Robert Kiyosaki You Can Choose To Be Rich Workbook28COMPLETO 384 PAGINAS291

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= HOOSE TOBE RICH Robert. Kiyosaki Dear Friend, Congratulationst You have taken the first step on the path to financial freedom, This Choose To Be Rich program has been designed t0 change the ‘way you think about money, to provide you with the tools you'll need on ‘your path to wealth, and © set you firmly on that path with a plan of action, ‘This is a journey that began for me at the age of nine. As a young boy, everything I learned about money came from two men, My own dad, whom refer to as my Poor Dad, was highly educated, with a high paving job as Superintendent of Education for the State of Hawaii. As his income continued to grow, however, so did his debt; and he worked harder and harder, struggling paycheck to paycheck, In contrast, my best friend's dad, who [ call my Rich Dad, never finished high school. Yet he became one of the wealthiest men in the state of Hawaii, And. his path not only led fo great wealth, but also allowed him to spend more time with his family. [admired both men very much, but when it came to money I decided to follew my Rich Dad's path He taught mea now way af thinking shout money and wealth—lessons 1 would now like to share with you My Rich Dac! greatest lesson of all was that the rich are not smarter than the fest UF usmle just Riu things alavut snaiey iat Use side clase aun pan do not! He also taught me that there was nothing difficult about becoming. rich, all T had to do was change the way I thought about money—different From everthing Twas tanight at hme at echanl even hy ankers. And finally, he taught me it was just a choice, A choice I continue to make every day. Daal uit the Ieasens of aly Rich Dad, Tas able to mahe my first snllion by the age of 30, and at the age of 47, I was able to retire with complete financial freedom! But as my own dad's—my Poor Dad's—son, Tam a teacher hheart And since schaal does nor prepare ss ta become rich, my wife: Kim and I have dedicated ourselves to teaching others the lessons my Rich Dad taught me. So this program is really a tribute to borb my dads. My aumber one goal for this progean is to get yout started and act you Remy oon the path to wealth. T want to change the way you think about money. I ‘want to show you how the rich think about money and what they do every day of theie lives that is different from what most folks cla. I want ta penwvidle a whole new way of thinking and give you a new set of tools so you can pursue your dreams, I want to give you the freedom to Choose to Be Rich, Course Overview Everything in this course is based on a three-step plan to wealth: * Think It © Learn It 2 Dot “Your critical frst step to becoming rich is to Zbiitk Like the Rich. You're about to discover that the wealthy view money in a very different way than the poor or middle class. You will be asked to change the way you view the world of maney—tn discard peereptions yon have long held as faer, hecause if you really want to be wealthy it's as simple as changing the way you think! You will soon learn that in most cases, the rich aren't smarter than anyone choc, Dut dies aie diay they Have auc about money, business, investing and risk that others simply have not. In part two of this program you will Learn What the Rich Know. You will gain the financial education that my Rich Dad shared with me and you will build your financial literacy. Part three gives you step-by-step guides for developing your own plan of action 10 Do What the Rich Do so you can successtully begin to realize your dream of financial freedom! Course Components ‘Tr male yone Chaner tn Re Rich experience as rich and rewarding 28 possible, we have provided materials in a variety of formats: The Home Study Course Binder: Here's all the information you need to lake Wuuthsl UF your ntaiial Futon. Nous Liles ip cleatly divided tate dhe three key sections for your success: Think It, Learn It, Do It. Page by page, you'll find easy, user-friendly reading, plenty of simple worksheets, and the materials to develop your plan. 12 CDs oF Cassettes: Conveniently included in your binder, our audio program complements the text with specialized lessons from my own penontal wean Of eapens—eacht anrpleked by ust One-Hour Bonus Video: | have given seminars to tens of thousands of people around the world, And now you can attend one of my lectures right in the comfort of your own home! Let me show you how to move beyond the relentless cycle of living paycheck to paycheck and start enjoying the power of having money work for you in this exclusive video. Bonus Audio: Do you know the six simple obstacles people face on their path 0 wealth? Would you believe they have nothing to do with money? (On this special bonus audio. Tl reveal these basic stumbling blocks and hhow to overcome them. Be sure to listen to this tape first Debt Eliminator: If you're like most people, you are currently camying considerable debt mostly credit card. Now with this practical tool, you can establish a realistic plan to eliminate debt and build on a strong foundation. How to Get Started To be sure you get the most from your Choose {© Be Rich program, T recommend the fellowing, + Listen to your bonus audiotape, Get Ready to Be Rich, first. Here you'll discover the common obstacles to wealth and. how to avoid them. ‘+ Next, watch the video seminar, 60 Minutes to Getting Rich. This private, at-home video seminar reveals Rich Dad's simple formula for real personal wealth + Next, read Section 1 and listen to the accompanying CDs or cassettes Section by section, these companion audio programs will reinforce Yyonr ineerstandting af the hiner materi and prove additinnal insights and inspiration. Other Important Points [As you make your way through the program, be sure to: ‘+ Highlight the key points of interest and make notes in the margins whenever necessary. + Make photo copies of the worksheets so vou can update vour progress. + Listen to the audiotapes at least twice to continue your learning and to stay motivated. + Keep your dream for financial freedom a priority by setting a goal 10 read and listen 10 the program at least five times a week = Most importantly. take action. Put your newfonnel wiselom te work and start enjoying the financial freedom you deserve! Be Sure w Give Dach Once you have begun your path to financial freedom, don't forget to give back. Throughout my life, whenever I have felt needy or short of money or short of help, I simply went out and decided to give it first. And when I gave, it always came back. I want money, $0 1 give money, and it comes back in multiples, I want sales, so I help someone else sell something, and sales (Come 19 me, T want comes, 90 Thelp someone Ele: ge CUAL, a0 TRE magic, contacts come to me! So that’s why I say, “Teach and you shall receive.” I have found that the more I sincerely teach those who want to lear, the more T learn. So if you want to learn about money, teach it to someone clse. A torrent of new ideas and finer distinctions will come to you! Let Us Hear from You Just as my Rich Dad taught me, I now hope to teach you, In tum, you cat. Inspire countless others. Please keep in touch, Tell us about your success stories and how this program has made an impact on your life. You can reach Us at, Again, congratulations on your first step toward financial freedom! I hope that, just as 1 do. vou will Choose to Be Rich each and every dav. Good Luck and Best Regards, an Robert Kiyosaki uJ HOOSE TO BE RICH By Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter, CPA THINK INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 Shanye Your Mind; Orenye Your Lite What Are You Thinking? ‘The Natteing Nabobs of Negativisr Talk Back Nurture Your Better Sel! Propare for Opportunity ANow Age The 90/10 Pile Changing with tho Times: It's Not Too Late Learn from Your Mistakes Managing isk A Risk Solt-Assossment (Overcome the Sic Obstacles 2. Cynicism Chase Away Chicken Lite 3, Laziness, 4. Baa Habs Aerogance \Whar’s Your Arrogance Barometer? 6, Dieappesntmont \Wil You Think Like Rich Dad or Poor Dac? Finding Your Passion Choose to Be Rich Chapter 2 Rich Dad's Get Rich Strategies Strategy 1: Become Financially Literate whats Your nnancial nremgence? Strategy 2: Work to Learn The Skills You'l Need Strategy 2: Find Mentors. Build a Tear What Is @ Mentor? What Is @ Tearn? Strategy 4: Work for Yourset Teal Assis CikecRst Strategy 5: Creato Money Strategy 6: Give Back Chapter 3 Where Are You? The CASHFLOW Quadrant Diflorent Quacrants, Diferent People The E (Employee) The $ (Sel-Emplayed) (Quadrant Cologuy The B (Business Owner) ‘A Story from the 8 Quadrant The I {investor} \What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? 1-48 From Job Securty to Financial Freedom Tha Path to Joo Securty ‘The Path to Financial Security The Path to Financial Freedom The Path to Freedom Is Open to You Chapter 4 Getting Started ‘Secute, Comfortable, or Rich? rciive Your Lan urFest Qual Draft Financial Plans for Each Goal Learn to Think Like the Rich Point 1: Identy the Dse9-Seated Reasons You Wan to Be Rich Point 2: Choose Daly to Be Rich Pint 3: Select Your Friends Caretlly Piet 4 Find Financial | lvoe to Crmulato Point &: Pay Your Adwisors Well Pint & Master One Formula and Then Go On tothe Next Pointer 7: Pay Yourselt First Pointer 8 Get Something for Free Pointer 9: Don't Buy Luxuries with Credit Your Supormentor Py rary INTRODUCTION Make the Decision to Be Fich ‘A Piller Way al Thinking (Choose Your Own Reality 4 The Financial Plan Bullder Ditlorent Plans, Different Investments ‘Learn wnat me ten Know. Pitiar 4 ‘A Primer on Economics Time Is money How Economics Atfects You Why Money? Feemm Crrmmavity n Fiat Casnany ‘A Houso of Cards The Fed How the Fed Keeps Track of Our Money Supply Te Money Supiy ‘The Fipple Effect Interest Rates Interest Rates. Investina Trends. and You The Business Cycie Inflation Who Wins, Who Loses? Hw Dues te Business Oyuie Wak? The Fue of 72 Rewriter Tickle Me Fimo® Measuring the Economy's Vitel Sians 248 ‘he Index of Leading Eecnamic Indicators ‘The Consumer Price index {CPI} Information 's Power mae ‘The Basics of Accounting Guide to Assets and Liabiltes, Income and Fenansas ‘Aesets and Liabites Income and Expenses Balance Sheets ard Income Statements Lass row Enasionng Cash Flow The Financ Statemont Example: Mav's Financial Saterart Pier 3 ‘The Fundamentals of Taxes Income Tax: A Pocket History Becoming Taw Lterata ‘Types of Business Entities Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation Comperation S Corporation The Limited Liabilty Company (LLC) The Socrat cf the Rich ‘The Mission Tho Custerar as Mission The Team Teamwork Reaps Profits Leadership Inside the B-1 Triangle ‘Cash Flow Management Communications Management Tho Fina Art of Communication Systoms Managemort Legal Managenert Product Management Solving the B-1 Triangle Ride Pillar 5 The ABCs of Investing Types of Investors Teohrical Investing Techniques Guide to Investments ‘Ways to Save Bond Ratings Tivo are! Cons of Investing in Bonds ‘What the Ratings Mean Stocks How Stocks Are Trades ras and Cons of Investing in Stocks How to Analyze Stocks 222 pea 224 226 281 281 262 263 268 265 268 an 272 2 2 273 278 ere 275 275 276 an 278 Mutual Funds ‘Mua’ rura oyecives How to Analyze Mutual Funds Pros and Cons of Investing io Mutual Funds Retirement Plans and Aerrinis What Is Vesting? Pros and Cons af Retirenient Plans and Accounts erirement Plans lor Smali Business (Owners ang ine ser-empioyes Antes Pros and Cone of Investing in an Annuity Invecting in Real Ectaie Funding for the Real Estate Venture How to Analyze a Real Estale Investrrent Pros arid Cons of Investing in Real Estato Investing n susinesses ‘Types of Businesses How to Analyze a Business Investment Invactor Sataly Note Types of Insurance How Healthy Is You “The Choice Is Yours Kyo INTRODUCTION Step 1 ‘Determine wnere You Are Preparing a Financial Statement Inoome and Assets Faenertincame ‘8 Worksheet: Where Am | Today?" My Financial Statement Passive Income and Assets Business Poxifolo Income Dondiads Expenses and Liabilties Taxes (and Otter Paycheck Deductions) Credit Cards Home worgage Cars. Other Payments, Schoo! and Personal Loans, Net Wort Where Ara You? Recorakeeping: A Necessary Evil ‘= Worksheet: Hecorakooping Income Recorcs Expense Records Tar Racarde Miscellaneous Documents Canter? 279 281 281 DR 2.83 we 33 34 3a Tess ‘Em Organizing It All You Use a Computer. ‘= Worssheet: Personal Expenses Step 2 Set Your New Goals Example: Cindy’ Story ‘Analysis of Cindy/s Financial Staernent Cincy’s Five-Year Men rat's Next for Cindy? Example: Dale and Susie's Story Analysis of Dale ane Susie Financial Statement Dale and Susie's Five-Year Pan ‘what's Next for Dale and Susie? ‘Example: Stan and Marle’s Story nalyo. of Stan and Marto’ Finanesal Statervont Stan and Martie’ Five-Year Plan What's Nex! for Stan and Martio? Example: Frank and Maria's Story ‘Analysis of Frank and Maria's Financial Statemont Frank ard Marais Five-Year Pran ‘What's Nex! for Frank and Maria? Anaiyeie of Your Financia! Statement How Much Do You Keep? [Dos Your Money Work tor You? \What Is Your Income after Taxes? ow Much ol Your Net income Goes fo Housing How Much Do You Spend on Doodads? nat Is Your Return on Assets? Hin wnatny Br Your? ‘What Is Your Cash Fiow Pattern? Stop 3 ‘Take Control af Your Cash Flow Debt Quiz: How Deeply Dug in Are You? Rich Dad's Cash Flow Management Program Control Spending ‘The Westb-wacier’s Ole Elminate All Unsecured Debt (Credit Card Caveat Where o Da Your Credit Card Homework How to Dig Yourself Out Liquidate Your Credit Card Loans Review Your Creat Rating Rexluue Seuuied Delt Tots Dau Deut ‘Auto Advantages ‘Take Emergency Measures Do You Need Help? ‘The Very Last Resort: Fle for Bankruptcy Life after Debt Stop 4 Become an Investor Tho Sovon Rules of Investing Fisk-Tolorance Guz “The Ten Invootor Controle ‘Becoming an Average Investor Stocks Before You Buy Stock, Do Your Homework 3-22 3.23 5:24 3.25 327 3.30 bos 265 367 369 3.72 373 374 305 3.75 377 O77 3.78 379 381 382 383 387 389 30 Where to Do More Homeworks on Stocks \what to Do When Buving Stock What Not te De When Buying Stock Bonds What to Do When Buying Bonds \Winere to Do Your llomewar on Bands ‘What Nat © De Wren Buying Bonds Mutual Funds Belore You Buy into a Mutual Fund, Do Your Homework ‘What to Do When Buying Mutual Funds ‘Where to Do More Homework on Mutual Funds ‘what Bot fo De Whar Buying Mutual Func Retirement Plans and Accaunts ‘Where to Do Your Homework on Retirement Anruities ‘What to Do When Buying an Annuity ‘Where to De Your Homework on Annuities What Not to Do Wren Buying an Annuity Becoming 2 Profeceianal Inostor Why Real Estate Works Leverage Tax Benes appreciation Qualiying as a Real Estete Professional Prepare for Opportunity * Investing for the Right Sida a the CASHFLOW” Quagrant Start Sat Look for a Proalei 0 Solve Location, Location, Locaton—someun es + A Good Deal That Could Barkrupt You ‘The Double-Edged Swerd of De'erted Maintenance (Use Your Team to Evaiuare Your Property Foal Estato Tear Members How to Get Started Line Up Financing Wier to Fil Peal Estate Gain @ Competitive Edge Rate Your Property ‘= Workshoot: Determining Cash Flow Negotiate Your Deal Buying a Property Sellingenting Your New Property Stop 5 Enter the B Quadrant ‘Choose Your Business Take SUCK 2 Do You Havo the Right Stutt? Gat Firsthand Experience Do Research Part Time or Full Time? Part Time Doesrit Have to Mean Hatfhearted Starting Your Own Business ICTlees @ Wit Theres a Way. Quidance for the Start-Up Entrepreneur ‘Buying a Business Franchising Did You Know? Trenchise Tywes ‘Ato You Tailor Mas for Franchising? Evaluating Yourselt—And the Franchise ‘The Price of Success Scanning for Scam Artists Network Marketing Evaluating Yourself—And the Network. Matheny Cos msainy| Pyramid Schemes and Othor Monkey Business Launching YourseF in Netwark Marketing Extra Holo for the Network Wannabe ‘Choose Your Mentors and Your Team Find a Mentor ‘Once Youve Found a Mentor. A Qulu Pie Quy. Repaying Tau Mert Aporoach Business as a Team Soort ‘An Evarcise: Say No to the Naysayers Sheooing for a Team Crats ina Box YYout Financial Team Financial Planners Ron (4 Puna a Purana Puanier Stockbrokers How to Find a Broker Tax Atv How to Find @ Tax Advisor Bankers Your Legal Team ‘How i Fina # Lawyer Your Real Eslate Team How to Find 2 Real Estate Agent Your Insiwance Team How to Find an insurance Agent \What to Do When Things Don" Work Out (Choose Your Entity Laying tne Groundwork tor Your Cnaice Choosing @ Business Entity Sole Pronrietorships Partnerchine {sa Partrership for You? (Choosing the Right Partrar(s} Corporations 's 3 U Corporanon tor You? Is an § Corporation for You? Liited-Liabilty Companies eal imfad.Liahiity Company for Vou? Move trom Earn-Tax-Spend to Eam-Spond-Tax ‘Stumped about What to Deduct? Helo is Here what Are Legitmete Business Expenses? (Char: Personal to Business Exponses ‘The Importance of Keeping Records Tas: Forme fa Fing Businoes Dodustone ‘About Tax Audits The IRS Trnity: How Audits Are Conducted 34128 Dez0 3.129 3430 3-130 3.130 3.132 o139 3.133 134 3135 3137 3136 3138 130 3439) 3439 Bean Sai 3142 3143 Siaa 3145; 3146, hur 3148, 3.149 3.150 S131 34154 759 3156 3487 3159 sas 3160) 3.161 289 163 34163 5164 3185 2168 3166 3168 3168 3169 art aa 472 3.73 ‘Write Your Business Plan and Raise Capital ‘A Rau Way far ous Business, Tle Bases Pit Gatting Siarioa ‘A Bible forthe Writing impaired Holo in Wrtine Your Business Plan Show Me the Money: Raising Capital for Your Venture Where to Lock for Capital Two Tyas ul Piney Now That You're in the B Quadrant. Stop 6 mina Your Own Business (Outside the B+! Tangle: Start with the Framework A Leadership Litmus Test Inside the B-1 Triangle: Climb the Tiers Manage Your Cash Fow The ABCs of Accounting Manage Your Coramunications ‘watkeung simaris| Communicating wih the Troops Manage Your Systems Fr Fisrhar Hain ‘Manage Your Legal Affairs Protecting iniliectual Property Manage Your Product or ne Would-be Etrepreneur Stop 7 Become an Ultimate Investor ‘mina Your wearn | How the Utimate Investors Do It How Can You Secome An Uttimate Investor? The Pret nf Bring Bis Laoking for Capital? Beyond Ultimate Investing Preserve Yout Fortune ‘Give Hack ‘A Humanitarian Hercules ‘And Think Big ‘A FINAL WORD, 374 Site 3474 3175, 3175, 3478 3478 79 34180 3.183 3185 SAR 3186 3188 3.188 Soy 3.192 3192 194 34195 3195 S96 3.198 saw 3-200 3201 ane 3.208 3.204 3.204 3208 3.208 3.2068 3207 AUDIO Every Day | Mako the Choice Trvocueton / Background » What You Will Loatn « Dent Work for Money } Financial Uteraey * Your Ideas Are Your Realty = Generosity « Now Rules fo! the Informiaion Age» Chooce i Beiien ce Changing Your Mindset Myne of the Poor / Middle Class + Financial Exucaton *'Casn Flow end Leverage * Think Big, Tank Srall « The broke Ie Temporary a ‘Audio 2, Think Like the Rich, cont'd. What Nokes You Ren » Emotional Inteligence + Overcoming Fear Fear ve. Pacts * Financalimeligonce/ Creating Morey LUCK ® Making Mistakes» tulip Fight Answers / Weal aking Ree ;coming the Master of Money Rich Is 8 State of Mind + Be-DotHave + Just Bo It Once 1 oor Habis » Pay Yoursel Firat» Whe Do You Wart to Ba? get Fear alure* What Toko Audio 3, Think Like the Rich, cont'd. 6 Stratogies for Wealth A Personal Story * Lndetstandng Why * See Your Fue 3 Team » #4: Bulg a Bueness + #5: Create Money + Good va Bac Dath + #6: Gonarsty uso 4. Think Uke, the Bigh. cont’ ‘The CASHFLOW Quadrant Different Quadean's,Dilrent Emotions = Securty ve. Freedom ‘tax Evasion Tax Avoidance « The Pianely Goris» intion. ‘Auio 5, Learn What the Rich Know (with Kim Kiyosaki) Inwoduction Loan ts Robert and Kime Story « Deste / The Git of Ceamning + Eubmess and Investing Are Team Sports ‘uncerstansing Eeonome Misory« ineest Rates Supp dna berand Hemanng Meu Pillar 2: Accounting Basics (with Diane Kennedy) Numbers Tel a Slory © Understand the Numbers « Why You fd Bxaensee * Your nancial Slatoment » Cash Flow Pains ‘Audio 6, Laar What tho Rich Know, cont'd, {with Diane Kennedy) Your Largest Expense, +. Tok Avoidance Net Evasion S Governrpart Rewards Bs and ie ratory of Taxes * Tax ene for Be «Free Aavics « Choosing a Tat Ader Pillar 4: Outside the 6-1 Triangle (with Sharon Lechter and Kim Kiyosaki) Inoaueing tne B-l Tangle * Yow Mission * Leacership 1 Aecombing 2 Teams Your ewsore ‘Audio 7, Learn What the Rich Know, cont'd. Pillar 4: Inside the B-1 Triangle {rite Blre Henney + Btoger) Cash Flow Management » Why Some Bsmesses S'ay Small Govt Go I Yoursel« rwost You Business « Pan Big» ule {Business + Keep Learning + Boremg Honey + Intl Bartels» Communabors HaraaorrentMotkeina ad Sales Pillar 4: inside the Bl Tangle, cont'd. (with Bob Chitton, Michael Lechter, and Sharon Lechtor) Ihe Power of Systeme * Wen Somoing Beaks Ogun ME ABEBedne Selon ittociny inelactia Pronenty { Patonts« Disclosure Agreomarts « Yeur less Ate Your #1 ‘sat The Prosuct «Prose © ache an Phen Pillar Sf tnvesting in Paper Assets Businonson (witn Kim Butler) investing fea Pan» Financal Planers # the 2g Pete « Sato Secure Pans Potecton + Sewrige « Comiatasie Pan Growth Why Bea Estate? « eicome Daf Dsfoas « Sans Lend Money Tncome's 100-103-4 Rule» Anaiyeng RealEstate © Surety ‘Audlo 9, Do What the Rich Do Where dee You Now? (Sten 1} Treodveton Det? Seps) «Be You Know Ynere You Ae?» Mas Sry Aeses and Daodads + Coreg Your Fnaxeil Sztrert ‘Set Your Now Goals (Step 2) ‘out Fnapeial Goa + Cindy + Dale sna Susie « lan ana Wari Frant and xia © Arayng Your Francia Staterien ‘Audio 10, Do What the Rich Do, cont’. ‘Take Control of Your Cash Flow (Step 3) Debt 2 Build Assets + Banvrupty.» Take Resorsiy = Recognize Good Deb! » Sang vs tesing, Become an investor (Step 4): Paner Securities / Ral Estate "Free pes face's © Saven Pe of Investing * vesing ia Paper Assets = Invesimert Advsors.* Ines" Clubs sinoducton 19 Real Essie * Real Esialo Protessionals { Posie Gash Fem Merum Tac Evaluating 8200 By ‘Audio 11, Do What the Rich Do, cont’. Become an Investor (Step 4}: Real Estate Dilerent fypes of Real Esta Locator» Deleted Martonance ‘A Good Deal?» Macter a Formule. « The Fis! Geen Howse * Siar Small » Agsessng. Yous » Negotaing a Contact + Sructing 2 Desi «Ale You Cosa Enter the B Quadrant (Step 5) Guy an Evang usoes + Farenans « Nnars Maetng Ching Your Dan fusiewes 6 Wentts asa" oss ‘Assam Your leam Fins the ght Asvsors ‘Audio 12, Do What the Rich Do, contd. Stina vert um Beneinnae (Shop A) ‘Schedule C. Gus Propreo’ + Pararshp © S Corporation *'C Corporation © Lc # Business Plt» Management Tear { Rnancing You Business © Tne B+ Trang Tea MSC" Lescersn Mind Your Own Business (Step 8) cont'd. / Become an Ultimate Investor (Step 7) (Cash Flaw Management « Cormurisaions « Meraging Syston * Liga tars Posie «Tha Utrte eso» Go Fuss AUTHORS Robert T. Kiyosaki Born and raised in Hawaii, Robert Kiyosaki is a fourth- eneratiun Japanese-American, aid one of me roungers or CASHFLOW Technologies, Incorporated (CTI). After high school, Robert received one of only two congressional ‘appointments from Hawaii to the Merchant Marine ‘Academy in New York. After graduation, Robert joined the Marine Corps and went to Vietnam as an officer and helicopter gunship pilot. Returning trom the war, Robert worked for the Xerox Corporation and then in 1977 started ‘2 company that brought the firat nylon Voloro aurter wallets to market. Realizing that he had a passion for teaching, in 1985 he founded an international education company that, taught usiness ana investing fo tens of thousands ot students throughout the world. In 1994 lobert sold his business and retired at the age of 47. During his early retirement, Robert wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad, which he followed soon afterward with Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant, Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and Rich Kid Smart Kid. All four books have made it to the hest-sellar lists af the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, New York Times, USA Today,, and other distinguished lists. Robert also created the educational board game CASHFLOW™ to toash individuals the financial strategies his ich dad spent years teaching him—the same financial strategies that brought Robert financial freedom at the age of 47. Hopert and nis wite Kim joined witn Sharon Lechter to found CT! in September of 1997. Their mission statement: “To elevate the financial well-being of humanity” Robert continues to enjoy teaching seminars and has spoken to sold-out audiences around the world. He has appeared on Oprah and other major network television shows. Robert is often heard saying, "We go to school to learn to work hard for money. | write books and create products that teach panna haw ta hava money work hard for them ... 80 they can enjoy the luxuries of this great world we live in” You can ‘contact Robert at Sharon L. Lechter GPA, co-author ol the Rich Dad series of Books, and CEO and co-founder of CASHFLOW ‘Technologies, Sharon Lechter has decicated her professional ofr othe fel of ‘education. She graduated with honors from lonéa State Universiy wna degree in ‘accounting, then joed me ranks or wnat was tnen one OF ne BI ERG aecounON HN and went on to hold management positans with companies inthe computer, insurance, and publshing industries, al while maintaining her professionel credentials as a CPA ‘Oharon has been Meppily manied te Michael Leshter or over 20 year and hae ove chieren, Pili, Shelly, and Wiliam. AS her ccron grew, she became keenly involved in their education ad always served i leadership postons in thei schools. She becarne a neal ariel in ha ara of mathematics. comautrs. reine, ané wit education. Soin 1989 she was delighte to oi forces with the inventor ofthe fit electronic “aking book lang helped him expand the electronic book industry to multiniion-coltar International market. Today she remains pioneer in developing new technologies to bring education beck into children’ es. As co-star of the Rich Dad books and CEO of CASHFLOW Technologies. Inc, she now focuses her ellos in the eld of nancial education. "Our current educational system has not been able to ko@p pace withthe global ané technological changes in the word today. We must teach our young people the skis, both sehovaste and tnaneial, mat Mey Wal NEC TO NT OMy SUTVN® OUT PUTS Ae wor they ace” {An aid philanthropist. Sharon “gives back’ as both a volunteer and a donot She runs the ‘organization farmed to eradicate child abuse inthe US. As an acive member ofthe Women's Presents Organization, she enjoys networking wih other professional women across the country She has also ssevted with tha Amariran Cane Secnty the Amercan Heart Assocation the Miwaukee Chigrens Hospital. ard the Miwaukee Opera Club. bart cays of her “Sharon is one ofthe few natural entrepreneurs | have ever met. My respect for her continues to grow every day wo work together” You can contact Sharon a sharon @richded com. CONTRIBUTORS Diane Konnedy, CPA, author of Loopholes of the Fich — How the Fich Make More and Pay Lees Tax in tho Rich Dads Advisors ‘series s also the coauthor of wo college textbooks on accounting and computor topics ane a past instructor at the Universtiy ot Nevada, Rane, Diane i 2 poputne pte speaker, and as one of Robert Kiyosaks Kim Kiyosaki entered the business ‘word working with atop Honotu ‘advetsing agency and by age 25. she ‘ras running a Honolulu magazin that served the citys business community It ‘oh take long for Kis enlepreneusia ‘plete uriae, and two yoore Into eho ‘ventured into her fist business ~ a athing tine marketed throughout the US. Shortly thereafter Kim joined Robert Kiyosaki as @ partner in @ company that {aught entrepreneurial business brougrowt tne word. Ne tusiness tated from nothing and grew to eleven offices in seven counties, teaching business seminars to tens of ‘thousands of stlendees In 1989 Kim beaan he realestate Investing carver wen the purchase ot a smal -bedroom, 1 bath rental house. Today Kins real oststo company buys, sols, and manages miions of dalars worth af property. and “etied” in 1997 Ki, Robert, and Sharon Lechter founded Cashion Technologies. Ine (CT). To date CT! nas launched four best-seling books, including the vary popular Fich Dad Poor Dag, a6 wal as the patented boara gamo VASHFLUM ‘Yeu can contact Kim at wvensichdad com, select Rich Daas Advisors has avalon as far away as ‘Ausrabato speak to sold out audancos. Sho has bull a career ‘nases on eaueaing orrers about rac: Fvesumens ea te tax advantages that are available. An outspoken proponent of ‘ulti your o#m wealth through real estate, she clearly demonstrates that success in her own We: Sho bought ner fst rental property before the age of 25 and over the past wo ‘docades has owed ever 100 properties, She is @ past recipient ol the prestigious Blue Chip Enterprise Award, given tothe the Stato of Nevada, She is a0 a past ecipet ofthe National Chamber of Commerce award for Excelence in Business. lane Kennedy's GPA rm, OKA (D. Kennedy & Associates), can be Teaciaa nruga Ter wets ak wer napaahaes a

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