Security Issues in Cloud Computing
Security Issues in Cloud Computing
Security Issues in Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Security Major Concern
Physical Layer Security
Network Level Security
Virtualization level Security
Management level Security
General Issues
Cloud Computing
• Cloud computing providing unlimited infrastructure to
store and execute customer data and program. As
customers you do not need to own the infrastructure, they
are merely accessing or renting, they can forego capital
expenditure and consume resources as a service, paying
instead for what they use.
Benefits of Cloud Computing :
• Minimized Capital expenditure
• Location and Device independence
• Utilization and efficiency improvement
• Very high Scalability
• High Computing power
Security a major Concern
Security concerns arising because both customer data and
program are residing in Provider Premises.
Provider Premises
Security Is the Major Challenge
Dangers and Vulnerabilities
Security is to save data and program from danger and vulnerability
• Disrupts Services.
• Theft of Information.
• Loss of Privacy.
• Damage information.
• Hostile Program.
• Hostile people giving instructions to good programs.
• Bad guys corrupting or eavesdropping on communications
Common Security Requirements
Security at Different Levels
We need Security at following levels:
Node X Node Y
• Audit tools so that users can easily determine how their data is
stored, protected, used, and verify policy enforcement.
Data Location
When user use the cloud, user probably won't know exactly where your
data is hosted, what country it will be stored in?
Data should be stored and processed only in specific jurisdictions as
define by user.
Provider should also make a contractual commitment to obey local
privacy requirements on behalf of their customers,
Data-centered policies that are generated when a user provides personal
or sensitive information, that travels with that information throughout
its lifetime to ensure that the information is used only in accordance
with the policy
Backups of Data
Data store in database of provider should be redundantly
store in multiple physical location.
Advanced reservations of resources
priority reduction
Information Security
Security related to the information exchanged between different hosts
or between hosts and users.
This issues pertaining to secure communication, authentication, and
issues concerning single sign on and delegation.
Secure communication issues include those security concerns that arise
during the communication between two entities.
These include confidentiality and integrity issues. Confidentiality
indicates that all data sent by users should be accessible to only
“legitimate” receivers, and integrity indicates that all data received
should only be sent/modified by “legitimate” senders.
Solution: public key encryption, X.509 certificates, and the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) enables secure authentication and communication
over computer networks.
Network Security
Provider should get some standard certificate from some
governing or standardized institution that ensure users that
provider has established adequate internal control and these
control are operating efficiently.