Technical Report Guidelines
Technical Report Guidelines
Technical Report Guidelines
Technical Reports
Presentation and report of engineering or scientific work are probably as important as the
actual work. Credit for a discovery or development of new concepts cannot be received until the
work has been described in a report or paper that is readily available for other people to read. It is
often stated that engineers upon graduation will spend their first few months of work doing about
30 percent engineering and 70 percent writing. Other related statements are "graduates of
engineering programs must have substantial communication skills if they are to function
effectively in industry and government" and "engineering graduates often wish they had more
training in communication skills in college." One goal of this course is to develop effective
written and oral communication skills. This will be accomplished by requiring written technical
reports for each experiment and an oral presentation by the group. Appendix A of Ref. [1]
provides general guidelines for report writing.
In numerous environments, a report is written for a specific audience. Thus, it is important to
first identify the intended audience (e.g., a supervisor as compared to a colleague) and to
recognize the type and order of information the reader is seeking. The report format, therefore,
varies. However, most reports include three essential elements: introduction, narrative, and
conclusion. Remember that brevity and clarity are important and the report should be of high
quality to be read. All reports should be written in the third person (e.g., use "the pressure was
measured..." instead of "we measured the pressure...").
A good dictionary should be nearby when the report is being written. No excuses for
misspelled words. Proof reading cannot be over-emphasized. If possible, have someone read the
report for grammar, style, spelling, clarity, and typographical errors. Make sure nouns and verbs
ABET, the accreditation board for college and university programs in applied science,
computing, engineering, and technology, requires evaluation of reporting skills in terms of
Organization in Writing (sequence of information, graphics, discussion and conclusions, design
of contents) and Writing Skills (grammar, spelling, sentence clarity, syntax). These are graded in
Experimental Engineering using the Technical Reports and reported to ABET. All students must
have at least a Satisfactory grade in Organization in Writing and Writing Skills to pass the
The report is limited to ten pages plus appendices, with the following format:
Error Analysis
All material is to be written using computer word processing on double-spaced standard 8-1/2
x 11 in unlined paper. All margins (top, bottom, right and left) will be 1 inch. This allows space
for graders comments and marking. Any oversized sheets of paper that are necessary to the
report (plots, figures, computer programs and listings, results, etc.) should be neatly folded and
easily unfolded and should not extend beyond the cited dimensions. No smaller or larger sheets
are allowed. The entire report will be stapled in the upper left corner or with staples along the
left-hand 11-inch-long side; stapler available at the MIE office. All pages must be numbered
with the INTRODUCTION as page 1.
The contents of each section of the report are described briefly in the following discussion:
This sheet is included at the end of this document and should be attached as the first page. Fill
out the experiment number, title of report, date handed in, and author's name. Note the points
awarded to each section.
In the order shown, with appropriate spacing, include:
a) Title of report
b) Authors, group and affiliation
c) Date submitted
The abstract should report the basic accomplishments and attempt to entice the reader to read
further. An abstract (or summary) should seldom be longer than one page and is typically around
200 words. The following items should be included:
a) Objective of work
b) Brief statement(s) on how objective was achieved (the work that was done)
c) Conclusions and recommendations are summarized (be quantitative!)
The abstract stands by itself. Note that equations or references do not, in general, appear in the
abstract. The abstract should be written after the rest of the report has been completed. An
executive summary is an extended abstract of up to about 500 words, and it may include an
essential figure.
The introduction places the work in perspective, i.e. cites relevance, motivation, some
previous background, and, most importantly, the objectives of the work. It should answer
the question, Why did you do what you did? It is convenient to introduce the objective
as "The objectives of this study are...". It states the hypothesis and concepts tested.
Remember that your objective IS NOT to learn about this or that but to measure
something that may help you discover or resolve a problem.
The purpose of this section is to describe the experiment technique and how the
experiment was performed. It should answer the question, What did you measure and
how? This section should include a schematic diagram of the apparatus, important
Figliola, R. S. and Beasley, D. E., Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, Third
Ed., Wiley, 2000, pp. 509-515.
Material that is somewhat bulky and does not necessarily contribute to the overall presentation
of the report is placed in this section. Give the appendices titles; for example, Appendix A:
Tables or Appendix C: Example Calculations. Several items that may be included are:
References, figures and tables should be referred to and numbered in order of appearance.
Make sure all figures and tables are referred to, dont just put some table or figure into
your report.
2. Graph and Plot Rules of Thumb (for reports, memos and log books)
X-axis for independent variable, Y-axis for dependent variable; y = f(x)
o Label all axes on the outside of the axis borders; the format should be:
o LABEL, symbol, units for example Stress , [MPa] Label is in quotes
o Include important information inside your plot frame, such as -test conditions assumptions -material type -data legends, etc., only when necessary.
Provide an equation in the plot frame if: -analytical curve used and the equation is
relevant -empirical curve is found that describes the data well, and, for example if it is a
linear fit, dont just leave it as y = mx + b, instead use something like:
Voltage (V) = 10.23 (lbf) + 0.02
For experimental data, even with empirical curves, always show data points using
symbols and add error bars
For analytical or theoretical curves (from equations) do not show symbols, use a line.
If more than one symbol is used you must provide a legend (unless you identify the data
or curve clearly using a title and arrow). If there is only one curve or data set, use no
Finally, ask yourself the following questions: Can the figure stand alone and tell the
entire story by itself without any accompanying text? It should be able to If it can, ask
yourself, is it a pretty figure that uses:
o -same font throughout -does the font match the text -effective use of
capitalization and bold lettering -do all the plots of similar type and results
look similar? -be consistent so as not to confuse the reader: once they
understand one plot, and if other plots are presenting similar information and
are consistent, they can be quickly and easily understood by the reader.
3. Table Format Rules of Thumb (for reports, memos and log books)
Table number and descriptive title should be located above the table. Consider the
example shown in Table A.1
Use borders to properly separate headings and columns of data
Clearly label all columns of data including the units
4. Equations
Equations used and referred to in your work will be numbered sequentially in order of reference.
The number for an equation will be in parentheses (X) and this number will be justified at the
right hand margin as in the example equation below:
Symbols or variables used in your equations will be defined. These definitions will be made
either in the text with the equations, or in an appendix that contains your nomenclature. An
example of defining the variables in your text is shown below:
Where there is no spray or roll contact, a natural convection heat transfer coefficient correlation is
where hnat is the natural convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m K), Tsurf and Tamb are slab surface
and ambient temperatures (K), respectively.
partition coefficient (wt pct/wt pct)
s solid
l liquid
i refers to the i-th chemical element