeting, Project EXAMPLES: EXAMPLES: EXAMPLES:
Conduct disciplinary hearings, Management, MS Word, Labour - New BEE codes - Analyse balance - Be more assertive
Recruit new staff members, Maintain legislation, Primary health care, - PFMA requirements sheets - Show empathy
electronic equipment, Manage HIV/AIDS awareness, ABET - Procedure for - Writing reports towards people
finances of the section dismissing staff guilty - Work in teams diagnosed with HIV/
of misconduct - Conduct performance AIDS
- Procedure for appraisal interviews - Be more tolerant of
processing bursary people from diverse
applications backgrounds
CNE User account
Rights assignments to

Note: insert more rows if required

Template-questionnaire: Training needs analysis for the dti employees
By Lillian Moraloge: November 2007 3
Thank you for taking the time to complete this template-questionnaire.

Template-questionnaire: Training needs analysis for the dti employees

By Lillian Moraloge: November 2007 4

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