Tata Consultancy Services Limited: Company Background
Tata Consultancy Services Limited: Company Background
Tata Consultancy Services Limited: Company Background
TCS in Hungary
TCS established its first European development
centre in Hungary in 2001 to bring its software
solutions development and delivery close to its
India European clients.The company selected Hungary
Others Source: Company Website
for setting up its development centre because the
TCS’ Major Subsidiaries in the EU
country offered a well-educated workforce. alliances with major companies such as Microsoft,
This development centre is equipped with world IBM, Oracle and SAP.
class infrastructure facilities and has a workforce of
over 160 consultants from various countries.The It provides services across sectors such as
centre is also ISO 9001:2000 certified and is IT and business consulting, IT infrastructure, BPO,
helping TCS to serve not only its European clients engineering and industrial services, and asset-based
but also its other global clients. In addition, the solutions.TCS has two subsidiaries in the UK,
centre was ranked among the top 20 in the Diligenta Limited and Financial Network Services
’Large Company Category’ in the Hewitt Best (Europe) PLC. In 2002, it also opened a
Employers Survey, 2005, in Hungary. development centre in Guildford, Surrey.
Future Plans
Focus on Europe
Due to the economic slowdown in the US, the
company is focussing on revenue growth fromthe
EU. It hopes to win some major contracts, such the
EUR 203.66-million one with ABN AMRO for
offshoring 200 jobs.