Aluminium Structures Applications

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New Challenges for Aluminium Structures: An Introduction

Structural applications of aluminium have grown consid- – and find adequate solutions for the disadvantages such as
erably in the last decades. In transportation, the low mass its low stiffness, resulting in stability being a more predomi-
weight, resulting in a high strength to weight ratio, makes alu- nant design aspect, and its lesser fatigue and fire resistance
minium a favourable material for aircrafts, high speed trains behaviour, when compared to steel.
and ferries. In building and civil engineering, sometimes the
Obviously, there are enough reasons to release a special
low weight is determining the choice for aluminium, for ex-
issue of Structural Engineering International devoted to
ample for movable bridges or helicopter decks on offshore
aluminium. This special issue starts with two papers survey-
platforms. However, more often other favourable properties
ing structural aluminium applications. Then the material is
such as corrosion resistance, easy shaping of profiles by ex-
introduced. The subsequent papers are dealing with Euro-
trusion, and aesthetics are of importance.
code 9 topics, both with static design as well as with fatigue.
A condition for a successful structural application of alu- Then, papers concerned with topics like stability, composite
minium is the availability of design rules. Several national structures, welded joints and sustainability are presented. The
standards do already exist, some of them even for decades, series is finalised by papers on recent structural applications
but with the release of ‘Eurocode 9: Design of Aluminium for bridges and buildings.
Structures’ a new challenge for structural aluminium appli-
The authors of the articles in this special issue on alumin-
cations exists on short term. Eurocode 9 is by far the most
ium in structural engineering are acknowledged for their
extensive and up-to-date standard compared to national
contributions to this issue, which may further enhance the
standards of various European countries.
application of aluminium in building and civil engineering
Aluminium and steel are different materials but design prob- structures.
lems usually are similar. Aluminium differs from steel in its
physical properties (low mass weight, stiffness and linear ex-
pansion) and in its mechanical properties (strength and elon-
Prof. ir F. Soetens and Prof. ir H. H. Snijder
gation), the latter as a result of alloy hardening. A designer
should make use of the advantages of aluminium – in par- Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
ticular its light weight, extrudability and corrosion resistance Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning

Structural Applications of Aluminium in Civil Engineering

Federico M. Mazzolani, Prof., Dr., Eng., University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy

Summary – simplify the erection phases;

– transport fully prefabricated com-
The Aluminium (Al) element was discovered 200 years ago. After an initial pe- ponents;
riod of technological development, aluminium alloys were used in many struc- – reduce the loads transmitted to foun-
tural applications, including the civil engineering field. The last decades have been dations;
devoted to analyse the structural behaviour of extruded and welded members by – economize energy either during ere-
means of theoretical and experimental research. The achieved knowledge repre- ction and/or in service;
sents today the solid basis for modern codification. The present paper gives an – reduce the physical labour.
overview of the contemporary developments in the design of aluminium alloy
structures. Corrosion Resistance
Formation of a protective oxide film
Basic Prerequisites economical, and therefore competitive on the surface makes it possible to:
in those applications where full advan- – reduce the maintenance expenses;
The success of aluminium alloys as tage is taken of the following prerequi-
constructional material and the pos- – provide good performance in cor-
sites [1, 2, 3]: rosive environments.
sibility of a competition with steel are
based on some prerequisites, which are Functionality of Structural Shape
connected to the physical properties, Lightness
the production process, and the tech- Extrusion process makes it possible
nological features. to:
Low specific weight of aluminium al-
In particular, it is commonly recog- loys which is one third of steel, makes – improve the geometrical properties
nised that aluminium alloys can be it possible to: of the cross-section by designing a

Structural Engineering International 4/2006 Reports 1

shape which simultaneously gives
the minimum weight, and the highest
structural efficiency;
– obtain stiffened shapes without
using built-up sections, thus avoiding
welding or bolting;
– simplify connecting systems among
different component, thus improving
joint details;
– combine different functions of the
structural component, thus achieving Fig. 1: The reticular space structure of the Fig. 2: The International Congress Centre
a more economical and rational Interamerican Exhibition Center of Sao of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
profile. Paulo (Brazil)

Fields of Application can represent a valid alternative to

steel. In addition, the complete absence
Competitiveness of maintenance increases the advan-
The best application can be obtained in tages in particular for those structures
some typical cases, which are character- situated in humid environments.
ised in getting profit at least of one of Several applications of reticular space
the main basic properties: lightness, cor- structures can be found in South
rosion resistance and functionality [4, America (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador).
5, 6]. The structural applications which The historical background in this field
best fit these properties in the field of is represented by a very spectacular Fig. 3: Swimming pool roofing (Colombia)
civil engineering are the following: space structure which has been erect-
– Long-span roof systems in which ed for the Interamerican Exhibition
live loads are small compared with Centre of Sao Paulo in Brazil in 1969
dead loads, as in the case of reticular (Fig. 1), covering an area of about 67
space structures and geodetic domes 600 m2 with a mesh 60 × 60 m. The
covering large span areas, like halls depth of the reticular layer is 2,36 m. It
and auditoriums. was entirely site-bolted on the ground,
– Structures located in inaccessible and later it was lifted at the final level
places far from the fabrication shop, of 14 m by means of 25 cranes located
for which transport economy and in the corners of the mesh, in the posi-
ease of erection are of extreme tion of the actual supports. The weight
importance, like for instance ele- of the reticular structure was 16 kg/m2; Fig. 4: Sport Hall of Quito (Ecuador)
ctrical transmission towers, which the number of bars was 56 820 and
can be carried by helicopter. their total length one after another
– Structures situated in corrosive was 300 km. The erection time was ex-
or humid environments such as traordinarily quick (27 hours), by using
swimming pool roofs, river bridges, a number of 550 000 bolts in 13 724
hydraulic structures, and offshore nodes. The materials were: aluminium
super-structures. alloys of 6063 and 6351 series T6 for
– Structures having moving parts, cylindrical bars, Al 99,5 for trapezoidal
such as sewage plant crane bridges sheeting and, galvanized steel bolts for
and moving bridges, where lightness connections. Very similar is the case of
means economy of power under the International Congress Centre in
service. Rio de Janeiro, where the same mesh
– Structures for special purposes, 60 × 60 m has been used, covering a Fig. 5: The Memorial Pyramid in La Baie
for which maintenance operations total area of 33 000 m2 (Fig. 2). (Quebec, Canada)
are particularly difficult and must Many significant applications are de-
be limited, as in the case of masts, veloped in Colombia, like the reticular the realisation of important construc-
lighting towers, antenna – towers, structures for roofing swimming pools tions (sporting arenas, exhibition cen-
sign motorway portals, and so on. [7] (Fig. 3). Among many different ap- tres, congress halls, auditoriums, etc).
The above groups mainly belong to plications, reticular systems covered These applications are very interesting
the range of ‘civil engineering’, but a by aluminium sheeting can be men- for the rapidity of erection, the con-
wider field of potential applications tioned: the roofing of the Sport Hall nection systems, and the remarkable
is the more general one of ‘structural of Quito, Ecuador (Fig. 4) and the Me- dimensions.
engineering’. morial Pyramid in La Baie (Quebec,
Canada) (Fig. 5), for remembering the The first applications were: the ‘Dome
damage due to a flood in the 80’s. The of Discovery’ erected in London for
Lightweight Structures reticulated domes represent the most the South Bank Exhibition during the
When structural weight is a fundamen- challenging application of aluminium Festival of Britain (1951), composed
tal issue, the utilization of aluminium alloys in the structural field, allowing by three directional reticulated arches,

2 Reports Structural Engineering International 4/2006

with a diameter of 110 m and 24 kg/m2 the restoration activity of the ‘Mercati
weight and the geodetic dome erected Traianei’ Museum [8] (Fig. 8).
for covering the “Palasport” in Paris,
by using the Kaiser Aluminium system
with 61 m diameter and 20 m height Low Maintenance Requirement
(1959). Both were like prototypes in There are special structures having
their field: the largest and the first, the function to support fixed elements,
respectively. which are located at a given distance
More recently, interesting structural from the ground, the prevalent di-
systems for geodetic domes made of mension being horizontal (e.g. portal
aluminium have been set-up in the frames for traffic signs) or, vertical
(a) (b)
United States, where ‘ad hoc’ systems (e.g. antennas, electrical transmission
are used both for roofing industrial and lighting towers). For these struc- Fig. 9: Two aluminium alloy towers erected
plants with ecological purposes, and for tures, the elimination of maintenance in Naples
large roofing of public buildings. A fa- represents a fundamental prerequi-
mous application is the ‘Spruce Goose’ site. At the same time, the extrusion
dome, being the largest in the World process can improve the geometrical
with a diameter of 415 feet (Fig. 6). properties of cross-sections in such
Many geodetic domes are used for in- a way to obtain the minimum weight
dustrial applications, like coal storage and the highest structural efficiency. In
plants (Fig. 7). addition, the lightweight of aluminium
allows prefabricated systems, very easy
A recent application of a reticular for transportation and erection, giving
dome has been done in Rome during rise to competitive solutions in com-
parison with other materials.
Fig. 10: The sewage plant pool of
Many towers for electrical transmis- Po-Sangone (Torino, Italy)
sion lines have been erected in Eu-
rope. Two important aluminium towers
have been erected in Naples. The first saving – during the operating phases
example is the tower for parabolic an- of the plant [10].
tennas of the Electrical Department
It seems important to underline that
of Naples erected in 1986. This de-
nowadays offshore applications can be
sign received the international award
considered the main – future – trend
‘Hundred Years of Aluminium’ [9].
for aluminium alloys. In fact, they offer
The reason for choosing aluminium
to this industry enormous benefits in
was basically its lightness (the tower
Fig. 6: The “Spruce Goose” dome during the form of cost savings, ease of fabri-
erection (Long Beach, California)
has been erected on top of an exist-
cation, and proven performance in dif-
ing reinforced concrete stair-case) and
ficult and hostile environments.
its corrosion resistance property (no
problem of maintenance). Its height is Stair towers, mezzanine flooring, access
35 m from the top of the stair-case (in platforms, walkways, gangways, bridges,
total about 50 m). It is composed of a towers and cable ladder systems can all
cylinder with 1800 mm internal diam- be constructed in pre-fabricated units
eter and 20 mm thickness. The fabri- for simple assembly offshore, or at the
cation was shop-welded, by dividing fabrication yard.
the total height into three parts, which
Mobility and ease of installation are
were field-bolted during the erection
maintained even for large structural
(Fig. 9a). The second example is the
elements, such as link bridges and tele-
‘Information Tower’ near the football
scopic bridges .
Fig. 7: Aluminium domes for coal storage stadium in Naples, which has been
plant equipped with antennas and screens in Helidecks, have been made by using
order to follow the games from outside aluminium alloy since the early sev-
the stadium (Fig. 9b). enties, so they are now fully tried in
heavy duty situations (Fig. 11).
A field where the properties of alu-
minium play a determinant role is – the Moreover, they are designed to be
hydraulic applications (pipelines, res- modular and have bolted connections,
ervoir). The case of the rotating crane allowing quick erection and easy ship-
bridges for large settling circular pools ping, and handling. In addition, they
in water sewage treatment plants is a offer weight reduction of up to 70%
typical case (Fig. 10). In particular, the over steel, meeting the highest safety
‘corrosion resistance’ allows to elimi- standards; and providing up to 12%
nate any protection also in the pres- cost saving [11].
Fig. 8: Geodetic dome in the Museum of ence of a corrosive environment, while
‘Mercati Traianei’ in Rome (Italy) the ‘lightness’ corresponds to energy

Structural Engineering International 4/2006 Reports 3

for switching from steel to aluminium
are the following:
– lower weight;
– lower maintenance cost;
– longer life;
– recycling.
Under these conditions, a new chal-
lenge is open for aluminium alloys in
the field of structural engineering.
Fig. 11: A structural off-shore application:
helideck Fig. 13: The German military bridge: erec-
tion phases References
Complete crew quarters and utilities
[1] MAZZOLANI, F. M. Aluminium Alloy
modules, from large purpose-built mod-
Structures (second edition), E & FN SPON, an
ules to flexible prefabricated units, have imprint of Chapman & Hall, London, 1994.
been recently developed. The modules
may be used singly, or assembled in a [2] MAZZOLANI, F. M. “The structural use of
aluminium: Design and Applications” (Keynote
group to form multi-story complexes,
lecture), Proc. of the Int. Conference on Steel and
linked by central transverse corridors Aluminium Structures, Espoo, Finland, 1999.
and stair towers.
[3] MAZZOLANI, F. M. “Contemporary alumin-
ium structures: state-of-the art in applications,
Crossing Structures research and codification” (Keynote lecture),
Proceedings of the XI International Conference
All kinds of bridges have been built on Metal Structures, Rzeszow, Poland, 2006.
using aluminium alloys. The Arvida
Fig. 14: The new Swedish military bridge [4] MAZZOLANI, F. M. “New developments
Bridge in Quebec, Canada (1950) is in the design of aluminium structures”(Keynote
the challenging prototype of a motor- lecture), Proceedings of the Third International
way bridge made of aluminium alloy. Conference on Steel Structures, Thessaloniki,
It was built according to the Maillart’s of prefabricated units, easy to trans- Greece, 1998.
scheme with a total span of 150 m, an port, and erect (Fig. 13).
[5] MAZZOLANI, F. M. “Structural use of alu-
arch of 87 m of span, and total weight In the new Swedish model (Fig. 14) the minium alloys in civil engineering” (Keynote
of 200,000 kg (Fig. 12). high-tech friction stir welding process lecture), Proceedings of the Second Internation-
was used [13]. al Conference on Structural Engineering, Me-
The technology of composite struc- chanics and Computation (SEMC), Cape Town,
tures made of aluminium beams and The foot-bridge is a structural typol- South Africa, 2004.
concrete decks, has been also devel- ogy where aluminium alloys are suc-
[6] MAZZOLANI, F. M. “Competing issues
oped. Concrete-aluminium composite cessfully employed, owing to low live for aluminium alloys in structural engineer-
systems have been used in some bridg- load. Additional advantages, thanks ing”, Prog. Struct. Engng. Mater., Vol. 6, 2004,
es built since the sixties in the United to ‘lightness’ are evident in the case pp. 185–196.
States and later in France. of moving bridges. Examples of alu-
[7] VALENCIA, G.; CLEMENT, G. “Recent al-
A prototype for a new floating bridge minium foot bridges can be found in uminium roof structures in Columbia”, Proceed-
has been recently opened in The Neth- France, Germany, The Netherlands, ings of the Conference in Honour of Professor
erlands for crossing water straits [12]. Italy, and in Canada. Victor Gioncu, Timisoara, 2004.

A new important field of application [8] MAZZOLANI, F. M.; MAZZOLANI,

is the one of military bridges in which Refurbishment of Bridges S. M.; MANDARA, A. “Aluminium Structures
in the Restoration Project of Mercati Traianei
‘lightness’ and ‘corrosion resistance’ A lightweight system for replacing in Rome”, Proceedingsof the Fifth International
play a fundamental role. At present, it damaged concrete bridge decks has Congress on the Restoration of Architectural
is possible to reach 40 m of span with been developed and used in Sweden, Heritage, Firenze, 2000.
prefabricated elements – easy to trans- based on an orthotropic plate of alu- [9] MAZZOLANI, F. M. “Una torre tutta
port and to erect. The main applications minium hollow extrusions. This solu- d’alluminio”, Alluminio per Architettura, n. 2,
have been developed in Great Britain, tion can be very competitive in many 1991.
Germany and Sweden. In Germany, a cases as an alternative to the conven- [10] MAZZOLANI, F. M. “A new aluminium
military bridge is produced composed tional solutions. Weight reduction has crane bridge for sewage treatment plants”, Pro-
made it possible to use the existing ceedings of the Third International Conference
foundations and supports [11]. on Aluminium Weldments, Munich, 1985.
[11] TALAT. Training in Aluminium, Applica-
tion Technologies, F. Ostermann (editor), 1995.
Conclusion [12] SOETENS, F.; HOVE, D.V.; MALJAARS,
J.; JANSSEN, E.; MENNINK, J. “Floating Alu-
The above examples have clearly minium Roads”, Proceedings of the IABSE
shown some of the situations – where Symposium on Structures and Extreme Events,
the structural use of aluminium alloys Lisbon, 2005.
gives a suitable and convenient solu- [13] HÖGLUND, T.; NILSSON, L. “Aluminium
tion. Summing up, it is possible to con- bridges in Sweden”, Report given by the Au-
Fig. 12: Arvida bridge (Quebec, Canada) clude in general that the main reasons thors, 2005.

4 Reports Structural Engineering International 4/2006

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