Aluminium Structures Applications
Aluminium Structures Applications
Aluminium Structures Applications
Structural applications of aluminium have grown consid- – and find adequate solutions for the disadvantages such as
erably in the last decades. In transportation, the low mass its low stiffness, resulting in stability being a more predomi-
weight, resulting in a high strength to weight ratio, makes alu- nant design aspect, and its lesser fatigue and fire resistance
minium a favourable material for aircrafts, high speed trains behaviour, when compared to steel.
and ferries. In building and civil engineering, sometimes the
Obviously, there are enough reasons to release a special
low weight is determining the choice for aluminium, for ex-
issue of Structural Engineering International devoted to
ample for movable bridges or helicopter decks on offshore
aluminium. This special issue starts with two papers survey-
platforms. However, more often other favourable properties
ing structural aluminium applications. Then the material is
such as corrosion resistance, easy shaping of profiles by ex-
introduced. The subsequent papers are dealing with Euro-
trusion, and aesthetics are of importance.
code 9 topics, both with static design as well as with fatigue.
A condition for a successful structural application of alu- Then, papers concerned with topics like stability, composite
minium is the availability of design rules. Several national structures, welded joints and sustainability are presented. The
standards do already exist, some of them even for decades, series is finalised by papers on recent structural applications
but with the release of ‘Eurocode 9: Design of Aluminium for bridges and buildings.
Structures’ a new challenge for structural aluminium appli-
The authors of the articles in this special issue on alumin-
cations exists on short term. Eurocode 9 is by far the most
ium in structural engineering are acknowledged for their
extensive and up-to-date standard compared to national
contributions to this issue, which may further enhance the
standards of various European countries.
application of aluminium in building and civil engineering
Aluminium and steel are different materials but design prob- structures.
lems usually are similar. Aluminium differs from steel in its
physical properties (low mass weight, stiffness and linear ex-
pansion) and in its mechanical properties (strength and elon-
Prof. ir F. Soetens and Prof. ir H. H. Snijder
gation), the latter as a result of alloy hardening. A designer
should make use of the advantages of aluminium – in par- Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
ticular its light weight, extrudability and corrosion resistance Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning