Grading Implementation 6-6-16

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Grading Practices
Implementation Procedures

Late Assignments

Homework (Building Knowledge)

Students may earn partial credit for these assignments if they are completed
before the final summative assessment of the unit. 10% will be deducted per
class period for late work until the value depletes 0%.
Students will not have the opportunity to submit late homework for credit
once the teacher has reviewed the answers to the assignments in class.
If the assignment is not submitted prior to the final assessment of the unit, it
will receive a zero.

Homework (Demonstrating Knowledge)

10% will be deducted per class period for late work up to five days after the
assignments due date. Students may receive up to 50% of the earned grade
after five days.
If the assignment is not submitted prior to the final assessment of the unit, it
will receive a zero.

Assessment (Demonstrating Knowledge)

All final unit assessments must be taken in the order assigned.
If a student fails to complete the final unit assessment before the end of the
next unit, the student will receive 70% of the earned grade once it is
All assessments are considered course requirements and must be completed
before the end of the marking period.

Revised 6.6.16

Failure to complete an assessment will result in an incomplete for the
marking period. Students will then have two weeks to complete the
assignment or a zero will be entered for that assessment.

Missed Work

Due to Absence:

A student will be allowed two class period days to complete all missed
formative activities due to illness (extensions may be granted to extenuating
A student shall be required to make up all summative and formative
activities within a two-week period from the date of absence.
o All final unit assessments must be taken in the order that they were
o If a student fails to complete the final unit assessment before the end
of the next unit, the student will receive 70% of the earned grade once
it is completed.
o All assessments and assignments considered course requirements
must be completed.
o Failure to complete a course requirement will result in an incomplete
for the marking period. Students have two weeks to complete the
assessment before credit denial.
If the final summative activity is assigned prior to a students absence and no
new material is covered, the student is expected to complete the assessment
or submit the assignment upon his/her return.

Missed Work

Due to Class Cuts

First offense:
70% of the earned grade can be attained. Contact
Second offense:
Zero for the assignment. Meeting with
Third offense:
Meeting with administration/teacher/counselor/parent and a
Zero for the assignment.
Fourth offense:
Meeting with administration/teacher/counselor and a Zero for
the assignment.

The time constraints for the completion of work are the same as missed work due
to absence.

Revised 6.6.16

Extra Credit

Extra credit may only be provided for work that is related to the subject area
or subject specific academic content standards.
Extra credit is NOT non-academic work such as bringing in classroom
supplies, attending extracurricular events, and charitable donations not
related to the course objectives.
No more than 2% of the total quarterly grade can come from extra credit.
Maxing out at 100%.
All students to provide evidence of learning through a variety of means.

Multiple Opportunities to Demonstrate Evidence of Learning

Students should be provided multiple opportunities to demonstrate evidence
of learning. There are not a predetermined number of opportunities that
needs to be provided; rather teachers have flexibility to determine this based
upon each student. However, teachers of the same content area should strive
for consistency across the department/or team and provide a balance of
assessments, assignments or projects.
Currently, it is up to the teachers discretion to determine whether a student
can retake a test or redo an assignment (extensions may be granted for
extenuating circumstances).

Final Course Grades High School

For every course, a 55% is the lowest quarterly grade a student can earn,
except in the 4th quarter. As such, the grade reported would be the grade
earned. This is to ensure the opportunity for the student to show
improvement and receive credit by passing.
Every course will include, and develop if not already developed, both a mid
term and a final exam or equivalent assessment.
There will be six (6) data points for each yearlong course. This includes the
four marking periods, the mid term, and the final assessment. AP students
who have earned exemption from the final will have five (5) data points.
All courses will be further developed to include minimum course
requirements. The minimum course requirements will identify the
assignments, tests, and projects that must be completed by the student in
order to receive a grade for the class. If the minimum course requirements

Revised 6.6.16

are not met by the student, the student will receive and I, or incomplete, for
the course.
Midterm and final examinations are semester summative assessments. As
such, the grade reported would be the grade earned.
As with quarterly summative assessments, if the student is absent, s/he will
receive an I, or Incomplete. The student will have two weeks in order to
make up the exam or a zero will be entered.
The percentage breakdown for assessments and learning activities for
AP/Honors, Core, and Non-Core courses are shown in the chart below.
Board Approval Needed For Change
High School Courses

Learning Activities
Demonstrating Knowledge
Building Knowledge
Core Courses/Honors
Non-Core Courses


Final Course Grades Middle School

For every course, a 55% is the lowest quarterly grade a student can earn,
except in the 4th quarter. As such, the grade reported would be the grade
earned. This is to ensure the opportunity for the student to show
improvement and receive credit by passing.
Only 8th grade core courses will include, and develop if not already
developed, a mid term and final exam or equivalent assessment.
There will be six (6) data points for each core course. This includes the four
marking periods, the mid term, and the final assessment
All courses will be further developed to include minimum course
requirements. The minimum course requirements will identify the
assignments, tests, and projects that must be completed by the student in
order to receive a grade for the class. If the minimum course requirements
are not met by the student, the student will receive and I, or incomplete, for
the course.
Final examinations are summative assessments. As such, the grade reported
would be the grade earned.
As with quarterly summative assessments, if the student is absent, s/he will
receive an I, or Incomplete. The student will have two weeks in order to
make up the exam or a zero will be entered. Exception: Achievement
assessments for Marking Period #4 (the last marking period) must be
completed by the last student day of the school year.
Revised 6.6.16

Board Approval Needed For Change

Middle School Core Courses

Learning Activities
Demonstrating Knowledge
Building Knowledge
6th, 7th and 8th Grade
Accelerated Courses
8th Grade and 7th Grade
Core Courses
6th Grade Core Courses

Middle School Non-Core Courses

Learning Activities
Demonstrating Knowledge
Building Knowledge
8th Grade Non-Core
7th Grade Non-Core
6th Grade Non-Core


Academic Integrity (2016-2017 Implementation)

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is the act of copying someone elses work and passing it off as
ones own, or the work or ideas of another taken and passed off as ones own.
This includes any work copied or dictated by others. Copying electronically
generated information without proper citation will also be considered
Cheating is using any other method but your own ability and materials to
complete an assignment/assessment.

Revised 6.6.16

Demonstrating Knowledge

First Account The student will receive 70% of the earned grade upon
resubmission of the plagiarized/cheating assessment.
o Teacher will contact parent.
o Student must redo the assignment.
o Office Referral

Second Account The student will receive a zero for the plagiarized/
cheating assessment.
o Teacher will contact parent.
o Student must redo the assignment to meet course requirements.
o Office Referral

Building Knowledge

Any Building Knowledge Activity that a student is caught plagiarizing on will
result in a zero (i.e. copying homework, assignments in class).
All students involved in the act of copying will receive a zero for the Building
Knowledge Activity.

Power School (Teacher Grade Book)

Teachers will post assignments in Power School within timelines as
indicated below:

Homework, quizzes, and tests will be posted within one cycle of the
assignment due date.

Major projects and written work, such as essays or research papers,
will be posted within two cycles of the assignment due date.

Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances.

Revised 6.6.16

Grading Practice Collaboration Meetings

HS/MS Implementation Procedures Review
Mid-Term/Final Implementation Procedures
DO/HS Faculty Review
DO/HS Faculty Review
DO/HS Faculty Review
MS Paper Review
MS Paper Review
Administration/DO review
MS Paper Review
Board Workshop Meeting
MS/HS Small Group Review
Department Head and Team Leader Review
MS/Team Leader Feedback
HS/Department Head Review
Board Workshop Meeting
HS/MS Faculty Final Review
Student Survey
Board Approval 6/14/16

Revised 6.6.16

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