Broca Aphasia PDF
Broca Aphasia PDF
Broca Aphasia PDF
Target article
Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
McGill University, Department of Linguistics, 1085 Dr. Peneld Avenue, Montreal, Que., Canada PQ H3A 1A7
Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Behavioral variation in Brocas aphasia has been characterized as boundless, calling into question the validity of the syndromebased schema and related diagnostic methods of acquired language disorders. More generally, this putative variability has cast serious doubts on the feasibility of localizing linguistic operations in cortex. We present a new approach to the quantitative analysis of
decient linguistic performance, and apply it to a large data set, constructed from the published literature: Comprehension data of
69 carefully selected Brocas aphasic patients, tested on nearly 6000 stimulus sentences, were partitioned in dierent ways, and subjected to a series of analyses. While a certain amount of variability is indeed evident in the data, our quantitative analyses reveal a
highly robust selective impairment pattern for the group: the patients ability to analyze syntactic movement is severely compromised, in line with the Trace-Deletion Hypothesis. Further analyses suggest that patients performance on no-movement sentence
types exhibits less variation than on sentences that contain movement. We discuss the clinical and theoretical implications of our
2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Aphasia; Variability; Syntax; Quantitative analysis; Condence interval; b-Distribution
1. The problem
For over a century, the question of patient grouping has occupied the best minds in behavioral neurology. In many, if not most instances, it took the shape
of a debate over the typology of aphasic syndromes,
and whether or not these are truly distinguishable
from one another. As Mohrs well-known review of
Brocas aphasia (1978) notes, this syndrome has surq
Supported in part by Canada Research Chairs, Canada Foundation for Innovation, and a McGill VP-Research internal grant. D.
Drais research at the Weizmann Institute of Science is supported by
the Golda and Dr. Yehiel Shwartzman and Sara and Haim Medvedi
Families Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 514 398 7088.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Grodzinsky).
0093-934X/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
but also, suciently similar so as to justify our grouping them together through the traditional syndrome
schema? Discussion, then, has shifted: from inter-syndromic dierences, it has moved to examine intra-syndromic similarities, with Brocas aphasia being the
main case in point. And here, positions dier: some
researchers (e.g., Avrutin, 2001; Goodglass, 1993;
Grodzinsky, 2000; Zurif, 1995) view Brocas aphasia
not only as a distinct clinical entity, but also, as an
important tool for discerning the functional linguistic
role of Brocas area; others (e.g., Berndt, Mitchum,
& Haedinges, 1996; Caramazza, 1986; Caramazza,
Capitani, Rey, & Berndt, 2000) have denied the validity of the traditional syndrome schema, arguing that
no structure can be discerned in the performance of
these patients, when taken as a group. To bolster their
position, the latter researchers have documented performance instability, purportedly showing how a xed
clinical diagnosis leads to seemingly boundless behavioral variation across patients (in a relevant behavioral
Both groups have claimed that their position is
empirically motivated and based on data that exist in
the experimental literature. It is on this puzzle that the
present paper is focused. Since at most, one of the two
views in the variability debate is correct, it is extremely
important to determine what the empirical record really
is, especially in light of the variation-oriented view: if
true, it speaks against generalizations over these data,
and the validity of traditional diagnostic methods. It
thus undermines both the clinical schema, and the feasibility of localizing linguistic operations in cortex
through lesion data.
Below, we employ novel quantitative methods to a
large database in order to nd structure in the comprehension performance of patients classied as Brocas
aphasics. Our database was compiled from carefully
selected, published test scores of patients with identical
diagnosis of Brocas aphasia. As the variability debate
is concerned with the correct interpretation of a data
set, it is crucial to characterize the data set and its limitations, and also to dene precisely what counts as an
empirical validation of a thesis about the presence (or
absence) of structure in the empirical record. We therefore outline the general logic of our analysis before
embarking upon a detailed description of our
Our starting point is that performance variation within a group of patients in itself does not preclude the existence of structure in their decit. Thus in aphasia the
data may present inter-patient variability, but the challenge for us is to try and discover commonalities at
the group level in the face of this variability. That is,
we ask whether group analyses can discover dierent
patterns of performance on dierent tasks. For that,
we constructed a database from raw performance scores
2. Data selection
Aphasiological studies are typically conducted on
samples of small size (rarely exceeding n = 10). To give
our analysis a serious quantitative character we constructed a large data set of sentence level comprehension
scores of Brocas aphasics. Furthermore, the analytic
methods we developed for the evaluation of raw behavioral test results from multiple experiments presuppose a
high degree of homogeneity among studies. To ensure
homogeneity in our database, we limited the scope of
our investigation to a single type of result from one syndrome: scores obtained from Brocas aphasics in sentence-to-scenario matching experiments that measure
error rates in sentence comprehension. While task and
clinical criteria were kept constant, sentence stimuli varied in systematic ways that are at the heart of our
We used clinical diagnosis for patient selection. Did
this selection bias our results? While logically possible,
we do not see a reason to suppose that this was the case.
Our main demonstration below is that one partition
method discovers structure in the data, whereas other
methods do not. No clinical diagnostic test we use is
geared toward such distinctions. These tests are designed
to evaluate general communicative skills, and thus focus
mostly on speech production, whereas comprehension
abilities are evaluated in a very general way. It thus
seems that the way clinical tests select patients is orthogonal to our demonstration.
Diagnosis was done on (mostly) behavioral grounds
(typically the BDAE, WAB, AAT, and the like), and
we thus restrict ourselves to the analysis of behavior.
We now move to describe how our database was constructed: scores were selected from the published literature (cf. Appendix A for a list of studies) by a sieve of
ve highly restrictive criteria. A patients score was
on Brocas region as its anatomical substrate (Caplan & Waters, 1999; Just, Carpenter, Keller,
Eddy, & Thulborn, 1996; Roder, Stock, Neville,
Bien, & Rosler, 2001). Bi-clausal sentences in our
data matrix were (high complexity) Center Embedded, and (low complexity) Right-Branching, relative clauses.
(B) The traditional grammar distinction Mood (ACTIVE/PASSIVE): arguably, brain damaged individuals experience diculty in processing bi-clausal
sentences in general. If so, then contrast (A) may lead
to perturbations. Luckily, the best studied pair in
aphasiology (active/passive) contains mono-clausal
declarative sentences, and may provide a more distilled contrastMood. In (agentive) active sentences,
the Subject is agent-of-action, and passive morphology is absent; in passive, the Subjects being recipientof-action correlates with morphological marking of
passive voiceEnglish-en or its analogs. Time and
again has the passive construction featured in investigations into the nature of Brocas aphasia (Goodglass, 1968; Grodzinsky, 1984a, 1984b, 1986;
Schwartz, Saran, & Marin, 1980; and many, many
others). Early results come almost exclusively from
English, a language in which passive tends to correlate with deviation from canonical ordering of major constituentsa notion often thought to be
equivalent to syntactic movement. More recent studies have obtained cross-linguistic data, from language
that enable to tease the active/passive distinction
apart from word order changes. We thus chose Mood
as a dimension along which to analyze the data we
(C) The linguistic notion Movement (): simply put,
Movement involves intra-sentential action at a distance, which cuts the data orthogonally to each of
the two contrasts above. Consider the active/passive distinction: in the active sentence the horse
kicked the rider, the verb kick determines the
semantic roles of the argument immediately preceding it (the horse), and of the one immediately following it (the rider).5 In the corresponding
passive the rider was kicked c by the horse, however, the elements <kick, the rider> are non-adjacent, and their sequential order is reversed. Still,
semantic roles are preserved under this major
changethe rider remains recipient-of-action.
The verb kick assigns a patient role rightwards just
For simplicity of exposition, we gloss over string-vacuous movement, that is, over movement from VP-internal position into subject
position, as well as movement from subject position in relative clauses.
These distinctions are suppressed as they are not presently relevant, see
Grodzinsky (2004) for further discussion.
Notice that the condence interval summarizes information for each
patient about both the percentage of successful trials and the overall
number of trials. This is necessary in view of the fact that the number of
trials for the two branches of a contrast are not always equal in a given
experiment (if it was not specically designed to test the contrast under
scrutiny), let alone in dierent experiments. To display all the results for a
given contrast we have chosen to show each patient as a vertical line
spanning the corresponding [PLXA, PUXA] interval.
We have three reasons to disqualify a t-test approach: (A)
summarizing the performances of each patient as a percentage of
success gives an empirical distribution of numbers in the [0, 1] ranges,
which does not square with the range of the normal distribution
assumption underlying the t-test. (B) This move is unwarranted also
because the number of trials for dierent patients (and even for
dierent contrasts for a given patient) is not xed. This means that the
percentage values cannot be pooled safely. (C) More conceptually, we
are trying to determine the distribution over the population of Px for a
given X, and there is no reason to assume a priori that this distribution
is bell shaped (Fig. 4 shows a case in which the best tting distribution
is J-shaped).
See supplementary materials for a formal presentation, implementation, and validation.
Fig. 2. Individual condence intervals and b-distribution for relative clauses. (See text for interpretation.)
Table 1
Summary of parameters of the b-models tted to each contrast, together with ratios and p value of the test for the null hypothesis (i.e., no
performance dierence between the branches of the contrast)
All movement
4.7 1013
2.9 1015
2.4 108
Fig. 3. Movement vs. mood in simple sentences. (For interpretation of the references to colors in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this paper.)
Fig. 4. Individual condence intervals and b-distribution for non-English active/passive. (For interpretation of the references to colors in this gure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this paper.)
6. Remaining variation
While the movement eect is robust, and helps discern structure in the data, variation no doubt exists in
our data set, as can be revealed by mere inspection of
the individual condence intervals, or, more formally,
by the r values of each of the b-distributions (Table 1;
see Appendix B for the details of the calculation of for
this distribution). We do not know whether this variation exceeds the variation documented through other
experimental methods, in other populations or cognitive
domains. Still, it may be worthwhile to try and investigate the variation in our data in more detail. In a preliminary attempt to do so, we examined the r values of
the dierent curves generated for the comparisons
above. Unstructured variation would lead to similar r
values across curves. If we were to expect structured variation, then harder experimental conditions would likely
lead to r values that are greater than those of the
easier conditions, because the latter would be more
likely to reach ceiling performance. This means that
rhard/reasy > 1. If our reasoning is valid, then the r-ratio
might be used to point to the correct hard/easy contrast
in the data.
The evidence we have in this respect is weak, but
suggestive: it appears that +Movement experimental
conditions produce data whose variance is greater
7. A concluding remark
The new method for quantitative analysis we propose shows that for the 69 patients we studied, Brocas aphasia leads to a robust Movement decit,
cutting across other elements that have been thought
to generate comprehension diculties (Mood, Complexity). Although the group we have studied is large,
it is, of course, dicult to assert that the selection criteria we used are universally valid; yet, they do dene
a clinical population that exhibits stable behavioral
decits, and that these decits characterize what clinicians have in mind when they think of Brocas aphasia. Neurologically, then, existent diagnostic methods
appear ecacious for this syndrome. Thus, while variability existsas it does in virtually all areas of biologythe robust structure we uncovered in the data,
and its relation to clinical diagnostic tests of Brocas
aphasia, are clear.
Still, the variability debate is unlikely to stop here.
We would thus like to clarify what we think we did
by carrying out this analysis, and what we did not.
We begin on the negative side: rst, our analysis is
entirely empirical, and we have nothing to say regarding conceptual issues in neuropsychology. Second, our
analysis has nothing to say about the specicity of
decit in Brocas region (or lack thereof). That is, as
we focused on Brocas aphasics, we did not address
the question of whether there exist comprehension
tests that tease it apart from other syndromes. Hopefully, future work along the same lines will help determine this rather dicult issue. Finally, we do not
show that variation does not exist in this syndrome.
On the contrary: it is evident in the data, just like
in most results in neuroscience. What we did show,
however, is how our methods discover highly robust
structure in a large data set that was previously said
to be resistant to such structural analyses. It is this result and this analysis, and nothing else, that we would
now like to bring to the fore.
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Appendix B. The methodology
The performance of a subject X on a set of sentences
S is described by a couple (nX,S, mX,S) where
nX,S = number of trials and mX,S = number of correct
answers. We assume independence between trials, therefore interpreting the whole experiment, for a given patient, as repeated bernoulli trials with probability
parameter pX,S. We then proceed to evaluate pX,S in light
of the observed performances of patient X on the sentences S.
A 99% condence interval [pLX,S, pUX,S] for pX,S is
obtained by solving the following equations:
pUXk 1 pUX X;Sk .01=2;
X nX;S
pLXk 1 pLXnX;Sk 1 .01=2.
Ba m; n b m=Ba; b;
Ba; b Ca Cb=Ca b; C
being the usual Gamma function:
In the context of such a model we can, for each set of
subjects performance on a set of sentence, determine by
maximum likelihood computation the best tting value
for the parameters a, b. Furthermore for the performances of a set of subjects on two set of sentences
(e.g., passive/active, or +Movement/Movement) we
can test the null hypothesis that the whole data set
comes from one parametrized distribution against the
hypothesis that they come from two distinct distribution. Indeed Ignoring constants involving only the
observations, the log-likelihood for a set of results{(n1,
m1). . .(nk, mk)} is given by
Ll; hjfn1 ; m1 . . . nk ; mk g
j 1
Logl r h
nj m
Xj 1
Log1 l r h
j 1
Log1 r h :
Note that this likelihood depends on the full information concerning the number of trials and of successes of
each subject so that no concern over unduly pooling
incomparable percentages arises. If {(n1, m1). . .(nk,
mk)}, represents the performances of subjects on one
type of sentences and {{(nk + 1, mk + 1). . .(nk + q,
mk + q)}} their performances on an other type, we can
proceed to test the hypothesis that the performances
are similar using the fact that if L0 is the maximal value
Ll; hjfn1 ; m1 . . . nk ; mk ; nk1 ; mkq . . . nk1 ; mk1 qg
and L1 is the maximal value of
Ll; hjfn1 ; m1 . . . nk ; mk g
Ll; hjfnk1 ; mk1 . . . nkq ; mkq g;
then an asymptotically valid test of the similarity of performance for the two types of sentences is given by com-
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