Comfort Controller 6400: Product Data

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Comfort Controller 6400

The Comfort Controller 6400 (part number
CEPL130201) is a microcontroller-based module that
provides general purpose HVAC control and monitoring
capability in a standalone or network environment using
closed-loop, direct digital control. The 6400 gives the
Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) the capability to control
and communicate with non-Carrier equipment and
Carrier HVAC equipment not equipped with Product
Integrated Controls (PICs).
You can connect 16 field points (8 inputs and 8 outputs)
to the 6400. To connect additional field points, add
optional input/output modules (8 inputs and 8 outputs
per I/O module) to the 6400. By using multiple I/O
modules, you can connect up to 48 additional points,
giving you the capability to control and/or monitor a total
of up to 64 field points. The appropriate number of I/O
modules are selected for each control situation and
simply installed along with the 6400 in your fieldselected NEMA-1 enclosure. This modular concept
contributes to overall versatility and ease of installation.
The Comfort Controller 6400 includes a diverse library
of performance-proven control routines, written in plain
English, using simple "fill-in-the blanks" format for fast,
easy programming. Additionally, for custom applications, Carrier's BEST++ software provides custom programming capabilities to work independently, or in
conjunction with the pre-engineered control routines.



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Discrete, analog, or temperature

Dry contact
Pulsed dry contact
4-20 mA
0-10 Vdc
5K & 10K ohm thermistors
1K ohm nickel RTD

Stand-alone control and monitoring of up to 16 field
points, using proven algorithms.
Support of the UT203 FID family of I/O modules for
retrofit and upgrade applications.
Compatibility with the following interface devices:
Local Interface Device (LID), ComfortWORKS, Building Supervisor III and subsequent versions, System
Access Module (SAM), and Network Service Tool III
and subsequent versions.
Three LEDs, conveniently located on the front of the
module, indicate processor status (red), CCN Communication Bus status (yellow), and I/O module communication status (green).
Entire database at your disposal. Based on your
application's requirements, you determine how many
and which algorithms, inputs/outputs, schedules,
alarms, and system functions to include in the database. Therefore, the database will only consist of the
Specifications subject to change without notice



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Discrete or analog

1998, Carrier Corporation

24 Vdc@80 mA
4-20 mA
0-11 Vdc (varies with point type)

Printed in U.S.A.
808-895 Rev. 01/01


items that are necessary for the application

valuable memory space is not wasted.
Ability to display the amount of available database
Ability to add items to database as necessary.
Local connection for LID and CCN.
Total facilities management when linked to a CCN.
Ability to disable all inputs, all outputs, or disable both
inputs and outputs by simply flipping a switch.
Two-day backup of clock and data such as Data
Collection and Runtime.
Simplified field wiring using plug type terminals
(two-pin connection).
No need for batteries.
Optional Comfort Controller 6400-HOA (Hand-OffAuto) consisting of eight switches that provide you
with the capability to manually override each discrete
output point.
Uses any standard, field-supplied 24 Vac, 60VA

Cooling and Heating Control
Space Temperature Comfort Zone
Humidification and Dehumidification
Mixed Air Damper Optimization
VAV Fan Control
VAV Supply and Return Fan Tracking
Indoor Air Quality
Generic PID Control
Time Scheduling with/without Override
Analog Temperature Control
Discrete Interlock
Staged Thermostat
Proportional Thermostat
Primary/Secondary Pump Control
Staged Discrete Control
Permissive Interlock
Night Time Free Cooling
Morning Warm-up
Adaptive Optimal Start/Stop
Control Point Reset
On-Board Consumable Point
Calculates a usage value (kwh, gal/hr, lbs/hr,etc.) in
applications where simple data collection is required.
On-Board Trending
Collects up to 48 data samples per point (with an
adjustable iteration rate) on a revolving basis, or
stops the trending after 48 samples are collected.
Use as a means of troubleshooting.
Specifications subject to change without notice

Linkage to Airside (TSM) and Waterside (WSM)

Optimizes efficiency by fully integrating all HVAC
operations. (DAV)
Custom Programming (BEST++)
Enhances or supplements the industry-proven, preengineered algorithms with BEST++ by creating new
algorithms to meet any unique control requirements.

When included in a network with other CCN controllers,
Option Modules, and user interfaces, the following
additional capabilities are possible:
Alarm processing, messages, and annunciation.
Runtime, history, and consumable data collection
and report generation.
Demand limiting/loadshedding.
Broadcast of data such as outside air temperature,
outside air humidity, and time of day.
Data transfer between system elements.
Timed overrides for use with Tenant Billing.
Airside and waterside linkage.

1998, Carrier Corporation

Printed in U.S.A.
808-895 Rev. 01/01


Comfort Controller 6400-I/O

The Comfort Controller 6400-I/O (part number
CEPL130203) is used with the Comfort Controller 6400
to expand the field point capacity from 16 points (8
inputs and 8 outputs) up to a total of 64 points.
Each 6400-I/O can be configured to use all 16 points (8
inputs and 8 outputs) or only 8 outputs or only 8 inputs.
This provides the ultimate flexibility in usage of field
points to meet the specific needs of each application.
Determine the number of 6400-I/O required for your
particular application. Then simply install the modules
along with the 6400 in your field-selected NEMA-1
To determine the number of 6400-I/O required by the
particular application, first decide how many field points
are required. Then order and install the 6400-I/O(s)
along with the 6400 in your field-selected enclosure.
This modularity contributes to overall versatility.

Monitors up to 16 field points.
Two LEDs, conveniently located at the top of the
module, indicate processor status (red) and module
communication status (green).
Local connection for LID.
Ability to disable all inputs or all outputs by simply
flipping a switch.
Simplified field wiring using plug type terminals
(two-pin connection).
Optional Comfort Controller 6400-HOA (Hand-OffAuto) consisting of eight switches that provide you
with the capability to manually override each discrete
output point.



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Discrete, analog, or temperature

Dry contact
Pulsed dry contact
4-20 mA
0-10 Vdc
5K & 10K ohm thermistors
1K ohm nickel RTD



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Discrete or analog
24 Vdc@80 mA
4-20 mA
0-11 Vdc (varies with point type)

Specifications subject to change without notice

1998, Carrier Corporation

Printed in U.S.A.
808-895 Rev. 01/01

Comfort Controller 6400 and
Comfort Controller 6400-I/O
Power Requirements ............... 60VA@24 Vac + 15%
1.5A@33 Vac + 15%
Dimensions .................. 13 in H x 2.75 in W x 5.5 in D
(33 cm x 7 cm x 14 cm)
Operating Temperature ........................ 32F to 140F
(0C to 60C)
Storage Temperature .......................... -40F to 185F
(-40C to 85C)
Operating Humidity .......... 0 to 90%, non-condensing
Discrete Out Specifications
Output Signal............. 24Vdc@80 mA current limited
Analog Out Specifications
4-20 mA Milliamp Type
Load Resistance .................................. 0-600 ohms
Resolution ................................................ 0.085 mA
Accuracy .......................................................... 2%

10K Thermistor Type

Nominal reading @ 10,000 ohms .................... 77F
Resolution ....................................................... 0.1oF
Accuracy ......................................................... + 1oF
Nickel RTD Type
Nominal reading @ 1,000 ohms ...................... 70F
Resolution ....................................................... 0.1oF
Accuracy .......................................................... 2oF
The 6400 and 6400-I/O are UL 916 PAZX, VDE, ULc,
and CE Mark listed.


The 6400 and 6400-I/O are designed so that they can
be easily installed in a field-supplied NEMA-1 enclosure.
The 6400 and 6400-I/O use any standard, Class II,
SELV-compatible, field-supplied 24 Vac, 60 VA

0-11 Vdc Voltage Type (varies with point type)

Load Resistance .............................. >50,000 ohms
Resolution ..................................................... 50 mV
Accuracy .......................................................... 2%
Discrete In Specifications
Dry Contacts ....................................... Switch Closure
Pulsing Dry Contacts
Repetition Rate ....................................... 5 Hz max.
Minimum Pulse Width ............................. 100 msec
Analog In Specifications
4-20 mA Milliamp Type
Wire type ....................................................... 2-wire
Resolution ................................................ 0.025 mA
Accuracy ......................................................... 1%
0-10 Vdc Voltage Type
Resolution ................................................. 0.0125 V
Accuracy .......................................................... 1%
5K Thermistor Type
Nominal reading @ 5,000 ohms ...................... 77F
Resolution ....................................................... 0.1oF
Accuracy ......................................................... + 1oF

Specifications subject to change without notice

1998, Carrier Corporation

Printed in U.S.A.
808-895 Rev. 01/01

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